I i ' f 1 t :: J: ! 1: 1 i- 7 , ' ft if I t & V I : . . -If - : . WMIH.'ERNARDytditand Proprietor. r iWILMINGTOfj; N. iC.il .; ; i-1 -scjiii i v h BM S r TQ - C LU B j 10 or more copies, c&clx, t jresr, pos-paid,r u 1 $t3S It is not' rcqolijea !Oia Oubs .bo iaaflc up fat m PoWfflc.Y The number Is ell that lanecessary to- secure the rates to those who constitute the Club,' si thojvipec be directed to M ttanj-djaereaPost-' Offices as .there are subscribers, if deelre4ct JFtaym accompany etetf urder A.lapyU-tbe papeif wmiw ftlrbje yhout charge to Jthoee hrsise Remittances must be made by Chechf Drift; Postal MoneV'J0der, -Jot esteredtetter. Post- MastewwmteglsterfettersWhedesb?e,i--, vM ;i fe U?, vmjy Bucureuuiumceiiu pe attne nsK oi ' Specimen oopiea forvardod wheu desired.' LEIEYEfiY.5UBSCBIBER;T0;THE'WEEK LY STAR REAtfVt0 f;ir. . UdB?itbrcii ner.leJ'yhi5iigoe late effect tfanSary Ifstfsf eoVto prepa postage prxtherWafeiiT cost of publication, we shall iietakevtx6 advance, price ,oI uscrpJioJi ex-. cept? itf'ratesVf 6'Mb.' f eeinrid1 atrord0tp furjashtheppapeTj at.UM) per The following will be our fevised terms of subscTtioni V'n t .4 O.neCotiy 1 yeaf; postage paicU ft fl GQi 6 months f? "A J I. - Hi Clubs of 10 or? m9reppstage;pwd,' T I $l.?5 per copji!;-!: Inder1' this; iSeWl armngement tre' shall. .enforee.te jch;" rigidly'th jeslteiifore a.ujiilqsa ou5 fSstf trap s?y sent to each subscriber, and we trust, Retaembr ihafcwWendilP natters i rr o 05WarteryantaaTy;?8t:.j Now is the tjiue fo? getting pp Clubs to th'e WBytoifeowS" per to your neighbors and friends,1 and "get febem'Jtd "join ln,c1We want 1 tha biggest subscription, list in North 0 . ; l '32 ..10 Carolina. "We haYeno vfelub rates. forranyibut yeany fiUDScnoers DUtior luor more subscribers the paper is only $1;25 per copy per year, free of postage. j ; ... imn. feubps i VI B W8-TH E WK.fr, !' TOBK HERALD " BACKS.") A "Washington special to. the Jfew York! Slimes savs Mr. Ferry-i ofMich igari, who , has j become' .acting Vice President by "t the death i :of' MrWil son, is not f regarded as ' " in ::accbrd with the Administration on the-cur 's- ; place.him ago he wa out we haye ,een r newspaper slate ments this ectaaon lhatbe has c-modt-: :t .4-i:ti?i " vTbe New:Ydtk ifeffh'as secured a fiearand comprefafirisiveeipoiffion of thepossibleHPreifdeutV opintbn at the presenfelerm on thi imiiortant. ute lor resumpiionj id lie cwas. tne ihead-of-'ilw committee4iiitb'tSeiifaie ' which' framedflhl; lW$i4dM Treasary' to pay specie off and atter secret or bis opposition to that feature ; of the law, aud explains that he' con sedted tp irbhVy aT 'of ; coinpr misef;i Uther.metabersdf the.com mi t-i to , cbns'edt.tW: plleeit T in7abiiary: ; 189, wishing tor extend the periodaft far as. p'bssible giyetime5 for1' prV : paratioiuii '. J;ii " :: k 'lhalM the KHAif O ?e;: Jfds,iud finanbr, but a x mano3iivre of potitW; rency questior .-anaJ tnere''Wr nn FromFthchaitPii WiNyytiUt is fierce for " mare, money, erry.was pppteedlto fixing a rfceclfib , date at alt imifi yfelded: ofarfas lmfttedaiefKeunpJiott sayg that of Mr.iVrvjV pifiiotbatii wuq- tuwj r U4,urilHji.ay'','thatrithb ct: of Jat wasnot, , : Tim Ilepublicaii party: ha.i ijastilieeih jwiu-mwugnu ttJnecessajry.taddtsome- r 1 rorpltaadotedi was i!atmere: i.-' Tha ia:ta:ah , , ,T- vuuusu; amoamea to; W)t tiiug, aaA no- iro stepsJ) Hwilalaburd-as iti)prtitd. end' of: bretefcl -fottr-bfculebmb .v-..vV KapjiiiflQr4iigni ,e4 and beat a retreat, lis cry uow No resumption until the country is ready for it,w jafefcathe maligned: ? inflationists, haveial I alonsr, de-' J j-j a i : J ' -A - uiauueu auu jusfcAvoat common sense 8tatesmanship,requires--,A-- r- I ; RecentlyLmorafiulightened andlib- erahviff5W,4re promulgated from the mancy jumtroa..-. "NVt iQnly arfti BUoh notions jaiivkticeof & a JSostorta'a arguuieuii ui tue eitreiiic uuDtraciion- istsj Wncttfnln'git SssJ nYe3 ffetfohdanV mostcd&iractloiiistS-fallpiJTMeexrdtencebf thegold preimamjradicatea; ajdunafacy; 9f currency, teat beyond tliis we paa aflprt very little, it has JbLeenemobatrated lime ind again thirman inherihfluenc'es affect the premiumtnd4faat aTise brfall in the du"nd4flcb'naV:m1oneV., ldrii4i the'' Vr;gGif - made the--sbarpest ' advances f aon there' Jwaiv no. rnewi etoiteion AOf cure b in iie taca,ort tuc emissions .Ajicr.tiie re-, dontWcaott ana th-aMwaiffflfeTSdelic is alwost as markedifiwtheeessation ot It i hoped fby aft who sincfefe'ljrde slrcPtoree fifilncfal jilbstion 'set- 0tVHBtWft'6;klhathy'r law L1 3kft in.eai!re jwrej jLhmk cpuld; ;pas erHousewithodtiaiffictiltycr iMhe enateWiiligubrr :an fat?cfeofld: yat by, by l.Ieavingithiii ;q.uestio.n dpeny janjd will! likewise voter to repeal arrir1dK6uastituter which 'cannot 1)6 Srlam'lais'm'iab uiaj sue pqst no aJowa j to tgoverr) ler,wn realm as she pleases, j iMean ume.tne worK. at: the navy yarda goes on. r "'i-'r.'l;-'. ?: twitrj.zi ,:.. j -: la it war or peace ? "We do not.be- lie Ve. taerei will be J war, ."thou eh we are j satisfied the i tWasbihgtoB jAdr , mimstratipnl desire ;it. 'Tbe iciuii-': trfia'nbt ttfr fa?vbrbf swa;unless ,it shall become necessary to defend the njattQual bpqo? whksh.ia not .assailed iThe country wcollects what-WaH the: Tthat wa8 the..tinw for., Grant.! to have5 exhibited lbickbbmf. MNbw it! jui auu,,wni. uare no war ana r no thirjderro. t HE CHIEF JUSTICE ON TUEJDIG i . hiti ok his PosiTiorr. able mahrwithi jefst iViews'tif life -Aig- .jmxpgejisehavineifOi tberesideircvtiTh CliiSF Jl rtfoUslo: ;desj fihW tivepomicat oaner. f hends'for ant efforts t1n - mv-balf.- tod- 5ip p.ne ever, bad tbosc; roorecf aitbf ul'ori iov cuigenr, out de you Ujy)k u qMite right for 5obe occapyiag ibe first, judicial posilion in Itae land to permit tbe use'of bi banie for political positiopl.llilB office crt me' to me iepvered wth hopor,, adjWhen Iaccepte ie mr chier dufv'was ;not to matR hf. it o stepping stone id- soinetbiD- else; buVtd' 'preserve itspUrily ano 'rtt tooaiiiblen tnkt dyanje'Asbqoorableas ibose f mvi .pre-tJ ulbbuu. , 4iumn ougai lOjaccept .ima place unless be shall, take a yow to leave it a bonoratjle aa ne' fomid iC There'oughE bfever1 W be any necessify for 'building from bfelow, ail additions should be above; i:i ,r jflDiyjuagmeBt ;tae i jtSqastuulkHt, igbt loesodb a'Vie!feonlrt T rirnWoflw Aa-U .stetentJy permit say bsineto be Used for tb4 ptw suggested - it. I iSbpold do so. could. I, at all tunes and fn all? cases re.rnalnTuu- oiasea isage in . tne estiniatlon: of vibe people?" ; hull: -: ',-m:t;i r. TBI HK CHABLESTON N B XV H A X. I NO K COHRIRR. jjxuple( jouriwlijuf; mtormaiiowaodi companvjnir it with rint-ltio-Pivt. viti- wm. We havirbMnnr faith in evelopinent j .unjalism in ttin 'fW Jtop w;uiiiij,jn;ijay U)atno.w is- 7n.- I j ; 1 1 M . . .1 thjBritisia.. notiijfibreacU hi Pacini no arriiv lylVaiifi5:belfeeA gluibif Gamerbn abd' P?troitJoiB ah Kjan-iStaie Crin , y atartV cM.'" mctiw 4- IjteCaiWln&a? ahdk IVp f i.i'1Iy013 P"1 vJmw t'Wfl . ,ne loweinwoiiseo ini;ocfgressmiI influentiV564rrial8 vCsh ZTcrVIWand &ntr o!';il4f YorTif mfodif vingntheir prqy id ipg tor jres.u mptmu i n j 87 9. attitude jthe AmTmsltTatldriJ at;th itime of the Vtroxmut affair. It f eels tliese furnishetd to aiolef0h5ovi nEws'paDer.ii He iivsi- tcL(iu''-Soii lit wtwjv have prohibited .llie .election , ot i piel InstiCe to the presideriav. Eofertain-i 'j Ape thane8ton JYews and Courier, hf flkrgefjpm I 'KE6iUfrd IK dwidLviSKi.0.l.blA. I ;aiuftist-trit-t publigMnu!thelates- u i !-. -jjiai isiirsj siii Jii,i-,jii,(, Those who think that Mr. Blaine is ontTf the Presidential field -entire! will n6wMve an opportunity o re- ype ther! judgment by' the light4af- -fiarded byjLperqsal of his proppsed amendment to the Constitution. This ?je4;eSerJbfvdjiyhledrJb urrjaifAMmn t5J ll'prfiBolifiuhM. tolfbll&rih'el PreakleotJad-o'i6w bh speech?0 m1 Oil iQ avRlfl8tO;l tortS WOlOiW iu'4 ni;'3Q ini3a-l(i8iqi ttirts woioiw I.u'i opfirht it.:w.ara scood sfart: irith& . i ufiT-jyiteui ua w.c ejiOTKi F rf?"e-JSrt.r?W .esente,a VSoleht.l rian feeling was never at a lpwer e.bb was nevergreaietbanittsnow.: Uut- Side f certain .districts 4ih; New, Eiir- ' - t f j ...-.a ; S" I lb J; danger wWh'? proposition elates ; "the', pabo into the diseassiW.tbe 0m- J?-?!?? -teCT5SA pa en. -t It reads as follows " been arriving In firarltityntHrjesterday f P0111-- r; .v, . here."? Aiinglhem a&protaineht riafhmtfre? ' both wMNud" Stated ligion or rphipg,iheM(rte.exejey, bbdti ts NBS1 1 ' -A. m W L 1L fX I . M I I M I I III U V u a r . O I . . W - . .a fbxationViiftDIState, for the hVSoatuerrM.'fej' nmnnrL nf .nu;t.Li. re tntDralTy looked' forwartl witbfic6a J.' I T"J vur witnuwnieiniii more i .ea,tm,drlie-jprctlpijpfi,a setvai Uiefre id ho feai4f Catholi dom- ui'heerlalr'& Jreet tne1 i inaifonfoT thW deleatfe-fbe gentaiwarnithr-aW' . Prptestatit parenU.Lave. more sense, rstfl!hlhfHr?acio!? ri.X i.r j'::' GVl r-; tjU: out tbe edUte biilldln Irving aiskfptie1 era.aSjCranjL yandt$lainb ftioPVtiM10' int ,. An'A n tl,Ki:,.o' -k: u.ix-; I V-yi we are satisfied; have p 'i'T11 l??WiJnP0l,,Ic,in-t- oVU- liiVirTn4- .jIiwAl :n-r the opening hymn, f'Ahd Are We Yet Alive )TOw sjstem thatbtatnsjnithia by the asmbledi' Jdeltes!i; Utd' lipd.ivilfince, wfe maint lipHbe ;8ub-i b a Dumber of hidjjgemen of ine 'jjBfiiIll'nbt'bofta 3tjNhn thV congregation .whotwerepr eseati j-n iwii Presidehttal1 campaig'n oi ifi is, j The Bishop then offered up a long add :iUlgtionwiil 1 Wroj'tKe ;ie' .' fewest Py to the TJiroDoi Once be4 anWia. ? ,1,' ru:0 Wesaing of : tl Most High on the IT , " ." r v J : ' iTr against another " is "dangerous ; ana I Will be put down by the strong arm, I af the people, who will have no relig- ion in .their nolitins an.l nn naritninra t against the peace of sbiiety in tiieir places jof aoihbtitjC: ?",'!. Cm ITHR HEBALD POU BaNOALL. ffijV.X? ai way a had, wb ether, j j ustly : ,or not, reputation for oracular wisdom, Ukea dea,i Ihepeakerahipicbntest and ' "WA r-TUkti ' iailui;vrVi rrrrri ,?, i ibemgvQii the i vebf electwn "the banewb.athAri7r oy will help t.,e Uhed Pen- :jsnvaiuanit6win the.SnftkereJiiri,4X J . . -. .-."I- -.-jj-. -j-j.- - j T Xh ,i4 "u4v 1 11 1 ppwh fhtiritica imeh :f Newark (eie"uueu 10 maite an expeai- I tl0ni H tg.roUCj.fegionslea PL. , 1 J?. f . ' -'--. LT Mie expeaHioniAennaer. the JbSP ISn :S2gaJ0Itf .. . 1 . ""pii- '-ft. so i.4 sV4b 3 . . ."I -7WUMH,irv n . : i.. .i - : . . a aenaauon is aoroaa id me snaDe t ;A'Wi1,"tUi.ivit . . . ..n: , ..w ij .'( Hi ii 1KB -ibsssia . I V'flf HtWlrlutit Purru whii(aiiii).l J liitiitegreViibackit 1ci.freV ' fli:4h fla-a uuMiyu. ana let tne count rv ciov nn tLmt&HEZ iifpu iiiry 'jdle br Wali trtlet fTjeddsnoirithif liinville L." .HeDarea.QlisrhMi'' Phmipa. vUgypV&lhVhef,leinl hpmas-W, Guthrie. ; toi.Wtop. ' " ;f- r;yf j iAudetson, Clarepdoalpllsasc'Wf U'ROMaAiaOTio-Jtk vebtJamea E: ftanb52Bra p Moork I L I ' " J -4 .4.4.. J .' 1 1 f I shriog inlaearch of the records hidden sWo' Robert OBwretvasi B. Bailey,' VI JLitwbl 1 fut"- n ';.tHii ivr. j : ft Gannott'Saml VlHoyl: Jit 8mbt iwell-knownEsammaux "JoeVsecnreil .Tnhn n nrnnt. t?.k a to-:hs : r' '-rs:rrre-rstxr,vr:r-yw wMtd Goyle iBaxter C. PbilKpa'IAidas'iW Vsvnibles.' -This f a lirohniohd Zit J le, Jaaies jtboner'AugA JBosUuitte,' nma mipe was top muct,. - The 1 pbodedt HlfeVijaTGl mbiiikerlteAv'iSittm - M. iWVmtHJiiBw c1a8!i ,rF vessels tiiose whi hv) ,. y :, in ftemaoAiutbA reeaJlo-of -AtiBiiteft. (Alexander Walker, L. : nyaum- wiwi aipanyiipe u?pt itMaltoftsxileaa. ,W Ailiiu,... bf tbatsert).-. i . Ujrt, fflin . 3g"fsskteMa 3ie5,bond schedu e. and xneofsmext. 0"orcr' "v"' r AV f T P'"n paying oeen - maae against I JUir oabbatb Scboola-Reva ScYoio ffahlT'3:.L , .i:"Ci:V.:-: rC- l?"TT!1V mmtmWWMe&kdmyfihm' Wimers6vEtoanBel WillmlnfeEIilxayi .-" ltL'4vsiltoai;:aulbiiifk oift-oj'r.iMiiwi-f- ,.. ..t..-- WiiKii.-r i.i-i-'j ' - ...A . . peraflCei-kjVS"iCMrb jr . WmBeLVathe;;;;;' ";nr Jto-- the gOBBiyseat.PfludC..uuMon. Geeagd :. A14B will regrettojearn that Rev-J. T. w - . -ajrjmftgsiMfffe. WgJf. W j 0,7 n iT In "f"""1' v" wo ...were unaoie 10 uw, : Weeir permad.stoetaywaM furt tfpr thacounty e, U u tbia -Wtareuft'Slensto fW l.WrepeJfdtf taedPui- . . : , bnce. M f "Ht"' l"f' 'I i irt Dy proeeeaiasd tbe 39 (b ne 39 (b Annumijflmuu I 1 Una conference ! the m. cunren. 8ootbtv., " , . y i or 1 b a ft. it Lv U t h r&A a v t h jf m aat.B"..'. a-. ) . m PMattoaiHKe ttivenxofus wersec.i iVeTOWMtf'iifte'lffiitUlTI tienBuWfii-Bt9Va,?ttiB8 mfHM of BurfyWifees; fealdirell,09Buraei McXell, Rtflb to tfaeSdntK''mtlnk ti.-nn th SrtfrtK' to the Sonth Cian . csoul K&r ne otate1 line oceao... imsectionc T1,.i V. Ilsboro; sboro. ff&hJb4 iV BtpBBrisbu3 disrj wmmWbelbyistriqW Rev. J. S..Nelaon. Chiriotto dian-im, rv The Uelekafes met festerdar tobtbiiit!' iuuk fiirecL ui. ru. in irrn.i iur- ' i.f.. . jvi -l . i, - i u ne c"' o'lbe morning, while an array of AorrifWati'A surtoundioes. es had been nicelv rirenared for.-' f ' '""' y.i-'Ti assembled delegates, tb enablb tbem'to do to take placed -"i- t ; - .!.o;.-: , At the conclnsion of) his feeling amd inv Pressive prayeiy the Bbop read ;he 12ih clianter of Romans, after which fie called npbn : R,ev.-' Ia' S. ' BurkUead ' to deliver a 'prayed. That' gentleman : responded in a icucui auppitcaiioa oi; some leogin. ? ; 1 ben was suoj by the assembled -body the hymn "Amazing Grace; bow sweet the (und.v alter which t the Conference -1 pro- ;t;we regularly organize. " 1 ,;:. " WM4WBUW! tJU VT. - eu ibe elerical roll of tbe-Confcrence,wben JiJp&pn t Tv"heeier; Robert'pjBlbDl lraT.: SKSSSS W.Xik:tfcl5v't:.L2rwiit.2i juikucuu, iaui ni. yunwaj, ,iuuu , i-saao r. it-eraDB, - jesee 0.' xseiaoD. eimon L . ..Ik ... . . t ... vwTftn,JfcMa i rw.i wjruettjiMeses'iJiHunt; MarcuB m Wheeler MarcttiLl'' T -" ft CulbmbI Thomas Hi iEdWardii?iPieif Ur Webb. Franklin H. W-VVilliatea; Uohrl C. Hartftell. Thomaa Atfirtrtii YMkrtlirf fRhM.f Ul Phi jtaxn.Wi;!;!: aa - - - - aiu aaaaa " a i vmvi . wawlbbi M.mm m ... . ' .;. - L. . : M4nm h ; wi am h i:mi mitiva h.ij.j " ;" r -TT . . :.l i'ru3. owrraBajw'wwrmawP t' s. .iniLii .la.ii.T.., .-..i,r..ii...,l,i 1 OV. JaDQtiM WllsOD. Kobah F. ' BUt&DtaBtll-! W o . j Ui..' mma.T .iT ;The names of ihe lay delegates were ibehT :alledndMefbltowlDeleBttV uaanimouslyelccted to beenpy that posf it i. . . Phillips. K5iCeuacil,lWoJ; PatlHaeJ traand ah mi4nsuf4dteBd d huem rTfi&a rffiorgefBP,ftte irt-i f.J W, If M,ixIlriM't0s,Wa"ai, "yT.. h dai;iw was mrde by Rev. L. S. Burkbead, which wlas'afterwaxda amended lo create . the ten -Presiding Elders that committee rod -ir',Tr:jr . .V .1 J adopted V - rTif '"I- r-"W "' W"h . TheUimoesof the committee tlU; i " 4ap. of ,be M.u retired V make jtheii- nominations. . k ' i ' ? Hefi !'l , T On motion of Rev. L. 8. BurkheadnhiBTAiSccmemQuitemsirTO JCommitteaofiPre8idinfiuElder8jwere.in- retracted toBOoint alee a committee to take m m a w -a. m. s m s. h s T m to OnsideMtibn h6 f celebration of the luum -wir wwkwcii w.. ifcfcv . v--vM.wfrvw.js eaupmteepp.f'uucjpre jjTif inJj' 'n.r r?rA.!a caairinaD,-was appomiea 10 inquire inioine taeaobf 'haViilgUHe'lmibUtesof UBe Obaill -Pj?Jn?Pi:5eySH. IJ Jlpprej BJ Gibbons and 1? W. Guthrie were apDointedl f SSff iMlJH?t tfeltl i ug w" wuuv w mo , u, Pd and 4th yeWltff'iftialMetfiOf WOaniq majjau'ttarfloal renprt.betBjB jjostp6qedifl Yt ilJ wuicn consists in asking the sum .qqestipn frlTeVencSWl MUtfarMBker riiseibblarsi aaXejiBJ Btan oflnwi'nir' nrtrt to wh ich no object nuiuu UU uuieciIOD I pemg made; it wa was adoDted: - ; ' 1U T Hh'3ion juucaiion-ruiencai: a. I Ct .niujim wLir oiV.i aWeod.SirV.JIli)vila.LkvAf AnrWiwiraT I f 1 f " " orr-r te.Is Biat.,T. AvClark, Jf M. Xeafe 1 w. fw.,Mctiee W, J? Kornegay. T, T flat- ill lo ta . i. ., .1, L if .: f t :. . .- .."in bttlrI-BCloois-iC!ericM: J. -X11!RennH i . BAJford..J. !H.; ,WbetlerJ : W. II- ealli " vl'"Wi V'lfiW . Jfe A' totpW:narna,-;AJK Btfehammer, n..4yen js-BtAllenrA.jlTalker ft, .'DrGayB.:W:Brbwii U Ubutctf fronerryClerlctd W C. 'Wil. iJ-: J- m LeM3,Jdbn Tillett? VxM7 AnJ ersou. wviJii. nompson, is. JiiUulbertb Avn V ,4fc, Piieyfci.) 43 JimpsoMM. a & vr .ra -r a a r M. i Tbcimnscm.iThniira W eSartte ii t iisv.' Bible Causer-Clericals 0. J; Brent, S.Di' ver8arv, wbicn occurs next year,1 On motion of the Secretary, a committee insistintr of five, with E. J. Lillv. Esq.. as 12 iiii; r , cuitv teat Itramea on Iierrrttthivtim?j aixfi h .WprW:.Kuy,iy iu number, were enabled to "es dice! n mi i sf odicalscle I. cA.,ttiqate,' u. v.;. j! lowers. . .YV. . Uidnevi. il eo. x. uiev: xwo Shaver. b.'ftkcbl.4K'KJcbuDcu1 t"n.9g ""L i: -iii vi-.i.V -TniET "T7.i raised in North Corpliaa O.Burton.: (Lay: J.,F..JlQore, P. CBjanes,- Pairr knit gldvesr T" JamesnnWc: OlfelX1 si Web a' XS SfT -t i-.ui ii-i!it'A!iiiL Pipffered by1 tbd .Bpardiof .IMrect. .9. Walfe, J. W. Leak, J. K Leggett,.B. orsTor the Association has hot been decid- Pooler H'-p toji t -c rr . - tit 1 uw cmuiudu usiu wm wm nave oueiu i wcMuuHtiwwa uir.seaooara ai. uie Dear ree4er,(U, J,n.ey,. is. jUeitman,-. WiJl during tho Faimwas on a visit to this citv I est practical Doint on the coast of . our wn M. Jprdanf J.,F.JSimosb,,B. C. Phillips; J. F. Bagwell. R 8. Willis. Jere Johnson tf-l-i'-ra" V i.:()?fi 'wv :' Z,,f'';r ?S -ff , yixoat V-. JL. Hunt, E. jj Tr0r.-V i Ur i t o 'i - ' - r r- tt 7'.T?r """""'"'I" f'Orwiord, Welfare-ofl thok of 4heJConfertnrde whb - wete-stillflDeii thaaaDaraiiMiatad.liat:in'Url rr. . ;7 ' - T L moral inouirinsr. Scrutiny into their moral characters &aZC&TMilieB.veremveiilk&Y mefabfNort6T3arblmaCorif efab1iftfheNort6T3arblmarir r.rt.W - int tki s. ,W i 1 Bjicrfltaryl RevilViiSbarpey iflnanciabi'i ' T "tv .---v. O. weno, graven,. L. W-Crawford, H. I grand stand are nearly completed. ; i i-.---.-:t pe orougut tn direct T. Hudson. Pi J. Carrawav. J. T. Wvche. ! fr ;"ius. v.. niuj, DBpa. k.da.- , i uiabpuiui. yeriainiy wummgi i nf-t w n:...iv.i ' 4 I fl'i toi'jyvMii ,yu ? 1 ducements in that respect. "-"t "r v.uuuu,n, v. ijunuu, r t -j-' .. j ..I !.: . '; h. ! i 1 Place itf North Carolina vholda Wt W lsoorjitti Layr'T. S. Whitaker; Jas. .eaint I' - ,; I people pf-the West. , s Southgate, R. T. Gray, W. C. Doubj'R! Ry f I n'gn" AairaaiBessBot the;oru.fc f to , :Aj Scroires. FJ A.-Clark. E.1J Varouaa cpmerence or the Afncan Methe 1 oiw pBperous, n is necessary mat tuey 'AiWWty: ; Jepben:CburcbBiitlsty,ye5b:rdayJ: iuses.aady m-rjb them, we I ttLJ,- d'd.; f JabezipjICampbniK DiLL; ttv? I ilmingtouesepts, greater ;adyaDt- i I TtH'LttW. .fadm' S 3; sf.j i.v 4 ages thap.any o$her place in;our State. It tW'm.yi :1 WattiS ,;!he:?1yP!8Cei? the IState that cbndHion of the several .members of tWai , i ",Tr'-Jwiwii-Ji: ipa. to." we proportions ot a respectable - J '' -lli: f ' sfngidg the hymnoa page 890-SJ Letiusgo. $ty 'aud'betfeiary thoulr one bn the ,donference whose names. ere thetfeon GVeoffiDSS?Qffterea atajit iJn kh. of the being consideied and the Individual cases Xi'iAVt1'-v v " '.n? vi -ii i ; country .Where, the , necessary productions oisooBedxitjkiaj miMiMit :ki TW 1' At thi. i9MaViifr U Tftil,J"iW-i "ni I -P! oinJ. tx? (ioJ odt Jijaao ov ;l lpxnriatat prpfusionias ther .do in the upper V llVnL TTbe'BishbpJ llmirMim fe fek??6 'essafiiy opTns ;C leeB-tDffbreV nptt oeaattfarrayBr forthe I Xxi1',1iaiQRTLL2i',::o4i. lii-.. !; ol Bpra-ibaricey fori o'mrodBctSfabd ilaees 1 WWlW-a Si l a riW6TWrbrtheflMmW a )piigaiHS ior lae ministry I or ; the first tear .L vu ;"""i o;.vaj, iwneroausanuagoinerparis or. lue state verecffiedanirerVed -'-p Wnmes!tohWj.im e fia 9(Ji nb sI)a greakjdamage if Weturniureyes ipthe tii- tWffiS;' ' ' i'T - Rew Wm-hBiBhp.iiBWWa Morris ipciion i of WUmingtop,- We thjnk this dues Jll. Rhodes; Mt.' Olive Circuit, fcB. jokmcbolasf CbHleliSsannrf r 4oVnctess,ftny'ifoll6i,uIf "sSch was -lb ? aHFayettrlle Ciwit,''andy.,f!B:;Car; wS wW fdaie, we kaowithatBTery community p 5BtoUKuthewrdfen.Cireuiti Aivinir ij 1??L' mpt let XpitB oy,n local .advantage .1.1 , . . 1 . rf-- I ""-"rrl "J" siVHir uv la-iv ayaaaw vast V. 1 1 U1U1UKIUU U11CI 3 Bi! V ,lffWy!P.Tft AfaK WROfcAod Jte4Uai. 'lH,,,;.-' . j l. a t- l a - n . w eman.-tatuilicaliaecretarhra ... . I - -. . ... r T cT'"- i ' " "i1. " " " i "fc J i. . . . ?: - i - - - "II . I .1 - ; jbt . . . I ? . . . J several auuuuuveuieuia ni me meeting oi, I I L . t . ' : ,i. . .. ..II a . . ' . .-. . I tbeDulbit: of Eroot.. Street ME; rr - " - ' .i-75ti. www-v "TVSiifVMiuu W i JUi:,,1i n TTniifi Tos Residing toMiop-'fyrlrtoJyd1 titat" iS that' ut avf . arl. tbVtfjuralf wxribihttimVbiUK fi!?Jid HMV?: &"d h. o;ed-l, ju4hYjfarwburtfbiiff4idcktM llllllll W Ma 1. . . Klt.Bm IS ; .1 IHIH.W UII.I1 ll.li. .- ' . 'I I I ' t sof mufcW'shatfteV minalBir-lhal'iBe11 wBajmiamw!fi9a. tnoUaiti rjiag tbat the nre'Tisd Tieen confined to a .theaidjrtUuffjJto BUtrUt kK-ikBucia i. slUum,8f' acendlhat f of th Um"e A NKU1UHS JtlVBK ACC1DBMT. fy t-f I occurred at thejrharf of Messrs. Eerchner I & Calder Broa. vesterdav.'aboul 2 o.V - -r t i I; In the afternoon. It appears tBata4 acks of .sart., and. as the hands were in iho , . k ' . r ;r z. -,. ..uv i'6"w uv-ai lUq iuaii occuicu proprj?omotoi6 projmi-gObg'upou wbichl it 3fc,wmAA "v" "y "u, w. ,suuu 7uu iI ePwWweniano.iarea flid lighter aud careo- sink heneath- the waters, tbatlt wai with' Considerable idiffli bwg!SeJze4,LindjjWllfcJd.Mponslh$M Wter tho water ' had leached m their waists., lJHoMIIk ;wrech;,wuuB, ui vwurse, not a sacicor me sa C0UKiTe saveo. "KeraisS0red5nieB J iit)fcdcdirlfitf)ft ntiirtTee rtiiHrt5iMttfilw ItPper-sack (rsfo:fbr nhentlreiJbtfd; r r-.. wuu iifo. iuiuviU BkUVUk frhe lie-hipr. M?hih ns hefn .t,H, w dngedm.m"j;'jT:im tmpMed;iJa?dfwas t-tue&tt 1 Ui.U - r could r root rfrauiimiTjeioetratnfe tire- jjoae, although on such . a serious subject 1 nt?Th that may be caugbt in the riVei i osZrtwin&h21 J JriaMMlMla0d 5! 1 ' Tl t - her yMsfsVfeHab6temb?. tJiJ iOae'&tflar' is gold tet tbexcooper of naval- stores wfaatprpduces tbe. foe-ciuj sapipl,.of rosio, nia own SKiu. - , i, ... J besltspecuneoiiaf cabinet workmansbib. .TOvr-: vuiiai. auu a uail fl gum lur 111 1 ueeMe iworjjL, juer own.maKe.ft.-. r ,i . - r By. Alex, Sampson: Five dollars and wpmaa , Jiq,;; makes, I ba j, heat-;cead I br ml 1 9 frnm flnlir nnrAlinarl at Wm" M j iSIddre's store,Market;'betwieetf2dnd 3rd- I attbpJirtbe best loaf of wheat breads,, -t aoiiars and a pair Of bull dogs and wreaeated at tLe Fair, i r Carolina a4 m ' r SrIwiNixbBTwoaollrs arid aiilf B "- t m g?4 V I her ff etnale whp.makea; the.best dODon. u LJst'strlloDen. n m jur. j oon JurapatncK. one; or the lessees ?iK '4 i li .1.1. in on Saturday, to consult with Jos. C. "Hill. I Chairman of the Fair' AssticiaUon and I make arraneemen for the accommodation I and board of sfxhundfed. visitors,iwbOi hei l and Princess are streetsi beginning to.look i uc uusidbos. ' 'oueas, vuops,' aiaus auu .lue i T,, 1 !pSnr!r,eW5, TTTf TT'!B,r'J,T-,,,."M4.w fl? T: TlroiP Of tneCbrerenctf wWle i "" sr.u.wrTT.-sw ik iwardAi Jp. Robert IA0exaB4fer Aiisoa iKxn, scipio oauia j j Wfoiela Seiafytf pBeyi J.'WJ TyrTaiK;irOrdfiryrV i - - , M xmvi a oMu tKiw ub' adds.' ii'rarserunn 'Hroi s . . . j i. peted-fpr at the ' Industrial Fair In Decern? I '"'if - njniit -sir, .Liujiii:i t in yiii-l -j f . ? i r!0f w8 app. Pipled. PostrJ ilTliA .A10fiQfirraf i . " I !lin mdllhn 111 t'fUir A M Mu-ao itturlai t . - iv - uwuv -T"?T " 'vuv iuv ocoiuun VI I CI" I -TT "V-f ... vvU.vuv;iuy ncmuuslt UUII kijih unrtajW ,u P W Mi! .4.1110 Z 11 F "7, " C . , "T"', f -.1 1 ntstuso'iu. jjrii ersou waSi4fitvodU wai-iifttroducedl .VJflhe Bishop as trajiflfertf UDfufrntVi frmnlha ViMlrmia fsr. I jrr-rsrei iWii1 ' vf. vf.ou f rf.i4 - f " . .. . i "1. ? t , - v ; r '-f ' fa Ta j )uif05jo'el'jia vii..-iw avasMmi V4J J Ufa y iKJCiailll.iU etVlUhLlJi a-ki a . li .a . i.; : .-.JLi-.r-:.v - Miabop jucvreire. O. D. preslal fce, presesstonf l&?NeVth Carolina Conference, was, ise learn frbni the! U 1845, be joipBd the fylrgipiazCoDference pad in 146 WJiiiHsfjjired WMobiie'Xla' 1, and too Charge -pf :4hQchurch ki Nashvilld gljj, Wlra i i - .fv, cjfrr--r f oa ir "1 " - V yuci'u NV i-I v u CC SOU W88 pnaigs$i.cjiprcjhga Kewprleaas nbtil aopfc wneu neiWas-madeulitor r kxt.' I OrleanaSfAMi: ; i5i,. .... t ? . iST ss -p-reiumed l- A i9 AlaQarna Uenferencelrid -WH i tinned inTHoamery;wynbVwi., il N Kashyille -nnesseeia. dUHn.r N !Sd :!hhroughipfedeft of thek J PW'.I11? Churcu, $ 4hl a& effective preacher. Be i V rjthecoJtbe;wpjk-enGdefl f'Tbe Man-i fWS?Wf; WTS' Methodist-espe-! feially ereryietbod Isfe miriSter): It is saiir 4lHwasthrduBishnMcTveirft5nfl i jence tbatllr. nsanderbilfe wast tedueed to i now called the Vanderbilt) Universitv a l9l.nai-tnsxHinioa. mifiMma fii!--.iH - I Kit aw'fcit'v w tfr , -i',;v j , ! )oL RigerMooreT Qiief of tbe Fire De parbff;io i Ere compapyf thl city bich'utireels 500 I Jfeet bf h6se, connects the same and Las ' space of time at fair grounds. j. James Lane, $2 50 inrgold to the woman - Who? males the beet speckrien of shiru . S. VanAmnnge; 5X).fn-gold for tl.e b.a TOloretfjiB ' mj.fhe- StjAe;;..f3 0 m gold 'to Uie painter wnomak'es and presents the best specimen of marbleing, iu paint; p 60 iaold; to the vboy wogiH un(er jg : years of iagefwho Composes the best essay n the necessity of education, if- O'sBara, -tbe vehampion walkist,'' writing from Augusta, Ga., offers to walk LOO yards against any horse trotting 880 ' yards (half inile)ifttr pacing, fbra purse of 50 to theiaueK"" ti " PJb? jSea to be ffltpaatalua. j: :fqme;rei7j why. prtp Carolinian peo. hie of the West, sbo'utd endeavor to make Wilmington the great commercial metropo jia and ealrppnf of tha J3tate.-Jhi8 is to be done by exteAdtogthe' Qonneciions of the I iuiure weai or our mountain eountrv I . -v u . . -.v.j .- . ' Sta ? mei Diaue? wnicn oners any reasons Die induee- ments as, a commercial point. --: To us VVil- I mincrton is undoubtedly that nolnt Tf 1 desire to bBctonie prosperous in a commer- j 4rect communication With.the markets of i wuiu we oiu ana new wpna, ana tnut we communication with VTTSl on oners in- that no other put to the ,noliejog cjasses, , Jn; a. condition to 9? me. Jiiuropeair extrB, j3ndUcenients.tOY tbe peopkii of the Wwt, . The result of a through line ltt-ra jvacatown xoiseaatert'oraBy. trtner point Jjpeop empnstraXiops. shpwjQSjtblt ti e iiauogiuo are.auve loinisgreai -i--" "o -" 'tfTT fcmttj.wi.iiUV u..uL, ii..7w mxs v wa w . a a waaa ruo kJL.amr'iiai - jii""fMv i jiuoom iujuc nu'.i,.; lwn Wilmimii. na. AciiJv.n. . v: ! ar im; uaj-nui BtlUll, tunic BUCU l- .iiuifall juiMte, Hwexif oeetbecjfi.Ti t, - e ralialraJll Biuf flluf i iit u.uon tliu t.:. i "uitiaiwii nuu uio VOUt A'CSa -naj-a f - . . . . . ... ,. 1 . ' . araif xrmignr Have-Ueeb Stated FurtliVr fTuif wo Jm iWin' ft?rV,l ; rff I. J,m m .: ilk hU&3ttitf di - . ibhteSiafoifonka rearlv acrtbil.V . . . - . ? pf.de.j!bK p4ioykfera4)H. ! Tlttl liailaf f ttnntaT ttlklvaV tllCl. I Iwiflf t1 u tl'll biimWiKrfjpoitsalobg He: being burned with one-ot-tbe buik!- tue aieigounrian Advocate, born in J c- xo. . n? jaraerr nre iiuTCh'- hr e5g5 t?4Paoop Collogcj wheree waaTicensed b preach in iftu ! Ff?P lJr?i Summerja:tbeen pastor, the latterf havhw beer)MtA?a.tin. ' rr y!Ppne eae.:L js. Cbcrch, ! pOUthiJa"" bjoofiv the" iwiv -wu;ii oi 1 .! 1 91 1 Caroluia Cenjtral BaJiway, ;j We quote: Ip the first piace, it is necessary for Ibe iiit . . . ' ... " V. t "1 I . . . ..r.'. . .i- ,; , - ...:.JI-.- ... . . . .ni7HMJ5T"" r (. i.v ni!r.rno tip