-" , . t - ' , ' . - . ' " - ' ' ' I'."',.-' - j J j : ,1...-. ii'-i ? -. ..s 1- ; .... , - r - - 1 - ri - r i . k , ......... ..- r. ...! , . ; ' - . u 111 ' . i H V I ..! II 1 Year. : oeeee' s I So Ji:-iM tV fT'' T'' 1' 7:'. i 'P.J , ''4' .y'1 .t flVi frj ;l il j,.-tt.f rw m-mrV in' i ' " ."--7. ; ' '.f - "". L ; ' ., if . 1 '. " " 1 I1 i..', i . . j ut t .i . n u;....'' . f . . . ' .Tl : . III ' ' sssssaa.. v.s. s-5 ' . . , . , ,,.r III ' 'S7"7WT- 83SSSSS S Months 2 -Es.s '.B P 0 w a is M M S a a 2S888S8-- 2 Months S8SSSS3 ! i-li-li-leO is- v 1 Month S3 4 5? 4 3m . 3 3 Weeks s 9 is 3 sssssss S Weeks Si ?-s Lias: cp""" 3 .2 So SSSSSSS 1 Week : : : i Ai in 'naa S 9 C ! : r Pest Offi loney 4rler tey icd in all - the icitiea and in mnau of. tin larsetowns We consider them nerfectlvo&fl fe. ami the best means, of remitting tfty aoHarsj.! or tess.,x Vvr-n rYl'&y f,ffi5 0'"! 49-ReirlMtrel f.trnncler the Wer system, which went into effect Jime 1st. are a very safe means of Bending samUsoms of. mo-' ney where P. O. Honey Orders cannot he easily obtained; Observe, the Reaittry fee, as well as postage, mt be paid in stampa at the office where the letter Is mailed, or It will be liable to be sent to the Bead Letter Office. ; .Buy and offlx the ttamps both for pottage and registry pvt .71 the money and seal the letter in the pretence of . . A -- A 1 . . . . . i ir joct unu. s nu recapi jot h ; leilers ant to us in loia wy are at nnr nsK. , : r J- i f in Vi t ' of tfee v The subscription price y Star is as fo ti.tI.y:i...'fii1 air!' ;?;i5 Single Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 5 mbnthss : , v f i.oq 4 ,i ..II ; - V 11. r-n Clubs of 10 or more subscribers, one year, fl.2o per copy, strictly in ad vance. . ' - . " " . ' ."j'T No Club Bates for a period less than a year.. I i"v. Both old and new subscribers may he included in'makin? np Clubs. At the above prices the Weekly Star is, we think, the cheapest paper, in the State, and its circulation will he doubled in twelve months, if those who. have worked for its success in the past will increase .their efforts in the lutnre. i V. A COOoj EXAMPLB. -sfJ The municipal affairs pfthe town of Warrtwton and the administration of tin connty. government of VVaiv ren, in 4.1ns Slate, are managed , with consul m mate gpc d sense and liberali ty. The negroes are astly; prepon; , derant in numbers, but refusing to be misled by the seditions and merce nary, who iii other communities de ceive them to their injury, they wise-; Jy surrender into : the hands of the whites the control of local" matters. Hence the good order' maintained iff the town aim. county, and the econo my and honesty of ; the ' government. This state of things is largfely -due td the spiritlshown toward the colored people by the wbitejj, wha are among the staun chest of ..our stnrdyvKortb Carolina popiilsition. '1 Early in the days of lladical reconstruction,' an arrangement.. was, effected .between the races Wy whirh the : local govern ment was devolved for the; most part on tb6 white people Who assumed re- - . . , : . .-, . j i . . i : . r pponsibility for its prudent and boo-: le blacks reserved lo est conduct, T themselves pql tical . power-re'pre-sentaiiori' hi "the legislature. 5 The l wt races have um lormiy ; ana fit, me whi le gotten .on well together; .There eelitigl rio secret ani- hii- beeii iao- ill- m siues, up exc we nave a ided; to thia pleasant state of things aefor&i But the good example canuorTJeJrftenr'held ap and commended. ; At the election on ticket was i !eiecteo:; '. vuz 3mr,( M;.yor-Majo;rB.-b.;: Williams? m'H-rat. Uommissioners Dr. 3pel j. King, CUpt.ni Wm. J. : White Irigrames fc; Christmas and Eli Fell, ' white ?DwocratSp Jkmls 'Mj ,U:iiHm, "jiorefe" $em)CnLliiib Aarn OweiK Albert Buf eresL colored ltepuhlicanS. in i end!it Us tfi ik Vesu 1 il a' v aTued c 3',rt:dsntIWrites ?t.'rr;;. 1 i in; w uiura : I . : - i - the fiirporatipn, pie of ourtowh a i majority vin: but'the'CPlored peof ana connty are ,ais- posed to aet very fnendly oward the: whiten and give tdthernUU the!im-v p'riant position in the3 county f. so -lire whius, are inein that", they them tire'.same willing to slibw to a re rwill wig . to.giye chances, it I use the words white'and holorta. 'instead-of IemocraVi aVdT Spub)j6an because we ''hftyenQ,ww county.: ftbdegh we! haYeabotit two colored voters to one'wliite'i W have never had ian; disturbarices' 6 broils heWeeo' traw81i yhitea now thatlheyicapnotrjeatryip cally, so thet are content to f control the local affairs 6F the county: 5" m Boys jandgirw unotefTteriyears 2 "ge are not hereafter to be permitted to. work la the factories of Massachusetts. m. mB2t;t':JLl(D 'TUB it PBKSlDRRflV.i lj VJ;ia 1W.: often Bear; the remark J 1 No pan ot eminent '.abilities can reach he Presidency;. he pass; the'ordeal Ot &: convention. the jnonnhv will ta. tect-hirai' .v ... , . ... , ..... - ! , -r-'T . fn a J- e- At the risk of seeming 16 contra pict.ifijBjalmosit oniergal opimonWe will ."take positive issue with tho i1??, ..ntenis dictum,, though wo have no svieh : to-discdss -he tnatter tenwr .-the day6f ' Old Hickory f i Aaaj flfSPHbie;, custon) sto s choose orCiieiMa!i jarel'ivot1 Tn tellectaai 1 nakim,Bnt men-; wun nossiniv one or, two piccn 3nn) stances ha vo ket;the gtan t& in ief back Tgroond-fand ' the 3 giants haveprpbably beepYware tQ-biame thatff J theieople--the ftitibh has iionbtless olj' beepjil etSertThe best and wisest rulers of all, , nations have ; not .'been;' the; sLowjest ; the men who ! are, called j mediocre are" often. inort fsuccesstut in o ad mimstration ' than ( those sifted statesmen who ; are Sometimes in ao emergency i unablfr6m4!onef ibv firmity or other,: to jjet on the counsel that; theyso ;f reelyiye lb otherW Among the best jof later American Presidents have been Fillmore Pierce and Lincoln." The latter was greatly ridiculed When . he v?as nominated, but he proved a man of real genius, Pierce who was thought toj be a no body, turned , ont a fine Executive. So it appears that : fate jworks ironi cally to upset the Ppfans lof those. schemers who. take possession of con ventions in order to ;get!a President entirely subservient, through weak-- ness, to party machinery J or, to state it more correctly, the people have a finer sense of discrimlnatiou'than the politicians. --' ;i : ; AVe have uo fear of St. Louis ' on this score. -New York in 1868,' and Cincinnati and ; Baltimore in 1872 named first-class men fori the 'office. The example will probably; be fol lowed by St. Loms; llSTo man has yet j been mentioned prominently for the I.:--, -...... .. . r--; 1...- next nomination who jis not in'a high degree worthy of the honor ot 1 bearr ing the Democratic., standard: 0 on to victory. x i; . 1 SOfJTHBRr v OIBliEGATlOIfS.CAJC" VA8HNQ ; TUK PHKS1DENCT QUESTIOH. ; 1. 7 i ih.m il'.Lti.'i, . : ... . . , . " , ,:.! . f i . " M j. L .... I It is hot' the duly. of . Southern. De mocrats, we hold, toi insist that this ,man or that should be nominated for President at St. Louis. I Every intel ligent man i n ' the party, Kojrth and South, feels an-interest in' the mat ter, bnt peculiar,, reasons I exist why the Southern States- most jbe little more than passive peQtators of the contest. We cannot ):afford ijtbi be misnnderstood by the country. ;:AVe Have, a fight," as Wembers lbf the great party of constitutional reform; to a .vpice in, tne direction,, ot . us ax fairs, but ,. for the ageo4u -a f all: we should' Tefrain from taking anything1 like a prominent part f inf thej discus t&dias tiowgbinj on." The South is not desirous of bearing rule in the nation.' mi - - i a i agaiu. ; Yf j. ue . responsi oiuties . ana ; la bors of such a position as :she once held' are too great for her in i her present crippled and exi iausted?rcoiat dition." She needs time !ri which t6 .restore her industries iandVmakje j her jequaiin -point o weaun to tne.vher section. -Vj If sbe l goes .into: the; field' obw, even if 'she -does it in behalf; not ef her own peji.ujjar jjieories,' but of . those of the dominantsectldh,' she.iwill t)rb vbk4 harsh and nn Reeling.' criticism and perhaps (dp serious hqrt to ue party she. seeks vtjo; ; pe'Pi srand; isjBtrivingu tp serve'.1'" ;.. :i! i I Th6 Sothhedmg rest and quiet ;the interests of particular candidates tor, the Presidency and Vice Preset eu (Thgp of a choice -by ewsjpapra-or private cjtizehsisnhobj sending of delegations, accredited .or ;unac1ceaUedV b!"i nie rvie p'n&pecW ive candidates in advanoe lof the gen-: conventions-even ihave taken steps lor -t represeniaiipp .10.106,, general body if clearly wrong1. There is time enough in. which to form! an opinion, and really it is thcJ weakest ; thing , to do or rneo to associate, tberoelves m o-called delegatioh ?ra3 1 jJ.n 1 to lYashingtontpTia somebody's t broth-1 for hSto.'" E ven if the movement of the Virginians who rA.wpi.ivitp. uiiT uvcu iiBun supe 125 more than3 ariy'thing : lelseX W lpqk with favor upon : idovemcjau.-m Were recently i-in Washington was notpmg more tuan a private canens for the .purpose of finding on t the ptrongest man, it was unfortunate be cause Hi-timed and eatcnlated td be misunderstood. We, arer glad" to. see be veral of : the Vi rgi ma Cpnsefvati ve journals condemning the y jsit pf f-fiese i gentlemen. . The Hiehraona JState urging & jocat reason, say t ,,vwh I 'The telegraph reports an "liafbrmaf co' erence.T iifiict RtjVKasalpgtonron thepoliUj f aj situation .and the coming State Conyen-. ion ; bv eubdrv dfstrnitt'iished Vlf riniAftttc tWefhSDe 'theVhad 'a nknmint fime. h4t if they fancy that conferences at WashinctotL are going to.lead the Virginia, Con ventio, or make, however informal, "a slate,Mtbey , fu o waouj uiisia&eu. uejr wouia, m Tact;' much bettrhaTO.VcoDfeiTedBeahjrhoHie. for if .the Couyention at ;Eiphmond Yearns hat any special .policy, is urged upon itas from a conference at Washin ton ' that Con- jventionwiU be apt to cboose! tb opposite bf that poUcyr.efe ,"!iwjf '4 j vopying.-rwrrfly" wvrnspuccn , or- fpect for 'some of the ' gentleTnen engaged )nlhis business v is , such -that we caooot speak of. the ; movement , as otherwise, we vnnlrl ' t Ihe interviews of , this delegation with leading gentlemen at Witshingr ton.we. doubt nott were entirely fruitless in discovering that for which they were f- seeking an intelligent Idea of the field, and the duty;bf the pouth in the premises. , The latter they, could have ascertained at . less Cost.. . The first cannot be-obtained I . .... at this time, for there is no saying Who is '.the popular favorite.' The Virginia gentlemen shoald have remained at home, or if going was in their view. imperative they should have kept the mission strictly private. Expression of opinion by mdividua.8 is one thing,' organized delegations like this are auite anoth r. There is uo objection to indica ting a preference for Bayard, Han cock, Hendricks, or any one else; but let us have no more delegations from the South on a hunt for a candidate or a policy: . J We are almott persuaded to read the public a homily this beautiful spring morn ing on tfie subject of flowers in the dining room. Indeed, we feel disposed to quar rel with that taste which would exclude from the cheery board the cheeriest of all things without soul ah, flowers ' seem al most to have souls. They assuredly throw around them a sweetness and a beauty akin to the sweetness and the beauty.of the best human lives. Then .why do hot our Souths ern people, nurtured amid the wild luxuri-' ance of flowering vines,and teeming shrubs and incen8ebreatbingt. trees, .'decorate their tables, sideboards and other furniture and the walls of their dining-rooms with1 rich 'and fragrant flowers? 'The1 ancient Oreeks and Romans were more tasteful in toeir day and generation than we are in burs. And ihe . peoples of modern Europepr niany lof them, at leasthave kept up'the beauUful custom.' ; J ' - ' ' ; I ' - m' ; - - V. 8. nistriet Coaru ;i .a ...u ., : j In this , Court, yesterday, ia the case of te owners of the Steamer WvuTee vs.: the Schooner Katie Cba7i, beiog an actioa of libel for services; performed in savlmr, the : from shipwreck.ii: His Honor, Judge ks, after heariug argument decreed rper ; cent, salvage op tbeyajue-.of the .vjessel and cargo favor of the hbellaot&-i At 81 later hour, however, he.aBnouoced, his DarDOse to diminish the nertcebtnm of .sAlvage,4bnt we have not learned' what : amount nas neen nxea upon, -.iiie vessel . isj valued at $12,000, and: the cargb at f 18, P;making . an aggregate f t $30,000. Soof3eorge Davis appeared for the libels laints, Adam Empie, Esq., for; the dwners ! Of the cargo, and Afarsdem Bellamy, Esq., for the owners bf the .vessel.,'1 a 1 ' The following,, cases on the; cjUmmdJ ndpeket were disposed, of U v ,1 Yi: .a JphttyF, ?wher,: charged with . making ci tunterfeit ( mpoey ( was .f oucd guilty and se ntepced' to. impriapument at :bard Jabor. fcrtpne year,. j:tir diia-io Iphars yod,! charged jwilh -uttering and jpobhshgJ.couatrfett moneyH.. was n m igmHy,i and , sentenced; tq; iaiprispqi aj. aro laoor ior ope yeane d j $ itqq ing a valuable letter from ithe maili Was Muad guUtyi and: seateaeed?tof .inaprlso- nt at hard, labor :f or 4nyearjftiT pxvrtl. I lUewja,..!. vyopd charged; .witb passmg i cbuntfrfeit monyWCPontlnoed.pr r itc vuunBuiuu(uu josi, evcuiuic ior iue ef writing the above' we learn thaUhe RallvHffe in the .case of lh. W&i. . KTiwji ? tr. . 1 t i Skf. Katie Collins has been fixed bv his nrat 18 per cent., besides ' which' 80 stated. above, from; which ia to.be jfleducted and the. libeilan8 receive 18 rer cent, on the remainder, which isf$27;to0r i - 2 j -Ivj-. ." .': Ifsfc i ipiiH r, i The Republican County. Executive Cpm mUtee met at the Court House, yesterday and, selecte Juqe f be IQth as. the time, and. Wilmington as, the place f or the meeting of . the County Conyention,.fbr.thp purpose of, nominating county-oQce,-aBdeppokiting delegates to the State and CongreisidnU mittee presept were jS.; .anping. jphair.. maa, H; JL Scott, i.cecretaryand James Heatoti, a Van 'Amringe,f Henry Brewing ton,' WrB.1 Hafl, E.. SewlVU Mcdabe; Hiram Hanklns and W.H. Moore.. ' vessel Ldfoo &T7 - per cenu: isaiJowedWlBeaenTsave liihtering, aggregating $675.at;Tfig a'8se8secl,! value of the vessel and car&As tSO'OOO. as' . , eqwN-rr institutions. , , The followir 3 Is the report of the Grand fury, made at tLe, term: of 1 the , Superior bourt'iust Closed tf"sn' 'ih'ty'' " "M'f Bf ATri ! o 'Nor.Tit' CABdiiul. irsvr Ha w: fnr. Judrff4: Judicial District' of Itvfir The Grand Jrrors would resDectfnllv f- Ixrrrt that ti(s h.r.vo ilaftfrl- 'w:..-.V fhSCflUtfty Jall I Pttor .OJQUse.ahd.; Work House. ,5 - ' 1 , . 1 : . TanheiJMle cdflned 'twefarylght N-fe W f0?? If le -prJsfftieTaa gfjare ereu redand ceaaly. lue cells, floors,.walls a4aTrtbPtem:i are keptxceedfow clean-, nd the rr!-erserpress d.eep stoLI tude to theWrtA"- tt$femgTad aS 1 iu miiurv id..vi AA.vwaru, - iou me Kind lomne pefona perr Jnnea,4ney,,arft Kept separate as lo sex and coqtfUTon. ' - All are eil taken care of aadppiJai with sufficiency of good, end: wholesome; .food, J peaa oeaamg; ana ne - -wuoie- premises Lvptjneatnna ciean, ror wnien; ineU3uper atendent, Hv B. Scott, is to bp commended. r 10 tne Uodoty wprk House there are con fiaed4wenty4wQ malff and one.female Dri- boners from the penitentiary; and 4he 'fol lowing counties1. Penitentiary' convicts, D;' New Haaover county. 8; Columbus connrv. P; Bladen county, 2; Robeson county, 1. . i The prisoners are Well.fed with good and wholesome food, well, clothed, , aqd thp E remises In good order, while the. -prison-ousels clean and Well keptJ - : i .The lurors wish to recommend that pne Lewis Walker, from Columbus county, who is hlmd and has now only seven months to serve, , and from the recommendation of the Superintendent as to his good behavior, that he be discharged byi your Honor1, '? f There haa-not been an escape this year. TIih Superintendent complains that un der ti cuiitract to keep the prisoners; and he only reytaving those sentenced forshPrt term9, lhat by the time they learn their bnsl nesatlie tinteii expires ipr' they'-BreH dis- Charged, and he finds great difficulty to comply with his contract I without loss to bicoself as from the small aumber-of pri soners sent him he cannot get labor enough out of them hardly to keep them. ' : We find that all the regular retail liquor dealers keep their license tax; very prompt ly paid up. --i - J- . I All of which is respectfully; submitted. , P. W. Foster; Foreman. , Six Teara Defer the oelaratltt. ' f From .Mr. C, if. Harris, of the news stand, we have a copy of Tht Boston Gazette and Country Journa of Monday, March 12th, 177U, containing ah account of the riot be tween British soldiers and citizens on the streets of Boston a week previous, during which the citizens were fired upon by the soldiers, killing four outright and wound ing several others, some of them morjally. lit also contains the proceedings of several meetings in reference .to the stamn duties imposed by Great Britain, calling I upon all: tne patriots to abstain from Importing DrH .ti.-.-.ii.i -.--r-Ai .riL..tiJ 5J-j.: ubu fiuuus, a. icw uecespapj aiiicies except ed and to have no intercourse or dealings L.J ; '-t. i..l 1 '.-U -" 1 :! j- ' wua sucn mercnams or iraaesmen iwno failed to conform with an agreement to that effect j It contains an: account of the fu neral of the four victims, with instances of tne prevailing excitement among the ppp- mace, xc, f .... . ; . s Cooaty Covmuilonert. The Board met in adjourned session at 12 M. yesterday. Present ;J, G. Wagner, Esq.; Chairman, and Commisshmers Vah- Amrlngev Nixon and Davii Application having been made to the Board by the Board of Commissioners lender, county, , to turn Lover . all school f jmds belonging to Pender" cbunty, which 3e yei remaining in me nanas 01. xaijan ewlett; Cfeuhty Treasurer, ii was ordered' thatr. Elijah, Hewlett, Treasurer of ke'w! Hanovpr tounty, be directed to pay Mtex at schoolfuuda now in his Jiands .anibe. lo-nging to Pender county, aid, te take re- ilpt for the same, and that the Clerk of isBParoMniahElijahHew Treasu' rwifiakJopVbf mis irl v'5 i 'l- Z tThe Anditiiir Committee madei their re :pir,whicb j was, - on .motionti ordered rev ceived .ancj spreaj on the minutes. .nil ThebU.ping fr,artiea were granted retail li4uprJicensesVerraan :;Tietgend iJoeeph H. NeflV C,iSchulken.M. ,0: 'Hovsklra. irpauctiou: of taxes o Several lbOti Referred tq the next meeting ef thtnBoaid. 11 IS?0 t20 waspr?' red to be paid. , n-.. f ; i IBM ofeaetiff A.Y4 Horrell,pf Pender, for 2& 65, was ordered to be.pald.t U . iComhitssloner D: C. Davis was Disced oh the following kmltieei:!' Auditing com jrmitee. ' Finance committeel and rWork , .Hbuse ciMhmittee. 1 ' t if f r ' wfeEe appoiuUd . a committed to. -examine khe VahiatlbuW of . 1875, and .report aillreat powr(j valued unreaarmably JowSaid tek jOn motion, .the chairman. J- G.tIV;agne,r, apd D. C. Davis, were appointed a comp inittee to find oiit th names of all parties tli at arpealihg in spirituous ljqOors, by the retail, under Upited States licenses. . T" f lino jxiaru ureu aujuurucu uuui iue imru Monday; fenHaywu ,in-.hW)1 v tii-' State ''m eiileaV Soele eu n owl eda- 1 ! - ' ' ' ! 1 ....... - tM : . -J.:. it HthVloWer couhHespiWar' ixue uieiuuers ui iuiueuivn uruiession tiott,! who) attended the .recent aanua) ijon pf -the, North CaroKaa Medical As ;sobiarionat - ,FaveUeville held &:meatinr. t alpne; to the. proprietor of the boat for courtesies extended, but aiso in an espeqlal manner to their accomplished commanders and kind-hear tedgenHe menVtyapts.' W. A Robeson, i of i the Jsteamer W aw, - and Capt . Wrth iPf tbe steamer t.Fti?.who8ACon stant pare and attention richly.deserves thia spontaneous expression pf purappreciation ; and that the,Secretarv:pf i tbis. meeting.js hereby requested tp hand to them this res olutioftof thanksfrl ft.frMiif .... rt;! Byiorde;pt the meeting ,f 4 i WAt? gAiniiWjY, Sec'jr. H-Thet Grand Juryvefuhe!'TI.?S; jwiiiuii vuurijjiu ;cpoiui.vAo aoo n cva, returned 23 true pills during, the term. f In the Poor House, we find the paupers f well candomf ortably cldtttedJfes oa&,Tt 1 iteamer Hfioc, and, , l ' V " r -' I li'That uranks A) egcntlemsir fatoTarborosendi tjs 4 wnieaniarejifii iavthe shane iof: an old lewsnaner. issued vat Rait! Printing Oficej in UatkeC street opposite' the Coffee Housej and ealled the Maiylmfl kiid 'Hatiirrwre Journal and Advertiier; "con-' taniogthe Freshest Adrioes; both"Fdreign kn d ;pomesic,i This paper was obtained. jn'Sti Catherine1, Bra4u,1y the 1 he'pheW of the gentleman alluded to; ppwipfi board f the rUT S. , Steamer Brooklyn. . .While she Was lying in that pbrtbP k certalri occaslou, U.fseemti MleXWcanArttancaieC .Maryland Jiving there. Twhq. mi-r grated1 slxtyyeW ago? W Whc? jhad fi ne paper among his clothing, and made ju:sty3,i oiji, ai wui uo one nnnared ree years! 'on the 20th next A'ubst. tPvflaner; issued-Vpne.Pt the n features connected with, ltoutside of. ts antiquity, is the fact that ir ebntains'-an; dyprpsmen$,oyer Vashinffton. I Whoi: havinsr obtained rar. ntsif or Xupwasdaof artwentyH thousand! cres of land, on the Ohio and Great Sized sebemeata thatJmight badesh-ed; and Iease them npoa moderate terms; The tdvertisement is dated at 5Monnt Vernon uijuna, m,vivuvocu 1U UIY1UD 1ULU anv in, Virginia, J uly 15177aL?! iTaepubiiaher, In this, the initial number ef . his paper,, in an address to the public,alludes to the dif ficulty pf obtaining a proper assortment of printing materials and an adequate .number of subscribers to defray the charge Pf print ing a Weekly newspaper ; alsp to the lack of mail facilities in that section of the coun try, reerett in e that he had been 'brevented from carrying out a cherished plan kf ?: es ClHIiah.nn. a T.l.!... 1. T)L!I.' rauuoHiug a lUUfi 11U1U XMUMU1UAO IAJ A 11111 deiphia, to set out from the last mentioned place early on Monday morning and to ar rive herejBaltimorel on Tuesday evening," whereby I should receive the Massachusetts, Connecticut, - JNew . York, ; Pennsylvania,' and sometimes the British and Irish papers, and be enabled to publish the Journal with the proper advices,, deliver it to , the , cus tomers In town, and forward It to Annapo lis and the lower counties, on Thursday morning, several hours before the, arrival of the King's Ppst." The paper is invery iairstate of preservation,-, considering-its '(.I J.iliiJ i, J i , : J J. Attempted mar Oar I j;tf if hto J On Mppdayvnight lasttjMr. John Zim merman, of Grant, township, in this county, was sitting at a window of f his residence engaged in smoking, when some Pne fired at him with a shot gun, loaded with bnek- shot, two or three of which struck him: iir tho head. That he escaped . death; under the circumstances, is considered almost i a miracle. Suspicion, we understand, rests, upon a colored man bv the name of James Donaldson, and a warrant has been issued by Thomas Williams, Esq., a magistrate of the township, for the arrest of the suspect ed individual, but he. had not been can- tured at last accounts, j The only motive that can be imagined to account for this attempt upon his life, is the fact that Mr. Zimmerman accused Donaldson a short time since of stealing a hog; A Centennial Pltetaer. . A gentleman writing us from Loveland, H. Cy ors that afew days since, while a the residence of W. A King; Esq., in Cum-' berland county, his estimable wife showed him a pitchermadeoverti century-ago. It Is .made of what merchants call "C O.B ware and bordered 'With1 blue. On one side is a raised bust of Washington, sur- roiinded by a half circle of thirteen stars, and on the other, a spread-winged: eagle. This relic has been in her possession, over thirty years. It was originally the proper ty of Mr. John Brown, of Bladen county, who was a brother of Col. Thomas Brown,' of Tory Hole notoriety. ?; ;' i U Whd knows, suggests our correspondent, but that Cornwallis drank buttermilk . out or it on his retreat to Wilmington ? , If he did it was lb durance vile." -The bitcher- has 1776 stamped onit and has every cap. Dearahce of old age: Mrs,;jtooffy wno, Dy tne way; is a Bister ' CaDt W. J. Potter, so well known in our tityhai also a chair and pistol of rev- luuonary memory. sii;;f . ?i j v-t 1 Though these things may not '.'add to the fame or brighten the escutcheon of bur an-' ceslrj,'! they .are curiosities in themselvea iateresting to examine, and will illustrate Iwjbat improvements have been made' m such .thinuring thp: last hundred years. JUnabrtn, ed Templars. ' ThejGpod ! Templars of the. Eighth Dis trict met -Jn copveatipni at Xfumberton on Thursday. Quilp a, (large number were in attendance, aeduch-intereat manifested. iDelegates reported thehf Lodges In 'good jcdndition;'On Thursdaj night a publie meeuog was . jieia aw me muj.hu kmwci ich was addressed by Captt W,.J; Stanly., Dlsrict Deputy. ,G. W? p.. T., apd tlev. J., lUndaU, ' pf r Smithville. Thta , body meeta oh' the 5th ' ot 'ftoyember "nex at. some place tobe designated by the Deputy. jMatteis are - qaiet in and " around Lun berton. and , everybody, busy preparing f pr iue larmiog seasuo.' - . - - ' j jiii Tiv i .iiaV--ii 1 ' .A ConTet9 Sentenced, to , the Penlteo v jTbe5 following isra list of' the' coctt jsentenced ;tb; the Penitentiary during 'the recent term of the Saperipr; Court forWs Cbunjtyj byj pHonor Judge McKpj, tp gather f wit h4he time allotted for each to pervean. bu t one being j sent ior larceny : iWrHt'Swaiff, years1 j David5 Bryant; 10 yearat tisboh- Samuetv 8 'yean Charles Harp, ft years i Emanuel Brown, 55 years Y Jlrry Forbes, 10 ye arsi Saml. Council, 5 Uars ;'Heh:6hrivef, trrmwardr Rjegister, 10 years1 f George Griff; 10 years V George nWilliams (assault 'and battery). years ; David Davis, ' 10 : yearn jThpmas eeks j 0 -years j , Alexapder .Melver, 8 years ;r Julia? Shields, 8: years ; Albert Her rlbtil?a' ydars HenrynParker? 3 yeart ? iftiMSM Jrb j iBetertCromi .convicted of repioviag a hiiiiolia: plant -from1 he' Cemetery, was lebtencd" to, tfie1 .Wbrkmbuse' for Wtf yeain fittalii'iiiiiij -ii-r-i n ; I !AU the; above "are4 colored, 'except Wm. waitf f(bf Bfunsw1ck)Un ()7eeksl and all males 'except Julia Shields, ' colored; m4 :ti3Jiam-4ir&tti k -:;We jfegret toleartfthatj CoL; county who has been seriously ill for the jpast twq;6r3threejwe will take place to-day. " ; , r j i . - s ':::ririo J-.iUls A notber r tti "Nation' L.awaiac' m Yleida , tierare the charms or !; Treainrr Girl. ; - - mi? Washington tetter1 fntne ClVyelihd'P&a:5 1 tAnotheivTreasury girl haa found a: and clothes are promised. When the I powers hat. be ordained a "r6dn6tioh T or lorcesiOTWWhere.'-seVerar Klerks flispngrg in tees tnenf:' tihratedf tiehatbib: ci:.:il . , fTaceniibrighyc. - . i led. and ratherrrirettv. Sha-ffvn.: t hb Mohftira5 !mbbd sW suseebtible hat her eTjarmsrma3e sehous':havod at thejf first -Msi 9 iAti'th'e'ecohd; there was a total: surrender, an. abso' lute lay ingjrjo wn-not a-stretching pntr4c( ama on both sides. ' After; this ceremony; definite tefms of - ca pitulation 'iwere'; arranged ' and the young i lady 4 went homer duly . en-s gagedf; She still exists Jn that bliss ful state, but the wedding is not far pflV Looking down5 with admiration1 at the carefully bombed hair of that happy toaa the other day; I wonder ed if itwonld be. as smooth when she should bomb jt hereafter, and if he had yet taken the weed off his hat. I ; Of course, itlis ali: the ; effect of senator Christiancy's example. :I am told, that the Senator's girlish bride is putting on matronly; airs, avows tjbat ' she would never advise any young lady 1 to marry a public man, since Buch gentlemen were quite too much engrossed with affairs of State to pay proper attention to. their bet ter halves. There are ten widowers left in the Senate. Do von sunnose for a minute that MrsJ Christiancv's auyiuo wuuiu weiffn anytninp snouia one of those distinguished men pro poser . ' Ne Bespeet for the Law. , ; , : ; fRichmond Dispatch.1 ; George Fitzhugh, the sociologist, maintains in one of his books - that written constitutions are worthless, seeing that a prejudiced or an unduly excited Legislature never pays any attention to . their provisions. :The proceedings of Congress during the recentt'j rebellion " in this country inu8t have convinced every Southern man that that body, at deastlhad no f m.oi'-iOTi,ire vousiiiuiiou than for one of Georsjo IIL's procla-: uiabiuus auu viuiabeu it witu . as in- tle ) compunction, , as it would ,: haye manifested in pocketing its own pay But the' war was ended"feleven 'years ago, and bnewopld - expect to find amongst,, Northern men - some, evi--dence. at prejudice and passion havp lost' 'their '.sway. VBut " nbt 8p. f Shake the Ted fag ot rebellion at any northern man, especially if he' be.; a Ilepublican, and- be instantly; becomes blind.-,: The New York.Wr buiie, whose blindness in the, Dayeh pbrt case we had occasion to point out; manifesto the samb failing in ihe' case of Senator Mortpn,. who; it:is proved, used forgone purpose alarge ssum. of. money; wwen naa oeen.i apprppriaveQ for Another. It Ij was all . right, says theVltiniThfet coperheadsf of IhdjanaWouldbt f urhhh' him' what : i,e needed to.assist int-putting ; &o iwhj j the. rebellion,,' and therefore it was perfectly proper f Pr him and Stanton tb use' unlawfully 'money which Cbri esaliadplaced I where j they; could" I Suefa- evidences of -the : State sof :, f eelingf id ; the ; jNbfth; jtbwirdsthe; ia: minor: consideration .compared with the- xorrnptibn of "the public morals which i- indicated by the "Tribune's articles; TheC vSHbune'f could', offer exactly. the samajargamenta in justi ficatiPn J of Morton'a conduct if , he .had stolen the' money. And if he cw be justified afad,s Davenport can ' be iustified for ' takin's money by law set aside for one purpose, and using l lorva purpose ior wnicn inee wat no law authorizing its use, then ihey could 'just fis' easily "be vjuitified if H a good cause. ; ii.bUitjx S. 1 j tL Crime fa Sontb Carolina. si-J,r; 1 ICamden AibmTiaLf ;ttJ jLasi Monday fR. EV Rowellaod cle!bhH Alleif ivenf' with1 a 'warrant YA frtrjpsiB;Snihr jeat:a norse..jtnter iroro, (iVarungwui,. f or whose apprehensibd a reward had been offbred,1 atid Whd was1 5oncealbd abduVnidb' miles irbror 'Camden; 'west' man,' whose; name we( nave, oot-ascer-) be allowed toiZP into a house near, bi which request was granted liAfc t an an absence bf a e wt3mbmenttihe fae J oiiiihe rtlfaeputJesIj-e'jwle charge of buckshot; from; one ; barrel 4 1 Was lodged in ' 'the stomach of Mr. KowbmMrllbff 'pmmfW 'thedJfledwUhbuty jury, but Mr. Rb well dieAWednej&.j ay morning.. Mr.-: R.'!;bas been! an. jLimdeh and vicinity for some months JvMl- i ' -Jl'ij.l JU ii pasu WOTK.IUK a um ueu wci, auu uas always! deportedbimpslf welUAjfter, snooting, wis wouiu.jjiiiurucrer caped and has not 'yet'1 been heard - i-- ! ; -: . f . . , -.: J -.. i w !-r- Mark Twain has, in the . press m. , the American Pubhshine Cpmpapy, . Hart-, ford, a new book entitled, ,The.; Adven tures or 10m oawyer." ' tiihed was foufnd and' taken m to eus Addyfeto askd fnWardiant emerged ! ,f rdm, ytbel. hdtify ' . wit Col.q C -A, 'iCSllevnrasi elected r Mayor of Lenoh: ' -'..r J--.- CkuCPDkffisimixihHVthfl ;.! ' Danville.iVaiM ahyely paper. ' f r ; 1 ' 1 - AAW -COrreHondpnt..Arinrn : . Col . Junius Jaksforttoiey.GejieraJ,"' ': tt. Another paper for Oxford to JiOgeCOmhe count v. wm hiimpil Tno I j The-naswellwhfeat crop -is lock- Ipg Weir- Jf ltrf-rrfp .f-sii .t -a rVij -.;.. -i.: -Vr" , i and is yisiting relatives in TarbPto? '" -" f .iriOib;j-viTti-i.M ... - Jar candtdate? , . . TOgiy 3esbc -"-:-, vJ J irotaai. ; 1 ian I b JjUhis .discourse ! r- A.iS.,PearP.Sn:ir,f -O&eteenth- is suggested by some one for Attoreenth GeneraL.ivwisfifej tef: , ? -.iThe newly elected Aldermeb in : . " rlfewbern have chosen James Campbell for ,Maybr4..; s . n3.fdvmwht-i--ln -; The; DupUn ,Hecord - wants Mr. , !.kW. Kerr for Presidentlsl Tlprtoi- in i.o ; -The State8yille;jiw6rca says I Miss Mollie Davis jumped from an unruly ! horse abd fractured. one Pf her legs. : - j i Mr. J. F, Murrill; r formerly of Onslow; late editor, was elected Mayor of ' Hickory. ;: . ; I -D. L. Simons, , of Washington, hiad the misfortune to have his kitchen, apd r table furniture burned a few days ago. ! ? I ! HiclcbfyjR Gatawba cbuiity I says, for Con eress,1 ; first, M.1 L.THcC6rkle; ' and second, Z. B. Vance.: , .i . ; ; I ' At the; late imunieipali election . i 3 . at Elizabeth City.i ex-Congressman C. .L.. I , (" BuUer's little "j Cobb worked and voted I ' for the Democratic ticket jfmi . .y ; ' The- Magnolia Record7 prefers -Tilden for Preddent. and David. S.'Reid 1 . for Governor, in the event Vance declines the nomination.-1 i I Col. now Rev. J. K. Conally: 1 has left the Baptisf"Theol6gicar Seminary at Greenville, ,aad settled near:A&heville as a missionary.. j f. . r j : The new Mayor of Salem is MrJ . R. L. Patterson: Winston's new Mayor is Mr. D. P. Mast. ,: , ' ;:' ':" ; Hannah Robbins, a colored girll of ' Newbern, was mortally ' burned last Wednesday night. . r .;a : i i j The smoke house of Mr.' A. M.i Sullivan, Jot Rowan,' was robhed r a ftw ' nignts since.: Also that of Mr. i H. Marsh, Of the same county. . . ,,..;, . , ' ! On Wedm&day; : tEe-:Sd,-r Rev. Sylvester iiH naii. . -fiya?: ColTegej .was married-toi MjssFannie Aj. i Woodard, ol t Wilson,, ;4 . -T - : ! Raleigh, Jews: Alfred -Perry i hiadea Hole muth:hand1ifi'pFayiPg1 With ta; litUe pistol oatHargettptreeU-ygsr) , . . 1 baletn ytrcss A Yadkin County: friend informs1 us1 that ' the 1 stni-fiouse! of ' Isaac Atwood) was .consumed iPJi?e-re-,, ; cently, together with Mike Myers, who was; confined in the building atthetinieVf '!J- 1 j -RaleighjJVWfi;tWcj learn that' Mrs.1 McLean, ,pnce Miss iannie Daves, f . Newbern, .takes part in the Centennial mu- 1 sic at- Pbiladelphiav. "$he'-WasPaeMef Hhe : fstreceived out of if our thousand appli-' , cants. ' " ' f ' "'f' pThe ltb bf' May hasbbenp pointed for a-' convention of delegates; from all the Mas,onio tLodges. west of. the ,Blue i ? Ridgel to considerFthe' interest of tonbani ' work in that section; audio takeiprelimip j; t ary steps for erecting bufldings on thp land j donated bV,Mr.Pease at AsheVifle. ' '"'-i ' 1 1 -Windsor 2Stm&i&t'Milfo&& ' :f rom Norfolk.; to flWilmington rnnnipg,,.j t through; YVmton, i Wipdspr, jamesTille, Washington; and" thence through3 'Onslow C H. to Wilmington, would ive life and vitality tor our section and riches" to. bur!' .people f;ij-:fif ;t---ii:fcir:iiil p,r f-tThe" CeTtfral?Jfr&t&mtiaY : r.i CoL;j:ohnA.qGilmer; .of nGreensbore'wlll I. deliver the Literary Address at Yadkin Ool-i lege Commencemen, May4 25thanflf Rev.' ; Cicerq F, Hftros.Presid'iOf theMetbod-', 'ist Protestant Conference, will preach the'-' ''sermon. u''i SJ 1 f-i 4ibu5 ?st'.j a -Winston Anmfc&The ' flour-? : ing-mill of Lord Lindsay; situated pn the. . , Yadkin River, some 12 miles from Salis bury' was destroyed! byifireon 'Mdnday. i: night pf last. week. ,f Loss, $9,000 with, no',. the burning-have been .'arrested;; ?ki hikiw--. f rC Oxford fel us, .from looking over State exchanges, v A that there are more Jgodd country papers North CPlma th& ever hefpre.f ; MBnsti.4- ' "rate they are, vastly In advance of the,pa-,jv, f : Ters,ibf 1858. when wd - first -formally : mounted the... trippd. ..We could; name a..rt : dozen country papers mas woumi.oc creui i- ableto'any State. ji J i adt-iftmii JmiHtU r Raleigh JTetoai The;.Centenil r.i authorities at, Philadelphia have ; given tj ladies of 'this city Until the' first of July ihe. to' ' get ready tbeir flag, 7; The lidies now hetal! t only twp hundred dollars moras the sum j .complete to fit tip thb flag' ttiai wilt dblHb'1 to the ? State , They, will bayelthe flag', ,j the coat of arms ef North Carolina. Kinc's 1 ' 'Mouiatain' MefeklenDUi-'iDeclaratlPh,'Hui'' 'net's Neeii'p.uilford CourJrHou8eKD the t y 1 battle of Moore's Creek.- They are now aaxiPmr forth design 'that North CtirollD a " " ' word on heu-flai?. ia the aforesaid battles, as. t ihey. wish tp put the samp design bh (he .; nag tuey a' getting ptv no-iarr'e : ; 4f I -T- Wilson "Advance: The action of .i theitadlcal Executive1 doWmitteeatGbials-V ' .boro last i Fiida;: in; ignoring s Jlymhn's; ; elateisas .a delegate to thp Cincinnati Con- , S v6tftiohrufs.,onig of 'tne straws whichhaw-1, - how tha Radusat wmd.ts blowg. Hy ?pa. j rpame ae all .the way from Whington, on a 'darr leave" bf absencb.arid had WnisiJ'; ' ten pockfcV a, ticket alreadyprv;ure4 to piii-.iT viuuau aiu reiuru, uuvuia uuiumitiee gave ": - . him the cold sbbulder.and maaeMabsoelof - Edgeepmbe,rnd a. new-fledged white. Radr :ca, named Page, the delegates. John" was ' lradiy eisappomted and 'talked In a yery defiant and independent manner, He 4'A. saw ' the trick that Was being Blayedr and' when they offered to make him an alternate f as a salve to. his wounded pridet he spurned t " the insult, Vafid declared he would go to ' ' ' ' Cincinnati and look taf tei the taterest o I his constituents on his own hook.; When , jhe Nominating Convention assembles By- v man will meet the same fate, that befel him . v t" on Friday. He will, be snubbed . again. -The wires have been arranged tdleaveltfm -'', andaU;Other .negroi.aspfrnt3 oq( iathe,.?' cold; . r.1 i- i i

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