1 ' . t- t - i i 0:. m ifi . H -S a a a . I! FVBUBHBD A' $1.50 a Year, in advance. - 5 a Q M w y. "8 l Tear:- " . IS888SS ; Months I oon V V WW I MOOD 3 Mouths SSSSSSS: 2 Months SSSSSSS I Month SSSSSSS i- r-4 : I838888S 3 Weeks I c-wt-aooe5a 2 Weeks I HMetDnw- - - s SSSSSSS 1 Week HNNiiieee' 3G 3 i S S S 5 y e o as 5 i id Si ! yt t-r -.M-'-Tf ir-ir.fl-.rnrr----i-nrr-- T Spirits Turpentine : s I ID ; ... O Pi 2 -.7 WILMINGTON, . C., FRIDAY, ' JUNE 2, 187(5. NO. 31. with the Governor 1 :- j SSl -So s a 1 are! the7 most cor j i'said jof another war? party in. Ea- j iiBVliiii-WiiteiBd1 . dial and intihiate. This1 authorita- " rope, to make the rich richer and 52- 55 0 nl -5 3 c e U 0, CI" Freija6nt,!Wayne io search of Accident at tbe Railroad Sbopa-Two ' DCFLIN COCNTX CONVENTION. The- Granville democrat is - : i - --it f .-- ij3 . ..; " ' , .i Black lead - has; been : found in Jacob's Fork Township,' Lincoln county. s : Mrl- W. W. Jenkins has been appointed postmaster at Charlotte." ? ' -f . , 5 Col.fW R. Richardson,Qf Wake, is spoken1 of as' the Republican candidate for Superint'endent of Public Instruction. - J tLxxr ! cr-;; s v . countyt arrived here yeste: . , a watch andhain, which h? iys was sjoT' of tne len from hi'm at that place on or about the tive denial, coming from gentleman j the poor poorer. of high thafacter, who sustains lose This is staling the real issue oiiictai ' relations: with . Gov. Tilden, campaign m strong but not exagge- 27th of October last. It appears that onr ought 6 bV accepted a a full and I rated language. Truth U s a:ques- old: acquaintance! Jerry:: orbes, was up sjiiisf ao.tnrv rpfn in flnn ' ii .JUt lion of bread I and batter, which is there about that tunc; ana one of bis corg- Men Badlr Injured. ; ; ...,;;;!: I i :PRa OnhserTjatrvea nf Dnrtlin ennntv met : Yesterday . morning, T ahortly . after 10 .1 Trianavilfe on Tnesdavl 23rd. Isaac B. I ln hi"3i?naUon 2 e vestry of the Hen w ....- ....&v,-w r -t." i i.eiiev. jusa.. cuairman. aim xu.r. , a, p. of bad faitb brought against him. but another A SOUND SPJKEClf st Friday UonlJosej vis, member; of Congress ;from the g . panions; who happened, to find himself, in ler form-of expressing iion- " " vAf , 1 J - - ' " - possession of. i$4Q belonging. to another sound aovernment. Give us. 1- - ' -v;, rr"j, - nartv. was arrested ftnci put ia ian. , . Alter an honest and Jan economical govern- men't administered in the interests of friends that the pfeHb$ alluded to was : I nartv. was arrested And nut in jail. . A On last Friday Hon? Joseph J. Da- an fonesv .anaan economical guvcru- ward3 Jerry remarked to some; of Yatson, Secretary. ".t :' ) A letter from CoLWm. A. Allen was read,' and,' on motion of Capt J. D. Stanford, was made a part of the record. It stated that he was no longer ari aspirant for Congres sional honors, that he had made sacrifices for the; benefit of party and country, (and d .u t:-.-.: '-ivijJ J .iiiV the peoplevand bread and butter will 1 as" sharp as Mmself.as he hadgot Mr. Hoi- vu vu iu. prvu v.aruiiua, , , , t - : -t 1 Uh A' wMnh and fchala; .Worth S60. and c S S 1 I4ae a plea in the House of I?epre 1 f I : sentatives inb'ehalf bfl justice to' the 5 5 S-S 1 couth, and an arraignment - of the "Sggt lladical parly in its management of Z?1 ihe Goveramehi;:(it'Wa and logical' speech,- I a OB . Mi! V W w 31 well n ItMiiA WnH.v DmIdm mav fxm obtained in all the cities, and In many of the I by Statistics and ; replete with pa- ajid the best meana of remitttast fty dollars I triOtlC ; sentiment. his 1 iioiuers wuu. pu.er auu ptuu.um U,- , nfnrmed of .terrvH . hnW lue u uc"" The committee on Resolutions, of the Treasury six times the amount of L,,. ULk ii ?r heve- 14 appears that among other prepar- Dr. H..Faison was chairman, ' . ...... -JL, .r.'TT.T'S;.' . f atorv measures in nroeress for the removal I series of resolutions ureing union, or less. fortified Kill li s the their . enormous salaries, that make I ' recover Tils time Diecel A search warrant times hardvtogether with the reckles was issued by Jjisticc i Sard neWf yesterday, ideas' of rule which keep the ' sec with that object in view,, but the watch as tions alwavs embroiled and embit I."?1 PWWW the W. , C. & A. R. R. shops, . on the west side of the river, that ; two ; men 1 had been killed by a falling, wall. A lame crowd of excited citizens soon gathered at the wharf , foot of Market street, :where theyj eagerly Waited for further news of the catastrophe,. while many others,, unable to restrain their curiosity, crowded the ferry boats and flat couid now make e begged that or procured other means of transit across -J nftmft wftlll . t v; -. tA U:fl1nrh tWA ine stream, xt wa? boou asceriaineu, now- t barmODyofthe Democratic party, and ex- eyer, uia wuub. Huiw ocuuui, uuCUt .h!mspif , ffroiefnl for the confi- .1- which reported a harmo ny and organization; appointing: fifty dele gates to the State 'Convention, and alike number to the District 'I Convention at Payetteville;j declaring for. and i warmly atory measures in progress of the shops to Florence, S. C. , a white man by the name of J. E. Corbett, and a colored man nsmnd TTamUtfin flnvcnn J xcfira -'fin- ir'ftffP.i in the work of demolishing a thick eulogizing Hon. Z. B. Vance as the first I Female College commencement, May 31st gageU in the WOrK OI aemOUSUing a tniCK I . J aJ.rn rirtTOiAr. cnnnnrtmir I nnd .Tlin1 vlllrofnm fro mVi TKhmnnA 3 imw- t?:i- a m.- P:.t i, her house struck by lightning a few nights : Yeates was endorsed ; in Pitt ' county for a renomination to Congress, 1st District.! . -' 1 . . - - ' y I This week the Concord Sun. a ' lively dollar weeklv, closes" its third vol' ume. r ; ': rr -.j . , i The JVu iSAcK say? a revival is going on at the Baptist ChurcbT in Kin- ston. ; . r -s. - : ' -' :; j At Rocky Mount Dr. Tillery'a horse threw him the other day and kicked him before he struck the ground. , j The Salisbury street, Raleigh, Baptist Sunday School made an excursion of 1,000 persons to KittreU's, on Wednes- qay. r. r;-. : - , Yisitors ; attending, Greensboro gfr ResriiTtra lttra,wndr ttaeaw ;wr af means of aendine small sums of too- I ' -f OUrtn 1 JlSlriet, Oil n.v where P. O. Money Onlers cannot be easily obtained. Observe, the Registry e,'as well aa aparVnc6rt!ioeber; tiie iy a very I ;k .-'r' ; . :. - r -" iA Tsi - lirl r) ArvoTf at vt ntin Iva flrA nfrawl I first ?r."" ? a" 'TvT4 that Mr. H.s troUblandlost timeMwUl wng yrii wrw w uawruigram t CoLThomas 8 Kenan for Attorney-oene; I as uanvme and Ju. Railroads; a i . . . atir.n .noaca n n v wnn m rft i . . . t x . i,. - i - i a imcK Doara. .l uie moment oi me acci-1 raL 01 tne state: ana recommeuuine vaub i i - . lie 1 ' . --" --, PMl(llll D,. .he cio.Inir of New nesaes the two men were in-the midst f Greene, sensible man MfheTetter iiedrS? nK lYabio mean gift of speech, Uut ht haa hith- io he sent to the Dead Letter Office. Buy ana m-r, the ttamDt both for vostaae and registry, unit n the money and seal the letter in the presence of i r oostrmaster ana taxenxs receipt for m. rieroers , g tit to ns in this way are at onr risk. erto been content to watch -floor 4 au 1 ' a . has uo the course blessed with a noble and enduring, because genuine, prosperity. ' CHILDREN'S IdAGAZlNKf, Subscription Price. of things, gtet familiar wiihho, pro cedure "of the House, and work quiet ly in committee and t his seat on the floor. Mr. Davis is an excellent Representative because The subscription price of the Wekk cal, painstaking aud thoroughly con l.Y OTAH IS S 1U11UW8 ; - - I ouicutiviua. - ' s "" A wa I - . 7 Y nn wn fanm 4 Via av- v . Vr' I Vtit Single Copy l year, posxage paia, fi.ou i iiciMiiinumiuo lyaiY3" 6 months, 3 " 1.00 .50 Fourth District that Mr. Daii wilf 1: 4. rev ' - Inlet.'-1 ,! . , ' r 1: T7e learn that, a petition is iii'circulalion and has been quite numerously signed, praying Congress to have jtbe worki of St. Hicholas and Wide Awake for June are I closing up New Inlet stopped. The signa- bright as "y ever. This number of 'Tl& J iures, we understand, have jbeen; priici- Awake contains articles of interest to all J pally obtained from amongthe Classes ot rcaaers. l uere is a weii-written i masters oi corn vessels ana sketch oi the White Mountain not springs, craft, who are interested in 18 Pracftl" J and a pleasant chapter on Celia Thaxton, naval stores , trade, who have owners and other small the corn and been in the the poet, both, illustrated. St. Awholas, which is never dull on a single page, is as beaulilul as thteason. ' ' habit of entering at New Inlet as the safest and most expeditious route, jand who take beenominated almost without op- Clubs of 10 or more subscribers, one I position, and that he will be re'elect- KTAIt DUST. per qopy, strictly in ad- e by a largely iucVeased j majority. year, $1.25 yance. tNo Club Rates for a period less than a . year. Both old and ne'w subscribers may be iHcluded in making up Clubs. INTimiDATION NOUTU AND ; The indignant comlmcrits of j some Northern lvepublican; organs 6n the "moral illlilllidalioIl, At the above -prices tbe Wkkklt Star is, we think, the cheapest paper ; il Cit!A Aimnlatinn wilt - i . I aatra t ho Kunnnno n MM l.pnilltLt- he doubled in twelve months, if those TJ " r-..p-. -. - i wards colored men jal ithe "avuith, might lead a foreigner U suppose. nictised to ed sixty, and is still pretty. Washington - is to have a two cent morning paper, the Nation it is. A rumor is afloat that the will of the late A. T- Stewart. '(will be con tested by some of his distant relatives. Tweed, according to the Mel bourne Herald or March 31, had arrived in that city from Sun Francisco, and; been re cognized on the streets, j j - Harper's joirdulation is at pre sent about 140,000 copies considerably men under the chin, the heavy blow pros trating them to the ground. They were both badly hurt, and it was sometime be fore Mr. Corbett could be aroused to con- crirmanvaa Tn llio mppntimo A mpCQpnorpr the gr- nnd;, with some of thejmerdianl of had beeQ- dispatcIied for a pc who this plum i-jhat the clqsinf the Inlet Boon arr;ved flnd did what he could for the two Euffercrs, from whose nostrils and ears the blood was trickling. An examination of the injuries of the two men disclosed the fact that the white man had sustained a double compound fracture of the lower jaw, accompanied by a severe shock to the entire system, and possibly a the Mes ' Governor.- T i District, and j recommending that I .nwii-,Ju.-, . ,, . an earnest conversation, and when the cry townships hold meetings on the last . ' came to turn loose, that the wall was part- Saturday in August, and appoint delegates , i ahe;lanthropio, Society of . . v . f. to a County Convention, to be held in Ke- the University have adopted resolutions of mg, they were not quick enough : m theu- nansville the first Saturday in September, eul6gyin;memory of Edwin W: Fuller, movements. The consequence was that the to nominate county officers and members who was a member of the Society. falling brick struck the end of the board of Legislature; suggesting ML Olive as the A new church at Calahaln,' Da nextto.the wall, suddealy projectmg the ion orthe second Saturday in other end upwards, which struck the two I September. t . While the committee were out tne tjon- named will Mik tu the scriciu3 disadvan- -. - i I ' i tasie of themselves and bo detrimental to The Empress Eugenie has pass- the commercitti interests ofitlie port. lit is proposed to send the memorial to Congress man Waddell, to be presented present session ot Congress,. during tbe A rolored JTJell Asent Palls Off Bli Car and la Badly Hurt.! Yesterday morning, about 7 o'clock, when the night Express train; on the Wil- vention was richly entertained by speeches from Edwin W. Kerr, Jaq., of Sampson, and Col. Thos. S. Kenan, of Wilson. ! Mr. John D.. Stanford's resolution com mending the patriotic course of Col. Wm. A. Allen was adopted unanimously. 1 Dr. H. W. Faison offered a resolution endorsing Dr. C. T. Murphy for the posi tion of Secretary of State. Also another resolution authorizing the Chairman to ap point three men in each township to super- a j , i . i : : t iniena anu cau me iuwueuip mcciiugo. i The Chairman appointed the following gentlemen delegates to the State and Con gressional Conventions: : j DELEGATES TO STATE CONVENTION. ! Jacob Smith, Martin Smith, j; R. Miller, A. D. McGowin, James Wells, Joseph Al derman, A. S. Colwell, G. W. Ward, J. G. Kenan. H. Grimes. J. W. Carr, W. A. Moore. J. M. Hartsell, W. E. HiU, J. A. wdforit88neCeskinthe Uo, war-owing to Thompson, the colored mail! igent, who who have worked for its success m me i , t . ., . . .. I iia ina Rnth ; 1 k j in nf iu r wr (that rich rail ii road men. manufacturer ami iner- n.ist will increase their efforts in the I known in the North- uiture. ' I '? chants in the North pever mejildled eniplovees, in all cases V ' BAYARD. - - one in all this strife of J with the.poliiies of their tender of preferences who I leaving thera entirely :free There is wonls and lie would affection and reverence of all. He I be mistaken, ' though! says the De lias not sought any place of - honor, j publican. Human nature b the! same though worthy of. the very highest thing in Massachusettis as in Georgia. honor that could . be- bestowed. ; ;lle ' Andr the Republican is. cerpiuly has held himself quietly ahbf from right in the last general statement, the personal competition! for the though wc would hate to confess to Presidency which has been going on I HOme Df the human nature! that its loss South, ; : Notwithstanding the critics, Miss' Dickinson's engagement in Boston was financially successful, both for her and for the management of the Globe Theatre. Bmler has reached the superla tive of life, lie began by trying to get on, then he sought to get honor, and now he is tryii.g to get hoaest. Judge Uoar. .-; Mr. Joseph Jefferson, Ithe co median, acknowledges his deep indebted nets to the able dramatic editor of the New York Tribune and pays him this compli menthe has named hislatest born Wil liam Winter Jefferson' j - Sir JohnLubbock is fortunate concussion of the brain; but it has not yet been possible, from the nature Of the in- inripa tn nscprfnin their PXftCt .extent. , i i . ' ; 1 ' I moore, j. ju. rtartseii, yy . xj. um, o. a. mmgton, Columbia and Augusta Railroad though it is hoped that they will not prove Oates. J. F. Shines. J. D. Stanford, A. G. arrived at Mears' Bluff, a short distance of a fatal character. The colored man suf- j Mosely, Dr. M. Moore. Dr. Jti. w . a aison, from this city, it was discovert that Jacob fered a dislocation of the lower jaw, with KJSttTi wSSf' a' rVAfS contusion, &c, and also quite a severe J q. W. Lamb, J.'W. Pass, T. W. Boney, had been in charge of the ; mail car, was missing, aud 'nothing could! be ascertained as to his whereabouts. Later in the day, however, a dispatch was received by Col. Brink, the postmaster here, j stating that Thompson had accidentally fallen off his car a little after daybreak, just 'this side Marion, and Was badly hurt. The injured pfficial is a resident of Columbia1. The DeOnIdn. I In the easel of Alex. Sinclftir Vs. the Car olina Central Railway, in ;a suit for dam- 'H- air vs. shock to the system. His injuries, though necessarily very painful, are not considered of a serious nature. Mr. Corbett, was taken to his home north of the W & Railroad, while the other sufferer, who was able to walk, with some assistance, was carried to his place of residence on Front, between Wooster and Dawson streets. " ' A suit for Damage. The case of Alex., Sinclair. pa. The Caro W. J. Boney, J. E. Fussell, D. T. McMil, lan, J. C. McMillan, J, D. Southerland, B F. Pearsall, Henry Hollingsworth, Dr. J. W. Blount, H. Broadhurst, K. Bryan, T. S. Watson. B. Wallace, D. H. Wallace, B. Witherington, L. Herring, A. F. Williams, L. Cooper, O. H. AUen, G. W. Carroll; Col. W. A. Allen. - r DELEGATES TO THE CONGRESSIONAL CON . j VENTION. Jacob Smith; jj R. Miller, D. J. Aaron F. E. Register, M. Smith, W. H. Gradyi T. J. Carr. T. W. Bonev. G. W. LamD. a. ii. Trimble, A. D. McGowan, J. A. Oates, J. vie county, built by Dr. John Anderson, was dedicated last Sufiday by the Presid ing Elder of the Methodist church in that, district. ) . . ' Mr. - J ames Robinson, of Fay ettevillej -was thrown from his horse while crossing a bridge and seriously injured on the head, but was beter Wednesday after noon, says the Gazette. .; The Salem Press records the death of the Rev. Michael Doub, in his 85th year, and for more than forty years a member; of the North Carolina : Confer ence. I---. . . ' - - . The members of the Rescue Steam Fire Company, of Raleigh, and their friends, will make an excursion to Norfolk, Old Point and Fortress Monroe, on Thurs day, June 8th, 1876. Economist says that a colored child, about ten years old, was bitten very badly by a mad dog, near Windfall, Per quimans county, on Friday last. ; Scott Partin, the wife-murderer, was recently seen in the Stanhope section , Nash county. He played the role of reve nue defective, and made a liquor-seller fork over $40 for alleged violation of license. . ' Montgomery Conservative Con-. vention expressed itself in favor of Z. B, Vance for Governor, Thomas S. Ashe for Congress, and C. W. Woody for Stale Auditor. - On the one hundredth and first anniversary of North Carolina indepen dence and their twentieth anniversary, the La Fayette Light Infantry of FayetteviHe had a target-shooting. ' Mr.- Geo. M. Rose made a speech in presenting the prlzes to the successful contestants. - ; The Fifti District Convention ages for $10,000 for injuries received in an lina Central Railway, for $10,000 damages, " W, Pass, D4) Wells, J. M. Hartsell, CoL of the Conservative party will be held at A A aiOUU, A, UUU110VU It I UiCCUSUVlU. UU IUG AiCbU UttV Ul dUUC. t nr a T "If" 'T "I I w a m in the Democratic tartv. 1 Not that lie is indifferent or timid or. over cau tious. He doubtless feels that the American people should be allowed calmly, to choose a President for themselves. Perhaps also be has 'relt that some of his viewsire un - suited to the; needs of the Demo cratic party at this precise point of " time. . Mr. Bayard is a modest -man of very great self-control ana very high instincts. His bearing will be remembered in the future to his great credit and honor. He may not now receive the nomination df his party for either 1 of the lofty positions at its, bestowal, but such character, such abilities.' such couraee. such man dwells in some of the Republican? s constituents. BELKNAP BEIiLIUBUB.1T. Gen. Belknap stated in! conversa tion with a friend, that if the Senate It UUUUUblV IO IVlliUIIIMB I . : ( . ! I . . a 1 . ! T . . "lOJ f in having-a wire of tates and pursuits .acciaeni on inu rramu dun.io,ic similarlo hU own. Lady Lubbock has just ence to which was made in Ibid paper Fri- en writing in the Academy a review oi , morning the Commissiori of Referees.' new edition of Mr. Darwin's "Yana- , " . .M, .l ' a :i ,i riQ ,i, T,ma oeiore.wuom me case was ueaia, consist- nulla vi Auuuaia anu x iuuu uuu.. -"iv- ' j I i, 'tication." It is singular, says the Court ing of Col. J. W. Atkinson, j and CoLiE. Journal, that Sir John, who is an authority Brink" with A. R Black, Esq., as TJin- on the insect, lias not yet neui a ixo. the came up for a hearing at the 17. S. Court room, yesterday, before a Commission of Referees, consisting of Col. J. W. Atkinson and Col. E. R. Brink, with W. R. Black, Esq., as umpire. It will be remembered that Mr. Sinclair was among the severely in jured in the accident to the Polkton excur- pire, have rendered their decision, award-" J sion train in June, 1874, at which lime Mr. Latest from the niee Fields. ing damages to the plaintiff to the amount 1 ' ; ill I . ,-. . . --v. : '. . 1 v e t I I di Ann i - asserted jurisdiction Jo his case and lpecai uBpaica io wiima uww! t.,v.uM. proceeded with the trial a, thia tine, : The tSld Th. it would be kept m session all sum-, p(rikers, who have heretofore con mer. . lie says that he has a very fiued their operations to the Comba-laro-e number of witnesses jto be sum- bee, went to the Ashepoo to-day to moned from all parts ;of the country, stop the hands at work on those plan- and that a stubborn defense will be v. tfi h- nlflfi in.A ana de- i nis 8DOW8 mai, lie hub auiiu- i maiiae! mat ne snouiu loin inem. made. doned the first thougitof trial go by default. i Died of His iDjnrles. ; We regret to learn that Mr. James E. Corbett, who was so badly injured at the shops of the W-! C. & A. RJ R., Friday morning, by a falling' wall; died of his wounds yesterday morning between 12 and 1 o'clock. Mr. Corbett, who was about 88 years of age, was born and raised in Ons- letting his On his refusal, they attempted to low county; bulj had been j residing or enter nis , nouse ana wnip mm. ne i Bome ume . lwcay x-oim previous io farther slated that he drew a double- J removal here,wihch was only two or three barrelled eun to .defend himself, I months ago. He leaves a wife and two iienrv v atterson: me urmjauu , . . tj; i si l-l.-j j -l . i . . "f- i i wuereuuuu iue uiuu wci vix. jluw email cauuren &a mourn tne sau auu uu- y I editor of the". Louisville; , C ourier- J as ,ev were leayinfj one Sara Wash- timely death of the husband and ' father! to ...if . :ti ;n'jni,;i'vw v.Q l T - t a v..j.if I ,i . j i . i . I to whom thev had looked for croiecuon Dcii-icpicsoiuu nui umuuiiawj aw- i journait IS piaeeu at. iuo ueau u i iiigboo lureatcueu iuai mcj nuuiu i support warded in" that better day of higk Kentucky idlegation,1 and this means, have Washington he or his body. GoroneVH( Glavin, theenginecr, was killed, and he brings suit against the railroad company to recover damages for the injury he sus tained, he being in the service of the road at the time. The evidence was taken du ring the forenoon, when the Commission took a recess until half-past 7 o'clock, in the evening, at which the ; argument of counsel would be heard. Judge Russell, of this city, and Mr. Lock hart, of Wadesboro, appeared for the plain tiff, and CoL Strange and Messrs. Wright & Stedman for the defendants. The Commission reassembled at the hour appointed and the arguments of counsel on both sides were heard, at the close of which it was announced that a decision in. J. W. McGee. A. iRobinson. Dr. M. L. Gra ham, W. J. Boney, X Aldermen, J. Wells, J. J4 Johnson, A. S. Colwell, D. J. H. Fon ville, W. M. Grimes, Dr. V. N, Seawell, J. A. McArthur, J. D. Southerland, R. W. Millard, Dr. J. W. Blount, Rv Withering ton, W. Brice, O.l IL Allen, G. W. Carroll, Dr.J. E. Matthews, W. Farrier, J. O. Bryan, C. C. Rich, J. B. Bryan, J. Loftin, D. D. Southerland, E. Sandlm, R J. T. Hawes, IL L. Sandlin, Dr. L. Hussey, G L. Smith. 1 On motion, the Chairman and Secretary were added to the respective delegations. i These , proceedings . are necessarily abridged from the full report ordered to be furnished to all the papers in the Congres sional District and a few others. LYNCH LAW.1N SOUTH CAROLINA. Judge Cloud issued a rule on the editor of the Winston Republican to show cause why he should not be attached for contempt in trying to crack his head with a stick, and on Thursday morning the matter was pend ing in court. Newbern Nut Shell'. Seldom in" the history of our city has such in iciest been manifested in the cause of our Sa- -viour as at present exists. The Methodist and Baptist churches hold regulnr services nightly, and prayer .meetings in the after noon, all of which are generally welt at tended." -' ' ' - - ' Oxford Torchlight: Mr. T. C. Harris, the enterprising photographer of this county, has invented several new and useful improvements in photographic appa ratus, which are now on exhibition at the Centennial They are being manufactured in New Jersey, and are spoken of by Nor thern dealers as specially meritorious. ' . Oh Tuesday the New Episcopal church was dedicated. -; A" correspondent writes to the Nut Shell: ' Bishops Atkinson and Lyman, liev. Messrs. ratterson, Liar- T 1 u! J1 T , T" Hewlett summoned a jury yes-" inen and hWh' ooliCics to which Hhe ?f u maJn nvtb?nr ihnt the deleffa- The; appointment of Mr. K.11. Col- terday, whowent to the latei residenceUif , , , , . ; 1" . - j " & i fij . i: cock as trial Justice does not as yet deceased, north or the w. i& w. ltK., . ncari oi tne goou anu wise citizen tion ,s not unf nendiyi to tne nomina- ,Q have had a ti ! lonirinsrlv ' w sr seem to have had a tranquilizing and viewed the body, after whch they I- r- . - I aii n until 4.miFtw mAimnrv o Themnrderert of the Harmons Sent to their Last Account Three Hun- dred Citizens Present at the Sum ,' marr Exeeatlon One. Hundred Shots do the Fatal Work. rSnecial Dispatch to the News & Courier. 1 mour. Forbes. Simpson, and Rev. Dr. Abbeville, May 24. Watson took part in the ceremonies. The i , . t . I sermon of consecration was preached by : No crime that has occurred in this I Dr. Watson. : It was indeed a splendid the case, would be handed in on Saturday I remon for a long time past1 has ere- one. There were three persons confirmed. atea so aeep ; an excitement among ayettevuie ttazeue :, jjast oat the people as ' the brutal murder of urday night Miss Alice McDuffle, a daugh Mr. and Mrs. John L. Harmon.which ter of Dr. W. C. McDuffie, awoke sudden- mornintr. aI -! .ii A looks. 'A crreat states- .tfPiM0n Tb Convention de- ffbt.;A'- t.K'mnb. Some i of the? Wn?a until wmorrow morning - - a L1UU U A AlUVUt - A w -w 1 VUVVW V W U V m -v w I a'AIWAiV An IhAtt n 1 I vi m a man, a noble gentleman, tne people clared for the repeal of tne itesump-I striKere saia iu uu buuuiu wu wj housb and hear evidence. 1 1 ii r i w fts r n j-m mw a iiu i siu wiuvf- s ti - . a a skn . j m - Uolleton UOunty, who is expected to like Calhoun and Webster, he never reach the White House. Such men and silver as the true basis of circu lation. The California as heiosejio lustre by failing to be- I endorsed Gov. Tildem .come Chief Magistrate onvention j reach here to-morrow. A m iSAPPaEUBNSION. ; The Weldon Nevis is opposed to Tilden. Well, all right, it has some ground for its opposition Lately we were not friendly to bisi nomiha iion. But the News brings up a cliarge we have repeatedly seen made a tinfct the Governor, which has been .1 jand that of the hard-money wing his pajy, that Ohio was lost in the gubernatorial election."; Thiwe state on the authority of Lieutenanl tiovtrnor Dorsheimer, of New York, h a mistake' as! to Governor Tilden OVERWHKLiniNU ' . HIE9 IN VIRGINIA, LOCAL VIOTO of Wilmington Hetall Market. The following prices ruled yesterday : Good Flsblnc. ' I J The steamer Douglass, with a party twenty excursionists, left here yesterday morning, at 44 o'clock, and arrived at the black-fish grounds, fifteen miles out at sea, at 8i o'clock. They then threw out their Apples, (dried) 12 cents per pound; dried . rommence(i hauling in the fish. ! The I Conservative viclbry in the peaches 25c per pound; walnuts, 25 cents, a y i2i Vclockf at which time ttiey ' . . i. t.t.i il xri I nr nerlr ; ' nlfiklfis. 20 cents ner .dozen: I v.. J. . !.,.! , j.L, mnnioWl elections held in V rffinia Pe" PecK; picues, so cents.. per .uou-, KMtliuAeA to 8l0nthdir snort Jthfev hadsut ....r. - . - t, i ..! l ' j Ho' tJ. ..a: onAn I 7 - r. f i j", i. on Thnrsdav was complete. The AO wu r' ," ceeded i., anding two thousand fine speci Conservatives carried all cities and towns except tne leading I fowu 75a80c a Daiir: snrimr chick- call nood fishing.- Lynchburg. ens from 20 to 30 ets a pair; geese 1 50 per The Irjured lTleu.l i We recret to learn lhat the I condilion of Severely Injured. Mr. James Robinson, a druggist of Fay etteviHe, son of Dr. B. W. Robinson, was at the Court I riding rapidly over what is known as tne half-way bridge in that town, late in the evening of Tuesday last, when the animal's feet slipped and he fell, throwing Mr. Rob-, inson and falling upon him. He received prompt assistance, and the only outward indication of injury was a slight cut or bruise on the left ; temple. Notwithstand ing this fact, however, he remained in an unconscious stupor, and was still in that condition, not having spoken a word, up to the time our informant left FayetteviHe Wednesday morning, the entire upper por tion of the body down to the region of the heart . bting apparently -completely para lyzed. "I. a v o nflflf ih ly. to find a negro man; in.her room, " Is i T j- - I crouching near the bed, Willi his eyesm field line. The dead bodies, it will be remembered, were found in bed tenfly fixed upon her, as it trying to ascer tain whether or not she was asleep. She This is what we should Th witf v and aceomulished ' Came- nair: beef lOriftlfiic. ner Dound: beef, (corn- r"w " "".T AT , . ; I a" - - - -s- . ' -rr ' l ; I C itUJt W 1COI U UO tuv j vvuuimvfu wi ron: of Xe Jnctex Appeal, was chosen ed) 12jl5c per pound; .veal laioic. Mr j cdrbeitiwho Was so' badly in i shops of the morning, (considered tlio rirl. of Norfolk Richmond gave a large :Ce t5me rvoi.iiot!i.A ' fmrtnriv i iTh i Con- I 'nta A.1I07!; sturgeon. 2?5r.ta" achunk(5lbs): I .. . . , i ' In J 1,1 1.. i . ...'! .kaa nau Trlah OK7h'A(r' rwflr fish I '.' . i . - - i . '. peeled, . ..if Conservative majority servatives : are now. on a ing in Virginia than ever. better foot- potatoes, new Irish, 253Qc! a. peck; fish: v - l 1 imiii pjwv np.r bunr.n: mniieia Der bunch; turnips, 10 cents s buncli'; onjohs,' O ; IO 1U - cents uuuvu, vauvagca ivtiyJ . vim niTRTinN. The Baltimore - Gazelte says that cents a head;;bologna' 20 cents a pound 1 , , ' , I DaiJieV. 9 cents a uuuuu; cuiiuio, u wcuiu a l( h a tint a nnoalinn nf thft late war. I J 7 7 . . ' . . . ' atlled bythe. political dozeQ. applea -75 to Q0 cts per peck; liver -the preservation lor Its pudding, 20c $ lb ; blood . pudding, 25 cts in the next campaign. It $ lb.; Sound, oysters 20 cents a quart ; cauliflower, 1025 cents; celery, 25 cents ami his friendn. Gov. Dorsheimer told a gentleman conntcted with, the Southern press, or wh and that gentleman a friend told conventions ns that o far from Gov. Tilden talk- results 1 HOT anrl ' WArltnrr arra in the TipmrV. i i a rinpfltion of bread And . butter. V i-TI. r7j.. ..I r.L LnJtA per bunch; radishes, cents a bunch; let- v.auc.i.cKetan nio, ne earnestly u: - oiuce j tuce, 5 cts a bunch; strawberries, 1015c sired theirrsuciess, fearing that Dera- power we have been going from pk; blackberries oeratfe defeat in Ohio would injure "bad to worsen There are more men lOcaquart; asparagus25c abunch;plun:i - i- - - , - -. r . i :v A TT;. 10c a quart, beets 12i15c a bunch, the prospects of the party everywhere " out of employment in .the TJnited lut- H , :r t-Uu1 tt U.J ':f2e -'ia. s mt oa fft-dnv than ever there were. Grand LodaeK. or p. . J ..... . . .r.L I T!.:. tt t, nh hnnA tbra are ' The Grand Lodge of Knights of Pythias " piiiLiorm ot too uuiu ieujocraip, hut he wished them success" as against Hayes and the Republican ticket. Mr. L)orBheimer knew whereof , he spoke o positively J because bis relations TTnnn ,ha , nttiAr ' hand libera are v pvu -j ... n9 wi, nmlina -will meet in this eitv on . more millionaires than ever before. lgih ot Jaue From present hidica Republican - laws J' have' brought tion8t .j understand, Tthe representation about this result; - The policy of tbe Wul be larger than ever before on : a simi- party is, as. the historian ! Allison lar occaBlon. fc T Revenue marliie Change. . - . 4 I Cant. Samuel FJ -Warner has. been de tached from service on this station, as com mander of the revenue steamer Colfax, and ordered to report at Portland . Me. where he is to assume command of the revenue Destroyed by Fire. ........ .; ' We regret to learn that the residence and kitchen of Mr. D. A. Sanders, at his plan tation known as Elm Grove, on the plank road, about four miles from this city, were deslroyedjby fire yesterday morning, about 2 o'clock, together with nearly all of Tthe. furniture. Mr. Sanders and wife were ab sent in the city at the. time, and hence it is not definitely known how the fire origi nated. It is supposed, however, that it first broke out, in the kitchen,! as it was stated by the person who brought thennews of the fire to Mr. Sanders that the cook narrowly escaped with her life. -' The loss is roughly estimated at from $500 to $600, nnon which there was no insurance, ine steamer '4 J, BaVa,Ci. Chas. T. Chase, dweUingf which was not a large one was of the latter steamer,, having been r ordered. I comparatively new;' havrag been built by Mr. Hi after tne Obstruction oi nis iormer to the command of the Colfax Fltzhush'S successor John H. Pat terson, ot New Jersey. v .' '''''jiSBINOTM '.' In the Democratic caucus to-night John IL Patterson, of New J ersey, was nominated for the office of door residence by fire a year or two ago. The sijrnal Service, . , i i We learn that a new telegraphic camp has been established at New River Inlet, which will be in charge of Mr. Charles C. Corbin, of the Wilmington office, with MrJ W, .Case as assistant. ? It will be their I c . 1 1 4 Airan - ,tno Kitvhnnh : I nn eoVLra1 V,ftlIots were. Patter- are kept in order. A regular telegraphic son, 75 ; Englehard; 55 ;7 Fletcher jof office wfll also be established there, so that Penn8vivama. 35: "Pake bf Missduri, I all necessary telegrams can be ; dispatched 20 Jenninna of Texas, 13: Tyler, 10, by Ihem in the interests of commerce; r " -i . . j - i I I i - a negro, ana -inis was me uisum. New Jersey, fZ,C0J; Virginia, in a chain ot evidence which even-. Pennsylvania $100; Michigan, tually proved, beyond all doubt, the Indiana ,$150; New. York' in the morning by a servant who! was so dreadfully unnerved that for some went to awakfn 6r. Harmon, and bflfiS' who had to break open the door to througn lbe window and escaped. Owing, gain admission into the room. A j0 the shock, the young lady has been in a bungling attempt had been made to critical condition ot nervous excitement burn the house in order to conceal ever since. ',mmm ' ' "' - "' the evidences 6f the crime, but it did int. Vernon Ladies' Association, not succeed.: i The murder at first , The council , of 'the ! Mt. Vernon . was a mystery. Uut tne instrument j Ladies; Association has been in ses bf j the " butchery, a club which j 6:oli several davs 4this week , at Vfil t. was found upon the floor near the yern'0ri. A number ot improve- s , bed, supplied a clue which led to the meDtg have been made during the detection " of the murderers. The year. Contributions to,, the endow- ; club, it seems j had beeu cut with a ment.fund were received, aggrega- I knife in which there was a gap.' ? The tin& $5,450 from contributors iii the , knife was found in the possession of following' States: Ohio,- i $2,00O; $200;' f $300. identity, of i the. criminals. j Ihey I gums needed for specific restorations: weie five in number, ail coiorea men, cr buildings, &c.t have been collected,; their names being Larkin Holloway, and Teuewed interest seems to have Stephen1 Lakej Austin Davi; Marshall jj -, ar0U8ed in the duties of the As- , Perrin and Jeff. Settles, lbey were ctibn, whichare topreserve and promptly arrested and committed to eep jn' good condition the home and : jail. r : ll ..... r . tomb of t General .Washington.' - The ' j To-day they paid the aw ful penalty endowment fund will be increased by ; ; of their crimer the people, having de- 22dbf February entertainments , an- . . bided- that the machinery of the law dually in each of the States. , r . was too dilatory a mode ; of treating j , ; ' . -ti such wretches. There was no secrecy This ! is the ; story told of Great. whatever in the matter of their eie- Spirit Spring, Kansas, and it proba-" cution. .The prisoners were taken blv helps to. fill the hotel recently" forcibly and in: broad daylight from built there. Anr Indian Princess; the custody of the sheriff and shot chose a brave for marriage, 'and m?r -; to death in the presence of three father selected another? One morn- ... hundred persons. The firing party fag, as : 6be: sat by this spring, the was composed! of no lesa than one rivals met and fought her presence : hundred men, and the hundred shots They fell' into the - water, -neither r put a speedy end to ,the guilty WOul4 let go of the other, and Hhey C wretches. ,-, Holloway and, Perrin wero drowned. -The. : Princess then were preachers. 3 , - , jumped in, and was also, drowned. . . . , x . That event gaye the springmedicinal f The publishers and i editors of properties: : but the connection be- . thfl Windsor Times. Messrs. Winston & f a t-j:-. a vam. . GmiamTofferthatpaper for sate at twelve s?. " hvin.dreddoUars, half cash. oi rheumatism is not apparent,

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