. i-.--'y - .v'-?" - 7 7 j. ;--7 777 ; v.v 77777:;7777;;77v:7 cjmixa 6.jsraia wound. tMiSber Tbib Jilte. . . 1 " GKN. P1CKBTT. vr'nr i -.'if wmon would do the work effectively. . . . fiilCjeeUfi'-iiar.li' SmaUturbmeWheeUhavebeen used We copy tfB from the f& Si) T2 - - : , i taa account of.JIooday'gpro for this purpose, Mbaehi profesl to y fcj -i f Saprema Court; i COBJlTr COMJIIISIOWBBS. Raleigh Th e practica6nr(ctidiC ol jur. .l,: Afrn - JMr. i ifynopala of tbe Predl"C i for this purpose, '0Aet profesl to I y U proceedings:. The Board me in teplafinonWy meet-" 7ases ibt? ?AreNr A Attracting WI r, recent kcGUEP. inff vesterdav at S P.iM. J presert: . U rad Mention. 1 s andau tri. J. has benin to bear its I ;n mrtni-in-ftf .vvwo a J WM. H. BERNARD,'; Editor and Proprietor; I furnish two-man powei fronV the oIWllalrMorpfcy. assigned, vs. :J5 W-gner, J?tacy VauAiinge, fc?f Hor" I - W f an Delaware NIxonTTheKW11 fek Amon V? fTrV aa Vbefjew York Sun.l Lfptifaie ni"t& Tip first among ! misei-' kfial.- I W. slay, dm'r.iflt. lromCnmberlaiid o table accomplish ,,"VTl?r:rr'rK-'' thirty feetT ttone of these T TBTuc ' A medicine - and surgery sajucDcea-ia-ie- iaiiure oi About two, weeks, ago ilajor.Gen- aueeui, tue , iierit caiicu ,u"-"a Which the last few years bear- record; the poblishing honse which had the I eral : GeprgeK. ,. XMcketti arrived . in' - have I worked their ;JNortolK oni . a ?tour ,ot ; inspection to -f- -I waywto geVefal nse. i; Small; steam v .. . . ! -i r, i a sxxnunp. as was-uia cnsiom rtf fiint o.i ; : TERMS TO CLUDS. trf, paper of wmcb he was ediM 0 nf twwK IL engines1 are troublesome 1 1 InsaranceComparirr and EUzaJH CarriDgtoni fKcihnaond;:!).. r Tneer county, being of-the. opionion Bhaw 6r?plaistiflE od Steele OTftltafr and iff t: . 7 n ih, ngs at the -Atlantic Hotel. jSeneralwas accompanied by his Was drawn.v.epropeit3F'Des?wii i gbot inrt&e ead thejall iwDg.;-, iiffcr-iiJilMlHI aniis compact, soldier like Harnett! jUwiMaipas'-WelioqtaenM on 2 i tbeavity &f theiknIL.liDeof the 1 . i i 'A figure eenied asfirm 6 When he rode jwotion the sanm wmvsiiaii4t-VIM6stecenk aod,2Uitfstin.f rfcsf.l.S'uv'fM"fB-vw rio I tLUe-head 401113 Damons division. rT 'I f1i.it Faiui AAfiAinAfli S tint oil- I . i "J r'-.- DECIUEIJ. ... . -,f.: : : ! - r f -r. Mil- if -I T : , J ! 1 m:l:.:.;,Vl. .t;-.-li j. wfilbel 1"T ".Vr- rrT7if" cr I p.i I -2iKi4 ft.1i 'Lii," An'MArA ,:On?inopoBii;,waa'ordeiea u we imuiay xa-nere !SlPf!HJ Jt JLTieTiim'ls-C or- Clubs lWpMjlbo? oar Postal loel- ICaatem I head, formerly deerteatfrmst')ser'"e ppwrw-o-K Ilnrta Jjife: rrn " - - i 10 or imtsrX in mow orrlro'we ttat lufauTber4df-ar4j appeara to have! 'been' OFddiieai iKo$r tocltlddgi ftne4AihJthelW'JT8edadr. wboatf I t1iA -r.V V?iz:fie.: ilrUUi l7e ciron'm-ItiiMv'J4nta 1 l ! t& Specimen foplea forwarded when (Seabed.: LET EY SU8SCI?IBER'T0 THE WEEK Under the&ew lalw which goes-into effect Ja'nnil&tStSwe - ed to pre-pay postageon f he dTAB. ' mheatecesscforithcjfcaw rr As f a ihtt tftL" thfttr crinld' ftOon twi. 1 " " b . . 7 . i monini v meetinz yesteroay o umi jr. 1 -j -t -.jr-rf -j. t lredncedie the engines bepo J a-larMrtonjiUHeoiTfg I fWJW JLIl Cfevh6 1 . - r . . I ' ironr lyOinxnuasi anumea.. , 1 ana uotnmissioners .-uasner. itxumaw v.axb-.i,,, 1 Ji' r i i i I, i was sitting in his pmce . I IisherSiOfi the-I Christian- TJhUAnn& 'UW?? WehadCailtedJ Soon when ja couple orme)! the "life of Christ", whieh was th I thereaf terit was; decided ta remove sir6d1opk'attefcau helfiVni f Hospital of St. uht Of tnirchasinlr. lie pro t mm all -that fatties Jsf inriii; i jnikhfeBavihe attention of or ffanized ana was uaraimug wnn-i'veiftlA iarjas preBDW.tO tbiaI cumuyon oe- . L I .I . I ... . . . J. iA i when the other' nokef I l,anol,Anf4 f jCima SOcbtithat Dr. -TJeat-hw familc l. litlIlJieWMfc.'UUlUiMlWMli.uuv"i. T - 4. ----- ; ! , i " v- i I "UIO S1. OUUU1U. UUIU Uk. MXTCh 1 ; e - . - . f.T ,HiairODi r.a .,rt i!;, lifWiUUi&lZabeamlaasiinieeS TSiWUUam .W"" T?T Trom-thiJTBrftheri.eorner. tiA i bilfrht I ootTW Ail,a tlV if.j... 1 UI1 VMCian. W38 teieJZTaOi)eT Jor. an. ' - - - - ' " ' I : :- '---'- . r . i - . . ' ' r? - i ..aa ui.ttuvniuvi uu tuc ii&U CI J 9 . " , . - a. a J fa inarket if or, several aweeka, j It is W'T&bert irc45nald -fnf Coto-- ?WJP?T? W?1?051 f11 attracted hi, atteiitic, and, repreWntaSrst of 'the:ipressi Ttie . . . : . . . ii f f ' r ' - . ... t wniuv onnBt fin; fue nm iiunnnL iii : A.-itn . n m s . ..ks a . , . . i ; - i Miueiuuwiuauataweiinthnrt Thrt .nTimr imrvl tlreJiBTafl- l W .... - - - .... cost 6f publicationV we shall make no I ters are -well drawn some of . tlieiri eing -. still': 4Lik.i - I'tMi U..,.5i 1 T1 lkit.-'iia..a nnvnoW. !.' f GTernar,jM!e interviewed A.-tCj. 'Buelli f if the Stw Idi!, cept.rates-toelttbs -.-'n-if ... i4.-i v w V ? i'i:-:ni24-J. ,.ri,s. i-isi .il .u.;' The tioyernal-statedlthaB be' was born JDTiia&kiinof JPC. Hilt atasi'Wihhinr tnckhns from his forehead, fhe two t!p& .mm Sissss rf teife . LfenJ Fiction shoaldrattempt.to ,h,KJffl.n..lK0i .!?fUi..-..Jnl i biuali W suiMpr.it Jlecpvermg:cat:last he iieruts Buuscppwy .- uai- rt -Bunoa t. i :- , ,, ;-- ftf T . . T arose confused, pot on his hat, and ' 1 . ... yin LW-onf- iisicC oui ka-wWRAli5 slapdndetAtJauttbe onestionu.to3Wie ft Wrtldriedthflteral 'Mjj 'vLx. i'i.:.. une uopy i year; postage pa u.uv i yuh the pt.on:wehaytedf:UJar, himuS lWark ini'itbm words:; Uirtieahateinbteoniplled im : tteWta1 , .7 " , "months, r V , fl XWjl wpoor, aas np wnovs, cnw wrAf 0.71 rere t-9q3rumitd oM in response td .this message he arriveti PnrpiPntarirpa: r,f . iWi tu-i i VHi l on to eveiio4he48th? j- atlvico in:the:FonrthjWard4rt Ki5S 'f he examined carelj?ssly.t tb nvHlThe leading creditors ousiderieaVthM I i $;'ri:TpgreWd..:the: di- Omer4relea.bysJUr.7iX JijJtflrcnni l hient that! Balleratein looked .no : it I-?. J" affnosw-Was that the fcreneral sn ffeM 1 isv;7e-I lIC!alni of Dr.iX.t Bbi fntaklng:"! be.conlu inve .A warnijir the pistol-1 ami members of i he firmi , wUeii,' I asked "Pauy ciea, alter; a aipnt reststauce jrbcther.it was true thatHceecher l HlPPJf??!?.?'?".0 festroyer. was at the hottnm .of ,', thnii fiirP WTien-lfc Decame tnown, Uiat he had ; ?Jri declined to cclsel&y any fV hospital the j ILlhat such was the fectl To the ques.- prattfrnd, i-arid.;ihe general anxiety ; f lion,1" is the XjEife ol iCKrStT.not, 4' ?rea and P101 PP to the la i iaiiure ; - ue-eTaaireiyrepiiea snai no 5 " XT """r, lbok;-bublishedrribdP itxsmaotnrak i goished a)hW aatiUigw'4tiBBiv bim. Thennicinl ttew distressing event, but unex- .--: l-formsl Ktatement. asr-r.iS tlw inM I pected and sudden as it was the btatf " n mohthsl "I'v1. ' i TX) l wood" has no serion btemhiindifwe mil Thereje'lA .iciiitd Wlbrlh9t lltMoeioIilMb! tiroikrty jfUzatiiiajiaiH -1 . :.Mlv 'J'r.-i l.OculcRT- ."F'" .v., wuHi,MiVMytWtW'riiPTJ i,J.l,rrKiiriSl lo4 rtasa." nlw hhv. fw ami wentvntlt Of the laHore to thft depression Of. uf W.uuiuii"y .wmuejuwprws- - oAv.'vo-Jl eae ,eWo,f mentsj al!iWofcaper SrVa& tobSokWiness: announcement.-. Clubs of lO.or more, .postage paid TruinpaqdHaroodliho IV U felSraS dtn ,I1S danSer at rjy . l.25.pereopy. . , : bllftics.whichtonldb ,r; dayid met bis fate Mrith a dignity 1 naer:thjs ' ifliaginat iued.nielalioJhUmpeci paper, slialh fcftlAyk6W TheAwijfwUre.iafe Xhk .'sb- and composure worthy his life :, shall enforcV'eh sylie ul JJl feelin;dhSr WT;ee character, p 'r: M? oar subscribers remrfprompt superior among American novel; writers.- ?tV f . ( 0?w EatuA fallen vby :accident,and hade .thehi lasttWo.'years.mThiS, 1sl no?nly 1 Thprfojfe Timi says of this ration will Kp.lrnnr.Pfl from our list I Jie'is ajways irean. paiuoDaoij uucoiitci I r 1 "r T . .. . ' r. 1 . uestmmes Te nave, ine aonor , 10 8end for a wbvslcTan. J 1 - - VW1US .uaiaaEiug cuecisiojae ice ebrated ! charsre: 7T-. v-"Zul .... .vy. - r tiQirf VnVlvffntere make the following reporltr A statement of aoeouiitrwilloon be I clcv wis Vi' S hea--i'-During-' the' lastmonth ent to eac Mbscribdtrnst. 0 then" 3 ! all wiUPon4:wlttonl .''.wf I gara; ciftptymeiitt,-!!! tbersense tfr;:. vnukIn I Miwijw,, ipiedtth theiscandat reaHv edit I xveiueuiLFci: mih ccuu ux fi'v i uoqk. lie ieeia wuk jns u m or postage iifter J anuarylst. , , , to the land of the Arabian free 'T ' - ! bar ere repWUhavioV UVerot'iiaT ;W hiBut itias the ever-memorable ysaSSS wasSlongJrirgeon cneratof Jmted out yesterday, also tq the (acvd oT Jul 3d; 1863, that covered r i ai i i . r . . I I . . . . . . - I I . . . . . . . xfvbk tAA i. invtb a i 1 1 n uu ill:' perishable 1 glory, and linked- their' VofaM himbouthalfan,hour ;Aftethfe. 4-aof paaMy .sae t.Kiw- 8tof of Confederate acbievement.- kment ceedfronSthe Suu, peteotiary, thirtjj , ..etheeyehmw at, day j rose bright and smiling - J , . -."rv. "i"' -!."., I -tna Dti6va.nL- hones of a j brave armv paid,a,shortjriait mDIoved twenty iVears Iascui as wuurii tmhvsical l m dossi buitv -no wiid vwd and evil Genu haveLtaken - control- Of: I and directed Ow aflata pfinoitairwitfi ihn 1 I5n' -iP ;W?wFJ,B:,B? oeiare. t 'u' M iir e:i f 1 1; i i b e " NowisttimeforgettiugupCmbs; ppinioni of, tbi gentleman,, was !! . vTOWii 'inB 'f!ai)aCTtv' itt ini? ' minps in i DreaCDL ue ioanu on cuwe eiaminauon i . s . ' - -i.-- i i t i j i -r-rw tt-j n j - a m - - . to the WRfeKfctf $TA: -fihow the pa per to,Ijour, aigbbors ,a4id irieuds J ,,v and gef ihenl'td the biggest subscript: Carolina.. . , ' We hkve no elub yearly subscribers . subscribers the paper copy per year", free of postage. 'Divinity which ; shapes dur ends,' ' Jtoagh.liew ibem as we mayj 1rdduce Precious metals enough to I mt tbe pnsonersnaapten ana were wett fed I "v would le.n!easantttdtO feel vthaWfei se inaiiuag; A KEPCTBtalCAN.nENA.XOfK ON f 1 - cakpot-bagckbs-' ' I ; rf novel on ot the mpuiu'as a ;Contemporary , r . . . ? --tiniiji'-J:. been unable to get up t with them thus far., payers aiagnosjs ana' treatment.- j ,.' , , - '. fortyfiye hundred men against In a-fecerit vimHblWashinon; truthfuUy m frVfJ .Professor Frank Hamilton; of' B--a?;haf strength of th -Voitl fJna We want w "r'.t'UVMwiwurm-TOHiay w tbe punishment was Yety. severe and irfhU- I The bnTlet could not be that a.maf; tctedottby the , transfer of coin as man-m fact too much tobe allowed in ff? IP P i On list in ortb 1 ter baud had portrayed their Stomal exis 1 id he days of "Venetian and Spanish I a aviuzed conimunityn CvVA. l-vwJ l tencct j ior n;s:- a hi li-ita t;t commercial :sWrema ? .-ti.t wcl.iiJ" ' It.i.U'i-i: ' lmeortbeyemployedDr.J.F.King,,alead-litmust lie agdmsttho I ' ----- , -. - ... , i . Mm we are OWCllinr lTOIODru'B C- I tuw.-n.uscivi( PM wmo.icuicbcuv I irrT nhtrt-Smnn ir this ratv tn ninne thV? I .lj A.h -iTiJL- rates for. aiiy out I J.r,i;oi,i .nhnrv-MiirffMT 'WM-in I in? the confidence-' of men intone anil mninn nf ti mnv;iinft irnVWrtrt--l r" " M .i.. i e y : - .i "ir: r . i 'it 3u.ift .a: I k wfi!?.. . tt-ii :w:u- F trn k, Mnnr.a nrtH -t itw I none u won iu go mrou ;- but lor loorrmore bfs presence lue galaxy oLinern .M - -Wrh,.Uke water. Jlr i--,' s - - - - i "- t . , , t: i - v - - - r. j - r n a ia i i i a i 1111 iiriuiii anfi iiiiiu n iifu a - bt - i w - - t- tf" i - w- r - . . isonlyS1.35per i .t -."" y-r "? T"" " I K4;iU .kA:.: - V iV:--I 01 "e persons wlio. circulated. the onginaU to bed 'ttnd 'Kept vper - a a ui w u uvuiiub au uo ivv a- v . i t." . ... .. I ituvi fcs auu ouuiiuvubu tuvm uuivi , uo x uc re pyl ni v i j r rr.i iswiiri.i ' 4ri fend the most dencate sensihiluiei itisin-J m"..??!'-0 it - - I . i ... . s .; ' - . i v i oui oi locomotion. ' in some cmin i man m i.m -r v n n . aer. w " Mmnn - i . . a TnB I IWWUIB lUl. lauug lire tw ivuvu i ' J " ' "i'lt . -- . ' n -'Ml Tk f ktas I - t- , , . -, . .. . x it - I tips lhe la ctill noin it irnnl-a! inn I lUe writo tho selc coming witnessed an assault which, esperale;'daririg has rarely been Aa rt ol 1 A-ff "i n t Ti c' ko o Af tintiAnu ii-1.ii. rM volume of tbe wOrk,' t rfom the hill which thev had oocmnt-d. to the eiie- ATOileof open the1 r iron cannon, belch in tr 1 e- w tlrrnrt" tAnn'flf fntht4 i.iiw uwutwowu .u i , . , . - j v i uan oi two nuuureu uuuuuu ueicuuu gn the brafn r H7t5, "ww i shot and canister and isbranneT. an. 'BalleTBtehv was tint I canaiis it was that -which pre, ., ; ioajon lecuy uret. P'-fftMff.t.'-'-N v4j iima88ea; infantry that thickly lined t'mitv nfnilw. I engagements. , . ..,! ; I .u U kic-rZ- rxAn vi.. M i . -. i . . ; . , f . . ' . - j a . I t l t ' -' I . -' I - ' . ' i J, 1 . T 1 i-. - . ! ; .1 w m w3 y V . wu...v. V wava e-A w . j..,-- v. . -r. ,nTfrpnns nr tvw,i.Krwnn saw I - - - 1 - e 4Je annexed slatemenU under patb. 7t i n, A -Isfr. - J.a Btt WH. a:Mtrinljw jj -ii . ci a m . - . 'a Liin iiLir:ii .11111 a.ifiia.aaa a cii ii: . . fuiifTK i iniwf i in niMimr. aiui" wn iinvf! : r -m . . . Uma i unable to get up f with them thus far I 3ayer's diagnosis -dnd,: treatment.1 1 y l pleni, Press. J . " j .a j J ' with Kem per and Garnett and 'Arm - istead.'led his division a forlorn hope; j "fortyrfiye; .hundred ! men against! Senator Robertson, a Republican Boutaerner s , enmusiasm, ; .apomeoszes i Davmeiitg exist exceot bv sufferance . r m. . i. .. , . t i r . . . r j .- 1 i r - c i no vs atr Senator from South' Cafolina,! and a f bravery, cmvairy, counesyfana uonpr.aa owhete could the shadow of specie1 1.Jfif greatest agony. am-farming jy aenatorirjmijoutnio a . . . w nauve, xais;ea yery ireeiyaoou ineneea disanoear likemUta of the ta.ned fnri mpnt ifi: n ? ?f-?Jn,!P?" w. if nT?n?!4 P610 ' 1'- seen me prisoners, uui oniy near mem as i peons. yajni ; uaviitrj wcio- w i II IU glVOl "Uisiicaa. It 13 J cucill lain. -ureia ..v.v.-. , i levne 1108TMI&1.' ' was cofisun,eo ueara ne pnsonera rawaning' auu groaning i Anvaactttr .Vnrlr va w w j u v a wauaaa a - va a. i fully w.ui.i-iu-iaii u.u- ma . n it 7 ' a ' uui t . f-t ; i e . 1 11 I U... WMMKiW- V. &UVW ..W.W UX..V..- n resent Terorm movement m nis otate. I n:i1. ..d. ,bm uij il lie acknowledged tMt'the iSaood""imhlshe,ty -lXj'.ilfaXe'g? 'wi South iCarna glvi-byaho'nde Bea, New Yorkinna iaiofsafehy Va pendent reif thatry';hd; rgeryih this city- - - V t , ffftii pretense, or i ... Nr . r a;fe' 'Tl f "iX j 1 , f. . ' "' 1 ' a- " Ij Bpecafepaymenta which' exist v Eog en -none higMedand; iCa.tw, 4 i tot . - l-snop tbstrongest cbin country in the added-:.. - S; : 17; fSr We leam tha iTeerabfeUui wfhusJaW wld-wouWl td "Xearly toidmoVt ti? NW'f' M Wae$ about disseusraudand . corrup- . W'a ; W conhdence. . , ...;itir i LvVJw ivivoi-y -iTs. 6rduBdsoaTnesday,aa the lick to brack Therefore,-500 se lion is:tw,;wdltrappea fafjireark:rrbn,e fhe4lfrspeclepay looktO:USjwhoiard.u&tf waa tVuk lL$mft& W.cAangKe5eC Othffig,bat prsdi Tn mmoa o n 1 n. men. lost acruss iae creea iue u-eea. ueiBgapoui i "" fkw'',- J , .u. .k: ." I wan Htfm onlfi.voMa T tAVA nnt I n n nl tk tl.&n Wort f--- n-J." .,Wi V Wll 'u- : U. J J 1 1 moment, if: I the people ;f;Ariir,t drtiv Wr iiil II" . , IT.-1 arranged about the house- told her vr, 6. - i v- a ----- : - - a u nil in. t - - t -1 t : - . . j : r ,4i ? , - . - -4; ... . - j j - -t . : a. it nQ ttio t n rnnrrn cm a Qrtrr ti rc niiii to and over lined ; it, over uuruw lueir.connuence .irora me i mc ucisuwmuw ma uk tNuuucio i tjii.:.. ksiwh -r inDmT,ci iT'wben p?1-1 4tShSrS2 r,-n iTf ,'),,..- .. - . -i ?Mack Dameli-t-I anu iarmine lost across t kept downo staryat tbe creek froui tbe .Wors .House and lost abovehii1 Daniels'; 4 I haveshea)u' nearly ' eyery dayi Sindays included, th prisoners rooatung.aad sroanuig .asu jn.tbo greatest a pert iS!Twi'i'? power t HMJ OBHis-vi' yysi-i-oneisare unmerciiuiiy ireaieu.-r i 1 ollrrr i .s-o-i'w d i 1-7131 .;iTL.4i,.Ti.:-ijT - r.vmi&i.'k. i-u:ii !l not swaiiow, riL Xi'rr f that they should win, then and therei I tell vonJair.- we;ma8L'.T?etlrid:of Xhe'l-JV1 carpet-bag!:mnqencr:Tt"s ii is vicious; and there ean be no true . . e . i-JL: 52t4i i'J i J J&ZTT: -P VitrtIC rei uriu. uuuj fc, IS Aifieu jou,..jJ4iu aw (jo. Chaniberlain.i-not to; bef e-' - i . ... t erred by the plea of a . split fin ihiff fdr1 7 Hfifcn ife 5md- yoterahaaj learned to esttthatethia trite value of ; ;- m i.. r . ''t': - . . . ... r..l-one) more the cajpet-bagger, .AMhezPnot.Ti used as a imere .political machlneiln fii the futurerfls ue has -been in, the paat. , I b Ithe" Electt(inft ,will be held -this summer and iXalLi;yj(Pjneteeft v.SAtes, ;;i?jne. . Statea'CaHfo'rmIoaain'ei. 'Ma- I whjcb: ryland: -Massachusetts, o.Juwnesota. 1 are to ttect' Go'vetnors;;5:minor!V'State : EUara irom ioc wiut imc.-..ik J cao ill oiicwic-uarni" J3 ? IIMII-J. - e r ji.v.:kAA rKrA..4-'T-J M.t.!.x3 fioiaiia ucu-ivuu, out; WHB truilJLT IU I lojcniinw eigri v!j-y..wiM hm..v.- nve yards. . I naveTieard- ine prisoners, at I gudderilr about teasnomful bf mat-'l j'V' . ww a aar diirision.thhf.hiiL f few minutes Without a moment's warning.buthw lf :gvBr tneiwoW subject, i 1 'cair I the iWork House at terent times; taoan- Iey BDUrted forth. 'TIftaeraenI.W a- WWWLI,. 'nftd ' nrndlv marched down . V''Xc- .i'L. Pf apuriea iprin 1.Ba;V?e 1 earl v. and beiurr .nrettv tlre ' -non I haa sprprouUly marched aqnii , were suarp. i ejrcj,. ,17 .-! k-jl"13 TIg 73 V iW-ttlua opposite, descent: while around a . . . . - a ' - - - - - ma a u aw -inn a-a ai a ruiru a-a a w am. a wnj-ara a w . - . ' . - - -- . a a- a' a iiii ii u mi ai a mi k ioui a i - a - i - - t bis Hi8postion anything but ove vium .OTNTO hood that the priaoners at. the Work; House,: ,etf came awayi:t and .aay. atuai fVr-rv?:r j r i- thdmdcsed countless masses of bos- wafclea The- mhmenMf;ru aingLurdeMbyinchea.! rvj JeUhea were put oh the forehead and !lHfe 'Wjgte r W th- fifoni ilraBaonthem wason- 'y&gaU tlMWlJ. allows toMeedf or. hours alterward,-. i - , - . . ' -s rTgarhehol4tiootrift of specie -ifel across; tbe tree from, tbe Work House 'Wnf iA0Tironf t k? hoflt n coUld.get in. when ,be returned:, weBt, ;Ti 7.1 tt . ! o fQS!. MamfWllii W InWiits'-i-atft idealitV HHffiotni'' iaamii idi as .WiUaufandilaack iA bfgi s kjpt to his head a 1, gYot the neW arrangeWnt 1 .en epmmenoed the retrea , ebowhoWeverseeft 'Uaniels. i.-fcave beard'theftBecaatiliC- time. After, this, be, got. on well, :rPim J fm which emerged Lbut one-fourth . . ... - - .... . - . iir:u;iii'jii i uunuauuii lu rtL ii.i. j ri i . ... ....- - - : - . - -- w , - ,, . ........... .... .- i-anu. iijlk uer luumer. iteuiir vitv rriiif 11 i . i . iii v - . ; : v i i .lleiMibeV'crowded-ftrotmdii.eaEeri r Tnr rrrr. .v'-V.r4 i; r nerent.ymes moaoiqg, eja, groaning, as u. graauaiiy recovering nis speecn anu i ? Mr-TP, LrrfXn.i.jpt the command before the charge. oTo diapl bimltohetter dttfioicl-4MrMf-4,iaw ! e ri:afftebesri mm'fW $nad not get bak till Jatei arid, eater,! tHBIi.uiinef -vaior oi nieaer- n.cWdZlitoli-klwWilifl MiaWiH soldiehatiwilli never fade.-.. 'ntfeman. whfi.aSinta bv the depredatiohr bf -bur Vpom the unTsbment lald'oowh by the.l bMHllLA jz -la L t. 1 'ipWP'W 11 lY&rtW?'?1 llersterwKc wa weieQUiteftedmtho nd night, ibeiiamatesr capthredi in. w4 n,.f : , atjo. Hi -Moras, f Ri1 a rialter dl'donbt T i"aow eoinDlete. T worn out from his aayrtde was z&mfem :tbit tbSwhpV wast upon .his :per8oa.:.-This.T4aeirrttj LTf r.ir tiiess- :andjaays .iieiU errle,npr0 Ms1,:t -jt- v-s - .bed. FwikumWue pills a seapeir f sufficient to quieten I eutuusiasm,.and.. V-T'---: " JTr TJ . r , T 1 , TT V" " .rOJIfrC'&m "n.Viilteiienda. notice tany. ddlereu.cQ.m.lus l t " J. J 1 L f iV , Pi r;:4 ' , ? . b ik; age 52.1 "Ped hie one dollar, I 3inai lU-l",i6 iDfr d. UioinWWWm VMLrid. buMimlgetgoodkuiri ir reveller in Old OceanV' wild' mean-rl fTndincr .no moneV thev denarted. i Tow. crw.ria tuL .r,itl nH TVr I , t. --i5t ''.' Vtl A-if'-' i 7t i'1 knnilOf uu arid found rnmfelfrMtVfn JHHr i , . . - ,r ..?. ar, 1 ;satiy;areasouabcBTO , s V . LUfUofft WWWm VMlwridiud f?r.B"e8. kuirtef bfeuLMiml get good kuiri StatesK ij ofdpepsiaUmwjWip Ifuw .AiJlkiirm.P in JTMK oaruAWiiiJWBM.: tlief rW-t? ! J- d?ftWuwtd wo vid uferedifora lottawifblM ln ll"F C1PfL4 i Is it-iUman., Lives , with, V.iy otheri, (wfe H r,oao yter full Cobiesioalle.itfpn of i iPbpera House aildf thV servfeW W ikStialt itMPiW. .imM&n ufaE.ijHh.HnwteHUuunty fit f6f, jfeWMW'Hi ofi S W ifejfudPanti , r?r mm itofetw, . ?ji ifii aiy "ri "f, 777." v7" .V-f, ,estimait?a at p",Tjuu. iney are an- m i. wintlMdeiedrlfeAd jtee op.rerd.put a lale.writeroverr V -tlirivTT an::&r? "?rt; nlh asfawfiLv to make it lasts, fiikv beelisetsiHrweipbrsitnefprine .ffiihVd-he SSIi' R . V and sWfWr .iifni g wftgritsjui ifie S'tfnftfS.rehy 1' SetteiSg delegaa M&W 'MX " fe W Kas sa-2. :01di JMisses . . ISogcs. a a j-w- - - - - - f (j a.aestionV.ofl iotrucmg Miia 1 . (..,; ..;,.nii r..,wsxu'4jHif t i .v' . '':i."77. .7i a.:7; r 1 v. t -- .come ub.-iia iJUabama. brlUwnsasL t Mr. Mills explained the object ot , limj mstfc il Vy waaafaai lyvaia- ireeitatibnsi - riurfn 1 ttiA raetetixiti lncdudwgsn jibrae WsMnceft meme!kJ;l0Itintto.C Missouri:; iansas.cvNwi orkl"KeW I . iTT.i jl!7T 3''r i'f iiY":?? J hbilili4ni: i I lm Li J-k.hsi 4nT&iil-f ' ra waw BVv.l. lvvl - m If JmorninfcatWo'bloektm MMMW ocreis ,so ofcrepivw m age ' -.l.i ... r if i .. i. I that it unnlH htivp-hlnnin ilnivn Innff I unuerkUHilt Jlfa uv;auruL'aiiv,'jUb JuruL.d'. . i- . tatrj.i,tai Maonwinira,nuK a. I rr, . , f,.,;.l .......I..., Ii.i rlinrv t ho t rri n t oml nilTara sn nnhrff I WnaL It nieana.UVJ tliaL terilU. . ! Wlll.lf'l .f ! ! . J Wi! i?M rf:. fl A a u va v nu navr ickiiuv a . . a i u a ar -k a a . . . -r tvwfwHjwMHw i'te-t-whioli U.t wasi itoo Must pov OJKTJjroxojiJi2.'-r "" I an Awi:itfir ,in ithfcff Wcaft 8-4-whfcb' small sums previously p mdunted to til 7 15. tbe ' 'XwTww,awM1Srvi:a fef of Inbahre.tby? Mi. E laturef deasewill-nW mfeeit lu Tagainill WHmi'fm m ,vi inrougn -Lnfr ensmmg ion Wf "name;6f 1nan Wrr me: jqrrnaon Uiiiei'' 4Uj 4- Tbe Bepublieiipa opened -thefr mpaigBrio Mine lere 8peeohea.w in abd.Oentrar cw " " ra7rAik annnnhna mam morla hir Unnahtr KnAV- L rrfft Pvw W ind.Gentrar HaVe'MUelalUjr'lbe pqmi collections.; 4 abi UUUC XVVl, a Alvrahaa- reBfecftftW cobblkhCaf jfinH nmiaii' ijtiui Xailrlnhnat J eleclioii&Jevemiwv v. nrt; k j .ff.. I". l l.k "4 i L' r S l"ll'll lHJj I I, i .redngftbst imoAb.yry lm& pV4Wrve!dU it&j parfqwl nhcftmpuglxt to hwnjM ffo idi;The Old Women has got .www the; rnk.a : ii vr M. ,7-,;ri,7- 1 -.T --- H " 1 ! i 1 i 1 V 3 . ... nnrrPHAir htlaiiM has inAreaaed Jri.l to the r.eoDln.aa a. SOexeJH.-.rjOn&cea I we: jo efcWuaLaQaiUMM;aaJOlW 1j5 i rLrirriVTz' r j.ii.r:Lrrr- -77 i J it thuk v mav r?? ,rT st.aL.i r. fcid.de..i. t. nai. . w t-t w -a hi atMMm -a i a -- - aw u.. - 1 - a - -w-- . r sVm -r- : -r i a 3.:. l WUfPfUiJepjor, IMUWrnm Wogefct m i nepy.rfopupj vxienueuuiug voiu i IdejontheskneinU verdefinltOAdJAe members; of r his congregation a fixed 1 foB.itJ lUt.uartV, should f be 4 Bhort timeiince that .be bad received vervv sn io. , Tim. ia nnt ahia tAflmfflinin iinn-1, mcuicuiucl i i an.t.,uiwiwBViiiW4A.s inafln&Dcei.it !Kifir.'Mi4tPttvs ?njs,:tB'AaMrfTrflariYHr nnrTj in:wiii;ra f ww r lu-. .rMaine fQUowt.ntemher ASL, Jo.wa i!ypatej it.mferht bai Idund 4e in! ,12,000 salary, but had lefused iu C TVtT B JIM Tit 7? VVTa i 7 J fT ii.Jtfii 11 au i -1.V v t vJ ' - - . I v - . WanMKni. rf vi in Und jQhio evdte.. Uctjd.ber 12. . fliewJ convenient to have to-determine tben4 lUder ti. XT. Itowell ; wruta WXnv ses- hi rnuaoa reaiixad. bv i.JLork. . -js ew. arsev-,,ia'jennsTivani3; i precisely wnaiU-jaaiaoJi-means, sion oi; lueiiourcn.iiB AAieiikwuv aWrMaOTnissjssippt. nayeateingas: says, 40301 nas a repiy Huowing uat a I X f M,.. . . . A -rw-k 1-i i - j.- --w. t w , . n.-ritrr'rT; IT) vT T'" niifisjs wmrjn; t viu. .iiioxaucr iiaa ucoimn.i AM 7'":;-7 -"v7'.-'r"'7!- '". I'-i-'. 7 7' S 77 !; :;7;--. .7.-7 -"7 .t".--.'--"''" " - . 77 T77v .! j?- ' . 7. 1 . v ' -7" -7 ! ' : ' ':- j 77"' : ' - ; ' A , ' - j "j- ; : - - . I 7 7 -7 : ') 1 ' r !-'. 7 -7.,--;-7'7 i 7 ' jv74.'. ' .7 ,7'::; '" ': 777- ; 7'-;"x:;v':'' ; ' ;- ti " 7 ;7 .; -;: " , i - I 7, ;' -. - . : .'. ' . , . " . , j : J ' .. - "j : - " 7. ..7-.7':;:: 7 -77--77;: 77 77 -7-77:7J 7 7'7- - - ' - - ; - " j ; !- 7.3 . ... ; ;, - - -: " i - . . , j. " ' . 7-77 : - I -7 :-. " 7 7 .7 17, .. - l v;;--777iM:;; 77 7:,;7;;;7 ';,:- 77777-70': 7 .. t j a-

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