J,-.a--n,JI.u..,.-.ii....;r. i i iii j i ,i iiiiwkUi w awmamMm l n !!' ' WW ! JaaMn n wnliwr. mini i tiTiaMrrTMnriMMaMUil iMWMMaMnM- ! 't-Ui i Ji m ' j TT 77T-I TTT-prr 1 dJi b n v. .. i .... u vrp'"! i ii ybrwrjiTA J 1 rr- Bishop - Atkinsons officiates. 1 j tp . igSUa Christ Church, Raleigh.. ,--t - I .4a 2uf Lus LoLoar LaliiL TLd&as! Pi-eViiofrainden j jI.;.i!5Cr Jj eonntv. had hla thlo-h hrnbpn .Tucnntlv -. 1 .&3tJieOij:TfJ TOJ 4 w i i . ir xi - i i rv- txi -: w k i a. v .i wi . h: rvi k h k -i-c i. i x uyjjmuiiio - i nrttbuiI:iBura ia4-.?caiaaV rifcA i;ds ArDiOBtraBii 5oNtt b frcljCOioiAi BifTQisi! w ? lusoii. rU!jr w tora urpnan.asyium la ooa week; 'j . . . i j. .. . . . .. . j? .. . u .. -rpi l j j:rr . I -I . . . . 1 ' Ailettet ,-wta .revived., fay ty March alt l t . - - .. - . - '. . on nionsneci nff tbb nlcan" filsCtWaarttef ala aeader-ihis weekba,? reqeDtauveTai-boy.olMassacbasetW, Tice.Tsterdav.fXrom eepfee AYSeotCA . . ; - 'T'Trf' ,f .VC ijtgideclarod that ib Uv eve tit -of any ) WaftPAnite; JP0! hteoHtcalfe a Moat 0 S3 s . m 9 K 4 ae M S a fme. tgentieolaoCj w3tdefxpjrit)J PemocratlieMnadf ju.:iaaiunea!awnt.uie scar, -&an tnmk t&2aUtiiJtYjbiaiiUria. foirarjnbna4lherre-qtn Aa)f0cdDai'-ezpect to aee.it Jq;.BBTxday Mwhfeh nn nTMiime h VMCfintt B: wlliiK 1 " flrtbMMiiW .,;rft-i tiM Tio inViiMn UM.a to Von L at i (W.wpiWH VFBDBCl-ia Ka.-iauar.mUOar, rwr-mrrr.-rr ---ai-wa terfafzaHtfiipoeeA, d i TMSOT-arrr-J-STdT? eThe!mS IOiw'NawrM!5n&l; 1 r4i-f-l retUrnedufrdm; thelWV!raportslhat tie- anUtdiltote'! otalidianai fori tha isas .5 i pstjrptsif of jbrblipitBqnioeKr i i- j T i r i") f0i 't. : jiffratiafprb& T-ijj-ii7..r (.n.i7.(TTr,-Vjwr rj;;r.7rri--i ... ... . .1. . -v. . IT- WJ t.U I -T,7H-- -M.,M QlwWcfeiap.;ia&b N.6 k?-S- S W'l Kassachusetts Republicans will takj the route . between asbia a ir,, , . m:'.m. . L 1 tit tha KTflo.ntivf GommillPBjt -Tlr. A 4. xf , rUui: xy. i Ii I TP1iq TroK4fotl?2i'Sfek'sI2' 11 - eptli6atfion4lljnCkivientfayn' Efti SJJilJ Q,r blJOB-JJ LiiX 19J8W 3tlt ioawftllMrdayiitba dQ9br6;W Jtion as to whether a man has learned J rripvfji: vrm i . w - - - - - j- . i wnfAU'r inrr-- rtrnannaan tpqh t na miii i j .. r.ii , r t , . , , . a - -r- 11 : l- a. I iiMtfjiyjj : i .We , PBBLIBIB AT-; -,j . . . p ..;Tf t-'i -IT ' J! V ,..'T i . W .4 I : A ' f I 111 i . . . i f.,.9,,.flead Viqd President. e Per-1 jpeaket wnr-.na8 , not learned the s St s 3 a a l a n bi v -- Xt Si 4EtT Pet ' Office" Money Orders may b J obtained: InalHttoe dile&iiond.la nabxy of tha i large tpwn8..xlC9n8iclrtnemperfectly8afv iiid thetest me&na of remitting: ilfty dolUrs vystem, whleb Into effect ratnv 1st.' kre A 1 very safe means or sending smq atrnre'af mo; ney where P. O. MonejQrders cannot be easily ohtjiinetl.' ObterveTtto Keai&v fee, &a well as roatagm snMtj t jtoid, nsja atheoAaeq , o he sent to the DeacTletter'Omce. 1 "Buy and . he money cqul teal the letter, , in JKt vrtsenc. pf t pott-maucr ana inKenis receipt jor u.i jjetxen :..f!iwj94fj:i iU"isi$:z$ ,W3j;Hali The subscription pri be df theWBKii .Y Star Is as foltows a-npra'Adc" p-. rtRle Copy 1 year postage paid, f 1,50 " " 6 months, 4t ",. 1,00 ;(.. 1 : ,vrn ',t. ti Clubs of ;10. or more CLbscribers,: one year, $1,25 perpy4 -stariotijiinj adi vance. -ni ift-f a !. t;09n!.trft n t-No CJub Tlates han a year. ' for a'peT!bdless j t f.frtr, 00. Both old ; and nevf abfiribf.;(Bk3f be included in making np Qlabsi u) Ov rt . ' . I I . . I .( At the above-Troette-Weekly - . nivalis j. r-tftJ JI?1 star is, rwe Tiam, me cneapeb paper in the Stateand its., circulation will be doubledintweTv'mbnt who have worked for ltssuccess in he. iwst -wilt increas tlieir efforis in tne , .. j .tiki li.t .-! n Iwots -i t!jJgiiau v (inure. . , . , I'heRichrhondrjktr'ap'p to think' that thete' Uf tt&ty&.&n&ii dent of the United States. si nee (he death of ir.ilion1 Jt, rqabtea. the' law,' but says if doe8"not:! cover i-ase there Vbeliig ';. now :jjjejtier-; fa,' President aftfeeSerrtetf6wrfSpeake'f of ine llouse." It supposes the ; case of the death1' of Grant;'' leaving 5 no President, evei ro-c2, of ihe.eonn-. try- , i:.U!ji.hI,-;7J '1- Here is the law on the subjects "In case of rem6vai;deatrt'resignat1drii; or inability of both the President1 amf Vice- President of the Ppited States: the: PresFI ueni oi ipe senate, ori at mere uimei ine Speaker of the -Hoii.se ?uf ' Kepresenttftts' fur the time 'being ''Shall act aa; president' uutil the disabihty is renldTeid:oTii'Ptiesiii dent electeUfi&tt l8T3jl W As jpj Ipje, Jpusejof; IpjjtfseptHvea 1 qu t erm ' eipi riki'-xvlth: "cite 6fai"h,e' : ias ir.t;imfuainMt inaraai : presidency. never ail journssina tliey for in itai-rety " couit6g?lfM ty tlie eifcclum a-iTufeTtrt' tKnea pi sake a Preiwd.eatJrt)ife3is(eiecti4 Michigan, was theesilfj?ol at-tbeliCtSeailaaiBA-libldjtiiyVii iiiyiMtot oTih-r.wKi R;.fovmt til his 8ucoej?s9.r, 4wiyj ,t is theref6r ftctibg VicPmideiitiiiJ , .-; - i tmQtin mil !.: e SAinvtH jya. der the.reVisea.atatQtenaotMabQyfe The saoJlaWrdvidea tion of a rresideat whenever- an codi curs, speciiying iname oecrotaTynoi' L 1 : e . . . i a ' c j, . ' the several StateH,'whosedoty it shall be to bold Mlp1' frfWlLftjf President and Vice-'Presiden " Iu the event itbat both r President I . .: : . - j . -. ....... V visi Grant adjaprrrywaligl die before jthe.; leiiofpi3iding anicers before'tfle tteh : Cingtess ' the B tltimore Gazette aysr lh .Secretary' of btate s,woaid iecoiD'r'prof lsiooat President nutil flo lebtioir itiould be held en 'a Tbe law nttddttbtea fy ' pedfaites ii mi I 'll' II ! ' !- "J'J'j The , Senatorial Vvaoanoylt inm Con Gubernatorial i appointment aBd isar pointee will be of the same polities which is a gainTCniJfi0!! a oewTlgislataNiinaApriVvaJideithul body 5fwi fill" the5' ter PSetfatW Ferryi tdtsaa f saitw .s'iiM .'f.nl , iliiil if irn-"iil Iff ftf flCKIOt 9d Louisiana' vBttfcbat'a Fbecana6 itnia .- i Til fl' TiJl'flt AiJl. 'kU.lIlT'J'.aU J. !."IIiff . i ., 11 -4 Thai oof tonr: receipts iat Xbisf .,poit; Klli Mi .V.HJ UI yesterday amdanted lo lCSSrJ.ft"f lf3l61 "dn1 - ! t. - ( ' . M w ' - J : 3I laving ho 'presiding1 bfficbr tiW Ef ress ceased his.'plide3icy.ceasedi0 rhe eenuematti sawn nooneA in, ibe. JeipeciaUr among, tbB?epub!icans .of het DU3Qrati(inrNatiahb4 Con tea nMh sill ci" jfSoiij4 terfisifsr ifyifojfl xTbttiabJee fitbervouryendy ra no w ij more monjf e people 'of tWMtaiiaaftiiayfpJq cially in Indiana, are inn en dividod jupon it; J'ipuicns bfeing as fitron ajilypoaif !tf. inilaMQn as at; in- tho -Dft n 6L ratio paa ty 1 JVs" !9 ilrai;; how i?-Mo'rtoi' fn thtii 'bteody hlrt Ocean and other liartv organs iii faVOr begrba tpj8Ql t. - x- ; i K Quid like to know. His, chances are rieVftfwnWaipW'WdM pope iteveriiU' rewrni ; :utvr- ui Si', t ! - - - :j ... i : '.: f.f;!i.i i ifceMrV RnaaR bnMivllaiidallf bnaiMiiat Mr Randall it !.akejf.'isaYagftr.war. 1 ubWri.'?Ita r3lfl? AargsV Tj rcff5sITv'.-i'ji v? fust? f WTiKe'iXi J, Iant8sandiraveai by tarns -i uere: ia ma r ita otii o r- on f a.'. 1 . Tf.ri r ,r; rzrjzr 'rrz "yt" u Ti-!J i t n f f m -i3 In tllatatemeols Jdbt Kaodall and: hi8- bacJcei-CDaceiin-4isx prospects.; 6f election lo thefipealUesiupywenretaetivjtli the positive assurance tbaVboibas the place ssgodd asaecared; that mqreTtaan ehooirh Votes are already pledged to 4iim to insbre ais election: uTbesecasstfradees .bare- been' given witUso 'nuchii.pMsilivehesa- and persistency; tnat, wersmnsteuuer accept them as true, or conclndejthat Mr. Kan dall is aUemitB,,Tnby"adopt- ftig bluff taciics-T WMcbevef iew4e4 - Ukte-of-it illa-'fifItasdilaiaiitiM le, position yrbic.h ; be seeks, And we may dd discreditable to the Democratic House i . -. ! .i.-. : .r i--jii i pceived niedees he has riven them la lira.! The 8UDpoeilion is not to be for a mpment n'tettaiued that tbeledjgibbatfbeea done oojtbejart of-ujembtrsi and: Urafi Mri Ran aajljs, JuncoinromLsedia Rjj nt, are these 'ptedges ? 1'Wbpare Ibe'men.whb bave ebgaged in this political hucksterioe If we accept the story as true thatJirJ iUndaJVa support is , pledged , tp biaw they we are iorcea - to conclude iijai a majoruy of ih'DenWci4tiinietate tbeibcorbine- ouse are wUbbatii(Daor paaclple'Ufl me; OI do mgucr uuiiuus oi uui) iuhq mj ti-adeonthe trusts com rsiUed-to them-fb tbe4f;wa peTsonaltagr4ndUmenT; arrnot wapteMn, iaeejQanc parKTw,f.nlcao- botbetieVe TQiatanriJemoCraticniemTjei'bf tbeXHoue 'prdflid fP VtAe'for'MT..Ratft!an r .anV:xinT Mtf. ,V2idl tiBamiwii0qmaiKes $ and before bini(MrI -CoJfa,,iQilbni) re- deiTnhgefwtpbfecur'.Mieir but lh'e tbext Speaker' must be a mjan, ff fluer TOOtaTnTrrtr thanl'eftBer orlliese " Tf ebl gtiilry : trf t Ws i ii- P uue ucr vu mc iiarun; us uia icceiib ill .m i f - in btsr.r-sl-j-iwi js'utr ;RE-fl-7'ilai f uesLiseniifipidtOyiinMcaiPif 4 'VX does notr-endoree rfa razy:rnaniat place, and. whoever isusltecwu ot it ought tb firfetelohAt WrVfelanVe; cSMeatiCOTruption the aiotR taae.pMJMtfr1 guloai 304ta0tl!rj W.tfla. toaepem wiUrl tpif fowrrto make its. .isbssibb.Qf ant febddvtp ;the country; pr of laUitibtaki rfeardhbliy the uledffes were reciprocal, .then tha J.; I . . . detjana aoqoWi)ip.: copis quubm aty I it :;Vi'-i'.':A'rS: t'.;. '-it .. precisely wno ineyperrons iwvw'pr gaged!itH8 1Sn?atididate i fbr the1 speakership in thiA llowhariralijin land bribery. Let ilh&Uqzette speak jseiitsoomcasedi. t tibtstleiu. .tjintu the BaltiniOT& fbapP ,( expressly tthakcXHntbleVetKki1 icn . pieqges .navev .ueen , maue by . Democratic ; : memSers. Well then,as, it ,jakcs JL if o jLoi ynake.. a'i?qr- !rbpt bargain wbycirbalaie the;liarge I ; with such ferocious glee ? ..Mr,- lian trdaU is eite.rAgu:il;KrbeJ8,notgiHy Xer iheJai jftil-k' I'd Vit' chiVgbl abla position, or Ut it take..baqkt,ris. cpyrH si anutii is no ; pevpimuui, i.i ae dfaUihad aiadoIan-pledgeayti&oifgKlilP ymjUTTIjflW ."prf i -rr it T ' Sttl I '"I t (TJ 1 1 1 C 1 JVU wvi i f - n II mrw n ..nmnL.:inr.LDH..i iiuiiiwuuicintw. dictation h iF t .Wall tree -and 1 its 'strikers: Dfawidoly dififereoirppinionsi? tb bp h JrsiMitfrrbox libtend'vto tick Utteslirahkhar ndfarbed 1 ihb lesaons.of log warr.! , And what doerf J)ferav . leakpgAbe lesaonaaQfijiUwi (war?", Orieio&4moat"strikiBg les-n konhaftfan IearMfrotA ne Il'ieaWtte' country to' ?Xa,tt: w.ar, .vbose.ryi PKeseig.atri IbewonciL boards ;or tile, party- w vanl 1 : 1 t v --. t w .4 I -".,'11 . 1 4 pne ot the lessons ot tne war 2J.ar))0 .an4:!i'lkMhf?fcto have beu iearneu ;;s ' a preteq disile- 6 theif: co7rtinu,ed:,action Jernoc 1 ,UU7iil i The Richmond 'Diaich is ari'earui5 est, cba&pion .of : constitutional' eoy? bovplkjue jorif action or.;party butiis' ka'iudepelideht,'- uianlyr'buV .alwayte f fcoti8e,rvalve- 4nd -tBoafthlful jottrnal.- nCincitfnati J&nify whalerer f Its minor faults 'inay pel .has aTjvay 8 T ueo bo 'vceyiainjYujaej-eaa: i ob eat: all d abo.f e repremchi Mf. Yen lieloflf is a rei aeB gtf-sptrkeVi en-- tleWanro? pwetrati&;,8aaciVj knd p ruiiiess. iu r, llend ricks, his , great ; rival tor i'rewaentii noBors, ,13. perT; haps pt 0"ablfl and: laceompliahed: & talesman; bb't is tolay tlio loptf of the West:3nxl South i 'a'roosi admira- withstanding all. tlaa here is' tho BaU i mo re -GuzeU(fy Wh ich" hiasr jdst " been afiinitedy 'ial .stroke f!b? 'pkrty ip6t4- b ojef d?!Vihe. Deipocratic party, saying: :if a i 'j Ji nti) I U .iswlm tUt Is limb.f oMbe party toJ. unload itnd leave behind tbe men Hike Pendleton and5 1; Hendricks and Randall, and the newspa- ners like the Cincinnati Enauirer and Rldb pMgpil thei tlrowalbf the pble Itlo&i make tbe tost otiVV r i - fcaci;, 1 1 , , ; S TUB MISSISSIPPI LEGlstATrfltBf m rfvm.t.4t!'Tp7t sin ilk saisaiwacer,.prtrUf eqmpleie. riislaft.tbaixnenibers of the?iLegisla Cure of - that Statehosen f on 1 'the 2d oeuai-e win ue compuseu oi . eie nmnnspn Yeinoorata; anxt tco itoua.! otiiepf y ijtitatites of eighteen fsf Wight Re I !io n - f WA h iiai An W Avn hnnsvia Ani "mi9a v iny. a.' uaivu i.cyuuiivouo auu j..-. .- i....n.ii.i: a .i. Mm'wili Feacf the coantrv t6' tnejevif bdtrae oietfblttat ( editbrpbll kfeiahkanri' -votersA 3hVt!ier JckVeer bbi ttiblic cbaraeVV minig! far abbvie' 1 . frmL 'j'jz.ii, -a i.t .J. . . : vi: Sajta Tpd,vn2 jspw i orpej reornier. n eandrdae fpr'.Prejtd,enU raeu it at every step,.anq go iprui nnder guidance Of leaders Who have' the an- If this be throatcnt-1 Fusion Ripdblicabsnd n D.erT: iavareoTeti;.f..a-n?t.OTiqiTOi lobrat was ovitierVjIittocra'' The chyicepf.a United SUUaSen-J r -,'0oyra8 'B v w , wcwr t tsromi nentoei n bl j. Jamar. lien. Kobert XjOwry lxen-- nniedT Ifdri'the',)bsiti6ny "jibe1 nioBt' UonErressman L. u. iobert : Xrfiwry-.Genljcfnta J gold(foj-J)ert feors stpcjuraeij by JUer.,1 i he honor; belongs Hon tbe' maftTiiTipnf l.nmair fnhn tAatura okva- the others like a! tall cear of -Jebann tjwaianiar aTgenroaa ettorta onienr W. - J - f t.. -!. Khat wreRte4fflU"fS tt&tir P?nnu- luw ',avc WB1 - t i a i '" Blood, tne lone sentinel, to suara her. iwaKdhe shoaldliradeixB the eartiest, Un&hifrhei.tJhonbrKy Yn23l3tol K 1 ,r, . cij .. 'r- 1 'piuHU.-nrrTTJtJirj a ij ir t imuj Jm i i - . - ., . - ... iisVybWnfttlfV'fnMto he is fifty-five. lutiffrrimft 4ttini!&Vfi !, Hrrrf6itJi!ArCfSdnalfsiVal bn43bjiajo$jtha!ORbQa gth4ci5pLWatSSsia4 wnrbyhftnamurg eeijp fifijbzh.wtfmianhjtmt UlSrbwnrahiptiied ai-PhaadelnbiaJo Ho I l8N4aesHW-!f keiTor weft ftaiyjhifaWWT ekIa&'speU couple1 ajra Infhaf felWP&waa Ae'hrsiimetbyi h Bad ploaf1 bferltatoiDebtiaPfeft iuu vMai lutiic, auu tuo viuxv vetnecu uc wbcwnsisaljontllftee&nb eettioirTom BeVifeuiheoadWlfn5 it sclent tooltliibVferi naseaydwe i irVpleasea'fe leai'tPW oafeKbvexceUient4 f relibkniff vand'lpassengei""J h'hsinesa. Ttife 1 arrangement at - Wilminglori; for tfabsbip-' piog freight seaward iathavery best, which includes recelvpg f reigbt jib? interiqr ind,wlfaf. nsedcomqMlhatpjurpo 1 . . ; ! . mi i ' 'Tir'i . in Sbm hern 'seaport, and seburibg cprrea, topuros. . aavaoisl4Gonsea)ue,otT uppnajs iai e Carolina Central ilailroat to''rreent' toad, now about a certainty J , IT II mlusto n .' Ketal mark el. n q j Tb9 :foliowing prices, ruledrjyeBteraaya pples,..(dried) i$i cents per ipouod? dried Reaches 25c per-pound j waiquta ,25 centa rierrpeekir pickles. Sft; cento; per F dozens. .Urdt.lg jCents .per pound;; bjitter, ! AQ&35. cents per pouna; cneese, io cents per pound; growp. fowls 7580a pair; geese $1-50; per pairibeet JQ16i peTpwmdjbeefTj (coxar f ed) 12J15(x! per . pound ; ,vealj-12i16ic, per pound ; mutton, la JO ibi eta., per pound r ham, 1820 eta. per pound; auklexs,12i 14 cents perpoufid; i triper20cts. periabnch. clams, 23, cents a. peck; open jclams, 2025 cjta a quart; soup: bunch, &cts eggs, 2225 cents, a doz: stureeon. 25 cts. Wclmnk (5 lbs); potatoes, new Irish, 40c -a peck; -new tsweet L20 cents a peck; ftshtrout 25b. per bunch j .mullets 1U25. centa per ounch; 'turnips; 10 o cents, a. j bunch; onions,:, 60 cents raj i peck;.i cabbages - X82i . cents t a cks50Ka75 . cents a pairk , parley, 5 nts a bbneb: onions' 50 c'enW a pecM.; car- Tpts. 5 cents A, pound;, ricej 12i cents, a quart:, crabs 15 cts do?en; green field peas Jies ouiowc. pu .pecs si 25-ner iralloft or Si a bushel: do., Sound. centsuart. " '1 i FjDpm Jpf . C., flLyi,.tbe Snperia ten4entpt tie apprpafhtn Industrial Fair .of thacpl- ofed people w.?. f e thfti )Eollp,win t Ksti if (apdiflnalt tlspecialpreiqhima, jWhich ta?a 1. I M ' . ... . .... i . .. ... Dec;cerea;jor ppmpeuiioai: j.ai ,n i:-y i Byjy-Cmaa &Brothrc ,::! ,c -uu Three doUars in:;eilver!.to the' carpenter. whoriraw.Be pessi49 aaa uspecmcawooi TM9flollaja anAfifticents msuyerloiiiA f ArineraiWbi jrQd.uMsiithf pz&t ;basbelJ I JikndbgaJjQQl XlswtJ ifibkeiiat JXozth. pCtooJfca ,6iiu7 JI nsJwI jeioo'ia il ad tieprBjwhft Pfent the .best! speciaMa I in L . J - Tr. ma. ' yx - 1 i. 1 .1 iiKLUMJ. dMPglP2MPe .ftPUaR . gofMD creasea capacity ,io accommoaate uie ae-. anus of commerce. Tbe I comDletion of rmiaus. is uoidk, muca 10 onea.up traqe i h.tjie mtenpr, which will Increase with e extension o; that enterprise, and more with the cdmnletion. of (the w. KL C iucperuari8Mies toy to ovc per peca llver. bukdine.fSO. jbents "M &Yilofl4'pncU JbnHfli?ayaiTodllftrand qniSBbd'wbfleTiW hatf-'wdtnatf btftbb brain" to cintf iaigtjAd, .wi wwiwwiM-Bi i7tbbe$i,aptcnnealar oprpdacef Abebbe$ptcbnjBa I of iqechapicl twlolwAfl- jwnuda whflk ? iMidpeiMa'itho'iiljeat J fcasalff ft" , teimperaocei :ri duit;iv&0 vwL ,(j i Bv Michael Hoeber i Xw dollars aadtf is, jcoioxetl man apajirewwv .mb irnw The PwmiaiaXiifiliJs.ftUlpBUiiufe .7 Thei t Faic gonads yar . ibQingjtirapidlyr iaced in poporR or;.rbeJtepin; I 'TheFarettevUte. Star Brasa Ean I - S J A. A. WJ.."0 - T '"--"Ii .1 .-.,. . 'e presani w.-wbmua .wi . ? Tberar.wiH p a.ihgottag pitffl ad Dear. : RAtrnrttmaB .' nBB.l.h.TeHfien.mada thnar bv .k- Tw-ar,ttinr.ia wntau olera taeA'OfihisifiUteJI .aqiiiid'r ?ijL'f 18 a -poys'a wanet o n.n iu8, Jrwii Tv,rf.,fi..TT;' vtdggViixpirflL vjjj Mamm vmwwmi"-'v no a kv"All nf caMok .,tJJhyhaaittdith& action: ki.tw.ianMiisHiHi'mira noon i . ' : . . ahealiecnabdTa JIemoUatChreM-'.andTv kct;ura'oi)eJdeatWflDdaj nigbt, &l&an 1 Knar TJott Dled.HbitBerjTjrateasoTO8wnatiiil T A0f.;t l,ont nf:t.W. flnnvent W I-i"2T,tiClTyTrTr-iKmiawtq'nrr'. I, I '' f j s rw 1 uwfc COWBUBU W'UIBn'!fiOl7ieuW, T:UKlU r ! . .... - .? .L pjn wftxnn lir-wvi-n-? V in 4 -t ya yy-,... B""us r rmfhtbftttMWlmeBietrlief i H .MSS , - TT.""ir '."rKriMteanfiVPr onTinna t.i iPAfl. tin. most St?5 MMaMnA Jt 1 . . t XT . I rn route quite favorable to the for-J itYi 1iUiL ,'Bl jVJ.l hi; H ptliiJl lf'i n cis . . I iJ2ftirtsDitf;Mf JiiO .won wiiiBto'iiaa 1J ' , f UiatioAh'wpiA'mM 'hk -f ti1 'WaU f (tr .n . c?i.;.l, Ta oanar;a; i i,:.; nA:n L ibIatfornj? AnV a'greeiBd-ttSsi 'f u ucueiiti reuuest. buoa. tseat uu 1 iordiaUyibyXJenirtSberman who adi j' 'niD,1 QnH fihnntn handi tnith him J. ery nearuiy arniasi me greatest ap- 1, niauser irom a nana or tne nniiRR. Rani J1afaul teii K-WT'4.tkJAJ;. ralf.lAlfiU GenUBeaotgafd as thn"n'npyfii5ist ndi:!mosiypeweyeTingii&btli 4ndjwas reqeived ia tlie mahvarmni n r and; f riandiy, cnnner, jJ effersop; Davja TaA UfWai.r.i?.m.im i.ivivuvs iw ouuic uioauuivmi nriiviu - r.r.'T'V - uol.wu,ror baildin7'" V ' : f' : :",JUi! ! K PE"iOT:i'&OTZATroM ; States and TerritoriZs The rnrt was adopttt$.3t I 'aW ? 1 7 a.t ss :s ji $ . - . .. . . I ! I i 4. m wi 1 1 f An s n - nrv nvinnf sm I The committee on permanent or ffanization reported the followinff of- ! ! J.3. .- IS. . -i! 1 ,' ."1 in.1 H'-Vlli ncers: j or -nresiuent;- jj uasre ataniev t Matthwa Cincinniti? yice presidebt,' Gen.' WniPrestbrji. Kentucky: secret tary, Jol. JohpM. owell, Arkansas: omcial niterl t.' U Walbridge. Sit! -TyitiWlMLimatfnf :iTJamiir Ifoti 'I ' fl ' UJ (JoushnRl'. StiL.oTnsi ii-A r snnnte-1 i.Tffiyyiori-. npurjq tmparateaa concilia visit the Merchnt8 jExchangq ropma l.dppositlon to he 1I)emdcyacy'':,asVa ihL'the new'' Chamber of 'Coinmercefl nartv baa always i'heen4"Vert bitlerl r -- j . ; , T 111 - J i .1 ' - mental report: was; nade naPVaSiPYeJ8. &$LS??$P Lne; gentlemen 'frpm' each rS,Ue,j.asy$Sj3 Tprekidehi8 and ode as assistant secre-r tatTi1 J5otti reports wbre adopted; " raar 7 proposed! TEAswjmirEjsTAi.' : Both JudcoMattbews and' Gefieral PrefiJ.onj dnon tjiirio' J.hir,rfBne.fivo , f xnade,,,, 8trpbg t nd, yejofldent speeches in favor of the obiect of the iCbS-fetitibtt" J and 'cdnltrnctibri' t the proposed Southern Trans-Continental road, which Wefe ebblVed With hearty ;app1aisi; UiA oSnniilt bf ifeniVnl aehKala 3m appalnteoT nj nistness angsoiapmsian.fltioa potioniH iWas 'A j .t.. ii ' iee j oula'be referred to that committee iihMtXdeTJat eVKesoWffohs J w4rW 'theaMntrddaced srlf rbmb California?' Tennessees.Kansaa!;andVSouth, Caro-! 11.. j-1 . " 1 - t e 3 ima iieiegauous. wnicn were reierreu lubder the Tiile. and tho convention uitoertAW Wll. kite Vrm4uiV 1 c ieiBWbJw 10 nvf tuiut j isw I While the local of the &ffiW$Mjl&o ecstasies over W UKSiVloa at tbe Wrt j -m iti.1I i e iir: 1 1: . . I ibu,(uF! vnu Krena uuuiuiUHUi, ir. tb hper, in speaking of Woodson, of the Uhb jiSiddqbtlpS if b facti'tbat alLumberton lady .obtained the prize ror pe ,idg the s btektititblahd hrfbdsbmely dressed, amemg the 100 ladlea of wblbh that ippertyBpBk,t fvirVi t- It i -rt 1 1 r ' ; .1 OpisssAayftep aban n niarke tkJj.'i-' ' j - ' sj: rvldaal assured us that he bad caught, eight within a week, and it Was'nbta good week l Ar 'possums either."' 1 He . usually,: catehes from three' to four of a night, j Those, who 'nbwaWa4 oppbriaaity of SaUsfyld their ipetites.i:-! bii h Ui w BUI 1 , I d-ni-iii i fni flntl An ltlllla. - t ""I" T-.. -' -'isT jr-. raoniyirawbac-k ('1 mus Uit tbmcfeki'atiof? vVonieb; i TcdnnectedT wllu-ihtf HHiahnKimiBiiL-If the 1 ..--: . a m tin tunes, man.' lml0Mny9cpmpla&hW rMohioiieVt'aacof'-emi1 ,injou8ancttsacKsi w saw aa -sratesvHiwuH h 'JttWi'ra'mii v-l r es -i!4.4iiTI'i,e I will m JWWtwaUUWJaLJtpuEqiyii silt ! ,V - u.ujru-, wira4jtpry.oCaia-;, .. Aii'i.i'r.ViT-t. t XT""J'l UJUUUU UatflKUIiltLliLeHUlHILfTt.iraWBM.I. aiefiWtf tuiBK IF WOtt Iff W rirffionltt d'Y 1 4tnUrtriAiaakfVitV a . tnrned diirmT , tha ,fifte!eaT,r 4 -if wrkltbsncceMihe1 1 pulses, his mind was not .originative. J w4aiw! 9,rW-Itiikri M '..wJiniittiMm to tbe rumor that Gea. Hiliand ICS l vrll-Vr" rT--7T V JT j" 5W.VWjVi:tcWV?6Wf to hermclv tnrn it hack.: even when I 4Ureal63edet?!sbmd Wsi SfSm si1Utfttfti Ibtg'eXibnsf edd . wwj chaBhelaiilitJCmiilbbBfKw ii UhUA expansive Ideas h .ia or mm, noweveri.inai jue was 1 an of great punty df life, of tbcor-1 ptihletserflad- vonafAof moral reformi so that if his I reputation had nothing else to repose 1 1 r-, stnt,y m tn iace. his GE'rtf to: BBi-MOixUTtsf AKOtvAS'jnpe DirecfaadrCgans: . ak example op xndtjstby. I . ' I Baltimore HUM. 1 it is put last to the of Mr tv nson to say maw w 1 earlist andi : !mosiy"'; pe ! slavery, leaders, ho do v 1 isnn t,ts sav t.tiat.; wm ia nnn or i.nn" 1 slavery, leadjers, he dos .ovappear Xo fjlsiaYery,ieaajers, .fie pftes nouappej Ir nave uberished an v personal .bi jLbJaye cherished .any .personal , bitter of Nash, out of several bun i.ui BCbbiuuaiiuuuuucuis, auu uiaii uis -rrY 1iti n -rx nnrt nnva -n ni rra t rHTi ?! f Mr.JWihTOn wa8:Ttha7TOany fob' 1 " ' ' I J cpqty Iwojv-e raised bem-; l! viewed in this light, .1s-alike- rbmarlrghla n1 a rl mi ra h.Tii i Tf .- :' 1 1 1 Si I l .. ' .1 M?tilimnnrt Mltfnatir. I . T i. suun i wt''"v'i.i. j ; f Yivai4tjiWI'Biraec is Ldistibgnisbetf for nbthing outside of. antislayery and negrophilismV J rOf late Vice!' President r Wilson I had ilflSSBmwl tM. tftnfl ATwi:' rAftinor of 1 'tt tmoaerate man i . seekinsr toTassaase ribco'rs'' erf He waW Whetherthis' was 10 auvauuw ins prospects iorxne presidency,' as has been' 'charged Mb Mill not undertake Ho 7 dfeciderncWiS' . 11. . . . ... . - are. aisposea.to aurApnte it .o a gentie lmain his character and for; that We Vouldi throw &t least flowers upon the ' -.,, .A,AflN-AIHOUB jTlEW.i't L ins Petersburg Index1-Appeal q"Vun Thd'nevra'bf thedeatHVof Vfte debtjriaWils canso a kia?ajyfpn ofiaiqceie regret and sorrow, inrougaouttaecoQuiryvT jxir vviisou tier, in his laBgdage wid evbn iia :hisr tyjnjpsfpppu banjeadera inthis section. ; ; He was" vritherja'tnagnaaimetas wieniy, and t& ardsthVcpe'bf lifsiite. iddklarWei1' -J'.IIIINI.FIIITI 1 ' - 1 V til. -till MEW EJfGLAill i'AiiATWliiM bJtFOE J dKi.! n;aa iyKlf! 8 11 aM . lSay'aBnahfibrnibg&ews.J.rA The only attribute pf statesmanship I jebergy :tbat arises f rbta tberadtfab4- cruel fapa.tcistaSbatl5haracterJ2eaAh Wading mniotNe Ep gland,, and h, i ui oe re mem Der ea cnieny as ope wno teofpX to strike' ?tl&; a slaVery t from ''( thei lAf rican poly to pi ace, Ahem s ppou men of, his pwn raca pa, i 5 1? - I..V1IT ' 1 J . J . l . .11 .jnoito, leat!i I ' l ' i'l i I mm mm V 1 Th Inaanii lavllim. fi J; 'i iJ'':'?r."s''rjNewa.,l' ''WHfc' lit appears !that the total ndniberbf aamissious' aitfee the opening of . this asvlum on the 22d utffabTuary v 1856, ' I lflW&l aTho-ttanumber iof t dis chargeftjpr, the same penod is.e9.VVPJ. 1T7 unimproved, and 304 died, leav ing nb w'abdeY HU&ikiii&n&M ndraber nnd6r itreatmpoi the; idt ear: waii4&;tnaU,Bn4 Wafferabjfcj f pf whom 40 were discharged; olwhicb. Qv.ed, I4ednd pnay Laine. In this numDer tne percentage Kf kcMr)eWVas mbrtryed lf naimproTEaHrjiuosieains'Jwoi t l t Since the opening of the, instajtio LihA enres dnon admission have been per neii. ma neatna uyuu tuo 'nnmber pnaer, weatflient,; J)ayatD.eep ri ; - 1 - - " : " - - w - , A ; f . ! " , : years. .whs riot ithe '-man Uteri of kh-;to vhbm? appearand, - whicb.7 aMost' Offended1 lie Southerdtsf inoVvTettlibdwais . bat the truth, can hurt no one, f attl iheeadiJ " -.V - aeinawsow amueiMaaaa raataravta-asa'S neio on weooesdaj, last . , 1 rnu Lft.'i. " Ji iJieida or Jienoir. county, were consumed,: iiiixlti -L. A . .31 V iP.fi iii. U, Sum' KlClUlillULI DKU.' . ' . . , - 1-. - in contemplalipn to erectaoUonJactorv iletliat Wacd,!iif sufficient wate-lower, power 1 l Jpnn iJU. .xt.0Pin8on.; was eiectea nir It U truly sad tolearnf from tha. . tVel don New that Pomp Iiong. the great jUMiia- liuuiCTd suojau lucumooa' v a uv ' c I' The StatesvUleiarfe gives 'luriarcenv. : . .r Atessrs. Shotwell and Avery are to start ab- qther-miiy fa' Charlotte." -:va :u .,-p,. -.r k r.- !. "nslont Iet??' Ted au inciDieut Bre.'which would have otlMyr. , . lujD i rrr - in -in t n 111111 lCLiaiuv niTinpiim i thefrath-oad bridge at Dan- tohlsbeavbr chatsn by,Uje,jy, bpprIjyrnaa,4oMi88A.Boie fflj Haywood, dapghler of. tbb HonW. H. Hay- wood;'! - 7Ti .iwnwtnw ij3 TT wuua i I - Aesuraiiuns rrapeoi 10 ine - RailrOadsh were adored at a mefeiibe of ji t The" lYeldpn ATew says a very HW,1 .f0?- feyeraldaja;. .Tberen-yere; ; j , 7 a?n chrf ui in rJ Jxur Wro?ertnra6d yranki(. vaucji, viigiuaiijr iiuui juigcuiujuc, uui j from Baleieh recently, a wmdied.Mr. 1 Hon Perry, of JNash, out of 1 ed dollars a short time since. Ihwif. has .accepted .tbo.lliiom.fit ... epheiisjtbfeddbai Church at Oxford, and 3 ill probably nter upon hb-ddties id -tJbia. : -tter connection about the first of Deceni- : T na t rnrn j ijxtii. uu ufl I ii 'it arminer?isnavltfgrfora?lr6ad fsr ;He3'8viile aad $benoe;By tlarssville throHgli utcanviiie coumy jo i,aieigu, .or soiiie eligiW6 poitotf thal CEaaroad T ' i -J ':-j SaTam,vlrlOh7iW'edaeaay,'5 Ftbe,17th Ipstant, was tbq one hundred and, j iwemy-sccona anniversary ui me arrival or tbelPd6ned Moravians in 'the Wachovia I traet, settling at Old Town, ,G miles. above. A&is'place: r1! r" " '" "-''' '""'' ' j j HHlsbord Reorder: ''One fday 7 lasti weeki he wife; oi Jttr C. 1G. i Parish ,t .. while ridiqt; n a buggy with Mrs. Haisel, , . was' thrown or fell out of the vehicle, dis- locating-ona of her shoulders, : Ye.are glad ! tb hear she is improving rapidly. - ., ' ij j i '-he Wilson Advance regrets Ui " leanVthat Mrj'Wm.9AppleWhite',cdf Bfan-'' " tonsbure township iathis county, sustained r-t a;beavy loss a lew days since by the burn- . ftqg or nia gm-houstwitn- a consiaeraoie ".' quantity of cottpn.Thowaf accidental. i I iThe Towoot' 2wwimp regrets . i tb learn that Capt. Crawkird, of the freight , train, hadtne misfortune to' get his arm Wt&en whUe raovrog some heavy- boxesi at ' r. 'itocky Mount last 8atqrday.- rTbis is twice,. . that he 'has been severely hurt at Reeky . ountwithintha last six months, i t tuAi GoidsjrouReccir7.;i Ourlfriertd, geo.,,WJ Lamb, Esq,, r of , Cypress Creek ., EeWnshiV,! Jplmccnnty selected JOO iatoes from .those raised and housed bv bim-. T tbisar which weighed 8'puuds: .The tatcb from which they'were taken does not " exceed-fine ana;one-rnaij or iwo acrea Jj -J?ecrtfeh.'Therearo: at present 'J ui xew iivu wnv uitb ucuu aiuauijcu herby iben HUlabPrO'has badf fronv -'. time immemorial or abundance pf .small., , f came and firstafe shots.' These gentlemen . " rejJudge Pratt i and iMr.jIassy.Chief ofj i , mi ar a - i .. . otmtotfaectJohr bf; the Wl ijBi R..R at Round Knob, half way up tbe aaceat'otf tl ,131pe itidgetf and; a ibirq atthe.tuanei U eW tMttonlQtalb'arfewanandaCSapt g teTZbiidnttt: Daunojp'hist; the"1 1 fish, as far as the ey f$4qia,iyeaciih:e-"old (amF ' ocean toeap Kag-s Head; was ; ona Donndiess: i : me.9f. tbe anciehts i are i there) bad Inevtr j en tne use. v.Jiiue opy caugni uainen - .fby miiyrn'fhb'Surf.'atad threw them on the " bfach Ai njaa? iwith aarnH jpitcbl fork ,j; istrnck 200 and threw tbem upon tbe beach. The beabh' 'ftt miles Wasfcovered with fat l" backs.; ;,'). ;j,Ayi i , -iij;i'It 4tTjhe'8?ay'onnsdlyciiT Thankseivine Day lb lialeieb dosed Jn a, Ji blaib of bbruscating glory V went out amid , theglowiof taany-tintea ngnts tnexnna'oi ' n . "glasses, sun-bureti of festive orators. a,nd; i' I peals bf 'indpcent Tadgbier 4nd applause. ! - ' T - . r.1 1 .... ' ' f 1 nocmircn services oj itae ay were jib u , pressive, the audience large., tbe costumcry , of the fan-Vbrshiters beautiful; tbe ser-'1 mons elaboratelvnrepared. earnest and c1hh tqent; 'and the contributions liberaL In - - . tbe bvenin. dolmab opera troupe' Rive' ' v GirrvneiUaroaa at t 'lacker iiAUv ih uoom t -Templars had a largely attended, and de- - -lightful socmlfat'taehf eWtiuartetfT-tbb ,ff. . Preaby.tjetiapa, an4 f!Baptb ! had prayer..,o; meetings; and Bishop Atkinson conducted -ConBatk)b!seilcea,Janf acbed to a"- , splendidrtlencejtixCh But the great event, of, the evening and of . tbe-scasjn VlsHne n?aghifice banqttet r iven by oar eeighbozs ot lb JTf tpv tbe,f)y : :mieigh Board' of Trade:" Five1 hundred; esuiiinviited' an'd ?-S00,presedV Btate . tifficers,- Senators, , Congressmen, Judges, . ministers, ' editonC ' ftd,f'&c. ' Among the Jipeakers were-Maj- Canieron, editor of : tbe Jfaa, Jttaypr aianiy. jpnn icnois,. President Board of Trade, Rev. Dr.JPritch-' - i q. ai0xvw Avaa u . a tuuv a 1 fta (at length) and Rev. Dr. Atkinson f 1 1 :; 4 .