1 1 wrvwwv" f a-f USA i ; at a 85 M at H : a : -PVXLIBHXS A $1 .50 a Tear; in advance: r. ; to ' ! ,Sfl. I. i 2 ------ U U v i - Pot omee Honey Ordn bmst obtaincu in an ine cities, ana in many or tne I obtained in all the cities, and in many of the or less. v ...r---- h, very safe meatis of sending small smna of mK I ia be sent to the Dead Letter Offloe. 7 JSuttrntrnf ijjlx the tampboth for pottaff and rffUtry put n tKetmyney and rnsai the letter to the jpreeenee nf ti poMtmaelerand take hi receipt JorU. iettere ent to us in this way are at our risk. ; Subscription Price. '!. .v. V:- ' 1 ... : ,'.- , r , ,. .The sttbseription price of the "Wbkk ly Star is as follows : ' ' ; -. 1 " SmRle Copy 1 yearf postage paid, $1.50 6 months. " 1.00 5Q I ,.,1 a . Clubs of 10 or more subscribers "one vear, $1.25 per copy, 'strictly in ad- vance- ' . 1" ' , -tW No Club Rates for a period less ' ! r j i ian ayejr4 j j ' , ' : Both old and new subscribers may L 1 included in making up Clubs. At the above prices the W I SRis, we think, the cheapest papec w"' c. . - , .. . . ... m the State, and its circulation -will . t , T , . , . he doubled m twelve months, if those whohave worked for its success in the' ; pJwiH increase their efforts in the I . ; j. . : ' CONFKSSION IS GOOD FOK THE - SOUL. . - ; , ;' . A little while i back sapient and in toTested organs! of the i contraction scliocV vociferously proclaimed that iio recpectablu 'number, of. Southern journals ad vacated tithe greenback w . - ov . w , n I i , tvV i .u vt - htttr, .and we told them likewise I - ' L. i 4.u i Kit the Nufhero journals , and the , , i , , . r . . i., ' . -, , T ' I ! ' " i -r .t. ' - m ntiiiioii next year if there should . ".''..' 'i".-' . ' ' . 4 fkf ; . ;, ifrvative nartybf ihe conntryH : A VII,:- now. ihey? begin to fino; the' -mi h.' . ilcre. is the.KewtVork .. ...J.;f:.;..-. i , f . ; i k . i 3- ni-, that Where is do doubt that then immcK wme; iournaf. all we be- ;; -1 w- lit'Ve f xrept th .i i . i v . f - t . - i i eierMursr jetcs: iuhi . are ;m ..4ltiinore Gazette Ahe Memphis Ava 1 , 1 .iT 1 u I ' politician, and Pidi siders these' the ablest in the It is perhaps natural that "lit shonld r , . 1 ' , iiichmond Whig, the Richmond JW- patch, the' v ; - ' the Petersburg Index-Appeal. ,1 the, 7n 1 "a A' - '.u-' .Charleston A.ews and , Cowrer, the , --.1 . ,A .,.,")..' , , Augusta Lhr&ntcle ana Sentinel and a host of others nearly if hot quite as iiitluential, which day in and day out repudiate its heresies and advocate the true money theory so ably pre sented by Pendleton and so popularly championed by William . Aln.; , , , i But the Tribune, in delightful cant dor,' goes on to sayi1' ' ' , ' Ou the st)ft-nroney side'are all thd, other Journals of the Southl and the statement ei juurnaisoiinBOUxn, anaHierHiuif epondenw show that the . Jatler :reprw ft.nt m.t annrBtlv tho vi.nra nf th MO- t- awu.iv. fir i-' r... lie. If the Democrats carry .Ohio U is a Tery safe ' prediction5 that the '-Bomb WW The latter; .assertion id igratnUoas ..and clamors-' ittstt'ti'nii -iif Kr-;i Wa t f oiWa . nf khp itr ;' iV-.j r-r-i f-i - J rt r;: jsfil and the sound, political econonnsts-of ; : -isssssss'5 .""... I888888 6 Months SsggS, " - - S Months USMM - ' 1 ' - - Iggggggg,.; weeas.. MHgi9g " u SS88SS8"- lWeek wattrwtoefit ; ' " ;- ;- ' . ,.... m sJi 5 a -,js -.ta ; Jof rf'w J -. - Bo So o' . 9 . - ! , ,- c i . it wnoie-souiea3teorge a.. icaeib. (jpwii. Uic uemocraeY oi meoouiii is toruay xMj-- -i;'V!'n;r"' ij i. - - a-, i r ' . . - j ... January 25,f 1 825, -of : CohIiobert Ntronelv u favor, of inflation, if any, . - J , - - . i ' ; , - , B,' : , , . . , Kckett, of Turkey -Islam!,- a., and dependence: can be placed.; npon the , . T , . f , . . 1 ,. , 1 t Mre.- Mary Johnson Pickti , hw wife, oiierances of its tiewfpaiiers.- 1 It 4 ,. . , ,v 7-; j -r, - w i .. . 1 he tenterea Bcoti's 'amiv of imasion i .. .ur of us owii narrow contraction i . - . i - , -v? J T? rL . . ' v ; rr, J I i , .:T-.t'-J 4-r, r: and J fooght valiantly rthrough the ilu t hup. ihese are the Louisville 1 n-tJi''i'i'i : -. ' : i ' - --. --i -'-' ' ''1 -,--''-'" memorable , Mexican, campaign. 1 In kjurir:JQVcrnqly which strongly ad- .- t 1 , , . 1 ! V -lu -i? 1- a , ; . v the San Juan, trouble; with iLnglandi t rv o 1 iit i - i siafT mrk . " t ttvaiir : r . - . 1 . ' - , . . ' I h 'ill sectibifit Iti dlki miUU hUmMti hh4leiiiflf - A newnSbar-i Mid-tb rivals oi to.r ; ,jr Kwly notor,:kiper6tk n:Hamatoo4 im,. nri. u..;. r., m.b.i.1. kI. I -rnMu-r:fhntkt onetim&eoitOTOitiia aine parts of air and one of coal gas,wWchi perates as an explosive, 'ihe inventor cnauenges the Keeiy motor to cr;ai. i ; ; B iiir-'n i I ' - 7 fir Vl.r.l ?,tf oyMjL uumsuvy reuaematuem 'par.'- qesiTQ .a return to epecw TMe3tflPa8 bMdi r .ibd iatemts ' :l-lMJ8siblfl to ref.nrn inimariinlfI v,t.,IIlH f " . "-J! vf lan4 announces UaS:6Wlii2iPstidaty , . -t1vJ m: ; - -. Andrew Johnson, aeveDteentb Pres ident of the United' Stated' was bora at Bgh, KJCC, I)ewmr1j0- J 808 and frm j the. age of. ten until .the aatomn of 1824 was the apprentice of a tailor in Rakighi . In' 18126 he set-r tied at Greenville, Teniu working at his trade, iff He was elected Afderman in 1828, 1829 aud 1830, Mayor in 1831; 1832 and 1833 member of the Legislature in 1835 and 1839. and p rM:nt-lfti V Tj-wtol. :n nRi0 IT T , . ' ,-, was elected Ha-the State Senate Ml 1841,' and J sat in Congress1 from ; ' -,,;--n - . 1843 to 1854. , From 1853 to 1857 he was Governor of Tennessee United States Senator from 1857 to ! 1863 i All this time he was .a Democrat: Ho was nominated for ce-President by the BaltimorKe- publican Convention in 1864, and on v ' . . . ...... . . 4 T. thd assassination of President lau- ; : .-; ... ln ;in. ?JJlb.W.Tl, th Presidentail Chair., I,v 1872-he was- defeated as, an independent; 'candt i date for. Uongressman-at-Iaige, hav ing ' been .'previously . beaten T.by Mr. , Cooper, ;. for United i. States Senator. : After ' a; long : trug glel he : was chosen last f January to succeed Brownlow, in the United States Senate. -At the Executive ses sion in Maroh he was sworn- in, and ihade soon after a heree speech against Grant. He died of paralysis at hi - T .,, M, , - home, Greenville, lfHH., yrrIy. . - 1 . Andrew Johnson .hve I one i the most remarkable' lives kuuwu: iir.ihc 1 history of the World. Of hi t-harau. 3 i : . . ; , . . teri weapeakTinpt heref ;;Prliaps it wefe tter for Uhisgenerathnrd, :: ; ! A -, wJ-g.dov&M hw&v ru I ,, j j... . ; .- H- J fhh The secondvdiaiJr.Twef record uhw I morning is that -of'-the chivalric, j , . v ? - Z r v; . . vUsi tiW,fi y' l-h j , est t roint in,. loz. raMnatmg l wiih ho ran lr rtt inul l ttnLuain t "-.. - -------r- i i e IdistiBguished rfntiseir by1' his '4o6V ess ''and' promptnessiHe tooglt I through? the latev7civi wartwithj chmpna, in one ox wmen ne I tLH , ,. .. .,. ' !' ; j 1 manded.in this? military department wounded, lie atterwarai,com; J ! . . imSe. Getty I; Irpnerftl ! tikett niii in the hns- , 3 ,r. , , ' pital iiof St. ITincetit - do Paul,, ai , . .. . ' , . . Norfolk, on the,1 evening of th , tTV,. - . i i M.-- At the 30thi of a liver'1 disease.' rHd was in -Norfolk on business, and was taken too ill to return , home. ' One of jthe brightest of the Confederate stars has been Diottea irom mi visaote, nrma- meqt to( rise we; trust in other and fairer skies. ... 1,1 ,f si .i , .! . Penrisvlvania Democratic Ubngress- I mH iwhA nAvabeenfectivelveuDUort 1 faiVW n?,vf - " P5-?, I 1112 thCBndldaCV MV the HOft, amilel 1- . , . . . . -..- f . . 1 Ji Randall for thy Speakership I thJ HouW Of Bepre'StiaiiVefe'crtiflrmXhe the 'Phi t the New1 tr&igth.' T nearlrone 1 I ballot 'la cauCUSi ' Ie"WOOIO "UUin- -J-hd riftVfmtv-fiV this would Cite fiaTannahrJrW? ha VW&firt j jor toe approacng,ceBwHi,T, ilea " rvasmnuw, w w s'p! strri V ,eniletoo .la the, jtitthor of ThMiBeed BjBV4iqs,.copipileajtfrom h.i S-a V;:.! &; an aothpritative! expoander of ii. nnd , t'.i-t ... ' . . . . I ' : . a m m m m . m m u a vat w mm ve i interesting 16 nlanv DC 'oar readers:; j NortB i West--While- Dollm "380:! colored; IMtfsV 258 1 horsey 47; mhles,U9; f(oats, 28; 1 aUon oreaUand rronal 'jMrtj yaoiuioq, zeai- aoq ..penpnat properiy, $378,962 60.;,;f 5 Lkwo4d'f PollyWWhlte ponll5; fepj- caatel,S205lH.g,l3,103;she Total valuation of real abd trsoualtpfop 3uIotthiteills129W SQi horsesi 82! nraletf!K: roata47: cattle. atiou of real and ' personal property,1 $93,-' 'f'VaccaniawWhite polls, 17; colored polls, . 1; horseaj 23;' mules, 9;" goats, 63; cattle, 779; hogs,' 2,968;. sheep, 783. 'j Total valuation - of real - and - personal property $36,905:' : i - " m mm mm ' ' " WlialMCl ttetall Sarket,. , f A u v fcviw tug juiwvo i iwvu jvoniiu. i Apples, (dried) 12J cents, per pound; dried peaches 25c per pound; walnuts, v 25 cents perj peck; pickles, 20' cents : per; dozen; lard, 4 18 cents 'par pound - butter, 30 40 cents per pound ichlese, 25 cents per pound ; eroWri fowls75(a80a oalr: treese tl 50 ner j. pair ;'beef l016c. 'per pound; beef, jXcprp ea) iil5c per pound; veal, ,.iailoic perppundl mutton, 12il6i cta."per pound; hamk!6ldct8, per pound; shouhhl2 14 ents perpouad; -; tripe, 20 cts. perbunch; clams, 25 cents a peck; open clams, 2025; cts a quart; soup luoch, 5 cts. ; eggs, 18cf)20 cents, a doz ; sturgeon, 25 cts. a chunk (5 lbs) ; potatoes, new Irish, 40eapeck; sweet 25 cts; fi8U trout 25c. per bunch; mullets 1025c per; bunch; turnips, 10a a bQnch; onions, 50 cents - a peck; cabbages 1025 cents a1 bead'; bologna 20 cents a pound; wild ducks 'J 5075;: cents a pair; ' radishes, . parsley; 5 Cents a bunch; onions, 50 cents' a peck; carrots, ' 5 cents a pound; rice,'12 cts.a quart ;snap beans 20c apeck; squashes,'. 20 cents' a doz;cucumbers, 1015 cts'a doz, ; green corn 30c, a dozen; blackberries 510 .cents a : quart; tomatoes 10 , cents a quart; oknt, 5 cents a dozen; cantelepes, 1015 ceDts; water mellons, 1530 cents; shrimps 20c a quart ; crabs 15c a dozon. . There is a colored woman , residing '"tn Capt. GraitteeiV place uu MitsontHiro' Sound who, tiati it ached the advanced Site: of. 105 -veitr, - tier name w Uauel Mie 1 iineu hat l-n'f. Imt lu-r . eyj sitrtit :is im paralively piulr i aad thiu$;U: ltu n-im-m uerf distinctly all aU'mt lh-" tunen tlutt trleil men's souV j4ms dues -tvui " nut : firi h anw claim to-having fawn house-servant of Ibe Wreat and good Washington. H She ' has je8ided,'Wneytr,vat hi' Tiear; the same plafieot1ngtt1whbhrbf the lung ' period sue haa -stfuggred with life's toils and troubles! 1. : : The Sank of Tlewilattover. - ::,At a meeting of the Plrectorsof 'tUe Bank. UE JNw Hanover, yesterday, J oun Dawson sqj.,ud .Col. J. W, Atkuison were elected; Directors to iRJl Vacancies. :,t 1 jjso! ' i :Tbe. resignation of Jao.fWi Hinscm, EsqA waa uccepiru conHeqtieub on; us remoTai w Ii!ailelpfihViii-ji,rt-tsuJ l-i-c At ibiTsarae'meelinff a" Bertl-aonuaf divi- ndof 4':pacM.Gwas' deilareil biii of the i'lrf'Chicaga iro!5Sn ftern'cM At ttfeUnltpirr :clLm u&Wtik wmSvirf. wht ,XfI 1 TiM.t! m f T nil nZIu m ua .1 4t n'7f fmmtsmm mm, sm r - t - 1 a. . - . .t . , . " t j I Vick8buTErerhltlrt; - (; A cituten ofVictsburg h'o wanted a. few hoursVworkdoneabquiliis yard ine o.tner uay accosiea a voureu iuan and inquired. If he would like the 'ioK ..71a use toxio it, out 1 iiaveu t tfroe $as ihe answer M '""-' -iiT- -3i anjthtnfc ;,'r ' "' ''7 I' aon't eh I eWeW, now,' l'ze J ' A singular accident, attendtid by a' libaseitfe oth5'roWbprtid' attached ; td k'i!aple M tKhtfneyThehuk haidji'f ih'44ie We swihgintf toppled o very and Mrs. Nasorf was in stantly killed.- The'1 others' escaiied Uninjured. 1 " '3 """f "J ' -!" cattle, ,1,524; bogs, 2,S4; sheep; 517, j loui vanikon'iof resl and neradbal teroDerfJ t ,- ' . - L J . , " ' 4 - 1 -r - t t I o I Mlie'lssonn,B, beattifoi'afiai1 fO she ej6,hae.Vit 5h s hC5 aujiDtfi?tne titt;lte 'wnen"1 ih rrsllH&Hfear Wtirei'arl a gob3; oldastWned1 crV, wfuch,ldid' her so much good that -ebb re-appea'r-ed)n5t!he Angel Trio," ahd acAuitWtl herself wfelfc -.'. - "V. '.!'-1:' y ' I: i:::-r- i r""'a'a'"'J'f '' "j-'' ' ' '--'j ; l'z! gwihe over de, river.. .Nxt lay gpi tt ffiiiky 1 lz4!gwi,iie to menu de table,, , ami tie. i'e(frWW4iw'eek'o fa;talre8ult,7ocuTrfM WreTday at tJbWtoVIMaajM Jr ffioW'isVfth aTmlhi Wdr i-j ! - '' nA CIreniBMaaeea' fender - Wnlcn The Brbklyhafe, in'r TeVie wing Ilciward'a Xife of Payne: .says: i 1 r. Payne, on one.occaalon in835, wmie;;t Wewu Mneans,;twnea ques ue on tne. suojecw m .musio pj.; ome, S weet Home," told hist per.: voaal,. frieud. ,Mr. j James-Reed,;, of Amtsueipnia, ina .uo? as. was noi. whjolly original with 3Ir. Bishop land, heird the air in Italy.,, , One . beanti-; ajuiia some ueiigiinui.oy3uery, my at tehtloh5 was ' arrested "by the' sweeli voice of a peasant girl, who was' cats rying a' basket laden wittf flowers ahq ' Vegetables; ' This plaintive A aif she trilled :oat with so mhch sreet- ness auu siraptioiiy iua& ine meioay Sconce taught niy fancy.v I accosted her, and. after. few moments' loom vefsation,;! asked for the name of the' OWIg,;.WUWU B1IC VUUtU , JUUw glVO, HJO, but having a Blight knowledge of music myself, barely enough - for the i Dur- pose, I requested her. 'to repeat the air . wuicu sue::uiu .wnuei x aottea down the holes as best I could. , It w; as the air that suggested the words of Home,, Sweet Home.n bothtpf which I sent to Bishop at the'time' I froa nninaviriflpiliA ina.a Jt l1taw' C n uu-m jtmu.. uu V(a VI V'BII .IV! Mi Kemble. Bishop happened to know the air perfectly wel 1, and adapt ed he music to the ' words, This statement is fully 'sustained in the letters of Mr. Payne to Mr Bishop, t - ....1 .. a !' wiucnare roirouuceu ,in tnev. volume, ;i Tlieic Inve been maiayi ridiculous stat fnietits-, as- to . the I circumstances tihilr which MM r - Pay newroHhe wtrd of his celebratsbn says hii'biograpylhayet inai ,oe vra-; : resiainff juj Xionaon :at td tiuMs ! without a shilling in: his picket: others htave stated that 1 on a ny nighbepath the dim flicker- ing w . juotuuoM . Btreeviamp, gannt and Irungry, - and : without- a plaoe to shelter bis t poor4 shivering ' body,: ; he wrpte his uppn a piece of i ragged paper " picked from- the sidewalk.?,,:; i no, I ..'.. - - Thia was not so. The letter of Mr. Payne, above quoted, proves directly to the contrary... We .see by his ac knowledgment to Bishop of : the -receipt of eighty pounds, i that he' was comfortably situated when preparing "Clari'V for the stage, !, We admit that Mr" Payne never, , at. any period of his eventful life, accumulated any consiaeraole amount oi wealing oat those who know, the state of his cir cumstances know : that he'riever was a street pauper. In a still later jeora niuuiuatton to Bishop ; is another ac- Knowieugiueut iorniiy pounqs on xhv Hum , of two hundred and fifty which he was to receive for. three tfriiiiaeiititled, "Ali Pacha," jThe 'irw. Gallt-y Slavej." aird fCari all fjf liivh wre protluced at the Coven t Uar-Ieu; Theatre, ; unler the nianage- ,Mr. Payne has never ; been ' let alone j almost everything he ever did haq beeu . doabted.'and it is somewhat stirprUing that bis consulship at Tunis has not been denied him : but what of that? .Fools have : been fonnd; who dottbted ib'at! Shatspeare 11 wrote; his -ow'u" plays, and itbat- Poe wak; the author of the "Haven,!!; and, with all their mooting of the 1 question, they hever could find any one elite who did perform Jhe' works. At one time; it Was .stated . that' Mr. : Payne idid. not write- the; words iof ' Home, - Sweet xxoine.i . iiie asserxion caiiea lortn itwbiry,, . .WashiiigtOh Irvingjwas ap- vlied to on the subiect.- and his renlv. was ihat he had beo unable to -dis- 'Cove who else did; arid he could aee ship: rinil i Ol i H na'A til TTTI. jii : .-i.l i 4 I --r - I i .a. . : - t - r . . r5i oonsiuirtft i ctsctosttti i i u at t i n. .v rv i J 'Jl222jyl43h rum uie viucianAU Li t; wk. a. a S m M, - 7 7 Mill.. scene of a dq raestio, tragedy .on, Fri- day night that' shocked the 'entire carpet;. " John Milton'Brys&n a map of middle age, 'deliberately Bhot tuijUHgu 1110 ucai. ma - jfuuug i niic, twenty years bis' junior, 'and then bleW on his own braioi with double barrelled jshot gun; 1 The sdene of the tragedy; waa in a twO-stpry frame itottse; known as "Jfurceirs atand." BrvsoiK Lhe murderer and suicides tVtited ithe place about ight-. or .nine montns ago. xn aaauiou 10 -aeepiag a;saioon, iJie) toqiti -'.iew juoaroers But these.laUer squid notbe retained Idngatatime. Bryson,twentyiyears hijf:(.i t; it- 1 . if. viiujr Jiiiau Wilt, iirewure lurwHWY. jealous of her, and made it. sq wan in feat that his-boardew men -obliged to Mairei tile was eVetf jelods wah teiy whe'sttyilned smuokd time at hi taaUdtv -fbrfa! drink, land looked with 0 t a a . - . . Jealoas' stfspiuwii npon bis Ttfale height V6t Carried w single. ! s Mrs;Bry son was 4twotnan Jslfbuldrkther !ufeti08ssini;5wi aoDeaiTabCei ' abotfi twlrrtytfiv! yeara'-fafi&atida's' FhVr1e!i0iheFmArderer5elevetfVear ag0,'nt thoiffgfe orworteenyyeara TheillJmatKd'jbl had''freauent'. - I t s i . 1 . . . . iquinrels. occurrence abuse his wife in ir ao8t" shameful toreeIyearsiiagor whethes sbw were a living- at f Anderson's r ferry; where they kept a' groeery ' ind sa- ! Y ' r " -v t) iV,! i-5 I li'iv!.yynuni.t.VuAJ'tr I a1 iiijId bot'a kouae and aMrs; jBrynon had; b temerity to waltiswUhvilotberUman xne aayfarterwaro a quaTrer 'ensneay; daring which, he shot atiebut Or;; tunately missedhiaj m M,Ms Bry ; son thea left her husband .nd stayed at a neighbor's hoose for a week;. but raun,oX that, time,Utandj;they ftaveT uvea ogetnerismca ;wn ucziaay:tno a had been drinkins? to exceSiTiHd earn hoine ip tho. enmguitrnk pa ne reiuseu. uer periuiaaiwt. uu was undressing: for bed,fjiwhen'LBhe heard the report of & pistol,; n Fearing the worstsbe hastened to drei4ier seii, uui almost lmmeuiaieiy sue ucuru another , and, louder report, and vtbe screams of the childrensu HasJ,ily dressing she ran aownataira-and went so Uie ' house; (of sbeighbor: ' Mrl ouvsns wu.e-woutaiove6 uin accompany.: ner v baos to the Mioose. Mrs.-. Pnrcell then4 called; on several others 4f the neighbors, bnt ;? hone would venture ; into the : house.; ' She then went 1 back; alone, and met' the two children in . the hall waywho told her what had occurred."- Just s then Mr. J. Fanning, marshal of Riverside, came and the two Entered the blood- bathed rooms.1 'They found Bryson lying on the barroom floor, gost in front of the coanter. The whole top of bis' head 1 was blown off, i and his brains arid blood bespattered the bar and walls of ' the roora. A? double- barreled shot' gnnj with both barrels empty but still warm lay 'on the floor at the side of j the body; i In thb bed room to the rear of the barroomy used as the family and. sleeping: room, lay the dead body of the wife. It lay on its, back 'near f -one ; of ' the beds.? 'A small purple hole I in the breast, over the region of the , hearty disclosed the track of the fatal ball, yet not a drop of blood had flown trom the wound; ; The Wondermt Cbemljapc. ,' What is a '4chemijuie?" It is - very simple. ; It is however, it is best to let a JNew- iore, lasmon writer tell what it is: i j - ' ' ' . . . . The next erarment ' we brooosa to call a "chemijupe," from two Trench words meaning shirt and petticoat.- ic snouia nave a yotte nttea.ito itne shoulders and neck, should; have a collar.upon it or ruches, and the front edge of tne yoke may be ornamented for those who choose to ; wear 'dresses with pointed peeks. " Below the yoke snouia nave tne gatners 01 a cnenv ise, made long enougn. to be orna- mentea at ine Dottom, xnat it may take tne place 01 an under skirt. It should nave long shirt or coat sleeves, with cuffs or ruffles at the wrist?' i t '-. The advantasres of the 'Lhfimiinre" are amazing. I It is, like an Eastern robe, almost lull dress of itself. ' "The chemnupe' gives us chemise; Underskirt, another pair of sleeves to clothe the arms, collars, cuffs. , and ornamented bosom, all in one piece, reducing laundry work to 'the min imum,. saving all the extra trouble of pinning on collars, buttoning; and pinning cuns, sewing on ruches,, and fastening neckties, enabling a lady to be always in order; as to " the ' prna-; ments or dress. une dozen sucn. gar ments would take the plaee of at least three dozen as now worn. -Properly fitted and appropriately ornamented,; they would conduce to developing the individuality of the wearer, more tan any one other thing. If it willdo all that is claimed fo It, it will be welcome, indeed. .Here is tne way sne sings its praises:: . .. 1 'aThere are some heroines of fiction of whom we never think' except with a vision oi dainty, sresn lace at-' neck and wrists; , of other : more , common dace women we remember immacu ate linen cuffs and Collars. The dress that characterizes a lady is" what1 she1 always wears; at home ifn ' the morn ing, in the evening, in. the Btreetrnot a pnurcn suit, nor a. party, dress.--Such husbands as love to see the same attention given, to neatness and beau ty at nreakfast a at supper should welcome a chancre-vthat-owill insure freshness ;ajid xiispateh.b ThisgajM all dinner or the street. thah nowrto'chanKe: col .lag waicwsiiMh' q,-i j vl iv Swisshelm.il .Even trousers; mat taiter ail not, Pft.trepiniekY o!l;4WMCl atvectne! Chmiiupej togifeatness and; beauty at Dreakiast," aha wnicn pom- lMnkfr4lA ii-M'.V Wrt-k :ViU" ...o--rtn&1 and the eohOmicalbein adapted A. 111 . 11 t J ..11 i . Ji I I M 1 '. Kuke-Bite Cares. A liH In v ! T Iran fa -vI v lanrvnf nt 1 iVi,r n,(,SbyJ count Ya lQwav was pit in ine JCgoy Jk 'ratilsnake wleliwM .walkgj thrpugh the gardienpi j Jita? com- ItnAi WKilH waa intmoflitttaltr noavilv 'dosed , , with, iwKHskey..:4'naM cpromon p soda was bound oii the bite. ihe. ;ap-. ipucauen peiug i WWS. lrn iance men(decrsrtngittiat,,it, Boxia. and tnejiiceji8ejnjia.iLltwas tbej whiskey AhatiaeatadAhe card '"'Lax 4Lni?iBlpnt, gran.augJiier, bt IByrQP,! POtestSiagainsLheprpn Ubsed:.mennmetlt tx).. lhe , noetoin. hi wherahe.hesk and. put oyer, him.a 1 bid fdlowar Tennysori aodWalfWhftmatt are close frienqs'and rrequentcorresjp; Mcuvs. ,r Mrs.! purce)l-ocrapied thef onp pei ro6ms;1,J At aqaarteplt' ihT meat is adapted to. all conditions. nn Md Th a WKnl a M nt h t n dJ Itf ' easily changed iO''dressfoT'J Ishland'tbie KMb7rVBriisH5 witn Mrs! t , ' 4 i 3 -yt u i t O t i i i tTTT -i ii-f. J ;i : Li.i Hv-Ki aveil fe!-3)i-&f;iJ'; i:. vTTijcjiiJ. lyiJUOr,. .301 VX:iiil OJ wtm 1. late nnmber of JoofeCon in a M Ljfceccrreniinea'.aropicarjraraxiise i gjvesuavviivei-ygirfeacnpiionor .uriM na.t.hn crat. 4 rrft..NanTir,iih lMftrui'an nlt 4 acacribidaibeing, a4mpstxcitng. '4IW ana interesting pastime and needing, in ia heavy sea: tnmeiWiiieTveJand skflbIlTheittrf4oRl lsiJa;i narrow liegipna qf form8.moalded.Kithr the. iu.utr.auu sinuous Deaucy oi classic bronkesaVeliefe'n'im JikjBibom4eaizeilof-ithe;loam g game of riding astride ihe hreak era. J WadingjjmtfiAjmiiwdcs;; on wuivu ine sea is ureaaing ine jsiana- era push theif boards bef ore thera' and'- swim out to the first ' line ot bteaker:M Safldehly they dive down odt bf sigh t, ana nothing more is seen ef them till their blacks heads tbobpfvdm.'the smootftseaa like -corks, halx ' a from ; shortk.KThen ; the. fan m com- menjjes.j 3 patching,, Jfpra j.ery-1 nigucroiier tneyA ieape:OAjj irpm behind, f lyingVfface, dowWard.on tneir son. Doaras.. as . .the ,wave, speeds do, and , its bottom touches ground ! the1 wtbp " cus nio; - a gigaintlef coniheri -The 11 swimmers pofe themselves on the highest edge bydextrpurm!ov'ement'-'of 'hand and foot.-' keeDiri&r themselves bh 'the ton of the curL ; and ' al wavs Reemini1 to auae aown ine ioammg' nmock. do bf the breaker. borne shoreward by its mighty, impulse,; at the: rate i of fdr;ty milea an houTj yet seeming to bm a volition ofitheir;pwn,- for. jthe mqr0arpgxri4erJknee), ad, even stand on A their . surf-bords.' wavin? their arms and, nttenng.expltapt cnea Always ,0h,ine verge f,9t enguiiments by the f fierce .breaker, r whose' white: crest rises above tnem, mst as one ex-i pects to see them dashed to pieces Oh the) rocks' they quietly1 disaippear,' niid emerge again -oui ausea, resav- lor another perilous race on their foaming1 coarser; ' The great feat seems to8 be ill mounting tbe courser at ; ast rthe? ngnt time, ana to keep exactly on us end.' The leading athletes are always vociferously' cheered r-by the - ipecta-t tors, and the 1 presence of ' the elite rareiy jaus 10 sunxuiaie ine swimmers tO iheir, utmost exertions; i ljveri the; maiden 8 and old men often join ih ?tf . 1 . . i this, national amusement; . , u a Famlna in Aata. HI In nr. iv 'eorresporident pt 'the London ii(ist writing irom Asia luinor, givs aidistressing account-of the f there!1 which was superinduced by the aaiiure or crops itn873 and 1874, anc aggravatea oy tne xernoiy severe in terveuing " winter. ' Whole villdgei were depopulated by ' ' the terrible scourge, and;" nearly; all , the cattle killed by .starvation.: 1 lie faelds are. Pb jVnipoY.ered ;with heavy crops ; oi: wheat and . barley, but , there are. fewj ip J consume it, . only those .iformerly wealthy; having withstood the famine, ah they are now reduced tq poverty;. In the wintetjolLj.R73t4 snow laid on the ground for five months, (and as the people had been unable, to store tip! food for their animals, sheep, oxen an4 .camels died qt starvation so thai not more than five per eent. ;of the numheir formlyUving'thre, nqwire- man. jt, Villagjes ,pt from JBOO. i toh,7p0. hoases have 'been almost! if not whbK 1 ji.L;x 'ritz 'ivsTiai -tl'-L-siii1 either"1 died from want and1 disease "or ishfed thef could hot cultivate the soli, auu oveu wim me present gooa nar- yeat they will not be able to do more .thamreplaoe their oxen; "The' govern meht is; exacting the taxes with r ex- treme seventy and adding thereby to I the povertyof those a who 1 hav&isucn -ftiPjCPPR ,SR4.the .dea,ths;)f, their ap- 9.(s9n?4:VgoiH;.yi.Ponsef thhka ferBf J0xenV hoMepdssesed a'VdVbPtww: almost aTlaregdtie' rtTiatjtUiyfeit tna wovernmens taxe81wtreilraisedfc,in ' mabVdasev'tfhe'mbseielen ti means: curL but there is nothing-absolutejy nooning itHi io.ase.- -: Ihe word claaueur. .remarks the ( f --v a -jf- . " i Baftmore (jflzee,ia, yci table French, eriyedfrqu tin? .veb t,qlagft Ho dwesiorra-m'atfc piecesitfd1 M ' 'nrsl'itf WmmiMe "PafTan!' Thh ttiatiag'et'Wdaidendlair'o'rdet to 1 hisMncef oV ahyHrfmber 0 f n." - r tt ,r .ii.vi . i. i. .1 soibetimes for five i.hutidred dbven mordi -The Wa w'd Wded HrtcKco i wiiwisfr those wbo wmwiif-tbeineeies i f memory imdi4ureTiduyporatig; outj ktstheats) meurJi who' laugh !b 1 fliifimM m- m m , av faa - a a. Pin cTfateer?terel)fefm been fpTCedtd Heave.-4 The Oltdihali! (oyeTnmeiitifurhished: ' seed" to the5 farthers, but as their ani mals harl tier! Hhej puns, andqkepfewrrichieflyj IthraSjiwndi isefdss4bg'the'Bialu ' wbjnen, who'are to hold tlfeiexJ&&Jjvhjob :hai4kcutoiw3eye 'H roan inn snni Seven hundred mmlgterl 'bf I ZZZin ZkZA SSnTi A'mi aa'tntl fk" (fflt OTam qptu the waters-subsided in -ylW jhe mormng- t- 1 mSmWll ldTzK Wneeba that'MissaK i Bfij"-, if f .aienMnoliai-msM.'.tlie' tofatijAa 1. waoneabtf ltnvdred arid eihrv-ei?h wemvlias made armncremehts with T. Cbbber.De-, 1 fatewell imeeting.qf Moody and, key tta tiuuuuu. ' MayorSrlcRal&gWisHU--- but hupiPTiBit.fcn:a loibj ,UrfA',iiia Mf iq f--'itierionndationor tne"juetno7 5 ,doit ChurcherftlaiaiSfiwee miiJi. y At-Mt Airy. Charles, Miliner wasnvlctbabforleryr1 tV'. i-iThe GoodTemplars have had a gHnddemocraiioiittlajloar3T fj frrThe man . woundfd, ,at. Forest i , u ville. Mr. Sam. llerrilL Is eettine better. M PrayuxksX8ru'Hn,P are ail . ,if , fThe. improvements on the JSL C. . ttol ttollfse' Vter ;cbteted ;ahCikika. a .'.V u tho "mn mhn firnat ifchrCreatfUlreW m 'sbttealfiLherT . tto&ererdcwebiiWilstent0 - t-'1 4 - A man suspected of being Partin. itbdwlfemurdereri waVs&enskuTkiriiui Ine -Woods of Chatham and Randolph and wa3 M -"' 524Mft,flpoand . airi dames vwrroiiiiousenyiahnirneriast The RalelcrhiLieht InfantHn Jiiv Brsaaied at Kitull! Wednesday. There ' .' wa 1 "target"1 praice.ahdr'private:ifienry, ,n 4 a? - Do 119 forget 5 the Ilaical Mrtttttnidlnittett iajr lUwi-sW-ret sirf-A ! 4irees: riepaDUcan8 should not :4nUmaie.. thai the ClvU.Rights billjb wrong in princi- f" - Haymonnt has recently been the scene1 of two or three bold ahd InfamoDs i ' hotisebreaklDg8, in eyery case of which reB- oedtable -whfte' ladies hftVfl:'h-An 'rniiffh1v ' -" 1 C3 - The Toisnot Transcript says an affray oceuTfeatWeea' j;B.i Vick and Bennett Bone at Cockerers Alley, in Kash, . r lass Sunday morning, during -which Bone :i ' wa 8enously.if not iatauy,wured.rv f. !:u . , 7. Trains will probably run through td$helby in three weeks.1 Cot1 Fremont informs the Ofoener that the bridge which nas;U8t neen completed over .Buffalo creek is Very handsome and.durable perhaps the : ! best on the road.: ; :. , ; . ' 4- Mr. Bent W. 1 Avent of Nash county; a clerk at R goods 8torePetertburgf committed suicidd ,py numpingr irom, Pocahontas, bridge, -Jti ?w BtsuLiou me com cronoromiaesunnreceaeoi- 1. a.a.- . - r f-. - . ed yield, and throughout the South the corn . . vi.up mc preacuh y t?a uius iair o ne uie oest sinee the war, and as: good as any within- the'recollectied of the yery oldest planter, i , that city,,on,Ye,dqe8dsyjVlle had been, ill for several-days: v 1 V - :v . w ewon jsems .un w ednesday ,v. -night last, whUeiMeC JEtMcQwIgan and "Boss" Pope were, swinging at a rapid height Mr. PopcMfelPout, distance, of . twenty, feet, and broke his jeft thigh in two .: - places.5 11 iJ -i fiau 1 ' .- -pjCpocord Jegister: Osxta friend, : s . ? MrJ L A. Fitzgerald, on his farm near Lin- 4wp6d,i Davidson!66unty, from wheat sdwe; T - ' tnresned iy4i husneisr - Jttr. A. (i, tentz, , jva wu uiabE. iamu uuiuvue ucva ui xuau .L. . 1 t . . ... pot variety, eleven bushels.; , , , ..it- Concord Heaister : Mr. Henry (kroner brought a tortoise in town vester-' ; dayj which he caught with, a - hook in,- 1 teraon's pond Thursday nicbt Which weigh-1 d eigbteem pounds; $Mr prober - has; on- hand eighp-Jive, tortoises, the .aggregate aipesjariyjtose weujnt or which is seventy, odd pounds. 1 1 " "" ine JvioBion-uvasezcd .says xnat 'i ' in the storm of Tuesday-QyoiBgr whileilr. ' Jas. Wood, of Buckle8berryj.anda..negros ; man (name unknown); -were -crossing a Held to seek shelter from the storm. Mr. , WoikI. ; . was s'truek by lightning and killed instaiiily." -The negro was seriously injured. ;! n;;, ;-4-i;OuThuitday) irtthe; Suptei . Coiirt from the Fourth districl-r-TlM is. M. . Lee vs. J. - lt-''BeamihV;i boVir f rbnV": Wrfin'f '. ' ' son countri IMemraon; Fuller & Ashe and? ;-m tevart & Kerr for plaintiff, W, S, & D. , J.; , -Detaneand Smith & Strong for defendunt: From the Fifth districWA., AviMcKethah.. , , : '. vs. IJphn. W. McKay et ci. both from Rich' ' 'mood county. Steel&f Walker 'and ay'if forpiamttifi Mc&ay, rttaDerton,; AtClVay:; ancj Smith & Strong for defendant. - ; . f tj , ; . Lumbertbn had two entertain- ments last week The I&temikn st.yafN' oi the Independent Order of Good Templars, delivered a lecture btf TfiuesdaV nie'hl.i and a f T bn tordayfcaiMais, Buoer , unenaent 01 me ,urpnan Asyium, gave a , ;ntancaleaterhtmDWBi;;abd'loro . everybody in Lumherton ,.attended ., ;We Wbald not be understood aS mtimating that 1 ' '"' we do hot attend pubue entextaiuiaentv f oK : we ku-e only too glad of an opportunity, aod . ( it did seem that everybody was out. r-lt wasi ' certainly; the largest Zwnberton. audience ; u mat; we have ever seen. , Both entertain ments were splendid; Long live the causes" " in hich both these worthy i gentlemen; are . engaged. . . .. .. , j vixt- CharlotteVjOajv: jlk friend in Lexington Bends ,' aS he heard them; the " ' particulazs.ot aJi(9nicideWbichwas com-. Si 4 mitted aear Frank Jones' distillery, in Yad kin county;' 'on Wednesday' etenmg, 22ad " ' s -insi.chyu WCUam JSedrick a citizen of; ; . ,. Pafidson county, whose family reside' , within threb miles Of LeSdagtOtt. ' Hedricfe '"i basi for somerdme past, beeprhanltng or peddling. whiskey fet f on J It seems that Jons js nowa indidsteoraseaiqth.i Vitivnntinn anrt nn last WprinpftdftV thprft L Wa4 i public gpeakieg atwrniepoiitinTsU-1 whf re Bednck went with his whiskey 'toagcuBJ'"Atneo5ne ,tuaa during the dari v r: quite m crowd of whites and Diacaav wneo I f " .a T S a.- a one man. said to be ' named Jennings, got cliitt'eed-Heflrlck 'with treating the maJ add negroes' bforethe idid-' ib . whites, i and. u. "' cursed him consideraDJy. ijaierintneoay. wherf HedrickWas'oti his1 'retufb to Jones : ' Mdfstilleryi Jennings pvertook: and stopped; i., f hini, telling him with, an eath that be bad , " refused tr treat him, and that he was going , tq.kiU him,:i&;f whenj Bdrick got eut jf j t! 1 his (wagon and the other seized him by the, taroarepeaing all r the 'time that be wasi guift to ktt him., After they. had, been e o; nUi gaged for a short i time, Hednck got loose, t t and drawing ' 4 ; o pistol shdt Jenniaga t s throuch -the hod v. causin e his .death .in' less. , , , haa two hours. rHedriekwaseiih'er arrest- . . T . ..:-...: ri . ." t 1 a 1 -J ; fn in Tt YadkinviUc; . , , ' . - jj ' "'""'""'" 't' ; A! Wrtle Jiiski x5 ea ar!mv8'iiuBwii dd at oscujaau is uuw'. in o 'Mr JEdjwlard KoMnspn, fl residing lft nearnncdy.yjllef inecuntyj Ly fin W aH f hnma from lnt Tilnra. rvlt ThirMay'ightbf lasf eeXfteV 3vnatTTai.Va-aar I . lalitnh'lplnnM at land wagpn.were awep away. Py; i imnAtnona torrent, and he tookrefnoro sustained adiiurablyJ It.apiJears that juci. t- Jit s probable shatj she will -aoon, make ; tensive tours throughout the country; ft. "I -P -mi- - fii I" II -:1 t- 5 I 1 -1." - J : i - 1- '"

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