4-W A ... . ,Vi (J The Board met yerterdsy taorninjtpres- - enWCL.;rnaa4i-CC:vjJag5inEBq., , and Commionwt S.JTan&&ring ttd L. . ; SiXon.. ,qt ,,,-.. - -itrT f. y-, Mi i fed Vitftyl ijJt" I ! W ..: us-is-txa a f r?a 1.50' aVBdrin"'aidvance? is rrotixi-jvi . J ap. t:M- r ft s -if ? rt i ,tn , r.iin r iii j i i. .1 fender VAVM ' . t-M . ,. f 1 i t . . h ,. : I v ( l I I . II II .ill W ;,:. W .. . I deredjtoe pa!d lbeyatirj .been proTed by. the comniisiloaeri of T si 4 "4" VOV. T. .iWv e 5 to O f : f. it. a S 0 B 8 B B 1 A 88S3388-- ': cq o Si lis! tfontas JSSS3888, 8g.2,83 oooog Hn 8883888 .nt&a: L8'8S88&V 188818887 0 r,-,i-i a a. asB3! m. it .tf - - ' f obUthodintU the citte, nln many oth targ ton ' we oo aitin. rhlek went into aCuctUBiia lMf.'ftT A obtained.. OU.tt. Artt M-eUiu. JteSeM fr-'vlfMltJi-diii-ji!' isvfn's j iWWnfPWW S;tJWWWI 1 hi-loubld ii.twi,lvmonthaailithoa whWhave worked for Ha auocesa in tie .;lBllttWS!t.lt Ktr:;jiwt ihmT sab H f ,An jda oC lww he Jie publicans jq .(ngresatzeevexiHilieLifreaideiiV Senators. JRansotx) JferV00 pent f ator MdrtonVpaaaing byiieiietal Raxif ralfesuumwd likeffibe message T" "'Gep. Tjnaom - repMed, ettei thai yiow -do,?? ' the Indi autf benator dtti'not pulrsoe tbe con- frVtini of tB'flt: sagactops'. .Demo- miffilSW'.ofi thlfloWiaa.U U President bad overreaAjhedhtmaeli'io . his amDitlonaaspifa i ator am not oeiieve iut iuei .j.wT ' among nnc- peopta t tu wuu j . w i ident cild alutiiaturaiiiattosf smack-1 1 'M pt llnowhotuibgnil'The I-&u!iEEwher :oitieaDHye; rtncJiZH HfiPttWtfe -.Dili- ita imatsn .uazzz cacicaitna p.. wa. -TW ii'.t 4 '"-fe w B .SB'S. .r..-r- ' . . -i.. f j7r?'TT -m - - -" i- " .jiti .:.!.' M;j.;a.it m'ij 'jlj ; aaa ciaima tb be; In fall ommomotl ,q.i4!f ia g and he Democracy IwfU 'eV(veni i 1 4 -tiv f jiiu tmi courage ana stimulate uasuieS4 !i be . Clabi of IormowtaTJbaerajdM faihbiji ESTKo Clt Kates for apeiidd, less svai4isv utX t;iHjuiis . hmk. i , rrrn-jf ' jjsitJ j;K ia-!ivf;.'..iiu aper currency j'ilj,thus becpnae ,cop4 hai r.:::,fMa4 VCttifcvThV goldJlVimHed DOin om mu new, sui wcriotrra iajr lfldecfi l"lhJ catfency;1 the ' responds measnraoiy" to v.ine -poiiM-; , in currency, quewion, ifcia nopeu,: r pal ideaa, tbrow9 iput byf jbe Freaident. w ill K)t longer b? ed by our ad vet-1 lIi-slCftfiWj 'arlneltlpaoH , pped nnhef'Prd tlilk 'a h6'bW'apoirt the tuhzeJUeje fUhPp ihfebpli WW.ip M4h2re!fi.eir cfltneliao : ' h&Wui "4i m Aift' rir ihi ThWimlons States. T damaada.baaed on liiocbineiTCeesaiuesU ;oYUe3$ortr bopea 5f SW!nBji& " YlJM&IaJ ia Alf3ti brt; ;Jrmn1- oKthAdiiiihiltiuttiot IT ?.j.--;4teTOjtfwh.cea .tu.iiKt!rfW4t Mratnt ''M -5" 20 cent, a peck ?:totnUtv?Wf tmsMii edifying jhaiie; mullets lisurWnrmiPfSf if Mrr!Kerf!wM pbanton4f parlrintrfercai M very kefoujaf. than AtnincantoWcavAlar peclr?' cabbages centela' zMmmm rWMiw ri&2fi$t tr iU.ii: "-"v.':..j.---r '- ' - ij ducks oKaTS' cent. -ar-'psir pal :tey..5 ?teoon again., uHe anI3eBneUl.it long1 iJf nartv in? New .Eneland and UfcM;.ru.-.iw .. '7; l . - v; ? ; ? i ril 1 "yn 5 Pri seatsa bunch; onions, 0cent 4 pefcattar-lWok-'H ? Hrie of tbeVestern Statea are mem 5 M pouadf rtceW20 ceats a Hl y?RAliimorat 02 'fli bcljorlbif"cbtef (SuarttrabVl fdrfknj:WaW? 10c'perbuaf apple. fo fJOeperDeek, !f no n-."he change of ownership and. . M?PrfV W " C"T aM.Jai ? ; ...i,...'...... j rnanagemeritaUudBfi 1! i upaper baa beewednced iapr sud; f f afanttaVy 1 will:ebaiged tind! ff3 0.cenua oartcauimlOcetun uUiiit iMavrf celery, 2lceHffM j - ...dBht iri-wrtbiiT.lIrv Welsh , .Wg1rcciu.c..; w HyrUe' disci 1 . i!A : Ji--- - s ' -kVl;'!' w TlirtBff no diacussionalthat ouehtto bf Joeebh NBufrlsa. and bteupled' by!?Mr. -ife feM? ilfg i va tiLm naowment. innti toPwUavidt 4 tui-k.aM.jmj nttftbwrit f;.is- 1 wards aucccedea in sarin z tne most 01 meir 1 "9om tjotieg. nicott" vae. neir-in- k6al. tbrcb itoMb). on tne con ,i w"ff. f " ;tr rasi r.i iZ.bose pld:patrwU.ehartpred and pt some; time ;i i .i sitnrf aid J-S f V'jfi i ' ' , Hill') I Pi I V Vii-W'1'Ji.owVTi.4Thr..r IT'jVl l-i:.V ' .1.1-. .'-J inonrnVi i,vx..,Mu. .y,...!-! .... ., i t i iiiivcccniaici'uuwA'rv.''"""'rvi i ai rem tint nr tainrmani waa not aufiavu . report that) it baa beep sold to any a&ft I d Same lima o we atUmnted , to Show that Mr;PendIeton And theo4 paign planted Jbijce;0ra f t k ron I .1 i&-r1ntn t I contrary to shoir. -or . Bhowin. . ? - i - " - " fom ., .in 'ivfU'" fnl t Toaw r u uirii wu. ar ssv . u i 'HoBtilitvo Tle 'v&wa ofta IvSavini- wUre sncientljr indicatj valne under lteiuuliin , a daainiktraf 4i w J,aye cripple layiHesa ja, demand, of our trade requi.Meaid pUimttgYrneWldBeae, and fttB'iief Benftratio1 .. rule Icease,' it UiiidejfdSwWl? dbtieW emocraiio -ecbuou 'aB J i)'cy( amipia ot federal laiairia ifttaxe; iMwaov (are, tn ooo senseijUroporarx expev W perfected ai Its drtailsf be niodi- uedln ibVerWjutK we will aiUrn a cUrreru.y , Btable in ajnoQnc,ixed in -r vataei "ebn!vrUblci iBio eoinana r nianas pi, comnierca. 3 to aet pn, fife, the, camp .of onr party jifcr ifiiot I tiov iettledy raprtW OT,if Lr.lT! 'to 4 1 sNo t w It C a ii11ii;t P iJ rpropb'FprbpHIoijInof 'the , duties on I impra jn legai teuderpoteiy ,and, ,ai f ?i ?j 1. I a :I J A. W c - - 'i r ' " - T ' S ' . ' i sii. iii 'Bi m a. in , a.juu a.u w m vw w a m w i a iiKr iucid mm au i.i luauiwim: -n, rf.er.jf.aetaawi,, fwnu.. , u; puwiug. ;i,ir v.,,.,..,! Fit: -ri HXv i, vRVii!:2iM!fL'it;:L l - W' jVI l3Jd HiaSifa?r TSnitttlMff 'Nfitfli-! wrtmsmi 'snanf w Ndrib- t IFA",''."'' .fM"??"; r?"M AAtln nl 1 K a n t fAfl r' ' hOI 1 I .ha Vnmtan lha n.volinr rA t hA I ulerjShaU Boston.or Jwk-n M .Mn.K:.K. Vl TKM.tAUt!l misdl'Cbrcli itXfie-olilf 1nat!- ;tuitol MSoHSid tbat rep U '9.U-J9JIS8 Ht-ti tiottAn i WferoaaUbftoU iHeoJitwwdsoBitidiB'ff fnaryJJiferettarkf befow BiBaint j ... t'- " . w kindred jQ)Lretgpyyp " slave power andibfe - P"Py-: r9? - i ne lWT. xin ouerroan, w ; jjrooa-, i UVMoed'Ur fBW .. . . . v . -j aasaga...H.aoea.i,o;vaaey,:.Bppruaa Ibe Kwkrds (Of f liavetiand-thel actum 1 f of tbat" Sondav 6cbbol''nventiotr ? And what; do thenfanacit where think aL w lenseleaa bowl-j I ingsaatlreldjevifftrrhnie compoeed of le Metbodist SMtsaay Schimioitaiidi I dit" preacher ' To a large extent it I i..-.., t,--. . ..v v.- . w,-, ; t,;i.i r i wirTTTo ittii"ot i. im I. iifMH 2S'lZrn'ilnS??&A iailfvrnai UUl Ifallai UbV waw w - .---,T:Wv,ir---- UetnpU .I obtain o 4-thrd-tenn i..;nh iU (nmnr rtf ib Mtftbddiat i,n.wuK. S."J tauYchitf the Nonbero states wmv (i1.: Till .o;A. .J Hi - v u 'ij-. is r-K - .V. '.'.aL ' s irn !ultl I Mlrea and made eood tbelr escaoe. 3f'- I i.9 f l w oob 3IDBD i;.?ajia.t i man im u rauucuk i ..r u i... vo. iij nmmnt: i . , i; - ' ' -r. . .... ! .V . ,M4tMllBMl IUO IU UIO -W VM1"",I J!., i'lS'HW MUlf W4t.IK,fUUIT'i!,l ... . .nAAinl .mint nf IhS man -,'! Tlli. IJflckB 'l Hit "..(I . yrjrjrayfiiof uje ttrae people, oi mei .i,nM i i- ..i..,. . to & noint tipon t w : I UvlU wb- w ,wwaw ww ' ' 1 I Vyi - nioVed thai the" roeetingvote) jt JLn the; bsnds.of pertain oncers pflfbe.!aw. Vhat 4.ov Kail lanl 1 tk " apnimenta r Hai proceeded thus faVin tbefliaUerJ titbi4ioMbp;a wnaoituoualy, adopts teyraerteleffeetlflibrieapiJki and It beinftpceposed, tauallow aim instead ticalsuggesttoni i 'ttlUBfrate feyfries o '4AirowerMinfHVo .ahwefjsJtaoswi 0iJiaTt!mapxif9PajM ! Jo o'jflieoaiiBfitfeato rfeclttaiBghe reWOfnttfiiflam rlaW .mongeiryown 0, SgSKISJSS great applansew 7 " ' " . t .whiles Fere averse. to 'iumiortBiaMetectbed) 9iTliaddij8i ' VhaIdo;Uife :owfhfchr eirrs;MMetop4w1&aay sot aBdemhrteedtta'oppbrtnnity t68peak closed ;fthlifcihie rStesS 'MmH imMMmmm saastsasffl auoeara ia ue a reDreseniaiioo ol toe i-if H?'.Trs t"v?tjttt t i im rnaiuruiT'ias manaivactnei'iabefl' a i h. .'nMmin.vr nihii " i i .arvuiiuiuu, if .. i.v!.- i imtfito MiiaV CfeWrtbNpi ftVBSIa piHblon to.the BUbt ?0nDrcbw wmhJ iThBek . j .It tehaahaia de, - - , . . .T - ... ! uonsyana tne- pany auiqtiy-sauiea wnnt . 2. J. . ..... l t ' t"! ?V. uiZ vl Edward Hoore,.D. Pigott. John Soutner- . ,i ftd bwToi;ow'era.'W,nt tbeydorlt t 'reached a-aettteipipfijaj)c ftmfiwW f f Medical Society at ita nexVmeeting, and tp 1, Second TTJohj-iErangelist, B..D., i If iblnS ateW.fctbW halOdoousea, 'aS 1 ' u... ;iib.s. vdri.'i fi'..-. rJu..,;---4 uM i.lif' ww kMwn to I k experience corroborated that of some oftbe auxiliary body of tbe said parent society, m. T TO i T ,7 ttj ' - . ; mnMm Tbeouwe -SnSSSSK rejrtUiciojmuBtZTItak lwr ; ceedtogs pubhshed by a tforth Jirolina eS orfbroi, the rough arena ff -tbe uslin tbed. annouoced-4a jtog the asebe jtouad isal,;tojnake- 3?Dra JF.XobHyat N . ijJM ' ReW 'ciedyfgiaaoJa j benoaiiUncein thmcoantryrelrg, ,0 not auiiceea. x xae win succeeum hpji.! t.. o . t xr-- ? : . - . , , , rine ud a bitter spirit throuchont the rvuintrvj wa fear: but we baveoonfi- dBBceiO'the cood aense and liberaUtt oi ina neoDie.' aou ace uuii iuc iiu of the military demaeoffue ; tne ooia - - r T J r- . neaa of whose 8ehemearia only, exceeq- aragy-.TTBjSTT- ?gr-- aw s-Vsaxliarfc.i;' " " : ... r . . r i Thtf tfcYlowiriiftiees Jeff esterda:i Xrlei fdried) 1 Scents tr poubd; dried. peacheppc teisJcklefc W eats fpei dbaeibfiay faVdidl8 i eenU per podnd butter, ' iiifMitmeesSSebnr fiahWef 10Q16Wperpfldilef;(3or ed) iKlSe. pp5und?eafl2l eer)UJidi utton;i2,tCi ctai p b'abi, t8et&perpeuiahdu ! ound-triDei20'ctirbttnch3i.fiehl ipeekopeilamsi2toj ajtaittviWjftlBf.ttg a dj sturgeon, SScts. achunh '$lbs) 4061 k peck', -newuweet ; fiah6ut 25eti per bunch; t nubii Bunt. 'OT4' tbitBherlfl Manai bid;beetf caSed tfp4n! iotbttiteeaaniteaffvl4d - ; 1 .vu . li. ri.1iihi fvtwh thmw ..Mtoh. rn!5dl h - i v, ! . .. .. I !l '-;ba TharVdaroi last week the local freieht train on thW W.'n. 2fe A: ILTL. wMcli left UfrittrBlnaV W? breaking open some ol;diixiar8ndtiHo Ji stoppage; k? ontt bfnthasatatkbttijbslvreen Ltcate' was laly ifnakjojisitycf'ia treUe.' Thef ttuev Ibea Jumped off taem- Lr -iiT:--" uvcnrj-Kirs-vTJ7! via. 1 1 the proper warHnta were Issued IM U4r rest aod detention ottbe VMt aHQ Maeaa itwas fudessatopr rwojiid haturany arouse agsiosi tnetm'-'4a . ... . . .Im lwa - asx eantiom-Aonawaa to prevent so iaklinxol f torn reaebiagjthf ease ml Ibe fwbbers. The; J f Eiffel? 4offli I :v T jf. Ith7kar l,wd 'determined menv made I im ihtt fibaos and VoluDteers . ... i i- ' I who wre armed,! equipped 1 capturtug fourteen; WW; S mmmmm ww- rf r ifii nn nritrfiiii. sUTLinn til everr uiau. buw . wunremnania oi neany vry wwb -KT k . I- rrl.n..l. Plan, all o V ' m t. I ed that I would let tbe i men I nnaoners to the iaiL' Thev art I ... . - ... . , , 1?nM"W,t"Sn I uivu mv uuu im. i m - i ' ; i THEOi D. Ku3nc, i . . . r. . UiituirinlMiif.nT f . . . . o t f a mwmmw K0..u.M--- ;l Tb; energy., tact and prompUtude dip j nuvM dv ui concernea in iu -ucmuvu w - & i x i r. . i . i 1 a(i ..ntnre Af this hand bf thieves which I -.PniaioJm.iftin-lnhnroDortions and BHJIMl IflttAinrwtTT i a 3 . . .-, ji i i di ' L;: T - .-;a3c I Mmtr iy CrttettfiroliftHe, bj4ck mdeby a colored man ia the, WfllistonLi pf Cumb QMidoJlar lB;geid;for (bje tmu t.A oljcmpreadmada byjrijjpdej) CM flwikiiafttoCQr frsUipecimeU, I imff ,.b?itorj i -.iPIM-mmK'ttJV V. domestte wUiei. t;-.iJ.iJrf. Jw4 Lsd i pae, dollar ln,f oldfor.ihebestreedi efJ i . .... I .. ... i IjQoeollarbi goid.jforj.Ujt bestjbreed at. wynp&n iff i-txnrnV!tfii -M!i:ciTaii !-; -...1 " ' . I -.-. . - . ifMop'iS.Co?: 16 ,Tbe Meptune Fire Vn?Pby baTe.engsged flaarjersiscjtyto CO men Md wMbe here BUbe! .siitinnv i na rair l nan tTaminnr nuinucra 11 .t.1'. i.tl .l. Tir:i-.:-.n-. gage i toe contest . ,jt muj 1 in . nnnir. . ... i t tMi af -ndnmh'and' blind :.hilTren e Mi av uca ii viu iv Awv-v-g to make aa eihibUion of their taWtats at the iThey are said tobe' WobdeVfaV j ; m Ouartera nave been seenrea xar tne ra - T . . . I tfevnitt f fnimarv- comoAnvl0 wbo-wiH1 utru vu f ran w ; ; ... i Many and mechanical genius are received daily ; tbe pace oi .tne 9upei;ia wiaucpt, w pc uwu puexuimuon s,tJw-cr 3iuj yist I a. a. M.t ' .1. 1HtA' . i. .. . i" " t fimhinituini have been mane to enienain ouiiess than 3, 5W people annuje;tpej;air. I Joseph : A.iWollet frbf tnraft at Kington iu firiBg aDenlocratic ''Ujnmilm rT.K ' mUtee?o7pWcati i i ! ? - Jv1. .fif ' ll? i"f rXeDi? .fl!bj.J!r5?4.iw 'Aajournedno 1?C d s i.4it w J PEtheridge?.Jsbergerra .Morton. j . 1 . . - i former 11 warn an eninc ' idlu urn 'uhuuu- i a dmisjwuu ui - , t. i iivhk . . irkvu. i it n.Mnii. niiii - - - ..-.. cjclanp t-Hisd I .aMAAl BWBsVl i -t-b VlWtonr lieTorkwf f uodjJ a ;4!m I otw -. ' i a 3 crt f s d .nnoiDtmHfe'PredtSntibIiair?1-' On fcbtVoa bf TO 8atfeb well, We resoTff- fPifWW WrliWJS 1 . '- j - reeuiar meeting ana im -otbi unaer uje nue, .was taaen up ana auopieu. aiaii l.tran n .nil ailnnla t. I . "I '!A; prea'iitfeBnrfrelaUoVented bj -Df.' Ffifak Daffy -We adofpdiBtier:4i. basis of tnedicine and surgery, and desire litf averyjprop aa!aneT VpcomoW a?prad- - iKKWW, tutu uuuiiuiuceuca(njuiwu, IcSifwliicb tbePreideoischrmaB,'la- WdMheM!crimioldsiua1 Ifcialmtjii Wiwiio maupws 4yiPginpbUc appointed , un. wuny,; JEUineM1 an1Jtraisdn:U:flon preamble and i reaolotion cbwelLf and? p he, physicals anu menta) .diseases oti 1 ' ai niB-H wire mi w iwww oi wmhwhii hu j r: . j--t -. r ? V . " It"! r pamm ana nausauDu -.porianiio nafe pracucju of i4c(tfuihi pfeaa, tbFOUgi WW'ISl wlavpn.to.tbj LgreaUbject; Uheretore;; ect: eretpre iMt .tgi.i j f f P?Jer Jir. James; I'Long ofj h fMTi W i gubeeing, TtfV,, from! by Ihp pjpfffiBinn nnri Ihfl pommomtj J usmalathipi tfre4tatisUca I in 108 - - a ? 1 t3on of the membrane; tsetr -agreea r i ' . . I ' - '.. i lh,t it waa unanestiOnablv a tIood disease, I - - I and that the intensity of tbe poisonous ac - I " f . such ainguJar andt wWeJyJdiCerent i local lnnuences tbat u.seemea to mm.. sax - t ardousto assien .io itanv specific causa. t.rr - r? tth. T " "-r. k .j , t-r .. r, 1 : - w 1 . i ' . v r . . ..... ; 1 . . . . X' t 11 ' 5"f 1 j. V s - .- ' . . ' i There was uauallv noticeable a siaee ot in - Wc-fBulAi'ia thaftage uid am Biaic. vt iir il. .:.f:. S AtmW!rTaL lue visa tcij uncu jiuu iw tuuw .vbt I L. .t,. . .vij. t, 1 M w r fJ I , . .. Xlf. . ... . .. i.I il- 1 Krri tr jtTliawl tt Won ten, lBmBtaee -j- ti . - r - r - i j;r t . ' . - - - ' I ant .i. k .j,vt th n.tipnt nevervtv naKe&asW.w .wj, urugs ana arucies oi iooa, etc., etc. i TigfftfP f fcoix? aianrWctaBtwas totoaddfrdnt ' a h Msamn mviit . . a , . 1 t - - fr r , t . it - b .mi. u ja aa m ao iv i- nv-a- - : - j kuarl- the jlnlKaiaWsuu dM otcs, when to the head and throat, but exteadBditolbe.l(nrirrt Rnunkikaof finow;flill anACobbl LcoaUngiotihc sbch.theurttbra, and lie JWJeW'W -WJW"! w wm . i DaDRtxtme4eia6jne:isregtre - k maTks on pi& meU v- irl beUeved to tbe entiremucous llSSUes OIAUe I iu iw. .vio i 1 V" f "!zTTl sf I un motion oi Lr. Batchweu. ut. ueuamy i mMstouve ana Ear lonrmary, u. gtitution. ; of t 'jir.Tidia.kiliii -i3ii.t vtj tijo.-i.i. ... 1 iritin ftruin ihf.; diitkin ?of ! ir rUt i erri ThutafbA ;xnense of rL f,?",!Sr.! odsr o iaenosticating I ' We find we have passea over irura Mali j and all oejenaanis in cniaiua ui.w WaWWB rtUAWki41bWrbeeees Courts, aie 9lR? W?M WCTO - Dnenes and responses with some ib- T vtnrnhv Qf tvDhoid with suggestion on cojerr committed hy tbe said Courts.. ; t ftnnoowliPit?'l Jii.JQ A.&,..V(kftLjr. of the Ottt-door YnrtlrVr w,bj treatment apd recovaiipDeratidtf I be r educed , by appointing : -ra0.. lowed wheta W. "ff f for remotai of fibro-plastic tumor from the J LeTof tbia Board, whose doij.rt sbal) b to I "V - I... - - ... 1 d ilpdn, ihnitoeWteceieaaed hirnsel.fjtU f i -m -k-r ia t n i .j t u VoiiAfww v.... Ir CatoHaamatiUeys-Utee agiutevithej Hfidranensabie a ;k . .f . t,. . il tl! k I i at. mf sa4f A vi i itnnnTnas'oi 'taisciivio-iBauta-iJiJ saia'ni- vt fci s ,iM" Y","?.: r T , , x 1 .n-Mi Thkm aLlVsrs..; , , I . 1 ha w -. -m raa-fa-. ; i a..-.w.if-ii isav i t-m aaa -tufr . ..i.-? .... r-; i i . i . -' s k ; a m next regular meeipfc-4, t;.yc a r amSr? " v"vri -u - -it - r-"- During the : iamdebc.M tlon.-fggr uimal nad J f report waa received,: adopted and r IM Batchwelf ihdCCfeRrarsssed tba AmmmlSiummiK ordered on file. 1 . U'&bWblfWelr niiwi W voVJreefi-a:i until j mrfV : . -r foot, forwhdistance ,A h-'.'., jmn hnslBRM, and oroceea with the papers oni''.t-.v-nTnfn-cd horse, anol . j i - -.w . fuble' SlnsulsbUaVhac SSKK ?rahfykV Hr i0ilna VaiUO Ol pepaui mr IM BBKdu I finMBeamru b J !! 1 -t.i---i-v a aaa -.oftAnd vomiUng of malarial fevers. Scbegerjssa lheT?-rZ-lu 1 facliiflm-r over 800 acres of 'the) finest rice -v .-a ?n ot r.'.,.nrow.l W.ir.fferid idrtbe recoYerofbstoklii TOr rv !r : . w?? Itonnaeu in- eseetuaimwmiotaf and., being a i5 .i-iJ -ii-zi-jm-jVj& iuk--t '- . .. ' T 'T -f.-.ml.1 1 gentleman ?of meana, wm.no oubvaooB. .W :WTJ rT tflI WTOrWw n3 ' wii,' thtf moat -i-trtbraoilon-rsta-i-iBahv.-rrsdn 7 ; uJZfmJ pMctica lathtf ctaelixoQgat BereratqUeriej fedd oer-meborajiiliiqh were-aatjffaq. mUted to haye,een excellent, ia 'practice and.resulU. f . 4 . . " - irWhA 'ieetflea' lo2 hF nrtertatttefit' hatt- b.Faf - caaeniaiatortiBP;?! ,lniMnnMWii. inff. Pmnrion Motion. r 4 JL--"Ji-;.- ""V U.'- t ' -' fJ2rcr:1 aii'at the Wanks of the 'Asocl 'Assijcia- wn'aitfriuamadierebyndewdJIayoirsto fllSinetod loif-IBe use "of i the! citrconrt roaaoKDfeKislTaeuderbd-ilp thei differ ' ent railroads for the courtesy extended JR: members Ih'tbeliberll 'reducUbBSor fare1. and -to tas-pruprluiuf ..DLiLUia? Manning llOisbf 6r tftteatiotiaad corty.iin as -aac ignJldtBUbWtC?np9n ffWCline is entertained us. - Also tb the represent- nas entertained us. ' Alo to the represent- ,auvesiiiine'iiiieren,uauy-'Bewspapera i tthe city, Ipe ibeiii pxwaplrepoasof ur pro-' - Df.! BatcbNrell;"Trbni IbeyOontflaHteeiaiii b -nniideniyj YT: Faisotf.'ef Duplin.' ''lie -rtce:JtemnFimW : 23 Tias. IVMftSanWel Flowers of advance orriiMii-tia.fa,j'NMi r.OilvJtKM uuiuauui aA ... - "fc 1 'j.yw xi mWVaiXm rR .ilnafiA-tif lriniirttes - 'a fr.UMlia St r flswrefiartfTaaa irony ot newuera i ?: QjJL w.Ti Enbm Of 'PehdeftW 1, mmmeWftkjwee: adobted' i&."? 'i-niM imirJ.biua4 1 r. neRosset and ' SatctiweU "wefe'atH I)ra. DeRosset and ; SatctiweU efe 'ap pointed tjommitCee 16 condbct thePres prestdeaFa1sbtt-fepresseahla recbgiiH fetpressedhisrecogiri-. ilon'of the hdnbr cbnTerfed. f w bk I ! Di'.'BO. Hyatt;s the relhiag President j tbeh triade a few' maledictory ' remarks afrd tendredtoa fc; Hyatt, f brail BU,. "r..7". I ftDd maledictory address just aeliv 1 teredkbd thai he br twjueBted to fufnisb: i f iPWSldent Faison Jn hf chairK; fy . Dr. Robinson from Finance. Committed made a report snowing tne -nscai 1 conaiuoi a V - a lA 1 mnTM niT i Bit nLBJJI SBBBTaJ . . I JowtmII Dra flyatC PeRosset and Fauwd . . i " . -wil -wVrttn 'from i tbe 1 . " , -. . --- 1 Committee to procure sbwjot saojcct i u- i were appointed aCommmeeoo iiereauarv 1 rauamuonu r . . - t- a a - j. - I . no 1 1 rarw himiyiku .ua a. uuuLakiuu vviiiwir'i 1 n.vw www. - , 1 " . : , , . ... I i tsaaa r i 7 - : . I i.v ' , ' ' ' ' J t ' . t On motion ofm Wood all jtbe member. I of thia Association wno may oe prewnt a- aa . . war h a.iawaeii Mwaarir I " rnwungw. . . t.T: iZir. v r. tettoTOetttoaMaeieaaiesvl Association. , , '..."f'J I r. -I7"a; ci- - - - . , , . i aj I Dr. Murphy called up me report oi'tae reconsider tauea to, prevail, It wasyoted f 6bold the next session in i.u v.i:.: I vnv f the same : to lhe; Publication Com- I . ... .o r :i 'I uni ju. w suuuu iMii.at. ' h i wh uis uuus ut a ju. J pf Qoldsboro a committeeof arrangemens 1 , sd.-rtw-tha expense of; the County rLriiA MfcJKnlttf"nrft1n MiskiaI oiT- -Orl. kT Mno h binding out. seaweii. aujuuTBcu v t tit rvr thB ronniv. m ucisiua l, as bereipbefore I ITCO. . . . . : "L ! hftaessiqnjp fWs r i naoftt - - . :z Hn.' r W ai U -ji iim l. i b count ft forftepurpttsaef viatiagsen &k,rfM! fo tbe ourbosaaf viaOag seme' I - . - - ? :IIenrrdens;-GranTownsbiDr $14. Sam Nutea.-EU andThomasNixan, $43. -Andrew'Kixdtf, Grant township, 38. - k -Eli Kbton, 3rant township, $4 0. , ; : - Alflpyd Grant township, $24.. ;,r Ac Dlication of. . John .Thomnson tor re- miaeion on poll taX,Tecommended by Ifor t wood tJileS; granted? ir't. i. ?i-. Application' of Moses Granger for remix ? aion ol taxes, not granted. ? ' Application, of Love for remissioq oi axea, reierrea a.ta the jrinance, vmr mittee. - - . , . . r . ' ' Application of Valentine Fillyaw' to1 be excused from" working on f the public Toads in CoDsequence of hisbaTingJost the use of his arm,;granted.f;:fi'--y.'-ij' j Jack8bn,H. Marcus' J.-D. Klander, !' John JJstis & Uo., and H. UhUndtv were ; grantedrjicense to retail, spirituous liquors. t'ApplicattonofJ Turlington; forte- mission of taxes was referred tor Finance CvttSMiOeer 0T $i vlv IP i Application of J. C. Hill for remission of -taxes was'sraatedIhryl hai3rigjbeen listed ' by E. Kidder. , . r c? pnHcWon bfTrahcis Korthrop,- laid on : .ifttab1e T - A.ppiicauua vi iuariua oireunu lur rruim- aloa otaxes, ; referred ; o - Fiosnqe .Com mittee "" '"-" - ' ' ' Eepl bf H4E. BcottlW hospital and poor house, receired and ordered on file. t -1 It was ordered that any" and alt papers la -' jtbis city that bare bad the advertisement in v said papers of the civil' cases pending in the Huperior CJourt of -this 9U0ty .benotifled by the Clerk that the county wilt hot pay torbe saxne not bkvingHedTed to,.b.". inserted. --r .. . - It' bavin bn reported to the Board that Ffhe bridge over Smith's Creek,, as, also, the footway near said bridge;'!' ontv of repair, . tt was ordered that the matter pe reierrea to the Chairman with power to act. " The report of the County' Treasurer. .was received and ordered on filel 1 Application of A- J'JDeRosset, for remis sion of taxes, was granted. V Application of A. L, DeRosset, for renal s- : Application oi jreggy butt, iur reuci,. was referred to the Poor tJommltU'eVwitb power toact,,,, r.t : -The Board then took, a recess nnt,n Ibis ' Btorniniraf II o'dock;- l ' i iU . ra TPfie TBdardT'mel ''yesterdayf 5 af teroooa : present JJ Qt -"Wagnen' Chairman, and Comniissicmers, Morr and Nixon, Miho'tht or -The , foBowiDgjpersoMi vfr9TdFa,vlfi serve as jurors for, the January term or me Superior Court : ' I ' " n - rtr iifoft. "at rtw. lf R.a1 TthnnMrihAl -TWAitnia Howe. Pavid K Sadgwar, BostonSpeliman, E. H. 1cuTggJiiH::T.( '$antpson,-Iiavfd tofUn. Livingston,' Samuel 0J Korthrbp, Jobrf G. t Norwood, Robert itoyea, Richard MeClam- my, John H. Hooper, Owen Fennell, Jr., I Daniel- ajDavisiwewiaacedJinaomina- 1 .,r;- ' t. . uinht -if ,?iti-rJi;ai:;j (31 f ofp:a DaTiaAfteT balloting again i wubont recoil, tne names ui uiw . both colored. . an nA.li l.altf ni.Mn in DUUUUBUUM. . : ; - . . : . . . t . . z . i An " - r a. - I .r rr- . - SSiSSiit i JTr-taar.w tba Chairman submitted a saaau v hmwiw,.i . & . I th followlns'Irenarki which, as be saia, - hwb r, t the sucirestion of the - 1 ti m -Tii (ihr r.rpint financial env wrt a uvuti wsvmviv t " ' - I baraasmenUot the county: m xi;-ft'- . . nra ufMAaaa a VMiflrsf a y , Bw .rr'i T. nn'nnif Tt undertitfned most re- i anectfauV recommend: to your , npnoraow . . ; w . , 1 Board that, in order to reduce the expenses AnrtHinrmmUieebedbMJontinued.' who are now. admitted into said in- the County out, for the Dene- a conviciea o , :,,. n Mraon ovrv I... fW--j--7 T".. - . ...Jj . receiye. assistance irom we coumy auu - i 4nst ani nmnar . . . .That no member of this Board shall allowed to have any work done or labor perfocmed at. the. expense of the county, unlesafucb member, be legally authorized I tbe Court House. be reduced , from $30 to rsday afternoon at3 tfcJoekwpi I Three ballots were bad without result, mentioqed.iitVw . f any criminal offence and imprisoned in the ont-aoor uauDer wuu V Jl B 'VVBiW iWiVM -T i i I . . 1 4 1;'-: ".-V-r" ;'.:"v. ..A:" t-" -.1