C3 - If ' tai J lr Alio vwti-- it it: )Vn a K. tJc; . . -I I -. 1 . JfinStVS8! H tl MPl dneni2 cents; pet. pound ; iSried flSTll Mill K ., At 11 LI LU - r m - - ,. 1 1 ear ;. i aod ;... : .S 6 Months I e,i. S Months SS8S88S 4 Months 3K --18888888 i sa vSu II I't 1 e tsa o to g ; V . 4- Pot , Offlcc Mosey rder may l JS'. oVitalncu ia.au tye cities, ana in man: . aiuf thqbest means of. remitting fifty 'dollars or,e8f: " ' '?-'";r,? '"1 f-rt'- . 8tem,vBfa5kwentintoect June 1st; area, very safe means of sending small sums of mo nov where P. Q. Money Orders cannot be easily obtaineU Oberve the J2jrtfry , as well as postage, mvt b paid in atampa at tha office where the letter is mailed, or It win te liable I lo be sent to the Dead Letter Office.. . iuyemd l i.fflzthetUtmp both for potlage and registry put i A wmw aiw in leuer xn me present m i s nt to ns tn.tnis way are atonrrisK.: -1 ion 14 The subscription price of the Wekk v Star is as follows i . r,. - j - , c - o r , i r It 6 months. 3 1.00 tt 50 I "" I Clubs of 10 or more snbscribers, one year, $1.25 perl copy- strictljr in ad- ranee. : - - - . ':'" E-No Club Rates for a period less h;vn a vear. r " -. " '. Both old and new subscribers may J hp included in making: up Clubs. - .- I At Tiie aoove prices xne wkkklx MAR is, we iuiuk , me cneapeso paper i . cix1 , ii. i T Iin 1 n tin StAt.p Ann ir ftircnlatinn -will I vle doubled in twelve months, if those who have worked for its success in the past will increase their efforts, in tie u ture. ; ; . - The-paper will not be sent to single subscribers at club rates. When j emus rcUC ...4M.W must uu du l ll a uuuj rt.ii -tuo uuiuco, with the money, to be sent at once. kiu a Li siLVBKciiANGB. The movement bstitute small silver change forbnal.c evidentlygrowsmonesswnalas 1 wen aapopuiar xavor,. n paturuay hist the national-Uousef Represen. utiveHpassedtwo ills-relating; t this subject. . 1 he first;authorizes the becretary of the; l reasury to ue ...w . . .. - , . 7 I lions of dollars in exchange for an equal amount of legal-tender .notesJ The second bill authorizes the manu; . ..-. r . a . ; - r - j lions of dollars, in addition to I quaniity author.zed for the redemp-1 aion of fractional currencyi and em- powers the Secretary of theTreasury to purchase silver bullipn for that . purpose, subject to the restriction that the sum of money invested at any one time, exclusive : of the re- melting coin, shall not exceed one minion aoiiar8. il tnese puis oecome laws the pressing demand for small change will soon be supplied to a irreat extent., , , - . -j. siiA0 fou oub bivebs. The movement to stock our streams with shad and other choice kinds of fish should meet iwith 'warmer, aid set in. With the finny disjiensation twill come, not ortly increaaed , health. but an addition to. the pluasnre so iiiViiiv derive from uursuit: of- Izaak Walton's gentle vocation 7 Iteceutly ;1 a hundre) thousand i laced i in Neuse ri tuerc, on the same. d ay, , put ah ad large cans containing 15,000 II .1 a- 1 . II I g :' r f$8aSS88 pI I vM &t have proved no raedn :citjpEol.a MHVt StMkK tronS for the reforming SecretafJ . ;V Salgr. hSSstt3- iehTaCter!and.o a6iopt)t Pt prerenal- ; -f- - -jwT 1 MH't ! Inent abllhy, bat, simply ;8-a -hanpv and encouragement, unce our rivers oeiore tne convention ana place tueir and large creeks are filled .with ;fine "claims" on'.the common altar, of the bouncing fish, a - new dietary era will country's. good. .. .:: a ; : iM: liver. .On last Monday seventy-h ve m ea ns tu re sc u lgjiipiiijUie aj tlioiisand were deuVsited'in the Daii I iOallparty the iEiecurive partofjtthei a border stream.: ' each in the" Catawba 'nverrial the; in-Oie jDemocaticcolu railroad bridge, not ;farfrn iharj Presidential electiorj faras we luii.titnirUai we!are"toIhave aii ndge froin )tneac tish a plehiy -in cNonb CarofihaJarteV I t!- f"!11 i-! a little while!1 -WwisW lK0fjjji Ajfymmii derejpbev jmrlafit 'stTeaMriuih said that the cjonylian wwKemi- Htc4ked;wnh j?V; 'IP TT" ? ; bearers have fi rml, steady' hand and Kefernng to theVNoiCarp Una eyUlU;iIigp4preiby;t light campaign, the Panville edited t hob.DoBan, says: Our brethrett th. .afa U'ihai bo c6iM have ;work aheajT off.the7Ty fr fa CoiseMtite-party, need all their s,ourae, dts-,, alk bn eretion and energyvAnd. even the struggle promises to bloseand. bfeaJdaiateartoletb tb kee.p ?i?mmbm mouths disereejflyjshut Wirn i rtiS&L Ji?$2 vlfv'At f ti:'1 C ..i''- (Afterward !CoiiarBmaTWiiffti JAi. Wheeler, of,N4 W:rlii Wfes hdihinal1 midaie-matI lie irelrailea ! the sensible 'to antagonize ; tfiV more pro-;. minent candidates. tfCheiselecUoaof L fv J "-' f v i Ha Ve8 -was -ft tub tbrOWH to tli5 .West , ,; , . . u j r., i . ; V, .i!. ern whale. '1 he choice of -Wheeler was i- ' ;'j'vr:'.M -' rvii'- a Bmaller tub thrown tQ the New i;i"31''i'"iT I"'' JJ 'v t -"' : - j urK-wnaie. ib remaiW w jO. Beett viieiner eiutcr iui wiii : uo itie -lve- pdbncanti anjf k t rf s t a 1 1 ra jgo b 3 t J t -ituherford by;nativity; was educated: at Kenyob tTniveraity, look the taw course1 at Harvard,' and etitered'potiiics as a lo- , he commanded a divisiou of volun teers in the Federal aSmy.!p!ln - -.5 '- ' i ft--?-r f-. r'ii' f?8 rnm,,1e cePaP1,: cfan'parfor Governor, auu defeated Hon. George U. rality. of 7,518. was i a candidate Pendleton by a plu Again, In. 1875 ho f.ir jboyernor, dp- f eating Gov. . Allen. . Gov Ilayes a about fifty-two r years of age, and gai(j tQ be aJ, - bf good , . . .. . i. , character, both private and public - ' ... , u will not be an ya. niau jto beat, -The Democrats must tioinjnate at St. iJouis an abler anc! nioru popular man. It must support such A: matrwit) un- conquerable zeal and 4! devotion that knows no limits. -: ! William A. Vyiiet-Ier has I wen a member of Congress from NfcwXork fxjr four " terms previous : to the pre- scuti He represents the ipth District, f V r counl: iof Franklin Ti.?,i, Hnfelon nnrf prCpafed the aVticle on which a set um -f Vxed luesiiok of Ihe state government was Onal! v kected. It!was called fro!t th Octroi circumstance Wheeler Comproniise. inese nominations e are aeciueaiy stronsr. To cueckmatc so astute a :..-'.;i.,r l.... -fJ f! i ' ' c - play; of tbe enemy.! the .Democratic Convention' mni act with the utmost and L consiiltatiin. u must preaent anpapierj anav a morer s .tnorougpiy i; national , anu re;regentaUv. . tic , Ono rthat 1, an i U J i 1 ph6 to . idb theVolitical mariners into the DemocraUc portrj1ne' that will gtrike the whoie counlrvaa mean- effort t0 Telotn Government afld jpTe84rve its mumments. If a 8DleQdid stroke is made at St.: Louis the countrf will endorse the Demo- cratc noraineest and i men j wilUbe 4ected who areH abie and willing to piace the Federal dmihistrationloW i v. rru 0:t!..0t;An vimonla I statesmansmp, ana noi : peiucoggmg. patriotism, and1 no!t partisanship. J Let the factions unite; let the lead- t ing, candidates for th nomination go nana pi J fijA I ,:; If tyv V1N( R A N H V ltlTftHV ! V . '.!: ..... ; ,. ;The late Conyentiwn, was,f as near: ly as -possible, tnesexjoiieni.; otioe d 4eires;lin4 a pojitin fTeaC (eeliiigf., ani j cal ; sense of a majrtrity of '"North diet- to devise som e I Carolinians It; . i. - and! of yiacins ihe!6ld orState? 'I L.. r a-.11 . T-. rr ''-r ' L i 7 I . v.i '" I !-- - 1 1st t?ijiii J;si f." i ' ". V aowerbf stfngUiaWw scliannfiev rritrctfaau kntw'tt in-ASrtiT fc2roiik'iS! ,tW'tin"ttterf&to never had as crood an ODbOrtunitv as. iS a! iiart or the ysto tjii?( o? displaying i his p:eouUar po wi man net iable that Carries jt jnyitabjy bj storni. t -jNo, an is a uetter' anecaoiist. c i.io man an ,:- more i ;harmpnioi8ly ' .bjen'jto. umo r ous aitd theJ atlieiie itlie 4 rol y nu j,ue seripusjf nd the app,ea s tiie Udd arum nmmer'and all dune, wili'iing and tbeanswetinff -Riiouts of -thd neoT pie. lie will probably make speeches v in every county Thousands ;wiU r .5 --.t -:d.i 11 -i- . i -X - .9 v. V'-.i.'-;--- - hear. bim. Who would not go out to tbe i .mi .,'m -.i i a'lLlbroagU the great battle A great fJiieftaiii ; r worthy of a rrrand sun- ffr1"?..,.01 a..Srav" pprt.i .yt:K--fa-, :.. :: JOHNS tlOPKINfe GIFT The Hopkins TJniversii1 those fine lcnevolencea body Fund, which flash nnnno v. minhflnt vho . . ; . i:afi.hr: . . ... : ... accumulate wealtlv that ne tn.gnt snend it in benefiting his race' in the highest decree. Having made bis im- 0 Jj O niense fortune ' chief! V bv- dealings 1, ! ' ..1. f t,il,nA r. wiiiU lira j pcujiv ui iiuaijiuuu, r-1- I Winia and North Carolina, be makes ;;o; .1,0 vnnn mL of thoso States. Twentv freescho larships per annum are to bb bestpw- alkali annrnvo. ' - A f'.im fprpnro with A conference witn the benefit-Of suclr sei-tedin a number of prominent jour- nals. : It will be seen that a gentle- man from the TJniversitv oh this mis- .1 ... i .k r , - , siqn will De : at ine xaroorougn iiouse, in itaieign, on juiy o. xne first term of this richly-endowed in- ,:il 1.. nnon ?n Ttaltimnfa OllLUtlUIl TT 111 lyVJ VMV11.VI oni the 3d of October next, r THE j; GREAT COJITKST. ' ; Though the Cincinnati Convention nominated a weak ticket in point of intellectual force, it made an appeal to ihe country of considerable plausi- bility. ' Deviating f from its. usual , . ' i i. '' : f epnrse of late yeawit chose : men. for tbenartv leaders whose character is above reproach, and wbose recora in the; eyes of a Republican constiuuen- cy s unassailable. By doing this, no matter if -there 1 wad something appaf Vently accidental in the fact ot these particular men being chosen, the Tin- publicans ; declare j their need for a beter;prancl thjr, ihtention to attain to u. n :raniura wruT those other: ism and off-thoots. m - , have . to - cut .l, p! 1U :.rO.t8, asnes, over: an af a awavi with I Ihecorrubt iTrttitafe? wbiCtM the work of their own hands.. ? . " . ... I No mere ta k of reform wi 1 av'Sn to era on fetne v stump, i ASctoreuieT war -Jia ana oomnern piates ffenerai-; iraan wfto J8,at, once a response to the iJfimFVmiWmwp Wnti'ftdoztstuiinTWc bis canvasses wertf confined ' t0!) his' ilyyeteonservai pjopua4fir(iaiid, he will defeat'Gov. g W7 botoUi&Iti distrlX During ih&St (Hayminatter hoenthiisiasti .W;l:t otmimMml4m TminmmMr -ii ffm! Tl j.af Kit-umlu ui tua raxjft i - v Kkfwd'-'ttJriLlL''f''iSt2tif . r . i.,- - r- ? f . " r u1t'v " frr B to 10. r cents a Tunch; . cabbages; 520 tRQreu.ianvjsxiifi ltboiywlsoJi. bas negftneless'ae0 ftr'hfee1f Sir ifAlasrisis vM1liVeiWrtkd4rilii,' PSMI'PeiiHW f Afftypdtii 9ltejri': pariuey, 5 cents a Wch;carrots,5cents2a', Stettfeeiia t5obWjii aMainiIillthialhouiSnia !H5-tf aieTtldllS' tpfejlMlfi biWi a;5!ga evBrkbeettisurpassed by- feeJLhjcoujiy.sKto; niorftfektlr; mftndJJf.ittfiyj Mn.iX.ifl0, , k artjmen peas pwhUrckbeTries indc!aTolm,asea,k oreaii5 ' taiS. atastJ.--" ;.ltr.w.W. -i. v1- F-7- ... x..;!2:.r-F-?! 77--; .?;yw rt'-C T l : . i - Tv , J. - ' lint rivnAino I T.ib fnno.Thnm.. T(i.r isnaraEras 25e a bunch: nlnms 10c a Quart. as aisttunpispeaken ia 4nimi1 i'ttswtormeafWucce88lttny;U; ii8 I2l5ciuirsaarybeans2 a bre;nS4efii f M Mb,20ca dozen, ... ..v.- . . .ii rH t . j, -i -n. tt?--Lii;... f.:ii i'if fti lnLnimna. ,t)v r. j. ti.- i h. iocicer. act. t i : .fnirr.-ssnr-wr.. ry i ... , r. , ntr MMminem VVh llpivioiauie, ana --fine ngKts otair men i - " n n'S3-W-vM1- m J f uf ujr w v i we. wumwjrwu muowm .yi- HS.fc! . ,1 ,w.'s. pM'i r . ..iias i luL istsiL'itl 1 G-: V P-;.MherU' ;? f wh6m werftbreseaton Thursaiv9uj il "' Flle next mofnine' about ? o'clock. Bo the tnountam, bill and f Of theamendmenu to tho Constitu- G. . G.J ames Kintr." r ! J oil et al.. from Moore -Terms of comoro,4 :-J w .-.MSiTWrfi-i..-- tirialistio ntr the trlorions hricrhtness ' vu..u-(,r .:.M.v.v- ; m- , Q af which the Grand Lodee was of oharhy. Join. Hop- f''""'''0: !" 'T" 0D .t? kins wftfl ; a - nilvartlio jlAomrtrr scholai-sbius will be beld in certain rrs ia y iugu uuu, for defendant. J ?. !r , d ll before I . .. - t : u ' . c 1 n..isi. 11 .1 ....... l. I oii. 1 cuiuaiuu: wi vuuuiiu. hvvuki- 1' M 7k;:i;c,n,D00:n;,Dy ddtv The work for that convention District was resumed: ?! T. K Ashcraft el ah, vs. T. N. Lee et could I'T"50 " " " TV r i -; , ..I nrh f c U'rim. ..Utp. Cicero J. Lawrence vs. W. M. .WUlis et aU from Union; argued by Clement Dowd i' L the University in advertisements in- tOjdP is the work of supreme sUtes- .j. . Ar for piainuff ana wUson & Son for defend, L5tfl 'rjone but c6rrupifruitv ".M passivity might bo a profitable study l ed Vy?5 lfl ;Ln Rlkin&iam-hrnmWl ": oontinna I oft symnalhiz wiili .Jicr, a"-ac --aB uviuu m u - w--a-- i AJ OVUIU V VUly VI M t - it tion ofthe.same, eyil,:fmeanrrr - ; .rr. ;, - ? iAVVi v" "i r tT : J f i years tonnrmed invalid.suffering from went asnoreio visu uie Tu, .""- sO-. l3haotteH :Ccne5 So they welydaid e-athd HralU- wpllas. we .are harmonized lUa mt'of the c went to Bald J,e ropts 6f the treevhdping, by. cuttang thei parly: will elect a VreHidcntial ' Mrs.Waddell will be buried" this aftet-t -HeHd, where dancing : and uathing was in postraastersndi lha nteoaaceaJpfi ths fc&wn, to7get 'rifl'of.it fiiiallyl'-Npt' -ikUitT- rt.- '-Loiti'' If 8eif-iiii.lri-l hoon at 5 o'clock from Suanie: Church ordi w4 jij A .u I fM , izl' 6l however, W tht te 1 Is the Utf -hfrtiiiU"' witii oaic-VmpIaiHince, ofhTch; was a member; ; ;: , t3 nTheoat arrived, here pb the return trip 1 ni) feoVej it hasreadbWcn-fnlrte3 iTPU "V'': -:".''. f-n -J.r" J.-vJt.-- K44" -f-!i s i;H ;l - - ' ; '.. . . m..m m. . . aboiit C every ope i .,bemgri well lupublicau tanks which .fcanhotibti easily Repunlicanf -p:Mtyi-r!tnt sra . nd let the.ii v try:or ?rfciue,aii.l eeif il tm,,ied s-ier simuip-. li'oi -n'f. thv4niAvmnL healecL i Several of IhosarominentaliUhT ,lwa- JKHaib-Quly grafts doenu'L .wui k wellvin hikherJalitu leK.. f AVednes lay's Baltimore yarn uas me i f., lUi ihT-'mraol' ths Grand ertSf in political contest, are bttttpoiwi W , . im! -xLv rMflw, . . . 1 .J i i i i following F-VY' Bennett' & CO. offered I .- i . T7. . 7 7 . Y their Wissatisf scuonl and" swear.' anati no 1 1 Mf. Wfm1 ndUa left forilhejrnj . t:,. ,v ' i s! t f jr .' I X . .. . i f rr',.t. "1 fur sale esterdar. at tlie Exchange, four,! .. . . ; -. j:f H:tu.tinn tfliTAka' frm iim wn tne. -tree, aig, i. time ls-a little more or tn:it veinn-i - , . 7 ... ' i ' b lout ,n iPwt wjb'"" uga u 8ck iu " , . ,i,.vV SJ 'v i ... ... c u n ..1 steamers of M"e Ualumore and Southern I t:,i trMtmont ihpv re-J Bisselk-ttroliuMnt-lbUcaa . - Jf'the wulo; .do, riui,, ...a.awwH era .1J: lh. :liilora .d various W7 , tLl.iiMi tttiktti 'UUHMi' lfI22,LS?!!KJrffi .. kave the Republican anyfiNltbHSfiintere8t; Cannot "committbd t66nianyv bVertacUof 1 froiuKew' Vi'rk ffo' corruption, and .the common suspi- solved to-ascerJani who cion- pf its stiH. grayer, and, eoret, est mau in the count! iniquities is toOjy ICUUIIO UCCU9. UUII tiuuij W' C? i . ' .ic ' 1 - - .1. 1 . 1. . . pjtaies wuere tueyjayti trol f the administration tiave made substantial ioai ring of NTort ileep.y vrnnsib,4mnei k;r.iJL.i.i 1 interred : r i; !rf - i atroh 'met m lie-Seriate Chamber I WiiTOMug nuutcB vn KUD- viirei HJ UOn' Ol . DreiereilW. UOUio VI f we I .nmi: nf 'nAnvrvAt VPS' met nnnn the I x , j , atj7n'Vb:fl5jr ',aef ind iftwfi Streets of the lage and Wrected advance ithf yeiifekTho8oli4 AnincprruptiY ar 'ctioilly' exoludedfrbnif tiie' M$t reacliigu thei heiglit , if Wrenty-ftve ble- knersormoin , choice1 sCtpakre ml iend frites ;tis ihatVthV Conser uceWtheUexpenses 6f HhetaWad- ihev !ntcUyiA vaUyes of that section are readfor along J '-'i' a?' r- 'V ,iri'H,-5rfr'l,iJ ' ''u-i5' ' i',.- -i.--'i ": ! and strong' contesLfore success of-the keht down a still mora towerfal and AriinUmr ' ntrmhrt s anrf r lrttift. tsissu. Akmkiuw it in 1- ry rl , f w. Nbrth'rbfina, bo f?ooa' this Claim nnon ixwon as.rauen wuop as uaneBty 1 iitdiHght fjielmg at itSlNatiottar rt&llotii ItlnusVglvelGo tbeStafies rrat curious ana dictatorial spirit'in 1 the North which' will Shave nohalf- 1 . . ,r ,t:-S I. way- guarantees.' r lhe onlyguaran- . .,i ir-'iijiu-liili f tee ,ee mat spin win accepus tiiu uoui- i Mil1'- .r i ? : pure, nnwaadable personal records, w in hsive no Soul hern ties t warp 1 y1 ,,',tu"Ti-v""..T ni VVfi ;;' ;!f their m inpathiea, prpuqunced in their. vjews.upon the questions of the Jale I i iiuuui cu biiu w T . vt . . . w k ) - - " ' i commended to the indeDendent vote t - . :L,LLr1- ,, i. -.Jr-..:.!;-:. 0 uie uu a8- WttU f 8 w uia;u; UIr Democratic party. la.l a . ii . a i.t. .1 J wul "Hrwoarwiui u.eueugU cess. . Theri would be elements of ' - r' " ' f solidity and a tone of heartiness in it which would be its best recommend J f &v Wf d ' li Q 10 liuoltr IwSrif rtf lVrt St.. i-feeoriB mm v v iqv l,nav in, uo .f ace jov. Bucu a m meriUus' responsiiil u4 it will dnail manship. Politics at some stages is wauaumiBu ;uw oww niu u one of :th9se; stages in progression rtmn in h i,;tUw f ort,Vfl .- j r" 1 J ae I mOTO 1 . .. I nart.tAnn nswmn ftornn rpst nnnn !.nfl f l 4. . M1 It ;body;lthatiU meet on; the ,27th instant.7 -They. , willed fresh : from - ty ; peopie ; WDO . 'w - ' . ' "a,u I kept well informed by an f eM resia .? press. We suDoose that new,fta hftve teil1nm hfiPn i J COrrectly informed as to the wishes v , Jr , " ; of ihe pe6pie nr tTieirjiwii commtroi- Li hnnf w w Uh regard tb the whole cob n try. There is no disposition at Vhe any man or measure ui South to force upon the party. Wielding a larger certain strength than any '0f , the four quarters of fa Tjnj? w6 . are iiterestecl, jbut dispassionate: in the ctoice o txjiief Majgistrate for the firsts time since; the T- hrf iih'eraok...w'.AYhat'rM yiV.,,ii-more hreadtHfnd-conlinuM I r ,: . - ' . . . - i ,,5.ii e.flin a oiiorsWith iieueskjirr ... s i " ! ' 3 to St. L una re- ......... f ,.'t !; 'IS. t:'. i.i niu Biifjiij- beaded delegate. ;ha jtmjf . el j 1 1 I 1 m ' A T .. t' M 'beeh'in11 . ... I a .- J - ' ill ..i. I - 4 - -m - . . mi, il . T -1 . .- i.i -iunr . fi iva - vmnn n ni ill. .1 rfiriir rk r tr a r -U711 1 r n T l iti u 11 1 i ifuiirM rsiHMiii- V IS OnO Ol I . . . - . . ... ! . i .. I . , , ,, ' ,! . I . !U TAn.w .. r -o Hm. I I ilia . lk th Pa. spre ; reppet and Cora, eu. j-,. , - , - i -- V 13 fmSSI W selecting' ' 7 7 .77 i. i k ' rn...:...L c..k 1 1 l ine u. announcea , me-appoiniment i rri,-- r--r.."i' l .L . w" across a ma- , . ; v . . . , .? . i 1 to fill the different commiUees and D, D. in Hiii i ii iii rwii w i hi?-. uuuu lucu it i rnnunnpn. rami mi f t v nnn - w . i, mm ,m icu r uvo I F a-h s x wa Innt aI I a a 1 1 n VrttMllAtl a . gff I . r, and rseoret, esi niau in tbe cmintrv apd pluinp but the bidding was very dull, and Messrs S. Waddell, the wfe.of Mir ; rThaoeo'nlo viAiJ i' V' K 5 ia ann-tri t hi . -iii? Benuet & Co. ' having bid $80,000 to pre-; Hon! A, M. iWaddell. . Rev Dr. Watsoa HroubIes.isfndweVeTiSliardty fitoba fA.e people., down h.w i vole sq wrevfofhat maii pim - , j i......,. .J. m1' Unii .nri riM:n bla. And so the scramble goes.. .It has L - PIU Pnd wha; i8 to " " Z inrCconal nservteT afteV rffrfceiihy.b-rfghTphase.anff "i1 d-T! 1 !! ?1 .: : - ,v f - :rM4 clarednpsali?. . v ,f ;k w 7VeauHaV !rp"cop li1-? the end is not vefcM h1Isoih iU-it iwuBu wu j rroai liidiaua?;wnen ;i arrivesair nts iut1 , r---- mm ' which the remains, , followed by a consid-1 v , L f...ai f, n'l j.7:. jl-' vir.h ,t Democrats' f hel Jasbeitaiiiinir the fieelirifff mule I rlrt'':fr'w?--erabiecbrteWof mourning 'friends wereT ' T : Vc. Aweitw..f 1 f; ' l"' ,t,- 1- ijeeaiia jdatea Tliat donej becivot fplr.binul ;Jf .the boice of two-thirds orrjnpreof the honesty enqujting and long - headed i ddegatqs j falls finponi ft Greenville. I !yiQ.X3:K AfEbert bf Salem.a V- Jv ' f. - w -iw hj.:- 1 ' ? 1 JS, resoiuwqn, onerea uy;i?. R., W. JL Gerken, was unanimously, j.,lt.i wWsf. s ' 5 1 " ?P.; t .,".:!. t - . ' j. : r HilaiA' Tht ihA'llianlca nf thW On.niT l , - A-. J J , 1 r. nlih-- 1 i.efai positions, ana, especially! 10 tr, w,- u.,, j I (j. h. Blocker, for the fair and impartial raaauvr mwoiuu nei pmcu iu kmo( the Grand Lodge. . After the Iraosaciiion of 1 other 'business, tBe r Grand Lodee ' took a 3 recess until 8 I W i . i w ti a lonnnn -nmnraip in .1 nnn I iThe session was a nleasant and harmo- k.;.-. w,--,. " ? . " .V 7. , T 1!!! ..7. the excursion this morning, and we wiafl them, one and all, a pleasant time. supreme court. ' . 1 . m. oi iiL--oea:Zlaleri ot italeien. uir . Amos VV aae vs. uuy or iMewnern, xlJ, J wife va Jloberiimisbn. Carteret; argument jcommence-myeat of record .suggest- I ?oncld.- . I "Tt,.u"f. !w P""""" ,". . I I Strong for defendant. I I lim fmm thn I ' :. . bard, and iI;Ii. Bryan for platotiirrno j; counsel conira. .f: t r y W. A. French et al, vs. City of WUming: I ton. (two cases) odiwr& at last term pats handed up court: M. London A. T. & J. London for plaintiffs andD.L.1 I .. Htonbon 4,f.0rt.f Ai.m,wi ir r w TqIpf for f W""" a. v. a r; -1 a 1T.A.1 MM iMMtavaM a 1 lAftoa - n....M a i TTn'K'hnrii and and George Green for Bryan for plaintiff I defendftnt. ifr.di.n.i iti v Trrv Godwin et al, from RobesonJ Argued by McNedl XT -r T w t xrrr & McNeill, Nat. McLean, W. McL. McKay and W. French foi plaintiffs and N. A. McLean for defendants. Deatli ofltlra. Alfred Vad4eII. .. It is with sadness that we record the death, on yesterday afternoonj at three- rcsidencein this city Mrs; Waddell was 1 a most amiable, excellent and accompnsn - e whole commu - husband and his M:..m.WK ,U1." """I"" " cripany.1 also ihi charter' .ngJiis-.ana irancues ,m; uie; i ue. , , ni.. nxiro Mha P,iWJl ,.193 1 w r--- I 25100 toos legister; the D. -'J.i Jf.ffft, "mitWO'iw5 fo, 443 :04 100, and I iu7 ' TIipv. wre I ;VT --','t!7 .VY -"-I .. .. I " . , i 1 .......1 AJA iWt i iODjereuCouecuveiy auu oiarieu ui iw,ww, quarters past six o'clock,, of Mrs..' Juha particularly fine one for.the purpose. ffrr by pomennknownpersopaff aayssince,:J. S.W.dddl.fcofUo-.A.M.md. -TKbierii:, ffljaiiaMS""'' dell, member of Congress from the Third o'clock, abouMhree hundred persons par- ch -was tbrowtito the bdgg-1aXcbnse ' l - nialrfot whirh netirrtA 1 At lier hnsliand'a tiinotin(r in the rTfhrsion. The Italian nnence: all thBSOTST3!Bd lU ft" BtTOTtwbiIe. - ; " I'll i i.- I iin if1 ir 'VI f ?5IJ; :M 1 S" though nourlshife uitle iovii of LumbertoBi lii obeiancdutewaW jvisited fbj a terrible Jfire iFriday agnt, wjich!Ungi4mta nsiderioa lJ si 6,000, tlam The nre is supposed to have been the. work of an -incendiary, :j . - . . . -f ' -- i -a. '' Oi. WillianTMcLenan. McKav. KeilLMcKav anais. &vu ITuller contra. ; - , : JJrte impaDy'IL;Wj'AffdlBialiw G.ff from .Cumberland, tContinued.t J.W. Hinsdale for nlaintilT.r and B. & T. CFul- il- - . .t 7 u" ."i .7 ,f. ;7;l . I - V ' ; ' - , - - 1 " " I Bmitb vfc Btrong for defendant Vci'l"i t J. W. Lancashire et alva: Alex.; Mason. 1 1 irom cumoeriana. irui at enaoi aoctet.. I . I James KyltfVvs. town of FayetteviHe, J. W. Mallett and L. C, Lineberry; from Cum 1 , aDr Ayerlaro,,fenni .-f anera i handed up to conrt-jTjIfc lie McKay for plaintiff, and B. L Howze for 1 1 j fj0L T. S. KeffaiT and Hon. T. I defendants. - 4 i; : " .--U --.'.J"it- s-. AirnAtA ttA: " . ..i r. . -r-. i . . . . . moo. x uuer 09 1 Asne ana jj. J!.uuer ior 1 t lain tiff, and J. C. McRae and W. Hins.if dale contra. i , I ! Aaron. Ctoflin & Co. vs. D.J. Underwood; f "?"r ! I juuuu . uwu vo. juarj xj, . awuc, 1 ; aaesDoro xjeraw; me trus frona Anson. Argued by Battle, Battle & j teea of ihe colored Zion Methodist Church ' llprdecai for plaintiff and Busbee & Busi I have dosed the door of their church S ,' a 7 w WKUUtUlb waa irniy.a love feast defendants. . - , . . Stale vs. Cameron Watson, from Anson : I arbned bv Attorney General Hargrove and I I t t . jt 1 m - m. I M 1 irom union ;arguea uyuowa ior piaintin,; ana wuson ponconiraj I 5 fl , I 4 ci..ioner.. I Pope, a resident of Tender I . ' ' I from the evidence, that the! sales -of the I mA ' tr' n. fVn ft f I Ul V1V W V V0a W UUVA awww . av wai -w .wui ne dimcuit. we snouio imagine, to con-1 vict Wm though ( me Commissioner con-1 s.uereu me evmeuce Buuuuieui iu uiuu uiiu i over, and he was required to give security Jj sum of $100 for hW!-aprcel ths next term of the U. S. Court for this "r"1 . l! ' . kismet. .... . , m m y,,. . , Kalgbta of Pylbiaa Excursion. : ; The excursion given yesterday by Stoni wan andGermania iIMtleD6oie , '! city, Complimentary to the Grand Lodge,, . Ilearnt0ay -ue, Wm. Glllam J; was a completesuccessj the day being a cf Gertie county came near--being poisoned J string' band excteUent music 'jJJJH T3t . 1 tue occasion, ano tneusuai amount 01 uanc-1 1 ing was indulged io. : ; ; : . .-f ' y ' w . Upon! the arrival of the Govern M l af RmiitivlllA acvma nf the ffxeuraionists .1 r?"?""l 77,"7r-777 - 7.t- .. - isit me lown, w uuo mo I' v-j.. .-It. aa u J-4; ,t ikt i T-f.. -.-..i h , i tr j t l.'iifv - Tr"'!' ; ! ' ' . , , ' f . " anu t Faaierai BIra; Waddell. I ilv ffafhered wr. . . I ir . riornui - . . Hsw MasioTr I1M. - IFrom a wporVJffirmaaeToT teVonPPPr'pTtheBWd Aiders, we learn that fifteen iiisane p nussioBerB,rii muu m v sonsbavebeencsred to ring the Rast year, at the Mylum r4the at Raleigh. The county gets $100 a. year for each patient thus cared for. at Bt Jimes' ChurcbfTester and iUeir baniMs agamst everyilaaicaT 1a '" ' . .t'lhit r.mpi-i f Mrs. Julia Uowii. MeDonftldJsjcaiwderedJclewK t - - -. - - a an iiiri iiv ut. uua aaa fi un wh. aira auu nine vuiio - ... - r 1 ttawi. L l.tl. . iensfroJllOper led) 12il5c. per pound; veal. I216ic. - r pound: mutton it 010 eta. per llQctsperpou , 4 cents per pound ; tripe, 20 eta. per bunch ; i 35 cents b peck; open clamaj2025 ' ent8a quart;? soup bunch, .5 cts; eggsj lGf m the change of mail schedule between it point and Lumberfn which went into Feet yesterday. Themall hack now leaves lUmberton . for' Iyefteville rat: l o'clock . We presume W close connection is also riade at Lumberton with' the down train, It sou the new scaetrale s between Lumber- Jtr. -Ganntta;iia -mill nmva mt hen.. .r S1" '.,rj:.w rrTTYt , . fcW IA V UVff OO WW UO V UWUW AUfrWA WV. urpentme i - ' ' 1 r:tji-,j Jt-iT'i.v i i u L, . Jf .",r , small-rKx i f All the colantiein ilho Stato wfere represented inthaCopseryaftve.; Con- except Gaston? trustees of Ihd D"niWr8ityl 1E Major Seaton Gales for Secre- done wisely."5 ': ' ; ! I ; Ujduvia nun uauuouuiuj iciiiicuuu men return from, tbe BtalefXtonvention . by ytho'j -Vtfilurinlnn Ahl made sneeeheras'dld 'nth- grown fowls 6570c a pair; spring chicfe iciams, I subscribers before breakfast next mormne. 'i x . . . . u , .- r t. t ; T iiW'si4:-1 1 "'.V1 ' 1 j The alternaterdelegates . ap- pdinted to St. Louto for the State, aT large TT TVv H " v,, j i jj.l A against Alexander, the . presiding eiaeri 01 this circuit. He is charged with undue in- omui Tsmo ToTe w orhis congregation. 1 " J 1 u sourse witl gregation. News: It when the candidate for Auditor was nomi- nated. A far eastern man nominated Dr. Samuel L. Love., of -Hay wood: and he was aIaaIaI Kn efiAiita f ant lamfltiAn fllmnot 1 -Col.' Robert Strange, or Wnmlngton, second the nomination. !- Elizabeth City Carolinian : We A In rair lmrhr one dnv. this Wftc.k earryiBg lnmbe and grata tohe Norths ning purposes. L-The Raleigh News learns that abjjUt three weeks since Rufas Smith, a They even stole the shirt ftn.hjs back and nJ.?ieXB!r I AO OA1 Afl nDll ..BT1TV NT IHrUfHri M Kill IX. M L 1.IIH young man. f- The' -Netf; York 3WJime thTrt' goes iur inuuug iem jt-f nuv ast now looming "tip as . the probable uu- inthis statfOtSjfeepr Settle has come to. the surface in jNorth , SroniVruU ia a 0 tion lor iiovernor, x nomas, main quaim- -: onjonsuum aince D y DOwdered glass liemg mixed with ljadrbHtfrtQMte"?K8 ?9 nnd Wttf . ! mWJi .1 . w-sjm'- -i. 1 ot these cases. , . - . , 1 1 -vi."j-- 'i . ist does hot sympathize with" the Bissell fac lionrbut he is an enemy of the Smith rinz. .4 :-? ? 4L5?-i:Mwi UW waa ' rw- ' " " J T Bisselfisafrieridof Sloab.likewiMBailey. i M64Jpine is his own friend, andseems'td be ? , Bl I erv tuiu llui uiiuu ia wiwubi wc .bu.iuws, . . -I frn 'SI A,-4 . IV. .5 -iJ.t-'n --J j ! -' . . , w5--.i.iS..ia'iiA'- i 4i v.7t,0itrM,'w?4 . : , , i3 " -iSTW fifctMa5,il P.. F. Duffy,rtGreensborD;HWft;A' -. q; ColInders WUrnihgrfvfSecwtaTT Trekla."'rt' WK11 fWKM'A,.i si meeting . - . 1! -.; y ; ; . . ; -. vvf ; : . . . . . . .':!; ".. .- - '"I1. I . '-. -: - .r '!. ;- '-..'"'.-- -' !: '--;;-- 7-":'-.1-;-V-;"";7'

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