c - j V C v AT- OS BiZ:B .... . Ill i; ... ... ... ..evra .CluL-'rrl-n '''Any- i AgrK ltui u i- J 1 1 J $1.50 a Tear, in cZtzC3. S S . Vl 5-"-- a , "5- - 2 :: 4 . 1 2 S II IS m ' en 2 2' t OMR T. -' 2 8 S! j aa w C Pot Odf.e Honey Orders may b KnnAfl in all the dtlfis. and in nt v nf t.hn lare towns. We consider them perfectly safe, I "-.'.Js:.- jTstem, which went into effect Jnne lst. are a I crvsnfe means of seiuVinsr email aumeof mo: nry where P. O. Money Orders cannot be easily nlttained ObMrve. tle ReoiMrv fee. as well art linstage. m hre ti fhe'iefteWaitednTrt 1 jo le sent to the Dead Letter Office. BV and r Uotb. old and new subscribers may be included in makincc up Clubs.- ,v . At the above "prices the ;Wekki7 Star is, we think, the cheapest; pape in the State, and its circulation.wiU he doubled in twelve months, if ; those who have worked for its success in the p.ist will increase their ..'efforts in the nt ure. . : i f,V V' ' V 1 Irm.' w I ".W..r'"'. single subscribers at club rates. When I clubs renew their subscription they must do so m a body-all the names, ; with tlie money, to be sent at once. THE N ATI OM A Ms CAMPAIGN.. :rf, A dispatch from .. Saratoga .states that as soon as Governors TildVn and Hendricks issue their letters C Of ao-' ceptance the campaign will begin in j , . -x. e t,l I earnesti and it - is the intention of the Democratic leaders to . make it the most vigorous and determined cam-' paign that ha been' carried on ..for twenty. years, f Gov. Tildeu will give his personal attention to its r. general management,' and the" men wbbr.wUr I lmvo mnro 'mmPrlmt P MiarirW of the details have ittical affairs, available element is utilized to make! I - - , DI11 HI BITTING THE. - ' ADVANCIi. SPOILS IN Jim . ,Vrl.inglon correspoddeoce; f. Uu. JleralJ contain. lh sweet lorsel of news: .c : x . ot morsel "It is reported here that if tbe Renu oil cans should cany Louisiana, Marshal Pack-. : ard, now candidate. fcr Governor, will cx ' pect to be sent to tbe United States Senate . for the short term, leaving" C. C 'Antoine, k the colored Lieutenant Governor, to be act ing Governor for-tbe whole teimn Air. Piochback habeen promised byM' Pack-.l JIIKB TBR: FIGHT GBNEBiL ALONG T1IEI.IN6S.'.' j. f To ensure the greatest jeffiiency in the Conservative legions let the bat tie be loined all alons the line, i; Ilie Tilden and. Vance Cluba of every twn and county shoubi have speak ' ... wiw...l.l ..lr. "ul a,Ml Kl,Vu,I cuculatt iiet.pa pers and 'other printed documeuts. inn i let mat trainer on our weapons , . , -. ' - of warfare. Let Hot apathy sink into our frames and weaKgu pur euorts.1 Make the fitrht eeiieral and deter- mined all along the lines.' ' ' Let every Honest' man whoe mind is welt balanced go earnestly. to work ii' behalf of the Constitutional Amendments. 1 The amendments .en large" 'liberty, secure rights already acquired, bring'about' economy.! and efficiency- in the "administration, "Mr. v Ortb, of Venezue iela r robbing '.ill end.,: .u-. ' - .i.VTKirrtiT. gt-r lira autoes : lue r"""u Tnaiana bv nnniinninr. his party in candidature:' So heVesigneth. Now. if lhe next man - , V ' 1 ' . .. 5.,' - " - ' ' " ' an A.-R;t.hftenn' -nd CR. Thomas, Jr.. It is neatly printed. s - ' -a . oeouugo i 1 Tear I n)oeoo 1 ' I iH . o o o 5 o o e S jlonuis egt)ARr.t. . ..... HHNMMK500 . 8o"soooo. MOntnS r-NS--ocp . 2 Months a,eQ 1 l-l p-l Ct CO lO , IS8S828S l Month 1 nBgooeao ' . - . - . I o"o CO ISiooooo s Weeics I ooo - sooo o o o o 1 wecK. HMNoees .. .- v t,, ... .-4C4 : A :' . . .,,, : : I ; : : 3 . . . V :, -V.. , e ja o moTie.w ana txu in teller tn uxe present o a UeOTgia regiment IV the,"Uontedd-i ,Cav ,., K vi 5 1 5 .. fstneuter and taJce hi receipt for u. 1 .Letters . ... . . ."i-.i ; ; . o T :.. ; ;j 4 ' V HKNDulCKi' LbTTER. ' , .., to n, m thie way are at onr ri8:. ; . , iate armyarid joied to ThoVleitef btGbTliotoaVi bubscnptionnce:;: raa'cnfedemi f .,:cb i: the battle of-Olusteei; Ga:f and von: Hshed; :It is a strong' letter.: Ontbfi! TbesubscViRtionpriceVfineWKkK questiori' of Onance he takes thame! , V Star is is follows. :; 'J '; ' displayedm jhat engagement. :,Sinco i grbuttd that the to Loiiis platform; Copy year, poae paid, $1.50 S?!- oeff feslml .... 8. .-.iv haabefi. lnil'Si ! specie paymcnUa soon Qh it is prac-! Cliibs of 10 or iiiore subscriber one .the. grange movement .in, Georgia. iable ire -' warmly .' deprecates v-ar; $t.25 per' copy, strictly ,iq ad; He isal)0ut fifty; years of aire, a fine' dragging the; school jciucslion 'into! ance. ' . - V,-":- speaker Jtjthtjb rr No Club Rates forca period-less aenanciatlon f those who; would! ..an a year, 'i' - " 1 P03r manjn tSebrgig;; great experience ; in PH niember aua will see inat every tion announced in - the disnatches r'hoVliViVSinloiiPft ard the long term, as the successor ptSen-, lhhj. Pas baa r.nbfiRKed a letter, in ator West." 1 ; , , r -rrTf -v 1 year, and closes i : l v w:.t:i"' IJi VLl I which ha indulges in at searching re-, June followintr. reiier abK, .vreu. xiiuuuia, ajiu . our. :i t - f u u -, .uwim .... . 1. . n . n , C ; S . I nn..nnJ I . purge me otatc wi piinwt .viiij(- i ior nniyersity -eaucauon in xi.ngiauu i fuu i;".vw . , .i ' V: '......'' il ; ' -.. ,t w . . - v. i"i eistht years to ce tion. vvorK ior toe vouvi.uuouai jyas lately stated on omciat autupmy l iaugbt, uV Amonilnionfa 'i f . . ... u .1 I in ta --VX rnaet'et ' riAmmnna tn" nft AO 1 fausiW 5 VOL. 7. COtCiCXTT. ' . The "Democratic Georgians by ac- clamaiion J pominat,etl lUe" brave aud! ablj General Golouitt as ihe nfext Governor of their Stale, rJudge iicitv;ucL. ouiirisLOIl ' WItlluraWinir I front I: llieco!t?8t. ' JMessrs JiKn; VV o fiord 4 nd j A, KLa w ton .were nominated as. electors at large, and Messrs. II.-II. D. Twiggs and Ii. J. Gambrill alterndtes. Thd Convention dorsed. the7 StV' tLouis ,; platform.1 en The ntmnst. hnvmnnv navaA : tW I . '-V V i I. . ColqaUt may be of interest lb some' of oir r waders ho aro not familiar! - , . . , ; - ' ' :- r " . i ; --: r Jj Georr:hdbeforethwar1W member fUlfu5.V. :,'. ReDresen tal i ver! .T" i "7 r'" AXf A'f; fe5-?3 occupied a prominent, position. He; went into the latu war 8R a Colonel of ; P4UPBK OIUNT. .With much' amusement mingled with . sopie .disgust, we read the folT lowing rspecial, , i the; y. Baltimore 9 WAsimsGTON, August 2. It is a fact that j a promiuent member I of the House of Rep-1 resenuti ves has originated the proposition I to bestow upon president .Grant a life pnT I iQ of $10,000.' Tbe reasons adduced for this singular project-are that tbe President i poor; arid thai he wCl need the money to I ifl of boU8(!S;,6t8 aad5bondigjven taGenerT Grant there Is but.an insignificant - portion aatu iiiak v- uvuaauua iu 4uc cuapr i left: that it' has ali - been - swallowed up in' the vdrtex-jof -: speculation -Foe itbig it is said the President has to thank .the very friends who have brought obloquy and dis- grace upon nis auminisuaiion.-. n nas oe n a matter oi' common rumor nere ' for months past that the President bad lost his , money ,'by 'speculating.. .The rumor bas not been generally credited until now, when the T)rorxsition is-made toinderanifv him out of the public treasury. " The prop-4 osition meets with little favor, ai! if ' it should be presented Jt is certain to le vp tosed bv most of the ieadine Kennblicnn". who can very well see that it woald not lie a Iwpuiar.iuinKiio.uo,; njore especially , at i this lime. It was intimated some time since thought he, ought to be put again : at the head luat iub iicuucuk WlU be impossible to months since of -mating a leogthy .tour of B!a.k Ftiday own to the lale.1 bull ptipj : Whcre l.ve. Iho Wn? . V. c ! :- ' , ' ' r ' : 8CHKJBZS PA KTHEB I A FTEB ", l ' a Aiiiri. W hT ; flfVtriMiil vxerman leaders iu i,uis cuuuiryf uu i lately the:pirtnnd;d,tM Schurz's paper, the S. Louis 4 TKc;J Schurz in. advocating . the election ol. Hayes tid .Wbeeleivy .what the Germans wan t, Mr - Poiit- her says: t:f -I Thev want a tliomntrti national house-' I cleaning want new and cleaner hands In "V?!1!?" changes so sorely needed for the, national hohtr, not .frpm Mr. rHayes; whomlpansf jiri.Ua6,b.u frtfmheman'wh6tftuaJ. 1 ttf day as the foremost' practicaP reformer i ui tun itcuuoin, "uu,.ici;urej wi .uuti.ii i k.. ni,.;a- a tt. .,,r,nni rrnr.rnmcnt I bf the first city of the Western wbrldtand,j 1 the first State of the Uoiou, and utterly atf-i hihilated the most pifrantio organization for public piunder,hat ever exwied, .m r HaMaurekJStalloJiPulitzeriBrin., " - ' 1 ,1; . , , UN I V SBSI T I KD UC ATI ON. IN KNGr The provision which has been made - ' ' ' L i .S liAV 'IjL- 1 J follows:'; The income of. tbe Um- MCm; I annum, and that bt- the, colleges . $1,- LL: A:. -t:rz tiWX 326,000, a 'year;, th( uo 1UUUIUB vl iub. Fmversity ofxfordUeing $350)00 lVfm 850,000. :-It is not' exp'cted that the -----f'-,i-'tL' kLi2ZI&.iJ'n: 3;g Hill made;one of. his beWpeechesatl tMWitn.tfteir,r "Slff 1 5 S '. rht nfter .the ' kdiournmeut;bf 'the "freshed ;tQthe; pebple'a eg-CS3j Cc-v-tiDnJ?y : i-iV ! 'work, : at which they can .conUnn Jhv Tba fnllowiny slcethfor Pnp;1! during the ! term of sixty dayt withi sC- --if--"'- d. 1 . -. :: f.,-VW-:, ' f . m 1. 1 1 la rex i m: l - i a iik euufrtaiua 'auru. ruiinit- i van nr liioir i nriiM 'iir iipi'nuwi , ni, I Who is the marl , that . would perii benehls may Ue extended we present I sion u: s. uranv atter an ins pick-; rsome iacis wmcu we genrum inu MiSnnd'tlirivinM:of kerhoff, are a TeW or the "Uerman lte-! with a good lock and key? f f. rfifoWis. Neither M r.s -SchursS inpr anyi .pCtier. inrorder tbp'TeVeht cOdfdsibh bif;lpss, ' and f .: - t rr-r--' must be sent iri koM order arid Condition,' man carries the. German vote.in -his. P ioly np00 tuffiS5&imRi;?t. breeches'- twckets.'t,.'l--.t-:l5-y?.- i '- also at each subsequent' return ' from, home le-es Will be auffraen.ted; during thb.h4Jobn Nichols, , Principal,.. Ealei3h, ! txtev years byS48O,C00 year.nl WILMINGTONN. C, FRIDAYit TUB CONSTITUTION A N D T IX li . O ENE RAIi A S8K?1 1 X.1T. ( , ; 1 The cbango !n the time of assem bline of the Lesislatnre f rom the third Monday; in November to; first' f ,"D j- rumsuay , iit.t;i vuo Monday in Januarj', indicated, in. the amend ment of Article II, sec-l lion 2 is a wise' one for this reason; othlhgbfjjfcdnseguence Pr6.s.en V sy8tenV k . eyer done before xhe .Christmas; holidays. . Under thej proposed one the members lake their nt let;or-ftindraflce. . ! The Rtrikng out of extranous mat- t.prin' th . Artifln linpr :(nnAilprsiJ the , organic a;a"m. pearancH iff a 5tatnto Book, or rather iu catalogue; keep party purpose. .s. -ts orne.of pur up couutry pontempo- jrariea,: following Vaftce Imi his catn- paign j' .are ' making "''it ili vely. u The StatesvilW iMndriiarte 6t tlie present iLVX" llPlilvi ' 5 '..Aisi ! ' J r ; ? i Y - -" . s doeament.1! Let us fight lliadicalism with f acf and feeling bothj It has done damage euou ob to establish its calpabilitv: ' The facts only f need tb . ; . - ? . t f presented in; a lively, ear. spnable manner! ils-t earnest, sea- TniS INSTITUTION FOR 1 UE DEAF AND DCnBAMOTIIGBlilRD. f i '"One of the truly great beneficent institutions of North Carolina is the excel lent ipstituti6n,S purely elee rabf synary, the name of which is written above. ,7 It has done wonders, in edn-. eating metilally,' inorully ami physi cally. 'omeijfLihe juosti uhfertunate Ji ..kmUrufril-liCf- hnr KhiAet f l person .tomnrwea -in oar. bociety. ( ButLtKere"are"certaiuy a latgo num- easily-obtained benefits. f That .these ' Tk.NoHI.C.rc igSKilS'J th-itA, it ctr Carolina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and tbe Italeteb, the capital of Slate, It is strictly an educational in- gti.ution. having Jor its obiect . tbe moral. Intellectual and pbv8icaKuaiuing , of the tnereiore, neither a nouse or reiuge lor me ? The school year commences on the secona vv eanesuay in pepiem oei pr - eacu on the tast u Wednesday m making a continuous . ses- montbs, and leaving a vacation iths durinff the warm season. I j 7va. gLs a rule, applicants - who are; under 1 'made in peculiar cases, at the:discretion of J ( " T v j-v person oi .ituoeuuo: ur.f uuauuuu ind, or cifirmed immoral character or. l locanacitated bv ohvsical infirmity for use-. fiall, ,f(era tair irial lw useiul iptrHt-4ion, SwiMyV&lil lt prover i ncompeieok I, or wiliully . and, ypejs slit iitt Ihe-reKUlalionS of j the institution, .such pupil will be thereupon l i a ..h'nw. ia- nivMo luwiunrxeut : l.v ! : .' t : .:. r fijifil , ; ith an adequate supply: of gpod:comfort-' able clothine.iembraciuKnSuUa We articles I for buthommer and winter wear: in such jjuanuues jasta; adm the, necessary phange for. a washing ana repainng, i Whole to he fter ttie vacatfou. '6. : The course of study pursued at the Institution embraced all the " English: iMi tn tYii' ' Ar-kcr-f34 1 n rW Jnf &! IS HAFvaal irv " j wrlting,; arithmetic, geography, gram mar 1 kn tlm. niniuufl - AnI M4 fl n a i ! vnr.tV1f.oa muiete iw iuo uuuu are additloh Voiial and instrumental '7, , Pupils from this State are-admitted ( 0' an the privileges of tbe Institution, upon, KpSiS!Sffif tuition,, booksi medical J attendance, 'and vPi--thino-. naorv,, xrjvnt : ehrtMwi and z i- " . : f p, gSft strucUoi -and dpi .Persons desiring to procure the aa- a should apply by letter or otherwise Princi Dal of ' the Institution f or in-; structions as to the manner- of procedure,1 and no pupil should be sent to the: .'lnstitu- 0."! :y - v-' nentl n-kf?ft in u irood "l rant Rood Time at r : iltlivllie Ilbw, tlie Fayettevllle'ne re Cpjoylns - TlieineveH oloitiMpeiecb . ACC., Ac. - - ' ' "'"7- ::'' f';f;', i I A rncud lit Smitb villa writes a follows Tile bali;aaverliKedior2Iontrsynilitcam4 l2 Tuesday night : The- ca(lemy waafillt 4 almost-: tfr-EHliccalionr--The-ladies of ibe pface turueit ovX cnmasseXt't say'lljai the Fayelte boys enjoyed themselves would; cbuyey a vef)F f aipt idea of ilie aeluarfacti Thc ladies of 'BV VhiW p s church, o n def ihe direction of Mrs. Dr. Fi lter and llrs. Cot? toiivfurnished a bountiful supplyj com- forts for the tdner xuan, which were high y tfppre elated I Wednesday -after noon, by tin vilation of yapi. c. v. -Jiorse, vi uio puoi poai iOim n; and Messrs. Walker, Fiuncr and Poi sher.'of the pilot .boat fSTHheYisitiDg-' milUar'.withMhetexc abbutiseveny-flve ludies apdgecjleraennbf; this place r' eBioyed a 'ieakautf ana elighti ful sail .In tbe river' and bay for several iiraxi.euStwoipiw'ibaj' reiasled; side by side, and presented a Landsomti ap-: pearance, with full colors: fljiugi A? illlfoyj sailed up and dowa the river. . : ; . .r fla.the eventug tlie i band Isassis ed,; With, their delightful music, in tbecpemng of the. campaign forTilden and Vance under the auspices of the club of i this i placeTbej Court Hoasa waa;well ifilled a lafaes puin-3 ,ber of - ladies being present. s;M;8j. F. D, Pois8on,. fv W ilmiogton,. was ; introduced,? and in a very cleyer and happy style enter-. taincd the audience for about one! hour ion. . i i i i J.'u. . v. me jiuiuicm issues oi tuu.uuy, viusuig un the sentiment, " A union of hftslantf a union jof hand?,i And Hit a nVerlCaU Union ore v ver, WhlciV.uVv . frih a fuiland liearly round of abblauV. V Oas hotic'ttble feature of the meeting was inui pt)ir a single coioreu person i was, pre- .! Uf!iw I lit sent. . , :' f y:; v, v- iv- i v ; .-; i ktt;" ' AHei the speaking the military and ladies enjoyed themselves until the wee small hours oi morn in a social tianee . at me cademy. i :..! , A Colored Woman ba.tfCd fanlelde''fl:l..-''t;J::t; Ih- On Sunday, .the 28th of ilay last,i a child was' born to a colored wouian by the name ' of Edie Pigf ord,( living near : Lees burg, Pender county, j- TJie child died knd nothing more 'wasv thought vof ! the7 matter until a i few f days siacc;.when by seme means the suspicion Was aroused that the intint had been ' foully dealt with. . It jwas then determined to hold an inquest over the body andnAhe lHinsjcbjcetl. II.'Brown summoneil a jury and! proceeded to view the remains.--The place of. burial was foundt to be at. the root of atree in the yard attached to the house, in which the mother resides.. The party dug down atout two feet when thcycame 'acroesAUe body. it appearing thatahpitTLad becn'dug with" the hands and the body of the child shoved headroremost into tup :caviiy. Upon j exi huming the remains it was fli&c iveicd M.iat t tho tkull of the child; had been crushed pa; ana tuner evidences oi foul pjay were man ifest, as' -well as -.elicited- f rom the teki mciny 1 of j witnesses :.examined. A ; War rant wasr e:thtrj;uppa 4 immediately I piOf cured .for t the r arrest,s,of ,the;t wpriian ; who was soon after taken, into custody land piuccu iu iuu nanus oi mo Euenu. tvnue . in charge of the sheriff,Twith"wb ;of nis fdeputie8it being thdr jnlention t6 bring ,her to Wilmington and lodge her in jail,! i under a ommilinenrTrbm the. coroner, based on the verdict of tb6 jury L she asked permission to step outside of tlie road' for a' few moment8;Vhich was granted,. wlien itne prisoner, taking advantage of herc xnp jmentary . release, j suddenly darted off thro Jthe. woods. 5e officers gave jchase, jbufc jttae jWoman who is said to bayel, run hkb a deerspjeuv distance- her s pursuers and innally succeeded in . making good ,her es cape. -s This, we learn,' was on Wednesday," land at last accounts she had not been re- iptured, though the sheriff wilh a strong pssere on her track. , ,: !' i.i k. r-rrrSince writing the above Sheriff tior- ell has arrived here with the rJrisoner and lodged her. in.j.ail,! having captured her jn Cohimbiaj !pwBship Wednesd;ayi?nighjU ue maae ner escape l uesaay evening. w he Owniri DlieoTired. 1 jvSome weeks sincewe referred o.the fact pat a Mason itf gold charm or badge and a. silver idoriv. or nankin iiinior't khe t former I . -.7. ......:... having' the nyrie bft;Cai. pue- Ala , engraved upon it, and the palter bearing ;the t inscriptions "ricttie," ana- f'From M. K. on her 13th' birthday. were fit the;Mar8haVs office awaiting claimants, hayiugibeeu found Jn ? tbe possession of ome thief a year or so ago.saidt thief being low in the penitentiary. Yesterday moru. rig a gentleman, giving his name. as Capt. T. Jones, the owner of the golden badge,' made his appearance at tbe City Hir,'gav An accurate description of the article, and. claimed.it as hif own, fltatiug ?tbat be lost t or had it stolen from him' about fifteen ears .Wo.' j seemed, to prize it : very ighly, 5and was :eyidently tejoiced at iia. ecdvery after so-long a time. Singularly (UOUgh,' 5 the 'Marshal, the same 'morning, received a letter from alady residing ( in the interior oftilafl3achusetts,who claims to be the Owner of the doily 6r riapkin-ing. In her letter the describes the article with Very .-great , minuteness and ' accuracy, even" executinff 4 a drawing of the valued keepsake', which shesaid was givenf io,her, uy an esieemeu.iiivuu wu ui-iutu uumuaj, and which she lost " while on a Visit lb this City two or three years ago.;-V ' We now learn that tha -.articles j were found buried, with a -number of lother pieces of jewelry and valuables' in1 a" 'cer tain yard Jinv " Paddy's1 Hollow," where they bad been left by' the thief who' stole them, anttWUQ was aiierwarus ineu, cou ylcted and gent to the, penitentiary for? lar- ? 1 -. t :. with hi AUGUST 111876. ' i ceny TLs ring referred to is supposed, ,td have bee a Einong . a number , of . articles stolen at the time the Mission House, "cor? Tier of Seventh and Nun streets, was broken f "bpcu and robbed some two years agb;-$.. j nTbe iarlicleSi Willxibe. returced to tiei owners' Accident ou ' the Carolina -central r -k XSallwayr-f A .T'efp.1 Fall.-1 n-f One Plan Killed and Three or Four W .i . jM jfl . . :5 '.' t .i 'l We iearh tfiat twenty-seven bents' of the trestle oyer Hood's Creek,-abouV wplvei miles from tb is city, pa t he jjaJoiiha; Ce n -j tral Railway, fell in yesterday,1, about 2 o'clock- killing? ?one'f colored mantJ and! wounding three or Vour;! btherl whowefe; engaged in working . on the trestle at the time. One of the wounded, . we .under? stand, is badly hurt. We have not ; ascer-: tained the name - of the' man who 'was killed. In consequence of ibis accident it will hej three or four days before the trains can be run over the trestle as it wiiUake that long to put it Ih proper ;r-ebfiditipaV'C the meaniime theJight-traiU "wli be jdiscon j tinuedy and the mail and express trains whT leave Wilmington daily (SuDday excepted)' at S.SO'A. M. 1 and' anije , here at 11.30 P.j M., passengers, - mail, . &c,i ; being trans- erredpA; train; wentupUast evenmg to; meet the dbwtf passenger ' train at the scene, of foe;acciaenL - r. wuh uuiicc ,jiu ue given wuen 4uc sigut trains are -toberesumedvyrr.itf MlWi-i Too CoinpertlUve' Examination! C- & Tbp competitive examination of ' appli cants for the cadetship in the Naval Acade-; mv at,!Aunapou8fr -neia r attue request oi Hon .:A.:M. Waddell; took-place at the U. S. Court room? 'yesterday .commencing at 11 o'clock, he committee selected ,by t Col Waddell to, conduct the examination were Messrs. A! R Black, DuBrutzCutlar, j and R. Ki Bryan, but only the two latter geutiemeu were present. vThe, applicants were ward A. Anderson,.. Charles ,IL Bordeni and Don. McRae,of W ilmington ; Wmi tL Allenbf IKinahsvtlle and: John B. , Broadfoot, of Fayetteville. : The 'ex aminations were . in the j usual English branches ' of "reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic and grammar, eexamja tibrt , was"concludedf yesterday afteropoh, but the announcement of the award; has not yet been made,: as a portion' of the iex- aminations were in wriJLing, and will have to be compared peforea decision can be "arrived..at;. SA'jat:ivTf k uiM't tfrhgib$t.. Supreme , Court Caae, of jramea llea- LHaving beard .. that the Case of .the State VS. James Heatoff, -charged' with' staying an election in the city pt Witoingtdn, had I peen pontinueu ; Dy tne; cupreme vourt; we made some inquiries in Tegard to the facts irie easeTDefenSroC? last term of the Superior Court for Colum bus county,' when ' he was convicted and sentenced by His lionori A A. McKoy, to three monlh&V imprisonment and to pay a fine of 4ttf8.rom?thls"dccts1wS'nlico an appeal to the. Supreme, ourt,, and :tbq case,; which was to have been heard at the present, oV June terrn has beea continued by:ud' Cp.totilth5Janua 1377 Th e Io ple'a .Ticket ; 1 The foUbwing ticket, composed of Demo-v I. crats and. RcpubHcans,vwas vbapded to U3 r f or publication yesterday,- by a promment i memoer or lue latter party, wun tue inioi- uauua. unit i vuuiu we ttupinji ici. u j puiti,jf. ol his party! ;enator--D, i J.' Devanef House "of Representatives-Siias '.f Mar-- J i'oii tV.'-.y2: -iI.V ri.L J lil'li ' vi;iil,a Joseph R- Sampson ; Sheriff Owen : Bar ney TfeasurerOwen Fennell; Coroner ET D.; " Hewlett; r Suryeydr-- B.Lynn County Commissioners ii.: Worth, , L.. A Hart,-.Edward Kidder, Alfred llargrave, Henry Davis, of Federal Point , This is termed the Peoples ticket, without " regard; iTJilSyenlnst KcTleiv. 'yi : i; i' la .Wednesday's issue , of j the J&cening Review. -v of this cily, i Mr.' J osh Ti James,: who has beerif editdr?audbne of ihe propri- etors Of thej paper since; its.cpmmencement,; announces his withdrawal and bids f are- well to his readers la vajB and in the: same .issue! 'Mir.' C.fi Price an nounces that he has assumed entire coatrol of the paperj Mr. James ' has f our 'best wishes i ri , h is retirement,'., which we . mast, bel ieve will; be i but temporary, from i the raWki of a"nrif esslba to which he has" be come so thoroughly attached, and AirriTice our cordtanfooavlll in lus assumption ot the entire management and control -or tbe JteneWi Personal knd Pollilt.l. ' 1 ' ' ; 5 1 Tiie Gold8boro'Jtf!?ssefl,er has the follow-- lngf "It anordS us pleasure to learn tnai our towosmatr. A;':! J.T Galloway; Esq.;'h'as received a private letter frbm' Hon George Davfs; of Wilmington',vannduncinglthat he accepts the invitation1 offered him by ; Mr. ' Galloway and wirf address lhe1 citizens sof Wayne and surrounding cduntry'iu Gdlds-'i boro at 1 soma lime1 dn' September; on the poliiical issues of the iiay.i Timely notice jwlll ''be given,' and we promise' 'our disti n-'- 3 'guislied friend bne" of ' the'la'i fesi ; gather-1. iogs ever assenihled in' Goldsboro." . j - .,.(. ' ' , .-. ' ' v - ' Tle La Fajetie E.l&b( Infantry." We learn that another grand ball was ex pected to- take place-at Smith ville, last l. .. i.-i:i...:,i....,T.,-i;:.,".;T!:i.i'T:: Dlglli, 111 UUUUt ui tue am x" ujrevus aj'&ui iu- f an try Company The ; Cornet Concert Club went down-on tbe steamer Dixie, yes terday afternoon, to participate and. assist in the festive" ceremonies. k ; A portiba, of the Company are on a visit to the ; Sounds, enjoying themselves for a briefjseason there. aii nisut. ! - -v ' " I We are requested to state that the trestle over Hood's creek,' on. , the Carolina Cen tral Railway,'; which recently tell in, will he all riwht bvMondiV -7rl thn evening I trains will he resumed ou that day.. I V. ; ' V'NO Shoolng.X"ieh.wj3 j--sr As previously, announced, the two Rifia Teams of tSe'Shopting Club met" at the Athletic Club grounds yesterday fterhboq !at3J o'clock, c It was JdecidediW haye a k match for icursmajlj pri?est andithetwp teams , consolidated, for the jOccasion,..,the distance for firing being fixed at 200 yards We give the result as follows: -i" tl " ! Distance SOO vds. ! Totals.! i 3 4 i 414 m 41 - 8 0 . 3j n jots 3 S4I JS. JLU1T..T. . ... .!. . 5 3 4 3 3 4 4 5 J. P. Woody,... J ohn M. C'azaax. 4 4H W.L. UcHoaset, L. H. P. Crown, 4 4 4 3 .43 isaac Kates, ;;..---r Average ef totals, 3T-9." i ; - It will be, seen that -M,r,j WH.;Bernard won the ' first ?prize avmgscored42j Messrs. E.' Lilly add J.Di Woody tied, and: Sa shooting off Mr: : Lilly " won the ! second. fprize,llrdy: )EfettiogUheHhird.Mri 3 M'c.qazuxif -ieLpt '"elf f oh:f prjze Mr.? .Wnii, 'Fyfe,3whp Ued hih aggrete? score, having made anioutervr 1 I V A committee on prizes' for future compe-l uttuus was uppumieu, cunyng tji lessis R,Lilly,! W.; F.; Hargrave and ; Wi R. Kc New Ilauover Co a n't y ; Below We givp a:statement of the taxa- bles of Jthe dunfy, Tor the year 1876is: ,-. - ' ;compileUif rptheibdoks inaibf Sfiierilf s office, together. , with the valuation- xpf the same,, delinquents, '&c-i. which will doubt less prove," of interest to'many of bur read ; : Wilmington ToioiMipJ-WhiteitpbIlsil;8S9; colored l,25i.t;Valuafion j) of i jown;iot3 $3t75Z,i)nl 2Mmsm.mv 85 jriujes, $2,595; 18 goals, ,f,12.7: 1,07 cattle, 2,080;63 hogs, $280; 21 sheep, $42; value of farming : utensils,' hbuhbldyand kitchen' furniture, ? wearingapparei, li9I,293rluwney fon hand Or on deposit, $33,330; solvent credits, &C.4 $22687; stocks ia National, State and private banks. Jpr j jobtr stdcktepmpaniesj $270,102 ; all bther personal property, $637,- 4ou. xoiaj, o,id,iu. xncome, f4a,7aa. lored, 84; number Of acres bf landv i 31,7531, valued at $172,620;; 5h horses $3)655; 51 Rule's, $3705; 23 goats 25i30i;catae; 865; 830 hogs, $1,461; 190aheep $2U; yi4- ue; of farming utensils, household and kitchen fdrntarc.4 $3j&''mbney;': on .-lria.'ojr'1onep &a $5;570;f all -other' personal Tprbperty, $945,TotiV $195,11041 .i garneti frwnship.Fhto ppUsJ pi' co lored, J29 riumber.of acres otjandj 27,039; value CI land, $129,642; 94 horses $5,325 63 muleslp;'6ig ;batli'044 hogs,4 $1,0951 3'sheep$36Vfarrning uten sils,' household add kitchen furniture, wear ing apparel &c; $4,180; money on. hand Of on 'deposit, 100: solvent crepts j6,070; stocks in Kational, State and private banks auu oiuer lucurpuruiuu companies, aH other personal properly $3,414--. Tofalj h Mv9ovbor9 2ptPs-White?' pollss 62 colored lytNuraperidl acwflaDg, 9; valuatibn $52,75; 37 lioss2ili0j 30 mules, $i,770; 20 'gbat $26; 427 cattle $2,293,i;459hdgs1 $606) l'iiheep3$17j farming : utensilsj ; household 'and J kitchen furniture,- wearing apparelj i&c;', $4,-292' money $1,438 , solvent . credits! $lil75;;all other personal property, $1,804. . jolal, $07,306. Income $294. , , " t . " Federal J''iir&ajiAWh 24; colored umberbfacres1 lahd,: 13,j 844;aluatidri$35,99Sr; 28 orsekf i;840 1 8 mules : $540; 445 caUle, J$285; p61:h0ga; ; $372v52sheep$162jrt a ( household and kitchea furniture,.iwearing apparel, $i.( money on nana $u all' other petspnalfopeM i$48i829.n f 't" li'-i- -l ' I I uraTitt-aws i,uoo wuue pons, 'i,oxocui I or6d polls 88,545 acres of land ;; valuation $391,032; valuatien off Town lots, $3,753 '917; 456 horses,; $34,455; 187 mules, $11,- ;800;'01"goats, $178;l2,009 cattleV f 14,090; 2,757hbgs38;023; sheep, $368;duse: iHnlff nirifl Vhoht-rt ffirntlnrt? 'faftTitnfir'iutfih- Uils, wearing apparel, &c, $203,290; mohey !ou hand! d on , 'deposi t,f o $36968 ;( solvent! tana 1O.Jn.lp-a in Viinniil : CtatiL ticuua, .iou, iu stuyAf lJi-.J.v,l" :.f ir7. (Total income, $43i08Qif t?Ky. -wl ::Ju-.t I , raa.--State, , $25,259 ;85g cpuatyf $31,-; 97, 73. V:Total, $53,857 58. total teUnnienU.SU white polls, 746 oldred polls? acres of 1andC35vaiua-' kion!? $24,470f wn;ridts muler$00;f T6tal vaiuationi $123;276ii SUie tax, $3.52S 85.'-': County: tax. .$3.500. 70.J 4i 't A.. The Poor Ilbuke.' I "The committee on' the Poor House, ycon ..' '!-. t. ',. .! !TT .5.. it! L. ' i'i' T-.!.' sisung oraiessis; vanAmnnge auu sjuvib, jvisited ihaV4hstilutlbn Triday:'rTbeir 're- Ipori, which will .be laid ,hefo re ihe -Board i jofj County j Commissioners,. Js, as follows.:' Ia the .insane-; department they ?found 17, jpatienlsl'j Of; these' 5 were 'white ,and 12 colored ; 2 white females and' 8 colored fe nale8;3 white males and 4 colored males, lathe hospital department there are ll;pa Itients: of which S are white and' 8 colored; b.white females and 1 male; 1 colored, fe-, analeandj males.,;; Jo the poor department, there are. 10 parishioners, or which 4 are while and 6 colored;- 3 white females' and 1 'male; V colored female. and 5 males. .Total inmates, 33.f ilt.- .hIh 3)m- f it-"-1 : f W e exammed, yesterday, a, ca riosity in the shape of a' triplet of apples, being three apples joined solidly together after the manner of the Siamese twins and attached to one sem, "the formation being somewhat in the shape of a star .with three joints. They might prove a fruitful theme for the consideration of a naturalist. The apples were grown in the orchard of Hr. I Jhn C Henry, of Brunswick county. l' ' UUU private uauas uuu yiiix t luuviyiaitvA IcompTeaj'fa? IprbperiK ?:f 645' 4dolf tblaVlf 5;604;56lf :ir--Star: Cc:.c'l:"r:J.V ... : OxFcrD, lTV'C.r A;'". 4. ;K early all cf nLa' Oiio: 1 i !tcrs to Bdffalb 1 S priri c3:;liavQrets. r n ed. w - There.were f otir deaths by lib t ing; in-Grariville last week two hite'orrien xndtwp,n?3rces.i V Ve have hadaUerly frequent and abundant rainf, but they are too late to benefit the corn in some section.. . I vas jrjttbBi50unlry. Jisti Jt,eek; .? and was -surprised to find that the drought had been so protracted in some sec- tiops; vj vras op the plautatibn of one jgenUeman wbo tad had' but one rain io:neiirIy,wQdab cprnerof V-ake,farmers are cuttinjr down their corn to save as dry food for stp'ck."; ::s-? - tists held their annual -feet-washincr ' in the Dutch ville section of this couu ty Jmmensa crowds attended. ; S Ilev.r. Lassitery ;to whom I re ferred in rny last has conducted the services seyeral times in the Episco pat-vn.urpuy Mist senaonaxare.. well written, 'the work of a cultivated and scholarly mind. lie- is no bratpr," reads - very closely and is not incisive. There are fifty-eight while ehurches inGranvilleXeoanty; 5'Therrieertf'4 churches aTe numerous, but I cannot estim atHthet33vrThewhiter-ch urches . stands -Methodist EDiseorial .sixteen t . Mettibdfst Prbtestantsix r-Missiondry A-awiou cigutccu j a. limiiive uapiisw two; Presbyterian seven; Episcopal five; Independent, one; Kelly itca one. Ia not' Granville 'lhe bArmer cbunty in religious facilities in. thp State? I -believe so. I get these figures! from Mr. Kingsburyts, historical address, ' which , will ,be published v in r few week inamphlee'forWea!rti4It. would make a duodecimo volume of probably two hundred pages.1 : The ., Spewmarrows Agricultural ' Club, com posed of x members , iying in 5theBr6wtovilie f audS; Sassafras Fork sections, is. a capital body, and contains many intelligent and edu cated gentlemen.. The, health of our. town is good, but .there ( is t sickness in: 'the ' country rdrpundandsbhie -deaths have occurred. . ; . Business is fair, considering the 1 prostration of the country. As there is but very, little tobacco growing in this gredtesl, ?of ?all- ibbacce' counties in the Union, money wjll be . dread fully scarce ' all next .year in; there, parts of Gov. Brpgden's dominions. The orphans need the help of the peopleUpf rthvSl.ate!at?ilarge:h?Mr. -Mills is doing a great work; and his hands shonldrbbpheld . , . Neither;;.of ;thepplitipa)l parties have nominated as y et t:5 1 1 'tB j JIIIkerejuriHbd greaiIleTenue Noser of ; this district, is counting high on 700 "majority : in 1 Granville. It will beomiyIeitan I879 beforthe QelsAU Ul will-bo too late to seryp Jiis purpose then, for Tilden k yvilpe, President andihe ' . Koscli-'retire ttterttibdicis itv ruplion enough' among ihe Itadical officials of this county - to lcat any decent f maiThp l3erbocrat8 l.cni are not organized. Indeed, then. is - but littleUrganS;atibn ia! thei Suit 6. I hope some., of oar. clubs will in vite Judge Merrimon to make one of his great politicarspeeches in Gran ville,?Buch asKhe madeint ii872, re plete ytb aramenUndct ytr In two or rthree weeics you may Mr. and Mrs. .Jfort and two" children were ihrbwh" from a buggy -last . bundayi near prestyllle i.iney weTekon -theu way to church. Mrs. Fort was seri ously, and, it may be; .fatally injured. At last accounts she was in a critical condi tion," The rest escaped unhurt ' e The;i(ffltiiiaUlffitoort a reli gious paper, 'devoted o ew Testamen t ' Christianity ,h is - printed under 1 contract from the Goldsboro !2menger press. ? Hev. J. J. Harper, of Smithfleld, is the editor . and proprietor, andMra Sallie R. Dixon, of Snow Hill, has-: charge of, the. Sister's and Children's department., t - - : .. ' jtlbbcbrd: ored man, Calvin Barnhardt, was drowned in the river at Bost's Mill,' in jLhis? county, one. day last week. He was swimming : . across the streamy and when near the mid- die his Strength ave out; he called .to his companion that he -was sinking, but' they thought that he was joking, as be was , known to be a good ' swimmer, and let him ' sink. imi ii,i.-:r that an involuntary" 'suicide took place .in 1 Alamance county,' last week, under the f ol- r 'lowing circumstances: ;A Dr.. , Uooperi . a ! dentist, living in the northern part bf. the jcouutyfiWent to1 ihebreakfasti4ai"le!.pro ' . iwrenjo.j pPis'p hi jWife. for what reasons- we uavo not learnedr ' They .Were 'i eaird :alone! at me iaDiev-r.a.Iier ponnng oun mc 'coffee Mrs. Hooier was dispatched out of, : the room on some preiexr, anu iu uer ao sence iher husband pOUred iBto-,lier:;Bp a. deadly mixture. ,Sfie returned, and it bap Dened that th Doctor himself wa3 'called - from the 'roomVybr a moment In Jiii. ab-'. sence a.fly fell into, his cup, and Mrs. Iipop-er.'wife-like, exebaoged cups. ' The DocttHV reiuroeu auu urauik. uis wucc aimuot muiic. bad giving the fiedsoa'jor lt,Twhen ' he' ex-, r.l1iinied."'Then" I am a dead man."' and in la few minutes Was a corpse.' ,TLi "we learn s from, a gentleman '.who. has just relumed . irom: a visifc to uranam.; ivuj . --j Mbrgahton Blade ii HxiL Rpfaey, i this, county; bad a child five or six yeais . that had been sick With sore throat for 'of ;oid several weeks and one? day last week it- seemed to die. ; It bad no pulse ' so far as . persona present could' discover.'- It 1 was- . laid out for dead and a coffin made Tbe f ; persons setting up with the corpse grew sleepy and were nodding, whuu suddenly the child threw' aside its grave clothes,1 got ." up from the table , where it t:d teea laid, ; and went tp' the cup-board' and ct Scne- ; thing to eat..1' As soon as it saw that some one was awake, it called loudly for milk. Such' was the - superstition I that ', no one would, for some time, touch or go nesr the child The mothsr caxne iri acd after tc.ua hesitancy. caught her hand, ard it'3 e!cc-. tricity seemed to restore her courses and convince! her that it we.3 no ghcctTr ELc ' got the nHk.for tha ".i ; Aft?r cit'r- , it was placed in . bed. It :sn3 tlatt'is sudden eliibitica of x.rczr.h vr3 a ':;k: of tatur-.fer, is fpur hours aftsr.tlscliU "I died, indeed, ,' , . ' u iswaubw.'IIe aFbnc? detected the' singnlur'. iiasle oYlhe bevei-age; and 'asked his wife ifj. Ishe bad'ebahgedcups." She replied that site.. r t h fi ti 1 i

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