AM i ' ! 5883288' i 3 A 4,- 8S3SSSS: 2S5SS5S 6 Months It SSS2S8S. M oaths B B H 8 w M H a 7 .a$- s I t-Ml S888929' Xh.: ..So. n I " w 18888S8S-4 SSSSSSS" 4. J - llillfisffi 5. W tf w CD h e o . W Post' Offle Xoney Orden Inay b! obtained ia all the cities, and in many of the large towns. ; We consider them perfectly safe,; ami the best means of remitting fifty dollars; - aegMMwu juetsMiMiaer f maw system, which went Into effect June 1st,' are a vry safe means of sending small snms of mo nt'y where P. Q. Money Orders cannot be easily obtained. Observe, the Reaixtry feet as well as Mi8tage, must be paid in etamp at the. office hero the letter Is mailed, or it will be liable s o I xi sent to the Dead Letter' Office. Buy and i)kc ihejttimnp both for postage and registry, put 'he money and teat the letter in the pretence of i oft-master and take hi receipt for if. letters ni to us in this way are at our risk. ,r -.'--. Subscription ?rice. . The subscription price of the Wkkk iy Star is as follows. :f- - ;. S"nj?le Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 6 months,," '1.00 ;50 Clubs' of 10 or more subscribers, one .25 per eopy, strietly in ad !; year, - f vance. tW- No Club Bates for a period les? 1 Year: than a year. '.-.. : i !. :i. . Both 'old land new subscribers may i hp included in making up Clubs.- .,;, '..I ;.:r:;: :. - ..: - : ! At the alxive "prices the "Weekly Star, is, we, think,- the.eheapest paper in the" State, and its circulation will be doubled'in twelve months," if. those who have Worked for its success in the past will increase their efforts in the " future. A PPREIIEN8ION OF DUTY. : . Duty knocks at the' door of every Conservative's heart" and taps at the w i ndow of every good citizen's, bralnl The State ealls upon her sons to prove 1 1 e inthehour of crisis when danger inenaces and the' stprm is aout to bin st. Do ; we fully apprehend the .4-ircnmstances of the situation ? r Are m const-ioiis of the vast responsibility ivtiiing upon us? Do we 1 we ihiliV, if we, delay e 9 l)n we know that if ever so little i ht work of. preparation v for election! lay, the State may be lost to the Con servrttye party and the rigbtsof res lunsible citizens vbe 4 jeopardized ? He re we i are j ust.vt wenty day s i . f roni i;leiion-f-not : threeJ WeksTf ' Is the Conservative arty half ready for the t rial of might, ( which !wiji' take place Vtl fhej 5! llj ofjAhgUSt ...i ,l: .;.s VrUvkkhse simple questions in -iiM ':icivsi.:iii s.-:t! feeling iliat' Joo much dfj.tMids oli thw "choice"' of "a Gonstir luionai Convention for.j us to ;be i!eirttwheiiiherel;ifcomch-: appa rent aualjiy. "Jiet die people afonsei Lft the , people ; bestir themselves vig orously ; f,j here as not ja-i monen6t,Q lose s-There is every thing tor lose by ldlenessj nothing to gam; by . over- confidence , -There", is ,'a tremendous floating-vote in jthe State. There was s(ine-IissatisfidtIoh with (the raeasi ure' - uinch' must is at gerieraJ indifference, 1' Aj1 "this i j ! be overcome. Nothinglesa staked than :' "the J control lof the poli tibal affairs : of,' the' State,' perhaps the' political 'destiny of the ' country, and . certainly , the .material . prosperity1 of our Own' people. Xet this fact lie universally apprehended.' Tliat is all that is needed to carry the Uoiiventiun and nx..the. organic law on a firm and enduring banis, Swnd out - speakers immediately. Tne time is tooshbrt to .ilelay. Dis- tribute th? ipaiJMj ft.th6 people read . lhe4addreHSofri the Jiiecutivo Coininittee1 oF thbetnberalio Con-? rans d Ethe' appeals of -1 the Conservative, newspapf f8- J . Make nb' step short -of carrying a majority in it&t&lffmjttfoF&U would be au able. body. and, wpnld .probably d ranie a majesUe system of fundamerlt- done in eyery. count wei-e Uiey. have dominated ? :See; their Just; fpr.t of-1 iice and ; Inefficiency t foV' publi posi i tions of tlil&P k9kJit Hhameless track pf(r. the serpntj.Xhej'. leave inheir-wakeLlimefallslimel Hear ho their sbeafcefii a'dvddafe a lust they hav4 s deceived; defrau4ed, yrannized ..over, the people! ?"; They al law; 5 U wgbt riot to b' co,ntrolIea by thkttaicalstf , Sei t they W$ have not .change adU as.OEiqcon- wallo w; iib fyuj rr lheov n f Vote tho lio'wnf fli fiuffeiing is it nevr iiaa done0le4 'fore. Gnmmerce- iauafaetan raferiaSryifiier "P?ii9C ?migktyvrvuUio. "able to the misrale and rvenalitV ;oY "Government Biiice 1801. . ' While' Siiniions of the. nl)!! reverinesare; stolen: feyey year bvjhcon : ;oi omcia,ur, sworn to goara tiiem, anu "dishonesty is; the Tnle Uhroaghout' 'Uhajpublic' service, the; peopleare tioi! ."only ground dovii '!to siipporVthis' rascality, but they are impoverished! "by the system, whieb -at the. samel "timeweIs the volume of '' taxatiou. "Real bstdte, aniongheVjast to suffer :iu times, of fluctuation, is not spared ' "in the sweeping depre88ioni,; l ''.' A HitFYKIR OPDISAKTER. The. last six months have been Veri ly a "period of dooms." In , that time the loss i of life and lVopyriy I'm water and. by .earthquake -and pesl i- lence has been, almost incalculable. Nearly one sixth' of Fjanco" has been desolated? , by flood and" ; that the richest portion ot.tbat fine . country. Hundreds of lives were lost, and thousands thrown into the cold world without hdme or helpl ; Six hundred lives are said to have been lost by the overflow of the Danube " in ' PestH. . . ' - -- r -r . We are not informed of, the ross of life by the recent 'earthquakes and accompanying volcanicL disturbances in Iceland, but there, have been lour other, earthquakes, from which : the loss lias" been ei v eh approximatelv as follows: L In New; GreuadaV , 10,000; in Asia Minor,' 2,000; in the Loyalty Islands,- where; the earthquake' was accompanied by a terrible tidal-wave, 2,000; and at San Cristobal, Mexico, 70. ; Ui jti ;4;vMr' ? -4 . The marine disasters in the aggre gate have been V almost as .great as those by flood, earthquake . and vpl- cauo.. Among theili we- may name the wreck of the Schiller, on the SciLr ly Islands, with 350 lives; the Gotteh ber, off the Australian coast; f 160; the Cadiz, 62; theiJ-iSiw, a Chi nese stameV 50; ;the,! Amenean ship Jrwletta, :42 ; the r Vtacstnirg, jcolhsion with icebergs,, 40; the Thornabiatt Hit Cortes 26' thp eorge Battel 2 1 ; the JSHde, Berar Berlin and the AlUe, 20 each ; ; and ; he fLqchnagart 1G. ; Jnere Jiave been: other severe disasters oh the South Americaii Chinese and English coasts!' wliich in yolved a serious; loss of life. - . . : p. Of v tornadoes, particularly5 in the Southern Stateswe have5 hadf quite k number and they nave been very ,de-r strncti ve.. ; tWe, may .mention, those which there was ? loss- of life i "- Jtt sour), 6 j Mi$si$8ippj,!il 1 3 Arkansas, Si Michiga'nj 35-Wis'oon8in; 3; Illinois, 3; hStaV ,.tt;'-i; iThirty-fiye fires haye been reported by which 304 ; Kvfes' have beerr Wcri- need. '-Only three of thesha.beetf J accompahied by 4, heavy' Joss of life, being the burning of a match factory at Gottenberg, Sweden,' 50; steamers at" New'OrleausSr and Hlie r recent llolyuke, Mass., church uisaster,. 92.r Ex jitosious, mainly IJik litis country,' have killed 207 people, as fotloWsV Fire damp,1 122; boilers'1 4; yuiipow der,,21 ; nreworkf, 9; utr glycerine, 4 j-and Arheinjcals, 3.fM 'rtf s v s A f amine in Asia Miiior during; the ea?riyvpart .of the year! s wepV on T201 Mi: S5fii.-;,l V'l-! ii i'if miHi i . n.,j?v ; 000 people before s relief fro uh). reach: the apicted. regionjj JikH the ! Fiji lands: alone 50,000 people are aid;to . ... g . .-.. - ti1.K Mill f -r ... 1 , have perished by a meHNlf.s. aad other diseases introduced sineethe annexa- i tion5 of ihole islarids t.;-at'lirilkin accjdeBtSy .8iiow. slides murders, auk f bidetvwar arid: all that class Of baual Itid'which'the stops, jcupidity s carejessns'.pr; jdesT- paii;one .or;morei, jnay .be" assigded as direct caass.'!There'are sbme uV cateffOrv ousunenug aim ttesirucnon.. icolaniiniatid nottlu superiority iofj 1 h !nrisertative caudidates ifor lbe Hong Kong, 500 Georgia, 317; Chil 60; Louisiana , d;'rauett', 1 1 ;.., Mia-; Convention. ,; .'uii ; SHIP t BUILDING Iff TUB SOUTH. : u.Idng-bke cotton.manufac. Staring cag carriea pn j as wei,.ji ijotriore icQnyeniently; and economH - ' '' - . it ally .atii Sbotli that sift IheV Norrt- ern StaieWe hbticintfieCdn 'aVblr6''ifSrcl) Mils 'sateftfxJfi tne, cost or a vessel pniit,ana.,iauBcn-t CaroJtmafi; It .was bailfeat an expense: a&f"$7 )Ti3S8; 6;Vf Jjjbmeflf thel owners are also owners of a vessel' ori' the same general 'model now building, at: ta2ifs-apipJV?t stria; U -,: 1 pared. jiWith so ' many , the most important 1 articled 6f rt manufacture used lii 'the eonstniclion produced in the South wo see no reason why we joan' jbu.ildjpujrMsh our hal-d pin; wilf liuUTthuoh longer tbawNew Edslahd: white !oakP' ''l iili .VJ:v ii' i !) ) . ii 1 il IPil 111 v ,i,The indisputable: remains of a lost s civilization found in Yncatah' and the traces found elsewhere "on ;the conii- neot,long ago convinced the archse-1 uiugisiH auu uisvy ricai, . inquirers inaL Ameria; was formerly .occupied .by highly cultivated races who disappear ed in jsome mysterious manner The discoveries of Smith in Assy ria and Schlierhan on the -site of ancient Troy have given an impetus to, that sort of ItivestigaliiHi, and. we suppose that a more determhed effortt Will be made in this country to tear a Way thji earth ly veil1 that haW'concealed the, features ot our past. If a Kentucky paper is not quizzing us there is much, material in that State. It states that Mr. Greed JSotts, the owner, of. "a. farm. at Peeled Oak, on Slate Creek, a noted- section of Bath' counly,! Ky.,; in plpiighing dp about sixty;- acres of- level, lad, this spring, discovered the, rains of jai city.f regular- streets, curbed: with stone and evincing a higher order of agricnltnral knbwledge and a greater civilization than any other prehistorio remains yet found in, this country; Hany years . agQ: a faint ' trace o ;a similar city was noticed in Montgom ery county, near Mt. Stei ling; but tlje owners of the land having little taste for backward researches, almost 'or , , - - entirely obliterated, the evidence tor make room for cortugrdwing.TJL land iid joins a large tract belonging to Gen. William Preston, of ; Lexing- ton. ' '.. .-. .l : ,.. ; .-it , y.: : - 4 i .i COTTON iTl AN I. PCTCJHU SODTU People are apt to be discouraged by the reports of fulness in the manufacture of cotton at the North. tTndoubtedly the depression must be. great where scores of mills and thous ands off workmen . cease ; operations Business matters generally have been ata! jlow Jebbever since' the'pariiicv The rule of a general oppression has however, been greatly modified in the case of Southern manufacture of cot ton. We rejoice to read the : flatter ing acconnts pf 8j per cent', diyideniiji declared by the Granite y ille and AyLZ gusta mill8.Jjtafthe nard times the Augusta eombattt"Ufii!ta'rij!! Other large f actdrvi', arid thus, when the bulky manufacturing hrm of tbe; liorth; were, discharging . hands daily? afforded employment at good wags to Ktindreds bf new operatives! v,.'t- It-fwould leerif if Hhefftef&trl of cotton. .caq. Do, made to pay jn. tbjs, season 4 of . stagnation - and naralvsisJ . that under more prcper6usjIIeondV tions the SoritirhOTToS aarge manuYaciarer 6f Eer-.fayoriie staple and a vender instead of buyer in the eaiyiaVketsoflhe' w6rl6lMC u , -i AMK M V .NAM til a'! AN J Daring the last week; some tTong riames have beeil itl ded to 'the list' of. Conseryative .candidates, fox Convei f f ww m Tw-fc. 4 - A Hon.; lion. ,,w ;i. Lortch, ex-uonv federate States Senator,' is the chdibe of Wayne,; wittf kf,ylilng an!3 sensible properly chosen Mr. Joseph tiDobsbn, ex-Solicitof, "to be&r heft rftaha'ard. Greene selects froftV Jmes'PJ Sreiglt, : nominates l one,! pf her ; most popular and 3'rah penlit , him, to acioppt Abe iiominaUon Uie bonservativk'fe of liieh mond bring out State! SeiiAtoir. Hjf Gratfd:n'BeiH I v."iia i"! i e-Yi't- twiyta (iranfl tnatiirallv foltra i3olinav m'rn. oeptingrihe' nbminatiori, but gaverway (tblne fresbro)HttjrV hVal'bj tiie fceople. f . l -J ITlhe1 fiews frbnV tMfcanVass VW slogan strong and '.clear. rBnckle on vOur armor, and go into the thick', of flame and smoke I i ; : intelligent citizens, John B. kmEsd "itffhlaC of t&a.iv TUB NEW yOKKTBipiIHGUN OCtt t Th-ursdays NeWTork 7W5aieboif. tains a remarkably sensible editorial on le 49 - "..,mB.rt,?..5l?W?sf:Sf I OnnuiWittmnal A mpitt mont. in "firl h 4 -iJaroUna' . After: stating thatDur Stat'e- i!following the' 'example:af Arkansas, Virginia ahri othef Soiatlr- "eri , Stales in seeking.' i 6 remake, 1 its J Constitution, it remastbatr ifj.h)s( work, pa done, in the same; proper spirit in which cPflslitational iteyisionwas effected in the States named -It cannot bVopn' W'ari'y '"reasb It will be .remembered to its credit hat our great Kew .Yprkconnipp rary at the time of the adoption of the; Reconstruction :ConstUution8;al- thoagh at that time' if was a5' Rp'ifb wfepaper; Vpolnted; ; bntVthe 4 numerous, detects, or inose lnstru- merits, j it now Bays ox, tneir maicers: The authors were; often deficient alike in theoretical knowledge, observation, and practice of the Union and acceptance of the results of the civil war were their only qual locations for; office. Many ; or them were newly emancipated, illiterate, and mastered by a prejudice against a large, portion of their follow-citlvens," which was- natural in deed but none the less deplorable on !tbat acwent. Uthers were intelligent, and to some extent educated, hut new citizens, of tbe'States whose organic law they" were ' lo frame f aDd others again were mere adven turers who having acquired' their seats ; by pandering to the prejudices of the lowest class of voters and manipulating primary meetings in their own interest, directed all their tii-nries to the' perpetuation of their own puvvi-r lynd tbe opening of State treas-Hrit-s for . il.; tr bwn dishonest purposes. pint iriif-Uiebciter ' class of citizens have an o)jorttiDity Of saying Whether they would accept the Instruments thus fashioned. ''As a measure of protection to the freedmed it had been ilutaght best to exclude for1 a lime a arge proportion of the people Of the South from the exerciseof the Tight of suffrage. Not one-tenth of those '-who-roted at the fJoistitut ionol elections .coaht: bo much, as read. the ballots-placed in their hands, and the n timber who cohld undcstahd'the rjlain- est proposition, '-ot law -was juite as small; Thousands voted for the adoption of a' new Constitution merely, .because it secured to them their freedom and others because its adoption seemed to offer the easiest way of escape .from: military government. P JHo wonder that laws framed should: hejcrpde in .conception .and execution, abound in absurdities of legislation,' and prove utterly uosuited to the people to whose benefit they should have inured,,; i',, :-.. rt.-w.f Tho i Dribune then instances the Constitntion ofNorth Carolina as one of the most faulty of the bad. lot. It quotes material parts of the Con servative Executive Committee's Ad dress, showing the need for' reforma-i tioo, and adds : - -i The subjects here suggested I for consid eration by the Convention surely may be discussed and , acted upon without - giving rise to any, weu-grounaea rear tuat the rights of the colored man are in danger.but this cry has already been raised by a parti zun press in North Carolina, : and . we may expect soon to near it come irom Wash ington. The Legislature, however, in call ing the Convention, im; pose, certain restrictions upon its action which forestall such partizan clamor." These restrictions amply secure personal liberty ; each delegate before "he . shall be permit ted to sit in said Convention shall swear to. observe these 'restrictions and Judge Jamison and other 1 high authorities on the ' powers ,.of ,: Constitutional Con ventions have clearly held that Conventions are bound to observe the restrictions 1m- by a Legislature in the act Calling such Conventions. We repeat, therefore,. that. in view. 01 the necessity 1 or changes m the fundamental law of the State, the dec laration of the people, expressed by a two thirds majority of their - chosen representaf rives !a favor of amendments by Conven tion, and me restrictions mmosed bv the Legislature as to the topics to he Consider ed,' it would seem that the attempt of North Carolina to improve her Constitution should be allowed to pass without further imputa tions of evil intent ' It is to be hoped; and there is reason to believe, that the members of theCbnveniioti td be elected' next month shall be such as are called for by the Demo cratic Committee: if so. there will be little cause to friar that the -changes ' which .'may oi tfhii.' ';r. '.hi :o;.s a smys b The Triburie simplyiexbresBes tbef large popular sentirngqjqaes tion of iNorth.Carelinao leforma Of ooirse snbh- hirdd 8jt4fireM as hrnW bfcaue fotheir themselves disagreeable. ' The laborer must make himself worthy 6f hiitbire: . . ... . . 1 . . ........ 1. . . i .. . j.Some pf .the Democratio ami Inde peiidni - papers 'of 1 the '' North" pare greatly worried because St. Louis is R WiPS , flSK, fiwx ,torsithe National jCftiveponiqext,.,year Qneypf iUi,e j latter classy the ' Cincinnatr Comm&h- cial, talks' as fbllowsr1 31 ' " " " ''w- St. Louis is the first 'choice of the creln back andravtrWrkrtyTT If the hard money Democrats of the East ventured'to 8t.iLoui8 iand! talked herr 'doctrines fliey would: be the strangest; sort ot cattle that ever eot.into the wrong woods pasture. Jhe)jlroubleiy?!pu they .arei; always busy making plans for ok' whiles thenegHitnato business of pblitieal ciElticisis? mfoiMWfc IcandidateaT and 'tWpatforjfneyex A few-daWwfloestSmu erirls Iwcre playing, blindmitt'su'tf Ihighf platfdrni oVer th xivpr'neattte Icovered bridge at SacMairie".4 ; Ma tilda Carrier six:years dlddaughter4 of 'Jesse Currier,5 fell 20 feet into 'the water and was drowried. f The : body was recovered. 1 : !i-4i-1'"V ' drgah ; itt Wagnahd ti' f eilo'ww in. Chicago. tlie thter-bemn, i.fJtU9l..- Appfes, (dried) 12icents per .pound; dried j peaches 'WP4rw' i per'peck Jplcles,1 .20 cents' per ddzei; I 4ad,7 16Jce1rper Miaad; butter, fe040 jcenta rf iWdtfih:eese, 35 cents ppoundi rown -fowls 758pa )a!r; geese If 50 per ed) 12il5c; per pound; veal, 12Jl&fc. hant,i6gil8ct8. per pound; AhbulderB,12i 14 cents per pound; stripe, SOcts.perbnndb;; huna pents ecki.pM41amP25 cts a quartt soan bnnchjc;eggsr,lcVa20 cents, a doz: sturgeon, 25 cts. a chunk(5 lbsf; potatoes,' new 40c a peck; swm25cts; flab4r0ut 25ii per Fiinch; ;mtfflets-1025ci per bunehUfrnips; !ibunch j 4 oblong; 69t rcents j a peck; i cabbagea ;1025 cents a head ; bologna 20 cents tpoun .wild parsley, -0 cents a bunch; onions, w cent? a pec it; varruts, ;u cenisr a "pounu; nee, cts.a'qnartbapbeand 20c a peck stjuashes 20 cents a'doz; cueurabers, 1015 ctsadoz.; Sound; .oysters j-0, cental a i gallQPt green corn, 30 cents a dozen;, blackberries 5lj cents a quart; tomatoes-10 cents : a quart; okra,"5 cents,a dojen ;" Canelepes, 1015 cents; waterniellbtfB, 2550 bents., '"'.,, ? !!,iif""f:' ' ' ,m 'm m" ,v,'":--" - t We are informed , yesterday of a rather strange freak of lightning t"whicn occurred bear Beatty'8 Bridge- in "the county,1 during one of :the: severe thunder, storms m the early part lof the prsent week . Mr George Henry had built a jlarge hog pen in tlif woods immediately across the road from his house and between two large pine trees. The lightning struck these "trees, shivering tbem from top to' bottoms-setting them on tire near their base, and completing its work of .destruction, by f killing. nineteen out of forty-two fine hogs which were in the pen at the timel : :.,...!; Postal, patters. .. ) We. have been requested to call attention to the follbwing 'important' sections In the postal regulations which Will ! be 'found ;6f interest to the community generally : -: ' Sec Each post-pfilce drawer. in all post-offices, is restricted to the usa of one f amilji-Tlrm,f or company,' and the tent thereof must pe paid at least one quarter la advance. .: . Sec. 20i; A 'person renting a post-office box is entitled; to have, the letters, of bia family, firm or company put into it. Let ters addressed to his friends stopping tern nor an I v with him mav also ha rtlaced in the box. if directed to his care or to the number of the box.' But letters addressed to other tersons residing in the - same place, and iviner and doiner business seDarate and anart from a box holder, should not be placed1 in the box. L., .: . ... -,., Discasalon la llrnnawlclc. A friend who was present at a discussion between Messrs. Cowan ,and Taylor at Town Creek on "Wednesday, : informs itaf .that the Jlepublican aspirant for Conven tion honors was fairly Vnsed up" by his op ponent, who got the advantage of him on every issue. ; There were about two hun dred persons present, mostly whites. ! Deatu of a iaia,isters Wile. ; . j;; ' - The friends pf the amiable young pastor ofthe Fifth Street Methodist Church, Rev. JohnT. Gibbs, will be pained to learn of the death j of his wife Mrs. SaUie Gibb which took place in this city last evening at 8 O'clock. ft I .. 'Forward tne Namea. ! ; 'Hi'' . , Koqms of Dem. Con. Ex. Cou., ' - i ; RALKiGtt. n. c r Chairmen. iof; the various District and County Executive Committees will please send forward atonce complete lists of the names of the members of the committees with their iP. a.address.i And all Arsons' in favor of remodeling 4hepreBent Consti tution, and securing a more simple and economical administration of the govern ment are requested to correspond frequently with, the committee puring.the progress, ox uus campaign. t a- - --.ii -H.i ,;W.' If Cos; Chairman.' J.'J. LrrcHTPBD, Secretary, ; , . s . ? E. R Stahfs, Cot.. Secretary. .-J . Conservative ptess will please publish: .i:i:- ..:.. ' 1 -:? i'l ' A P1QH an Prudent l.r.: ImH A foreign correspondent says:; r Tfte Uglisti. Adnural j w Tr-T . a iman;pf adyanced age,. nd the. fourth ihnsband of a lady knpw'n for eccentric piet'yi-l narl'- Beed told that sh was1 jence ornecAnsband iPf Jus approach- 'ins; andj inevitable retwL' and once I attributed thuch of this to my inform a1itttfaih)iti 'I had i Hr rny n wU h aiiifii S n'T 'rfAfi will ray own eye8,ftftpJlewjrig note writ ;tejr the ,Iadyi:in,iqqestionf 4Q:ier (... 4 . . (Ti a ;wiue iiiercuauVj: A.ieaaw eeun: yjjj 4. ibottles of sherry," six bottles of macon 'and six bptiles bf 6IdScotch' whiskeyt butiif f any thing 'should occur 'in the jneawtime,,w.ill,ypu-i phaflge the whis-T jkey for maopn?,fpr when the admiral, lis in heaven what should 1 do with the" Whiskey f 'Signed 'Ir he ; lady ship in full", and 'she richly, deserves that. I .should give, her ame ta the, -LL i . .. " : vieW'bf the idreign truit traaeortnat city ior ;the i, month ofii JuaeihiThe ienpmous, proportion) or . ne ;pss, qurt incr the ovace. on the shipments pf lie mens land oranges from Mediter ranean4 pons' its most striking -ctiar-iactefistib-the'loBi bW 4ekonsl feeing 45 per feeat of the 'total bhlptnehts of Il3,501,68d -on-orangesO per ent. . of 115460 2,804,389 Ipltfeajellhipped wKeTotkf rdin iherUWestl Jlodiees dtrrJog theu montbi Ii,053ga4 pflrijhedtorjitb0 vpyage, h I M itfsj noi'leasaSt 'rtao? lhaf the" President's brother is a membef in good standing of. .the Indian Bins, one . of i the mosMnf ambus and powerful organizatiof a for nnblic robberr ttat has ever disgraced and afflicted, a connrr(Xncinna Jxm-j ! TjNw.ypAlwp been furnished by a Uriited States m IsBecVo of customs ith a carefulr 7t "IPeteTsburg x';' ti icFiaanaial BcilefJ a-l '-J ji:t The: Wilroinston SxA&keeps a head of great,, le vlness, ,on ,ta ) eholdera a ji say concerning: me cur- TendvJ dnestion as' follows sjr - :..i;tl regulated paper currency is as safe al aspecie cnrrendy;if ithel government latr iues it is safe anxightiy-manT it to. gold oriest ' arid nation1 at hearts I The machmery-byjwhbch this 'n.!ybf4W?bP)ftesy tbef c- complishedr is Bimpl.e.;.?nough . and Cheaper Wan apy other;'' proyided, alwayfthat cohipefentfl artd' tnastcf uiacuiuiBbs ru irecb it, ana Keepii wor K istSjltr, f egutatinjsysteni in 3184.1 thred years it would have gone, to destruo-- Uppf fherijwi and : practical -tof1? ters had not interfered rndr acted! in 3- :i .'A'.i.'.i'.-.f. -i -.( uireeb opposition ioH.ueir own nnan cial principles. The samo "thing has occurred twice: since.: We want, first, a sound, economical financial systelm; arid; 'second,' the right' kind of men to run it,"; . . .. .,-.1 .,: ,. A'- ., r .The Star' hits the naif on the 'head when it emphasizes the importance of entrusting theUJmahagernent vof 'out fir&n'cial JcbiiCjernsl andjithe, use' ind direction of the public moneys to the i a J e t . . '. V . ... If . . '- "1 " nanus 01 uonesi 'servants 01 tne .peo- pie. t That, after all, is the main nUt ter;' and therefore the Democracy should sink all minor differences as to financial policy that may exist among them; to secure the grand object of a laiiniui auminisirauon or ne govern ment, and to rescue it from the hands of the inen who ; have' so long abiised the great' trusts confided to thiem. It would be infinitely better for the toiling masses of the people"' to have a bad currency : . administered by- hon est ,menj than; :a . currency", of coia which wpnld offer all the more temp-; tatiOns to corrupt men in ppwer who might have !the "hahdlirig pf it.j A premise to pay; thongh'very 'dirfererit frpm payment itselfr. becomes f nfi nitely more value, when made by jporH orable men arid attested tby th'em." oucu wuuiu uc tue issue 01 iuu umiuu States f government.1'- after- thel'de- . 1 a. c .1. Tj;-t I burouuuieub ;oi iue aauicai pany , and to Uiat end the efforts of all good citizens, whether hard or spft on the money question, should be harnbonii ously and: energetically directed. '- 1 , A Rdyal jpresent, . ! Queen Victoria has presented to Mrs. Dr. Samuel Tred well, of Minola, L. L, a half-length portrait of herself enclosed- m f a bronze frame, with bronze doors, finely wrought; bearing the words : . "In recognition of I the girt pi .airs, xredweii pt an pid ! fam ily letter, dated 1774, in which is a mcst ' interesting description of the children of George III., written by their governess,5 Miss '!rita.,,''lMrs.i Tredwell, who is thei widow of !Dr. Tred well, of Minola, who died in 1873, found among her husband s papers a letter written from ; Philadelphia in 1774 by Mrs. Mary Campbell to her daughter,' Mrs. Rebecca Frazer, in which Mrs. ' Campbell: copied a lette from Miss Plahta, who Was then gov erness in tne family of issng George HL, describing the jroyal children under her care. - The letter begins: "My Dear. Rebecca: ; I know lyou love the King." 1 It contains a simple oersonax uescnDuon 01. ine six dovs arid; three : girls in King George's family, all of ; them being praised for beauty ;and pnncely gifts. Mrs. Tred well sent the letter to the Qqieen last fall, and this spring received a reply," dated Backingham Palace: returning thanks fox the letter, ' arid 'advising her of the. present of the framed pho tograph, which was sent through the jrnisn xiegauon at w asnrogion. T 1: T " Il ' i TIT 1, ' . Vnr a- tail. . . ' n Women.' shonld 'not wear: striped i stpekirigs, as they value their precicus icus. lui, wcjjuhu3 uvea. U3?m iu uiin ducing: certau colors h are' poisonons- janu cause me worst; iiuuu;ot . malig nant soresrr-andof , 1 .nuisances, sere less must be the .worst and inosi .de- struciive 01. ueauiy. lOtreniniU, grace and gpod looks" are Walked away dn sriehuegs. ?- -A great 'American' genius, the Jat& Mr .Ilawthprne, has; said that a white stockinsr is infinitelv more ef- jiecuve vuaii uiauauno , auu ccnaiuiy ; white' stdekirigs 1 and ittle, low 'black shoeb iQrrpi&tichdusture that has no ;equal(fpr.femiine feet, and egsj and; that is f ar suDeriOr to one that has all Ith -colors -bf the rainbew.' ' Striped Istbckings on wbtneri ire as rrnuch put of place as 8triped!suoes would be oa men. i ib ii arwl n(,Bffyt- 1 i ;Ladj:iDJufi;;PordonJ in her Last Leti ters um ii;gypt,f mentions a curious bnpefstitiori, which fshe actually 6b kerVedib tTie effect that twins, fif al lowed'tabb hungry; tnrn intoc4t4 at' night and go out prowling foroed;; jthey only eat a little off yournpf6vjs !ons,' but if you beat them theyj will tell their paVent nex t dayySof arid kd beat me inn hia i house" last. nighti and . their .bruises. r Only, twins; dq it; I a"d il broth at aliahWbf ihej AmeVicari jmis sionarieSjajhaulBb're f j told me something iiKe 11 as oeiougiog 10 the Copts; but it ia entirely Egyptian, and .common . to, both , xeligions. asked several Copts, who assured me It' was: f rue,' arid told ft just the sameJ Ia it a remnant 'of: the doctrine ; of transmigration.?! JSowey er,. , th , no- f nil v ftnwnnts 1 for the horror people feel at the idea of killing a LUH. , by ; statesmen,- who are fh baegtfiwelfaW'of tlie0 " Acpprding tp the jBulliPn.ists,: the Eriglisri! made a perf ectJ financial self- Gen.i J. M. Jeaeh takes he field. . xion i osiau x uraer is citn vassiug . Orange county this week. B ' of ML Airy was severely spider-bitten s pi :' - - rpppxhsrhaa just been-in. Char- : otte. . v j, , jU ra r ..,., ? ? . - w . & , ,r-- Zeb Vance will take the .stumps in the West- j.-: t n.- n - rr,'feenatof' Mattit'vV'i;- lffosom " wilt . speak'at EnfieTd'on Saturday; the Slst1 i'nst' f'.lflji'W--- 1 Of "li-V, I-''" ' - Green county .Conservatives. uuuiiuiucu iiuu7 uauiea 1. opeigui ior VOU- i ventlori.'"'- ' c-' :'! -"J "-3 " Senator ' ilahs6m': will ladiiress the people of Wilson at the ohr tlelds'io-. day."'! Si : w rf j-irf&wotf" 1 iirT.:.sO";"i The Snow Hill Wifotte haviriW bought the Eaastonsette takes the 4ater name, -r -r-wTho-I4al4lh ibftt.ftl ntftrtarmrl - the delegates to the Cotton StatesCongrcss at reduced Urates. C A3 1 HA?3-jJ " i pl. SingjelUry opened, the pam- Saign in Wilson county, vigorously last LondayatiBlack Creek. - 7if--'U.L jv-jto . ;-IlevD4 vP.ritahard,7 of Raleigh who ia sojourning in the1 mountains, has Just bAcfaii tacfcpf Ubns' f etefW ' at i; . Radical thieves have 'been buv-. ingncopie8of the Fraud Commission Report; so- as to suppress unwholesome trutli. Al ;...-. , .. ..;. - , .. - -The; Greenville Jteaister. has changed hinds, Mr.! : E W.' Mooring suc ceeding Mr. K Lvon as Editor and Pro prietor, i f ' - - ' - ' On I.Tuesday, Wayne ceuntv Censervative convention nominated Hon W. T. Dortch and Mr. S. W. Cox as Con vention delegates., j. , : i.,-, -(. ; ; i At the annual meeting in Ral eigh on Thursday of the R. &. G. R.- R. Dr. W. J. Hawkins was re-elected Presi dent. ;. , ; ' . . ; . The Conservatives of Hertford county confidently expect to carry Hertford county in the approaching Convention elec tion. " - - . .. Granville Conservatives' haae nominated k strong ticket 'for Convention' -John W ; Hays, Esq-, aad Col. B. A; Cape- nan.- .. ., . -: . A son of Mrs. Hambrick. -of Thdmasville, received painful bruises from his - horse breaking ' through: a defective oriage. r . : . j .:. ff;.-i 1: .. ;!: '... -j ShelSy Banner : . . A - Mr. . Sted -man,1 who was living' in Rutherford county, was killed -last week ' by lightning, while hauling up wheats : - V A J WilSon,' Esq revenue of ficer for Jhis district, captured three stills on' Monday -last, in the neighborhood of Lewis ville, says the Winston Sentiad.; , :j . , The North Carolina College is undergoing a ' thorough 'repairing and put ting in order, preparatory to the opening of the yearly session, says the Concord Register? ' Two youths, sons '": of William Home, of Anson county, recently had a cool duel while bathing, both Using the same pistol. ; One was sliot in the breast. The Sentinel is , informed , tha t ' Willie Duke.lUd.'.'and a roan by the name of Forrest, a Democrat; will take the field as candidates for Convention in Orange. Charlotte had an' Enoch 'Arden' case where the womanwent off . and when the husband found her another" man's he left her his bloM8in..the shape of a liald head. . . f.: ;?..v.v;-t . ' '" .. - ..." Gpv. Armfield; and. Major Rob bins are in the field on.' Convention ques tion, and will address the people of Iredell,' Wilkes and Alexander-- on , this, vital odes-; tion. . i !...,- .. 1 . The Conservatives of. Tyrrell met in Columbia on the 3rd insti and nom inated Mr. , Samuel - Alexander. Dn .Ran-i-som declared himself an independent can didate. :!f ? " ". ' ' ' " ' - Central : On Saturdayj July 7th;' a negro boy standing upon the. cross ties of the lt &D.. R. K, near Thoma8vUle, was struck bn the head by- the engine, and his. skull broken. . He die on Saturday.,,,;,, ) .. Winston Sentinel t Marsh Callo- way shot and killed Aquilla Gentry, hear Sparta, in Alleghany county, oh Friday, the 25th ult, Both of the parties liye in Gray-j son county, Va. . j -7 7 ; - Jk. drunkeh rbW bc6urred ampng some of the workmen at Ore Knob; in Asho ... i county, on Thursday, the 24th ult, which resulted in three men being badly hurt, and one fatally stabbed. Stl? a-M- .H !. . The. Southerner B&ya several celler gians now on vacation, announce their in- ' tention to : leave : their present .institutions and enter the North Carolina University in September: . f, , v The xicutive ComTnittee' of Lenoir corin ty have placed in nominstiori -Jamea W,.(Wooten, a yery popular and de serving young gentieman, in the place of. ;Mry Parrot; declined;iiv 110 3. i,-- .i-?TijS4ntinbli .ThafcJlegaUamiparyf and bright poiitician, JudgeWaUs, isbook-r ed to fepeak jri Mbrgatiton on thef 20th'.1nst'. It la probable thdt the Hob.' J6siahJ Turner will be on; hand toieply tot him. s. J v 1 I ' At ! KerknsvirleTliiirsdaybe ;20tb' inst. , the citizens of Hhat township'wijl jhokl theif . con ventionu io nominate: . tpwn-i-. (ship officers,.being,.thftitinie and nlacq aV which the candJiJatesilhe..Con8titutional iConvention will address the. people of that township v??-: 1 U-'The1 Magnolia Becord i learns1 ifrom a correspondent atFmviUethat-, a horse ran 'away a few days ago with Mr. ijacfc Barnes t and his siBlcfria-lftw -Misi Maggie Windham, throwing them from the (buggy," instantly killing Miss Windham a'ud ' ! i-;.lfj-.. j rrtTbe Wilson .RaaUcalsare, trying ; to, play the shrewd game of pretending to jhave no desire to actively'' oppose 'Coriveri' lion soi Ihattbey .niay.rhavPaltue .morej 'sirength when they bring out a candidate ion the eVe 6f '"tlie1 eleCUotii The 'Wilson f papers say; it wpaworworth a cent, ;fit I STT G?v,, Brogden -has- .appointed , Judge Seymour to hold, the special, term of Edgk)mb3nperiorCoUrt,whlch Convenes' be Monday. f.Judgp Moore of that ,DistrictM being at present engaged in holding the ' spebutlsessioainGranyineicouaty. if s,ij I jVeio. 'Tbe? Corrreritidir eamt paign was opened in meFiiCongression al,Dlstrict. on, Monday, Maj. J. J Yeates and P. II. Winston, Jr., rnaking most effect ive 'Speeches at Winston. i Both of theM gentlemen will make a, thprcgh canvass of atrhtxict;:v;;c;M;ei: Ati ," j 'tefegram received in Raleigh V Friday states thtt' Scott Partiri, or1 rather a man answering to the description of Scot t Partitf, was arrested In Edgecombe Friday. Information was received fromPalmyra,! Halifax county, that a man answering pre-, cisely '.the": descriptipn' of Psrtin had been ' seea in that village, and had been examined j aBd answered, closely the description of Partiri. ' He was engaged ostensibhy mseHV mgbookis and booking, for ! situation as., teacher. He will arrive in Rateigh Friday evenins. : -; , ,...a ( lie. people of i U if t f 'i . 't -: V - K - . L"! J- f. :? - is".: 1 IV- a? . I -II- it: s'- t; ) : 1: !i v ' i: Hi