r r I ! ! , 1 9HUXUnl9UU4 1MU1 $1.50 a YeartofxlvajxpQ, j I Year! ,-.'! a 6c ' ?? 6 Months J g e t-t , ! H V 9 Q a 9 m a M M K Si u a teeot. .H 4 J ii .1 ti i. '1-' s.1 SUoatha r-. t ijlrliill t i 7 r r1 1 ? m ai S x L.weeit I : lij."uJ ran a, ...! i ODtaunoa m ajime cities, aa in puny or the. larpetowns WotideTtBiB perfectly Bafft1 ana ina nest means 01 ranuziuur nity.aouara- aytttem, wnich went Into effect June la W fere i verysafe means of aenolny email shto of hjo-t &a mit9 Pto.HwiBy uruera coonoibti easily obtained Obteng. ti BeaittM fee. as well an postage, tiu 6aii in itonpi at.the'edce J where the letter kaanedt kttm wlU beliablW?! to oe sens to toe ue&a abetter Of&ee. Bw ad jlx th4 itampt bbili for yettagk fend tetrUtry, put :.h thwumetjmiieattiketUr4m, the prmakeS n t to n In- this way are rnt our risk. ' o ? -"i:i5ifVT no Iiu; Jt&o p II Fa rac. TTjITT ; tr i ft no Clubs oi 10 or inbl sttbtsebTsvhe J year, pe!4offjKutrtetty W a! Botii!'od an'd'eMi snbciiTers toayr At Uie aboTejpricieaj tb.; WpB? .Stjh $s, tblnfc the cheapest paperj in the Stat tod 4iiieihatlcmi"willl be doebifidiiptviiTeinoiithsv is those whoiha-Ve worked f Of itHstieee6 in the-' . rl.jff - " 'r- j.-.l. past win increase tueir Wortaf tane SPBAKpif BUp AB(D PBjSSDBRC,T The Southern DeocrsiriC role of dictators' becanse it wonla be; jt . 1 a " a ? r nmtatAvo1 hAAn nan r tAn!i rA -1 so.-f sB at 1 tbfev .will obafdlr. fcrtb their ick an bvbotsMtl: of .. their , interests with those ,pi .. a I wing of the greatonserdve pj ot iceJNorrawiiinatttraHjenngifiera ual thepmoU of 1 immediate and coward a4d,kaiSoutbenei5i so-ofr-i: tion. but W Wsfce.' Urtns with such kn man'ks yefiaBfaralMi&an' persoaallj jipexeejajw d eme arefn1disFOsed Ibi fergei thctHe? chivalrio1 Pelaw,a'teaaiiVeFdif- ferea.fronv 6s. on the jnjPQrtaDt.ques-. rhe 'Sdakership-itfjeiiiaBgred sotdei ?Vffif7 9tU Ot'JtSS 0U Vi '1 fit nonrese mpxiSDWtiose dtery f fimgv On te 9ohbana wWtee lbe sPfe.ePPieoaaT?M llandalX(1fqr:idnguished merit as well as for- geogwi!ieai - cotisidera- tions, the next Presidetif1 irittsltfe; Trumbeioi.iUlmejty weaid Aiuiwz The inUresteof tfaeiSontb demand the lareesV'WriserirSs ' rf (cbanset: and the ablest; stMtegT.uombmad1 with' Hie mini iai iph ttf'fifniiiinn in ac. tion .i SbWfieArlOcratV,!h,td6ni gress pugo dnf thing to disinte- party, but thH iuto foTtrt 'that manliness fnb4 serf-mterWs't Haysome Speakersbjfv aq thaV qaesAiop wUi.wi doubtedly hkreisemUim' lb dewith the Preside trtiaTnomiiiatjbti beit yeri The -RiehmolirfiWwAwhil8 tW bulPae" -WrMWffiWffll " banks fiare ha wired milohf f -circw u latioen4ignimifo1nt "And yet we see wn'atareealled hard- -i.t oliwiu fcTiitl rune.. - M immediateBresiibtias dd4IUd'iri " over the pVyeleiCeJ io samolrrt "fieiiev1 tBaofihtr'd letflheH i " is'liyFifafial lb'Tesd'pilh.l?lwii're:, Sinarle Copy J year 'tMistaea paid, iljftt 11 n - -' vizi ; '1; i1 1 1 J 0! "ii;ilBIarnt ill hwiiiiixi. . w I. 1 t .rr i r. r r . ; aisasxisiYesummiofl t-6petae i! j.. j c...u vmenu.'-'tiirowiDS ;awiv an xneiri L:jvrta IO: : :I-'.V;.U ?'K" -,'V'a-,fc"J,&:- ' i iiijHifjx-i v.fr jJiiaTrTrrTnTii'i iJsi o 4iJi5i3 iij. : 1.1 ill.; j .-.i.d it: '.-Iff J .jlwjra'JOfsN'jvi iithey tame: v npro inpro is in rmnnn mna ;i.ijtnn ) mj-'Ebo'jBil i;Ki-i.VJiS Viz? a ; ere, nui9t bo -some; n re. ja, a: time- don't kqw,that!wj& eel diap,Qaedr vthisegmtanuto slcry 4 eta? ylaffiier?stMred Wshoibiir aft Avain maala o3y5,tp e xamideintrotbef acta) coo-: Ineeted with'thewhiskey.frauds, which were nuLuriuuBijr cuuuacieu ana P Itected 1 f rom'Trtioir ein ttsVarider - no! p eipher.i .which j: are: before n them-1 jwarnfriW thief distfljery bf 4nis Uyf 4 hefrimmioiiirt dalafierebased'' peraona possessed c Only Bristovand brant knew of the Me that were (b pe 'takbn,'' add aa ' we kitniw that vthpse; MCTals of 'warning wire5 not' eiveaby iJnstow.they, could only have come from Grant or one in S hi coijfidvnce. The whole co u utT; ,1 heref oreppoi n ts already, Jo. the notpnoua Bgibqx-l,j irdPOBTANT. j A 0 .- PKCCH A( toBrOAR rt A Wrtefht AC ill c trt. -It'iiaa bees reeentldisbOveretf thatT- certain pTants TibV bnly- catth'-afld menu bjr srrbeeii8lagbuAt&t'hV wuKJo tDe Human stomaen "pertormt ? A'f ew months Jago we" were ; looted f if r rr V .-.J iiA T "j tjook the story aaiittrlcamelo fensibr what it was worth, that is 'with' sev ;4ragr se and jre suggest to the farmers of l North aroUn.vtoviaeeif tlhis revolotionr ean pracueat Denentio bflbelasi !esWrwherro1eet1ta8 b4ti a?iaL' faete. conece4cwithJtr -b'utiMrDar Wri7 to hi-" InseetlvarOils1 Pkttt8i toVfirse tfobfi to tolcisalledr nrdSlo wbleK ib& . 1 f rAmeniadirom Canada jolirQrraiidel lc it in 18JB0, aihiBib'(obntrvfd a ppmmenced .aMaerieioSabojeateceie pLrimentsftuei reMiItf 1 hU-fe be piant Das mue,-almost uo root, auu la Ft '.I ilfA-'t :.os L-u4 .- sdstaiped feyie. insects, that flight; opJtSajoiliexeKjltlrerivesi.ilsJ bpetioal name from the.liueriagi I'd j-op wMeh 'shine on its leaeW''iafterfM 1 KasrledHhe:onIghtf defw The leaf, as soon as it us touched by ,lhe smallest insect, begins, tp . elevate itself, and -gradtrattyforeeB its -prey IDt?J.!1ie. c.eire o ate Plant!U ff12 peapnienbn .i a? ,r caref lyand, re-.-peatedly. observed by J5arwmu -i fl (fj iWe are' not addicted' Ux settsatiohs, 'bit as'tb'isis1 vrtdhed 'for' a'aoeh i Tii5n BcieniinoauLiiornv. auu uaa ueeu r approveu., oy r.ine... svientinc iworiq, wuld it nqt,b?j wU lroie. rotate prisutgifarmer to eee is this, plant eitt f orces a toiithidk bw tia'dserving if. i rw 1 isi faWtibnedp th&aibnimarkablieiK .Wie'X'iOfiaa-a Bmaii pw", J;V,f ferows in a limit gdaid'mt tig t-in North JCaroltaa. 'Tb a plant reerred to U1 ""g ciooituu iesumuuuu yfin come VinpafieRjnid gold. t S-ra W "!on t ' i r s a n mlAn. c.:j-.: Jaau oC oar.opeiUBtr.ieivtuiH tes ans - fHPJKj 1 iniib',iifwinHiH'r.ii"iniimiTiK vhiiimiiih finin m ill sa U7 uru uiirLiinniu in BAnnnnv al fiobMrdslnpinlis lrn ffliWmWif !' aal.whoseaame I -.) 1 . H J4iii rH-filrT H'll-JlliVilOU t L't 1 iStlli'l lllt 1 .l.!,H) ' fiiill .l . i j .4 ?otwonotegOai:fflmyign ot rideraioflJWd1ratrtnde'u td f?,rf-.t..'r: AV.) yfX, ' M 6! iu.' "'A '7 . j Hf the.f'fly-catcber"- or Venua fly trap" w uicw .grows cnieny..-wo oeiieve. in lt i would De impossible , in our ami- :uu pace to quov some oi, iur. A-arr win s most ' lnterestinp; parasrapns. We have dnly endeavored f o gi ve bur by redmg the work. .Apbii eritio cili&Volutrie sayn fWe reeoaimeod alty te those' who;are ihctihed yus-MrPfPafni9 5 f.TOffJ'WflWi instrate so conspicuously hg.,tirelesa ,iad.o!5trynwrtb ;whiclr, beyaecpmubites facts andihe extreme care with which! innards his concWsiOnsLH '0 miikiPV TTBAPIMaOIVIffG. rItte gillatit 5gItaten iT7issippt1 be,ii)lessed.;dQ::ettuish rid Qt 'the jcormorants who were consuming her UfesWce. uBefofe thVJnlon1 of States she , stands toTday 'the' p$er jf I .- . . Jiii...! ;; s .-ii"ri.'.Mi, ! Ti y r t Jtnmn AirjiiAnd, leV. Qo ribald jest be, kuade f fater thAnksgiving jBoagSw u So ittle'baa sKe sung late 'ber:: Voice WHfWKeTS tfine ' wfthTtle others, put ner - smgiag . is , neany, ana ?ree f-Liimi --.T.;T.i,Pi iYM,x.i .y.in.H, V nevertheless. ' ! -r; ,if ,.: r -- laX , Chairman i of vtbe t Mississippi pemoeratio State Committee has 1 is' ued ari address asking' the people of . - , " si :.f- f ;'. ! t. that State to unite in the 'observance pj; appropriate riigioua pereiqonie ft;th0 Thanksgiving ,Pay appointedii by the President, making the' ocea- sibtl one:of Special praise- and thanks gfviWg forthe dfefiy 4,HiejiaHIwell .aa-ope iorvvpajngB tiviiie.lilehig upod their ; effdrts'.-JUtl ial anVl -moral advancement ; i i : . !.. i i l r. t i bfljr ad dress f Advocates ( moderAtion vend magnauitnity toward ' the ': de ll feated party wEoliaveroaght such disasters upon ttbo otate,' deprecates, tiie.exhtbitian .ot rany a . prejudice against frawJ urcrea an ' improvement hladoptirbfy&c 'tfi jfewiy eiectedVgisiaturej as' shall place Mississippi, by a just aniL wj?e pptivy, ill Jier- imrroaii jTTiaiioiiH i wunx. the oilier taleaf Uhe Unibn lod Witb-tlimbe'ral'uTerhhiitw-nere' 1 xry cue may uunuivutc uvi iuii oiiaio 4.6 the common glory and prosperity! of 4heati6n.? n - w-i Wi'tiirf New0 Tork cootempoWrV,' Memaysay.? tiie people of Mississip- thespeeUeblka;whitoavoidiDgr All entangling: alliancea with disrepa tiA(s iiegre) and earpet-bag politicians.1 ihate won r- a' I splefidid' y fetory;! which tley Evidently idtend iW iiHproVb by aauoieus' aiid fcotisbrvative iuseof m 1 . 1 l a-.! v .'.rr! I TUB PAHiSa?IHBmHitlO. . . The ad vices printed yesferdat Sre; e miSUML. . tf,--.'i!l .it- ,.i i.r .wli Uiis stated thaft j the naval prepara4. Aft) us ardmore.: the result ief .ontui gUeles likely 10 originate in Spahr ltia mpire4 bt5An popularity of an offeusiy jqpyement , ygatii8tlhe--UMUwb.9Wi'WW would be -adeb as to.'tieSl Hl 'bftterconflict which disturbt'the hrternal peace of tH kiogdoai,- and that ft 4i aV H tera sentiment of hostiutyt6 tne UMted States!- wbicbi bjigat' at "PPSf? yentuateK.in, ,pe,.waTii.a 'state Of tbingn - which' we . honld !be read? ito tneLi,..d t.! 1 tu ,i i (And thau we supposevis all there iaj of; if excefit 'thedream! f f a' third"' .ttnii 'which "we kri " iatlattedl'la all' " .truaiu iuu uutmui eine. rr e . trrr' , Ptdfv HenryE.' rihepberd delivered Y-,b nsfj -!.!' y ; pfULuwj'.n a in BaltithOfe' last WdnbsdaV.'1 'TbV t i ( . 51 - JH . Ml'" limn lf-- y-'H iolina. Weyeo jcaore proodothaa 21aryi Hibnbwafa jdwrnedj iluminou JTand ti--nu-irif lulj-.I'OiiLao adill7.nm ar pawenui criticism jp.pne pi- thMllustrtoW'Sddthl-rn ptwt.llus. t)4iiBainoas3puinern7 poe,.utts. igraoefoi laagnagd andcontaroieghera and there passages pfWgufejeaiity and md eloquence u jjO .n . . v I klienatoe'W rejoice .i AnBible s information through, th very much' regret ottr-inabilirv'Njl-w.Jt teprinV .the .Aplpnda address .xf 1 tie'State rapetsiibrSimenikbUcatioabCav 4UI CUCJJUCIU O UUgltMf iUUVHU01VU j .MjM,ir -rr :m . Tl T TiTmr-TT The Raleigh aremaAlnfe'ori thilfact' i that last; Weeli 'i weVes9el witB 4,Sli bales ioiecatottjeiearei ftrnmjhiIpoh .direct fori) aaia , urvniaKl ilandJiityS rgeyeawarfow,; loadtng at tbejonprsawhafC witt PJtoUj ;ior roreign countries, iks this is encour- ugiug svr ui)wc n w wjivvv fi iiuuiinni una ja rfeBlItiy6 u?4a'iM irJ'ne69eigif trade; V' We JaTfflcaw.wcbufagedi Jinj thst oeuef ;by u rteit taatitet torftwe week T cotton 'and naVal. stores. Sod are likew iftl'lrtth t -t ,'. T t!1 ttll:hl.'ritul Will A J ecetviarrinrdCf .irom '-loreiffa rtjoubtrres MVmm WrBalklisef fertlHfers? strata, '-iftcjla axchangaJiwe feel qaite tfrtaiaiftatiOPt progrew iajlhis directiotiis. dpi Jifiyr. ta lomacawaraj wjuie: pur jneT, phiots continue togiveaigpod satiefactipa. fo"mustoniers a$ al'present and while our fa- ;eofla 'Soatlathe jeieuaei;aadct ngt ( tfaftlexchaiige wtiBueia51yx'ti'iin-5 cteaBe wOo cotloa :ipt4grth.year. it 1 . . ..Tl A. I - ' luan ia?jear. ana, so i&r-aa we can earn, pld customers and new seem pleased With ihe'treamienitheyr tbtr,busi&ess is transacted at oor ettttbe- accessibiJiry f of , the iaar borl flhe f 'ilapr vei tenjA.ijkelplMio fered .here for obtaininff charters are mak ; g .w ilnjington more and more a favorite I if att the facts,' we believe oi irresentburl told Its owaend bicria&M-Mo Iri'n ' m m mm " , i'.'I ''-! i'-iVf .:t.; u o ,-4i,ii iUilJ it" 'f'. The colore Fair. , i.j f ;.-- FiiV!raifcr1ay ndustrial Fiuir ' kssoclsUoVdliavef toe' ollowinv in reference kj'te progress of j mparations for the approaching fair: i At a meejtipg of the Board of "Directors. fietd last night Jos! cJ 'Mi Wau eflogg cEBinrjpni f' te:u:rHse sabscrlpUeiit lor bremiunW to I Ik'.fkWnrtletL ; t A meliei?' W. nrivatA hnerii' f ibKrase kef pers andciizua;vvho msy.be. I:abe to entertain someoftbe crowd of vis- liors wno are expected to -ue present irom L sflfafta1 bf tne StaYe ill portly be cahf f . . - ..''. r m UVthe Bbara; 9U:w tbfl io ;fu?i:d H be.BoaidliaTe Becorecbtlie servsosebf'. thf-il'yffievaiB9;ftnBJo:4eim; IT-J-. . a ! A -1 aL cjament on. tbe third day oil the fair, alter liylSi? -yaau; si j at t: f the carpenfs areWow hdsfly if wVut aV GiblimlxjdgeJ preparing staHsfebeds an cMpa ; toti iihe i ae ima to he exhibited jnwi f ue fairies uiua , sr, ;m. 8U lae qe? pkrtment8, camo from the Vetera part of ,J i,,L"J I 'i- H Sji. i'i fit--'.' ' . 1 Haoy little scboql chila'.arelmowif to' be at wk DneoariDiT Riatbematical rohi lems, compositions,: eta, r 19' compete J for tliagold premiums, offeredJind. nnmeroBS letters are daily received inbuiring in refer-, cute wpeoiiuuis aau maaing entries or ar ticfeS for exhibition: 1 F - I ftUi .. .... tV ai I . .; . ::,!-, ii .7 j Lawyer- Bryan, 'col, tire particulars Of whose Crime and trial we bsve heretofore givennras huag at Beaufort pa. Friday last f Or the, murder of Mr Michael .Langley, of . Xllew in ay,' 187T poli. the, gallowsl Bryan made a iujl confession of his guilt. -He Was a mere ybuth 'of it at the' 'time' the j oiurder waif cotnm4ued,' and the evidence against him was purely circumetantlaL -'The ito:Kas removed from .Onslpwi countyuto Ckrtf re ia.whlch"hjtter te'waaeQjTied, a4d sentenced tb.deatbV but'from one' mubo ot uiuuiu uut uecu ; uiicu limes ic- pifo'eX3r6vern6ri however,1' refusiog iu NwricH 4 uruier, - oiyau ;oa nuay; ex piated his crime oh the gallows.: 'i. Jtfimtna-tom ana the west.1 l - ,,ii')':5 r copying aa article fiom pxit paper on h tops. subjecV which it . calls tBoaiaess4ike' pit,n the Greensboro Patriot says:- Wil mlneton never ; had a oetter oDDdrtumtv jie8Cnd her of "securing raHlroad' ConW Mn with: the TTest, and We belieVe befpeof pib ui reqpami promptly waea the AUDject t aid bef ore theaUj VVyilmingmn OugJV to, the shipping port for all this section, and the only reason why it is Bet to lbe .Want ttf tf frec raUrpadeogamiiicAti ; bnoiii a. ailife.9iraiJraoI im rfTotl .11; sistir lele?abhe'df hire' ti have her arresleuj ifcfenttotf -etBaia waVihafil to 'yterdky' pdpBrviwj(tibaad4aa hoirm3bi BOwba Tie Jiame of the! naforinnate Wutnao' . who . ' trbm what we can learn, is evidently not in 1 her right mibif; H lianrafKhrg1it:'' LAoui '' tbe 'State - papers 1 ;by!itbev pabUcatib paragraph; which, ealcolated torea.tke Impression thaheinpyibasdefau X t . . S ' " .1.., ilil ddnk'holds a' feW'feoqdi:oa'wWdh"ther' Is I r . lit I . i ,oorporaiioa refuses to pay, for the . reason. gwaraiiqwaauagju ,f f ai bavttteffigebees frttfaemBeThind Pain, rthicbliaabeen iarogiEBt at Fayette MliH4urii?SihP PJiweekijiioiffSpeA itba number ef Arsons' la1 attebAanidcr baa' 1 beeqhiteJirgei especially oaiThursday, wbicbx w.UhiPa, as Aha priaclpal day -Ilbf ft!mQnp!moM, ram herescaDe from Lianrinbiirc. and whose tothe Guard UouM..0'eXToV&ff18S, Wufffed" bWlW RW, a.eerte'er r i. J 'i 'iL 4wT J v- P see f art ever produced in this country , 40 ir t fniflOi r1U?tbafS S At d raHytwortbofte MMiagSi.ft.bdTe ! od biistafesl, hWb:slsteribeW,unry a ut ition otlbeArUsUi ut, jayrlqoDmi,fteo1 distautlatiY,ndbt didEihdDie4.U i ve notJ1hodgnt fust to ibe amateur 'aud tfiatHshe nail written 9 there fo? money. F-in Floral Hall to brinir lieaiJnlQx;oniDelif .1 !' mrafod lJ -Ihuuh: " As we nnderstand It. ana our information. im n iiti a rvmiTiiH Kiiiiii:r: sir. n i - . iniinr. itb&titha tympany rias a large ciaim agawst Mt. pnderdpnk and considerir. br an . off set TAttinthd kfkiVa 'amount or interest will ceisrul one.1 The display, of articles on ex-Shiftokwas-ae'rV WW while'1 J ;jti-t Wrf'lo1 i i-rv Sr1" 1 ' .4 rJJlvAiJi Lg'ViM'-f tJ Cenelasloa of tne PrcuUm Uat. 1 ! eTfie foUbwlHifhe gonclosloo of thg JietjoflpreManis Awarded at iheolata Ilaiti a'FCTbbjstiaxeja Eli Smith. Shoe Heel., for barrel fine keeiipfomal baeij ioij aa tioiij pcxssz liMoiaqiti VUf. Uohaaon & Elwell, iWJhjiitetoajtote M toman and barrel chair, certificate. . : . -ues B nurcbisopv wiraungioH, nneai9M P!j!?flwdware,,owcAte,n'fty2 f, yrJ John Dawson. wUmington,., Best, and arcaVdisDiavef barawerei eiDWma.'" 1 play of furniture, diploma., - r . . 1 rs. Koaeersi' xnonoixv ' toy - iurnuore CLASS 3. Giles & Murchison. Wilmington, for 1 TA - I-i I- 1 15 ..i-i w ;ft.. . : v. i . -.. ' t . . i bafaaaimc bejertfd Mrt? teUiUvpavlhii irfti JlCate; i'.'y--ryiiS' r'':?Vre:.:7'VrI: i j '" ""6vm, I 1V,trfe.t Emit wwgu aau-uiauc , vex VLUavc: -c. djiek knd cafrlai'ek moinavS t -Wm. Bethels for; flB tjarcet , M WfJJkW bestSpecimen'b hatfd1 display of buggies, diploma i-P-WS- ,c.H;; f.rl tidnerv ' - -. r I T T-.ii t n.viw.UTi mrf&itai - 'L Pi fierf 171teDittAfbti largeW ind;handsome8tidiapJay lboksi aadAta-i somedisplsjnof :wltMPng diploma 'll.faMStm vt4-.;w StM s-io Evans & YooGlahn, Wilmington, for fine isplay'of bootstendhV!eSirtifleaiff., 1 fine display of harness . diploma? "k-, laQdsoa)e:a9tieQ bmrjry .lairaesay bertlfleattii ff 'dhef BaawLior fine Hisalav. of nhooU iaad " bEjLsTiENT E-ciiAss L, f , f GtyJttnftauWanlm ,W. fr gooiey,j! Jumbertop.ofyoribestJfet r.Tffri o n ii i i9n ip DirfiKi !f;Bi inin..' ;i't .1' -- --"-. :-i.tJ. ------ fde)odyAfwgatls,? mPimSw TnYtrrh thai and corabelletJ -dirlbmakf Lain Scony The same, .lor Smith's' feed cutter, di Dloaial tiiToi 'Suunz m Rn)ivTJ: iSlZVffimm.: wuaa auj a a a piuuiai - j Tbt ;&aroswo plantalion bsil; cczdcate. i The same, fortbe largest and hest.dphm aaon5!.We'5a.I,-? . 1 Un2U& amiiiijccpL'o.iiwelL ttxiur,cei5-.'l imcaie . I - i I . - nificam h 1 The same4o.:40siffrieiW.eam ;ir, v jif VAauinu a. vbvuvj ay. w,vu uiou" I 'trgg: 4?'ysM 4 tujuv ....v.. w a vmuv, ii uiiiuikwU uv 9. vrtsu- It Gea Alien & Co.. Newbero. best Plowai l j lao sauic, uay triHiuaie. - " i 1. 1 Uecianiej Jpri3y guano diatttbutdr,! fCobbVPloma. j . ' " ;i " I i nesamei'iorrYvare piow; oomne cuter i ne.same, cotton scraper, diploma, . - -A a' WcMniaiii-Teachtey'srcottbtt' &-f Mrttfln.ta ' i f . v.. .- ll.j'i . t . i,yi:'.j: c;-aaai-l.btu yd 1l ?Hatd falriremainm thfe'hahds'bf Mr. JasA. i i V7UC9,. BiMiuuw'-wu, nJu,,P5lV4 lfw;,,irniaTU,iuie' isupennienaem,"aBa-'inay''Be 8 rTim aameiifoVrnli ffcWiWr. uonntr macnine. certincaie. - . . i ceniQcate. -r. , , a,., sif-f 1. t - ! i I iEHe City Irbn WorkiL Charlotte, for best I -portabler engine arsaw'muirfSO'and JU !The'sanie.'f1brl4Wcoto diploma then H. hHmi:9jf mtt The Bain f dr ronndW acrolt aawom- jbined, diplomA i J ..f. Jd uvi UV6UJ JV w j ivi ao OHaut UKiug I if or agricoJuiral parposes, fSOiaad tredaL;M I ,H!koQiUican.nimitmair for qdmiatnA4 - ijxicnois ob uro, Auaata, loriorce-steam I , lmwir VitfWW') jSsl IU huiiiv). ' 1 jxiigeiew a w-ij ewiiaven.,voan,, lorxin ; ..jj-j i Wtrtahl stoafti orwrTno rfllnrrto? ' T i 'T" I "fliitlS irlVen Of ? ill. M. Watson, iWilmmgtonir COTmiBlai'Otr!K ture Bi;uwnnr.niii-nggFO. tKnuwaw. a -i -; i Pi CfeerJmrre lo-im;ii siilMv e Company, Kal-; utiowe csewrncfiiiacnine Cromnany. xtai-1 r(2hA besAmarJuneIoniifWHtA fihcrt. for rtMnMi - i jSainue ;fotipode1balen 3ud iK-iibppxB.'tiitiiT yjjrts fenoieivoj a PHVtoarfriWaHUaana lidn' Whb the" work of tbw master, and 1 diHorlcomBie-ainfia eewifloaw oPxoeli f epce?0 W8, PftWV.PftrHV, a tollows? 7 r " " - . I Bdflrs.sacerd .Aafrialisa1oll pamU ,1dPl. -".S- & lnnt,Bi. , r. j; .t y I arrssIky Mebrkeca; best1 oil painting, JParker & Taylor, Wilmington, for fine display of okiog atOveaC and heaters, dl- t FTKa ttttii n, Ana jTisnliiv rJf . Vnnii.(iir. nfeMngfeooxisS tettifi eipa. " U..&. J. Johnson, Wilminzton: Aeenta I fokYVel6r&Nyilsea iiieMacbiueC' ' I , rrbo.ppmS)ewg!ATaii4 Aitrl lOinn Aria dunirfnwnt . rrwutfnl1w lebetti astAfrbe A. J - " " Pod Wilmington enutled "Uisbt t Dark- a Mrs. Cicero WJ Harris, best collection J .ntlratfti-Wrtii to'' dlWorhn!'1 " ' 1 Jss L. P. Henrv. Penda beSb.dVcssK.SikMebkersto' Ibicrayon, No. 87, diploma. I . - MissEUie GTafflin. best drawing in pen- 7 eil No 29 1iniimA...j -;';, 'I, t.oV. . t a, ,T . ' . Jons Wrrzusa Atxxnbos. fitlJ IJ1 tW-rt" 1 kinvu' a PEP ABTMENT lOnAfa .JL UT-tVl d liY.nioruPBiupaia.qBW i u lo sWybaMai-t jri i.rf all !?SacSSaW! S tTalniTKiariFBP i tuat fllllikv nf nhnln. 'JJBUVfilU-1 I " 3d vio sJiBajnmaaw.?ttvi uanu ii fut J30' f f ?-!I 4fi ioiliitOO- Jifti lii A n SfOD HI'U ' till t jj: j::Mi ti."i'..' v ji .uismtiviiinrTa ebrbw&'eddickt AtuminiiynPforxine dispiay pi Uneaebiris, .AeeiiiScato. M. iL'.Katz. Wilmington for bsndsome J lUplayeiali'awls abd -tableeovs. certifl i pawqu. Bai niifi .jo2?9nt-.y oo9-Tt03 ' J i i3oL.xiear ss jjro., :wumingron.,ior xiis-1 -To lira. Cvnthia Hedriokj If. X Dinel-f facers special premium of ,$15 worth of sil Werrer best bbmlMnade nat.?fi-pMa(; Sallys speqial premium of 1 barrel flour Tor tfgfetMfiBp&y of brea'dfccF' i'-li'yi ia7g8taifipiay 01 oreaoiSxj.' of home-made articles, on " Hihton's special premium of.l barrel Elm J Grove floarai'i 4 'iij-my w r3Rjjj-3j J Miss liula Grant, J. H. Allen'a :apecial premium ior est ioai oi Dreaa By. an un married JadvaOiw3via ?i.a ni Tr.J3r 'xrr rr-. ' -.-- i hV 6irTnnifria 1 febwtfSoaapepM fej5t i oeMspepimen pxawcuawonD Mlal vn&pf ra hb MvihtMktrm: Irir hmr r girt unaer xo years., . . . . , . . speciaptemium1 T I TA Fntmg byra girlandesaflyjjars oldm fill i i vuaries xoruou, x ,cppy. ol Mwenxna v& l kffi leatiifbr bt Bpecunea haad-vrritibg I VJ?iAJmvi ifiar iii ..;!fu I - aa v hav anrmv IICvmim J. ; f w a v m u.;n in. u r a - m i x. xxcuiy, xji. npu opcvi , po-. mtems (fori Jbestv soec':ma bt;woefeT?otk 1 wuasrtiltais vaiec. juii Th ojlpwjng (prices j.ruled, xest$rday,- liuwj" 18 ' enttpef jiMuVu; butter40iS3 tMWv..u. t4q?. Kocf "tfW7i1 Air. nftrnnniil .lutof 'mm. em2 Jl5c. per pound ;f veal, I3i6f ev WfrW ImW peVpoun i4cperpbua( wpte;20ctti rwi :iL J hGLajna,Jiucenxxa pex;iopBBcixm2gp ctaa; quart; m$ilm&ffatfr&BP$&& cte nVdllelS1 10em4per;buifctf ; 'turnlpi, ID cents . a bunch; . onions, 0 cents' Lai .-jieck;ic cabbages ceiitaxi'a head: boHwna, mrceats-a.wnndiwiui jv: ' -Jjii- rvr V apptesiSOto 60ciper )eckf m&qVnCWPSe SQiCeaM ;aiooa pna- -l , i f y . r I , . "ijp.t ! ev' . pome oi me articles, on exnioiupn at our t .ir- r r.: i;i p"ioy ine, owner, on iappariou aiialHmBa.ji mm: ta.tMavib.-wu.' i i.. e ai? y 117 vu. kAA-. ceznizant of raome eases in former, years lliienttttlsyeaif nave prevented sdch occuT- leea'so far as we havfr heard, bbf tt ia'aaV IiranwwiaTairoie anicjea snouia no eiato MiSOoiJ mmjjil Q yi(ini:lQ tu(n j f 1 1 """"aaw-mw"aai""- r - ittfe Kktatovam'dv-isAlitBsflBiff ithe tofieW'ti a Willed by th IMe t -i laBXB8fATXACHi rrt i'tmi.lri WrgewAims .vrJ .'vil ..ICrliVA.SSO I InlSaTcleral iTW potatoes, newjrish, 4Qc a peck: new sweet 3To! 7ft-- AU.Kf? 'Ojli, -ib 1 C 0TT W. 91 2D cents a peck; nsh-Hroul 25c. per bunch; tl 25 per Gallon or tl a bushel: do. Sound: ThepatrgnageoleHouM ao.mpA aubiect of discussion, that the following 7J-!lt-f..i.O J' 4te)kaepeiwr3iVi:'4& Jlit i ;Xjifi9 Ua?rks,'eaclxs.i. -i-. J.BW rphe Assiatint Clerks iv.. iul . ca. 2,630 y vi, mi. ...-... iv ""AVi ,cau?. -ft .i5ff . i'ii istant Clerks, each,. . ..... 2,100. librarian or tw? xiouse: . . .oo AfcAUt&nl librarian ol, tne Monse.:.,i,.lxU fteffact MteadeaUJocntfiivt J tiyiT UUvlU Ul UVWv 4h-a V A W r. 2,160 ti weimenogRtpnersiarijammnieesu: izuu Ml x-a". a I a . f . . AAA Ciaplain. ...... j . . ........ ...,,. v WO H AgTii'andfv'entilat6.iVr'. ..VtV l.oW JTaree Assistant iBoifjoeeo Yati-Hlifii- lator. acb.. ............ !44Q ftikfrremea W VentiTatdrfeafclilU ! t,(5 TireeAsaisUntMessenitersof Bouse a440 3braiirBiaf-Ajihii AiRg TetteR At rgcantiatArMu i iw 1 MestDger.to, Sergeant at-Arms.,. . . 2,410 Mfest.eoger.tOk (Sergeant at-Arms. . . J,10 aHeawgeTW-KO.r 8eVe Messes sera for P. KX. . t 1 1JKX) lTikf XfM&nirara for D TT. . . .1.800 Tf fyeTM.epsengerS (durjionfSHi - fwi uuwaxcuvio, P A, OieiTe1eglpirCileraWr. ;J!U . . ior ooor&eepers. ............ 1,440 ,200 ..IfCleckitO'OTAI riLut l.W. nt.tma Hnwl .essengwtq ' aye anw jHeaneiv i " 'J,! wenger,tOf ApproprialiQnsi,ftM,;ii5 T, ehry-r6ur,'lAborersV. ::.'rr,1i80 ladiretkvr y i 609 fflrilvWtiM. fill, ini.nrimarA.kfPhttmp t .il in 1" ,f xearu xrotu iRw yuanvwa xaYaiieaaeu auauiu iuwtv."Vtt awuww lMJlWSfcS -9Pir i.b Bviecas JUHX.. ......... ........ x,ow. 'Mtee!er mlclidf Ball?a?. .0 fBe Clerk, Documeat Jtoom. ...... 1,800 'iCfertc oi Speiaei'.'.V. iV. JUyrVCJ 3. . SilOi' rklqr ApDrpflrtations WsSt jUP, kto Ways and Means.,...,.,.. 2,502 ierts Cbott ; Vft ftt .-"aHM) f adaatrlar2'air AaeUrt!?n. t : epproacuin lair or tne colored people, oi- jfered andThanded In to the Boardlbriec- v i I WublthewefcPf rBy Gen S.TrHnpte& Sheriff;,,;,; Five dollars1 In'goM toY thbest4 Spirit Ca&kv liindmarle; tfAhatirililil OSrtiOnr rytS M: ,f Five ae1rg ia5oiajqr tbJECbfcpJe of b;jaJiita.PU s!?0 Jthe em: . ; tt ,j.iaderiitiiBji)W 'Rffetdollara-io gold to the lwy,!W -years i f ageer aaderirhaiiMaeea'fl largest ielSMbTWfidBT aA'ieteef gMaad'; V-. f nade doth by a woman; clothib be hand- r . 'w"t'Ju ior. tne pest specimen i m I -i 'Huogsraisea. , , 3y Aug H. Morris, Chairmau School Committee: - " ' ClMJfijicente in gold for thd - girl Iff years of age or under. . ; ;! t ; yw uwiiofs auu illljr vcaur in guia lor iiie . . t mathematical, problenv ;fram -hayer - 1 "JV -?' 'iiVrj xy atr. a. xtooinson: rwoooiiarainiro d : Telfair.ire (dollarsj r , . hi gold to the female who produces the best ? iliome-m1Wege'an 11 PfcIft Unej frodoUars and, a . - rty cents in gold to the mechanic whopro- -! umleslAabd ; By lEvaoder MeBddei ItveSbllarSiB gbld ' - By Mr. P. W. Poster; ; . : . : . ;.; i ; . Two 'dollars and nirty'cenis In eolil to ihe 'r ; girTterifcyearaef i best EDecmien of Dcnnuunhin. . i . ' . , Two dollars and fifty cents, jn gold to girl under 15 years of age for the solving of j-a rnkthematlial broblem Id Abe 'shortest I space of time front text-book? ? r ? : i Tyodjllafa and Jfty centotagqldctlie jgu-l nndej- years. of age . xo has atlendedi '--i school tberioreatesfcnTmibe&of davtrdnrin? tb8efejrif74 to teriMreertificati 4 ;I . Cqmpetitors for tbe three last premiums ; to live iu New Hanover county. t ), Mr. " Greenbufgl 1 Fipe' dress, pattern! of calico for tlret scraps buil his ' By Jas; P.flreen wS'doHars 'ind fifty cents in cold for.beg&riada Donts.. I The premtumlistls suuopih attlie office - Lof tb'eBoard bfDlrectb rl.!.' . ..i. L . . . . ' . :i . nuxpws iwiejiiejreuxT : ?J JJ?t3 4 : ! ; ; r ournament are requested .to hand Id their naaieM'fo ChSa jj deaporJ the Secretary.1 f j Tie oar &aow; b?ily j?reparing; : its 1 programme for publication, and will hold A; meeting. Wednesday to make arrange- , mettts-rfO thlodguig Ofibe visitors to the I TJaeBhellJfaeaj'aaya Pleasure to yisUthkeBterprisiag and tbriv lngeHy,byi tbe;-8eashore ;wo-weeks .back, M'.?eeeive jsome; of the kiodnesses of ts ltizensJ.., We, ; were pleased to r meet .so j many well-wishers of Shelby, and. we assure , . l suefsona iblsacp wishes are' highly ;atopreed Dy is BOJoing a va&i arflobat of business-olid f' We hope that it mayT be Increased ten'fblil.- T ''. Produceir-cdttpa ,f and; every thiijg" of .this Idad, blowing itj acd yet therf rpomjor the kni mprOVemenlslure golngbn, and ' more, xierport is, full. lersnipsmoye , hk ikt heavjiiy laiep wiCu'tie produce Tot J all eeemed' te 4etiiirobed' with a spirit of pemntraAcas newstv' : Hjf'!4itgi: ' ; i i f jTplBliBgJO - ; fqr all of our merchandise; as we now have -ajduIine rxtMtapoWyil; : ' I The r SansDury WeJOthdHi1 whose editor . visited om city during IaLt, calls at ba- H lion to WilmiagtpAjat (JH.P0it0fi Jforlh N . Ckrolina TbatfcJbBaaexpreases the sen- -aibleflpii V port so well adapted to all our wants, and v'eiMrlaaa , bsa'TbrWgb;Wl3tonjg wbcinreacn liarts ofnthetwbridwHh as much' ease f 'aidj;jisfpiMct tniinoajtha Aa . mye pur, trader and $nflnence to ; our own aeapbr cityvand jpius assist in building her , ppinstoof't ! t peopie" ox sansDury ougnt 10 sstd uirvuk j-.--: commbjrtcarf Wfth; Wfl f lAad the Ashevflle C&e is moved withM ? ec niiaendaWefcSrilfcl9 ay: ltWH I aington h? ourpDlychaace to. bnOda State!sl aeaportl and very much depends upon the ' JltbTiaeUnong oimnurs siamr oy xorta varoiina. 5 .1 ' t 8 i " ' "V ' 1 1 aaa 'aa iai T ' i f "-: V The IctbnnpTesiris nbU rbnniBg ref; 1 M alariy ftoai9bt aoors per diy turning i i i5 outdafiyaieyW ;ialesff JeonK M ressedflpinaW; pl?niy;pf,;,!t VanmeeEed." Four laree f oreitfn vessels are ; Mill D.aul.. Wlbaiatt''-wa ? panfl and aaman'more fli expctea '0 '. . .. .1 ... ... .f ....lif !.- . .10 taaexueix piaps woen vucy- obto wnu lkad th1eargoaa';:;' ifjt4-;"'i tTbe' klrf TOir was ' 't very much bleaseVl wit'ihe Fair 'recentW' , ieidinlthls cltyj iltsayavepia- thing' of the ecasien iraa tbeenn&mibf tbe surMr, vlfojpfhe Jebeetai,F Sravv n,nS ud'iuvbrByr one bf m5ttrnblo '4i lMmassfataaU afodcra naea? :&MyitoM Jf I ..) ---1-.J .,J;iM j'lr a UU JU musk uicagauii uu.Htf j , 6 hrkvAanlavincibla men - who are the. . V'Tarbor 'utAerinrr ; Hiek. BMr'k Jdast WNlckTabt thexlevil; but the celei bratedOTedfowo lha sad basgage man' Ibll from hia wson last Friday night, ttouh tbi effects Of which he diedonTSuaday. r ?. 1-nTwo-thirdA interest in Jemfer, f-5 uo kwu-year 01a tnoroegnDreu ox xaikb- j , cpmbei were tesld OrWednesdan' to the Tar lver Jockey, Clabor I Jenifer is en-i f tered for the spring races a Saratoga, Long : . 'Brancblaod Jerome Parlr, i . i: ' tl :iv- f . ,; f--t 1:1- i r IS" r-- f 3 1 -US. -Mi . 4' a i. If f. . 1 . 1 v i -.r 1 ir

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