- ' - . ' ' 7; . " " ' ' " - J ' J ' f 1 r r i 1 i P. -: ": " ' ,J,-'"'V r-l 1 L, 1 I W rietor. I vj- . . x vnw. 4 -;4 K 18 not required that Oa1 be; mate Tipltonfi-J fooMriU.anto mM fPIPW: 0 eHaiderito EeToMi.whUe.manfuUggips .nle rT !!,Cli tBPMuMSfdfmid boVCabhtoh-wereveo muclHii vouV !th;?r spJdierljh?.Ufe.;i.,:juL Sih ntvlw&v J.lWhUfoid VnMoh viubefurniedwtt&outwbi TheBoutK at leastp eawiotJ bear itlie. 'tWsMMmli: mtis&pvfi Swuof June titb, 1645V fe Wi1 hpoa5 SSiii siiaw issl; PSSiS fl&M mioisteaff WlM l&to 1 rOnlyBuchUmittanbe at thetoV' f M?iSpfilS- fet troIlnHitf tMbe Iwordibr heUd Whiai wbo,wa, in possessippf Jown, u Love oSSafgSS lo Ureasonnig .wculAtlons gl'cokVf t3?f W Idays coptendnla .(ftiIrWfjuoai '.iW?a,?S,?Si .,1 from) States sand Jrom. jdifferenlj ; wLL it'-ifv' kBSvio:bfeul4 toinlnn6ttlfcfes7: i 'rmi v-wC j -.yg- "Mt-j,ff' f kceiious,liand 'hadls ibtowers,eilheiln sections ofthe tTnion. ;The United States LET EYERY SUBSCRIBER TO THE WEEIC- gSSill tM f6U6 ioek anfr1y?K I ; 1 0 v'f f!i fSHPfS?B5!,M inpf:ttWh;niaygimentoIoei2? fepaemaarwctakg fwiu UigBddgh: Cto: pa Rouse'sihousosn.th? JewberM turiiandamitintOTe'torkto . . UY STAR BEAP THiiSvpi; cost .oMBO.en74.pnq'' jyear? ttao;XJonsefatiVeW administeVeo?- r Adweqte,ai Jir. Closs was j orj m?ny road,?to drink cider and play wliist. They getberf .more, harmoniously, advisedly and e"ffeet JaiinaliriWiTTi. that besides making, tepadus;. thh6lfaicaIonie Phurohr 4 and consequently lis; well '.the. work prdeaWeommenced Love had prWpof roujowaipeopleiande admirar ???ivt.T?S yafmteinm-M PSKi InbbtbW'lta'prflSiff ftakeni8b 6addloMiWy tb housffalai . Wn &Vewti thV-orldAnd in'tf ed to pre-pay postage on tbe Weekly t"? ?mPuiJZ&i ?W,?mjmVttti &rtk: t We regret to learn ai tbe health 6fBrP i!?ftrdjIl:J?? seJ. botbnhold,t effortthp pploIbivjSOutbiBBdQfthd r :UC:?' J v;; -' -'- ' v Irat tfte? revivingifindastna ofaiKi T u P a-f uiaV lL.th&r Conservative. ;no ivv nrecai iing thersaddle before Wm,'he cut his wy great West bad much .to ;doras upon their Stlde tbifwm add nWakiVv l;-W EViEXd h totouse, maKing for iUlber ; ertions: depended Aegsucf1eVeryf im tiiiM&Bm ssasss SSSSs mmmm ir&m etit'iij tes'ltf rlab&Aanfibi py1 is-as isafe -'asy a1 sWecie ?urrettoy " U niViliir1!i fcrm 34 ailnii!1-' tinned for several hours and for a dav and lilfpa, Jrom PopUoi eouaj, i3btre 8. we needed more manufactories of I every PHl- BveVnmlja&iSit inneeS:!Smo standing to marfcTthe spothere the ; chaacterj; a 'greater; diversify injcrop afford :to1furnishltbjepape.ratl.0a S Smmwnml feo- biennialj fto abav:bV,:8aying-: Im Vean iao he bad a sim lar attackratt iscqneof carnage itooK pWce and Hhe piece and mpreibarmpnioua.wQrkiiig-lpgether: j i M-imWhim:mS'sb4! btfrU;fr fT. v :Mn?.ifr mnn& kP9dwbJchtfh8beei?ifptflea y 'per year and pay tbe postage besides. PMIiiraik tcilklfigrHr;vi.4jt.Jttt.a RimiiiShSSSS io&meri He'agaWxtendett aweitWtftdibeCotldn! 'f"il,u r'- PP1 :tftSOl4ysttQ?ibo;( lexpenseoflheiast Lelathre- !0fc Kf2!KehaS a welaaphoiy interest frbiatheimburnu States Congress to tforth Carolina, Iterms oleriptn, khe nation at bearte.machW fttS.; SBWte fe :atoS : SSS2S One Copy 1 year, postage " r" i. VAui-'G months, "ri, "V. 'Tin" -'-r-''- Clubs of 10 or more, postage paid,-. $ll25 pecopy4f :. ( ' Under thrs ' new arrangement snau : eniorpe ine casa rigidly tban eer before our subscribers remit names will be dropped A statement of accoun: sent to each subscriber, all will' Tespdnd without' d e' Vio-w is the time for getttog rip Clubs to the Weekly Btao. 1 Show the pa- lrjv-iftri a2- -Vlaa Ti rirM Itn-Trifffifrntta ..A :l .-vi; -wih i-.-r i-.'ur- -J v.si I and.get them to. join in. , We want I thebisgst imbscriptibn m . . i f. .. . , -..t.,.a.. ,,v . . ,., wA onn.tnhxitfn onir wii k - i r i o . money. f replaces arveTV -expensive in- f . . ; ...if . -f . . ,. 4 , ;strument'of commerce' With onemuch tAatl'i aaa41 i rrViMM a4 AMhnllft .1 . ..;,.-- r rf., -.--Uv A con venie;nt4: o 'Ctreolatiditrc.6ine'sf to 'W 1 1.?Vif':i-WM.?'l DO Mr -m' -f i ., -ui: uj.iv;w t;.-i.-.i: i ''harrSs'itiHSSia -ur& .-s wi, lyy wuiaiw. ui,, -aireauy tuo!i fipeeuj :iion. . In apeakintr ! of this. --Mr.- r 3IoCu'nochi'rhd ia considered high. x pense- J ot. eoinage . were idefrayed Jaignorage . the: weight i bf Mld i -worn. u;oinv recpineijai f betfm;tdt tip by: U tw pulilirfi Ll,4 ht-re I.-, heKide, a i-pii-aiaiif 'iVWfrtlitiT ipwrtlkfire aid oUifr.acuidenttt; and wtten due alU.Wf ance is madeTOTI hes bfVastlp, erhapfe' ttFwVon1f not bVtoo uiitt-ht to Kuppoe that a jepuutry whuih; h:it -Hlftrv; mtllfonSblf oidfeonw ii."jiN 3uiaipn would, have anii.Halyw lo ini port the one liuiidredth part ibfr'tliat or f aif laoiili ioiv Wi n.a.itain ltBii. r- reney at a prper leVel.?x: ?i0sfhii '"Js jesiimated thkt it 'cbhV Prance ; ; ab !fe.O,O0 J tier tallie elrla v States roquif es ' aT cfitrrency " fir "ri satesf inAthe shape J6f yearly the f r"m!EjituUim:fire; K; l;(j5o,;c'wls acMnIi!i;lo - theeal - P1"? gulattng system- soonjbe kipnvRber M wmemDerrinaii.we senft au papers ifeiai pnnciples. ;-lne same intnff naa 1 uA..n. t .rs 1. i kthcujuhs 1 ;fo;ia7eaterto . -is.- A,t:Y-W.,?itn- i , -vi :. v. .1 '.7 i: .,' IV- ; '-.a r : 1 ; r. . v.;."" .r.,."r."! J The contributor menfiohed . makes f necessary, 1 i ffv y ' ,. '.''ij first: a souriu, economical financial ir-.i-JU- wi y j- ' ment or the country yearly subscribers; but for 10 oriuore Virge on our people the importance of tt&e.:'':. .-.;:"'lr,000 0 fompleted as far as Cherrjville.!ThU end - !tf$J??1?&'l conimittee.,,? ,:-,a-. U t ..:iKv.tr . .v ! t. i v " t. , ,T f j r-' has now been extended nearly to Shelby, . the authorities of the Wilmington and i! President Buller gaveabrief historyof Pr11? iPape? f ?h.V?T. going to the polls.5 Don't tell them i 5 . Total cost of Convention u30 030 00 w-knR a continuous line from Wilmlng-1 Weldon Railroad Company: not ih&Ticket the organization and its objects.!' It was copy perjear,;free of .osts:. jhow bad the present Constitution' ! Ti,e voting -nlAtiM-.tahil'fc' ?l "r"68 :lonst -'gTe,-toe$i. Mdfreight agency here hadanynplicapf; prgapized at Atlanta in-aaTaiWitla view? , . -r """" s; f" noting - popoiation 'is about North Carolina under one management. m ,khis chantre. Our people here are dis- of bettering the condition of the people of . ;;' ,.'...,(., ..- b-t how, much worse it will be if, by, i200,00twso! that the :cost'vfef ConVoh- : "Its farther extension west is the subject, grtmUed, and justly so, too, at ucb jtreat- the cotton States : . ' I . . .. , FAFEK VUSUS UOL11. -: i J U- A,-- m,m0n0oo : ,a ,w-m.t f lio I i. ' Wv! . ! 1 i a umcicuw i wp'""ii "cici iu JC- I u vuuiuauj uiusts a . ,n qaUiOaSl: OCH3CK UO Centiemen 'Ot i y:"t-'--i - . i " v"VD;ii r r I tion wiu De nrteen cents to the voter. mrdiithe direction. - Adam : Smith in ' hia "Wealth of RA(lio.ala to- elect, a maioritv of the I l:;' x'..L" nxed determinations t .T ; r- ' egai-. f , ; y. .v, jand estimating .the taxable , valueiof er at Hickory by at ; paperin the room of srold -and1 silverl! s-rii t ..?- A-' . - ',. -I Li - . .. . . tnnor-rhthrfmmS """FJ?;! bat mUhOTranw. What a PWtM . . r- paper .j.curreneyr-ana ...Vice fihrfr17 AlfrpH rniirTVahd ht Dii? " - V7f:i piles to vjintmuuH allies uisu ui pu uuuis, .icnpuuucw w uy vrr mr xuaxweii, ite kmmk. p&m mp ;.,.?TO5tj?e Ulime-Ott'tKeleliatt i iUik TrutTnaa f niplyby. exerciseortfea igraat bulk bl West India and fouthiAme neaa'U WWroed'witn.-l1 .posiuotoreceiye ,old .iou;4 f refcnoVmln8treV iy1 iWlprodttCtsneedfoi; thesup-l IV Member: of iW Bcw,f.uc w?ar ami ear i - -"-" . - -i-v-' -vi . -r ., ., . , ... w n":"'- irs vlt j: ' "t m - r. HivQngwaa:wji1i.ivi8ifctnj&!inaaue'iiyii la.aitoiberrtm avuroniy.oQar.tifc; s poitijcat.iv ecouo- QWWQr, nhe WerentX beweew bav yeat ) Tbemountf; goia'and J i ; totalijff4u,OCDOAoQTo;keen bold bullion to tiiYti fiiiAAl T T v 'V UTWj 000. Figures BpaV for tl.amselves, and they speakmuch more eloquently and buy up the $150:000,000 of gold vrI?LJ.i.tIlfl::t : -i 1 !liovided, al wysf that competent1 arid f fX --m.? -5 we s jjol. .-i-i ..n;!; 7f ? i fete?Bfell : i! 1 Pont stop now, to d iscnss.the par-1 - .J . ' ' - a"-'" . . t ... '1 jticular amend menu to.XhVi iftnstHuJ ,'ua,' . "eccasury ticirau.e. , 4 ix . arsumenvH or tJiauuraievuisuus-. 1 ? : - , - . i 11 ti uiuu aio . a wa. 4&ai- . uiouuisrf a fw- ..uv wi.vviijwiim6 T, ; ,w -v i - : . i. i . 2L. ... - r i H OF r.nnrsp . no margin whose henalf 1 vijst J ii u -tHit (. : wm; ; a commission de lunatico tnquirendo - - . ;i . . jine8 tor-a swgie -moment that ine U- i . "ii: L-juitu t?.tiJf r,' Snea for a sioi Ament-tKflt the aauicai8. in case iney couiu..coutroi Uge ottheirictojy PS Ota vwv) x-w y.v-?:''F iliberties of the people by a Jtadical, lafc worKiuc. s.-, si5 ,u: M,li.!i l.i,iA,. l.u,.;i.ii .;i. . ..m 1 " ' i rnrrs rfi.iM vJwrfwjjws4ji was"- - un motion, uov tirocaenann iAiavor I f i Arwhri1in tli TlnilionlKtst.! the I V vn, 'V ;jHaQc the tteigu Aw produces .skeUh bf Refine ppects. sysieiu more i T . HT.vT- VV- '1 Pu' 1 ;' Br ' ne Aonservauvo jot. the Carolina Central .Railway ,accom- I Wtea kml nrovin i; t h vi&i I tQeatsn Uie noorijand.theae gantlemem ':.' tir?. '! 1 - -. .- . . h - .- . j 1 -.- -.j - . w v 1 ,i m 7 -f " ar . . . ' , i . -.- . T-r---r . a ia. uiuiu aavio ia cukca in inc. Lwrm i iu r-iiiTn mil . atb mi rr, -.-. a i : j j ks:n ' i j i !'. from our lisL;V tfjfjfjiffl WMSok l"& 'brinSn him - to4 tf fparteof thartjdeas lows ;,thanl jand waibnild upa thriftrlittlewnatthisl 1 followreprestatipn , and We 'trUSt I n, KoH IntorfcTaH on.l ntAd Iri . . 1 - . - - . " . . 1 JM Our pruUCrUJT ,. ... .. v.: i . -.. , I f AmODE UlQ Commercial &nd. acrinnlUirhl.l f Tnnmi nf ArtinuQ 1 ! . iar., i-; 1 SfKiw.t nnnfjsition to their.! own nnan-l .1. t 1-1. , .t --t-- I i J VI U1CU.IW IUU lb. .,; geniuaofbia peopled A Con- 7gc r . ... r, npi - BVV:ltepatbfe crticmwng, jviUtlt Ui dwWal irisdonf ; and temiiLtl ; V CoL CltarlethIb,rff4Nrlolk, who COjuraanded fhel CfedeaMiiiipes atjKort Pisu?f, jjaia issued a call foisate liufou of iwutx rvriiBerat?jrati WHiaMigtoh.'i-r AVllHam; thel!RlommanbltvKsvorda al ffd Rotah off Efnandtin tttled4mt kuiglJkeliuimriiiCwk pro, ppsfa jo; cejbrajtBi wjtlt bisujrv i v inj pbiniuand the reatf artillery iconfl of hWa'-:1 .aait-uBml3tfn IbTdref d4iwltlt'4he '.I .aicaTsr but and hraerwlhfr'ad taWdbewin t5ast,bUi6affra:gba at i f .. . . t j.. r -. EnBSiMHBIWM MM m m m m M . rcc ejiraMi .o; a4)c3l.'iP3- "" per?. M in that great mysUriaail'Vlaarsf t WWJfflfWK'r!.- STlW iWt'nB88ite&tl.i&Sitt' ilHait.i '',- ii..!, .rki ifif,irtj Sg5T!lig5 a stoic consolation Ian mhajfatinn wf" CODVtetion to select caudidateapr: equally divided, hf mi; u.'&A. 'Butler waa ; reiele6teAPxeaitcleiiti of t j nessee, at such time as- the President shall th:l;.f !tleakgtittionairCo -'ReMeM. iW"t-WV?nW h$ thehereafter . .. a fftejf.re nobler i . . - t" V" - M. L.. Holmes etL yaVTV :U. .Crowellet P 'thn atteance Unonhet hresent 'Th9 fpllowingrdispatch fa-n.And.f thaiiall th,vRri.;k rmi on 1 will meet at the (Jdartwllowiii'tlifa L from tipiq'Error n' 'feiredtba'slreclallcomm tha. .a leariw 'T'J "gbV ? iMesatai.wCjoDiaitoai- deydafby- men the viMM pm& Ujl4 W R . J; H.4iis.et aki vaVR.iJwwrflielf ;all tbp j-Sonthern amt inanyof ' tfce lA-McPberw),,- t,-,. T"TT Tri"nii iitmrnriiiv ill 1111 wr . i I ii- -- -MrmrrT-nriT-mri-rrriTTri--rT--i -r I --"-" " ijai. l. xjii r lona J L.l J i TArrpn ana miEne Tumn nnninpei warmu ed.toA inucli.i:Wl-9W i ""w V i5 H al.iJroqi oion.,rAJPred,a fMprtliwesli r. ;. tr-r rt ' li liftdiMM't niiinurti.ii .a.an.ian.. in i I! here lor ueteuuautJ .. i t r WJU r TIIKV RADICAL PAKTT M COSTS THE PEOPLE, 1 lA dontr!iitor to theRaleip-K JV'ica. I to whou that P3per gives the pfomi I , . , Ttr: com ive expenses the great differeo jncos between; the t paHieg Ibesumraari ordi bpwrdper Re antmin eipense.' t i a Supreme Judiciary lo((Wii ex Iright Ggures: :. rioA viAiiKMfWc. ritnnK.. j:.i--: I 2 door-keenera at n m wr iiom . in on b clerks at $5 00 per diem.:.,.. . 10 on 2 paces at $5 00 per dim!. ... ' ,T tJO ConUtient " sa mv Total t .-. . : An tiraate the duration of the Con- i, - ventiori at thirtv davsi and we r i; 1 ;1 - . . nut r x a : iitivov. ... . ; . . , io tKt Art I jnueage. . ... .j. . .. C.000 00 I iJr.;,- tv ---. - - Avn. n. the nronertvnf thp KttP it. Itinn nnn - J j'.i. t iv 1 000 we find the cost1 of Convention L- j .. Vara. K;n-;" Ii -.vr----.li ! n -'.j.-,, . '. pI ' 1 Snu Vtina, o; I r".-1" p?yuMii3'..yy7.Y U-when we consider .hat,fit.YBBa. feiS- t-yrb .WV-k juies .inoupie w Bare complex aad pamberaome genius of 4.bi people: i A Con- j jwiti coapge, aic this mating the bur- wry;inn wmr it oiu enaugn 10 . oinee the, difference beweCn sleiep. ' .The, CoiiHervative orerahiza tion should be kept, alive.and fresh as liominatp; vfitgrffeeU;aJd d. iia iiiitairB itftmitto&i Let ; not the canvasy nag: ;Pnisji the; Gonservati tea Ideaa3?:arc nieoa jjbjps Jrjaest ,ca aetianjthetatei W frontrtsllt? wiuVubfcpatdiitlbtiU SItlrlg fdrkhevJnws tof efeat. X3et fenfwbmci'p .sucpewUhiUtj,vrpgfoUsm imay mbchruUed;hi -rrTr-.-.-..-T... ton States consress. now n session in that J n, Sn.. i, ,ooi . I """"rr" r LS Calvin and Ilard Cider DT" ' We of Hie Olerlt at thft nnnlridi Caurtf al re! 3 Qf lIe past intha sL-pe of a catipaJgnprf property ofthe'grafalSeTpf ills Cierji. - A 1M -UUOK - llKiiUUCO ;uiuuiiuair;i tntlyr MnJoii fci thhfe no I In 1 W - tofeitforhfe6Wne winoiil bis IrttAthk Miiti. I f trust nhist liealth Hill WaU 1 ;"nv:-"nr'7vr"! ."ny.Tw iisjn ifii,j iiirt irifoiftlJ f SrV 5Mt ,vi ""c ucuyciotiuus.ui, II1B..VMI' Rival lines njay have looked j upon this I a with disfavor, and rival' interests ob 1 progresa rwiuivjcaious oppose 1 ;ook opal n, as; a great 1 ior fine, present aeyeiop-r. J aercial seaport, and promisins I in thn fntnre tiv iLi nnnnectionn -with tlia I , j. ' I great West to bring North' Carolina in, the J irreatline 01 InterJceanic traffic. ) 'i'Thialload was originally known as the iWilmington Charlotte and Rutherford road, and before the war, under, that name, j was icompleted to within few miles1 OfiRoek Insham in U.e county 0(1 Richmond. Tbe company fell into difficulties and. the road Passed into ouier nanus under a change-of . J name. tjnaer its new; management it has - . - . - . . . ? . . a been comoicteu to Uhariotte.' Bef ore -the 1 wwieruvuvi vi, iw.iunu.uiiu ucenii finmiueiea as iar as i.nerrvviiie. inmnnn i The extension in a I 1 to. be made with the I Uarplma Itoad, but wheth- I ton or -whether from' an unsettled point i But , when. the cou- -w..-jt.-. --j w3 J. - nection is madu Wilmington is brought,. by the comoletioh of the-W. N.' C. Itailroad H",M"J.tw-JI V'w!"- . . i . r, -webenfeye that-Wilmington -possesses 1 tfeWdla . canand.Tertwincuawg ? " 7 lA I !';Ui ,a?rj?flpji.i i-1 I L.'!i' t l rfy t till T,, v.sVik1- 'litliio Vi,,n'moAArtW,arftAniWi1ftT' 1 At 11 o'clock. Tuesday, the President. a KS ,n I Odl. . Bd0WV of :etttf4i called. branch from LIncoIri-1 in ;Temovrag it as they have done; It 1 peats in carriages and proceeded to. the In oneioy to, Asoevuie is-i buouiu coinBiM;4 ?; HfK W -iu,l Bane ASVlutti.-:.'. Arrived '-'there: thev t the hall of the House of .Represen.J rt-r : sooniaaitha nroaea-HioaiHiar completed.! i unites the tineat weat-,with Uia At--I ahAotvi or wi minorrin i CihcIhhauVf or Instance; 580 miles from 1 '. . : . T" .1.1 . . ... Efltl limingionor ironxcauunoreisuiatmucn 1 noiMn tnihii WPBt TnriiAB hv tho riiotanna between Wilmington . and ; Baldmpre; 880 between Wilmington, and Baldrnore; 880 miles. WBmmgtanrtsoato rm ivrifii tha b4mv. coast,i and. consequently ' ia mnifcii wa. amaa Laavs ir"" "1" 4 m carrying put , iwithurope an We learn from apde reloW that aim 'riiDS laD thai-and mother 1 ilMk.n;;:i;A;i. leclort.hippn4bixea B,oarbad,again ,i. Jifir.Ha jUu ; Tiio xtwv - v a.aavUti . uUMav b wou ta), V) a i u SWparyeYo p?w lines of the .mi oiS&tt&f&Wmml I . nm . Jintn:.. in aovinn 1 1 - . -w r ut ire wis ,011171 r q produce seek-" I i ItaaessionPlemberao t&eluaoa oij dweci.trana itpress are mvitea to accompany ine i ky-AwiflS& f J ; iij Oi cbhhtl-s;(m?ljie'oaat,pettliy1cott6t,,iare 1 Lynchburg (Va,) ,Nali(iaLBauk. rai,i delegates to National Cotton .Exchange.. -' ery'frOoHilset" aWronftbciiv nek jfefppi'ttf th?secilou,1iut it-4a feoped MtmM jh?enicfiTs!ftnetk te Hat,4tNorm cWolm tbtW'.wi .WV4lraignjHr,?i loftnU:,ElUs. .mJtfa n . " n.rnrr l ,04 apd dated ypsemite ValleyJ Cat, enr Ptr andiJ. V.nton d North Car- WM$mmmiffr&te$- crJVff. -akriowledginent vof j--,money iOHm"'v ' ' - J,v V . - ' was Instructed tw. xunj thel I YXmt" j. -ameer eiira, xnaue an awcuipe iaak- duiut ryj- wtiVJP'T.yr vn' "Vf frr'fT-.fiT'T",Tf day with twomeBniamedareggahd33oon While in New York, , tpp 'bartkerV cenr . "We ha jbee: shown a gavel, nnde of the wood of a 1 jlberrv tree, locatecfahout ten ml! i from .7ilminffton. ' This eavtMs Tery .tndsonUy varnished' and tn-imed Hh silver baoda. : It was ; presented l)y a r fraternity tor Ab Lodge to which, he he i "v m ...- . - -- ." tr IhJ Oth annfversary of his be- fVtW'V'H" DtfUrr Palnku.l'h. rMM-Tb , I n- ni. . . - ot I vuiji-i -Wfi w.rvitli'iW -oii?i,H I iiJ .VVtJ fiTO'.t3rA:-rAa--,BQbne rattentum' lal N MTIyarriedtadfe ihia nrst weeK Of lta NimprinF tlnnrtJ ,th. I I . . . Improvements' going on in 'this prdsperousil communtty inays e; mentioned thettisefurr d"y"MV" ,iu wwypnsipg.u jMessrs. westorooKs, which, Dy the aid of a wwci;igiqeauuita aaraniajes anu ex public.TbIs valuable apDendagetoRockyjl tfoint Bilds Ilia and nsefnlnpss f ri t lift niar-n . 4 ; rr : 7 , . i jatia is patrohiieeti far and wide by the iciti- ED8fender.:f?f Hj nttj; rt;..: A. tem l auc oriA.it iaus 10 pui in an appearance 1 LAleiander, B. M. Colling Jno. TI Whil lero of latemre than once or twice a I f6r John ahWooten.Ceorge Ct . Taylor, rtt.uuMi iuy(Mii-,kw,,Mu? iMiw-j Phe editoiailltfitter giyq aomabody an LVAYlionllnir'frtr TKanrloot infhio irmllfir tt iyi Rocky y?int has, also been treated badly, of laJte.by, J n unceremonious taking away ;of the tele- i ' - '"- -"--.. . an unceremonious taRin? awav :or the tele- ki,u-"c uirapmuc- uy; me yicti-i era uuitui leiesrauu. ijummnv. 1 protests brainstit. A teleeraDh office is indianensi- 1 h i , ra -r -i 1 m ble here.- The Railroad. Comnanv also feels the discourtesy or the Telegraph uompany ,,J'i . lipcKV Point. ' f- ' ' m-m m i-' t ' " WW fiSmflW. STATSjtcfl Gfti2.aai4 . j : U ti , ?.ii,w.ilt-.y4riv4ii? vi -ha'jct ! , r . IMrlinffiMW JUOf, w"2 IfO V. 1 . nir-r-i9rzr.i:z j: . Zj:Zk:7t I sfTess in behalf of the : state, i which I will be'responded tor by the'PreSideht ii "b r rr t- . a , ji - -u a n.1 w aa a a n m rn .- i i n an i. mm9.Ti F. H. j3usbee will v then we? ; irtTsttyin be r-&tatea-:.beiiig-. repre- aftdhlteblWeeheTally l,fik& I nnil!Ari.hiir KiXs:tltT...a fMrkt iti thA. I hnra Ranlc .tnnWiin sVentin' SSrfeM ?!Zw!S& atttmiihad'Ova 'tft amount bnJ dM a - - f iHbnecestxnd;rted.4t sot ery often fails tqj rcomeMbbe posfofflce ! ere' until ; it is Several davs! old J ti me nour namea vne irresiueni, 1 1 "V r ! 8 , ,uuaiuCM na, tneponyentiDn; tOtraery iBTmeOcJ '.'tiy;iaW:oica1XV: idgers fe1 . T5rOrrlpn will WAlo.nmA t.KA Con- I irhairman A' A J..ii .-i.i. ti.,f? Ama Kn" wlaly . -.7 i i aia aia iuauuiGu uauio - a caa uuauic - iu COTTON J. TAT ;S. CONGKESS, DU. u Biltt ? i reaeea-Tbe cotton states ' onsre.. AVeleomed to North caro. liurnBU - to. -insu'i uo VUJCCII people, - to the fjftnitol of this Stat.fi to the ( BusbeewbOf in .behaltof-Mayor .SeDarks.. extended tdd 'Cotton Sta'teS: Congress a beartv iwelcbtae " v yf- en nessee, responded to i'Arkanaas-Jobh TJ Jones. 1 jSeorga-r-CoL D;:E.; fuller, jPrrThomas j aynes, Hi. 1. fame, JS. W. Uutler.and I Eagetre Morehead.' jiv. 50 7. ; ji i v p. I jprtq UarohuaUQl;., 'Thomas fit., llfilt ;Brevard pavidson, Capt; Cf B. Deusoq, Graham. Jordan Stone. R. T. Fnlhum. ' A 7irioK nNiao 'rl .' W Tnmni I :rn. vitut W xji. via xnnn.uWi' I t i Johnston, .Cot' -Wm. Johnston 31. A Bledsoe, C. Carltonj P?, M, ClosSj a, B, njen. w. it. vox ana carter ttarrison, ,.: ni!lhUi;Car6UnaKM.'Siink" i I : I rri. i. t r iirLi. u r . L. .-.;. i Tennessee--Dr. W;1 Maxwell.! I N 1 iff J udge Jones, of, Arkansas, moved a conn j mittee 'on ' business: ' ' Messrs: ' Jones,' ' 61 iArkanUan, Jaynesy o( Georgii, Maxwelfc of Tennessee," Holt, of North Carolina, and i Tennessee" Unit nf .VnH.ii nrniini ssims, oi oouux tjaroima,'1 were:' made said I & At half mast4: nVlhcV tho irAntlAi ii PnmH I ;M w " uv-wiaiuauivu, iT ZUA-uar-. I tet'nf Tvitfltmhi tht TAtt-anrf 'iviahUv i.n I a t number i !ot I ffefltlemeni of the Icitv look were I hvelcomed, with, the courtesy characteristic 1 bf the Superintendent. Dr. . Grissom. and. fconducted, tbreuglithB f idiffereht ards ' When9,:hmfldrygareas,i e, , tThe,,vjar. I WCfO 1UUCU BITUCK WKU lB OrOer 8V8- a aem anaiieriec&iieiKaesa'aiia eieaBimeasfei I feverytMog- i Comparisons were drawn be- ;Sa!f aDrW WS'nn, Mf i w . : SIGHT SESSION : ,v . .- ..r" -" v" . v ' II -. xteport, pi committee on cotton xacto- J4 v' It ' ' it a avviuiii VK-tAWuniUEQUUisuiUGiicu'j:! v 4. Report of CoL J. L. Bridgers on agri- jtehnuieV&cv -V ftfc;iraijm .tii mi air . - - - - ra. Uaii tor informauion -from the-lirect (Trade TTninn nf Pfttmnn nf TTnghViilry ? establishment of agricultural bureaus in the several SfattS . .;: 1 3u iEssav onasrichttural edncatioa. bv:Dr. E. Ml Pendleton,, .President .fif.the, State. AerlcuUural College of ' Cebrkia. to' be read' ; by Capt. CiBwDensonX.I j,i ikJ Ifes 'yaw i - 8. Inquire into, the best means' of bring ing aut a clo.' intercourse 'betwecii the ! Charlottb, NJ C, July 18, 1873.' ; 0 Is alkedfdyr wheehe the. feen pf r einY lx oji KOllierMCurievJaUoni i than National currencv is beneficial to t he I cHtbVinierests of th4 South,1 and If ftl W ftealj j(puldi;nt,:werif h (rates; jyf j mtertslj WJXTi S-U I- , " R-ni.rn' I be. t.I expect to graduate tat next .commence- mecttt s 'rGraduate f v " Whit 'will yott gradP ua.teJ4;MbyUabitptun ji -f rmjr "aaat a j tiflvu HBkMmd'rin'theW eadiag J pljc 3 iberet Wf ije-. Sfc j njelhl: f rrt v. cbolora iofaolum,and during the week eud rngilast Satard-taefeViVe .10: ifi if a i: j. i m fnt k iiir1. n? Imbii fled tHepUnWr-.- BV K'SarVorfgave bbHh'tp. finatbo yediiday 1w iti& doll qt'Mialli-4tt VPtyasya.ilttJei3nUy1,and.e;5 Eieces of excellent cheap music are berehy ejknbWleded' Hoto 'PJW.: -'Hfemtlck;i278i West Sixth street, Cincinnati, Q. i - 1.; and. Alma.of the Conzrefy J ,w ( ) In Ohio thUisseeemtoboso tiYo.i would puzzle the-.tnost-expert lirht- result iu .vctooer-witn any-aegree -of certainty. t-Tho lAbefalSKjBpublicans are rebellious; atgthe ihflaiion 1 plank oif ihe pemocratjCvplpfpr arc squintuig strongly grto ward "'Gen. Hayes ffrGovetpijIapdnhe Ger mans are mad generally .at tbe De-mocracyi- fofi nominating - Cary, aif appstledf Tejnpl vrwyeruor, 3numaager-i8tuiat the" epublicaflsi ;f or their lppori of 8amptuajyawsfOrTtIo the , old-time " hard? money Jackson. Pmocratal55keh tfiepaper i nfla tioa planVahd gag not a little at tho ' nbyel doiepresent&d to them! but Align Hyed and was Indoctrinated in - ie jaays or-stack8pn,4hey tvill likely let thefplatform slide and' hold on to their ts'andidate. While tlie Liberal will divido.between Hayes and Allen with aajority favor :of the lle pfcbfteatfcand wiU ' 4riably drop CaryTadd : rally pretty cenerariya for- AJhfand; the hard, money Jackson Democrats -will con better than. Hayes and specie- pa y- ptMLhrpJae jtw;o lemeutsi that are less boisterous and less ndted yi look ingfver are in earnest, and have the vauta;e grn -wltbVhe JeopIe0ranted tliat are .illpgical and that their prom ises of relief 1 aire deluwve; iwluvcaH demonstrate that to empty pockets and eiuptytstornachs? ;4A drowuiny math will hot stop waiscuss'ih buai - ity of the timber or the architectural ' arrangement of a raft that offers him otre; phancer in, .a, tli ouaaqd to get ; o shore, and the tens ,pfi, thousands who have suffered embarrassment, or want or bankruptcy, !and who bow proftVi i their labor or their products for a just iAuieii3iinmi in vain, wiu oe inclined : to prefer any policy that contemplai os " i achah f roiti;ihe ! present uni versa I ; paralysis bf business. They saw pros perity, or what they regarded as pros per, iwbeu ipflatioa was atits high est tide, and would gladly return to . it as a refuge from present1 buffering. ; They also; see :profligacy and; Ju xury , in official : circles, while the , general thrift of the country, has' been jiros tratedyapd.thepp pro poses to I overthrow debauched ami distrusted placemen, atid put' mony iheverybodyV pnrsej - will have pa tieand syrnpathetic. audi tors, whij ;hard:nipuey:men; may theorize Jn the i Lgrandest eloquence and most unan- Hweiauiciugic, wiLiiout inspiring :i iplause, j or even . passive approval,' ifrom men who aregtti3ying how they may prbbure'meat ahd drink, or wherewithal itheyr shall f. be clothed. jTordayl Judire. Kelly plunsres like! a bull into the Ohio political china-shop, auu win vindicate ine muauon piai form' to men df all parties at Youngs town, aud; every . proof he offers iu support of .it will be a. plume in Al len's cap. f Close upon his heels 'is lieneral Jiutler, who publicly defends the Ohidplatform,' insists llhat it is the one vital issue before the people, and, praya for .the success of. the A I- ilen. ; tipket. . Such is the pplitif.al IjurnbieTn Ohio, apd afte.rr the liiber- Idrinkers and ; Hh& j forcible j abstai n e v and: the Jackson jspecie-jinglers shall ;all have pu t their prauka in -the cam Ipaign wW look "for empty ' stomachs land t!nijty j6cets to win. the' battle jirithoendjand make Allen,-the cll- istylq.Ir-moneyJacksonlte, Xhe in itiation j ; .yprrior, of , the - Buckeye jCp'mmo'nwealthr ' The iribunk and (tbtt''li'l:ilieii publish elabor late editorials 'to' prove that ' Allen's election, , is i. a, hard-money ; triumph, and the , Cincinnati . Jmguirer. &ad Judge" jttelley '' apd ' General Butler willrbclaim tbd glorious Victory of inflation. You? paya i your money and yW takes. your choicel' ,- ' '-:D?eatni it Gen. Vrineia'P. Blair. The telegraph announceathe deaih afGerii ancis R Blair, which event joccurred at tjjpuis. Mo., Thursday inigbt at ' midnisbt'. Although' Gen. Blai. had beeil!iU for 'some months, ; Dy means - or toe operauoa oi irans- fusion of blood be had been gradually, expeqtea tnatj tie woum enureiy r cbVeril'.At the'tim 6f his death Gen. Blaif was initKa fifty-fourth? year vi hia agev Ha 'was borp.in Jjexington, Ky., and was educated , in New , J ei -sey, bat soon after finishing his col leee VtobreS,Bato:W--3dIlni8;1!Moi; land 'began! tlve practicetf i law. V Im- h lhej jyiexipa jwarhbfee iout, being ' the plains . in jrnrM"itrf health, he t . . listed in 'the1 United' Mates' arm' y a.M pvab, aid servea diiiil 1 847: ! lit 1 84 ) heattachtbimselfMtO'the refM' I ; braucbtf the Jmocratic partyj Ku,yr pottitij ya,Ja W.arOping. tit : extension of slavery ; into the teinrn riey) t arrheaftual'fc6mmencem F '. hia'pubUc,careVrjhd'weyef,Minay I' Haui M;bava Jreeii jn.jl8p2f.w.ben i " was teturued: tk the -Missoprl Legud.t ; tore. After serving, in thisbody 1 r ongresr aifU!rats une- nextr"eieeii"i. wan drfeateilbttlf iu J6U?aod '.,62-wa again -reirned Ip j Jj3 ',b; enje j vd the U"iiiied Mate85'army as a ColoV'i orV6(unaeB,bu waw'mafJtt'a bridiergepclral. and in herni fnarchj tkibe sea command ed the SeventeenjCprpaof tjjp Army Blair&aarprobablyi bjtjjyipwy.? th iatlre rei)ple fronts being Iho JiuUehMc'cand Prer- service waa iu-theuUnHad:ibUttii!'.ii). ilf-:UoW nt -batJ f... ioit si j-i- i or in Mii-MiThe Deniocrata and liberals oi -l l.i ! Ill I I 11,1 I II .1 . Wiscoosio bold their Elate-Convention ta SepLi8, itistead of July 8, as reported, .Their call is entirely non-partisan, t of, the TeiincR8ee, r. xjo resigned .m 4 - 11-:-; '1