i i PIIINCBTON CErtTBNNIAL Great .DinotrUoa- Letter, jrrom. ' ; tsrant Tna xoom n V - " . - Thfi Centennial VColebration at siMuootWito-aay was a grand affair. ThoJ exorcises begaavritU, prayer, by. Iter,- Dr. , McCosh and; Ringing ftf ,;. America? by tho students. 4 An aft-j dress of wcicomo vaa aeiyereu upr Dr. Sheldon, llo recited the inci dents in.v 'thoMstoryTbf JXrinctou which they uaajmciio oommoraoraiB. Tho assembling of the !comtnUteo of safety in WlU the meeting? o iho Legislature! New Jerseyyihe first State constitution, the meet- in of Congrlheimdother events utev.ir. jjuryea, i J"" lyn, delivered tho oration. A colla tion was served binder; a largetcn In response to tho toast, ''Tho United States" batriotio letters' wcra read from Gen. Grant, Gov. Bedel, Hotu , John Hills, Gen. Sowell, -J.F. Hag. raaoi Dr. McCosh, Judge Jb.lmer, ex GoV. Parker, ex-Gov -AVard, Rtr. Drl Ilarail, and Jndgo 'Naar, re sponded to toasts referring to battles i of the Revolution fought at Trenton and Princeton, and to ; patriots ; who distinguished themselves in defense of the liberties wo enjoy. 1 s i i .pm-9" aw ) "A ' Tne University of NertH Carolina. I Norfolk Landmark. Thoinniversity of North Carolina! has resnmod its career of usefulness in a manner which does it infinite honor; for wo learn that the trustees of that 'Institution have passed an' order ' that no youth shall be turned away from its doors because of ina- , bility to pay the tuition fees. This regulation at. puce .'endears ha JJrif- vcrsity to thd'popnlar heart, and it is as Wise as it js. humane,. for the State most foster 'sudvlaiwKG Cn'thiB point, it ' seems to. us, there pan be no ! hesitation. The Uni versit y is i ii J tssoluoly linked with , the :ry ' uf -Nnh! Carolina. its l"H list of distiiififukhe!" alumni fnr- :i isJh-s h -bright ' eh si rU r ..in her, annals, nrnt itrt fmure nsvfuhu is - iur-p5aiiW'H-in lhrrier i ftrfntvhl'wre .:w v ri ferrid. Starting on its i new :mlt?r vith lut;h " rfeoinmenuation t .tthl:u Kjmpathy aml ufiorl, the people of Carolina thould make it at tice their piiie and pleasuro to re store their University to i ts former opulence, so that it may become ao abiding benefaction to the whole State, and that they will do this" we think is beyond any doubt or contro? versy. i status' of. American Cltlxens Across : ' tbe Illo Grande. ' - j ' I Special Dispatch to the Gazette.l Washington, Jams 27. "The State Department has at 1 last finished the correspondence with; our minister at Mexico on the subject of outraf?ea committed on American missionaries at Qnertario, the place made historical as the scene of Maxi millian's execution.' The State De partment asserts that it is the inten tion of the e government to protect itizens as such, but holds I American citizens that our citizens who engage in pro- pagandisra, and seek martyrdom cam not justly expect our government to draw a dividing line between the ati I tacks of mobs on missionaries and . ' " T - O 4 T ---J . -T-- .....nil. v.. ik. ...... I uaoauiia vu , tua .. ucisuua ui vulsella l clainiing American nationalityThe oiaie department is miormea tnat 1 ten of the mob leaders have bnarvl - rr-Rlnd anri vrill twi t.riA1. Mi-:?Kwhf- is doubtful, however, whether any .--i- w i American citizen can be protected in Mexico daring the revolutionary troubles m that republic. Itenr JTrey millionaire Away a Railroad. i ew.towns are so fortunate as 1o be presented i with a railrohd free of cost and teady for bse But' thai is wnat is going to .happen at , li lairs town, in Warren county, N: J.v away up among the mountains. It is the home of Mr. John L Blair, so con-1 spicuously known as a railroad man- i - I age ana? builder and a repnted miR lionaire. J he New Jersey Cib Jbur- nal says Mr. Blair has given many very costly and valuable gifts to his town, and bow he proposes to build and equipy ?at bis nwn expense a branch ,- railroad ;f rom Delaware sta tion,! on - the, Delawarei Lackawana fitwl WMtWn 'i;;t a distance of about 18 miles. The road! will 'iinet nt ' S&xn txnn Al. road will "cost about $250r000, exclu sive j of the right of way, which is furnished by. the. laud lo wnem on the route. Mr. Blair designs the. road as a gilt to the people .of Blairstown, and ! f6r-tb.e- benefit of the (farming populalion,'aniong whom 'his life has been spent. ; A Pact for the Bloody 'kbUk Men. It is a fock-robled fact that, on the evening ot June i7in, a band' of ne gro regulators broke; into the cabin or a necro at l'ort Hudson, twe vp miles below Bayou Sara East; Fe- iiciana , pansa, -Louisiana,' ana mur-. oerea mm, oecauso ne was known4o - t - s . - a, i a - ? z ' t " . -i . a ,(yB !D,8 jKuucsucb is fc-uo viuuiai TcuurL ui luh t rrcnco w mo jMaiiimk uwciumi,vi juuuisiana. i a rvl napa UihDAn nnf ll.m.ll v B . - . . . I - .- the .mmitle, ofitlio Xo0ia?a toe; hlve gone to, Bajou. Sara tain- - vwc-mw auv svvvuji i vuuao. ii ck ehoiana panslrrthey will probably J u -nsuunnni liiw le otlt inimsnn 7 7" , , v1 ' . w tub uj ivau- . .aivv uuu.. uurposes Ot ail .election'", thw hra ol. I hiarlo nrinn V en ' k- ana k 1 f gated by their whiteDoliiical friends, most alwii .iJ.-,0or im UrV T'M " r"" V,asnrriTKMfw;MwJJtro and I an was 1 sent for.bylhe I'res dent; " eh4mW -i-Yr - waiiLnig. f a- man at a i ana tne charge of. malicious prosecu- t ULimber. ' philosophic'- feast -tyfinmr1 . mra iinn- kJumiIi - V...... A.,j 1 - Ualcigh News' Air " WhU-trd Urr r r i''vIJ,B1 1 ciaredAirCirresidentnamo my ao- p E. Gayl, ofi. ctlyUo Piy r' 1 will' tell yolV the sScret g - nied nt West Pointywitii ucinS r,f,fH Vfn-MJaJi hd;.the.AA,nvitIoni f if their o.H,oKiti- to me. . If -1? v.. has recenilY PP?otetf y President J1-: A"'w'g-bi4aamijJdn;iU i Senator. T ameiil. it is 'bo- companies it rula'bost" Ki70 . "'ss?kv jwiucat aft .oinso 1 iiave fought most . c: VIISWM OV T'l5 rllBMF. Richmond Haqulrcr. Whilo )t la welt ktoom Hvatthls waa a'6t W tirst chiles tt 1a1 1 uually . well known that we regard lir. Tlluea as, a cry for- inldauio cauuiaaie 10 ucuu our uciicw tx a maa ot totellect, a leader 4u reformii a Btatesinanpftt?d conaetvaUvo views and iwvm Mr. THdrjn'r.jiphutfttlon la emi nent throughout tho eouatryi. while the events prior to ui uoavsaiion anu me pro ceodtaga ot thktmod allow that he pos sesses la an unusual degree that personal magnetism which la every contesj. U,aa es son tial clement of success. Ia the platform Uicroia no uncertain ring, ataltae spirit of Reformat breathes must find an echo in every honest heart through out the land; It is troo It touches on quca .tions that it latnot meet shhuld be reviewed without more careful consideration than can bo given It atvthii romcnt, but as a broad bold and'. fearless , onunclaUon of princinlca4t affords room on which every element' true' to 'the tradition of; liberty, honor and; honesty; can stand, is Yt :. I .-.v'mchmoBdiVhlg 5 IcThe night Is past, and: joy comcthiwlth the morrow AH our hopes have; leen re alized 4nd all our fears dispelled; iVecaa now ; jg.trd on out armor? with quite t os much confidence as even Qcn. Logan', and go forth to phxtio wiihM!lhb; certainty of achIeTlngia decisive vfetory. Jii a word wo present ;in Samuel Jf Tilden 4 man to "Tilden. Ileadricks andiReforin."! In this sign and undents banner we will conquer, a i The issuoJs therefQrpJleform, and the canvass ivill bo made pn that issue with .ungparing vigor. 1- ' l KIn; this cheerful belief we can all go intdlhq canvass shoul der to shoulder in support of a man-whose record gives us assurance of victory in No vember over the partywhoso basis is sec- tiouit barer ana whoso fconcsive nower is imblic plunder. -l - - i " v ' ' - " -fLGoldsboro;Messenger.J 6 uThe ' nomination of ' Tilden means death to Radicalism;.: : ;v v 1 - , . blo matib den to be made even stronger than in itself it is. the nbiAination of Gov. Hendricks' for ice-Presidency I win f'? Governor J Hendricks 111 ac- cej t i st the secwid" pi Ice'bh'lhe.lick'el is worihv of -au 3ivjanjse: yet itw m entire keepiug ' witfi 1 1 Ills poliiical re cord. lliS rCourso - lijjis .ever : ueeu mark d by a consideratitfu.-for the good, of. the party which 5 has taken precedence-ot all persoual aims, and this instauce is no exception to the rale.Ij - .C; ' JJ 1 1 - PhiladelDhia Jlecord: The nomi- nation of Governor -f Tilden is one that does credit to the convention, and moc ratio detract from the character of Mr. Tilden's position betoire the country that he has found bitter opponents potn in Jtew, x orK aniti wuio. ! Now York Ileratd: Whatever else may be said or thought of Mr. Tilden.it must be conceded by friends and enemies alike, conceded by De- mocrats and Republicans , alike, that I he bas proved himself one of the ablest and most astute managers that have ever appeared injHhe politics of this country. Apart from his own wonderful address and activity his I wonuenui auuress anu, aciiviiy uw chances eior tni3s ingn .nanornwere navir slanllar" " I, JL .lvv l , . Tfrim Su Louis t n 4i 1 t IJIM1VKI1LIIIII IIMK TIlITnUcll 3 1 II 1 1 1 1 : V 111- t Hrelv ifferent fnm iat: r-incin, ' . ,;? i :I ...Tr I: n.(1 'i hii iiii-tiv'At lho i.'AnnhiiiMtr i uj .l. r 11- U--vllr: ..L. .ucosu.c uu urn l.ru w u.u Ar i i-ir vi i history .so full f crimes and misde- m antrsi llwt ihtv l.-irtnl rtt coin in iV i . i j : m. i: . . " I tllA'- "'S'n wrldVishiifwr of tfie proimtiefii invfwho had no to that time: s inned us! measures f i . r. . .1 ; and dictated its policy. Thev were 1 - - . - i" 1 I therefore induced to the nomination of new, im n,pli4 ntj best i were not c n victctl failures, in the hope that their mediocritv would escaneantar onisra m their own Icamn, and the 1 ...... r.rf ... .. . & -. : : I nonenity - . -.-i.r. 1 r ity of their 'records defy the se criticism of -their of) ponentfiC adverse Petersburg Index Appeal : j Tlie IndexAppeal : Radicals .will . uo doubt wince and I whine at the personal'arfaignmeht of tne cabinet officers and the 1 resi dent's friends.and will !icry out against "e lnuecepcyu sucnau assault. I ine "lnaecency sucnan assault. i ,.011? of.l,be Ra,ll5al Pre8s h0 the best evidence that the f afrow tnat the :e in the boldness of tbo wemocratio char that such and fideb men by. uame, ua ve eeu noioriousiy gu.iiiy or Ulet wrui "o waikjr. r uin mum UI UltSCK. in irum caunei oe, evaaea or put aside' jwiiu any irreieveni: ciamor aoout re-; bels and slave-drivers. Nor will any side-demonstration . in landation of wu. xaayes-'aiiecea nersonai nnntv change ,the issue directly tpresentedfl rainug irectqMposwon.-v.e - . . - f"S"r wen oi xno resuu oi tne cam- i xas i...: si...: . ' mu " "wve, aggressive j i ,uw en uumu vi. tuts iirt'HRiiT.n.Linn i r m vwuituviwii vt iu Kreab ana IJ " J. 1. I llflminQnt- vatAVrn loofih ' . . ieW?ork W It U a, a reform . .TaJon b seized f.aJ the uDUUNinuii in .-I ma i innrnnni a i w Professions, and promises of, reform .i ar onsv .arfi' .. ... .... j I mereiyr m oeiiaitr of a-uar Vh. NnmlnaM and Ibi Platform. 1 r Vilnn Adaance:;Thcri can be fto 1 contributed to tho prosecution of tbo r1" "Lytc,tt,l"!lu'?r liberatibntbey wefe ..Wf Hl ft1tii! tf Tildehy 'Al i crooked whiskey distillers and their i?01 4t!cbn2dn JLa- j "V : conntrv would nOt ' sb &r:& t '.iKn. I confederates. Sit will not be foraot- 1 blK3 bP'rrin Ti'uteP K' ha'd made ilie Square ; Wh? ncmnau;?tr? is out j ;how --y vim: thV President HrlhroPl &0olely !pumlerton, JN. mopey aiidjhad wort by a now .. ioc l liaen... , v i f f ; 1 used the Associated Press to convey -'H . ' I 1 : I raajority and henceforth Tlii-.hmnhd Jjisnatdli? If it be uossi-1 to tne country aeniais 01 siateruenis 1 r " r .-il-- . I oe no aouut as 10 5 j,"'.! :: . -..I . .. - . ... . . 1- ..'1 j". . i I i l lfiinn . nf :. I ii9r!ut(rk i; ; I I i j , the V has tilled, tho fult measure of that I corrospotnlenco between tho'Tresi- 1 n(issiblHtv- I,;i ,y : ' 1, 1 deoVand Uristow has hot, been given I razor, .1 S' ; C T' I ' ! 'f I tbithe ibdnirv... At lasts tbo tiuiohas I "--Zy-t ! Kichmoud JLitqutrkr Ahe iatriot- I nPr;v, (iwiIMII 1 h 1'rifl.W.t i... liiwr..r I lr JN lv dnvl titm plunder in ilio abstract, oxasihe as sailant of thieves Ami ; robbers bo longing to tho other party rmerely, biit As' liavfng laid; Ms handJtiponHhe' ihe,yca and, robpoffi pf Apwn party, jBodnrging thorn t fronvvtheic ieaa; or power, andbringitigl then before tho courts." where tho'v:.1 havef J,bcen tried,' bUndgully .and Bentiencjed, ; P Btlch'a norabatibn "cannot .fail1 16 excite,1 In' evbty 'patt' of ' th6 ' codntry;, the most hearty andhopeful enthusi asm. We admit no doubt ot its suc cess; Our people jtr0 not so dull or SVHKo,in,uiiB vwciuitL f x rQwwisxiay forward, until tho -end of the-canvasa, wci look to see a growing zeal and an increasing courago and resolution on Mr, d fiyery where, whoarthcrftcoliariof J rarHayes will oroind , mo iwk"u..t'i ,t!;,i,f,i:, ?M;n,i I partisans; suclf -ascahnot hayof their 1 oVps-pencd'ovn; btheeb liaboook, of shepherd, ana ot uasey. i LIST li V C It V'Gl I IT V fclAPTEStiAPli. A President of - the United Stales -i tw.iinliiir iMiUrsKtAra Krtilttnla llleht Hand Rlan Itowted ;0 H I ; Good' New lor : Meyenne,T'nteyoisri: j ' WAsiiiRqT6rJnWox&.; It has;not been n.matter.of conjec ture that with theeparture of Sec retary Bristdw'the lsTdehias fe- 8pivea to remove 1 rom omce every- iu the cabinet, j. Nor has it escaped public criticism that in accepting the 1 "resignation of Secretary lJrwtow the cares- to , conceal his iian'ca or the Hmasher: b thq whibkry liiiir the Secretary iwho:bronght ihv rty of- re- lorra, imo ine rxeiMiuve mansion. The -Associated Ptfss U 110 longer re qaisite to cuver anpleasant .. truths promulgated through, the indepen dent press. fo-day ' the - President demanded through Acting Secretary Conani; the peremptory resignation oY rr' m vJ . j? -1 . : "M. laryan,chiet ot tho internal reveuiiu blhwwi ruiwi,' wno nas tor over a year had charge of the' most whiskey thieves and frauds, and Cby his energy and intelligence had dono more than any other officer of the government to bring about the jrreat reform. Knowing that when Bris- tbw was out of the cabinet Yaryan would certainly be dismissed, Bris- tow wrote mm the following letter: Wrtxhinrjtnn (7lf.tr. .Tima 9fl IQTft My dear Sir: Among many persons employed in the Treasury Depart- menv during my term of service whose faithfulness and fidelity have' been noticeable: none has rendoirl kmore efficient tnAA"llfllllAnf OflTUllA 4 linn ' Vaii a.'1 iP rrrnbea t- -. W rnnontO difficult tnro nf vnnr i ntioi hs nf niotf w wt.ww mmw w; h. UMIVOOI U I provoked iantagonUm, and invited ' vUj , liih HiiNLiiiLV lj & LuiMu iHirainL wnnm i -irn tft k-rt. I eide, bntjypn La mit thAhnn?lKtsL Ar ;V. ave met tbe.responsibillties of yonr -Tr YVV W'H nnuu inn 0711 11 nnurnrTa a n n mriii 1 1 courage ana impartial-It iHy such as to .cftallengof my. hearty pad miration - u-vtv.a rinii ntui o nnr fii i .v.i i . ...... l'l M iVVii T (IU I ..J...:Z- ; l" yiai Ir V -V ,v,,'?u ,n liiii'Ki. vs. imiihn iiir vnur TiriiMiioni v nun 15. ; j r.-.r-..vj u It 4 tttkl riiiQ3 " p - - Very truly, youw, !- i r1 H. II. Beistow. i&Ir. II. T. Yaryan, Internal Itev i, jenue xurcaii. r ' ' .: With such a record the President ! . , .... ...... ., would hot be deviated from his pur- -Pose- 1 wicC before he demanded his -removal, when' Bristol declared that ;not : ka I if insisted upon he, toowould resign ana give the reasons wny: Ji;ven the ommusioner or internal kg venue was powerless and though- ho urged 1 ,the imnjrtaneefof : retaiuinr: Yflrvan I ffnr nnlw'tn tb. iU i-. a , f - . - ' ' i 1 Mother records of his division might be nremkvW,rnntrminiH.TttnmtA o bis i successor theProsidbdt1 re- hi,i;ri ti TTo m.iut a.i oV.u ur;.. . . t ...:n ..... ione there who will obey my orders." arV.V4W idjdHhe' ctfrarniSsftWe reWel would; boto,inyi invite immediate rands amon 2 dealers in distilled I kmi it a -,f,4 k. U. -.t. iU were necessarily confidential, and it U,u ,nm. iQ- i - man i. -w.i-l I u,..! i rvr- v-.. Wnuln f i,M . mn . i.i- ' bense. so the loss to the government sm n I Would be Verv ffroht Tha Prosidpnt i m - , r a ww r- w Baid Yaryan's prosecutions had been i intnAM 1 .H W.V. bhiJgSTiSimi "wheu kttoite'iSS IIU friends complainQd .of .his icondnct, and that was then said he woul rather than haveLsucb r"" key the part of those who support' Tifdett-tas ho representativb nn acent i ,retorra.,,.1:inaeranqenv;men 11 of Uov. .Tu-1 maae in tne vasmc ot. uisagreeraenis 1 -.- cratic party stooa on in rhicbJyou have beem'callwl 8PnS 11 r r, tpenorm nayopeen peculmrly. ! A, r xt Tu ' M and delicate. The 'VeiVtm- i?0801' ?f iorth far?ll ring fostered Vyihirn infhe.rt'acino sioper Is iff Senator f.ogan r x , fiivesq?7e- of hia sunnort.erR no u sons why they bate rae, Wt either i Uiie xsLauonaieuiourauc vjii of these ?w-a8ked YaTyari. J?he Pres- J on:went;jntftiBenwraoiii3g f -U.lii. iTWflt'that1 he i withitheideterjaination torplace.Govi. ident hfi ; jinbbra rentir'elf M 4fc t,:f 4fflA''iThtiiii hai i the . President? determined atone J luriue acts oi nuv ewtt ; vi - . ...f-.--- t-tx----.-.bv i ri aAi imS nrr .M fiVfirv i cuiltv I denionstratLOtt in hia rf avoah waswover man escaped ;--,:jd v-lU Wl 1 States District Attorned t Stritoaisi I Who would not endorao, tneipMPa- I vict in oho saya. be: withtliorjdtfl thirty to-dav proceedinJSiit see McDonald drivinff.tiiot,ilirewdent wn-ennsy lyania mmpMM pnvate pecro- Davidson volteare commenemenf iiWortilarn -j by eifto! (Observed that Prof. J llvllilr,ibf Charlotte' dei livered the alumni It was elP'rcceivcd! 'tSutlect-f "Impor-- ArrtZzV ''v r 'H mco of tho Classics., 1!t i ; we tanco nirdntn representatives of the! two literary societies spoke in ihejfollowing order npOn tbo subjects below named : view, . u. ChiValry-W. W, Moore, Philan thropic Society, Charlotte, 3. C i J ho l alters T of pocietyrrA., M. umencan . opcievyr; oumicr, W. r. J, 1 ... . . - ! j 1 ccieclea llislorvi U. M. Miller," Jr.,' Philanthropic iSociety, Charlotte, N. U; - ; The speeches wefo all well de livered and reflected breditr iut only upon the oratorp, Lukalso Ukjii the institution. i The Latin Salutatory Win. B. Ar row ood, Uld Hurnacei H. (Jj Oration Arabian Influence on Civr HwaUon-John A. Tsonj Shuqua lair lVliaQ 1 ; !i f ' Oration Church and State Ar chie C. Dalton, High Point:! N. C. Oration The Feudal System E. Mitchell SiimmCrcll, (excused) bahsbnry, JN. C. . 1 Oration Tho XSicbglar fltpothesis -r-A. Mclver b raser, Sumter: b. U. Uration lho JJalue on lunss Mountain Thomas IX Craijj, Tylers- ville, S. C. .:. pr oration Iho lurk in liurope Benjamin r. vvatkins,; Madison, H. C. beth -T. McGehee,5 Wbodburn, N. O. The valedictory -Dancan Hose, ' . mm. ; 7 . m ; m. ' 1,nai ,J iiicnneB8Se land AlPRRrs. , AY llSOll and J.i TV. JVlC- iPfi Carol ma,aw, Lees, of Carolina,1 txgrattaz wen t for- . ' - mi.;5eiva V PV ;ward and received their diplomas, Tlm W!!pv nmf fhilh-mmbl-YVf , , , i . r- v- ,r TuIrX7iX 1 lfi .Tm, ... . - i- -V . i - - - - Y. o. Moore, and thotTtockwcll prize bf Jjalin lt Mfi'W.i Ji Umqham, son ;of; Mai. - Hingham, of: Mobansville High School : t Honorary aegrees were con lerrea upon me ionowiujj.peion8; n- D. D. Rev. James Bard well, Me- "ridian. Mississippi; Rev. Oj VV. Lane, I T.T. Tl inot'J flhna Thil ina Trni, 'i uiii x-c viiaiv Vcrsity of North 'Carol I i; ALJ. H.::Ni Sun aJ f -w ; a ai apa aJa , w Ma LT " ' ' ""1 Sis ; : ina. j: ' Summerell class :. . V: 1873. iu y.l r-. A' Tl On I lift rtfti I n i in or r In a j .13" .;. j The ; Observer says s "Though the t.;AakA. .aWftnl' v fck",i.wiarivo'AaUa ftAiianhanal n i i IjjJlL'J:-' Was uiicu ou me afc, uay 10 an tent that we have never witnessed befor&v ! Many distihgiiishedf v isHbrs,! were present, am -iu mm irom neariy all of tho' Southern States roadq. the. bccasioiitOnQ'Bof mbre ithan brdi narv Interest. : Bijt forthe dst Und boat1 We:should regard thisj; thaost-e conraging , comraenoement. natTW have ever wiinessed i-AuPavidson . n' mm a I riiin.M n..u aiMviiU Ain I t. ovi.iirt2i:jiiiifiiir3A.i bams. South Cirpliria'&tid Georgia all badypung ladiesj there whose charms and attractions were enough to turn tho-head bf everVH student in tne Diaie.7vfy --a .,t ... ii . 1 1 ii?- W I ., , .,.,4.' ,u. ., 11a. VanA and Steele WO JB. 1 ,.v, , Genet' aHta-.r:r . , r' I be Charlbtie : f fr M l1! ?T ZZl?K?-dMl J1a.taTri l!Mifl.KIHWIUl Ull' LtUlfl r, f,M . r ".Wi . tJoYy ance, has no blaus, Jhua Jar, hen'or.whora he Iwiif' siaitaiter.f ! tion.for tho pardo lot;, ,McKee aad cast mi tho first . Ballot 'ibor.pxpitel ! AY6ry,,ias handed inlhis resignatJJDnf mont an4 tbwiasrdwere.fully.equaj In the neighboring c tOitbat displayed! last imight,:when i Blaes Mra. JOvoe. ineswiio oi inecun- i iy are-nesiea, nu twnmiteu uemww T r? - - i:jfM wnitoyitianr' fw4tn iiHimviinTaii!nAA am tit ; hud th'at!, todupon-(ho ' as-1 Tilden v-and: Hendricks. i J, Telegrams OfV thPresidehtthat lie I from nil sections of HheUnioifciiConS. I X (IVCkbUV Hill 1- ! . iiOinuii, 4J. oiiuiraonk gi oouiu var ihoord but'dbes 'no ihwikpf jenter-J g-npon;ilg(?Veriif VMV.rty fiKfeff f,., l t 1 j:.; ;T! s -I iThe. cars:aTO crowded daiiy.wilAJ passengers fortilie'ijCenleinnlalj'Vsys: ttl.f neath wheels,-sa I eldou iVcwa. J , -lvl 't: trpay,comperamputal llendrlcksMAHes JUWony sad En- i i tuuslaf in i rchftr1c6toB Newg & Courier -speciahl , -.v, v -n.- endricksion.thorticketna.thecand date for,YiCflifresiaeni,'anaBunQuim heInditta, delegation ididtihott and J .whelming u vand Sspnntaneions); from .two annanncementre wasmaxie mna Jtienanejajnaa reoei,Teu mmaa.mai gratnlato lthb- t(Joiiveniioni'npoo''4.ho reaa lt r j wA i i;j; ,tj;'j lojfirtfy"!. 4rt H ;it) u.i , smi s i i i ( im I .'l'r.f'-jllsifs, sdlsssfarieiei(i&9iit MMjaKlmOreazeUd'Bpcdall oil! it The Ohioxtjord! Weref aflxlotlStO hav'e Payno for the second placcj and the delegation f r'om tbat Stato unahli- mousiy aeiermineu 10 urgw u iromi nation: A portioii or tho Jtrennsyrvai nia delegation 'seconded j this mote with great zeal7 liie 11 jmois people wanted Morrisonj l)Utthe South, SootliWcBt, aril a great ' majority '-ot tho WeAt itSolf,Jstcod-firm forCHen dricksr Thfe friends- of Govfrildert fmlVuw;VAVlr."nd NewrEtmlana felt dubibua ori but -one poin t s Would thenbrainalioH oft H'endncks be 1 in terpreted as a concession to the inflation-element of the Western Dembc- I racy tf But after' full and carefal de- satisfied that the irifer.' ThW issne' oh bard tremendous there could wherothe Demo is question. It was onou mgre in accord with. all. its traditions. , . .,.,; s . , , ,..!' .,; . ; Hendricks..,.' , "Goveror Hendricks" is a nianof. medium .hidrhtf and . sym-metrical, forhi. He is erect, active and vigor ous, i ms v race . is maniy. ana nana-, some. The: features are large and ex pressive,, and wbilejjthere, is a soft, ?ood-numoreajexpression in tne lare alue eye and iii the mouth And dim pled chin,tbe bow,forehead and.full, neavy jaw snow wisdom and resolu tion. ' His Complexion is florid, and, his hair and side whiskers are yet un touched with gray. He looks like one who nas lived a naDDV lite, encoun tered no great sorrows and yiefded to J . ... mi. . '.. 1 - . . . no great vices, anougn ae nas ior years been taught to regard the Pre siuency as wiwiu uu grasp, ms vliuui tion has been rather a sort of rational longing for the honor than an insati able thirst for power. , His disposition is as sunny as bis complexion, and in social life he is a great favorite. ; To acquaintances ne is affable and easy, to close friends warm and lovable, to political partisans courteous, 4ut cautions. He would rather conciliate an enemy than oblige an ally. His habits are such that he found $5,000 a year ample for his expenditures 1 during hia senatorial term at Wasb- inartou. He has alwavs trusted to 'doing the work which he had in hand i well as the highest recommendation in the long run before the people, and 'the many honors which have come to him seem to have been conquered ' without f?reat effort: ' Governor Hen- I dricks belongs to the Protestant Epis- ; copal . church, 1 - ? - . , !A:.ColbrCeA British General DeasL A cable telegram 'from 1 ; London; lundeEdate of, Saturday morning, an nounces . tnat. (ten. - William Kose Mansfield, created in 1871 Baron Sand hurst died Friday of congestion Of ;the lungs.t0 This distinguished soldier was born ,on - tne mist or June, in tne lyeajr 1819. He(was the fifth son of the late John HansfieldEsq. of Herts, by Vila nrifa Ifsnr PnAhmnan r?anrrVll U a 'Smith nf thn nnitAfi h.t.sc iHe entered the army from Sandhurst I I XVW. UUU a VIM; wumw wauav mm warn w s fin; ann TFnm t n t: ii ilia - nnri ixia was employed in active service, earn ing a most brilliant record In India find TurkevJ wbee: he" acted as mili- "taVV 'adviser to, tbe' British" Embassy in Constantinople. aat s i 1 i George Eltbt died ati' Sheffield.' iat I Jy, aged seventeen! l: He did not !por- ixray cnaracier, du ate ior .uimjer a tiotato nie 'al lDlnm-buddiner a' sheet jof ginger-bread,4 a rice-pnddlng, five tequares of Yorkshire pudding,- and xiireo- uusiua ul suuu. ,vubuiuk iui ueai uuwu wiiu tin cc uiwiuo caju v., )eer,'vwater,'and!Iemonade. ; The Cor ner1s jury 5 Returned, a ' ' verdict" of y . , - ' -aaaaaaa)saaaaaaaaamBi ' The, almost JiiStorical f phrase fab icfeManv.lS not niodernorneWsilts rigin'is' said, to' "bo , as follows: Sir Thomaa' R6e ambassador frpm. Eng- and in the time Of James Iir to Con itantinople, saTdTJif despatches which lave often Men quoted since.' Tiirkey ts like the body df an old snan crazed With vices,-TvhlH3tsro"theappear- mi i i iii mm aa sm 1 v r opposes v vituperation. r . The. famous "Arcadian Club M Ke'Sbrk' la to" be"dissblvcd.--s-i?tik '.'iV'-w lA;:'tidenio1bH If ass , named Bheppard, is 110 years old. ' 1 ;'t-. So far , as Governor alayes bas ezprcssed himself up to tn!stlme:he doent ferai fo think them Is much beedxif reform tlt&Kadical partyj .-,.mis U ?Wjma1b.'aau Ihecnicker barrel, flcciiTt;ly, ',,Tv6man ia Bke abott. r, "Slfhett another man' has horwe laugh at- him; when we have, her .ouraelf I If -i brtKpf lit CoW IdliedToa last appnpruooxrau - wntr rivtit dv us natron. Jadite" KelTyr foamar. of liisffls- ..wfaaaeii,; m ortft ;jyaroiina,c other Confederates for carrying. r aaTd"-tnt-AV. llaVe If L ; J cal friends will .aol I m him resign the fit O&ToTb&ause. Jhey: re; 1 31) 7"f ,f.V,rV!.t? .f,9..ft.'rlst: 9"VsiiW3 I Hut- Govraorf ; ia , ioo,.ibucU nddtctedt 7vnAr,r ai jiht ,..m lavpwfi '..irtsf vjd The iVt' ff Sfiytf Wrtt bf tlio: lie . t44CKlioWersTSt 4 thflracnfrriUrbsd meenog ai norencaa misoil 4ns step In gettlng'.Ott 4Miard:;tli;r$frii1.firta(Icr Bui,iu4iig,(.ijuraiiuat .alio.rv x ,u,u Confsrencc r6tiihiltte('ii Silver Bill ' ftdry Civil Appropriation ,Ilin-lii- dian JSnpilifec'liint'esiif toMffleec In ! "i .u ! 1 v. WtfiWBQTox, July 1. - i SENATK Conference committee has beeaaoDointedoalbeisilrernbilL, - Jlrjilifciiell.' called upthei' special brder 1 paying rmcnoacK: per diem and mileage ' Mr. Withers asked why,? tfaier three other iip?,.rnY,ij(Qpjrayerep.ine mcQTSP" ration of Afc.-gyLeain the resolution; Mr. Morton said was.jcedjpf this lk abou,disprhninat9a" pgams .pbJjemQft He had hadenouglofWoi wAil , , ' Mr.y jHUera, saids ; whether , be bad had f?HSHA$rPf 9A 4i jinlAre.JiHkiito mm. s'fm, hspiwl A ym v t iVfr vTOy SWnthowofcJsIarr land;; naff contested fo -his Vset and re ced;nther,pay nofmilea,no;fn f '. Messrs., West.a4cca.vJ,thjB paywnUVttBfrt;f,-jj--;oiJj, t After further, discuipQhe esoliation The Senate prpceeded) to jConade fhe SuailryfvjoAppropriaubii amendmejijrQi8lrilRei -.ot .the.iJIpusa bill the, provisp ,t;the, maximum. al9Wdja United States marshal from and. after July 1st; 1870,, shall ;o$, exceed iftve thousand dollars ayear, and, fprbiddingmarsbnl?; is suing any.que bills to witnesses,, jurors, and others; also' forbidding the payment of such due bills by any department of the govcrnmeati an44nrihe pwviding Oia ff marshal shall qot hireatter receiven?ileage wane travelling on. oniciai outyv out ne cessary i travel ling expenses eonly, ; wsf agreed to, and .many otbet anendnients were adopted' and the bill passed.? if iiti The House resolution allowing .wages to' employees while resting during the Cen tennial was rejected; -1 1 - . Tbe Plnchback resolution comes up Mpa- rlso1 5iB llnfiniahorl 'fitjdlhooa . " ' ' .-' J ' ' ' ' It Adjourned. t .t. , r. , HOUSR The,S6natCameadMenb3 to, the bill forfeiting' certain Tanas granted lb concurred in,' and a' committee of Confer ence was ordered. . The Senate bill exempting Vessels; navirj gating" S9iksippi jand its,' , tributaries nuuio i(cn j uiicttu iuiu cuu.auuc uu clearances,' tjassed.- ' ' ' - ' ' i :r The charges against ; Judge Humphrey were rererrea to a special committee. , The hill appropriating $lf30,000 Jot, the purchase of Indian supplies1 immediately needed, passed. ' . ,. ' '. "' " , ,. Mr. Hopkins, from the committee on the1 Ucntennial Uelebraliun, reported: a joiul resolution providing -lliat. the tWb . Houses of Cbgfes3" meet .in 'joint conventton, at Independence Hall PhiJadel'phisiV. ,'on' tue, 4th !of July,' at 9" a m,", lor the purpose 'of passing ai'pfoprilp resolution 8 cominemop rative of the gfeat' evept . which, in that4 sama hailOJie hundred years ao,. brought The resoluiion passed and the House ad iourned.. . .' RIlNSUUKl. Carl yebAraa Organt on tne Nomina, tlon ofllldeu and. Hendrtckau-Varl" Don't Like the Tiekat, -i ' tn' ! ; - ' ' . St; Louis, July 1.' ' The . following "4s a. 'part , of , an edi- torial pqbed-tp-rday. in .the . , WtfUicfa Schurz is connected: . . "Tilden and Hendricks. So reads the Democratic ticket for ihe Presidency. ; It 2 . :i.,s..'" ... la ho uiusr impoBsi.uiiiiy u compress wimin; the -space Of four syllables an act more per fidious to all principlesj.for, who or whatr ever the name of 1'ilden may be or imply . he is made to be, and we met n that he is, the. open representative of the very ; oppo-' site of that miserable policy of which, as the stubborn spokesman for years, Thos. iA. Hendricks, of Indiana., has been ren dered so notorious. . We wish to emphasize- tne tact mat Hendricks is one of the. most' ;pfominent leaders and loudest, of. spokes- ,men of paper swindlers, and as such was. theu: , candidate for the first place on the Democratic ticket, but. he now has been iput off with the second place. "Humbug, .they name is Democratic reform! Gold and paper contraction and inflation, reform and f swindle let, us., have, -it alt ?How many men bf sense will be found to join in tbe absurd chorus?, Evidently fheino mination of Hendricks was a matter: jcoih : certed beforehand a bargain . and sale, bare of all honor And fulfof shame a blow, ;in;the very facef aU..who,sawhi '. Tikien Jthe embodiment pf honestrefonn for the ;'time being,, ; There is an end to all honest i Reform pa , the : Democratic side, and the jtruly independent citizens who do not; be-: lieve that thev can serve two masters,' will ihavcl to Jock ; iq another d irectioq and; centro their hopes elsewhere." H i ii j- . . m m .mi . 1 , :M . r FOREIGN INXBttlGENCE.' ' .. . r, .. .. ..I- . .i .. - f : i . ...r'. . f. t (The Servlat-Ttt rlclsn TronbIesf-rnon- teuearro's . KentralltyenntVjJsvoBy. Aralm sklrmlhlns on tne Turkish Frontier England anhe Eastern Qaestlori, &e. vift siM London. Jalv 1. 1 j. ThTekgraph'B Berlin Bpecfal kifp iVe prince of MonlenegfO'i has-solemnly n- eared,to -rtthatri 1 neutral ? iaJ ih Hrfk. fTurkish trbn hie. ! t-r m Mir j tm iv?..J I A special dianaloh tOf tbe'ifcsf from Ber in says Count Von A rain has arrived at T l l 1 II. 5 I "' ! ' I . arlsbad. lie is clo: ly watched by Erus- ian detecliwa"' 1 ;U! MM jfeXM A special 1 disoatchfrohr'Trebtif the. ndJNL aays Prtaw'MiiabHd'hiS tfe- blamatioir, SayS TorkCy has provoked war by not 8atisfying;libshiaJadby'thre'aten ing Servia. .We enteri Bosnia i'the cause, bf humanity Ami nationality '.ahd lo. establish peace HWthorit offendlh Turkey's integrity'- l,The;- proclamation mentions nstria thankruny f or her efforts to pi 6tcct The Porto hu received & letter frotnSer- tia, announcing that At Criatiti'sdiplomalic inission hasheencpnniermadecL--a I - A dispatch from Widdeb a strongly for tified -townin jBolgariaviDd the, Danube, near tbe. Sejctian, frontier rtports that the Servians haye , flred several shots at the Turkish frontier guard. The dispatch also states that Seryiad iCODoaalsSkMiera jtolln guire into thiireeat.ala?ged' :ioUitlons f. the frontier left jWtddfcijLauddeiiljfig mU u j y ;. :iaT nitt rM asj Jqly l. - f 'Jihe budget ,commHtee has.. Bunnresaed te -bedsloffs bf- fWr1 oWionaries f k-i "'itit is u&oh,' July 1. le$$iood,Qtx cOrretponlibt, in tnfirnt the rdmor thit tHpM'iiv hAh .differences of opinion in the CabitfeT;oh' usameruiqueBtloW ttLid 8erby wtore uiaajwceiiy siroimirtwawd.thoiewii tvivwjusjcoungBiatTj-t;: i6vii.a .aJsk .'J .11 isM sni iitiu c sj-w iidadffi b aJtlOMxnoaraC(rrnite Calls far Ueforms. , .'Jin: JRfld M;TfdvaWl iajtolutlon nskini ikinrrisi.lA inwud. ll'.n linnkmnf f . mrwl ni.k i - rtnifnrm rAiav'cailif(Ia ihorouT ur classes oi iirouucers. uiauuiaeiurefd. r merchants; also the internal Revenue, with a vieWb8ecnrtttRife lartivbnae the tawebt finiriles: The-' Board 'Sheets':! I Washington about the totddle of Janaary) ine juri8iians,""i .-,. Thtr Standard tA ftsP Unaabial afUcle, tays:-'Ii Is1 report'ed'iliat'a well-known firm of steel 'manufacturers ai Sheffield haai faUed, witli liabilities 6t ll&3,bOQ.tM TU K NATION A I, irtIOK ATICio Keller, of Ne YoltTxvIll Work for Committee rrsm, gouthern " Stales -Adjournment at 4loInvcnuon, .- acC, .C,:;.: ' ... ; - " ;VJii St; .Louis, June 29 Tbe Southend Siatesu, .the flrst, hju'lot for the Pjesidencyivfttad as follows:: i .. Arkansaa-t-Tilden 12 a, . . Alabam.aTiljl3 COCk 2. A: tmi-'M1.! iii iifrill tfiii i i .forgiaiTiklea BHaacoxk mayard 16. ; tjjI Jjfl uni0 (tijt h rfifirfj? i ,vMiiuuen j-iiendricks 1, Ba- yarq 4h 4-- aarji- ttf loeyj f :i A West Virginiam-Allen 10, f ol. it, i iTexas-TiKlen lOil Hendrfcks'2i, Han cock 2, Bayard 1. vJ SoufltCarolina-rrTildea 14. ..--. Missoarir-Tuden.Sb .Hendriek? .7, Allen 2iTB.o3adhead 19 3jf hoiaa u t- - . i TennesseeH-Hendricks 24,r ritmim fissipir-riiden l& 5o vj? Louisiana Tilden 9, Hanpocki.p, Ba yard 2. -A7'i - itwl .f'l ' 3 iMar jUnd-Tildcn J 1 Hend ricks K U an cock2. 4 . ,-, i Florida Tilden North CtfoUfihTilden 9.:.ncBdr:pks k HancoCkiSj BayardSi rv-ls i vi,. ..' tnEeatu)ck7hTiJfciierr54i f t i? .:, On the -isecoad .ballot lNortharli m changed-Tl Wen. 19; HaQcocki lj MfsstMi r cbanged-Tildenjfl6i; Hendricks; 14; ATlu other States voted -v-f follows? VVTexas Tilden 1G; JUmisianaTildemi lfi; Mury-land--rTildea 1 14, Hendricks H ; ' Virginia Til4en il5; ,Bay ardr Zd. " ;fThe j remainin!? Sou jrn; States aaion firstc ballot., ' S'ivoWfirEss'JQro : ' .. The Boston Herald says,"oi "that class of Citizens who care mot for reform tliiiu other issnesi involved,, itbecoutest.Tihk n cannot Jajiltq '.be faVorala." , j : ' The 'TUtni&t and theman atilaTiye;m?U !T"he- Nashville mericcm does 'no: dis guise or deny,regrefat:th defeat of Hun dricks, yet, referring. fto. ike-, platform, a protest againlst further contraclien, says it will cord ially ; support Tilden, jrn opppsiiiuli 0. the eon tract ion ist s and, cori;uptiqnist?. J At Efmira, New" York, there was an illu mination, street .meetings brass bauds, acd & hundred guna ' f t,,, f '. The Indianapolis nih awaits the final result of the ObnVehUon . fcefore it 'defines I its" portion on . the platform and candi p dates. ' "" " ' " " ' ' . At . Cincinnati: lhare is an, exhib'tiun of quiet satisfaction by the,' hard money De- k uipcyii nuu wuu uiiinaguiseu aisgusi ny B the'greecback Ting cf the pariy The,nominati;n waa Received wul t xeat i exitUUSiaem at.Buffalo."..' One hnndrt d uui a i were nreu ai iuc arsenal, ana one nunon a 1 at the Uoui thousew and .the streets were i a - radeo. . 1 At Detroit the enthusiasm was un- bounded. T . Second Day1-JHerntns Session , St. Louis, June'2P. The Convention was called to order at 110:20 this morning. The interest is evidently .greatly abated. ; many delegates having left, leaving iheir alternates in tbeur places. , The galleries contained' but few specta tors. - - Prayer was offered by Episcopal Bishop i Robertson. . "A . ' ' : .'' "' : The Chair announced the receipt of sev eral telegrams1, which were read. One from Sedalia, Missouri, saying, "We .fired ne hundred guns for Tilden, and have hopes for.Hendficks for Vice Prcsi denf." . : ;'V -. !, I , Another from the CincInnati Mavor ai d others, approving the tickeL . ' One from Jackson, Mississippi, pledging the State to the ticket . ' i One from Mount Vernon'Ulinoia. savins I "nomination pf Tdden approved with great enthusiasm."" ' . Many others of 'a similar character were read endorsing' the platform and candidate, which elicited great interest. : Tfie nomination pf Vice President beijitt tin order the naniebf Gov. Hendricks v;.s presented .byIIliaois,j and he was nomiua jted on the, first ballot unanimously. j : St. Xouis, June 29. After the proclamation of Hendrick's nomination Mr. KeUyof New-York; rose to address the Chair. ' (Applause. i Loud calls Jor Kelly f-' Kelly ! : Platforni !) ' He pro needed to- the "platform anlid cheers. II. aid there was no man here "who woiki-d more strenuously than -himself against the nomination of MK4 Tilden,' because it v;.s lis earnest, belief thai he could not carry the1 'election with 'an 'eastern candidate The Convention has decided ' otherwise jand he bowed to5 the 'decision; land none would labor harder lhati he for his election. IHe expressed his great admiration for Hen dTicks and 'confldence in his pure charac ter. Couaselled the burial of all personal topiaibhs1 and' a concentrated effort for a ululuuu vivbyrY. xiq pruceeueu wiiu sumo ommeats on the netessity5 for a change in xiauuuu i. nmiaumiiua nurouga ocratic stiecess jahd ' was ' : f requcirtly uivm(viw va tuw Atnwuiu , j.wu w ommittee for the Southern' States: Ala bama, Braggt' Florida5 Call; -Kentucky, Mce.nryi'MaylaId,', Horsey Louisiana, Johns; Missouri,' Priest; Tennessee, Bates; South Carolina, Ryan Mississippi, Barks lale; Virginia, pambell Texas, StockdnW; ueergia. Barney; JNortn tJaroini a, - After Usdaf rTesblut.ions AW Convention - tdjournedsinedldJ v!J ";'.' Uow ike N btbinallo d -i-e"' 1 1 Vce I ved t Consratalatofy K)lpa'(-h ' i t'(:S1n FiAisciscoune. The nomination for: Tildpn was well ro ;eived here, mainly on Recount of I114 hard noney vprocUvilies.!- Out : buudretl ( guns vere fired iaad ratificai'um tacetin win e held in a few days. The anii-Chinesu l..tf tl. lK.nl.ifMm h !fi0..1 !ta f.nl iA. An.l romineBtj Democrats assert that he can sarry the State on that issue. t u .. I 9ifi ! ArfiAihr, Jane 29. Mr. Tilden 1 hsrecfered aumber of dis atcbes, among them ihe' following 1 . ."s' paATTXi.Jun.e29. , "Tho Grcely nouseboki and its 'friends are all for 701111 tt i -'nu'w-aw! -- (Signed) i .t -Nionox&s Sirrrn.w ' ' 'KBxriiik; Cosirnnsal. His ExceUency, vSanx1, Jiiden. 1 Tordialcooffratulations., We. .Germans of the Siate jof, Connectic.ut.jre sure jo j5,0C0 vos' for you aa.d refprnv , 4 i:ru4. tboon: I M 'FaraHOLr, N.j J., June 29. His Excellency. Samlft,J.n Tilden:! comerataihtd voir." Tne'Democrats 6f New 1 1 Jersey will support ypq enthusiastically and l iire you the eirttoral'vdte bf the State, Hon. S. JT Tildeni Tbe man is the nlatfotramaod tbbnrijaff breaker af 7 New I York will uPHove Ah,u;inhreaker M the- oation. All who really desire honest money, diminished taxes;! pure administra tion, unfettered trade and ihe, restoration 1 of a true nationaAfeeUQgin tho place of a wretched seclionalism-i WiHrawyto His Pabkk CLqdwin." i i , - t" 6idxlirsctors .ttntl officers' of Itho- Atlabiiod and North" Carolina " railroad F aave been elecicdi 3 i'i 'i' ' ' ''J" :::-:A::0Aa I ':AA:::a - ' ' '