-f, t sit fJ 1 STr TLEGRAPIJs Jtslt THE KATIOIIAfc'ODEi ,iVii tuo 'i in e i t o 3 iit&a tno3 VI : - .... ' : :'. ,1 " ; ' , l :i Satt of the stauuft Davl - Let Asia Into the shadow! tottli ty ,S'iT Let Europe basic in thy ripened ri'li vA And over toe severing odea M't. t- r ' Give light to the eager eyes j .Sijfcdst Of thaandtliat wails K txjltold thee ria S The gladness of morning lend her. M, ; I With thetrfcimpli ot inoon attend ' her, And the peace of the; vesper skies l u,v Forlo! she'cometn wnnwu JisY With Jiodc-; on the Uio and I ixl&eina ' the brow, . (.1 f.s.wftiC Jiojtr . I. - l i i. .r . l ' . . . ....... '. - stronger, anu aearerana iaireri-' "i i ; w' To smilebn the love -we bearber.fi i 1 To live, as we dreamed her &id Bought lier' Liberty's la'testidatfghteH yrnut'.vSlx In the clefts of the trocki,- io; tli secYet i . placeSrij:i( ,! P'i !i'T- -.rrr:-"," '-.. We found ber traces; ,ii :: On the bills, ia ihe' cask 4i. ifoods that fall, - fi'ii'S We heard her all ; lb ! i T 'eUioYl t ' When theilines of tittle broke.) itituVL We saw her face la the fiery smolte'tli Through toil, and anguish,: imtesoUtidn, L.ri WeToltowed and iobnd ber mi ttu . With Ibe graeokIwBWIotosvf'i?4 -a i As 'a sacred' scone artmnd! -aeirf ? i I WhwebaM wjofiMMr;-aJ i:li i '- uii ; With iirteous! Voice: W f' Juii'P Far heardthrough the aes; If noYsher f or Rivuicunw is uuiuu uft ucucu ur - - The doubt is 'dead that denied be,rxi And she elands acknowledged aadt, strong - A i - i - . Invades Ib'e lordsbiD WHtitflfcitfy!1' . Andtlbubanhnet take's 'the ono en Fwhall tit crHntcled a'mJTsiTenf pees ra,'' Ik-fore thc.fu'ure first Jbettbe:pi;l'?'1. 1 ? r Tdl ldsfiff darett attast: ' --: ;s 1 ! ;Ti write etiefn'il 'wttr'graViitelage From EsryptHawny drift, -and Assut's mound, . , .1 . . ', 1 And where: 4iplirtedI VhVte'and faf ' Eart ff bikhest yearns to meet a Ur, And man'" bis manhocxl f by ,slhe 'Ganges : foundrr1 Imperial beads; bf old rnilfeonial sway;' j Ana stm . by .some f pale ,spienaor ' 1 r;owfie : :S: isi JJ:M" ':! Chill' as! V- crr '-Hht" in'Vhir ulorbed' I' .iv. - ; -' - f I; And say. thruuj-h strong Hps and' vacant j III Kit Kirttitut l i j - ." J; It ThfidHHatirtestfrecdAin? VwJwrrand - - . ,1 --i.il- M) c!are to us thy claim f : I 2i U'hOfft-i!:!, 0.l O'u mfe"slresw:,CkW iSt.-rt j. i. I JSTi-.: t II rcme won me. inyiwiaie au.. i I' Pvltisa btbeirdom bralTthe basl; i li Aim! la ill in the royal right df toil 1.1 " tJ IS lniii lue wilderness lone v ni ;! 41 Hie walked with fearitsifeftt. v . r-i- i With lire bf anetal and fo 1 1 bh drove hep plowsbjarc deep ,f,,; v. I Titr.nii ht nmiri's thhiifnH p.niririftd I sleepy . il-hr ' ": fciVr'Z V ; ':jif U i T I .Tdtbe Botitb1raMWe8t.aikl'NortUV..blt 8he called nath-finderl forth. a ' . Hdr faithful and solo bonipanibri. ,U tt. t a i . l : . 1 Her way to the Bonset barred Alii mi' imnieiera riYcn 111 luuiiuri iuu foam " ." , ' ,: C.lar,ntt)fi fli lArritl puflvnn ailed the terrible canvonl . . ; T I ' :. " .' . .1, -i.i i i. 1 t' ' nor pause mi uer, uucrmoai uome ,t) W us built in, the smile of a sof tef skjr,., Arid the glory of .beaafy still to be, W'tere the baunled waves of Asia die On the strand of -the-world-wide ea. tT ' "r 4 ... .i...-io, : i m 5t-jy i ,us , t;,r .saia.t f Pi, .as over rami! ,iae b:sw. fi.Wufr- f.j-.j BlendineaU turms inonelienjenantclQw.l mcei , mat answers every .uojDUiman a-j J. Driver ' 7; ; Fi eedom; where fallb ,ipays lead ior TJjpngbj, , . ,i ue ppwer ot,m idds , know,, M r . ; t i riurcuasta py oipod ana iwoe, iii4rrfed hv fire and stfteL' .r." V . . .!.. Hath Uhe t secured ? What lilaion on her 1 t :T stueld..; i,;,, ,f,! n:,! ,,.,..;.,,,: p . f. . : '- . .T- TT I jlq ihiciear n'ligbr;--'., buines to tne wona reveaiea, . u,., j kj ucciaring nopier.pinjnpiii oprn,oj( jrigmr ;, ,; Foreseen ba the .vision otagef4 U:h toI she.waa born pf tl language it ages 1 . ' By the ffaihpf lfnegno9lQ.(Mtd,f1Ut, And the faith oLlbe living fed! i j, Kb blflPd.io her.ligbiest.ieins.jt voi Fets at jemeraberifd iiftSL VNor sliaineof bondage lias bbwedher bead. Tit fu r fni rh and ff 4tire'a still Tuo Qnbletlcbib Puf itArJ w?lF,'s r' T Cavalier honori HBguenbtf'tn'ace; The Quaker trutw and -sweetness, T'" d the streoffth !f bet 'danerlrdKd ii..kt!iiii t.t.r4.ziwiiiji ' t. hWfe waif m.toiiw Of HoUand blendin a proud complete dcsS. From lheibbmOf SllL-'Where ! he beifaff began, ir.iu xio ajcjc; . yu yjii; She.tootc wftatisne gave 10 man Justice, that -I lit-ner as ecreqtii Fice air for aspiration, , r. Free'fitlte' :.SheLtakeslbiit tbftglagktriiiri odT' As the; sea returns the rivers in.rairnl U; ji And'gatbsrs tbeichoseb of ber seedw) Her GermW&wfelul fey iientkrifi" Her Ireland seesthe cdlinbtra Bbrb1'' x tueu lanei canutu iiUL.. n.i t i, . i o uue ftyng race an races uerij jUiK Tonsrues melt in hers. heredilarV foemen Forget bebotdtedslogan, kith and oiii rfaneui tiT: n-bl:T X & .C5dl" ' v Twl gtoryplmeev'toM a Romaff J 1 'E? She makeidoryjnovJvfe be winaii' - i . " .' . TT ' n . ' , .-- '. . k''ni 'lili J- - Vlllt'il ' Oil ' 1 1; .fl(HJR Iake exuiation. i" W) i Of-buuiblermoidf For the nride dtlhlo8xuitilioa O'er periVcofljucw4 asdietofe nabduedl, .in But balf tbe right is wrested! j rt- xi -j n. -lit. ' Ah harkmyieirin On every, wind or homantory blown, r,. ' , ' r ; A large;' divieljfonMetaw,)"!: ? Qaestions the right and, purpose of a StMeV 'And fo its, pi&i sttb.Hmen VK y - Our raVaree dmtotiiny T f The Tariilff yesterdaV.of 9o.wer ' iRJ,-M ChTebackMMhy feet2 N rm Some fierce fijanic' joo conflueW 'knom: paWkrf Jto9tnibg a a9 eartb opd Whether o.vems of seror.kinalii l'-r.il.l.'d Our ancientl'ood beatoestleki iojejpae,, Weanflgtby rfytiirt-oW ChallengetureAbd,Ti: r" PfMfffX: i 1 1 m riv I 'I' I'riim iiHtiii it ; .... t AVA X'lULC La0W9 -WKUW W&VHM WvhwV Is pUttted JUiidtikeD.hearted mood. IV?,lho,.ftlSt . " ja cin jtortitnd , nioIC, 1 Apoordtng to ,tbe. terms; pjT-hu A!. vvMoxw fro, tj,e; !,,, -!-Wall:l.w.; yr.,tti ,.',r t,MifM IMii u Uvi . ftittvirtATAnilfint rri''PnTiHftJ IriMrrirrloh lasi P Wheo victory yields theorize, -And half the narrow-tested - Tlie tests tSttt wait for then ?if t I larger.vperfls! olrprostieriiy; A V: a i - Here,.aiJhBCejitiiry'sjiwful shrme,J isbrJW;qlhy:iffjfG)d;!ndJHiae:i Hubt'nj?'thcB r'iiiidreyeaf- Cab &hB fore e! ' Itres6nV3oy;be:bMrden'of het Htift? When fnrli!tlio! wf.li I'-.U-iiil erfifldlt staked1 khd'Gn-,? Tbe otafpromise of Ut power begim;5! Ana Dai 'T:llie 8hartioi Tbe, million-travbs'bfer,yftilfif tlorofiotl HJt; shouted ttfefWMrhie kfns dtltr Bdrte teieir Is borW V"h fi,!!3 as(f 'ntKJtf Baptismargar men?-''-never robes so.fair !;r OUatfPritliWIiif W-world 'it& V , s '':' Their livis',vtheir fortnn'esaiia'tbeir, saqrel v:i:,a.h6nor''!'! ''!i,; V.VJJl Oi. " .!- II-r''af'ff rv; i.u'Ufi AHllrecwafeird1. r'tt Radiant with btessiig of the deadt;, 'f, i' immxs ion tpfigTOf.cofi ;a,"Tbe tosi of 'ab's oeW'uiorniug.on.lbV face! Invade thy rfsine ja"h'rfeVrifbf ifie iPkst. ; .To.makc a blank where; Adams' stood,' To tooth' the fathers sieathedJand sacred SimH 'crowns'ob .Jefferson i And, Franklin i iaid,v: ; s;; 1 V.Or 'wash from Fretidom's' f eel iiie stain forLincbln Hearken, as from, that haunted hall ', TUeir voUs'&iH ' We hved,ai;d dieia for thet:, ri; HVe'grgatiy dared that thbti tnight'st be; We claim denials' hiclf aVlastfulfilJ '; rJ- And" ifm tlom yielded to preserve I lice treel !-' ''..:. ; i.T... ll:.v. i' .v . -T-i -. i Bside;c!ear 1 arted llmht i: That smiles at I'owetVuplif ted; r ror,. t V - Ana Vrdi r lu, sustauis, uponlhy wkI,. lAboye all self, and only less tban.OHlf . - I ." ' . Here may thy solemn cjiallcnge -end, r 1- -.: i.ai WI u im" ipo t -hi,u And that hall Jtcardsweet harmony Of ;sometbBg nobler 'than our sous nmy aec! j Of days that wire, nd f may 'a'swlii irurni Wh'n ihr 'fleet' fOoti jOIfubtrvs'sS.f W 1 W.tvl. ' 3. -. ' : 5"-i ."I"! fTlieJlipperV brinks of danger km-w ' , . Tet tthys kihne ticber sense ' TV ' r ' "I won irom vne raixiure jor;uiiHc t-ieirpins. lilo cuide the vacrrant scueme.: And winnow inrtb rrote; each coi flicfinst; -. areato!' ' r . ,' . Jerm thy blood siiail live iRome fore? unspent, sdme essence prrmjtive; KTrt faoitwfhA Iinhii4t licr- rT tlitnnrc For rale, to mould thee Jo ber plan i?"'iin.u unviuvu ",ri i - . liwnnbeld tue udder ano the orchard iruus. lld thpft'wHh RAvafrtf roots ' And forced thy barsher milk : from barred fj w breasts ot man; hi!?:;?.!-- . -h J ' r:r.- : r All a. . ' L ; t -i . f U O 'sacreil .Woman i Form "I Of the first 'PeopIeV fbeed "and passton irrotigbt,'' ;r'" ' ' f '; ': i'Jio thuii paief ghost oi tuoogtt,r' ir'irom itome-sceairai sear n-u iirini r hrttnii1 HTmH ona 14." ,r . V, " " . .r A n F8611 not irto-Vrng as one is thrall i wawi - jfThat for her children aaa man dehes, '"ttbH f eatteftcbdd brbV.f '" No more a new Britannia,' groWfi w f rTo spread, ao equal banner to tbe breeze, 1J 1!AI.1.M ..t k. - iAfM uij.iwBut, v f;u -wyww t.wuu unoorrowea cresi.', a, . :Ui n . . r . ine own native beau ty dressed,! i" .: The front of pure command v-iba unflinchr t ill xoffeieivthweowaijjiiij u,i A ktlV',vhiis'ii'iftfiib7, :' n: a? i Look op, look forth; and on.l !! , ,!, fUa Ud! TFAbWJthe,iaawnmg sy:Mfi The .clpuda are .parting, the bighUs gfine: itv-JW w.orm-yi- ifUeLJuaaM imwt ...Fallow, lb V. pastures lie;. (; ; . ... And'faf thv sbeDberd-'s strav. ilnd thVlelds of tbyvast '4iim9h:uiitV OJF knowledge-desire and pdafd. , p keenefi siwshmaijniejwej-jiinrfu - irnt'keen thv parmenta nurBi.:..,- . Pluck. them back, with toe Id disdain., it huPj9MbbdajthastainI:atr mpel.to beauty tny ruder powers, Trtrtirobod'nftW comtnff hours ttbadlTAhn;bo tby fields apart;'-'' "dT With thd oat of Toik 4hd rose of 'Artl .' ' Be watclifu alio keep' us sot '- tsm u -vSAlm fatmntr: andjfeariaffoei: doir.q A HlWiast'add'tbewoddVMiallikBdwl bH o.l A ud thfltdarishalt neveK cfia(f. ,y (iTaatfinda us'weakwdtRrib'oil diiH -3!TorioinanilOTgittfaiiiJryi'i tr.dt frJ rt tlwerbSt las fo;the'oidieii; '.u And the mkiafeiaalciibtith'e'tli Uvioi'l 'Jt T vf.iT. s.r'rT UAYAKD '1ATXOB. ISffiSig tmiw enny iuisuu, .voiaiantooTmy egroiwomanrwaf killed byHgbtningitt'tbe arvest field recbnUyia Jtheo boya;.o- borers, were otuu oiaFr-fc-v. Cotton, ftixwotlier pert tb eooatyj "swalikewtsfl I j -L . . J HmCK. . - i ,m.i iw . tolerably good !obklrig.fen6sjowcver. cpmpiauis (OI AueviwiiqB wi,wwbi"''""'i i uere is. a soiemn -sweetness off iter- orow; And 1beieye'fesaerefca V ";' S3 ner, Dosom'a grace ,v-v )d"ttvit Till tirrllirPB'VPt f J? rom either side, in Bad, returning 'love J i j'f'jjii.),! fin6 forget;1 . i uTw , Here; where the ruler of to Stn,'u l'rr ' The rCltieh bt to-inbrrowL r W, f t I llbd eoiiaVtboiidatfas to rejoice' ahdrtfy Het birth'Cy; f'rfied 6f 1 eebet btfssiatia ''M ebrrOw? Liwkiijus aujlrf Jt nniJ ''WH6t, ftn'ffjTriirtoKal tnferrt"-1 In farneri isoldterV li&f atid: sage: ; ;' 1 ' f-nt iiti,Aire and daslfDotf ber ;' ,:v -Takffobr fresh feally now T,. . ,,'. NWtmore,aMCh1eftaiSe,withj; .1 lknsmutejntogpgpid.pf GftW..!; 4 Compel, to beauty thy ruder powers, - ' Itr.'T?tteTa!d.l " - - somehat'odi'bf place in the narrow treet ota bich it 4s8itaateJil ?It i be longs more properly to-tr?orcoxintrvJ, reseiabling a' fwelltcdt ) gentle raTaru unmieriaeatilJwitliJit!beat fi-oni :ga'iL denuLSEellhp edrl walkai elosd btlt rasibrbkd i.Terand'abB,filoviiv-slcw fiasycbalipand -MiTgrogbas'kJjl tftB doorwajdiTecfilyifoithe-tjenti-ciaJ'Uie inanlBion;dKanbd bfyitwo fbdatdogsr, moiblledr;bBfiir yrladfttcbirigopItalian grey hdtntds,; but a! little haerr tils hall way!ii Vdadjnid 6n ill !Usf dal J laVge parlor prottily, anther! than tole feaiitlyrf uaiBhedu rlts ritfxllff at Inodf . eralUlyidbrnGdi iviiilbcbbjetf cfrilnral paintings anil a fewTarieixgravtiig'aC nrbdebuRtT3aJiDtedtdlliFd- aclevfek- fworlcarfeisfisiin 'fledestad d the eadJofthnrjiiiKieaKwb boand .boiols.nifi lo wuut-rw lift jmoi 0iiUW'8erHabpvstablishcd 'hbtteorf redness of the clerks propfieey; The' GoveHW i tthen " at breakfasts iiVV oid duV ifeiatp into the pajrlorj sa.tldvi -:ieatedKf iWe lid m, Awl-mi Umtf pswtl affbrt Hi?.iJwyfj jlhii wi jiajb fyp flitileavei tiont &ioiWtienUo i nlAtt J9Vbapay ibT, hidyi rfiadeta - of nbja -oqouict iKe, to hW; JtHQFcrvaj f acster., f ipioFesTn'cofltain l..Wa.Vr ofii jthj. ,tw.qNd3ftit ot ,nirs fy i tl j m bicft i t? bvsu ed i jer tfaitnly t wetity 5 -weri t,h (isb ,jof ;1 y o.4Jf . 'band oipB;!refi0d looking; ladief, and ' ih k Jn'tiei .o ftfe e;. pictured ,boaiuty rV&a the tjbsaita(jfp 4 ,Ue QoMenbr, smiting a.bliHfrttlyi Areiakrie grtotn'j '.frnajiiitthft fv.ftrt.-t elftlQiithf cejj DfUi )e.;tY0 1 fear Mjilt that 1jHj jVYJuto4Iu8ie Jk? llfffifrtJt sided oyer by -feratuingffaob, beaaty. and intellect,; ifvthe pioUiresr jnT tbe al bum. (a ff orl t a nyi V,i ifil icalion upon wheh iw.biiiclr aii opinion. tT j ?;n TTIUcii and flendrlck strcustli Con ceded by Hepubllcaim.' ! ' '; New York 2rMn'"lteaJ)l:cnns are very likely tti underrate lh' Strength of this ticket: J They will make a fatal, mistake' if they llo fefdl 'understand that ' it ! is : dahger-' o'rrly strong, and begin rtiifhout 1 delay the t ff in is necessary to Poetess. ' 'Theywi 1 1 mis-' ernblyUcceive lwmselves" if 'they exjtevt' much from Democratic ilisseuslooa. ' ;' l sbyjyvji.Hjtiiiniwiaflceio y,bicli ftjfi ! entijU'd, Wp,shaJLtrMJ:Ubre;aily.'.do',ejt.M,. When ve kbow the sin iMirfcs ! certain jl i!il troi j -Ust-tii tut (WnsiUieQiWEaiTSVjl ni'Jid ' L 9a ifvijti Ctj'wWV Jottt((I? 'Tlio ' Homihai; I tioirof sGoVtTir Trtden niarkfe a ntfWcra in Aiiierioan:HHtic, n It i&ht ttffect- of 4he ; exertion of isiUvf orceS; "hot inwreiy Ibc result 'of i he concessions 'of ! power f ul rivats . wbovwouhl' not yield to each' otheri'ftnd : r letthe nomtaailon drojvios& lbiver -plabd'ef itbBily uiul iDrominenc,' in -order :tos md'4 turflly spare? each- ttbcr fueMfigs. " ' Jd6mnl& -warily $t rcrnaik that two1 VttMhe1 wriiers mbst stttdfctf '.for style -ar6'FJWL Uol)erlsm aud Father New'- miin ' . ' ' ' - - ' - ' The jUhbtusp 2imc .and' the St "..Louis Tier fivUicar, two tivvt!iier ,v,bicb kavo bojn, ui oi. mo ji(jMVTr.nK;, ioia. ir. several. v'(:urs.'r!t:ini bai-k to , advocate Tildcn and. Uondrieks: t y 'X'o t 4;mo..j' s! pit f. The Tnbum (Republican). isirys 'Ike! bolt from the St. 1 ui4icliet-sU-not bo suffl cisaUyi largo rtorow d Peter Kkiopet'd fliui toad jiaconiiQrwfy.,' r Ur i!la BalHmbro ?arettcUncle: Samuel Tilden baa one 8tblleBSeye.!i TbatisJ he has n eye sittgle iti rfcfhrra.ii rButtbct Udeve an V gpt on tbo blind tide of our Un die i 8amuL ! New;T?ork 'Tribune ?Tbel kories ' Wiicn CiKclKbatl n'fi'Xetxisbavc ncaciL lor-LL'.VL : JiL JJ,i.J" ' uoru fy oy, wssuni lucra.wq .ue.a 801; tnrRSiort iif.nril!t inn. . .'Watnn Ilif n'rir.A of mtew ;YorK Nvt Ktora Alarfcei, 8cceipt3 todjuioj tola rosin -and 1, bbla 8Dita : tumeatine. . Tab . demand vitfiobt animation for anv descriotion.. and : he iparkt stllX shoeing somehai stupid J one,,t, noiaer v - fUJposea ; 10, orjuo. natfers. bat 'many are rather ". iaclined , to. realize, anjgpo&freQ operators c,puld, ,( prok. pabW obtain, confeessions. . Spirits. urpen iiaetoay very sisqk, ana we near 01, onty, pp.bbjs at S0c.vBias.were njoderately -apr, nve, a,giiguv smyjin .uaving aunuiieu filling of some orders. , We. hear . of i2,08Q bbls strained at il&J Tax is slow tiferpclpisHumllt.m 22s. .loVdolli, steady;' Ldndbn Hosin ' 'Bteady, 5a M' for fifip'aad botltv cleanse oai- ticbd 'with, Dr.' Wtt VegeUkbletPluW iu: n xd "fit ;!., bdW l hi(c,ll'ii t OSTly'i' aJ prevalent aictlonan Ulex)t uAtaa.ereatmWhietUf Jt iefiroiMal ; adis- e. and of more senous Imnort than is comment aapected. Generally'rt ia lodketl Upoa a a trivial latter JSav BftWe will H tfu .timeMrrect it IB rue that nature1 -does of teH assert 'its'nipimacy. at ifi it larf aJtltbftlexpcjuMi.of I th4mwral .welt-i einerof the whole avstem. OonadDauoB imntiea a areatddeal.'waah nuMtttMioJi mtteyMthijcUorr 6t WOW teKite'boi ateHiar General f eelintr of Bictness. I feeling febility, indigestion, .debility, disordered rSUpi an of fcuntam iW MiM1t-.Wl MtlU ltnintniManrJflfttttbe bOvl Wb&aW)rbed timhe blood and ooteoa ithe.iSTetsw ittrbdncica & T - . ' ' - . ' v i " : ; - - uwies. anangnry, nrenna aisoraera, ijpnoia Jever, lU0490i,i8POHeaiiyipiJ-iHYki ' 30HSTIPATIDII ICTIOULD IIECEITO xpas-pmaim'tne onto.'- rvi uuwparpwm nouuq L S , I trzr-j llrtr- BfjH-hl fwiii ana shines' tney wuf teguate - tn . ooweis wnen an their ndleinifaUBVi'iniey' om8 itoaia, Kkr vaaocrctive apflBathartiC pvoperttes, tadwjllto II mill IU WO BUlLClUJgo fwiuuug iiuiu naiu vi oner atooJar-riii i caueuao gguauBtiuu. dqi m 1 . ,. Has, 'over een i offered . to-- thi ; public, aatt? by tneir nan nnr rnvi will Kn henlt.nter. Btronerer and longer V ItTedPPrtee cent.' dld h all drugglata?' Offlc, ftt Murray street, New Yrtttili;'i"' ajIWfWit PJiiladi-ipbia jTiQyire?' IdenVaDd ..jlen-j drtcks uill pot m n Jjcket, . -to fm .despised,, rto'f "yviint fje aysafeyjiielb, undeiraic.fbrj wu aiso wiow wiM"w,e mus iiairt mpa,-. Jjtoyt;rctme.: jt.,,.A, cToso .contest, is, "to at4nj(olteyesti.obe. nidu; BItiAailotiBWfniWaTa'f un, MWVVV PUlTyEpMarkefc stear W sSti. 27 nts-per i gallop rrdfLT5ouem TmSSkimiis'mli efifrainipd;d9$l 3ifPtJfioAStrainet do Pale t 4 per bbL r r:o? f ;jr jfii ;l jKiriseTeaJal'li Oacale of -tJtolPt TTIIHNttSliila liTCm YttnlSTARiOiClne1! it HPIUtT TfjnPENTINEIrarkef slefc OK Ull saleT W fcaW AlfSr f cenYs I pegallonfheiHagcl l TAli-MarktrrBl aliofl bbls at f F!0'fk"r:lybl! m3.:ai.tt :-.titt4''.':' dyivi Saks ) of 192 bUls at' - 00 tor iflard, $1,?80 .ft;iYllow:Dip abd sST OO.foit'i.W' W ' 1 ' 'AZm hft J-ft f fi Hit? L'jiuvi j man and, 70 cents in- bas. odJOTTONMarket ijuiet jabd noininal on arbasisdrfi 1 1 r exjnta per rrtuad "f on mid- ' t ISTAft OFFICE' July? rlAG-p! Mil? OTXRTS TURPENTINEj-TMarket stea dy, with sales of 92. casks. a 27Nfientsper, callon for Spbtbcra packagelk ;r-V' ij ' . ROsiN.rMarket fiTrik.'; at f 1; 25 itfor StraiiM-d awd fl SO for Good Strained. Sales of tfio obis Good Strained1 at $1 SO, 53:dbNoa-aiit &V:00idoFklftat'ii3,ob and 40 de Exiru Pale at $4 00 per bbf." v IT A U Market firm at l '00? i Sales of 14 id'daut $1 '60 per bhL' , ; ' CRUbfi' TURPENTINEkaikeijfijm, Sales ' of 830' bbls at i 'ffi for . Hard, $l( 85 fur YellowiDip ancj $2. 00 for Virgin. 'ji.HiN ilaikctstcadj', Wiih fair ; de mand ut 646G cents per mshel id j bulk and 70 cents in bags ; H' v POTTON.H-Markct t quie and nbhriaali Last sales on a basis bf.ll cents' for! ( MidJ dling, I ); SPIRITS TURPENTINE 5y at 27 cents.' ;: Safes of' 350" -Markets stea- per gallon for Southern packages,. : j f Strainpd..and,,$t SQ. fT tf9f4, Strain,ed,., SjiJas of 50abklnn'e4,j$l 25 Plbbl. iTARi-rflarket steady at l (0; Sales" of S3 bbls at $1 00 per bbl. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market stead v. j;.t. ' JLe tl' tJt.i'i. V inn i.tr.-i $1 85 for Yellow Dip and $3 for Virgin COTTON.--Market ouiet Mnil nominal. Iiast Sales on' a basis of 11 cents for a' dling: r ,f -r !!' EXPORTS Ott TIUl WKKttJ COASTWISE! .: , New - t,YouK Steathsbip I liecutatdr 3.158 bbls rosin. 49 cask&Mririlslnrochtihev 85 pk&s shMkj, 162 ''bushels peanuts,- i-8, ,ii rt, ..At . t . . turpentine, B bags flax seed,' -23 bales and bags roots and herbs, 2 hbls berba, "box.es seeds, 10 empty ale keesT ' 1 F r vi fe'dtlttmbert.it, Jn,.f j-j-i! NeW Yo&rr&teamShinlIefiilator3.158! pkgs Bhbokif.l bushels peanuts, 143 bbls tar ' 210' bkgs paper, 12 bales Iheeliog. 4'db domestics. W dO cotton 'i 5 roHs'andrl bo; ltaOier,'152t bbl6 turpentine, - 0 bags .fiax-1 seed, 23 .bales and .bacs.Eooti and , herbs 2.- ' UVf -r-4 SMVM XI V If V'y - A, CDUIIUVlVr' ;A VI kV Rico, with molasses to E. Kidder & Son$ Schr Maffgib'Crfnadarll NeW!'RterV Eerinep&!OaiaerBros.K 4 Yr -Ai M Stoamsbjp Raleigb;iqfiyeri Baltimorei -m lucazaux, V;,u1,,n iiAti ana w i . i i i Bcur oyan,ey,v Trier, 283 tons, .liarreti, pPbiladelphia,'arriss:&HdfelL ' "ul Schr Dick Wniittttls,184;lotfs, Campbell; Harass &t Howell,- with '273 tons .coal to Worth & Worth. ' -j .f Ger brig Dr. Xaskej. 26G tonsBoer, Be men,a43days,,E Fdsfehau'Vfej Westermaun. tNAr bfJgtRufus,-223:tobs,TrCbristiahsein, wiarorkv 22 dayBvli-B Helde. i d -Sit- v iBr bris Eleanor. 209tons. Partelor. Phila-: teasbiplJFyrpiipe, jj . D CazHiix. . ; , py;- iBallimorp,.- 'ft&mtiffY. tegulabr DbaNeYdikV Scot JCatie Collin9.; Matnews,! Baltimore," flWTlSS W, f lower .rilf tO p i schr Kav. JJenms I HBIUl vu mrMaegieV'Canaay'j erehnerf&fCalder BrosPii "NeV'Btvy Kerchner i:t'l-lT' ?dw, :tifiCrfa S J! lioaevi j-steadv i ati ,2 peryfeenfcf j Sterling ixebange steady at 488. Quid quiet At Jl, 112i. Governments dull! but steady-t ji:r uA .HiCWrK wih . H12 1-16 cts ; , consolidated .net receipts ,BtrnB,le8f.txpons io,rea, prjiain o,oo aia;afv4rj-ftfjce .-ow oaiea. jrour wub Ant flEckledtcIiancrei)Witth'a modorute; busi-l 3derit4IexiJOBteuiEy:labd! Infers 'fTW. Inb'gbipperkiboldiirgKJiT. 4pawialgnfiy.itf ttuverstavor. wltu maeraie iraaeiemftoa f Coffee. Kid auiet and steady - at 15ilfii L 4uniKaIolasse8)mietS and unchanged. oRiee duiet and aajly.frajjpwioy.aniai.tieia. at 86 ceats for prime, eii, Rosin, steady, :pims turpentine 'qdlet ! "Pork -firmer 'and sib f aircxporr dCfflllTlJ; "tiSWTiless faOT-Lard fftiBer and f Airlf Active? pfimiaSteami 1165 1 $11 70r aWMskey bhade rmer at 1 12. f Freights quiet. - f .i-lf f. CUl-r-Marketteadytanid ;faude- a at b466 cents per.bdsbel ib bulk. ouis lar, iu t'Kgs papr,, is piut's sucuijaj?, 24 d domestics, lo do cotton yarn;1 7 !do cotton, & rolls and' !' box 1ea(her. .152 bbls' f v The arrivals were 491 . casks spoils tur peuUne andl,34f,bbJa rosim .There was a limited business in rosins, with sales of 400 bblarak $1 4f for strained to No.2; $i 50 for extras No. 2? fil75tOfloW Nol J; $1 85 for No! 4; 2 25sforrextraNo.fl; $2 75 for low pale; $3. for pale; $4 25 for extra pale; ud f 55, 5).fOT,window"gla6S. fgiits lu- rithiu'was quiet at '25c : for. whiskeys 2ffe for 6il and 27c j per .gallonf 1 i tot11 gnklr . pnckae9-1rudetuj5eDUqe is valued at, vilijicli'W f Fklab WoodVJQbn ' PJKcliV)BW(4r il4ii)iil limn .hii-irsf i ftc-Jjft.biiitioweK al 5v j ftoAtr ib flmnclebraU' j Fjifirlbiifirwid frebcm0Seh$U jjresidiwi. ij Soibrem glorloos sainiel awiceora, and ndeajored j iatfteogBt olbef s5 bV "CbE ;JnbV ft.- Sfmons, of ) Rniilh RiirftlinaLilrwhn'ibronB'lil wrnnlk nf J sheer toSTaw Xoi iemodrats, .iir' L',on?MP&Se l ress,(-f n ij htch lie bredictd disaster to lb,is tbuhff yiuhies Ihfe' feat'Ifcmbcalid5-lMuHf sttccebildJ at f t hofcomlagi Prdskletitlal 4leo tiou.' ' HexplaiaeliHS4ppositioa to Til den fbpt oe Ibantem'Sjneniipatien, to be based on calculations for the good of ihe.party,.,bul, said, b0 man would give-him t armpf juppbr jsinc9,tbj8 party ,somiaa " 'Nearly'aiV7. "Ih the'Republican7 party eould nbi 'reform." it-, self, and thSl the bhly hoptfof thi country is in. a Democratic viptory y ' The Turkish" jl in ister has receivedr the followiug -disipatch from the' Minister of Foreig'tr Affairs?; ; " ' ' ' f ! ' ! CoNSTANTiKOPiiE, .July 6.lv ' " 6b the 3 id of July the Servians attacked the imperial troops encamped on the plains of Urkub.oJ After an engagement, ; of more than three hours the (enemy -were repulsed, leaving, five hundred dfd oq the, field. 8 ur SiJldkfs captured a great piany rifles, h the site of Berlins, at the different en ffasrements thev had -with' tbe Servians,4 bur troops .have "also - been . victorious. : They- capturcd prisoners -and a large quantity ot; rifles, and inflicted losses amounting to about 200 killed and 400 wounded. In all these engagements bur losses were cdmpajv ativcly small.- f ' ' ' - - ; "M ' . : ' '-;; f jiM Raousa, July 5. Gen. Mouhkta Pasbahas transfered the command of the Turkish 'army to Mahmed Ali, and gone to thcSorvian froplier. ; i ,, . . - !. ,-i Pabis, July,5. The Coneridcnce JJnherkUe states that theKbbdive'has furulshcd'thb Porte 12,000 men,ijci: lii."uiih Itif'riiiitH t ,A jCDuncn of ministers ."has dtscusspd. the Wxu.Aewii.(.:isuoujB,iWHOT pean powers wers will adopt tho policy of nbn-. ifion,1 td.f whicbi.Frh'ncfe ii i$al(ca Ched;' loj, tatr.u ,si.ryi .11 lriiertuptio bly attached HJM.l't9Ot t Speakcr,'K(QrrMimprovesi itt:t' the rAlum Bprinies.Jind .ldaentire restoration is hoped fbh V ' l'f'-'i.?i? -J" .M'U?K i!!'5V- .?,-;''.'' SATSv StJKBj ; AND"; -CHEAP i DE-i "8TR0YER of IheOLORADO BEK- mlU -m-vTAWi T?TTn' Knt itt U iMbews whSca'preV on- vegetauen I ' 44 X V4i.W UVVI w- v& 4&44 Cut and Aa3tr.,Woiut, Grbeh,Fi.t; Ac, Unlike i'urisreen antr omer i-oi?one, it can oc enurejy dissolTedjn water ant applied by sprinkling; TSct iNJCflMOUS Tf PlNTsji KOT PaNOBBOVS w.Tsb Never Fjuls to Km.' 'Costs anowr 25 Cts in Aciue. j tut in half pound bojc, fcnonb for taro acres, rrice 50 Cenje. Kf nd for Circular. Made enlvbvthri'- .V H.V;. v''iaMi .. we Vli Cor.tldadtSt, New Yoifc.X lf l. i'. GRAINGKJl x..;..tfr. jTcsldent 'C M. Bt5kai.. . ..,..i'.f..U.'..'.iT rregWent il3AA.C Bates.......... (Assistant Caehier I .iP-tvuf" m" f ''( t - . fTpu j'tlis Jtents1. of New Haitove c hull; '. ATTTH0EIZED CAPITAL - $1,000,000' . l.oflvni Jul 'L: ""-r . !-JVOHI l.rivni I'itJt- 1'i-: --"-"-r . l-i!von JphnDawebn,')!)-?) f C. fc'8tiediBaa4 ;D. R.'-Mnrchison, of Wil- ffc Stcdman, John DawBen.n ir iC H.'8tEdiaaa4Df Wrigh liAni JfcMurchfcion' 1 wA'Sist A.; teaM'oif WUlefr-s Off UHJUIIIttlU 9w CfnHTnnn . W. & WJE.R . i i M. Weddcll, ofarDoro,! Vollera. E, B. Borden, of vGolds- iJhrt. W Atliihson,1 uuni At. v. - f. McKne. -. h i uoi. v. a. lawie, i I. B. Grainger, President. 1 4-. rE.B.BoraEw, nn!JVnT,n TIpniiftK R.P.ltoimx Cashier. rrcsment. . .vliljlOLfUi,M JJi aUbUi ..' ,'A d J-1; sntEOtOBS: It Rae 4jrreth.'5-Hornby, UC Kdmundson, Herman Weill. . m. t r.i !.: i. 4 tltiV- pies:! f aMoro BranctMc f 3 ii i !.) M ! i '. l!l '1 ' '' ' V "' ' ' . ' -nrnPTrrrvRS? ; ... i uasnier. J.X Lcak,B. T. Bentett,G. W. Little, J C.Darshal Issnea Certificates of Deboat.bearinarinteresL , .', Is authori?jd'bv Charter to receive" on deposit rnoneya held in trust by Eiccntors, AdrnMstratorB,' I Btrict attention given tdthe orders and requests proar couniryFrienasnTmaji ojoioerwiae. -.tio it 1 nov 16-wtf- ' j :THE:.DiOIiT::STAll! -Mia 'iH Bitf:UMftrt VAffdrtt(i lAw0' t Ir.iiiStite ; 10'-iMTilftdU. Ji;dOl-'::.I'ie3 0'iikATf& OP s'fjlfSCBIJHriKil ?i'J '1 iii- libit. iiJuM..iU..? vinj!rr,Mi' ot iteMonhs3'i:.y?Mu.!.,.?Wjt.Jiy. ttareeytV .Tl1 U.lvi.l. I '.U -.M. n r-.mjfiVV 'iii'H' iS :i.o4 ,fd1i j1 :I-i-'i-.'J -n- iv v-i'J f ad ttltift ki; w --.jfiTdiiyv lT -'jm .ikufun, oiiiU.tR ia fjt J r, a tfni !y w ,oiiu:- fcj'uin: ,apl Eww Jf flrte, a r' ..' r f . - r. ,...:t UiUenecai News,1 )yTeigrttpB and 111 J" UoiiiJf.-) oiU.oywbrlk.iyu " Idfi8 'noiJcjbtri'r.daiiiir-4:d tunfl relict I Oil KJ'IB OOn A -T-Jt ! IU: HOi!-'JI'lt rtdd-vl- iujiL,tol- iittf-v t' ' -t)'v'',r'-iroiiIrn"-T yjti:Jffrj! hi 'tiii : jfy,.v,p, i J ft i! i t tV' S3! HI", Vm '" Adtlreei, Jl -Wl i -ini'v .lyjAlll : 1 .' f-f r Kdimb a PBOFaneros, Wilmington; N.C, It ?rm i i r W i?om?Wf n5i Wfi PSe and IK . kvl I J I ID "siTr';'"'-' 1 , i 1 1 1 - rt'tri' - -a !''t ."We havafor many years; with great snccOM, made . Bbewatty of : . htHWwg Vipa Brtcchilioadiriff: Gnns to tae special -tnetructiojiB of Indlvidaal jiportamen -'Making for a large and Bclccf frade' enables na to EEXvasriwater care anA Attniitfrai. im fluiiW )bnt- iinaBd FenerfiniBliDf.? oor Quns, tban.ijtanihu ive i jtiwse wnnsjon:nt ty taa rotau -n.annfactnrs who prodttci oror a general tnarket. xance of baring their tiuns mada to fit them. we are prepared to1 accpt rdets td build Gnns vjtu cnlars rcerences and mstrnctiotta for Bell nwaaoreinent forwarded on ap-; hcaaon.if t ' y -. wi' ?oliLEr;! ot ' .nranchOft6e4'29MaideaiLiftjN Mta4;-'" .si$!iJF;a.-V.?baafl'-b!ri:i ,'HH !.J!4j! e. Removal. i,- . .. ?'t-feH- H rJr.'se; ''.:t ..Jtd iS?'rf ';''' a'-t AS REMOVED TO 'HIuNSW BUILDING, j t .pcfcT-D&Wtf? Attorney; at ' Eawr '; ELIZABETnTOW JaJyT-DAWtt , ,TV- c,4 -v-. ,.: ,',-."" The Salntation IS &te2 per dozea ; , This book, tbe first by Mr, Emerson alone, since the issue of his popular ''Choral Tbi botb," shows the marks of his nnezceUed talent in providing for the tastes and wants pf the Singing Public We have here a fine Singing School Course, a capital olleclion of easy Glees and Part Sobgs ihc ycoKua,, ana- s large, numoer gi new aieuncai Tunes. Chants, Motets, Sentences, Anthems, etc., tuiriuinK ucmucM oii variety in every part.. iTiCe or single copy $1.38, for which it will ha mailed, post-free, to any address. f -.(J. :- r A decidedly pretty and weet Sabbath Echool Song Book, is GOOD NEWS. It takes at -first Eight. Specimen copies mailed, post free, for 85c Buy our Centennial Collection of Na tional Sonc. for nee on all Centennial Occa sions, Price in Paper, 40 cts; In Beards, 50 cts. . ' ITb Press, and wUl be ready in time for the Fall - Traae.tne xouowing -timely iseoka : The A merlcn n Cn d r n M nook', (easy tlees and i part; songs for Societies; also, ,' 'l lie j lin core, (for Singing Classes and Conventions), by li.X Kmeuson; also, 'Tb Oratorio ef Joanna, by Handel; and a new collection of Part Songs for Men'8-Volces, by W, O. PerfaBS ! : ' JY' Oliver Bitson & Cp ; Aim?: U rROS TO N.!li)fc;l' .'; GIIAS. It.l)ITS6,& C:1 J.yEirrSOi A?CD.i 711 Broadway, Nw Y. ,1 Successors to Lee & .HQ.mjp . j walker, Philadelphia; .,je,2dw3w Wcd&4Sat ,v y ,1f j irt- S m la II P ig- N am s . y ;!.'!." .- i-y- , t ) ' 't ,i -1 . I I J Thin Breakfast Strips: Boneless Sams .11 1 )l J " ! ft L Vd )'Ji'.Jf.' . .''( ::f.iit?i-l;, i riJ Boneless Codfish. jjiif I SliitlWIW !iJ) in h mitBoneless 'Sardines.1 film -fUi quji j .V ? :ijin; -.nif Kfr10Tlf- IZAYIri OTYQOfi -'MUU 3 ,1 ..Vi)f!'? 7f.;-V Sm6ke;d3eef,aud,'S na. -id ! of f'i;u.'. !? CIIAS. D. KXlTEltS & CO. 1. 1 1 JeJSttoiftW ' ''6'arid flTorh.! Front sticef." -r-1 30 Thirty Boxes 3 CHOICE MESSINA AND US-.i VfU - ". t.4i-. '14t.it i 1 .:ti.l ivyu (Fit Ki I PALEiKSfI9,LEfMiONSl , no: fnslin 'Fertale ayt f !':: uni O jjegft-tfe&W 5 and 1 North Front .St. r GRBENSBORO FEiTlAiLTj: COI.r.rjfGiT. .!i ..-ij, .GREENSpOKUN. t, v ,;.,., THE FALL SESSION WILL BK(?IN N WEDr NESDAY. SSd of August,' and continue twenty 'weeaa. i x r , . - .. . ? : Board, exclusivexif- wasbiag-end ngnts, f75 ub ' -.m s. i I n , : 1 , U K ai4 :iHiuonitt.regiur jwigiiisuwuroc, -;t u , i -jFor catalogue, apply to Rev. T. M. Joints, Presl ;dnt.ff:i;nriii: h iN.-.H.'iDWILsONv tlii ',i't: ' ' '" ' ' ' " -' lorn ?.';. f We-Offer 1000 i . wai ranted fresh, sound and sweet 10 itdt iwir-yif.'.i- kji . t'ii;o' .,4.- jToBsneWjIiPG? JRQN, tc- ) - 44r.!mvil oAtiA-n.iHa''. i'tuu Jiyus 31 ' f ! w v.a t&H&frf FigatcS to' CaB afid8 Close4 BuyerB. :- aWball. 'if Ji .ijV 'I' ''. t r f. EXClJU ALL UTHBKS lit AWU. . . ;Wo i:KACYy -STRKNGTfl iMt:;.H 10,44 and.SO-lOOof anhlcaadofWydfeskhhi taaf erams. otu4.j'wi.w. T TT.T' T .- i .1", i. ' nA .il I j Pc-fehjhrB;1 VeAiieFiriia1 fnterchangeab froQ Malts nd:W4tt-raSC Eyry vany'or"a tnaaxuDBJiDr aoove guna,'cqtiuuiiy oa uou.-"" P - -- - - , . Ul4 UVH ti I H-LK IS1MKA HfTT aeptjl-Pjfc,Wtf t . ... f ,r .t, yartfortLCoiMU, TyEvOLVj&a , ON, j CENTBB,.BLIDEgj-!WIiaHS Al but Impounds, and is omJy lv inches wide. Holders fliuw at top i bo aa to qalckly reectve-the' sneiis, ana, oeing eiasuc, securely ciasp taet aame.. Is. and. being eiasuc secureiv claso tbe t For ease of action, and rapid shootlne. It eicela anything aft tthft- kind .invented I Price, C, O. p.J $6 50. , '' -,v. . 1 . T ' r Id ordflrin gfrel8iibof sheD; and Ibole mpaaltre-. meirtontsMepf TesVf.ir.ii.i. ,-( GOSS,. eeytio-Wij Neosho Falls, Kaaaa8. So Eremat are TMschre'EYetf'OocursJ ffcvferyXwaWimie rf:aaf2 ato biofwdcijjromp tojti'ryeghf DsJia irom zzu i.'jci. PEK. WEEK GUARANTEED i'lO - Acent,JBaJand F?maJe, in their own - - locality. Terms and OlTIiriT FREB. - Addrew P. O. VICKEEY A Co.. AnguBtaSaine. ,f10 day' at home. Agents, wanted. Onrflt ' O JL6nd terms 4 reei A 4 Angntta A" RPP I $ fiPPrO I Donas this monM " we,. mr -uaXitt.1 Uf I till I will dispose of "10 ' NEW and SECOND-BAND-PIANOS ao QB JQAN8, of FirstClasB Bakers, loclodinr WATEltbV at LOWER PRICES than kYek BKFORB off, rod. JfJW-T IOCTAVE; PIANOS for $2CBOXED ki SHIPPED. .. Terms 40 CASH aid 6 1 O MONTI' 1.Y anUl paid. NEW B:OCTAV 4 1P 1K 4A5sX,tfe 600,1 CloaetaaBd Stool WarniKted.lor JL?Q20 JIsn and i $5 MONTHLY ovtl. A&wlSrRi??: .ALOGCES ma, UOUACE WATERS A SONsf iSl Broadway. N.t . ' v1 Vi" t ,rT ":"' rt ': t -:. 1 Sh 'T R9n Bmc. t3amples worth 1 cei. Ktmbox A Co., Portland, J e T77 TTiihWl atee,'To?ie alVttTeDondntonof . anda,.han a. populatkmf greater than SOW, fording to the last census, together with tbe names -faf the newrspaper having1 the Urgesi local cirtnla- ' fipn in each of the placeB aamod t Also, acatalogae xf newspapdrs whicll are recommended to adverU- jH' wffMreawBt raiue ui proportion to- prieMs charged., ,Also, all newspapers In the United Kiatea mat iAlso, MeehanicaTl Medical: Masonin. .TnTPuiio nis.; Al, Commertaal, I nstifance Real. Eet&fe, Law. Sperf. ing,.MaslcaL; Pasbion, and .other speeial-ela'S ior- -?i 17 cojmpleta-liBta: Together widi acomMeie lisf. Wotqt S0Q Qeanan papers priof edln the Unltd wutes. Also, an eseay Hpon advertising s many ta le of rates, showiin? tha rwt.kt epaper8. fndeverj thing which a beginner IU advertisiBg wenld like to know. AAAm U;! fit, v, GBa-pj HOWBLL M; . I -41 Pabk.Row,,Nbw Yonit. , Newspapers TAllillOB'iTiiB; 1. i , A completo hstr of American Newspapers, num bering more than eight? thousand, with a Gazetteer of, all the towas and cities in J which they are pub lished; Historical and SUtistical Sketches of the Great Newspaper Establishments; illustrated with numerous engravings of the principal Newspaper Buildings. Book or 330 Pabis, just hwucd. Mailed, post paid, to any address for 35 cts. Apply-(lnclo- biuB price; IU DUl'JSKLNTKNDKNT Of TuB JtEWSPAFEK Pavruoa, Centennial Gi-ounds,-, Philadelphia , or American News Ctu, New York, , . .'...,. , EVEHX ADVEUnsliR NKRTJM IT. University of Virginia; SUMMER LAW LECTURES (nine weekly) begin 13th July. 1876. and end 13th Hpntetnhf t. nv proved of signal use, 1st, to students who desiga w jjuioua mar siuuiea Bb iiub or oiner iaw-Bcnoot ; 2d, to those who propose to read privately ; and 3d, to practitioners who have net had the advsntaee of systematic instruction, i For circular apply (P. O. University of Virginia) to JOHN B MINOR, Prof. Com. and Stat. Law. - - je 4-4wDftW SOLID WEALTH! $000,000 In Gifts ! Crandest, Scheme ever Presented I to ; . .Ihe Public ' - , ,i !i A FORTUNE FOR ONLY f 12. , TI1E KENTUCKY DASn DISTRIBUTION COJtP-ANY. authorized bra special act of tbe KentucbyLegielature, f or the benefit of ihb PUB LIC SCHOOLS OF. FRANKFORT, will have the flretl 6r their series Of Grand Drawings, at MA JOR HALLJihtheCity of -Frankfort Kyou.TJlURlS DAY, -AUGUST SI, 1878, on which. occasion thuy will distributee to- tbe ticket-holde( the iwine me sum of ' v , $600,000 Thos. P.Pdrtbr, E-Gov.1Zy., GenllMah. Positively iio Fostpo-ncracnt. LTSOrbF GEETd v - One Grand Cash Gift,...; .. One Grand Cash Gift . . Oae Grand Cash Gift. .',7 $10100(1 i S3 am .o,.oo One Urand Cash CSirt. . . One Grand Cash Gift. :.; '.-.'.'. One Grand Cash Gift.v.-, ... One Grand Cash Girt.,.. .. ...... ' 5,(Ke 51 Cash Gifts' of SUOfidbuchf..':-: )...' a'SAXVa 100 Cash qrf ts pf ,50 fhr- f- w W9 lOlCash Gifts 8? 1 ( 40J:cacn:t1?.i. '40 001 juu i-sa. wires 053 P9iiVi'tMM Oash.Gi.fts of.3 p?r$ sipUmmiiiiii vUkwa Cash Gifts of. 2fi0 each ....... 4,fl Cash Gifts' Of ! lOOifeaeK' t f ? iC 'U t on On 1Q);)9 Cash Gifts of ; ,U 'pactf. frf.fiaa,00 1 Total. li.15tfGifts. AU Cash'. ... .. hl im.h (l 1.'W 'pfejCfi O'KETg-'P JV WKolb'Tiofitits SlV Halves itfuwfeft'lsV)! .fc cts $100; ; 23M .Tickets.$3C0; 46 Tickat 600 jt$t Tickets1 $l)O. '100,Ce0 Tickets at I'licacK itemittaiiixj8Cka belnade by.EtprSfe; Draft, Post! ODJcq Money ordcr pr Registered Letter, made pyat hU to rlBNTUCrnf dm DISTEIBtrriON PANY4t' t f'-.'t'r fi 'nu'i 'tnliV4.! r: wktIi . All communications connected, with the distiibu-, ttodrand -ords for Tickets aird' applications' of Agents, to. peli TickeU, should h addressed' to. - -.. sir-j? HQN THOMAS.' PORTER1. , : ii 4l-4wD&Wi )i JGen'liMafiigerj FraukTort,- Ky J.V14U, iijliJU VXIJI, Ail VyilDU . 414 1 tYiwfiTfiM srr UrVLI IIIIUIlQ.ll (paniiiwiVJI W a a -, "aaF . aaaaavP.aiaBrBr CprTespondDlt;', If you want true bettom flgarea and save a; cni f slderable per centage ia the. purchascof FINE Pi-, AN OS AND' ORGANS. ' TR Y ' IT-1 ij- .. -Oi;l If you wish toFnrohase You will get any reasoBAtne guarantee to msare tou - ' that Pianos purchased of this House" ARB EQUAU, IF NOT SUPERIOR TO THE MOST -KoTEU -M AK B KNOWN, ' Unpurchased?' coiirpefeiaj udge who have tried them, prpnouace them i.t,. .. .,( t :Thcy have SEVEN"; faW H OCAVKS. INK TONK and TOUCH,,OVERSTRUNG BASSVFULI4.. IRON FRAME, THE AGRAFFECARViD tEGS: "' LYRE. Tbey are beauUful, durable end, wear we,R - Sold at veryeasonablepiices, and "r f "f f-vi . i : ! t :' it fit lO V W . cialUdncements: i - vFnllv Warranted.' j Address . iiv ni ap 5S '- $ al v wl. ':,tincte tl I r-; tt t -i Jif V tR;-! h j: ! . iwm-.yiifMAJlOTAtiriJEB! rj.i-a kRtWkronthMlkora 'nf of cir. Mor.H?of Vjttois .ovxa! ,'rJ . jtltit? Um f -:ut bi ilTf tf6 M JT -1 1 H A' COFFIX 100 BoxesTOBAWQ-rrttt fcAiUF a FuB Ltaeof Qls6RIEsV1' r: -1 ;.ft'v-rt'ft-i.irf if-sifi f!?i il3Ml3 3ii 1 -.' , - - . . r: , IPw mIa im t ' i . : . 13ttfr- i'-I-h ti-rrrrj.rimi w imj vt jelj-tf 1 " 5''l 1 "" it ,..m NEW ADVEUTISEMENTS. UAiriMnnrim . t ILK n Qt()redtofeivfe,l 1 i.v:i : 5: ' S'!

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