rc-uaaxn. a tar; 'If,' - $ 1 150J a -Year, 'in "adrance.' ' 1 1 Year sssssss :.r.rj 111 i," i S3 3 Months i ! 1." i. 2 Months e.n.eee. , ,.-... 1 Month 88.SSSSS o.ilf .Mi'i'jlyyii hi- Lit M .If 'If- 3 b-'t.i n4 t-lN. J-BACU JX t..A.r.n'3&x! 1 11 :SVS : !y::M?Ob inyrfi 3 AS. i.uuper oi oia Davidson. is-Moonr tai s Weeks .iggL g3tx: uPPSe.W iWMmim)W , WILMINGTON, N.jP Hi ea . I ie 3 m p rs i nru lr. motf-o in.; mil;; JAa T' w i . ilj rif mum'vpm'b - - ' f f( umeefflMey orders may Df 1 I : v jfiy lusou. vy ui , i& , people , - nhtiiinodiii Ail the Gitiaa.&nri in imm ft? th large towns. We consider them perfeysiflsj tot RobeMHi rth Tvan. ar amf thobeet toetma of reaalttins fifty dollars 4 V4i woe8pn;a8K, 4Qe ,Uav(l80; .yiZT, or less.;,,, jJjE;.: ikia'vi-J3J S Krred Letters, under ib - avatem. which went into effect Jnna lstr' very safe means of sending- small sums ftno- I I .f;j tn 1 ' . " 'in ' i" x if ul tJ ny where r.u. Money orders cannot De easily I j A NfiTHRR nniinD7vAii0 . 1 postage, must be paid inttamp at the office I 4W6 backdoor OrffaOi ot-feGrant vhrn t.hnlAMr Is mftflul. inr ft will ha lishla I I V i li . o be sent to the Dead tetter Office. Buy and c Jftx the ttamp both for pot09 and registry, put in the money and teal the letter' in the pretence rh ixxt-mater and takehUrecetptorUr . Latter j dollars ! ; t. .r.w ifsw s &ps; s i brse to speadia daya orl .twoanio fnt to us in this way are at our risk, pot the -onlypapeif m tte -United Stat&Hbatrcad talk ina ppliUca, ; Tbat f venotnous. shjt- tn t. : A 1 Oil DSCIlDtlOn ,l XTiCe; pd scumloajsly assailed the Coriser- - ; : v'-;: whv vatjFea.ipfiQnJStateiri.Biitthe:.uae ;; VWT': ' state of -tbibKwei8 nriw'!citing The snbscripnppi of Wk; the: atientio .rf'l Mififerel cla 4f i.y Star is as f ollo-ws-r ,f f . p!iw.,;.a.')i-f!i i;.)'?. !?.n,.w Clabs of 10ir more subscribers, ;6ne I tiaxore 'iaWoXe ;iaii -v.? . cussiDs vneAJODveoLioii. jin a receiiL ;l -wMv'r editorial it heldhw!arignagewhifctf ?.ef peri,?? -N?8 Muta"tttildxpre vance. .' m;. tWo Club than a year.-.. II - 'i V.iiJ . t allensUeperscms.not interested jti -.-k 11. - - , ! a" -A. ' ' - - ---- . ' - I frAvfirnmon(rmntil!nrt.A ilukvl?culAio1 oin oiu bhu new suuscnoera uiay i " j'"" wwi.i.-uw. Ie included In .1. maki.up Clubs. ,i I I perqtttsites pronounce upon the agltsp At the above prices 'tbeWEKKT. I S TnereikafaiVanduat Star is, we think., the cheapest pape 1 pression of the iatelbg?nt public opinion of; 1 ' f 5 . ; 7-'- - " t, I NrtH s Carolina' 1 hr the vssemblyy-WIii6h in the State;iand its circulation1 Vilrl framed its HreseDtidrcaliicblawiif nie':tew be doubled In : tWetVefWbntWtf tbWe7 . . I 2 ivy..- .? '. v liThe right of the people io revise theur.State w lv nave worKea ror its success in tne I constitutions, even when.', framed' by their past will increase, their efforts in the I -new raieuecj anatesmnnship, Tianever - i . . - :- I been doubted.-UxperieRee niay disclose mture. i ; j i'J7 ." ft- iHr evijs in Ue practical-workiogsuf.iConstiUi. , ' ; mtm mm ... , ..tj ! !iJ 1 tiojis which Uieoreucaliy. -seemed :perfect. A HOT.CABI VAM.. ... . ,r .I.Much more revision ,raay be demanded k i,a It mav be that nothing but the hot- web cases as that of tbe " North' Carolina i-'"t 'fa' ' constitution, twhich was 'hot framed by the test sort of a canvass from: now. on wisdom of the 8tatr, actiag independeDtly, will save thelConvetttidnj Of -at lest tteresalof whiejj have Jpeej aucb as uive worki Two or thtge oCtbe. Ateartaftlwa trs restowg in mis city are preventeti lv health and other 'snprerae reasons1 fh.un taking;, an .active part inf;the r.tnivass. ." Uttt where .are - the other the :Conservatiyef pa ntr mnltiwtv t l.tpe virtual uuress tinaer: wmcu "idc J5iate ng.majomy..,-,. .A uw?te :fay,fi;t.mrni sunlit: lvwo-iT iwirr! s v ance has left Charlotte to make a I . ML. tane counties.'' He wiliipeakin ;yery . ,- . . 'r ThiSs-actiob-of trov, i auoe,:ilot futy to the foil extent, in his, I ,J . . , - , - - , v i- ; - r . i - . . , ' lt getber; with the canvass! making by Latvia andAates are m the ; - 3 d-v nr.i:bw: da his. d . . , . . U ' . I Gen. -Cox and Mai.' 'Robbms, will held in the Northeast 1 There aie1 a I1 v , j i m.: . jr-i ' -.: ... . r . .. .r. ... ... t i prooaoiy save uieiiuouuuua country, ' , -i i v ii .ii Mu; vaiu 4 n. land, if we hold ou owiriii Jthe East, others who are accustomed to make I; : -.n n -iV ,:;--. 1 1h w., ,. I wm eusure tne, election c a(;v9nser: ,Mvw . tiv6 convention by cmisiderable . i , , , ... maiOrilv;i! We are 'proud 'of 'Vafice, Virginia to the borders of bonth Car- " " v !;; i i'ki'i. - jv "Jv iviii 'ii'U-' our Zeb, popular, chief and child of oliua. Will ithese f gentlemen buckle , 1 l ;;.'i.vi; ;H..uo'io!;i, on their warj gear. d go in to win? o f ..i r - -- .-' I renins- who ia common! v recorded as r, paint their facea v " V. Xrf . '-"71 hi i i j.) i I speaker ot the South! HttBNS WICK 'AND ROBESON.'- i: 1 ? iA SOUTH JPAttOtlWATlHKF OVBH I -6J toinatejijwith jerdiet.iihJjOpft yi. to. lijroi w4l .Kj iaJ tifK.it ,noJuiJsiiiiil i . ..ri'.. . : I i smut a-jormer Diate;;! reasurer; i astioSr. Wcitiaurouih by'the idWifiectVHb tbecity fld theeJutyi 'being uihea fafd6 8 of cxup&isr tfie f ace yalue of sM-SOyOiiftalleged to have piled :and HMj vertedtoc hia I'o.wn' use" one i w hbh iofiai nil mi oa! Court, Aifcoold , - . i . . . . . be called felony' an the punishment' for : which .aajAibeaVy fine and im- b$mmsand Courier bjnM.omp' kays, Hhe-vtaally-affirma Ui' r 1 J 1o XV)biz UJi V- ru-.fr'Jtcm!l i'f j 7T tiiJ t ss ill fl i O- T4;ir Yj3'V'f Inl41 19 f oTI'H3tnS.rPi5pef ijrJeday:eMe4aijri per peck;1 pickles, 20 .centa oer dozen 1 lari fell jllth at tnakes n : b what fc wes'aoav TboyreigntleBholar;maU' WBffrMtridt4 a If hef 'alIece, aklnlOonslituon tblha)tfeH arte cen'ts4 UWfiPc1 ASfif iaaye thfodlleoPihefitvltKe' pftr ty ipt t3:PMng.;f or the ssblest antf 3tihVept;ii ticketiWented'iri1 kfcWttpa nwie ham.lfiiaiS eta. nernound: Shoulders. lZkai iV&uWproundfl 1 W 2 t'ebi pedkWara'il teoartstopbanchi etaq e$94 an nnexceptionaoteiJ fceulrf Be&Wifili e!JeeW,3teiit8 ef iSoiatfd u i. . .,!:..: . .. . m tj 41.1 .i k 1 PJ&M fJPt.nnmMMA vCltiiEJ g;HaDOVferli these crime LTb. action t-UlsimDl v v ' fn'wjw.,;. you' to work and vote. ' Able lawyers, 1 Sound , oystera ithiiJterRetiMmerelyufindB athatlb l it' U. . . A " w i.W IWWJ cents a . ! rrrrniru iiv n nnnfin nmnn en4 a'WclaBaleWfeak'Si bead ? oloia! SEfctnwU pkAiQa jwHf u4ksif Q7ueeotf jacpiirtf radrshes; fc aley, 5 cents a buncjofllopa,, 50 k; carrotg,! S gants a poyad-rtee, 12j quart snapbeans zocapeckftquaalies, icurambers; tOl ctsadc4i 80 cents, a. gallon; green aldozeo; bfackberilea 5ai0 quart j .tomatoes 10 cents a quart,1 1 i bows m aujjhniM j-TQ p.ohzilO yclnfiM'Aa. ptvi :hoX v;oi!i T9?Nt iri98C ino lo .vol Justijoo a ehioaoiq w ol it o-ia ' , 61 6ti J d -a W Dtj , mm j mwm TE. " w a. www y tjfr. c3S7rWaJoneiannouBced isassociate edltoTnof he--Asheville Ec-3 . wrtHiimiS bns io?:L3 ,G8Ai;J08 .H .W , crrtagnolia was atirred lastSatur .o subaue. ' , j v - , ThodaJoeiA- . , ibeering accounls about . crops-throughout-- . anbaf dat "0c Jaded: user ; ariio TfxcEsar f tfcfj 3fl Jciri 1un -! tI- WjIA?W3w42$W aifihA-Qf VTOTih0b3'fi Sujjexs ooiIredell. -' - . - i- ci7T f.r iA it. teu the Court H fuant to tbei-eHhe-AJoanty-iixecutive BtolinaOilBiiCBa4M ttiif I husband 19 years oldhviug near-'Frfina rary junairman. un.run.herm Tiabi Atinn HiAQora aer. were Bo rn v''4"OOk arv Chkirnian. t.Xl'mklanienafls1 On motioa-of-jaaj7i4l!r-H.-MeKoy' the ptate is ntiea to Recover ;75,00O Um iia,wiGood4tiK: ; okra, 5 ntsa dozen ;,jCantelepes,f 1 Put itJ Eiueaue, in fact, much 'more tixTiWciTil ij dn2d tri ?ehtsrwatermellona;2550 centa;':.;1 InQii Una - rbaF mirvht Atva ha i r ! - - - r L - l taie d,e,r. n.d 1 Cpmtaittee of the Board oti County Com' Ameamng, j: missioners, .yiaijed; he Coupty .TfprkPflusQ; t in vuu uieuK niruuu me urautme i.QAI,i,aAn. "nt... ; Vn.iiihnbuK,' Becegsarily'1 Imply "fraud. 1 The "vef- r:.1u l: "ld : t"r 2 ".. ith feveri No. 7,'Wm.' Murphy; with piles; L.w'n J 4 r"i ni .1 ihmjwi yrea. ui-Migu pnj uuuus,iw vvi Ko..,8teoiy JatearapUBdweaMtnisai efore. virtually., means that 1 1. J h. . ..1?. . i. i J w q .tkii nrfmi..- isi in nnra Parked dowea the State .,$75,000 .for i,.. . .t- . i ; ., I Jones, thumbs slightly lacerated; No. 11, unds that he has. embezzled'; -NoW,i boit- remembered,1 Niles ' G; Parker is a strong Republican' honor ed" and ; trusted ' by the Republicans oitiziis"in:ibWtat;e! ? i VVe ask'thU1 'StevTS. W1 D4J j ihf.ir i vvf v ,,:,-, liiat m' tJ Iviaur. iihbaU and chahij Ko.rl4i - i Nd.'15, duvstuMi of the voters of Ifewilian- RQbeiTatenrejrheumatUm;No,ae4- dJer'; nint' we exDect a answer on :No, 17. : Noj 18, ; No. 19, Shade Vb X w.?i P?9f ,? swer . ronWmJ Groves: No. 2I.JLn with a high office, in one sense of the I f elevtion. day. wprd jLhe rnost: responsible lHsitjon (hd .. State.1 . He betray ed 1 . his truat. V . ; j tbony Harroll; No.- 23, , Jack Hathom; No. ; : i I 23, Isaac Simmons, dysentery; No. 24, ! '. ;;!. I -U;..N(X i25. Sandy ?Lewis.iNoi!26,JRictfd heknbmination' ot" 11 1 'rvai Moore, both! thumbs; badly putj. No. , 27 -ru?$?!a mark of'cord 00 amputat- rKispuit. I 1 1 LI J a. 1 .1 .1 I J " . iAT.! on . T-?-l-? Ieiol,Ud tJie people;" ! In -yH ru SSSS .X&SHfSS vmmi There" used to be1 Niles fedneaday.ftP.d ratuned(.io thk.city;, inclrFrigh UuH ).tJiU H 1o- ti': Qnf Thursday, gives great satisfaction -mdehsuffering; NovO, No; SlEd aferffe WffiWJftWf: iUd coulity ' ?Mr Brvlis' a Stanley r No. 32 Tom AdkiDs,uPt Carolina. v,They .are, not, all I flown der Mn "W, .tor-wcaw truss; Nancy Henry, , Char- : 7 Vt L- i ... it 1- gentleman of high moral worth, pop-, lottellartin. i ,u uittiu :w u Radicals carry the 'Convention 'the : " . ,v; ';.! v- ..-,? - J ..r'.,, . j -:i j experienced in public, life and eyery breed will increase, and their greed 1 r - ,. , - , T i .. ... f . ; - . - .! vav a tit -candidate for. the (vonserva- ; t resort to demagoguery, ave made such hotesr as will indicate their condition. y . Those, with :wouaded thumos;' as well as all others, are made fo,work, ex- wno is connneu vacant were not absent on a t - .- j awe ana responsi Die a position 01 trust. rflat.!r AH others in; tfbod condition. ' Res- r party. Jecv a vouservauve L : n-r i nectfnllv. ! J. Fkakcis Kuro. MJ Di Coiivention to save the State from 1,1 c v -vi-Vi " T--..- ? r ? f To Commltteer-Measrs., Morris andS. Van- raWg1 )dio theiradgain.. I ?PVW ; iJ .it femborary officers, were .declared the per- iMitil.ixa mU aoUivfco :0&j.Jl iidlsgitbf itD!Sdr8atehWe1i3J Barnes ia:NaTCantyi tearniay. Mr. iarnes was shot in the arm., We are with- rtn.Tbd.next.nmnber. olyie;r.C7ard- & nd Hmxh Magazine will Be issued this- rrfs . .... a . r - ait,Qf Rev. Df,. Chaa.iP,.Peenf9';with .a , ichthfslifel.r i5Mft 01 ,r? Auspoua, lookmgr man with if ,-i rr-Si!! 5 9iTtpat lie win maKe speecnes in an ine 1 : t we unaersian . causa ;meeuDg 01 tne HU-timwi.tamM'-:M townshios oftbo eoifntv.io n 4 ; l ih a County M.CoiiisewuWrtlbo i.-beldf on vui. wiuuiibb Tiais tiiu 1 wneu lue mauer 01 me . treatment pi toe nwonnAfa of 1 1. rt J rlr linnoa urill Ha invaQ. twelve nunareatnousana.v i nere are , va 1nif to 1 nblp tonnnoHhe LiivH T,i,ii:cii....iL York has a population bf ; We are gladf fbe abletp announce thrated;11' Iri this Connection' We would osed to be five i hundred thousand . that Hon. A. M.. AVaddelL, of. this ! SUppOf inhabitants of Brooklyn, and two. J. ty, will take passage iu the Fayette- I Justice. Van Amringeye-terday to the effect h;and red thousand V of ; Jersey City, vTHa boat on Monday for the purpose t one pt tne prisoner waose name naa !?hich ' ' . .i T . . 1 T.l .II 11 t 1 TT. l A. .U .1 I- I Un. wwl.; n nuwmuui uuui wore ia w yiiia icuvn -nc 'unable to, say,, but Coroner Hewlett ssent; and at their request ia committee. said It resembled the man-. "eAii ' five: from New. Hanover, consisting, of ; .IffiltSlAdVdn&kitM ijlV Mr. W. H. Bernird.'Maj-J. A; Engelhard, Tsburcea wo hear. encourasingr aews.of .lhe. r pir.tfi4W.Cl Maj. TPH.!McK6yana campaign in Nash. ;.ATne Democratic can- PriHoieomJJWaB.apintedythe t mcm l. Go to see. ywUbighboabd -WWgard tothe.pUmto.be pursued by.rthe tU him thlt. the Convention cal ed.al-,. , (Convention. The,joint committee retired, j ready'and the question '"'ifow ia'whether or ana auer a Buort aDsence reuirnggu anu re- i "v ""wuua , Dv-j nv pwi.o. rtJnAlri and let the Radicals elect a majority of del 5rted tiwr Chirman recom- and thu9 tok6 controiot theWe. mendine that the nomination of .Mc luK. I mi.. ' .t - . . m. ..." S'fn- .Eratifyibgreportsreachnafrpmand and that the New Hanover convention joining counties of the promising condition ' ortiakte two' additional candidktes? 'of be wcjoTlift farmerskareyeryhppe4 4port of the'eomMttee wascekid laftpScKTO ,aacfped 1,, pt4i ii:iUl iMbi tUifo. pBct'a-flBbibaryeae Jf? f ne Lvonjenpon,nrP Kooky Mount'ia In this sec-' nomination of two candidates, Messrs. Geo, I tion-the! corn and cotton crops are splehdid' Davis, Cv S.' MearesRobert; Strange' Bd LJfd heavy yieldae confidently expected, a-4Wti"Jf.lj;iAr I Qurfarmershre hr good spirits, and' well wt-e F,ww -wr..w. . uey, may De'ioeconpiea wna the fine erop : j&'Davia was nominated by4 acclamation. ia the refreshing fact; that theyGwero mades n S . - - - . - - .-.1. 1. fL 1 1 'A ballot was i the choice 'a uv&uauwvwu ro kmui-w w u.vx T7( - . - . . . . j On motion of?fc!W,H.? Bernard, the sot rfemyjwjthca p3sTthe baiWik Chalrmanwas reduesled-to 'appoint a! bb I iqehim fairly between the eVes! Tortun- leisurel an EaecutivB iGommittee .of :iiine ajely the balHecedpaueE the .aealp .-. j . . - i - ,T TT and was cut out. nembers,foi the, county. f NeW Hanover,: , )Tn, iv - , . ... ( fIs . r X 'rArT.tn f W5i The' Record says that w -Tues-1 ' r ve f rom tteTownship day aght a o f .one each from Federal Point,, fffonboro,. ,te parties to the riot on Saturday, was re- 1 Harnett and Cape Fear Townships. 1 ieased from.the guard; chouse byjUDknowh ! i , Thwra beingno'further businsss, thwC6n-' Kfe8 nd he pfJft?tflr0-fc ,B?t-f?r r , j xucic u-uS uuiuiwwuuMuiucuuu the heavy ram on that night the whole town ' venUon adjourned; - - !'r J would probably have been burned down.. !"!f f i . U. U. JJkock, Chairman. v Salisbury Watchman: Thecam . i.MACt d?'ggcfa'iieJtw liot f i il.pMgnlnthia wOantyUdf piogressing' finely'' .uur able anqenthnsjasUc nominees, Messrs. fihober and Henderson, are winnmsria.urelw: 4 ' ITlei 5ft ;lHu-c. yntrv !U; i liiii I fdritbemyesedignifie On Monday last four of the convicts re- manner in which they overwhelm the op cehtly arrivedfai'ine 'CountyWork House' "Wheats. otillttaipifef5fm- a'lMS". flom'5thr StafniteUuary aViib'" V7' i?IM.ia.vv ekctwdthwtfew lant riMWUhf' t J . , ; tr. 1 - - . of Aldermen Of RaleignHne'following reso ld the brick -Vara lind. were BtronffJ eraardecf. ' , inAi,A . a u.o wj.., f T)Ut being desperate men they seized, an op-; I was adopted. ! fiewlved., That ithail Ue un- then taken. 'Which resulted in I muvu ieas expense una year man usual. of CoUStrange, and on motion - Sausbury Jn i learn mat m an auercauonin AiocKSViiie on ' This gives an factual pbpuU-; l.v'assJ.Bukton and Blocker will find I Hov nearly, millions, pnnging the summer a little hotter than usnai, commissioner' VariAmrinw'Infomstis: BLyiigiu yi, ;iL r, i,WB .expec,u,.i vn pis reiurp ,i,( . a-. j .w-.t. - vwaw.w..-w.i -v-i ndon. : The Brook-? I lijrik make: some speeches in Bruns-1 riutv..iai.c.' :."t !.-.! ii .t-bv.a A , . i a . , - - BlwCItsWIClC AND nbBE&ON .1 rbe;Terdlct. - The Coroner's jury in the - case of Thos. ;Crawfoid, ;the ( coloredHconviet romthe J PenitenUary at Raleigh, , who was shot and ihe-rarrying of these two ;usuayy ; f The numbf odeUcketiinated -hRc counties; by" thev seryatiyes by the Democjatic CoiiseryaiifeCoi. tl.U year would be something to re-; Veniiobasi-fli jo.ee greatly; at .Over, the result,: of. theVJtwo Aunties, "Tl bart v. will uie irunswjcK,campaign tneTe.seeins: gVe tbemi a roaajng' strong .vdteVal ' ' b W&W&tefi V?nii8, ough the? dumb tirfyen" bots of hotgi ve forth, as is desired, soimduof ,Ra:ibifwm?maFW absolute assnranfecWej)eUevmayt ,tUW,lhA t r fUCdnt b, of her gallaptOohservativwS -ate at LL f--J ' 'Hu. j-i n j L; '-J .aJ. work 'to secure the electioa ;bf,,Pr i "t fty-vA ff Arlswds.083''! w anu iur.; iuujj.fUUu.. .jvAye-1 n e.-re noi opposeu w coirege re- 4'which has'thrbwniit8eli' I gattasV bat regard the ' excesses to- th canvass, and is1 dompt wbichxhe Enzliah.apd Yankee .unK Sinclair Robesonian heartily in -ifiii'iS'li "Il lH-Sr-A -1.1 1 ".'V 'I i v excellent service, says that these gen-I versiues have gone to tram tbemosN tit men; are making- an excellent ,im-1 cles f their students V si ra bly absurd -York.! tion of New York "close and second -to jiondon ifh JufyU 'vi pi Opinion that ibe:4ffiT.Ui6otttity.' 1 ' ' larotiiid in fliA uroir fr -iltAit hainrv on. 4iad bthe;re yo nergiesjs kUl lAVheu.91t1es.baye reached sucq dimen l -"1t 1 r y..- t 810118 as are.'.ciaimea .ior . jew...xorit 111 apdBrklyn,tfc afford tbebsarcastio at their-own extf T?"VXT t"!i7 ' "it-if "'HP T7t Wort House, whiire malf dwHTOrSOona were rnsbinka thoBaltimoreiAif .n4imV8W?gv p . j -..t ' ' inf.K,dg iil jnigwuy win t strepgtnen tpe,nanaa wwmg TenuAti''iiia. me-saiaaeceasea frienus ,naJeighV d Beptemu HSfKM vauves, uunqg oe remainaer lu.wuiie aiiiciupuug wcuct. iiuwiBuv canvayn!theVcountiea m e?' 2t';2--A k,a i,PuA i;! patw;' proceeded 'yeste gCi&fn jias gone and got itself iivsswu online stump. r vv.e: nope anu 1101, ai, an uisposeu to oenent.true liiilM'Kon wilr -aronse and' give-her ed ucation, . iS o better argn men t-,need i it notie Conservative candidates a he used thanithi anecdote; j the5 Au4 . . ...,ti. i-i.-H): "1 -.;-tM.-i.v.".ftj.... ri"' 'i : . . : - .-... ', 1 ,-. --v , . : - appeal to inn uence 'tne Is nite or vorneii. 1 ne. jiaveriisers i.SS?MfMfWvWr"i ?-: iioy.;i! oo.iet toe repei, gnost., tins orl of j while Hepab'iica.n votei - 1:1- says f. he was taking, dinner, .when he. Il is left with white men who have heret'o- I received the idispatch announcing the f..r.: ( ithf ,ia' result, and. became ,?gii excited' thai he win. whictvifwityvthey wul vote. in this i ,. . -. ; .,.-4. .. : w4f . - .i wkctimi.s ThnU?ueii8i w'mehtop8,aid,im: rtished, from' the tauh, headed for'the' .i Hm, and ih one is more interested, ia it .rt&SLWJ '2n"'vVn''fci.,i.W' lb:,,, you re. W hope that a careful con" PmMUmmiWi si 1. rii Miu of "jLhism"alC-?all induce all findingitbedoorSi(wK;ked kicked them, ' o t their v3teaMwitn the friends of - ' .wj M.j1,i41ih;i!.v.'MJi I "i ins! itiil nnl rpfiirraL ! .T'liiJ' J.il 1 I ... . ; ..o rr est ofUuVneighborw nr1e?.wtMrLf hinery,aftsipgMdtrab f D.ivid S.wa,iftoirCoiJtl: M4jAWndh . ' Ji ti : . lznta liai urr.r a hunl -r iu! 1. i ,.tr ... h.m.ir-.ia Thi- would hsAraWher IS'yjwwHvJiw rHWFrio?i i i io in- itatiicai8 ana wouiu maae eiau if auk inkownrmiisM Ami rafuss. - . ! -. . - !!! T lonjced to hreak farey,er,lheaBlluenc in this sectioniofiaairainonsjy corrupt - ...fin Acconlingf to-, the. IChatloUe t-Q dou irht y. itetmbjican aid: !cJ.hayeo especial lovd olhe iNortbern . people nor of th MlorWiWft'nlw J-"uj M q. ter : badly gjalied riding one Of its hobbies I sj. ,7 1 1 f.i, ";... I, ,,. . j 1 i ;j irig to escape f ronx .the, W?fk, House, and(i -r . Aflraaw mH .K n A. mammAAW awm ......... u I . c iii nmniiin t no fmnwn wn inmiiiHi (.Tr i"w' i 11 -j 1 ji (i I Will VJ1U1VU Vilw (IUUU n U jv.ov.uwV. If hrious article on the mone'3 7 1 iTda MIai;i, .li.h,. 1,,An m.n I . I ! ft IrUt'- i ' . - r- ' i L! '., -J7 tul A 1 f " esmanship it employs, snob faBAi w the xwonsuWards'aud: TownshipSw ioin: 1.1 1 'tUUv" T a Aimr-ja-Tif kbagetbis; ; . ; Ul. xrpmVfykm- M Li.T;T. ibos k4 1 I uf 1 .111 11 i.n.f mf i.l. ii'-: v-(4 iMild bLif.iSL -Wl1!. .Jy-oii:0- a. rrWrd;Ward--Jas. V., Kinir -in -place, of , I tility. oblthe part of aaWiwli 4 W"??"?' lS&m&8k aa oaUeoualiCY . 1 ii w m wKxm f 1 'iisrBV t f.awioTiaMi ian iantwiw.i i . wr- . - . . . m syrupAthizedtfrrefflonT-takes SiiJtSjiiSEr ?TajT,i.TS! Quit Tteht' wav;'i The ' CeMebtiial r. ,raPrr:fii;. L.l i e yoij.'. FourthtWard-'' 8amn ttteAB Sni-At .mmocrjiUc, conven-, . -Z ' r u" JT TfiTf s m BafP?QnHl,.:Placf .i j-jn 0f Pender county, ield at Ettrgaw to stay till' oi putjaft aA Registrar. acobiin. idiy'fol'the ufose'6f nohiiHatiftA tfclegkn? within the . penalty : of " though fhey must hae been confident that 1 jje, mule; ox, or any animal wil one or more at least must pay the penalty I corporate limits of the city" bn 'per -J-.i-'iiii Lsai' ill ' UlLL j J j '-i iiii-JO-' i ' I !hin jirrfstfvl arid ftntvl nnt Ipsa ihfth.it'inO. , iwua uieur lives or oe wouuueu as iuey ran. i -t w wrww-... r?. . . They-were flred upon by the guard and one 1 1 -.pfpp prospect n Jowan county , ; TTT . - - t..n;i unAr,-u) it or. I epienuiu. ine rav.?7a7.saYs: . we nave . v"," ----j . -emajjjaojy rflne tfrowing't' weather in teededibigettmg'oLul-'eateiiaaylhoweverU sectionormorelhan month past. tne wounaeu. man, waose name , was f l oos. Ope man reports 'growth1 8f corn of 17 rc.- -a Ann a . t,M.At; i lncaeain ir aavsrironDtner niamtn?; ana was' wounded in the hand and also In the stalks jof ioatsi from! one Se6d4 each stalk--i t A . . . . ... . . . . . . .. , . I 1.1. -ll II . nht side,theiatternaving-aoubuesscauea liTfSlSifiiiM wsl odj niiii filQoathrfto i ..-,niii' '!. ,. .T-. ioi-. h7 1 1 1 Golnsboro Jfessenaer: The . -jCoroner Hewlett was,, notified and jnras t; :l'lIS!vwn4ih?il? 1 h6ld on inquest , oyer- the body yesterday, I he ndMtfl fTtr Vic President. Gov ernoon or thi morning.. , , ( . j Brogden has been' exceedingly lueih hot-'J fD.tJiriV.i.-! ! 'iiv J 1 I Minn an vara tia tnAimtniltMl ftfiil vUirltPil tn f Aljoth'er ofihel men wltoUffected'an'e. I iqc-rehenoadimd crefed .himself at the Northeast bride; and would become' l-resident ot -.the u nitett : i .., . i- . , , . ' states.""-iMit m.el-iU:t' . after .awhile he? noticed - a man advancing rr t c-." m,--ifA lAa.. pduuslyoverlbebrjdgeV(fc kthmt Everybody jWho knows the 'Honorable . aVlVlkVU-UUIft T1CW n UUU AvttvU f , I- VI hind: wben he rose suddenly, presented I stpcKoiRno-sieageis otijear sogrea. i tne pistol in me lnamauai s iace ana i 1 wki; nediMh to'ih'alll'Hwfdid Swj J'atttilf i:th( t9.t ? 1 1 gebUtasnr'e'mTt.ing o 'i if f ed.to be onbf itBe -wScaped 'prisonersL' 'sajid he believed tba ,i-iiwrl it aenr(rl' Two of the .escaped as oonver- sitiohwitB a friend ofoufs, he 'expressed selfaabeingtired Pl publfO iley,ana(i , I he believed thatvhe would retire .from erWiftiUnf 1 viHOwfeeF.'s isaid he ?t1ii J bntfeaaweikietis nnewesarytoackbile , nu.me fuigh 8eeks!to,nern6tualettbe,existence fu mbansin theihabdspMbxf Trjjasuref Jo, pay,; j a Constitution framed only to benefit its out pec ,Jk I i , . . .. i-. ... .r... ;t i . . t i t citv on tne Amazon raver. I?ma TOr-uieir-capture r siiand close: to BeiUbIw -v-.i-o ? sdouana laeinsewesun .tneirtoiaouaners, - Ttaieti-b iw.if!W)e,t50itWue4to . - -iM-ftnartijatare; polpred.1 o .mf ov j.hiarcheering news fronjt 'every portion of , 1 , ; , , vti ainr county xne canvaa- ia ucwuuuu- - iW&tMW&( l.U!reV;f- .'i wkonaJ toq.wWwe ilnagjJveiforilV mufflii'l - J , maibm 'RejMmmT lo m,iu;ff jCpeF.ear.Twn.hipMurphy Ward, in J. i . I Jipw f ;f wW, in rvft""' " 'uauw. rnrtmmuTPft in nni.wv -vou iu iue siuue. -wo , i, , 1 . i . vsiiontQ meet in iiyueiKU!iDiwir ydu .were, unamousjyselecfed and s, a wdmmitiee to notify -you xd the same, we Radiwals aav that if we j?et a maiorU' " Prnett IbwhahipD. C-JHUiri $fak,r.iMUf yea w so naraopwe ww' u U in (yntionlfiirhbverC. STL ffi I' M PftPraday ofi Augfo pexUi.ijnd; asyop, - "j -'., r. ' , ., . .i vl i wwaiMoOaOwSn' place Of U. VI LnVls,' Mm c accent the nomination. In t conveying ! O 1ISV. I TJ.xLW.L. MklliU - (i j 1 IM JlllIR'ltJ: H Y I DS D BIIQ UUf ' UWU UC1 9UUttl -Etaiiuvaiiuu U'-'fcAwU MTrTi, t f 'il .-V".' f -....:tf,.lii. Jfyiu Bon-inatipB,! andiskiiuaatyda seeeptti 'b4naBneilyiui Fur would we f aestroft anafftji have the bal m. llU it their g ves nk onr,bomBburchilkl .132!. 8. toryjiespectf c? - f ft i. f, , lafwttihiive beeniboF M'iad-r.ecjuSy I. Tfwi wto-m i rrt-n-TfT-'jTwji.f -p. Oieve us sir to be very respectfully, your ijiyenlmlit pointed ,by me .CkUh f Kl' n.tf iJia.nnuntv-Pnn.VenlibniinniVr(iiiwv4 i l .J , J."n.!HlCli8. wliere they bave-dled hndi- beejil car mkn,af,thejGuntyCoj t . .ri ..k nluZlltttrrn wiT thb Tifed ' teftllll tblawtfnffVbiacfti I6riwiailatay btliiD .-Irti ilouith t.i- av&iji&!StAb As a natural .consgquence orders .on.lhe ipwnomce-noiaers: .x our peopie reg .vr cLntvTreaurerare 1 1u?t!?Au,ri ... WiQ I.' "r .1 Ahgust. and Wake will' undoubtedly ii1 teeta. at a discpunt or from ly to Ba per I fdui honest ahd'trne'inetf tostbe'Clinvelv- CntaccordIng?tt rhl1 hecessities or?the i ti,., StX n .,l4l,L,io i4f ,511, i Of aaid Orders. (Many of whie&irej -pN fljea4jRhC4Wnct ahTordVtio,1. H lcn J(wJU-fAiu-i. " w,, v- i , solicitinir funds. lor founding a fl J -t.l I . ..atnjn.ita 'flirt T " . J U ' - I t MraSl fWlflMHT tK Jf y?7Hw5 nf i sciipol in Fayettevttlw.'Nrp.;' r. the euii- iicouniv snouia ciihct kwpuiiiruiucuiui u i catiOKOtmimsiersior-iUw- xaiw- -jii. . ,.r . - . . i I ; . I d 1 Ulini.,HinvWMi-w..v.w. t Ui&izhttt iRBinflwii'i .o.aw - ' I. 4iUflOilri i.l.3nl. ia ttm MiMmMn-in HrtiriTltilTI fcifinlEm-il iL: .K- tn n.nr I . u r - - i rnitzi cxucui iu lew c uirltJ. hM.lnstriiietOihand.i.r ,--HtT-nA ' v rKA', VJ -iu XOU-vwerBv,wiwwaMuHc f afctf fljat I liate been exiremeiyreinciant to tPV CUT. COuulj couywUi"yu w ic(iijreu.x wh- I, rfwObHwyw tB3on9ttrtl6nliOwBVentron for faxes. s&T tmjiJTtMpnwitui axl r m vf the old board shouia fr A(M ;W" "r-.Arr i"T.,ri,rnrTTM ,r -non' tae-TJi-scnii--; 4betentiPi? lor.thii-woijdl C604 Li &oW JWifrOweii itiweri w atadiscouarwrirpaX P?tmi? thereiaancderatowpnthaWu noaoticeh4M,let3 Vext', requiring the tax-collector to receive themi jnoypof the ex-coupcilmen Is awaited with ( . taxes. : ; , : ; V X- , Ui Jw llTng to provYdf means for Us Wmenl I ZibnCbur He was, .orderly., a j when 6b6d mfcurrtd. t,raht that the Tausea i Iftr,,Hwb-trl centi eadorswmentfrwH- '.' fehiaWld-Wl WW'-f'tiB furinei: owners iind.thaMaypr of Peters- tueireontrot-aieyilbtirg:! M labored. mmh r$im$ a add jjower t reliive l .among tbekKilojedptople-dr Wginia as. a? this 6aD De done uy passing an orut on I tbpxevXvijcUwU.-OJioaier, W4wd9wi.xtuwa i-f fotaiw. Mi the"cbun Tstr w brthyw-ry hkheSh-lidat df nhe Coltefctw.MeMJ i N-k .Ki.u.i , hanUJw31hlwettlptaarAax7 o VwU necision of. the SuDrwme.Court.in the. , drs onhe ,Uounty iXwasurer wul oe as i ,Wii&telf&i&&t WRadcal"l66arr361.i,,', gooa Vlu.eu,dl:"rrr. J tieiaaialiayfea6eerfiJaywl3U ,as iswjxii n ivrwwtvfi Tf-iimw aether to see what 1 bieatiassurjraee! of -bbtatheyuiwul rdoj 4 J .Matbej ;.;:.;:r': .81,;: ;jse,M MfWtws ; J Ijlhftnflweg.' shirt stud W of a rt 1 f .. -- dadotteimuiorfiiitian.1 xehiiimi'iVwhHemen.' yours, truryV-J Vl lu.;.v,.;.T'iin aoid: .!" J - Black laie mittens are evmnfr. vearsMy Z "'T H v- 'fe'1-"'' ,,u, --4,a Bktan. f f or mi: w tv uitu wminuvii -- -j. f . . r l .-..".. i.r.- fi'"! "r i r,-- - rt r s-ri . 'i j - t. . k i ill 31 t mafeaiormaiaemani . shy vezhmeut to-be-iiA in5pcaW-Wb4hey, , t uished, and which have first ftiou-'' i s t 1 1 - i , -' ; ii , : S ! f ' I1 - ft if $ ' . i " .--.-fjv. s a. -ft'! IV' -! -I- i: i if if! t 9 t il) 1 i Si.. fir- I