f ft I n I 3' 4 J " 1 If I ; LFrom the Richmond Dispatch. deneral Uoberi E, Lee's Battle-order on the Dcatb oi stoaewall Jackson. v J. . The , greatest' originality of . the Western Continent penshed at Chan- : . . , cellorsville. The brilliant lnminary,' ': . the meteoric- splendor of," whose achievements dazzled , two hemis pheres, was there extinguished. From - ' ; that time the storm-clouds of. war. '.. s v darkened and flowered ominously. .' i " Dark, blank despair hovered over the. ; land and thd death of Stonewall Jack sou may be said to have sonnded the death-knell of the Confederate States ofrAm'erica.. - i -' The two. greatest military prodigies of the nineteenth century- are now sleeping the last sleep-the one in the Invalides of Paris, and . the other in the graveyard at Lexington, Va., the one known to the world as Napo ; leon Bonaparte, ' and the . other as Stonewall Jackson. How strikingly similar were their modes of warfare. Both sought.by rapidity.of movement to confound the enemy. Theirs - was not the strategy, taught : at military . schools, but was the strategy of ge . nius. Their plaus of battle. were not the product of slow, plodding calcula tions, but the fruit of rapid mental evolution and brilliant intellects. By their genius they both, inspired their men with a boundless enthusiasm, - -which, without limchirrg, endured summer's heat and winter's cold. j So 1 . much for the comparison between two kindred spirits. 1 1 ! In conclusion, does not the follow ing order,' emanating from the glo ridus Lee just after the death , of Jackson, evidence -the appreciation which he had of the genius and gen eralship of Jackson ? To a! grief stricken and dumb-founded army this proclamation of the noble Lee was - read: ... i ' j ."With deep grief the Command ing General ;anuounces to the army the death of General. Jackson. lie expired on Sunday, the 10, (May 10, . 1863,) at 3 P. HI. ' .The daring, skill and energy of this great and good soldier are by the decree of an all wise Providence now- lost to us; but while we mourn his death, we feel that his spirit still lives and will in spire.our whole army with his indom itable courage, unshaken confidence in. , God, our hope and; our strength. Let his name be a watchword to his corps, who have followed him and victory on "many fields. Let officers and soldiers emulate his invincible de termination to do everything in de fence of their beloved country. ' 1 i Signed j 11. T. Lee, General." . The above needs no comment. It proclaims in; clarion tones the Virtues and grandeur of Jackson. f ! (jr. 13. D. IIiciimoxd, Va., Oct. 19, 1875. Bfganijst Flees and is struck Down ' In Ills Shelter by Lightning, An Edenton correspondent! of the Vorli&ohlh'iEnterjwise communicates the following: 1 About the last of Jly the sheriff of our conniy arrested, one Anderson Bond "(colored) indicted for bigamy, the sheriff Willing to give him an op portunity to give bond for his appear ance at court, placed him in the hands of a deputy, from which officer the prisoner escaped. . k j '. I .Nothing, more ; was heard j of him until this morning, when being one of a jury of inquest 1 learned the follow ing facts. The negro on making his escape went home, and told his wife .to prepare bps clothes as he Was going away, and would call for them that night or next morning early. '. He never called A heavy rain land thunder-storm came up fchat evening, and he took! shelter in a hollo W tree, which was .flattered by lightning, and there his remains were found. The jury's verdict was in accordance with the facts above. OES1TCABY. Charles- !l heaistone. F. U. S. FNew Vorlc Trihnnfi 1 : f Charles iWheatstone,' the distin guished electrician, died yesterday in Paris. lie was born at Gloucester in 1802. In early life he was a manu facturer 9f tnusical) instruments acd made researches on the science of acoustics. He displayed : much ; me chanical ingenuity in the construction of instruments and apparatus, - He published, in 1 S3 1, an - "Account of Experiments to Measure the Velocity of Efectricity and the Duration of Electric Light."' In the game year he became Professor of Philosophy in -King's College, London. He invented, the stereoscope, which he described in his " Contributions to Physiology of Vision," published in 1838. i He was one of the several persons who, ia 1837, claimed, the hcuor of the in vention of the electric telegraph, Wheatstooe and his partner, Cooke, 5 obtaiued in, 1837 a patent : for appa ratus which they invented for sending signals by means of electric currents. They were successful in the practLeal application of their invention, which : soon came into extensive use., : Prof. Wheatstone afterward invented sev eral improvements, among which is .the magnet-alphabetical telegraph.- fHe was Vice. President of the lioyal ; Society, " and ? was a ; coi-fesponding member of the French Institute, as i weUas of several of the leading acad- : cmies of Europe, f J - Gov.' Hendricks, of .; Indiana, ia t -. " . : . , i , , . credited with saying, on.hearing from vuw: "l m not. surprised; 1 told you we should be defeated.- On a different platform we-" should have - succeeded, i Had the Democrats de . clared themselves for specie payments "'-..toj be .'accomplished gradually, and v j without contraoting'the currency at E resent , outstanding, : they .would ave rolled up alarger majority; than j they did In I87f - r A . "! . ' .New York Sun, 1 1 ! . -Pennsylvania. j" ) The Ohio election appears to .have1 exerted little.or,no influence in Penn sylvania, where; the canvass of: both parties is on a widely1 different f6oti ing. ' While oq the question' of "cur rency expansion; or contraction: the two platforms are very- muchi the same, there is a shade of difference to the credit of i Erie j and the ; Demo cratic leaders, (including their caridi? date for jGovernor, are historically J iae naraest or para-money men, ana the Repuplicar leaders the ' reverse;: Senator Cameron owned the Lancas ter Convention, whether because he made it jbr because he bought it we do not pretend to say; but he owned it, and rap it, and dictated its plat form and candidates, and he manages the campaign. It is needless to fcay, that he i one cfs the raggedest rlagf-, money men that ; eyer held a seat! ip. Congress. It !was; rag " money deV predated Middletown Bank notep-l- that he usedias ia j."medium bf ex-i change andstandard of value" in jhis transactons with the Winnebago In dians; a fid from that day to this ihis record has been -entirely consistent J witn tne oruuant page at tne oegin ning. . - .iv , - - 5' Inflation and Contraction havej no proper place in the Pennsylvania oan vass. The real issue there is far more important than any-temporary quesj tion as to the addition or substraction of a few millions of paper money.! It isiwhether the people shall have illy, money at all whichsmay not be tajced piit of their pockets to swell the spoils "of thieves in office; whether govrft-, ment shall be maintained f to proiect the governed, or simply to-pillage them. The coming election in Penn sylvania will determine whether , that parnuuiar oiai.e wiueuuciuscu uu, farther debauched and plundered) by the Treasury Ring, and whether the nation is to remain, a prey ; to ithe greater Ring, of which Grant is jtbe head. It is the issue upon which jthe elections lot 1 874 Were won the issue upon which every jindependent news paper and every honest man must stand on one side, and every corropt: organ and every! venal jobber on the other. On that issue fairly presented, unshadowed by the momentary folliea of the Sam Carys and the Wash Mc Leans, the majority in Pennsylvania against Grant, Kemble and JMackey, against enduring the: moral ; degrada tion, the frightful robberies, and the resulting; taxation inflicted by these' infamous Rings,! will be large enough to put a new hope in every patriotic heart, and send terror into every den of public thieves. ) ; - 5 Hartranft has been the willing obl or the obedient slave, if not worse, of the Cameron-Mackey Ring from j his entrance into public life; and Rawle has been aptly described by the Lan caster Express a newspaperwbich had a character in l872vasMMackey'8 unexpended balance of . political in iquity." Their election would mean that to tie missions already stolen the Ring should add millions yei to be stolen. Keinbles, Yerkeses, Mack:; eys, and Manns,1 should come on in endless succession, to plunder the pas-, aive Commonwealth j until they i are gorged or the treasury is bankrupt; that the revenues 'should continue to be 'farmed," the interest appropriat ed to corruption funds, and elections bought; that the j Senatorial auction should open again at the close of Cameron's I ternij and the annual "buzzards feastf ; at;-IlarpsbuTg re main the principal feature in Penn?sylr vania politics; that funding ; bils' ajfter the manner of Elemble, raids upon the sinking fund like tba "nine million steal," with corporations feeding fat on the public property, and the old squad8f "hired memoers," upnroken and unabashed, should deepen I the shame of the past, and continue to outrage the moral sense of morejf or (pnate political i communities.-' : In Rational affairs it may be ;said thajt the R.eptibiipan Convention; de clared against Grant, apd ought, to be credited with a (desire p cj-fisb Grantism. But'the party is entitled to nothing on that scOre. It repudi ated tyrant for a i third term because ;t con dlnofi ?ar;'y bjm, and still Grant- ism is ihe breath j of its nostrils Grant! maylnoti be renomlnatedji bat if the 'unpublished programme ol; the ried Oat, evn lorse would esue. Cameron would take his Pennsylvania delegation, all ha own, into- xfre jMa tionali Convention, and trade it for a controlling power over any incoming. Republican Administration. Is Gam eroni8ia, after all, any "improvement on Grantism ? The; issue inPennsyl-, vania is Camerouism. Shall it .flour ish or shall it di? Not PennsyJ'ania only, but the wnolei country, is ipro foundly interested in the result. fflarreilons Escape frojf Barilla. Intelligence reached i Plymontb n October 1st of the total Joss by fire of the Aurelie, 48 tons, of QaebeCj j froaj : Liverpool to I La Plata, wfth coal. She Jeft bri the 16th, of Marph' and reached Barba4oes on the 2(1 pf August. , Smolce however, was isee'n to come from the cargo, and an i iron rod passed downfin jthe coal speidily became red bot;i For seven days the crew used, their'! atuiost exertions to1 put out the fire; but with no result,' and at length they had to take ibeir two boats, badly! provisioned ftnjfrlU; fgw-e-fiyeaHbyl'-yeat un clothed. jThey were in the boat flv tUW.e:nsex to ayi If wed tbjstay uays, n4 wem tuuii resuueu uy inei Hnip jiiooniiguv ! - f aue m ine Doats the captain's wife gae $ feirtb jto a child, and singularly enoagh, botfi sjjr . yjved and ar inlgood health.' r i ' ( Eugene Lawrence, a vituperative writer in Hafpeif - Whlyy makes a inmost ridiculous,! display of inxjonsist ency. ; He speaks in one place of the barbaric Irish, &nd in the very .sapfe article appeals lo hd - barbari -Irish., that he speaks of, to help -p down' the Tammany ring, -i J -, . ) " ' The Charleston Sxpfm'Siii' I f unct, Cause,! unpaid priptere. , : North Carolina Orators In Vlrelnla. llVom 'the Petersburg Kews Of Yesterday. . .At . 1 1 , tK p.TPrnises wefe ffmily'comraenced with' prayer ! by uev.:j. jut, ilutson: iJMaypr t wregpry followed fn fcri address of welcom0tto the numerous visitors. , I .At. the;conclu8ionl of' tbe net: j of :the:Societyf introdneed ; F. 'fl; B us beeEsd.j 'whoielivereatbe! amiua,lj ddressvSII'lllMFKW xMitfBi&btie': tiimhi? interesting andtappy speaker- ajid was f honored witn tne earnest attention oz; nis. lan: itprkjHe J treated Jktf Jepgth and of this seoiUon,.and pointed ut its jde i tects and, gave spmeya!uapie suggea tioris asitp how tolmproy e jt., ;Sqme exceueni,!wriii.y points wcio .miMjr. blm on our young bfitchelpr jilan,trs,; vthicb prOTokd iga rriment; among ther audience,espefcrallj: his lady; auditors. - The Jspeeob was welL received, and at its concjusion Mr distinguished ' Visitors. ' Among S.he number' we noticed Senators John ston; Withers and Ransom: also BCon, J.i Ji Davis; of.- North Carolina, rand tion; JoJtn wooae, oi.jmotioik. r TIIE ;C0NS5RVAT1VJE 'MASS MEETING. The Conservative mass meeting! at McEnery's factory lastnight,wa8 with out question tne event or tne canvass.7 The large and spacious building was crowded .to; its capacity,' and rainy Whoi had flocked tbfther" t. listenj to' the distinguished speakers eould pot obtain admittance. 1 The nieeting was called to order by Mayor Gregory, who! first introduced the Il6n. vRobt. ;E .Wther8i' Senator! Withers came forward amidst Ihe applause . of the , vast assemblage, and deli vered one of the I most - eloque vt. 'anq ettgctive speeches . it bas ever ; - been bur pleasure to 'listen tp i.iAt thelcou clnsion of 1 this gentleman's ad dress, the Hob. Matt W.' Ransom,' of lnh. Carolina, Was presented and held, 'ha aidience spell-bound jfor more than an hour? II is speech," to say the least of it, Was 'powerful and wasjreceived with the wildest enthu siasm. Senator Ransom was followed by HonJ Ji J. Davis and Hon. F; H. Busbee of Norlhj' Carolina,'. Judge W. Hillman, . Major Maun Page, Mr. J. W, Friend and our standard bearer; dptain William! E. Hinton, all of whom delivered able and effective speeches, and awakened the liveliest enthusiasm among the .audience. Th e Conserv atives of Petersburg are fully alive to the occasion, and will roll j. up a rousing majority for our nominees ob the 2nd of November. STONKnALLJ-CKSON. Inttrestlns Rcmlnlseonces of Ills Ca reer, at Wei .Point. - Everything which can illustrate the character of. Jackson is of value and of especial interest now. A corres pondent" 'Writes ' to 1 the - Richmond Whig: : j In June, 1842, A. P. Hill, George E. Pickett, P. D. Fry and the writer, having parsed our fist wpek at ' the military academy, were standing to gether on the south side of the j old South Barracks at West Point, when a cadet sergeant came by lis, cqnduct ing;a oewly-arrived cadet to his quar ters. This new comer attracted our attention at. once. lie was apparently about twenty. years of age, &o.; was iwell; grown; his gurex wasj angular and clumsy; his gait wa? awjeward. lie wa3 claa jn r- :i j'?'a woolen plothy he .' bore ' across I his shonlders a 'pair of weather-stained saddle bags, and his hat was' one . of those heavy , low-crowned, , broad brimmed wool hats usually worh'in those daySiby lpverseers, county cpn stables, wagoieT8, &c. He trapjped along, by'-; the . side of the sergeant, wiih an ajjr of . resolution, h and' his t - ' X 4' i9 i' "" i ft : -i' ' soici.iQPitf. a.qejj.faine jnnexioie ae j terminatioQ ptJH!iSii 80 that one. of, ns riark fel 16whas come here to stay." So much Jid fmpress me that I'madj -in;-; quiries!Vt fonce' about bim; and jfclund, he was from Virginia', f iie.n sought hiartiul aod etideavered to u&bw Mm some especial interest and to let jhim ' k'noW! be was not without friends in that strange landrf 'He was notCsit all demon strajtive bpwearef? frt$ 1 seeded. to D8 aetcrmjne: to ew pnt pw py.n : career. by ;bla own; EMns$ egjerj P W -niSJTAME WAST. j. JACKSON t T He had a right rough, time in i the academy at first; for. his wantoflpre vioiis .raining piacea nim ai a aisaa vantage mh w& $ be coul4 do to , pass bi first examination W& were siuuyiug. .aigeura i ana 0 may pe analy tjca) geometryj -that winter,! and jfacfcsd.n aft'yfiry . bjjy, jp ,;his7 clasS standing Al light? were pntbjttt' it .'ttap'Lbti jttsfcefpre lh.e signal 'p .w.ould - jile jBUigrSte i-'gp . with j- the anthracite eo.aK -and . lying pi'onpj peV fbife. it on the floor.woulawork'away at'ihi8 lessens, by Ihe, glare of 'he flrej , which 'or'ched his very brainif till a late hour In the' night. Hiis evident determination to succeed not only aided1 his'own ienTort8?-directlV,!; but impressed his instrtictors'in his favor, had a very rough- borsewand.! when dm o)dercame to- "eross j strriiip mLtal characu.r, ' fcrohghV; W kv WA!wSD&' blow the points to which n4 .W M.PAhgtii afcualiyaitined'by the'endf , MmmmmpMl and'struggled ! w xatl '-.::4 1 jtjl Hi-Eir to keep? oxr his hoese, &c. :When h had advanced to riding: 'at- the beads,! leaping" i thefrbars, &c, his equitation twa trniy leariua; pnv he persevered Chrpligh tbe'inost perk Ions trials,: and no man iq .the'.riding house'would take more risks than he, and certainly ,no'ipnei 5ia& Tour gptra' j YV1DUCB 61BUOOO""". .v- than he. I believe he went . through j iue very xrymg ur-ueaif ui- ine iu; y ear& f at W est " Pbi n: t 3 wi tho'a t ;eveVr having a hardtwor( pr a hard feeljog for or froin cadet! orrofeSsorr And While'there were,:inany; wbtf ' smed to surpass nimniiue .gpyes w. tuy l-cV;m'geniaiityfe gwd itellpvyship, there jwaa nb' pu.: of ; our;class,whoi rmdHb8oliteiy7se?.4 the respect ah5cclencep pftidjffe Point in the aatnmh 611840 at jQimj: arcro.' Mexico rieChadJcome ido'wn nxenieria 0i; and the squadron of mounted rifles" to Which I elphgeoi'was orderebT es cort thps guqs;fTherte was pret ty Tough, the gobs .were, very J?Pvy and the energy, the resource, the con centratibn on? the arduous" duty jbe for bim' which Jackson .evlnct im pressed nsall with : j lie fact ' ihiiil he was a ' great;'" dntjr fofficer." ' ome years afterwards Ijackson qame up ib West Point," from his! station on Gov-1 ernors Island,' toj 'visjt several -nf'ni some of his classmates who bad bbeu ordered to duty at ihe academy. after the. close .of ;tfie Mexican .war. Mc-. Clellan was. ofLour)u rober. i i We had a very large and- pleasant mess, and -Jacks.onv 'soiourned several days with us. He bad theri.becomf nypp chondriacal. He - had queer ideas about bis health ; thought one si.d of him was heavier jthan the other, and sometimes would raise one 1 band up to the arm's length- to -let; the blrod flow downwards nd lighten that arm. He told me thai he was about to: ac cept! a professorship; at Lexington, whither he soon lafier went. 4 . 1. next saw him, at a distance, in .his camp at' luanassas, iwo aays,.auer. uie nrei battle,, and nevejr, again, has it been my privilege.to. aee,biua, .... He was ; a pure; and Bimplej character. He had. THE TBUE A'iTs'I.ATUS OF. WAR, : and while there jwas no self-seeking in all his great career, there was that inevitable-expansion of character, and of consciousness of his capacity, which grew by what it fed on, and pointed out to him the reat destiny before him. A distinguished general officer of Jackson's, corps has related .a re markable illustration pf this expand ing consciousness of power. General J say s that twb or three days be fore Jackson was .'shot near Chancel-. lorV he'werit late "in.the11 Evening lo his tent to see him'ob Bustness.'. He found the great Soldier ' alon e'." ;Th ey were friends i of.-j longr standings apd Jackson cordially invited him to come in and sit down and bavbachatj say ing Ihe was tired and did not ike talking about biisiiiess.-' In "a mala rpit; way Jackson! explained that he desired. j.o havej lu'-l- vd J Alf INPEpEJrDENT COMMAKU. . -; Gen. J inquired., jf.be desired independent command of the Valley. "Oh no,1' Jackson replied,J Hthee is but little -to be done there. - Butithe Army of Tennessee is a fine army and can accomplish. much; 'I would like to h ave command bf : it." ; Had ., hes not been cut down, as he was a few nights later, Hooker would have surrendered his army, and Jickson could have had the Army of Thnesseev It is vain and saa now to I . - . 1 speculate upon the might ! b aveT epsned' changes whicih; frioro that.1 IJa'e ! Neqr; York 2rfbup6mt$ the fpllowip Gommjjnfc on tba Conyenjiop ot' ek-Conf derate SUens .recently betds ..!;:!: -:.:: ";!-: " Such a gathering of jjei-Cenf e der ates as that of j yesterdSy in liicb mond Js Hkely. to'do the worid some service. Vwasjai' meeting of surgeons in the. Confederate army -and JriaVy. witbi the simple object of joaatcing ibutions to the medical ind sur gical history 6f i ' the V k : Their es says in this direction cannot f ail to be preserved in permanent form' for! the use bf the prof eBsion." : f - i .v .- On 'Tharsdayjat the session pfi the: Virginia edif4?J 1 Society at lich mond the followingSdelegajteg, Repre senting the medical societies Of their several States; wefe introduced to the wpidentjyiz:' t)rs. T. Walker of S, 4R. :Li tHicfcsi' ot 'Nortb''CarbHnBJ---!?- ,:'mAA ,jrjr ai4e! eXc'9weiej.do'fe-, : gates in a very neat and appropriate speecn wiien: wa repiiea jto oesca pf the visitors in turn.: :rrjt. ;.ia! ! Lt -. If Tne 'Seeretai' ecdillelters froth1 doctors' JdsonfGiMaV ap($ J3:T; 3anhsen rof -Saleb) pegrj&ttpg- theiiz inabitityioi attehd, after being appiinte.d delegates? Irotti the medical societies hf thgirrespe'dU'. Iirn Sit atoa ...... ir. ... 1 I . i : .. . A' Sensation'! -W;lffW;' i 'ihe Berlin announcement. that ,i's j German tc Pih-delpr-ees $ j Mvelyj sJ ds. of? the K! :. . Iie vi 'Dong Gonsf is the name of J(hMlWSW PregqHeonghl .::' j -T !' IT .! 9 iLl.J II Will attend the ntennialilandfthaVa' i th morn immediate lrien eft..-, FaibliciorjSpbrl 7- OF A i -7 b 0,1 1 1 have not nJoy$d )?oed itealtb. for .several i ears past, yet nave not allowed it to interfere w my. aaboft r Jbivery DfDeisngng to. e iaonsg class known the Inconvenience of being obliged to labor wheirthe bcdy,-f rom debility T aln-ostrefoMS to per form its daily task. I never was a believer ia dosing with medicines; -nut, liavlmc beard the Vigitihb. spoken of bo highly, was determined to try it, and shall never je2ret that .determination,- As s tonic whicb every one needs at sometime) it sorpasses I aajthiag I ever heard of. ' 'It invigorate, the 'whole 1 rystn-itl8 a-great' cleanser, antt. punner r, tne blood.' There are many of my 'acqnaiotahces who hive Ukeri it, and aU unite jn praise of. .ttft ati8fao- ' sory effect, t ":.r:- -- i ' v,:- Especially among the ae class of people,it im"-' prts tp.them the on$ thing mostneedfnl in ld age nights of calm, sweet rtpose, thereby strengthen-. Loir the mind as well as the body One ag lady;4 who fcaubten snflEeriDg tkroughlife .from . Kcrornla,; and has become, blind i'om Its effects; having tried many remedies . Witt, no favorable legnlt, was in dacedby friends to try the Yxqehmxi Aftertaking a few bottles, she obtained aach1 great relief that (She expressed a wish for her. sight, "that she might 'lie able to look upon the. -man who .had sent her such a lessing-i m io,i . .(. H4f i t-' f : i ' ,t p- v.Youra jrespectfully, ; f " ' O. IL P. BOOQB, Police Officer,' Station 6. ii15ostoV, Jias8.,.May.9, ia71rf ;-i jo i v Keartfelt i Prayer. i;t. .'..?"); T.-.r. flap.' PAtii.r An. 48. 186.-.' XL ReSviKs, BsirfsJj 1 ;n Dear Sir-rt sbonld be wanting in gratitude' if I. ailed to acknowledge what the Tkobtikb bas done for meU I was attacked shoot, eleven nvonths since--with Bronchitis, which jsettjed ? into consoxeptiont T a4 4oV' aBfaaffl sin I J ava 1 1 La ntaa 4Vnont i fori broath,-; and - freqnentlyspit, blood was alii emaciatea, very weaK..ana 89 low tnat my rnenfls VncbtinycasenopclcBS. i .t&tm ?Ki.f j ,f 1 was advised to make a trial of the , YEGEily Vi hlch, under the providence of God,' has cured j me. 1 hat he may bless the use of your; medicine tol others,, as he has to me, and that his divine grace 'may attend yon, is the heartfelt prayer of your ad-' miring, hamble servant, . j,,.--' -f i-ftji.. ' ' i 1 1 i j -V '. BENJAMIN P3B?mNCaL-I Vj , F. S, 'Mine is but one among the many cares your medicine has effected Lathis placed B. Pi " - t.'i u :i s '.,' iTTf' r'-itl-'mt-v. .A . Make" it Public.! r ' J '-rx i " Sotwn Bostow, Feb. .1, 1871 IL B STETSKSi Esq.': f f . .. 'I Dear Sir-l have heard from Very many sources of the great success of Yigtek In cases of Scrorula Kheumatism. Kidney Complaint, Gatan h and Other diseases of kindred nature.- I make no hesitation In saying that I know Vzobtiks to be the mast re liable remedy for Catarrh and General Debility. ' - My Wife has been troubled with Catarrh foe many years, ana at times very oacuy. cne nas tried every supposed remedy that we could hear ana with su this she : has - or several yean been gradually growing worse, and the discharge from, the head was excessive and vert offensive. . t t he was in thi condition when - she commenced to take Vbqktinb ; I coald see that she was improv ing on the second bottle. She continued taking tee Vesbtujb until she had used from twelve to fifteen bottles. ' I am new happy la informing yon and the public (if you i choose to make it publicist she is entirely cured, and Vxoxtins accomplished . the cure after nothing else would. ' Hence f leer Justi fied In saying that Vegetine Is .the most reliable remedy! and would advise ail suffering humanity to try it, tor I believe it to be a eood, honest, vegetable medicine, and 1 shall not hesitate to recommend it. Iam, fcc., reepectfully, ,J ' --'' -- - '? i-; ..... , i f L C. CARDELli, -T - Store 451 Uroadway. , VkcMike - acts directly upon the cause of these complaints- It Invigorates ajid strengthens) the whole system, acts upon the secretive organs allays inflammation, cleanses and cures ulceration, cures constipation, and regulates the bowels." j '! I ; -M w. -i .... ,.;!! j : , Has Entirely Cured "Me. ; ':-(t V Boston! October, 18J0. Mr SttvEKs: ; ) I '.. r-l:t-n i-ii i ; Dear air My daughter, after having a scveie at tack of whooping cough, was left in a feeble state of health, sad ; after using; a, few bottles was fully re stored to health. . . ' i ... j L I have been s great sufferer from Rheumatism. . I bare taken several bottles of the Yesktxnz for this complaint, and am nappy to say it has entirely cured me. 1 have recommended the VeTTH to others with the same good results. It is a great deaneer and purifier or the blood; it is pleasant to take; and I can heerflly recommend it. r - JAME3MORSE,8Ct Athens street, . ' .old by all Druggists and Dealers Everywhere. i oct 1 D&W 1m j ..,- ReclxiQtioii.iii Price:! I J ' - T O I. LEY'S Celebrated i -, - F IN K h i.it .. fia3, E N G L I S H Br eech Loading : i i. i inanHfactory Pioneer , Works, iBIRMINGHAMMNG. -jp. .-I i -r -j;-,. ........ ,.-,:,..,)...., TV A VINQ : 3TABtISrtE A BRANCH CbUSB jlju in aew xoctc. for the ale r our celebrated weapons, we offer to sportsmen. the Cheapest 'Guna awers ever soia with 8Tetyli4 re made in six qualities, t-acb Gun being branded wltb one sf the undermentioned jnames, whici denotes Its quality t PIONBER, .U, .. ..Ii.V.. 66 jGole TOI.T.RY. " OA . 8TA-TDART ; . - Its. W-i- KATIONAU..;.. ........ l)f GHALLBNQE,..,;,.. ,..,.. ISO; Any one of the above sraads may He selected with, tie greatest confidence, as no Gun "beara onr name Any one of the above sraads may 1 that we do not thoroughly guarantee in every re-' .!.. . 1-.- J . II ?.;. H), t if 1 I'M tne graaret confidence, s so Bun sears onr name GUM FORWARDED V. 0, 2? i N. B. Guns built to Order, at above prices, a spffialt-Send for .detailed partidalars. with iHasi tratcd dot ci iptive pi ire heeta and testimonials, to , our Branch House. t 1 r,f 3 Ulai Lane. YdrJci sptS5-D&Wtf , f. iji it i 1 Tiler Goss lEjBToItini .Cartriftie HolcHuv tarries Paper o Ketalic Cartridge Either End Vps 1 TBVOtrvlESION CaSNTRB SLIDES, WEIGHS I , jlv- outi pounas, ana, is only .13 inches wide. Holder, tare at too so ' as to nulc shells, and, being &tmGte&B'&l Oaep the sameJ Ickly rcecive the. . Por ease of action, and rapid shooting, it exteelg. anything of 1 the. kind invented-1- Price; d O." D.4' $6 50. . " If?')'!.:-? V t-v 1 .?f In ordering give size of shell, and looge measure merit "outside of vest. . :- ;i -lf. 8f GOSS, f -r? y sepMjvw.yi r.t ...j .,f veoaho:FsIls-ga-asJ?V Sf3itf fBfeeM (Farm ;r: st sasaiciNa thoroughbred no: A also from Imported pecberon oiTOanHoreeB udMars,:adfroniittit; !Ci)A ;xj pEflu;' I $a .4 ' JO Oil 1 A-WA1- nf.flSMM fipfla WT Mrs- fn- nt -f P ' A I -SO PINB BRBt) SHORT ICPf ClTTLl!,5 Awl nave Bulls from etc 6 tj fq ur years,: (oi; aije." 5 r Aisoi?reett,ft V' At Vr',f F,-! -tsi WU fta8 DUW- ra,-i ice aeuveryj sna,Hu.st !uvisk Hte, QiarlottOBlfe; .Vai i.ltffeCfilfirl I ! VT Fitiurs of all Grades,- Lard, Cheese, Caan J Dot 3 1UV 9 1KS OKAJfl : JHbTOTWU - .. .. I,' . .1 -. .... i . : . j.' " ij Particular attention na.li! tn Bialdnor'rArlii oHontol to'Southejn trade ! ' v.Mfr.-l''" .! o guarameea quality ana snooung p in the .United States. : They are built provcruott f6r American tBort. and a -W- -.-ddsg ant rca-atteni- : J : ?end fgrdrculsr. r . : Jl1tWJbWtr JHBIM00KBr-8!f. 4UT0HH. f ! t . . f CHIN4NQ rBIYKB. i . 83. cssts. ? Tbe entcFt as It 18,0116 pi.tae oei oi Bunaaysf nooxoQng jpookb. SClOSGt MOSAteeiC1 75 cents: VerfecQy -idapled O to interest QgingClaEscs. c jfif I V- For Charusesi i 0HOBTJS 9HOIR. 2 00 Cprustes 4jsiitb: i a.";t-tyi -A-t;AiifX''t'J-j4 t 'u --F .iL'.'i.i'.'i. sms.- ijr,rua.iH .tan .tiiiim. uuuav" $1 so. rrcas Xthaisr!Hj ji H.jtrjgjp .' ,,iKa? ptiJ iyf An- nHRIAlf BT JURY. 1 00. Just BmbTisuid. A i L. ofmftb pjjookingjOpelth fine wlc Seat,' post-pBid,-f or; retail ladce; 'i'p'o 1n3 bo. 1 ; j , Leraldl8jiuittoSoicietiefflid jDosvcntiotg. : O. DITSON 'ft CO., ! CHASTITS(ir:ffl CO. 4 lt JStoftr-rfLVjl I .lU.BsoadWay, nTIy.-; pet1 l-Oiwaw wed & Bat , e ." - 4- ot i:Tr,ti:t r?i H'i,--Ht i f K Boxes and Barrcfej Lemeu, Sngar, oda, as-; V ! . I! A lit) J, f MsA K l,fJ M 9A Barrel and Tierces whple jmd brokenif fa t. 'tf-nii --Jt ?0 ' Uf - Barrel and Hhds Sugar ; Bouse and Cuba 1 "Molasses in Tierce s-s&d Puncheens. -!. j 4 -fi i Molasses.. . Also Juno iJemerara. and orto . 1 For salelpwjbf.rf -r-.s ? ,.i -r- 1 ' - ! -., .. -,.f k , , Crop L&A GRAJ? 1 'Tyfl: CHOICE LARGB MltASA CfRAPBS;' ij'.l! :-nJi JO qr.j t)U ftvi ts f"jfii:ijj i- ..vi ' 1 HlTWi CROP fBUCKWHBAT, :. : NBW CRQP.NBWj ORLEANS JI0IA8SES, DEHESLA 0AJfDMUSCfEL EAISmS. -j-r- 1. A . r r: ! .. . : ... .. f , .J i " .: i'.'C! CHAS. D.- MYERS ft Co!, .' ,; oct 2 Ut n j j ( . ; .- a ftj jsrorth Front ; :JSrOTICETWttESPASSERSi j ; ..fB'it;-zto:r ; . . .. .-T.. j, xi. LL Persons are hereby warned against shooting, hunting, fishing, rangingr or otherwise trespassing on the. lands known as the Orton Plantation, id the County of Brunswieki--TJe iuUeern-daate sfaughter of game at all seasons and the incessant depreda tions in other andimons dmrjortas' respects, (have rendered it necessary to post these lands; and fair notioo is nowved that the fiw wiit. be riEidly en forced against all offenders. - 1 I f.;; degldftw-tftol-.t-r".") n,JlTf ,gRAiyvERi $r&: smmims Jr. Attorney atiljawl IJ ;! H. Vim iJl1 hwvivfw x.-a v- jljlvtjlu c,id;ciiib mo. 01 .xue 11 1 ,viij evt winj .ij it ; ailKD AN. isTOal2LXBto CTJRE rot ufjinr .iupaexteiy . tlirjee tlia9? a4lqy- ;afte,tlic sjstem Jbecii reduced li v.Kii1mfisa" nt 1 ... . t ' ' -r t - ! fOratdr!inl.liecnteM.riti.T ; i f 5 t ft- BlUCGISTSlASn EJJLEES.ei!IfEailJtjf; ft joly gft-tm .--iK "'vf'jinif.fjl vni'ftnb-.t y.-j" X 6aanriDBC R?.f:t.S.l .7. Vif: .tirfeslflent 3C.j8tbiia., ,f.ty. .AT.;..v..;Tice president Isaac BnJiiilu.. ai . i .ii..lAsibrtlCishier xf 01 ,Haii0y,er. CAPITAL FAID WfcSS laooo f;i" .i.'tT;i r li; i .J -. . .. -iiinreirTHtrt?' A .' j-- Cm Wright " f liA M. 3.wemielIJf Tsr ooro. 'E.WBoWcft,6t Jno.rW. I Atkinson, f .Td uolds- -,voi. f . awie. 10 iiitum BJfsir-JPrdeiiKniil -'fi Si itfvu-v; tti .fcoutiw? - jxesiacni. OJfiiff' StU'I S2i e'feyli Bri';v.::.R . . lv uv im. bst i'ij ii i 1 i TIA TlTlflTI r!Wrw: Sf, -11 aff ! Issues Certfflate8 ofBsibWar&if teerestl ii ilsiauthorizefi sCarto tor receive . m oeposit 7 v,rt:..i..,..;t1- ,... --i.ir :. . 1 :' moneys helcf to trust by Eecuf ors, Admmlstratorsi' l ;j r- am -vveuiiuu srv . to the orders and reauests of bur country friends by tnaQ or btberwise. -iz noTl8-wtf- vJA9Yeqcltyv twa. fo-WirfjiReiKirs Tafen4lJfhtBi.P'Beeibt resteer Imtirored aurotaadBaeBeatorb Sells at I VINO WATERS, 80 jesnts. -, CompMed, ,by D. F.'HoaaeBi. krnch. trcsrwof 'the-sweetest and.tsnes;fali;iT t9iia odi TlWob :j i rrcKre. i SATED rll I t.tUlllll V 0UQfli) a J - it '! signi ana pay WSJJLffWe &lf THi TO oct lm . UX. Seirtt-eefcliouls. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. rXHl5 1JEST l PA Iff I IiX, RJEDJCIN ES, A QUARTER vf A CENTURY? Dr. Strang's eosipaand Sanative Pliia cure Coustipation, f BUIousnesB,. Bowel Cqmplaiat Malarial Fevers, Rhenmatieni, BrysipeIas,Y and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Bowels, .-r p Dr. Strong's Pectoral SiornacIi piH, cure Coughs, Colds, Cramp, DyspepsU, Sick Beail ache, Female Complaints, Heart disease a'ndli diBordfea-of Chsst and Stomach. t "jf f ' U Send postal CJardfoar a Specimen Copy of liiw.iW.ASiiijsaTON : c Eutablishetf 1852.' na nlnmn. I Address .Thb Etbtsosq Star NswepArEn !Co' 1 1 .'v t V WeshiDgtoa, i. ,c. 1 notion Free vi' I -;Vi5i j'--.- "k ! ovip!i j; ; for the speedy cure of speciil troubles; common td the young and middle aged.. Nervous, mental an 1 physical depression, loss of memory and tnbrrd pains in the back; self distrust : dizziness, dimness of sight eonf usioa o ideas,: and other ( dieorders of ' the nervous system consequent on various habits! that lower the vitality of the system. Any dru-nst'" has the ingredients.- - - i - -k e 1 " "h. ...Address!: Da vSi Hf-HILTONi CincinnatL 0. 1 1 O 4 Rt iome-.i Agents wanted .' Outfit' p JL& and terms; free, -RUK ;"& CO,,. Augusta i liaiaes f t..Hiisi. tan iy en j-j.. i.--.: ft 0 7'i FIRST GRAND EXPOSi nDNoI the Trademen's Industrial Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa., opens Oct. 7, closes Nov. 6; Address A. J. N&LLIS, Pres. T. L L : ti l ' ' :r u . : ; . ' - r 1 1 j; ;- : ? .. OOf a day guaranteed ueiug oar ! WellA.ua er & P Drills. , $100 a month paidtb good agent?. Auger hook free. : Jilz Anger Co; i at. Louis, Mo. j . You flail, Make,'$5000 . In 90 days in A ;4 . Stocks. iMy System is. Safe; Honorable and Simple, j '. . Pamphlet Sent Free to All. W. IL WEEKS, Banker, 178 Broadway. NeW York ! Stocks beught snd told at the'N. Y. Stock xchaii"e. TT A TVTTPTi Asents for the best selling W iiiN' AijJJ Prize Package in the world. It contains 15 sheets paper. 15 Envelopes, Golden Pen 1 Pen Holder, Pencil, Patent Yard Measure, and a piece of Jewelry. Single package,) with elegant prize, post-paid,, 25 cents. Circular free. " - ;' , . BRIDE & CO.. 1 I-' :7t9 Broadway, New York., i ! Clft film RQYAX, HAVANA LOTTERY Dis-J jPJlUiUUUt tributed every fifteen days. 1 j 1 prized $100,000 I 1 prize.... $30;000 2 prizes, $25,000 each.... . L.50X)0 854 prizes, amounting to ..310,000 ' ' Wbole tickets, $20 quarters, $S twentieths,: lj : ..Circulars of information free.: Prizes cashed. , ;.. A. DONA U & CO,, Bankers, Post-office Box 208!. - 21 Park Row, Now York, j ,-5 Royal Saxon and Brunswick Government Lotteries i i constantly on hand.- . ' ' "' I i ; : Heaitliy, Pleasant Glimate. 1 1 Homes and. Farms cheaper than any-- where ' and' on easiest terms as i .f!';;',. ! i' -:to payments. . L . For Circular 'descriptive, of South : Eastern Ar kansas,, address S, J. MATTB,EWS, Monticellq,' Ark. r-ii-'y ; ; . ; , $rfrj PER VEEK aranteed to Asents, Male : I t and Female in their own -locality. Tetnis and OUTFIT FREE. Address P. O. VICKERY & i CO., Augusta, Me. tfjc TO (Jt on perday at home. Samples worth $1 4D J 1 ipU free -STH.SO ft Co., Portland, Me, , ; i fcpSYC!HOMANCY, OR SOUL CHARMING." : "" AV: HOW either sex may fascinate and gain the; love and affections of anv Derson thev chooee. in stantly. This art all can possess, free, by mail, for ! Oracle, Dreams, Hiats to ladies, etc 1,000,000 sold. za cents, tosemer wiin a mame umaei . jvDtian A queer dook. Address T. WILLIAM ft CO., 1 t i . : ' . Pub's, Philadelphia, ii oct 9-dw4wks. : '' Ihfelice. A SPLENDLfD ,NEW NOVEL J3Y AUGCSTAJ jt. jiVAJNa, autnor W -tjJeutafi,tit. ,tm&, FAi, etc The last and best book ever written by this popular author, and one of the finest fictions in the Knglish language. Every one must rea4 it. Sold everywhere i ti. W. CABLETON ft CO.. octD&.WJLw ii Publishers, New York. JLottery. sETeryTHteeuDays. 78Pitesamduatingto-"J;;.:.' ...i.;. $450,009 il, . of,i..i v...i 100.000 oil i :ibf.;.;i:l-:j.v.v..iJ-.iit.-.-- 25,000 1 " r Of..... 10,000 2 6f': 5,000eacb, .;......':. 10,000 10 "j "r; of - j,008 e,.ich(li..il t .... .; . 10,000 so or. 5m f-ick.;. :.:.r.:..::.: J4.500 UT.. ot J ScOeaehi-. jl'.: 166,000 , (Jl'Wilars-with f nU informatlcri scot ? , Ticket! for sye by ' ; m -. p. C. DEVLIN, -ff 'jin i :vt 5 tationv snd General Aent. . .may TpdAwly,! 4 30,Liberty st. New Vrtfc. . ii TVcWtdtY, JSe w ? Jersey. XTOWSG PdlNTEitS AND. SETTERS OF THE -Fiiisl Strains i : i :Dogs4)roken thorOTigyy for fOV: Eor fall p .Ucularsaddrees.f ; "".-"'' .. ": ij anar a5Wtr 333 x n Newton, luiw Jerfeey. L.?.,..l .' ...I : ! ? 1 MbTALLIC CAlJTKIDGB,': MILITAET,1 BUNT v,. i . ? -, fr. f !:! , INQ AND " CREBDMQOR" , RIFLES EXCEU ALLOTBERS IN iACCU- ! dz.'.iMdi Ikacy.s ferRENGTii ,:axi ! Premature JDiscliarge. yer jDccurs-; Xrery Rifle watTant-d"- aobd 'shooter.7 Calibre 40; 44 find 50-108 of .ailnandoTianyaesiredieiigth. Charge orpawdsKtoowtolOS jswiW: Weight of I balls froit, tS0 tS40?gr&in& Syk jdain; also 'PeepffilghtV; eitilfer'.;wfth intercbangoale front am- 1,1 PS RIFLE COMPANYj Hartford, Ccn. i-i r s' IL IiiiStore andio iAraye. tT i I .nfliA SackslLivcrpool SalC f J Barrels S.'IL'S' and liewuneam'MoiJtfBes.uy ti-j I. A Half B&MajM cSnuS, S?iil octnaAwtf v r.TyypRD. CROW 4 CW .f5o'.i:.t it,"--.. EEW,BT4LDIu. ,0 North Waler betweeft.' Chef uht, Mber2 Streets, wuere ne wui oa . pi easoa ro see uus n sudntomtn;irUJbi'8?ViCC'a j 1 " sights , and windaage. JBrery'yariety, pt !fnxunitfcii for'aoV gnns; cenrtiry ItfaficL f. dices' &&o't& ieisa. I ii:mid.-viiixAtYsl.nlrs'strlMe .1 XlAS RTTMOVED.'TOc. '.-T-; : -III. :.v;:;.t