.. J- :-'.r : j ' - ; . "'-.".r"-.'-.-"" i .- -r t .--': i-fl'-. ;'" .-'; . ' i -.-..-r . ,-. !- . - - -t.i.-.. Minimi iir" " '-' rrzv - J. I'll t)i,Mi li )Jl I W '- ! It II I '11 mm 6C gainola fisdJ HidJat auionj ttoqi o ,kiduflo x,f,uoti r 4dJ ni ripdfit eid brut uolii&iuq-i'ah renoy (waili would ntecessanlyvbe r wad 83oiBQiq JflnJ fflonfy ;a eiojoa eaj -(;oi uoua un& x&i llo J idl9 n9tl XcUdr)sids no fcaJaal 4! ,8U BlinVossqB ; : acbrnof-tlierloproTjogft :.i"rfni jft ftiaiiUiiunr bind' &di Id sooj gfl n 'bnoma os ui 11 uo Jnr! J 'din ighteUWJJQJTbkrfewlain . III &U ii6.lii .li.jlJJf orfnTnpgitnet n4J- mT&Ti nfrrnn iswoa oiaicliiao. . Loog ieinsj ll4u ntended iVi thefe lot.tf ra. ? " . . o 1 ..I . . " . 1 Hdrn HO Bl0IVaO9 tGliMQiWr"- Q pecieVaytrl the V lYtfai 3. -rtr still dltxf oia .eioinw iVJ6enVjtiIl lot t . COCNXV fcOIIIMIMI! blitoda aiaiJoTafiJUfi a : ;9adaBd ffilxeri Bacaieonidkioii b& ' yd fc4Wa4U. v-MSa, sat oaa ,U9ii ctiJanu J qK 39h9a jmoiT 1IQ stli to lOfilus odt hsngaiAevet-jexittod iiGthN rCoafttryVt ; " i ''i-'" '.:. V v." j v BAILBOAD. . .nOij19ff'ji J-.V.W.'.-S'f ' M 'F' I Ba.neer wium lor ft&i9tneTiaat$ft; ' imiffyeMrthereltfrH aufficieift v H id fi W S o at 0 2 The. Board met in adjourned BessioaqyesfI asbat bwi bdi 3lIdot!oa bJ&ijaqacJ' Ineetlafl; of She', Board ,of CenaitklB I I'tiiiliy ua Eft! ji ui smil 97cdT3V0ti ov tuJLia o tn QtasMutipnL which walk if. the4 lSZTI.iAiLd.fLVii- terday aftemw at U e'eicta. meflcut. Jna 6. WagnejIjsa. ,iHQbfijna P Sitammis- AnVifV Jii tfvfiSflW.'IWAf b.e!n( a snau be ratised by 1 Month ! I -Sirs - S S We tho i General As- f SlffivVrt Ufl'Uffiertl&Mfetf 1 tff!ir ontroi fiver the westernNorth Carolina liailroad Com- T S Weeks S3 Pany met'at the m&yitmMfciVV eovernments ihUbBt ' ribde4L oes anybSuf b3eWatBtfiU:iIr'a4'J foL'niffiii'MS ft!nift.t rjftt .in -rt.-rfi -r; - 8?.. .sa ad Jvau Bill Ijvoa Kia &dl saomi I 7- I K A - m V lkthsriSinBbWrtr6llM fjedhfedTl1tlrai , ' 1 , I l!ii. 3B: tl 9"- ' 1 m n Wis: I-. ;. r '". Tftdl ;.. IT --7TI "a uYAa'xA Vi A "J "' :i . 1 V II I II " II 'V.. -.(.- .... I 1 i I : : i id 11J fhd 1 uooobJ ofi .?ixiUidwnl I fc'ioiTaTOi aid frriTn i U3t OiU , 1 r r I. -' '-...-; - up Jbriday tfie Convention .passed.! y a vole l?F. 56 to 47 an amendment I j-ft ft.viftm 5a aS Wniclf ffipctl I i So that, after all, it is onlyiii -j I? :5? : 5i! fl5ra8-liE Ss!t 9 a i !31-ii Nlf ll! .T Ju; )(t-f SuDscnptionPnpeva The subscription price of the .WfewKi ' v 'St Av!8 as-folldwsl r ij-'it!1 single Copy yfasrppstgepaldj' $1.5 T Tits' tniAl ,l! I ! .'. lOini! ,f-bynab-juy. it o. tt r-n. i rl.;v. nn. a.k .hKA.JI,::AiI V,.,rthe best means of pemlttffiT5?ollAf Sivaoniift itp-h It I vt-vk&fbnienor8en1img'dni!jmsbfmo-1k V .T.were jq. Money. prVericajuat;be eafiltji; i J. !-.htiithed. Observe. .ie Reautry eeas well aa t i o h sent to the Dead Letter Office, ifeyond WViqRiJwrMWW iJiaJlVit1fiVwa'M.J4- a TlT- iLS! Tt- 'T i ihe money and tiai the letter in the pretence o it 'rtlte'tlistrifjts wliere; it orifrinaViM rVp. I'v.pr., Mille rt.. one. -pf ,Rhplhv'i i ui iv ut uiurc fiuuDvnuciD.-vuo i ear; : i. " ""'Z .'" ance i ;..,rt1 No Cltib I t$e ;f or ( perjod Uian a yearv 11 ' J.oth old, and ney pupcribers tnay; lie iticloded iniiQ.C(pplisy.r At the above : priced ,the?WsiY Star in, -we thiHhS'cheapeist p'a,per lift L II V UUUUI . a.w - - We doubled in! twelye in&sTijfii&os wno nave worRtujor us success 111 we past' will increase ! ih'eir' entbrts ' in. fhjs uture. . . L j - The rascaliy-'XiowernorGiof a JULisais?! st.irni, !rf tot 1i6eP; iuV)8e:t6' si "t i" ru j the .defeat 'frhi uflh. rail. If m tnot a8Qthofough-. ..ictl a rogue, atid if'Hoeio"u: con M queiicos were to ensue in Mississippi' i h a 1 1 k hi nt lor tlie- d jsLu f baK; w ; be 3 is j-1 a: m'sj' ; atFriaf's Point;: for these ln.u'!lei: ''fBn'ienteI IfiyrMs' ;miiiiojis an.!" satellites; universally damage "the i uiijiUUcan ari jvThatarty, borne: jt;venior of Mississippi jjersists i-h4s( blind arid. Waoiiyrp;oltey he nriH prob4 uhly defeat his parly In that State: m .. .. r:J;::'teiii-M 'Jo :v?iionr with ier considerAble ppgr; register ed raajorityiJ Isflb and hist earpetbag brethren" atdT h e ; corrri pons 54n'd ' Jin- lion have.abo .sealedrstbe dottV the Republican partyin the tsolaiiTyv Aphaseof nhe dfttiMHee,?Busi- liens is thus uotea bv ,tue TialtiraoEe . e . L .. ;i 1 T - . t . Evid4iily rf wfr is tfeef ivrke' idea of Uo'wur AoiCTao4)His to be remdrk'. ed tliue0hffte1iieFpl) accorded toh coloredL pwipl Iks Joqopo1y,.bf 1 ;the,figntt inj,'. JThf White Hien;. of 'fiti party "ill Kiand vaiabUy1 1u','tiA;'back'gr6uou to do the ' tt rriNo HtKl lu;arendin?'part bf the bhsi- nuss ou iliqlegraph Sviresitpi Wa8aidgtOo.: I: is gr piiy, jhai.ejbad, UUendf i)l u k nVi 11 who are ' at tue Bottom of these Mti!isiiir?lroiiblescanooDel(oti'tb- Kilujr 411 J- unirflied' aecVjrdifi U? tneir1de h i t . - bnc J by In his' tiiird' letter on the Mnahclai , li-."';.-" : ; (i i . ''' . ' : " . . -1 1 . . .- QueHtion Hon. A. M. W add ell shows t ti it Senator Sherman did not state a ' fact hen he aerteti1 that thfere1: had been, aw exDansiou, of lhe effrreribv. I i S '.fTfv. IH llluJ .1J. IO 'tiotloftl If lirMii, oil Uil.suU'H if':Uie igtt-at idis- ; c.iio:,id -'iWlUtfitliK''f--'if."' . l"wii-e! .it the 1 Naiuinal iJaur mon- : "im i-eii lUii'ie w rcjMV'.S MATi : . Vi fi L-i,r3' g-.-st ' Q. OS ijn OIU.T-J ; ai'a;rfHeJ)'H.0v?? oj m has peue4 rUnsntyHat therarth An adaptatiotiof TehnysouVQfrfeeti Ulary9 'as uiVeiyf rfiaireilef.the :Arch:Ug 'Motid.igbpr, firsiMmoJnithU i 'Mintfy,NewHYoTk Js apip, furore over the suigefi' Mlle.Jfitieps anditbel pianist MdmejSjRdar Th , Wl ish p pjfctron pe ppept JooAb'jJ CI privately. It 8 ohe:df.ahe bldesV and -ablMr 1&Wi4MU-iiiSR : Governor AtTnf $t Pfj!m&& V-:uit will.be, norpinated tph Abird L ' ' l'' " : .-Ij.Ui-si iiSl.n 11: already! by vnelt'as -Araes; and Iiitreleblablei fthef jh-!awi can'stadd in it a teatuerlinbfe.' Therefore if the I-7' !. '"' '-' '"';-".'' " - "'-. ;"''"- ' ''"' I" '.'.".' "' j.' H ' '' .'. ''!."--- ' J. ' " I '. c ! . - Jj "' : -3 ;i; 'j.' ' -::'-'-'-'-- ; . x.-v':" ";- !" ': ': ' ""- " "' - ' '' " v" " r 'y''"" " '"''" ' ' '' ' j ' "'; ""' ' ' ' "'' '"'"''"'" "' : "' ""'' ' ' P7 ine L ax-pavera, 4ot iha Kaat - I. vlliAJvb T" rUlwa90 BHWIjUCl'IVIRrTVlCII" nail ovicuw ouyiiiu (vg dv a a uciicvii- i ed as to. make.tne .aiseRse couiDaj-a- J "- I"i - ttt-. rrrr rve w irom ucn, tonivn-ui Heaitu 1 WjMWUWi si ji U! i '? 1 .-tr'vv"' Mtir f mm'HAir WMni in KMiit wriA'nliii- I ; r- t r -o r v, j ----,- i conveiinr: Wifyiuinte tii.tilLiwi. t.4iyr i' WASl'.l 1 ..lull.' i'-fi1 f - me i en ui ui ukii. rkjii. liuihiuh. wihi whsi i - -iiiuLdl.lAAiJ ' M . . Ml ..Ml K j. . . .Jn. ....... :ixaj. u. xl. tJjj iiic, vi mis tnr, ictcivcu n rxwraa wngerpuwy hi, ,dow, gmuiua,.i,jL .uJLm UkitUiJ tetat- As' tfrn.4-- rV8fflufiWWW' h'HSJrtY? it ia eipouieu soon it ruiuru.iu uiiru,; the 17A of Sentember. he received a letter! i i vfJlrtJ-f ii J ' - - - ' y ? .' ! ' ' . J trbmien. oin0Tvho rof me ifi nat hd ht,da,b5 wilk;ttbotft;toir. tpyxC cwitb assistance,' rhe havingpireTiua6iyjen Jxnfiabd to bis Mda' ' . s ll Wito! paralyzed the eniite rower -part Of -btt body IWIiJs' Hvafet m,i ttiu. j! t ..:i .at..'i..iij :r,rLJriiij fTije EbedivlB, asaoob as he hed brHfieH-' i ersW slckue A veiy' Jajily 'tf prbmpity n fbrwaruea'everythrtnew fort bf thai wquld'icnd" to Intonibie liia re t atdrafioh to ' lieainir rITiar letter1 of Gen. tiT , , : 3uwn tit.. ;i rtiuj myorlTariiain aid it 'Was his pleasant :Stne .if 'cone ndejj i duly to welcome Shelby's euests toShelbyV vevalhe3mbressioaihat ..he! feelai- a ivery Idetptuerest ia hhjweure.,,TheiniaBy irieoaa oi me ueoerai in t uunugion, w nu haje very; araly et jpbcJk aoxiietytaS Id J i unurovirie. and .will' await with a1 jereat .deal of interest forther -tiding?: from him. . ; t e it eu nfo ii flbTl Flabe r S a rvivo r , ? ihe hme 0 tte Tair.'; bf 'tbe C CapV Fear Agricultural Association .jbegins,., drajw aear we again remind our readers bf the! fact that 'on the second' day of thb Pair, all tlie-Burtivbrs of the' battles of FortTish-. ec Confederate) Ate iavited to meet thieiil brethren in arms; in social jcommmusib. la renew, one with another, the fading tneraor; riea oi tueir ueiuic ureuts. I-V .prpscryg uac truth-of histOryand ; V keep "esh" lh per sonhbiotacliments1 Iprmed litthe houf of Usupreme test; jiajj periLcInthebop 'that it may. now wmevto tbf notice sonle of the veterans" who" -have not sen it before, we kDrodacetM'caftMr. wuich is adv diefesed PTd the' shTvIVots of tbeCOhfederi 1 I . . i . . i . t . . - ! i .j i i ate t lorces, army ana riavyj engagea i I be i very 'general desire nfyburpart; I' ihV ton! Nf C,V(oj Qte. .jiioreing( pf Jhe lOtb of . 'V 3 1 a. t - vua rau to uasemuic m uhm'uy w n umimr "Ten rettrs traVei elansed since 1 ha fla :thc cause wlWed twea down lii blookir and; w p$redan:sadB&SiaWe didjkft faetf surrender our xiebt tof live.(tnhUtorv wJien .we iaiUr aoAvn our aronsr w .wenynrnmoiE 4J I xi eueia -uuveniutcnh :wg uiu - ouv iur- ehr altttoliaowedwemarles' 6f vher6Tc; assaciauoo,1por pujPceaeBes430TQ for Uwae wo died inaeieB8e;oi sett-rovernment Dy i Beiri troetteff, rf1 oathsui)pT& amended Qmsdttitlon bf 4fie United States. .wfth inl iflaWiU; jfcptQjnwolatEp Jl ii Mi a . i j field Where bar. Uodls cV once i itriei andfouf mbftbeod&ye'd?9 4&t if wiwioj neaijate ia.masezaisyeqnesi.aJO llp4 iifVftiMH eM)f(ieepnfiUia,tiofl misunderstood as a political igatherii'ig.'to Revive the hitter Hsperitiea off tbe 'past.' but .will be. ; appreciated as. 4 : propel' j desire 09 : sufferinir (beylcUerJed riXhn lfWrAMAMB:''!" tjLAje (..olonel Coromao0Hig Furblriuer.'J I jT J'yr?r Q" S yf 1 yiT M j' .73tU ;I "VQ 'A.Wtherweai&MUn fibn bftnkhTraVaflwaeM iu,i ii .J3, Mit.Lv'int.a i-xr: kii miBgion anu unarjoiie is uenceronii io oe lhrbaelu , but. rtassensereLwllIehaoeelalc. ijnortftdirecllv from -VLifijKavUtm j - j ! 'v ri: 1 -j iif vi -1 'r tojyiat)0if8terBjtiM WUfqise, reajwo.wnn UMinBgeiM r S-' o ' 1.1.1 L.C..lsp.Ka u i MHiH ! u f ;B?VeaiBftT Berlew. . f'i;i; U j." :i :'r ''r: iH.? ;yentiir. pi MewrA, Jamea, & , Price.f3irarp ayejtoonlujnejjou crfreres Bpbih type jtrom which the paperj is.piintedjod he rajlx;ae8ftpjvraiice lot the-knual Iftam&eg ill m pspec wi jjenwcreHc i,poi lilies jbdwj s?esenis'jH vwuwhuiw wi sue fcitVt BtatB aiHiermlaeWBVmi -ruw oj 4 l&ti l A 1 J . . wavwik H f ' .ami flr playipg around the fire.sb badly that it died' or ttsinjortes. Hje tmuies ot ,rort Jb isber,; JN- i Aitlecemr berJ29tWJl5ndanuwlj8V' 1 OoMRlfcEH: In resnonse to what seems to' i 4PTemoeE.,ne?i,. wiox ujsecono; qav o?: Hbe SAgricvltural Fair) for a social reuB?oD., hitr''vaMev-elaniseYF,s1tf ,anu-nwiif jpnyoim)K usjper raef better", citizens wl minffletotretber. 1 nioreUbbaiheT acwiunt of their valor, fortitude .and ,paT tienti sufferinir in behaTf 6f ' 'c'aufeTwh'icif . f !- ' .:! - ' tpe Koad, Captj'l. li. GrMBRciDeii5tWi i and of the merchants o?1 ft.ii. tft-i.ftiii .-njiuiati :j. i j rfi&t&imA nT?f rltiir : 'Kttwif f Yili5n Jr1 ifnehdji J "liJiVt"!.!? 1a :hii&iijMafiiJiM4MM rf 4 'thct an1s.IioAftef i thcrvliesr.ef kenlvwIeUei annetite8lMirtbeAalhive?.ii ctUli'Wnf tn n Mmnt 1itif Wt wi. it.ii 1 f nirasRni hqh una iducciiuu. .ui iuu-ztihuv 'Mlili'nwpii (iv v'Sll, " Villi iyr w vfnVfVr?r 'Wtfir. l rWt--i Im4in1t4wf T)i1lf' .1 . . ' . .. i. " J n-nere Mms Mnnonf. wnnivma;.m T nuiu) biva1w manlinneit l.ai-i. ifcit 1 l '"".w. 'n t'nvvii..rif"'v -jfr. InnntWyKanflwttnce- .minaenpo aoo? pwwi VWKJ'C," 57 lo Ltsodr in-- A Ii"fuJ3m,mj'JJ'wtI9. iu; wmw uiiwii n3i.i"1Jid!&fcy3i iniuicu iuvui, iuyii.iu -ni.il. umuiyicu . L isrfeai man.y w i ne mcri nstannaL na n' r t entire Jcrigth h the ' hal was placed a i r fuuri nuu uuaui.c : i ,ftJ.iI.t.iiiiiti uatvilUH-U li MTU f f av e.b? i i..a. .B. j-. - v - Lmlc fnVf actures.., and 5 to properly ive' thd vX.ixu.ivv .;f ;;,'' 1 "ncfnendature'of the great vafTptv of wines. api one ami i ne names or ne omereDi vacie .lles'tif 4frar'frorf w1lon ybev!JWete!mae nrtii1l mniiini flw nrvioii. anil ilnowlpflowt of jlhnse who make yiuefauiing aodr wineH "1',UJS "J'.-Kyr-'K-i.-.f m t r!IUliODB jHiu iiy. HM?-4Vri j wi ixiirer-j J ..... J . , . 1 T 1 . .. C ft 1 J . . mn i expresiv,!?, oi. ineir aense i j,ne .iib-j .UmaA 'lAt t 4a'mh AAimlfr ila eyfrit'which thtserfl!'celftnratini? the cotniHeiUMkJor une-AjaronnaMinirftriiar yrrtv to that'plaoeJ tberaVvplscmeilhemiat (liilpct apd.rapia connection witn tnuy OT linimuuMi nnu uie ren ui mc vtinnj. I tr. Roberts. President of the road. Was half niJIiul.nnnn; mr ! AorWitiAf? '' ritmh fipif called -nnon and relr)ondedi.,, tecitim? thd tryinefiriancJnl-difficuUWt wWchhaa. 1 ' i r - . Tf 4rvrrul and,;overcme by -the . Comnapy. nnyinff alia nil some tribne fo Mr. .'Ed ward ,- lniiitr'W,io wrjose lnnomuanieeai ana en- terhrW' In-' rinsrHhv- forward the wort in the fart all these difficulties so miicW' Credit is due,and concludipgby nropo8ine4,'Heslth and success to the man of nerve who nnited thel'cit by" The Rea" with the beautiful towa bi4.'5l wanit raaSe-upOiV'Coit K& ftikaitlli M1"UJ t . FrempnU Jho- are a considerable lenjztb o khe, many ndH8culties anji j troubles; enr 6odn1ereSi 1y the Company in construciine roaa.uirpugn io us present ierraioa ti ;KHtuin tie- iif sttfxwj m HH Ht.-J:i ViliuUd. ft - . .. . ... I. - .. .. ... , 0 . of the coDnVotion wliich hadheen established between Wlltnmctbd "an'cr. Shelby" and ' W ' theiclaims ofWilmingtorras' the only im- rioiiantkMitletrfbr tlie Imrnenseproductsbf ' thbiWetUrti. z$ niu'fj .4lftn it lo ton, Imintdon. and"! MrJ GasaidcyVair caned; liWmdliislicfe.rA; MPpltt eYemitteoT, ' , I MsitbM cnfplinVebtaFy tdliePWaS.'. V' 'Jlr, Mille anfl Mil IftC.iotlinJbPlfirokfeil HVawfTlhar aecWon?t?efteraJfyJt)?'our I ptsprbrt nfl feroMrls-feitirbf 'theWtiesirei5 qrderedjtbat, thes double utax sparged Ifo, and! intentioAvJbfiiosteisbmi 9ntivat the J:Eaward 8mi&.be,ftbatejl !,..f Ulu(, 2 t riehdJy relatiena now etistjnj!, jlndj iref ertj , w pncatidn of J oh it Mclianrin in ; ref cr-4inJc4relty.?s!t commerce apd trade-ft tbetrintereststtlgBt; Abhlication of peter H. Smith for abate- Meniapdx) 01 Oil twimC ihh cymittm &ftk 'granted f51 X,CtJ-J .. There were abmit-.oije Iran d red OTdflfl liniOrdefed tbt? the. license fffie' cbunW WtK most prominent citizen presenv,rana an were iuuu in nieir nreiiobi bf .TtHodifeeHf. Wlininitfeb'. .... 1 .1.1. j s n . iiai'ift. ft ft. .T u - ft and of Oieif wsrbf )tn; cultivite hnsihesS HtUti well as .friendly t-atipns wh ipur tQqpJeLtilraifcted JthA lquws Wbemenitsve boJ t-'Hf it 1ftrtTrhlimber "of : dtizeris. car- rttfirfvhj,viii 1iMif' Trtnfllvrolinffered VTInTT df lined, and . as ine train iert me nospn- t rahleitown ihrt ;h!iBtcliewere eiven I ie croMion.therlatffrmsSiidi-a8 lwrt. Hy rfesnonded to by ,llierjd?panhgi guests Itttlt8iPtlet1hkiMe"v H TaeTiiiagiiceV'Mde'terday-? fceBl&feB?Wc per iard cents i per ixJunu; cneese, 25 cents per uouiui iTrfjVlVirlese & 201 1: I i'.'JYi" ' . l?riiif r.;;n TTJlira EHH." r;nn wo".' t'JJ.l .ITWel JWPt.w'?wi,, C1UIW. - . i , potatoesiBewi:aWapeo) JiwwwlleT .Snts.aimfcjflsl mpdlfcts 1025 cents per bunch; turning in it niirilr-Tar-nt Ia,ar;V phages cents a 1 f aQ".!""'" .Apples!) il2ifelrtSl pepffuridf df !efl ftiead!el3?.c ir WirHW ' Wftlrt lir 1 2.V 'nVfl fjj cinti pMBdr Butfei' " 30r !4uKT.. AviS centsuia -. pair.:. .rftdlsnes.LT-'pctefrt,- wnLOur Tailing lime to count the -.iLiPli JfftlLal-?- Wrai-meuBtJaA.! rr.Tr OTSMMMWWI don4eBT.tn p. fifl3M "iH.TitUe dog,n4eerrfrnd,j18eIia vaqujarrspapoaj3 eehVl ado? ; cucambeia, 1015 ctsaaioti.?( irreeri corn 20c a doz r tomatoer!! Qa wtalmrtfi jkraj $4pe,8tsi a do;atermeloiiptiKl grapes 80ciey pec t,' bolter heana .Jda-aperj jqoan;greeneia -peiiaijw per. quarry irp ptes wuq oycj per pecKt JiveriUddimftsu cents if &, blood pudding, S5 cents "ft Vb. 'sbaiyaiiifei forlswa townsnip, was re-, cbsftttn ithVttievuba&ndDcnhatah UnnnOiuii'i iniijft Vir.liarl - L. . -.I L Lsf VJTTiTIV.? ".ftHrt"; PIU ':1U I5II1VVMW.B. f s m ; v-r rr- Annlication frnrri Aft. H. KelJv .for in r mnnpfl nnmmiiifA ' j i xir icbijvwk: lira ixuuiuuuib)uu imui jx. .R ifflaivr4JCkiil5tbl!,Oa'Sif1 nksaed anthorizinc him to e.nrrw.t vthnt. rui iua&c uu mc i uuwuaiui iuciatutuy .where the. pa me may be practicable, and re porVlo cioVfeftoni fMnllmeSo' tirnlT i i .. i r : n - r w s . . i .: li .v i -. i .jm.ii iiu AppBcatIbrXmani!NWfidl ET slniijlrraod ileHert Maftinj iMttheirMtoUlbtf )t Janitor were laid on the tahhjUfbec&he I rfe no vacancy. 'I t :-fT-? -1 p - :- I iWhkbea8, An inluBclion, issqed.by Jkv !rfon. A. h. ; Se vmbh rl aUude of (he Sube- theiP-pptid9Mrfei itesraminaf i the- kM?Uectitttf bt AW? )n ."ne-.na i1" juniy laxes. lTsnuers'it oenessafv for "na to Withdraw the wn iweye bpei nyiittii)eittvoiea)SDi F'cifetip ami churches for charUable rmrr lot! ItiH; r'. - r7iMnVC1.rivf M tllV H SfVi rii'l nftSIOrS ana. ntCSiaentS OT .. .i ...i ...... .- '..-i-i. Li. ir vo . heretofore erantedthem for, thfiinotrf I i-mmnii mnu xienryxijuiuio in reiereoce F'Finnre iaommittlEJ2 ifii9'h ?d Lww 1 ! l pjjeaiion pi u.iibi vvesseti: to itnmewi ' . t was ordered that fhr, ppm ojf, $1,000 hbj fihntftd rni the tax asse'ssrbe'nVbf uev.i G. ... . , . r j b r nms rinrr 1 iu 1 1 iipw i Biir rv bb uhpii snii. ,of thiftoiantyifta loHmiewe tbetholdiR? pt A snecial term, and the same havinp been reeommenoen xxyxne.Jion. a.-a. mchov enptoR.BM t-waf ! ordered bytheUoaBd. yii it His Jfixcellency tne Governor, i be re; quEteA to Jcall a-' spedar termlof the4 Sn-ne-ior Court. tbeginninjr ..about jtbe-lst of D cemher. ' 1875. for the trial of civil Hp oansca milyl rattAi tharnCle? fit this1 Board will transmit; ax'upv toHlsrExcel- ... Annual "r. M. uardner, or punnc monies VeeeWea by hltif "a 'JmHK 'of thh Pem of New Hanover cOTnty,'was.receivl v;ftci . uiit ; jM j JLrmlleatiort''rili' E V TMylott f er abfete-'l Keppr of . H4,JE.(,cntt,i. j()fiVWI?Wj him lis Justice of the Peace fot the ffscal IWIHUin, HI mJIIUIII. Ill iiu HJtrilV",l'I, .vesr Ws received and nrdered on flle. '''' ,., Appbcatipn. or, l;,s iyoodyrorit oate- ro'yit or tax was eranten. Jf . .. . l. It -wiiTdi4'thaif'ttievlRF'BBWm aWinst 1hv Individual $trlblnyr-iif Mfjchame8'(BuUding.and loan Assoctatioa bekbated., 'i.t.t j " Application or It." a. .Tewettjior aoate meht of ; tax was- referred to thie Finance Committee i.t ft.i cvoj alhatmi u Application of WJ. H. Goodman for ahae menrof tax assessment ,wan granted. ;'. , ., Application oi ianiei 'tiowara, vauor, ferja ne w. pump-for thefbeneflt ot) the pris 'oDrs.fWM referred! to the, Cliairmau with Viktor in i-nl 1 rw.v. ... r .'- ,,.J.J- U-iu- . 1 . I W ft . v . . . ..... ftl.' .w jQered jat,tlie,ioqbleiitax .otifl niiBi .Kliir; pT MasonhTwipdilp, Vetahlated. . Ordered that' tt.OOOIrib the tAX, on real estitefj JateeS-Reifeye abated ralfd that ithwfk b6..9ded tAJOf umqtK&eilMkt 4 MndeiM twe qeuautiMi fffoperty tar CJiarireotafninstiKicnamiraiajQ puraneiTjTBrK De remmea ana i.ne i x vl" - lectbribe tt op ftfeJfmeV i 01 sav juyAns.neuig lnjreiiuBrcoiiniy, jwbb .Kraated,.w,-, ..a1 a k-Jli f ch qif! 3t1 i uuix)Bi.e.np Ftraitetfi.! - -j . j fti -ft?i l . . r . : . . Ordered ertyj from the Block Book to. t he Tax Books, WhereW'5 persons1 arer.'chaitgea with" an WheiW,!rjerst.nS,s are "chif ffefl W amouniiBsiuan-ineteat vaiuarioioi ueir' property, to correct the amei and keep, a- eroiint thereof as nhliated taxaltleaJ , I Township dairnS to the arnOuti I' bf 3t).49 ' ;.wer eiifleidlbjbelpa5idni".ti Wi - jrjieB?irdaAicwned,e mie'rfeigrmap -f f "I -'" 1 i !T , .. . . . u . . . . k . . ft "r . . . . I I.- i imals" be fifty dollars per day. thaV'the TaMterJtbr' be7 1n fs1 Wfffl.f YAfiWdl siwrt bafisV'... I . )iL rr"Tii" tT..- ....T r .1 I o t f i KM. l-i'fi. n. in7,sL77 " "J ' i1 ' . ".1 "HlPd LBemowsapoutcapiurinB JiiosN Ai vVinr naoer is the onra'n ofj all. those. J l 1 1 T ftSrvi riA mi stn ki W!.ujt iu rtnSrrnv tmao inrnni T MIIWIIIIW MPal7T" -. Ui. rw r.if SIlng bn'n.s 7'" iMw&Ai F iV L .rTftT5JJJjift-ftftrtftftj; (vtoJaiii rdmfinma tinara euiirMR firuwritini- -.w.jrouug F'"r J"'' T ' r , 17 f 1 - yeHteruay, -ana pea f ne yausiae .aw- ITL f5eHh!mw!ploekthan,power1j oT0iu'cer1resll a 'pi f BcrpufttMi PArrormn.Aa thM can ronly beimagmediiY an jolii sppxt itaab4 0Welf,' the'result WaSi lharrceer was fcr frvercSJdnbrbfight o graces tliefowlhpusfhej.jricuiRW v , l r. s 'if anyofyourNimnkTsctm hett(istrbt them out and llwlll try again." Uar9RWW-?.w. jumawas.Mte rift. V C llj tr n 'Vi 1 ' o Ul'ftokaeofc; Pok ttig Ccunlsste'9' Oo? mdllon.Wl P.' Catutdar was in8Vjticted1' UfjKtfitatepr Atlrlinlara ' JV ' '". ,5" -'..'.' 'Vi ...ill t.lf UL. wi )wUMk i?firu. rwf rah T)any eiect a commissioner on.weirpan ny ft. L.V, . . ' . . : . I . ft 1.1 W W ff liOWt 14 V.ftft. wuv. V' ... I a i Ja 'fImVittn ; '? r I'j?t1 dtRf edT Op further motion.in pursuance of another -i-Siitj jA-iife,vaiiJiiU.-ViiLViLiLtiri,ii secuon oi saiu- uiuiue Diaie u biock. was iu- ,T - " rr r 7 - 7 J . atieveby leffactiBK xbe cale f 'the pritate Um rfne4bHiito k in UienewieoniDanv. :,. f .,u . ,"iiiilli.I if SttJ VJ 3 tJ iuihiib w.in S o'jclock. ft ii., to await the election or a I on the'partl'J -di M aJiif'nor. 9io di-ndi k ebi 8-y ihat somernenetualRdeWJ bBmrd. .olPomrilsiqneralM !4he Chama4Fb 4 l uompa-1 ny--assembiea'-'i itaiiroea' omeeiUf.T ' I . ' ....... .. I.. .12 'iliUI ommiRsSoners. nrepent on hv xMA j s : . l ft m .t l Smfe'r Maj. f W.' W.' Rolli ns!" W: P. Cana-1 njivTliih iiriaWdvPftrson?R(: atrd.il i otWiI" AllFf(i i p; Cna-j On motion of Mr. Canaday, Maj. W. Wad bllins was appointed Chairman nd 1 Ci Bowles Jwas1Teqne8ted ' to ' act as SecVe-' tarvtdf tbe.'C&nrmiasioni fT iniLiT'a ft on ii 'f motion of Mr. panayG. P. Erwin jTfeasurer; was "directed to ' 'send -. w eacn 'agejhtttrtttbttdjo: filk jntoerl same amount as heretofore given by them, folhe'turnefl' Wtitf JTreasuTer,fleceQv . . m . . i.l ilj. 5 B r jun u juoi It was ordered that G.P Elwid,okFrfea rvr .inhnn Wi nooiwti r.f imntv i hons arAimoM, &bTfars7wlthsecurity.ibd file whtolhe'mttikinWtnltht.v -Iiwl.l.MABW4flflMVlflU 9lKjrDl.oJtyPlete f;t muu, .si., auu vui. i ic were npuyiur erj a committee to proceedf.to KWefr.'f,rHoVW4r7. Commissioners of 4he Penueotiamvwith a; ifw,of sebungriuith Jl- f.lt.ft J ! i-'-ILSl-lf JlHiiLl 1 ito .Wi tarv-WBBinstMicted to fnrnisb rttibamtJ 11- -"i im. ber of .the Boar and enVployes 6 onH riniii Ti iBBintiirif J j On motion-of tfr, Canadayessrs Tale, s!sndemn'wete'aprntedDa b6mm5tteeJ .tofmaUoondsm, officers aBCtmpioyes f ha Oivr nanv eltoll Ka Toforrorl Tl7lf oWerVTeceivefr reject" th'e sacfie. 7"" H ft n Ofcrnpttop bf tMTarsov MaWirW. W!9,!anJi uanansy were appoimea -a coraraiiwp jo v TrW!,!' "r?.iLfyj,l'JC!i Duiim. iiectiivcr. miu iuc .itxuur uwui i. actiwVeinreV withVrr rrhScSnbinyVthetda f- rIfitt 4fft'M'r . li cpTQ8ef.lt furthrBPceipr.sa4nqmry, ir Wlbln the ' rebbrt ior Mf abeik, necessaryTand to reporttothe Board assoon Itffi J If L B&inaiU.nnr oi lD?il uurti 4:iS: of the 5 per cent, and compound I .S On motion, oC Mrsi Csoadayvfit was order: ed that the conductors be instructed to take up&uTree.pawesexcepty those! granted1 td railroad officials and editpra., ; -..t, ::fiOd motion 6f Hr. Pearson. Cot Tate was reesleto!pei)awaIAfreight tariffifor:1fiiote8'amouniea to oyer a inousana 1 jifOn-mottont oCMAxuiuumi.UM;iu aiiv.l man and uoi. -rate were appointed ; a com- i mtiMtMwiikm I ' - 4 . t any fcan procure iron to ? complete the tracks td Malone's store and, to report to tne 1 ., ..On motion of Mr. CtohtilieaBcretaiT,4lr was .instructed to potny tne.. ji aster ,me- w i -i . .t- . m . - i cftanicriU (he Road Master 'to take tai'm- lipf 4he prpperty pf thliQonipany ig their charee and to report the condition of 'iP.l . . in . a.i.lifti.1 kkLjUttftSlr tne'same ia tne oecreiary" newre imnroin i insi, 40 bhjidporejtheBoarjat ftfnetl - - . ihi h iw a!M XW. " s a Aw Ax to Jh.rlAWLJ -I ed thatppthing terrchasea flieairmAn'of AhiiBdsrdinoo ui oifid oi i""W"yyi.,YiSf.iW.aiMJV!j Oi .f ik. 1I..I .AlAnn tn.nuf t j 1 - 1 ! 7U ,y JiJiiiM MWvjiwiWiiiiw"y'i .taiBlRni neiwcen' two jwbui.' iUiAhiatemsthtg contest betwWritW'blrdS isi said 4o bivaoocn7red fM8aoborotls SOTfada few.davftagtv rA Jarriuniher.af , persons wafdeh handings ah?nfj tbe iL. a. 4 lyv tiMA Mihan Ihni nrtonfmn ,yiedH8nV co Jatnts aiercl B ; u.:r u 'JZLrid itm'-ut 41 ing pry.'Oi.ren repeated at snort miervais, rn Jv....iftftfti,aUivi ii .1 Tb4 birds iweyeteabbri fheus-'falcol'df the bald eagle speeiesy an when 'st bb ( . Vlf.' slnWl twxnadredyardsbop the BankachanneL ' i.,...,M in rf. thn KAntrn ehnnnel. i .. ..i.. n.n. .i.J.tr r. h -ft . ... . ft n . i . .irkmft Bftia A 1 - 1 " . . . I i . . . I - TT I T:T rSTTTTT4 liOl 15 Y U'lUI HIK IMie.Ul IIK UII1M HCIU . UFUUnuh.JI.vra.lUB i -It'll 'III li fll'l IU jf". !i-.'t3 a an enormous eer. which thtf other . JLftia - pjj a.. :U tsw lit was euueirurilur iu khiu ouaocoaiuuui.; diiftft:ian,w ftftftjiilc vlli.ftiJMiT"" ui i a1 in; aoceoi u e iuv v v jiUsl 4Jto4yMtaaeai9 itdreqired tlie use of tn tklpns lo. hold, his, prCT.,whk!bjilefll,Uyn nin ii im iieiiK wuu wuicu in nam hue am us jteabiT a r r-r- o IfwUbj his fhKllft trinliant pry- end' tearing ,thg fcaeMapflifl.frdrAiithi?, . . ... -TTi -a l. . , ...jo - -v- -,,L hir tiit fiTV nnnfliet. .the iwverpl fpntli- Lera.f r,"..?:i7ti-T.1 ?Ti TiiiILhikI liTii -m fti rdm the"eaudy plumage of the stmg- dies, awkitfter whiwhg'Mtftf 1 tosshj'inBH .....a..- 8:l4imrejtg4m agedrtch.01 vmmmt OAlWafere resist B-T " 1 ' " 43 Br 1 - BiWkArak BMraOl I (ll VBlIn Bl V9 aft . AHA igpjlodeapiiriniili'Veleaaedhrs-p eel aesMedjianjBniv7rearB,'mr LwateK the toumphaBt irawUh yictorious A erv. awbitien nPontt. and.mimy clbsintf u '1 lioreiiawitCKtLa diataatt4 listea fbYbbUt finefeii mfhi L -" ar-k v 9 tea. and it was tmlv imirniiinant tdbebola: liirds of our Republic. iud nuuumiui uivudbi vi vucoc. uiv iug' we,raj,3imiflWiiaWtieavp3 1 6 aii)Mlwf JddfaWd ' reinfeotaitJiCTeaieflt.nM iThe first reanisite, tQtbe! -attainment c f Hlirlw!triBa;rb'88 "Vem 'ft that result 14 Ut6IJof eon- . t a.ucuiz..utnvii - J,-iV 2ssai' 9r.rnx crnr . ftiBVI T 'llTlliU J. t?' lllliiWWUlU WttJ -HU Mi tit iJ(ii92aiUi l9Wttaviiisp to srkk I , . I Plbea pahil bf nU)f I rr. - . . - r . ' 1 oaa&ife srJecHTtef4hir2 s . , vi . . v . . - rr- " u 1 i5ta Ti..vt; t ts-wiViciatH w vwvwi nhdn L , 1 thegeneiaKdcpieAsitiii w ixll4vhicti they .v.- . j vho.nvr0r.ir or,! iwiii0 ...at. 'SO uillOT IUC UUIICUliV. uuu i ,jI ..fi-T.fi. t 1. 1 1 1 : 1 i-i in uuw uiui t ii i I ft--1 1 1 , v 1 11 i-i rcii i Jv irecy ou- lflttfoa ,Hald evr t"eftffeF .etftabtFrr ' i?Vj- 4s Y i a r.Jfi ,-;f u-- T . ! i . , . . r-! ..lll1iA'MHltf'ri6'nV.lv;AW' 5-K'AV .'.' h: Rt niwsnaber renorts This ii indi- P l JDterestitim,lUS borids. "iliijrW Mr. Tbwnsend, of PenhaytoW JS fiP.cept.uv UwMiiiMtmraiMhiBiT ?.alanea la' oreigriffiKesentatiy, ?t4fc. t,oT,cfti0i.H, wi...it.-.i.i wny cannpx 7f ?Wrtwere JL8!FPf?m I WjiU n VI Vl UV1U CBrKt IUIVD.UI&UIiDi nnr wraro'narn a u vrrmoT raanr a it B6 wenrneiu as luvusiuaeuis.v II lo wnsena lnicrruDted . him. to. sav. pted -thldTiurn'JMftrId l6tQU aema . Jnce.ot a -: ," ' r. j aUowWwifiHh4t support the assertion. In tT,S;firt: viX .5,.,'w aforeWiJ b'AKsf tJyrlL '!- .i ; l . ft. ft ft ftJl V lV. ftftftL.1 ftiV ftyllliUiaLC 1 W1 munaiaH in o rnum ' nftvn..ln I TDD asimbrieyadnsra est Mtciubted aorinaH ; ltany! fortherirofj t v.Hiii w WWed-rt - !l'rL- feretaryTof, the'Treasury r for ?65 :wn herein, speaKiiiff of the 7-30 notes.i kbb said Mmabbf ttimanrifenbmiha: - ... , ;' , . j TZl .- n f : r muuev auu atu ui,n uBcuaciiu-iio :miiuc i. unvioniir v rw -a.viu ar-a hub rv 1 uuw in r 1 . VTUALtito-i,i veuj v TJSi'i. li.i'iatiTjayments! Dy.wi inflation,'? andT.aoo,e, ' eomy merit; iaiemdtewiUieHSecrdtaryafs A4 T. A iir7 i Ir'v. - Very.layge pirfrwhicbweJeliaHPn0 I "i..i Ji.ftI'.'rt1iii wW? j:lvaBt.monorjoly, to which thecovern-i ' Tin .'.v;-.' i. T7r T .i, B niXMy BfIBIIIll.1 It'U UH Ileal AIM V 11UUCB4I SI u n -rn j t i r . r tiontra6ttoti.of corrency y afterT this. - . J Lit owjhi ibV sftuCmdf m !ptJS rcttrttryiirade! isopahdyaednabdfTW eoarttryjj Ti vmYnvi mTmrm nrnrraB ivii nrtn aia aat b. . a - j n - . tinnuM- atrpiit. troviiTninpnr. nnnnsi if lnt ri h W v Aa WniirAVflA 1 I v wwav I fdr LetibiifWhihsbaaitmb WJ PW'm m... J.BU'GahCU..lUltt;LUVllVy JlMH.JttlVSi ftk.- i irn.j i s : I m a An I 1 nrt . n n am atvtTr Wi 0 n an va "irflt T ,rr rThefftteirewill bei onleJ uniTcra'ctirr- Is55 .m . - iiift.- -"'rirjia iniovifrreePDaoKS.vwivB 'interest. Uiei is ui tiitiiuarv. xo, at wuiu j hjAxl kud tbabiosaiyj Waselaslkfti tfte0 aktJ?? oj(l5 firgH btH;hef Hay'sfdp" ; vy V v' ""J "Tt- I the-actlre.iiriiiiaww areenbSrCka,! t (2). 1'r l .dishoi.oriiijr,your own., promises J ftjliftj . i deri currenov. itt Dnihh?i t . -.iiti.t . i.i .r. i.i-..iLft.ti i.. ... JCIh ttfe rbsebt of th&l W?T W'L eafa to'mu'betfet i n; J.WPI'? bur: ftJKJrft jtoi Vt.4 '.tai v.l j d.L4?i : Jt edi-iwiitiiiaww ' i war ii uu oa n liiu uj jubi. iiiiiutivu !-u5.1LeilJino:r.ViH.- .lU.M...r;5i. IS.W." CIttrUl a;t W(,timm dtf&, ftd Te'iMlTlfWi providing for the j)ay'4,iaife merit ot the orKui.iiu. !iu;-,f,-4SU.r!momin2aauat JLo:ciocKiree-cof.i i w ' iMUemf WeneVVte . " ? hk- vbuAe,T. ft' Stuart, XG. cpt ti ,, dlJWH b8tQirfjblvo ; notes hf tbfttrSif t6"Iatfegef ?W ntbVitar,fifc f l V :. -r . .. .. 'nri.i!-i. ...l:.;.t.. i . , i-ftrri.: ; .iixt...). i. rj at.oiini.o..iJmrMrAiihMrfi'iRiHBiTM i)i)i!tiiiMLnniion. l (EfliaiiitatJiiiuuMieY 1868. mere mav ue " nni unrraniiv to1 -fewiAackr.(whoitbPinteVeld iJT .jj n -iu ',5r.r LwaptayinsisbmpVroiHaiiDO; ay'tteif fKa1e4 to J state, .banksTfi issue for ibe.sbp 4 WH1IIJIJ.BI ply of local wants in the transaction' ' . 1 1 1 I Or business, bo as to nave a locaicur 4enslttrtnW86nlb,pTV, ' i 4ucet,and vteboawibobdeBiIIS. Ma3cei ! ptil ti rrgj ,h ilni (iby.foroe fintb) the f 'onttiui o.l r 1. nnnnArtlVilai.inlo. OAvaraniont.l in4r I IhAir.havfti Jawl .KVnrvlriBt& be a.. t I anngAana oariuv-yer esnwLiqra v-a. vm,uyraYpKr1njMVfl.T. i WtotjiV. feV flay .on-tneTbas sided 'a'wartart for IKe'arresf '- kfthiai4J9neirVmlblo jpOTfclOU Wi IUUW1 WUU ro,BUir I yiiituurei. t cu 11 uuauauuiu i be moat faHilfftV iMtfrtii'TbtfY ?iAAft - ik'iUii'.v...i,.i sii. -.r-s t-F-fAHJa vwP. Kwero nmnjQan a r inirT dwnrruture" -orb4"&i?tfv-r.Vfi q reason a . - a. a w he same, segqritv as the' fovernment u f-AOfo ka aa.h jft-L-A iL!-.iA--. lue-jyeraaleriVlnothHigUo - v a . j j"-fjEar no interest and they cir circuTate x- ts ibevcbuiitty1 .iz: payment oi fotfereftt on ilib'1' T1 ueot-expressjyrepMraiai. u for apy other. one citizen to Coe.oMyiopn6 !toiay : . tax .r debt V' egoverinnHM.t ! f95P ..mPP" quiies."; lyiiy aro tBey ndbotf ehbuffh' for thai XWxt rriiuiMili.. . i-r. .-. K.,-.i..... . ; . . . ... , . t , - verHiiieut urusi. nave some eoiu - r j government pyy u Id tor that barbbse 'as'welF as "Tor :anv''bthTf ?; - If a itize wa.its-:im), (l' ' . buys it i vt; 1 th; paper m)tiey,-i w h y . -feaaita p as Ja r.. sil.: j : i : l i t -. 1 1 c .X -sir rn . '?rj! -JT .tPirrTTZ .r .v- ; .ume oi currency cola win- necess- rr will part of the year 1865 epld went up. to . J.. ' -,' i:..'. . ft." ...i - '.-.V--.. ' M VM at weni up agaui io. $ jaitnougti tbearwrrcy nttd tycen couv A - Since the.tjjCl8t January reOTrnptrjon ?o;f(,Rpejrf thdra(wjng .)ljie.lejaf., tepderSaihc''y' raiiuiiiing to 382- - r "uS&&fimi& 12 t(ri7 ,:pemipremitttn.ofIti Hb bniifJ? f id .ae 7 cvpjq)at.ipg;yncjdin$; ibuiiVishii sqmmoditV. upon the P.oc i((vhjch: 3du1aXbrB:; kan'Aiie? ' ' v " 8pfe6uTators; ga U rretiatimiai oatuc sysienrougia to its t .1 . 1, m - m ift txie laci na ,t,ne poies ot banks circulate cyerywhejo. L au-ut- 'Vi- Ui f. i ' hb usiVe pri vi- ceiVeSj JtWetrtTW ceLveaf sw.emywJniUKHiaa.year .moiih... T . -mm,' ""3 V5?e9aT ,eta8(Fw-Mrt a W dp arryTDbre uu .- i ar ... IheveoM ttenStt8ibabkg.At -i l - . i . . . .... h any better security to depos- ,.. IkccbftBimdWriW1 i-ri j T iirt"- - - . f'f WrTtDH?rm n. ... j.... - kn?rm JSW.AKr ;n, nfcntllt bofids'ftebtfvM-! ut;i . r t , . . I 'r. .. .lllU'i u ?S -4". . ... Li i c j c :i tKri hAurnMran isauie must be postponed. - Very r J-Ai J I a rmo :l,-.niij Imik boon in ttnewanaiiiQ equajuoiri0? Wii - I rrrohnt.ifAra U'Fll ht. Ctrtairilv nCCOITi. .. ... .,.. I ..... . ..Tl' .T..T; ici ,L.i m,n, ,i TMS PHf 'Oarat'Trai. epHnbu?g, 9:6';udiryY " t .4fie' foilowiVigi "On jOliBfidaJy i i toibe.ScthjGao4inalJaivw mnilnAtnr a ilftl . t.xon rl Kpr f'tvh 1 1 zea fxAi beOAadJsn pJood ixii ahtA-ov. w tLiZ J a -.1. AI S.T.. .1 : filing knivrtxirgz-1 tkwi i .That Paper; is told .that he.waa, i , ia the baggage car when the negroes 'ft. J 1 were put vu uy passeuerD, ' 4 -' ii f ?

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