r I ,.!. Ill lWI IP IrcMnVi&ar, ! ' i ' -..! -. .1 t-.l li'jMi. .j J :.,:-:... -.i 5 : I vr jri- .- I f II N IT" . , T" ' 7- ... ...WW .1 I I II I I J I. I. Ill HI feSU ht-i U"1. -WAV WlW3 I 1 .4 - V. J ,4 4 : u I i ;l 1 Wh I -LI , .1 I A a -1 1 A '"A 1 1 I J ! A. h a a a B e SS $1.50 & Yeajf ia Adtpaace;x o SSssSSS J iiTear 8SS3883 8888883 a 6 Months 4J 1 -f 9 6: -'2 Or I S1? S Months S88S8S8 3 Months la lit"- la-1 t Month 8,888888, 3 Week 3 o o a a e iWeeka' HWet.g .:Ji 1 Week 88S888.8J t-xS-s.fcfi? VSjiSis- ; 'PS1 .',1!' 9 PMt one Ujf Orders aay. ft obtained in all thfe Mtles, ahd In' may of tira r Ure toimft., j We conaiAer them perfectly safe, antf the test means' of remitting fifty dollars or less. i,ci 1 ?.S'iiKmi!i tmi& fiXtl system, which verit Into effect June 1st. 'are a very safe means ot sendm small snnmdf ano, tv where P. O. If oner Orders cannot befrily oblained. ObrW. the ra0(6 postasrer o paid f ttcuqp 5t wiii be i?ati tutr 10 he sent to the Dead Letter- OflfWe, f.-ffl A ttnmoa koih for ooMtaoe and rwittrm met h the money and teal th letter in the,pretenct of thr poM-matlertmet take hit receipt or U. Letters ; artt to as In tois wr are at onr nsK. Subscription Price: i.: The irabscrfptiou price of the .WCKK It-Star id as fonows Single Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 6 months. r'W " 1.00 3 .50 Clnbs.of 10 or more subscribers, one year, f 1.2o per copy; .strictly , in ad- vance, No lib Bates for a period fess than a year, r -. : J 1 . Both old and new subscribers may be included in Imaking up Clubs. I i At the j abovje prices the Wkeklt j St ar is, we think, the cheapest paper in the State, and its 'circulation will be doubled in twelve months, if those who have worked for its success in the past .will idcrea.se their efforts in the future" i ' !' : ? THI? 8TATK COMVBNTION. The Executive Committee of the- h - . -j ... : '.i - Democratic Conservative i party will meet in Haleigh' oil next Wednesday, the 15th of March, to decide upon r the place for holding the1 State Con vention.! Some of the ' more staid ... . j . - - and conservative of our contempora- - : ITT't -A T J .1- Ties, as toe unison a.avance auu me 1 ti J ! i If i -ii ii . i i . ? I - Charlotte .Z?Mcr are , in favor of having a cpmparatifefy short : cam paign this year; In tan -article re printed iu the Stab5 yesterday the latter journal taRes uiej grouna tnav the middle o July, is early enough. for the Convention.. Onr own opinion is that, if the Committee shall deem I iiritJl aftor-tiitf Taiiisl vpntAnrrnli 4 j t. . ' I it would 1 be they soundest policy: to 1 . It : ' j I the hrst week of July. .1 hat wouldj irie four, months for the canvass. j which is' ! not too much. Indeed we think that less than three months! and a half would be insufficient. We are sure that with matters standing as they are, a', moderately long cam paign is what is needed to bring out our vote. . I BELKNAP'S SUCCESSOB. AlphousO ,laft, of Uipcinnati whom Grant has appointed: and id the I fy : of I Senate confirmed as i Secretary war, r, is a kwyeyof, ability, who ' has ; liewii a cand iatftiast' year for the position of Goverridr before the Ohio Repnb licarf Cbnyenticfn,2 but .'"was" beaten by Gen. ;; ayev is name'r waa ' also fn 1 Tl---.-J .-- . . h. - - , , . T ! wgnea ftne( pecretarysBip or cne xn- tenor, as his successor. - lie is nearly sixty vears eSThis appoihi tnent appears to give satistaction. ; Thfl lininpachmpnt" trial.. oTP .Trirlorp --!t - . i - t'."r-rT;-r,-"n-ri -.-- -Tr Mont gomery Moses. oh, those iVloscseVj) -ws' commenced before the Sou tit Carolina- Senate on ti Tuesday It is erhed ' that Juackey,' another Ju Jge if the IpyalstripeV ill like- wise,be impeached for- high crimes and misdemeanors. Ixok here, this tlifiiis bound t be ! stopped oV jthe Riiulilicanlrlartv 'will fail to set anv ,j . r i ' . . i r.r-y n'-l' -J "f!7 : f votes next November; - , - Senator Morrill. is reported as say ing" tl! at ' he ' did ' not know of any reason whv lie should become one of Grant chieclerks. Yes, but. the cmntry irkriowB; of a 1 reason better still, for the Maine Senator's declen- sion off tne;' portfolio' Pf. Waf. 1 It is that the, chief, tferW W tei arevhavinia fearful tijie ; just! at tff fVfejjriiis!" .ill .-II -j!- J f? .f 'k . .. c,'v ;j.i x-r:. U ' - ! i rt'tNfReHesii-n'an Riate'iouldbi better pulse feelers jf thejl jriq gli'ffi ijuaiieiitefore the l ptl8i aa altogether to beat, STotHrta!btiysipiabBfti'i''1'- OlJiii.!" ' , f. . . . . IICKLirEFFORTS TO BBSS A KTHB rOHCROrTlIE ping to parry tte force kf ttiel mrerriog wo; 1 eoiAo.rUQ;!grf;tMrU. ' D; Waghingtotj,; whd i8?th0 telegraph sorresponaenx irom 1 vvashmcrlftu ot 1 3lich mond Jwry pd jft very atlhgen;gGoUmaiay8 jn hia laU Itf peciai,. i assaiiinfr 1 HoBl CGsoree s H. 'endtetpn, .wre lo day flatty denied, sotar s they affect Messrs. Crtmer. Blackburn. and Hobbins, of . tbe committee on "War peparlmentfJSipetrfliaesVa tqtially airue raresDeot xai JUMJPtna etott. ; it la orrpondentui, Ukrvipt ef egl, r.to. faurt-j sate attacks on J)emcrr&l in nrHer ic T- Triend.or thieve cquld have fpspired s isoch a devilisWTOntimettialhis from I fBelknap; covered over as he iswithiii jfamy,' la as wool When' contrasted with the scarlet;, antecedent) of ..such men as Hill, Gordon. . Floyd. .Toucev and their com panions, 5 who inaugurated a useless war, tilling the land with mourning, and robbing the republic of its best blood." r , ? Go and lie! down with Joyce, Mc Donald, Belknap, ;and all the dis- - - o - ; . .-: . j ..... . t graced fellows in your party, whose infamies you doubtless secretly ad mire, as you thus publicly apologize for them'C ; 1! I I tA;-:'V':. j. EXPOSE ALL. . ; This is Tribune Editorializing : "No j Congressional ! ! Committee was needed to show; that there. , were j very un nleasant secret3 to be! disclosed in the ner- forjnances of that department, nor will it be possible to convince the. average voter that there has not been foul play, if a Democratic House impeaches the Secretary of War, and finds no ground for action re specting the Secretary of the Navy. Mem bers of Congress may as : well understand that the country does not depejnd upon them for information. It has" learned by sad experience that 'fa malignant! press" is nrltv Mire to anticinkte Congressional dis- - . : . ."'T- - 0 closures 1 ny aoout lour years. ; uemocrats muuut uuilic up iuc av.tot 11 jr aa , uiuui as they wiiL Mr. Randall's anxiety to save the Navy Department has been hinted, nor are his relations with League Island forgot ten. If a Democratic Bouse shields any misconduct in the Navy Department, its motive will be understood. . :-, J1 . We say to Mr. Randall and his as sociates, let. the investigation pro- j 05:U. It won't hurt the innocent. -,' We know jnany.r the Republican papers from force jof habit .yifould in finitely prefer thieves as rulers to Democrats, but it j remained for the New York Herald to speak for the Independent Press on the sabjeot. Near the end of a, long article that "No remedy for the evils from which we suffer could well.be worse than that of. handing this Country over to a party - that only the fag end of the Confederacy; that: believes Anderson ville was a modern Gar- denbf Eden and regards' Jeff Davis as a martyr and a patriot. . You fear the "lagend of the Con- federacyut-so did the . f oolish boy the pillow swinging in the barn door on a dark night. The ghost has no wish to hurt, if it! had the power. 'A, STUKMDOUa INDEBTAKIIf G . The plan, for driving a", tunnel un der -the- British ,n channel': is so favorablv considlreoi ibdtTt$800,000 is to. be spent .at once in ; sink shafts on each side 450 feet anq r I ning experimental drifts out under I the ear It'is f fealctiTated thatthe I tunnel" can be completed in six ye ars. I aVacpsVp? fiio Xk Last Wednesday! in New York, in broad open day, a Cuban, gentleman I of wealth was abducted and harried i ... - i ... i u ,t. i ' : ; . ,. - ' - ' . - '. . : i ; ' s I - - , i - . , " . . , J - pretending to be an eficer, Hhad I a large amaunt or opanisn oeeurnies i uii ins kjci ouu. ucikuau aau iiauuuLa I Y.i;..-. '! J1 k. s ' I are.Deanpg irniujk 4-;,-.;,,, Gordon ' made the 'J now1 tender- footed t Republican when he abruptly Senators .wince threw, down i on their toes that c -ushing charge that the Governmentnad been' defrauded by the whiskey, hievesJn the sum of 8aa,00),O0OiG :HunBiJ MrL- lions of DOiiAEsT The Answer is . . . !i '! characteristic aid grotesque; " You were an infernal rebel." I i s . n ! Prominent - friends of -Governor Hendricks and Genefat Love' .'who jiave taken pains to inquire, say there 4s no trnth . in : the . report .that these gentlemen are implicated, by evidence or ?6therwise in improper f !use Pf money in procuring Ga tracts ni i vayAiug. guu vvu The Tribuneldoea not suppose that General Schenik'sf disgraceful man flef ' of lpaving England wilf injure 19 pharaGter.raore than his disgrace tui , Dehavior ; il here; he . - '-'- ij "I. 1.1 1 jr. tr Tb Caps Battcras Telarap)i eSignaH ' Ad v4ccs received lust nlgHaVtbe ofBce Id thi3 city, indicate tbat the Wll mington and Hatteras Te TbV'thiseVenV: pe 10 complete working order ngi The - submarine cables es across the j Sound , and' .Inlets were.'.laid soma, days iinee, and Observer Seyhbtli f ibeenin, ipecting the line and attending ta tbe comv ,iHnrt y.f HiwArtn't wr& fewitk-.thresnl bn the:coa8t between this- city and ? Port As-, messages f 05 ib pee fit of commerce. kill now he received ' by ua or transmitted hence wit bout delay; this Hue gives '- iootfr port if pevjr tadvttge .fpi; jpee pommercjai business, aiKieae which, should hot he underestimated.. Ilaeras ma now; be considered pur ocean inilea to the north audi irack of lall e?sels ropeaa trade-an .ujuuu wuicr, can ue -siguuieu iDBwaiifcv i Wilmington and all arraagements made: in advance of bermval, , for dischargd of 5;afgo, riiiuiK pr recuaneric, wb saau have Kaibed'ah'- important -'itdvantaR i1 1 rival ports more distant ! from the iCape. WA Min'mtniiUA tt.. .imiinMi' Anrn'mtmitv h urxm this important event in thehiatorVof aportanteventinthehistoryof WmWZm, liners in the matter of prompt jr. - : .7 - the port. , The aiso to pe gamers in cue matter pi prpmpv marine news. - i - - 1 i; HinTimi.Arp.. Pmr rAr l We hear that agenUeman from the coun- . I try bought at one. of pur .prominent Pboda storeB -vtPrdav. all th . T . V " "V " : " T.7" , irm11u , ff Bu;uu upon ue-: inK quesuonea aoout iue,maer, siatea that the receptacle he was then preparing to aaorn. wouia oe ior nis own maiviauai 1 use. Upon being asked if. he expected to take his departure from, this mundane sphere any time soon, he replied that be had no premonition of the time when he should be summoned to "shuffle off this mortal con," out, ne couiu very con- veniently spare i the money to purchase the articles iust could not forsee what might be the cone . 1 tion of his finances when the dread mes senger should come ; hence he thought it better to "take time by the forelock" in such an important matter. "llie County lojnnctlon Case. We learn from a private dispatch,- re ceived in . this city . yesterday, ' that the County Injunction Case has been decided by the Supreme Court in favor of the I County Commissioners The case, Drought I uo on appeal from Judge McKoy'sdect sion dissolving the 1 injunction granted by. I TniA jSanmntt In rust rain Ilia IViinmtaiinn.! I ersfrom collectinr the-alleeed excess over the established limit of taxation, resulted in the re affirmation of Judge; McKoy'sdei 5:w ,i:0i.,rr. ..f it cision, ana consequent - uissoiution or, ine injunction. Tbe : case, 'on appeal j from Judge .Henry's decision .increasing' 'the . bond of the appellants in the - foregoing case, on the ground of its insufficiency to protect , the county, resulted in thatdeci sion being set aside and ; the bond contia ued only in the amount at first fixed. : . . This, at least, is the construction put upon the dispatch referred, to, which is not quite aennite in. us wording. Steadr There. An editorial in the Fayetteville Pulhe ririt, relating to the small-pox in; th-s city, concludes thus : - 'From private sources, in every respect Tnts innplniv ninnrt Signal Omen in u-ecVwxnnnicatitfn-wIih W eentral et- 'fiPSMK "" Sce-pashmfiton also' with Jolif CT llfeft fiStbesig tessss eastlaaatf i4b g In thtfftlnitfdi RlBL'iW CTtXanMJ broeeedfrrtr' It firildUi ftltthirSty drttMohviousMiH perfectly reliable twe learn thaUhe disease racter and incapacity had-left stran is spreading rapidly, and will, in all proba- A t hfl fthn; ni 'A buiiy, become . epidemic. A wora to the wiseissufaclent'ii ; vr .is.h lo nelm Spirit hi been grdssly misln. wjiss : . : " ' iW!.UUnKueBUKtiuii;iiiieMM,auu iiin is absolutely no laager-wet might, say poibmty-bf others vcpnt calm, . Nobody here, ever ; menUop. the - The Late Bl.denboro Flrew We learn fiHtwcesrjOT denborog tha the damage sustained by Hr. A. J. P. Giddines. in the loss of hia kitchen; a nrAnin1d hv ns some dars since! WaS ivnV biiffiit" i iirtiio-h nnSnsured. As; some of our readers seemto iave gotten an Impres- sion that the store adjoining watbtoroed With the kitchen, although we did not so state the case, we will add efforts of the neighbors, tentwere saved u'ninjuredi ' 1:T-I.ll...- '-'' - ,jfcf-' -I''' ft.'! A nother Tempest Id . We learn that a watran Vtv IT S Pummiaainnpr CuRaijrlev. . no-&Snnt !! Gen. w. K. uox and tour 01 tne uommis- sioners of Robeson county,' charged on -.the; Affidavit of IT M.' Norment fwih a, con- that county, and citing! the parties to ap pear before him if this" city on Wednesday next. . rti Rood lima Caniae . : The Observer tells us that Superintendent Fremont, of the Caronaa Central ,tral RaUway, connection .linaHatirosil.'' is , endeavoring c to .- effect with the Western North Carolina Railroad, by 1 which paBsengers can go; through from iWH mington to Henry's; the Western termi nus of the hist named road; in 24: hours.f' So let it be, and may the time come quickly ! Mortaary. , ,v , r r t if . ; . . . ., . ' There were only two interments In Oakdale Cemetery during the week closing yesterday. both of the parties being children, aged three months and .fifteen months respectively, rjhe diseases were pneumonia and fever. The interments'! in Pine, Forest (colored) Cemetery for . the same, period num Wed seven, of whicXjeo adults and four children.: - ( f i , j ----- j j P,tlm pis failure as follows, rwt r iH3i orator frohi-icsiscippL with l?WffMOT: DJa!n: tuyfito .,8r ions, spec Uiirota osiame l i nnhlinan -.Xiiliafhi Kf 't "hftl 'rtw-orirf,.! . , . . - ji-r . . ' ! I Ti fn; r: T". 11 Vt M i frtrAtt Af K :LMttlol WTKA ka LwiVtaiau 'iw iiUti-m mef Vhkt though' fheran.r inVv - u u .t !onPtin rfsL'.ik ih W i document In ppsaessin of tbe War iCoteethere: i who did not know that there was not 1 w uu m y -uw. iwre was r """" " I I . v ; - - 1 i . ' - a -; not 10 warrant, me indictment or tei- i..: ; it! u s. ri.!i i jt..j ffeenVof KIIHII. IMUUi'U lb WUI II II H II IIIUL- M thW coraiuatee kneW -no l.,n !,; hV .h- ? - e.uouratwero too B,irfwu rue caugnt mmr,.--iame anaro. 'noy- jriecejsarily, resisted the pfifort, and 0 '"tM'i' ri.criiis delivery of the documents, was re- Ju, a upteu uy. " f-jr?-j.- y ""J r j i Gambttas Latest speecb. Pari8 Correspondence of .Evening' Post. I Qambetta was batrnificent in i his u, S .nh - mo.laiif ii,. tKvtvi a a-jiia.. uia tuai T oo ui buo I continuance of .- al moderite and mo- dest policy on the part of Republi- cans of all classes hL wrung unwil- ' r5 Tincr pnnrpsion nf fattm nvnn f mm I ' " O , - - his enemies. He made 7nV n ni An cri not T kL ? n r la f p ea for union against the inroads of ultramontamsm, and adpairably de- fined the modern ! spirit U France as opposed to the dicta impdsed by the ' M VMMMAM. I Church upon its pupils. lie made so many criticisms upon tne jaw ior su l perlor instruction j passed by the now dead: National Assembly,, that the President of the meeting said: f . tT Commissioner of Poltcev.who " presenV informs i Mt.Gambetta that he,ha8.2iiot the right to pi-iticise the law lorsupenpr instruction, , 'Well," retorted Gambetta, 'I have nothing further to say concern- : .U 1 P " T ; . have it repealed at the earliest date 1 'M m a i thers doing What he did he saw o not singular in it. In 1888 he might have seen the coming President ;of . - i o i . the United States bartering his office of General -of the sArmv for I two terms or nothing of the 1 Presidency, l and being; elected: farming out the I patronage of the Government to a I host of relatives whom want of cha- I ' . f " T" T -. t .r . iy; later he might have seen hinv re ceiv ng wun xavor ana, loaamg.wiLo ceiving with favor and loading with I vvtti ,1 a I . Vila AAa 6iia2 i , i u - were . I brown-stone W- " ! Jfir:" have seen him iS fbr conl: ipity io- the gold icy; .later tofoiL S mingo up xrry, ana so on ana soon .weejia pi cnapter fllimTane W' :csaay?The fcowihlehioerUi3,t il-J1 tbt M shmeniLainfe affirmedBlaines 'nft-vi. - ,4n'n it7a. .Telegraphy Rep, ' - ( 1 r ' Mf. Ralph: Waldo tEmerSOU deli?' I ered . a lectnrd Wednfitdayevening; i Jtw 1 W.HfiW-ww 1 WW-Wfftw .rpeSsMjw ,U8i "r,-r. r. ". " . " , importers wiupie-pi. ttkv77M think th reason t why,i General, bhermairivre- movted his rneaaquarieraia8t lyear vr u-l L, c ,T :JI . ,a Irortiashingttm t0rfSf..Lqui, . was because; irom OC ;xpe COO; iuuiHav? iFi.m.3,(u ponduct ,of, President , , Grant, . . an,d .feftna erf eared- allwasoi r.ght,. Ptlat, an, expWion fwpuld vsppn i come. The. jkejOommander of rooincJritaml from; S"7TT " - We i,hataftpL-Jkmgii ; I Robi inson is booked-for. a sppeoh Jtt Cher-' bkee Couf t,J urging 'thp adoption of the' Constitutional' anjdhnts llty is not too, soon to conimence work and weare &iad to1! jDaptl R. tak4 ing? the ' lead.Ji. f Every; Dembcratlo member . 'of ,? the jConentibn shoulol explain these amendments to his pee thatbytheumted wirt,-F. ; mx'&yy w disqualification to hold pfficewbile a the 8tWaBd4WiTH? retribution or .something, of u a,i! -a i "f&j rwJr-vT- I that kind:, is not, in the conlempla i'i -! Jecturfi uUhe uapera-is explained. ly .i.iik. 1 k TO.,.iL . , . -, t , - . . -. t ( - ? w ' ' ' m i r i k - as - s. . 1 - 1 , . - -i rhasbeenued ai8PeaaV - , , '5;"f- '- '',1't7"M' i jndictinentv trial, judgment and up-i r,8tompiik-r J?i'mnen,tj j Isbmeiii ccoVdinj'to.l4w.'w'?.f''' T'" i " V iMorganton filaoe.1 : j I r I .nontwin;! pie at tne spring court. ill ft A -4 . L r . .,r.-rr .: ,1 r 0t the iate .passage-at-arms, between: Hmar. and JSlainJ! IiwUt Jber seepJ rrv .ev- mj-ii ttif i SW .iPJfflWa lM jjndgmentjiDf -. . - ... - Hue XOTreituroOI DIS respect IOr U f an attorney. fhaughter.l I trust 1 survive, andin f J.wl.-lu" uiyncit, jassert, sir, it, is true,, and that ,an im 1hment is a penal trial; that there judgment, copviction, ana, in tne ZZ, rSTe !.aVo m.n 1 Very few words which the gentleman tak the h the conld Ha f nr i nnn t, onm nP ww v w v. v iMutuiiv.M a j s. liju oaujc w & o .v. - z ,c"uo DJ "'a" mpeauuiuem, js . t t . - . . . amar--Are you snre of that? Mr. K ain Yps o r". -rMr. Lamar-Tben lefus form this ifttae,plain and complete. The ceu k'' there caJnQt betwo UQ ia,mana for the same offence; The same of. fence Here is the Constitution. wbtch says that the officer shali-not only be removed from 'ofiice on im- peachment; and disqualified to hold lclr UUfc luau u? fuau u" siDjeci toinaictment, conviction, ana tlt . i - .1 i ....... is ine ionsuiuuon. tTrVT "VL"! S.u " . e . 1 n",r f entleman wiiUose his respect for the I I !nnotlf nriAn ,t? han , t- wacnAnHa n hia . r nnpRtinn bv savintr that, n man crnilt.v ' J J CI I-, J of an impeachable offence shall be ished Sot onl b removal' from nik ,.i;Z,Vft ' T feffit hlfftTS hold.ffice buJ als? .b7 indictment, Mr. BlaiDe Head it. Read it from the Constitution. - - Mr. Lamar--Here it is, sir. - ' .Tnilnmant" - Mr. Blaine-"Judgmcn t," not "pun ishment. i Go - on. lhe .xmderatib sid SoVihUdnse. .Mr, Lamare gentleman's: orato , iajr -n, ri, i u i? jLiauguierT on ular wisdom calls forth a laugh. , , Be fore we are through the laughter, will be at him instead of tci7A him.' The gentleman says "judgment, and I wishes me to explain the word I . "Judgment in cases of impeachnjent moval from office and disqualificaj I J " J J e" J , hnnAr trnir. inn rrrhf nmiar rha United States." t ; J - Is not that one punishment? Mr;- Blaifte Punishment- is not mentioned there. - Now,' read on. -v. Mr. Lamar You say that is not a punishment? r - Mr. Blaine Go on. Mr.rLamar I put the question to the sefitleman because of . hia inter- T u removal from -office &&vw,,w:sl?w I UUIJlSULUeilb i Mf, BlaineIf the V gentleman peaks of: its being a moral punish l7r u - , CSIheakso , DUniahmeul v e . v ..... ...... . vj . j . not. - Mr. Lamar-I ask' - the gentleman not 1 whether it. 19 a moral punishment or, not, ,l?ut is it pot a ( legal . punish ment ' " , , T ' ' ' r m Blaine-ItriVnot. 8 ;'s'if ! '"Mri. Lamar-UThen the gentleman 1 bart -1 Mllamar-I aiiicomlPg tothe n'Parti hatis one things- Then hta; provision,, of .the, Conatitution UZtC&KS&i nil :i out. tne party oouvicvea ; a huuf ffo birtv euiki 18 .X,,,, wha ii HnHvtiHrf. sir, but the judgment lii a penal iri.il?, Very welWcSr i- .v-m.Ji I -MuJ-sjiUM f 'tne party xonviciea snau nkv- ihBRTiWBSs potable; acd. subject ,1P -Perhapr I ao convince' v thoo gentle-; fnanjj vIkhj ;v H -'n ?!firi5 i .H 'Judgment incases of impeachment shall uot.ex.tendTurther than lo ' rie-; moval from bffice and disqusjlincattio), Ito.hold and enjoy any pe:jf 13mb or, trust .or profit tmdpir tltaj. United States. a. 5;..,fl( i ' Vry eH- vw, slij' the: gpntlen iX. i - . " - - . , ..... - .. ?i mjcouiempiauqn 4?i ,ia wt a oun- I im. 1 I says that a i removal fromi' ofhee a Stft 1 1 anoVthaithanly jrmnvmrhi te f """eui mujutibi uj &bl ! :.n f-;sf 3fW,i rvnil rvvf rmrtrtthxl wr. Jjamar , iff eu, you are neany.l Htf loVlhe grolime 3gentte kuIpo tmiaybornd;lhe-bSferim U Z . - - . - 3 . . . Luaeni, cynTiciion, ana punisAcenx,. iprding to taw " l have got'hiqi to "may be" ho w.' He Jsaid '-- a mo meuVago it" was ' not i so;, now hoicfi jjects , an, interruption, ; and f says r " H may be iuth8i1tVhI6hl14lmb8f iith I;S05Ti 1 f icehcnwgjotp Jtaqceqf AhtrArtrea -r ai ; li J .ajii ' cstHutionaVvdisabiUtjes im- rsSU?03 -1 " I JiyyL 'Uii." Vj v" Q3 BoTiJf potwng more. than the ?pjain setting. r ?-yr.' 5 Sir wSSlS! y ', J: .JiJ5rt oirrl, -..( .; a - punishments . That; if I nd betwieohrea ahd our nund Vj perhaps I can - leaoV him blank-book- bit y f promising. on a little further. Applause. Disqualification from office may be 1 Ttunishment as in cases " . . . 4 ,A . .7 -t- r ttt7" r-- . ...a.;.,-. r 1 have a great mind, sir, to Jet my friend on 1 What do vou say, gentlemen? 3halll gT"6n ? " Cries of "Go on," f f unish him."J r a ' r -s JJisqualincation from ofhee may t e pun ish men t a in cases of, conviction upon impeachment". SECRETARY OE STATE SCAR If AL. Bepublleana Play iriumGv. Broa den TaUes "A Hasty. Glance At -the Letter" and States the " Question Auditor Bellly i Gives a Correct State ment $5,770.06 TS. $6,947.16. SIR. A RnSTRQNQ MA KES A STATE fflENTt :. ; Raleigh News, Friday.,! - A News reporter was sent yester day to feel the -Republican . pulse in regard to the scandal on their Secre tary of State, andjalso to get a correct statement of all the facts connected with the scandal. Meeting up with a well-known Republican of undoubt ed good standing with his party, and who is always behind the 'scenes wheneverany party ciphering is to : be done, on the slate, the reporter asked:. - ! ' -. ' , r i , j ,.'Jli f "Tell me exactly what you mvklv-n9-iU-i of this scandal . about Howerton. Do; I yoit' think it A clear fraud ?1 1 ask you' in a newspaper capacitVjX 'io vfjcul . ..f I have nothing to say abont;it." ' Shall I then state that you haven't a word to say."' V.'r V " No.' J I ; don't i" want my : name mentioned." ;i -. ..- The reporter walked on reflecting how suddenly the Republican party had become timid of newspaper no toriety. . The Auditor seemed the strong rock that they; all ran to But. the reporter , called on , Gov. Brogden first, who has just returned' from his visit to Mardi Gras, and is full hp and running ;over with enter tainment for his visitors, Jit ; - , , , , "Governor," said the reporter, "the community seems very much startled over that letter from the Petersburg Tndex-Appeal, which was copied yes terday muruiug iu: Ureffigics, and which j showr .-up yooi Secretary of State in such bad joolors. Does that state-facts?." 1 . rr; t-j in-Y. ' "I only glanced, hastily oyer it, The question was this: The Secretary went on to New "Ydrk and purchased stationery, and we thought his char ges.too.high, find therpf ore : palled - in experts, and fnrnisbed them, with samples'' 61 hii' purchases, and. oh these 'samples ' they arranged4 What they considered a fair scale of prices, and I approved ithOi 5pxperi8f, priqes .and. refused to approve the! Secreta "HdW much was IIbWert6n8 wliole bll?'...vJ .V. ,it..i i ; . i i .7i;I . . .Vl don't no wt remembtr.. ;Dnj - of his bills for, stationery- wasjiv.eiityr five i hunared.'dollark, an1 ilie.-yperts1 scafe of 'prices'-' reduced Tt't fifteen hundred The Secretary4 contended 4hat his.pricea.were -fair and - reason Ablei arid that theNew Yrkboek- sPUers would sav tne same." ty '.,'Dr. Howerton' lias gone Nprtb', hasn't 'he?"Q i v U- r; ji.i t -a i"I heard' borne one : sav yesterday he had gone to;Newr York." i ! " ' v. :Hi 6o1s badT f or the Doctor:, Gov- ernor. , ".m.fifKj d -i'Vi-.ui "YesHt-docs look4adA- The JwpfrtR next cajeiin Audi tor Reill v. After - exchanging the suaPsftmtatWtfa.tnb -rtwoHtirmaae KUUWII Ul UUOIIICOB, auu inti iiuuiiui ; .X amjgiad'tQ spe you- Some thmga were ih that letter thaYfweWtiot cor rPcti wlshvlthey hactbdimy name. ;all thatRmes' abtttllohesti ;3ohc,'ihc;isa,ith all done his dn.tyr' I don't 1 wish' toi ap: pear' lik$ Claiming any honor nfoi1 doing my duty as L am'riot entitled, to, any. HowertoiVst bill f ot staUoa-; ery and blank books presented tome for auditing was , six.' thousand nin hundred and lortytgeTen 4ollai8 and sixteeii penia, - fpOda X wf used: , to -i . .. reasoname.. a - ... , ? -V 7 : - - o,- :-c WOOie Dili CO DC 4, Si PirXn -MitMlA 'J,- aloy: wnbtiapoeiaf:4hiexmrjlfti t 1 be great diueretice seamed in b What asliaiiferenc4s WiVIf Jj thl nkahohft ninaobundred dot-t lars waaaken off; the stationery bill, t business was with the blank-books iToun vru 0 x,0u . Spirits Tijiipeatine , j ItMrColm'radle not Mr.-' Bolivar Bradley -wkdwasi found f iead4n the rjad nearTarboroi Ji . 77 The hammer apd, saw; , ara. heard , throughout WilsondTscourerrig ' the 'sweer music of progress. U:v? i i t,l w m . ' The) Hegulaton announces -the' death of Noah Smitherman, -a wealthy , and j influential citizen of Randolph county: 11 Sol. Brown, a colored; carriage1" driver of Salisbury, fell from 1 an oak tree which he was trimming and sustained mor- , tal injuries. . " The storehouse and goods ' of Mr; W. C. Taylor,, in JNash county, were burned on the night of the 7th. Loss $3,000 partly covered by insurance. ' ' Philadelphia- Times: The keep er of the Confederate Cemetery, atKaleigb, N. C. is a disabled Union soldier. . Cheer up,;oreans! ' !-: 't-i?--;? .ir--.ifs . : The Hillsboro Recorder v says' that Mr. Paisley Kirkpatrick while working at his saw. mill last Tuesday, was struck by . a board and severely hurt on the forehead. Wadesboro Herald ticket: Gov ernor, "Vance ; Lieutenant Governor, Dortch ; Attorney-General, Daryan. Dar 'gaitf, we've got 'em in. ' " : ' ' ' " - The Mcrganton J?&zfe says that; one day last week Mr. Robert. Gudger, who has charge of-MrPresneil'g. saw mill, had two of his toes saw id po t . I Morgan ton tillage. 5 Ita', .with 1 - t... t 1 ii. Ti dangerously Mviik&vMWfq&r alJVj47 ington, D. C. . .. . . . Oif WreitiWfrb'm bridal toorVMf. J:, G.; ilertiwf Salabnia and his wife, late Miss Eilers, of "Uiis-cUy. were brilliantly entertained at the residence of Mr! : P. N.Heiley, sayS the .TrafcAjaiil A yey jagant was given last Friday evening1 jatihe City Hall, by the ladles of "Asheville. Ahe pro ceeds Of which are to aid iathe buildise of a residence . in Richmond, T va;;tof Qhe daughter of Mrs. Stone wall Jackson, j j- - Morganton Blade: 'Asa couple took theirposition before a Justice :of- tbe Peace to be married, in this county,' last week, the prospective bridegroom asked: the magistrate, 'DoydUi, marry pne; ;at a time, sir r , . , .. .- 'Raleigh' Benlitieli1 6f: TlfhTSdavi The case s of the State againsU JsmesrVLj ' Back, a Radical of this city, for embezzle-, meht, tfs: clPsed yesterday 'before J Hid Honors Mayor Maalyj;i The evidencei was direct, and Buck submitted to be bound over without going into! a preliminary eX4 aminationi ia.VH . . u o- v 1 1 . i ; - Morganton. Jjladet QaS pf the colored convicts at work-6hlMtlie iLsyluni met with a horrible death last week fThey were hauling some very. heavy, logs up a steep hni when the wagon' overset as he walked beside It and. one Pf. the logs fell with its full force across his body, killing him instantly. He never spoke but once. 1 Chaflbtte4;t95erru On Sati urday, the 15th Of January, last, a woman In teiscUy (we withhold, the name, gave birth to a child, and on the following Wed- ; uesday, the 19th of . January' she was de livered of another both, fine, healthy chil-. chad of which this woman, hag become the mother. ji( n. ' ( . , . , . - . ( , ' 'IL'Tjie Jtocky. Mount Mail favors Raleigh ! ks the place for the State Demb eraUc. -CoqveptioB.Hi It says..rAs, to the time' of hiding the Convention, it is clear fo our? triind that it should be previous to the - nieetirig.. fo j the . National Conyentiop, which ' will be at St Louis on the 27lh of JifneV'' ftit! - ' i j i 'Weldo'n''AY(nea:t Two ' estimable ladies;' Mrs. James A. Whiter tf Scotland JJeckand iirs. Faaoie (Gregory, of ; Crow- ell's X .RpadSi alsp two worthy and favor ably known physicians, pr. James Johr '8on;rlf6rihmptod Tand Dr.' J." II. I&ancb,"of 'Enfield, 4a !als6 Alfred m snbns, a very worthy colored man. died, in iHljfax.tbif week,jff.r,,,7 :.4U:J 1 at mfi Haleigh, JSTw-n Q Wednesday, at the midday services in the ,Chape) of bt Marv's BchDQUnJhisidtYfour of the' pu- piis "were baptised by the Rector; and at nBefeVeBih service llient si OoErminon was admini8teredS siwetve of the yoorg JadieS iby; f le AsshjiaBlJBishop flf the Dio cese, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Lyman. , I ! Raleigh Jyeics: Gov, Brogden renieiabctf wfih (tie Vwdliest feelings hM leeeDftonrny.! piWRy eieprgiaLeglainTe Hi; aide, Mr. Jenkins, unadvisedly announced Id tttetfcnteiJiorxeeayj oi-bo? liroa- Mtt?i Sf?oliM,tD Mk?y(kept Ciosea aoo?stiu m cuauawiiee was sent- ana 'escortedrthe Governor ini aboL. placed bin on .the. high seat beside. Speaker HardimanJ The members all stood no straishtlike men fwhen-iitbe ; Soveraet :;eAlered,T and .there looked to be;nol a single man present who was drunk: iuHhe' legs' like the- pbker-l ; pjpjUAjg vnsuo Ui i irKiuiiv,jj 4.19-cpeao.er thea announced, VThe Governor of North CaroHna,1 and the' members' U 'cheered J and the gallery fuliot ladies whokBew the Governor, was fat and forty, and still un married, alt clapped fheirhands aad'wAVed. jtheir.jhandkerchiefaiu t itemized, i he hi t - - r w ;r r ! .- f . ' !ku. - r. i mm V ; -.. i j -. - (I . V. ,1 fi'if mult ; 5 -'iifiL Vww 1 'jdi IHsiuid b-yU

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