. ,-, . o'. a ,iin mi -g ...'tui . jihmwimw". ' ' mmmmm i I V $1.50 a Tearla vancoii? -I' A r Wi 1 .-3 a H a SS a 5 a R 2 Q 5S P . r S .. v a ; O a e -.8 'P.ANK!f 8 3 e E s J?C & S " S? 3 "5 Post Office Nobt Wrdeiii bmt ib obtained in All the: cities nd in ma 7 Of th. large towns. . w e consider tnem perrectiy safe, aha the best means of remitting flftjf dbllara or less.:..-. s '' y -'-: ?":-'- ) 149- RrlMered Lef tern, nnder thifnew system, which went into etrectJnn 1st. are very safe means 6f 'sending smalt sntnar of mo ney whem P. Os. Mosey Orders cannot toeiessily obtained. Obrve t1e ,riiry , as-Wll sji postage,' yii-utt be paid-in xlamp at" t se 5ce where the. (ertex i maijeft or it will e 1 to be sent to the Pead Letter pffice ,J? 94 vfltitiM Miennprb&h jo peatageund reffUtry, put in the money andaeel the Utter irk the pretence 0 the poH-matterand take hie receipt far it. ietters nt to ts in this way are atwr vl8k.! .- . Tbe.8peech of i Senator Gordon on the necessity for a new svstem of civil service in tfiis cntryappeSttf to be . receiving (f avqrafeie; comment fpra many :papers:that at first we're led into error concerning hid animus.. VVe arenbt surprise, f seeing the' Georgia .Senator,: proposes cliftiiges that need , not affect f the political status of members in the service. On this head the New York Herald oW Bprves that 'Gen.., GoruoiiV speech was really -marked by singular "eleva tion of toiie and forbearance to turn the subject iojparty advantaged, ' In stead of making the recent t f raud a topic of party" crimination, '. he only atlemuted 1 erect' barriers' against repetition. The remedies - he proposed woud, if adopted, require the renunciation by the Democratic party of the maxim; that to the vic tors; belong the spoils.: General Gordon's propositions were first, to regulate the whiskey, tax by the f ear pacity of the 1 fermenting tubs, and collect it monthly or ; weekly in ad vance : and. second, to make - the in temal , revenue officers: irremovable ekcept' for dishonesty of lnepaetiyj With his usual . vigor and re-enforced by Senator Sherman, Mrf Mpf; ton hurled f tremendous charges: of having been a tebel,' and of still 'be ing unreconstructed, at Senator Gpr! don.. All tbis hWbuigwhatever to do witbrtbej subject in . hand j, but it amused the Republicans on-ibe-floor and inthe" galleries.-; It sewred, as the Republican leaders thought to bridge 0 ver aMiffibMty. The peo ple, howeyerj; may not be so. ready, to anathematize "rebels n4 vheh they employ theirv talents ciosefy in : the, public service in the way Geril1 :G6jr don has done "so cleverly m ibis"in MVXe, .. .i . i THE NEW KECBETi Rl OP VAB. 1 tThe new Secretary, Mr..Taft, goes i into bad company, but we roust giye: the old man ' a chance. 3 ! Tne!;BaIti more t Gazette says it doe "not t con-; demn .him .for acceptinga placelnj the Cabinet. "He may'Tiare hobTe aims in; going, there, and - we Lgo Torr L i.iJ J' tli- ?k t. ILL " n. i gIVlUg UllUj.2' Ittll iUUUUUC; f jDUb-.ib will not bea long trialK It witt take only a' l IittleLtrhlle to rsli6w; whether! the new "Secretary jn tends to range himself witli tn,e thief :figh ters or. the thief saversvi -i If if withfthje formerr bei must g'o"tb work promptly 16 cleanse his; deparinietft ?6t viHainHemtisC court-mart ial Babcock. .y'As long aar that nam; staods on lhe rblll-of f'offi-f cum and gentlemanw of the ariny',' he army is disgraced,-and its - Secretary a io. Three weeks of sileuce nd in ann.n will; be en ough 10 classi f y Sec- ri ary Taf t mm the thieftavera," VOUrV'TIlKEU. : i tri . an Indiani Republican mrmber intrudueed in the5 House 6f HtMiresentativeS the other day a set uf buncombe resolutions ( declaring; this country to be a nation, etc., etc. iii the 'Ercles veiti of f true; loyalty! liule Mr. SammjCoxr'popped inp with a squelcher V"Vch bpdlar fifiape that ouly Bia nbtrs could be found to.yote.agaiost itL : This ; puny minority ; drew out Winning fire of puns at the expense bf ' the Presidentiarcaididat ."7 vrwrgia, wnen toe , vote wa u- nounced, made the remark:! am 9"jr iherearefonl? forty'tfireetTmbn " j" ' 1 MBsaaMBMBJMSMSjM V p-'" i ij'-J- j : ; .-. 1 - - -'-- i t- i J That the ' Democratic: is iau ' eco-' domical party is shown by this: "The legiHlative) executive and judicial . ap Ppriatiou , bill cuts off 1.034 clerk's o'" , the s departments! in Washing-. tj0", and safes 0q s.alarestl?45S55.r T "isssssss , 18SSsS 6 Months. oo:t-r- - 88SSSSS; . 5 Months teieine ' "SSSS8S8, 2 Months I o , ... .v J-, ( J ; ; -888,S8S.S ' -Month-1 w oaoosos - k riM'i !.. rr"-T' ''. 11888888 i:.: r 288888 2 Weeks LNst.xn); 1 Week I re eeise Q ' . A t-yf Y t f ; . -.t ..... ggeecj-g'-i - ' ; 1 " J S w d R 4 if ! 4'- VOL.7. , 3 - j; . FlNANCULLI AQURBD, HTePemwip-:auw nnances nave ( agreed; Ymj 4 basis of, compromise, nyiug. py vote, of 85 to 46, resolved to fepbrt to Congress the "Pay fteBnii?rhuit tnlt fttiies jTortHe graua)tehi1oi splcilj iuaoBurciarv(wi. me, r a reasury ann u-f ally to.retam in coin an amount eqtal: l& three per 35entumi:bf legal-tender notes but8l4nbMngi t6 cbnslltute' & sumptibjiund aisblrinn; the' KationaBatiks M sePwdTan; . r t 1; i . ; mi . pea! of so ranch ofthe specie resump acVWa:nury:175a Hon aMend ments were ding tKafbf the cif coromitte' fotialcpIa pealet for resum ption. j This received only, f ortywoftes j , Jf ;f K'f; ;Tbis news is receive4 jwiih joy by all : thougbiful l Derabot ats. - :r The financial question j threatened for i a long while lb impair tbe harmony and good feeling of the partyi? That it is row likely to bb setiled in a manner satisf actoryi sto- the greater number and fbr.the" lst 'ti intjests pfallVg to anticipate. kL u u nave every reason to anticiD vi the: KOBESVH iCOUNTyi CASK ! : ! " s ; It- '- , ProeeedlRX - Before CemmUsteaer Casaldey . Yesterday Case Contin ued Until Tbl nomine. ' The examination in the cRe of the United States TGenvfV:R. feox,j Chairman jof the Democratic-Cpnervative $ State Execu tive Committee; and O. Si Morrison, J. Ti Pope, II. F Pitinan, and Alexander Hum phrey, County Commissioners of Robeson ; charged on the affidavit of Dr.. R M. Nor ment with conspiring to defeat the; will of the people as expressed in thp election for delegates to the late Constitutional Conven tion, .was appointed t take place at noon, yesterday,, before TJ. S.' Commissioner Ca sidey. i A.t the appointed: hour, however, District Attorney Badger being absent froni the .city, the. Commissioner i determined with the consent ,of counsel,! to postpone the hearing until 3 o'clock, P. Mi.and, not to go into the examination! of witnesses un- M The Court came tot order sin the TIT ST - tiBs;' District Court room j at Sj o'clock: r Ex Judge Cantwell appeared 3for the prosecu tion, Col. W.'Foster French for the com missioners,' and ex-Judge jlfeares tor- Cten. CoxL rbr; R. MLKorment . Btepbcp.iE.i'Ward, WJToster JPrenchi WLBtark and J. . xiunt were called and swqM jismttses; F. M Sorrejl was ealljed Md failed 4p re spond, and Jak H. Bajrnes Was called and excused, having been' subpeenaed under a i misapprehension. Lr" L f-l-l'i A Col. FrenchL counsel Sot de fence, moved that the ease be removed to some other ju- ri8dictibnr"bnt the . grbund that; the sitting 1 yummissiuoer as yefouuaiijc ujieroicu in the decision' of this' caseasd hence incapa ble of giving Aan ' tinpreddiced 'Judgment upon the law and the ievidence i vXhe .pre-' sumption of interest arises in the fact tbatf an indictment is pending" in :Robesb& 6upe-: rior Court against Commissioner ,Cassidey ; In bis capacity aran? ftoribleH-j bLThisbir1 committed;- by: the publication inihe of certain matters Wtfectiug upon the Cpm-miMinnereof-RobesOTc in Jtbe presenV'cbaWse oftheir; action in 1 Awnrrllncr. rtifif-il of 'electionasr dele . gats -to Duncan rSinclaindJCalvi McEachin,- insteapftOvgR t'. Jl'o'r oient , ;andiemjMili;Io publican Nrontestanui! : iTbe-f indictment aga-inst - Mr. Cassidey alspj: issued ipp th.e I Col: French pointed but. to ! ihe : Commis- sionerJJhe-;'! mprpprieiy bfiw'SWin -Jn ju'dgment'npon the present ca' Under snchj circumstaoces, 'inasmuch i aa a. decision! against the prisoners w6bld be a detiSiOni in ifopWDa a decision to'dikbljuibfrn Jj'uppn'&e i jj U ence would carry the effect of. 'an admif sion.of bis own guinv ihis'case'; Jfd: ask Commissioner than a The comDlalria inbrejof i.ltinig; jnst regard af or the Commissioner should have permitted him o asklre're numberU 8 . Commissioners in Wilmington, : against Whom the ' objection job aUn o couti'npt'baye ueen; Jr: Judge Cant welti in .reply,' called attenf tion to the fact that this was !a ;'any event only : a" preliminary 'exaiatin otL a nal adjudication ,upon the . merits sof the cjise, land hatshe Cmmiwioner'i decision could not affect the phsoners unjrabbi Me could ind ihemj sbif,foT trial? and tneipresmpiion.ufr1iHw the trial before the Circuit Court, operate m ihefr favor rather than tb7factof ha nwr- :ing'rcommittedhenj)p 'tbem. ' He thought Ahe Cpmnii8sioneri bad no right 'tp4et hirperebnir feelings di 'qualify him from;8itling.j Coi: French ;said lacklnsc to convince the fCbmmlsslbner that he ought not to hear li4 ' ate. the ment of the o'pposlng counsel should com iPt his'convictloih I It, -would injure all iVia nHa nf iustfee to send up a case to the Circyit Qoyrt ,with wen 41 u?Hfc,MiiTutr circiuaiiBgJjBptes.Ane) bfeiii(ai1ltion,:fe'id t.F sigiiateA tno jlst t;V apuaryj 1 979j m ivoted down.; inclu inOrity' 01 .-the oau - L- 'VI: 1 1 improper Influeuce fixed nponit. Besides;? it roust: be remembered thaVft?; teas some thing of nil lajustice i force them 't give heavy bbnds- wereableTOrJto-dopna ippebpers cflminitme Commissioner Cassidey 4mnounced that: rheconsideVed pcomDeteDttt hear the: caseiand, titled hat ;the exaninaibn;ftfricj Judge HearesibB IbthfbihGenCAx; then demanded ja full, fair $&d; jast examw nationJiflft bettered this I wa.-.-ajiCasepC "Lay on, Macdofft-aiid -dKbe-ne,M el c.k He dMeWfmfbin proiicutorma-flifais couasel a statemenr-of the law: and the proceeded to read tott.eSdaTUpfvlilt :Kor k fhjch tha I eicJy-Jae then.proceedpd tof state, the JaW Mlfwtthgenianyh o taking the .otjrprse .. Judge Meares protested against i such an, unheard of pro.ceedi ng as t rj i Dg the prison ers for an offence ;ilhpu first producing a warrant for their arrest, was. against al law and precedent nd repugnant to com- j-.On appeal, the Cpmmissiqner held, hat the warrant must ibe.jarst.iniuped: apd F Wso' if J Joan &V't6;w:?iiJi--'!o j.,Judge Cantwell thenf.read. . the , warranty which specified that, the .Jdefpdanis, Jbta violated See; Sl2 oL the lUseCfitaUS. It was .read, however. Jh such a y y as. t include a charge :pf jViplatlngi &c..5,519 but on a question byJudge Jtfeares, be ad? mitted that Sec, .$,$19; was ; not mentioned in the warrant: :yi h t thU-kilk-vkiihi i Judge Meares thought;: his client had cause for complaint. He had been brought here to be tried upon one charge and., now that it was found the law -mentioned-did not' apply to the case, it. was i proposed to try hint on another charge. :: A , .-. ' n ', Jud ge Cantwell was. not . responsible - f pjr the d fect.tn the warrantr-had never seep it not 1 now andwished permission to in sert r Sec; 5,519'f in the-WarrantiiS iioOf i Col French pointed out that, the propo sition meant an ; entire .change of proce dure. He was prepared to go to trial upon the clarge of violating Sec. 6,512 which, he explained,- referred to the election-of members of Congress, and, in noj way;; to the election of members jof a Bute Consti tutional Convention.' 'J. -.iq' i The1 Court proposed to consider; the sec tions to which the afldavit appliedr asr in serted in the warrant.?' -'f-V - rj TJudge"Meares wonld.4waWa to-?s 1 far as to permit th warrant ta baactSoi ed, but insisted that hercbaoge be madaja i the instrument kselfas to -.be in jtocn-j mentary:TormvS-i.Jvt arr ps:lvmfbis J if The Commissioner' stated that, ha would i Insert the' substance of the affidavit iathe ooay at me warrant. W3.&$nfi?.msui(3 adt I l& Judge Meares -protested that .this ; would j be charging the prisonera w Uhi violation of statute without nainihg the statutewhich! as UBconstitntional'on its face. The pros- ution in this case ) had sworn to the ;laW weSvas to the facta: and as these pro-j edings might possibly; lead;to others of a! ver character, it was desired that what) as' done here .be put in doenmeatary JnrlirA nntwpTI innfiiAfrrA thn IrnimiM used as threatening to himself. He would! not alter the warrant; under the influence of a 4hreat.:LTho affidavit: was the. ground wdrkof theprxedin-rtbeWarran ly. the act of ihe magistrate.-: r: ill was! competent; tor- the magistrate to -make aj 'Mw. wmrnult. fclq-s-cife'iiijo; Irplih-si 1 j Judge;Meares to1sclanned anylintentionj totreatenp aadbor:'the-amendments would be'written i iutb" the 'warrant; ?He -wished to waive all mere technical advan-j KiiCbl; FrehcbobjeCted to- going7 tolrialbi 'Charge which: Was entirefyrew' to InnO o -The Cbmmissibner said hathad roldd tnai m sabstance of the -' ifiSdavlt ibe a part o: the warranttl , The prosecution' was no bound to declare nndecu which; partienlac section of the - law ;the prisoners' Weri ar j ralsned. ; If 4he V: had violated any law Pe the Uujtcd ; States herwas preparod to ex amiae them no a cbarga of sodoing! u Judge Meares desired;- noW to hear the UvVs.ob which the prosecution, relied: vpa 5 Jfldgitf Cantwell reseired the right to try them under ' every section Jof Charv-VII: Beyond 1 bat chapter he wouW -not toke 'antsige'of the mltng' bf the Conrt: j ? .-J . si -Judge Meares exclaimed that the1 prppoj sltion was to try themr upon .what was prac tically a blaak warraot, containing only the Commissioner's signature And seaL 'LWoald the Court issue such a. warrant it applied to 'fbrit?- h ; , IrJ.v s : r.L f.v The Court replied he bad ruled that Uie affidavit be part u the warrant aqd that the part of the warrant which was superfluous bVstrickeubu t; Judge Meares -said that nnderstanding -set no limit lptbernuwi; 0ne pverK aifef ed4 1 osecntion id 1 onvehreand i.shifta Witholimitpfha f'Jmfn4r. that a denite: , charge , be jbrpught, against the priapnerst.ywiUfe M UMWjif-l H Judge Canlwelt desired that the case now goon and proposed toVexamioeLwUnesses. derttaibihidtt sponsibility for delay, wbiph the,, Commia sioner finally terminated by flaying I be would hear noinessejjintir to-ro6rrow.j t The Court was "accordingly- adjourned pntil Jab'cjock ih& morning. k f facts relboTbVUpporVms-fomW tUtebtlpmi . . s.' .: i " . 1 " - t ' y 1 r ... in . , - 7 L-1'V- LH ki i Vt., " 1 M .-Ell ' M." 'S ' -J ? 1 : ' 1 - - , . - ' ' - 1 1 1 aThejeaseaBraeteda gc knel! fit -.TSbffsi r patsrera- .'t ot mailt diitf Sreend fiayi Pf-eeee ceiftmiastoner Csi ..piweajr e?-ne'n ' nes&es absent yesterday-jf. baftffis:- .5 Judge Cant weir stated tipr wpulfljbf unabiBtn' dence ofJIhifcr had b-p, issued, j buV; f pundg sheuM:bt gTepx: .-JSSToIKstftifei 1 uKi: idoub "ci -riifeSteicaae j test of lhedefences hej? ' have.all Ib&eYjfr if need, be by the use of ' t l the jpowen of the United laleand.f s :iij?titlif??e PwnjBw'lift. to, thelwit p timeres Upf4im?uj;ti9n).bu cesswyjlelsy,jljrj ( coujd iiotttbnar-' Ifhp rrdencA oi&j.t prodnced, they must v 3 freb.aThe.defence ha ' - Uiefi8n.4t nntsHj. ;utd fegye ?ftMa4bK io nol! pesseajfrltca. hegujn-the jCbief Justice pftiW ,JadgeJ3anwel ojf acaushnt pnjluniniy, anxinatipn in a cinoal rr strict application of the rules of evid'euceu asjthe.represetatlethe tl.njted, 8jjUe He also said alifivB)p ejssionera of Robeson county were defendants in this case, and not fpuras had beep represented. The. ( srj Ayprp quh to appaf ere be sent bence to Circuit District Attorney had the option of enter ing, a, nZs rnftg if te. interests bf tie" ,G;pvr ernment were deemed best served by so doing, or pf proceding to prosecute the caser TheCour said, the. subposnas or. these witnesses had been issued and placed in the hands of the officers Jn the nrst instance, nd the case would aecprdingly be delayed to await their arrival,-if necessary. , If there was a proposition to delay the case to await the arrival of , new. witnesses, the matter would present a different aspec. . . ; J 1 J r'f.Dr.RLlL Korment, he prosecuting wit ness," was put upon tbestajaapd. xanv inedliy Judge Cantwel can didate for the Const UutioualjCpnyentipnat : theelectipuvheld ia Itobeson jcovratj last AiWaS; Tfesident jjtbftfBOBntyi ttjd .citieft of, the UHedstatea; jeil, SIc- Neit was a 1 candidate., :with .. him Jay hat .lectipny and iPuncanj, Sinclairand Calvin '. JL McachiP t Pre the candidates on the ; other side. The election pecqrred on the ' j5tb of August '.(Thursday).. ; Could not say .exactly bow many electora voted for him JU few more :,tban fprJ; the opppiBing candi idate ' ..The same, waathe case witii his col-1 league.: His own majority wa about 50; McNeill's vyas about. 88. L He jwjent to the: jCun-HPuse in . Lumberton on the Satur. day (Aug?,) after;,the election, and there; .fpund he .Oounty. Commissioners in session; as a Board, engaged in counting the returns pf,the elecUpn;; c jqti hUm .f4 mdk Considerable discussion ensued on' the question .of allowing- the evidence to take jthe. form of a narrative. s The Court held it ; .-ri V. u Attoraey ?t , Atp this , point Tj; 8.. District Badger, who had just arrived. Said he. was here, simply in , virtue of his office, for the' purpose of seeing that nothing more or less was done than should be for the interest of Sujes, j m i:Lr, ,.( jjAfter planatronsj by counsel prf Nor-; nient pree.dedt , On the tFridayt af ter the, ,ecns(6,oi-ra2ji .hedjseen copies! that had been , made of the official returns .from all the precincts, and found that.him-; self and' collesffue were in the maiorityi L He sent '.a telegram to ,Thbs.rB.' Kebgh j I Chairman of the Hecublican State ,zecnf announcing me- result, , ua, too nexi.uay (Saturday) be heat d.thatthe Qpupy Cpm-j H missioners ; hadv thrown .out , the, votes of vouri the oraer was reau. mli, lf,oroer. favor, 01 j j.4-,f. W till , ie i-'f Jhy-J J!ti: I 4 UKen,, f;ana., naving . -een, iniormeu that -rhVwiMhtbbTBtrd ' with great pleasurei'' addressed : "the-' -Board f aad cit ed them to Section M Battle's , Reyisal bearing on the case. . He alsot asked and received permissiorj to have1 counsel beard by 1 the Board 'Ernplof edJMr MGiles Leitcb and :, .hi m to .nrgej jibe matter Upon the attention of the Commissioners. Mr."Imael W;; Thompson,' a : member, stated in the Board that bet bad become convinced that the. votes, of the . rejected townships ought to ,be counted and asked ana received n;iuiBe'u w umac u iw btfthfeir reject km.ThWhet 'sidefhad counsel present; alsaj tin reply tp a ques tion. ! I l. - I ,1 , r, Judge Cant well asked, on the evidence that lu WJ Thompson be discharged from arrest, but' retained as a witness; and: that a subpoena be issued . for that , purpose,. Granted., - I, , Dr. Norment 'resumed-On ? this ' day (SatordAv) hfr3eeiveda tdegramfrorri Mr. Sorrell, urging hint jto try andjjet his cer tificate. He sent a telegram to fMr.'Eeogb, Chairman: oftbe State -Republican ; Execn ' t ive CommiUee,i the - same nday,-LsUting Jhe action volthe:. Commissioners,, but ex-' ressing hopes fpr a, change. On the' fol owiag Mondaysaw Coh N. A: IfcLean, counsel for the Commissioners, ton the sub. ColrFrenchltereyvas a third" "party, in- iour-, nrecipci a, ,r.jtie . wenj. ipj ine , that was the case, v Was isformed It was, ler some u incurs fled to give substance 1 tie then asaea 10 jpe . neara in a reconsideration , of the action -L rift in in ' -" ' " 1 - - trodacndW SachjJtestiraoeyr was uot( comrn dbroceedi: rlin lIorxswst-Qahe Tuesday pr Wed-, nesdfvollowic the election had thiamn.' jTersatfditwitlt, MpmhLrfHiaife r sion was u was 'vveanesdav wedriesdav - cqniThdrsdaya iIV(Norment)( hadintha . a S 1a a " - . After discussion the Court decided the witness saodbrbceeo''' .tHo4-mm wf;wriew einontoniQ the. Wilmington J3s . Col 'McLean said if iKaf7c6nim,umcal8fi,l aiuldrawn 13 TOghttiSB b&xexm 4oihavettha-:Con?!late elecrtbu; raissnrBseriheJr throw, ins put. the, returns. He. (Normentl then 1 corcmrinlcati withnhe edHbrHof ltuv icccitcu 'rcpiy lue-.reqaeat cameti tooaieidafAhje paper; f4iadlf gone, to, pressr- Sincethat time be had .heard, no more of theeffomTbr,feconsideration.iiH omlttWtaybtSpevionSevidr nninaAMapsiJioaja tadjournurron: syea op so -tief ore f jbnt the request ; was re.; J68f 8 SeUl4P'reBfto0wnOBtthe bear, days toithe4uaeit f0rihe assembliag Qt the Constitutional Convention .snrl tnoTstA to r renew the rocerAgs. t He hid nexti fftohi faff 1 W th- nrtnnt innT i rwTrwiiiH IW lueuiuera qvuMiueu, wenvJiorwarui Tfna a certified copy pf thpt .returns and, asked to be. admittteatp a seat as :tbe legally elected candidate.--vJudge Settle, however,' had set bis applicatioot aside on i the ' ground that be was compelled to seal those having cer tificates. . ndn, he- accordingly did so. He;1 (Nottnent never got f-hiS seat ' in thb Convention: Where 4-was s an ad-J teraets repor Tn made iupon .bis ,ippri- Cation,; and .this report was referred to a tribunal where 'it; slept until the Close of the session. v.' Question whether admission of is himself ;and colleague .would;; -have changed ith political character of the Con vention was objected to; ' ' ' ; 1 ' r' .4-,i l Cross-Examined--While-the Convention Was In session in .Raleigh: he had been frer qaently befpre the committee, and, bad in formed Gen. Cox that but for his telegram and the" Jodrnat funetu officio article he thought the 'Commissioners would have re considered their .action. (He had heard that Gen.. Cox's telegram, to Coh French was to this effect: 'Hold ' Robeson .and save the State.") Gen.Cox replied that he had telegraphed to ;,a private individual. He (Norment) had answered: "That indi vidual had the ear of the Commissioners of Robeson, and; coming from Gen; Cox as Chairman .of vthe Democratic Executive Committee, it nad had . its effect." .The conversation with CoL McLean, before 'spoken of, had been, he thought, about the Tuesday ' following f the election, rf .-. Gen.' Cox's telegram came about that time he could not say exactly when; to the best of his knowledge and belief should say it was after" the- Sunday f following the elec tion, but w&s not. certain whether it; was . before , or - after Tuesday. . Gen. Cox did not ! specify the character of the telegram 1 be had' sent Had no very lengthy conversation with him. Gen. Cox did not say that he had the . same right to send telegrams that ' he (Norment) had, or that his telegram was sent subsequent to Norment's or was a! response to it r . There were over . 800. voters ; in, the rejected pre .cints of Robeson the. result had. been chaogfed 'In' the ' bounty himsell "and oI teaeeffiStedi and tbe majority) .ib thfe Conventions chascfKl bv that .tctin of the Commissioners. Thought jlie 'Bbardtotdl binLtbey had thrown' put the returns but would bear h !m or his counsel for a recon iidenuioflLt Tbe counsel of ;. the Bpatd was present, but . not in , a , condition , as . he thought, to advise any one.' Thought they informed him they had consulted counsel. He had received from the Republican State .Executive Committee at Raleigh a dispatch i .to this effect: 'Make every effort to get cer tificates." This Was about a week after the election about the :time Gen. Cox's tele gram : arrived, lie ' thought, f. He , did not think the telegram he received advised him to "use any and all means to get the cer tificates," but the - language used was very strong too - strong, i he considered. Did not consider any unlawful method of get ting certificates had been proposed: 5 The communication he sent the Poet was rather bitter but not very; personal. Mr. Lean vwas;' tight,? .j at the. time of their conver sation Lin reply to a question. f Had all the evidence before the Convention on the 6th" September. The election and time of Assembling were so neat-together he could not give the full notice required by law of his proposal to contest the election. -Was able to give but twenty-eight instead' off thirtV dav's notice. . Gen. .Cox. may nave! said something to him about having a right - to telegraph, t The Board 01 Commission-: ers bad admitted that all the' returns were; before tbem. tii He: knew that La, United: States Commissioner had been in Lumber-i I ton and collected some fapts in reference: I to' the action 'ofthe : Board: - Hewasno instrumental in bringing the Commisstpaer. there,; and did npC hear'. of his pesenqer until after he had left The Commissioner: also' went'te'Snoe Heel. This wai about the - time b received the telegrani abont. adng.Lvery'jeffort-'toiget':uejCertu1cates.! Had .not.teld Neil McNeill these Commis-! sibnefs would be catried to Lumberton in irons JunlesSi their vote excluding the re-; turns was reconsidered.: Had seen thatre port in the. Robeaonian, and addressed a de ni'aT la that paper; whereupon the man who bad 'been respon sible- for the ; report was bunted upvbut dcclined to confirm his pre vious statement; nevertheless, theloinia dectirted to give him (Norment) the benefit of his deniat' The only influence tbat waa possibly exerted: on the Board by Keogh'a one missioners said they had been advised by counsel that the returns were, imperfect bei cause the.poll-bopks had not'been brought; in: ' Col.'" McLean,' the counsel Jot the Board hat practiced law about SO.years. ;, y Judge Cantwell inquired. whether it was to 'be claimed that the advice bf .counsel learned in the law would operate to excuse those who followed their advice; from rej sponsibUUy for their.actionu The defence replied that it most certainly was. , , f i ' Stepheri E.: Ward was called to the stknd? Was Rgister of Deeds of - Robeson countv.'atltbe time of tbeelection, Be bad all the returns of thatv election, here, and "produced ,'lhem 'to . the Commissioners, They bad been placed on ;filb in his office; The returns from the townships tnrown out ,were sent into his office by the poll holders and not,filed by fheCommissionera,:- "Judge Meares objected' to the fading of the paper.s-It was not a proper return of the plectipni.sndw.9rth no.morejthan blank The CouiP noted the objection;' but on examination admitted the papeV-rs ' " n ; By consent of counsel, the returns were admitted in bulk, Subject to future excep- r Recess to ZV.-Vtn''fi$ii: a i :. -A.TTEBHOOS SESsrow. : - r ' District Attorney Badger announced that, by arrangement with Judge Cantwell, the Attorney? for the -United u States would f henceforth taks eotire control of the prose-1 as the Board he'd1 ioonrhefflnkhTsinanhe mseartpe.naa m'mgsmS:tflmA9P'j mandamdslssh'ed. TOkdrferftahefoiJ tor. lae'casft m&lZlfmJ fai rim smansee&l0-ltf wal .6ttfv.i few) egrarn.was the changing, or the, vote or mem oe r, - rue others were not sumi ml U influCTiced tb chaBge The ' Com4 o y j iAfrTi -rf h- won . - LB no sJjiiacinO uilto- -;N0.1,22.: cution bf this case. ' By leave of the Court, wuuge antweu men wunorew'.v j J7CU-oj : 4- The: footing , npT pf p the returns , ,et the election in Robeson county here' presented warreaa'a jfoHowSii m Jttms ji n 3 f i ori R-i prment.LI.m fYpteaivfor, iNell McNeillfS votes Duncan wnciair,-! ii,757 ;foies4j ,tioro4vini.;;Ai eichiKi,7jsivptes4:Cii;-;JLi:T; SteDhetf IT?rWard iwaS roSsemfml Am ! sUUi Register-of Deeds jn ibe3on 1 coantv i was nresent at ihh canvass of the toraey-for ithe JCommisonersfior twelve months or. more Dast The. commissioners w-ue iwr-townsnros. e :A ninapne Was- in j a condition to give legal advice, though he hwas a litlleflntierlifiuehftthf linnWrf. i-QTair drnnk titmTr that jf w" to be' pajdL.fXorrtnlaTOinlrj (Wardt rhat 'aVnvfl1teMr tnTlAK 'JTrt!ff rtV of-theiBoardv WiS'preseaf at theifiiscas isipn, ;on (hi matterreitherr one , of -the counsel was drunk, tie, diet not see the telegrams' froui KaliigTi or best ColenchD Sfy,dyicetotheBoard, theDeonWas u, positive ( whether I the Joiitnal VikSsOr abywrafeboot the'matleiaiibtd recollect i: jheiwing anything .about i. badlsaid that ne)sncb disvatebws that Of; Gen,.,CQ had been sept , Did not knpw that the mttlr bf'the oiSpatPh1 .lueetO meoupoed jn jtnpj3rtlttjajL,Jt certalpm was not considered by them as a Board. MigLtlhareWj MbD'e speiklomet hers oa the subjectJv. Ha.d, ap cpjlej?tibn of any of the Commissioners having spoken of the telegmi - Did nPt recollect bearing any, Cpmmissioner speak of; lying in jail in that connection. " May have ' heard them speak of charges in the papers! as being false..; Did not recollect what false charges, be heard them speak of. - Nothing wag Said about the tekgram so f ar Ss he recollectedJ Did not know that r the teletram was sent some days after the meetlnglof the Board. a B. W. Stark took the standLrl Was anop-j erator of ,he I. Western . Union Telegraph Company at RaleighrHe had with him how alt' the telegrams sent from Kaleigh by.; Wj R, Cox to W Foster .French; or other per sons in Lumberton during the month bf AuP eust last. After some preliminarirsybfe dispatches-were produced onlhe written or der of the Court. J There Were only two of these dispatches,- bbth to CbL' French: The first reads: . ?? As you j love the ; State, hold Robeson." .The second is: ' Rbbeson must give certificates to our candidates." Both were signed with Gen. Cox's name, but he could not say they were in Gen. Cox's band-! writing. - They did, not seem to be both written in the same hand. There. Was no date on the messages, but they were record ed in his office August 9th. t Did not know who brought them to the office. Genti Cox was Chairman of the Democratic State Ex ecutive Committee. . 'A . good many tele grams were going off about that time Did not know that members of the Executive Committee sent telegrams signed with Gen. Cox's name.' He thought one of the! mes sages was in Gen. Cor s handwritingthe one : ( As yon love the - State, j bold Rober son." . Was not positive. . 'TN-'r- , W. Foster French testified: Received the telegram ! As you love the ' State, "- etc; Don't know that he didn't receive the other; This telegram was not an answer to any he had 6ent. Had , not : communicated' ' with Gen.' Cox or the Committee on these1 sub jects previous to its? receipt.- Had com municated this telegram to only ope of the County Commissioners Mr. ; , Morrison! Seat it to him by mail Ue (French) receiv ed the telegram about l o'clock Monday or Tuesday night, he thought. He was at home asleep whentbemeaseneer brought it NmdwaaoVrnim.i-eyions jo. see - m - . 1 wv- .telegrams nere ana ueanng .t&e preceding Witness he - had been under the impression that he received it as late as: Wednesday, Had: never known until he pet Jlr. (Mor rison in this Court ..whether . that telegram was received by him. ' Was not counsel for the Board until the mandamus case came 1 on at Greensboro. : Mr. Morrison lived about twenty-five miles . from him. Think he never spoke to any of , the other Com missioners about! the telegram, i Wasnot present at the proceedings upon the count ing of the votes. ,. Was at home asleep. After it was dver a lady happened to call, and froni her he had the first; information that it had been going on. ; He also beard some shouts. Did not remember- meeting any of the - Commissioners that evening saw Mr. Morrison on 'Monday, hp wever. Had also seen McLean, who said the Board did not see any need of reconsidering their action.'-' Wbuid not swear 'he did not get this second telegram.'1 He got a good many t e'egtams about, that time Thought CoL. McLean had been in practice over twenty years, y Hia reputation ' for learning 'i and ability was very high in Robeson. Thought the teleeram had not been received by him at time of his conversation with MrMor-; risOU on Monday., Mr, Morrison said at : that time that the-Board 'had decided not; j to reconsider Its -actiorHad no recollec tmn of.sceing CoL McLean that day.. ;Did seehim till some days after. He (McLean), was not drunk 'at -that timet ? Saw him du-; ring: the next week, somewhat under the in-; fluencef liquorvCi 'irMWAif: ,v. Stppheh S Ward recalled by the prose cutiony f Read from the minute-record . of the-Board the -record of Breceedincs for ; August 7th ; I Saturday. The poll-book of T:.. ... j n i, fore 12 o'clock he thought f Two or ther township poll-books had not been sent up to bim to this day. . . w;j '-!'"' l I The District Attorney received :permis-' sion to summon two' of the ' poll-holders: from each of the four rejected townships ; CoL French requesting that; the court bad; ruled in the mornipg; that the case, .could; not be delayed to bring in new witnesses, j In reply to a question of JodgeMeares,' whether he bad now any farther, evidence: te submit against his client, :UiePistrict Attorney replied - U4thai - he. i had . f not,' and -aL further1 stated : that j " in his; opinion no conspiracy- hadr been proven; against Gen. Cox-rthe evidence; tending to; show only that Jienadsenta telegram after the coiispiracy had .been: formed. K He did not desire, the further appearance of Geiu Cox ia the case. -1 r r f ! '; 5 . i Judge Meares called attention to the fact that .be had. ao.t asked the discharge .of his client. ,r , : ,L -...a : y j ,y! ' :' - . r The District Attorney, then,' would take the responsibility of entering a noil proL on behalf of the Government, if that , were necessary. , ., I ' . . . .. In response to ' an ' inquiry Of Judge Veares. the Court Stated that incase all the Trjtisoaera should be discharged, the records Land .affidavits herein would remain ih the nanus ui mu Aiuuik. . ; . - . ' "An adjournment wis' IheU6 had -until 10 A: at.' on Tesdaynextaijfjjiy;,jf54t3 till 0,i Cnnntr Consnmlsslonere. : ' The fiill Board met in called meeting at 'i Tbe.Board.proceeded to the election bf 1 a VOmmisaWOV. W UU UIV TOMU1VJ Wttf atoned by the resignation of Mr. A. H. drris. llrj p. : G'Bates wss ifiuf in nomi- Orured;:That the clerk notify. Mry Batea of nis election as a Conunissioner. : -. ; . The Board then resolved itself into a Board of Education, but adjourned with out the transaction of any business of in- si CelaRtpeSBrerlerjC.vwrtti-. . The case cf James Ileion,7 charged Vii-1",. bcitisjji tHcy fctVelectka in -AugtutgTwL-.'r-ubv . this county-toBruns I termot.Ctatintb-datte re., movea, -on : the anaavitrOf ,piau:tur, to.. Coiumhu.aoc?ty 'piryvj if 9?. t t-iring T before J-:ja-Jp ,fn A7ednesdayi hut; owing to the' Sbsence'of t important witnesses, it was again continued,- f on appluSSWal CTef0nr-cppna until tbe next term of Cplunbus Court. lThe same; partyy charged' with sUjing ' IheelectiputotiieFiretW city I pnine eamaaaysji.aopTp was 1 set foxa heariBgyesie rqayand wm to have t j been? the first ;caser-. taken, up daring, tbe. , 'motnIni"sessio.'A. n 1 TWcasesbf CelrttDaVlsaC.'hkrged . With being engaged in the electron riot here W the same day as f above 'stated', wast on' the affldavgph did not believe they could gef 'justice ia'Cblumbus, jantf uTuii of I their coonsei. Judge Cantwell, turned over H !fpr ffrlal itOhnextteof f mfUj Si "Dia-1 next. yx?:A31. , iiaU h it 1 iThaeftpb macleofitiie PinoVbW-fninihil ireccassjyAQdavW JRi-Sandeni iappeareacess - .... 1 .1- . r. . 1 o t !iaaci?wrWg theabbTf wAjearn.;tiier; application for a removal of the Case to the McKTbjf'statea mathe would bolihetwfoy. f appearanceat the: iheit term qf Columbus; Superior Courthnd thKmeantime, if; they, desiredtq dP! sq.they pould themselves make application atp the : Circuit. Court for such ; removal ; Judge ; McKoy ' takiog'the ground.we . prestl u, at li,wS notj within his paair1i$ Jpgpipji atj'p-J plication for the removal of ;a case front hi bwnp ahiherCortl, K;ff;l Vf1 rf On r eUrn CnneUenr.. , , , . , , ; The pcopositien to Jssne 3$8rOOO,000 ad?' dFtiohar CincibcaU bonds tbraeccre the' cbmpletiott,1 pjithpflc Railroad r to Chattanoogay seema to, have been endorsed at ' the pity election jnsf held, and we iHl1 csnli'expect 'ffo aid. in building the Tennesseq connections of pur roadsJ - The latter will probably get to Lexingtoni Ky;and f to Chattanooga,; one of these days, and with; their,' cocnec7 tions there.make Wihnington the terminus ; of the shortest practicable lines f rom Mem phis,Louisvilie and St.'r fuis, as well as -from'Cincinnati; to the seaboard, ; ' 'About 5 o'clock yesterday morning a fire was discovered in the mills bf W. D. Parker , & Co., of this town, and in a short time the whole mill was in a; flame, and. the entire premises, consisting of the Saw mill, cotton gin, press and grist mill, ' were consumed. Other light machinery and tools were burn ed, amounting ito perhaps. $5,000, with te;cbveredbyjinsu iJtlh " '5Danlel HcRae tcot.) lost his dwelling and nearly allipf 'hte1mrnit4re;i;Hia1os:i8'sup p(Bed !to:be'.raosty eotered. i by insurance. The fthough t e, thewprk f an u rr as op nre.couid z seen , at tl.e nrduring fi.etujgj:jry sy, -fjThese particubTreffe haTefram a.special LauHnbnrgcorreipondeti . .L' " ...M.V.r.-v -- j - - Bebberytrgxnrder' and, Arann.7" .'YreiGim arrived n JhiS;1;cUy;f ye8 store of a gentlemaflby- they name vpf;; Jlurphy,..at Lynchburg, S. C.p on the line of the W.,1 C. & A,,R.'rR,' was d to be pn fire about 2 Ai ; laL bn ThurBday last, which was entirely consumedywith: its Contents, consisting- bf a1 variety bf igbbds,- grocerier, provisions,! typrrible Uo yrelate,-' the body ; of the, unfortunate, owner of ; the premises wu discovered and removed from me ruins, when it was fotind to be horribly mutilated, ' several cuts . about the ? head, especlally. leading to the belief that he had been robbed and afterwards mutdered and his store set on ffrei' -5 He was a middle-aged -bachelor, lived alone in a, , p ortion of the Duuamg wnicn was ournea, ana was - re puted to have a bonsiderablelisuni.i of money -abput his; premises There is not the Brightest clue, "we' understand,"' to' the perpetrators of the hofribie crhseS4 ?i f" (D'tF JCWB r J- ; The Board met yesterday, at 12 o'clock, ha, called session; present, Jno. G. Wagner, ChauTnani and' Cbminissioners YanAm rhigeandN "' The' only business "bef ore the Board - was -that of drawing juries for the nSxt term of the Superior (nrt.for.,this county, .which resulteaa.foltowslg v First TFeiJ---Tbomas H. Simmon Al fred CorneiraV.'F. W. Foster; Jno. R. Snee- casp of .John. fCfi Smith; Hector Davis, iDanfeLipm wUnJ deni Wm. Prait, Henry Taylor John Cur- - - lis, B. F. Mithell, Jamea Bprunt, Franklin - li. Hewlett' Jos.' Davis. Solomon Reeves, -i - John Martin,! Williamf B. ; Giles W, , H. A Turlington, James K. Ciitlar, C .-'C. Morse, : j II Wm. .TnMey,? wm. j$.eHogger., ' czekiet Hollie, Christian Hussell, James. Jarmon, Wl H WaddellL Henry Whitehead. Wa Jacobs, Edward SluX' Wm. Jiartmy Wm. jHiUly A ochner, j Alexander Hooper, Abram Moseley. WnV. Powell." Benjamin Scott,' Aloato Bimmooa, DM-Daxt, Geo. Seeodn " HVJt--Wro. A. Williams. Sr . Benjamin FartoW, Roger Sullivan, - Ben ja- mia JT. wane, tante o. tenaer, camuei, Nixon, J. B. King, T. J. Sbulherland, Bam. J. Sneedett, Nathaniel Simmons, JobaH. Pugb, Edi TL tpry, Wm. L. Smith, ,Thoa. Short, John tiargrove, nasningion noyes, JPhn fjegwin, Robert ScarborbughLl ;:-f The JJoard. then a4joufnedyv Tbe Cennterfeltlna Ceee Prona Gelds , ' bereTle -Caen PlsnaUssd- The ease bf Pattlcki Edwards, charged with pa&wng counterfeit moneys came up fQr a uearb'g before TJ. '8. Commissioner Cttsstdev yesterday morning It will be re- bfnembered4batjMritJEwarda was arrested JUanday pigbt on tne arrival or me train, id response to 'a legram from UtiNurty iu Goldsboro upon whom.. the counterfeit was alleged.tb have been passedand lodged in jail to iwaU the necessary witnesses. p -. : Mr. W. T. Dortch, Jr., of Goldsboro ap peared for the defence. : '" - "J l" uThe fact of the; passias of the bCl was r I admitted but f there . was no, evidence to show mat me defendant anew tv to ne counterfeivand in the absencepf any ap parent intent on. the part of the accused to r commit a fraud,- and he having also proyea - a good character, the'; case waa dismissed ' j and Mr-Edwards . went, on .bis' way re ! toicm. mm .. ..if." '. . I- :i I 1 f j It ; 1. n - 'it- ; :i ' ' ' 4-. N I : 5 i : I .!:.: if, f r. ' 'i tv 1 V V i I.