- i 7T??f?7777777 . 1" V- - i . at ,.a tt .,' j $ 1 .50 a,Xear; iii1 advance . ; 1 Tear; A to -6 Months j M-oefK. 1,:-. IX-C-f-C-XS(C 1 Rsi- 3 V " MrfjPW , 8 A H S M . SB a' se M a a 4 iTOiait tpHFf S 88 8 8 8. i- iii ." 888888 : I Month iefoooosfe--; 1 '-'- 888888'': p Weeks: wiigggi BW '' 288888. .. Weeks x'j I "388888 1 ' r " ' ! : -t' i , ..I - V "i. i:r- - - - - x 2 - - R O-. .91? w w 1 IS S2 1 .as 83 8 ; .? ja- Post Office Mney Qrders.mftT lie obtainca in au tne cities, ana in naaay or tbe: , i kJ. vj 4i;;) r I.jrt'jinpa largetowns. We consider them perfectly safe, I dates far jsecretarv 1 o State. : and thebes means of renHttlngf nfty idollars bTftTS. Ff S bTf 5 5 rVJ c "JSrYt obtained in All the cities, and in maay of the rr ders cannot he easily h'rL?l$ postage, tM ce paid tn j where tne letter is maiiea, or it wiu peuaDie 1 to be sent to the Dead Letter Offlee kBuy and j aMx the slamvs both for nostaae and remstrtr, tmt I in Ae money and steal the tetter in the presents of il ie postmaster and take hi receipt for it. Letters sent to hs In this way are at onr risk, f s Subscription Pric The subscription price of the "Wbkk lt StjlR is as follows :; ' 5i ' : Single Copy 1 year postage paid j $1.50 " .6 months. 1.00 ! .50 . Clubs of 10 or more subscribers, one year, il.2 per copy, strictly in. ad- can candidate for re-election: as (ciy vance. . ": ; i j ernor; Jndge Cyrna I Pershing,! the tHo Club Rates for a.perioa less In&nifa&iAS tnan a year. t ,0 ; i s - Both old and new subscribers may be included in making up Ckibs, j - STAk is, we think, the cheapest paper in the State, and its circulation! will ! it.. Oi.t. U .;.Anlt;n mil be doubled in twelve months, if those, who; have worked for its success in the past will increase their "efforts in the future. GRANTS BULL IN A CHINA SHOP, The country knows of . the Presi dent's fondness for such delightful pets and playthings as the bulls and bears of Wall Street. But since the , exit oi me savage Diunaerer vunams , i , . v : i the Country was credulous enough to credit Grant with more discretion than to put a genuine bull of Bashan or Michigan into his Cabinet. Be r has done that . particular thing, fiowr eyer, and the country is not surpyised. The! country is never surprised at any- ) thing Grant does. : - jj . ; 1 The . appointment , of ; Chandler, J coming after the Ohio and Iowa elecf I . tions, has very much the . appearance : of reaction. Recently' when the iRe- j publican party was unaer a very niacs . cloud the ! appointments to. Cabinet places were from quite a different j : class of meb;i"Then Republicaiii dis- ; ster- ha4 -a wholesorne (effect an4 such hoRest meq'of .ihsp-as iBristqw, Jewell and Pierrepont were tendered . oortfolios. Grant's 'statesmanship,' ; neyer ot-a high order, -gets . worse wiin nis experience., axis nug- girig of .snch old ranters and fepro- bates as Zach Chandler and his stir- ring "up '.religious prejudices , n set speeches show that he is not only in- capable oi learning any ining, dui that he is fully determined to part' part company with U ; the 'politica gcity ha may have ever (iaq.!; " It is whbPeredlthat; GrahtVoHoice jof Chandler for the Secretaryship-cjf: the Interior was a dernier resort pat exenatqr ;Scol 1-7";! were offend the position but declined if I'nmmenl'. nn an nrlminiRr.rjit.inn it. Comment - ...... ; '; that has m cannot get offices should be double-tongued. But we hav e no idea that :the PjresV adeltselt isb ipdioS:that it. 1S:442 trrra5orrWnd- .'COOd: men JtO accept its -l-nto tft nnipn this vear; MfrfrifeP dent was forced to take Unandier; or I attma nnA Sn iPh irti sra ,'KA Taty Nobody, inhere are' hundreds of jb nS &f tHntaiiufyrGrangeWi ad4bp,0(Wp3fi0lih m W i ter. men, in the Repnphpan party than- ara. allied with. the. .successful bartr. , J?.MC?A lT;:laJe?.. , B?Z 1 .in. . fci:jWin.JiTor. .n----M..0f S3i T SiiliTi ; ; he, even anioi. .-U-i.-OM'i-. ' ' ' -W1 " (i - r ' t 1 T 1 r I I 1 ; t t f ; I " t 1 :r i i i . ii iil v fa i 'f ,!E;ik! kV4 i - J .J1.1 il n lrtr Ufl I IliV KlWV- m f -ai wmmiItTTBiTK mm rK'HTnl! 3? I . . I LT t Lr I Ull- UUU1U ; spoilsmen and place-hunters, 7 ; ! u siGrangters'Hte riot W garddiai pjga jpRsnjsijyUjau-i 4. Aftlol, H.; golye The Nemesis of American. history Qf BO muohHimpMaiicenM Vhey Mte"m03PmP Wt aetaiagaw itQtoA&wmwm &His 9ti Uoteuz'.tna I 1 . pracfleMW ni9V v; nia Evcellencv' iwnMmi vfid hACPlU. WfW)m et at attoraeul - .i,"- feij'j-.i.wiiii: ; Jfix-fcienator iliuckalew; .-one -ot the i--aus wilwtwtkw.AMim'f - terror .01 ms nature auu emaeu w"so 1 . . . , 1 - , . . . . l , 1 .. . it . r. u adtf fi bi'ge V , an., n-'- 1 1 f ;-IZiTere only meant"as prdtestsvasast ... ! .. : ' " J .. s oncft more to the front and Strikes theyoangmenlMeanwhiiethegVain iMommWifim- ,hubbub and, whiletho-oiner parties 'fallT)y theers slip in$q power s vvnn u art: iisui ;.T,n a 1 . . . . - . . i 1 &SiCy.1 UtH.rn.KQti&infr I' setts, Marybnpetii Wisi 13t thft swo of n . .uBnain, xrejiuuiniuu. -iaucit ui is lost now nhflWW,: inriihlt . :8 in now tnr ih ninat IS.JQSl.now aD80.rDeau aB. CQntQat ;-'Kr. V.v 'L.ti-vi-ii in. New York city i.oHneloeal offices, where the varioij$' parties pposea to lammauny .jj.au nave, uuea apoia ticket in opposition tQ.the.4De put4n the field by that organization. r i 3.n ij In Pennsylvania-last yeafi Lieaien an Governor Latta. Democrat, waS: elected by.4,679 majority,, , the tem perance party, then as now,;havirig!a third candidate in the. field Benjamin, Rrish.Bradford,! whd got '4,632 votes, I Governor Hartranft is the; Hepiibh. Audley Browne, the Temperance pan- didateJ IorK State I Treasurer the j other State oifice to . be: filled, j the L lican, Viclbrj iXtPJoileemqrat .TTII"' I -T 1 fT I ana jiiijan u . r;enny pacxer, 1 emper-i ahce. ?; The Massachusetts : election is also' . ; -. '1 1 ,. . . . ,- i r ' for Governor, n that official ; being chosen ann ually. t jtWilliam Gaston, tti& prraent overhbr vhois tjie: candidate of the Dembcrata :f ori re-: J election, was : chosen last year by; 7,- J 032 Democratic majority, over Thoin as Talbot, Republican: Mr. Talbb, r wno naa Deen ijovernor jor &n unex- I . .; . : .t v. . ; Af . i : -1. ) ' 1 pired term was a strict Temperance J advocate, and was ? opposed, by Hhe I entire liquor interesttheir Opposition j not being made against the . balance I ot the Kepupacanjpate ticket, Wpich was , chosen by majorities . . ranging from 12,000 to nearly ; 23,000. This J y ear the Republican candidate j for Governor, is Alexander. Rice of Bogton and ItiienXabbr ;Reformeri,; and Temperance party Lhaye' jalso placed tickets in .the field so thifi ie i jassausetts, voters..,wia,;ny:eJ pur J candidates to 'choose, from..)? .r: Id Maryland the Democrats taye tinjf ormlylf carrii the 'electittrjSj foj many "-yearjpas; .the Jasi general SlaiBuelecti?p, ihatof IStS, wheu a , Stater Controller fwas I chosen, hjmngbeen:l9J0B0lnThjsivat t uyr is Muuu.ueo. vrru., ijipv?uiu Charles CarTollofxCaTfollton lAn othericket; headed; byi 9? Mbtison; Harn,J9 injthe i&ff$l JPWie some Democrats. anith j xe cauvuss yerjr kvij. ; , I" In rMinneia'iit eiectediChief )tat;e' McMiiMi laflt year hj ?88S majpTityandfJSy drriot Davisln 18Y3, bymstaHoiaiyiV There, ii a QTernotosTetchbs6r his ;year, i, y i Tk. j; ;V;X 1 lti"" rWiMgai successful over the Regula Reitab I : - z fiJ n..''T'..l v- J Qt,4;wKn8in. aref.what paye "! hefet'of ore been' kiro wn aai'l Granger j0 .onAonhna tn thn KflnnotTivatilo tXHIVASB. tmmoiiiafA TpRnmntion ,imrtaetiw tt r.: r rroH-TTf i ,y 11: mi.; ..i!.-.n. j u V- ':Y?r?urnX'mtr,?a Thesnhrng3,'-Vassar WriM"": iiolJiiiotizo ' to eeb .i!jC2 tea ,7 h" 1 A l 4a0eil b j ---v . 11 1 . 1 -amwm.ii.M- .... t ,- ,,- -- ,. , lnft ,.,ri,-v,f.f-.4l .(.; I I ML ltStlVJ!vtftitav'J ivrifui vmi w nrvr nnn-n innn liiiiiiiiiNiw 1 WU w W WM-VMU xy-w-M' B-rMm-E-r-aA-w rf I V.' i "l J J - -, ij.il-. -WWfer --r'-iS .VOrbtl 1 BirWYOli prepare .tStroTy.t' SOVlU'lTO b- - . - - 1 . I i t 8V- -. I VTw-JMr-vKwo.TB ieeoa JMIraiBd T .1 1 .V U ' .J morf tb "cpenofyqr IBs ictne lolcompletejn fpu.r:Qr five rfeMjUi lIsOTJf;;..ttft9WiiW8-flo pxfiri irnij,,vajl!gftnjiiapa ;Hujr rej-der- history fabthsifirewcle aoid -, i Z- J ' . " . - I l a U A 0 S tV U OblWlAlVU !"-- w -wwwwaw V wm I -X . J s; . l ft , " I . vT t , , f . , . 1 ' I r -rx a , -r. . o i , : -".."- j T i uicucs. vujv iwi' mar iijcluucj,o ui iu- uauu i - j vt n r; TTri r i i . j i.f i;i-jr. i . ' ...... . .... . ' .... . - .n i . s . . - i i . . t... nin i anfifmn iiui nnpia.niHWji!n min hii hiWea offS-reacb; with jllas,INdy.)VffATl061Mec torrid Wlif l.'C l toTcomnend ous Tor1 rny! 8cho9j hory, Morwcisansaoc.; wouuuifiiitfeBiHH WaWfWWWYn?:! red-thvVylbs ed woric tor' iioranes: not , too . :Ji: H 'JUJ 3i',.J '! ?'U VJ t'l I Jfl'Jl I .t; ot purnistotys;cWMon-tiarei SOvrraqiM'i TOifmT - . i ... t . 'i v : with intermrfaTworthy of stUdy. tto xeadiatbe arcle, aa, low tuVWas for 1 r charitable purboie" iVi - v.'v" iHw? t L.Lever. .ja most remarkable. cjrcumslanae.touK'i J!?l'tA:i-4 iz-n iPilLiiiXA 1 jioi juassacnusetis uas uuu .a woik IB'1 : i.. t-jvi i: ui soni'. jiaiC-wio'i .1 volumes .whVchiSrA moder.of It&kltfd: via rierioftiii theIan-ot the work is. ...... that ! doot? thlnk-the time hafcpm4:.-Viwtoo.. " i r ' . . . I -l iof a'fkffrutnforaWdHharbu&h fcis r-i.ek r.sitihLjnKiUjl hmavuntA j. "?Yjr y-vawi .xr.Tr-:?r r.,cT. -i -.7 riaUWOBldincviiibljf offeudivirJaiy, id the stirring scenes. If will ijot do i"i1iLiJ!. 'Vit:xTJ:Zv?:.2liZ -JJ'iii u J-rrt7 . a A-yrjfioa ,ijai0j i-ilia 1 .A Licaii.ui xi tobu. .w . v. . v. v v. v.. i iv t.not -. F hialnrin nvnnto nnlil IthA Hiaker-Ql. hiatQry, have pa88ed.af ay JT'rr tne j otaies-wero r pregnane; wiui. great resuttsan grana ent nac ant independent work woalds.be ret QuireditQfittinHljDtelUha'atQryi Ihe, magaame witfiWCh dam editorfaiiy connected, japd,Wftchyppi ihaye .8 otten nouceaavarapiy aiq, , earnes lv. is doing, a work that' wiUb jc mnehadvanagq .the.writera Who shall hereafter.Jlreat of our.pwh tikxes rypersbnall . nisr.oTip.ai ateriall foir-'S J tell lature gea: !l -!7 I ,.,.,4 erauons otnesftt! jfiea,,ipn,n' iTfl.fi mitted. to' a expectant puJc .ant , .prober enjoyed,, we dottByt.th able to resist a popslVle clamoc for a cdntin - UilMUU uuu iu nvicaci. .9vrp-.MtrvplK of ithe.;Ppliticak Renaissance.,.. Here sonforkUwtWorkjIonjer gopjen-tiaT; dhfWiltangtoirdaySmft aibeiogiiheyr merely, made assignee in this ,partif:uTar- Mooing .thalGrenjor ' tottMdbptaididt nCase, so that ifcouldlbe friedf itf this tate: IVOfltAW .jgjjlong-tbf tojpfjj-.atj JSBft BfiH, pupneoiruBoi-W'Ow.urjww:u The defendant is the Dawsett' Bank.Of 'Vhiit alter nia iwa Toiumea . siiau iia.B: ucca strw t twuowi" ' -o.w j let us say tbattae. annQuncementmaae-wT'aipQBiw .woffl .Jlt .l.j:. JM KJfcl J M I k.,aifluL. fltiiJ H.bJilJ :iJmmr .SW4Tj; inZ wme Qut.mawsiorx naa ueen ,. . -v . ...... 1. 1 .. Jr.. j !J L' . lit J!li; , . im,..-: &iaoioXad:lJL horing States. iThe cotiirgdn;- Yo of encourafieraeDt nd satisfaction. 1 u ls.Un7a1edthe lossi ,to ith icbantry -1 whleH m i)4iSftCti9rs. jhe ffifcujitfy sioar n.rtndit.ion knhak 41) 3 be: do I !the Wltf at $iCP,(H)?J0(HOOO WMIti-'- RinJiy" ' i otwuw otftt . 1 t - Q rfl f M J 1, I JL&il fepdera swinTecraiWtail .f r'r.-k ;:..' -JJL 1 uLi ' . X. t V J0lli 1 utfcfffctSaibMcit S ite WoibSadU&i cMal ariteedleiilire erotthe Com, :P1F'A:ETi .PifePiivti nr- a nanv. valued iaf350,000 fFh'eanoes now. . B??J6rW ITnflTKlis 3)Krf "ja J2 p w-fiWfeA&daTt"" ,'""S J . 'i , in-opeiatiUB uimuuenigi Ubp zmmmmMhl it ardf wfe eofrpiaint tjiyjay KSSffei fffM ffTi'it lTi'fSl rjp- "'iTm y .ifond rdjiw Ilrjf "id Led "i . . ..' . ..-eTij2ftOKaiii.y!Af!W1 Iu?. I We learn that thT8W2OTttbjlJj L t . ... M . . . 1 ITOfeiaBai'ltfie of dll-i enf.W sltilQi lliHDa Mif j i ii ai ujn jiw obm uuiijii i i I I IT I n ZT HOTT1 f . - I . - J I -. - . z r . j - irmt'l.FSt tae- nesf wast-iaa----.. T ndf . w. . -t -t-k .Vint ll-if -Mr-ftnt-A T ill . . f I " "-j - ' - ytr - 1tllltllfyns? ; Jn?r 1 iatraniT5JrralJonj blrfrifl, -n-!f-f-SlWf)IW I! r. Pronged '"1 vpm--K:.;ju:V q..U; V'-itf.l l,Wf, u ui vvUM VW J ty uu iy. ui, iub. aatwi i v.-i' i 'iiir. " r- : "i" ""i'. tn i?. j , I. Jiave.occurxed anvwhere., . . f a. tj i. J r - ? . , . J . . . , u luuwntue utAHxr vuieu'vc ABrlea.' fcmeU lran M. mJrrwokaitrf aihank Ibt rlnvfaihire of ma aeetii 1 ffr'.fI tx 'JZ 'T T, ZJLmI x ."" "ft -i pair; 'v1"lu9Mt; ppuiiu,,miiwf u-hujuis wuiitij immvi.vv.j. iMTiinm.i RU"uuwhMUJii ui.fToimiu! . i rnnnornpfi. n Trip i miTPn rsiflrja f ;irf iiir. i ham.l8a3tsfTeRrand:shouJdefs.Mar submitted; itoi;j4dge I j' .jn'JiLj.JaTSftTijcittjatt.L-i.il I 11 JftMi Wn Miinli V! i ir ucuia uci i;uuuu. u.j iyi. a.u i.w. lj 1.11 .11. I. . k sr U-'-t Jk?f t .r.- JU J ciams, $p cents a pec. open ciams,auw"; Abe airaslUs a .mrlnui d -fa U ;- Wi3wall of -Wash- en'tJ, I'WJQMpei fiunc VAi qVI buricn ttohfrr' -MfMWPrS-rF.WAi i cis. a anari: sirau Deans uc a ucuk.; feei? corn m tfdoi tomatoes W i'qtiart; 'hi't-a'1 .ntin'TrMt'J1 towplnnii 4i5ff 306 shtn1ps, "20c atiarljf abs lStf ddzfco 4...v .l . It . . t v . ......... I 'grapes 2(W per1 peckmtter bfiatts 20c nuMn? i RKian nrannnBiw linn nnr! miHri mi- I J.U .cents a vuncnr onions, -ou ctMiio - t" -.TTrT i." Ty I ' - -. -.- - f , i wmcn pursuea n into j.ar nvcrnu sineu YWiLiW ilVlXf '?Hk'it-' - I in arood standine in that nlace. .Thevi col- a distance-;off two hppdred ' miles. ".l-tt- Two nf the do?s became exhansted and fJ hPad 'nolo'fea' il2ff : "rental1 rSoundV wild ected'the money on the drafVbut doold which Tie. thinks he will mak.e.intkee with difficulty swam out the deer-sank to h USi 'JfWh. -iof remit Irom'edlate'rv '-6tr accouiit:of r'the onrkv Hehas, he 'says.'made sev- the' bottom and the third dog; dived for it, )f duoks b.h0, .centja afr 'radishes, "ra.l,me. -WniWiwr mil kn honfin ibllf enreditand brpughtjt to the shore; The parcley; Scents fa bunc-onidiis Scents a QISOToerea conamonoi ine uaaeanannan-1- . tj - I Ploisi centso jl v,tMtJA ndiimy ABment i plj Vena tuofpasi inree earsf during which tJtfejhayef!notjed(it watiuttptgrBati pleasuffi, f 'DOTfii aninttumcm iraveawverseen, aflyt I 1 r , oiimIiiii tjo u " -v -u i ."JI aan!lh istarti Bnd r-...J.c tis.a fea ) I nHrhAWtstmrAtvAarrtaft rrrmlBrvtia illl?irfll and ,twut Hifc, Lf ivui .dwMahken a 4flhasaiwayi a . . ; w . m r . ri i i-i aha: lmstf magnitiHaea)4 cat , T . - I r fn mmi I n . 'ma .a A kL tj'- "J ktJbtA'e;ii . viwtiraransTejoerviai anna-au -wie s'MadFrBeIf fiterxap . Ii 7- f ...A.J ... ? - I . a.elUit!imiI)ad riagT ti v ih:i l'yfko,6dr'bae,,dfey,1' rirno -J s. eYeaiUjf, .uppyiuwu iun , lyuuniuja H-.J and COnO. lilOU 61 tae Alup3Bj IS I&VQraDlo I I i i'-- ,.1 ' I Tv a ineil ucgrcv ui tuiuiu ijiuhijciiiv. ah i . .. . -j. ,-- f - T J, Vl f , ,1 rT IUUlSwS VWf UVVf ivub,v .. .rr I had i,Sn.f,of.frtr.ey:ii!r?AWpt W-1! i JK.Uw6iC.- rtely f encf ifslier IBelead'fnuuslnes dierCaroiiHas.x Uiw ino9pn(iH.tYaBnoJ, j Jof. (Wem qfeajradiaUo: l - Jif-,liearici. ma tAriMiv,jjyA i th4 Snth. juid eommandinff tuc iramcoi oi tnm ; Lt "..'.1 "UfrriviiV FiTr. f -nt.id ; .ij h - -r.-.-m L. ii.ij... iTuegday, ft,lhje,aiqi.nimeni oft ' IdaUebpon for a political speecK " A. yefy f n oian iiitd annnr iinm T,r-TiD-raTn ma r . J--L nr-Iill 'liun UUVUw X,uav - AAV UM1 V liffv I ITrt'J.L QiUIS STJL1 5 -.LI.' f l-L-i 'J flJ-J-.L-T rfW-i.-l I it : ,r r r . . wnocrewc- -pwey ;iu?uroir-.-faitt in CftafiWer9b6WAinQJorranai& ' - . leWBWnWtfl-tlw ivyrfojii tt, ri a- ,n .i.T ..t . .S-. Si ! ill .17-. ' I r 1 - W8 Pka'croa:t Colonel,-H.tob.dti.pe hsuafmtarfe dc-I:Mv I eiki3&ie onitheVitoknesiilnninliedi the; J Min'avas jofee'P f-oo,T . . - 4- - 1 achroed6r,1'ftteerablft '-iir-8hin.vWit.!.i ! ; .1 WMTOU '-fJ.-7pokedf,jifiIlew Lair-shiD.' He said to them thit he -JrJz&fert d ot l,?T?fmMe eesidnfor thebLhAt ymufi 1 V passage ln thd iW i 1sus 1 Gbhservalive caV Iri '76--bulUe would l L yance should b. elected- whether he liked remars. h ., ii .- A V1?1- ftwhberrhAsu'ani pM invitation extended to him spmetimeibce.,Ll,:amAlp. rTt ;s f.onfitraoted'of iu ana we are pieaseu tuai 11 iuiucu uuv i cam one, irom wiuuu yiie' luousauu n , . ! f -r t."..--..1!. 1 .lu.llxw;ki.AjLu-AVC.-.-ii.:-a5w.i.'..':-L i x- ti 1! ' at fho bntft I . . .. i . . . : I , iHimiuim iin. nnHnnW tha regrinna. T J . i A t,vUslI i -T..... , -j . 1 . I Wallace iUBOB i lUB .IOUOW1DE .SiaiemeDtDI WnTWa niv i ihft friilAwinir .jtatmpiJhTs:45i!lii.iflt-i?i-if' '..':-.- I.-" ' . . . - " . . i - . r . . - . t Kro:.t.Y t u; r.ii..ht l8g1en;HbrthCaroliB; fbt fij054j The Dawson Bank! forwarded the draft fpi coV Twr Dawson Bank acted-w aird without any agreement fore they couLd f remit tney-j laue riae i . :r v - -. f; ; ,o : 5 I from the w nson - JLacance?-n. utile negro 7:1.. - i .. . . V i jtio of any compeosauon wiiMeyerj , y pon per-.l,thiS.,SJ,atemsnt,jOiii japis, a. TQeisipn was k axn a-k n t x n ti-w hnhain mennnci rvi a 'JJtd plaintiff ia thc case is'EJfL 1 t-ci ft . n a. nostirnQfr, fl , -t rS O Citt 1 hanlr .lioo nnf failn,! ,onrl Mr , Kn w Wilmihston. N C. E. S. Ransom . ipeared-for thB: plaintiff arid BJaci, J the defendant?? LU j s f : , j l trtTTioi.A ,,id,t.. ,. iirW- - - - rVLTrf THC 1 mvmmwr: Urn Steam TraDSDortstioh Company XMtt WUminiviGl-n4PharlestQnJ that r ' I - i 14HUI in u v w in i. aru a ifliLuuu u rwni auibLU I nHrlot 'Wd fair. ii? hleasttreMtcalUnavtheiattion ofTjQScbtis- i 1 aeaa anerr and Dapitahsta to this opporUinity fbr mviMtmentrwhickf.wei belieyfe.'tp be a inu r u -y-u 1 ;W jeaVe &n estate valued at Jia.000,- Cobb gave Sewton at atai stab with a knife. :;7?i "i-x kuoi-j j 1 000. The "testator; ws married -to: viiWinstoh:ibnnHeryjMar- re and Southern SkubIv . ' I .Vo.ii? f?. ' tu i.i I i .t f . oi.- - D eld,lfJnn(trth(JtfThK RtAtftmfittt nf -thA VhiBlness ! HIP pompaoy: '-4oi much to t AVA. .11. u.. u th-alattitraB(iportatlon question in iV? TiMK'fhe- Comretition it fit 'SoTheril "Hr eights has been pf fit to Baltimore arid' tbe South.. rsennscessarji oueiuvusu iuc Sri ofhterXrVansTiortatfoi.. ana' . -rr--Tviri irijrrj wK : '.I .not onij ior wutlu ua. uuuc, uu. vrvT . Prrt r 3ia u iiUvu I . rniarrrn etihatflti. M pnpfpwWaaW faSm" r)iW Jamea ,! l fjorpell lUnlf esUy bsjippuedfeyjtha sketeton of tun tiL-sa . mm -T-"-. lwuuii reresar8 dtlv four nrfrilr, 1 ' . - i -i- r. liih vhi inns kppi inn a ann TTri,i-"i n era rr - ---w- mux r Tw v a v l hft machine v Thn laAipk tsppme TV.f--Aii.iA-tr--.A' .A 4 . m y . .ii J . II. 'V n u III c. ..1 a to u-ith Pmf abai-RMhrrlAr ? 1 - J w v. . across the Atlantic CL J ....tU! tk!)'ia'-J- !.-L-4i of stndy araargeUmV of imofey, 1 po thftinvUonnd.Us finl c6m- fill ri iHiiHr N71.V iiri rm p.x riHiiiipri 'vmr- j CvcnrQeaer States . tliat he ascension ;;With; a- snxaller similarly constructed,' frbm j ,',-i'.n J h-n.:,:; :i ) ;-) 1 'Yesterday was the first daythai aij was given; of'the, ship por ft-. ,a 4rr.nat tmrrfnrl,-iF turiro.'arriArffS throo B.5.cuo.VV sixieenms ot ac incn in aiameter, is i feet h1gh?e1gbty-fiy'e feet tien ireC jards (thfee cases) of ti3?otii.r Lii-vMiL? i.-A j l nnRhiHor fltin Tinliiiirr Tironellers td be I ... . i . I nttnA T, v. .nJ,tn.n f I ship are ten' feet' 16ng and three and I :half feet lr height; fCbese' propelr I lets "will be'iebvered; witlKCanvasi as I 1 0iort ir,.a c ja ni rn of .no Kin ti Pf1?.11 pteted aboutithei IsU of wNoyember, I proximo, 1 when Prof essor Schco4der 1 Zi-n j-;i s rL I P rikntrnfi inV: TK f tvil V.X y.. A J V.J .V(:. . t.i . i m M' ill nru iiv i new i i riuiiL iiinn. I , i zr.r, , 7 i J , T... ' I c"c:r:i . t . .&::;bTi .'-reapiiy dqes; his vessel upon the ocean, ' f .. Csf Ahout'the 8th of November hel ex- peck to start upon his firsttrip,'which ' Xiu nfitim.tvvk hr!nT Af l!7fl iiiTho fihirv I K"& v ..v.r i eaed ft f e W: evenin g since at. a- nieet-1 ithent commission ".v"r r?""""" rV. boy, wnne attenaing to a porse grazin T I the AttantlC Will' fiat hB Hntll !the I fiplH npnrtnwn nn Wprlnpcrlnw iqcor.expecia ishrlnw Kf l!7fl iiiTho htrv Atrttd AhKet'J to rida the ftfiimal across a ditch. jng cf the stockholders the City of. i . . A r oil tested Avill'rhlrteen 'jnuilona r ' f l' Involved.- . i . pa'Uniore Sun. j 1 J f r . l-ine wuiwici. in w - mo i.o cr;-came off in the Surrocite's Westchester county; s ew ftVWadnesdiv: '.' SinVe? Iwas him such a reventieas to enable hitti r Loeyear iioou. - uviiiBr.u? tw bhildreni whoogtW isurvlve and for whom has to some extent i whom he; haa to soroe extent provided. In,l?4.Q procured a diyoroe; , from He theni ltrseems; Temarned jand ilired, With ihasr Becond wife, add (as Singerv;alap ''knpwV'.aaaj Foster; J By '. her the ' testator enflchtWieW eight 'of whom I uu are tttb''-illtviog,'-ii anri j to u the;olattr he ..bequeaths 'about;: :S2.QOO;000. No provision, however,-'isrjrQade'Un the-wilt-drT-iheir-toother, whdj it is 'ttTiderstcodp was .ateo divorced rom .the.t'eStatoiii: Deceaaed;went to ja.ng landin.184 anid,. aa . j is stated jpom-: menoed Rations .with the f residuary legatee '.nnder' t nl' J Willi labellai, Eui gfehik5Spiger,rwho is never trientipned itiJthe wiUJexceptf aaithe rifeiojE the still living .Tho 'testator : itr thd will, reebfeniaei :xhly these-latter as hia le gitimate children- and theit mother as of ihe residue of his 'estate in Amirica,l amduntiDg.tojigut9,ooo,ooq Mary An" '-'vahn. in represented :ajembhtotwidow thp deeeased,' cjatnatbe, wsa given fwill ,to3sI.rs. Isabella Eugeniatnger '&ti hitatbry arid5;void becaos'Q'the laCter was JotJ his lfl Jfe and ;thprefeOTftt;miH!4Q doerjAble aounsel ara engaged,, and pme scan dalous reyelatlous are expected.; stammers, comes in for some ipecacuanha. - OhV Ifyon ;p-plekse;"youn:i5iint wiwant . sdmel rr4n4D-iD-Hr-.'A alestive . as gistant,(fired byrece renfsce'Jur?, ftn'- --t ;-7 . . . ...... I .... .. i . i hia tirar. ititp i i npnnn ninirpr. nnnni. i uu. au xuujaic vi luc. oiuhcj .wuuir uuul testator..; binceTthei year last named .deceasedjhad hyed .withthisjadyby whom' he had six: children "who are SpiritS-TurpeittaTti-. : i-u-auBiu tiby uas -urgauizea a boat dob. ' V . ; , n'Dohan has crreatlv ehliV'cnecf the . " Tng"Al?erev i has r retired en- 1 .-5Tj3tocesrhi& sandry ..articles in,. Fayelteyille.in ihe, last f jl il feW days;" 1 ' .; :.; ; My tXl-'OTt,.: t9: .Mwaa a - . , Jwco,! aviCJOAUkrfJSi-feriowojbern.- . . m a ivy, says the JSuWielL ie otthe-late Thos.' ,enoir,,fiojijnty-,Wade rail, anftif, bin fcjar e. hd iii led him V luf"i?uu .-Wf; 8US" iv Vax;-JOgaen nas just receivea . "I T 1 . r . i m xiuie. r-resinenc ,r tiicVX. f : ; t . 1 and Industrial Exnnsit.oh lnttfttu!.-T1i-TrB, : . 1 .viicaan Buiu".rv.:. m.i. . t . : - AJi..t T-..U i.f.,. . . !. fM ! Among tie papers vepted at the Petersburg iair wereWlfi chdiond I ofmnks attached Id a ror-kawaT Mr.,W. T. Tolort wife and twa children9.' became frightened last Sunday evening, and dashed off. throwine Mr. Taylor out and severely muting him. Raleigh News of Saturday: The I receipts of cotton in this city yesterday i footed up 607 bales, " beise the largest I amount ever Deiore receivea m one day. 'uaVu is rec WJuf1' This makes 1,094 bales received in the last ' r Raieighc;' JTeats:' V! Oh'Tuesday i j: evening,1 at1 Christ's Church in this v city, j ivev. ur,w marsnau omciaunff.:-jaDtain i it Carle,. Woodruff, of'the United, States Array,- ana Miss Effie, daughter of Dr. K. E.:--Haywoodj of this - city,Twere united in matrimony., , -rr .Plaiiidealer: .The 'gin house of SIr.WiIliam Woodard about six miles from. Wilson,J was destroyed by fire, together with -1 ... .Ui-. 1 - . . I. . ir.ca ;0 oatimato t ecu siiu uuil uu. uiuijuav aaai. me iuiai ch.TM - '. s Greensboro Masonic Journal : The revival at ;the Methodist Church here resulted in twenty-three conversions, i The meeting lasted twp weeks., Thereyivalat Holt's Chanel, two miles from f he 'r.ilv, re. 1 suited id fifteen oonversions.wThe meeting ftoldsboro Rnrd- TwS Wntle men from Dunlin eountv arrived here Mon J i ,u nosed to he Scintt Partin. the Wike countv uuy iu ciiai ne ui a peiauu wuuui tucr buu- wife-murderer. Thev were doomed to disan- pomtment, noweyer, nii5-uuuwci,' iuJ. nwcuuwucuwuisau- . ... . . . . . pointment. nowever, as it xurnea out tneir I prisoner was toot PartiOj.but the, same party XSFmH:tft I -This . deer story is from'- the! Rocky Mount TMaUl few ' days' ago Mr; Crwnpter, of Nash copnty, started aj deer, hotand; wonnded a: Be had. three, dogs. g in undertook when the horse stumbled in and caught the boy under him. -Notbeing able to extricate himself the little 'fellow remained in his'perilous position uh til he . was found several hours after the accident. The boy when found was almost suffocated and badly' bruised. The iWilson Plaiiidealer learns that at the residence of ,Mr. Cobb,,ef Bar- Newton. It is stated that Cobb had ren- i Qhiirkintr Sam (Inhb . coloredr Rllleil Kiss dered himself hateful to the ofaif- negroes. hy Toting : Democratio .ticket, in the late I 3d him andi' lost' his 'balance after which house, was found dead ia the road hear the poor bouse on AVednesday morning of last ; wfifilr. with ia nftrtiftllv emnlv hAttleiof I whiskey near'bim. The deceased when a 1 young man was a lawyer of bright promise, - j I Mrw,a m ' nA w hirrin t i 1 qely and miserable death and, a pauper's Court of- Granville j county reponea iorv mo .-.i ue ony , uu vlll A v W I . W other case of public interest was the trial J i of the Radical Board of County Commis sioners,, on the ; charge of ,,ailp,wirij5. them- f selves constructive mileage to which they t were not entitled. Thifr trial "was brought y about by Blow, of the Xcader,,a paper, by-the-by. that during its brief existence did Granville county a great deaf of good,) and which brought down r onr Blow's bead the : most dire vengeance Of -the," whole Radical ?.f rin g. j The J uage aeeiaea luai we wjibuii- sions naa no ngnt to caarge . nuieagp ouier i than "to and from" their place bf meeting. The Board of Com missioners bavd appealed to the. Supreme Court. , . ff H ' "J m Baalaeai mett at he;.entialal. The public interest r in be jCnten- i nial is freshened up. bvthe arrival ' in . Philadelphia Thursday of an excur- t SlOU party U I UUSIUCSB UJCU IIUIU UlU West Jand? North westy- representing ' Buffalo, Cleveland, Toledpj .Balti more, Chicago, NebfaskapCincinnati Detroit,4 St, ' Lonis Milwaukee, In dianapblis'Louikvillej St. PanlMadt- ' aoji, Pittsbuag Des Moinesi Dnpuque, Erie, La Crosse, SaginawrMich., etc.,. ' etc. ; The declared .purpose-of these "gentlemen is to prbmbte the interests or toe great enterprise in personally j acquainting themselvea with the pro- i gress of thef work aqd t tber;,f acilitiei ' upp which their respeoti.v,e localities " 1 may calculate should they ycdnclnde to hat tlirtaeeTaidifeirieS; rep- j resented, i The visitors are ihaving a t cordial . reception,. not' only jat the . hands of the ;CcstenniatlOoainiissbo, and the municipal : 'authorities by sthe people at larger 7 t i i: t 1. - - a i! : f 1 ,1 i 4 r

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