11 Spirits Tfirpontme ... - j. Ul 25 v. $1.50 a' Year,; in' advance. ? J- SL..H srt" 1 : ' -,, i iJ w 1 r ? ' SS.SSS.a 6 Months itha o,, 55 ISSSSS8S 8 Months a Months 1 mo9so9 . tS8S8SSS i .ww 55SSSF 3 1a i 5 2SS228 2 Weeks P.5 jHT Port Offlee MoneT OrdM mv obtained In all the cities, and in many xf the large towns. We consider them perfectly safe, and the best means of remittlnsr fiftv iioiiara ?ZJZa2i& if'H'1' 1 very safe neans of sending-small Bums of moi ney where P. O.lfoney Orders eannothe easily h' postage mvM be paid & jiamp at the office ro be sent to the Dead Letter Office. 1 Bum Vmrf il A slanM both for poitag nd regiwtrih put J " letter im the pmeneit -A r03tmatler and take hit p-nt to ns m tnis way are u jr?- v:: . ion.: ' The subscription pric of 'the Wekk i.Y Star is ias folloWs : ' Single Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 months.! " " 1.00 . , f . ,.,,;tgv Clubs of 10 or inbre subscribers, one year, fi.a per copy, strictly in ad' vance. r t No' Club Aies. ior a penoa less than a year.: Both old and new subscribers may ,-(. . .. . . . . . v... bo included, in making up Clubs.; A.t the above prices the .Weekly Star is we think, the cheapest paper in the State. 1ani it inia.t.iw;will . : . : i . . I T, TT i ' j who have worked for its successin the j past will increase their efforts in th$ ' i I u hire.' PENNRTLVAN I A. Ex-Govefnpr Bigler's prospects for Wing the next Democratic candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania?, are brigh tening every ; day. Indeed, - he feems to : bci almost ;with6utorivals now. Kx-Gov.ernor Cur tin thinks M r. Bigler will get the nomination, tint ex- Secreiary of- Stated Eli -Siifer will he nominated for State Treasurer, aii'l that the kiuket will be elected. : Tnis Bigler. movement jhas greatly alanned the Re publicanH, and they t thev an t' k;n are doing all that they can to. keep tliat "powerful Democrat fromf allow ing himself jL0v;be.: nominated...: Ad vantage is Deingltakerifofjtlieit'Gov; ernor's well knowntninterest irt the success of ; the : centertnia) expoeitibn to endeavor to, impress him; with the belief that s iould '., he 'acli vely ?,' yfiifi draw from Jt and: enter a ' political canvass ai this stage it would hazard :he success of the' great '-work ' which ne nas jsofnncU'. av,. nearpjomejof the shrcw'dest pbliticiansbncee ihat , . - r' ... f i -'l'M !V 1 V-.'! ,! ins nominations a against, tiartranit would place! th contest in" doubt'and not a tew oe inein:.oeuevp tuat,- not withstanding that. -toe . partrt-ma hinery, is in th? nandsj of, Uie; opposi .WWf ! The proceedings already announced .M . 5i--. ; :h ; celebrated' Beecbervcase'mayell a waken "dismay and .disgust.:-' Ity ia :a pity this fonl case cahnOtrbe kept 1 'JiJ fititfa under the Sp: Hit HMAIll ill kli ita nkuseatiiiirness be-1 -a j ii. fore the world :t to i offend the moral taste, hurt the ldstb character of the : youug and o an v, amount Jof injury ?eUerallv ib'8biety;ihatls 'simply i calculabiev K There was1 j no pse m tbe action Tiltijmhrfitak jury settled in-tbe mindsof all iwho guilt of the great preachers !' -'! In reply to-aniiquiryas to whether there wall lie ai v'ilef pbiuts.of ev ideiiee introduced in ihei next trial of the TiltciiiBeecher case GoryoV 4iYest Oiere arQ three; leading nessea forJlthenexts triab JThefew wh UmI, will brobablinbeoverwhelmuig'; Mr. Prvor aKoatdrilit he-supposed i.. j. if j :.... .. .ri.Ai.n iweekl888888 liirla fUrQmb.IVetobipg :r lSS S 4llfial! M Jt is unnecessary tdo into i inrt. M n J Bio W election wohld r be 1 .This fact 13; taken held .of-by t almost o vfi.i ! " If the Democrats -carry1 Ghib'ahd I tablUbiogf a: line of steamers ion. that Pennf.ylyamatheyct ntbeir j ;vioS0j President !gmrT1 as; freight cannot yler economically S shipped ; tberebyt AtpjresenJ tie the offdsff" VVhl wf ri".iftr nTfc&foV 'tnno rff"there Further , on inf.ine,inierv ew uov. i ..-i-1 :jo .v :,J.r2v -Ur I triVa i renorted ; as onno8ineri M ls ,lerX.lilJ-a iftWEftUViA j Havin whoaeievidepcel JcnowrJitttbahoat, inflation," nefmust tae uui:pow- suchu ''4ther4JbsY;phi.Richrf-fM tu A.'yWri,V';yr-.MJS JKn.U.iGkverh6r mfrMfl.W .fPB'W the abbrevrntcd atory. if.it can be'adrnit- posin. mo.-f;-u;io-jr -ff other rca s i lan lbtimation that be had pmcured ;mQhy could be brongh ni that aivef diet woald be obtained asainst Bedi 'BiSPkP jmswry theiase -ia, to ,;. iv-r . f . .... - ' t;;,,ji(,. 5JM &C.J: jre Ji conducted tfwiie "L ", ' paraHyely. 10 Mr rates. ,r Sucb ' a thing flwnnest ;ftciaj ;ia! .unknoWO.! VS qiStlOffQlsKea iyeBtletriftn t.nlS Vna'tr,5 Xf l'a il "jsarifiiin i .uroe.ta, Manchester, Ail answer to my t uo . servants; j any.. man holding a' 1 ( responsible ipffice.in England wodld "aa 8Qon:tbink.of putting his hand; ,. imuuvj vt iiu un u Jiui pucct). ; THAT OlD CBT. ; ; ' ' ; The Washington CAroi has de fined its position again.TTf wants to inakie treason :$ odious brl punishing the ; Southern leaders j ' then it will ye and excuse "the ma8ses.??H Tp which ; remarks res xnbnd 'Mwu&er, Tj&yJbw.i1! in- nocent soak there1 is nbwr no treason 1 ,vr iw luaue uuiyus, ave.ioav AyOlCU exists in the; Rad ical camp; and as ; for the t masses of the, otberoeo-f pie, they feet that they Iiave rights in i - , . j1' i j ; - . 1 i ,j. t ast h trmiftorJ asjc .' to.; ?e P.erinlt?'ed - ?5?!I;:tVlcxKt - i uonai prerogaineH, or yern-. merit,"" Surely ' tliere , is ..nothing 'in Rnp.h'P.anKtltllMATlAl rioirf anla fA, arm 'I lany real ! Northern, ptfiburt .,. TVHITJB LABOBBRS, ? The New Orleans Picayune' fur nishes thegTatifjlng intelJigencehat neVer before in the history of Xpuis iana have so many white. men ' taken an active part in the practical details 1 f ,nltnM nnA it io i- :' I , ; . . . . I Kuiar coinciaence inac sciaom, u ever, before, has there been a croo sa urom- MnS i" H respects as that;nbwon the ground. Lit concludes thatwhitel men can endure field! labor in' that, cll- 4 k mate.-':5iiha '. t ' jttitHj , .ii iiizu- I W hen white men, vote vell '' and work well, when croaking -i$$t.dijjhj wntViwhettoallTwhite:,'men.TinKthe South conclude to Istand together for the weal Of their jracc atid the thP Whnl I -. " . ;i ee a reiuru ip io ;uayn:. , Fva-:i perity and plenty. o.;l r:in FO 17 ANR ONB U1I.P; 01 IS TO j ENGIiAID.. 1 , It is said that , a steamer , running twenty-;0n miles an hour can gp irom the. coast of Nova ScOtia to the Brit ish coast in four and oner-half:1 days. Aion- ocean voyage? ocbnpkscmnouiir I ten ji itf rt.vlr-. ;-rr j "to p days and alitheAtemerqarryjpeay j freiphtsL on whinh''ih imalnl-Vs 'de-i .., is r v-;;. -t;--.u5.i..-vi4.-,Rfji:j!! peiid for their incohie." 1 hk dbh k K Gov: Hendricks is ON FINANCE. T iSf"1"!! whose opinions, are: usually expressed: . .... i i j a ! "with great delibbratiort, and are en titled to as much , consideration, asj lhoof any yArnerican i statesnan.j Tri a ..recent ; interview' the . in- tguishea Governor of . Indiana . make - Air nin nroU cULUiuuiiiviaviwu , vii nic imcum Msupject of .the i currency. . I He; . is te- i ivant Governor AlienofOhiOi elected.! s .hiiini, bMi nf mtMUv.t Mm i -wilh a different value. Weimust get ;to aj anAAta h.ai no nnifk t we can uaturallv.il 'ri.n( mrtat, tuu.i.Mir.i.wn fcourauLt but ibey must end;in;i4nediiim ottrde, andj ihai must be bard: money .lilnvthei meaa-i time I want the volume of currency kept equal inis is toe x'enaieioi.eupi6 .opposed tWn. ii Ayie.wvf ing'lor arffeiiblenrrenc ndt; i on oaii eureuMicu vuuxuvi. , r S.-- i I goyenimeBW Hbis 5 cottntrv- be- 11 - i iisrf inB qpuDiini&mvaysltbB! at ?. wBBwasfciijae supply Oi: '.Um, .;t?-r'.Ll t. j-iiilfiii firLui! J'iiyi iJA ll' m.wtw:vt"i9aa- v uv i--:aw , 1 i. i i A UEnOUIt ATIO STAT B."-"-4- Georerf $2l3tm,060; Vtae ithan" doubting since the war. There are 3 railroads; i n tbe-State, a n :,aggregate. Jengtli of j 2,300 miles.i ,The State debt ; isc'-onlyj $8, 1 05,000, and this partially -offset j by fari&ilMed tirState worth six million dollars leayiog thej net indebtednespnlabo 000.: It ha3ii302,00D.4ptedAinl coition aiitwOolehmllir35ii00 in nroHfond'riel-y nage i" These figiires peakt volumns; tor Con servatiy q rule.1 v..'-" '1? jd' 1 1 .C ?f au aud Beast, Here and , Hereaf-t ii-errl kw1, 5TheTbre FeaHer, i 7 WaHer or'VTlie "?"MKSRa;'fitorroKs long ' ilme has passed since we promised tofurnish yourl readers with brief, bu as far as : ibissible, I interesting "juUce4rai newPdblications, j as they poured 'upon'u from the presses j of tbe North and' West.;; Hr I ' f .f"u.i . J 'U tie;South alaif we bavfe fiwif anyl great , publishing' establishment is it j prbbablJ that' sucb can 'exist amongst us for many a decade to come. rj-1 . j "Let ns, therefore, be content to : receive; our i n tellect ual jwfrwi'uiTi from; other quarters. ; Much of it is both palatable and nutritious. Look, good 'read ' eye," as we are " ioOKing wnn the pn)'sicai eye,:: upon yonderibroad-backed table; in the 'middle of . joursanqtuni sanctorum. How crowded it -is with j books y. books, brown, "blue, green, golden and yellow; books big, and little, bulky, and attenuated, .native and foreign. Can you: marvel at our delay in assaulting that! grand literary fortification, and possessing ourselves of its! contents, during the last two terrific months, while the "i aging Dog-starV enfeebled our! nerves, dried upour muscles, and threatened: to melt alike the substance, and "sublUj mated essence" of tbe brain itself ? ! : v; j - Uowever," lau Dee, there appeared about n iuiuiu u.uw, v.vvj, m j , , a.. . .w m a fortnight since, a cloud, nay,; a,, battalion i "edea, grew -uarK "arouna.-'ineir roam-n.Mi edges, tod pregnant with mighty winds j advanced athwart the firmament,, stormed,! i aa 1 a rtriori Ilia WAmtlt Dfinn i f- taw t flmid a ..htlrly burly;w ;iikfe the tnmult of ! Macbeth's witches, they delated the earth, ! - -t ' t and so purified the air that in a few hours, ; we felt as if transported from the Kock, Al Zarap,' in the Zaharan Desert, to the cool vineyards of Sicily, and the lisping waves of the-fragrant Mediteranean ! . , Thus ref restied, we seized upon the Books, con amore, and some results of our jt nation we now propose to give you. h Upon the top of lhe mountain of new ; Publications, we find an elegantly illustra-) ted 'quarto, (issued oy liarper cc uros., ud- der the title of "Man and BeasA Here and Hereafter, by tie lies. 1. J. Haed.'.'the author of several previous works of marked .luter-c est' aud value, upon somewnat Kinareaj w Jtfands; a treatise descriptive of the habi- talionsof animals, according to their princi ple of construction. The. present wor is hCwevee of a large-stfope and more elaboate ly 'composed;ihan.-any of its predecessors. Its scheme may be comprssed.so sceftk. into a nut-shell. r" ' ! J'JRfr, the1 writer 'endeavors ' to' ' Clear awjiy certain difficulties which . arise from two passages in the Uld Testemen which: snrurniBllir nr litrflllv nnairlfrp1 wnilin; seem to deny a future life to tbe lower ani-l mala. 'v;:aL AL KfiMn1h li showa that these animals; share, with man the attribute' of Reason,! JLanguage, jaemory, a - sense oi " jnorat; Responsibility. ' Unselfishness' and Love, a0fWhich are spiritual not bodily attrib i utes;and that we have every reason topre-j sume that the brutes may share man's im mortality hereafter, as they share ibis ;mor-j lality, together, with ita inevitable; sufferi ing, at present! . . . , -,r v . , , -r ? . The two Bibical passSeeS i alluded to: may be found, one in the PBalms,' t be other in EccIe8iastes.1f..The jtormejrjUns as :foM0wi 'Nevertheless,' man being in honor abi-; " deth'nOtfAft like the htetittotpenshj' j The bassase from EcclesMstes reads i ; i "Who knoweth tbe spirit of manthat goetn upwaru; ana w ignm vj vie oeast xt thaX goedtnonrd to ,1 In discussing these texts, Mr? -WowJ boldly;eclafe8Ubat.accept'the wt&& let ter ot Bqripture, Jnu o? paaraBnras,7d incorrect translations, (even, in, the best, of onrversionsl is tie sure' wav,Jof?:iarilvtnff: not at truth, but chaotic error ! ' He ' dem- UjQnstjteB;tUifB,(wjM)afCi?arnessAW aslSeittTJhal no h life. after death'j?tvi im4n orfi la o-uimf I Vtt. . . . . rvi- . ri.l i - (wny, tue uia featimnt wiuit yisiwi rations on tbi1 pbrntr wWlr'(aenfed esoteric meaning!. siriK&npon our ears ana souls as cold and deadly a'hbtB of material Isoifand decayi'as erer' chilled ! W in ithe Daceajpf Greek, Sophist, im LaanEpicurean Among scores or such, .passages, let us recall 8 lew. "jhbii g oreaiu, says I 15olh P8alm; vMai'sbream'gfethfortb urn fewj ',Ma'n8 breattf,"' Bays' '(he be day 1Aasserts of hi fellow men, (4th' cliapl- ter Otu' verseV , 2 Aewara destroyed- from "j morning to evening; thfveruh foretie, "i without any regarding it'rFrdni Ahie same book,' we select a still f7ifr significant declaration: AS the 'clOOdffisJ constinled, "land 'vanisbethi swaV.-b' helhat-iooth '"j 6ovao gr&erUQp pip r(o more j" j;WRCWld ojjotfi. 8imUrdjuiosL jdpgmatic assertions from various ptirtuma .. of .the Old Testament a&mmiVlty)fiQf, wuo turuuuu ariw i MruuariiviJie. aiHi.'iin- .fiioirtyteh are to be viewed vwrtdfaltil Jbat, iillhete 'Underlies 'them. .the mfrSfaal .mat of which ffcfeMS M!Vr?M5f jf miaos. -: -iruii J all 11 ll f Apropos of the RWWJWTjS6"- Drove mat nensra &u no future life, we - Wefdrced'' by ''ho'less than fintrleWptmgeVWWmiii that man. V id Comm6ftwithue heads' 6ar Do-' f illume life alsirtl" : .titf.il g reduced his dissfedtientrretfde to atmtnehttm' ' 'J WwWfIm. "Mr. sceedft to" show bV the cltatiotf of innumerable well authhticated anecdote's,! existence in,7anima.lSf of reason as su-; toimere instinct, and of Almost efery: attribute, (such as Love, Generosity , Conscience, &c.,),whicb dignifies the nature ot man; although some of Ahese? attributes, of. course, are developed but fully, ia: com parison! Of these narrative -we have . the In 1 865 the taxable property1 Of a was ill 2t.!fia.!..f.J'o' nb Writ fa. vrntr - lha ottn that IrillOIll -to belie W that? 3fa a; Well ilijtil fulfil Liwfif llfe I ."" ' ' - ' ', ' , ' . r j' "i" r' - . ' r , ,,V ' r -" "', - f-r-f , 'i "i ... ' I Kill i.Ljli.mil i '' " ' .fiit. ii iTiT .7 .it . ,- ,i . space to. quote only one or two, ', Isp less aj nehttnage that) Charles' Diekeas-is ?espotf-; meryvrtT?fif& 'l . Dim mat ii jib v(ci a tvy vui every uiurui ymoruiug alone, LeHwamid ! find tile a'tver, k fmn. i '77, ri ' J'jBerved tblsmett of be&rte So sure .was ,tne If awa C iMm that Alt A iMfinltMfl . vnntAK tl eosraM 4hta' thot Yoorv1 trarl ?"rm:S JLt" ' uira. Accoraingiy uc. wm wiea 10 -.cume t iWtemfc.wiAniid.fc4iiai a Deer shop, ijeiog ionowea. me oeer .v shop keeperaseeenta take owna pewter I-: V pot. and is heard to say e wen, old chap I . cttine forvbur beerwVhsUaU'HaVeou? i rtnwn nmf lhe aoff 'drlnis iLl Reinjr m- 'V QUifed "explain; 'vOrt!Ctt0b6sernif: I Yes,, ma'am. J twto's-yourj dog-t b.ut I i i . -.-37 . . . . 1 oo jw . uni cumo, ne ,i fooKeaiBi ma'am,a8aoneBTOaKermigi, .-ri i . ,!t k i pots, and ne giveasnui souq, ann jfn-1 uf w3" ''TT OB: .Y"r rr ""lrr"" Iivo1 in KrtinhnTtrh lirnntrpn ohiftlooa I mble-cafcher, named Hastie Like most! bf his trade, heasyjfond fdogi :" ft fnv hhvfe ifofh.roWiHni Whi. . . " -. ' " et- "il ibiessed,JSusie4i.:Bhe -often! . nsecS to act ; e jacKars parna provide her master ,! ..ili1. . A TV. -i . !wiyu. Time wore oni-noor ousie became sick I ", unto death. , The last I beard pf tbe poor wait was, mat: no waa seen wun me ay- ing object, of- his! affection in bis arms, 1 ' lu-lfffrf nr llAI tni Vll Q hdOtf TKfl' mom Vrt n " weeninsr like a child, and dreadinc the M raoiiKMrt he and ' hi beloved tidsie must i ue siuuv ui iue lover animals should be ire-eninently ; interesting justs Mow, ; j when Scien jnee,i stfch assures; sq authoritatively, i and with a seneaoi amazing mustra ii- tions that mas- is meteryjat the head of tbe ; auunai creauoni uavinr ascenaeaf me 10-'l finite' clianges' andj gradations, frOia1 the I J,Hi;idialv" to, the purang-outan and thenpe, upwarn to his present uraiy position! discipl ed ai ashamed to uFi'dally, we commend tlAs oob to 'our readers, as one of themoU curious and . en- i i;i Among the Messm Marpertf latest: novels are "2i 2rJ jratherJ XY Wn. glack, "Tfa?fer' TTorf;H byJ James Payn, 1 and Eliza Pollard's Vtwfy 8uperidr.f. j.;? llie first-named, although ni equal to 'The IhrneecfThtile,n vrhicx te, are dis posed to think will long rijmain its author's masterpiece), is nevenheless,' a graphic, and - interesting - tale, ' 'full of that vivid j word-painting of land scape," and..; skyscape,., for which Mr. Black is justly famous; very natural too, i its characterizations, with a striking dram atic scene introduced here and there; and quite a charming denouement; the more charming,- indeed, because somewhat u exnected.. .1 I . ' The scene is chiefly laid in a 'Welsh vil la tee and its nei is we are transported across .. -r , . . , t .... several occasions the Atlantic as far as the Island of Jamaica. Tbe novel can boast of two heroes, admi rably contrasted in appearance, tempera ment. : manners. ; education,- and every thing, 1 r They woo the same girl4-an,4nn- keepers uauehter wnose inuiviauaiuy, physical' and moral,' is "remarkably well drawn: the complications arising from their natural hatred; and constituting from the 7Af itiimfiva"1Ka tnhof Arnifinfr vta aaa rroa in the work ton fbetrtiole,' however, fa ; I raxnera qvaa proaucuon tnan uiuerwist;. xi it does not increase, it must .fully sustain Mr. Black's high reputation. !., ".Watte? Ward and " The xIMy 0upe- fwr " have not the freshness or the original ity of " Hie Three jreatAen": but both are exceedingly clever stories, the former show- inir a vast improvement in Mr. ifayn's style, no less than in bis conception of ; what ma terial may he legitimately used IPT purposes nf Artistic effect in fiction. u This Picture Of ui3icuirtnf semt-barbarism. and of the habits of Sicilian' Brigands, (for he shifts but scene before the work is half done, from En eland to the far Southl are apparently full of traisemblanee. andthonch be wiO. err somewhat on the side of the melo dramatic, still this portion of his tale - is of vivid interest, and even strikes one, as in a certain sense original. ' " ' ; 4 . The Tvzm iwTkrvi.?, .lAAi1 n iilnnir the ... i. ' j . .j urUtMWJlWWB Ml ilM)7 I.UVTf iuu t fewMpQ.8pecial, impresiyeness of .boa- wndvaweearefcil ibidtfou adleu foj-) thej present. ilia our ntt .letter ivv. parpose-dUcusslng-.the chiracter- istics! oft :8everal : important i-wrksuawnc thei,enaysun'fl;.1 Quem;MWk"ifofU&i .which promises to be as eompletely rmsun-M derstood though in a very idierenft vtM-i as the tjwem,ofjffaifd ;wa i-ilJUi ii-W JLA (...- '."-'-.TT ... idi i. rj..i.. JrJ-':n.. : ! ! in bmjuu tircuiy years bku. -. - ioura respecviuMv,:" - - : u vif -K; J,-.riMli'ADIjilll.4 UA.VS& I WUmlnieton Aetalt iMartket.' VJThe followmgj' 'pritiesf ' ruled yesterday; i Apples 0ried 12i cents' per: pound tdriedj 3ild1ntttr'tniA4n! . i . r . mkhta. rfr lvtnnrl -cheese grown fowls 75io a pair; geese $1 50 per! ir; geese $1 50 per J,l 01 aiMewiouuujaou, wuu come irom: , . . , Oxfordis:and.;fca4-JSS8dialt nisOMefiniia ! tor tAyefnwtefc.ibI $v.ii es maintainmeWes are apossess-i feet in thickness. Tbe so-called black--.i ;NMfplkE?e Of souls, and a pr.inciie of immortal vi-irrocphaa about it'nothibg of the natbre of i -bVW hasbqre been given r in vnr ity, why, we needit r be-, sd . sadly r i i , i zj ..-.:) ia jyj .- ur enU omT ,1 ! otcur JreUuyesiUupposine them "-"ig.twii ana iname ana on : ex-n.-'v? r?(rWf 7 V.T-" T-T.r'TV 'lie MichV kfte kir . v -' r : I nosurfe to the air 'it etnhsnji ifMMiMf.fi. I reception as was .civen ine veterans jealousy oi. eactti outer, r,rrr-r oai0; -it! U. i..t. . Mill, iiiir M MIlll 1 U!l I MLVin .1 . ... .. t i.i.I .J. . ... . j." ; I j . t) ; i...w J. center KiWasterfaassrajtAilOlSHter .tqWiroJ'ibPasaain Hvrrow'iuwuuigj.- " JsdkwaatajjdxyeitlegaaioEflgliflhc definite composition of high agricultural -?oAjletjejrimCaptG4 AlAndrfcwf, t" JvaVbfeier1o .mkmnSm peaches! 25c-pe pmttd wahtuts 2icenls Uff ga?,l8iafufuo .pec.piates,Wtcedts-per:dozea: "?u;, J fLl!, T -larff, 18l!cerits perpoi -b hi . anf : .4 iVTftl Aid net4 )g3Tx5c.'perrpoonaj'veail, oisiOfA. .S5rit"WTMiTyTT "? introduced CkH. 15. d. in espu, woo ae Jpeipoana; muttok, llnlCtkiperpouW;! .ajiovet the State which are nowun knojn, YjeMiti. able atul ellouenVaddre, ham; 1618 cts. per pound rsbulders,l&m' 6r1nttbttia'bf,W rebeit4d;wii1i enthWllo iMentaperrdhdtripe;20cbl!perb omym u! iinv-oi- iu.. jiu BppIiuse.fm ir fi - i?i-ij clams, 25 cents a! peck; opwclam9, 2025. taW,Jj ctirAtaoldoiKausibrjof.iGphy Vnabu-aj ctaas mm tM turt S MMmm$f lfiBferveKnealbnlme sflaewna! sif' F1 ffiSniRttFnfeCapdaatt side themuiuuiUlgLvnd on thb cab fm WGIninaf headTDolOgna ipf$fttytipfiu wildj eutioafrthis work, ,sTh line ejp ;lgPPlT:9'?y .iSffi ducks lj47WOrW;P. 'fblo meahore :1b' a4todenUmari tb pHbe pitizenB? received it wtlli afew pardey, ontt'ktAcftijgiL'ly ceate a! vffolfW j pb'patearks; "" S111! cts,aquart;snapjieana2Jiaecki8quashes,r 'niarimjP3 . j, " l , f' lZf!mrtrnin at oVWt when 20 cents adbz7cefs,10ai5ctsadoz.; r VU m.TKli?Pl '9? :nWjn a l1gan greeb febra iOc a : dbfcea? blackberries 5io . Columbus did, splendidly, last ,the Tegunent; wyl meet at Oxford fal cenu a auarti tbmatoealO,, cents aquart; irh' 'rvj l'au -&tte'&iti antl march to the steamer Adelaide, okra, Scents a dozeBcantalonpea,' 10Q18 cente; watermeldnai!1530 cents? shrimps 2fJcaquart;crabslocadozon.i;. r-"'' mis 3e hare so.often dveltupon the. advari fe-es which would aCnnre' tn oiir rwnnlA from the full development of the n resources l'XX&Ak&Vti&X ni zfl L:'-tunl ilefer oii.nohUbainV Seen! 7 , " " :, ll 41 readeriii9 bietfajdiecUiaii Mnn.ee ' -,r : m: ...i .u-" " it Iterate aadJinsist'i upon mattrnthepKmerj -appreciation; and i appropriaUoa fcjrtiicb : we Believe oi more imDoruuK ui material i .a KoKao nt n,nM Smwirignm material ! .wi.o.' i-ijLxi.s:' JJKUllmnit MMii'jr . : uUiZJU crowin luan.Bnv oiner wnica coma oe i raenuonea: matisto .y,;iMt..wimin , ar.H.rj f "i1iipf!yTi"w trwn borders and at our very uoor' ia gtoiM! , our prospentyi as individuals or as a people, ; and that we nnlv need a little confidence in! our own ability and in each other in order ? to See mat iact aemonstrateo. . i I ' We were moved to spekkbf this subject! it preset by bat wef observed Werday! as one of sparty whbvlsited, by special I .. . " l .-i- il .train M , the JJaroHna Central sKauway , a tract of land 17 miles from Wilmineton on I r , .... I , :..u;--., y. ,i w, ." JI road, belo l of tnis . ... , A: v, suumuef oj. Keouemeontereateu m ne ruau i a.n in agricultural pursuits, and the object j was to make a thorough examination of the I locality with reference tb the extent and i rdnalitvtiftlie marl denosita there - m feasibiKtv of irettinir Wie' tnarl to- the ; rati, i iruadaiiareasonablbJexnense. ' Mi-dr.H I j .A; number of places on the tract,- remote; j i il ,f r0m each other, r, were visited, and from! ' of '"the outcron wa" were' o i oulcop'we S-Tu o , .; ' tl w"uu ; ycij jwuc- jwhiuu ui iuo whole is underlaid by a bedbf blackrock" marl and a white shell marl of yet iinde-j black color lor. a grayishwhite, owing ;to theieyaporatiflo ofiitavaterv The pro-f ? jjanmem pi , gnciuvure, .at n asnington, an analysis was ordered with the result set I A,l1, a l,. 1f. I - . , - - .1 , .V.v " !It. . i -. .7 -T . - " il missioner: LABOBATOBt OF DepStOP AGKICULTURK, ) , WASHjKaTOir, p. U., June a. ) Mon. jiorace uapron, vemmtmoner : . ; J3IB 1 have tue honor to mXlTiiiViaa 1 from Wilmington, N. C, upon the borders of Livingston Ureek; Brunswick county. m. 1 . ' I S rue suDSiance exammeu was, nuuuiar m form, possessing a structure somewhat like tufa, many pieces oeing luouiar.wun sneus oHKarinrp nnnn ffin innpr cnrffl n( nnH PV1. core; gray lsliwhite in color, of small spe- Aifin o-mviiv nnd lo he considered ras- con-? - .- cretions. A sincle lump Of a d liferent na-sl tnra accomnanied thesesbecimens. which possesses most of the characseristics of tbe bAtia .termihed extent, the whole being from 6 to ! iFroni the1 Pb'rtshiouth: Xenartment ' of the "Soutnljaroiinapnospnaiicaeposiis," espe-M were nmsnea tue veterans, were cou ciallv in beine richer-in phosphate of .time. VlrintAH HA Mannin's" Hall, 'where an than first-mentioiams. -elegant 4 ovation was in waiting for be interesting to know the; large inzss - . . . , l-mj .u : i i iuciuuy as iue biuauei uuuuiss. luo.iaiiw n wuw m . .taw, uw, W . . , - l J J te..J..i t' ! L t ' : I ;w' J.JT Ml I mi . l . . .;. ...... j. .? Af.auu f AAiV Silica (fragments of fine hyaline . ' l nftrhnftieofWme"Lrill"II 68720 ,. u Carbonate of Magnesia.. V.... ..M 9-018 ; i Phosphate Of Lime."! jiViUMi'-f- 8.470 ' AJumica and peroxide ox iron., , .oafi oir-n Hi; :v.!!vl-rtf ii-M' 100.000 The very high percentage of. Carbonate; of Lime in this material suggests its use as a fertilizer'.? Thel smaller' proportion of i Phosphate, of Lime adds greatly t3 its lvalue , and places it higher in . the list of Lime! Marls thkn the average of specimens exam-i inea m tpis aaooraiory. u Y ery , respectfully, ThomAb Atrrisiiii MD.! !; V i j H jj V l we I ViirincrK I -p--, . . . .T , r i W fcojual prbpbrtibn ottbe salts offime hut -lb ink'iwemrttli pach mf. several nrincinal lnit(?na d;9tr bution in time for the Vrnna ftnVl 'the i-a ImHil com nan V V ywili so il.ftf. ti1t. vt'ui 'jn(il "iI1f-".i ;i . r reduCethe rreisUl aa to the wish to'maker lib; supply ad vane ii.iv lu "B oeiieve mat wnea uo imukii w -j.; twdf. tt.niui lAint niitv farmerDe- m1 frvmWf 4 JSfpe? are inclined to beueve that tney wui not rtnt VHpii- entire thickness maihtaih vUl4 syi,h:fcaM0adilO J"ent r(,TtlPBt;nt, lh members moife1 eitendeu exHmeita 'bnwbBemlW J'!, ',,',, oi:,i UT"' .j road.tiitWrtlPO mMeSNfi tkeripitaii(iat;ia mittee orone trom wmpay UWornx, 1 1 -rr rriwarpr niainnnpa Hmii i huvuuld m r wt ti y tvTv w r- . 11 j be charged. ' '... I . - n a--7 'fitsu ;;i4'2i:ryU.i!j r arid embark' f Or 'a "trip to Fort Monroe Vo8tattelrt ever cast in the county: !' fi 'I and the cape& J . F 4 I Will .SAVl !!.) ! ay-. -,r ... v ,A:BU; Betr Hant In Pepdfr CooBtj. t 'Oo'Tuesaa it&t; jfaiii$tiite$$i1teQfon Pettier CoG htyias called to'thef squealing $t aiihffihat Vfitf;liad seirod ia.jiaaat .a ii-a-is: r7;a ohy' iecs SgWfe yjr'j??R?fmiH fel5b VS?. f. ?rgu?h ?Pi i.-T- --"5t-fiTiT;ifWfM' ue BTOunq ,t ,in a.iew ; moments she .arose - --vw. ,,,.,M10.UiM1UH,, JT WOUDa. mr, xe lurnea nwwenuon W the .-.- K e13 as joined hMr J. Mr Lee. ; 6 bfbe cubs were despatched by ve ; tmo nots.,. t '''-'- -l'oi:i TAwA 1... HT- Vf T 1. J p frawyt i Jf ana several dogs, pursuit was, made - ii.'ws'Vu .v I. .aammlv nnnn Kim niul.trnnM no ilrailit --t ---f-!- iy.-,Y1-, Fonie um, out weu-ou-ect-. ru BUUh " ieruciuu ; ucaat w me earth, dead. - soon after Tound, Chase given and "the animal treed ri'J'f UltlSeiJ 2ft UtUlT IIUIIL LI1HL tM'.ff-lITllHIl in HI I about two hours,1 and resulted in the death iftf threepf Rthf. i2d animaja .which have; gwatly . annoyed ; ;be farmers' of polly Township1 -.lutum -:;u iJ TdwnshipJ (t. i CONFEDERATE BEtNION "The 'Tbird GeorKla at' Portsmoutb. f:!. i . h ; !j 'bf he Tird Georgia Regiment upon jeateruay evening. :iadteLen nv,:0ffl Uua Wmt t I,A-r ! 'a i.t' i j t. fKll.'I.IlH IIHIlf 1. IIIMVIPf 1 H. I1VP1V Hir nUT. -r .. rj- J above all was beard the roar of artil lery. At-the-depot they were met by a large concourse of ' citizens, ex-Con federates, the Chambers Fire Com MT and y . -- """ee or .arrangements lur tue re- ceptiun. . xuey mtu iuiiucu iu iuic and were escorted to Oxford Hall, where welcoming speeches were made by, Hon.; ; A. S. Wattt, Mayor, of .Portsmouth, Capt. John H. Gayle, David J.' Godwin.' Replies to the .u. v., r.i . rii;i-.n.nn; auu v c ncic luauo ui vui. wuiuoiuc j t a v i t '?ueiiy A vci-c..4.,..Wu. vapv.j .AhO.masCarroll. After, the speeches; organization known ' as the Veterans of the late Third' Georgia Regiment assembled at Oxford Hall , this morning- at 10 o'clock. Col. Claiborne Snead, President, called the I I maaaA.mm. A a mm r4 nl : .nil I .av A ' A UieciiUJi bu, uiuci , auu vaum a .i. W . i7l : '... a tilJlLJ ' vr inn, Decreiary, reau tne proceeu inga of the last meeting, , -which1 were approved" t'-v.il 1 1 ! ' ' ' r ' ' : ' 1 1 n 'm f Major G6orge W. Grice then read letters from Chief Engineer ! LX ; S. Cherryrof'lhrFOrtsmoiitbrf'ire De-; partment, amf Hon. J ohn l; vv nite- head, Mayor of Norfolk.' i i Three cheers irere i then given. for .Major,; Grice,s and; on motion, y.the courtesies of the Chief EnjErineer Were aceepted-4: -wy- ' On motion the Chairman appointed iCapt-&rAi Corker Gapt.S,H.i Starr, presented l-'artable Wtio'tS'were'b' ib'tl CaptJ.1 re-aoioo.i.t AdpnteAl.. Vl.llll: '..i-il . After transacting some' other busi atf.r - nn-il 1 i .-i.- i..h j, "iir'v. minutes. . ... ... iAbhalf-pasttlllocfciCoL, Suedd UZ-ClJl aaviraxclnneftThhnri7Am.pjl with their stare; ta dpuble-barrfel Bbbt srtras-ltid- provided with apt,- liff w.nght, pergean.t l. wnu ips-ji ijhambers, sergeant -J . Jxi. liinasay, a . . ii m - - 1 ----- M w T jtSe iaafl iftbmnfitfbb 'brt busineto teport' to- irwi'off tlie atationa j.forara- 1"?'!?? Ttrrir ixr : .v lena SUffgestioup t xue- msiunan ai Bpring 1 ir-?uU''"ri',4i .. '.nv ii-ni ifca wmmw.w UVwW - ill I ih iirHWII 1111 III 1 t M fc 1 1 1 Itpt.11ct1cr4mt.il ; Raleigh complains of a lack of tetegrapiCtfaoOMes, 34?,? I A--revival w in progress; at - the ; SecoaaeJIyejflp? pbjrrioVe. . -Mra. Andrew. JMcGuire, of Ral-. eigb, dropped . The, .EaleijzhU NewsX mentions ?' j several tases tiohioce committed by the - : &Bia4abjlaiitaiiay4ii'-!. Profv- GUlespie.tof . the i Wilson -College and JlissEffle , Rouse were married 9 inst. atdgecombe COUnty,, hottr ' Mre?H? m Severs an aged ? Char- ww luuyf leii-uQwn me steps orner aweiK iag;andK)ke ker.neckTaesday night The Baptists Of Tar River Falls baveiust rebuilt in a handsome-and sub. J staniialj maaBer burned labt year. The tbiffhvOkMis--Bettia Bry ant, ot JSTash ..county, was amputated by - "ui uuwura last, monaay, wun tap lossxit ess than two ounces of blood.- ij'-'Sf; ; Jambs' z Smith! who murdered Mrs; Hepsy Austin-inf Wake countv. last TPar; has teen.Tirrested,-):? pegshotbt ldy 4 because she refused to marry him. J :-rr' ChariottiStr Revi Theo- .-dore WiiUfieWtPastorpf theBaptist church, left yesterday, morning for the Eastern part. ol tue totate, expecUbgpreacbin (. .i 3 -S s !Mr4 iW CrMaffitt,,; ? has . just been appointed agent ' in Xharlottbof the ' Air linemaroad, vice Mr. C. 'Ji.,t)verman, wno wm vacate we position on the loth I j; . ------ 7 - 4 - . - As Mailisrm ITnrlnro nna nf thn ' Wake county f Convention delegates, was returning home, front election drunk,- his horse pitched him out of bis buggy, severely Djunng Dimi;4i. 'I'll li-.tin .j .-.,,!.- . . hr- Toisnoti ;oncrw?trVe learn that a political difficulty between the whites and blacks occurred ln Marlboro. -t Pitt county, on last!. Saturday night, during which three negroes were shot' No whites , -The Arew says the Conserva tives in Warren county held a mass meet ing on Monday and nominated for the State Convention Dr. Thomas J. Pritchford and J"i.M: Pitts, Esq., and Capt. B. M. Collins ior tne legislature. ,; .. ,. . . -The a News, learns that . J. J. Moore, ;the KadJcal Sheriff of Granville -COUntW has defaulted, and that' the' Unard of Commissioners of that county have lakes cnarge oi tue tax; nooks.- Another itadical nwMcih stLJfi'.v '-&u.- lhos. W. Dewey, Pjesident. of the Bank of Mecklenburg. Charlotte: and a :distingui8hed".Mas0n,'died in that city of tuugebuua tue . orau:,r w eQnesaay., sxe was Grand' Hih Priest of the Royal Arch Chapter;?1, and A M. of ortb Carolina. -Tlie Petersbnf iveta of Yester day says that'Off rWednesdav - morniiur. Lieut Mihetteedniy ponce iorce, arresiea a white man named -P. M.: CoiUnsiliailing from Halifax, N. C. , -charged, with forgery, committed in Prince George county, ;Ya. ; ' " . ' -J..rrk Wilson Advance ; -m A Radical - negro, named: Lem Barnes, was- arrested ana prought before Justice Uarnes on Mon day jfor assaulting , another negro, Willis Simms, because Simms refused to vote the Radical ticket Barnes was fined $25 and committed to jail for nonpayment of .costs. -Fayetteville Gazette: The d Wei-- Jhigihflalooropnntre Known as the - Bhaw House," and' recently occu pied bvlIr.J.B. Underwood, was burned to tbe ground this morning, about 4 o'clock, i Thej loss, we learn; was covered by instir- ance. The Toisnot .Transcript learns that) after the speaking . at Stanhope, Nasb county, last Thursday eveninr, an affray occjirred between ttwoi negroes, and.while Mr.'r Jesse Flood, an aged white man, M as iryiDg' to-separate mem, jiri jjiraiur, n negro, ran up and pulled-Air Flood offAud cutia gash in bis side about 12 inches long. xu iia utit ci(ici;icu iu inc. auaiw oo rested and is now in Nash j.ailj . i J .. Sentinel: One of the handsomest Democratic Victories gained in ,the ,State was that which was achieved by; tie De'm ocrats of Davidson, cquuty, under; .the, gal lant lead of Roberts and Bobbins, aided by John TayloeEsq with his able Jpen j and Cot .Marshall H. Pinnix,- and others in. the field and oh the stump. The Republicans claimed; Davidson Jbyn 360 majority.''- The Democrats carry , it py , . anous .-auu. , . ah honor td Davidson' ' ' ' A JHotber'a Sad Affliction. -, A Dea Moines," lo'wa correspondent of jthe Chicag' 3H6unev Writes': '-'A remarkable"- incident' occurred near yiroqua a few days ago- in. a family whose name my . informant could, not remember. T There were t three "little children, the Oldesfr being five"yea'rs, two of whom went to the bam to find heW nests. Th,efy found one, and crawiea ioiu.ana,one .ot,tnem turuat ms canaiorwaru, ,to get tuo egg, ; When he icklytiwitridrew it1, saying I the old hen had bitten fcimi i The o.th- j eij sai.be wwnV afraid, land tbrnst his. hand fo ward, .when he. topjj was bitten. ' Both then, screamed, which ikiy brought Itfeir rnotner to; tne 8potv 'whep'i it wasi discovered ''thnt ; Ahey had beeni i struck 5,ny a raiwe- horror met her gaze. In her hastf ui : secure tb e boys . jat thd ba r a - h e J id set db wn a iboilei of s 4iofc i water, i j .whiqh tejbiatEif b,ad falle. In f ftirty minutes all her children were aeao. .j 7 ii.Sili.V ' ili'f-sl fefj'ilj "An attempt; is1 being" made at 'tb ; present ,1'ane pn the,8wMii iifPaRl.ilM haviiigjaJfeadyJiepn recQvejed in ;. . pieces nave ueeii, . eagci ijr buuui 1 'by Jcbllefctbri,' and 1iaiJe ' realized' high PfiiWacibird haVe generally barged 'with' destroying iajn, lJ?tc have jnade, tJiehi appearapce5ip-: numbers among: the army worms, of Cop- : Snecticutf which 're tdevastitinff the fields i at,Aiiddletaw ijnM4;viinity, .and. .are.de- j troying large numbers t?f them., . ' I AthedSOt oat Of the'ear riage she caught herj ieil and i tore it, and j the t bridegroom was ill natured .about it. f Then,' whea the'fu'nctioriary said-" Will you i (faavatlnainanhabe aid::'Rbv? aad. that r! Iris ihodght in Tennessee that lie Governor will appoint General William B. Bate to the seat of the late' Andrew "Johnson in the- Senate. General Bate was j a close competitor of . Mr.. Johnson, the Jat-1 ter winning only by a very small vote. He , was a Confederate omcer. seized. the Jittle boys in her arms ana 'hastened rjthb IK If ! uuub iu urns autiuxi u w ujr-io r ( ...

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