fTTVl : tv- -i r oeuxr xue ; joeQ ; auu auwijr mow ? 1 .-. .IU.;1 -V r;; I , nlA followed-v idmevefv ie masica duet. ,.4Thcnwah in- f I m - . . l a. i :--Y H id 8 'fl ts M o ts $1.50 a Year; in; advance. ,1 : ISS8SS88 TeSgSSS8u' -WttntTl-S8888Sg I 882888' S Meatus j 1 -. . - S888888., . k'j3888S8SiT j jj-rJ -jeJ. -i-trtij Li. i;4 .8S888ii uCT4gE?33a (i 2 36- '. ot-x to , ;y,-, - ! el ' J. --J t-jgg88S88:f 1 Week : eee-g L ; '" ' , - : & w s , ?- j ?' '- , , , -- -r t g, 1 OHHSMi-ttH-H . . t .,;t ; I ; - - i . I - : ,. H id a "C 3 9 S H C r-S8 - SB z obtainoaman tne ernes, lnn?e towns, ! We consider and the beat means of ren 7-RerlierelrlLetr.nndr tbette vstem. which Went Into effeet June lft. are v'ry safe means of sanding antal) sums of nio IS ygS I in f the Fri thempertectlyeafe, iiUi; is'n iajrC is of sending maii sums or roo i - f,-- - --u ' -' - i cMoMey osiers cannot be easUytLoais Convention ftmakinsn a bad rlt.n.lnA(l. .. Ohjumex- nnstasre, wujw oc pata in stamp at rne emce l to he sent to the Dead Letter Office. Awvosd I ijfl-jtthe stamp both' for poitoiffe and registry,, putt I iit themoneff and spal the Utter in the presence of 'A' vo&matter and take M receipt or it. .tetters. rt to in tbh war are at our risk.- ' i - : Subsciiption Price. Theaabscription price of the Wetck i t Staii Is as follows : ; r Single Copy I year,. postage paid, $1.50. t 6 months;': v; f 4V f ' l.Otf 3 - " . " , .50 Clubs of 10 or more subscribers, one year, $1.25 per copy; strictly-in axU vance. ' -t.M-1 :'; -uiii E" No Club Bates for : a period less than a year. ... . ( , . . : i.,c"$ Both old iand new subscribers iriay; be included in makiner.up Clubs. . ; :At the above"prices; tbeWKBkir; Star isl wp t.hinlc; thA AhAanMt nanr i in the State, and, its circulation wilt I le doubled in twelve months, if those j who have worked for its success in the: past will increase, their, efforts, in the mture. : " . -. -! l-i J;i;;a i ' LET NOT XIIK TWO Til I ft DS KDl.R : 1'BB ABANDONED. ' J . SeVjt'ralJtmriials of our iariyhave come o.ut in favor of f abolishin g the; lime-hoiiored ;rule of .Democratic' National Conventions, that no nomi-" nation shall be made except by .two thirds of ;tlie members. . There: i some weight in the objections raised to the rule,' but ; in our humble judg ment not enough to act as a counter i poise to the manifest advantages. These objections are about all stated oy ine xvicnmonu usjsjjuict. Aiiai paper; argues :r9.ra "j "?"?! r e i I j rule of ourcAmerican system.oL BUK f rage; that the rule of -the m5f natural rale :omen.?jVVithout-dis-: I . , i I ""00'"f fc V"r ? -7 ' r !, ceniaiion wnicn is xue oniy naiura t obiectwns loTthe,,two-thirds rule in I ,j I . V ' , e . conventions in me language 01 ine i JJispdtch, and then see if these are ;..;..V.;;.'.i.-!; : ' - ' n -r. 1 -I t Convention that: they thirds (or one, less than myiuiheir way.1It en- if ' Uie'WiniDRiinir Hiay prevent, two thirds two-tuirds) from li ablt'S men to ustr ther lurther? taeir treat deal wasted in a large delegatloq' to acquire ah undae in nienc since by changing' their solid vote i rum one aspirant to another, as a favorable occasion offers. they : attract attention to tneimlrea nd become the . object of in- trijjne and -crruption."''ItT"pu'.8'a man of prol u n d-- abilii its, un at txiHfrieBce, qunlii itvitb- tbejeast riiuts. MiUce tite. "The Uo-thirds mle is well calcolatedio r The Guilfotd 1 County ', CsekyatlVe ducks 5075 cts a pairj parcley, 5 cents! a , brinir'to the front new men.: and oerhaos I 1 ' 'Y..rv:iTi'Lzi:; L I bunch: carrots, 5c a pound ; nee 1020d a .'we migut-say; iocomrtents."lt is a pre-l vnVn mid in' offered to maicontenfs anil ernm- flrppnsbrtro: arid ad6bt4d k ' series of I per necki liver ptiddinsf, 20qB lbt blood lil.,rH It nmifies one third f the members I h V ' - '' 1 .1 .! I middiotr. 25 cU WlVbi i . OVSters New Biverl - . . ..r. :.. , I .aanliilmna iitliii mhiilli lrlnldrrili)4 try I ';. ' .. " , ; -iderepuiaiion; and . 7T1 I iiMltiiviiiriMl liHi nrwiM an' t roorvm morula hia" nnnminat irin 'Tl ho It . 7":r jTTilir l. rrrl'I. "."rtr'-rT.Ty7-m, qualified of tbeaspi- ,lY . -: jiwU: vcryltrPuieiib9yegiea- lnmu large number of. u Ket.rejwsuch aprwmWei.frid EmaiffiW thGullford delea ions tctbt Stale; resoli as ef can oV ; WW-rfe-JPfS lr niuTiw gateaiMlto.11vo.for,8ttcbcanA .insSitfenViha(iBe : ''l i, ru'r.,Tt;.h ':, riL 1mr,.t lid- n,r tohltiVbi 'rio1 ?lt KoiiT Tirkj dtsr, Wh baVe' had4be:ihdependerietb!sfe-1 - , . ., - , f k -.jh -. i-i T'ai- iit..'iJ'5i' nil btntifJ--'i .imlt&tttam liNewuBtoievet'iwia 4hlnS -ajid'' -'wholes fight against5 the small-potato mote the harmony rand; ucce$j cd: the ct.fr.ilvenisejye iar tb - Cojaventiot it' iMMipikihitieis;thk Dlioi'nse JayeUel 1 v f , ? 1 tniii a x ti -ilfiiMiLZf'. u ":.. i.winiiC kiHitxySuiHltit'. tjlate OonvenTiott' at 1 Raleigh cOn the 74tb ter Totiansof the ,'Cnveation-jU ft- interests of that party being esteemed , 'phx.,'Joi--!tl 9d t; i9q?aa fmm 1" 1 ,! donbidlV 'he sis lheri. l.Thereie identteawitfif-th!in)e 1 several of himl aiid'he is av very iii- State. 'L4-f tleteunfystr ! Kd?nt r ? i srinil i I r.IlV;A cif' u 'iJ :uTl.n JAitSnUl ;quesq5d:taloikbbvtLes aSmUitiwolaS - -portant ief sooaue in his .own , est- Such is the, true coqrsd for an con- !ilAn7a r ifl-h rnnsmWattoita -nft v u-yin'nf iAuii fl-.wiHi j - i tiiuta i-- -rm-.'.i it.w ,hvie-M.t f-;)-jWil ti-i'd.- -.1 piiania, ana an aeinsn , consiaeraiioBa ipi i fRirt. hn HnPHn't , .r.arrv, the veutions. to pnrs'ue. -And ksnch the locality, aDd(-alHdbatrioticduty. to go . . ' "J:i.f L':f i.!.-' l-i Anini Vot jtakmil1 lanimnf m nil i mtr I ; convention oreecut-pc,i.-j.i?-.j,?Mw " 1 t jorll.agret - i';ii;.;:hi!Cur:ia' ts 1 to locality. didateHe meddles; be would ped paramount toine dl in PamdiaP if Jiecould ever ffif rants and the-selfish COhsider$tiohs pf ! 8tst .tr,.!i i n .y ylnp ; die m 1 aradise,!! Jiecouia ever ge , . , f.:j!tj:.H ; :.,,T ; .-ifi5ff VI :Ii j .v The Secretary ,waMirected,to. send, thes there1 Wd-meddling' wereiaHowed Iocality. ;-; Yl i ihi preediogstotbeparfy bapfe6f Wilming-: ingiwinks, and his WDlipereKl advice, " ' "r",' r" " J a MWugn jouqgjn, jears,Jweasw,jgiar-( ?! hdsyll PMtrl PStateanye bit-.. jn-.i ,rv; J '' dardlionatea man who Is'be-. Urnesa over-tbeiv.wonliof honors in ln 'akuJnd w iaii j Sjio;'lie the -party. .-Itveiy:asjpiring .tion wFront fr lead: .Wmaevu ' 'rrinii feerthaV tm3 Sf:6hof fs 'to Mo county.we jethatutWul prfeoner , j. vV "J.fnWii '"Mi. ' vJ-rf-ifo-WiV'' John LambrargedTwjthTthe, murder of a profoPn4 contempt for ffof wjipeiij" 1 duty-iparty-and , the Slate: - ;1 .i. w ' likeHhe' noble-J15flgfi8h!J LbfdJ; wha in' Whatsoever Vt eeems'tnostrfitting nty iuMehiy Uihfhmi turned-qu'b'iynw-wt yoong member ?'ttd svailibUl, .f AUl'kn. 4'- compe-- prison Wednesday .nVaiid -vruTto b . ii t -Knv . -S . . , , J. ,j r,JJ .t;i J)t : . ' " "" ".. .' . " " v V --" . .'" r " ; i- ": ' .- :':;--- Tr " ' '.: j -f - j - ... ;. - ' -. .' . - . - ' '.'.-., -- ' :: n ' j - ,' . i i . '"' ,i .; "-"'. - .ri. '--:.:'; '.":". . U - .. '' i :;'-. ' ' . . : ;. :; " -Y,Ym . - .--.'-:y:yvy-::: ;, -, .:,;; ;a ' " - : " ' " U;l '. ' ii 1 I . ! 4 ' " ' -. 'u ' 1 I - i . - 1 ; , I , , I t .. v.: .. ,1 l . 1 I t Jil I " l b I .14.1 fr.lC;-H4 V i-11 I 1 ' 1 M It e;19 5icar-::the;riyrah of; sdoht f fedrplas talent must-be ; Winded iJS nl? elected, the- very ablest esecutivk" .j., . H . " .iSr'i s-fisa Wo '; --e. :'-''t4U;Sv i-T (wiUiU ucoeedf Wfll IIvraanArid 1 jrUentja) well -a tlie'' brawny mi-spiittferj did. ,;Ctov4; lugirsoll- is perhaps lio whit Uess able "io t riiue vvr the' plenty iof. available ;rca :. iber isfrallv; little; daS cafldidatesuoari daef.6e:tbeSt. cnoice. t : : . .r i : j ... , 4 . '' The ' twcwthirdfl i rtiile has nositiva f P"?" frXif-'.ift j,f i 'jji; j ' i . I I advantages, to which the, party must " :. 't' . "." t J. .not shot Its -eye.' advantages mo e Bjri't.v fe!! L-t .!'! ir;.;u.:vtif n 'iS'.ni o; conspicuous ever since the de-1 party is.greater.thatver.hTq!i lake 1 'iy.-u Wi--J j-trHi - - .i p.- lb' i! r r - , .- 1 I presseshim upon then Contention nr minority n : the; a Usnali v ruH i-slwing doned, the jirejadiuek ,J - t Huat now hexisl "in certain states J agams states ii atrauist i ew l ors . nominations-prt-i udices which we have, in jpreviofts !. :T oontehded should I ; ber .laid asme-f- would be strengthened ! and the - de-i l feat of the party be raado robable, if uot certain Itf would sfin.io In diana Ohio lie j forcing a ,: ami a iiunwy u wn uiem. uy uare majority ahi under peculiar'; circum- gtancty whoni' and whtch they do not want and could notsastauiJ . Wonld it 5e fair to place! the brave Demo crats of these two important Com- moii wealths in such a trying position ? , ..5:...J... -- -.-... f, ' f-j ' ' - - Hemember they 1 have much ti Tor- giye oeiore.iney can stami much . im position as that ; would be. As long as men are not- ill - philosophers; if would be well to I keei this 1 oint in View. 1 ; fcJ -! .-.e1 r-. - f . I f ; We have :,nbt case at , all, but simply to present time, to argne tlie; have f Wpavorod I a few reasons why tne next Rational Convention should not depart from,but should more close , - adheVe toVl)emocrc iaV iri in manner of votinir for rinirilnppri vAnd i . . o ,r.- : I ;' -",-- " .Mji fi be satisfied withtbellayd nniaita ttVA.thll'H'li NDlthA-h' llO r n ly I f r . ;i m ;.v'2t. y"-' ' ': I anv other man I wnoTinaL jnpraios I enougklo brevenfbisse6nririgatw6- . . , - o a -j .-s - : r pi ;,i i his beinr the stroncrest r man ' in ; the lLA-JkAti:: Li'iLtLi Will bMreniVthi lemooravic.panon ng j ST AX K POLITICS IlNSBLFIIu - r it' i . r ' t t . , : . lift .'IITE'W. xLPitr r resolutions, after which delgateia the State and District Conventions . rVXi' fi rst choice of ! : thet Conserv atives of Guilford for. Governor; The ieecond. .-,t V i- - 2 " 4- - -t-x ! . and in many of the l uiiuan , jiia ijmeiif . i uuen as 4 I 11 nn ,i,A .-f - Sooloa ; trt. f!nnrrnOE ,-anrl 1 tinno t f)i. rnnnla "ffT fili T,ilaifti r . 1: VThe'necro is a creda- 1 fbfe"bv 'bea mea'ariii 'wifv ftldw I w hq. eou n tv Ojo, huo - for f his vote; btit . deny to him .a share.of the loaves fiahea wheritj practicable to Tfihriis a ; j pretty clittle- 8cheme'' of oetiie aiiuDiiipmiiin, put. ine tuing may. ot" work.- It mayhang'?fire like Keel v's motor. !But we shall see1 TH9''ehkinel thinks f Juge Head e ..... A '--!."- - ' . . ' - .lttay.be introduced UDpn t "v iv ,' ' - r , the fight between Docken tne arena, ii llrvltt -TvAft .nAAn TVaaV..,. Aml aI f in , ' - ft; 1 j.- ?r , . ; rttmo ago. But oar Kaleieh contem- nnf!l"C la Alottrltr tmisfalran ohnnt 1h :' VV,: .; tne Pock- ery willi we think, have -more than a dozen oottn ties " to back his a wreteht l n 8tons. ' If BrogdeiV is disposed of sat isfactorily, and is out of the .field ent tirely, Dockery will probably be ; ypi", j'ted . for ; iii the .Convention as tli in the .Convention as the w... .. ? ' . ior ine nonimauou are not so tnreaa- bare as the Sentinel supposes they are. He may go to the front, espe cially in the event of a triangular WAHO, TOWNSHIP AND CO DSTT The Democratic Conservative Cou-t vention of New, Hanover Connty will meet in this city on next Satardayj the 20ih ;of May. To prepare for this meetings should be held m every township, as contemplated by theEx-i ecutive Committee. We suppose that! such meetings have been appointed, ana peruaps some or tnem neiu, but we, nuaru ui. no luoveiueui, save iu tuis city, to secure representation m the Convention. dHectingsJwilCbe held in the various. wards on Tnesday -evening, me iqwi mm,. w2llBM111 u.i.ii The following,. prices ruled yesterday :j Annies. -MricdV 124 cents oer -nonnrlr drie neaches 2oe per pound: walnuts; 23: cents' . per peck; pickles, 20 cents per, dozen ; 18 CCPlS rPand5 hutter$0 ; grown fowls 7580 a pair geese $i 50 per oo.r. luuif 1 fS7'ar - naTnnntuI hnaf fon-rh.' joi5ift rti. -Mi loiiAsk:' ed) 1210115c. per POuna: veaL 12KllDfC. perpouna; muuon, itio cis. perppunai nam. lu&aio cts. per pounu; 6nouiaers.u I -riutts. addr: sturcrcon.' 25 cts, a chUnkfSlbs'i I notatoes. new Irish.40o a pecfc : uewsweei potatoes, newlnsh40o Specie; uew sweet wvu i . . 1 20 cents a peek:' fish trout 25c. per bunch' t mullets 1025 cents. per bunch; turnips, ' 1 10 ' fcenl a 1 bunch : ' onions. 60 cents I a u.lr. oohhamw 1 (U7h9fi -fi Antt i a bead: bolocna - 2a cents a jpoundr wild UVVBt ; . WflkW VUWK . H $l 00 per gallon; dot cauliflower, 1025 jj per hunch; turkeys 2 Sound. 20 .eta a ouart :; cents ; ' celery, 25 cents 20c perpound sausajse. a straw ber peck. Ifi! 5 UtTKGAW, ll'ENDJER V0., Jttay 13. Editors Star: .The J Democratic: Gonsen f ive nnrtv of 'Penderr assembled in,Countv r fAnifAA'tiAn (AAifiAt fh!a Thor-fli for. the strangest, best aadnottadamarrt ts aBdoyejao.?rth9UtjreKaid aodthis ja thejQnly-rue grpMnd everV member of bur nartv who aucceBaiud tb reembtWof 'the vtj-a v?: rail i i iii,'. i i l . inr I JOiiW! J irt i A ,-. f,: fl - ' 1 v I .. ! 12 A r 1 1 Retlsnatlon AeceptelForiy or Fifty; 1 Wjli Wh draw 'trim Him "! '"-J ? f n'f,coctinuatibK . . ; . .. i . I .-u,.! i . 1 i.'. be troubles of . Dr Morari landMhe Bethai aay Church' V iometvbat lengthy', accouai Wliich we gaves!lnyest(Braay paerV2 bf have thefoUowibgf fitomthe BaltlnSt Mln arlfonrnfea meeHasr'of 4WRriil-irfla oi:Bethan vlndendeni yeibhmlb &hi& iastfihl rmercnsldfc tfatiotj. bT'the esiiaaibh6 Hevt irVfedfa4?wh1cttt4nd it Ihe1 toeetineffes llklas'meetirirbt the bbard &'proposiiion f was made i&'DflIof- make his resignatioti take effeb't from m date. It would beaceebted.' and hla'Aafntv- wouid be paid to: jlhe'dml'of tbeyearfor, signatipn wasT accordingly accepted, acd a check f f or the balance of his salar giyen him.' After 'Dr. Moran had left the meet- ing, tne loupwing resolutions were adopted as aa offset to his statement read on Sunday last in liBtbany chureh 4ff.f : - r r: J ; WHsmasjlev. Bi S. Mbran. D. D.I pastor of Bethany Xndependent Methodist Church,, has, contrary to the spirit and custom of the- Christian Church, 1 thought "fit.B from the pulpit 01 our churcb, to make charges against several of the officers and members of 1 the church, which charges, have ap peared in the public 'newspapers, ; the quarterly conference -hating met for the purpose of considering the mattery dode-, dare-aa follows 'vtv4r .i-?-.tV .K ii That nothing whatever was saidO done by aBy of .the official iboard, or by any meinbi f of the church, that could justify the extraordinary sialeroenl made, or war rant the grobb attack, upon the person and character of metMbers of the church, from the PUtpit on Sunday vlast, and before the congregation and without any privilege of reply.;: We. moreover do solemnly; 'declare that nothing was said or done in the quar terly conference by the parties referred to by name in the same i statements, viz: Charles J. Baker and , Charles E, j Baker, that could in the slightest degree merit the charge of being ' "arrogant, unreasonable' and arbitrary dictation."; And, moreover, never was there evinced at any time by those brethren a claim or design to rule the' church, or to ask for moire ' than what was due and with common consent 'accorded to them by their brother members. !) ; We, therefore, do most emphatically de-; dare our enure and implicit confidence in tbeir Christian character; and our approval and endorsement of their conduct and for bearaace under i great (provocation. No violence of manner was exhibited, lor any language used by them unbecoming Chris tian gentlemen. We, moreover, j declare and hereby express ouraympathy with and entire cootidence in the integrity, piety and fitness of Jos. B, Hodgson for position of the recording steward he now . holds! in the church, and his qualifications for any posi tion of honor Or trust to Which his modesty would anow nun to aspire.:! in conclusion and reply to the Jlev RJ S.1 Moran, D. D., we win not uripg against nim a Tailing fac- oisation,'deingr BwchfeotwBb cord with charily and ths Word of , God, ii ;; " "Jab. Bi Hodgson, Secretary. i t-'t As Dr.'.Moran'8 resigoation takes -effect immediately,' he will not occupy the pulpit of Bethany church on Sunday next, and i it will be niled by one of the delegates to the General-Coufereuce. . It is stated that a strong feeling of sympathy for the pastor brevails amon? manv members of the con gregation, and that between forty find fifty bave sigmned, their intention ol severing thetf connection with lielhaoy church. ; i oniltw 8aprlor Court. Solicitor Norment was in the city yester day,- having just returned from Onslow 6u- perior (Uourt.t there were about sixty pases on the criminal docket all of which wei-e disused of,; with (he exception of the tvjo caoiLai casea. wnicn were conunuea oyer. These were! Wm. T. ' Jackson au balpb Snow; charged' -with the murderj. in? this city of a Colored musician by the name of William Jackson, about fifteen or, sixteen months ago,' and which! was! removed to 'Ohslbwcbunjy on the afSdarit of the prls-. pper iui -ne jpouia ,001.1 ge-i jusHoe.iiere; audwrigat-Hradiey, cblored; charged With the, iriurder5! Mr; IJeBseT. Sahdlio: in count ;.of 5whichi p)"rio:'jitBpaper shortly after the homicide Was committed.' application Kpf ,J ackson'f. counsel, p, pail and nxed tne amount at fo.uuu, as was in-' timated in cTiyirfSr; 'frnt, uu to the tinieM (hat the Soficitor lef t, the prisoner: bad not i Hutu ii . fii 'i i lf.Hi i fi -t utii -L i aucisiuen iu npinm ,pecegBrjf ,tui-? ty. It is not probable that, ;he, .will t be re. turned to our jail, the: Sheriff informs us,' in case 1 he Should fail 'to give the! bonc(, it. being VnVi,re han likely 'thai he Vill be ebn-f fined at Jacksonville until theineXtm if ,m yw"ru; ,i;i .n i-.'.y.. i ns The Jarkou allaaSua w, rase, ;,, We learn that the, tnbOiapksqn ,m BnowVwhk-h' was. set fori Wednesday! in the' ClowurrioCdnC ppnuflue, on yeuauMcyivv vyjy. quence of the. absence bf a material wit .lege tot bail; .was . arguedj and it,is reported. wittl how-touch truth' we dabnbtsay possr-; tlveiytiiatmeamoa ew adavsieiocejniWhii.r&fily8wai wis chosen the leader of the party In that toWhm shibriJErMB(isafy" hasiheretoforer been 4 considered the ,,wheelrsel6uklt see'nUtl VispartvV-e I - - . i . r I - - - it 'ire abont to Ignore' bis claims eritirely,- fuo.-t.T"Trttt-t-H i."-2u--'-L'i''tin fit ea tilL ii:if.-ol We .'noticed some very: fine native liay on' the wbarf.' foot of Dock street, yesteW Ai,fl,-iVii' -Mantatin-n (of Tl'r I..- ! asithe bstiitprjbsro hayr-- It is grown'On 'old rice Iand;'an3 'averages la! ton t& Ihe. . ISUO" U1H iw iodi. Ulgui., sou UMie- ness in'the person of James Burgess.- The vi lAr friend wtlliuc US. Xrom:Sm4lh;vUle 6a sfine'elii.irof Repanlicw!sWM!heid4f colored I 'school house i in lba't tacj-.i K Winants, near taurcity, which, was pro. 'nonnWd b co'mpeent j Wee's ltd Was good Ttcfethrecri fneJopJie'yw-J I Til i Yftn:..fii?-To;i. K l.'-f'efcli'-edj1 it t tir f itS. ft .if- 'n 't 0:i iilQVMiMt -TUB; BETrtAMY i tOPrCKBOATfojx :ptmfwnc- ftW Tito nelgWatin or'iie Sri, UH3 Mottreartlnit Prompted. Ill Wltb drawaliXfatdry f the Dlffieal- . .' ' " . 'Tri..:i ' mr. . - Tne steward! tnTona . 1- 'r mtaif r ui Baltinidre fiassexte.- ,t5' IW iuadershdingu-th&toi. ir a" -ri t j T-.i rs cmarliuifflcuft -thai c has1 bedu peadlog for lom$ timdi i I la view; however loathes incomplete and garbled accounts tht bsje Apparedjin spme of the jCity -papers, care has been taken to ascertain the correct uiuereoct may be stated.! as ? fully explained .'below,' that what appears to sbe ani irreconcUabie1 difference-has arisen-betweea: the pastor Rev. R Moran, D. I., and Mr. Charles X, Baker and otherrgenUemeni constituting tue xoaru oi oiewarus. : - The matter was first publicly agitated On, Sunday morning last, when Dr."' Moran as-' toBiahed his congregation .by .stating, at the close of his sermon, that he would I teodfer his resignation last evening; to take effect at the close of the first year of his pastor ate in September next. The reasons as-- signed for so doing he set forth in a -stkte-4 ment which he made and which' wasalso read at the evening service; ." He said; 'that, I the xausc, and the only pause, of the,ac(n which he proposed to.take. was that he per sistently refused to nominate James Bi Hodgson as steward of Bethany church, pf to' waive his right to make the' nomination,' on the ground that he could i not j conscien-. tiouslydio7believlngTiIh fpr that office.- ' The statement continues to the effect that Mr. Charles J. Baker, I at the meeting where Dr. Moran refused to nomi-" nate Mr. Hodgson, he (Mr. . Baker) arose,' and, with violence of manner, stated that in view of the position "which Dr. Moran had taken, his (Dr. Moran's) term of service; as pastor of Bethany church must end by the 1st of September next, and that neither he nor his family could hereafter hear Dr. Moran preach or sit under his ministry, j The statement then goes on as follows: The members of the quarterly 'conference will," I think, bear me witness that I lis tened to this assault with great calmness, though I frankly own it was the calmness pf contempt. raiy oniy repiy was mat no threat that either he or his son,! Charles E. Baker, could make, and no inducement that Beth any church could offer, would have", the slightest influence in causing me to do What I felt tobeiiOTrongiactririnilhe issue this formed I stood, firmlv. as I still stand. dn! f 0ck of adamant. , 1 am ready to leave uetnany pr Baltimore, or,, it need.be, by tne grace oi uog, to leaye theworld.like my Divine Master.rather than dishonor my cpnscience j and disobey-rGdd' in yielding for one, moment to such arro gant,1 unreasonable and arbitrary' dictation. The statement concludes as, follows: I have. asked no man's sympathy. ( I have solicited no man's vote to sustain me in the issue I have made with Mr. .Baker and his minions. .' I claim ho credit for maintaining the ground I -have taken. ; To do- other-. wise under, the . circumstances, r ordinary Christian manhood; common honesty, would be impossible; 'j-o ai A meeting of the board of, stewards was held last night in the lecture-room of the church for- the purpose! of receiving Ithe resignation, nf thn pastor. Dr. Moran pre sided, nearly all the members of the board being present.' 1 Before' discussing the7 ques tion otDr,; Mqran'a resignation te subject of the election of. Mr, J., B. Hodgson to the' board of stewards Was brought op. : Dr. Moran, who as pastor of the church made tlie nominations for the board, declined to nominate Mr. " Hodgson at the last meeting, . upon, the ground ;that be declined to make any other nomination, and announced tha oflice of sedretaryj which Mf. Hodgson had held, vacatrtt'rMdeciiriojras said to IjeJ contrary tQ!onetw,hichrh9 rendered some time before, to the effect that officers held over y ntil their re-election or the election of ithelr successors. ( After a great deal of dis cussion ;u0on the s4b jectj , and Concessions ?being made by the board, and the pastor, c Mr. Hodgson" waselectecLT Tbe' eiisting ' d iffipblties'Were'theu dlscussed.' Dr: Horan was charged 'by a member of the ' board -with having made the matter public by the statement which he r -rea$ from, the pulpit' Sunday and he, in, reply, averred that Una 'actiooauad been forced upon him. ' j . Mr. Vl'JI Baker inquhed what 'Df. rMp ran meant by saying the board was actna ted by a bad spirit, and that he, (Mr. ; Ba ker) was actuaiejbyj ble and uniust motives... He desired to kbow Of the; board Whether he or Dr, Mo Tan was to beisu8tainedr,-u:;ru: i i. Lir.tAioranJsaiaue; inouguti tpeconere- xgatipa oMKht. to ,know ,'tbe. if aclfl of ; the . ease' without .his, gpijagj jba.toa? on;sUtement,' anu lie nauusea me worua 10 wnicn xnr Jpaker hbjMcted id in his statement because tbtjy expf esseo. wnai ne waniea' to1 say m the very "mildest terms he .could use; '.-He did changed one word, m'jhja statement, as uy prepareo, ana roaae it reaq -run-; iasohableT insteWd of "infamous. After some farther discussion,' Mr? Baker aceased Dr. Moran - of haViDgt made an -as-. sault-uoonr him. I A f,fR .i .bh'i.f ,;iir, Moran repneu tnaine uaauseuinnir sfaTeentthe terms Mr.' Baker and hU, mThlonS'aad be' was not coin? to take it in Furtheis jdiapussion, .followed when ;Djr.; M,orap;an.nounced that he had prepare h)s resignation and , w6uld readit, He then; Broceded 1 read the pjfefer,9 Mhffl 1 feave Bethany dependent! Methodist Church prevented te' pubfishtngHhi parucniars . op me existing uiuerenctas whichn'ate'aEiitimed lhe:sbape of a "decided seBsatlo West- BaimdreBrieify Ht3 'trieHLiisfeaSta&'fcTigaiag as --being because curred, and hRaBcluilfiil hy-tbanking friends who had staoiuqr mm, ing those who-were , ppppspd, harbor - any -feelings of enm Idhfoay th resfffnatloW wefeomadiv but Dry Moranf ruled them hueStion.1 wheh Dr. Afiloran. in an exerted manmA; . ATrJaimftd -"Rtot ., Rlr. vnn nrft' outrageous, Sir; ypu usurp my, power, Sufi and continued to make' Use of olhef expres sions1 Of a similar character, also saying. if'your sgrey baits,' are i .entitled to ,; respect, ana,,tpej aipDo.prwi.cHtyop, oif ;uhs is vp a repetition of the bne-mah power." &c t t "oUb1eMrBakM:madetio reply. Dr. Moran was reauestcd lo witharaw, bis resiir- nation, but thikbetftW d to do and the. atU about 11,0'ctopk. jpf, order;,, apd instedupou, spmedefiflite action, being taken. J. ,H, . T . ,,. ', tHrWnarlvlil:LBakerwas abdiirtd nntthe' when it was-, mmuaiiy oaj t J-i-il .m-rij-W-.-itrt lvs s - . agreed- to defer ac- T !TJi'tTf hOJQ k4 tioni npo it nntf Thursday jeyemngiC next. Jx is hoped in the meantime that thadiffi fealty Wilf be amicably settlidi ' vas t& i y j j-fApcprd-jng tpj the statement ofj Mn jphajs; J.; Baker and another gentleman 1 p( the ooard or stewards;! tne enure trouble Las arisen put of an-iuacQuracy ;in .he,; apepuht of MK' llbdffson. whicli Dr. Moran ied'hiin. (Mr. ,Bakcr to thidk he believed tpi beib tenticnaLjiruodgson. feeling aggrieveq, laid the matter before ihe ' board of ste-sa-dswho heard; the storiiui of bothroartiek .which were entirely ;atariance, and; then , advised them tdlet the niatterropT'fe" mey siaia.rit.wnsagreea toactrrruBmprn iDg after the meetiag Mr., Hodgson, tf ts alfeeed, 'said thdt Dr. Moran hart' "bed bht Of JtroiThis fcomimr to the nastora earsled to inquiry, and Dr. Moran, believing that Mi Hodgson had made usebf the' remark, ,declii4p,ornin4te hijn jfenifilectipo jo the board of stewards at a meeting held some time 'since: ' ' .' VMi tr vMR Baker asked Dr, Mpran;'i reasons for neciining to maae tne norainauon,! which, he refused to give to the meetiog,J but said he would commnnicale, them to jiny mem ber privately. . He said, however', he, did net cobslderJffr5rodgs3h a competent or suitable person for the office of secretary of fthe board., Subsequently Dr. Moran said me ooara was actuated oy a bad spirit; to, which Mr. Baker took, umbrage, and after some words, stated that neither he nor his family could sit under the ministry of Dr. Moran; Jtfr. i C. E. Baker .also intimated that Df . Moran's resignation wduld be 'ac cepted IFoQowing this came the statement by Dr. Moran on Sunday last and the meet ing last night !' What the ' final result ' may' be it.is fmposslblc f6. predict i ? :-, .y l:ti ; -UtGazette Editorial Comment, , , iHere in pur midst we have recently: had scenes of strife and contention in the churches,1 arising in some cases out of dif ferences of . opinion as tp the . manner in which they should be run. The latest One is the Bethany church Warr- In this case it arose out, of the; appointing power. , i Mr. Charles J. Baker, who, as he declared in his great Canton7 speech, " runs' ! Bethany church, lias insisted upon the appointment of a .Mr. Hodgson to the Board of Stew ards whom the minister j Mr;. Morah, con sidered an unfit person. The question of uc fitness arose On an ; entry ' iu one of the books' ef. the ; Church, Which: raised a point of veracity between Mr.. Hodgson and the 'pastor. Mj. Hodgson said that 'the minister had "lied out of. the difficulty. The minister therefore firmly refused to ap point him to the board of Stewarts, and Mr. Baker insisted that-he should be appointed. Whatever' may be the original rights or wrongs of the question; it seems clear that Mr. Moran has the , nominating power,' and that he bad the right nay, it was his duty not to appoint a man hostile to himself,' and whose presence in the board of neces sity impaired his ministerial efficiency.! Mr. Baker resolutely insisted on his own appoint ing power.and threatened to dismiss Mr. Mo ran and meanwhile leave the church with his family. Mr. Moran has therefore resigned. Mr. Charles J. Baker does not claim to be a lay pope, or to be personally infallible-pat least not in express termsj Inx,,run ning" Bethany church he has run off .the Rev. Mr. Williams and the Rev. Mr Poul son. ; Now he has run off Mr. Moran; and these we think ought to., make him, doubt the "success" of his ' "running'' houses' of worshipr - Wfr db not suppose, howeve,- tbat tie cauever be brought: to doubt bis. own' wisdom, and it is probable that be wilt make yet another effort to -supply peinany epprpu' witn a.PjergymaUii-wao wiu come up to his ldcau , . . ISRAEL'S tJHlfjV Vit;4&- Dedication of tlie Je-wUh Temple -Tettterday IutercMtinsr' CeremetttH- :An Able and, CalUollO; soaj Choice 91 a ale, etc. etc. , , j The first place consecrated to ( Hebrew stands at the ! southeast corner ' ot 'Fomthd and Market Btreets. This suhslantial arid elegant building was dedicated yesterday. amid the solemn And imposing ceremonies of this most ancient , .of ali 'churches to lae' wdrsbJp"oSf the dod of Israel.' Tickets" of aamisslon nad beeriksued' to as: many:e sons as could be' seated, imd "sh8rt(y 5 aft. 3 V clock .the temple was full abd the fcerfe- monies began. fL -a V; v-3 Before we record, the procecdiegson the occasion let us briefly sketch the; interior of the building: . , . - fc Oneriteringv theeyd is5 dazzted wifh'tlie.' colors -of blended light that ' stream - in through the richly stained glass windows. The.liCarpetii8 t brilliant wittt25flowe of (is jwaxesi.h.iies .caMRd in garlands and bouquets on the emerald surf ace. - The auar is coverea wiia imperial purpie veircp, and on eaph side of : It 'stand the seven iy m-. cal lights supported by two bronze columns,; in front of .which arel jtwo marble basins' filled with fiowers.upheld by marble.caryk tides. Vases of flowers are, .iojietjm graceful profusion, and crowns . pfroses' and evergreens hang from the chandejieis- around the rdbnl"The Ark is'of'whii marble and 'grey stone, '-excisptiagv the black tables ci.stone.whjchvarer btM'blii marble; peaf pg(,pp itheir: surf ace. the t' glittering gilt letters. ; The '"s'anctum sam torum, which':was? exposed td Vie W V-oi part of the Interesting end lmpressive' Cer-; raonial,' seems to bd draped wStbitbe. rfchjTyrlan dje as.tte ajtar ppnibjoed-f;! era 'ott which were'- Ihseribed '' two Hebrew eharacters.,t abbfeviatfons1 ' TheXJrown-of ihe3Lawlfro(v ?ro I riiThe peryicejrop m people stan'dirg'Wd file chtnr singlhg, the processiOn'mbyed fdrwW4f fke ce ; tre aisle ta thefptdpit vHere the procession' halteWnbeiark was qpeneLand . bernacies. O jJdrtt 61 losisl 'Tnrbukh Thir . t.i, ? . .... . .... it V. abundant goooness ana mereyMtvwe en- Apred Thy: bouse,Mdtherefowereternt - ly,Wqrshin Tliee ft -53J holy pahctuary. . 9M ' MM A - - - r T t ' ira. Aui . J t.. ;rven the - apot where ,y ; glory dwe aweu- eth. i Here, then."' 'will - we 'worship, folds.of lace,,, la.the Holy of Holies WR deposited the "Scrolls of the Law," enclosed In silken coveHn rabbi dehvered- the following short and, ap- r r overcome; in -erecUngrerbuHding,, of -the t gratitsde, ihe,a6dThe RPSTfSr"1 ie t9 Christians as well. as Jaws .for-the assistance j rendered dsmpjitliy fexressea, and ;of ; tKeeasurelt afforded hM as'Chiirmau j; of theikSiit ommitlt3 "celiver the ley of: the temple to ,the,;o.ngregalipri. riA.ll ; ; thrsi5was saidi veryj;happilyfc - Ip. response ; Solomoa,BeariJE,,theJPresident accept ed inbehalf? of ihe congregation : the -.tru&t lmpdsed, and1 ihtf well--rcob"ceived speech ;T expressed his!feellnonth ' theHedicatlcn of tfie first Israelitlsh place ;: .i.CbJHiJ! ,;the,Aeven- branched "lights i in front of ihe Ark resipenty a. prayer was succeeded by the law around lha bmlrnnjg jn solemn nroces'. ;t- sioa ana repiacea tnem is tne atk. in a so horbuiandcom dlathicUyanwhinreryf ; ts properace,Mr!M abeau u"f ul Enellsh-hymn ' which was charminsil v r 'The rahhannqunced tkat.hls .discourse would be .upon the words of the nineteenth -verse! of the one . hundred . and eighteenth Pslm-)penimtd methe gktesjef ht eoutmsiji:ittbAt I may enter .therein-and praise, the tiOrd." ;tv., , " : " '" 1 Seldom' has ' -suck ardiscourse ever heen preacbed by one" having so slight su expe rience with the language.-: , Mr. : Mendel sohn, we understand, has only been in the country five years,' 'and has studied English oh'yduring that time. Considering this fact the sermon was a most remarkable one in the purity of its style of composition and in? the enunciation and accentuation 'of the speaker. That it was a ' scholarly . ser mon, one of great power and beautyy was evident frdm the- marked 'effect Indexed upon the faces of the hearers. -: That It was a most eloquent address,1 burning into the hearts of the more sympathetic among his auditory; was . . likewise apparent. Mr. Mendelsohn is at once 'a thinkerj an elocutionist, and a popular preacher. f . His eloquence ,1a. of the sort that is made np . of equal parts of earnest argument and ap peal and of pathos, bound together by tlie bond of sympathetiojnanneraadl fused and warmed to ta white heat by the ringing tones of a Bplehdidj voice; s The sermon' was first an address on Jewish liberty as slowly won from-the ages,' and then an ex hortation to his own people' to be true to their history, tradition and faith. Under the first head he drew a picture of the condition . of the Israelites at "the time spoken of 'in the text and context, and. then a -brighter picture Of the glprioUS Maccabean age, to which he!: likened .thel present prosperous 'vrotyipa&lch .of-.-the condition of ' Ihs race: i n , Nprth. Carol i n a followed, with, appropriate, reference to ihe .devotion of the; Jews to; lhet laws of the" land: ; He animadverted Upon the fact that, :&bugfrebtf-to 'worship' f God faa 4n .' science i dictated Was guaranteed $oA the Jaeljtes under-itbet nearly-.a, bunedjyearsjja not Util ! 18C1 " that VlheV Couslliu 'troqof tbe fetatp wassomended ! as to allow Jews td uh6ld Office' tie1said rt was iot.hisf fnlentiou by recalling this much of hisloiry toiupHtahi : anybody nt dimply to jhow; how ggrealr as jjther; f reedpn ; bis people, now,. enjoyed, 4 aijdw jraly free niV tdliis 6wci pedple. He1 spoke- leelingly of - the Christians who f assisted obis c eLFP? The.templi peQple.'injbaildins their e was not the waUs,npt ibe " f ' i show that uey. arer Bp't&n;:Tb-tr wor- f amof . the Jews,! but for.tbatt iof ; Christian friends a blace to 'terfca.tho broadest bu- ;'manitarUnls ' xnecnoir sang anmon&Mt. wmcu. pe beautiful -evening service ;of 4he "Reform Jews was gpne through with, and the exer- pisesamejtqa.plos.i.f.jjy vt -w;" I .. .Throughout the serviceswere of the most ordeflif and Jniiprtssive'"6haracter.'1 The 1 ushers were exceedingly attentive, .' The conirielaflon' were supplied ittf 'prbmptly Jtf Rba panrphlet -ceritahibig the rcamme, whiehwak admirably gotten a andgreatly Lcpujrihujedjtq fte .entoymtat jof j al !; he thetchohr 0nrtbis occasion embracing sev erai of' 'tn'euesi voices in ine' ICown, ".while the organ was seientificaliyhaiidiiedb a. lady. performcTwho ls"celebtated veryjasi. I ly for her extensive musical acquirements. Y 1 Ji We are saihmed we express the general ; feeling of theicummu niry when: weexpresa graificjitioa ,that , rir HpbreW; ellow-oii i- f pseps have s,tfrted u onteit; organizedjea- : reer, so auspiciously. . . .;,-.., L ' . The officers, committees, and choir, are CfVesldWnosr Bea3ice4si- aentAbrahamT; Wei9.TreasureViand I , Greenewald? Herman Marcus, Henry Brun-: ; nud! 5Cin ister:, Rc v Samuel Mendfeisohn. D. Kahnweiler, , Nathan Mayer, . JR. C w.j ci a, o uuca jtx xivnu, 11. . v. juiiuuh The"rellare drghtmembers5 and !seat iolder (all males) belonghiglto the congte- .Igatfpa. iThese with fthelr;);famUies.Will pake tpjte & 'igofd', atejran'ce pa; the regular services of the new temple.! . ' Mf.' Y. - iz AVpfiHsn nt. 1 been spoken jf br some'sbf the tjabers as! I Tl LllU - 1 J 1 A .I'm Aepoucan,rsay m a letter, to us mat it is the first time o hd Was eVer-so classedi-' and 4 seems tb treat tke.-haree as Vb it wefe a ansa joKe.,..iu was recently elected Mtyoc of iloreaeadvi'jTy v t.fti -,The Dedication proper was then proceed- . the mstitutions.of the land were pecoming The conclusion was a Vejry eldflueht' exnor tatioa!addressed' mal pomp oroejmoniaJj but. it was the spjnt of the worehippersj .rte the Piyine laws inthe h'eart and let the life'bf1 evervJdav shin must make ithe people :betterf; This was. a place tp pray not only, for, the wel- ai:T i V. .. , ' , YU