f a i:l6". oyhii sol - ncoi'.fn'Jlsd - rn.- I . -...'.i g.jo- fiiHMjX :rod it bornt tlistnctro - : - ' WOVJJCiUiirJl copper tare ,beenr fpun4 reeeatly ia IIcDowell 1 C 1 ': -. i . t . . - ;: f t -. ? t ' 1 IB' - n b (ft Irt ("N tS") af"4 p -.1 - "Alittte :T)oy ? namedTrJolin ;M. ' . ii iiTiimru il'iti i i '" '" 'i " i I' in l ilir" iiHui ul- nil' dluh .1 c i -n Bin liiiir m i aal mi il ill i n. -. - i r i i - - il .' iv: m - I 1 F7-MI n 1, i V I I I n - ' L ijJt i u nt i :. 9 - ' 1 ' 1 ! 'ji'i'llil null 'lull ' i'jhi i 'i '.hi nit ' '' ii i - "1 1 -r aa. ......,... ' . .... I 1 S Month J b i 3 Months iKbaLfc- Uff f v.; M 3 5 . . " i S3? 1 -e?iji"g., ,.S 5 T Air ; jj'i i ii M 1 J1. ( "i , mm , w juvacj, vnt era l iar of la r ire tewns.r Wp wnwlder theTaerfctlywufl1!, ' nd the'bdst means of i$mjttir "yyei flrHTHin. waica went lnxo enttci; oqh ihl, verr-saffe rae.h-f sentlUtetrmall anms ioetae, jui A pafct U (MMfr at b fflee 1 1SU?Sa5 5S2S22SSiSS?3: in the moneu and ml the letter in Ovpntetu & iLSS SffT?tl te ycet-matter and take Kit , ont to ns in tola vay are . 1; jThisubseriptioii ptlce; pftbeTBKK STARisas foll ; jr-;; j r smgie uopy, i year, postagepaio, f Both bid and new sabBeribers may be . ifneladedlniinic'ti ClBbit?! :.$: IKt 1 the above -prices the- -WEEKLY I dtak is, we iiims, ine ciieapwsv paper i ill uh; ouiie, nuu iw cuQuufuuii "fit I who have worked for its success in 'the past. will Increase' their efforts in the luture. L -i -1 xi UlABOH PIFTEBH. , i tDe apprpachiDg marcn ipDig wig r---r- ' i "f - fj lm' grkn0pan jaudrunis,1; ff I 'MFw,;ftwjwn(' 9 - Kaieign. .-animf,a. j W!MneW-'"? " ? r,.f I l i ma w.reaiij one . oi,ine. i most im-:t porian matters thahfej cooe up: - .viii'-ii. j--. i . ,';ltta! .1 r VsiTtf rrflV!- I I SctiOi m . - -Vi is a ... "-s j cus nonor iniusiice, jout ioe coon thoroogh equipnJentjotargiife 2 . 1 ablity aad;Qororaptaou8 amm)il,;aM. y : W!Y h friends who grievances in bring! their: personal crrievances intojba nartv councils for;! settlement, "cannot 1' we . . i . . - . , . . . setuementVfnnot rweu , oe too thoughtfulfy rplannedjorrefuJlx ! :ipii must act witbaetetiopeninsl. consult - the ybegood-fof :the createst nambert in thei spirit: of f w i- -. ; . r -j - , i true toieratioq-jior,! tiiereasonao e wUhes of the minority, but like - I1 '- - -rf-'ii-JL r'-- r" I - and the btate, 5 This StateCopyeti : tion will probably ; nominate the neit Gaverfior. XieWfeban't-6oYeTiracrsiild- - .t.-' ki2iriHi, ' .' 4 , ji 4:1 tK vi,,,- . .., j.-i should be aa wen thfitoess of tbe . . J ..5,.1a J!WiJ-iJi--i- i:. .- i-i-E. : people wpHim pariy.. uere :raay: ue peraouw H- ferences hs to whsijarebat !f nmvateddpubnoVevery Con ser ativa will wcopizihe f acVirtd tItket:wuKhIrwho!e rtpn to acciiinpl wh by-oonventiona. . But ' oyer a plate of reW bones, la adeg , radaliQn Qf,tbe;;pubU:moiSfdj 'dishonor taUhti iniualWe hope;, J bo wbrthr brth1 Cafbiihianv1nHhia ' Jcniical yellHiesndtpt irCT -, vrscramoiiPM..31 orHPrjos-iacureviau office.. Leiiis-feUlobite in tbe-deterv . ... J( iifii;-.; i.i.i-M mmation that a sound r ortn xJarouna n.,u w,. apporpiwciples. fiat not s i niucn tne aeievatiow ot mea wTaTi;KaV DJ 1 V ..If. BSr VmT-1 orator eel ubdaritftl:OoTtbai 1 u:n 1 ??. oP&Pf ln Po1 W alorieat lliia tiinfef Buthiitece a.,.1 sound admiiiismuonni govern tfotf W Blni ..... . C.I.-. r..-..r. ll.llik.:.a - aaoV . .r. . ,U . i ,,.. .... . (U -. . . . J. ui 'l yflllari, aV4Ja vreo owa. i . andthetrsteenofoldJHispanii. for ibepoaidl.ta dlgm Thei' waling seei' after llle iu ttoT8M4, pmpiim :the , wbolefJfystemof bttripeliOcs. Maiia iiiiiiArohib.' !nmtuittitnn-. inF-'. nr.uw. ... l- s ..j - . Arbeit the L'bnfiHJt is wat?ed in an open I ., Tv i i!:J: 'i ap.l digmfiepneryfbrvena ldftbnlinllainearb' , -r.uqt by.tbecandidales. themselves--. I :ln Weiterb Rail ; i rinlKn-J-fcirinhnMrTtil alaPRVS. X But 1 rr --.-e , . ; . : r' . .. , ; i.veniion. , Auviiaim ''Bquabbll'I 4- JberlRllifc t avQ to bar chosen re f) j ft I &werr, that I ihe hjonr Mt!obs Bire 1 Minjg t hat; tUr may be iff thti ycimria nl A nw i mmiiti.fi wleW by the Si aCoftfen,: ti6fk! WfciehHvill &t'feii Iff -all snblff- lioffiMfwill aiteti id Hi subset 1- ali Mettweli fixed qp?:?Vo ' try J wilf vH to knpw all about tfakt deluded evidei riUaa ben fidenUyMerted aince lbe trad began the defence! icelThai allegation mar 4a fire than the, etnoke raised at St, Lonis by paid coanser has iyi'r'aI16wed to be seen. :k - BabcocK ' acquitted is not -M-(iJot;i, invested with celestial , .1 OTEBTHRO W OF DON CARLOS ( -: - -i - - - t . ; iinoagaj vne laiest aa vices ..irom tne nortn'oi pain represent tne snam Aavipif as wauuenuK iu iuc iuuuuibiiib head of two separated aWebrps of peruaps, comwnea, twenty-pye thousand men of all -arma, there bat little tfoubt his star. has set" Arid nrMf tWn-li-ab itWjntar ButIeavei littxwl Vf tctimct1 V oSial k ; . i . . , . j - war slill Fnn hid hands, unci la. inMn&: lamtitimivl htOVU balace a4hef old isfaktaeless datVencea which nrovoked her form- - ' ,v :i, .l ?tVv;iVA i' "Ja. er subjects to. mutiny in 18682 and brought about finaUy her expulsioii ..--rir :1Ur-l5kiW vilJt iii u.uer reuiiiuu. ,xtic. uexv time , iUtf rV VhirriffnVW k by base machinations and a show ivmik Kkfyf tI eturo oT&3irtL remove a 'Jx Pi?' t - j IromSnishiliVa whiie. one o.f the; great b-fetotnt foIocks.v bidifieStioft of 4 AW4jrii;aUBL,f,4Ul31Ul HIUU 4UW Utttl. Snain as the aame sort of diiuienaion h&a me texnoyki thereeWih?osre S0f ;thlifaotions f rontho areila: m hav4favbrabio!ct, i ti - r L .. T i."i", !. i i : . . m i .I. i' tuauy rauy w oira ine uesv inieuecia ?irt.jP''f..-1: S. t- Ii ttavlng it iaft'ateCbiv i.-. s JFTla i.ir 't 2i"l Si - i ' i-t -t jij; ii ' eouorsea The Radicals are ;0 J miielion ! the umncyciuesr -liottbanllie itiaiiilr ' 1 1 " i ,abooc Y- gf i pressure i; jw uwugunyw wvws Blbcoecrdiclr.fA u - . - .it .Ltii-'Cfii- j aure pa proaso wow rBOU' 6be Wfeis atia 1 ei&amU&l tot thef afetr tflI f -stun il t-.fcwviiuul.ai , lw4.Si 'ir E T o?SoTI Wace Li 9K i?gpe .Convention.ati .-i - fe-i-r,- .4 ' ! . r Ull DUVira Hrf J 114 i . KafiaCAUAa. IU9: u iaMiiwiw waged tbisVeari Their h'aWcreJ rfVffT.V ment wia doObUesS bave4hdlTect job wa augiu va hue tan vcmvei nviy f vk mduWHf thmrire thahtfat1 ri id Of - Jan eroeai will support. i the, eticket, Jt6 sTbforiblejimismnageroetifi i ofthH L 1 Republicans his aroased all elaasefe ltd l aa bcusw ui iire puuiia usner. , rveroim 1 be Democratic State Committee,. met in Columbia a day or. two ajoi vooveoftiori xptmiyefa at; Columbia n t he 4th :o fMayf is bopeS by-all tf nW f rtendsjnf ' Sou tJardltnaUhat'the C'livmllooay. 1 t h pe a roQsing' success, ? To make ,it wuji oiuy uire tne. nearly Vi interBi of all the Bemocratic primary; orgap. i.;l. ? . ... n . . . . izaiiQua jn me oiaie: j 1 1 m. i,, , mix r I, I.-,-;-u i no ouirotjiu.r. Jtrayne,; 01;. y mo,, in troduced in- the Joint, committee f Congress. on Ftpatice. lias ' ib'een under; cbnsideratibn by- 'lhe ' commiitee ' for. severaraays. i as wen; as, we unaer b tan a tne proposea measure, ior we have not yet seen the details: ot the bill, it- prohibits 'farther contraction,' and provides for the exchange of i4$ per cent. bbPds f or legal-tenders tbe effect of wbicb would be to increase ,the volume 'of the greenbacks--a re pun long aesirea oy .tne expansion, ei 1 . 11 " l l! 5 :.. .'- " ' jl .ement in me country oenators iay- ard -and Thurman,! and Hepresenti tives Payne 'and Morrison, all forinfer hard money men, support this roeas ure in the commute. f, t. . j .x 1 - 'In the Senate, Tuesday, judge lMer nmon t presenea. i as petition , irora Messrs. ; Tucker. . - of I .Raleigh, and others n rging the repeal of the bank- rupt lawtk'Mt was refeiTed;'" JK ; ; , -.: ---?rt We are sorry to learri of the illness of J ames Bam'n Hbpef sq: the complished 'editbri of " theNorfb 1 ViTa1ciWaf Iteiitii 'Marttit.-' ftTher folioislng ! priceafJrulad) yeataffrfaV: Apples, (dried) cehwper poladddfidd peaches 25c per pound; Walnuts 25jceals a a a " a v ""f . 1 1 per peca;, puuuea, au cenw . per oozen; lard. 18; centa.perppuod; butter, , 40$5, cents pcrpounacneeae, p cents per pound ; growji fowls 5060 a air; geese 1 QO, per pair; neei iuiotc per pouna; Deer, icorp ed) ,13i15a, per .ppund veal, ,121610. per pound; nauttpn, 12J16i pUperp9un3; ham, 18t2Q eta. per pound; ahou!derat12jK& 14 cents per pounds tripe.0 eta. per bunch clams. 25 cents a peck; open clams, 20(25 cents a quart; soup bunch, S cents; eggs, 5 cents, adoz; stunon 25 ctava chunk (5 lbs) ( potatoes, new Irish, 40q a peck; , new swee 20 cents, a peck; fiah-Ttrout 25c per bunci muHeU 10&25 cents per bunch: i turnips. 15), cents a..- bunch; i onions, S0f cents a' peck; "cabbages ' :1825 . ;ceUtsJ tat beau ; bologna 20 centoia - pound ; 'Wild docks 5075 eta a jjaii;; .pwcteySxeDisa bunch : carrots. 5c a pound;, rice. 10a20c'a quart; crabs 3 c dbzeh; apples '0 to 60b St 00 pet eallon or $1 a bushel; do. .Sound, 20 cents a quart; cauliflower, 10XS25 oentk' celery,) 25 cents per bunco; turkeys zoo per. Tbe X.aie atckdt ait WKvll- .If mW'S' 4a. tli: 1. Ji:Tl.j "I. j - ayoiflaaVwleeW hich appekWd iilotir. paper aaV ol W a slight ehasttsemet inflicted 'by"lns! cause was msome 'mental deTangemeqt. !, shbyasliof a Jfc4bcyfs norbafdP toCoh; frof; aui his disoienceMndf ottie'dliW' 'ofae3 DCiiuus were raiuer .reas luan eneralibrbbyU! HisayierWe Wbile'strid. wa,LHs8a;parel4 no meau3'cruei. Theoniye bis rash. st-riliBEr.' horrible act f aCt,4hat,49 Was 4ometiitiea pot , himT His fatlieraud iUier were ppt ial v of his weakness, which was' auperib- would have Treated himmoie tendrlyi ft Is a sad, sad affair, and .has cast . a: elooin I urn Inn vhrda raimmiinitv . ' i 5 1 .- ' .." m 'mmT' V: I Caawu2iav-4A CtinMMa. iui. -corre8DO4eai .writes to itniaf paper from Goldsborq:,tq.corriBc?an lerfor p. byia letterTWritejpjofj the Weiofk rpBHl-l-BjIjqra liThB inacenracv l aabstAnil&Uv '. that tha f The irenihs of iKou rCW chief magistrate' renosa at leasL a mile a a half from the place referred : to in pur epitome of the1 letter of tbe 9fatV unrelia-: ble.corrtsDondeat.. The historic grave s west of Kington, on a farm formerly owned by Lewis Desmond aq., while the ceme-' terv -skirts the town In a southweaterlv di-: teetwniiftiUiSiotrfi fyw -bfca em .-is.- l i l know, the; spot and now recall with .feelings . of profound reverence and admi-. ration that l, wnen a: child, : gazed at tne monumental cedar,' conceived by natdrt in the bosoav: of hia tomb; and bom to hold above the rustic mausoleum a perennial ta n m1 'H ' AMmM r 4 f a Vt Ktav wtia i i ne xiagaoiia owcoro, reiemng w iau sofefai of mbytiiatlthat plait a5 accbrfnl: bf i s I grave oi Kicira Caswell, (a revolutionary, patriot, and ' the -first T Governor of TSorth. Carolina, ii lb theWnaet-rr at EinsloW.i I 1 W Keiertfully cause; fprsoothj ihe waaTangryMthat taken froni the West, afid that hes win not fCoinmendHd:ttuldg-'ebmmltca -Ti 1. ' 1 jmjjr It Moiaua. i 1 one of bin officers had been! badly be a conspicuous advocate of hard money." abolition of the Lenten season. ; - - ; wMaaaaaMaaWaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaakalaa I 4lsjtuul miuY K TTCVtV BgU. .1 ni'..v-. -... ' 1 n -; 1 "."!.r " rT : i m , 1 1 t-c:i !- ? .in-f. ir 1 aifrr;-. "7 :J 7 I ; ,;"r M-w-amiw.- fv -wouhdedj 4jy7Horpbdoiy which i ihid Jacoo irruaen, of liertie county; . .&X:rzK::: . - Mltt3S ty Mvtarlttttlar' btttebhin-, .t-n . praoteimvAis r4atbn f, with-'' ' ! W iti9ane,mitteij auicide'by shoot- ate bni tolssu -Iitionart3,000.000 oi ineaTjaliotdge rel hisharrivvwi the bonds of Cifi -ati, for the purpoaelof , . tqwuToad. In, Brunawick county, .referred1' palAfttl -leVi tWgtWs'al Vada hriC to jS0? Wyiwenty w JroVTsC: ;elrblfcraraatf8um'tbemfb An ienT--nroviitnir;fn -i iintininir nrionin n cinctc nn. ih tnnrninortnf i v xir ruuiiuus 10 ue.saiu ciisl. ue nmitr ... . - - 404bbfr- Utile o iawpdM is n ill 'fs'liieSeVnd taat aHSFiliaiasta .te ' .lorthjCatpJinanhave nr Hinninnori FvWv "flanv nAPn nvruinnan I ilsMWlfl' iltenb i?f south aaiklM:- tj male of tue enurs ilssi oi ouuaing me roaa . jmMmW b yoted 1? dmonlAbrettrsfr-senHt-i L mm AV AAA ! -1 i 1 J tL.t At,!. fayprfcof WWgjoryj, VmMm9mlef9m xvfeand.fhenfe tQ; connect wiUihe, WW-:Rif.'ifMfwij'.vi) rin.,f ?j W?"5WdS.uS Pifr?f f South. Carolina-tliuii aiakirfffSthe I shortest existing Une between ihe . great Northwest and tha Atlantic aeahoard via Cincinnati, l ,MV 7" : f- - jxnoxvuie .anq tv.iiiningion. t. , ui ls-woum i trAvtoa 1Mra nlo aaj llta AnliM a 1 1 mo 43 10-. wr-WWTOnTwrw-mfl', tem of thf two Xkrpnas andf list .qeofgla idtieotecleii fftth;iPinniail:bjl a copaidjiiy shorrpu fvpmwp vM"w(iwv..v("ft . ,, ... 1.1 . a . . !..... a .. n .l 1 Ii.aI.I n. h I and at a iVastlv decreaaed expenae.i f iM t X . -;-;-v.vi. K:Mf.... i.i.". ii:4iii'i-tiJVJr.Ttrf.r caMtUdefeat of4e.party if avonut these views in 5?hio, and ttat fortbe sake of the connection wit ith4; roads, ln tbefWates i lyiag .westtGorgia the represenutives 1 of jQincinaatl at Cuinbus are; wming io? def to which Toacall my attention, how torplanlrthcc equivalent of tot--go i t the extrii expense of building the' ndmelyj 'thatnnhis employraentof pedoes,iai known to eiigineeTS of that i: : f !,. . .. ''COTfedemln80neTS'!"darraffrthat a.'.-. ..La.,..-1i....u: Chattanooga, riak their the entire board with tha West and JNortawest, py.tne opeofnUws,iadi of their city., i In chert words,:the: Carp- Unas are relied upon in itime .to, complete their owa rroadaitp XUanooga. orby K.nozviue.Mia junciiioa wiw jue oyuuwfu road at a point that wul irillthrow the. trade or ,8..s the Southeast into Cincinnati. 4 Vrr. neceaaityi oa their part, of contributing to that resulM We shall see.: ,It U possible,' . . .... i .. .... . J, tnougn : fail on changed rpadj,, tVonvwiAhpttt - 1 i ikl OtoF. dWkji AlAPoiihhti notproDaoie, inaiue measure may --- J r r!- r"""V" I t MoerBi reai,mentt oi prisoners, understood that Tttdi Kerr wUl nr6bablv ;the popular tote andiithe route be '.wr 8By 1 I At the same tune, bo wever,l:alwats 4 notjry theSwepsou honiieidft tsase, because ialH.lwaiiiW ibsTOmnteUcawlUtout'asittstaiice u"" LSfr" "'.T Iuiy n-i retaliation, at an cost, lor every cietr r-y 1W,,"VWT1T rrz ' . efcbaJial . - . aatlsayttooonnect WitU iue ;jvemucay Gectrat JJailroad. ?,.: iijv- We do not forget, however, that if .the Southera; Bailroad goes at once to Cbatta- nobsa we shall still be benefited. That will make certain the; completion of a spur of ourCJentralroadtb Chattanooga,through our southwestern cbuntiea, in time, and . ' i . , ' .. J ,.i ki; give us a valuable connection there, ?wbfle finally fixed Upon.- we Shall be tO some ex- tent gainers from tha connection. The Cui cinnauBoa migut proniaojy.i muewves if . Ja.-l.t, . mW3YilZ fIr 'LWS,.'..C warus atjtue Tate jy the unfortunate inaujjen, r- 4! St and mO0PMrimr-.1 certainly, was Aevbr kpicei br painful remedy Muriri ur IqSfe uisor, if iwetMt go, to Cinein- 1 ccasiob in the; departmehtwfaichiI.ltfona- War i s eastern coast is tbe -one, tor? geograpmcai men ne oouiornotcompiy; aiso, mat ana gatnerea at me oacarto me waisi ,vo! r ,o:Z om-xw r reasoiTf,tobetb.Mk-impb in ibis beliefiprisoners icbaldbt This is aliraiii.' shaped inhePaf8( eity;-iii:thions.lthatiroW srirliMrii ibtl rightfully: be aoi employed. :!'i'j:h of Xady Washington andi the! fichu stayntbey $ ran the.ifirst -paSseaget train mln(.rnnrthwpatRTTTrrinficton: and fbaTthe ThateiiShermanasI bad heard, of point lace is finished wth a frijl a through Point Tunnel and entirely up to ceHai-texenohek d of Record attpageHol. 6red( satin hasi? the tram. round and SoTy"?' i ; '-. ga as we are via Knoxyille.,, :i ,;f ... -.2 of bis Memoirs:)! ut;.m h-..ixi - long, the skirt-nntnmmed,' and gored freight and passengers, when regular traffic '. :ryt-,'.;'.;,V y'1' ;"'v ii-".0mthe 8th (December, ! 1864) as. and gathered at ftheUback intoAtbe will be opened." MrIttcejbf Wmtegton, i , K BmKfS t ""'h I rpde; along I; s f otrad - the colunia belt, is open in front, showing, a aa,tm has begun operatiotfo. havebeenTSowdwa JD tAe fiddClos hj He square inthe ineck, pointed. front one. eBnrgi tunnel is abtmtc jJJTfimWlf. tiheicorners lof Uhoi fencews!a and backhand the 'aleeves Extending andthe work goes' bravely ba: V ! mmif mpJimMW group otmettstindiiig around ahapd4 onlyito the elbow, are trimmed with p&t sk .gttoPmii aSSfcfc :m mmW&Wh f JbeiljblawnntOi:Pieces by ivtorpedo ;hv ,f , lt., :. the Pee Dee cotton milUvwhich; is about i Jaytogiiitj3tcJ& iTh- mm,, planted i theoad; he tbld:TOithiit "lr;-""!okrtB, il- one mile northeast of the pepot, OafHitcb- i j3jpbt..frombjla.ja aboveti ie , hirafcr dbg along with tbei restl bf twaamagwaieiegrana-iiinore cockVcrolo brigBkstofvente TO f fi'rdsioQnfct iQorpivwhenamrpedoljtroddetLla j y, i!reii9jWLfi ;ifadeeperaaB4aolheiMaiBftbad- - m ! Wsmtmmfci Mmmtxplodmhig, jorfy ?5vtfaM?f 1? inare usually; grert-weight, and. fara M -PQ-tAHsfei ,t& JwkimdiliterellylpwingffMll Seuatpfagte.b .wovemeht 5Ul " tr?- , ; VTti;' isr iU,fl.t'fmm!riiifl nf .! Ip? tonj and ihefqueBtionwas discasied Tibrjtiaa.v tThtfdam! a$ofsadTaBced 1 10 ;aMlH H .tetstefeooiione Qfbki legsaW ffh thrgt- politic to ,completion and more than,balf the floor ng, f .riding tWfcHt mbde ndbifa, J 1 !of the bam 'building' hashed laidV .Sohie -" i ?rJy: anticipate thoactiorr of the House by Cth, m.,h,Mr. h hp-B ..r ,i . :r fl'J'.Tww.f- ja:iiMi 1 r tn.r i,. 'i,.ui T. fa-antfrsWitinct l,enl hLam.4fee Ptal r? ere ie nerpptifieilixr ffciijHr j:4iv:4 I f A r TiaeemaimTksaiule;to alt f " t'i t.-?! f"vs- Ja- nJil . I Ia in t..clo1ai'a tum. TV.'I 1,.k. I. thu Attn.ral 'mnl Khimixl... M,l..nt I tviuuiv,. . . i TiiBnay, ilia 22 insjtri ;nij ? "awppnWl UaVC LJCCU VaUBCU iUY A OUailk JUT KUniU Ue I in nna Toot ahf infArmoimn .hainniA (Nat I fteflpipititfi WM&P 2ijginr, Wpafnc? was oprn, . Mrf; umey a. agenta, taift Two of thelargestltutkeyr ever rseea 1 tltii t a is WAin-aw JrV MerMChastenfSbnl Korih twareetyeteriiay adornin weighed- poa sedit was raised by Mh D. J; Middleton,' of Dunlin. can Jto In-an(di:niatteraii' 'lii;tjj.ais?-mrt-b --r .: ' r - - - ''-Hv r .! BWiiBJEaABp;ON aeKBMar i Li. ii ' Pi i: . iii ih i ijrawg;Hi. eaeraiirm bm ovfa bat -i Ulurder-PHMHeri f Wir Maiehd oyer a,Rod Sappeaed to -i f I;NBWOEiBANS3rFebl5,48t76.! r IK BAB 1.PIB iv. JL reeret .to una . -T ... I f roin von'r letter bf iho n W Yhnt. ''titm:. those, Violations 6f Mie rules of civil- r izea wariare wdicd characterized bis campaign tnrougn Georgia and&outb Carolinayjby the etwUyrefuted slan - I eral;,nriiionei - b. CAnfdat.A.. Afi- for Gen. .Sherman, . whose, beedless- I ness of what he. writes andijspeaks 1 was n i vi-ma, .iu.eiuoi.rs. ,p;-, . . , . -.-i-sX - 4, toyself,. can recall no occasion 1 nit. lkw?o;a1 wal on- company ana onyate prop- nave oeen mpioyea, as uegef uy that General, even had it been legiti matn nd tint. hrwVinn inhnman tv i -,-ai a av iiivii ataa v uau aw a ciuu v e bibuci : ttoitfrfittifo nlhmahit ifPhfc; I 3.- j - ... v v i commanded. :,i .m a in? Jr: recollect i distinctly, however, I learning. immediately! after tho fall of j bavannab, that Gen. Sherman himself had put Confederate prisoners to this extraordinary use in bis approach to jna. citv, as aiso after the capture Of I f wn-wiiwier,- aim x mereupuu I made, through my chief of staff, Cbl. w . prisoners, to bo employed in i retaliation shbuM thn rwc.aainn nnraik I further recollect that Gen. Winder I - ' . 5 . .. answerea inaFmnaer mnnsi ructions T ,. . t...44,i, nrt.t., 4tniWn - I .greatly doubtcd as may baaeen from I . rr- tja t.aa ....i.t i. tea mention fanper instance pHsi' --i - . r. jj -i ry-r .11 1 j . . ' K fcftrC - VlilcViighre d igaaatdiewlunderfe ir I conjaanaCT",: uou liAJ AuaCTgonJ hid Jl tinwairahiableiafidVihiproper Jtreatr menf Jojprisoners bt 'waIh'aye tbougbt it rightto ijrefcv'ta-ii'iiithia'-- report.?, k : &irMi& h I ? en operman migbt, with 'equal I iroufcroiran assauiuns: column I I ierveiM a-aWntf -mIUk.' li lf ! to serve us h gauion rower, sas ;v 'Wlf-m..nff relating theinci- dent, which I have quoted in his own "pressiori that ihe use of torpedoes 3s o-i,:-.r: ui..; warfare that; he.could subject armed prisopers to the hazard, of 4ejc- ploqing tbem and deserve credit f br Uki- -js. ' UM-W4si"; 'civis'I'Triit vi-il--!. I . tj - - tn Mwww0iH?An'fs 4w il,1 I .x J -.vr- t fi? - j Ti t ; ii. wvitawiuivwi vrmy x w"cu torpedo corps attached to itjas animV portarit defensive1 resburc id fortified I ptacesin ahy Vbne whbmbrebver, 1 was carefully tabght at - West 'Point 1 ,oW ll'r" T I nPlinJiJotinn ToiiA Rbr,Wri? AranW iJmna iJl fered before'the-attack,' and tVsalute bisHaffrwith fit tv. ffuna and fro forth, rwith colors flvint? anddrums"beatintT 21 1 ? r?? a?ft 0rm8i Dpating, f ertf, down to the close of the war, r I always favored and f practised ?nhe I t;t..l.t - ' ottot n o mar rnn - r r vnin inn n a m Ann Hu-nt-T J 111 V kUII IIHVHr 1 1 kfS 1 1.74 l.t'i I I fl HI ton neveTiesitated to, apply this infill ama1 Hnriiin 1vnV 1? atiinl ri Revolu- ;- .t T hmvonra most trnWi, T. - i. , . iiKAUEEG AED. .fjf ntennlal.Centnmea. I"-- Annie, Raymond ...writing .from New York, says: , Elegant , dresses have been made for receptions, balls i auu parties, uu jraaumgi,oa b uinij- I day, and thebld style of material and I mnng Wiir. I dark cream colored suk. with one deep I flnnnnn' inkhifA nliatino-: -ThA ot- I Sage is pointed in front, and the skirt I r "II - , t ' . ' 1 or ,tne. same rose-coiorea satinrf-is l proposing the repeal of tbe act l examination tnat mey re.suuicieutiy -T - . " , - JSj .. - , !Sv - 1Althbu St Louis, where the local democratic in- flnences :will not - favor the hard-money viewfr of the East3rn States As thihes'l ;tfieiijl8bpro j v? ; 1 ff.Ainj..f.iTf.iA-J- Ik ..i-i'4 m ' v ffij is. w a t - m r JnBicka waspainfullyf wovijideaSdiiday .hnc 'iv- a.ueauyr ya2aigif;B now f was inDa. p n1 tlnptp.ojlwa. 1 i- - ii 1 n : v celebrated Wash- VErattdWinta'fypa riameeUng; lps week-iahenpr of(itha 5 .MmnrmSl!i' WWJrii! wtw3-::, iie Tar, cc5 which ,AeU up in ine ,: -sn kt1 v 'l t v i'-J v V.rvirr'i"?-:- n-iii. - date for Attorney Geaerat Winxton JSenti- S neL -r--'-;Jf:--::-::iu:-T--: Tchildbf 'L.' B. Gilbert, who lives ,on Cedar I Creek. McDowell count VI. was Villed one ps idmfg.fiW fA'negro boDliiw'wag- oner, vras ; auot. ty tome unknown: person while. drivinir alone lha Ilrookfttnwn .roti1 I . . . . . wuuermnK .aione tne jsroojestowo 1 bo'laal Thursday evehine. . A load of small f Shot wai loUt 4riMa side-ttmii tnaiiiitta'sc- '-vJv;r ! -u avetteviue ir ict jucaice: u n TJ .. . . " ;- r w - si a a Thursday evening;la8t Mr Henry) Burkett, while uncoupling' cars at Spout Springs, was caught between thef bumpers r and se-: vereiy bruised about the hips.. He is. con fined at homeand J3 suffering intense pain. ! -Hilhborpit kAn Indus trious colored "inan, Emperbrlioftin, living near Fairfield Church iu this county, six or seven miles north ot jtown,; lost his house and alljits contents by fire, last week.. This is the second time" he has had his house de stroyed by lire.' i 1 '-'i!."' 1 - r ' w rgantbir 'Bidder. Majbr 3v W. Wilson, of this place, has in his possession the fayorite sitting thair;f GovTrThomas I JurKe, oty range,. in, nonor prwupm our counly nameajine. Major proposes l0 giveTt to the Cbttutv Commissioner to be aflxed totbe walla onr-haBdsome court house lust over the judge's ka I- iJ rOM the txreenSOOrty i s bench. i - n--. Vwav - - . . - be so chaneedonllondavor'Tuesdavbcxt. 1 .v. . i. j.:UL." -.jl't'-l ill'V.fc 1..J -i.;. ' iua. vuc pusst-.trcr iraia nia leave mis : vii jr about? oelock for GoldeborpTinaUioK: con nection with N. C.' It. Tt.. trains at Gk!da- boro both going - up Vand - coraing down., The train is to arriva fromf;Qolbsborof ou the present schedule.' i ; : y.-xitfpjit,nVm - Vr-s Kaleigh Newsn WiUiam jBar-; ker, a negro man,' was shot thei other night over on ; the i outskirts of the city and died . SKKS i reat haniisruiot-peaa were picked' from I his body. He, made aj dying declaration t that he was drinking and had the eun load-! bis hand, and was tbreaten- man that fopled with.mm, friends came no and. tried.. l to take the cuu frotn him. had in the scuffle . I theleun wentt.off and, emptied the whole ' iiS1 I UU UIC WHS BUU UIMiiUBW vauiu l to his-death from accidental shootiBtvi 5tat4 l is ; fcVPMiraWW haSibefil jtecJvedAnd " lMe 1 all of it expected .in the course , of a few brtdn liweekai'BestaMthe bMldlegsffbr Wachuierj',! t there ar about twentx J61 i tli I ployees already erected, 'making . a seem beoi on bidding their, vantage ground, twhile tho white otSce iseekers afe nsiogVa- 's Axios' ficksa4 ;somej money to cjmyia'ce'.p. IDamoo luai a wuuu iiau can uciicr reprtr- ; :seat?them iilsnegtw iJohnnymabii areadys apeaaing a oouword i ; lauuicg uim lurougu lue xiewtj-. I mi luwaaia mm mum aaaau iu inn iui.il t.vr v- . . a 1inri itiait-nul - i umos to such wprk.. as HaraMabson i We learn that OHara is growing in faTor win th.enegroe,l SJSSJ16 Itadicals ; . hale whne they fear hiniv - . - . v' . i- '": f'r'' 0!;! " 1 -. , JiH!: f.;- 5-:..-.; a a 2 'I '