Pi , ForThe Moraine Star. s B5T1CJ. AN I- -The extent of itit M nr. nmf. I sional employment being from Geor- gia, on the-South, and Ma ne, on the : . i- .i. - - - 5. adSSS and Middle States. for rearing and the grazingseason is froraifoar and a " " ; . ; . "ftw er, where animals are turned out and required to subsist as they can. nearly uiruuuuufciueyear. Ane qitterence w, seeping me various kuiosoi live stock; Puu- i yuugi inem ? as oilen as they - "--'v---r:rrf of the farmland l am -forced to jhe become cool,!nntil the throat -becomes Pranfie)ih the exception of two private conclusion tbat;more profit is derived irritated,, near j-blistenng f Ior phil- dweUioS9'" Many of ;00r citing lostefery from' the'same.namber of .'animals; of reni is iTiecessary to' put flannel lhinS and mc distress; vil)l-resnlt;4jire' any. and, alf kinds,' by the average pltbs ; between tbi Hhrokti andthe ffoni-; J- " : 4."-' ;Vn, hlUVKuruier in me coin iautnila nrhDra mucs UieveDL DIlKLArintr , W hon - - i 1 ..... J"il, strange as may seemF, vastly in 1 fa- loroat. ana change, 'as, they cool; al ; ilear the New Tork Fribune : The gos vor of the colder climate, with its se ft atne time nse a ? gargle made of fps Qwbo aatfg vigprously pa JISMrr. tKttSSS .v.r.,y 0jo,uBu, MWfc inanageo uicuv, ciuujcu vo ine exirenaea 01 ell- liiue influence. :Taf5JrLS over matured, and' in some instance decaying .vegetation gri the winter pastures of ; tbe- Sonth,.is not to be -uHipareu. wim ioai in ine nay, corn fodder and'Ktraw of the small cereals. mainly cut at the proper time, aud nrODerlv. housf1J nnrl fA niu) olkl 1 I J. . T r , ..w v u v v . DUVI kinds of animal under the IJorthep 1 system of sheltenniz and feedrno-. not I vnly maintain their autumnal weight ai.il ,.,.n.1iim K.,r t w.:.. t u .iL .1 and condition but thrive through that eason, and the ) work animals are e"V"S . uy lur uie coining sea-1 sons'of labor-cows areTecruited and enter the milking season iu vigor, and ni,i.i,-,;n:-.'- - - L j 1 m sucu a condition are capable of npt only yielding in. their lacteal secre- tioua4i tbats-deairable-from foodJ . r - - -..-. . ....-,. consumed,-from tthe .commencemebt 'ii . P Pa8tnrage season, but m ad- dition they draw upon the stock, of I physical vigor stored duiingthe sea son, of resvand are really pearly two- I T . .. t I told more valuable than the Rama I animals would be kept under the I ut$"55Ul ...uAiuaruua. uepieuve sys- tern prevalent in the South. From these acta I have been forced to the a eduction that shelter tfor domestic animals is more necessary m rainy i nu pruur. in Keeping , live stock ex cept they are kept constantly in a thuvins: condition. . j J.i Wilkinson, Consulting Agriculturist, .1 .! lialtiinore, Aid. HEaLD PHONCNCI18IKKTO. Oat ror Uaudall-rTbe Next Preaidcnt nail OppoiM Tammany Am Et eru speaker Wanted. , . f . i 1 " . - : - . ' .! N. T. Herald, 'Jlonday.l J -1 I t : e . :, , rT ' - I ... uoja icutc tuts uuuseui i Representatives, by electing a Sneak- erv wilL determine whether the nerk worker; inTammany who hopes to get - something- from the Custom ' - . .. --..: . . I uociencept ine, democratic party, rues out against tne' impending evil ii"rtrirr iu"luS f T" ier the influence of Tammany Hali; 'l'hWlar.mri f tt s? "i'i would! throw the choiceof aFrisiden- tinl andidatejiPriihe EastalidGov- - io auiuiauv mail of the past as well "as of ithe present, would, undbhbtedry' receive the tiomi- nation. ,The elecdonf Mr-iKprr a, I Wnpone ,L ., , ", , ' i I ency or- uoiltlcai onncinle. I ii: ' . '"' . v I sufficient to .overbalance his disquali- Acatiopis as thvirual icandidate of J --J ammanv forSDeaker...: On tho nr.n.1 an.i giv expreswon jm vthe"; stifled seutiuifutof their party.-o A careful reading of the best winhesiof r: people Vu are.1!hog;, to be Democrats xtuti ilium- - iu . esw i OB' est ifavorajhim for the same reason,, and Ibecause it; has jpever'i forgotten the' affais-bfi-rtW jspokett action of i a man cwho never. L ,uuu ,.wjat i.ue wa&ngnu oe i meithev conceals his motives nor pre- t t i iiTMi s jMJiif'Birn a n v rt i j srvi a ma a - a - rvws .MWJ V VIVial UiO I an tthe preaeBt Bieeieoev' Mr.' Ran- 1 daiTa-param6untuaik andidaie for Speaker is that bis eleo- I aibn : Ul ecidef tha th ter, and in stables which are, many Ilia ambition is praiseworth v when "P1' broadef Views Wan thosef som3 of of them, nearly frost-nrrinf - - i ' i t4 i. t - ;l! ? ? w . v wnen She' Democrats who voed for him. He I -c V sought that his influence may be more ought to make a good Senator "Ss':S I havefound thanve stock on powerful and wider J,, its rWch for pointmeit is credible toQoVerhofinir: ooutnern larma. asiypnAraiiv mtnavaH i . i. x.; ?t .:. -1 - - . . i ' "-sr- I vuo pruujuLiuii ui me puDitc weal ana m winter, fpTl off or i loose cdiuSn GodVIory But when his ambition to a great decree; .whilst the! same isimlanVi;,;v J.;v r Prenident nf th TTnitorl :Wii f , . niui, w i n jira- j- "ui'8U1 jjuuuu. i tuo present xeiiow uipanai w icr uara. Market f : BATES OK FBRIRHt - r81",0! JH"11?1.. ,5Aale? graphs about him, he cannot live. It day jiave discarded such mediCalidoThe llteadv . : r , a.j fbkiout. be an Eastern or a Western man.. Let ?a ,i " ' ." " disorders that sap the oowers of Ufa are now neaoy. . .. .... . ... . . -. . : o Congressman! fget that hise ih em lm no!K TARl-Receipts? bbls.-Sales of 50 bb . Per steamer: for a Western candidate for Speaker neValS ,?ngtb.bUeruniW4taic it fl 60 and? do at fl 70perbbl: t ., -. : T6 . M,n ,h- in himself, he hungers and thirsts The hualities are found in an eminence- , Tha . Af kiv aif . hxMMttfi J Hw Toai. I n a ..w.,FaigU BgaiUBfc . De8t which tht-y could al m,Pmu,, uie emocrawmay de. -witti their ahteuiijeJ They 'uft. nutiu, -iko a oungj juoenjovar,' ipi- ome 01 ine-crooxeo psenuoayros toome "put of the Wiesk." .V;.; f 1 wl be found in Indiana, rr " Remedy lor DlpIitUerla. The -following is said .to beTa sure core; for, diphtherial In "several plaoeV :' ,WtM. .i;-o t-: : . , . i . i : - wuere n u,ease has leeo prevalent uui tew aeaiDSbaTe been rpnnrtpH tn B WW have occurred after -th riaf xr : " t"WB- . r?ohf . 7 J" s ' - 1 i - w,t. j K . ... I Water. bottfrig; aobWK"" cover the" wbole with flannel ninth fw?h;JbBn "sufficient , f. j J... "5 uauu piotn and rub it with castile soapiotil "Is covejed with thick lather: dip it f" ? wier ana appiyj it to the i "o w uioimbcb, in a I "T"1;', v mo.twaier, ana wnen .1 pooi aaa one-lourth as much cider Jhe disease, a JS,DS-.AB-1 Inordinate Ambition. f ; LRaleiglx Christian Advocate. j moHion may De laudable when a I man fiffira&tMlni en iA.t. i. 1 i: J'' -i - , ' - ; poweror eminence ;j or hi own giori- hVatww, ;. s. uku .....-i i fnL VB .KftttvA -Ji tru V.o t - ' v b,va u U very litlle troubled with Ihi kind brambuiou iSeirlia apt t3bsl sigbt ot in the creat- thoiiffhta tliat fiS hi liS'SS. a ho be a statesman he is so absorbed 4 : . rt r in the great measures of public policy that he thinks not of himself: If lie w w hv v . uaKwa a a iiu be a nhilosnniWf h K.fM..,, be a philosopher he is so abstracted! hhJrrn m his theories that he forgets to pro- vide even for his own oh vsical wants: A iuceveu lor msown piivsical wants. If hi h'f ft minister .f "rKof t, U If he be a miniater ..f r.Krlat V .U magnifies the cross in Us powW over a world of sin as to leave little j-oom 1 ... s.V W fn. oolf ; K;i i, t. : the man of AhAllnw intpllD..tfoH jor his selt-esteem that you will find this censurable ambition. - Carlvle, it Will be remembered, in ; repelling the chareeof ambition laid against Cromi Well, gives a graphwpieture of the says is among tho wretched s ghis seen under theaun. A great man. A ooor morbid, rjrnrient. emntv man. I x, . . . . r . ' I alienor tne ward ot -a- Hospital' -than I .u. -Lj : miwie amonif tneo. . xaavise you to I i. r - tt - . I . Vlrlft ,ue, c.8BO uu'lu,!,,Pflin8ruait!88.you IOOK ?X 1 m,h had ea.Uh and reaI !nbfta0t!e and in his (lav, wna not. nmm. J iioCarsaca BaawelP flanni ! 1 L. . ,: -r -r ... ---::7 "J 5r bublic Shows With onmed Ubbonsl T V gr1 , , !m" Pel staid at home, - The world wide ?,ul ,s wrapped, up in its thoughts, m Pfe8 The Ami No. Kuelueer. Sip . ntn 11 hnnt linH. iho i , - r L -"".nrrir. ::"r:,v;--' Some larvaj oh a Slip bfr gls8bout:a1 H"-'CVii.'CUIilC :tk u u. r;.i.: i. ..it 1111 mc ianic.1 iijiuui nan an iiiuii 0f the glass h placed some. Hue mold,1 so that if the ants had possessed much ' :...":if i .L i i - -, . ants did loot even risk the leap to the f ... - ; 1 moat lonoh T Seized the dtrr (it tho I r!aW kWrranUr I Jl down ot I ' Batl 1 inat fh K-.t- f iKi;. rn,. k. t i pwf, but most - 0f them traveled to ithe best by a cir cuitousfoute oLjthirteen;feeilalonfl nest bv a oir- leel. along 1 'iJr.aSCnttT -1- i in the lower.hold of the vessel f having a" capacity -of 75.000 hontiiU oe wea,wiu oe iaia-iQightaiayers apon iron bars; 'so- that7' a setiTrenv ata w nmnn n t ra vnn frri' a tnsr. a . 4tS 1VIWVU Vlll VUK1I JVVvUvOaO 2ia iliaVV oiaU .awvwvinuy i. K.iB .'c:.iViri Ilkill SiJ'2ih3abila trials f in that1 city : 'will ' implicate other officials higher than any -vet in- be that the original 1 the man V who: lives in misery ber either to Mr Kerr or Cox 'because Mr! ptdiaaryji..ijtnjm oii'L auCuW? " cause he does pot shine , above ; other Randall's endorsement of the Erie soft Pood Ordinary. t , jSbminaJ. . - u i t -u Porto BlcoTS -fcvJI; ' men, who WoeS about producing him- moniey platform, and his votes and speeches Strict Good Ordinary ) y i - v ; 7 , ." . ,ti- cPa If n body,as it were, begging everybody Wodd advises. At all events; the with- j lffi ii .nfe;u.irxft Atrlnjtkf' l oJ BHm-KvS'hS.f r Vff- k mftnlll,W I'VWi tIey between Messrs. Kerr and Randall." Lf4pAuriieceipts 1T.I ,CypreaaSj aLJi.':.:: iiMiT" hetdsofn.cb , Jl., SH0dCen - : x-9 1 a m w -iaa ovianr -riA ti. . a. a a biava ArhAamuta Ma an -im - - - a . r N O R Taltf A 16 O UNA. T1f t"!T r.-., aetive fi ar Beaufort rlevt Werk-Loaa I Ilea ! 1 t "lueeo i uiariea at .uinLmi iim m.ar.ne.v.rr Lirht-Tw.,;.p.;: BWWMiBBlM, -V. I 1 ' . '.. .-JJ-r' !.' 1 Vtr - T'i'iii 1 J i' LP?ci. ielegriimlo;iho Morning Ster.I i .J.E- r I j. K ;Tha largest fire ihat'eve occurred' here t P180 abotl,t 6clock ibMaornliij and 1 loss was very heavy and the Insurance comparativelht.- ut twenty-five' "ores burned- 55?F!8irs all that por- i TVerikoW en- tucay; reiuses to receive tne amount of subscription in wild pluma.i t He Bays he jaastdraw the line somewhere, and he draws 1 i. ' 3?r -nadm'f 'IhIjI- i iieman ls not in the habit or beintfiffnorett" 1 i m 119 insisia pow mai u ne ja, not elected I PP11 uimseir point on which ho does ticalbusmemagiftedwith strong; goo sense; sound judgment and large ftcouatbtd anCe W th DUbIi6Affaira. r . n .aot notable occasions be sufficiently litteai nnini.ma I ,,.lii;nQ boII, who.' like the Governor of, nnr nwn Sute on the other side of I nolhics. lias shown himself to be ajWtbrtlry "chief roiigis-,1 w , ' ? : . ! The.VVasktnaton Star of Ihe 29th ulL l!: i,today:u i tuu ci oh nun wuu a. represeuiauve 01 tue Star staled that he was' obta teandidatP for 1 J V ocYCU enoagn. e W i uui mat iue vauvass an luecomesucii tnal- without the "toale f seeking' any office: h,jnean9,atVo Tlie :r,:kddsn WU1 sustain the . . m m , , . rw t"?. "V8 hJaaciion on a S?J?SW places Randall ahead in the contest, iAa to the sirengtb of Jlr. Cex,iMr.' tWood said 1 ?"? ol' I "that hi I 'that he eould not receive more than One Wnnrt, Ways I . ...... ,-.r it- . ,J . , . iu wuoie xew.j ioib; oeiegatioo,,': wants to re tne Uhairman of the I h,.i-p... s ......i.: '1" J ? I by him liaa.t.beeneDledaedCito XJoxr" To democracy in ihef.latedectioh;, wherein Jhej succeeded oh fa-aid money and free at cban have taken paCein that oeriod la nonei bvA ii.Wn radical than iA h,a tn.MfmhS'r. Hu.n H -.1.!.. ..ij ...! . l - . . 1 : . fu P oatnre. prostrate with pain V T v ' - nuumiswutct. f"ui iatruo ana luirei. All fhis fas done with honest inleniiooa but ita terrible results. It is a. pleasing' fact remedial ,aent evejoffereduM SflrK hunjanity and it is Sot the result tne User, x Ktt. expect to reel- acUve and eaeivetic S veni Theeelebr.tedelSSnU.ca fltttr wken ;your dormant: enertie mad i , ."".me uicr. onppote jou try tnem. From the Soatb K. Sales ", Blcbmon a., eavB ne nas sold - a rreat dfl n Pih I hm Tab Cobdiax. Also says it - takes well, 1 bici Lunuo J1H.UH Y 1111.11. I in OT V - r1- Inei Weekly cWojricij o 1- contains alt tbe news of tbe Bast seven da: Collected by fhe penti' aucf correspond en t of i h York Oaify Worid. and Jn f u1bm terprise in Ihi renpeet ta anean ailed. aewnocrii m It ' airicoltnral departmeat eiara tfce latt i ,nne -ana aoroad. x Borne ran ?,"l"Q.ni!.,,ni y non!e. i ... ' -s , . ana-xareiuii wrt .m rnii ... reiaa wrl ers, full re- nrta f tbe Parmeru' :Claj of tbe Anieri -irli Insti-i tnie.aad Quotations of-valnable andii terestine inifina anna i.im. 4.. v... . I i. i ... "Pa?."Si.Witnrai, nreaiiea, . and is ?a,.,.eV1" W can b;0nnd in. botber if icwn wiutu can oaionna in no otbei Piper. AlMbertMratrheeoiSmandora t VrJ5rJ ?"f T wP?per are .ployed ta He wllociovand tberesnit is a page eacfaWk where ttoo wmben may And a complete SSf-1! to "'31. mcord.K.tbe tor. re- -tne-lotai oepsrtmentU one ot Other attractioae.sach asneetrv. niiMit. OBI ex tract- Ac rinrlnirtk. .t li" - ... J. UUminU HI in MIMh.llW. UM-fUMif' writers of nc-ion in Bnrland and imerir. flMfffMW 7J50m89ffVjt m'n lKMiewBE .ieii fnilkT:i UijiTtAt r - - - Address . TJ1B WOELD," " ' iZnS?,9; r-?i!?5 SITS: : 15 fVrfM W3i(r,i n'J5B VJ omvaWi A -- I lion OI Front Ktrppt hrtcon Tnrn B KCUCnu BSHBIJftCllOIl." 1 It MWfftf tM , Catarrh, and destroys, consumption Irtt and pay W Prfc Send foV circular lo"r' Trf uftnhJP' ti flnl'4r ti'A maaafaetprea,-rrr' '-" ' :i '" '"rlt-Jitfj' rTrj 3flJ iri'u .4-"'t , - vij.,i.i : "VrJ'TTfTr.u .V;:T;tlV3rI Vffl3r?iHil fril -jj-ti'sit uj - 'l Wau.jfcu K:TqN! MA UJIIX reDort.- ROSmjjepelpts ,120 bla.';ii. Sales7? of j500 'bh!a 1 Strai'ned a. it and '600 do n bo.d.IJ$tMlf hW:5' Market foV' feifnenrm'af f i fH I CRUDE) TDBPENTiNBRaceipts andi jBale6f8S;;l)bliJiaatM3!60J for Vir kiu i anW Tello'w Biij3d.Jl60 for Ilard. Market steady ,tr.iH'i -if noiq ( TAR. Receipts and sales of - 46 bbls at !$1 60perbbl. Market steady. A - I 'cotTbirifec jfirn.,c'wit!i'feooa demand: 'Sales of 40 bales jrepoitedjitthe followiog official quotations Ordinary. .y .Oood Ordinary VKomioal. , iStrict Good Ordinarv.- v Jlrddling, , .,13, Vcents fit. iMiddlmg:i,....il:.::i24 pppd i,ddUnfic,.P..12irf f,,,, .COR -Market quiet 1 jCargops ,o(new joq will probjj.bring 7$ets pgr, bushel. LcRtimn tttrpttI.: .-J 1 1 1 . rT ' c-r.vs4v-. vw vM casks., .Market nominal at 84 qeqta per :hern ;packa CARJKeceirita(two aaysVfaua sale1 f Wanpioiphatavi f; . . :vs isirtMiwr. fewi-iliV iZi.Lwil.-Lit L-J L-j JfiSPui"l4 SOS "' v.- (vjiuui nu nuTuncffoitu i tfon last'rerKj M 4 P9f mw'ftK firing pS.cyis perj buabe."! S1XRXTS iTURPWniae Receipts ;242i' basksSales of basksV at 34:ehtaipaT; gaNdiiruJfr.lifken raositignnKtoi 8 cents wa.Jiso t r i j vi jy -; ROSIN.-Recerpts1 1,03 bblsl K Sales ! 6f 50Q bbls Strained at. $1 40 aatf 50d 1 bbls1 XW land- Q atllVperTbblj Market -clostoe fetrobg kf $l42bid for Strlfn'ed-aii'jll 45 Md for 6oo.Strajned a8aerud V 5 aurir iKceipts an I fealea of 121 bbls. At fta fin fnr.1nrrin.nd jYellow JHa, and 1 60for,HanL,t. MaxkAt. 1 CQTiroN: n;n(.i Irm. k.i; , fetcady. with sales of loObales at tin f ol!rtw bloalnesteadv f -,i -Ji ' ft' "?s J rOT.?AW&cl,jfu;tlK..? iiiff:i o iT i frVYWftTr Receipts ,1:20 bbls.. Sale&of IM M.I. D J.J n .. iii in: ' i . aaa I fyyyfii? fPH v;aVv M?vjAnPs f'W'jtjffJ a4iaaka.rjDirainea..Armaf,ft;ao. I I nmrnw rriTnnTTmTrT, t, . 1 1 vwv;vavWyvp ana fates-. .wainis. at. f iu -lor. Virgiaana r!OTTOKTMnttJW hiW 1, .--j.. t.u , .... . .. . icauj, w nuuuMiw w report. jueiouow- wMiddline:. ;vi 12 cents lb; ! Middling. ;.: 1. i- 124 H i ."- .; . ood .Middling.. 124 ij-,, ,,; OQRN-Market duiet liCsreort of hew OfnwiH Drobabjy bring ,7 cts bpahek JtH very Utile tomjfng in at nreseau ;oii.i.v j. 1 T !-.;? : . .i. ui. ?-iJfiiif SPIRITS TURPENTINESaleti of ISft Kafa't34i and.2D0;cahaat,84eatier I IT. .. tlesttrg.qalei bni..,, .,,,!- ibisoo J 250 bbls? Extras Ifd. 3 r aUlA'IO err-bL''' i ! . -r i i f trained quoted1 firm at'tlBSf for B'an'd C nd $1 45id forBnE. - CRUDE TURPETPrtltEi.-Reccipts and tefis Wiiiw tm mm: llWiL-ftdJ rantlr Ordinary. ildBat (I Muo t w Middling, . . . vrLiKf i rt.-s.p, I Middling. ............ 12f- I , j i " J ood MiddlhTgJ..02ti:' --"-; " I CORN. Sale! 'of 1W odaheisi " ne Crop, at 70 cents per bushet ' . Market firm. ( Ri:it ,;u-y t.r4Jr ?Af'' II - v A-a- aLV . a oi'iiuia v x)f2 itJS JiT-weceiptSr g4 '11 u llnW v. yi' lfciT'Ti-l asks. .SaleS of, 2oU casks at M cents :per alloo for SputbrAackages.,S Market clo& Cai l 1 $i.?mM&'toW&ri- i'Wiiut : f BOj&NJBeceipZ! r tgbMs Vaiesaf f 30 bbla ExtraiNo: 2'at 1 60 and fiOOi bbia Good Strained at 1 45 per bbh Market' irt(i4$lf4ffbr,ato CRUDE TDRPENlE-MReeeirita farfftelixii (41rnbblsfMi$ (B0 foi 1 Vb gin .and Yellow iDibandCO IbrHafdr. arltet!:6teadvl ;fnXWW?&!--Jti W uietv a.ith aaleaiof 80 bales at lSenta f foobtl Mlatfling ? 1rdd.are(i0' sbinfiii -jaila fceut I t"CTiMecifpS fwaa3rs734eslH I Muunug. wuiciai oqoiauon , nom i i Dal. , i .. VJL " v " " "1 ilAX lr-Mfl Coesornew, SpQP mic uiuci vvioq was a ai du. j . I tsaain W DDliL. j - x An-n-iuxeipts l5d 0018. .oaies 01 00, c3iopfsi3 bSeiil M4tta'seor7A balWat'iheYo&fn Itf cal ootaiions " ' I f-j-1. 5 1 niHinJ.tfr vim J.lKO-ff ;tiij '.irf ici4 auu . uaaait.1 i ( - -.r- an smaU order nlgbtt prtceaWe to b charMO. . ABTiOUtS.- j raicas. T-H mm Dio Alienor. ' -i i ' fT'Doabla Aricbor fa-A'Vd V'-Vl l;ft ir Sbouldera, "111 - tiama.. ....... .4 . n.oa tm onot iicsst. jfi .cjI Krw irw vv "C-?:"-'- iBUTTIEB-lfOTtaaKMtna, nonaem, v s.. I4 . iTK IS CHKBS84-lfiorthni Factor ft B: Dairy, cream fl S...vvU4. t.K t ,88 HlSfOf OX COTTON TQCS fr .tJ.'.I t :!. DOMESTICS Sheet! ag. 4-4, V yd 8 V CC Arm. FISH MackereljKainv 16 DO O SO 00 no. 1, y Jtf DDL. ; , Mackerel, -Ho,J, bbfci Nc.S,bbl.L W Oil CO l 60 a i- i j w wa raa. mnr m aA rfv n au a frt'-'m 'm'' 9U City MHIa-Bupat., febl. f TFatafly?!. 6bl7.. w w )Q. 00 00 00 - g 60 I ! 00 OO Qi OSPO 004)01' iO0S M Art a auw aa AA 'AM ' m 1 So aa AAft)v 00 00 i e TOOf 'I 58 yft.WBII wlujs 9 ..... . ; .OBAIN-Oortertow, M li: ---:SHna"i .00 Corn, Cargo Corn. YeC 7 STJi:' fTiw , W winheL.......i BBeliiA.!.iLiiLL Oata, i bBfa .- stiBSc.Aiv J'jY vtS i,ii,i i.tirU ii Dry. S 8 Maaoerav V.Juu j.xi,iin PlYH.Ilril!-, IBON-i-tt ton , -Nortb caroihVftiCSru :jj . "T, : , . : a -uu en n I '0 :Bcmgtt &> PiankifJ UttllXi - n weat jUyarra&areotrHagl aoa "'lf - DreaRea Floorliuz, aeasomed. . 1 fieaitunr nd Beam, ami IS 06 1.1 13 00, i' MA. . ... i , arn i .i-UlUbBWeeG. V EXta& J .1 iUm. Irta&.: NortBarn.-ai kM .. I. OO.oo.Snopo;' a-. Prime, V M...y....i...I vvMw u-H;arpiiia, . - ... a., , a monauuhV jBii,.. .1 007 00 " "f ........ ...I i ij ra R iwi xk ........ rt . . . j niTorpoaj, w satauL.rfi..,jiij.i; ien ,aia- n W OO oooo t1 taSS&V" r"'"-' JAiglL-""-- n a AA ; a aa a . w w wW 1T d A) AA ; I ! i;. lllPrtoe.iB ui'. www iSj,i4 00 1 : If 111 IPir V I : intitoOrdiia"WM"'' O W 10 uo WHISKBT Northern,, sal.'II" WOOt-Unwaahed, V i.i". Z W 6 00 1 son i . S ' SO , W. in fh ' S5- as a 40 045 a o 0 0 23 o;-ss 0 80 -loss o so. o 35 0 00 60 0 SO 35 85 000 ::40 0 00 100 0 00 0 10 0 00 1 CottoaS bale v uu i co I reannia w Doanei 9 90 P io i i To psmaBBiFmiiJ faa. ar a ' i Crude Turpentine bbl Tar bbf. IT..:. 0 09 0 B0 0 00 0 90 oeocfri oo 0 00 9 so o oo o so 000 0 80 8pU Turpentine; B bbll Kosin hoi..,.. 0 00 ssoi oo s oo 4 u w n s w oooaow Cotton Gooda a D OB Bin Peannta bnheli.w.vL o 00010l 0 oo io sol v-ov 9 o io Lnmber M j a a a T 00 8 00 ToBAt.Tin;oBB. 1 S5Pentnie!bW 0 00 0 45 ;'o oo o 45 J Spte Tiirptotmepbbl J SStirh'Wi j Cotton tt bale,'.....! 0 00 0 461 o oo e 90 jo oo ta o 45 0 00 0 75 0 00 p 461 0 w S'i eo o .po I 00 0 00 0 11 0 00 000 0 00 8 00 ":; -.-; f-? 0 OQ-0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 oooaooo 6 50 W j ml I T To r it sg sis 0 00 0-40 I AOBUl V DDI 1 . CysjMtie;. 1 0 00S 00 PeuinbiiBaeli, fnntberfiM...7.... j B TO 0 00 ooo a ooo WI&intlN GTOrl'JIIOK&Y 'ITtAUKST i . f aAitT latf m aaaat or aav aajrom i. b. asAnroxi rsxgroSKT.4 ol b$jq Jirilii i.;i. -i;.slif)!: txfi K) Witera'.iii,.. if.'HK.ir.P-SIX.Viw JW, 1 ii5 ( .a ata..B.k ai.k . .A tf r 1IA. Kxcnange (sight) toNew'Totkiiv.v; .Jt-diseti jjaiumpmUKW.4i 4in. MnfT-Kl 8r lc ;!wift uliwMi6Mt.ia'iF- fxcbsnfeJlft flays ftiOwit latereati adoed teaaovai ank of New Hanover StocK... .JOS V U B. UWU ...k. ....... ...... ' HO Dawson Bank,.U.. J..,....it , i. ''lOOr wumington aaiwbigstpc:....:.:;? " "."lOO'V Mechanics'! i is ! yii. ili.iiu? : fml . il V NavaBsa-QKunoCoi,. .t.Ji. . C, Bonda OJd Ex-Connon , .. . ' , , i Db.i4 " "FttndlnfelSJ...1..T....:.10 " Do. 1868 - .......lO'-J. K " Central Ri & Bondsf ft tteU.W I V-Kton City Bonds. Se.........T0 r I 1 T.. .. .. oil . " .. Aid k a i: new 6 c..!?.65fWldkq SSejwtit'-'.f 4 ffeiu.i ew ztanoveri uonniy onas tin veaMi-isiiih i ., Nortb-Careliaa Ri Ri vf-:h- -j,i! s-.!HTl , C tj&iKaUraadii'Mfi fKrji.iii3;uaJtiSf il ih-uj wu.uaaijU'ntuo " .......70 'fU. Seaside R.B. . .00 " is.onJT 134 laches wide. ton 'so as to baleklr nvoi, th shells, and, being elastic. Meurey clasp tbe same. ! ; i FeenM of aeUon.' and rapid nootW. riv excels Hlju. - -J. ..ff tsriT Ipjf !i- a SiMm nnH j in qrnenng giTe.siteoi sneii, and loose m&Bare- raeniontaideof teet J'-"li' -. S.JOOSS. 1 I septlO-Wly,, '500'Ahtlrr ,Pdeta.''Rerore Theo : 4i(U iajuiuu usbav vry jiiir form. ntelllge rkaWeb People. 8ft dents., tleriynen, and , JntelUrent Aeenttt ara wanted to1ntanoatbiaTeanarkaM( tuJ tn rhnrW Spflday-Bcbol,aaWteTarj .xsj-.j"? UB Fine, bb . UStvMiit I;bala:-ai'alLI.I frh ra ! i J!l!TW-?;i;i.V ssjtti.. p.,- . r- t a ! -'-- "vj nu i i . a ui iu vmii.... . . . . i nua. iiiiiu I S 60 0 0 IS 010 11 50 IS rep V -f!OA5lrWTC"i JO COASTWISE. 1 f New York Steamer Regulator 1,200 ibaTes cotton 12 eaiks kaoUtf "Mpkgi' j . . ijranr, pugs paper, za bladed apples., i -f;If)XIia .. BAt.TORElrtamariip RaIeighB86' f ! a TTTTrnD bushels deanats. 84: Dkr mduvci f :M.bk liAU "L"tigii- i'j spifrrfl,rt,65abbla rosin. 110 'do r.rndia tnr- W& Lox jspintstarpentinei 75 bblapich, 9do rosin,- ol-Jouovi - -:- . ) 1 ' b. i-, 4 do oU 2 do wine, 5 do aar.ji bale wool?- Lahczt-- - V'f o - - i Vw;Ii8af 129 do sheeting, and yarn, 1 buaW baga- I f UtECTOPJS ': -C - Sa0"1'? i20 pkgs shUigies,i 10 bales cotton bofs aota4Daw - VaWaLdniwHi' &1i0aS& rlUtoaaj-Steamship D.leysa:- HRSPre, ,,I3,i?M-:. VvM vJ ale kegs,171ale8Tarn,!51do rags, 1 ao pa- nvSViT ? ?. i ,V it-. , iaWirendO wTtuU6n we 5KV otsao.Jiift'h bales cotton, 150 bbls erode 4urpniine.ica, ; " ' 3 ? " ' l-r7 f - ' St?lf Pgs herbs, r9' do WsaT Jw :i u f i ' i " pOT'OMOTB BTSHClt H"- it- 1 1 llMacvJI vaifl. -.9.tl hmu vuuui Anus so,oi feet lumber. tmth&iti uuz-tdti?? uAu-i. 9x lfA98AlJBrschr JiiUftTafzArfK iKr 1 " mP.-a, 1 . V. . . AA AAA - If ,WWU1' MsmsiO eiyfqupajtify: j. j JJitVEUPOOIJir iBarnuis Prominl tnrt - t II . r . ... v , . - YA Vin'Kiwi r fi. J18??1 .siASDijaamAs-r-Scuri Julia' l a -T.wl; bersunddes af.?Iguo5JbCft h j; ISEoofe " St." Fiebrb. Brig Blaek SwanhlbSiU' PQi , 1 ; DKiuTuii: or xanuecnne i Jo;ti caskaapiritaJ '2u093ibttia vosiat f i '(.nmnroini -.RriiVol0i.;aillJ ac9..t 1 1 I I T The fciUowIng is the stSck 6f Jitavaf stores and cotton'' Wfyarfr 'Dec! M I Yiy. if) -.luitep ori Cbttoit,' inVard;: 3.006 bates,'' ;aLfti;afloat,!iti-ii. iLiift-a.wui 2,053 : I ,I1to.......,........l a , !Snsupenrine; ytiibli i Rosm IB yf d, J . , . . : , r. . 51.50ft ,bblai s ,: 'Total;v4'i'jPi4 .-iiiyyi-57,l50J u: jCxudeiTittTpentinin'yaTd Crtfdei.TJarpmC!lie;fn? yardl'Jy't,8d bbls. u?.tiuiu!u,'a? a.w.'isTi'jq t i rut it Totally vv.vi 'xm JoK , the ,weekvhdfnvtje!B;1 iicbtton,- 0 casks; rpsin,:'11.67d; jbbls.; crude, 1-804 bbls; tar, 574 bbls. . '-"all ! , , . . .. . .1 . . - .. - .... .. . . i t J?or wr iuc wees, enuing jec.-.'i-rrrCOUon, 126 bales;, spirits, 800 c ii 17, i votes Bpuii,ouy casKa; rosin, j. !bfe cde475h tar; ISgbblr. "w vort) NaraJ store JTlATkeUKfro- . I io eotfijjTmDarj4;xBTi lo wrigs.iDU CI I Crude Ul nrWnti A 1 9(1 rtn:iXv Tim.' TttarVarl again without movement of a fairiv testiher- character; and the tone somewhat 'i unset. jjui ueu. mousn sellers did not anncar to have Mi Vv tma5h 5 advantage.- On Spirits turpentine .much advanlttCfi. OnY antrita 4itrtwntinA I line oemand was 1 connned to 5 sman retail- i parcels, and even for these bids' were low- H I urul aiitiAno ' 1.1,1... i .nor a uiuo'murucr w uijr Blocs. I Dales of 50 bbls at 374c for Southern. and' fiO I Aa a . nM . . f . a " i.ddjs at K5C lor iNeW YOrksn Knsina were I dull, no sales takine j nlace that wei eon I1 i., - . , .. .. . - - -. i jiiear, or, uui on i.ue wuoie toe. position, was j 'ahnilt Rtpnrlv nnrl anma K11 ai-q . 'negotiate except; at extreme .figures. . Tar aobbfng slowly and at about former Tates.1; Pitch dull and nominally unchanged: '- ! Thefollowinor nrp t ho tolorrronfii, arfvliiao. Liverpool-spts.turpentine- steady at 25s 6d; ; vommoB rosin sieaayj at as oa. - London spirits turpentine steady at 2os 6d ; common rosin steady at 5s. 6d. I MARINE.: r ARRIVED. Brig R; Ipgenae,; WiUey. Philadelphia i I ftortbrop & Uumming, Br Brijt Wexford. Foster. Londonv' rns- iscnr natie .Edwards. Moore.- Tar Land- bg, Edwards Hail, with cottoa and, naval I owfw,f!''!v; -!-:. ,.-iS c .-,;..-.?.. TT..T i Schr Ray, Dennis. Tar XAnding, Edwards kHaUV with cotton and naval stores.-1 I Ufc 1 ' br Gold Leaf, Moore, JaCksonvHle, i liia warflS dfe Halt ' f "'u-c. ouj 4 1 1 Rnhr Anni'o Ttlrl -IxMl-ii.-! J I Williams & MurChison, rwilh 894 ,bushela I Corn. -- ,;at.t .wu .i : ii-iiyy p I ealiipD JFoPrw Bahrnore, Stgmo)i!n T:- TtrVl 1 Tri.:l 3 l rsji"affl qeaSedgewick, etty.ework, msstj er. c , i" . 1 - " 1 L Sank? BrteJJvgstonei Fiacher,, Resl-,', runt Tl. J T, tl ITT i - Scbr Sidnev C Tavlor. Rarrvtt . PhlTLAapli-i pnia, xiamss oc xaoweiu . i i . ecbr Ann Dale, ;BWce.,,NeTprk,;ili' lams oc jugurcnison. BchrjlirialdWPHul'V'Eli teamshroBehefactblob.'ire'wi a. a, tjazanx. ., . ., Br Bayqbe f Gladstone:- Kennellv as, MastervM ; , ,.,-!, :,., f;;;,VV Jr . i-tt I 'fir V JaTJ'TJTV"'1- J f i-r a ur Bntr sternsif: jBursiia. Xondbn. Ale Snrunt&Son. ... K : .'l. I, i A- 'vi.' f!J jiMjiifn n.- jii.ii I SteamsbiD Reimlalor ' Howe. New YnrkJ- j Schr Donna Anna, Whaley, Cardinas,Nor1 inrppffi vnmming.ij. i j sutM t ,7 . . 1 Schr Nellie Starr, PolandtJi4jsAouiWl iiarosjK lurcnison vil Schr Julia Elizabeth: Iotrrabam: .Jiarhor Island BahamaA,. J H Ne?; before reported incorrectly. ! I Steamship Raleighv Ob'verj Baltimore,7 A rvazaux. . : 1 - .. j Brig Black Swsnn j'Wiaslade. u JkireJ juaniaique, km Kttramej, or. - --r jt; -1 tier ttaiWMrKenrena.. erpooJ, tv'illiams & Hurchison. 1 Htea rakhln IPnears' WlrVtr, .tTownrtr 1 1 K.1 1 1 nn.... -....iw.-.jl " ' . j, . . .'J J .fjwtm'w ,w,patw tju? .vj. i.iii. ! - -- - r,- w Jt . m,i. j i wu c hi r rrRTnimnR- ;i ifiTjJT:iw itrrr', 'J- s y asf t Oil I WsrajiwiiBtiin'r.vnmv viivtrvn I . a Tab tntfieb aeaSoii for Good Cneap Konr'l 1 . fiiv..iii.i.. t r- ijkJ Mfi k trui 1 1 n e 1 J J 5 ft hhiw I Sc'hr' John:. Gabriel,, New York,, Williams. Hchr William, Davis, El zabetfi City1 B, Mitchei! So nL-'.WfttfJ.iMeUS. SteaWskifiiiBe;tBi Hf VUU4Qei)4ngraasm,af ri i f TTrTV vlr:! f"j MirpP Cvmniipg, V a.y k f fefeE Vaorirroa ' v j NorBarqne Fonetfb jXickelsea, i&iver- 'A .il ..T?f?:5Tfrft"rrt pool Williams & Morcbisori. - .;; v.-y Wtlaifaartoa. w . u ua. a i : -mi; a a w w i i an iiiimiia. i . -j.- lv ata w " a t w k : "5iru hi', ictyvwi it AM iSSaSDXSO TUOKOUOHBSjn HORSES, , oprunttK Son. t - i !;tt I I JLel? from Imported Prrcneroa Normaa Horses' ' $&o,tosh;QQltyi Mite ,f;iii hvUIUjio Je.Fla.. tolas! for PhiladelDhia. Harrisa 4I.Lf i!irWi V1 i., .emVi;! HoweiLr. - . . ! t , .;:., KfHRi HaWi KTanf:n BI,JBR, - HTOIl S- "........'. Vice President r . i M"'i.;.Af.t..i....'i.,..uaBhier? Bankxof lle7 Hanover., CAPITAL"PA1D lr; 5350.000 CAPITAL- $1,000,000 af? FaK'Braiicli.laehlK' Pre&ii .4 il'.'- f " " vwavwa vCHAUK ailWlTsU Doners hcirt in trtia )i1iiit. a - i.. r. fitrlct attentioa tdvan la ttiriiM JOT nnr Mnntrv jfrlonnai V.w ..ly ' . " : s : 'r,i. ' . . ... j. j.u t. cj v i aa whuijucrj . I;ng:; 'PEEFAJIEX) BY" THE feiir -. f rial F,. 8T. ioiTt8.i i t, ;. .-. ... ; . - o These Bitters are prepsttcd tvftli i 1 WSreatest -cre from tv! receiptr - r!? ffi'iwsfSesstonof' tiW-ottiie' Me jiMtd "iii the Armies and l FEVER & AGUEi IHTERHITTENTS, ANPri AN INTAIXIBUG CURE FOR ; v:fJ'FEMILE- SICKNESSM nrli tely three twe? tv4ayafteii the system has cn.ffd..stcknesa or dis- r escr itiatjncqualed a$ an InVig- orawr. ana xceenperant. ,r r I! ! nn? vrWrmvo Awi nI . 1 )" FOB BAJUB BY - .:Jnlyg9-citY4 -u. - ,t ... . ;: l.SpAliTe.and'MoviDg!; Very Desf rabic IaU. rr 1 a TTi.t.t. t . ' . ; ' t - 'i -i -: .-. f - .-.i ,'! OTS IN SIZE FROM ONB-FOUKTH TO Hi j -Or!-'J;'j"reary. acres, Terms liberal.; fe-jaj Apply to i Y.u;r,r , L. POLK, ovUI)4tW I ?9rimt .nnf,: copy 4t and send sill to Xus U Polk. nAv; FURS VAHTED. Smtb oa Pweit Ccnr o A. E. BTJBKHABIT A CO., Jlaanfacturers and Ssporters of American Far SklBR,113LWet Foartfe CineLmiati. They pay tbe highest prices current In America. Snipping to them direct will save the profits ot B&dle-iaea.aua bring . prompt casn retnrns. , . ' .. . THE DAILT; STAR; J ! : -j , i w ; t' : i ;98T1 V 1 .1 es i JJOfc-J $ t ft ri:.'-. fTIHE DAILT f HOUXIKQ S1TA.B,: A riRST-CXASS-' COJISiBTAJnvt . f NEWSPA I ?Bf jmblished at theroBowlng;Iow-,! ''. y ' 8lti ,i vy-H ,f - ;- ;''lTTE OK STJBSCKIPTlOX j I Ono Tear, postage p: fell Month, firee 1 --P 'UW$' Sjl 1 r r" IW f! ; . ;.'.'ljii i. 127! JOT- iTj-, ! tuF Sef Preventive I of 4 . : .THE ; D Mli Y ' STAR ' i L'J- - -i 'r ------ .---Iv- -. -j r . 1 ' ' - i- -iUis-'iTii-iui tiUi Contains fuUReporU of tnaWlbainartoa alar vviy.j i-. i.!: : J j: ii " ifepaciieguojBeparMQf tUdXttrtherfMi ; vanaijcuropean uaraetsv awtBliu4fc'pwi . ,neralJTeWa,tar;Te ii a x Hiii.-oi mil jffi ifLMMinfl. tii-Jifj idnvoi -"rt-I .tit -,t lt:ol vl-'i'ru-f in;' 1ii A t .argest DAILY CIRCULATION intfSTAUt .tt itif.i'ji. ;iH',rts' tW, uql(Vf;u WAil i ii It llviliKJ. i. i, ii! !?lo Vllit !i'V!:il 311 rMlatona.Wimngtcw.r!earv DOUBLE as "I Jo large1 asl'thianYpti ou - S'TO'C if -jtiia .WAadbave of tbese oroedsaU ages for ealet 'hi t ii9u riaa bbju Dttuii l' llUItn UAlTLK. lndnnfr BoDafroiaone to lone veara. fnr aaW . u i .' I ' - Chester aM Berkiliire Swine f- i - r ' - - . -w - c- -.- . .... t . , . -xr "" I'T". aiwT; ana au at i laieaijnaiioctesviuea vai - ii i -. ,!.- . t. wsra v t . W. FJURIilN. ii . - l . , BMBBaaaa i . . . u., -i,-t.-. iuam4ai ... v. ? t ; -"s" i 4VUAbtJlAa ' ''-' -tf rF r-:;: i ' .''. BtlY A.5MAXx'TlUCTOFTAinX PER. ! - a w 4 sons Airing landa. fot sale in 30or 40 miles 6f Wll mttgtonwMld 6cll to write to'' 1 ,JjX '; iii9.'i5nid n.'j j (r;-w:MwTO,;'w novlSrlrL-vyJ. oil itoialice PJOVi WCa i;