- -pi --ilsi y3P :!Ti ne88iaerePort thatBlafordJWilson which tti set. on foot by the Honor-' - V(JIiiC CCllIgaOtnwpV Solicitor of the TTfesnryV "ejects tar pblrSeretarof the Treasury, taU" ;i H$r7.e fe3S&c?a3 Tea go with HendsonJ His he-'lblHugv pail 6'-j doubtless Ire jdeslreV he WM. BERNARD, Editor and prpplo&- off toaave thelf ibnHromepne fill hive. Gee sral Orant nndjY the ; fr; . , "', ' .j;" 7 7 higher up. - ffk teBCtWf-tatiWwa- -able ,&djand-tttek conflict witK i'? iMAU v?35"t$y2f U gmalnly favbrailelo' forther; the man of Maine for; the nomination Pre Anc inhe event rf iheJpc A yC le.2gn Vknlm 7p .Ximren War Htff -"tfee1t e"cJJJ? i ' g W foriy-.fioodpraug ;JLei neWady. ! neUof1MeMiiari8id8i,l::lei aihk,death.of Jresukpt rantur: locate U yihatti'atthoutelk f. -bheiinab( by Bishop Haven; the" same linw mwamenV tl iw&om t&z jwmi $?mM 8$&ss&Pi& irna inve .t? A nAyQ?i iiAnvxr oven. 10 or more copies, ip6fcj thetieSid th thlnfmttsi 3 to ot, requfred ft. I whfslcfef !rtn are glad f the- wcurethenitesto&oM j rejoice, alPu tte$aperwtabedirtedte.wm and party associated Will 'be ftoniihed wfthoat charge to ttoe nto rah J responsible for the livelVS Haven IhasTblfiedhTt natne ? C v 5 1J?W X8fc 1'gme.f :ne - aecom- by hAB,if W indeed tlauie'ft omortttflitVt Vi wjtD 1 .vpnsutnupn.ia .eiient UPHP W3 kuu- fter:maktneihii nurchase the wbisUe, of I .nrua iuvgiict .Th the Protestant schoolmen; although jecWThereare no -definite prpvw- Jhe approacbing train sFMpIJi;i: ii.iit, ?f r218rtoed? raivell Wi Ipgiois yWfte,m08V, pro; rffeS? r-accicej ticM seem to be taainlv 1 Tines congrecatevWItn ampp ai.Mejr j,rpYiaions-, tfte JJ.einecrats, insist inavi -nHrt ;Ma;iiiuiiintten-jiito- KCU;$Ui ;aii-?uiXsL.is2iy 1? ;.'Is:.:?!.1r,STvr-r- ireuieuuuuBreycinr i.'-'-t "--f-r" "T ; - : w'-nr wwwn ,Knir 'xre2r J-ne CTwr,,';M wifn,T"Tr rlPnnor.on'wiero v&si anaienceoeior&Bim, and i PVJ ofQprmore.,- vv nsihatBaVtfbeenayetmly hiriied The pnncipai h ourooi iiio ma nispa .sTelgfiNju sciaimci tn loodyS iteatorian .tone?: fHonereriPoBf.; efSim natipnia rnewUfffiadg- Theainere ttU Bf0! Owgleerelary Spf f Jtanqaer th$ SStito d!TheatiditirUUtbo; gmf;3umm 85 tJ2. Jrafi JtifdAiiW WittiM tbjwrn-Byejboaarwebu MrTSiStSI? m&mmmmm$m ummMrmm m m Ms pmmW 1 rvrnv ctircprirfr TD THE WEEK- . r:. other leaders tnaV onclne'ifot;rtb ollateaPreddniiJN8wwS son. ,.fle, managed, to get .on ine tranv ,the ew.Yerk hteiSUt LET -.3 v- ' f i v f i i-;iy. STAR , READ , vXJpkder the ne law effeci January 1st, 'ed to pre-pay posta STAiUAndrwhlle -cost 18K. w are ieqnir I JRebmimiU tiiih 4- nuDainevePg,BWcijD?g "rr-Ii onndcnolaw. and v ..5,5..,.., ,;i :riy!t:i:-:'i:-.fi:fail: ho d.tbem to itw ; ihey nave broiignt pr ?rr iT-Oif 1fJ?UtK3Mf HfettfttWfeft,i;4r; &Y" " I . 1... I. the. busHiess.no iu meetlH?. and tnev I j 3Avmt'Vrxj.i.k . v t: J r.r , - . .T. ..j.jsi: taixiiri-tl .aiii'.feJsLL.st''irtiJ' UnXfiecondihe- thiwIlladdtbelL-Sfyv mmpp&mm mm P'irfS' iwPiKs te 'i"- Riilii i!HTi:fi.nc- Tye issuer as iutuvdb between dbe .jwiUonal I nr nn. The demons otnomfr nromi-i ytw hoi aAo jh wjui J I .!M"7tJe8?rwy c?-:7.9.R?fnK1? ftUeY&itfiO U c-.itw v tfilioj wfiwi ;pf ?5?F?fff vv . -,.:-:.-;MrniJ Coafederate Dower cannot maintain' a-:W1 hfif i17kM; 'RripAkPriBralfte bv fl:a,,75'? " 3 ynrinrnasisi . " " - i " TV ."."I L.tPlllcbfwaaqtehdertlo aainut .'per:yea4 ajptuyjkjepe,e Krmot Ubscrlrittofi P &94H I WOJJW terms 9Wpm9ftrt&l outbid Cibtf Ui iOiWCopTr.fyjeaiv jposteg aid; 5tf kopaisrWalfifui. ."a no t9to LflA JTb5rJ 1 cuuditiOoal surreude J"--5IlI J flilaoKiiA-;!7 1 ibe field . , jClubsiof laor idpgepilio . r T7 .v.f v-5vi j5 'iiJticfiH - n wiped out ' shall enforce , rigidly than. . our wbscr jbjrs , names trill " 'AStemr J sent to each 'all will' re's Kememb Peident early every nee; of pru- enerablb-miuiti- ftlnd.b1-ailr: noramation.ATken . rtnbeiiiBiiph rfni 1 adopted-dieW Aid isbLib g yp4e.beiiig 'o.Ti F5r orlaadBo-tHtirfil ,uU;0 fJinazaaiof the ladies aniigenileme mi The tiTfiv( vn h y;e 4eiiwuU4an : enavpr a&i it. r t.npt Jiasrsuch,;; theibleafc iinteVesi wouoiyu paj apu. e r-aD5ibe'oc veaterdav. v -lhe! Nbe-HrtT?i.;!6 ofi" ? "KhU0XS hope it la not necessary to go into ar einaut; from a'ffrtend .aLaaAefttJ mMMTt SAmpaVWfiH! re'W? wifl demand tbeHibminati6ri1TIii8 . M - ,r?.ft: ;)T2iK;i.- WW " ft "xiWi TO?8 SPP nCHVBCNCH;Dl!lCAftti!BC3 "T v." v. r" ;vT- f IMT ThVUind, eroh appeared n Alieiaf bi SC r,T T.vTl XM P-'1 .yrSTT&V.iT' -Iif.iJ I w ."?,.vn-!J:T,:'" excwiem cnraui.er-1 iu iuiwi iui count of which anneared in Ibe Sta& of I ;.'BnfflHj:v.V; - .f : if-j; f .;T r'?" 7" r"2f?HX-ftY a1'-" """ IhcastfsyateiUir ever-before ; and unle hni tv'W LMtlhiltl.W ldiktiscblen0miatfol.l4ihia !T? rempromptlynn .fU ffZTr UiUeF 1 mZl ttl drPPj fCPiaoar, eTli GK LeWpumedbyPrlrand- MM I w". ZTT ntfbftcctHmfeirB4 paa:Ulftw8mllelii! m rpHaaing wMely.S3iIy tl?gatWh di nb rind Daniel' wefe iri homirialion j f T' j. fiultiard of Lnmberton anacaDtnrtd I l$O8t0n a epres.entativerpf the Jtent IMkYkftTlCIWi? nc ? aTC0" ul I , ti w.-Kiiabiiciih. Inst tal hr?iAM:haLaiiteMifc2' kiroka b iU ain'i? fevtw m4 1 cu?ua' T u'rll0rnI ft?.?Pa?T lM!Affu.wb;Aif.tA-j( wtftti I unreasonoble controversies that eS lr subscriber; rTn7hrnen nt' lWMS &Xm WPmj" m bouV20fmlle. beyond F-yetteVffie: bp tbe Vrt afflicted ai people. : porid m?tm-mm SouiliofcilH;! Um rmWaJarWUIa lwa: ; JpWpia roVoVoaedl tZZZ ir ihatiimi te 3 1 r::ViZfiTfcS iW'.J I ... r": .r"rr' .V "J r L'j J...i-L..uJ bllimdtr vTSeyaUto stiJIf.HLtmaa'a KU-"i:iii LLiJ-?Xh;Z aavDcnoo uwqn ana Aact aocntv: 'raAKfepC8? SjMiMit IPjjPilg STSSSES pe yofael1uio?Jleia8, will mislead .CaBleijvrfia- acnolrpriaybda al.MUHya ?5ui iaife?f&adjat vy. -J ..iiliVTtfi; ireaerV:51rHl ?""1-rn.,,8rlt; Third .North - Carolina, Distript pro4 1' iteitbirdteriDortiiiiiViai ittfiimvmwm&WWkli!V r3 w obu the blggeat so1tacp3iolUt.-iB KoHn fyf"4 iPXh StP.3Iiifcill; ssuJ v ia rJ.rt?T -Vr.,-.i '8 ef P0.-7w1,?rl I which, tbe Chronicle. and Sentinel saysrfwas I opiniprt OnUany great , moral .duesf l rv? vearlv8ubiriberbut for lvotlnor I , :-7w, ,-C7f'T.i! 1 ronioi aorw wnwn, bi ivcpwr i tirant a aspirations, j Among, tner noei i national emoiems,1 eic., 'ana ine aueiraance l .-.p..-,Jr"" I t-hiin i eopy per year, free of postage.:"; r pme one.wm aauDgwott; ui J Lftlti6t of Coldrabia n to eap4 I tfw isolation ocpurs tha Ijpai : ' uMKJfl,t :T I Ht,1 W ' brtb 'ChaifmMrthi iba airistriooa JphtrHymanp ' TUUUi rrWor tKer WBUe thirAternrarro that jLd:.; the:; fatal ciacug; mHot:& S0ok tesblaiiSd :tKSiSetDUikbr Nm, JiabeocK-. is 'a part-or-. me- -t div. v- . 'nai- t ,: yL' 'n.fri J : i. : -. . i j : ui-xoTi 4 -Xh St- rf-r T.a . 'ftse family? abcocTc has been iri CT Vln v$? ,AVt . ! providing for a,committeeyeVw tn." dieted oaa nn the. Government , venue. "'Bristdk. is asso- esi tofippdrtlers1 $m 'jib: be". ontevdiSimc4rtuaw fav0cpiPPfP.ml-tJ)eir yh Wtthe effort to- place ft behind i ssidenlal candidate y - neavPf :-. "HiiuHMiiw Hfou.vj wi, iH l in w nartwy "necessary w ay ipati i AurcheejtipgThary lfiJgF?l?. j pat, of pillions yrf f lhe-phttelpH.2Imef tele2rapha ?a!:i&y iVw-ftt??? wMf?Ja?ncombecapb .isitP t6 tbe.iin.ivfraarvowe! SecretaryvplOhe V--liJlWl-i- V; fobacco, cotton and wheat! verUeble Vit "-.t?"?rur hv a TromitiPnt SnntliPm' i irJ.y.i.i?4",fi charged itli pasfclng counterfeit money. tftf-S iSafi'4fctf aAnk f 'K&lfn'.VkiiHiiA'AiS fSK?11 Uan:a geatleman who was aa'offioer ae htXt&.&k&l alnlyaabotentof ifm iPreiidenecre-i. 4 tkxiiiktL'L feU"e Vro.bftmng of Ohio bav , , na mvesugauon iitoinbvfeTaia.c?t J th Church tofanyparty rbrpeia tZ&!Zi&!&h i?epa-t Ptfter- ui.rt j 1 .wSe;evMnceoW :r:. Xr, i ;n f 4 porrheresideBkA btf-foanye oraT.We ..of b?o7ftppi rPdfita n andWen , , ;V; warrant toUttoaj .hdefendant4wa , W'-rL- ' as nas &eurepr4ntei Ml S-f'r tmnlfedram deotan :f!9?;mi-5,FftEl , pahi 1 :winrobgbuo thiar inaiket, Ui.ppeink SnSf M i) reooibd-,doaaJamed aIptUbwfinijpJng fnaant8,ncer;oa8nUau safy.ltatUoarha. ,jtelM(ywPpf fdsawuW&4ia he Unuea- tateslhijoelg 4,, -f'i u:it,.i krkl warnea Uio aynyllii6g, that mtgU :gardid 4tJlsngth,f&cII FprnatajuV. f,: k-i & f oca idrBad'e.iaittbe ttfaeriop.ipf .iSaVfseimBbwaV il- W crUahutt' Wniaelflf i titUdawaafjcalled.on.teday.aaleJ erodriviT bfnff aato :o:M .&184 Lewis T. ' Wood ince et the r sfurSM'n 'rtigatipn," doubtless':1 ".the relations toe t.tary had with -the Mpg iftprwardinr information- f roxa Wasbiogtod w.faxcp 13 ..tow mjayDnavVdesfrVd to 'b'resioerit u. next.time,- aidmayaseijJLa S-1 i oockJa fall IrreajbinisirYitpibe Presl- dentVdV.he maytoe'rionni r dntv irrespeetifcjmsacbiicpjiiiid fr ringihave been partially in ve: cumstances tpgive edr&acwc.toitne 'proseifiutbrs'. "And-hi -been, q f,prettyTwdCay - " iraaere ttas ahitchwiien .3 tQr.Hejidprsp8i;jB iBglpeq, ": . j ernmeUt as nfosecntor. Kaw fit-tflttlia : xWnoiaiu 5Tbey;tfadi tae-moolUand fefritotiilie'riill.. pfia;neore8idin4Wr2eim4 leave n vtBce. wbe)you-C8ai.6Ioaser Wlelcj i irwltb dig6ity'ahd roanbbo f f WtiO. haf e . . gained ' by ; tne boHtibar "oP lad ; hfaCk, . roaii'sbleryif ifi'e - wbitcT tnaog 16 06800-' " ; t mD,'a woiskj kry8temof &afc turfmen.. r ' would think for!a rnett they'yodid'raUi" :- r ui noporea private iHe1 tuan' tp pos "e ml tberlittering baubltrS Of public. lfe jboOod down ' fod ovefwbelniea w1tn;! the : .' .r corruption" that now necertlf1 ceomda5 " ; nies it." .. If llenry CtV':bad 1 rieet dbtie f ' aaid anyibipg else'tb'aa -'J Ka "rather pe - t fict that be Presidentrtttt5Mduld imlnr alu68 him." But ' Dodgiass'Hleldiid' i tbe" , i tenure ricefc Jtje was henest, 1 believe, but ed upon bUbeviDZ ibe behests xjf " ' wtjct'waa ten&WOetfSy'IKV aui. v precedents laidr down in ; Jefferaon'a f ietavtfisitl i.-jTWHwiiay jBwvciaunaunceirie ;ZZ"b rtktitiiiH& in The roftowirigasicU f1lS WMf m3iMm thh thing! !aff and on. for a mbnthV l Grant in averyixgT cplftBed if liitlwr ftrtaof 4he pP' f acanpy to.ihfsfijieiioheriir;9e Aa-fitt-n-'lhe inbiieyw8iP;tn8defit Was; ; 7f retaryf iwWHbe dQ6f 0-- fe thence iBongbtJ ahd etbinV 7 t& .1a8 to bavefrledtb-at ptdef ( at-'--T1' ih.hntis had Speni his share of theoneyilh j nSmoofthSs fffif-ltef- .UnVsimmoi - . MMV&t mht mm'4Sf told me what be did BlaWM! U 5bfUj?e4m; tJpbntne Mtrengtb thiitemehtall. tohaveprpsted by the grave mitaea ftWi tbe jCondHioDsare Q hang? d, now the parties Implicated, -Jwlth the eicepfion' lorhlal&wlia'rVi W4'ti&&rdl. hat the' Senatebaaif aikjd :tt6 elect !a of iJesse Wood (No. 2), wGb'Was dfsclijtrgeil ,f 'Mr 'tronsi W,';ajilivPpafar.- pre8ujfing!oJcerwet(dV e&siew bJ?WSfWWTS t6: 8a flWfcp ! tl!e :dlordai efr-i mHmmm mmmmrnm wm&m, UgaMonttreojradb,ten the suaf i&Qtm l$dWP ' " those to ba had narigbjl to interfere Jidth bis' ' JL provoaea .angry eor- KKWu?mWnm$jm' bHityV iboth?bthe?Pre8id8nt andVifce, 8jneJ8Vtls(8fiDwt4r.wr mfiondeiiecp t betreeaiffao-lVai1EU?; ' )bo1itioil(ipf TalPieeklndDaatiool'' -RrKrtdetifitjetfarliif --.-rrt , . : .i. . -...-s .... t wPdentiapd8nchoacerahaUf 1 :'t.:;-V? '-B-ircsti'! avvf I to ueflominajQyat -scnoois. neia I act aqcordtjiffly, ijDiJ the disability be e- vi flip 4ULnU0n t .ICat iawlS COtuainea in vavy ourii or anqwirx.'wnitipmni tttmS.Gmt&i&-i2Mti,li J!r - , 7 '"'"."' V,"IOT IWiA'JIlKSriitriLinff contra i coAtih broad,; sentiments 'At -Another. crook in thUcooked bVi- jirenl ! wbfskJj lUioiUBiaW b W1LI1 OPreaiiesiKsiU tla dir n-e&Hlent u Qected." ilcjty, reliae mena.its. unde- iU hhVet1wisttjhhJlllid& WlUJv Te WtqcAl!.4hemnftue8tifio.8i8 deolaredbbat tlj-wef,per8nal!y rf 'fSSSlh bWio :8e tbjfcwp ?.s!S Intfttoe? ft WdhlMr htf to ata8io.iipad(b,f,te0gtb, .nd.heM.wd 'S fiJd 6lf oonet ltandaSl, Iamar, andY'i Ahe have bwaii ' nrtmiid a a lU trtnity of WpMedil ea4elhtga?y! fh-ph3j!a lMge aad tilAtte npdrer., uiiL vt-nttJ?A . jTc jyho wiiiII it outrwni.be Heiuamut aajfer iSSsMBtj' -w'fMV?!? r-iLak' iKwrfpWK "ftf'jSsf ?r-.. . I an 11 nam m I ' & nI .1 ' L. El mm 8B8 la a bu 1 - 5 elftttebalojf itisity commeocea a . searcn tor .one au pposea treasure. .Their labor was rewarded .of under tha circumstance's but went down therpbn'Tie d commebced a 'earch torvihe" 'iupposediiy Wf 'P fe&Tf epongaiJjani? f ranHO- pnnung I to OS that - thHe fiWinal crnnllvmen Ijb r hfe iraVM fia''6uibf 1tft'lrKinHg bf 1'After.YiilI examination T of th : docn- H - wwiVfiOHUI Uimif 'UiV T iABVVMM BjJ 1 I IUVI1VUI T W 1 K4VHVU OH UUlllltV'U IV l 1 aiVbhnyjW.eay,bBi$hr id fAuWem ?.i-9t?Se5 K,9Scqmposiuon. PWhWWftHm, CrGran?lT.laeBfiiterMf: eat ;M JTrwWekMftJ7$ji tflttraiSiefAhfiaVe f American, printer .ettabrtea tiavithe noe ngni- pressvjrhbbjaa beqor jaany years f laSidcthkc tMamty flPcJaW 4sfer- i -