t ! - K4'7 ' -r 991 9 mm I I 7 MI IU1 IU1 lk.lt Ofet3rirftii3ner ai-:-!iW:-.-'-Vi..-7.is . . ... ... . lo p-. r-.tA cul l . ac.'tik: f Jtf: day as postmaster at FayeUeviue. ilia ! 'tod. .it - t mna cdntictsia C'e Peii.:i , e-atisued ; front three to ten jtus,- tQ lit ff lac f.wf'Off I - 5- vi.u' m; vuj ...u;j t?;uU . . l -. II ir r . TQilVZi.iZsB raii- -rq3 pieeting is llowit. Airy oa'f.SaiuTday; January l8tri878.J " " '."- .' . jr r ... v - 1 o a fe A A S Months f---S 'la U , 'tlkbb& V7 j T fiiatiOM rV-fu Hv h'tuVutiau lt ib i Old'eu f : r-vP (jIUzens JorEnfi eld, " are "ac-. lively &i Wer&toaise iU6utgctiptioQ for a 3 --2S Bi 0 I nfBrdCpuwbaijt - -- - ii i I ----- - . . r . -r , .-.h?ji it ,li.l-fc f.tti .! ii,l IiJ t I .. yui-iuviu ..u.,vr v,iuvn- J. IBIl J f) ','1, r. -a- may a vn u a a. j Mont rzi'rrr" .Ts-s,i i I t?9SSSS fin.1'?! rirriil Triiyi2 . M 8! teev KlSUiS, 5 2iJS 5 o roll's i st2 2 3' 5 gy6!- :: .H f iff obtinc4 1 the oltiftA; Md-Wngnr Jtfth larsre towr -We ctifl Wer lhi perf fcdtly Mtf,f ana ims itoi .iitouu uj roiiijiykuiK.wity 'Muuars M ; ; i ir ttegriftterert letter, a'ndr tlie tow yL iiiv w ii it; u went inio tsaeciraBe iiv nrv a a . very sate means or sending email samsoiiraa : ney whr P O.MoflftSrfleyfeariTtOt h easily ohtaJnert. Observe. th .RtarUtry ( & ak postage, miurt be paUi' in amp tfrn efflca wherf th lettr la TOaUeVr 4twifl Wl.al ta be sent Wth T)ea4 ltterOflJbeJ?iy ju jna: tA'tiinKeotAO paae fut efffrt 'At mnnev and seal Ac lU-rr in Che. mresene :i-i.-,iii,:ii,iilM Subscppiioftce? .:-;4t'-'isAftr-mjf;Lt;. fcaa.'ao..te3a&ifI-; TheBubserijJtiooprifceoCtheiWEKK year, $1.25 per copyOTiirtJyaiiJak-, J - E No' Club Rate; for a period Wss i ... ' .... . .. , Both old aBdejiiblnkyt be included in inakiiie np.Ulupa,a j y At' the abbveapricesHbe5T. Star isbre toinkippfe in . the State: arid its circftlaton win be doubled in"etye6hth" if' those who have.work'ed'foif its uccesJh the. past will increase their.:effQrts'tn'rrtnei future. t - ' i p n i ... , J i,E.4j--5-fif -'I'il L V.1"Vl7 2 V e are g'ad to Jea rn of thJbrn t,er oatlook in the State of lArkaojrily recen 1 1 y j era a ni paieu a iroin. fwatHqai misrule.' ? In -'theWiood "0 ff n "on ity agrivultfa Wdrlfpovffail' alladod-lo by u3ilewayBcevtpe Governor shows'that 'every coonty -in . the blasts, has iu .the pas jfaradaid - largely to its cultivated liidi, sevei,ai . . , -.' i ' t-i i -pi r .vu -;i f, I of them as tuuub as o,0U() acret-;ao!y : and. one ot tflem II,l.v Small grai .,- heretofore, almost eftlirj-iy: negjecte caamn&?lcattaotit ies kf - fthi ai $ i 4 never don&iibelorervj3.h;:inUatiiq factofyi-etuTn! ' : It. appears thntiuhutth0Stai. Th bakbijnji; , of earpeibagismj. .JtfrjoawjiM sundered, land cordlal 'elillfeiWsiqisl , V;.ibetee.whes , .' ne ws is t he' rffre -Wf IM f y M g i fl sister rcoinmonwjiauoo ciPPp1 is sept in" a 'siatefe ftt . topsianftbr-4 . v tuTDauoRy..attraagfiv4r;i.th a-j licalpBsitrm ial:ba hi : ; to be mad.aUirffotajojiilbApM(1 ...l.tiiitt imriiuil Ttiiilit inn , . . ' . ,. I .1L" "bO Frgnfebo W!eWsaiei tineiftivftihempro caliofts1 dfftis'patbllfetis effectualiyairtHja4 ftwUftJiPWSlf f' : ' its-devIopmeRt."!8vua'(COflJioi P7 wt ifrom the Paemeotjof iParwlne' - f ; reaetionf fly.ivouMihol'6id'fijitr tfavfd by its coiiserfatjvej keepers. H ls. Q W . '.1 . ". i A,k;'S S. t-: 22fri'S 9klt v A-ifliff no. L' LF?.ft-itur f-. ' v I 10103600 J t.V . tf . -3jl thfllio. rranuml nnnniilnia F WaIh vbl lt- Star is as follows : ; f I SingleOopyTfe as been eklensively sown. lareeSae ' ds nav ,eenr lUJftntea aaa.t iasti f r on! i oth ejn sou rets jt h a! i- ersianfl halso bekrathiese , . lea.le,r Bay.inai? uiKevarmo.was oe- But it has eng oh. steadily cnsolii . : dating IMmW&M. holdiuif ih . J failiinH-adical advocatp ih .--,-''ichetik.lw:iberjmeei ! stattje4an:d,iurnibgijliie , orbits errmieS MfWHUieraweeM oy jina the poiiKol deayi, it js faiU UifaQwag; r iMreii knuwivtxt oiissuto factor fiPnD'Wge.Piul :;NUfCBa!PM6!)f '.j3iUl OVTJyr? 9tfl.iW fioO via tit , smi H XI. i oj ,J .-Hi. fctni mE3i ;lbf 4buaamlafAbsi OTM rH :-.t -.& -.Ui itis fr' -i u i i "j-w r x,rvntt!itJu aa c ence fan Q AD e.propjprt v of .ine. &U 1 isjifi'ttti I i. Vrtlop F I htf Urfh tirnf llstfinn 1119 1 """"" lw- ' .m-mii i.nw iifi;umniM-m.i.iv.,... Wi ii ii I . . . . lUILO wi Wrfi.. ii&wi.j.it4yraiwtii.i miiw wv I - - r I - - w V - .'-.1... v- . - ... i -ii ' ' ' ..... -oV;?nd;tuh ' 'iTfc indireforiain&jNiw.iMrh b z.rrj--t!:Vi-',--r-r-:,',-tr'i--f'-; rt.aiJiiQjBfc w& a4iB&or,irm ? i - ;. - . J . h 4 iQrouffn TnicKvanannt'-ffQ-or nestViai r0pjntoRtt-iiing5if ; av.a?3aniea. i ifidAnre fc6nm0dWUMeif W tbo SttAl ' ndnW sttlrltlffjr maMelt5i 'I i .i . . . S - .. , . 1 . fch ange: ' tub? tmt rncy aesvioii uis jtf8ttea'tft KWtw 3ry6oback 'hVliU Vi .1 !i i -lT.rl tffiiK Vi:.!fl ! - i veU tBteJi JrelietbeTdentlot feiMnfelfan Pfe,iaDappnqy.iaiupf . :tflAwp feMMi" .cpmibgI -u-t " -9-.il-. tv.hu4 $9L ivfid oiiAojervaMles.tevi-ywereRtiUld "4.ntf JJ l!W.i nil ill iiiaa',ii.nlf lUfit. ppwp.. 'u-lvU wr iiuona tost hQimniiu ami uniliul nlc .r, i ' :'' Vf'MJ .7-,".r. .- J L. While therelKbouldj be a fpitiljof eiovnx--vino-icni v,v sit-jpt i ... J 1 .! ill V- WHu-i.c.taiioa.i auft inejseciUMJS inai X wbuld be.iniured by itber adoptiob of to yieldlntf-OiJfttefciiiaii would be taf'ei&V fce- ioat'ih'foatfMinti TJniii! othnseativi jPeQ; t eraey isi necessary if nhe iRepubUdarj , Ti lawtribThitibIft girsuxely oel a uuiiyiioiiu fciiui;.ui. . r.,. i ftr Av har.tneu xioes the uilierence bleTl ,. -0m . . i. r .7 - . r r r . , 7 r I ' ' ' ! dUs-thfimsel wfethejatnBeBey WH&Jmftm d?S!He&aWc&nkJ u 'P? UraefaWofrAhose Trbo wool on rv resume specie payments., wnen, tbe,, country is )ready tor Jt arootint itoi I.'.biAfe hat ate gxeeuonaiprelad r nree-i -amiiHeisi in r ttrewaw J a in-llWWeiiFnaB-iney-inav oe-neTO fit Rarv r to 'Snbcesa. Iiet .. Ri.11 k jjinfiici. -m: oy .wiBuwi aroanaj wnrnMaM u. fvod biM! Mil. f jn Jr: Litnnjw aljyb Hfeerali 4aJ9r.?aI, .ad,j .......... . ...- ... hfomV. tiJWrLmtikmhk ' ----- , ' !vj f i.u i,faii !l - - lD3 ...... -md '! f 13 1- r j 'if; ... . .L i : ;-r-v.r"?,- a. jthfittiateiaaysbf"'1 i -xiod 5-.'- UfJ hwij T.VMi-.lfTii.' y"""', - 7'"" -r' Lol i!airL.TinnD-jrirjIldiaaiiu. iwaf80jifnt.awoe liaKaiooihas lier beabrea6hed.wWilhG rain sag1 1 ;hvreasn af ihon death vet Jodsre, I.gatneYli 1 & 1 o r .T.nti " rti eniTjera o r - m ifUEiuieraiiatim.uuriHiiirHLr aiiuuuiHL.irL-!i..i: - i r - . i . i 1? L . mm tllVll, i Lk...! J Jl 'i fjl ' , . ' .i I trrt. . . . . ....... I Hefens-aWarll bi ktrre. nfc Wiki citizens oMhe taost import ant "fart, 8Dafa ihenlndianajSeaaloi'jcRupit; mous Pit? copld be expettfed; aions hene rise Msakr f h grave, tinavetfrd wrongs commutfed e. i - , T '. f.j,:',. w. -r..'ll . ki J.!' t I I r tne same paper 'iromwmfctif we fialvfid i.f r new. j uyees, WAO , are.,wnue,88 ta I .. T.. 3 i i - J"v,"i I. J.befc.wJpjLqbeirp iiaher and Shav, Lil Lthe: ao6ndxipd. t Bo J udues more bnnht j more f airlo kooiiUiroghout Vtfeej igUdi I oreadth of.ih&i land As.J lha diobBer i iUOHKHTiuiLes, toe,, OLaie iQ a com - ..i,hd rv;. ?,,, zk- T 1IM111T1 f J ' g 1 1 M W ' "IT llTlHi Iff t MM W ITI tm Uljn;AfiWaV. ipfffeicaiif party p ivhdt iggm ano ex-Mox.v . j. xuo8es,vr-o Uu.the Southern .benches there wirfe missioner ijesue anq in,e;.iiacK itintrj .v b?T. i-tfl .tfrvuui -oia fr1 a..n8 &m-,nal jpses,, Jr. J ik v'fMoKvlitffifi'MMirimeWdalitv. ecoaffe f1JfuehintipiIe&! : t Z. 'J T -f . propbbitloi to sreslorer Abet Sonthirn I iwhstf list, i HhiiM -Jii .'srtfttott 1 1 LtobSPPiW'mRsaiitefojaAb, pre k -nil .... ! -- :. -. - - - . i - w . I C I at or Ale rri mo o'a b a r m less 1 -kji m el y , r,Th "nnrnnnf ft?"tif '.Vii"Wift,,n I IsVSTBJeSfltslM MrtfflfMltnBfttOtMinalR rT arO Tinm.lj ct lf.Vtfui.iura .TT, f . i.f fb1m- t hafc .h-. -ffVPCf iuminat.ed.-Grsn i, Ha. , wj.nii-0VtrPl45fe rrcmreit yriiw- e'MuiikKMii w LWIIIIMI I 111 II.. II 111 I1L WMfM 1 1 1 1. nwould roe it.if Grant. w.ere no re elected occordijg,!t;sey.ajl b 4 efycaroieaai Iweteawtninaiedlfor I ... v . r. 7 . . . . . . ...... . . . . . J .1 . - l ' I .. Tjr . .. . ... ..w .. ........ w JeiJi.shiin nreursejUBj4-Ais,!ioef- fcm VliuX - Jwdr ,.i,iu.mX tmoK ui T .ft- fRl SaDoT sal To Sao'awJ.UTiji f 1 , . -ci -------. - i lUrti9p ;visif)r9 sift vtraas ri a pr ive, aM ija A T M UO.. CRT K7j Inn ' H'Hrtytifrf' At o HaVen is a ouisabcW oit TOO re1e)a fllatsayfethat' )t:orar3kidaJ. dejjuomv eiw istmes, ,tf ca.tinqrocei fori p. our8C uaIlotedinfoHerBd8ia.lie sto a& gifegii?aii weaka fop tfeerjarge i andtlbadly coh ttndihavihtWbaUw8s;o'rrpufatia"if i portance win fibb;.. tra a(ebfiij re iitihm utlla 0 dj nf) ! t HfUntateaiBMiH If I " ixfiiwriLeelncafiFre; hycienijfioTdei 1 - ir- ' -I W JderoCDn Velocity JafateUaeaviil Ahe-canoancis (lL3Qfttrfirt?t . MnmmnihMS 0 dej.kiafH) POaJadaojnifttfceafejjefoifeeddlJirrahel uaUiiriHK) lbiaiucbanidal eWorld bf IUWitMUttJ U(U17UV KniM.l .pjio . . 0ll 1 the Silhat'wfbTi.kaHd cttfea PS a. sensible toncltffniibiribteTBub- dtfdk frorftb ffi?iaPiVffiW44!fyri nd as tbacdissinD'of tau DemDcrapj ' .nip, ana as inis committee w we one froiu rates n'at" the oVrsebl yiki fc.1UIVl4rAVfVSJ, lerabaturMlyaibentenea tatfmdsVl i . 1 J M . . . I . I 1 Ti'dwittg iapjifrieaj Kiatsj per per peck: pickles, .20 cents per ilnvtin . t--..-' ! uvvu. i - j -- ft. . - ..... ..... .... . . . . , . . fpou44 gruwu iowisou(giuua pairs geesa to y 1 iaru, : xo cents per pounu; pyiier. tehtt per potlnd clieese;'25; cents pe !.JllSlfelfefiPf (?yJliijnWW d-l1! 16 ea)44Gauo(5rTer:Douni:'STeai.; iroaioc.- ' t. ..." i . ' . T'r " r i . 'AAAHffa afAf.tijA,WiAtiF"r4 iHlfA iOiifUt flKa. abtatoeajBear Irish. aOe.a TMck.attwsrwett v. ' v - i j-j. i mullets 1025 cents perjbunch;. turnlpaiJ ii . . 4a.a I " 1 n . a- -i a a . a i ' w ceni8 i Dancni - onions. ,w cents I a. :-; peck;! cabbages, ly23 cents i -a..i,,ia . fL. .atU 1 ! 14bentaperpouad lnpe,!8Q ets.pef bunph ; -clams; 25;cpiir(st i pecK?!be!aianisli2a25 clh r auan: soun i onncn. . tns: einrB. onau- lwmvnw l:Pa1TMKflMaIflW enl&ABEfcOrDiaa.rOOitmsai'peeK.-, car- rrreriuo:ai6ff.W'cenW-roi Didoa-rluii WbtffcalloWr iah4arj llSili BSWMiK WJJUff JIVI SMTHf't' 1 I i I . ' . . .. . ' . J. . . - 1 -tori I aTUer Ajsi)ciati6n-'j-aiedL thti flaerdyfe?5! Ithe.b iay.r. JhR flag acpi'OJr: Ik' usome.OD foanafVc, brfO?ii48Ui!afge 1 fw1KA-Slr I am. 1 . irr "...v:.j'.T.'rnirr: j v'.':r.r.i Parties having articles for exposition position wiu do well to enierUe'luiJ wlel?11 n 4T-w-c a. a -a-.-w . 2 2 A - J A J J ,. -...t.,r0 !-ini.1tLFJLA w.ltfV j - qre'iue'riTemen-OTrTneTiTsv nay auer iiue loTieiMMiiniarfTDOittii ..aMickado! - - ! 7 t i ' -. i, 1 !e? J mMWPWfrMimmPWEMa, A miuraa ace puereu: -i; : i' r h.(rfl,Ct...BnHlj4,4!fSuJS ' Kir ni r f i-i v hii ivik wf-in t t uaHIWinK wjrarvvi cu'iuBir. an iyiwi- i HidrWrrlin ''tisctBitv bJifWyiBttf&ton tat . a . a mi - v .... ... .. j ' M'i va nn iara 1 n criiti i ifiFLiip. tit hi. iih rni iia fbiiJf erttf asSr d :, ndt rkf rlBSyiSf and times designated, iroro quantv tnrpen - Bi tilWriff ?fcKMo??fr n trold W???:? V . -... Wafcfei'a pewaiwiuaiwwwa HraierimiAt iremipu aa. irafA-i,pnili'ri, IWA ijimrifafft em-VfW IVN W5wf ipamwootoiaoi jb n i uxi , 10 6ftiaiganewdeaeyyar lattiaattipea;kii,OTWW 'L'iRtsiMib iKajtaaan-Markfitl atteetn Tat.that 1D6 navaeai-, naa loined 5 tBo jwcret aidllfai4ta yy.fmX mWW . Io (floa no 9tud48L 'MHxaban,C0 1 1ngtmrtfJ BCe'M Blaitte?' Cvp AgysJQ d8oo: .miw i 3t sri atme aanotmced tujaself as a'candiSate. - - ni,rbdf i0d3li9e,Committee ;fTtwasitd:eirld1, ieraomaDyvof the defendants Its in favor of John Lillineton, nbl beiDior- those who. .figured in the prpfceedings bf tbe authorized to notify the Collectorlob r the ' foiloviriDe 6wnsbibf; claimsPEnliknu ! fi.-ueatuer s license lrom me .uiu ui icueiu-m 1 -W UUT5Mtr WUGUWUVH.?VIrHbyr-. Id WJtiSYjflesiilwasOroeredlU I i IF TMI1 H V . HHP . VPHF. -MH1I1 Mt HI V lin Nov. JrU nmmsmMi1 It ws,BratefiM,ttallffl6' Cnaftfflai Wthe JMMeniuh caff SfWCfcafrinko;.'! ' - XilTilwIJiSheiiDjrlTedt 'JWOirf HIMivHautol iiyfiirf ooJ- VoVi,deed,MBt0 uen iowds snip, DC. sent, ohck to mm wun U-nh.fsfiW Anriihnii.y or! (thfin.ilifrn.Ara Q Ixilln.iHin.'.m .Mr thiwhant l.v.mill'ka nii1 . ' i .. n , . ., T ODte: T " trTT' rq j r ine,appori onmeni a unoea o is as ioi - . " I . (Ii.; .11 aululllv 1 I 4 Pilf?Mi!' oiiwl fi j w .1 w . , i . W I. - ,. I . I I - . . . J .. Jbeaerairomt.. , o wanes . ; I - r 76 coloredsyhJi'iOiCLsaifj Ho6ni "iHli 9 2a 6f .1 -Ji " . ', i . . a I i i . - - . 2il"white ; '' ft 27i T25 I v;oiumoia.i .. ,r; ".V. .v. az'.emwrecr " . jj 1 fall a.. tfa' "9 " f . Holly. tJJ ..i....... m colored a Kickv fomt..A ihi wnite . zuT&vittx?KkUi&j-AXWX.MtZrZM-TAu' I. T ..T .1 :. .i . i. t t.riJ 2U1 Cssvelk' .i 2i6 iwbke Iti'S 1:23 92 f ' V.i"":S5 fe6l6redia7ftWS fid vc ra6ti. 7iSiii J&l white:!?!? ia-iCE3J 33 .;i-t.. i A..i .L2.I4. colored : 't-M 50 Uincbln:.C m'wbite U f Tf . j , rtxirti v . .i a. : - i a-W ... . . i . - a . '1'Aiai ' . - . 3L.- hB 'uhV5H 1n a a .. . aj i a a . f -i .- - r i - as aa am i unuvw.,An MixiKi, w ai: 9?jIo.i 1 J:im4liii ul . vWhTos, " . ' hi aat tsm m nr... , I . -Rnbin f trPsnroWinr a tlifltdrf DeCl'iiUltIO aifif rRtfiUrflhlAnrfctK IhAS u i-.j-. ,iK.iUiu-,'AAfc.l sraniSKfaJieeDfiraeDaeavaa arHpnsficirci 1 1 niKMni! hto haAit f nrmun f rTT Inn ad rfTt 9T2iia.A fiiiaiisali4 iaa. Lon tht-re. ver formed bv the 8Uuei8UtlouaMJL"lwTJl2r'i'fK,t ,Wv.rf I tafb the chances of their comlua loio to9clMffv iWAWrW'i?wv.Hcor sessfdaStrt tbe treasure wL irtfwa vwv aurJi.J.alwwrM.Ma 4-.9 v. n -. I UBUCCUUUt PUU tu 53jit!Wpitre8iarf;ggd.wulo ri new ftlheYowdtifWe-w . I. . rit.. fcyrTwi4iwr.am- "'t ? vi-4"""r-':; Lir man biredjwcaij-nve.ttan oifn unont tain fimis'in niirainar nf . . i . i . . ara cerlau y Bndii f ' wnvr.T,F,3 Bwpwoi ; . ,wioa - j : ip ibis cofinecUon .we may mention tael" iP's t-SL" '' i iCrl ii k W vwit uai .MwtviuHyiMTj, ypaim uuhi uui ty or ,t men vu u?u ueu wiseu upuu uj H ivBFtliawalB8WpriiauSea r . i. ...k n i ij . avrAAxnuniT.' o I w i rw Tnci - iu rv i mn m i it uHimw - i. . t. Ifcktolia'pft1 birUod -Mr, ivfldrectioillildraouUud(r arfaicherat4 ! ' -. .j, . a - . -- .... - - ' . 1 iMaiffUA'MiviwwaBif 4AvvA)f f.L tli& ootruths are. Isiit the date' at whibd lit! Vaiuv.4.vr WIIU.II .-JIJC1HC I.ApilUll I I v.,. -- m.,... ""-.".-rarirltHJ 3UliJii'fl lit viuhvmi .-. "ivljji:, tiufe. V?uV1il fflMtJ. V4v"V ( l: . 1' " i I '-'. Mi - i; oWedewn6nW factsiand refminis:. f 4eirveSaiifles ptffihgMMi 'fr Lode tn; j - t f . i i . . i V . i. . f -: .bt j I : : o f. Ii great part 01 tue Liodge ore urairujrpu, , it was iinpossiuie to iaaise- -au counts with the Grand jdgedjusteeL . ;t raa thsfof pro; Jftdggd sgBudicnt that the t'day - tBr4aalbaitii4 t -T.7 TX:,A."v,TTi,;r V .77T 'WHffl$bPfesr t I in coniuDcuonr wit&.the cituens, ana CIV II fn- I I V( 5 uner. t - . - : ' l ' - .. l --.' : ; . .' if- 'f nUfiene walk br i wjugs and attracts him.tQl anothes atatei J f T. J i l.ii. tl lit . Tir.3ii.'JI . I . 1 I I l.jDroceepgfch -7--. - T i . . T - T- . -. asomc or mi I as ixag ltogvc,e V I ljK.ir ! T..ti. tD !TTT -1C 1 IT"' f 'Benny,J Wm. 4Sweeton,l jiBiehardiEcIJy, I . -. ! -. . '- - - . ; .a 1 itoert UMerriar riiru a t ' r i n jz m I pkvio vncu. vriavcs, v9nuiauiuiku,uuuu tbiy)BolamoB Norton j John Quin n, C. T - ,- ; f .. . tv-t .- ,vve And the following additional namqs in lk)klng oVer'sttDsed.aent 'proceedings; of the LAKiffe: Robert tevster.. -Jacob flieW.' ia iOdge: Robert iysterv Jacob levy, tel 81 F. . ...m .iiM nin n. nmua . v.rci n at T w T"l . . . A 1 ' 1- . 1.1 Artemas Uavis, Jos Cuilac, Wnx jBernion. Artemas Davis, Jos. a - - - - - .BuuAaoatt.Mich MnrDb'yUBent: Gardriefc I " VfcTbackev Haace, ."Seliy,. .'eainjul ,l,l! - ereus.v.1V; FAiiihersrBart 4Tar.KBt,a -M I naaiBoll. Tarnh Htftmgn -Wm Hun rink. f Isaac Bell. JohoTiee. Wid.-Buntine.TUofl. l:Htuh Stallinea. ioha Lord-'iA. AL JsaAcs. taaW x t.aKa onA. uioa ri,nA a consiuerauie portion oi ine town : ' ''''Thia day being appoiDiedf'fof a WEmyr&hcy.-b1:.Wa& aod'mnitary departmentst c.', to pay era! hohOrsTo'bur late i ffliistHousJBro e oi emergency; neia - at tue ir ofd FeDriiarrlUvgr.' the5 fof-: au Uenry.. UuL James ; rrlcea let, Wrn.' Cutlar. Itoger Out-. aaft-DanteimJso, Ilifcl otcSneen.alJciarb JXlrdHn: jfis Jl (Jones?! osulcB1 NtereldinfejBeaggarpett tsveekhiff.iit -B-KChiUis, Daniel . Elliott, Michael it ISSd wheiBofll 4)avidTSvesl, daVidiStilf Barnes BaebafexAl)eLJudsoa, avThboamcadl thfl hievdsiWflO i&tols 'the' I faamnb'o Slum (Wnmhni p mm r-i nursuay nigm oi last I - A f . w - T- -I whiHr'awiwed lb the KTARiofBatarday iyjLm miirnimn i. j ..i.iiii. rui i k. y ri .i.i 1.1111 1 1 1 r Knva um . u - -wmw- - .m. ..mi I . . ... . ... I iEoBh,pf rtecet pan tyu and iogn Jiatf' brenca of. .Wame ;xanty 'IL seema "a man . o,f Robeson county, on the same nighty rUlon efitch -v m mWfiionr Vgoine JwrUi, viL,!l.urtaU 412 . . - .... . iii; a ii'mipvt - rain- vvuaya mmrj - - "-nn P- iT JWAJU&J'. STT are also to: na seea vartotw Indications 01 ani.fiprca neighborhood ot uiitoa. - as many. asra. talaks bis iasssfl. 1 fteV& KttM&iL iokp Wh Americaisele feeli iftilSeiebfly reas- 1 4yU8eia ? whi lecturs , op.. temperance at ; h v w 1. IKUflilli Wtwyc ICUIUC Ul ... .).. i- .the 27tv----Hf..rf.?,... -'-'- v.; (uas .oeen canea io ine pastorship orttio Ooldaboto' Pres&ytefianrAurch,""and-ihe 'tfeaienger saystt W tbougtiilie wilVaeorpt. i;; Gov. Brogden andTtDi aid Col I? JYoin'g :haVe:omi ro"iithe'rjetea biat buildings at;IiiuladeJpfatafaa(t.to visit iV.aangio;!!, St.t JobnXutberabv GhwEch, aV v alisbury, have invited Rev. pr. -Doscb, to reach, with the view of obiainine nis ser- teliSoM Merner7 says lirnenrV " Bhurley'i rHidejpge55GrJJWiC 'fPlJOTar-E bom, was burned Tuesday night. Fully insiiredforgiBO JJATai .Jg erritJsamMiSt'fcrj eniifrtamat .1 the Wilson station-house, Sunday night. , ' f IKxt'inbrniuf t4i.mhlTaiSciUv ijeeliaed ' T7 A oe .vvusQn 'iaaies will give a cemebni ieaarty J ceeds pf which will be, devoted to the funds 1 f of oiitf6ftheibcal'cfiurtIi oewaeraq be startefll at -Ashboro., Randolph county, will .be edited ? ;irfartoadnkeri S.RdbnB,wnicbJ is JafoVtaabilitx Thft Fayeneyille ffae says ajniieafy.eetijlo. entertainment in aid oi the Lee Mausoleum . fund. ' noiiq"tip'dri V mitt f- D .attempt -j.waar made few nights ago to burn 'Matthews Depot, Caro iiua Cehtral Railwafy. Atooiit a Wetk beiore this occurreoce the epot. was robbed of . eighty dollars - in : moneys - 46getber : with ticket papers, jfec.r n,, f,f -7-Goy. Brogden, on,,tbef irecem mendalion of the jury which convicted the prio43f-has-: Commuted? .tfi imnVisdhmeut for bfttJ29beit.llcDltlifl.n?bfirU ft: Mr. . verdipt seebfidin questha'Tibgbeeblwldaoqi.9'5 flivr Ibk ftrrlPfVeW A,jcbildprTom Gregory, coloredf f jGhrf ayilJe; was burned to death of KoAba1o(AS, cre(l,ws, badly burn ed, pQtrbiTtsfeinre?titfdpaVdy, though oppaju:e,ep aliaSAifred,Jpbp8onf. was shot in, ?tbe Tight " . high last Sunday in fayetteville" wblie5 at .tiwnptnig to escape from.iwbr oflcetWiille was charged with committing a muruer in Franklin county ' f our years agoiutr Pd t , Wilson Advance: Weregret to Jejwn.thaV-I Br JDf.StbxOfVjtbiiplace, iiici. watu aeriuiis auu..iaiuiut intiunuue -k'few'da&ago in Etnstoni'He was tiriviog quitb mpidljpiottahe stsfeetbditurhiag a corner. 6iiU4coljF wasthrownf romthebuggy lo me-Kmunii, rer.PiYing jutxasa oruises oa - the side and bacK. ... 1 - V'aieigQiibA3.orifrday.even Jng:ottSoWelI,prbmUlflg Re pubiicah of inky complexion,: WHSifcr.tfcted ; jLiis mqrnrag, ,eharged with Stealing everl ' overcbats'frbni the residence of '8. Di 'Wil- iiiuu, eight miles fromlhis caty; .Thiiraday uiguu tue, i hbu tue .occurieu ..air. Williams wantertamihg "a dumber, of I itrieiid having jus - j KaIeigh Mews: We learn, yiat g'feW dayssWce IWatr8ol6red; killed . a negro man nained' jDick v Rufflnj mear Lewiston." Bertie rcountv. The murderer was arrested and lodged m jail at Windsor. ;:Whiskey.abd womea, art aid- have' been at the oottom of ! the . difflcultyt A negro boy 'named ' WWJCfiDtn,isume;eigbt years ofagewas. seyerely beatf,and stamped a few days since near Edwards Jertyi Hall-faz-coaaty, by.tWe negrbea aafted John Barnes and.apuel f Devereux K The boy was ebbf eyed Id the resldebce' of ' Major John . iNeal,:butIdedfroni his kJ Juries in ' .three or f pur .day s. The murderers are now . duietVyWiuTfn Haliraiait ' ' 5 Whearfi 6f inSa ihlt the :TTai4ml iZlftfAA rJSi .a Icammax4 aL -KaaaMa oaa ffl Tbursdav x Jii a Lawrence v,s, . C. Mutual LifeUsiirabcenipan Ai'jBrSwaiWrjoTftbtaJieDreedTBriand otder fiir distribution jtjledv and case con tinued; 1 ttoatter 'lyeweyassigbee' 'of the aaBkbtjNj iXfx. thecTrtistfeea br-UjefUDi- flBWXt-f PediS.Bf Andrews Vft. tSeorge -MbOefcfccontSneduon' fcticount joiahe ajuilUQt!)defeoUao(i-Wteratiail- J -1 . 1 1 . f l ' .!.: roau void puny vs.- a. ,r..iiogiTS etaiB.4 wn- . tinued ; W. T. Camp vs. Rimmfin; ex-ecugorpdUn3ds5in-mapnl oldTendant;' Harvey Terry vs. J. P., Williams, et ala, bntnveW tneu Gbbciyeaf 1 jcanftCom ftany ajqKjb JosiithjBaeun jjL Cbafc.8.,Canip bell, continued; same vs. W. N. Berkley, continued : same va G. - K. Baeley'con- i tHfiiHmS4Wf.- same vs j. Jti. vrawiora, couunuea; rams BvmjFlotyla l.u; yard firCji 'Messrs. T. -J. Jones, one of the tfrraetorji and ltepdent,-w the house f while the toot was Wrnipi, ahd baVeiy es- BpkJ toenailing ia jf .ta unvU 1 be iuiscovered the ynuqtB were raptdlyspiead- ing. The . alarm , was, giyen . imtaediatciy, but bef ortf assistaiice boold 6e: bbtained the c iirecbadekefiilheobaera rendering the removal ?o any of the con lents'iib 'absbrtft'e" iipoyibiityT'-Tne'viBe- i!yaKl(ithe -property vOMfters,; J.i Jones, ana 11. JUoro,T ano was insurer jo ine amoabvof f i4,23a. iyiW9btt&'wr&. aad abpve,i88qcaui;e,'i sppgosjf4$bf! between $5,000 and $10,000. In strenuous efforts to 'sabdue the fiamegndeteaeltowe 'of the rjods Mr. tcBuiasust ained serious, injurE, ana jur. inauet leu prustraio irom over- ?Tieaitfndwxawt?oBU.; . . 1 iiiJi 00 the , u noune: .mi imnnMin isa4r6ad thai'th'at mucfikbttsed eoople. l)JEi8bop ;il9Tieo aodi cMUlTohpIf lister, 1 !iao hmllnl hot to ihan tliotf Vno Tl - u vwV 7hae 'deaie the tb1i'd-ternToa)stageringt 1 blpwijTheijdffne-aJhofVP4i lw "the job. - . ... (T - : . TheDectaole. savs the Brooklyn fJ&&l braersbbbaiskftrBowles 1 ' Kaltimbrer MtV Kia' failure 'to5rbtf;ireneraH attrtbated to & eiftvri 9 J . y Ii fact, it t- c- "Bt ur iiionvuiiu. was opnly-;fenaeken; the fiuo and va jttecj. the aireatj,pr e.nmrdexer Kichard Hatch. Another cioroherg ' will' be ttende'reof bi a f ew aas? a? -' J - J: 1 " if- i

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