w Q W M M V a M fa as id a w,xit7TTTGhq?03sr.(jsr-c?- ; $1 .50 a Tear, r in: advance. S88SSSS 00 IQ OS O o ft 60 l Year J..,- c ' : ! I8S8SSSS S Months j io8B,oioi-vj: 3 & 'r'iai? 1? I , l I SSSS9S8 i c-cx7r-;?9 1V -"-1 12888888: 2 Months ggg- l 9j-Ck'7-S& P P ,;?'': 1 l 1 Month if l g g. 3 Weeks 282888- 2 Weeks 8 j SSSS88 ' lWeek I! 888888- o 1 112 2, "Sfl- s 1 1 gSjfl" 133 Si j ': O 3 .1 3 Q C v v w a . obtained in allMthe cities, and in many of the larsje towns. AVeconstder them perfectly safe, uidtiiebest meana of remitting fifty dollars "rJtit system, which went into effect Jane 1st, are a I viry safo means of sending small snms of mo- j y wuere rauney uruers cannot, oe easily i tAlne1. Observe th& Heaittry fee as well as 1 oosiac, mutt be paid in tamp at the office iii'r t ue tetter is mailed, or it wtu be liable . !kj sent to the Dead letter Office., Bug and 'fltx the ttnrnps both or pottage and registry, put 'he numey and teal the letter in the presence of ftotlrmasterand take his receipt for it. letters t to n? in this way are atonr rtslc.. ion I-1 ' The snbscription price of ttie-WEKK iv Star is as follows i : T ; . ' rnrle Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 6 months. " 14 1.00 3 " : I " " .50 CI ibs of 10 or more subscribers, one y.osir. $1.23 Vance. per copy strictly in ad ub Rates for a period less SSNoC t han a year. Both old; and new subscribers may J bo included m matin up wuos. . ., : At the above prices the WEEKirf 1 Star is, we think, the cheapest paper in the State, and its circulation will . , ' j ' i.' i ii. i" ,! be doubled in twelve months, if those who have worked for its success In the nast will increase their efforts Jntthe f dure. ,',. .: L. . .: . the PENNsvLvANiANS. 5 Interest in the political theatre centres now in Ohio, but as Penn- I syiv:mia votes soon after the. Buck- eye State the attitude ' of parties I iin re is worthy of attention.' -The I Democracy; fof : Pennsylvania stand hosihlcr to. fshouldeii with their breth- I rt-n in .Ohio, as the Erie platform in- I .lu-aicf. Their State Central Com-1 mittee has issued ah address which I plifies the ilatform party; The address b lime has not come utterances of the party; The address I declares that the lime has not come J even for fixing a time for the resumpj tion of specie payments, for "no voice has proceeded -from thP mills or man- I o.a jiiuwcucu . t i ii factories, from the minPH or thfnr- I . - i farmers or work- J -:-T . uaceSj or from the inginen,:'demandin.gV"elthVr, reiimp-1 tion or a fixed-time.;. ; tiovernments f are established for the benefit of the I roverned." the address continues,ana I until the industrial a change, it is worsQ; than folly to ag- I itatj the rriieatibri After a brief I the cbiu'itry may interfere; the so nn-s-s wili prevail, Wi they wiiyby - i .- .wir: tniur iiiui f-ww,y. .y w.....,.,, . 1... a. 1 .V ? lir ' V, f :4tli' j.r vei. ttiassy ami ilMUgesiea Jtegi; j.ltloi i ht; question of specie,; ref , v ' J- ' ' whether tf labor or hof - property, ! BTff dcating a contraction of the now advocating .1 i(;.V tlie confidence of Thepeople itt'ltbeirl Government Pb' so striimgl'ilia trated as jo thp ufive notwithstanding the! bitdmanagement of the Administration.? oWiftnfclaim Democratic party hi aWayS .n?w in ,favpfiof souBd' that the Derabc been and leferenee to our present currency, tne I umon.i'J.nat means viCTory an jcq, i t .,,1.,:., 1.,.,,,.J.w)f.tjj i green corn sue, a, aoz: tomatoes luc, a. quart: pento ao tms-eueusana ' menagerie,- vua .fmM 'freeMfi ftfesft ffltef ferSSSI iss; sf-t siri mmummm 7; T , ; 'v-.-i.t;-- ';lt ,.rtbcl.u'-fti:.tlr-.f0'tq- forneWomfet&''- 1 uuJ -;..:J oi viasioo m.i u i j.paii jam aw il l ii io : ;:i 1 pSJa nVerio cress il.oiot upon which he erected!i8 f ,,p .t,,; ,f: . ,-J f.bna rrrn,rT ' Wllmla cton ond NnHUvUle connect. Jfii hbme TPchangthifr basis of Values ixjifVAC. , .KmcA.,oiJTi.ooK. ..!flwiwM"J j;'r,' -g"TSi ur fiiij H.Jaenlipnesiioy ji m 't '; P4 vjewingtfee -WirtUm M tfh a,ra : The cry all over thtat;x- financial conditJd'of.'th IbWirtry, otfeptfcpw Feaf Is completed; andTW; beriffrMcM.oifi-Boli aud.Uer, would depepatp.trift pnce J ;t, . .yitihHu.u Jo.guo .daubiT.A Iyx.nffTJr . mington may be saidtp be inlfull CdbneC- arrived. in thisieity Inn ThursdayvPVehiig; oPla,,dant cause alarm, and stress empt thenrot,, r The li &e&9M ,111 .ttonWJ3 ohis wayto)iigb,aviag teM6US. -in' ll-th avenue- olradb: ?Th measures proposed. Jn hej Convention ;eri Office here nas'rec UHlyWi irlsoners,'cWTic--'t fnfafti cu lbge " wil lie a'wprk1 of iime anpt areodors warroly.by many of the will conquer all; difficulties and then struments, anaBergenV B. jft, derisoii. termbf Xhe Superior Ckjurt 'mtXttmoirtbpl ciunbt lie effected until 'tho couqtVtT 'VW'1 aV cootitftte o'a:r 'tatrlfets tftS otitrjryin lVak: V'fW,aiferV h established a Signal Office mSmithvaie and' deemed 1 for f the Mtmary!". THe isinlauer condition receivditP to-day. TheWamni Jrosgerlty" XV &aCrMd f: u! convicts are ail fcolbVedanf theipsl - tw ifa 4etter,;OOnaiuon; ,w receive VMorn.U.ui. i 'ilyiP5-'-8 mV! o e ; Several i messages were yesterday sent tbeether with ltecrimefl, for" wh M tueV And, liowever much the politicians of acterizes the s movement asemi, ; ? ACcoUlurgtp the, this. state of frb-SmitbTilie aen! Mv& Chief Signal JJLJiW.M Mi.iiptini.; 'However- much we may j U.raaPiy Ptul trr mpiif'y.wre. toltt FfJOVilIai' IHie'xWafya ' ,,rompted ; the iotfuctipi, of the cfrM Mjfi presentVHteWj tlerteh,4oe nouU. cannpt, 7conKne j wnfues, machwery,riii&;d)iWitbiaJ8av4ag. 'o-'tlleoVly""'-' obeSQUlhQaniiSdnift fvhfcml bf.fotHylafiy'mllltenscfyH Ttratj to destroy it. vv patever bi .cpj . r - . tt iLiiiii: A. a ' JiW "tptl- Utf..uP . j-olsn'J 'uj "1 long to it,have.alieadyabeereaK IIVrMtfJlW Wfrr-HlSlJtfb IfiwWbtpmfii tm ied; the busmess of a Whole decade ! -be m:rlfK.l!o8 f WW aiid mbre'lias been bWedupdnitabd lUVonhroUm-i onlv those'! wno'desirev:io 'speculate, tpriityVtod sa Jtfthfesem ; breaking up r oi ti aii s. vwv , w ,-f ry flty n.V$ "ri- -':. " ,: - 14; !. p;- - l.-uU- I; .,Ty s -'in"J:'in-1 -iM; U: .noil .tt mMir a' . '. . -r ,i . t i U 1 - '- I - f 1 ' ' i " ,rn ? . 1 . I ' , i -1 w n -i ii t ii i r . & la;jx;i wg r.ii nrxr 1 F.ii-ii ; , 3 J - . : o"w: , and ? 8taW?vCurreacL; nod bwei'hae aitohs lhavhave d oftk aborted ,'.!," f-us L bhi Luis y t.$rtUfi i ess .country. ? : jgHpQ8ett , as' tha; i DetooJ cratic party-U in la -eart ol'tW la that - witL1 ';Goirimeniitf their? the specie' standard as the leasts of. our Currenr.oii no '. eplatform adopted at ErietaW i n . -i:. it' . i t . a i i may not hve thq ponlrol of thecur-l rencv. that the. indnstrik of the Statu: and .the great queSUOa of;,labOr havty , t 1 I" ! ' - I-., i as they sbottld bavfci a JVOHie-1 the orreiwy questioiiid We fearley; maibtaih that' this" Is correct P-J Tlrft . ; yus tj.-. ii F -!mI; , ' frr : "- . men WOO represent inese lllierUSlS arO r . j ? j. T: : ' ' enuuea to; a voice in ine common council of the State. To their effort s we owe its prosperit; r,' and their ad vice is not to be discarded., , The coal and iron trade to-day in this Stale is prostrate it is paralyzed; j reiM if thousands of men wlio are employed in these: industries ,w Il be d iscli arged if, the doctrine of imniediaie resump tion is successful; nor twill they be in a much better condition : if' the cur rency as contracted lv. government, with a view of fixiBg jap day sumption, is -' maintained.: for re- Bellow- citizens of Pennsylvania, these are important issues, am they claim your serious considers tiou in the approach ing canvass. . Tlie pressure; is upbn s. If we cannot avoid its evil con- sequences absolutelvi We must ihiti- j gate them as far as in our power. jt baa not been the work of the w . r utvL . . Democratic party. if'Thdu canst not , ' 't' 'f'i -Ulrr. - say we did it, w . Therefore, in declar- ing at Ene.that we-Would not permit a contraction of the currency we de- 8erted. no Demcjcratic labdmarkl. Our poller; as a party, ias ; pver h$en 'to protect and guard ithe s industries of . ' ' ... - the countrp. - We. demand i that the legal issues of thd : government, be made receivable for alt 'dues to the government a policy that will speed- ily bring them to par with gold and interchangeable therewith."! The national bank system was de nounced, the address says, because the government pays the banks $20, 000,000 a year in coin, although it if repbpsible.for.the redemption of ht 000,000 a year in coin, although it is febnsiblfi banknotes. It would be s better, it is urged,' to issue flegai tenders inj their places "and ! appropriate the, r . , . ., ,,r, . . I .ix r ' - - II z -i l S20.000.000 of coin annually paid as .- , , .: .... , ... H""--' interest upon, banking bonds, toward the relief of the people in jaxation. ihere is no aouDt or a gTeai xem- ocratic victory in, Pennsyivapia if the uemocratic ucKei is: succcssiui tu will carry, to .thef ron 6,tof tiptioiey j standard in almost every State of the I I - ' rnw-r a . . I i ' ' i it f It f f 1 5 ? 1 .lee.rvnarmj liiMii Ai,)Sni i ,.u.:.'!'"'v'i:r"v.l "rnr p r ".T T - I .mat.. rtdktu.:.l.tx...f .-lttvMMj invnl. uriiii'l1 j will Jliev JpU, .frpmitUxs years., i .JIere yoa cagettall lliheeof. , healyj 'andJ: d?ligvftt.l rAroerkai -wAi 1 . . i rn ata irt J OlolKH tKli f hP VW8op r W ance to every.plss lonr pepplfi, iaaiwifia isgitate Pffits iPoints ot tfea i .. : . . . i j . v - a . . i : i it.'it ti a i ... k. - f . wwcaG d&u t,aa-u blbu i us aua uta uv w.w.v: lid pentiy Wise am RWo ,m? things W.H. bo reached without ex Officer bf thW Service, at Washineton. and ,.W. '.f I'V''' I . - - . ' : 1 1 ' -JT. . . j - "H fl I -... . .. I. I . .-.I ..i.-' : I -:i BLICVHI V:j t fcW !bi V w tvinrn. t. . . iult BaVSJvv , '14 ;i f " 1 n'rt - I nandwiff th,t''nrrhu;v. ' It cava r hi.. r..!tnU,in..iinAM irnl n.li;Kiunl v '.. 'L7 .lil'.. o . ' L1' l.A.....I;vMmwSatAt- rrt w tni 1 1 a anI tsro :offera VtdainrjiFactdrerav ;N6 ticing a : possibl narrbw-sightel'obj .T6empt maiiuiactneloM taxation can hot be icohs , tay qnusruj , lor tuerr; estaons ia the country, will- be beneficial la .'l;wKpe'sUie'g1vng to many,' inviting capital' and labor, nda adding rj, g ., tie rcyeq.u?lqfftnc State bv the enhanced value of prop erty, to s,aj nothvog otth? prpspefiUve Tevemjfe froth the f actcw-iea thethselves. Proust b remembered lhat toe pro positi oii Is f oniy; ;to fiQt'thein ;(n their i inf appyji'bef! ororiilV'ooM 'very ptotitablev and thiis! iriduce.capH tat to be xtx v ested in tbeirestabush-i tnent.1 ' It is' a w fact; that owing to the peculiar situation; of thej SbWtbWB ""States1 uridef ihe7 innuence of reconstruction and ' the ; evils Of; carpetuag ruie, vuo x oruiem tapiwi-: ist has been deterred from investing1 Jiisi capital firre ou account of the im-j e!Mliiit lax reMiltiiijifirHi !mugcv-; err m 'hmI corrupt !egisaU(n. lVyj Iht sidptioit f f l his exeiujilion Vlause,) thi slscl will J, at me" removed,! an ti c door to foreigti;;cttal t' iti-j veHt ii . inaHufactures will be thrown! wiue 'pen. r And it i; a notorious factj thrtl t ie mannfa'tnreri are now imhk- ingj more moiifjVKiit of iiiei-.ottn crop of the South than the, farmers them- sel We think it is high time this' thtog Should be . stopped. We have bee n 'hewers of wood and drawers of of water : long enough.i Wi - must ha factories,', "Let the .Convention pas Is the proposed ordinance to ven- codrage their; eatabMshraeadle future Legislatures do their duty In duty the premises," , , -"-. J t DECLINE OP IMMIGRATION. Tlrere 'are'goOd and patent reasons why im migration has - declined. Tbe New York Times is of opinion that the causes lie on the other side of the Atlantic rather than here. It holds that trie condition of the labor-'mar ket in this country is not considered sufficieiit to account for it. -Tbe er 1 1 I planation, therefore,' in the opiaiono the Times, seems to depend Jrather I upm the greatly improved condition I of the laboring classes of Great ti Mr. Hot ace White.'in his contrih -. , ' - . '-r, .. r. t.,"i t 1 utiotto- the 'JfbrtnifMl lie oleic, Amei'i wiifreui i - i ri t . .. V : .t . l,t l i xnl " , pM8,V I affirms that the b killed workman is better ove;dWithymforUi l.nd than in . Amon.a i.nH tht tha t . : , tlj . it v .1 csondition of the Unskilled laborer is I - .7 . . i' ' 7 . ! - ; about the same w both countnes, al- 4n admits that in, the, fprme no-man-neea sieep ou oi aoors ipr . . i t . ' . s : : want pf.a lodging, or go suppefiefsto -iii .i;a. ivr.. .r,.; ) jurIiL, b-u -. jfr' AkdUv vom vj vuv by v ,au yifM iT.r.S, t , .Trii.inl i rTwI.iinf.iin I T"SFT " iKnS'HrFrTJIti'W I itinuiuv.-.l i... J't... juhia til. mAj(i rwlt . XaaUJm pooojpyl4ft.tlijfitataandiloitks and ebtieilfa'hd'Wwnia!'' . " 5? h!" 1 '"Tb'U''fbrlVay rbse -coidrea ter PondjiioU ot business Pad aapoei in ithp obutrf WithinHheextfohr bt1 D.l iilj bii'"jTii .yjJJuiiLyu'j ti.iJ'lo mipMtrutiqptfindr&sBepiy, to 4hangi3 of fioadtal7admlnitrati(p,"isrtiWBh" 4xpen4kftTea,yitt siiied bjeci -of iiseTf; vthbugbviti wiHf be'f icior- Wfi&m?Wkii iii J ;' irti "I'fMjsviuiiwf.rH 'ttrt-twi-- tr ibe thieves and shriekers arp, riyep m a i . wa . a j.. --.ar l. - a .- w . - v w-- i utuyviwi . wurw - j iiinrniiDn v. miiwi' vc.r ik in nil iniaaiuio ivi rg I thb alarniM MptwrtWltnmbJePt1 are ab- I JVfat16 wiecejvedhr I ;Moran falters, larceny, ,5 years.,, , ; I surdan.lmmkmiia' -.f.ill'- t:''1: "!fiiriObodman lareenvj 3 vears. ; .. mgtb-nltW.1 -nTio'tJjla-pul J&tl LiTU inofl io put sby hpnest men and, pixtripts ad and cpnfidfence in wmeW rsmfordd theaewadmihistratlpB in its measured of refdrmand restoration; ,n Weare indebted, tnrongbi.Durhamj Esd . M.vnr of the town of Shelb. for ni IT V U. z .' I -i V v l r mvltaUonW participate iioaidiBDer, wWchJ J y Virtue .alresolutioa of j thBoard4 , Kfe and ito i it-lfibWVeworfe tot feather Aldenneni of bat place, has been.teudered.; ing,itbgctbertitB treasures -i of o-North IheiofflcialsofdbeCarpliiiaC Cim)linabi8tc for future use) Weitfojrty Oonipanyv-aiid HMayr au4 Board of Al-j &ntfmhen wiebmmend to our defmeAapotliaJTOemnert of thepressof aesertuii aid ehcottt. citydfiiWihmngtonvtortakei placeou; f'Wi 'ihSands1 dt tbe tlmin terighrnaaaoi, gooi,m mc..v44uo s, r. celebrities alluded) to i may be able to bei reseat and expfcrieuce the hbspitalUy and; atteotioos pf lbeu good "people of Shelby. -Fathera. If. '."Conleren. This body meets with tbe tont btreet Clarch in ibte eity, o tbe fiist day of De-, cmtr next, BP Il.i -ai AicTyeife pre- ;idiiii?i : V- - t M;' I -p! a- ! i ur ,tiH(4ui8i;-trieuu r auucipnung; iwilwj vnt wuch tticaljpleasuraad epir-i ttuat ? nJoye-t;;iT4i'V, Cotj'feice1 1 ein-i braces more than hlfbf tbe territory of tbe Methodist Episcopal Church South in the State; and is one of the largest ;annual bodies in the connection. II numbers in ministers, lay th leijales and tiiose officially rdauil . ilie i onfernoe about 280-it Jiavin. rwii d in Uij last jfew years, in ail.iu h a to n i-isular picreasC, a large ae- cWst,..; by franafer of territory from tbe bouth tJantlmaConlerence t has. been o ytiirs'siiicw ; this Confercflco cilyl ' .:,.::j i-.a.&x That Twenty iferCeut.' : met in this, 1 - Ttiroiigh a dispatch from Washington we are informed that the Commissioners of tbe Freedmcn's Savings udJi Trust Com- pany will commence paying a dividend of twenty per cent on all audited claims on J th lst f 1 Noytmber proximo at their j ofSee in J that ctiy,' s Upon presentation of pass-books, or other evidence' of f indebted- nets. All checks will be drawn to the order of original depositors. -u AsdKnmuntew far as the delivery of checks as originally drawn to the assignee go. Wllmlnaton Befall market. . The following prices ruled yesterday: ApDles. (dried) 124 cents per pound; dried peaches 25c per pound; walnuts, 25 cents per peck; pickles, 20, cents per dozen; lard, 18 ceuts: per pound, .butter, 3040 cents per nowd; cheese cents per pound 1 grown luwia luiyouit puif; gecsw: $i tf 'vr pr. 10l6lQ pefpounUibeef, (corn eui i3taiac ier pouna; veai, laicmiojc. J'- .ill j - t - perpouna;muwon,;itgnojci3. perpouna; ham. 18a20 cts. rjcrrjound; shoulders. 124 I ciams, no cenis a pecs:; open ciams, cts a quart; soup bunch, 5 cts. i eggs, 22(g25 - - . . - : 1 . . .-Z: . I t.nta a rinvf fllnmuAn .VJter Ahnnb-I.linai ootatoes: new Irislii40o"a neck: new sweet u,-u.w,..u.w,v, vw x..m I 25 cents a peck; fish trout 25c. per bunch; I 'A.or' 1...J-.V. tv juuw f m XP jCems ' bunch ;, on wna,; w cents I bead; bologna" 20 cents a pound: 'wild caquahvsfiabbearis 1 ! . , sill W,"'V''-'-' ,gaiAStfi!bMUK,ithiacity nrttetog,'arrageniesttfwfh,the'C prrojhfl hosipesiaud general, puixKj 1 J. 1U lVthbitrAnsmlsstonJof inewages at atteatW I .- iH'ni 'I'i'Mf ,Hfer. rti.ij n j ?,cpngrtntHpa dwn thasriveii-fTienda. on itjueiaco8sff opemtot tne nbe.f K WllI rib dbUbtprbVb a iVviY . vaiuauie;;acccaaui, MiIwttuiUE bosiuest and-commercial port. : ' . - - ' . - . - ,e . ,. . k AlaTgngWeri'OT' scow' is oaing buiTt carpet9 rmck 909 hundrerptlo sifeet rhiep and twenty f cet widttea ; : . r, : '.j- ! Ji'Hi'Nicdlay U wrftftig a lifeof Abraham Lincoln, to whom he was for sev eral years private secretary L ,1,1a ui, tewshlpand!fraterDali feehn is; extended; kbpathy : and1 materialj to Pur friends attbe other end of the line,! efMsVtie with the!libpe that soiae of ; the represeBta-: q,;,?. .- v.iji'-; :-:-i' 's " ': '' " ' lOtHill Btate-aUSouthiand FkpowJhalthfl tenet fort i bnBbtfDg' abf Btoo or.Mapron' at ewl4i mftb-b WMmaaWajf'fiwa NORTIl CAUOLlIlli PtTtlfLlCA'tlOlV Stafidahbuld bWHenbufc'W eigK'V' tiwg voMtr' nit te ' beriodicals are worUiy, in every sense of tbel nUi mua2 tr r-? T 'TTL iZ. 2 - aMvaacemenppiejiecuwtwwrwyjww MtCiwI r, Amphg the contributors to thei pctoDfr S,; trn Ak Our ikad zxJ .mxl x-riegman, Jobnstone Jpnes,! History of the IWar," by Rev. John Paris,1 l8 conlinueil. The serial story. " Marearet - Rosselyii."; ia approacbiBg its Conclusion. , An account of 11 Terry's Fort Fisher Expe dilion' is reprinted, from Boston monthly.; A vindication of tbe late Lord LyltoUliy aU u Aniateur ribbier and :a poem by Capt. -jjr; T. R. Bell are pleasing brigi&al, pieces, Tbe sketch of Love's forlorn and fatal coh- test with the British at the otd j Rouse 'ouse. eight rais from this city is a bit of revoluUonary bistpry which cannot fail to be of interest, oppecially to Wilmingteniansand their neiiiliois ih Duplin county.; , Mr. Kingsbury's critique of Queen Mary' if glightly inferior in breadth, eloquence and .iiv-1L'-Mti.i mtri'wnfff-intA BeUve,' is nevertheless a highly valuable ad dition to that elegant writer's criticisms upon Tennyson and equal to any recent ef fort of a Southern writer, in the field of Crit icism. Reader, let.us say to you,,if ypu are hot now a subscriber to Our Living 'and : Our Dead, immediately become so by sending $3,! the price of the magazibe, Jo ibe pub- hsher, whose addresses giyen above. J Howes Great London circaa HIppo- drome, Sanger' " Knjcllah Nenac - erle, &e. " . The Memphis Appeal of September 14th f gives the following very flattering notice of Great London Circus, Hippo- drome., Menagerie," &c., which will show in this city on Friday, 22nd inst, and whose immense, and showy advertisement appears in our paper this morning:. '. , , ' ; 'Not only tbe menagerie but the circus is worthy the liberal patronage of our people, as it delishts. interests' and entertains in a J manner at once -'proper and elegant.-: Ia ne0" 1 the feelings of the most refined or modest i jauy. x lie ciowns, luree iu uuiuuur, c jolly, rollickingllows, whose wit Was' as. 1 JilutrMl in exnendiinre as it was cremai in lis i PIm ,WflMnii vr iiite I vUai WMa wmuo nviu f i their antics were or the most comical na 1 ture imaginable, lhe grand hippodromai pliaSne mailad kga i fUi eaue8triennes.JLndiaus. etc, wasoi tne I most brilliant character, lnq genuine xn- I ifitno onnatitniM n nnnsnul fentnre for a nnihiitnn Tunnlvn annreciate I " S.rfTha I superior excellence' of this show. : The I tnmhhnfr and srvmnastics surDassed any we I have ever seennnder canvass in .Memphis. i while Jbe vaulting, trained dogs and wild ridinr Were tttr ajajnft ' The entire au dience was; treated to a rich and elegant eh- va the manifests ple-Wha JSaTI ,'Npah , Strickland, obstructing. a aarpad track, 3 years. . n uf.ioi j uf; sif -.ifvfc -CUotOB Smith; 4atceTByj S yars.v i -n7. KiHeotnci Blh ,i laiceny; yeava! ' -iDaaiel'Porwn.eiabeSenttrd' Johi C.! SirAtbbUralUg'atf buHibuse; id -ir vii "J I prtsbnelV Wire1 plated In ebbfineJ E .1 Xva a(SVB J 9 v J . I 'lOTWk1!! 'veeraa'moiK ..... I ri-'t-uL'lij 41V!il. t4 J.:ik l.f.k.nA i ing Sheriff McMillan started With.hisbaad otrecrofiar I ' ' ' . t'', 'aat uA : ,u ;iJ I -drafor asr the Fayetteville Fa'lf , "t - 1 ineueuuiom, iarciwiure oio .unuuii at Yt.-,rmv3r rvrrrp nf imrmjn :, I 1olla ni.A!iul nnDCH afl a Tlhli, Horiot0a I vL.wfcu;rtvH?,ifin'WJ4FMj la f&t Aif tiiiwsaiBjr jtbif m . .S . 1 :ii i,L .:it 1 n t ...... tin Vd 1 mm m iI - .. - .1. The mysteriousTaWppafffaowfnR key in the baggage-car g swinging on the JM31-rope. ing loose antl nib W WSJ vava , w t train jpntba yannaja and haxlestpn ail road, withbilt an order fromibe, proper auarter. was found to proceed from a mou- Pti TTT .t I fsiji ks y i'm:' 1 -ten 5' -. i -I- S atereatlBC Letter .from. Ilea. A M. rTVnddeIl lie Sapaaaea tbe CSreea- maea t Takes ji-ii iiVr.itfSit I UiiiiU'i . s two iH 1 i ;ack .side,, and Takes Btronk! Oreanda.,-- v- - 1 1 M ' ent condition pf parties in resard to tne' t.t.ftuviyi fti.J.I--';i.jtu 'il..jliWi-.l liUI j Ibris, or nearly so.' I ' do ' not profess I ;ui r v Vixi.Hifi,.,.;.-!,, j f uauce QMtue, Vfoyernmeni .is anpmi- JmoaKF1 XmPmfihW&'il MiffJFl PfWJwiipjaj, ue- fGMr;felMpstttho meffiyiptai)c V.gVbly"aoout,financeareiiuooceBtof ; T V-;- i V '1 i ?Jowldge pf bQltic ecpnpmj. jft5J aB "Jkap PRP?1? them - Thev catch a few Phrases about! ! hard-rndnev;'', " rar-monpv "srippiA- I i W Wl! r; . 7-'uTvr.T;HjeayortQ make: myself tptelUgtble.to "PPFnSf'lniiothje' all your readers without any pretence xerms usca, anatnereupoi t.uey imme- I oi special anowieage on ine subject, diaiteiyauneh'put in 5 fNi.'i' speculation on the subje is palled a financial system",in any oMTj - i i r. " ,t 5 -" ? - S Hu" : . j :. r. n t... an t0i fi,3d t,1',e most . convenient i0g'8 Xisxatch a short sketch, which and, satisfactory , way , pf.j paying the originated in the Cincinnati JBhiquin r, dpbts of ihkt government botfl to tbe giving some accburit of an individual i!' " V'ur'"'IJrj ' professingitO'be General Wheeler, of tax-payers tne people; ana tne crea- he late Confederate army. ltors (the bond-holders). I he states- Mrs.! Whitsonr of Tennessee, at man who will invent a method pf present iu that city a lady of litera- liquidating the obligations of the giv- T inclinations, who . is author of a L ... Ji Mi ; j; book op the war knowing , the Gen- ernraent-witb-a-wcovenience erarWheeler for whom it g 8upp08C,i to the people-witl be a curiosity, worth the individual described in the -Allocking at. At present, he is an pn- qidrer meant to pass himself off, has discovered quantity.; ; i t j wrrittenf the folle wing letter,, com T . ... - . I pletoly contradicting the 'Cincinnati a Bemg a representaUve of tbe peo- far 8 General Wheeler is ple in ihe.Fcderal Legklature I let- concerned: . '. , ; j -cognize it as a duty f rojni time to time , Riciimond, Va., Oct. 1, 1 875 to advise my constituents in. regard 1 take pleasure in correcting ... , a little article going the rounds of to public measures, and this tappears jjewspapers which does great inius- ta me to a favorable seasons td call tice to a gallant ex-Confederate or- their atteotion tpte position assumed ficer. The tall,5 haggardrlooking "by jLhosd who seekjiiniror public tramp -Who-1 -claimed to- be General sentiment in the "United States in re- Wheeler was mistaken ia the name. gardO Our General, Wheeler was-Geoeral very marked division in both ofilhe J. Whbeler,' a" dasning-cavalry bf- present polhical-paTtiesr on: the sub- fioer.'andJithink.bvbirtbaGeorria. jecLi. There are M hard-money men, and greenback (or soft money) men, ia both parties. ? These terms,' by which men are; designated, are very elusive, and are calculated to deceive tne unsuspicious. , xnere is not a man day be cannot be mbre than forty In the United States who will, deny fve years of age,: if he is that, lie that a gold dollar, as a basis of credit, married since the war a Virariuia is more desirable than a paper dollar, wealthy1 lady, and tiow Hvcs'near De and there is,' at the same time, not an j catnr. Alabama, and was never rivcn intelligent citizen in the, country who wui nut apmit mat a, paper uoiiar is I am glad to be able to cbrrect thin more convenient for ' purposes of ei- report about one of the gallan t cav-; change than a gold dollar,! if it is aliers of our lost cause, worth as much as .a gold dollar in Mes. L. D. Wnrrsox, the market. In one sense, therefore, ; j n of MurfreesboroYTenn. viz: in believing that ail dollars should - a 1 ' r be equal to gold dollars,! we are Removing tlie Body orKlxar A. .Pec. a. unit. Kow, the II. SI dollar, that ' I Baltimore Gazette. is tp say the greenback promise to Ip; placing the base1 for the Pe pay ja dollar, is not equivalent tp a monument at ; . Westminster burial gold! dollar in its purchasing capaci- ground, it was fonnd necessary in ty. j Why Because the U. S. Gov- order to secure a .-proper foundation, ernment, being immensely overtaxed, tp remove the eartb below the bot- pecoPiarily, by:the late civil. war, was torn bf the grave where the coffin lay, compelled to issue its ..promise to'pay an(j to change the position of the tq, the extent of over two thousand eoffin f rom that in which in was first milltbris of dollars based, ' not upon biid. A new burial case was provid- gold deposited'in its vaults, but upon into which 'the bid one was that; rather - shadowy s; basis "thpluv placed, r In doing-thls the top of the tiopal faith;. and, after the. war rin cofgn at the head crumbled in and fioenced by the bond-holders (who left a hole through whiph,. the crum- bad bongbt gpvertimett sepurities; at tying remains, could , be. , seen.. . The abbflt sixty cents ok th& dollar5 in cur skull was lying " in the ' position in rfenoytbe government I began to hicfc the bead lay when Juried, dra w in its promises to pay, and r did The grave-clothes and . all except the actually 'contract them to the extent bones had crumbled, into dust, Jeav bf bne'tbbnsa'nd millions' and. mbrej I ing-the skeleton white andf bare, leavibg the people who r had: bought f The Hd was "hastil cldseli ; dnr the property , and transactedr business ;on new casej and alt that Wemained " of jhe asis. -of,-the original issue j to the poet, whoso memgry baa become "hold the baff" andoav. the difference im wrariiA rinln . : J v - -r - . AeeprdingJ tb Hbe Report 'fthd GornpteoKer of UbeChirrency (in -the JPinfJ? 1feV.?Jhf9trWMfxmvln f?Wi,-!? .amo.W1 i f1! '.currency sout7 mmtiftdn 'November 1st, 1 874' was m85,W2,I,tbHicbiwereW bead- fifiea'teA difidebUdness' iDQj'ifeoiif' pond)ioUrestn.Jtibtesv$4l52:ro,':and 8vP0-thiriy 0te.(i528;45-maiciBg 5727,220, and aggregating as, me to- taiTrpaerb.iciMrrehcyriiiltbeiissdm'of $7T69j89(fc yBntofthiaiiurilOi,- 528,ai8imiredtobe'heldiinlegal-'" tenders as i reaerves , in xiieN atKna Bahksf which ieavp 'only $6?5,141'- 30$ B4hp present vatbble bircula liou in the icouuM-y fas 1 a contrast to hbe l496aiU2ai4W ineiqctHatten orr the;3Ist nAugnRti l65rardJproveP Ibtat teeiirniMuy; half ibceni ooAtratU ed tpititen ex WrttJffjli, 184,00901 smoeltnelabterldat i-n.cntiii '! iMNoieounJryi.diHWtbi50uhf tand upduuder upob imfwuitradtiott-ofi the etfeiibaiiig: mediant fadthMi (arid tbp. reaaliiiB isiblanieiveyaiosplK4d'it thiatld.KBtobtwitbsthtKirlgtl the! laep 3odgrtsSbirigilargely Ilaiivr cal, passed an act approved -on 'the H tiv JiaaJ7 vlajrt4-pveviding for a retnrb to speoieipttymentseiiithV 1st Jwtfiryr IWftiifi By4lw.M-tb"6eei aMiunencetatiionoeo)ietire the egalri teadeii motes,! and tot bontinue it antU aU,aitIUtWSHMCT'n 4w7"'oovvMn.7a the remainder ftbb $300,0ttt),00d,' Xtoser aebasplisb? tbisythe Bee - thepbmibeW.iriPTe4han;'tl5,OC0r, 00Di' jwWle-ri)esMNatfeJriTa:''lito Qottsiarvi inner ntori iapprrtbbdi fioieny-iC wUlvof xrarse coatracl the--cdrrenoy tb "the" extent ' abovo retaaryi as antnonaea iao iissne jper i and baa one ot his legs cut pffby the cen;mtearhig-4)6baAio wULiflfcrvrasei tbe : annual jintarest'ori I ni-ixn rimm v"1 ' '-3,; named, Cpo the' people yant lo sed the aiibnal BaksXuthPrizejd to issue , enough additional currency to fill up i this deficit f 1 TnknoUj "On the Contrary popular sentiment is against the national Uank Bysetrtoco." i Theasaes bfClfepeopie would like toee p.hoNUonldaiik nbe) re tired, and-legal-teuder- notes put in their; place tganten,su3cient to meet? the 'wlanis bt irafle,1 iWd ' if pro- rvision Iwa&'biade'f orihecon versiorj of these? nbtey intP GPvfernmerit bonds -bearing1 tt 65100 per eenil interesi, th'ii bonds'1 W be Te-ftvertible- into 'greenbacks at the'optibn of the holder, itoJ 6ome very ' r A great' deal is' said' Ty: the con- . tractionists about "repudiation? 'hon esr mW$v',wl SationaT hbhorT' &c., &c.,i apd endless denunciation ' is eaped upon the heads of the "infla tiomsts'Has the 'opponents of I con- traction' are called. I nronose in an. oumrr mmanication 'tp consider bisjoiyof presek - meyrtaecW with our 'paUonal houor.'Vas well as the historv of the' srso'bonds;- and lik tnattersp abbiit which the 'Southern people; having -little direct interest. have po.t taken tho trouble to inform tntmielve-I shall fbefief;Srid U General Wueeler. Richmond Dispatch of Saturday.! I f 'Thffl annparpd in .vt!1w m.t.. I nave seen him often during the I Tme Bracrir ' was at Murfrecsboro. and General Jo. Wheeler was a small I man. 0f low stature, and somethiiicr bver thirty years old, possibly. To- j to dissipatiotnhatwCever heard of.. wiub ntu piuuaui y ,uc mo lost iciuu place. 0 Every effort" is r kow - beiu made to place tb monument in post tionV (andriithe obldw.Wesfminster qhurehwd willsoon display a men, timpnt fn oronina in i.ho heantiful iaiifte shaWbver tbe' poeVs grave. I .;j;bml '"-'t r j ;,,A member of the New, jTork Medi- co-Legal ssociety reaa ant lnteresung papertne- otner nigni' on inc.. penai laws relating tb suiuideiri ancient and modern times, hulucbhe stated that in some .oriejntal .com ntries, suicide, under certain eircumsianqes, is 4 avor- ed.. The anciept Greeks ap Romans were not unanimous in approving ;stii- cide, but ancient laws recognized it as. a n&xt.'-.iAi marsciiiea, rance,:i anciefttjUmps, jLhp Senate keptiJpisofH which it, ,gpye to ; persons jfho jgayu iumcienreasbnsfo desiring to kill ttiePrselVes. This w-dbrie' wrthJa view ofipreveoking; hasty fcuicid"es and givinguithp., .wouldrbpoself'dpaitreyier, time for doe reflection. The speaker,. however, .thought it , unquestionably tbVduty of thState'ttf trse any-'awl Werj? mnat to protect iadpreseTVet its menibprs from, idestruciivp ageni pies? trom whatever iicanse,4hpy,j5yJ c6meT' 7 . ' , ' " , jl , ' J';; Hl y !! , T'V; yiTaesday night thiee tramps boardi od one of the freight jtrama. near . Al- I HDIb linie no uau uu IUCU lurcw I lim reffl the i train ; ai-short'istance 1 easf of, that plape, ,IIe was run pyei! A rieat Spanish proieerbi) FHav bUl 19 pay tt, Easter and youll find, Lent .verv shori" . .Another; , wIn I th raking of love, yott 1egin when yon riktf&nd Pare off irben you Cap. cLl;HWhati:.i-"i! i - -fy

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