- -:-:: t ., . - . ... . ... , ' r" ': ' ' j ' "'" - ; Spirits frurj3QiitAn? TlieiaBavliMn is xrovded ; fid id U a I . , .. $ 1 .50 a Year, in advance, s J v , ' - m - - . , . ., , . . J. , 3uJ.r'.. 5.l--. du., tu5....,'i:.a:jJJ..tc,,.TtIS4f ju : 11 8 Months eBveist-t; . 1 l WJ W 4 W 18 6? W S Oj 00 rj S Months J (,Mheeo SSSSSS8 So. "tSi 2 Months OT3 OS a? 2 I Month ggggsss S Weeks 9 5" i SSSS2S8 2 Weeks SSSSS82 1 Week 15!II1 -v w v w'.; . h4 ? O-J- ; j, e- Pout OBie Honejr Orders may b. ot) talnca m ail tne ernes, ana in many or tne lrgotown8. we eonsiaertnemperrectiy sare, artl the best means of remitting fifty dollar? or less, . : - i:-,:,f.V r . r r, ,. v V. ;? -:f - ;ff a- Reelstere! ttr. nader the new : vtemtwhich.went liitoefTect Jnne 1st, area t Vtti-v safe means of sending small snms of mo ! nKvVhera P. O. Money Orders cannot beeasily - n!ith.lned" Obarve. Uae JteaUtry fnm wfell a I ostage, mwt oe paia in uampt at tne orace . ; v. here the letter Is mailed, or It will be liable I t o ic sent to the Dead Letter Office, f Buy and : i 7i r. the stamps both for pottage and registry y put I 4n ihe money and teal the letter in the presence Qf i joH-meuter and take hie receipt or iL Letter I s nt tons in this way are at our risk.. Subscription Price. : ! ' . The subscription price of the Wkrk i y. Star is as follows : S-ngrle Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 " . 6 months. " , . :". . 1.00 " . ! 3 " -v":-, - ; .50 . Clubs of 10 or more subscribers, one year, $1.25 per copy' strictly iri ad- vance. i J j Mr -id I jgNo Club Rates for a period less than a year. 1" j -. . -, r."- O-; I Uotli old and new subscribers may ho included in niakinjr up Clubs. i. At the ; above ; prices the Wkekly Stir is -ito think" the Rhanrtast naner in the State, and its circulation will , .. . x , l, le doubled in twelve months, if those j ' who have worked for its success m the j past will increase their efforts m the AflKBlCAN BICE THE HAWAIIAN IKKATV. A good deal of interest has been developed ini Charleston, Savannah 1 .1 T: V . J . 1 . ; O .I. ' ---." I ana omer points ,n u e ooutn, over the treaty with th&Sandwich Islands. , That treaty proposes to , abate the tluty on Hawaiian rice imported into the United j States. It is ' opposed by Southern j 'rice. planters as grant ing at? unfair advantage to an insignificant foreign -country. Yes- -terday we copied an article .severely ivnecting on tne treaty . irora the Charleston " Jovrnai of, Qqtn merce. - To-day we reprint from, the ow - OrrUn protest ant the treatv. . 'Meeting r, 1V ..11:1. r ---- - F--- ween neia in unaneston ana oayan- ftah and memorials drawn up to be prfHented to ihe- Senate, protesting aaiiiw adoption It is hoped their J.'J.-J- ,ri tu rl ture of ri;l on liiit a nnmluir nf nnr V.it I7.pnfl fel a i .. t , -iJ 1 e cropf They no doubt await I wmedegree of' anxiety the eJ I ms: tn with tme It. i. with mnii rPOrPt thaf. wa . f --o Il bar of the 'serious: illness of that KkinTif,ed educator. Rev. Charles Philliiw. D. D.. Chairman of the Faulty of the University of North I t 'VTitY:-tJ2!ii 1 iuo.lv1 illat his residence at Chapel 1 fill for ttnnie wekg. and at our latest .... - 7 r ' " . r ; ; ' ' j icciuit8 waat.not improved. I We ir mi iiiim mt 'UH,M54iissnBaiiaaiaiv-nbi - morbved We .(tn--ihf'-firtfvAra4l: know we sgive voice to the universal Ihe si feeling when we express sincere 1 j j i.i hope Mus recovery., JNorth .Uaroli-; 11a 1 1 uid ill ' fpare' this great and 't man. ( t 1 1 't lie Kadtenl Pyramid.' lUay llti dUUVWSIUI.'. Alio m- I -r-' -r- - j" . o . . I : . i , , - t I Tlelann1a ' T 1. CiT i W HT :iu this vi6i6ity,; as formerly; M'liara, tne r;taiiiax;negrorieaaer, eii puncn. , . - ! u a-m-Wallkee. Johri W. Milt of the efforts making to amend refractory, is to be; unceremoniously -.".7? "jl and Offieer N Carr left for Albany, N. Y.g the rreatyiio far as the importation1 kicked out. ,Trora&1iVltadMki8 nere candidacy for a re-nomination.;Tbat yesterday morningbaving1 in their custody 4f rire dutv free-is concerned.' say that Brogden jwill I go Into the removes the only obstruction,, i'ap- John P. Fisher and Richard Wbod white. The Cleveland iOJlna$fi;tf builds the following .pyramid oft the! feaiiul load of -flhort-comiogs,, which' the Uadieal party will have to carry Villi o Belknap! Ilabc( Pacific MaiT ,!: !--' I mherdP Boss Sherherd T Credit 5 1 Mobilier In (i t n.nii Bristow's Mule st?Vr&: :4 Jifii 1 . . t;asey, and Murphy! , .. 2JLc.kft-ffii4'5 JMl ' ti,. iHf. Tv,mi , n.,'i EeeTand: sTo o i Afialr f t 4iano ana ins noDie;.soo; iJonni,;ii e o e r l .vv.iuiams' ; Juaoaauieti r ? l'Ue sate, tf Arms to t tha , French 1. Jii llie ueXb Call VWIB. nU- 1 . ; K,; vw'.iUiM f;'.Iii .-r:! fi if il tl . v. v l iiHiJ ClrgedwitliTforgerytojprptectia I4centsl)erlnipr20ets.l)er aJW", i.U'SWawiriaj :kii?ci ,jOT.iw.-,4riy Ai...ut.' ; ,,A ?mi ..m&i&imu z2S?m m:mm iu uuorpn Aing :agttnies8n : r.. I bunch; lettuce, o cents a Duncii; -strawoert i77?i!rr---;jny7T ifmonp:tt s TTisTmTmm ;il tvailti;- ,rJ" T The Boston i - MaiaanhnMt:t tPreiaAaforfki B tLVl D,ftCf Der"es 100 9 oa cates the bicycle as a means of 4loo will fisit Centenulsl lu June, 1 1 year of tf exwtence iwt-Vj arresaay. bupb. r i anapleaaure. i f HOUTH Cf ROLfN&iAND ST. tUVIS. at jj ayeueviie.:,riieaides nominatino: !1Mdfdae; fSnfres ill: lect lh PresidentiarWtor forV the Tbir i'AV,i)riyf 'f -fi t:J jrr'7OT.f J"5-ffi ?. i v'H j .iisk x: ) v- i I -wklotii'kl'li nominating two?pe?sonsritO fillsthe- . v , , - I v.tH i vh -; t ' tmmmkH pebple;AIf ithe Conyeatier h all n act i;;Vf'i- -P wi-Ki i - ?' after dot 'dehberafioOj hnd not be j swaged by considerations oTmihoriniH port, we are cotifident will name t -mr: tf-, ?: ne tne next PrKldput nrvrl "7"ira "Prooilovit nf - tt -v ,;cv, r ; i ' - " . I the .U,ntediStatcS.. But if a wrangle m - it i ISHJ. and combinations ' are' -' entered- into with a spirit; of bitterns, -ivo the result will be disastrous kb fear the 'Democratic party; f The leading - question with tSf' What shall the North Ca1 rutin a'dele- gatioUoiin vri. . .w j . t What ought they to do. for instance, J if the fact is shown 1 wither that' Til- den cannot carry -JSewpYbrklji Con neclicnt, isiew Jersey, California and goiri -or ' that JieBdricks cannot ensure nearly all tlit Tilden ban and add his ow h State ? f Vote wiiih the strongest faction," might be thjo hasty advice tendered ihehi j' bnt do they Know tnat uie strongest rnen i -, i . ' . 1U the Convention are the strongest , men before the: people ? tu-t?. :n r L.;kAni.J vf,ucl.w.B..w. nominate : lor aeiegaiesj wounu, long-; headed, practical men Wen not sub- i: . . i f, J . I lect to uanic men of stronsr self- controImen of abilitv I in abroad . -lTnprp win fl .... ' O , . ... V I -.-..I- ' - dfial f ,aborioU8 WQrk t(i do, requir ing. delicacy, lac Judgment, and character: If delegates answering i i i ( i to this description bo .selected, and the other appointing bddiesiin the State follow the example,. th4 work of the Si Louis Conveni ion will be greatly 'simplified, land possibly a 3 .. . j , At . : . ill. I Deroocratio admininistra ion assured. THE BaDlCALS. 'The Raleigh es oiir article with the above head, and pro- ceeds to saylhatlithe tentikel may wmUilrn in tlm itrUfrtn whih uv-.y!w. q--r8 I convention, but. not, at rill as to the main features of the programme laid down" That Ilymlh is fco be made tn RtPn drtwn niid ::rinr. and Broaden and Mabson, the chief j of the African I cohorts of 'Edgecombe, have,; we learn, given in theirj a Brogdeni Hyrrian, if he 1 " Viij-T li.i.Jo:-v4i auucaiuu w nommatino; convention Xen J -oneB ,.T ' 3 TT 1'C ' ' e '' uu AXM"a OU1 AVf 18 PT0?1 neT,n ren Hyman's couhty, loU 1 The negroes are 1 to carrv out this rrbfi carry JtUne - the Contention Vassemblea I ine7 ther will be so weH diseibliried ithaU little or no YesisUnle wtliy by any of them. In ' regardpto the ; . i r 7 an7 race for the Grubernatorial nomina tion it may be pnt: dow nasi certain fose betwe"n! that if the fight waxes close Dofckeryrarui BeYtl Rkde .tf ?:,-.jus ai.jis .jj-T 1-1 iJ ' the oitused to soothe the troubled waters." remembered that.iwei I gpokeof this oilV.l&otirfgenM'tuToui'i f I .'.r i formed aHQle?rH ;.,! j ioi'lU e t UZ'W:t mmr .. 'vpo'nihenii;tvEiItl't5 .ii. .ja , , ; , 1," , Ubfiir -UHl firtfrfci' - - ijKUi T.nanklim ih0'aJ riC tuil XOT rrr"rra 1 firlly exaggerated Jpr ppli.tcal ; ef fectl It is nbir known that? drily mef white-man and rtwo Woea " v j r r r " T . . r -! k!6?-- ffKiWl " 7777 j ,8eenMH $m t i ed. . j. he coiorea ; , men,: ,iu i seems, ,:-. ij Atmim U i I etartcu tuo uiu,.w. ; !,Qnitue l?t of Maviaonel week UiLi 7 W 1 lM ;i,'Yi"'H'ijii ;3 Our milhtillocof respondent? sends -ua 1 - v - -;T-;,?-m fff"rt :hb one effect of the Centetinial has ; iUn - , kiW-ifl - l 5 t 1 from hextu WednesdaY; " the' first 'bf V t -v.-f -j, the fonowjte::.-- tfe Vk .''iv-J been iotkill . the Beautirn Snowf Board br:fntynsioncrs asi teSkMWWe ,j::)gu;; ' ti! on-thfor thepurpose bf revising thd V.i.ihthe' kleBAE'riA!lnmihnt1nh I; it Vimportanti' ;6f fcdu that - the 1 ' , I contPrrinhrrv felicitates itaelf 1 SmUliTllle Item.. :mmml fit. .rksi ? Lthb hot hastr op tiiu iieh. i iKftet I .:?HFeJ Y$AJf Vllae!l,cra?tt.e0id' I or-fcerypoayoeya ineyAaw& All thaTbot'headei ' people, taH bad hearted neonle live in the beni tlce was strQrig ' up there J,he paper? nv-i' .itv(.-iM;0ifi t.5 iSF would wait and cet ahe facts before they stir up passion 'and prH ddke against tdeir neighbors. : y, f i f ;, il Xt t : ; ; J I w-..;-,l !,,;,.,., t .-.. luil veuuauon 01 -ono aci ot iniusucexnat i . -i -i uaa ueen commiuea or inai' may oe 'committed. We stand by the laws , , .n. La ww aiu a w n liiciii nn.i.a mil w mi forced But we4 have the ! right to refer with some asperity to' the sen- sational reports that have been pub- lishedr recently in Now York journals, and , commented n uooq as - strictly true. The Herald , .. r , . . . t uuutsiau.i, mail uiiicbs mau buiu. ui i . . . . , . , ... j , - I i rr , t-- - I in noidins a uemocratic uonvention tri HAmingfa n Kruniilaniial linlaf If .- - L i I The ieraJtf reports exaggerated the trouble. All the reliable 'accounts j concur in renresentuur the matter in altogether a different light from that appointing Mr. Jno. Nutt, Jr., as a ; dele . . , . fm ' gale to said Convention, and requesting HKwliich it ww; thrown at first. The ConyeQtioQ admii Mr; n4qU Jieraui and its confreres are! t00 I eager to play on that string. It would be better to tell Only, .the I oa:l. i.ntK An1 ,lnnl..n -..Inln. """'a1" """") ouh p' .J,-.l;-J. n.Jj Jrm.- uy n uuuisucvi'i uuujiuibii'u. iuc country does not require, another oiooay snirt crusaue. . ! ; What the Centennial is it owes to the pres. But the management --AA iu- kL-i : : iiai c ituuuiicu mid iuusii ituauiu, IliUUl 1. possible; fordrAittin the newspaperrepresentatiVes to'thS -roundg T . a blank oval space into which the photoraoh of the person to whom - - . - . i L, ! Jt ig tQ be is3aed mast be pasiedl There is a notice nrinted 1 in these i-nere is a notice pnntea , in tneso worasr ;-xov gooa aiier June i, un-j jess the regulation photograph of the proper . holder is inserted in . this space. Jiacn editor must; laenuiy himself by pasting a. regulation pho- tosrraph. whatever that, may be, on bia tmkndf intbe insbected bV V ; . . "f the gate keepeiv as though his port trait were also in the roguea galleryj The Baltimore Gazette remarks:; is strance tAat the commission did uov. vance nas anowea n. to :De i I said for him that he' is not: a bsradHi . m . ....... f .... i P" lUBr mm, ana mase bucu n u i 1 .1.0.c-," y , -t vrf '. Wllmlnston Retail fuTarket. S The following prices 'ruled yesterdayi Apples,! feeaVi peaches' 5cpef pound-, walnuts,; cents , rrk nieblea.: 20 cents f nerl dozen! V f1 LffiiO lara, xo cents, per pouna : .uuuer, - omgju ftnia tvr rkAnnrl-nlAPttA ILInenu nfir nonnill: 1 .7?Tr-T -'rr.n grown jfowl?580 a pairv geese $1 pel pair; beef 1016d. . -J ' -j i : : .W : i: ! " ; ft rKP0dyiriuttonia2i15 ctsperpound per:DOunaymuttonia3il5 cts. perpoundi ham,1618ct8Jpferpoandld,lSid .sltorio'n'ts .a'buncht i cabagW19&& cents'ahead bologna! centa a pound cents a head: bologna! cents a pound I i ,iii:i Li- tuaxvi iif-tJ .P.H VtTf18 "5 .n J pbund rice dozenj apples 75 to 90 cts pet ilrvei Wmmm 39 tt Sonnd. ovstera 20 cents, a.auart elifio cauliflower, 1035 cents; i celery, S3 cents per bunch; tmkeysSO'prpdundVsausI 20 cents; per poundVwd Edgecombe r ne . woyernqrsnip. : j.naeea,Twa 1 .-j-r him and that it have the Charlotte VMarwrBayinga irrr. " rf, rn?v:.'-;r'rT.';nr hiDJ,ana that it I A.IVi (L ,ri former were convicted at the ate term of gobble np -WarJ .v .w. the H. .plaYrict'rurt' on the first bal4 enaereu oiue uuSrvbiv vq, i jn certain counterreitingMrangemen and toeing drilled 1 venuon, wnicn nieewiiniJieiguoiij i tne latter or aDstracting from tne man a ammeiandW the'Hth of June, Gov, Vance!wllt valuabfe letter. y . J.' : ; , . ; ; perpbuhdibeef tcdrhl I T T ""-i L' " ..IV" ! ,,:r.s : .7f - -I'lr i 1 Ooirilino Ppn mi Tt51rdii1 . will mn'n'n- ftTi Tax lists. Tiie only items' of nnhiin ini Ff aa; wrte Jerif .the! woou s js oijy, Bst-KjmnusaiuuBTB.oi vYcecss. TheBlate and County Tax j combined. was aaceairom-i:AOiasvyeario ea cinti on throne hundred 'd W jTbe'rer iiqftoreideb'lcence"' Wa , n--."--;14;--'!-- h-3k- - duced from. $89 to$peryear,;; , s -The Masonic fraternity of Jthta nave "T -v " V-T 7 J 1 Lodge Room, and to say that It looks beau! 4iful and cosey wonld-conv avejjitnperi fptlriPa nf thA rAliiv Thv hv a Waw """""" irj rr --p- " ana beanuial regalia, with gewels, ordered from Philadelphia, costim? some eightyol- lara. a We are informed thai the Lodge is a very Prospunditjon, financ ally aUU UUlCt TViOC s s ; - ' v " - .j rnieetineat Abbottsburc. A meeting of the Democratic . voters of AOOOU 8 AasuiP coumy, ,w . , , ,. l L l?th u s., for t he purpose' of appointing a w oe utiu iu j? a veiieviue oq me oisi lost., . , T J , . ' , , - 1 . m, I .. ' . . . r" Inforc unnnintpn hnt xu h ri - , rr if orRADz(iii by aUing Mr. Jno. Nutt, Jri to the chair, and Jno. S., Cain, Esq., to act as Secretary., Resolutions werij then adopted. regular delegate from saidj township: also that Mn Nutt not be instruked as to whom he shall vote for for Congress. I After llift iiankl votp. nf thiinRa fo lhn -, T -r,. Chairman and Secretary., tho meetiue ad I s I j Journe I or interest to Tax-Payers. As a matter of interest . to tax-payers! we 1 would stale that, as we have been informed, 11 13 not lDe D3ecl 01 lQe Vounty uommi8r sioners, in revising the listj to increase! the . - j -I ...J.mipp ,2 o, o;ilding8, &c.i lmve bien a(jded tojthe property. Mr, J. Kent Brwn hesbeci apl pointed a committee, in Connection With I n 1 r a "rr- i si - . I i. ' Commissioner 8. VanAmripge, to vievf the imProvemenl8 mde on Pperty since the ia8t assessment and agree tfpon a fair valua- I tion of the same. The assessment tpon I the property of those who have made no lr important improvements will be the same i . Dei.s.te.,o District Cenference. U At the last quarterly conference held at thePront Street M. K Church. South, Rev. W. S. Black, RE., the foUowing named gentlemen . were elected delegates to the District Conference, to beiield at :Bcthany Church, nearFayeiteville, C. ; Thej time 'wffl be designated by the Residing Elder s Thomnson. II.. ' M: Kowden. ' Col ' C. L. Gone to Albany. :Si rf laaoesta la Pender. ' I i We learn, that Coroner i. IT; Brown held an inquest I yesterday over the body, of a colored woman : who died' suddenly near Burgaw, Pender County, :on . Wednesday the jury returnio a -verdict that deceased came "to her .death from uses unknown to W,''"?? Prnf came "to herdeath from causes unknown' to TownsWp. to h of a white man, whose name our informant J Jtf rii n mh '?Ak4 ,-7; rrvrr" s ' A.TT", 71 r 7 J l"Or tWO SlDCe iu.:. kj, . & rfcr "r i i 40,1 tween the 1st andlthof..Alflj hemg the intention of t Judge tfcKo to at tend the commencement J exercises ( of l?"" T b ' k 1 V H r 7 " I about that ume jw a.i ut . j-- , i; ., -: -.new -; i -4 , ? r. i. 4 he When thaS If oiu $.n $.u Cox, was lookingat thegr ; the uam standing near, what horse TQwIr the Tengine-Aad ?. The ply power ine engine 4au i xne xepij carae with anramaMd ilookWby! Vou d-d fool, you! it f on V ra , by advo- locomotlon I it ; Inhn ) V l! Vrti'i nor I Jariront. 'Af -Ifirt ii 1 a. 11 1 Mil iii 1.1 am 1 1 tJiia uiatcavi iu at? it ai 111 iuut An TTnfortnnate -Famlly-tVtiat-In -an till V ArfAninllalitA f r.t,an(vCr M Some time before the commencement of- the law war there resided hear "Whiteyille j Columbus county,' and within a short dis tance of the line of ihe; railroad a' well-tb. do farmer by' the "name vof Vjoshua Rouse. lie had a wife and several children! Cwas making a good living and, had' the reputa tion. . Inr the , .neighborhood , of ' .being, an honest, upright contented man and a good knew him ,4 and without any cause that was apparent Ito 1118 friends, he all. at - once began ao show evidences of an.i unsound mind, .j and ,finally it jbecame necessary to take him to the asylum for the insane. Here he remained t tintfl. some time in the y ear 1858,' wnen it was ; thbughi11 that he hadj recovered sufficiently: from his malady to be released.) and his brother went to the asylum after, him. and carried him hpme. He had .not been there Jong, .however, J before he again began to show synaptonjs: of insanity, which grew upon him until finally,; returning one- evening' from his; work, be commenced labusing his wife and beating herwiUr stickX Was sitting in the room at the time, expos tulated with him, when his , fury became: diverted from his wife and he turned upon; his ' father, an aged man,' beat him and kicked him until he had landed him into: the' yard, when he seized an axe and. chopped his head off. He then went back: into the house and killed his wife and two. or three of his small children, who had re-j tired to their beds. Of two of his larger children, one, a girl by the name of Marthe,' was away from home, and the other, a boy by the name of Richard j seeing what was! taking place, ran off and made; his escape, j His father mssed him, however, and pur-! sued him, with his axe in his hand, until he ran into the yard of a gentleman residing; In the neighborhood. The ' infuriated man' stopped at the gate,' had the sense to hide) his axe in a hedge of high weeds with which; the enclosure was bordered, and ; then walked in. Upon being asked by the owner, of the premises, who, with a neighbor,! were standing in . the yard, what he had been doing, he replied, "Nothing." The two gentlemen, who had been previously; advised by the boy of what - had taken place, seized Rouse and securely f tied him and the unfortunate man was soon after returned to the asylum, where he still re-j mains. .. : . ;, .... ; We will now give the sequel to this chap ter of horrors. Martha Rouse, the d.augh-j ter, grew up to womanhood, when she sud denly became deranged' and was sent to the asylum about twelve months ago; and the boy, Richard, who had- grown up a staid, industrious . and intelligent young man, being employed as a clerk by Col H. B. Short,' also became deranged, carry- ing a razor in his pocket with which he said he intended to kill ColJs.'s son, and finally, on Tuesday last, he likewise was taken to the asylum, there being .now three of the same family in the institution. Thus has an entire family been obliter ated, af it were, from the face of the earth, some of the members of it suffering the most violent death which can be conceived, while others live on, in a condition worse than death, in the narrow confines of a maniac s cell. County Convention. Pursuant to previous notice, the Demo cratic Convention for the County of New Hanover met at the Court House in this city yesterday at 3 o'clock P. M. Col. W. L. Sanders read the list of .delegates and .it was found that the various wards of this city and the townships of Cape Fear and Federal Point were represented. . Col. Sanders then called the Convention; to order, and, on motion of O. G. ' Parsley,! Esq., Maj. J, A. Engelhard was called to the Chair and Messrs. Walter Coney and J. L' Macks requested to act as Secretaries. - fMaj. Engelhard, on taking the chair, made a few remarks as to the! condition of political affairs in this county- and in the State at large. , .., t ZOa motion otMr. S. IL Fishblale, ,CoL" W. L.' Sanders, Chairman of the County Executive Committee, was invited to par ticipate in the proceedings of j the Conven tion as adekgate. . . hyr ,- i 'to-- CoL .Saunders then rose and read the f ol lowing resolutions, which, on motion, were r.'j ' J - .1 a 1 I. 1. rt voieu on seriuum anu auupieu. uy ui vyuu' vention: 13 ' : "J Jietiolved. That the Chairman of this meet .log-be authorized to appoint fifty delegates to represent tins tjounty in. ine uistrict 'Convention id be held' in Fayettevilie, on May 3l8t. and twenty-aye delegates to rep resent the county in the State .Convention tp be held jn lialeigh, on June liith. - Resolved farffier. That ' the : delegates th&aDnroacbine Conventions, to be (held at l ayetteviile and. Kaieign, are nereDy in structed to cast the vote of the county as a unit on.all.questions. ; . ' Besolved jurther,' That having ' unabated andrt undiminished confidence in the ca pacity, z,eal and integrity of Hon. Alfred MV Waddell we in convention assembled aS his!nei2hbor?,-friends'and constituents do hereby declare nun to oe our nm cnpice, as Ube Representative from this District in' the . next riotiffressj and do herebViinstruct; our t Delegates to the District Convention, to be! I held afeFayetfevffie' on then 81stMay,;td cast the enlire vote ot itis county, lor bi?i;' and by'all honorable means .to .secure his nomination.1 ' u ,.;;. s-tii. ucin Hesolved further , That the County Execu tive Committee shall consist, of the City Executive Committee and one member for each, of the other townships in the county. " JSeaolwdfurther.' That the County Execu tive Committee are hereby empowered to take such-actkm in regard-to-nominations for all county officers to be i filled at the next election as it snau deem best. "fOn motion the ! Convention adjourned. 'i The tames of the delegates will be an nounced hereafter.;.j,.. -jr, j,-,. ' The - smoke ' house of W. Wj Humphrey, 1 Esq 4' of Harnett township. was .robbed j a: iew.; nights since of 250 pounds of bacon and about 50 pounds of lard. There is no positive clue tq the per petratorof the theft. ' "" x: ' Sdrei RIetliod 'off PreTentln2' Dogs; '-:KtllindSiieep,5 feijj-j j-IAi. "Mi.;;:.a4"MiMayi 01876V-i 4j ,ix an" myeieraia anupamy io ine wwW'9 lWht of i 'sheeran benrodnce in -flP-iiLffom Charlotteori theX Catholic picnic io " rs vm M r .thq Catawba river, laat.Tnesday,;.ii;Wi ?f -a" safe from their h Mrs. " SaHie " Stephenson, .of dertrerlfttioTisr- ThtsSiviiirBinn ban ner- I to-ji . r ;w - .'tainiy. be prbduceii in . the f ollowinc : , manrtAr- WhtoHtfU WIW fa W.W H . .m, HMVUV. OF elghf months.' Ol tie' him tO One Ofil Im strongest Bheeri inf the5 flock,'leaV-i l ius a Buacs ot auoii.nve orsix.ieeisi between them. When 'let loose the i sheep will run and? drag-arid choke' I tenaentot monc insuction. ; -the Tddg" until its stiength is exhaust-I -irAbrahahlilirefiabIeyD j ed.. It. will then turn. upon him. and I butt him severely Take care to have the dog well fioffs with a switch while the'sheep'is dtaggMhim; ' fIf heii adogof liighllmperlindspirit,; auu is uov sumcienuj numDiea oy ipe 1 firstlleson, give hiJasecondtiedto: a fresh! sheep.-? Lit so&eiimcs happens ! that he will snap at his antagonist. rpuii n-rt .. nAinA i dhia may be remedied - by muzzling: bun, or' Ueing a; : string over ojrrjroundil 1 "t1 K ojeho Jong tetb. H r The rjBtodfeay s Mr, I Scarbo lake care to have the . whole flock of i roiieh. of Johnston eonntv. wonld maice k eheep inlamalltTenclbsure the ' coupled one, ndthedog;It oHfS1 !ivr- happens that several in the flock will -tton. ;vy.; Mixobbins j delivers : ioih in1 inflicting 4 heavy blows upon the address at the approaching commence himi ; By this time the dbg has taken J5f! LtVW r CoUege,. June Cth, such an aversion to the company and presence of sheep that he never for- fli. ' ' 5 , , ; Sei!P outgrows lUj.-vsii! a; ; J be), above remedy 1 have never! known to fail in a single instance, jl and am encourdged to recommend itjl Dy long experience. ' .i '' ;? ti' ns' : ' ; i i.;1 . i Aeai auuuuDiir anu xunovuas invented a m i . v " I ' . . '.. " ' V . 1 machine-for splitting shucks , for! mat lakmg timothy seed as a standard I tresses 3" ; v y ... -1 .-ri;,. . l comparison, it requires 100, pounds! f ?t U supply a certain amount Of. nourishment. It is estimated, bvi eareful experiment, that the' same! amount of nourishment r can be ob-; tained. by using the following quan- ofU. miqk o,i. J rye stTaw, 335 pounds; oat straw, ; 210 pounds; potatoes, 195 pounds; oarrots,280 pounds: beets,346 pounds: ... 4. . 3 . 1 j. in xuu ugaB, uouuus .wueat, o. pounds; peas, 44 pounds; beans, 46 1 '. - . ;... pounaa: rye, 4U pounds: barlev.i Oil ounds, corn, 56 pounds: bats, 59 ounds; buckwheat, 64 pounds: oil cake, 64 pounds. . .. j THE (CAUSE OF TUB X.OCISIANA' TRODBtE, Organized Negro Thlevea Tbey Dep- : : ( redate Upon Botb Kaeea. : : Charleston Journal of Commerce Special ir j H ew Ujzleans, 'May 16, . j rvuL 'Ll ' lc .u i v ' '.' f The cause of the disturbances in West Feliciana has come to lightj vuvur. fu - uuwa less Benous aspect on the face of affairs. , It is a fact that the depre-j datiohs of negroes in the parish have been terrible; that no kind of property was safe, and the stock of the plant-j ers in ine parisn nas oeen almost en-; tirely destroyed : by 'nocturnal ma-j rauders. lhese robberies, were car- ried to such an extent that the col- oied people, ' for their own protec- T1alS .r.niant.t tionfand tO protect their property, organized a mutnal protective union, one of the regulations of which. .was that any negro found guilty of ihiev- ingsVould be publicly, whjpjed:;-! Aaronstem who was killed resided mthe nehborhood of Laurel HUli One night, not long, ago, he detected four , negro men ,m the act. of killing some of his cattle. He' informed upori theto, arid they were given five hSndred laches by the.colofedpeopl themselves. 1 1 beveral : nights after-- wards, animated by a desire . for re4 venge, they caine to theu house ' arid shot Aarorisn and a colored riiari who stayed- in. the, house witnihimjj killing the - first and wounding, the! latter in the hand. He recognized tne muraerers ana lniormea upon 'thera. whereupon the 'whites in the neichhorhood earttrired' knd exeented --o-r- -r -- --- - . - .T.-...S -.; . i Damice KeeoTere)in Breach or , '.T i ... Promise caae.f ' ! ; j Charloite' pbserver. Z ' 1 By! way of a warning to "the boysI we want to tell thehi iof 4 case' that was j triedatr: Salisbury j last weekj Jdiss, Kebecca Ja county, brought noir I ; i county, for'a (breach of i promise- bt marriage, esiimaung tne- amount , 01 darnaohe'ioaagections at? Court, but was removed to Rowani where ? it wasttriedi last tweek, je?ult4 ing in a verdipt forP the plaintiff, fori the' full amount 'claimed . Wha made the ciiei gof si i haM ''with' Ihlhil ;was the: followiugf -poetry whfohMit was in exidence, ! beijhad.j.written -tof ne iair1onewnjie, sitimg up uppers ! "la tVio innfl 1nrra 'rnnti1 f lio 1tw i ' So is my love fortheeYJ J v J 0 ' j"Vyill you wed, and marry.me.; (-:y - jy i TaII irir now and tfilf me when ' ' o'i Tliis hoetrv WaS tnexurning poinij iti ! the case, 1 arid'lhejargave th platntis ia Vermel .withoue debate. ing to mariy them and tolove husband and obey, to ;; take; ; lyarning-v, by ; he ;warf;brokea down ;ia health j.s and,tbc fate which has ; oyertaken Mr. ,Dab .wife was, anxious to do everything to ney 1. . Lbwrey, and not talk so fast huMor and please him; ' By skillfully But it you do take hold,Jf doWirjr'to working upon her affections, he man go back on it; it5mayghocldyott dike aged to obtain a large portion of her & battery, and make ; you, dance, but; property. , , Af ter his . death it was as the case Just icitedt shows, t your discovered, that t he had, willed his only safety is in hbldingon. r r .j j life's property tojiis "own mother. '' I '' n ' ' 1 ' i s: V ' The Boston says: that ?7T Ce Ware mucn iwe a satire in aavance ,uponvuie new Empress of India. :v -r-LThe s O-rfnrA 4-Ornhan. iKelief Troupe hias been organized; i'1 1 The Wilson Good Templat has suspended.U ' O r.4 2 M HL T ' ' x ne ji ar juoer-jjeaconviiix oa removed from Greenville to Tarboro. : M ine; yyiiispn.; Aqvanc&is getting - up a sea trip tp the juentennial...trom More-, 'dav niffhLJ x - - ' - -:' :! ' jt- O W Atuegro3namea,xa.enryr iuray.,13 in Tarbbrdiail for altemntiniy kn :'ontrara ona little white girL' : -: " ; xne southerner nominatesr Mr. Frank WilkinfeoUf of Tarboro, for Superln- i cidentallyrsbpt himself r1he hand at Ox for?- i . . . . ' M'LS a. severe -, storm at , on tho W.- N. C R.?R.igkilled two horses and: .?Tf?fr, v. -"" ojr PVIt f .0T??b,erf w eTlelEs; Sn.fefd8 . Col. Jno. Wr Leak as jPresident; of th OrfitTi'ii ir.nnfin.iw nAmw.n.'-at Bxtckiasham. ;v;dni3 ,-9i-tia-f most excellent Superintendent; f ; -Public ' . -, ' . ' Chatham-declares m favor of Hon. J; J. Davis for Congress, and there is hardly any doubt that Mr. Davis will be renominated unanimously, and re-elected by a handsome majority "VYalter McCurry, of McDoweil county, a: pupnin tne institution; lor the Frank' Oens, of Stokes county, while blowing into a guri to discover if it was loaded, had his head literallv blown off j hy the accidental dischargeof the gun, one I dayhistweek " ' ' l -7-in the matter: of contempt I against T. M. Argo and J. R O'Hara. prac-i being lawyers, for an affray in the court r00mt atHalifax,Judge Henry fined each $200. Arsois plain. and O'Hara colored. Ori" Wadnpsdav TTvman inti-rt. I . ........ . 1 duced biU to re mbursa Jonea eonntv fori I destruction of -court-bouse by the Federal! ! i toon - T j I m iooo. .... jkmu uni ana wcoau lime, ordered to be printed, and referred. ' . ' A negro man, living oh the plan tation of J. C. Bellamy,'- Esq., near Whita-: kers, named Blount Jenkins, struck and; killed an old : negro woman on Thursday last. The fiouffierner says he was acting ini self-defence. - , - ' ' ! 1 The urh'ahi'i!PZan : says that the cook ateJDhjerHipio.'ia extin-j iTIUQriinfT ill ft f7a rria ujTiirK'ri74orri tAnenmirifr her two Children, ' was- herself 4so badly I burned 0n last SSidday night, that her life j is despaired of r and that . her children will 1 i?bnWis rn.W riio -J ,; - j r r - 1 h ' Charleston 2Tetra & 'Ccmrierf of Friday: 1 AUttle white laa.aheut ten years ol age, was" seen wandering about thb streets yesterdayasking for aid to get back to hisbome in Asheville, N. C. :.'He repref orPjhaninJ ZeU yille about a months ago in search of his I uucie, from whom he says he received a j letter dated from Charleston. ' j 7 Tarboro- Southerner : 'Getir-yi G. Lewis and J. B. Gofiield. Esq., deserve f.reat 5reduu frtheh-efforts in the cnltiva- tion of fish. They have several boxes filled with the spawn in Tar river, at Batrs seine hoIcWe will give the result of. their experience in our ; next. " Some one s aci- qaainted with the .details of -pisciculture the entire cotton crop of the South. j 'imait s"uit f roVft Greece against the Board of Commissioners1 of that countyj for $10,000 damages, was argued D a large array of counsel on both sides Monday' and Tuesday. Thesuit was 5 yerely injured in attempting to cross fN"a- hunta creek, on the public, highway while 11x8 bridge .as undergoing repair aull mVMSm returned a .verdict' for ' the , defendants, whereupon the plaintiff prayed an appeal, which was granted by Judge Kerr, .So, we rrrj-, -"7,7w;; h " 'irdTrad'' .. '" ' ! '. ii? .:i;,i -it, i;,x.iiiieun,iii-; w' Thn 1o.it in4l7-of"' fins hann ntxaran . .... ue wiuabv, uan uvvu vuaiy- tnedcommencemenbi.or -i.ne pacKing seasdnHlat November.i;The price wai driven i ltip to' '166 R Oll'tthelasC" Of Ctoberi under the influence .Ihja'priefS when the corner was broken, (and the ile result,. and owing to the prospect ui iacuwcui" uiv pav;a.iug, .mc bride' r0se tb?14eV for; the future da a.large.;decline, and the . .market has oontinued snbject jto large advances 'and declines asf the heavy operators ;cou3britli;iMu f orce e.market up or dowries, The figures herewith show, the 1 extremes daring ,the Jast few weeks:, ; , v- 1 micK of lkd fob june urajTEnv. Morrli "IR " ' 1 it May4;:;.?:h2 82c May 10j Iii. :12.40c May,15.k....13.22ic doJP.M;:i2.90c V Maxtoh 24l . k jl4.55cr I April 19T , . .,13.70c f MAnriT 271". :13.45e r- Oe Marttta'B UnrortanateiHarrtatte. lima De Murskas .marriage; to Al- I DeMurska has given notice of ? application for letters of iadminist an admini8tra- ? arid AndeWyare likely w.wuuw w tu. u exposure through legal proceedings -5

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