! - - - " r v 1 1 ' iff' , ' ' - - - ' -"'--',' s - - - - f " - - l . " I t; 11 ' f t ! i I f ' , " - - ' ,,!;,." 1 ' - f - 1 -J -1 . " W, " fl 1 ' ' 1 !'-- , - . W ' . , W , f 1 , it" , t, . . ' ' -i r , . 1 ' ! ' ,,',, " 1 tT-- J - . .u !. -, - v ps t cpr,,. J i V 4 i" WOW Slit I Y I PINE PROSPECTS IN TUB STATE. TOWNSHIP ASD WARD CtCBS. L 'CI1K SOUND. - '';i;v :'r'.7'SIiJ ;tJj(l4ll9 jgifltt :-: -The Republican (organ- when - it is Wo learn by a letter from Raleigh It is time XhjfctownshipUndj ward' 'f i ; - HP?. ;f , jP ;-p - :--not mendaciouR-rist'beistupid.tHeM tfiaftlhjl friends' of Constitution of Re- clubs' all trvertthegStat wearer fully Tbe 4(U kt Jnir nKata-LA Pian? AlIT' H 'HrRMAn-1 -Editor and frODrietOri I "'"B -JtVMe, in f jnany ru- i iuiui uiuu cciicuu opinio. v;iuui i smuvu iuiu.v r"u6tf v i-n I n'.;iiiivi mi6 .? 5w. ; mMu ' ' f 111 '.'f I 8pects an able wsDaVor. iaviniyi . 1 Ml harts of tho State come reDortstl a little . mbre thaa three: wfeelts t&e s ; Waiter airu tu uippie eion " FVJuIytJli&TS; BuXrHinn, iearedwonld militate greatly against tives would make sure of ,its V 1 v -w - - - r - - r- " -"wua, muv fcuaW bUQ OluvU J UlU If v T W" VKiiviu VM-MwM " -- --- 7 ' .": llf,"lL . fe,1 Le 5 V, is dissipating T Vo- V 'l ML 1 JPTOfJ' f ,.i una LETEyjERY LY ti- 't 5- Mil' i I " T sf V j . W;rtT.TM?a ffeffiSS effect January i-18eareeait Oil . rk nra.nnv nnotam t W W T?'irT.T' I A : x : ' V : :: : : rJ.i-: i aidvattce irilptic-. of VsnbMriponrex-1 eeptiin jnatep'ilnbsn ielannot I atrc-rW to 'iiMMMAiO 3rs KJiSs T,u.oHT.,ycoi,vfe tm&fcmm SC,r gSfeffi: TVi ii u thiaituff TaffhrvSrSna --TiON'i '' 'fV' ships ;ftft?iother vt)artiesAwhjch; 4)ave t WWefiW!S.uvf w.PP' -.ffi ,r tUejictorjr of tbe,ii(i TTe-,wasdue-,not, ewmui8wstma&Bht IBSil&TS Wi'-'? -wS'rl,n-Y-i-;; . , J T-ii,wd'i! h: A The Wads lead ina from the city had done fsq much'to the fcOifftesy of " the 'gentlemen opwimcawpitteiiwirm largest pohja.P AqspKl notJiave aU1pLthebrain.in.thp.5tatei the column? i 1. - 4i v ; ttdrnlnofc'Autddfe Wat-- Him oHB: mirfrgrti thjcrowdi-thel ---KfeS airrlawa Miitt Uprise V. large.,Per t,. "tZ iiaseirt i,: jTmay . -eatonr. remarkeble dotfrateraal'feelfngW centum of .ourcfirs imeiiilUoi be rPf?t Joynes i&SSSSSctM and; ' J ' 1 - ' f' ' ". itlheWett otjputbera rcourteiy.anddeli, H rje ,riJ -.n.A-r (wpresumewe shall notbe enjoifaed, Kiihtful breezes, that blew so softly fcom ifmLtafv Werh to TWr. Tforwond SUBSCRiptlt TO'THrVaiCi ?Sn Jv", ' ".5 u;" " J " M om. opposing; that; these' accomplished J CarolihVs piny groves! A more charm- 'Qilei the bWhef of the 22; the nev ind ..... -r X-.u.if?.:,? I is turned? r,,' - i. t nominees as' far as there has been ac- ic0aw.t.4 .vU flltehi'rjd'lha rfitna. 1 , , . . 6 . v-1 'i. hmndsomeTAcht STAR READ TH1S Nbih Rpa'per tflfioa YHiAfanfl inht rL...,. :!,.., ! jf .,u..,-u?v. cjli iijiw ,uyij;iHK I posts: U damb as an oyster?as to an cost ot:imblicatetsW Sftn . - r::' feksfio'tbeSb'uthThe pr ytjHjr.RUU py.e postAge,N8uu;B. I i ... r4, t rj t.- v ;-?.' -rt:? ;-si rtj ; i ane; oiorwip.jwui pe our,rexisu terspf;sbery I shall eiifoie,the,1cash -system.: more frgidly1 than1' ever p our subscribers remit names will be dropped sent to eacribnderust . - -ii: -j- -m j : 1 1 t. n wili RrKnd:.dev - L' V.I, -a '-j L.-viVli 1 free of postage after January 1st. ; I ' i-r! T , '", :r :J .7"1 - I to theWEKKiir STAn.': . jSbowr tbe pam per to your neighbors tors and friends; in: bxV Wywant and. get them to join' d ,. T the bluest subscription list inNortti I ' ' - ' - : ' ' V- ' I r ! , . . . , '-'k in ' . yearly subscribers ; but for 10 or jnore We have no club rates f or any but 1 suDScriDersme paper jspuiy .$i.. per i copy per 'year, iree or. ppage. ; r ; I GETTING THEMSELVES INTO A ivsui ,4.m - -i SCB4PE1i . - T-AtTno-' t.hft Feder'at Government at : .xl I iis wpru.ureuo.BuiuS,Bpv . i . T Oi . T.T I , w... ....... . York passed two mbnths ago, a Jaw I passed that all taxes there after January 1, i eft n';ni.Unnln;n nAm' nl oil I 101,, UUU;., vumiaiio uiouo iiaiauis m- -uyitj, the kind of dollars i t ;specifiedare 1 to be paid in cwn-'yhjatt the j people are now brought jfairl f ace to 1 f acwitK-' tlw i 5tU9-kCFwnipR specie pay menss? -It lSlhe first direct . 7 .' 'K 4'.' 'l'iV:'.1.:.a'.''"i,.t Siiite. pfrtfewoYorkjmu PffiM- meaner .on ine part;pt. tne ecborlP 5 S! ypSjlm j anrocment is made -lf nav dollarsit . i --7'.- ; uesl'1 Mr.' GrelileV's dxiom the best way lolresuWUtoresu .'. L -J 'I won't help them, inasmuch as the gov- ernjiierit basn't "restTm'ed tfnd-donH Wm lV be larj;e 'Anl unWi'Vf ill imrty' A'i fek ' and hwl iiitfii4-!y agHiiist'the. '-dtruii.Qjf i - eipaii'dtu sr'?.')iiie..u rpeybv4 ,thw ; IwiMUwlding . faction will tu not i yet; awhile it lioped Hil 'tp&fij I out their mad scheme f contraction ; .w?hjih jwouldruiii .iwoahjjds -of lhe- ?natryir .a ,Ui . .: : t utrMum r a l 7 Si In;! A CIIREBFIIL; TTW.CI CI!jF,oia -:-") 1.. JIIiaORlf - Ah intellitfeiit itfeu of rlla'd ' writsf the siiaUbn xig! protelsing lin ' aiaawaiau LaouuiBi ''i uiiicii i .1111 ii i. . . aaa - says: "We have out our besV-man and expect to Pir the full u strength ; ' of the :paity.'--jYptr..fid:RP1be;isaut; prised if laditirtfjhi'sldA! , up. ... v ir . w&i&teebasird-iM ni i We .hi.SHittitlsIt r.-r pleasure; ,VYe:do eestivb'npo'thb! ud hi vt. . .ilU.Ji-imf Cue Codv 1 veaj nostiure nafdi - fl 50 bravh'Ai6'drtIv;an$4b'lf'ntMlraous t;1. ! i n Vir t if n .n..nn:i to be a clear misnomer to nineteen persons i-TlJ ,! 1 -l J .V L -ii oki wbuldliave taken-a better stand. At the jue iopy 1 ye, pose paiu, x Dravan wruy aa r agiran Catawba, Col. M.J;cC;oykle;!Gnil- n twenty. . : m r-y,l.i,.J WWW : cdndusioja of theloteresUng ceremomesof V ' months; "'V;, s ;i a gentleman as; -James L. Kemper, f j j Aj Gilmer, DrJ ' ' : i " . to view the' regaha.,; One could easByim- presenting the prizes, Capt. J. N.Maffitt U';.::V..'-Stei oVMnuuUiiu . , The draft if the ntWustnutidn'ofM kgfrhe'many yPVeasan5t faces1 ti be ' W toudlycalled; f6r. arofee; and; after .C V ."t - ' , ,L ,.' Nereus.4leiidenhaUj,4;:.MiH?ki.nburg,.: souri; Wn'sdo'ptcoiiventfon, ttetQtXi&r &':ml 'itktfr. had lkdiy n&mnsTtiUtem irtadeveral i, ....,..,. s- . ' siH-nimT-n-! .'iii) i 1 . na.i -H K ir r 'xi' . i rr' I : 1 ! ,r,..l ran un yvery biuc, iua inuiiy- nau 0iuuiy sallies at a travelled crenllpman in thprfnwd Clubs-of 10 or.imor.postage.pd, 'bcbednaits. PJi.i)Vi hnf .lPVo. ,?.f forbids the gUlatjire, fronf atiioi- knjr .haieffiholweyausw .ufeero-nd S4SS5SfS?SS i 1.25 per csopyv' '-T': !lo't onlv are there threats f libel Wm. .A. .Grahatn; I'erson, Col. John grant of public tooheyMo.anyinalviduuI or .were-iniinliriaff.in.th'a mtDv kntici nations good ilookiBff-tp; be sacrificed. Captain .TJnderJth'isV i.we I suftoTan aff sorts lor suftk1 between I WjCuuuinghain; Pitt, . lion. J. J, j efOreS and unless Vf iitll.nrimiiiata Rowan , Una " wWlCfc liP CLUB ; I 8 atPpUympunii b.etweeqathe I ability who have nohppe, ;f roRad: 3 J-! U: , s V.!r "'S'tl I American and Irish1: teams. Thaproi I ical numerical f preponderance : of Kow is tli. time fngnp Oubs by. which' these -dia2rams?ar6 election. ' .i . 1 i .,-(; step to tnarenq DU-MWHngpianpwai, stockhpldera in Plymoath Church and information wbuld do itself a discredit ferrea to tue uommuto on roqr?j ,; v mewrjae crow?, upon, ine nanBs'w.er8,YA; wysg"t appearea ai me jixecuuve 11H theiprospeCt'ofe8umpUprt:fej an enlhusiasticu man weirshipi antthb peopW of theUol State an c.APPlicapt.;BlkA fiSrSul? Z Jtfl VtM worse than Jt was, when Congress Uers wilU inturv to send to thtfCbViventibn "t" 5e a"TO .r,,-, tMl,,, fhe. fo.OOOofferedby Ctovw.ett,:ly iiaVsod rts law 'oromntion vYet1 Z 7 tS V mtary senO to Convention Tbe Board Ithenit into the consi(lcra- -AfteVsomVhttledclay thewmmncemenl Proclamation, Fruary .lGlSTSthe passcu lis laworesampuon., preachetjlint wlthpe. public at 4arge hich is to frgmg.ijMhenie pjoost aQnbf taxe 1(6 e . levied ph, real and; per of the 4th. of July I regatta 'wis announced; capture of George, Apple white, lone f the aftpr the date-named all taxes -in ;lbfei TiTa:V.ifoQ. I;l ''k.Sl.ii :"TUV::!itiA in;-Kt.ni ia, mon,j m!i.iw.vn amnii i 'o V6Tt'Wrt.ij land while a gentle breeze was blowing, aad VL'il'-li"' 'rnit--Ui'l-.1,Jl iL'V.f.-i mrely,U;irmst;bepaid inigold Mil-! gelKcoritrdlbf Srekor? 5of: Torrtf ' &Avi-: Fff-f&J&&?t.SJfu yt -i ve'rd&rs'' 1 M5,?iMf vVptheSBtnpo to er ooyars, wv, .characternd. yon, brothers of the Wst, to' emanci KewIgtar r"f! oatsupeu ivOT will have toshffe;r.the.d1ffernce.n;yal-; pulpit wtoch-long- ago"ho converted ; W'uiUi-U.i-Lth i.tu r t twwtiiyyo WBere3ttieraa is!) the? uleast fortrf wtli etettp lh(mitieives to the ut 1 ' - . i : ' '.: . ''' . . f ,:!' ' ' ' :'' : " :i " j :'.';' , ' ? ' i f - ' - 1 ; -! '- I .-,--.'.!... .I.." . .-.-; 1 . - I "';". ---:ri . ... -.v.. '-- , . k- - I - 1 " "i ' r 1-' ' ' l j . . j j , X . .. . . 1 j irt. . . . t . v - ot 9 y v!fApf auera" cereuiunauu .wu wasMotxjoe wora uwereu .oi uisuar i oKcmcim w v v i cordant remark fnid4 tuan in a publia speech Gov. Bumper and hers ? r -.. rti ? ; wouia De oetter snV iKe Gerieral of chivalry -and . pK - than' so and W the PhiladeU phla mes, and the New YorkTWi Ji - foan'ihfrinyem'ent1 of a-oafeni I "gn t,; .in.tne. use oyinosp newspapers i of dmfframs 1 illnstratinV the target I made is the inventubri of Thomas B. Conefy, . manag of 'the andwjbieftMiJuiy. ------- - - j - - . y un ana assignea so James oraon t TianriPtt . Thfl anTvtvl noticpa I on an mese DaDers -lorDmain'- anv i ... . . .nn. ., la Pn?f Iheni to use f his patented pro- whicb ;i, 10160. Ileiicc - - k'wXkk-?-fV '1 gajt&. r Now all we have- ..to remark. is that it -is a- trumpery. 1 affair to make: so tnucli row over. No two of the ''diasrrams" were a ike, and ' we prer surae ail Avere utterly worthless as il- lustration8 . of lhe vilinnl l ii cr 1 1 fiiio ho I .. "V5 "J I ine respective contcsianis m tne nialch. ;- - i: -"'J: " ;'v SODTHEKN jCOOlJJIENT. !" o L. i x i jl ' : ' ' t- " " ' t I i7;opWp1D1ra3iBcM i.mi8$riaf ja.nappiiy jex sentences from th j - Koc r"Bnt; while tebhn Intije has bbcn nldf vi tocqult Mr. Jleecte 1 condem'natiou. , A I..'. ". ' -2r.'- ytheswPhis: own ip- beatS of people Whom:h jiiaw: tries id prove J - .... tt',i.i:m 1 Bcoumireis. - im nay wiown lace oi into a stage fit the display of rntic; talentand rhetorical ?gnsh.? n, ' t.t.'V aaaBaiBBBssBjiaaas. t W w . aiKjjs J ;l itj-AaMgtofl' cprMppndeni.ui the itateniiergtbaiev 1 eral' clerkt havfr-f weii 'tn verhauHiiglhe'-C7tiRdei 'tet;iio;';rk jj rate war te cprd'a for, the purpM V 'prvparni' a ' history of theex ppufedjratcs elected ; to Congress; thet raattvr thu' qgllecUd io be uwidi as a'anipaigB dpcuineiit, ; It is hot liltefy' thaj the most vigorbus ; aeircilf a6ineBmenfsMRrin ! redid t mitlMtliKeoi-erT(ofanytiiatig which will be vefyj valuable a a Ua( Ilr-tj'h,lJR'lllil'''ltft.. a"'9; Uad- I :a..WfrTlf'ttlWf' rs .rTS' ri jsit t . tmt t ...---.-. ... ' 'i.' . . . rr . rne, epjg; apminaju.paiy Lwa8,amcejIatd ..btoadcast qvmi the country TJie Vsbuhtry lirod of;tbe reasWtbnsirijess'aS i well -asfaaf the itj -i'-ivtf .rti tlrflS tfr.j.V iiitft ttpnalgoyrwneo,t;4.ai4fJ4-lj -3 9d Hi C;uU jJ til Jl 3djIftPte,mber,fShicag9 is,, tq xhavQ a DcDeratlo fdurnal .witlij capital m&Wh4&k whVcrHhielf ij couragenienl frorn yVi.t.Xul, pH,.." rniwnnnnoey wai80raqt i receiwmua- i empiovea n. wacu- 1 Anson. CaL-R. T. Bennett: Bertie, counts for the fictthatthetetAincftlcolWe -.T rZ. TZ "7 .r" "!.,"- ... .1. Fowler referred to the iftwa. of Ae ArrayMessons rlrr &?iiZlu 'iinn meaning ;f!,cdmmencementhas;;!be?n aoundtic 1 the uartics and participants m the I Jar vis; Randolph AI. 3. Robbit 1 5 " .1 i "T - - I AVWVUVI HIWJ W w.vr wr.J " " 7 1 from onx list. Klli I t-r:" .X ? j-. x . v-ij. I tn arttnv onit hfr'vmafc .ihn 'Rnltimnra I sbiij. Esd.i llockinfrham. David S. tho people d .lirtbomp. I-et tho y(batvif no;otherui follow auil,; van ..abler. MMiro,i . w u. Mnm iimaiv noi inn rr inn onnniv noiiven Ueidj ke, .Kichard, ,H. . Battle, Seaton Oales, . iLsqs. 'i - 'iWe ;have not fnentloncd .' those . - i wwuwi'w .rrr,-,! w,?"r hbmitiated candidates of dislinsuished Anioug the nominees are our ex- cellent contemporaries of the i Graham Gleaner, in Alamance'; Magnolia lfc- - -wr - T ( -: : ' ' ' T2t I ,?V? -,m!.'!: -.Wf Xeofcr. in llSOO.. Wo bciieve, tltnt I t,- . . ht. neaa irpntiomcn . niwava . i.'arf. I Cly geat8sin lho T . eStalbngs and, Smgeltary, will oc I ww.wtmwM. . i THE BEST MEN, r,'.H''.S!iatl0ll? bur remark about' the declensions, of cerxain uisiinguisneu gentlemen oo- i . . ? -I T .1 I" serves: The best- mehi however, should be sc lpp.lpfl nt ilp.lpcrntpa without. rir;iril in ilf. .:.: .1. 1 . nv.i. tICUSIUUS 111 IllllUUlia UU mc IJIJUJU. XUtkC inejmen wuo are not very anxious lo go, Yes, Pur ablest men have no moral right to decline io serve the people in ' ' It.' .i.'''" " - i M : I 6uc.i cr., iu9 jpreaeni,: uniess est intellects of North Carolina:; i i - - . S1 tf.trfe!' 1 the txpectatixMi h that the Cbnsejr;f; viktiyre 'wiplflilf ybte; ' 7th; ihe ester.u 'ciiun'tlvptlugiWi.Miey:;.!) atlheiastyeionVtheCby wiltbU.tWrieby.'i fprm: jhdeede shaltrihmphglp- riouiy. Let not the gallant Conserv vat iH of ibtV WeKt diaHiM)int ! llie the bbpes of iheirTriendH TirthdEatl vit A i jilt ilie UicUoKind squestttw f airlywheU it sayite-By amtioh- j al nd gradual approach tbwar'ds' resump-1 .wa :T f. l:':Ki.j 1 ivX'-;''. '''" i- : ''-.'! i?t. ; lion u,wlbe.reachea,wu : without a shock tou.Ut. pursuUsj of the : ntry'snhout jni io' ifahiesrwhicu afw vfers of:prperlys-makiag:well tordp peoplp: uperf and enrtob'ing the Mpre astute. and ; jtaf'fiO "A great noveljat jonietimea introduces bad people in bis 8.tttrtf,,Jtt9fcc8ejlne; approvesof ikem buttta inculcate good - tnesa byUOwintheJ. deformity .of wicked ASSi) iiTbft luuall jnpyeKs,t;floea .the irery same tbujgKibemnuvfe only being lackjing. ue: introriuccft bs4 characters becauae thev j' o, j,jg if ,n?J seps. ?aakeit uveJyy0u knpwt' tflnd lhe rs i ' I .iii .:.!):. l ' I ,T . w ?-- ; I no reference to the supposition that the ae-1 nvnrnin vri wa luHuonriawxra full J IwaVslasfing. 'He wound unTus 'remafks ?tT;rTft I lions. .-Without being at assure that PPA mnn ,a vaanti al. J:.'-uMi bv-aiew samesrtrtmurrayHny fy anl-J dlsr I ; ; ; f th :wfltps wlu wiH rtsr I make coou Jrainers ot . uousiautipuai I press tue laci luaine uien ;" commences-- i sharer of the iJUBtla-and. slit' of ever(idav! sentedtp Mr.; John W. Uasaux, the Addressed XQ trr.:. s" " ' V " fiiichelor'of Arts orT fiaste of U.C i 'dt lhe2&i; MK John J. Fowler di nwtwu5 entlemen nominated bv the folhw-. wu-w. """"s- "" u,k fl" 6 graudeur aoa fdeughtruj-spauesut jtsi routed to the club the Bom he said :iu t': rJt-:?:-. imence" asan intransitive, printer verb; w I flSwy SetttihariAlo i Kldered1 the .first Tmald of i, -varitvcT I life liff "irT""'Vdr.Mr-'- almost nnkndwb in f this douiitrV:Jand'ac- iri,wcfi.rimi now claims to be uueen I CWmti. yritf i n';1". ,rr I well-nigh. lost.. V We wish we could lose the I ippally -p uno-j energvq foo; ;; passepgr J -ana saia wnas wasiairtooe I Thos. L. Clin iznian.. Col. D, Colernan; I word itself in that conneclidri. asitappeais ta&&mAtr&iMtMdiWMiuiird lwiik 1 but Jor that misfortune. she, of, course. presseu in UMse I raoveutoy gravest cniiaiaeraiiouy. an i tiv-y",?,0 i jarge crowd soonassemoieuaJQaeacnyacnt, i oum yesMB'pws-aaa no- secireu piace oi folkXd. matters oflhis sdrt there k Ordinarily RUwaylJidge pOia property, was oneaf M. P JJ JgRfS ' ' " '' f 1 1 ldl$.$ f'Q. I cafics' anil'a "'lV.VI-V1! onbehatf pftlie cbnilny. Thehianjer was y'acMs1were',a-;ih4mbr of ladles,4 'some4 of of Tuesday for the following: ; , ; , . ,his'prai;iicai j f deferred untif tpfay.' V.. .1' T ! .;; ''l' I yVihnijiigtoujEstjdghter 1 1 'fiils morning :Capps and Lane, 'the two devoted band of 1 of excellent iudraent and extensive 1 'Applicatroii. of Geo. Pearmari, was re-1. uuiJi At rtw fiantl I .meii- who ca4tured Applewhite in' iGloldor6 .his'drai- II "j' VVir!:"? " iTVM? -.j't-iuj ,-ttatu-ui ,v,'u,r. ,a i.. ,u . jTQr current expenses-1 on-ine -jiw or of the White counties; ij Many of ii our : .rvalue of real ud.personal property, ,8$ buhties .afendWeare !airnost I $9' r1 i'i ffji i-.i.j sij a v-.u , ; interest on. said debts, created for helpiesSiHiidf .yon ddnot; sustain our ' "theneCefytfxpensesandotcldfebts !.r .1... ':, v ' , ,1 ! i-IWJ.,.?,uS' tFWI-slH-j';-Mrtrr tfil ? i.jV4 lour tinio M r ndel, shall 'lav l&ft s On eahpol.f . ,..V,. ,;-.J.L ,.$1 05 ending J !7Irt Nothis'!ab.Wd - ifl.Wit;mani. corporation, and forbids counties, towns; and all other subdivisions of the State from lending their credit to any individual, cor poration ;r association,' 6r-taking stock id any corporation - or association whatever. COUNT1C COIfllTllSSlpNERS. The Board proceeded to consider the "e?j? V..,?lUvay-r" to the further reduction-in the valuation of I thc assessment of the road. Col Robert J strange appeared roaJ. Atjer quite ed:A1 the .torDey; ?tlie. outte a jlengtoy dUwussion,of v ' -1 : i -i i' II I. i: ' . . ' l . I Vuu- luwt"' rTlT" M?u. - mauc irum iu lw,v",:pu iu;a i esiaus oi iuu vuni lour iu iuc utiv. mm uu 1 . . r .. .y-i the road bed and, rolling stock from f3,WQ l' , .... ,,. ;, On application of U. Jkmtwright the assessment on his property, was reduced from $4,150 to OOfc Application of :'johu JIcEichail for a re. I. J'..''.: l . 1 I auciion pi asscsstneuf was un grauieu. r in;iiii:!iii . BLUicuit:uL . . L iuiuui muuu i Wagner, in regard" to discount on a note, was ordered on the minutes, j t , i un appncauon oi j no. j. . yrreii, lue as- .. .. . p f T . 1 I BPfrempnt on hia nrbnerlv was reduced to I sessraeni on ins propeny was reauceu io i 1200. 1. :'! ." , I A h nliMAlinn T . A "fowl nn fnp n 'va4nA- I j. ; ';'-' -'.-,' i " ' i- m . riVliUllVtttlUU i Ah., XA .. x livi vi ; I uon was grameu. i:.; j Mj , cfent tiiitcs.to- meet the current expenses- of j.Wbereas The. valuation of real property in the tbwnshib of Wilmineton' has been reduced to the ' amount' of 700,000 seven hundred thousand d6Hars)'through the gen eral reduction, ot values, it becomes neces sary for this .Board , to levy the following taxes for the yeai' 1875,; nainety- y' r ir or current e? peesei on : tnef 100 or 'same hinder anVhe are teviedbn:6y tb'e-St'ate. f ''-' ": 'lJ The Board tbep topk a recess until this brmng all! o(.f6clL u ''"'j 1 '"!t Dili-; ; i j.t tFcPuiitht Merchant and Farmer. k-; s. . '...' ajitfjiKftewT v:! L! j I f , the heart that failed e ver resum ed payment.-.. ; .-nU'jiU ,( , ;If .the. psTspp. whp, waSi bent.pu.ntis chief hurt hi8 back. j Of h If the dying embers of ia fire ex perienced oinyipaiu ip their, last- nlo :meut .$.iivmu- -ndin-H Aj'Of H aIf lhe wheel pfriprtune.w attached to. a Cart or wairbh.. rr Lvt. ;.L. If the j person who Collected. 1(lis tiionghts, used. his hands,, - xf , ' If the man' who swalloweu tiis tern- inM anPAWA1 Fmawm mliraariAn - t Who popped the man ha'Wfcfc ibnArhlR-rrfnf nwnir' feHmV.'' t'4 4 ! uci nuucicu uu u iuuicouvii , jl f ff the Than hbdrowiis his troubles, tnrintiailtvwmtirxieTi v j tiaJiLiBn, fi 4ecusedpf j larceny f rohxlneberBda ''if he thkes 1 ai lady's; hand J,!r,sciii3-i4 twu-j n(- . Jf the lap of laxbry;wearsan aliron. cwlf -the girl that clings to: ihope not a a slippery nold. v- .tyt (Xf m ' , If the person .who -was Lpanedr m j cnpagqpj Ptowjiyp uiterr j tnnnt tn a Vwtr .lKia I lOS U IH6 View OI IIIO eUHUf IU IUM PUPt-T, I an-i.tltwl 'in Mr1Ttatort tU. Uon roo 1 DCU. UUU 2 1 fy.",".. fB"r" " , , V I we giQry and enchantment, juI, a -j)eaUIui;irangea, around, be. hoped, would -be uc w vurj vu,, Even the Wilmington small boy rejoiced in I sWo learn from the Ralcich rr ZrAvT . J. rr; rr an extra number or cigars, talked learnedly Wrri; H. Lutterloh for several years mannaadCommissionemJ .Gng- 6tm yacbt racifldaked-his a sidentof wUngton. ner, & yanAmnDge. A.-II. Morris md-to t n wlthuch-indliert imir ttorXgUth'e the counlyi of Jewt Uanoye the debt created by the county autbpriues, I JSBto YdUer, sailed by W. Uoney. .11 1 57 nW .t. f".r v and tbe interest on said debt;; all created I g&jrtty,' sailed by H.' "Latimer. .. .1133.23 1 au proportion to tne services rendered the fofthe nejess&rv 'expenses of said County; I Fannie, sailed by JobnFarrpw41i34.05 1 btate,' htiithe General' Assembly of 18t2 in ana. i .tr-- iJ f.-v-;:'. -ri r.tri it : i' uu 1 Horn, sailed by John J. Fowl6r.. . . 11 S4.55 1 :sa .a;JJ k iii if I V!..;. ."''ri.i'.ti ' - '4JM - ;inideDts. .'- :- --';: 1 Xui!MWdawPedasVeauliful and A'tf'' "'L''n" Vmha"-.find ,mnd gpprM.il ku: .the.crested. ocean,, toHbp fanped.bofls everlastinfir breezes.' There was much that ri-i-f-i'i'-. ii1iiI..J 'ViUUi-t' LZJAi vii. w-i' ;4U !&ia:,mii fi,ot 1 " Ww V'" ana makehe'Emile;of 'Cdnteot soften- tie muwuvuiaiw ouuuv.u .uujrw.i irriaklesof.hgCfeJnfitwpre ehce-as; an old hand -at the business: iThe wXnm i cither ride orwriki but always prefers former', but isboqnd t ...li A.LLl LL ;t 1.1...;. jj . 'I1.'- ,m: 'r..Y.: : ' ' ' ' ' Ui" "-f oW ie ':&vk !' iThe Sbnnd was particularly ramantiwith A UC UVUUU vw ua pai a uusuwv wi the sunlight and beautiful with the verdure ft nntllPP .Tlie wnlcra la'till andlimnid, i i ,i:(.kii,:.i:j whu tturtci a iipyiu.,wuiiuM iusu.uowu Here and there,, the. pleasant,umr from the lilnidv crbves.' rnakWthe scene mnr rpgnrlft Hint irt in Slifirft inoivP.n mil one of lmelike pleasure and renosei All was still,, silent, i enchanting, inspiring thoughts and, ideas of a kindred natpre; . 1. . .1! !.! , J unm ine mosi uoisierous uisposiuon couiu ty andisoUtude everywhere apparent and feel .disposed to sink into a reverie, and ureara ur seem w ureaut -w ine aweevocM v iuc i uc w, oicau , iuuuu. . , iuo uwas, 4-1. ..I n. n vi. n ,1 rI-l. n Knnlrn ine cenire oi aiiracnoir, were reacneaaiiera nia..a.l.u. g.mihiiihllnu-ainnfth SoundJ Here gathered yacht, yawl, skiff, aAmaa iflaf : nn.1 Al -tl t wA' omoll I I - Icraft ontil no leas than sixtv-fonr .were auirc. uuu vivij wwuva. aiuu DUUM4 moored orOChOTerrtlragnhB-Deach. A all were anxious and haDOV the following vaftbtaatartad off for! the race in the order I ifetsuf LeHL iaued by 0.1 'AWiggihsli'l SS.'d5 Ui-'TI.'-- -.MUi,U-Air A 7 I Tk .1 1 IOC OA -vwsw XSTSTi'K W.VJ3s"'?'rJ .-SS: JSy-obd OUeS1129 J, Thus i tbe .various yachts, gaily ixl ashed and the iSforoy could ihiffi Inth distance, and aU were on the, yut Kw iprwiu.M' ne ureezcj nowever, - Decame- jfanny ana imw Walter, withr all all the.snruzhtlinessi.Of youth,' fairly danced iiWt drooped and ba's Kouth J? fairlv danced In the waves. The UUjf drooped and passed awa.' lTheitt4 UUnaWprungaalekand. va$ wuh- drawn. The Jt(le , alter came, in first, jmXTMW iJyL'nrl..vfU. ;tt;Coild;ot Mvlf.tM'Ut OI uen .lantsome comhiTiation, arae ip third, T ie following Little Walter.. .... . ...... ; .1 il2.30 Wpple. ..'.:. . ..".!. ?. .b.VW A8.B5 Horn ......;ir.....v..h.... 1:15.50 4Jurtiina.ii,-tX.iiKf. . ij.. J. a avtr. . M.lrt.6.05 B&i&Mi li0 -mm alt1'l. 45 mMr.f ' . ; ... . -ts. 15 Qui t5ria-tf.'vl0-40' &pray . . . . .1 2.00 LjlJb6uicheers-gi!cttel the,,utdrig boats, given: especially lV ifie lad W wlip Naclied fafay litljo Haijer wiihievVlent pkjasure.. f itbe fol jowjna is the time, of inc. winning ; boats: . -.- r . ZM'TFoZ- jitarted fl 20 arf ftSJtb iBan4-j.'ad ol iim. 11:34:55 vfi vt:15 50i I i - - -'W-.t-Hv u ;TOS PIOSSENTATIOH. " ' -i-i - i V!, W.henfhe excitement . ,of the j race , had spmewhat subsided, the nupierbqs specta. tors gathered around' the1 ' stand' poo ' ihb bahhsv and the. presentation took place. k ? v i Mr. Wnu AAVVightilhe- venerable. ..and esteemed.. Commodore of, ..the, (Carolina lhe; prized,' arbse''sftdift?a. few welH3med remarks spoke pf tlie-occasion; of ,;tbe;dcr lightf ulrace, and safd.that : the Foujrth, of July 'was'particularTy a yacht club'day. ' It a-'thenlMtlh'eird'regilia-6oktlacfe5,i ,and. the club- were, particulariy if ortunate on voriwt by tlie members of the'cluh; for ' ii- siance, they called, . the"? yachts .saiitl ilnswasiqa in haying their race.wea Aiy sb'manyjadies, who wefe especially welcome? Ifersafd lbetu were' always fi- looked upon them ' as things' of beauty.- i&staucevlheya in fetays ivoice, f 'Yes, but iheyjdoa't stay there,") and many other pofots ota similarity;- he drew, being f re ouentlv interrnnted in the course of his re marks by the pertinl&t and laughable bits of - - oldtfaveterjul and coinplioientary remarks delivered, the beautifSete-ii-tSf se inwsSS &r5 prio nf jhn rpyrntt, 1rf Mr y, pnnftyTftwnp.r iifiw .lutnai tt men were :perxi well . received. His first impres- 1 . 1 ? . ' . 'fhrotfgh'the gliss'he said.'andfas Ire Uien looking M Ihethro&g of ladies hich thethronCf ; ; ' "was pre- owner respond- ; Urst ad- was con- honor.' anil -she of the waters, ir. Mr. Unfortunatelv during' the trace; prosumed.luat L.he, day then (came,, to a . Close, arid the 1 numerous crowd sauntered away, 'some to 1 eniov a ouiet lunch, some to fish and Others 1 enio: I -tp have ja surf .bathe.,.,The 4th of Jqly on tftjhave surf bathe. ,.,The 4th of Juily on the 'Sound.' was' a grand: success, ! alike j pleasant and agreeable to, 'all the partieipa i nip nnnfi p5ib si jrrjinrr anoppas in Hire vlkai that 2dr, rafter 1 was stone I nivpinntin frrtttt of' "Riin TTtpil ra. lem. bavin been killed bv a (fall ifrbm' the window a. room' he occupied, which I -Ii.s-t. .ul . '.' 1 l Ti... I it 'iii - t... - ,.f -t.u -. ii a impaired hy disease. lie wasunder medi- cartreamedtatSalemandanegroma I ,rCU UCatlilViil emploj-ed to watch over him I . .11 was fhntiA nt A riW.v . hi thAlnm i : i . j j j uu ujb uavemem, ueuu anu emu. The servant says he had gotten up. dresse. dressed care- I T VI IV nnr! InLMnop hie rann lio.l o-r.no. -.iTf ot four o'clock5 -Rnt his watnhRinnWp1 lt!. ;oclocand.as he Was coM-kf k.t I haveleft his room much sooner, and ; as I there are marks on the wall under his twin- I dpw as if be had. struled to! retain his U?1U mof.e luan ."'fV ne wenttnrougu j the window under some hallucination i:Hia ramaihaiWPrii"t1rpn' 1 JrvnUriVa I i . iniprmeat f : . : , .. . . i , - I LtMr. . Lntterloh . waa . thri ann hf thn late was I Charles JjQtterloh.iof fihnthnns nnii fMVfc 1T -frrt - tt., I J" 4 - wuaxux uiauj years a rtSStaeBt'-brFayettevnie, but for I . . ' - . - I Me money paid" ny the TrfiasuWr each re- tteiviag $2,S00.-: 'These fortunate men are 1 . : . . . ... : I i(TAnp a nniwmn . Th mtiiuiro a Ifa ,3o1amv atir aa.MM 1 iw wiouvmoovi lxvla 1 Governor.and Treasurer had nothing to do i fri; V-'i Case' f. Of the State s. fl 1 Janws.W. Burgess,, chargedwith'ihe miu J ler f 4Juar;es Jacksmi; has not yet return n d! a 'verdicCt T'heV'tbb'k I ;u i1 ua .jj-': ! . ): ; ; -' - 1 t?h Aapaaayand .up- p the ;tme of our I going to press, had not arrived at any con- closion. :They canie 'Vntb thVCburt room . . , is : "ii - 1 hiH"t twice yesterday, for the purpose of reqlifest- a ing lusii-ucuciiis regaruing uie law anu jiueir &uy irtlne' premises.' vTlrey 'asked ib be luiormea as io ine meaning ot a reasonaoie doubt, i,he penaUvi pf mapsbvugbter, i and the power of , tbe jury, in making a re- - J.. r n . i mi . 1 comnienuaiion ior . mercy. , i uey asKeu severa? questions" regarding' 'their duty in cases, when they .find tbe facts. of such and such a character. They were duly instruct ed by His Honor rid.thei' returned tolheir detiberattopa. i". . . ; . l ; .1 1 turn it $ Soincrlor Cuuru . a . . i. i,.ri. iii v .hv HH'.i ..' . f... '-.-.'. . .f The following cases were placen on trial VesifcrdaV al tnlBribluuai:rr'1 ;!! lU' pBtatis vimt Hill; for assault-And baitery IVierdict guilty. t3'--W i'!ft.tvi3iui pii: ri vs, Ayilliam Fisher aud Jihii Fisher, jWitu intent to ill. Jn mis case the Spucitor an5 jfoh'4 tt'r riolni'es, wFj.')' appeared foV 'the State1 aM John EKihdoniB.v fothe dePetida. , x Jbhxil report br be. evidence w8 given as prfducd iat itbe preliminary xandDq jaudi giyeq.'.fome .liqie.fagpjin jurettweie ehosen: DayidLiOftin, John A. ?rilftgr3amWfW ray, Benjamin Merrick, ' Uavid ' Qauset W. D. Hall. Joseph Jenkins . W." Johnson, N. GwSkmpsojvYirgib Walker and James- K. uav; is. lliecase still remains on trial, all the witnesses naf ha.viUftsheeU ' jfeanXWcd t '.Mi Pender Commissioner. v , ThoJWrd met fh Regular session. JuK- r, Presfeiff tW; mOrrbbchVf Chairman; and Commissioners Sb aw, Armstrong and Mur- P?7o . iviT . v; c i r -A -fir . - Ordered that the Commissioners allow the' EankoXJTewanoverm borrowed money, ; eight per cent, interest. . . Ordered that a committee of one be ap pointed to appoint poll-holders for the next election to be . held in Pender county,. r; yu mguou; 01 -ijommissioner Shaw, a committee ofone, consisting of the Chair man, W. II. French; -to v authorized to Urchasc bpoks bfiregistratioh for the sev eral townships of Pender county. - ' Ordered that Comraissipner; Murphy be ' placed on the; CommiUee ; bni Roads ami Bridges. 'I.VfsSSi a Ordered that Commissioner Daniel Slmw be appointed Chdiiman of the- Auditing jbbmmittee. : I 'JOn motion of Commissioner Shaw, the .ooarutwent .into an election for cntrv- 3taker.-;!5 ;: V$ ' : r f!r J B. Currie was duly elected, came for ward and presented his bond, which , was accepted and ordered.on file.' ! Commissioner Armstrong made a motion that ther Board go .; into an election f r a County Commissioner tofill " an existing vacancy.- Commissioners Murphy and Shaw voting in the negative, and Comnais sioners French and Armstrong in the allir Wtivej ,4,6 ,510 was losti.,., , ; i ; I'-Pommissioner ;.'Arm'strbog moved that the Board go into an election for Tax Collector. ;CpmmissibrierS Armstrong , and French votediu the; affirmative; Commissioners Shaw and Murphy in the negative; motion Board adjourned to meet at South Was! ington on Tuesday, July 13. - y SfTPERlOK COURT. Trial or James W. Horses, Cliar-ou :;wlti tbe iBnrder of William Jack KonJ .: Thei defendant, James W. Burgfcss, wli has been somojweeks confined iu Hie toiin ty jail,; was yesterday arraigned to answt-r the charge of murder upon one William Jackson ? ; A fall report of lhe tragedy and a copy of the evidence have already ap peared in our columns. We therefore deem it unnecessary to repeat. The Court Ilouse, as is usual on such oc casions, was crowded j-esterday. Upon . the reading of an affidavit as in such cases provided, and ; required, ; a motion for a change ot venue with regard to the case of Caleb P!' Snow alias Jackson was granted, and the hearing of. Snow's case was there fore set for Onslow Court, hence the ar- 4 raignment of Burgess alone. A special venire of a hundred men had been summoned from which; the jurors were to be empanelled. After Some little time, the following jury was chosen : II. VonGlahn," B.' J. Jacobs, John V. Willis Benjamin Farror.Jr.; Julius llean Li, S..S. Scarburrough, R.C. Orrell, John Mel ton, W. II.. Frost, F. W. Foster, W. It. Montgomery, W. S, Hewlett'. Solicitor Norment appeared for the Stat', and Adam Empie and John L. Holmes, Esqrs. for the defendant. ' 1 ' Albert Thompson and Ransom McMillan were sworn and testified, and also W. P. Canaday, Esq., before whom a preliminary examination took place. After the exami nation of these witnesses for the State, the case was rested, the defence having jio tes testimony to introduce. The arguments of counsel occupied 'the Court for several hours, after which the charge of His Honor was delivered to the jury, and Ihey took the case at a late hour last night. . The jury were still out when we went to press. Tne 4tU of Xnlr In Smitbvllle. ..The, celebration incident to-.tbe.4th of July, look place in; Smithville on Monday, the 5th, never a lovelier day dawned. It was 'ushered'; ihj'fin. Smithville, 1 by the ringing of all the bells, the firing of cannon and guns. - ' -;t'. ; : ; Quite early i n the day the Good Tern plara assembled at their Lodge, room; and, after; some most interesting ceremonies, formed in procession and marched through the principal streets. The spectacle was very imposing. " ' - ' ' ' :-' . ' ; ' Later in the day, quite an interesting boat race took;, place, between two pilot skiffs, owned .by Capts. Morse eand Thomp son. For a length of time it seemed doubt, ful which would win; but at last the boat owned' by CapfMorse shot fully ahead of the other, 'and loud cheers from the oars men and spectators proclaimed them the .winners,,;-,.; ; ; ; . ' The Gov. iWorih, Wqccarnaw and the Dim had each a large crowd of excursionists on. boardj'whp seemed fully 10s enjoy 'thelrip.. All the shippiWgia'pOrt "flung their ban ners to the ibreeze," and! presented quite m gala day. appearance. i The trim little piI'U bpalshauled ito-iLhe dock, at 4.0'cloc., 'and took quite a large party out sailing. A salute from the cutter, and adisplay ' I flrewurks-'f rom'M rsl Siewari's whai f, cIik- i tie diiy. : ' ' ij;-t ' ' ' 1 ' L' ' " ' Trn nil.s. ;.,,:,,;,:, t; . j. . A true bill was yesterday found by th 'Grand J dry, 'ribw iu'lessloh, aeainsl V. 1 -Moor;, 1 j." P.-. for" kn assault and baiteiy Upbn CalebrP. Snow, alias' Jackson,' ordering bimjto be taken, out of the county jail in lb .-recent case of , viewing the bod of the deceased Jackson " by Snow, a fub aecount of which has heretofore' appean tl in these coluiiiusJ 'Ul "s ' " - -A7 true bill wkslMalso fonndungainst the same for malfeasance in pmce.. : ftlhuiOMdt CoHHty. .'';" '" "". '".'. '' -i. CW1.5B.- BV Little8 is the standard-bearer of l be! Convex t ion : party in : Richmond cou n i y . Wu doubt;il!ehazard anything io sayii.t ttintjCoL Li tile is the . strongest m an i n . party ill ' Jtiebmbpct, aud 'twe regret. to lie:.r That Wmiediiubt "is expressed' ras t his :i; ceptance of the nominationr'r4'' i! ' ColBiubut cBlr..f, ,.j . i t Forney George has been nominaied' "by' the 'liembcratic-Cbnservalive party 'f Coiumbus5 county ' : as ; their1 candidate U r Coaventioni : -CoL George, is very popular, and we hear that it is doubtful whether h& WiB jhaYe any oppositiQa, 7. v .