K' . ; 1 w a M u 'o' z - M a a a : -.il fi Str; ft..?- iaiaM-q If I l if ear $ Moi i ?.yj 1 8 8 3 Months j.o 1 ...... 9 . 5 - w - 'ISSSS9S9. I Month ISSSSV s- I . . . MHrtftj; 8 feer .?853 a 5 8888882 S3 QIoS4J3 OB CD OD -TT" F l1 M St f as5 JSC H ft n obtain in all the bltles, and, in iri&y of thei lartfeAawaif'weeoMiaftttaemperrocuaaXiPi ; ma tne ue$ of reTgalUlne flft dollaxsl - vttem, which' wnt ktoeffact Jmne 1Stce:af vry safe means hf semttox m?dLsams of mo k-v wheirar, t. MOneT Orders oa&oot-tM easilv th lettec ik to&iled. tp!it will be Itabta to im sent to the Dead Letter Office .'Buy and jrifcr (A stompt both fo pottage and registry, put t ,h money multeal Ue letter- in , tHe presence, of and take Ai receipt for it., letters t in u thiAXnLV &rfl itflnT rislr. , j' i 7 "SiiT -1 AV , 1 o "sioi'j jtya. -sjh ' s r. The sabscription price of the IWTbkk ly Star is as follows : - t ii irle Copy l'yeari pofetage paid, $1.50 6 months. , " .. . ." ; 1.00 '3 '.; V ' " .50 l Chios of iObT toore subscribers, one! vearj $l.25 pet eopjt strictly ip ad- Vance; Club Kates for . a period, less; ban a year. :. , -: i " ' Both old and new subscribers toayl lie included in.makiBis up Clubs.. I At th e above prices the Weekly ..Stab is j we think 'the cheapest pajjer in the St&t a-ftd 'its circulation win! be doubted Hi twelve:mcinthsi if those ; who have oj-Ked lot'i'fs stjc'eess irithe ; nast'wiil Intireasbeir'effdrts tit the! futnre. v. I :N Vf HTION P W R8TEUT K HTJ ' rt Westervelt,' vho-was' indicted in a ; IMiU;ulejfphia' Court'in five counts for ! C4niipljciiy in the celebrated lioss ab- Itu-.tiont case,; has been .found guilty j mi tnree 'counts oi-ane lnaictraent. .Tire bil count h, Xt'COIuI, "of ludictintiit , contains, ve to-wit:. First, kidnappiDg; . harboring and eojicealing the lird, conspiracy to kidnap the uhild ; t ihild; IM.HH'V fourth, ! conspiracy. . to extort y tlifea teni n g letters fi f th, v iiisrtiracy ?to,imjijri80ji;the chijd. As tin: jury refused to- convict the de ft' u ian t on - the first and : second 11 ts? jhe; was tYirtuay coq victeolj conspiracy on!y! Thera is 'ae ppii? -.ition J fjf or "a ne w trialj 1 thfeiafwifitB raised f of; whiph ' triudfc ''lie'pre'sbnted f M r,,! vl,J:.it Mi ll -'ViVJlT Jt . for th t oDsiepJ.o:9?1F w i th i n; ?fcf ou r-.-day syf ailing, whkih th trial., as an in p rp pabrltt y, ; , Wester- velt ctiilReteAfted'oq eapb. or all if the bitngi:: dTheclult extent; of ,ih4 protAb'rVjcanfine him for the most ot. 'the remaining years, of h is. naUrf j lif e. hjBtfeerR)he, con iy io tioji j'tf'ill reM t il thoTeciAery 0 of ythehiUmfelyaw? 2 V ;: ; .A-.';.,r- or; ;: ; A r; ,'X,'i! seroeh; jtl.iat iJc-Gpvr . Vaacp - has,, re-f chived kiirinVitaLian froln the'ichair- m:iii ofi the KxebaUte CJdMmitte- th j mmUcratH paftyZmbhlo inyi i:sg lum to that &tateliiQ.taie tDQ si uiujiijbali.alf of. f--fllontVjUhui Allen, thetJUeniocratiCA candidate for Go'vernWj He is ajso in receipt' of a' Kiniiiar 'invitation from the chairman' of the .Democratic State Executive Com mijlee, of Mississippi, jbut cannot ai".c.-pt'ieiiher,; foe the' reason that bis fallWuTt''aii!iiiKi. c)miiig oh and he i cannot ii8KibIv afford to, miss, them. i lIivf'rtv'.LldM;yytin'iur especially, aa 4 Jh'u&i til i hasTfrfeplied ito Uhe! h-tt Hmn tftaV JStAteV!a(inohcn-y - aiie f wtuW,hti) )Kw.r iuilhef ai'vasand:wnJ''4) blmBtlf tebt l-neiif ritf if fce' culdma'kr Ja-halF dozen speeehea ,11 tlte, Buckeye, ptate, Speakijigi . will raoconmiishiliJitUe. i Mississippi; '' it: ! i i Joe: Morris,' the sleader thpu late negro"! eonftifacy u Mf.eoa', iias offwe j9rih1apRr.e.hen8io,nfxIt ig (a. snhiewha a ifcirfarkhble,' itirbumfttaace: tiikt TtH Mhonld' havW befetf 1a' Nhirnua .twiatW VhtTnto StSietfia: t i-;,.t Attnfmov Cor severaL aavs .yrwr, to hisfcaptilre! ;aod hati AJjntfiA State61ihdgih'oldb'refttsdipef2 mission- toPth6 r Sheriff WWnlei'WJffl iu .thd,flon.j!fpiWi flPJWejMcflfflto nal lay.coocealeduoiirvjj -jmIi .!. 1ii I i ! prisonfer S w'flt be eitefloed7.The Philddephja; fj palters " aPi'-iiiW teiffi thtf 'Charlotte! Cfcl it .;'! i iltf!. r ii t a t -j one art OS Gar Allen !,rUirbe ire-'eltecte tnlld tSutea are 'ready 4bt66ice V4j bio fe;,-f3r.ioJH- U.mttS-o& 1 ajiirt6i i tol i t he; said itou; WasMfiittertl f epbse he believed a Weetefii rimn vobld U thei ch6icef6t' lli niidn1uvetitioiJ Jy..toe.y t)emoora'ts . in the States fj - Yprk'and,; Massachusetts; the: .Tidbupe observes that t'the fenoniina !-.' r-ft -rj-.r.!-- ... i,. . -'- -! .i -. . -r : expected, and the unanimity' and eiH inusiasm.wiin wu;ca jiiwas eieQveo ; were quite natural under: the circuni-4 Btances.x"'Gen.jrWw FBartlett. a Re-I publican, for-the Qffice of. Lieutenant- uovernor, tnougn it will aouotiess pe set; down' by the Republicans as a mere party dodge, a bid for Republi can votes, is nevertheless' tibriiething . 1''J1L .J'lL'.'.-t. tl" Li '-.'. IIS' it".-"! ' wore man mat. it is signinuani 01 new political conditions. It follows the nomination by tbe Deqiocrats of New York of such men as John Bige- ow and, Lacius .Robinson who had not. been' identified with' the party, and is in the same : line of policy. Just as these jgentlemeii were taken oecauae tney represeniea ajviiai pnu cipl?, something more than a party norai- name, Gen. Bartlett, has been nated in assachnsetts for the reason that he .embodies, an- idea, and his name - upon': 1 the ' ticket means ! peace and econciliation.'' Of the proba bilities in' Massachusetts the IHbune remarks : - : "It would hot be strange at all, in view of the reasonable ; and pruaent - action or tne convention yesterday, if the people of i the State j should be , quite content to let the protest continue one more year at least.; ; !Inf any even t, the Republican Convention next week will ' have to nominate their best men - and j make uncommonly fair promises to make success reasonably sure; f And we venture the ,' saggestion : that ' it is' 1 be.8UGh a face; thai .they cannot take the fisk of carrying President .Grant's Administration iq, . It' is'no a gpo4 season for ih'at horiot ndicapping. holidaysJ ThiriltdbaW4; b 4hA read er. t , Mr. - Bryan t' : .known lib erality of. 8eBUmentnd great ability ensure at least- an earnest expectation and a careful, dispassionale readings Commranication.) 1 ! , TO THE PUBLIC; y'l'jii'i"- on C F. AGaKmtxirRAi AsociATioiirr. -oTU i&e.veflth; ftuajtjdoiBerjies or Second pf iUie' newnSWieS; will ib& $tg&& afeYilnpbigfein by thia Association oa thi 9thJ lOtbi'illth' and 12thcUysjof Noviamber o-TbelBoard ofJHanagers Jmost cordially invite fhe.people'.bf! tbe;StfttieJ gea'erally " td attend -it ) wiflr r Spfecimens- of Hhe'''proi daclions' of their farmSntieiif: workshop oteirstorehoQsea;1, -l sf Those who' have ; nothing 1 else W ' M toil themselvesoatidi families -'hrin ' I th6W? aQtcotneind seeJwhal'aifinencoilectioo-.of iSrrtd d add to7. tbe 'attracUdhj the! veteians tel! Fort Fisher and their compamons iniiarms will be there to..enjoy, tLe. fiiht of et h surviving, Mrotlies gain ii,(iRo.itvi .There will sbe an address Iby, a distin guisbed American statesman, besides nu, merous essays upon subjects oT much inter est o the sons science and ofagricfllturev f, Vyeiespecullyrcajy upon the farfaijs,.jlie of crops; sTocfc-aml 'jfieVprbb'er.Mnkt? they caa itoimviwiat their qnd- v (i,T Iheaifiwe.rippeal le enrnduod JbeiiD'Uiv Uloral tlau was thithe1 daysfif (ar fdrmWr' fair; z -l ' If-Wiuithevpressiit tide eattera (portion; n thetateaH alVHfe tuei'UaplinaCBUal. Prise? ffr'f b Cp pair A'fcvleuJfcn,rf . AMM)l4tlnM !?lc4J'i. ? 4 1 1 1 I Tslt baabeen-decide.d ! to offer the fioUowiiig prizes. f ini competition by thd different brasfi bands and ' military: eompaaieS' which will be p'resent al our approachlng'air'i, 11 ! tif ifTor'the bekt brass band, a sllveT cornet; 1 fd "to nia ut a umvu diiiwi utvuuicu To tne'best driliea military compapy. a oeen receivea irpn?, sevejaf t uary, 90,1 Ples and bjcaaajndalmg. their inten- y. Asbkocie of jtic3Betiand prieeslof iladl nrisot Jian'aaopted; :whi,ch, togetheif Wrjpari shorty published h i Us-jUtm 'bni ..! Hi w TT3f uhaJ 1 auctions our. Cape Fear .and: cpniigqous ftfi . 9ey WW e ereuiprfe .,yv e yjaf ;iKM"W"-,.nv -:T " the1 'second best brass 'band, A Brdhi .... .. A jbl w4r . .J -1 1 ! We af i inforta lhal MeWftt troflly1 ene(I Sufee?tSW cene of ' "the tfoHnjjfi aBja at'dgir'ntafl ::betliU iteoiswlfi; f tbuntyf lntendlfa'gTt6 0 ;tofogl tb 'ha: time possible! thing 'Mr. 'Cto'hly was accompanied 60 tile! occasion by .MjjyhomasEvaBS, of the firinj of Blossom & Evantt whwialhB pjeprietorj f 'ftf the augerni8ed.:u The 4toihad been )patj hs flue: cooditiopj and was ;w6ieflrby 'fdaij :meDil)nti! spite bJievy eEoHaoM isbaka the slighteic impression upon, the rookj .Ikhicblseema ilo QDTdeclte 4he25 f ciot bfid ( o jntrk Tbe Jauger: Jod efcdi is JcjsUSUrtedl ,on)j witli a viev to bodairwella thronghla; deep soil and ia npt, calculated topenetraie ,hedf hardrpck.WAuif'ffoTi rAjle lpek :piltik:k eeJpointtdirillJwa jiHks 1 up succssf uowi ug Xq the igreat . leagthf and wehrht at the-driH and -.shafting attached. U AlUUiere. re ho volunteers offering' to jga Mottbrewoei spection ; how the " Investigation "nilgnV be more satisfactorily prosecuted, a change of; base! was then effected. ; ' .'-;4.-f - ' J 1 The auger was' taken to : another . 1 part' of j tile property ann set to wotk on anew oore. j - Atti-r going Uovii leureetliiruhsoU,ancl! and some iiiai l, a Ted of whitish $lbne' was si i 1 tiekaiid sone Hptctmens, brough; up. J - ii'ti have mt yet had tiine 'to determine the precise characterof .this ruck. f ,We are in-j clioed to think that it overiies the .main bed I of marl at this point, and is not, the same rock as that struck in the bottom of the first bore, but this can only be settled by a; :cjtr-t"ul iuspVctiou of the ground. ,V-. L j At uolher jKiiul oa the propei tv,; some-! what lower than those mentioned above, a hole has been bored with a post-anger, iiqj whicii, at a depth of two feet, the auger' wui into a ueuoi vuursc wuiwgravci, suui "as is found in some places on: the sea coast. .We understand that considerable inter est is being shown iii the trial of the mart which" Messrs. Cro"nIy & Morris ' have j aaipped up the Cl C Railway for' free test upon . the . crops. . Owiug to , the, great; amounts of freight from the .North. 'which are now passing -j oyer this road the Com-1 pany has been unable .to, give; immediate transportation to a lot of soma eighty bags intended for Rockingham, and it has there- n lore laid-alongside the track for some days. -These bags formerly contained California wheat, and in their seams a few grains had remained when lliey were emptied. 'After being filled with the marl and exposed to the aciion of the sun and moisture until Thursday, it was; found that" these grains had germinated and shot out stalks three inches long. Perhaps this fact may he some index of the value , of the marl as a fertilizer. Tiiese bag were to , have gone 'forward Uf Rockingham by' yesterday's train. r 3 .. ; . We aie. in formed that some of the first orders that have been, received, for. the marl came from. Catawba county, a county situ ated west oE the Centre of the State. The people of the interior seem inclined to give a trial 10 -home fertilizers in the-hope-of finding substitute' for the more, expensive dffes fmp6iietl':ilif; ':tbeir hope cari be real lied they will1 thus-1 keep ' much money at hoijie every yfear' and ' circulating: In' ! their own, midst.' "An! order 'f or one" ton froa NewionCatawbacoyniyj arid", another from Conoyer, m the same bounty,' for two ions Iiave fust been.. filled.' ' The marl goes rw. theidarolina Central , 10 Charlotte? and thepce.tia. the. North. ; :parolioa;j'and , the Wesero; !Nprtl' jCaroiiaa -Railroads - t its destination;, j Those , , sending ,the; j.j orders think a considerable market : for marl will Wt) ttlnsrou Retail War Itoi.'' J ; 1 TnldwjSric'esi 'Metftrdiiv Appies,"(dedV if cents "per1 pountfrdrie'bf pe.pe.BKkles,) ?tt cento per. dpzqi lard,. 18. cents rperuaA tej tffyfyjfo cents pouqdjopesoiceqta pef pourid; mmfrMWlfflffl. iBih ew IIj jWiiw pair; beef; J0jJ6j peffnodtbepfjicorqi ed)il31i5o. peEjpotindy.'fveal 1SilHtu perpound 5 mutton,' 13lj18l otai per pbtqidj: ham, 1820 cts. per pound; shoulder li(gr 14' cents' befpound ',! ' trfpe,20 ctS.sper Mmeli ; pqtatbsnewTrish,1 4tjc! a! peck ;M new 'sw'e4t 25 cent's a peck ; 'fish trout 25cv per hunch ; mullets lO.Yfli, cents per bunch; turnips, 'lilfe ia iP') m&ufc djUPjks,,, j $Mf8?ft4 cfiptp. i ia j ;phj radisUefli pppAtjftfMi ' a,b mnU 1 a. j)qndi step, jsin cu 2supijefi&9e s petW;sqi8lie 2Qt cents h doBououmbeiSi AOlS-ctsadesi); greeDt5ori l20ca.dortpmAtct;l-Oe a quart 1 bkraj 5 jceji t$- dated ( walet tteldnsv 453 SOo'jriaipOciiVaftciiabfrlSc'dofefeiii Ii .r 'rL 'II.il. , !.4-...X .,.,lr Ji.M.il grapes iuc perpecife; narier oeaas zvc per Ai ,KnaKVariatta-l4 jHnloi u 3-j 1 Hi h We . leMnttfroBjkra friend ;ti. JDawspn's Landing, tBladenouaiyjthat hoispraP' away with :a cast at life.' Jdseph 1 QillfiepielM p4aebi ea tbeTe,pw Wednesdayj Sand rthat hi 'maiiapf a- dtlddiw aflrtfi he ' felli klioi hitoselfStad. Tddy 3fDanlefe a SmUb!rSIleTueara0li.i; u J itli:ii .-.Weleiwnilhat alllhe iiolesifpe 'thftj tele graph polqs between thi i ity and Smith vilier'are i dpyChati i work having been PWngVtbtotfghlbef present weet ,iM,.- IbiV .f-trt terial may prove a valuabfe0 as & fahiidP pated.V-if hsmoi'V.Mih ti-Al- V3li;tJ clams-cehtktff pdcki-bpen Wamsi'SOgSS quaTtr'greetf Berd-peds' H) OurtS Jp pies 50o fe0c'rtpVtai, 8 : 1 ' thrown frdhvehfclekfid ser?sTttrf completea"yelteroay-1Ia"ll is now fWWgiftlnV' lihP 'wMl lJe J Sftnpfaa nd T bn &sw$ist staxmim mwmjia mpton ftpAslifcjw-jduysjUiB.ptelUiatoCairar- it!epceap.retreatbaVheeftble8fd;Witthej pttu;h needed; 4littie Jfi amffjaiul LVOTyQppOjctuqe.i 4imeVsiTh?6 elJauiere nearly jdjpy, and the fevefhac eqpwqBpcAd to iiake more demands thanprpdent, heads of families deemed consistent with the esl-j lapsed. .conditioA of ; thewu mdiTidjialubank accojints, j Jt it, ithyillej IiOciwop4'oJly and ShaUoite jto.Tjtifbiptr yiftpfarmera.iwill . 901 produee;C(y"eroiie-Jhrd AhtiPBl icrop of-eorniWitlhe f egfejised brhjft palj (tOTes.n4i)hash.qrt crpp IhgaWwOpMfpr Lthe jfaf nwa oth;MUwt ,toJB)e f piojoji fay?the-ieasj, fletvery.iLeacqqrag'PSn the , coming .1 times,; and 1 flflttTOUy of nneyi JhCPMws at4jhft)mpwJi Af lietCapfr feas am4i?Blvipg commenda. ..s t -. t'r tii . .. .1 a , . ' iMrof twe more pilot .vesselaoner atald :tead;;uader :the 1 aupervisipn ,of i Mf. K Daniels, wd oue at Smith villenUndeJvWL ; 1 Josh ejy -Esq.L iTbey ar4 - respect i rely . forty'jqoeiand ?iortyf our feet keel. iuTli .beauty if j jxxle;Uandt, the. ''.substantial ' wojkraajiship.itidisplayed.: iti - theifiLcun jstruction; a.,:vwelli saS) iin thB;;jnater.il -usud is a matted if! 8iuf-eongratttlalipfi:tu! .each citizen of. Smithvulp for.lhey aro of ;.home conception and home production.. w.The.fishermeP at Fort Caswell, under the ! direction of; CapL j Asa Dosher, have met .With, very encouraging succfess, thus far. A few days ago some twenty barrels of the .largest, hnndsomesi and f attest mullets were Capcitmi , !nrmf correspondent tyer saw, i. :many of thoi tvcighuig fronnj;five pounds upwards , lift witnessed, lh rweighingof qiK-. that. .balanced nt. fivc. and one.-half j fifThe ;tota iiumberqf marriages iq the .9 vjqnl y . for, the. past year; foot up sixty-four, of which thirty-one were. white and thirty ihreecolore'd cpuplea ,, ' . ... , , . Graud Crauger PIc-Nlc Near Iflarlon, ii-- :': :; . "! . . . : 1-: j. ' k. v. riie VTllmlustoR , Cornet Concert OIul Present The bo : u '. -.: . ,: ,' Kpeccliei. ana .tne nauntlfHl, Be Jr-.-. . M : The Wilmington Cornet Concert Club, of this city, which left.here.-on Wednesday evening f or the purpose of beipgpresect at a grand .Q rapiers' pic-pic, at New Baltimore, qear Marion,. S. C. on Thursday, returned yesterday morning - : i .The pic-nic,. which was given by New Baltimore Grange, was a most complete and decided success, commencing at 11 o'clock in the morning and continuing until. 7 o'clock in the evening. , The crowd present which was variously estimated , at from 1,500 to 2000 persons, .including ; a large number of ladies, , was addressed by. Col. W. S. -Mullins and; othess. i ji The repast provided for the occasion was amply immense, in both quantity and quality, and did great credit to the ladies,' as well as tp: Mr. E, J. Moody, of Marion, and : other . members of the . Committee charged with looking after this important part of tlie proceedings. . Messrs. Moody and, llerbe pf the . Committee were espe cially attenti ve .tp the comfort of the Invited guests. . , At Pight there was dancing at Mr. Watson's residence; near the iscene of the days f estiyities, .which was pq doubt greatly enjoyp by'thq8e who aUended. v ; i :ri n' 'Probably six hundred; pr nore ,of those present at the pic-nic t,had.j never, heard, tnusic jfrqm. ?a rass, bandj before, apd to of the people generjtJjylifhe jeyening they th A Etmplf , Jfi TnnAyt at whose; residence, ihy, .were, very agreeably aoiiTibspUabJjD Eritertaiaed luntiii the ftime arrived: for AeiridepartPre for home. : The members . of the band ospak ib tbd thighest termaof.the people among, whom they have beeb hiving sttch. a pleasant Treason oVrwii reatiob arid cdymentti 'and say they eould pot poflsity harp bjeea treated ith greater hospitality;. ieettq say ;nothmgV)f;the many flaurihgTdompluiieatS ) they deceived asttq7jhek;(rdU3it eclktieBcyi LMri JFJ Wj Kerchher whoj.has aoexlensive ; aov quaintance in and! about Marion,' accom panied the band and of course was a worthy adjunct in the 'feast of reason and flow of soul'Mnspired by the occasion."- ' ' -li j ' s . . . J 1 ii A Firm OUkn Hotel. , . . f ; . , We are authorized to. state that Col. J. R. inil tilt ,f NO. .3nt,iJW.MIH4b.' Af-s-lili ). :u; D.ivis, long and favorably know 11 to our. . . i ,.7J Ms ! Hi:qH!Li.i I f' u fi ; vn'i citizens aud tlie travenug public as the pro- tend the corridors "of the Puree 1-House to, Purcell pnao; Jfii, yt1"""1 if being thoroughly oEbMMdteiUd aHdtreftiH aishedj prsparntory )to. aoaexatiop and. Kill be fitted iaveryj aspect , to. mainAaip and increase (hft estabUshttin reputatiom ot tha PujiffcllippBe,, a 1 tleSi first-class hotel. . WlmiugiopM, ..Thftpld hfluse has long borafl MifeputtionijjhtUlie rqaqagemept-jhas Plfifttfit ue.f ttyjfesewt addiUpft tfei? drawbackwift, oved;,;and jfta Wm.moaiipsa tP ;ita pftUwisi as. extensive W feaypj jherhofohejs , f xcplisBfe late itself ou Uiu fusmsBiuu of-a-hotel 'so aruefitflpltrwfeB'fWewft5 ferdwth-Tmd hApUtftaitei'JT LoqO lo ijfnp :u'jL'n')-ybI 1CJO io"!J'j4llUll JP lIJJ.i .. I J: no;w.9 I b.WpJsawbataQddiFkwa, f iWhUelihchi a pleasant picnic fesuV yal yesterday. abBladeii Springs. ! i.iif ic. the National Ijlote). adioiniug. and will ex- TUB ODD aiil..t-.f (J:.bMdja:e aule-? su 1 nLjiiiit iiirf. ii i-joq a?icl!t;a.i vhJ!ft-!SJ! totSySift" -nor-Mna7nlt;.attef Indiana-: : -gt noiinzei cioisl . jqtaZ' ol .oao-vjdjij IbwSJcUhe1'XJn?teai Statsl'fatery in; tesaibn at IndianapoUs. ; delwexed, an j address to the representatives otthe- order, assembled from all parts of, tbe iiiJipJ'til ..MHjP. - jfiuliiiiitiy.'j-auiiitflfio- UDion.on me opening uay.oepiemuer o,. oiftoii; inpi yDi 9 j jt?? ni j tl wicu 20. a portion-pf WU1CU.1 legislation; and I therefore' askf ybujgreabioafe jand study icyonl"de HberaWdsi ' nhat41 ibe law's1 taSsed cccjr4ne .rit r ccnqaod tnariuony iwun toe spirit, anu geurus or our ritual, f . I ara glad td"be able toahnbi the! xprftiiiued incease ajpd "pVo'spejity j of pur pV(er at rhome,;and abroad, and to, st! kind Prividenperwe should render w hearty thatiksfor ill V His knercies tTyuslndr- vid uutly; 'a6rebtlrely; -Anh4qgh puf . li'icrease . ii nstderipieoyi it -would have been: far i greatee 'bntif or . I " 1 ... 1, . : i...f t : i't a me general nanciai - conaitioBi'aoa dtstjesn pf the country whichfbas caused :the .dropping; of, tnanygoqd and true men who have peen unable to pay their dues." ! . ,H . FINANCIAL 3JEPOETS. , , . ? Thd reports of u the! grand colresi ponding ahd recording secretaryjMr. J. L. Hidgely,,, and. of Hon, Jqihua Vansjtril, grand .treasurer, were then read, showing ; that1 during the year lS7f the umbef , Jef jsubordtip'ate lodges liaiijilii j ReblcahI)e gree iJgesit 2ft) jaAdiiapjptg. 2. ; subordinate j encampments t l8; 38,805 , 21 j fe1 jef; , ptf eucampme, 7,92l, 3.0 reliefibyJiebekah dodges, $9912 I8j revemiewi of lodges,- fetf, 537 ! 64,' and the fevebue'of . llebelcah lodges, $22.925 . 82. ; On ;;j!DeceBbef 31st, the prder was made opiaa follows! !.Grand:i lodges, 46; grand encampment 88 j subordinate lodges 5,77 u' Suorin' 1,630', lodge, meqibers 438,701 ;Veir campment . members, r 3.445. From 1830 to , December 3.1st, ;1874, there haye been 924,428 initiations; 685,963 members relieved; 9 1,095 families re lieved ;r 60-776 have i died; $55,338, 423 82 have ; been I received, ' and $20,542,494 71 have been expended for the relief of families of members of the order.. During the past, year 179,269 ' benefits have 1 been 1 paidj 5797mf aTnities"Tfelieved ; ,878 mem bers of the,. order buried; 38,832 :rei lie ved ; $933,95 1 45 ,.paidt . for the., re lief of brothers;. $ 16 085i)9. or wid ows audi their iamnies; ! 6,776 1$ paid for the -education of s orphans; $223,545 61 for. burying! the dead; $36,145 57; for specialrelief; total for relief, $1,371,314 77 ' ; j - . In the encampnient or patriarchal branch of the order there were 23,876 weeks benefits' paid ; '3 J5 widows and their families Relieved : 5,887 ! patri archs families relieved; ; 741 patri archs buried; $9,987 54 for the relief of families $79 68 for1 eddcationy $22,477 82; for1 batying ' 'the ' dead; $1,579 31 if or special, telief ? total; $158,549 38j The cash balance of the Grand Lodge was anaohnced ta have been. $18,183, 3Q; on Angust 31, 1874 j received during the .year .up tQ . Aftt gliBt, A 8,751 4l,792i 38 ; ;;dasbnr8eh mmt&up?MM ; . balance, , $16 f Tho following are( the : chairmen; 6f; the ataadiag 1 otBtnitteea appointed: byiGrand SirftDorbanjs in yMI .;?ta4Mothe QrderriWUMJfWi T Judicjlay Lambero qf nnsyl juegi ; Fife trH Ann, 'Forl!2a"Kelat bsFitjihnh bf ( --"Y-, w . ------- V!rgrnia.-!''i!h f1 "thl i1,,1-f'-i ,A '"f hlii5 1 Degree of KebekahThbmpson; or Correspondence BaTneyi" of Ten' nesseo. iVii;.; .'Hi! ir;:,-:J ilifi)!. Mileage and PerrDaem-rTysppj-ofi Georgia.. ini i tuh ay ui tt.L-utu-x im Conatitatiorir-rrvLathaqH fi nV;irginia.; rettMO'rt Atexauaer f .t ahjoois ..'History, 0,044,98 , wrana i?oaies unrepreseutea ijiv- wwnfMsHuyMtkf 't,ufl r v Unfinished Baaindsnatlrfid'f' Kansas. oiMlaneoqs iI5H9ioeas-mBirrp,vT8, . it i 110 mmt "iffftfen iflfrtfvviiii -M.'i nfTTior a v'j TTi'DirTTVAO -1 At the Be8sionof th Gr.and Lodge HitOv. Oij.F lto-day,i several resoiu-! tioda and wpropositions : pertaining, to thft Rbkali.negreewWfirej presented apdjEef errd.4 liapp-.ropfifttej cpmmitrj itlMlftVMu i&iti iwm :.MumvmL That when a jnember, of waa n mom n. i3AM lflv'uftiftheTlSfeentioL AnaBfe ha adHbtirnment Vfeslerda v.'! 0r8ir5MehlBbli,i6f PniisylvaJ ma "6ttefeau; senesoraireBoinxiooB looka6gtgfatndTiatk)nalJeelebra tionviofitheitirder'iat'-larse ,BtFhilaA delphku nring-f the oentenliialyear ana tnau tne invitation, qt aniiiu. wuicu,is aoqexeu: r ! i "Nothing tends so much to retard lvugts luemiwfs. oou: encampment members. Ot- :relief: byVodes. Fettawship t tne,, lodgi of which nee omomhpr snail not nn renmrea bodies1 ot FitiHSYlvkMii Gri thenext seasion ; there.bej its.i p. ai nuaaeipnia, pe ,aeignatea as the 'time and Wa'ceo? a sf ealP pub-i lie gathering of the nrder throngnciitl the nationariurisdictiorii abd that the fsaid date be, subetitute fo the" usual j 26th of April anniversary; referred. Past Grand iSire, Nicholson, jfronir the uvuiuiuieej on me nextession or(vne: )renieJbbdy;J suonited ifouclab6H te teportredoniuieiidin session j-be; beld a'n. .FHladeIphia:in ! pterairjgv,iaaveraH , Hepresentative titven, ?f the Di" trict of Columbia, submitted a com-1 munication from the secretafy?of tn , -Washington LNational Monnmentbo ciety. ; Past 11 Grand.' Sif d 1 Stuart ' of fered a document embody ihg' a f esb i tujiQa .proywing jorianaaaitionai ;ap propriation from the Grand IjOdce in aid of the Jwmpretfetf-f -the11 Wasfh-' Committee orLtUiJi r-y .'.'. : The report of ; the.- committee.;. on 'mileage and per: -diem , recommending pay pf teti cents per mile and $6 per day was adopted.". '. ' ' ' . '-' ' 1 It was resolved that obituaries on deceased members of the grand body be made the special order for Friday morning. Af ter which, adjournment was taken until to-morrow morning. The. street parade this 'afternoon was the grandest public demonstra tion ever witnessed in this city s Fully 10,000 Odd-Fellows in " regalia .wer in procession.-- TheuniXormed "patri archs fr0nv4Su.lVHisr:Cincinnati and Louisville attracted speciaVattention. After passing through t the. principal streets, thd procession halted' at the State House SquareVwhere addressee were made hy Grand Sire Dnnhann and .others. ,,A banquet,? .was .given , tp; night by the 'Grand Xpdge of ITndlana tb the representktlVes of the1 United States and visiting past grand Officers i . i a . i .... irora. atner otates. , t Brnnawfek Connty Debt," Finance; s. e. - : - H .;: ! . ; - ; . , r Through the; courtesy pf the geptlemanly Qerk of. ,the Board .of County.PjOrpmission. ers, a friend at Smithville has-been enabled tb present the following statement of the receipts and disbursements of the -public monies of the county for 'thei year ending September lst,i 1875s hi:.tiw S cisil'i The total receipts rbf the fcnty,' as;reJ retr'; "la'w-ii yidWW school and railroad tax; is $6,596 76. "a 3' The )disbursement of the above amount is given In an aggregate form ff or each de partment of the county government, as fol lows : . ' :' . For the services of the Board of ,,Coiinty Commissioners, includ- . ; ing per diem, mileage and extra: ; . v committee work,..'.........;.... $373 75 Clerk of the Board, computing and . : copying Tax List and .extra ser- 4' ! vices.... i..'..v. .;..... .vi'.."' 333 02 Support of the poor.:V...i.....; 688 00 Repairing Bridges: -J.V.K .V; A V h 458 00 Jury, i witness ; tickets, ! offlcers. of ' ' - Court, extra to. Sheriff... .-41,521 56 Arresting, guarding and feeding of. . prisoners. . .. . 757 51 140 00 - Medical services. . Coroner's " 143 80 155 00 Attorney's " !- r.: '.';:.. ..i. .V Surveying County line, Columbus ' ;and ; Brunswick,-. r'.i. . j 256 00 Stationery, aqd undries .. . . . -, r v, ; 232. 50 Prinpipal apd.mterest.on the fund- t ed debt.,. ,43 3e h-; I?pt4 . ,tV m.t .. $6,003 .50, 0 Balance jln thehapds of , the Treasurer to pay commissions to the Sheriff, and the Treasurer .for ! collecting' 'and disbursing, 'No report is made in respect to the school moiueSyi!Cone4uently ! our correspondent can make no , statement' . in reference to them. j t r , . 1 From an investigation of , the books, the amdunt of the funded debt, principal' and firffcrest; appeal id be1 ;S0f' 00. ' To irieelf U)is thp treasurer hai in band' ll.tS 49; lea yuyc balapfe, of $460-51, td be provided fpr frorn is. year's, taxea, s The. .presenlj Board, in order tp keep good the credit and preserve the good name of old BrpnsJ wick levied ii tlx which will aggregate $2 800; excluMve f;Railroad tax.H: ' The exact debt of ilhe CHiinty our-corres-i pondent is UUUMy'tOXlTcTty determine, but hfr Wy.fi!0mHhe'pPrtfi,ce; of the books it carnntft exceed IS4.G00M i.'ju-wMtfW . Tbe work a New lulefi ; . J We leanv tha We-ork of Messrs: iBaPg SjiCvJVyJnntiuued,ia, .oiin last as having. been, commend,, will apireajjy clpsqeWj i compushment of that undertaking. Their i contract,' as we" noVnderstahd!'lt,5 is' for tky,cbristfiictf6n(rdf w'bafis' 'ki0Wn( ty ten-' gineers aa a caipet4rapronitue-formerwe learn, lei iig55Saore proper designation, which Is to e built bf stbne four feet deep vaU froth fPrty to seventy feet jwidej n tbW eestre of tba eurrent. The liai ckwlag,of the Jtde0ofchich. T.qrVi jw.Ffi hayft will require a fprther approprratiph by the I 9l&'fiusk,ni6tfie of Fayettevui died m-that plaxmuTn dayljlajtheSlstihira were interred op ithajfoloylng ;day. 4 Mrs, Hnske, wbo was highly astwmsd for her many amiable qualities,; was one of the old est ladies of that secttonv? Wj-uvxmrsv v...n.v- Gfarid ie6'tfaent-X)fdei' iOddlMlaws onhe United. tStaties SDii'itsi'urbentiiid; U M wn be cbjnpleted . SalisbufyFaif rcpmhienceB ' on the 19tb.of October and closes on the 22nd. t Mf. RBbWden of-Warsaw, . lhe old Orange .. Guards .. hav.e been reorganized. ! ' - v 1 i 4ItW,jnrham: caged L;.55eojnnvUed 1 sqicide: t.WedaeBd ay - paoeu f '-Wednesday, at his residence.' J Coneof ddistetiijss -Mar&a- - ret Jane Lcfler, daughter of Jacob Lefler m the' vicinity r: of Eldorado: Montiomery . coqnty, killed and captorediia, rattlesnake five-feet fpur inches. Ion?, eurht .inches ln..v circumference, and had thirteen rattles and ia buttod. MisBLefler isjustetaterinc sweet- ' sixteen. . . , j , ,. . .?re.wbern ISmea; The Schooner JSlizabeth-: A. iromrrNew-Tork and Pat- ebuitjr.-was Hdtalrylost un Core Bank oiT Sunday morningj the-19th inst.- The ves sel and cargo 'belonged to Appleton Oak stnUh, of Hollywood, and were: valued! at . about five thousand dollars, ion which there lnWuc&?f.4tfcv4i.'R4t ' r trerrfsfws- fearn'iij;t.iiy0a.tiia,tttlie. Executive Committee of the' State Agricul- i lural Sdckty i have unanlmously'-tendeied -an invitation to Hon. Jefferson Davis to delivef an address at tbe'Fairto commence on, tbe 12th proximo. Tbe presence of Mr, DaVis on that occasion would ' add greatly Jto,thelntere6t of the week, and. would give universal satisiaction. m tobesoMctrf:. -!W learnHhat thq turpentine distillery of Messrs,. A, & W: McQueen, of Ashland, nearjRed Banks, in ihis county; was destroyed; by fire last lUm day. ; It seems the distiller turned off a charge of rosin : while boiling hot,1 whitli : when exposed to., the air, . ignited, desiciy ing both the still and many barrels of losui whjch were standing near by. -a ,t Asheville needs an express lim-, or rather there is one needed between Salisbury and Old Fort. .. The Pioneer says an energetic business mam of Asheyille is con8ideringtthe undertaking. - That : paper wellsays ; Asheville jdoes a heavy bum- j ness jn the Eastern market,' and vt'he want of speedy transportation to and' from 1 tills point is severely felt ' By all means let us have the express line. . ;. . -rt The following gentlemen hav? been apppinted on the. part of the Rich mond Chamber of Commerce to Tepresent the commercial rand' manufacturing inter ests of Richmond at the next State Fair of North Carolina, to be held!' at Ralei?h: It. K Blackenship, Thomas LBranCh; George ' . maimer,-JS. 0.Nolting,4 Andrew L.E1 lett, James-JH.D6bley, Walter K. Martin, P. H. Starke, I 5. jVayser, Joseph Hail, Peyton Wise, John B.tPurcell; Charles U. -.Williams, - James W.i Allison, Robert - S. . Archer, George Lee. j 'V Raleigh w?- 'We learn that the ; races at the Fair will be the finest we have ever had. There will be horses here that have won '$20,000 pursea; It will be one pf the, few opportunities pur people, will have to ; see ' such horses. 4 The Btock' will ' be unusually fair, of the best blood in the land, 'lhe display 01 poultry will -lie ahead of anything of the kind . ever exhib ited at our Fair. Ladies from -all parts of the State have accepted the invitation of J the com.mittee to be present and assist- . ' ? . The 'Charlotte' Observer under stands thafafew'days ago while men were . engaged m blasttegTit the-qtrarry in Rowan county from which ;rot bea: g taken for the government building in Raleigh, one of tlie blasts did not explode as soon as it w ns thought it should, when ;two or three ne groes,, approached; it . to j investigate the 1 cause.' As they n eared the fuse it exploded, seriously and perhaps dangerously injuring two of the negroes. . . ; j . Tom Evans tells how Bro. Ram say, the enthusiastic young temperance lec turer, of Raleigh, got even with a Canada audience recently, who were financially un appreciative. It was at the village of Nap anee, and . the TCollection panned out. just forty-two cents. A little old hunchbacked brother, who occupied tbe chair, whispered to the fellow who handed in the h&t, that he hated to turn over such a pitiful sum to the earnest young stranger. But Ramsav, '. not at alt set back, received the amount, . and exclaimed to ' the audience : "Gentle men, I am somewhat Surprised that an as sembly of so much sense should only con tribute forty-two cents."" This sally result ed in an immediate expansion of the cur- DC f ' - ' -m"l7' ' ' "' ;'-- ', : ... ; WOKAXjAFfJEB POTATOES, r . . ; , I Moore's Rural New Yorker. 1 V Where potatoes are irown " exten Bively.it bas become:" ai ; common arid ; very' good 1 practice to .h a ve ' a few acres ofeaf ly potatoes ready to clear off and soir tp wheat; This can fehd aybe dr ; withy' Early Kdse anrJ soraetimes with: f early j planted later varieties: ' It is best,: howeverj.'riot! to' tf v td get, out a large field of potatoes ; in time f of wheat, as the labor is so : great that it ; is apt Hb 'delay wheat sowing till late in the season.. vvher? ever gronhd ean "be fitted for sowing by the 25tbr of ; September, a potato crop makesan excellent preparation for whea-Thegrottndis in he best possible, mechanical condition from pfeVions cultivation,' and if the soil is rich enough a gobd crop; is' apt to ,r'e- SUltU-U . :. .!, .'I jl !-.' 5 r: i- 'i-, - With, the cpmplefe pulverization of? the soil, as hoeing, qultivatiog and digging; ' little after preparation ? is necessary to fit it for wheat. ' The old-fashioned .way, both on corn and potato ground, was to lightly ;Culti-yate,- sometimes pply to drag the sjirf acpv jspw.irig. pie jwheat. broadcast, and jcoyerihgi with teij dragiiThia wat reckoned a slipshod and lazy prac-i . tice ahd, tberef pre ' 1 abandoned, ' but' .rhjjefj y'fsij1. '.Hufelli'that some extai large vcrbps,weTe!.tgrbwnn- Jthis way and it is quite certain that jthe deeper cultivation which has become fashionable has not been BcTgenerally successful. 1 Wherein is ther adyan tage of 'plowing potato5" ronnd ' for wheat? IFprperly-jCultivateddtt-f ring the -summer there; will, he few) qr ; nojiWfe48 4D PP138 ?t digging tirne and a light cultivation, or even drag-' gingWlevelhb' surface, wall that is : neededmueh'L bettcr,j we suspect; tbanvadeeperi' plowing which ,tnrna -jwtoM yfiitQ the bottom of the furrow., T Ori land 'noti -deficient 7 intJ6ta8h, there is always a goodt5lbVer catch wAh wheatlc af ter'tidtaWeB. ll tne clover 'fails Pn jtatb-grbbn6V: tbe . pfrobabaity ; ia thatpotasb iaiwantipgi t and ard wood,, ashes should be fown, If these cannbt'W' blbtairiea the; Ger-, man piotashi salts are a good snbstittfte : and Tdary be-profitably used on sucb land, j t i 1 n . i in tfyn ifttiifrridrttvfih z ' 11 1 n f 1 If! VII Ml 1 if! M Mt m in If : 1 t V vm - ? II iff 1 ''ifi m tin mi 1 m . A'V If St' or. -1 t : " ; -4-1 u i - u is M V 1 1 1,5) ii. ii-:- Hi J. '.T'SJi (: 31; -' . ?:.5I "1' 4 .ii. - H ''iii ii . ' : , 'Ms " i ; St -1 1 1-