l!:VJUiUUUU... ' fwftnlveven. vears time i iever had A ki horse to dief thebotsw Ibeliewe that H i almost everybody Is tsonTinced thatthd . I'- 1 .VTnVWi n ' - ? '!n fiolor. This Vhaa'; always been my I opinion, iftdwit; is generally kaowa .- thata.hoisei-that, has the :bots doeif j. . MA..,ni't hAotvif: : nrtt ftDtiear to liffet until he la too far gone- to; sbex-cured.'1- To prevent fatal jeach two ounces and ft half : mix i ;anc ,j givotnosBTOsneiiioEse mk uc'js , -purgewelLt Whetherna bone;t in? linedbrisob Haje;he bo thl$ I j icmcujrnmuyuiiuuu uuirn. ...... I tonTr- from- the' stomach, of the dead 'sborsaaboufeagmlotb6t34 Ynem,jQx.vi4tWieH-Mvcui;w!v j I r;SSMfflSf : - sage tea morethdii ahythin, ; them in fifteen' houlrs',-5o Ajcpyesplntofrearjmeni public unctlonarJ'ald,a as a man 1 1. should wo do, some, of m jofXgnciitsays o,, . ' HAndgha leitef.ageXwDsf .wtf. . .W pit f:up,appeara.;iTpmwu:jio7 Yirgihia, which'we pabUSQeaiyesterf 1 WatecBelpine lilaine. to .Wow' thent AWteagiMen4s V??5 PSWf?n?f',,lt4 ment-ahr how much resentment that .b,i8ob-:w !tamediatplyf;litelk ' .mme.Wst 1by,bQts;!a fine ApTseBo cesEjiaMyJr,, ayiugu6fuvi. w w lueranyayu. jq.we ..uearw i lapbtedntf the-"PresWe,nr-fo"rein4 . that he woMd :kill them . f tricAbtOkit.had riO, ti vn ' them 4&m.ifa!'$& Zb&y were as 'lively as' wjien tvbujiclxottaiuy. was growing lice. He took a handfurof J H; addelifctlei witter, the iiiice and nut some ? ; j j" S ii..Ut. to.-n t liim'a'ndow ttanzylh thff rhomlny and a dpseribtfir y raised, arei notsdftisubjecti-'tp3dlseaJ j arenotliJreiytortraway Jm. iwagn4 I ji 1 t ? i i : 1 i I will do more i i feed and attention wiltydraw; arhjeayi arireat tleal tnbt& in everyway, preferable' tothe horse fori , general;.fariht'as'Mv ' er, bemg reatiy f or flight rework hehl r three years 'old.? They will ttm' db 1 j Tr .(..av.J .-l4.jii.:. .i I four years, rthy are-, ready for any I ' Mndof sezvfee.lJBiitthe liorselHcolt) j v mustj be kept toW. he is fpur years; j old, before he is worked at all, anq I when he is four he must be a first-rata colt to bring as much as the mule will' ,at two jyears old. But assume the . 1m kn n w4-J animals are .both . required, for farmi work, see what a difference there is favor of the mule. 'TheCiworking" lifi of the mnle can b1 safely estimated thirty years and that of a horse at ten years, - pp ; while a mule - is work: its ..life out, three.' horses'TwillTbe are not the nlj (tem; x The saTingofi feed is at least one-fourth, or libt saga r. that 647 bughels;6f cirn, and;.t to: - of hayl -These amounts, added totl j . : original saving npcha0.bZ animals i snow aa advantage in iavor or tne ns " of tjTe mule over the horse of over $1, . 000 during the ordinary life of theraki- fNmarThe mure sB3oltyTfb:OTJ i ( . Hojww 5obn; Thism names is usi ":,to desat&theffc ; ty 1 of Miserises I Thisrepresdnts -TV . particular di3e,ndL3aSAmae : as the term iekness.'id The born an pxjs filled .with avhighlynsitiv ' and vascular core,, which is aprblon as aeupport to the -horn The 13 composed Of the ame inte14 thHvrin Atlri-ferfW anrl icrn ftaHvo I , It mavbexmrtieavi ': In its nln.Pft' finrl ifffftllnwriwa re used?t(J seeitelSaratetffrBmj meneaaxiixinorn,coresjaTe weiii ! fefei.lff3 nr ' ttir: nnrT.v'TTTno'n ra T;iTcrnaAraa --morereadilytha iue conirarv occurs, aua iTQia. pqver yi or excitement elsewhere, the supply o bloocTtb the head is dlmtnlsKed; ttti loss df eSt lsTerf llrst vCgepnarns . anditheyre ooldiiItVlserirallylth case when an animal id said to be affe ed by horn ail or hollow horn. The: theanaok recommends the horns 'to b bore with aMleanpperWiir. - ptme tobe lnjecjteofr tuTpBnthii causes iciitotlon anirt 'inntrdmanon 6: the 'part3;Kstorte thi vbaaLibut i t .only makes the case and the. suffering) ,, , worse. ; The remedy ought,', to, ..boj 'sought m' restoHng t . , tne animal dv sucn meaicme or s as the needs of the case call for. American Agriculturist. A poor ballet girl recently met witl a;ierrm defCtbf W fie rafflBrii opera nouse, efflelcF, - Englaac tneresence of a thronged house. Sht Jrepresented sbnie' "falrie1 aeeii'ialid ( was spepded4nratbJasi;6tp'flowersJ win en. caugnx nre inrougn tne stags lights, isrnited her hiffhlv fcbtebftfctihlfl drapery and mortally iniured her be iure me janio-BincKen ana aistractec audience. i nio't It is eetlmated by the registrar gen 3 Ka&WS i9ar that byjttie-jaid u i oi hiii year ine population ol lxmaon, as limited4n the metropoli tan and cy police districts, will ex ceed40ffe3 ?T1rffiihoeaseai4M Thenett.tning, he,; took , up;; ftom- thosoieivm -thfr ranp tpgntour the rage thatiwasn engenderea by OWen.i?irPio.iiioV keVScipi.Vr 'the-earltion lMt&'Vlfts1'-'!; battles." If we iieonimeh4kT3yatJ Icdlti'aas'sassindtion jwere kept .M"j i "3i!,rj ? ? i i . sti-Miwtiijwtrtj- ;;,;-):, t...u..., prisoners i taWwillbatoghi iciti?tii$ljiii&.Xi UhlfV pttW.f Henry G rBqwenL acooropanied b? vf.t fJFWHPi.fI sjtT Pf; MrajS')izWilBKtsoneB patpthe hpl&tSouUt ;uakiiinn these, prisonflrojato.makft, qui araU Wm, h' Vard! of thk iLnnij VaBriiW t?ecfryliraii4iieTMoy"- :-tf5S&ffiSSSa- ipoant ifoii tromulhiuiCTd kilowtbat tuu'1iaA.ingr mSmi Ml n 1 ! itlduSlf o fne Ididnm;ed ertheihouldb tioW-cVdVclr toignie : i General Dilii?. larSlsl ?" fbtlwarf Abe summons toapeaV and lA -'IvIiS.r SlIS J imtoediatfi resunrptreiP of - ecbanEfeS idisafiter-i tBnt:iii,-bo is ffbtoe to make WL.XxJ'JJJU 'Tt'Xxxr&A ,ukejtr.;.as dewftty denotes deJicWytheufipd we ipemawmreswentiofthe British fcfara&SHStS metropoiirfrcxibatside pladea.1 rKansora andbrWaddeli,' -, " .EiaioEl & ina'-r f ' 1 S'H a La ysa jrarllsS vjj ifjiiat vron s-?a dj an m. an ar a". -T V ant n ar V f aT. Ari II ThWiVYiFoba1fr liomanln Amer- - J v. - ' - - - ' " . that shrewdl pohtwianii knew (very T Jwellthat lie - -was- addressing a very I trong fand a vfiry-eep sentiment i -11. lil 1:. I and that the extremest bitterness and T virulence which he might dispiav, I arearnest Tesponse hmmehsebody'ibf hf a-meelui'-exi8tt I owSr4 anv otber one- among tne ; menttra-1 ?.v"T7XZ ""."! i ijy, ougut nowpeve r,. andid;nd the thoughtful :irom ren: mvi v" y.m-v. v, helo responsioieior.metemore pnva-1 "nruisu ."H.r;ii,.l,.-y r? wftti""; SPKPS lilliii Fftmii.Wftnfllifiii-t I t-comaiiuonot td iPJronan.go theTOjburaiiiatttone,aa wuld feaye!. had tbai' apv troresponarn Den. d Thiavidencef-musf in Davis or anv subordinate or. assodral Pf 11,8 no snouia -now re conaeranea for iUf AVC'Wrier selves fpr tieontMitted, detention of our captives an. misery, starvation and I I 1 I kl tS. .l-iiU !S , . ' 'III siCKDessiu juae oouiu. .,: r . I Moreover, tit ere ; is no K ' V'luvuyv I iqie W-ijafeorsf ttaKlIrtt ffOTtewwy fiYKPDLiQ sn Tar as i.nn rjindition ot those ukpruenmusWiJueessarily. be jwoise-than that of men who- are free Land active outsider ijgaiUj. iu reiereuce to inose case extreme Bnaenttg-antr-q lseaser-ttt I thin we OI tIirjBS the, I dN4:!.4M?TprpnjTi4 vewjcuj u y ifcuuv witi -w.uoie uuuiuer u.4 ii U Dion soldiers who .died la Soalhe rptisona tROUgnrolentirelrjbnciu Ixer fed-a) InehtjB 1 ,J . Pm"fgca,w-"8a r r "T . p" r r r-j .X. WS) were iiieyiiauie iu tu nature therefore, of teb brouehtkalnsi MivDavis. and,! reiterateaJAy airv oiainein nis speecnj Kpt essential i. -- BIO IIS 0 tions which should ever, rfora&ow anrf a rwrant than r(Kena fawm frdfh sVtch ftri$d'gbkiit I T WW aa . r " W"X-T a " th portraits' ypf rGastoD. of U adser, of Mangum. of oldfNithanlef Macd'n rof h wbonit JTohnif rJiarfpof titflh aqT wiql eh. oi! aTi exalfed ODinion T I ; thoaebl o; ougnt now1 to creel the Visilofrio th ..li'.tifrt yiA cSed I fLpileim Jto ifH Ltfnrtftefeac n, u aiLb '-ii XJ couciuutji r .v. Xnirn Clan Tirwi.t.teiiMftM I - M fiav a Witara i h 1 arena n..rt h' S?x',orirji . .-- J iT-7T:r i" rA J-15 For this iComDlaint the only eBbstaitJAljbea0nl 'bVtiSilridl f?;oohT"i J XjrjVSr1 rr-'" " - -r.!i?:.i t now-iogei ai. JVTnftStPB8-! n be obtained through the' fiiood:- YsorriN li Itmrddayi' I kx.uwe invypiiuon-Mie ov b hi i enueiess uonranis -a -vimra tor oihiuo i abouVTebel influences, and; Uhe s rebel flt nill wCristfoatfort7gu 01 D3WM i -eiy 4er6 HbirbeWso jury, and thenProbiS kJ222? :by:mS5 of4 jqyptter,cmuuon tnaroeoey :gntWtttB sirte ana lonnwunuie Vriil fiV Babcoi'- case. -? AH Vtblsia4 LttowbS tuabxuiseq I were-captoreci ; onrri8jie;:in iuq i gameldE.. more 'saclctmu1ttie mUIrs f well understood here tobhieati'ta I ecn toporfomfhefpctJonsdevoiTtoKi, psauefezerat gub were ill feddiiwmldbe ref facTirie nrtDatheilicimttd for a bardori MrlivmmexMM in: theywerei tmriti tbk tort-mtebseTbaSstea bv I a home nd wit hont AsvnuHiairv.mSfi fJ Ir -mi.JT ' ti. r'r'.-t'.r';- f . . I the Confederate -anthoTitie8? to . Teed I r.ranfip.n.1 trend annfin nft.hANnrt.hern In . : ' i ! 1 fill I 'nCJZZl 1IIV rTI J "ris aV !vT.rsl-1 Jjepcwr . i ado. iiimysetTBaait 4.9pp9ftq el 1 "T. -Jy - f. peupi tr pifc.inv i rxue im. wfth our witnesses (anfl before whori ati I Fif..?Msr...- iFuy '""W Vt I Will consent- .without, any reservd .aoneyiTO rfWW whatever,, and v as soon:, a ey6ad afcfe M hMJ? NortberoxeopleiotioiK I rwha-lm rvaaJ I rifMltli niwl ITrfit-Vt.h ft, lnnfil Mfiti AFi; r111 -j : I-tnt. Btill nra nrnnlH Mt)iii ir'n&'inJ ik .T.i I'l T.T.-uUk Ji! ?i iU 1 1 ?5 O'TH: rTJl .rvarn: '-V. rCll triossessiQn mMmakinff:,wfiatfyou; caia . -;-r, .r" r":.: llr.ttien;w.aiwioWJWi b; Koeal r VE rW8 r-i6" myfamottTaU SS3 a dJuj -Wmllim.wl; tl .a ' Bdl EirnakeMit Seems to nKfarefiDUMtfer. I samdientlv in$eed,la.-riva Jtiatocv 2L.aihw&iizU ?- ! kw,4t.vMr.ftMtvt!v 59999 i. qIelus9ff u, j.u eoo-a.ii- : ESSSZSaKSai; . TfclySSSSS ifSS .gkHBffiirl , 3 mimmmMtM 'fflswjw lsKsaBaassaauM I'11" r"VVV2 more pnspTOrsrpL,-?nnra una pi ompp ec xauer. ior this Cltyj I T . -1. A loiwaftbhstU if mtJJ:naj-'iiiJ tf-sifu 5f'STOAt liil m There are other tbTnes iaihia.Ietterl l!srcifitthd AMleaunilAtniw lUt yifytiar''.wwi Lj ff.,zi.i,- .w.o " ...tii. ikmI vmr . ,'.?ui,ifs-iH i.i.H.Tif; ' .; ... . ... i . . . : j ..vTi Q . 1 I were aiiontnn hv th enmmitLee: lstJ I. . aliAJ.l-. R, Qm.:ja . i coiiucai oiii.uffi?aHP wrtMna4 name ot JJemocrats. are aehfclb Mri -.:rr"Vjr r vi " t' ' "; r.-v:r.v,T.PFi:a-- . , , . ,. k iivirfl.Tffiim uuiJUa.si'irtJjii.iliAMiiiJiinBlll-AAia-i.. 1 ' 1 iit- is-notecessary that w4 Imitate ttotffoit(bax anm.baar 1?S 'PH.f Vr,w Ltli etn. Iwi atJVo RS?W.. Sfthh cfejonomc tMrZDavia letter i& couutv. annends hfn .ertifitiitih . id theSe. anfa ilinrn'rH rriTne1? jdeceased: Carolinians,;-whoso faces r ed us that Benator Christiancv had,MnalrE( vrnicli Ta Worst - t I , The two sections of tlie Union1 are i 1 PPn39JaP?Ra.'? Lvantge;;:,f Afld80i:-we words ot fending shpws .this. , The; ifortheniv, M h a il.;- 'J... Vi. VI It -.V J . . ' . ' 1. the 'Soutiif apd pfsV ibas termmed ; tha it canuot aptord rputtoaisadfantadrand ulinoftJlfAn'Tiv.li niWifcrtfifrto m Don't we alFknowlbis Wsid dBtaiDithe'nnMcruDnloiiB.ifiritat'bri tiional jjreiudicer.w , -r i parwarafgoar,o "-g"V his eviUsh beilowtcand : Wewi up 1.V4 ; lug-umwvi-B ...v.. - i f a 1 . . t neipie8asunuer a-sense oi4wropgif- i pouiforth.its Jndigoationiiiind: th viejie rK,we"ul bmuhcjuco iinpntial a srncrlA cannot: h rriAin know.a JrQd( pious rheWnctow I tne lull .extent ;to I make . it available.:! To ; that extenl rV . " .. :"1 I lUEj . null VClMiUIT LLVy. ; A UC V Viu s-tii'tuwisw sehoodand irancorous Jdefamatib BflegmRiioii vjl1 ingi tPf?"0 ivepweeung eui Ter from; Uvyer Jiving; in: jLowcM r uuuubVv'Aiaoauiii, 'CUiJUwru luff1 tne UB-i legislature lfcasIuideiaioactM .tlu,s oiaw.inree or rpur, jeaagon t -i-"--- r, , vT T . -. r 1 borne-- an rijownaes countv. ana nasjibv'nis con w me coioreu people. , won 'Vne re aohji- bo 4b I" H rl, ill rMM1'rH au i vu v nd thme'bamnd uu v uuui r Aim a. iin.ii iif. im.rm a i a- it! 1 J ' against himself. To these Aam,eaiije standing in .thecbvaitvi Z'h .in Hhtti SaiThal4a'wyereiivriie4 akflUi-r Sut Peri. Jurasen: io nave anoa &v.Awiai agaiH8,yarion7yHr, TIn t J t t -. . . r . ti cat es. c.: toTGov. jjr6gde,h?1 lSP"HftfJ"tNPSitr fpnctbeaA vMh a Aiin 4iAn ... ' ar J a - 4 sixty and Bixteen "there mustbd We.itPtho.iaKer at the boMinnHencest iffiMLr'H. f u. 1 n -finp98bkfc 1 Faptftiii hdouH-irilS'tIibuiJ atid licr -r as ;91ora idi iri and if thoV don't suit coun, m j.pi. uiran ne r as If vigbtikb is taken retoiy.wieiffv Pt ana li inov on 6 Bins m0re than once declared1 LIS purpose rectienB, a eerubrr and .epeedy cure wi,follow its Cvf r r 1 f to-pardon'Bdbcdckf if '"convicted W . - V;;T, V ' !. f 51 ioWiire Urn f; 'feitdumstarices. i Vi&m?! iSw l .py purselvesw'e have;nve?56ired k..u v t inAi?,r-rkT&rti&& f be taken as 1 so much about wbattlie people saicr Ilwm;. j'c ,nmnni-nM.! .k;,M innLiKrwiinni i hi f no .nurn f.H anAm?i AT GnnAitra i not die. indeed, -fneveti 1$M$?mM m sure for my pbyipqi; cft? P5esew ftFlii? sejeBU byvpij ente t M' Beecher,.andi! j aj-TJii.j'r wwp jw wv st.-i .k n vw w iu' b i Mmr, m a m Mt a inoi innI rt v. w w f . a a AT a v n m I . li nn I nil n u j nai an an db', L'unyui a 'va faun : imirn a . - I irimbr btGon4 ln, vesterdav,mprnins,ieceiyed Y?&?&JA?? ho pog lo J JlteillOVai. - mt xr lorfnSnSrelSo nnheVhoiei thatl ese VtaVm'erfraii UvWXMni a.----. 1 1 r., ,l .v n ... priHmin!toiaiervaeTtFmni8uos-4 1 . . i,,TrrT wirt Wif"!! s Is the President In It? lopeciai Qispkicu to uaiumorei uazeue. j A 1 ! 5tlsgikaxO,Fb. 9. tK. ........ 1 e n:.t.!. a 1 tx j..-i J i h rii'i. - w t nrn s-i w a y i . a i imi'.i im-n 3 been horror stricken thereby It was J not knewBihatihe. prosecution bad ,yv"H. I mat $1X),U00 Was paia to nim DV tne 1 profound attention or tn B.eaicu!racui.y,miypi r.tefr? ,,,') ...ft Canker;! ;hfi : -i .'viii-- lui.ui. .a.f .iaj lwt. .fMn tAn.!, r ana lesmy in me xjexjvim eaUyjBirivwffkeepawayfeOOT - r, n .-XI : w sljq JJ tbAe 1 I urna in nnnotonf nrrDflnnnnfinrfl with Wa8 ID COHataDt COrreSPOUaeuCe WLIH favoamdniiu I ThnPfPsident aent?'im4 I midiately foWt Cook,the ritig! ifiawvrjti:iJ.iacitTl.wno.vw it iri as he w&h;t6::tWih . mutee to maKy . . xno. . examination thorough arid; conclusive I he'' would world iwill !puconfMencSK whe'shali j j it.w .M-i.-Jwfi...:j-J g1 KraeMsii'if ry inei shall faflcoMd wtotfu seeni-lobave- befdfe yoiJ aicei j The committee decided F bQitowaoi frr fl l .1 f(' ti .voi fin I cept Jown s.prppo8itwn.i because l a li AntAn'a WBAA.nav i haAHAA l l 111 J-J4 i. J-'l r.i. LJ i.i I .j' w J. 1. and Bbwfen, buithe ?ape fetweenPlyJ tn6uth cTiurcb and Uo wen and shdui rjrbe wftfidw-frbnfhebntir afad-WtakenerdfeFBttange Sob arlal biforei them,ii'pBeste agiirist tf ialustice of 'summoain answer on so sabrtticiandasa lot tfinday8 in .which to. Consult Of a p'ers. d'ocuraehfs, data and'mbraorari a.a - referring; to -tue-case.'? ter'BOt "'Vf. "2 riT"" a. " ? .. : . - LtafitArjelAba pasurUirdtiTafi;ijf i r PQW decimfca :lo &tate eboil sivcuijvt shall to-morrow evening reporfcjy1t,h1f ply. andrt declaring himsetf ready I 6pfribuSaf W Wm)b6r& V ly from Mr. Boweiii1ii$e'Jsatia octfnn5.itteedecline.to.'make. tbeihrrb-i needinoH r.ntM. . . . . .YlubrbiO hi) w w v .-w w a ia . . - m 1 . . nr i ;i i fl Stt'AvWWesA ttfr bfnntation of Mr, OrrthiIfellllMttiid WJi5lSTOiMD (Wt lo tala3 2rtSfwa3 rA'PinilPT5Pi1liff" hvti" ii'rx. I nirnselt does not uesitate total k about tiadberitaniiiidpaiitJuiBaJtrer. t) i ! xo j i ,r.v. r""r , ",r . t i nai. r - . ' .i i ?- - . . a. . tr ,,.a. utririiaii i f lairi mjavLa tayjB r.t r? r-ri hcrin .,..t.f ..:T - t.', i. ii.i-.i-ij : -4 ' i - i lowing him the necessary, timp to re I ' - -. ntvi i iVl liiTitit I I . t f ' . i t i r i. 'M 1 1 im ii . i i 1 I examining committee.-' retirea-wicn '-"liv .'h'm.i-'"- . v,j,-' sxwaandhbgrapmt (rtEosefSee ' W - d SOOIl bfl PA tl.iWi ji . . tjv m aMB.mm m aw.-a w -at - a . . . ,,wo ijpng'sndiiijflflr j ,lVkhW.l!A 1 etikV ia "caee .of challenea'th most Hnnfr t,ujnc-vjL. Wi , ' :A - " ' .J " !H V: ., - ,r - - ,s , ,,. , ri ..t ,m - LSravXtS ,,1(1' ' u I A X k . ystom tke producing liil vi'tv sinr Sjtqvi iyjh,ri " "Trfjin -sjMif : vvavfFTitrnf naa nAvon fftlln ii.rnrA rnp. TnnRt 111-4 yeteratecaseOfBrysipela,.- t Plmpleiimdpumors prio Enco I b t fieaaon shauldteacn.bsituaUaWotehrironehito? ptoptedfkbT depends .entire y.pponiaa.inrnai $effi tvv " ! 'Tv Is . 7 ww.g - r Kvr te ;Viiomi.lsSpiiry-m!b U IJ -4 .Lfoj" I t?bom thr, above, pvbrttsembnt my I -C many, friends, patrons,, and the xnusiCT-loTing vomnanlty of Wilmington,' and throughout North caroiiDa. vmuoince tnac i cn now maionr hax. T1MOBB MrilKADOgABTiSRS -a h -rf , The shipping facilities, Jfrom. the Nort, with W desire to extend mv Piano trade to a latffa field! to gether with my wide-spread roputafion in the btui4 aess. nasinaneaameto adoihiroum.nts Jttjv 1 now can oner special inducements to those Who will honor me With their orders. : . " j . fiavlas beenieducated a m 'born and raised" in the Piano business, gives m tne assuraace-toiam tnatfinstramenta sent out bj t' ma wnnaroraoiy compare id onpenonrv .wiu ma LYiWlTB HX, AT:BALTIMUJB. ibeforer niakinc H a v an a 1 L otte r v. .It' moil iiiq" fiij a Jiis.ii t-id ,iutJ tuii I'JlU. I'-HjiMoSSs ;W1s0iJifiNb On BWrt5a)WSJotbanDChSatiahA Ui aaacusoiners.,:3 i YtfltnH wtci.ire tuiTO.". i vn j ft ('i4'lTijUiiO Tnaj! (.a. flx;i3 : 'sai Jftcfwt t $dJ nttiat ). wil-Tf;;Srf1t nuns AIrBEOt TO BBKKCHrLOADIN( ii as A'-"' lr'lceitf'$'4 kV 1rjd ; ," 811 1 FIELDi-SDOGS;5 : - jaaiiiE tiiuis .u lot l4ai J s- .m.ii ji jji.I isqoiq brpQfNTBANji i) lavii sill u-iila aciHau; , lvaa iii somas BWB auyasa Kewto. r Jeraey; llA"dfWmvraoiigfi stfiaii:mihioa hausaB'WAi a iav ho OS Hal 5ii5 YtlJ bmoisaom eto 9dt.w wat-lMW imo n- ol&dI. a tv.) it . 1 tlmtLltiHl bus .iaoirt C fi-K .ctcot'J ,h!o'J w L flexlbtot&M'Of Canke-' a ,:y x ; tii..i l . ? 1. Tetter. SaltEheum. Scaldhead. AciWffl certain M- c j r:jci .; rFOr lHTOrfLSfla-" "if t i . rena for uaiaioguni - w nec-i tr wtr i cj a see! Potaloes..v ffeeil Fofaices. SI H I'-i nufiM .','-' 1 lEAUIrXfRQSE, FI8KufM ,im i .1 fecnlT liiiiqbjKl PEERLESS; -&c:j &c, tjjf STOKi " ARRIVE. nn . r r ,arf, fl fcw ff eUel Xtera, got on,(j, J u OTlfri 11 lat.fiSt, lmT.lOVeriieiltS. li I v . ,7: . . ' Lr - '' - V61? wp! BWUI77r WckefPJated TrfaItaM-.pwf. Dm.:. ft JSrimd and BverJlto Pm and.; fetMpn I ftaTHfeoNE?. SARI k Albajry.it. lij n Jooni9Viun pAfeK!tft dfc WtYtidlK,' I j0K?J3-D8-4W5jiTttW'Vftl!ii JtWlHijnj!tO!lr t 9' choice15 Htrsid1 BdOKS. f J" Gems of jEnglish Song. 232 pages. 1 1n-vi'wi)KAfcA.'1iWIpi4 lA'inmt.Ul.vf Gems of Scottish S5;u,)0 paes; ji 1 157 6T theTWesolflleTBfice or IS songs. Gems ofBacred&uig. 00 pages. ISA ofc bi nfiRSicetelinttd , w prk oftl ftswgA lUoore's'IriRb Uelsdies." 20Opage3j 7 100 or rare beauty for tha pricerOf M.4 3. WreathbY- fieMSooaffeV' -'l ' -flWfsJiftflt'icail'froni'a much arze fShde 0f etoK03'P ',,iJ 1ot Wr PT fiiJofifTSit songs f oneras.A I Q1 I : 6nfV liMaarUswlii in A tft Ijtj jt -"hewgs u tneei aiusie orm coats, iron cu t , 7 &) cts each." Nicely packed 'In, .these elegant Li lb i Th Id these' fine 1 votamea Sre i iofi J of ifuu Sheet Jiusic size. -. -. j rjnrtt t ceo cibooi;laoards$.W;.Cloth $3iSilt $4 l:1S-43aih6itt'.;f.. J.tV.!a iAiidenlt CUM- BTtDM ANaiU. i u.-sitiU . ii3. Vice president A)WAttM(..,iW i.,v.;.;uwCMhier AUTH0EIZED CAP1TA1V $IJ000j hATibawebri,i0 't,i- 7 CM-StediHa ofWrlgh! .liams &Mnrcbiiwn: frtjas., Aileaoi wadea- tiy&iierB uuiii iiiJ nawrecujv : jt TTT 11U..K. 1 XT n - s43kfsiTfm no miwa-i2T9it3vi i TOloO dlil'.YU Jj9X19J5iT4ti' si ilyiiLv B. 15. liORDSX, i In ordorlaff fetve teef siJenrjaad )oie totiuau m wtsidel nw di fa vWi ft ossij L . TV . 1 .....ii i . , . - t - . . . . ijiiiuii ill" '-" II.1' I J 1 1 1 ' ' 'V (Ot Mffflf 2 ilOTnlr. jrorsaieny - ,iunt a , jan.83 tf f T)0 n?fh JtpfWVng.r pAL I Rel.iajbi&ens: r ftft A ; f 1 f n I '-'--, -. .; tvx- i upon apruAtl sV!-r lWiacbmolietUrt3 It t Drkses-as- Ww'- taB jsajN other reliable sees ,iouaei heuntry W wall send by mau, pstagi 'prvpaldriiardetiSeeds ti jJiuiltmiMUit k any f partof i th .JDpited states upon receiptor tns iabnti. cost ofllce order oi 'jV'ejDti,m)tfevi4a'-iftdiiI X4510IT..A!Pxalt Street, HurdL rn'bavi'J!.',ullffT?l" tTf lQpiait?J0 1o l.oiioi jy.fl ioI 3ole-andtail.IebM-it;Gtorden aadfWd ds.Fertjllaera. and every dtecrlotlon of,A&rir xuiturallmplements; . ! Kvery Tamer s&ouia nave our circulars ir 'rpa sprihiofiia Jt witt cost only Be.eentlK! "! ". JntM. Sw -and' tvefr BAe and Ttoastl'! riAiTtsTO1'8. JoTwarAiiiSppearsitt aew type and rV.t'VlT'. - r Tf? I 1 withother-meWiaillcal iniproretteatiiluUlngltthe SMfofWMartd&h iSh4doinfsklJ:Ut!i4uiii; .irltf,- iltf i JLM.Jjt, wL'a-L. 1 ArPMTON's Jopbnai. aims W ; Jte comprehenaive, t ino.vi ot thcheiceBt'Vdcal uueta fotie'pticVo JfiL bsAprrsb' a Co fB.brraow eoi STui f Broadway. N, Tai j Successor to Xtee -.!-- -..t rvt.-jf - sit i i Walker. Philadelsbia. '1 tr i t1nl.i iKvtfyw,i. I PLANTS, do., 1. lOiUJAAUiturixft-a I l.i. ii vjMHi. ri.-vt.A MonrTODowHairre.do8iJ a I CAPlTAIi J'AlU ll. - S3QU.UOU 1 Ttn PI,ATS fcomnTisinralltheabov nnlrinhnitn Dnniinh ,4r,uowiiB t .linn a 1 nnii ii n u n u i n rr . i in tu iiinn u u irnuin sulfa. fi')i( twuili vuyiai,Ci.jii 4iFi Xi but IV pounds, and iseBly IV inches wide! Holder8'ffareaTlPpsoi-Lskly thi ijdiella; aiid,.1imBs,iaitlcee0Kvyas4ha:aBm : ,1 posw card' on wnicn vo aena ui jufweo, mu i .irU-awoJJjwJiacii:!. .dl9iffisi?:i fhui.tu,ou ,t..iiu Ur,vf.Mli..-i " NEW AnVP!TlTTMTTS XTfr vL W k.-i I i J:-. -"Iilieral Tenii7z r tta ef or SM.nnd-hitn A litactiaea of every des- VnoMnsTiQPAPen fashions. 1 The Beat Patterns made. Send 5ct.'I or CsUlotme. jess jui.i Bawtflj aflufliaja wu O Av snd Uflfmi free. -rilUlf fc'CO.; Airgusta, rJ'iitpTe.PYei.tt urephetAedtiyrrpJes In JSetaaer's Prophetic Itoolt. Fortunes foretold in ih . ap&anA townot.rieeYf the iiext twenty years ; tne intore Judged by tne past. Wnat yeaxs-tp mako money on pis iron. bozs. corn Dfovftlona.-cotimi JisTs.tllfe;Tne xno. wbM jear bard tunes wDl end and outness revive again. , Kv--tiryafarwjr, tmansactater legftiiBftW Irsder and , speculator snouia navs- tne,. Duo? to- Know tbeiu- tureVWasto vOIdtoatf atd oc'sucljeSsTtd. gent to My jMe;MJMt qmcii loci f w .Addtess AMTJI. BEKiSKft, Bainbrldge. Boss County, p. VT- ITTO'ISTS , PJlo uphold WeeWvMarno. .'"v ,V '"". 'Vlll'.V' - . .t151 wnuwwwaw BOU J ' JPokmiai! idteriiBiet'attSi' ilt Slauera r ran J i-ts.H. ' Joui Including 3KJ Its nlaar aUbraBehea of Meraiare. and treating all. 8UBjects,of Jntere&t ateJUaent read rrt itdoignsto beefeTatedld'tastefod pure in tone more iwhiiei Priced 4 per Annnm; 10e per Nantwr. mo nouerBigiretj narc uiuuu eu, jexciuarreiy i or ibicriherei W fpmtcn'B..C1hai. a, atdendid -2 iDi"CJfI-dCL: rR'JT'hiiif lit fjifrof?': CKASJjE&pii ider special ti i fft Innpvii knd attttnl! I not a fancy picture, ufcan actual jepresentetfon of r3harles ichs'stndy air tJadsimif-WhiiH theTior. aa iuzeoi-uie1 DiateaB zu rii. nrinteo n neaw plate, paper H x SO, making a large and handsome engrarine ior me panar or. UDrary wau. The exe cution" of the olate is of a enserior, order, n-.-. . the ordinary price' of a teel engraving of this Character to the pMafrihopsweuld not befessthan nve, anapernaps: ttx-aouart. m. is ouered exclusive- sit 4ift0tiascrllert?tnLMditiOfi?fo 'JbtsKAt for one year, for $5.60 that is, for $1.00 additional each yearlyradyance subscriber to the Jopinal for 1876, MeeiVovtnerbl eneraTlh worth fdHv ilv times -the smonnjU. cF.Wjf vi-.f- i-iTa-ov-v : : This ener raving iff entirely new. it has never been ttalpHabopsdandrteinnat Jbe obtained -for (Sale, li t ', in connection .with Appliton's Journal Hs'the4eKBS aad-teoaitWnsiven'above. 'It will be k 549F 61 Broadwar. Ntw'lorfe. r piaWiS; euaranteed" to Atrents." Male 1 1 1 and TemaieTm their -own' focalitv-. - Taims ' 0., Augusta; Me. (fJCTO (TJO n per day at home. Samples worth $1 v 7 ArUfiee. flTlWJi? AVO., Portland, Me. ..PSTCQOMAUCT, OS 80Ufc seHAaMTNf-'." J How either sex hut fascinate and train i he I TOvendaffectloiw'Gf any person theythoot-e, "in- l siapuy. n-'inis an -an can possess, free; oy msiiwTor 35 tents; together with a Ifarriage Guide, Egyptian i.juxacuv, iuritanisMi uints. to xuuues;? etc- r ouo.vod I sold. Aaueer book. Addrees T. WILLIAMS A ; A trentf, the greatest chance of the. age. Ad XX. dressy with stamp. National' CopyiDg- Cei', At lanta, Ga. :rft EMPLOirillEN.X, mal&ahdtemalei sulary or r.nmmtfBion.r We tav aeenta A Ralarv of S0 a week-and expenses. 'Sxtuxka M'i'b Co.. Hariford.- peniujtilatfljfr. .mluM til - r J . t. ' ... , . . : , . 10 DISTINCT CHU1CET MN US, MAimu JPTJtS EJSHUIWSfi irtsao-si. ASSOkT- 'e varieties). EDDIS6 Pt doSl. lAyiJRBENA8,dow.73cent8,3Cboico AlbmChromostrAeR Ictii.- Addreaa 4 i 'f x;lrT -irt 'l;l!t -ENfibl&H ii;3& jpt,'t sa-1 i2rri c'Jj ' wiliav;Yor IbfBlCidjucce - a spetiaJeyDjiildJng ,fteecJ-oa4ipft ?"ns to the.spec4al Instrnctions of individual sportsmen iKakiatof a Ifirgend selects trade v eoabWas' to .five greater care and attention to the fitting, ihoot "ln'g and general nnish or our "Guns ' than can "be i o FicerGmiSTand wkoicow 1 iaVihir their Anna mhSelo B thd ta'cnareddiaenBstflsedarj jta-vM 3ans ' weizht. eauire. nrotxrtion or style. . , wtHnCiVtJiiPia est . .;ty..i... i.-'-'pjaei. r1 A un - Fnll Uln-trated narticnlara with 'references and iastzaauoavs toMelf meibieittforwar4dpap- Dltcadou. : : J. W. TOLX.BV. branch'CfllCl!, 81 Witldua fjmg; New York. ! .. oag KaujiiUi flllji:Yi''Aci'''t -T" !'igMK5rR -i l .' . ma. 1171) H.OT?J5RDMOOR," RIFUSa.i i iu it iH.Jfc9BpiaflLno .aill. m . Ho PresatiireDischAi Eyer! Occurs. ilBveryiIWarrieOi g'ahttatet-.XJalibre jKjanJvflOrfin Jpph, Md Pf ydesirtd ksagm. I K.ilja oaa a. fiA . v . C . D;nl. .U! .Iaa Pistol itrrip aad checied. feichte: Alain: .Globe and ip' sii'hts'i 'veierwftS'mtahleabTe rb'nt -aiglia'ianll -Wfudalk Variety of1' am mWiUc(fciWigtthWaitlJ nahi'; M-V9iiJ,8boim;iJ .M . i BBAnro.niiua. vyJUAni, . -.IjUul 9-lO40vl &iiuli j eoolitcia JAJsAtscyc5vwiti3 sr.f ImsdJ 639iLfc IMaHMdall 1W notf i 'i-micir.arau.eiitiotrpu tOBaaxingrecs auapiea I liWFfrHWliU- noiJi,i'15?J vi'id I AVJJ j,Bftd r'sY SdW'pAttterljJ. I'-mI ! I ,n,. t J --rt-7? 7Y7FT? ! i . . -"f -...y . -f ',rf - pn"J ii "Y J" r J a t ' 5 !AV' - r-i t ' i v4.- v J- C Fl i f 3? Ill I'J ; a. jgws. la qnairaty Joqy twentr-flrepereeBt. than, the largest of the KonthiT .Mairazlben. in Jaarlty'l.s UterturelMdf the highest elasa. s ii - Tnwnrc. t'- STest ro tpAse-vmnftDoagM oy taoretau traae irom manufacturers' "who produce roc a general market. Wcsli6WU'ja0Tsagb 1 5 v...' i " :..: .-.:' '.-,. . -' ' , ..-. ' : . - r - . .'

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