- ' " : '' :." - - -' j- ' vV ' r- t! -' ' .- - ';.1;-V ;- f .'- A ':. '-: -T :-:k C,v--- 7-- iO- " I--'KS- ' "'' :-:Ur-.y "' 1 - T w ' .7 " " v .'v "'':L;i' -. f. '. , ;v:: iy. T.. ' 7- 7 r.- -7 ;':-:; j- 7.v;; 7V -7-'. --':7--'-;j t V..- - 7J-7 "7-:'" ".-'-'" ' ' ' 7-7 7 ' '--r, -' -; 7"K7V": 7- vv v.:: ; '.' ;;-;L o 7vr7:r - ' 7' '7- T :' t-;;' !-U' ' ' . s - " - 1 ' i- . - - ' , t ,S ' - , , " i -. I ' " - ' - - - - - ! - ! . . i . 1 " :-. . I ' ' ' 'I J ' , I i' . ' , 1 . ; I . ' t ' . ' ' .'!; 10 ) 7 If li u r! J I t ( i 5' terr i t i 1 WM Hr BERNARD, Editor net Proprietor, ' j M-ir-'J sf WILMINGTON. N. C: ' ; ::KaayrJXi;K::t 1 orinokpie,ea'i ypi.:: $l PwtniSS to aQ'a-to h the paper bo directed M many differed ?oet- j eecare tnc rates to tnose rno constitute lae ciud. I umces 18 mere ire BaoicnDcrB! u aouroo. xnfment i must (iimpdntt'everyord. 'A cop ihe papaf wm do rornisnea y Clubs of : Postal Money; ptder or Kegteltter, Post-1 to Masters will register letters wheii desired. Only such, wmlttaacee will be at the risk of 3J Specimen copies forwarded when desired, LET EYERY SUBSCRIBER TO THE WEEK LY STAR REAP THIS. ; Under the new law which goes into effect Jajjuary 1st, 1875, we are requir ed to pre-pay postage on the Weekly dtak. . &na vaue uus viu aaa 10 uie .sj E ' ' , . ' - cost of publication, we shallmake no advance ia price of "subscription, ex- . !. , . ' , cepttin rates to clubs. We cannot afford to ;furnish the paper at fl.Q0 per year and bay the nostacre besides, " .L-:' - xne loucwing wui ue our revtteu terms orsnbscriptibn :r " ! . -- One Cobv 1 year postage paid, $1-50. "'Vjni1! " J Von i A statement of account will soon be I sent to each subscriber, and we trust' wunoat cnarsoto taoeevaonoae i sneas aawcu as a reaa Jauo. DUt&oioow kit-.-i. i j-a-wtuW k Clubs 10 or mdpostage id, -,1, ,.1 vlng ;tSSa-tS flFtfS&Jt tt!hreftldtwb(rds-kt Ip" -t Oer.thia aysIon' respecrtvVlFlf BVt it& ?f aKf,!lf-1i shall enforce. vthotashr system uinorei , t v -s..-ul iA. -a w ::i -cf'H;r.t ;craiia?r. , : , - . . rigidl? than ever before V and unlesa mentioned modeneesha rjQWiymn & our sbbscribeTs remit promptly; many jall : a , Convention peremptorily j, -if cprding to appointment,; alarge number qi names wilt be dropped from Our list. ; tuxhthirds vbte.i affirmatively- on the. (SrangersC ",'represen'ting! several ! brangek,' all will respona wiinoni; aeiay.Si ' . -4 rPtlaa-I3i f vtarros'ViJl In Remember tharwe isendaai pap frie of postage i-maTtaL 8ffStatei J. . .- . " As to what the'.Convention'wiu xlo f o ,r5rT" li 'rtT - 'h ; Wfi organizes we , camaejip : Kow is,the timeforgettingup Clubsl . .. Tt ,;, would.! be 1. to4he WkbLt SiAB?' Show the pa? f peri to I your . neighbora and .friends, I . : . - I Oaronna. ,,,;..v ;;, ' ,, v.. s, i;.. ;v, : J i' - - I We have ho1 club rates for any but I' ;j;v TjiTTr"" t H 1 subscribers theipaper wonly L25per j and .getiitheinlto? join. iniV fe.apt; I. var"in.a c,le Kemocrc,V copy per, year, eof postage. .;t;. : ; .&tips not :.untii thei tfill M Ltbe Jexact I ; v : -j ' ...... ; . .? if? j complexion i of the Ij Convention i bel 6 . " . ;T "r. fc ioyaiipeycnamaDie, xoo rvaaicai io. be decent and iust a. littles too bis a t sneak to be honest. It professes to 1 be crreatlv horrified : because the "Deo- pie of IWinnebagb " county, Illinois desire to hear the'exPresident of the Southern Confederacy, and;; h Yited him :ib delive ite ;Custoh I annual'address. r it shows its old vi- per .fani'harmtes : now; forever more, m . declaring that 'the action of the officers oF the Society in bring- ing about tbW engagement is a gross insult to every decenr man, woman andbhitd in the State," and that be- l.t,- 5 1 - - "v: the ceraeiesbf Winnebago cou TTnforinnv ihprp krnlH;pfl Vh Unf ortunately .there aresoldieis both North and South like .11,8. ' bosom JVational Idiot, for Its own sake and. Iiepnblio..fLTbe people bf . the Nortb ..A Ko:' i.iv I ukrox'.'u r'" '.T".-- "rp-nVViw". doomed the iiLatherskite hv ;nll-iif- ficinht pays i iah'hb THK J LOW. mniA fn t-,. ... cVu come m from the Soathr-au xtra-. But as yi't the iet"ponati:b,. . f The Inter: Oceontf n ol "" "TV?X TZ: thff Hkb:bf Irindse should : be ?P ine nonors; ana 'V nTe jin ;SoUtlicrland,hoU run it a, .his own hiM uiHrilaa must give way to Lulu,is artertt forthe present. tW- o PK:i hZ2k-i' domgiWhatLsobnjbr Jaterlshe The ;Char.ten jmtborizes . apiniial f stock sane This proposition is only for l. 1 ,,arm;,s,: .e ?ls .rt 118 eblelrf- - " 1 t", f'ul sheal waters rf the Sound between tfaeend nabifi Zhrf:lJX, 1 an anciknt U8BO8 DtY. y: ' tt WjWhen buntaajNew, ; . t," . V"- 4c , -a , "".' -"" ' " nr , a. . i" v a'4Ti!jj!WT River, .We can have by means .of , a small J?y the; way Utl Davis has accept-,. MqBday.wascerebra. ,0err Jtea1h a daily lin to" Jacksonville: ' : ediihi'invitatibu and i will delive rihe manV' and. among Oermarii i geiierally j Thlsmdy seem to some tiddnarp- bnf if , 1, '.-.;' -'"il '"'-". ' "r-' ' -sjV'j;v.' f;. '-t1 - - ?-'v 1 j-n-! thoEneine er? U,8 that came through a, desired oration in: September. unless asi:.the 4 ihereatest err. iew,sdavs ago reports. correctly it is not: prevented by more formidable obno man hero7 of thtf's.pnmal'days 6nly. possible hut ;can!:be , dope at a small . , i , " '; ' . ' : g -y-- 'iTi j!.iy!iJi'iy-J;ia ti-w si t. eostcniri.!;--.:: !' lii-- i- h r,i doo imi sition than tlrat offered by:theiJar- Of tterman hjatry.jBrmann. ; i The ,tJnitedStatea; are surveying,, the Ocean ia ike Grand ' Army of the: was whb drbyeCkHhhiihertdfe Sound8Uh.fa view of, -inland navigation,; aiainf m-anaranathas.a'h thv t of Fatherland, l briWKU treaiwsJ "iSSSiKSi o sort f heed tuhis.dyiug wlf-1 orawleq-am.ia .pnMejirahaiiwJ Ohslow eiurity;r: jwl vkbtiwiT cw ;nn" wR!:-'' Sn.J..uaifftf :io: .l,i a l that thi trav-wkrrK fehl J-akitfall ! .i-wn;be..ac.cpmplWhea ,f?iv; oae4bWd l"" w . m m-m u & n IVIiWI f -V J .AiiMn iitf vuvtti Viisi iii -ii JI ucuvr ci f w i yimM (a-mc ruauu were ni iiiuuji iBiereweu in a lew 1i5,i.B,iuij,Hi;),ft1wH!iu-j commauaersj.iana i wnere;itne.fnrQup i upe auen i rv; v . .-1. i a , n muiuea iiepunncan joaruai .remarks i Kdmah tri anguish and shame Tell' off- Hr. "Ha tVfFS a8vPfeQv8UsHa his swordi Wr.,; .rffr vtii&l struck by lo otnersj-u .ought to be saidfthst , ! Nbar Detmbld3 'bid Thhringra;Vii ! ""Vl,e"ep?nt- assumed; the etatue of the hero washnveiiedAlandi stack of AttoriiHyHGene:raisbip,': accounts. :bf I the people4 were- there; gathbVed( in Dir.1 'butra&es!hlVe4Wtii large 'hUmberS'tb'ybhbnb day, " ornniarv riir.iimat anf.o' fii iuliii.K f ,J I i . ;' "I" ri -"'"".w "'v imu .in a,, war j oi ueuvBrauBe ' j.'H'tv I men-wno- were i siaeneaiaay mwea pays too little attention, mann iis iusUy called the liberator, qt l heard the report bf the tht "Aslthe sianahth (5ermany.iiJ PfrftifatljiHisw hash of lightning which a ?TP3.. that are trying j tosikOlj' oftiaWesterja, Jf Ja al!8,4l!v;,lf di"m .!?ebrtg (Washingtob? -f candidaeifbdtriSPr 1 The country is, on the whole, dqipg, has ntee S-S ;'f WfcPO; deqeea belief Jthafiii wlTPTO-1 MSfefi .fiSufc ular:pers9n;ipt(orp iii4 fl tratascampaignapitaVand rias 'and beetite fo 1 Spftu sching tbe5 ready. nM pathetic 'appear to- the: Ll-ii'nLLKa d.Jt't?btin: deciliW;aif at Is'Weea fa, hfii: hi; .;.v nxmm us no fr? :':r7v, ; i otnernand--tRVfttdtidf' Aieasrsi uat ti tentUafi w,f,pT amin javpratiUiB dmmiMra, Heat: that ctheirresnflttiv iiaVoiitesJ iipuii TriTai aiiBTinn Mini ' iinr n ii nnr ber in v.inf Whe fa the faUWo! postmaster and the suDer-loyl Reve- nue collector? " JX JL. : " "Profound attammentam all the J. - same, comment tfsno-oai8 graoduncle J ! has WeWi tr'vlnto find out Uvim . a - .iTiti.iti . ij.4vj J , camp f rom j &n(l , jler is wuair uuiutta ui Roser A8cUam tau speUed, it IndeedM UxM&t lOwayi sDelled U in one wav. Bo it iaoosaible that James was lormerjy speiica oy ewiy bodyndcorrtMHly Thackeray filled I it, and as the pronttnciaUon out old lYirv I giniansand their EogUsh . aoewtow W I 'JeameV ' ' ' s n . ; COT T11K VTttONQ NOTION on.- w. ;.Mi' Ji uouu.svrvww Conse,rvaUve, journal : gropes iahe I dark respecting our election.' jAYe j will UkoAhe trouble W Wad U ? Into I the liffhU The question Ot vOu'n I L. r... '!. I ?a anu xvuYWiiouutu mv v- into tho canvass, except as it, was employed r by: liadicaia '-in certain c delude the people. i In Nbrlh Caiolina a Conelitution caii be .iu.,, fit WoneLia- r : a wture suggesung wenuuituw wh.u the subsequent legislature ia expect-- ed tq pas, the whole action requiring ratificatiou by the people rBecbud, by tho lwiHlatnro itsellfcaiuatr a douu I roprttoni- ner; adopted by the legislature, t inre iqaesuon was no suuruui.eu.iu i.ije Tv" a r?' JX3'f as under e, .Constipation.. lestion was not submitted . to the T, rage. Shall the iVaiona -Wip gib- L? j.16 dfcWon. of tuU Cort fen- g .rho ifttfnr'wflfl tho man-t wiiQ ineir uranser inenas. meiionoia iiio.Kij.iwBtifviB toi theConserYk-rT86 9- 'j a o - - IKtlir ' KBWJ'"K wi ihswu- i iives and spmevKepnbucans in i!.0rtn I I. -.. .... -r . ., ;v.... . V ; ' ; . J j ,.; . ' . i :'3;.a , l . ,, , .: . . i - ing in alraost7 breatnlessr ;expec the assembling; of Uhei body, . ane7 I .Per-. tl0 aireaay as overan unaouniea yiqioryj V"crs wa u j iue pnvenuo;twm r "'B,su , "V" t,em r- ' :' ' " "' ; " ' ; '. iiUi.c; '!"-; l! - ; The defeatat Jchesfejv on .5atur. of, tbe. h.itrtqvunnquerabe f rSr U u wcaus yev venaiu maw iUeaiuf Mi not recover her ,aure1 and rm& Ber position as queen of thtrpttisg V'VPS 14 V; has held .her: prpiid; po, fttlPn lonS and aa f ? of her PredeeM: ? dog -has his day,-, according., to the by th, new coYnptoy, l.oraenple.was long annoraWj,iWihniigtoii &Bib04fd .Railway.'i.The I L j -re Vi. k ip a. L u.. J..' !(.. i.a.. i 5 .. I passed to Dexter: and when Dexter I 'giM.ue . iy "6 Li. ;:.u ,! riimt kindoetbeolo, - r w m m wiLiiiirituii iTi iiiiaiiui.li ivi aa.it ijiiik i: I. i ' r.-r- T7, t 7 t,- .-7. T77T T. r -..T I 1 tonousRoraan8and I tromMn fan hT' 5mWM tKt-Snt Tt. 1 r Tu -nij TKil 1 was amonir the rnde and wild scenes most distinguished :';0f y the1 Roman' memory oi me mau wuu nearly uiue- . UnhLl i Si. 1 '"i' J..r:-.:. J.s.'' will secure the Speaker's ma?e, ..I aw mmu 1 mi ww r 1 - ffS Vaaotfco these:- -f' enry U Wall, i al., ekfroVBlchmadj'' vs. Henry FAlrly, 4nf rrmnnt mmllfl(1 ' " " By Byoum, J.: U. a MyroTer, JkV J PaaClt'Klhj5rai'vJ1.B. Wloantvlrom; i TltTof NWbenii( trot fTho many frleods bt Mr, ' Vfm. Dlenst- baoh; whok(t heraafew' years since for aJ nii Wiv w ! VAtaiia 7rAkii aiia f JW. ,u7f wnowai weu snown m our miusi, .wm rp iwVidar'i'toia)' he i departed 'thli lifo'lri that VcAt onthe 1st "day of the present Lt.4. sv mm. Ill' TiiHiJiI.!l"j.J mooiQ, re are rew wiiminfiionians who5 dounotsHmember Wmi Detnstbach; fa rtorkotten thai heit was whd, ialS3t6etVed frbrathd ilhahia of Cqp affaVlftwtl ag wii'wiu nmvu, theeoraandbf Captu J4cVb Wessell, was ift it!. in f anctibibtf ? afterwards inflected such credit opto Its member4 and the city which flag was proudly chcrfehed by the members as a . present from thi fair ladles 6fL Wilmington, iwid vhichfwas borne t by .them to.Port .Caswell :on;: the .bWMtkinkut.ofthe laU,war.n.Ope;h1n,r. can tw said to; Ihejaever-fidiing credit ol theSaubjeciOfUibYAoUce - that helwas nearer known tw-halt joc hesitate whep the cryofiatreaa waaueard.aTid.many in tour j -- .&.r.. r Ti rt 'v w i?U l -i 'V A ' i ''',! "t ?ae' i ho iffroduced. Colonel ,; ji. j ,i f i ; s -.au I 4aff'foWiwed by Colonel e.ii?W l)uaiey', ef the same place, who addressed5 th4e" crowd iJ., fiPad upon the table dnd the polite ae made welcome to Uie t6mptiii manna nia, 1 U.. .U V" i f..., crowd had showed their. appreciatloa.of the i welcome given by Mr. P. HpRae, the meeting and Master of : Grange, watermelon-eating and love-makinz became the order, of . ae davi l.allof which was cut short by the approach S The meeting was largely attended by the. citizens of Richmond tand Robeson icoun- tjes iia Iforth Carolina- and: Marion' Marlboro counties in: South Carolina.! and Cal Richmond couutyi Where meeting was held, will long ;be ipleas- inUj membered by many whoweat away happier (and some who went away: wetter) for having been there ! We think that after.the appetites of the large crowd had been Ealisfled there were gathered Up about 1 forty large baskets of For the S"tar. W I L. n I N CTON J. SB A BO X B t AA.lt. ew Bonle to Ouk1w Oyaiern and ) Flab of New River .and ibe Sounds . Generally Messksj Editors: Your readers may be glad. to know' that the old. Seaside Railroaid iny : having . purchased ! all: the franchises and , assets; at; every: City Railrpad, : has morgan ljzed a new company and leased it tMr. T i. I why maynot oiir" WlLuiiflcton & 8e&- board Railway" ruaa,rja?doWiltoi,tlmtJ ye&ta ago; hnd operating- expense one-half?. .Waat riO'Vou jssvj Messrs. Editors? Shall iptea snail it ue done? ; That's A& A.AAAAWAA. 'LlKbtnlac. ''' uh'Ktn f We learn that lightning struck the smoke' the Thrasher: and Cotton: Gin of McMillan, t Topsail SbUhd bp TUes stunning six mien id I the engine room i anu uiswug iww wj(e4fuie. wuiEU'SuiuKe U-w, fLi . JL.k- JT-L I ' . .. , ' . ' i ... uiey ,f nenner i nder nbrs'aw tlie i came so bearwindi evervhfolsei wduld4nybriC 'confided !tnde-r strirttTblei arid perpetual itfce ft-'ould oieverroorewDea-panie or narairaes -roade, Augustus l the shoal olacea. This done toWriphtsvUlav noint.. and make thereby a datlv line tnlha C .. . . . 1.-- r. coLvmnvs codntv. We have the narticulara from a friend of probible. horBle; .'murdein Colunilra; 3untyi It seems that oh Batttrdaysmorn fnffab-6tcloci:tTliereasshd eardat a place known as tthe .Gernegan I aw , - - - . ----- w ... mx, xog! wwii r ugu ""f was an-firo: "ThBJAbors soon ja ftretfi u u'. ;,7,r house was in truth bri fire and that the cnes . -v:M,ii tiia. - proceeded from two children, the. Johly surviving the plaqe, v name of El wathoof r.iomn Th orA ohiiHiwn that escaned. I T .'T"." V. T !.'!, j -vT5f' a .. sui-jji nil tA vears. succeed- i piture, but, Strang) sjounfefhea , ..r i vis mimm iu ueiin. i Boog nwi8picioiJi9'w?nqOT entertained that foully It anoears Hliatnridav-venins. about 10 o'clock, deceased lefrhls mother's bouse - r to gonome, tne qistan.ee oeiug aoou. oue i mfW W&UiihViiAW&&2rfaa'ltWoVl t lKey ne couki nave pro aujm.us iu- toxifcatihg on the rbaa, as it lea through the 4ooai indtiheretwere W cross-oaths or1 house, on the rouje, white itU nonthat beachcAhprw iu do,tim9 and had noth, I inr (f thi kind about the bouse. . . i fm trunks ana urite' arbirrid Iheirl' father, even including the tfuok uhder the bediofa whichithey reported she swas,g, butwbenflames.iw was not injat parjionpf quse, urin dormant 8Wcl'as!rpor4ay theSiifdrenr ouu mil. mi ui iuo uuuot ui iub s&uti iu uiat rWttooloCluoefisewUh'Bcd ! 1fTiferlyfo pfFkiqandoflJ the,ource of,W ulexcmeututhe, f . . . . . i - i - i Pleasaut Affair at Oiarlctoru. ' ) I fiur yourigi friends ; at Clarkton,! Bladen Couqty,,seemrjLo ;haye had ..pieasan.thne bn in the occasion of their exhibitipD, Friday evening lastj Our' chronicler,' who is not unusually' impressible bn ' 'such1 occasion?,' tells uSr that 1 the countenance1 bf yo Wit- if ess" Jell with the 'curtain at the close; so J- 'e: judge the iadeAef nus have, been I Wilmington, a.chararsirJoo in'whichMiss L.: C. jtok-the.ch well entertaiqedalq,;,n.J,r !V t .u.er : cure;;herd$parture: f rpmhis hf i Peter The-programme embraced,' ifterthb ad- our "TO EameHe-,and . CJalderaaear. neighboi. to. tbe .murdered toofWcomaod5 organ'duetby on the examinalibn Wfbre a Justice of the ' fady, had taikedW'th murder with tiese irl-t-'itL-KT" r'i. j 1 iri --a t1 1' I'eaca ba ttl r)eatea ;L- 'inev were-1 j;,. i y- -.'5'-''Ui:l i;L' 'an juj4 Liuiniuu. uu ju,r, j.-w.i . . -r,- - - i Dsnics Deiore nana ana Knew meir pians. part in a way which provoked .much 'mT.J.,rSWnWsrP.n.BjW??f ? u'Sf mW: inmcjot;rrria y vginya ctoaraae oy nnmnesp m tuna i n soma vprv-wpn snn vi-r. ulyiidone; A'Dark . Deeds'?44a little drama hv fhn nrMmriliAhri nrinrlnil nf tbA.AMi). e'my and bbladv; soWcbmiC songs,: withl iL,-i K lrXl v r9 wimsv.irt. leaueProrarybMrVJ.McN.abd Miss J. McG; a farce-i"f he Irislihian aV - u'"-! 0 .J r . ' I v-, ou 1 ..Tl.-" ". ."f"o Water aasembledn the town, tqwit M, C, sustained the ' principal", parts. V The . I withjdifflculty; if ar all; Th streams are j . .ft last sads iitrnerai obsequies. regular programme concluded with, a tab-1 leau vivant entiUed J'Thb Six Virgins,"in which that number of young ladies formed I very preUy Uving picture. But the young folks had not- vet seen fun: enough at the I close of the regular exercises, so they form- J.-.i.i.-ii-.tt.r- .!aUa i I membrsnceof all of which we hope they 1 may keep happyl.raanydy Ksllroad Accident. JUL, - --' . a 1 1 rni. .1 1 l J -..! ii.. Wit mrmrtonand. Weldon RailroaoVwhen abmt4 . - . j . . 5 . . i tbeat the embankment down.ia such a man-fl ner as to make .it imDaasable. . The. extent J oi ine rain anuaeaio can pe imagineawnen u is stated that auotlour inches fell. There Win rto fTmaPH wa 'learnt AxVht to the bars, the most bf whicfrwerV loaded with cottonJ Thiaith'passengers, &c, were UMsferred as fcbou'ai'pssibleabd the con- wllrni taack;vwb'1 o'clock .Sunday1 9ce engineer'! Sbbu Tlral I 'aibM&WiAii akiofV-f.W-Urf AcorresdnfAbeottsbg Writes (haiWlrieHd that lacemf 1869 and tS&S Vith these t-ffleient leadtrs, as they .Wjere, called, the RebuhliCKns were, successful 3n iUJbeir.raef,o,tc ifiv af Trhtih ilhia lhA' TlumAPruta. itbilMi nrtA. Magwtrate. thbTownship gifijk.and Cl0u: v assVaa. wM,uv. r faviu iiso ion auuigivnitu wvo vs the'mocratl aS' the wire'gatherihy tbe batJthepfepirwertened should be done this once k Wbttsh'urgr JUBUU IUC UBDgUWUKi, nwiTO MUOMl, and 'hence the Iresul t A D'embcrjific , vic-J tojy fn one the worsti the StatelAjnow,, -peopjej uneasiness-in srjlidbaWP aailiat some lewtvwyilovplaeei oiop'-artt'; slight, savein bxceptkbl-wise?qm'a moil ;balfia4nilejierth-ofspudley' depot,atl13i the track beyond the. river isslighUy wash- anrdeposited floral offerings on the '4'clockon Sunday mornipg,,wasrown- dd ahd in one plape:fq.a(hout breefouhs: b-ien?f .f-.M! i f,,-..; : ! f-om ihe trackv The accident, we under- of a :mlle covered to a depth of a foot with i q'piock,; M, the funeral ?pro stand,' Vai caused ;by: a Veflieayy rain watn CemonT on theround, gj fbrnVed, . composed of ', the y bich . fell' in : that ! quarter on- Saturday1 persbnalfy attending to the re-ballasting of Raleigh Light Infantry,1 the'. Raleigh afternoon afldt bight, which washed land-1 the tracklabd keeping a'shatp ;lbokbutfor .T.iht Artillerv. Horner aud Graves' eTibformiwasclear hr 6 son .low places housesare surrounded by; liJSrS? iSZSfc. bveningt? rbhunaieTy-'nol two,.or three feet of water, -and .the in- r0m rt have the same perveauverjne oiaxe ana .yoafvp, y. howe.thaqd, pother reapeth can hard- prepare themselves for thaneztngbtl'iit. cause why .certificates ot election should y console the Irnan who sees treasures i -Ri'Mwi. i.,..,,! Wi,.,a U,Wi-M. 'nol'bejgiyen oTnut'ana'ceilii ihe' ribher''tha1blcnda,y Which1 "might f S5?5J5f S?5.ej;ni-i.iiiKi; aitt k.i :k&m cmu&mol nhfbif-lflflffie' elabrv.1-bben iiisifaV butbf fcwil mIF;? t4kkihi: mtuathbo xiS hiarreabKoiEhe .finding .oft the-ilobe fnake' a ffoodawJno4hoara': j ! flrBt eoii'bdrre Ahesbfrli tbls -R8li. lo 'Siro Uaf nfaent-treshet lias canned va': eood dealf bf seriourcsme-to haad yesterday.! dli is JrranV i:n:L4V&tnA.Mt;n;.haMli r i fl f:f Tbe KeeniTrasedy Net lear Fair Bluff v, V t 4 ' . AUdftloliat Parlleulara-Confea I lonof tbr Cblldreu. f vUv--.: : f:'-'j N A correspondent at Pair Bluff, Columbus oQatjBaWeff ns this moroingrto lar le hfifi dqriaairs hddUibnaUnformation con Jwiwl-J;.f. -mm, ;v,nrr ratto9M 1 1 v . mnff - j..: nJrflt lagL f i - J trW?VTiWiRBJ?W$y WriViinil conflaerration it was found that the bov :;- Wa air hfld eaCaued- and saved most of j-T a. i js?i .o vuLf wji J, I me propervjr iiuiu iuc uaiues, uu uiaiwcu a.u; ut; h.iti.!vAtn ji. I j ai. - s .i j aar moruuiE uier were unvsmir auu bcua-ri .when the bov confessed ixtkJjL'sa ftAij ii-irto'. iniicr was itiuk u ucu (umu. ant. r w6i6got mbof Ihe property bf the thn rtedaith.IIfl then?rex l TT... .i. : . , que8tCa,nisinterrogaipr:W g9,ana get.uist , wbo w u , : ' -vf - i ri J'i UJ I mftnabWnt'from homen-thaV day, bn e - h ! kbdit; 10 oVltWtk at; niffb . i . . .. . " : ttS1 J i l?i -BSm'MkimdoMPM 1 yaupdptj toisgo, abeuter hbrothefiwaked heV tand therewas' f Wort?e a0k,a 8 tjteotejgiiniaiisl, : VT1? U K.-i, .w,w.,.A!;M t,.,, "OK nJ t,u ok- A I I Kim lint tn r.n it lint lio'eairl ho vo vu?dv5?di iaPbV waunt nearUlieydwher tyHfwin nirvia-t - " f - kilKng3lmr1pstaatly, v Thei-jjirl jsays,Bl WS Wm.mrmeWVWW k 11 i t i i it aliot her father, andcneyer sawf; hjimj I m1am lkA M. ... n n 4T fTl.An .1. n I move after the gun was fired". '"They' then 1 : H A l il .1. . au - housc-and'ty IfofiMYt VUbces andshfria oneiTbeV remained -by -the housesintil the: top commenced falling-in I hefflretheypadefSpy outcry; about the fireJ rWw-!?fl,Sfno .vW: i'of.rf( teiiaiu,.t rnu AwiHieacwponea PJ nJVv" YrnM - - - r . . I From persons cbming 'down-the C;C. j Kailwav.vcsterdav. we learn: . sometbine of I i Results of the,. continued rain of (the last week orjnjlay8j.iiontrjr along tnAiJno , . 0 s 1 1 . I ff iiie.cropa, , arming operaiiuna " 'T,ur' " I l'r.fr? lu a: inuiuai1" 1 Tr.-" J?"6 rfT- - ' T ,T . ableonly uponvery low orbadly dramed 1 , .-h-J qi corn at 4UU Dusueis, Therver!aumobr ree:;4eerof XumbePHdgeas'watf esi' timaled eh the train wbll in mbfiouahd . . . . .1 any hjcipientdefect which might bthbrwise be-developedj ; It is not ? thought that the i noqa wui cause.sny, oinurance.of j ganger t mne opgra won oi serosa, .a .cuiyer a, - 1 mile ana a Uait West. OI Itea JtanKS naa a illiaaahobW labed and strengthened bT'thfe JsebtibnM hands. A considerable extent- of country 1 8rBi iuHJMwriTRi wiwt uu o a 4 gone from iAUmmonir? boats tb 'Visit the' t t wesi of Lnmbfar rWuia under , water! t In paOKeu W1U1 peopie,.anu ; a oousaqu flreda'dflo'dr, mni-rKlty Jodire Kettle ttrants an Order to Show withlnbrder front 'ilittUbnor 'ludge 8ev 4 ' 1A ,k, Qkwlff L, !M:,vsT a .,aW litiii 4- Tbe Bobesoa Delegates. t ' - . bnerobf'-reguiar tegraphm dge 8etth3,-JMhb Supreme Court? a a issaedan order reqmringrObet Sheriff sod nBW.PRiAi ml theAppltortiphnVationowaedibxM E. Heide, and looted about ftvmiUjAb rdrtigw Cut WRte IJehW. awci'iiunu os t I . Special Star Telegram. J i 1 s ,;. Ldmberton, Aug,' 18. I Tf.'Nbrment'retbrneu'herlh enfag' THE raUKOJEIFrajtS. XICICK. ro rib er PartlenKr of tbe ' Xate l ? j omlclde Arrest 4f the fflnrderer , Tbe Facte Elicited by . tbe oro t iers Jury Established by tbe con- fesslon ot:-tbe-rmurderer--A- -Ylle Plot Unfoldcii. . m) ,t(V FBrretrnetirytiaeYrufiderA the'tdWeVof Marl a .waf15nf S? LfX ? , r?J " f1? borVcoUn'thl!S. d:. Wcbnfessed that some wrureamageervicei timaaar successtui,. aaa wJienahttieovef . .... ' -iir., ..l.!:v -t , f . .. ;. .- :"?7-rW""" - ,f-" ""77, na pmraerer,Mien cut her throat. . . . . . WfW T7i 7)- Jc she carried about her person, but he found -i-in Jfu mx --v - ---- ---" iiuw uumciuus 10,5 wuwu was a note against Charles Quick,; the, ac- f' Dd wa lu.rnc ovef to PfCE k P,er Previous agreement. Aiicr muruenns tue woman, spade with whic to bury-her; but' felt so Korawtoatei.hadSJdtmo that he 4 ; ' ... - , which; he leftdr'lns home ttftliaido wer IT m&?& m HCTQinsT. mm. Hnii wnpre ne wa nnprwMrna twrainftt. him nml whprfi ho. wmh nftfrwnfa ltfin nnrl ,irnnfr,lt tnfVl!li frnm hft Ir , o ,. . hwasicarrreatbthe bburitviFof Mffrl oro ' t aod rCOBfined. mith !accomr; 1 plice,-.Charles!, Quick; where they will await 1 . &itir$tfotiML&&A a iterjaiAttrWhburdere tadv. to whom her property was todescend' at her death, which induced Charles; Quick, to se f He, too,' has'oeerf1 arrested, but 1 we kndw- notUingbf the result of his arrest yet. I ! r i t yaneral. of -oyrAor. Graham. IQAnf!AAl Af UAtinn 1 r ! The f uneral of the late ex-GoVernor Orahanx .toplq place.in Hilsborq lyes-. terday. Although it wassa rainy day. vW,1dd;. nj during the funeral serjices;. u iuwnj h tirj.n- A yerv .large concourse pt citizens lora ano viri"ns pn-a i' th "'tH o one- who they so liighlj, ion- ored, ana esteemed in - me. The number bE those present is variously estimaiea irom one 10 turee inousano. xu was perosps t.u trg, est ,xrpwd . that ever , assembled m t 1'&A WAkrJl&tr- 'i i ueceaseu oiaiBBuiau. -- ? body.layin stale in tbc par or ra-esron y Wm?n 7Wu"j reus 01 'citizens vieweu iub reiuaiuo corps of cadetsands vast 'body' of .l bitbsbna. The procession moved i arouuu.juie square, vu, iuq - bwuuu ,w i niv,ifi-uiuj' uiubivi uu wwym I ub renuT wi iau Aii ui lai, mm wmvu be caske Was' borne; andi deposited 0np6aWqurp I ePM,3 ;J AW. thetcharchpHevaiir. Fitz red, the blessing pronounced, DddwaB-bbrntjftoln ibe enurch to- xtssmaiTesung Tjiaeein tne rrrouTid and there W3j??.nr jbnaJngrf Wapd ther tbb great hndi goodt Williani Alexark derjUfahamfws buried ouVQf;8gbt mal 'in tne' bWMHWb gravb'' ihe aty bfJ foiVeof 'the ld North States inolHCSt sons.; j Svi r ails irom tne wing pt XHignv As'atfeatllef iswaf led djftwnward" fe'bn&iii.'l v..wi..o-f ; f!tJ:t'Su . AA.m.a WA WAW. It is Stated that .Conistock who aikbbvere ,ihori Virnta 'Citvniibe i C i. A' 1 ! A.s.iL- :J. ..J i- ALV h Snnd feThtfS hfSS duces thirty ;or :forty.-roilion8; annual' W-latelyotnself ! iu poverty nd J pespair. . l he wealth ne had .discov- l bafrtf given hrrti' the pSgs of "Tantv us. The familiar truth nitbatohe 3aiLt.tiSflrf,6ift'ofcf4.dSAma J tjfo jQermanGeneTawjithfibn UUOHKO at ineir oeaa, were .yTy:.vj farninVefhe?bbnqub8t of afice.that'.lwbir'the' leading6 heroes Fat3nwin Deganej: uju.m Til K j N I A G A It A F A Ia IaS IIOR R or J Ensulfed in' the Cave off the Winds Drowins of a Fearless Woman and ; a Brave Man. - "' ----- - ! TheagaraFa'llsfff theTbllbwing'jrarticulars of a sad af- ' i ...... i . r'.- . ; . " i lair, uereioiore reported oy .telegraph : ! :Ct parly, consisting of . Mr. . Ethel- -beft Farsona and Miss Lottie CL Phil pott,! Jr., and , "wife, Miss Hattie leids, f ; Buffalo and Jilr. Charles H; FhilpotjSsiartedXfbre Cave of j. G'e W Hidsabout 5; .pJqcxT-"Tliey h chose t his time because- at bb' hbur ! ofjthe day i c theTainbbw-be seen ! in such "perfection.-; l Arrived "at the j cbvc, tbey were- advised- by' -Mi-. WrjghtJ helessbeot: ihe cave,- to x; take i a -guide, butas they .were all : hprdughly 'familiar; with the place, i fndfiad: ipade; repeitted trips throu .ib.Save informcr'reari,theyt de- : clined the proffered; assistance, and : started down therBiddTe stairway. T TbeyJ follw the usual j path way 1 iiiituhefiachedvtheiextr bfithe ybijing. when ttbef -clambered ouhipbh5thb: rocksinimldiately in frontfTthb "caveWrnJtPhilpott arxl : his wife seated themselves on il e robkwbUe. pthjer four, ven tu red out 'still further,nand descended ! to at stream which'flows' j rocks in front and a little to the right Pphek;er6 thjey rertiaiiied'for some- time,' .amnsing themselves ' in the J water which'(.brawls over the j rocks;d , rushes through the crevices with great; force. Pi pally; Miss Lottki went ;still f ufther down the river ami i eniered aAeddy, .whichihowever, was ! partly protbfetbd by 1 encirding bould ers. I Here she played in the water, i whichhis; plaf ifSc'rdsarexcVl-; lent lcurrent,"andi was sbon'VejoriiVtl by her three other friends. Mr. Par- . sons enured the water with her, ami; winfe He was getting a fpoihbld, thai fie might guard against' 'any "possible' accident- she -slipped. .. , He . hatd In bf .her hand, and a,s she', fell he -nu'iii' Ire.r.iandi.together they were. svpj into the current, which bows ti e down briat' thirty !feef toward Mu riVer. T'Thb8e rin theTocks report thai. ' Miss Lottie was next seen standing up in the, water and leaning against a large rockV They were now in a powerful current, and both seemed to to bo ? making endeavors to save .n.j another. -iHei ; .position, ; waB ? the mn; ; precarious, sincea the .slightest movc meht either way would expose her to ; be.f iili wf ury ; of the water, and once . in the. full power of. the current a! I nope bf e'scbpe Would be'ended. Mi. Parsons," froni bis positibu, could have easily isaved bimself but thinking that he could. rescue her4 he seized her and tried to reach JKroetabove , tlVeuii Though he, battled ' with ; the" raginii current with that strength which des pair alone can give,: thby both were swepVfrom their vantage ground on , ithe rock and j whirled ' into, the mad dening flood below. . Twice they were seen to disappear below the' surface. By this' fihie'they ,! had ! been carried Vollout dnto the river, and to their agonized friends. on';shpre they ( ap peared to, be staodintr on rocks, about eight : bds:or sj6 "frpm, the 'edge of the river.' ! To one j acquainted with- the . great depth of the river, and the tre mendous force of the under current, It seemed that they had at last found a place or, saieiy, ana migni yet. ue rescued. But: the': treacherous cur rent was bearing: them rapidly-down the river to the death which was now inevitable.. Parsons made heroic en- j j-Lii-A y'l'- -Va-i. i' '' t-J-' V;:.!. u .... ueavor w reauu iue. buuju wiui iter for whom he-had risked his life." "lie was a strong swimmer, and was seen floating pn; bis backj supporting her, and struggling against , the current. , All bis efforts were of no ' avail ; the fatal Current ' separated them, " and Miss Lottie, deprived of the strontr protecting arm that had before upheld her, disappeared with hands raised desp'airingly.aboveherhead. Mr. Par sons must have seen her go under the water, but he still made brave efforts to preserve his own, life., .From the shore be was seen struggling in an aimless way to keep' his bead above ihe' water. A thick11 cloud of spray t i li.k a i . miervepea ior a moment peiweeu tue drowning, maU and the friends . who were powerless, to lend him aid, aivi when: At ' diskppeared Parsons wa8 gbiib and'tbbruiel river swept on as though this' tragedy hs not- been. The spot where they were last seen is -about one-third the, distance from the cave to. the . American falls. Miss Pbilpbttiwa'8 tWenty-flvb years' of age, and the-bniy daughtbr of ' Wm. Poil potti jaa: old and; ! highly respected fesident of the Falls. Ethelbert Par aons, who Jostjhis own life in tin hbroicejmpjLo'jsa .'hi-" j;Qrnpamo w as JL wen ty-n l ne y earn I age; and the son of -Horatio ; A. Par sons, f La Salle;' At last accouniN theesJ hadot been reoybred. , Itstiobd DemseratJi Anybody '. I i",JH rurKtDHet:' ; j -jlJlorttEMn iiMUj i "S .I'M 7-'- '. : i A;frieiifr wtftestr 'us' from Aslse. id Ville uhde datb f thb l5th,: that Mr. - ppae,. wop was eaecveu vo , t vention .-from Jacksonu oounty, h:s prepared a letter for-publication d boutibin the report that he is a Uad i1 Caj, and, rdeclaribgrjh'S: intention , vote wUbthenJembwat. i i : I ! We 4rast.f that' this will 'put : a stop . tb'thfe'fclaimVwhieh the Radicals Uv beelaihg tdr,:Spa ': . derstqerd his pQiitical status from :ti.c fi rst,:ab d con tendedall along that he wasa Democrat, but notbins is needed nbw'sincb his owq ffiit:' fThis giy' us pe ptbej Jndpbpdents Qr, including Uoy, GrahamSH seat i votes in ibe ; Cony entionEo. St a k. J 1 1ILI 'I I I IS I II 71 i ) r " T 'i i ' i ' t" i A general impressioq exists,, we'are arb;1 that pretty girls' don't eat mb'ch as !argenbral ibirig.7 Be this as it may; it. may interest) Ahe ; isader to know itht be5YfwwrCHeg to eet. away with 50 pounds of . heel steak. 1251 'nies'and a cbrrespbndint?. lL.lL'j..;. 'a 'Jr .ai.xu; WlA.rJo niiAvtr iliv ' at klinner. ' . fiJ ? ri v.-:i- X.',