cr 2ik ? 9 C. W a m s z ? a .. - ..OS-, Is,. isS; Vt Offlee Honey (raer nisjr be, ohtained in all tire cities', and in many of the lui getownsi , We cjoosider them perfectly safe hikI the lest tdeaqs of remitting fifty dollars - Rffiterel Vttern, nnder la system, wtticif went Into effect Jnne lt area very safe tneftus of Sending small sums of mo-. n. v. wherpHOjMoey Orders cannot be eaairyi oi.i.ijne;t. unserve, cue neatary jee, as wen as; lostaKt mvnt be paid iw ttampt at the" office" - v hore tne letter H mailed, or. it will .be liabi; ; Up. sent to the Dead Letter Office. Buy and rti c the xlamps both for1 postage and registry i put', i xist-moMer and take Ms receipt for it. iietters--t ton in this war are at our risk,' r i iptianPrice. V ; The siibscriptron pi-ice 6f the WlCKK-1 i t STAii as follows r ' ' .. : j i- . s. - s. j i. . i .t , - i . . . . i Single CopyJ year, postage paid, $1.50, V . ; G months.,! ' i' .1.00 (lubs of 10 or more subscribersv oije. year, fl.25. per copy,.;strictJy in; ad ; vance. , r fi;NV Club Rates for a period less; ( nan a year. - - ' . Both kld and'iieiv subscribers may5 be included in making up Clubs. " .' ' - ". .:.'l'! -....! .. t I j ... 'i . j ... j li At tlie jaboTe' prices the Wkkklt Star is, we think, he'eheapest'paper' in- the State,, and its circulation will; ba doubled in twelve months, if those' who have worked for its success ih the .:ist will increase their efforts in the i n euro. - f ci.i i- ij-. -t ,. j SIGNIFICANT. tr ... . , f While there never has -been (just "Tntrnd fir thinking' that a large ac- cession, to .tho " Conservative party vmld Ik i jiiadfl j at' ; any short, ; time jYom the negro voters; of thol Sonth,. lUt-re are ;gootl fHdications' that'a 4-lttiiiiu is surely. 'if slowly, coming n , Lite spirit; of: ijieir , dreams. In t telegraph news priBted. yesterday: ning it was seen that both oC the h-adiiig negro philosophical politicians. Ji:id tasseUed in bold, terma the . mde-. endeuce ot Lheie.racva'from the :di-!r l uction of the carpet bag statesmen-'1 -1 1 1 ! Freedmen s Bank plunderers.--" v red Douglass, the greatest aud most . .U ifil. V 'V.ul.. or Sou thi.: in a ''speech- -at ' llil lsdalej iii'ar-VVash'utoW.-onMondar. ill an -adtlress on 1.1k; condition of lhe-col- red a!ei -t i iivgly; said u AVe : lia ve been injured more limit we have been helped' by men .who fiatl'e'' prbfessed'to, ibe our, sfnendsi.j-jpi hey pre . lawyers ithut client,,. initiiwlers without liirivluwandering teSichers! without gifig fur:tlie poor ibUok ! peoplii" jretty much' on theuf own fcdok, and got about a bandred Jcents,i,The8ei men; lie said, mtisf be stoptjed becrerinsr lor the &lored Wopleiatf Ithey' mis'-1 icuresenieu. :iiiemlf anu riiausea, ine country tt loxk-"piOh ihemia.a; piooit and helpless pedble.- Iu like vein he nfetredr io'ihe 'greaV fraud" "of 'tW m ' :i i'"'1''"1 l-'l'i: 'o "if-.r tv r reedirjen rtlaiikai;d, excoriated ,.hej '' white .frienid"; havipg I the- ltd. lli at ill -star red institution with an- uth sparing'hand. ; iHh concluded by! ap1 ; v ni ,4; ii. )'". i.-jt . j -nit ma if . P';aiiii.-gu in? fcoioreq , people ip indf pf ndeu ?f the, wandering meudi dicautu whU have- followed them sim-s )ly for gah'a'ddlng'kndYn the fu lure, if we want a 'jWoseg. we will hnd AprpH o fciich plain declaration li t lis note the tone ' of the ahlesif lie- ..'' 'n-U i'S . I;''! -t't'-i i w'. . .:',' ublivan jourpals ,at.?tne.iNortn, and. YVet .which do not hesitate lp tirge.a division bfi the' colored,' vdte!ii tlie SMiihi'forii!tne rake1 of National,1 hari jit umi liiMepeutjeni journal,. iijq;i.w; I .1 I . t l . . . . -1 . XT .. ' Yrfc)SeM i we 6nd; this editorial 'refc ereit4;toj.thy wibjecif ' ' V. From'very1 part'of tlie Soutn ftne intelH- KPoce eomes mat uie negroes are ucuumiug Uiugusted With Ibe greed and dishonesty of tlie earpetbaggera who have obtained; posf sesaioq of the , Republican' organisation Jq the recopatructed States, and are preparing to join with the native whites iri opposition to the! misrule of these adventurers." It -could hadiy be i otherwise i .The colored -voters jn ,tbe oouth, thouRh generally fgnor ant, are not so blind but that they can see, ih:u the mi8goyernment which Js'rnlnirig 1ur wl.ite neiglTbof8, rupin" whom they mistly ,deiid ' foenlployn1nt &bd the Jiieun of UReIikood; i9 as mbch opposed to if Uveruioodt-i9 as mbch opposed to n interests as to those of the .whites. - i.Hi.j i-f.j :!A - .i - 8888SSS" 6 Months wssfeg; , . ' nfSS88S88 S Months I ojjjjgggjs 1 Month 1 1 waoooo J 3 Weeks IJESSSiJ Will T iiT f i i-J :i Weeks'' es"88S88.. .i.i888888. -7" T", S ' rea jog,; i " r 1 I ' . , 'fi.l i, Is lii'M j .- t j t : aSfi S J v 5 L & -slants' for every oiid ;Huti&tkd;Mtir&1 it&f' col ieitfed 'eooi :peopie - '-II i ;'- ill ' 111 .1 . i ,Tu7 . kuilFOUD AND RANDOLPH. ' "fix,vhe throe, ceptralyVnt1ef:i? H 3 .1 . .1.. .. ..:;! , ' uun inai.iwnteueviertjartVi:,irDLes the elebtionla'Atiy.fariVert year and -dtf -wifufa ,;..! v'u.xlj'jca jf'..vnnjo.i.iivi hiia chwae a (divided j.Xecislatiyer. delefiart scenaatits jaf, tietmaniisetUers anh en ftrlcriu lt?sa of i conseqnfehccs -upon I others -of Viei,bOWttc JWyrTney, ajea.Rteady, find retiable: people, "T and iheii mdes pendent; thinking by no .means ,derq-f gates from their ptrtptism.' . 3 ; I r J; ilr i:-jf :.rlJ',; js. '.-2U- j'j n (j upfpjd the (AoBsvtiyesjhaye) acted wisely' rW'rmimjhiii1n 'fb'lKJE?- CcmxeniioivvA judiatingolied, ;pjf oiber of f the'Frien SoyDr-preus1 Mend en h all, aine tuber ,o t-1 he pjeaent i Legislature, and a highly cultivattd1 and practical maiuf III tii:i dally opposed to the . t"i,uviVtm mode of j altering the' Coustiiniiou,; and it' will be remembered pies'enlLedj in Thk MoRjiNo. Stab a" lucid argw ment on j that'; side ' .of.' j.heJ, qifestiop In the Legislature11 he voted consist)-', ently against the.ih last. Theref ore; his fi ihess as a : bejiip er of tlie 'Conservative, staiifJaTiui close and doubtful county" like'Oiiil ford, where . his tern,', jntegrtty. and ? jjitTiiL pujuiariiv wm avail lo iiirn ine scale; 'he other nopainee, lion; Joiiu A.1 Gil rner,' .tiirpioliia fathes; popii I larilv and his t sqwj i itfnnbuieT aiidt ability, will W a i powerfut, factor iii solving the difficult i problem- of la Conservative vctori in. the choice of . delegates; In fact, we regarLthj': Guijford nominations as equal tq any J in the State, yet 'chosen in point of 1 niness ior. ine, pecniiarluwric, ieipier,- thein and ifap&citi id e':eiebttf Jti'-iTo" this leorkl" ' ' :' ',rr-v. ''.! ' : ' llandolplii has likewise made judi cious selections. Ji the peiVon',Vit6er. of llcv. Dr.' Craven, should he accept the Or, ;in'( the'. 'eveu't of Drr Craven's declinAtiou.iihe 'persbn of Marmad uke S. Robbinssq. tlie ial- ente'd-etotf:-VairtV--)Raleffh1''br:3 ganiurH);wui hav.e5 ah; able -derega'te? :' Dr. Worth; r.U , : - ;: '-tifl:..fin'. 1-i:j! .:ni.iS'; too, the other., Conservative aoramee, will make a mostri'usenTnTeVnbr of he , Convention VVf i These counties will: have so inipor tlint a part! iri ih'pptqaclurig ,P,1$?J tion that we. think the above: re-j marks not inappropriate,, j-jfouglfoj; oLher reasons a newspaper might be indulged in as much as we Iiaye here , g;iveh' expression td. hmoIuI i; 1 Jlc').r. MATTBlt NECLECTf,. r same shall beheldwtdhuiAei llieJ cg?? rgfewrs; result -.proclaimed; ?!aBd ''tjertj0(iates , . . P-"'Vi-' if- r-'JOjfiU-tb-J-.lU, ,.it istepmine! sap nanner provqexi oy-hw for the3 eletftTOiof 1 ihitoeisj Qf. ir HoHse oX;eprkentatvea pf thef5Genef4l,;88iirabiy.,'! 1ThJ la-w; 4sl iounu in various sections ol cnapter- r55 AcCti oT'Assetiibfy'J.lrf hiM tafife., realstration books -o thir 'rf ecibet wi8h,ip in snchJimaupiyr11l,iti;8a)d, books shall sh6W ! hlH a-,nra'te Ihttofi electors previ9usyy j,registred in sue precinct or; township and .still residiiiS therin,. wuhouJ..treqqirHig ,.such filfc tors lo Ije'resireS atfeW and rfeefs-1 trars shsill.also, between ; ike: hoars bf. sunrise add sun'iet'onlVi'fi daV YSnn-.' - i.. J u.fii.j'.. !i tit iit. . -i I UMi: i -.l t days excepted)-from the Jirst day in Tulyt Iff?Jryu.a7i(iTiiiclud- lilff tne( aay peeoMhy n?ft 4WrBr, aayju Aiigusi 4oveepi;open saioi books for 'the feistrationof any'felec-tpi-sesifiing. jn,Bttch;p.f eeMfiUoR o wn-r Bhip arid entitled to registratibti whose names .havy.ejr,,faerj0e:.egn jrpgisrt trars.' I'tvusWehat ihfe'penaltlel areo: jyiobioujofilpjese. d.ijjs. Sec- tiott '29 tro tideahat 'ty egistf W I yJ-xi-.J h: 'i-:xw v-J- tnti!.' '7J.f '''''J, 1 orudg&pnelqctiop apppmteaHP!! - ' . utl't rrT-dh'-ll 1 i7 neierogeneous ptopulatiops iadd indeP .embers ,)t -the ,p.ocitftv . ofi i tboiir KnaV. fr iviutA.. ri . . n,Q. Wl?v"y.-,!f',ft?u,7 PS?'!li S ea"ri iSv'fewM USiiui t n3 teIigioCLqaegtiOD; aiid these Thef Act . calling- a' CbnTeiitionbio- i - i .: . a ti Si - 'r ; iu' )uj i . i J and j udges 1 'of electidnj 'pfoibed the votes. equated u.cPjmpared); te saylc 'liegistrars shall 'be "'furnished' with registration bo6k!? . and t shall tered in such pTecraiikmi township or So .mur,fof itbe duties of i regU-i iidll eiov of mti r?tr - .m'430iu;it v V' 7-!I voumypmmissioniPj ; tteglSI j irig t makfthfeiraturns::and perfo the bf hm' 4fy SA& thpusund dollars .or. SmprMQn moriihs-aitfic Uidcftlibft of ih& 6The tfamiiV-'W V"r important nun i 'ill' lit ' S ' A ;word With ' lnosfr,( Dentberaticr-'' Cbuseryati.Vjea of a Convention aithjs timer You. did t oppose i-toe , mil: except ; on ,. tne ground of p&Tlfo6j?'1 You ted jthe greatiiniportance of a revision of .reseiit'-OoftsXliutioAj-fenillwl-1 moat WiVj04lxctpUon,.you, declared !in favor of "beginning .this important 1 work at th earliest t practicable mo-. :j menu:.'') ' -; ' i-.-j- t.v .'The Convention has irow been called, absofulely aiul uuqualifiediy'and ho lowerfcan prevent the assembling of 1 that. bqdy.r kV i he.oiuy question, there fore for, you to. determine ia this su preme mdmerit of trial is this t Shall il the don vehtion 'be Hi Conservative' t)r a Radical' .inxly ? . .Shalf Ue w.oVk of remodelling bu r 1 .CotistitUliOit b0"en'. trusted to i.yonr owii people or to the pari-y uiat iQisiea. on yqq tne von,sti- tu tion of 868 ? :;Tlii8'-ilf thbiwsue- the Jpuly 'issue.' 'And -jyoij wJIl'be reV jcreant to duty and to priricipleHf you iiaiL vo. use every, eu:ori, ip. sec.qre tne ejection of Conservativevdelegatesr' " .' ,.TnK WORK BKPOUB ITS. : 'f Where; are ,'our ' public4 rneuA-oiirJ pu'bli'e speakers -those" wlio "favored 1. ,..-1.-; ; . i" : ana, those who. opposed the Conven tion calf ? A- D6! iliey intend to: mAke aio elt trt;to. rouse our people: from the kiathv"lha"t now b Serioiwlv threat-Ill. f'iL. - . i -l ena7ing ai-vAr: we to have no ctliVass jof the State ? ' : ; : 1 ; ;' In Ihkm than four weeks we will t be icalled on to deteruiine'Svhether, the' Coiiserv-atix es or the ltadfcals are to jcontrol the ' Constitutional Conven- tfcnt. iffls-rt liotrTiough tomakeevery f)emocrat every Cetnservative, every riend of . Consututional Liberty in rte Stitq shur.j tq ;evpa- Ithinpf Ithe possibility of a tria jbrity of 1 Radi-? loaiaeIe&aes ?!"-"t,i ' L' 'f-"-'V: leUvargy ua4;goU , 5prJti The: ifatej of 3)JorUl Caroiih3! hftngsi trembling iii't'he'b'alan'i'Abtft ceaseaesAjWork,, and ronlj,, ihtjl . a ... ..." . ... giveusi&giortotts victory. .U :i .ilL ;M (it ., i ...Ij ilr' . '..;J yn?o'. -iTIie 'fealheavy work UghtitO be done in the counties where the voting' is usually ,,0)0;, inere jft a, large uciuaung yoje, ju pr insta'nceu'canyassersJion-ghtwtOipeak xiti.tiir ttqorVivi qui to kiyJtfiou. Kobeson. Vrepame .themong qoitie h nuaibdn Wepreenine)Wale, bans,; Davidfcori-oMiduldr nolr saffiarCi What twienty-siidays !"-..( THKOLD CRT. - )v .v The Hadinjals. r0 sofinlhaiffsame old drunk, raising he familiar and art-1 ful cry of other days, thaYth'e"Hofme stead ..tis;jo 4ftlger,7 Xbe,.,ocky Mount JSIailj which is devoting itself -lilCflffi M-HAM ,J if !.i"! J jnoij t''ti &J?9i V9nvenM9tVflR8,l WW. ,flemolT isbei.tbis impudent assunlptioA:- i pnbriti parly. ,1 in YNorth' qamlmaJ ZL)ii'-atii tmi iiiiii.oir. .it 7i- tracttof Jaoduu;The Djemdctaio party 0 wnWne-teriths of !'Vhe Homesteads and no ; sensible man1 believes for a mpfpenf ?V.ayT,(PnycwJ9Uil4i cut its J bwu ntbroatit by 1 demolishing rim tion jft.awpnMlot 3t9jpAe4firewiti.e Homesteads a Every" iDepocrat, : who ;' I Ji ill i - H Jti ' .f' .":-j penalty Has Wn, lembefore inj- IlaVe tho prbtisiOr of - the',;faw beeri! rknrliAi with V Iftua aiAtpwo rnn . GuilTdrd SntfftaHaqlbBltindW1 isl'ul, bur j;7'Kf io.lifci.njj in chwJiA is done must be dphgWuleklyW n"ini titnftt" fvfUJtij?c i(t 1. ime passes, 1 he election ccurs in .nij';.! liiV -j.l 0'L A -.1 Ji .(.-.- with 'whole Soulier Hhe pairWtio daty is Were cla WtMp, 'ahd ! t ney fend W ie do aojr every delegate j in the copyent ,lf.iX ) Ui&M itita hll& 2.i i!l Tfo 3tfj i J lad JaTjasi ocii i.jj x.1 isioiq kTioVgw'that4 ihV ftYicCionie j nuiuumg.,- ii wuuiu. ue mvrai-perjury. j tO.TdiatQpiey ikem-ixti-n silt 5o jiI...hD'' eJj During the month of Juneul3,939 iHtmUriint arrived At KevoriT of fi6rmioi;,Jbameronfif f-nwigR cpuntrie. k j The . immigration, at the sametportifor ithe ,fast three months ntfa-6-dieiBr6ai' of 23.3 89 frornnT" immigration of t-Jjejeqrrespon4iS. '. Aft Iowa eratorMs bamed1" Swain?,vi without nerv f.ri.i v. ? ;, ati i;i. ,iJ h-I i '1 1 V An: English "editor calls a' certain kiiuf pf Xnierican feUgiqn ewlsm.? " Wo: should hiss jit out5 with a sibilant iprehx. 1 'j!.;..-,-; , ; ! .., j 1 ! ' ; ; .. 1 1 -.rf i 11 jstli.o sit. - t ' TUB IIARPKR CASE. - '- l ; .,..-,- 14 .r, ... a 1 . iit 'in -. i-. ? S i lit f . f Verdlc of Noi CuUf yi'pTlie Prlaon er Still Rstalaedija Costody. 1' .TheVjurj4n;t4e'cASe ptte fttau?' vs. JVil.; iliatn Fisher and John Fisher, arraigned. for a an assault with intent to kill O. W: Harper; rendered averdictTof'nbt guilty" yester- i ants, after having been out about eighteen hours." ..' '' , T"1 " ' r'r 'Wiien Mlic' Tnurt convened at "about 9 o'cck'At.' lJU .Tl'onor' JudW McKoy; aftiir heHridg what' tlie Verdict wW,".ordered khif'SheHlt to call the jury,1 and bri un'der.-' atan.tiiii'i'f rom lueui'whai'yerdicti they Lad ' rciHu-.rcu, uj mat luere never was a plainer case pf guilt submitted to' 5 iy for consideration :sHhat society was notsafe or secure when so flagrant -a vtolatioa of the law was disregarded and the ; -offenders kt loose, un wIiTpt of justice. . He' ordered tbaf 1 up names Q uie jury op siriCKcn irom,Ue ary li8t, atlditg the injunction that none 1 lueiu siiuuiu ue uiioweu 10, aci as ,iurv- eri, either , as reguJar or ialesj jary rneni lie further remarked that the jury vvefe leifber incompetent to act or were corrupt.' ; j " Commissioner 11 H.JUprris was. called in jto state .in what way the Board of County Psmmissioners selected the jurymen.' f He plied they "were selected once in' every twelve months, and always with & view to jtheir moral character sod good standing, so farf asV.heV'Comniissloners werb' able to U r V ' - ' 1 (,.!.. ilue JodSe that perhaps some of m era would stand' as a certain individual did some time ago when his general char acter was required to be stated by a! witness, who said : f " J udge.if that question was asked away down in Terrapin Neck he. would have a very good charecter, but if required here he would have none at all." 1 ' 3 ; .The- Solicitor, asked to be allowed to call a witness to prove that communication had been had with theury while they were de liberating upon the case.' ,Thc request was granted, iwkereupou George : Hewlett was wdrn, and testined that sisns and whiDer n'gs had been carried;bn '.with thel'ju by1 ae jjarry jb'isner, a bjroUier: of . the jpfendr nts.'liarry Fisher was then ordered under Jbohd 6f "'.$200,.' tbfawaK s on ithres-' igaion, In . efaul? "pi .which he twa sen t jto prove -that . a: member , of l the . jury had jtaken 'a ,r drink- w!th . one of ' I the,! ! i-ela- krvekpt' the. defehdantsi '.wnfereuprin,' His jriomtt) yruerea Miallmemoe.r; otneuxy 1 'to 'stabd up) whea -Meiricki"- the:-fore-' hap, jnAt;a relative of the fief enjiants after the jurytad: been impanelled, and before; any: evidence was heard;-and had taked a drink1 fehutljqtimeh 'w,ho:tbe: man-. was-.trj,!v. ) a, :;:) -.i i ',;: aWVar rmb satisfied that 'the Conduct of-me'Udwltfn' hearty support and accordi good icj U-s. ze'n) whOardiamiliab with this transactiCin. Superior cou'r?'! r!-i' Jf 3 "!'''' " -Mwb'iilih disbd of 4k, terday At this tribunal: , j, i , f , :,.( The verdict in tbe case of the ' Bute .Vs. ; .'Ostler .-andJoliib Fislie'ri arrafched for an assault with intent to kill ieurge VY, Harper, waS set aside by the Court tin alc- ' ct)Unt f the1 cbrrupt commufaicatod of the jury with an outside party, 'as'jftated in but lat issue. ..The defendants, ' William', ftud I Jotn Fisher, Were bound-over to" fha next term of the Superior Court, and to keep tbe peace until Vhen in thTsum of$J8Q f ,qpf Msbich.pond was given.'j lf..!t k ... -,i 1. a 1 -Larry Fisher j colored, was arraigned, Xor contempt of ,Court in CQmouinicatuigwMh. the Jury Jn. the above case.,, Defendant yfas qrderetj to bft confined ,iu i iail 401; "days., i , . aumher, , ,bf jdefendsnts , were ..hound over to the,.nexKtern 9rV Pd number of -recogaisflBges were" renewed. A great p&tiiVnHft hf dhV'Was'OCchpied in 'the WamenHl6fbre1thduCbari df the case oryT. kBL::;Carir v's:"the" Wflmingtori B'u'iidin'Assbciatldn, la wMcb compTainani sought' eajbin' tbe1 Sale1 of 'cert aid real eAata'dvettised.'uhder ite charter,1 'by' the Association1 foV non-payment of dddS and IttUres1""'1 " ii'1'-' i'dJ'' j J'-J ' 'Th'hicase is sfaular to eeVeral injunCtioii casewhich1 were tried' at')hg rist term of the Court before Judge Kerf i in which de- ap- pearedLfor'the f-complainant. aadiMessrs Davis;-Empre.WrigUtand Stedman forthe defendkt fte'cisiofto "tlie; 'was irei i-1 He is; W wiomaW,"arid1'ades1nt I'susbehd 1 tni8.wea.ther, either. Y e shouldtrdnki it!a. Swabenouj;! out there uow I 1 to: jail; ? Shearing of : the matter will take, place foMjayi1, :1 ;;J'' 1 f"' " 'jj. "' e'.gQjci cisions were rendereiorfpr . the, Association. Messrs., Su-ange,, iLojidpu..and,Marini u .1 . ft .V WirilU OMJOJ lOwetCi ftjlditfro d-l,y 8ii-..; ijfti.vinino ?T -.".-. t .f' - T " ." "1 r,. . .,.,.11. r.- Ther:tadfd'nrn,e;'6essioUi' of f thci Te'eufar faa6nihly ekig'u taeB&fdof' CottntH ohpaUMonsi9 not at'il clock LA- qreslerdffe.9enUgaess 1ma Bnl lAmmtaciAnDPa A - TT 1 If amU T B. .Wagner, Stacy VaaAmringe. .Delaware i 1x011. ...... -.. . - .. . 1 ., -. 1 jpariy was ain' resUiife4;'atiwbTihHtoe-1 air It jBridgers, Preaidnht qf ; ther ComVr; mnjji made fJeRystonMP, M jPPSrf f the comnlaint made bv Mai. C. Mi Sted- nan, attorney for thevJompany, at the con Iakloo; l6fvhTdli the feoara went into a con- Rliratioffof th&asserae:pcfed'on Ife- llmingtbn Railway Bridge Company!,nbyi he Assessors ;of the,tbwnship.of Capfe Fear,,- land after an. examination of . witnesses anj jhearipgthe arguments of counaeVivwaaJ joraered thaVifaoe President of' thej Wil1 Imington Railway Bridge J Company pays. withhi (en day'sj to' i. R.1 Blicli Esq.V Tax .Collector bf Kgw Hanoyer bounty; 4be Ut! jdue by said.Rajlway Bridge, Company , for) the, past three years on a valuation of( ,1-,- 000 for the propertyj of the said (. Railway linage company, ana pays to juijan . new lletti" County 'Treasurer,' the "suni'bf '500, jtbei' judgmenti bbtaihed' against -ithe' sa'kf .Railway Bridge Company in the Supreme Copr of the, State of ; North ; Carolina w ibe considered satisfied and paid,?, and that the, assessment on the said '1 Railway; Bridge ICDmpaby Wlhe 'year i37B will 'be1 placed at $50,000. J A J--.-J ;- .nvdi'j ; motion, the Board then took a i recess until 8 o'clock. ii; !" AHrnwiwrtrt-nt mmrmwi . ,.--,i:il. (.il j The Board , ou ire assembling,; took up the reguVjrLi monibly businessjof .-considering ;and pprQying,c)fhns .against the, cqunty:(l j The claims of the .following named per-. sons were Jrenaer coumy: i., W7 Hoore, Ba'm'uei' C. Larkins,' Wi. Bivins, AJ. Mclntird, Geo.SW. (Bordealux and.Wt. .W. Larkins., iiiiu i i.ui-. s-nuo- ! Bill of Englehard & iSaynders ! for $ ref ferred for information. j J j .?v tt,,itl Apnlication of C. Russell and A. M. Nel- i ' ' ' .li til. !'l '( ..!1. -'titii I il'lt'.'i.'Ml I son for license to retail , spirituous liquors, j Then report' of 'Elijah ' Hewlett' 'Cobnty tTreasu'rer,- was received and ordered spread ' ion the minutes. 1 ibuiavd: Jdh , The Chairman was requested to, examine and report as to Commissioner's fees. i i . : j The report of the : 'Auditing' Committee! was received 'approved and ordered spread on the minutes. i i- I ! It wals' ordered that the clerk turn' oyer the registration and 'poll books belonging to the following. townships in Pender- county. viz: Rocky Point,- Lincoln, Columbia,1 Union, Holden, Holley, Grant and CaswelL (It was ordered that thefollowing named perojpse: and. are hereby appointed , Reg istrars and Inspectors, of .an election, to he, held on the first Thursday ' "pf August 1875,1 in ine county or jew uanover as requirea by law; - and that -the Chairman of' this Board be Authorized to make such changes in the same as may be necessary, ; ; k ; FirstWard,UpperDivision,C.H. Strode, Registrar. , -i 1 - . ' Inspectors--Wm. Phinncy, L G. Thorn ton, Duncan Holmes, O. A. Wiggins, " i ' Voting Place-Thorhton'sf Cart House.' 1 First Ward,-Second Divlsipn,1 James- AJ Lovrey, Registrar. .i i ;. - ? -v ' (-..,!. - I InscersftJ. JLyVise, ,RohtfiOrrpjlJ,l Hi Brown. Julias Hahn. , ! ,;,, . ., .,, ui i. Young Jiace Engine. Mouse. r : SeCondrWard,J i).' 'o'Conner; Registrar. m t 'InspectorsiUx' Mallett. 'Sf.f X F-Post; Geo.' Jackson; Ji-CX Lumsdeni o.jj 3iii-n? iVoUng.PJaber-tCtourtiHouse.:,i . o-Ai 10'. j Third WardV WathariSampson j Registrar.'' ! InspectOrs-James W Dry;4X'' Tj W Besskfrer, EcL Howard : Hi VbnGlahn. I s Vbtmg piaeeHiWfeniiLotlge. (!: !; ' ' 1 '-J ' (dhs,wm.iau, ,vVj. 1 jrowier. j ; Voting Place Ann Street Engine House. ! FiftVard; W Thurber,- Wsp,e(prsr-vfl,jHw.lietj, ,qhfl lein t'ifp.' Aftthpny, HwlfM ?rft??dW.Ili n , lYoting.plaee-Anthopy ,Hpwe'f flhppI j ;i.iC9PQFfcajjTQwjaShjp,.jH E, ScqUm Reg? !isJLrftrou-n w.viU hit a jtji.:- owj -m!1 1 1 iuspecujTs-i-rjiiaiTp.y ;vaixiuotnjas iwiw liams, Emef iaJWllllams, D.S. gunUers. -I. Volm'&eWuiSil's !foQse,I'r... RegisffaK1 l''biw,.' J;'f'J ol noitpiiioy j HlaspeotorsJ-Daniel ) Dais,aTO CWan i Jordan ,NionJ jEdyi.&!oor..,n s it; it jtn !hw Vqlimj Phtce-W. W.'s,??,0", L JJasonboro Township, Elijah Hewlett, 'n jict Mil tilt 1 t i -li 4.M litxrwti-nr ' i I vlnsilJctdrsJbhn'J. Beasley',' Jbsl'ShiitM,1 ijfolin A.'Fartow, J6hnOttoway. !: ."Voting placet Whiskey Creek tf,ji'l Fe4,eralIPoinTow,;eysr -'VbtihEl pfeBiddlb'sSt6re'.,,'iJ '," Is) via ' li was brdfered that the1 clerk rfurnlsh be Sheriff . 'of i New;-Hanover county 1. list of the, Registrar? and Jaspeon as appointed bvthe Board to hold an election on the 1st .. .v .V in iJ'Oll "Uli flHM"t) Thursdayjn AiUSUSt ncxt. - ThejBoajsdjIhpdjournqd, sybject to tbe,eall of tbp Cbairnjan , t Jitti s t j Yieiv:iJ'iesKifcri rare.raii '-i.fHSMlPrV ifHT 'ii'.iil-j f.fJfl i The Jury in th above case camQ into the Court roontyerterday kfternbb'n hk'S o'dobk', after1 ha Ting1 been out' from TuesdsyUrght 13 ofdockdrly-onelidnTs; abid tendered a verdict of rNot;gnilt3iT,a tci James Wj Bu gess, chargedtwith.inuird yf -Charles The jury bore every evidence of being VU'on accooni of Hhiit btdioWd. fed deUberaUohs;,ti We uhderBtaUdlhat'tSiey stood eleven to one for acquittal yi sicP Wednesday afternoon, they first being nine 1 )-- wa.l.farfo v i!.m -no1 , ..-,i:r .o-v.u ! , Inspectors -H. L, , norn.j Jos, Burtuss. Jos. Davis. W. H. Williams, fi,.f.l t I . ,7 1 . iv 1 i '-:'i'";rfi (faiiHivtp'.ar -T-f V J'"" " fFbr, the Ubrning-Star 1 1 meters, ataors: lapursuance ot a cau or I iyfV4hurijos8'ef iaotoin4Uac'f suit jable;p8od to represeqt Onalow in theCort i P WPWitUji 1? be; h? :hi ipj J pe exjilatated la &' very pptopriatf i. ,ti . oimuaieioru wascaueu lo lub uuair. KfeBathsyepresented hj, delegates J appointed hy.the several township meetings, 1 ime- vnairmaannouaceatd taeuoayentaou ianA Hott.yrames jti ficott'was chosenio His i fcominatioa .was afterwards; made! unani-1 Oils bv the resiw.Uv Bele?atioRfl f rom tbAT - BeTeHiltawnshipsJ inlAcut ?3bi-Ki U:C3 i f A, committee was then r appointed tq wait J o3 and Inform the' gentleman of hia'nomi-i naxtonao JdaiSooaijappeaTCcji and! after thankine, the Convention for the honor thus Wdbe; hfnl favored0 4 the Jlmeetin) iwrth1 a short but pointed speech in his own nappy i hete bf the kbUit of bur-Uomineb. '7H6is tQo.wew .known ,to require -Anv comment frbm our hands, and .well may Onslow feel proad of the nomldaUbn. J ' There will We. jifany, a-yery feeble oppostyion,;for ppslow is all rieht. The ' whole' nroceedinss were' latteridedwith harmony and good or.deW'b I -fiiatthe,,pr9ceeimgs be pub lished jn the Wilmington Jmrnal, MomfiKG 1 II. ti. SANDLlii, JnlvSecy ' " ,r phttf''. ff f iiMrt 'Mn i- ' i ;i;f-a 11 itr t.The evidence in the. case of - John Fisher and WUliam'Fishef;. both colored, charged ' with' an assault wKn' ' intent 'to klil fcf. W.' . Harper, was. concluded yesterdayf '"'The' - (casbf lgisJ loccupiea the attention of the Quiurt Jurtjseariy. ;twos days,' duripg ,whi?h.i TOS .t tyl&e ?.u.mbcfi ?lt wtnesses( .were j jammed. j Much testimony: was. elicited, the suusiance,oi.wmcu was puunsueain uiese columns ii the time the';preiimihafy;exam iiiatidtf (dole 'place' ' bef ore J fhe Magistrates Court..! Wo therefore deem it unneeessary to.rSprodnce iL.; The. charge of ;JdgeJC; tylh he JPT, ?l )$? conclusion pt.pfs. testimony,: occupied about an hour in, its delivery , It was , clear- and forcible, and calculated to give that 'body' a'thdrbugh in sight into their duty in the'ntafferl1 'The jury, who were all colored, took the case at about iVcWk.'Vncf up to llie 'tfriie our ipaper weni; 10 press last, nignciney naa not larrivd at i verdict.' f-'! ."idn'li, .t i:i,1 j i The grand jury 'on Wednesdajr found jtwb true bUl3 agains Jesse J.! Cassidey.ja magislrate 01 this 1 cityv for1' larceny. . vne aadictment charges the defendant with tak ing. tom the office of tbe r Clerk of the Su-. ipenor-Court a small blank docket-1 In this j case it is insisted that the boos was formerly jthe'prbperty of tf. J. Cassideyantf the pros-1 ecution is' charged as malicious.1"' The 'otbeV indictment: charges' the 1 said J. J. Cassidey with taking a presentment against himself . from the same ' office,. We have not been able to learn the facts regarding the latter, but it is 'said to have some bearing on the' case first cited, 1 . Painful Accident. 1 Yesterday ' a colored man named Zeb Mbseleti while :cuttiiig wood ''at' a' point -about a'.mile and a Tialf ' froni -the County Poor Housey was painfaUyjinjuited.byithe jaMdirmlhig.fron.jhs hand qd, putting, iiuciies. j3l liicaacuger waa ai once sent vu ferer until late Siit th&'. day.v In the mean!- ' jmjs.llofele haihearly bledlo.fleath.i jthe arrivarTjf thefluperiatendent, however, heiwas coTfiypA tojthe .ppor .Hqitse.apd Icaredfqr The.-wqund isayerj uglv and mT.ja 1mAmi . -l ' t . time;jfbrifhil seasbn'of ih'eeaK' The sanifa rinVj';besaia'as,o .all tba cduntry on SfiMthtCarblipaf 'bbrder; ibetweenih &AUpa the jJUnwajawAWJI tiiTr -' r rfUMfcr'i m f 'f-'-- '-"V TtfVn.rWWl9J.7ni Jfi-i-i' it 'M m aebaay1 nlghtl'fMm' 9 "unfil ! 12-b'clocklf' Bridges' and fences were wasbedj 1 awayi mills -were hrjrpd and in ftwy places props li were materially damaged. 1 !.. t ' i Sleepy HellwJ-urnailini. celebraition.oftbe!.F.ourtb.o 4aJi W London,' Thq(facli this, organ, has fnrantton bow loner it is since the batf fte of Bunker.flin. '"Ii Is trellknown tnat'thef gentlemen "who write porme Atan?ard liveiin..iikind of political "eepsy.-.Sottqw.r, aprobab.ljr 9n$ tUMf 'vtike dp in" hi1 feditorial chair, lo learn tbati the Americabs iwre celrs ebrating Indepence Day i the. heart of London.. , N at.n rallythagood old manJorgot all OieTihtervening years S Vis faimWtiW'iM'M red bbt Bbotaatb-abdTebelsiot'Cbarlea- iowaHAtbdt t.lAVeimhq,Jiayeypeen hundred years can ,u.yi VimrlWtltBe' vituperaliVe bitttrmsS' this'old toryv j'Poxrf oldlellowll'bels nn. Ha f inline, and we, must respect them.' But .e mus t j remind the vemntret tones ' that rifi' is"'a 'hundred years. weirtdT4mccL we .expostulated with iheir'grea't grandfathers at Bun ker Hill. W'f-i-'H- ?v , r:J it.-.ti- b line jjegisiainre 01 jNorm uarouna, a -large 1 Sand intLttslastlc' crowdVsmLled here to- several prehmmari motions had heeu satls factoHryi3seaf. itid -the'- several cfisi (that nominations were then in order;. , The icon ventioh then n'roceeded to make Choice tkuc iwi iivuac, ' uui tun ourcnuiviiuciii 'bein asent'no 'aid waa' rendered' the' suf-' i Wjlearn that the .crops-j in Richmond j county, 4 are exceedingly promising at ' this I fin a Af thp. hRMviRst rams -Known 10 anv of the. residents of Laurmburg, Rich1 mnnn r.niiDLV. iuii iu mat ecuouii uu k cu oii-,i!iuij.1rewlyorlt.Herald.'ji'' t'-":V.' ! ;ooiF nin s tnre nsr me 7A.nicricau 6t -Eeilwacyoig Thursday. j .r- Martin conntybaa a'.citizen. by "; khe name at JohnHlLUl'- ; ?V J' Work willpCOB?riu3Qce-spon, on the new MethodUt'Ch'ufch'at WilSqir -Gates CbnscirvaUVea ave nom inated Gen, Roberta as candidate for Con-: jrontioia,aaJO CT 'CMfl3T i The Concord Sun will be re vived on Joly47tb-by Messrs Everitt and -Nelsonf;r; ,j;,;3 6 j r-) ..j. , . t, , tf ;! ' Mr. George Oaxson,.ofiMeD.ow'-:t ell county, killed iew; days ago, .a snake witbllrattles,.-;.':..!-; s i.; ;;, ,f - i- ., t :i . "-Mr. Joseph. ,8." Waldo hpa 4e- chued thd 3 Conservative noatiaatlon for Ckmventibhbu Martin acpunty, .iU -1 A party of young. Saftsbaryana -ire goipg tOifpend tthe summer in roving abouf the mountsiBS pf .this State. They i are officered -and equipped "lor ' the cam- . ' 1 'Igaiisbur TTafcAmdn ?" iTHfJl . . W. Fisher, of this- county, raised" from 3 -tiusbelaof oed, 121 f larger shocks of -oatsj ind he thinks it wulilireekojil between 10Q ! Iialeign iveuis , Judge Watts wUl adjourn. VVaksCourtaiusMteinoou, in ,.. arder to. allow hinUogotoChatham-county " Lo make a'political harangue-"there "Ho-mor- . r- .The.Grana JuryJ ut Wake have indicted1 IL WParfin,- Jf.?'opcthemuraeV 0t huLifer, mj rPanther , Branch, ( tewnship. The Governor' was to " have issued 'a proclu- itoQn:0f.reiP?uld Co? Jia isrres yesterday. -t 1 The fallowing Direcjors .of,, the IN.' C. Railroad were appointed by the private boro: T. M. Holt, Haw River; K. B Hav- Attorney ond omnion concerning National banks jreporting financial condition, reaffirming ibis position, and stating that they must com- -ply with the Legislative enactment or action jw ill be brought against them.' .; ;'' ( Gov.'Brogden-has appointed as Directors of the K C. R. R., on the partof Abe State, the following gentlemen : Messrs. iW.;A. Smitb, R. Barringer.t John C. Mc Donald, S. H. Wiley,' W. R. Albright, Henry W. Fries, N. II. D. WilSOtf art d R: -F, Patlflrsop, wUh W.;Stae proxT.-r - -,r.; . ; ---7(The cars, on .the, Raleigh i;.Au Igusta Air Line' will run as far as Cameron men Tuesday;r57!miles from Raleigh. .The ' Ifem &tcyaiiY-totu Cameron to Rockingham, where the R. & A. L. Rn R, wilixross the Car ollna r Cehtra!;f'iS '40 1 milesand it is thocght this will he completed: by the first 01 April next, giving n another ine usual gauge) route to Charlotte. 1 " " ' ' ' ' 'Kejr.' pr.1 ; Craven declines tlie nomination for Convention in Randolph in Sa letterj, a parlofjs.hicJk readSi,!' I.believe jthat no minister of theGospel, or President tof a collegg iliuJD h hj pC4iUcan Tbe pulpit, the hustings and the rostrum, arc iiurited in.interest, but not in discussioii. ; I think no inan has yet succeeded in doing good work In all of them." :-s.-i . : j .-..IJookyMopnt; Jfo?'ii;Te Pern-, ocratic Commissioners of Nash have already 'saved tlie -County 41.300 by taking ad van.- jtage of the legislative act requiring theStale o support its insane persons, 'rneir ttepuo can predecessors did not Know that such . law was in ' existence and. so supported bese persons lfron: the. Qunty. trea8urry, vhen other counties were drawing the mounts from- the State Treasury. -2 t tTbaeasc of tofiStatevs Buford, 'Allen and the R. & D. R.' Co. was heard (Thursday before Judge Watts, Mn' BuFohl ' and others ha vig4jeeaaUdteted-for the change of gauge Qfhat road, jnt the Wku Superior'Coh'rt: Theniotihsef igtied upon ;a.ca4e!i to .go before the, fS.URremerCpwt, when the Judge decided., the late.. Legisla tive Enactment ti'ncorislilutibnaliThe'Stiite itek hn appeal;. -io i.i i .1 -tl:j ..." io,jt.- I i4- Ws learn bj the New8 that a jwhite servant girl employed in, the, family jof Dr.' PihnixV infused poison into" Soup ' in itendedf or twomvaUd childieivv i Mrs, Pin. I nix tasted the. soup before givingMt-, to the children, detected the fact of its being pois oned and savedthemj hutwasieaelf made . violently ill andJife endangered She has, lioweverrecbvetea; 'The girl escaped,'! ' ' We learn bf the'1 'VbdH&li ihat ' 1(eavelandiMmer6prmgs'' are honored at present by the sojourn there of Miss. .Fran-. eel FiSherl'andTHisS-Constauce'JFenini6re ' ; Woolson,! both notedi aumba and rdsgazine 1 . writprfl t Knth nr thpfiA lAn ififl win iaka -an C&icuugu hXlkf tutuug4 wit? uivuuwua j JWesttroKdrth.-Crhlina this-sumtoer by. : 1 private conveyance. They have both. Miss . tion; to dwr splendid. tncpitai: scenery,! s , , , Buy, luuuuiug mm icoiguouuu, "V.hflrv the deacyoCtWUsqu-CoUUteW" citizens of Wilson, in -J?--ML$ aiaA Tr,r i gtMas uasseii, ine learnea :qnestedProf.:69X TtnteTo" CjI brdihglf '46heW Professor Jj B. lias .., T: : 1. -Dlomala (f --iRaleiga uNews: , Hon. A.-. S terrfaoh a&9en. Wm It' Cox' ten UnV cltyyesterday evenipg for. Moore county,, foil the purpose , pf. addressing, he citizens- of that coiintV to-day at Carthage upon'th'6r . Convention svajecb;. 'mBjearnvuaiiWu. Coxintends,visitingthe We8,lern portL?11 ofi Ak ItaW-dWngtne camp,aigbrahd:-wu1 aptab at vaiions points. 1 The; General i. Ji forcible speaker and will doubtless .acconi pllsh nhcli good wttereveVhe miygolnei , lightening the public! mind as to the neces, sities of thcbourt It is expected that other promirfent gentlemen from the Radical rid-1 deaportipn, of the .tato will , spend; much time in the West bet Ween this and the first Thursday in Aogusti,-4- r- :;'- t. o. rrt.Th.ft.irt.n. i &le ' 8i:. " We hear nothing more of Cffisansm. What haS becomeibf 'it!r, 'Why," it' iS jiut cofijipg off a little at pp9S rappb, , repiu s, the Courier-Journal. t tL-Monltdri tirrote' id the' Distrid Altorbey trying to get, !tbat S functionary t to prosecute Beecner's suit entered more than a year aio',' but hedeclined; ' having1 -been' sufficiently amused at tbe other allure., i( M rrr An. old riegro vpmap e,w ton county, scolned her husband the other day because lie wasn't pdlife' enOOgh. There la io better remedy for sdcslchrant husbands than, a pan of boiling water. -8avannait V 'A lady fainted iti a West BroaP . way ;car yestprday, and while iu p hurry for water a benevolent old darkey broke a wa termelon which bad been on ice1 allday and applied a portion to the lady's- head. The remainder he set about eating,' and 'had enough left to satisfy one appetite. Galve- jjf, ,,i jitji.j;.f i'; : , poL H. C.f Dernck,; of, Halifax cdunVy," Ya.,'i prominent 'officer fit the en gineer service on the:- Southern i side in ithe late war between the States, has received from' the Khedive of Egypt, on the iteoht incndatkm of General tif.T'Shermanjaa . jippoujtmpnt of lieutenant-colonel in the en- , gineer service of the' Egyptian "army. He will sail on the 15th. i s jJi . vj-. wooa, iwieign; jq.. Xii.iioimes, ' Bansoury; iDon.McjRae,' Whjgtqn".:t -;- t - f TBe Attorney (jfeherat has issued ' f The: acgertance,, by , professor n Department at the Seminary, -and Pro. J. a For; of iheiMalePepartiaenti at thelq-.