J ,YU. H; BERK ARD, Editor and. Proprietor.; &&ayV July teV 'WG,,, ;; t It Is not Totpirod that Clubs 1 aadenp attei omimUm rate t thoso who oon8titotat.Qlab, - "Vo frpt will bo dlHSctct s xn W iUfipvat Post, H wM'MyirfA IAsbwjtk$ap Poital lrWy' Order, or Iteglktorod Ittr. Tot ; '&TOnly nth Mtemfttafeeea wil 'bfl fit tba rlK f ' : f . " . ; SAMUEL J. TIIiPEN,'- OF NEW YORK-- ' f,. fi -3-' ' ' , FOR VICE PRESIDENT THOMAS : A. HENDRICKS, ' !' :' ' ' -OF INDIANA.'1 STATE TIGKEJF. t 1 ' : - ' 1 COVEBKOBj, A" i i T o4ii of' m e-Sklexbukg, UHCT. OOVXBKOlt,- TIIOMA8 J. JAIlVf S, ' " ,' OT riTT. - -1 'x:h -v. ATTORXBY 6EXEKAX, MiOMAS SL KENAN',-; - . ' J ' r J O A'.VE NG ELIl A Ul,! J W 1 Jrt V ' JU -f Wl 1 11 , fr f -j-j - . .. 4 nvrvraop. .,; , JO IINC.S CARBOROU G H, OT JOlDiSTOK. !:'.;- BECTORS FOB ST&.TE AT ZARGE DANIEL G. FOjWXE, of Wake, JAS. M. LEACH; of Davidson,- FOR "O ORGBBMl unnn titrtrtot. ' ALFRE P.M. jWADI) ELL JOSEPH J T) A V 1 8 , i? A Firm DiTBier.i ALFRED Xfl' SirALS OP OUILPOEIV 1 i ..r-.i.tfr:.i U: .V WILLIAM Ml ROBBIE S; J- . . - " ' ' " ' j Id DTS-n&CT-OHN W TTOOTEji,'j;'': Ctu " R. P, WARING. 7 ' TU -.wjcT-b; glentn". LET EVEY SUBSCRIBER TO THE WEEK--(-,-..- LV, STAR REAn-THIS,.ifi,fl - Ubdet WUWilflW effeotJajinjiry 1st -1815, we are requir ed pre-pay postage Mth WBBLY SttAiLi Ahd while ithiwill Add to th4. cqsIs of publication!, we shall niakbjnif. advanie in'cricb'bf snberlption, ex-i eept'-: fn rates to clnbs. v -W; cannot ; afford ',tottttmish,,-iheperVfdl;OQ: per,year andy'the po&tageXbesides; ' wrPMbeription, v,rv , 4Thevpape.Uiaioti b iaenVili irigl iabiibeAtiel(TatbattTSett .,Un4ereiJ,ftis o9ejnniaen. wp lgIdlythn3M'vr,Tbeforft!bnaiil oov vbsatihert TonUfe'rnxpWcwifc aliiwiU 'IIHm.diw.thp:dplay,f . free of poita&tbt :er January' tst.: -14 vntjony lyeari rsosUge paid. $100 ul pTXi.. J :T01i4 Kiit Hint 2iu? MAKE n UP CLUBS. to the WUtab.: Show ne pa- nor to your neighbors and friends, LnA ttheni td'lbli inVSveWant the biggest saWrlpilOai itferolina. ' J V I "we 1inveoriub-Tates ror anyTiux-i 7earlyWsribers;utforl0orniorel ubseribers the paper-4wnly-flva5p6. opy 'per1 year, free of postage :.? x 1 - i Yosterda completed tho oCJtcn- tial roan 6f;?!cHo'ani6ofeWpci. mjvlitv'rjf foetid Hhbsb? whbi Whether df rtrighll !i was a Oay fbVliirfealbterv party o,n jctiow, nof jjevejfjft owwejjto oft. honest. dlt!A.t Wr .-ifasltt:aibt-1 T- - f. . . t Jlf , , A, . t 'M.''l 1 htlCal feaUy-f rlf 5 -Hl f trt; aoThe' Fburth Cff Jory hit j bsed' W havb maic; jt . jmdy li'avo at" aain! I Ikit us recall.the bid tibib traditions, 1 revivQ Ab bid 7ratuiaes: ; without , 4 ' " ' ' Tn iv. gush or;nonsense(-ot any orUn J-bitne . , , . . spirit of manly love and! wlsa patm btism; let Amerieani uhdertaVid bttb I flnothcr: There 1 need 1)0 no ifelrao I tion 7of hohorabty, lornied opinions' on "either do::j "menin:' .- i ' if ; a 1 4 '-V spect an-honorable, .adyea creed mpohtics and'religioru i iH-!;: Lbbk;bvcr on"i'cOublry! See ' her I vast arcayher niilty 1 res6ufct5!,f hef I work of stnpeiidoiw mpmehti' spirit? f I it Silent as tlio star 'as'thv course V abbyo UB:Uivheavni' rnucii of it! bniyj th beginning ot ihe pionoer 8 lapor?vl , , . S to bring tlie finahfof oonBCions: pride - vo quote lor, convenience ine rords of a contefiporaryV : " V " I has been a century of, develooment. : withont Darallel in historv. The oonular ; tion has increased'! from 2.750JOOO ; to 44,-' i -C75.000; Thebarea has beenexiended frem00,0P0f tOr. 3,603,844. square,, mUes.: The development of agriculture under, the, It ox meeoanicai lnvemion . iias uueu uuerij factures has advanced from $20,000,000 to I; $400,000,000. f Foreign and domestic I commerce has tafeen fflffantlC Strides. 1 lie I but of fifty years. ,Tliere was not a single I uuuh. iu me cuivuwi iu iitu; (.ucic arc iiiuiu than 6,600 now. Internal Improvements: I aimI 1h rninmnn snnnnf . avntim have . kent I race rith immimtioa. On the threshold I! oflthe new centunr; a review bt the national pfogreasiaworthf of caretal MtlyF i-t-V I uuu wuuiij i ao dv; mauo ivi i nri 1 willihe ioancdjby? donbUessiflU) ... . . JT J . "v TT the ! ,p)!PSaJ?a.n'aS? PJH'WSj jof ;neutrlity.; hejwilji hardjy; ven- ! j J .I u r i' VVf&A'f1r12 aA&jJHiUKml act may precrprt"rw general warj f -t",t1 ,M$ , (L . - P : ' "Oi-fj The-lJaltitbOfe ' &'has;jast cV( w ' v" .o:Wv!r.K,. . .wM.jfair moraWoneaa of :the occasion.: i, JSeau y Americauicuizei wno, wo oeuevt, iiift.jt Blaidllt are honest, Iqf aiotremsei ves, and ifipas&tiiinf Gapt.15 'ItWej. ihusloyaroJo acVd aro not; diapesedihis.cehteuniaVybaP fenWro SbUtfdf W-lbrn1nfal!,eapi i-:Smnranipi sized, and! was fed' iiWch'dlgabIea?Hd enter toteate rimpracUcable .tesU. po? -jKatd) amit W SA brave ineu and Sieautiful, truewo- I ' : -' " . i' L... '" t ' ' . ,' :i r , UKh she would 'have bi vn by the vTtippte. men,, triotl in.'ara,;Uurccsto IfflVi , - a :- r " .. . . A.- " . . &..; , ' , ' i The wni'l r whs 'high nhd t-acli Uiml had as beelroin.tbowlatKHtioa.hovf much lim- i, i., ! ( v. - v v v 1 1 t'mUch sdll as it waa deemed pitidcnt tO'ven!. done.itti-inidrrbafsi,- ft llI.wUl contifkie tto expand .anlSeau H?aSi?e saii no Waln 'tifcifert j byMnds lhat should hepmQ jpaafn es.Oas!' I piwflyrod- n 4hetbtipn;be firiil - ;f L Commodore thenyarfeo:; ihe jlyVestablisbed aShbibekribbed hills cond przetpW ' Roseate hope remaihVtb tor eVryisbri CiarnJji3I.?Cazaux' rwiiic'huiM8''mo8t of the soil and rVrry adopted W.,7 gracefnUy. received by IIoo. A, McKy, s mi I, ,1 ,- -i m ueliair of tlte 0inmjindcf.n.r . . , . . 8 ; ; f.t t'.t'iei, 'ft .-ft. ; 'jt nH ..'! i i!t n iti' Servfa : 1as UMafUl whir "fiWjf.foVT U. C,miat4re s.id ho was dirvcted to, ; Turkey arid.beeii.Wulsed The lat- i.M,Vyr. J,u-1,,. .a,wmd.tle. :.m,l U Mt....-. aHhouah tlXourth boat in the race,. . kuiu.bujnrcpcoA.i itiu.; .zniutjuiLuiucut iiops on iue part or ne many irienas or tne ; traL .Alostof lir peoolo syrnpatiuza. jbf. Motiiheos.tny 'Sfioozeil Jaway n'nlil1 4 uiVt'Li rMUwnr rtUtSTJa ' b'ctock.heii a,rifaPi,ahto'!fellbw( rWsedW flBga Toptbtlirasebiand; rtigioas-p'rei ! rtf for IwmcV'&ifr'lter&'we arV kgain in the.' doutibwruy:biekibiiissia r'f.vT:Vm :'TT TZ i Rrfafef fil? onfViPJ ageijejajrArtnging dtrhellai and afcJiU'hy Oc?a( jPjftwn WJil jr4irea):ao'4 .gceajb; ;therev6nye'tttt(!f. 'TlidibplAyittu'dtA! i--:-i.LruL.. i.iLJrr A.. iKi'VJitl. WiiLi jHAmJl on tbe'Mbgque of OroarjHr'sH 'skatf Ure.ouUttdanQthtyr Salute,, In,tU aXter . faesjaa 'iypreh'slbn ot-ft 'Curopean 1 TTB&rafn. ee'wenfilacni : vajffagniac,Xho chaupeae- ; taPmfW ; eidediyr fayorihe ;faidepedebMk 1 lwiJiS . .i - . .five onlev .Th0,,lJ1FSferiaaii'oeame out I SD? 6f S andatbb I abo bof hnwi rfeu yards ahead. At night bllug OI IDO iJlOWOin pOWQT IU lliarppO ! cuaiBuuft-ui & sacs Tirce,""WBw:raarrow is probably reserved for anotlier and. ; We .wasifaiunio of mwor.ki fvf... f t H.-. J .... . , I .. '"K-D. Morgau, Tburiow Weed, Gen. , a0 ' nio in 1874,hear 1 lv . ,. J2l i7hcn C00 eat lam . 50,060 for. and Morgare, Pay prophets of ken no whit su- "penor. - - -"-v- - 1 - - --" T 1)"t,;i 7 f 11 U ye nea,MtawiieTiil aa-anay I Jniyth, i8T6i ti5J1 ii, !Wo S6undTDC83ay,'an(lrwe ae sure1 we 'm Uie aeiiUmetit'i&f 'pttletliodmUiey;botaiaeite:'W l? . , r .. ' . , V'o; Kv."iwnpie,' vapi." nor wooq u ires.- - tT:' AfV i !ITi M T L. if ' T TIT ...1 J 11 i II arf -'they iprefeented a' most r beantif M eight, and hdpe' ran liigbetu'att' the; Waves 4n the mifida ofthe Various friends of each rounded the first baoyi and then tie excitenient -waxed ' warmer aha . . , 't.fcjj'BL- -w- Warni(. Here comes the Iwsa leading the wa clbad-followed bv the JZfe ahd (ueg others 616scli pursyrjg" the '(wo I lHinWbi'f'ttDlthyeid'haoV Waal assed.i wnen!i tfio V p ag struck isproK ctfeaased her' to filV and iWrt the1 bbatVercw and all' overboard, which Ker fun for tlrace, mnch (6 tMreefctbf alii -At some point between flitcitk'rtfa'g' place 'and the inlct Vuby the Tlosa, fiVlcd," whtch'ihri'w her lack;' and caused her to be mieh more badly "beaten buoy, icle was greatiy hoL V and finally sU ci crime into -the -wharf about a mfle and a- half in ftvuiiee of alVthcrs( t w - , . - the ifczi. T We-regret to have to state that Und'E.1 Kidder of ihc-'J hacVtb Whh ijWHujs ,uug uu a gcarfe r uw i mnch fof 'a -high-land terrapin' . to " "uo i4UO vcv-uu,v'ai "ttm about tlxe boats which caused them to cive ud 1 thif raceT Onhrl four out of the L,.,,, ,7 "idV .r t.UW . Tr nTl ";"7-- r-y- en."e Tt&P1 sa,le?1. SV P. tliC ,cro.wd llf .-, P? i Pa? , which was handsomely painted on both sides with the coat of arms nf TTnrth rrnl?nk nn.l von' nrnt frnm cieroi me wppus. l iie uag was men run up xo ner I jjj- ' i ' "en came the presentation of the prizes ,by: TJbbamodoro ; Win. AV Wright' who,' itf hliuai f traceffa 'anA eltu tvi: se.nie1 me urst prize 10 me ypmmanaer 01 i'..f;;;?,?.n the Xfcsivwhich was a violation Qf one. of boatand4ierglIaotcrewi t .ouiAlft a to08j JViday a old. Wghtsville Sound, fano after copgratula- m'ww pamer fronvwHmmgto aervediiWilto gelrta o itho garrison j ateithioi!ThefffiBca)Wetajnidfi'B ; aoaianwded h tlieaiaflfcrsLuiisfuoj e.w 1 .JkUlO &Ji iLrsubJ0arfaaanJidJ ahftrkst at;ttoltl.vHJ(U Athi4iarjtyojcagld n q mkttltfai-c yw!uif i ;uj!i;Vf' ,Lii; ! IjioIi.'. had left , ti" xm?mm,cmMM I dluDtu hjy flatr as 1 ehallcnce.to , Ihe.oUicr. i'iKSifiu,2'-nl o; toomifi Jo'J ba;iu3 oit crullntfriidi proirLifiy ratify inihd nWmmalfo'nivfiruVfintlWff Annual fommenceineiii a me ; cjny of the Incarnation.. Tim uiiAinYinnaI-comeuccmenl- exer cises of , thoAcadcmy )tf . .Iho 'IoQarBatiop, pressed oteryo SU)ors of Mepyf this :tv. tonikte oMoDd ?y r?lt II X filliDg every particlft of; available epace in ixijjjjj PTPijr paiuw" vj the haU,,wa8 .Tn. atten.ancewhich" Jnaoi f estea bfeM iVaeaod M 4ift6nse llaluVe an., ) niuchtSredil fanbb tetorsaa'WeTta'rpuplls. (The specimens' ot paintings' and' drawings; by various pupils of m W. fwvm auornea :tne. .waiu.:Qi,MM .wwwiffT: cbnspfcub6y'Am6nghlwert kJ.IJtfLi uitii a. - "a a L daodaddrthe)c:painUdgs'if-MlsslfAry elicited universal commendation,; among he niost attrSctlv W Vnslrumebiat pe brmafe'ebs' b'eing tli ?&ie& VMlsi Fanilio Coniglan'd abd lb 6 Enhance Mffifch on the Atonksgmtei WtmTObn'wrtcr'4rac- ReriawjdYtfcejttxerci whiph jaddedryiliBa x&l ejjIojnKati.pfhrfleligUledjaUdiaoce, was a jOeatennial flagi goUenicup-; fors the bciioav iof '.Mhichi tbe(tlJnitedjfi(ifttBS iwas represented bj a young lady ? seated! oa'a 4;hrohe for 'dais, while other tyoung ladies; reprcsen lingv tiie di ff e? cut n atiod s jOf the world; approached and tendered Coateor nia gifts to J,be -youthful jTeprBSentatlve of ho prospetausand progressive Republic! in honoc !ot its one f hundredth annirerWy Other 'attraictivo performances: interspersed the'i exercises -hichr altogether. 'were., ex ceedingly pleasant and noteworthy . The programme or mo; regular- exercises commenced with the qntfance 'march: on the piano, by 'Miss Josi Ueans,'wurcfi was followed byftbesahitaljory ; by nBlisa : Mary Divineiiwhich was admirably delivered. "English CourseVeniorCiksS-MJold me1 1 dais1 awarded 5 to MisSFannl6 Oohiglaiid and 5ilssLMa"ry 'fernelgTadujCles of Ntl 6 entire "course.1 Ifonorably 'mchtbned, Mil S' Mary Cobb: ' First' premiumi'Miss Sallre lllVIUC. I : I Second' fii vision 1st ' TfemWnv ' Mif s Kate Sweeni-y. ' ' . T ; ; f 3 ' Iiiiermediate Class Sist 'premihra, Miss Josie Deans1 '2d' rel3lum',,'' Misa Lena Monk, cmqubt Miss Annie Furlong; Sd pVcin;um MisS i'AKnTe thiglad.ipv': 'f,rf ' Junior Class Graduates from the Junior to thb jntermediate Classj fliss Eln'Barry and tttss iNatfny tfobtirrcmuiuiVll Lizzie Xarby; 3d premium, Miss Annie" Seconal Division 2d prcmiunVj Miss Liz-' zieJ Conelay, t - ' 1 j ' " '.1 .. ' Third Division 1st premium, Mi Lixzie Monk; '''prentiuni ' iss Maggie CoHig lasdV'$d':prcmlfun MisJ Miry Jdnc Rich ardson. . -H""!f--'f ri riiary 'ct.i&i Grad lii tea from; Primary j to the 'JtinioV, iflass," misses' Mnryladdtn Katie Itelirc and MaryfAnn Donhim: Second Divi'sfoh Premiuhi, Mlf-s Minnie Allen. , " ,f ' ! ':M Third Division Premium, Miss Itoshr Francis. ;' I . " " ' : ij ' 7 Religious Course Ecclesiastical : History 1st premium, Miss Cbnigland; 2'nd pre-1 mium, Miss' Kate SweeneyV -'"" :i ' Second Class-lst pretaium, JMiss Mary Cobb; 2nd premium, ipss.TLnbio land; 3d premium, Misa Mary Furlong. Third Class Christian Doctrine Pre mium, Miss' Ellen iBkrryi fn;',,s jj; Jp ? : - . V Fourth Jlassr'lst?premiumi Miss Nannie-' Cbbbi'Snd prmittmiVldsMaryjSwMiie Srdremium; Miss tizzie Cbno Fifth Class 1st1 premium, Miss1 llary Maddbri'; 'uil premium. Miss Miiy DonlSn, MisMai;RhafdsbVfaj,u" fn mh 'it?: anfaHjtJ CbiligfiWfl'Miry'ivlncV'lirf Furlong, Annie Con iglaad. Anivtnn sfiir ul 5WQm,J Junior 'and 'fe'maff Massed-' Misses ine,1 Mlss'Fadine tjbnlgjan1dl,i3fe,rjkiss' 3&c6nd' bai8f1pre'&nUisVMiry, Cobbed rWfimgjinW fcobbf W ,:Miss Annjglridi1 MusWFiTSt -fcla1a,Premluto,sis1f Fanbid'Contaand.1 Secoh'cP dCfass- Pre" mWmMisidife'beanH Uobb; 1 Tbiro ooss-nreminaij f jaiast'Licua' Monk;:ff!2WwIj83LizieMQnk,nn4iMiBSi Premitrm'f Miss' MArv5 Darblli J ''PastBllcr and Water Cblorsrpremiuml Miss JDTyine, Miss. Crayon Drawing 1st premiunLMJss Josie, Dflansi aal'ilisa TOdH'l3fbtlkj2a;prey mi&ttv.t Alias iAnnie Konhdandiiiui iut::il ns ! Valedictqry.7TMi8s, Fanni J9pnjgland , Miss Conigland's adarcsS was in exceeding govu aore,ia7proprBi wiug ucvasiuu, aim well: dehinerettjij Icm ninil vvrr ytt Lsuol Vj4teajpygDajrb was a graduate ,pf Jasj, ,J?eatrj&,: jo iPaateWft feMMs :Pjnf, The premiums were n warded to the sue-, cVssfhlfeutiil&bireviTOlJer'Wh aecbmpaeieduttid nrasentafioUiwiUy'UsefQ . - '.'.-J- - I- -.11 vs ' ISftl . ft aau "fl 1 rSB"lr VTue. : .'C-;'1:;,-! -v'K- ': !tll".;., QThe sDeni6crVf's'irsTn'd iCbbsef vatrves?at Snilthvtad5 lieia'S M&Wg 1 MdhaaJ": fcigh? fbrhe'Cburped'ritakioi' BtMr'tewaTdi fterlTtoetfslnyi Hu,K-afeii'T oivi Ink tit Jlhiil flfWal fiftrrjer torfesentTb'iifiorV itte!PiaajmTpeedDr Curtis pr&e dF$ ftio?,uiftcle ASrymbtiin7 of'-W? CurTiktth and by-laws for tho WnmPobflffiS cltfb. to leioit alt isgufca w on eja on flddreastlW aub''-'6MttWta the5 repo3 iyftflujtkfiOfcitacJjimiEtdbefintioobifJ 1o ,hf .lfMbeh.aUsfaclioais fixpressed with bothr tli national and o.talAlicKCts, WOrarja. Assrtred-tmil Pma iraft8Wft:fc,iWli:tW;, hef whole dutylo!the'fcaropaiao!owbeforelU3. anaPTgranSc1nth- 'ne ; proceedings, . WbVrli xnrnib aiJra CBafactfr UtO rCffeCt Cbbti'.farts Swei6'eS'Sdlie DavWe, Mag'gle" iyear, uui wuirautw imiBuog. f - . -i liaeunlnPastelle byMissbnV landl hah lUv: yifi ioi fljw'Kti!' c bnl oarAofv;oii"jLfiwioiiioiier, The lioard iret in, regular session on Monday; Julyrd, at 4 o'clock P, trPro sent, J6!infl. T-'sgner, Chairman, and om mlssioirs & .Van Amringe, D. 0. Davis andlkNixofl' . fv 1 f? Thefollowrog applications havidgn-notiEe madfl.by.thoJ3oards QfJTcusteeA olihedif-. feefetwbtpflfor the following amount of tsxfer for thd current year,tbe same were received and adopted, and ordered spread'; WiB minutes; ; VW! J 1 tewea&feth of -bnd per cent: bd sOe ' pfie hundred' ddnars J nvJoatloiof or tawnshfpf of JJametb f oir i ctfr isntflxjjsnsesf fo 8??fone-tOPjP,f .onopef rWStaWvWW .Federal Point townsbin for.l870ione.tcnUj of one per cent in Cape Tear township on i ne one jmnureu uoijbfb Taiaauoir j.oriou; "one-tenth of bn&Iper- cenU'hPJMasbnt)Sdfb :; !tdwasbip for;flfl70wntf' tiicll .iisr; n jThq.fellpwJjRg waSireclYedjAnd Pferpd nm A1a . '. - . , . To, the Honorable Board of Coftnty Qminia- ! ViwrYour'CorhmUte, aStef vlJiifhg the ) naraea.nuius jaraei, ue uisciiargea. Ih iWfMosblfaTPwerfinds weMWsn) folf owing- named- persons be discharged ifwnrthe pospital: nd traas&rreditotthe daarleafiblladdi Patience Bmlth, Ben jamSn y enqer James, Vyilsoq, Koger feloao; qnd. wdJfu'rther'nBcommefad ihat Cavrri Walker; ix'.l 1- - ? 1 1 . j 1 : '. . .Johw G. Wagir, Ph'mn iiJD. -Cil)AVT:S i:J"P YiiiTUUjtr I -JThd foMowiBgpredmble land) order? 'jof- fered-;;hy Commissioner; S jVanAmringei pas&odiand were ordercti to be spread on the minutes;.. r .r i: ; ; : , J r , Whebeas, The system nqw practiced by many Magistrates 1 and their deputies is very expensive to, the county, and bpJieying that a great portion of said' expense is" unneces sary und oppressive, .it is theref brd, '' '; Ordered, .That all unnecessary expenses Incurred by 8aid Magistrates and - their deputies be disallowed; and be it further x OrdercdTh&t in all cases tried by fhe dif-, fereht'Magistrates, they having'jurisdidtion of the same, either, tbeprosecutor or 'de--fendant be. adjudged to pay costs, and upon the YiOnvpayment of the same such1 parties shalibQ etimmitted aa tho law directs, Y 1.1, w'ats, ordered; that. on 4h ne inqOmes and profits other then those derived fiom ,h rrjneny, tasca from any source whatever-, sj during the year preceding the flfsrilay of. April in each yeiiV,' there ShalV'b a'tax'bf1 two per cent -f tr county purposes;. ? . : , u The- following parlies werealkiwed to re- lailJiqupn VV, II. M Kocb, 4,,p. Koch. , Applieatio?i of Dr. Wes x f or attending the out-door poor, was laid over until next iringV I; ' y:"A " Vilt was ordered that tlie Chairman adver' tsefor bids (or a physic!?, to attend .the; onvtr4oorjpoqr for one year frpm the 1st day of Ai usust, 1876. 6ar iSaperlor Court Clerk In Troable. James Ilcaton, tho-Surjeior Court Clerk of this, county, has succeeded N in getting himself into ''hot water." Jt appears that at the last-term of the. Superior Court the .ranit Jury, of. whicli 'Mr. P.' W! Foster was foreriian, found true1 bills against Hea-' ton fcir extortion. 'These bills when called' for were -not produced, and could not be found,, whereupon llis Honor, Judge. Mc Koy, ordered the arrest of ITeaton and his deputy for contempt of court. While the papers" were' being prepared for service upon the parties byjlhe Sheriff, by a special deputy, during a recess of the court, Ilfea-' ton: walked i nto lhe'roon, seized the paper upon.vhich thd specialdepnly, was engaged; an tore it up, re mar King that ie was Clerk of the court, or he accepted the service, or (Words, to that amount The parties not, having obeyed 'the ' rule requiring them to appearand answer for cbntemptj HisHdnor,1 jodge' 'McKoyy issued -a bench' warrant yesterday fpr , tlarrest,iuwhwh,swaj: Sheriff Morris. The Deputy . Clerk, Mty Bishop', y having appeared Wnd' madfe' a' JsatTsfactory 1 " espiadafion'.'f 'w 'flis 1 cUargBdf'Mr.llIcatotii'uader UhdJ warrabf' alliuled to,- -Is) required:: tb give a ' jastifie' bopn. Uifi.sujm Qf $10,00P,Jor .hls ftK eawap tempt He was .not to be found in the city and it was..fif( by ma frinndfi that he had gone to Mj$ndJ"jBdidrjp turn home last night The matter was, the (!;:. trju- fi i!Vi:if rrfonfi:-ii .Jo trjilttn subiect of much comment on the streets !yisleday.f 17 olU Vs A a inco v'rMpffibei 'aboveJ hr feanl tha Mf. Umm jasafjesbidliy PepatySheMffc leirn frbl&vrtlesJwfiO ' wert'pVdsen!' tbat.thelcelebraQon of lho f4h:i it Moored t nfflspollien'Df?'?. alcfiweif made, a shintrcductotyJaddreas, ' Which; Wojaiowediby prayerj by ilhe.iEeV Mrs Black, of Pender county. Mr.fFleJcbr dencei Mr.BnuieViUiams nextaddreased ward, Cflutw.ell ipi duij(addss iftthichicon somed -abbet abhyur abd' half in "it de" the highest terns. arid axeflaWiOfbAVIB b spteteMflf liisYbtieal fabta?" ii?ttJ.tdf:U thoserRise.oJJ the.day ajThdjpaaseduioS veryjquietly in Wit m'itfgJffilfsinessHras efltinly sflsUended UkCTlftWiJswruire94iiithe1Yjeip iftaVlsSrtoney fifflce iMlifl. l : . 1. r t w r r .. . r . . . . have heard highly complimeuteol.'VfflierS wiaiTtfgd cibwdpfseniiI mwsihht. lJopr Iiousfl and popitaj svbn tb.fp' I ljwing report:, ; " , . t ,, 3 'J Wfiridt&e P6cHuse'ln.fi' 1 ; at the monument sacrid to the .memory, of ! thb m&otmg', wffififo,Bo:'ifeui theibd ftfift niaslerly effort of about tMr thabTio'nrtlditagsM Kagsci Tlie otia-odanilfUry)4id ai ratio; dresaaRpnmuale -to ,thn. occ asluii waa Hal All Honor to.JLaurinburs. ' -' -On the excursion to Smith ville, Tuesday, -wtjermet cenllcman from ; .Laurinuunr, Richmond county, who gave us a very en couraging idea of the'jimmense enthusiasm that; prevailed in thatplaee on the receipt flommationor'Tahce. As soon as the, employes . in the railroad- shops-and others V knocked off,' at 6 o'clock! P. M: f JhSX.teweiiatjJy.ycatJgJ.TCPr..J&DdXUta pple.jWithf her.usual topmast, ,Wldch Uiey 'ead'all in'shi'fbini'' by-1 It' 'lock i ihe"samd nighty thus edtabUshmthe' cfolm ibf rth'atieiUerprisih'g liftleVtovn? 'of bflag the first in thb Stato to execf a.- CVanefet flaj?. The pole, as previdusly stated; was about j feventytfvfciei Wemocratftff r itfte fpJMjei(rfcjow -making preparations to erect a Hlden, andtHen-difcto-'pbleieXto The Qxeortlon on tbe Steamer Got; !-' 'ertf o r-tibrl VP1 1 ' " - 91 0ftI M J!hef , jexcujrslong tft thbf jsearshdre brthb steamer Governor TTorjpatlfe 4ibnder . the auspices of the St George and St An drew's Athletic Club, waa no doubt one of an3&'CyfiaVfabofb M. The crowd, under thewisemaldittf- i fhaftfxieoslyinlwated theooursejthfykiar tenpd to, pucsuo, in th, jnstJ'as jng( large enough - to secure to those who were on ooard the comfort and convenience WhfchWsb eskenttal in'euions0 character. The boat made thefrttnlb SmithviUe "in jvery good tinje,$i arriving therqj about ocloc.. and .those of the excurs49nist,s, who dil pptjoipin the anqe, some of whpnV had never been down the riyer befdre, engaged in the inspection of thb! very" pl'easarit, scenery bd both' stdefrbf the. Cape Fear) and .enjoyed the Spldndid b,r,8czo. which j prevailed. rWp hayeseldom seen a, ay pqre; f ayorabjle. jn yery;t respect for an excursion to the sea-shje. " . , Jrj Arriving nt . Smilhville, In the" harbor of wttch lay at anchor tire revenue cutter XMfdx profusely rjecbrated'wUh flag'and 'a fleet of i handsome pilot boats .also, flying theif 4gs .and, streamers,! altogether, presenting Sj very gay and apimated appearance,;the ex cursionists were notified that the boat would stop1 there a'' half h'bur and then'pfbeeed to Bald Head, returning in time to' witness the races which would the n be arranged! The 1 crowd t then, landed,: ..visited," the garrispn where they were politely received and nqet with .courteous .attentions, and strolled ; about lie town generalfy, 'enjoying the ex cellent sea-breeze with which this pleasant seaside toTvnrjalwaysieSTrmd which f renders' Sucnanaccablelsummerlresort. aWer hich!, at the expiration Of the ' half r hniirJmnriv enihArkm? on h'-ii"-l 1 1 while others remained and. passed the, inf , terval in a pleasant dance the, Academy : in visiting friends, &c. The run to Bald 1 Head! iii the teeth of'ine: stuT sea-Dreeze blowing,' Was intensely en joyed V and upon! landing at the' beach the toale portion of tbe' ' crowd, numbering bear a' hundred, quickly; , selected, a sujtable spot, divested thcnsclycs.' of their clothing, ad plunged; -into, the briny waters . of "Old Oc'eah,w where they indulged in the' luxury of serf -bathing to their hearts'' ' content; thad' which ithcre il ot a better locality for such a'healthy, id-) ' vigors tiDg and exciting sport, on the whole Atlantic coast. , .One of the awimmerswho vntVkav trw fn Anf troa natvn1 Vin ; the under-tow and in Imminent peril of ueujg uarriuu ueyouu aa reacu xi saieiy from his 'own' exertions or ' assistance from his comrades, but luckily help was close at hndy) and. wlb Jjis-WJ enabled to stem,, the treacherous "current and come oat b the dilemma unscathed" WHrtoVotbs're excurslbnistr; epajred to- lfguthMisc;? from thb. top 61 ' which vseryi fiao y Jew tif : the 'Burrounding scenery M had,- f ; (TJf i of time, from a half to three quarters of abWrthe'ba!5 whetbihe 'cr'bw d 'agafn'labded km enjoyedJ themscl vesini a maMieribesi suited; ta, flieir? &crraaj903 u.il;th.Grjri V) ,ns itrnhU i: b v . ' f EQAT.BAfilNQi- H , bdeWw'm'frfwr(hfottf oLTS.hebbatsf entered weraad fellows? pwln K3;i 0ti MoWsvwahPepvWeeksNewt 'hMftWt P,cs; qacobjjj Thom Benson as crew:.. Rankin Craig's, with CliU!, , 'mtih1 leslej Ivmg and Atkins as crew : - George Pgr!s as crew. Capt, We. ftnespa. of raqe at Ijand jMr. Piye's boat the" second prize, a pair of sleeve buttons valued at $5. - .- ThVrrivW of fgef.WefH at Smith vBla: was sooaollowed byn tiaL iif tb.teabririF3 FaflE p'ay od'ihe'lAftc?boatcaujbt- quite bum befofdtfe fishv-b'utf Uipafostf nhejeicur sJdoi&s ctWraickgtpJMcfie J ..( HOMEWARD .BOCSD. hrphd'OotsyjWotih kawadifdr hbnienefioriry pasedriniihilieirtdppTju? odancursfwaa aaraa SCealtafftr 8jioorriiCI odl .noil oiMrftSepjnar, S,n$h, &M?1& WtiJfto Thomas Smith, of Middle soundin- this Bynloi3bba CStttbetirfiioese& JXbarlattef aift ooictojnMBilateolto attached to it, brought it. in town, erected 1 Uii-y .: v 4ti u-- ' fty- Arirr r s it. painted their flacr and had it at the mast- , the most pleasaat and; enjoyable events of was announced, r Alter consul tation.it was decided.. for various causes, to nave bnlv Mpfsboawon the" first wuuij, tovt a aiuauic inure sipen. irom uci u Muuuay uigui last, one nau oeen Kftp lanai com were laaen. nut mat the horsxr.was subsequently released. , A gdftanffi Verd fs-WrfePtll&recoVel'v bPtUe'tnftrblOTVi jl , w.ionod Ifiiioiifii1 VincSVitfHfw'toe wlfi olW0i( ill't tb?8desi Uollaiftg oft lhakfliai iw ihetplice. :wobrpd0famdl Fourth of July a the TniitU., lit ' Tf,rWfi&the cbnrtesyoV SVi'w!? are able to give A.briefiQuiline'of J.he services ajrtt3 Syn ue . Rabbi K" - . ir:eacb3sefnion of unusual beacty t .. rftrqmflp texIagnify the Lord with me and let us together extof His name.:J JHe sa&irlhat We-e weremanv nd . e'speeiaf: rebns whylthe' "Israelite ehouldtcelebrale the. one": hundredth" birth day of Jlje lke"publicd "Of "America', u'th6ugii Ivery Ameracan should be proud to conv inomorate that 'anniversary j He"' feelingly dwelt upon' the fact that bispeople had no where jalsb exceptinr thisicomitryof ' religj. b& freidon&yed Woj. ppi IhdlGcd qf aam as they chose loo.linHffeywxiffdrivcnfro uTin thlsjj cfiectipn;;w wonld-state that jiabbi rMendelsohn y a i very day' growing itoulCwifl- ;ownongregation, fibhly deservs - thr a.-hwiscou'rscs pdver LildasB andinferest the listener, rrrQilse4a;il prejudices. Eto gltjy 14 Jhojr :y i particularly Mr. athanMayer.wb- tianzas in iii wrbbriawrjessV-" ,vtj. 'Ht-v-i ;n .... .. The'mighty fttes? together bound,' : - O, let them rest on firmest ground : ! 1 !$Wttbs feedbca. and with. concord Vblest. MhkmiAVbwxik beace- '.o Among all human kind increase, , 'Tjtfy ::praisa! tQldbyeyeimoUth, s(x rymast yiiesi,, iromiorin to soutli !" i.i JPBOSI WASHlNGTOir. Proposed Repeal ( of the Specie He- Special to the Baltimore Sun. ixlf .) i -ASimfQTON,, July 2. ; The committee f ou i Banking and jGurrepc. have ;had sorne informal tklk bpbnUbe. fin Wpial question.1 It t fais been "agreed that1 :tbe passage of a'bill for the repeal of the provisions ofjtbftet,of (l&75j so f anas they re- ' late ibo resumption, .of specie pay ments, is necesaaryn order to har monize, the views of the majority in the ilon'e of RepfesentativeR with the position assumed by the. Demo cratic patty in ; the platform agreed . upon. at Sti Louis:.a the codo of po litical principles for the campaign. It b , therefore, proposed ; to, report a bil upder . Xhy tauUiorityi :aecorled themao report, at j any iimc, f which will ,pover the financial' ,do,crioes of ; le; jatform, as. &qbn as. the appro ; priation bills are disposed of. There is a dispositionjhowever, not to allow i debate. 1 f : vp-; - ' tilE BLAlifB INVESTiGATION. Itfis ! understood that the sub-judiciary- committee, which is chargetl with : the i investigation,! in to Mr. Blaibe's railroad .transactions, pro pose Xo proseuta , tjie. investigation without further delay on the 10tl, to which date it has been postponed. -MuJIigan, , who,liad .made , arrange-: jmentsto sail for Europe, will have to give up ni8 trip, ino committee say mub it me uviueucu camioii an ue La ken by the time of the adiournmcnt of. Congress, they will.ask, leave to blii uuriug luu leuess. THE PEESIDEXT . AND SECRETARY ' !:crfANPii:E.-'" x It is' reported'" thit' a little1 cbolness has sprung;up' between the President' 'and! Secretary! Chandler, on acconni of ,the jCondugtpf .theichigan dele gation at Cincinnati. ' The.Prcsidcnt; tKHhaVMrCWndler haVb usdd-iiis'inuuenbfbtiOonkiing, ; tbe;administrattori candidate, instead ; .ipft i?lS?tb.fl.Jiiteri-. or did all he Could for Blame. V ! IUD, FOR ME. COX. l,ait t&TT HtA JJl t ; hi 'i - - Mf. & S. Cox pid not, return to WaHinglbtf'-wiiHHnb restbf ho fhfb-4eHt ib ;i4urSJ bbtstopped I iiMiujbQ bcoj jjomof Qi;iii;iirietwis.: lliO.uis.it is iaui that ha wilL.iose his iciiuiitiuaiiivu jiui -, vuugicsa. a ii if, wiifpwftn' hiaicWAbf lhb speaker-' ship;wtll f athercibadw7J V.i . i norlr ftif.A:Tj Kti5rx EEPOEtj'I ViTbe:Radlealjmajority;;of the Mis sippiInyestigationflxjomroitlee in- itend to bring in a regubir red-hot Ku j Efaxor the rnat Exaggerated statem ems-tor- pre-; parej nbe publi.o in-.jad vanjscx. . (.TjiTa 4s aprelude ta Rending oops, into - th e istatei:;, '"x : ; 7 :.; . 'falvinlcel4 ;P 1 1 ' iV'irvtMnA in. fMatM'thHrr Calif drnitt'dT. ' hnz M-fhT .1 kii Miss Caroline iieid, fliiee'ebf the" I can and will be yonr candidate. 9,IaeH:Tlepubrici'f,sw'afe UtH mgriaprBumerbusly; o J.beunqttef abid uif- . may of the Hayesy organs. ... i A Connecticut;, man scalded three acres. 1 r . t . , . at -.trii4--wft .wvnbuall ,ftxtmtU The Baltimore uazeue coplern- pthepalilibaliorfof'khhotnVrig'-edili with, the Christians arrayed, against , the MbsMmabsiT-orfe? nWow. t UharleS ommg sake brush singing, ,rOh, Sioux AanatioartOTi cy!loraeld tirttn vi. to1-icord2arra?itohawlbi&tie ' f bh Bigr lon -lcggedtl raanii 4dn.' iha.sSKift.jjlhff: fj-njV: dkj f-u? irriijajfes wfts .feOwiaatrftlouliFjrir day,,wfiich ishangman,'s day, and thence HiiflmotinTversSr sfehtlraetft 'ambg the peobJeu'lOh SiangtHnyeslI'i i Jmf ot o4S ? uwjBusca wog.axiea oy eiaoorutu mm ?jcture Motw&jfsam resembles Rose Eytipge. .!: !4 . Charles '.Francis Adams is For i0fflan of ttcTcteQftfrybf p.'iii '! 1 VI ;