-PUBLISSXa Magnolia has had three elope- : :TOS? centl4rn5:10j;t3::: hY 0Xt j i. WTfarera will Je-a-regatta at-Kewvt.i4 $1.50 ;&i5Tcdr, in adroiceSS Boyd's tar Company wiH.ply o b a a o .- o o ca o o 3f.3gg-f S 3 o 3 3 2: ; . I Tear - 5t m -2 i Thearffbf MfBV E. Winslowi ji.Ferquhltp?j3tyOk"s sCrtHiS V&Km 6 Months ning ana Durnea last wees. . : , . . , . -tWylie SirarasEsqi, one of Wif T a; fl&ns7 most successfu." jarmers'ia.a'' last'" -H 00 CO KS,C rV:' f baVlr6tqanbeet tbe SreatiJewp hs. been pne;ofj fort tina'te i tw,,lE0.tt ue Maruet. j-. J . ; koutii oauolima: - v 3. Months 7 eg. Ait j northern peoul are urons to attri- iayxeuui anftsjngul I - AX A- -f I 1 A a i - ( . m str ; ' . ,,,.,, - , i .... .'. .AA I I ! l . r , t . : e:i L- tl-,, I -,.. v f IT I A : LU' J.iT It - :li-;: !.- I -w i I. . .. ..ii '- ' , .i , - . - r . , . - 11 1 1 1 -' i - . ' - 11 - ' 1 1 " '. : - ' i m r it ; - : ; , ' -;- WAJ1 !: a , J : a '- a . a S a 0 i 0 ; m -! l ' a ' fl 2 Months S 3 S3 8 38; J 1 Mouth sssssss 3 Weeks 838.288$; roo! SWeefc. SSS3S38" MM IS SSSSSS 1 Week.,; I I . :;AT a - l. - : r i : :5l . JT . e et 2 2 f S ' . Mpr.peuig unuea in position tp, the: ku n 1 - i --J ... - k 12 J.'g oe f '"Heu "J ciass. 01 men ; who belong f1pf locked liToWptoil p.I J Wrlain TZarmoth ami Kellogg, Ame s8 - . and SbenceK ami thieir-yoit?tintmtaI :HigriOMei mark JWffvirSfSoo s- Bfijitr ittr f tn tw i pebts and Jiibili tteaP Jatitiitry 1 8 ostein, which vent into effect June 1st. are f.ir t.vs 4slxv iI&T.Itn- Kui;f. very safe means or semilns small sums. of mo- I 540.4e0.54z. 2 l i ,t : obtained. Obens tne? Reaitiry fee, as well aft jiostago, tnnjrf 6 jxrid in ztamp at the office ?"Oo(etscannotheeas 4 ourainen. noerwiBef xteougry ee. as wen an ir v iivnr -arot.5--iJeJlS.ailU ira wwefrwiiaJtefcurpiora. iettere 1 W hole i druount j ' i 10,05 1.8l0.11iDiUtH, ..J it- .. . j I. n The subscription; price pf the Wkkk I 040,000; li'Dbta and f liabilities iJan4 neCopyviyeaKpoVtpaidJil.5d JfmaiD4itWjatMl-lialUitie at ? feinJ:'k!o :kHi-m nd habttui Jae!l,'i8?l) $50,637, :ClabsoriPpr,pomb.scri s,ar, perptricjin, 11 andniabnttiekt i;,u r Pf88 o4 liabiirtie -Tanua 1, 1872, $15,i l aq a year. t : f . ' i . . . : ' - - !. Both.: old "andnew subscrihersinay 4T i 'fp.i':' . i .-;wu.v.o.-- v..- JarAawotiJ, Debts and.liabili tics at : , j ... Included IainaW nic ililo8e.a$0,95 At the above prices the Wkkklt V,; , s- - -v v WT - Star is, we think, the eh eapest paper Pty&MW$fomJJ & 8?f ;i iu the State! and Jts circulation will 'M!? f He doubled in twee months; it teose 4 kni 4 f4pikkffiff : ! ho have worked for its success1 in the th&Waii2(i-lQ5L60(P?Gfi'S5 il:i-lAs Arid' efforts toh6:ftl tltiA ir'i'. -; i sraieu inuu.. in lue issue u i -i iiu r8' Vine aayit n as an article to an it esuy "in t end y t vj i - i i j .r, h .".. j:4vhaVnoet o j cUteperpottndjciieese, 20 ipehts perpotuid frfleiaiforoaaieail first-mi n f VmW tonld bav iini-nml I erown fewls;C5a7(te;aTaix: Isbrine cbict. I JonveDtioa at Columbia citomeirefcsas loU JwbicUaiSpraparH MinstikatedibeL Jina, in Ubnveutlod 'assembled. a6h6diicel teen 4helrnmeaSenate an4he rawdy,iftf J tbirteenthv f ourteenth' r I ahd jfirteentfu amenameatsr tobe ederbl; UJiV 'tlS-dtlil'Lnk fclftftva ;5ii?Tiivir.iioi ons Llaem. we toiT from the settled-and fioal tiwfinailyassoivrpabnote ftes'of ''thaW adoSt4 jirg the time of Ur. JJwraelii domi- ' bunch r-turulpi; 10 tents abuncb-; dnions,' "securing the election,, of its rdastiogaished. J3atwv l.eTeihMn1aVoe1bU 10 t:ents atbun'caboag ; V- yZ :yUi4 Hit 2 ;" i i'Tunlh' i H'- isimAilai'.s iwiri'ni'" York; and Thomas A. Heudricks jf Iii-f ehgaire. lb' What1 fconslstshc-! liiigbi f J X?.?? ?n,8ar P?1 dtanaj and bdieve tharundeftawlse iaB 4 bicli individuWltHe 'tfebrtwral A Kjrr-y ,-.r-rw.; t". - i POiiOd rice 10306a -quart crabav 151 cts -wrm leader, assisted by the minenHyjpa-i liaVe exhibited ftn r tha rPna or , i . . ' . .. - . v-. - trifitift nl nfcla onnngcirnn hvwhnm ho will anHda,6iuiM rtner ibVraW n'i'av' 23-ctentaVhnn'chf hi Kaihn,h thepast eight"years willfiive place io.'con- & "V- V...-.V..., . ; , , v.-. - ; 1 ertrl J cootl p6vfrnmAnr anrf , thnrnfirh U u? "J i L r i ! i ' f I cucumoers iuc a aozenr tomatoes octs per 1 ".J Vrr "',,,T , Wl v reliable ; of .Napoleon qUMt . watermelons from 5 to 10 cts apiece i LffM-H0 MCQrdance; -Massena; ahd pifeiof ?;th.t e Crabs 30ca bunch, cider 20 cts a gal, a a- . l i: . m. m t . -m m ucei4 jue u uno expenses mirij mil-. jlWna bel9 the expenses, of aet J ear, an wopld i bav:ad4nncbi Jarger, reductions if it had not been th wart d;by lhe; Senate. -:'Everi; if some of ;thV' proposed iurtaifm lef of; the iJaxrsfeVe 'cradnci:! i liimderateth perenee da tnot cancel the ,merit.of sieaay ana -persistent.! eitons m be J thonffht ;avVv:'-uouiyi'iiievgoYerninenii i Vbpe-dunnt growiiin onanus ogannce 1 1 1 ' li'imii! Rimnmpni. win nniinrsn i 3 m. 4 1 9-J ei.-ir.arr.' Jwsi .ifS'-i-aH "4 ADO f fw.;:."?'.f.f.u'4.,'V"- '"F'i 1 darRhal8 o jeapysiM Wyfiq9W. myWd& . ttbulieyetlan .W' VisFji c i Dii Wits ill teres t ill :s ii flFer h v t b tni-1 The conntrVawilH&.ff 'paftlcm'sotee '.J-I'-t-'-' C-sica fVl a ol soil k f -! A v jstiv: s ' ;-fi alii . .. -, aJ, f hsnXiJ ! . r t - t . (.. - ' expense otne gpYemmeni, ana ane- rA..u r.1.11,. fatel ihe barde,ifnhe j taxpayers, i Tliatanv mblio ?iiiterest will snffer " ! i i ' 'i f 4' ?W .W ""ft ,ra ,iuai,, r..i,niuy. taxes aqdsquanoerjogtbem when collected, '1 '.. past will increase their uture. r ." ";The, paper will, not be sent to I IJrM single subseri ciuds renew tneir suoscriptiQQ-Tuey n -. a - , . -j i-m u -..r v .f must do so in a body-rail -the names, 34v Debts aud.,, lia.biliues Janu-. with the moneyto be i sentat once5 li 1S72, 43(54006 91' - ukf M ilti 2&iw&ebUandliabiUtiaat the; 8It.yjBI CCUKKMCV. ; cibSe of Ihe war, non)ina1. Debts and Among tne.billa wbich-failed to I ,. , ' piss Congress was one for the irhme-i 1 i I ; J. f . : a: i 'h:;- f ( bunioh,.to enconrage .the -coinage feft thereof, and to make the. standard D;,ot, an : pilver dollar a full legal-tender, and iZzf &l.- Jjr riMnf . another authorizing the President to BaiamowETtit8 vthw- 1, appoint coin rais-ioners to attend an j- and makw uponitHhe "folio-; : international - conferee i ami silver. ;i The Senate, I" hqwlever; a- millions of indebtedness which bare , been i , . . : vr .4iVti ' tbtis piled upon the. aboyrr named ten few minntes before .adjournment, gg lhey have-absolutely little or no took" np and passed th vHoiiseV joint1 thing to show. .-. No great works of - pu'blic- - , i .,, - f iu i-i. :',i"t tmproremeat hate-' beensarried out; the rcsolotipi providing To? the appoint-, m0y batdrsappeared a completely as if r i mentlof a commission to inqnire inttt it bad been sank iotbelmidldle of J the i j the changer which has taken place- m l go-u for if u had not becttror tbe assist " i lie rc l a L I t? vajuc ui iuu auu unci) bwhi-vuivui.i , , f - rrt.5 ' aS ' these bold robbers and f their successor,' j aiwl the causes thereof- ., he ; cpmmit tbeyiever "f could bate carried out their Ire from both Honses : have been- ap; plundering projects. Mf''; .". ." !The organs and orators of the Republi-' ; I pointed, and the cPmmission w ex- caB paxty North talkahout a united Boutb.' r pected to make its report npon the It would be a marvel if she were anything r re assembling of Congress in JJecem- l0 uQite a measare of self proteeUoiw "" , W - " ; ; ,1 THE TASK OF THE OlJTH CAHO- Gov; Tildeiw iatiftDalian of f Ue ;vutDtJarounjt enwcraic Convention -decided ? to :mk&n. is, XP- noimua :tiiK? va uv! iloinarvf i -Ji?-1 Wftil '1 JiTbiV I '3. 3eiiate ' attempted o revive the franking privilege and f ailed by the 5 : . ' . - f -- , - I Ol OOlOmOn and JJaVln. Ol IJShlAl Ann I i ' . ... . - .. 'r ,.s . ... A 1 . , ; lliA mdiui ilnnnf An---it.. -All '.r I lnrurl Xlamnhrnt. -ova : t'lia nnoaritIii;'a. - "Senate defeated the HouMb.llvfor . . s . . AiFuciuuu, wi iuaciaueus anU'OaiaH himiPon(l pfffloL Yite ,..-,v,..v L . transferring Indian affairs to the I . i n-i - V ,a U i. .fi I "17 ... ...... pany nes, o : exercise -.oroearanee aa'- f y Ki.lueX. "1Ufc v"crayc.pany.. iir. -. rv . a .. I , T , ' - - ,rwt-- . ! .. -w-.o-v-...... ...v i vuiii-re wa auu,;Htugo)ferBie-i j i KockV Monnt Mail: ilenririVYiU ar c: xyepannieiiij -a - wiao aim MiivMMX:ueasure wJilcirHbe,'n- "Hgntenea . puono senumen .oitf philosophical temperament. Jr his, 1 yP0.1 letter pf acceptance, hoi igraxtdLy de- n ? - - . t t t i- J T TV Jf tI:-Lfi::ry'Ll -L-t cKres that fhefmofal5 inflnence pf I i.AenjoeraWKj.f -IvSt- "-Vf? it""iia -"iiri i-.rJ-' i I mo Ho ita nl-tfnrm an , hrmid. that, Jill. ; y"Smmm4 rttoTPt dm'm ; l. . ,i iA Wf .hi riu.i 4.i-.t , Of: .'Senate has dAn totting1.". ; uut iisewise io- esiaunsu; a , urii . v r : r r i .L,,.t Jn .1 "citizenii, whatever toiV ???P!itS hi. r now m,itl ins oWelestinV ;IM?OT I i : I'' i' I . . A " t t : t-v "... MJ' Ai, raj3:-K!JM - . . ?: . ? , . j .--1 - if . - i . ;a j 11 a e!,8?lD?W a n.:,1?. i'v ii --1 4 P?' centum of bis hardearnini without I in j fit co on for some time ; ! i -wwr1'u1"- ""T- Wttr.wmmi,r4 gi ting in return any compensation therefor. M tain forvany-measire which: de- "7" 'a'T Ar" y; f"""""" serves strong ' approval." The ' Her resisted the attempts,-pf ; the . House 4 td curtail; the pnMi expeiiditares. )t tSeuateAauj hem the j-pasen f T I It vhi. tin ere r on- an v act 01 - we present, t i 1 o . , .. - . .1 .r- tA-l -!.:- . :';1:::1Aj; i- i" vaehaTe' which nas any teuaency w li - a- - a r.: a. . : . I the party he represen lZ UDemocracy I . W I U natnuiabsni, harmpny.-gppdtiorder 4 : ,.i ir .I i in i-iii in ii ii ,i i --r Congress! i adjonrtiei yiigihii 1 1 a or nr b- UrnriH , liail i and -j inrfltf GPnt.' . inbfefor;c VJW4 little of real mporuinIeftindoe. offic.atcprrup,:The monument to. Dempcraue f aithf uK ,T?,fJ',t. ,r, i Xs zUMi' nessand : cbnfagmi WiiA frf ftAiSW thd Dolicv. of,' the.-CPvernment, frpra The New Torkras ogurer ";.-A't;A!'''fll-t .-."''r-V A'A I. A. 1 uJu..Sis--i. (ifvH,.t-'r--":-.-. i.i A - ' i - , A ,'t,A . to show that Tilden has redncea : tpa i faed in the Republibaa Sehate."! ?, ihd Eart of "Beaeortsejd:"'-; annual tMatioq of eA Sat thaoonealf sioceaheadministra mnvtairpyw tionofU.WSfiak cal adrninisrtign - fif rbyernmeot. fcipnJMV in adyance: ot I r U - i '"!::- 1 1 I A. - " JT :... ac mai I A r. 1 , r -.. uaes writes nis in pinK:coorew u. i4euer is igreiu"w B" . " ' " - " v? 4 thet 0xpressionof a wish, y l l4j rotft xus wu paper.,, ( j, vh a ,k rrf I snrewa, auu i.ui!9. ?m-u uv. rearly days of vattthorsmp-wnen do - T - - i . ! ; I a.? -5 W- " '' 1 it a "' JI-i. AJ r,,. v j-r'i- "-, t-cL--a--'-'r-- wrote apienaia improqapuiiev it. fA.tW U A namaian tnifrm Tpf; . moderd l! fiction down -to nis whole, of Awbicb uouaiar iniuuise isnu apjjiau-. mo duse ,of Representatives Jpr . what, it i v. 1 has . . - . J ' "ri: - i leader, we demand a genuine and thorough agajnst face,- creating 'fometfting; cifflcultfes; Lhe -kleetiTa franebiseo -ballot-box; and holdiue infaif and ff-udultSnt elctl6hs';3 with hav- , I MrJA'JT: Qradvi rusidinw nenr thiaWfv. li - accumnlatedJanenormOas. debti miaU wn vpf ,remaraT u-,-!!.! halir been tha nurohar nf fiin "uns1 nnances anu injnrea, the, cre- f a";M" ' "'s1j5 54 l 'M .: .. ,7 " I V P" ot the jsiaterwnn levyme exorbi non nralA tan1 nAl I .-.i:M T . . i ... J I f ' . : . , . J .& mAna'iiliiaenlvAri lilra mAVriinrv iixr'kli rr. . -,a .I' , v "zan and disgraceful, and the venality and Ofiuds a "true bill'hbwever, n;.j",-'r;" fa? Aiiaeuaaa.vance viuo o. Aiwcay: corruption which baVe. characterized evey 41' 5 'lA.i ''''M. -ti-ni:',,,'s'a 4 lre the heat of the Gothic itivasibh: ,PeietmetUt'RockyjPpini; Depot,, on the, branch of the government, 4 executive,; tte-? naeo thftrrlhhuitnr W tnsUnVnp .si2LV.i.Ls:L4' LJ lj"Jlf 'J.'!? W". - was nresent. which was lonlertained bv m?j'Lrr!"0' -.' a-. am.': Pender niovluK. manan-PTnfitit of onr rvpnal anil rhnritollo -f ' ' llnOtUnllAna iff'. aham anili. A .ami. As f J ? l. .rl 1 5? . a - 1 r.uiB lis iciswuoa as. ucuiwraiiziD?. liar-' .: -j l - e 1 . 1 . . enienaineu oy . The nlalform doea.nnt clmrfro thi tf of things npon the masses,' hut Upon their ah proceeas ; s u t ? yaaiatiijoi theretore. call upon all -of ourfel- r.f he. A ?s,oupe,tTe , thermjoni-ieter-, at!0O in . te8Uade -iu7itie. '.'"C.ilyl pf . 5 Oaks." od ThursdaV.- inusic, speeches and 'enlbusiasmlaTiiei-.... .dW-night r - i - a ' - , The Awis to tlieeBelcrihar J edge Thomas bjr"fewbe'r0:t(ob98 sha- r ' ' kin the dust of Radicalism ffon bis feeL":-:!'- Carse of the- bf9nA nt Rrinerinfinlfoil kff -&AAA A ; a Tbblig'IosucUpyes !. l-MrBr JiLancasreff-Edgei-- eqmbe,---' has. sl'ialVllttifetfneMb: :: ' toj Govr TadtTfc"- ' -' . ; iTirboro. - r; ' ; 1 . : ? f;m'- The iSgnme2 of 'tvesterdav savs - .' i. ur. nooper is past au nope -01 recov- rfcrv. and" liia"iffptfm f TflictftiT rrr .r- T . C f Mr.Tieadiing oT Mecktenbnrg Tcounty, has left Davidson College a legacy pfjf GOO or $700, all hfc property. ... vvi-feaPbiiglaawas vthrown frbhi bu)(yiu. pbar f!ii itaieigb,' man, M r. llaslinsrs - P4e barely escaped dithabili: Jrbm the - a nqrning uoiei in morion, tue other nmat. - 14 Governor-Kencher and John M Mpring are taking good care of Younsr and : Badger in Chatham. s fc ,7 ' ; i 4 h A JVdorrebndehtf Writes from- Salisbury? ,Ourr people tow fuily ; i aroused, and Kowari will. give. Tilden and yince 1,000 majority:" ' ' I- Henry 'Morgan, a ' bolored enp- e, was mruwn rrom nts oueev in itaiei-h anjd the bones of, . his rights hand and arm the Statc-at-Large,:, will speak' as (olio ws: -iS Graham, on the 23d;' Greensboro, "on the . ; 24th ; Charlotte, on the 1st of September. a i Western Repdblican papers an . ntnce that exov;r back intend to csnvass in North,- Carolina af tea the October electioa, f orbtoe eek. A A J. - A little Miss Wait, of Raleigh, 'fell among the bumble bees the other day, anl was put into a fever by the fright and her Injuries; ? a; U a 'fjiyj !K S Th : house of Mr. Johnstone ;Jopes, , editor of the 'Raleigh iVctca and J?frmeraJournat, was ' somewhat ' burglar ized Tuesday morning before the break of . oay. sorry. H-J6 liofe,KSuifteii 1 V VU-l o VUVIWJ -UUVjlJ huvi A.SbtJ'- dent of the Asylum for the Deaf, the Dumb hapa the Blind, has gone to Philadelphia to : attend ; a meeting., ot superintendents l of asylums for ibe'blindr' --rytr iff, ; i-A-Af :- J At'Aireeo-ville, Harper.. the soi: Superior of antry.b4cog.y. v.uu.B . nl. eabf the Red sibefbre tr . .1 3 r . 1 . . . . .... V. . . ... ... . i : . ..- ! -,-.. ...... "oeuaie nas cuuunueu ipp ju Rocky Mount Mail: Henry Wil- aged about 13 years, and' son of An- gita agooaretion iromreoujr. a u- f ; "-;-H-nL;3'S,",-;' XptK, cava maaeao eiieoMve irej mij Sw; K.AAClal-i: Moses and;4iis people - fleeing 'frbin J ber, ino permanent jana ,fitB, citon; --'t,';:-v---i-v .v -;--jtt i'M'"u' VF''-V VTt kV4 ": i,- u h . J.lif .T i,,- h. tww Ing.the honorable post, to wbiph - you- haye 34J. : Keecbot Tarbcoand vDn?!.. 8. a; V'bot! it moves on side From a private letter received. by-Major c&ed meta4t o ybttr standard ?beareriitf Hay. of finoW HiU, prominent men, as con- c ift other races of meri J.A. Byrne, of this city, yesterday, we the great struggle for rreform, . which you verts from Radicalism. 4 ; a .: . .5.. . : " - ' ' A' ... e l.S..,r. J-: '' i crpnnter ,: pu. ( 4 Eypt. U hits W; Pef mane, t Xa i. cuio. stratea unniues.. ine oenaie 1 o----- - ,: , 1 -k'..- -i.-; - f .-'' -1 otiVanaan now, ..A . T .'!: ,: l"J .---,.. .ww .v. awr. , . . -v. . ho v.-,,. -f W wJMi f Tia tnnar Watflfnl I i ? m. 1 J ArTTa . to tne jaw , requiring , specie- !Fy-j fi,-, ft Bini;U n-v Van 4 S iaai ucu V" . rr:X h-ne rams preyewoiarge, at- w """VT" "rr-" t . 'f Ti ' I that bis health is very much Improved. ' Ai f wi- r r rrrrlT."T rrA J: I tendance on the T4hce andSetile discus- lmho:!Gulf Stream 4n thfe b "menis in 1879, although its majority 2$Dg ' correspondent mree-fburths . of the .i - & w- t - - -- --'- - ' - l AJkl.aublu luv w a - va u ..iav I z vibu UI.I1UUI& otHtu&B H..i. ... j-.-i ... .. -t: ? f-.j.,' ,i.,i-j .. 1 a n -. ... ' 'r - ttallhnnnh AVArvhnrlV nnknOWledCfeS 1 .. . -t.- . ., .,1 ? I .- ? . ... ... ' I T- V.o Katta- rt-va nf nnr pnnnr .nilion J MU ncto iui "M?-.. A V.' ; f , j -- - - - 7 . -- 1 nniniRu (UU.I.. UUa W ILL! reiaiiuuB I ...- y-...- ---.--r A-r - I . -i-. .i Ba?x1 ---J ., I 1 'I'ttA ura-nmiia itonnnn. -QTrn it L-i 1 t A i : .."' J 1 1 1 M " V. IU ' I hlS nhtSlCian. r He Says nOlhlpeln-blS iet-r, J 3-Lh oWlIt tho hAWosi. nn1 fH i ill now aAAiTinnh an ahnnHaiuiA of fralL viBg it t effect. jrNobodyt can Hay found la the ability, the;boffeslyJ: andeflie 4 hai never seen sucban abundance of fruit. e6Biali : Duraeli praaldea in, Britain -A ,l,- i i A -V' 1 diAiaciiished MMttttmttOttdHk J Sjta per bushel aaAaatanwlon at Mly n!rt-fyThftta'a arotIa tivn ' mns- I w - TTr-!----w ;ii,h.'in i$l .t.T..,nu i.Tr-k-L I 1 1 AW0 Aliaen ana , vance met 6"" I rewara ot meir puoueaervtues. -At men ui i .it , t.M -.vMawnolia dnrinir ih I -eelc nast one on- Saturday. Mr. ! K J. t - -. ..- i deserved estimation me ais.incuonoioe-i,i iirr ? rt ph nfrn Bnontrno- th other on i r ?? a I .JVv--,irf w,rfKBtinTitrtr,l Boykin, of Clinton, speawng, tne otner on .1. Muce a better system m the admtnis- Yx ttw. ?T?Wk krtr.nliiA imnroved. - - - - J ! ' - - " " - a 1 1. VlVV AA wAA A MHO VAA A. A WUVU mv a Oration of the a .government. It '.s ! - -. a, l I i a .- i .. -. , vj - ; w . .-A-, f . i trom tno Bieps oi uie iriounatc. xes- i r..-n- r..ii naiimT. -.1 i i T !.. r 4 -. , ... . . i I : woniu oe a yioiaiiuu i laiiuws w g the; Ilousale cfenpot j boi l ;ap4Ued;it .bo. benatc. fTbese twoljfancbesot congress are I u 1 j; Jf ch ordinate hna it wooldf be absurd ti flbid one tfTestwndibiliW iypea not belong to ifeeito nexperieiw -whpn a-.; naff : was raised and nf IhA hitrhAft fflA in fh iriri f Ihrt HtAtA J . " . Ai ' A" ... t -. A. - r'irr 7:Z"i.rZ"ZJZTt I SDeeches were maae py ia.essrs. Ati. AU. a a. terday; todky and! fof ever; people -Gena Wni. McRae haying dechnedithe muche bWid IkschokMm Appointment tendered him asief.Engi- Upnor you bave oneeealhmer u ' - s ll Miinind :&?M neer aud'.General Superintendent of the P ht nrt and on. renVesen- OUU UVUO W R1VIUI( AAai. A A A i .-5 ;At!fi9rmto .vi'tri;-t'v?!if r !vj-:'r 'vkf 'H.vi.l fet From a private letter from a f Carolina Central Railway, made vacant by I nigheat stake for, which a people ever lition of persons tamiUar iWith that section a OUnirj, luo vuouuuu u& ui viuiwiu- and Rcpublicai.committeel tisspective Ihavn been induced to chanse the an ointment of Governor' Vance 'and Judge ittle from Sanford to Jonesboro, : on Fn : , the 25th instant, the latter point being ;l most central addcCessiMe, ie is said. A.mnathiM and out . interests '..liid. .nsr I T7 -T'7J7 3 M t- t . - r- i . t i i : frrr ti i AAmmtinua1 wad TFOQTon tii n wiiii - ir i -liV-l1 1 Wtfnv Wnd lnetitablv inio alliance with I ,Wi" ""J" "" 7 " I . ..v f -rt-. ; f j :t i- m i ; j Jf rotu a nnvaie leuer lruiu ecumciou i ---- tta .. t,.t l' Aisesruiar. eueriua SDeecirirura uu juiwucu- ... a rw . am1 vi w -naiii it i an- . . . i - -it ' ; ' - I i r v r i.&i iiaii u jnr , ' wau m-ruu a,. a a- - , - - & tt . -rHKi - rrtHfnnHFmS" FiW5 M be Straits, ia Carteret county, receivea. lnScribed tbeVatcbwords of Democrat J STJ" SigST wbrrea rtand had been' aIaWa id', hrackeiri , hi I s k.itt- u.-v .hc W that 4 -1t?i-C nna riwli-nmABr4 iiari.' Mn-I- vo?" House yard, wnere a wana uaa oeeu n? RPI, Vfi.0if" f8 a "f"" 4 InS axified the niaifoFm of the Democratic 1 fEm mea .ahv i o4,4Pwrand1 i i i . " i , . w - ar . a i t -.- - - s . -.- i jf"--!" j at . ' . -? ji nomi ooa rn irv a uhl ilia : ufrt-u nas n lef jf(ir Milt PS:ny,egB i ; . t a - , ! ' e rt--;- wptrB08e5jn4Jine'Hour-puie icuniig1 wt 4 :,f f i.ii fT.-a-r-i;.-iftM. ?l9-L.-Sil-.&-l sty iiK.epende.1 tTrbele4 , w , . 4 ,-.,-,r - A Words of t ho 7era W indicate that the a . - - . ' - r - . 1 3 . . i a . . a ' ' -.-l. . iA .. i w . - . . i . p - a il i a uccuicso v o v ;."rr r JJecisibf-lH CbrUdwf upb parties- pr,ii ;. F-i.i'rtt '-fjt.it vfiMiti -i voter a man named tsrooK-!-anu.us uu- wu" ?r"Tf.T-rJT"' -fr ., v-rVTi 'hefihes ftrth.T - c a - ; a ?va .-a-:-? :- 7. any matter of factor legal inference. i , r -.f rflf L'. j wliiciryottw wt)niy8b8rebtto .peices roriii. . .. ?AitliW T W 80 tte entire tpwnsbrp,j wTiite jincl. JJJi ha.Wtribttteikhe pbitjurm ,h-H'A i erpiAJ mirte,wne.l ; - AilbejuisdictiPiV pe sMn ti6Jre tcites lhe Democr&.c hmt?:W wcl??otfS;?ffib lyloeow;' Retes-l )VI f V : : ovfer 'issuesof faoilshaillbd 4Lh6 s&rael t ill . ; . "U tiif-fr'-.I ife luhs spirit; sbistrbng in its fottuidiitidb- xtbrnasafad T)atidv AVbttb in Ashe : f . ,vf-r . LL. i'l - i lal t "friaimfa., V''; r so brpadm its constructions that eTCiymaa? county, which has been, opened, for some. exirBisod byr;it -befor, ther 'adoption ; ;4 Mti'EzA Tlomtaf 3&-iil. 2bdn '' tn 8duUit0arofina.wh6 Jionestly.vdesires'rei' ' timk; is rbow-:bew rdetetoped . by: W. Of tiieiCpnstituapn loKbusand .cfetecl4l wtegkHofmtat11 forbvican' tied room 4oj8iaripoaitLWith CM PlulUps an xpMdU .1. Ua , a ;..?.! a .A'. -'' 'M. v. 3 t - : . k ...... ' such a platform, where c.itizens.of l alLpar-r. mirer, from England., bismine is known .sdv lght i hUndre-niLsiJayighi bira tbMlbia cwtter'a tje ElklKnobVopperrineT' This vein - " - tbi Court shall hSVohe'pOwr tbie .i?! right indluil protection, -yoa fcanTsurety isi id tob tke;ficbet oMIin'jtlw JclteJil - i ... -.", - fSS 1J h i ' a 'U;; v .1 . ia Ad vp.ra of scfd Mr. .Thomas bim- I nag paCK lO our uibiraview.oais. iu Kfciiki sjiaKs lar.iuoro piuuwuio u ua-.o ' sn i - toV Vera6'diar.Wrl,te .VnedessaWftd f a?"J T5?!8 or.?sf " oml.i?Jr. of 'good' goterottfek" IWiby-? 1 Sqrjerior ore, for thdreasottHhAK Lake Su- -...U. riionld t belalrTated.lo theiiiigbbori--f1,3,r if nfllivs rnnprr. - hilfl this la sul- i mtt- ?"jT"J 1 irUrch: whb snow dler, the prpceedta Mr; UiM Albtt famous ! overthrow ' of Liberalism'' iu tlie Goverbinit Its'' roasiery of "ite Tli Eaaiero Cuiillea while bair, and. beard? j Hod . for which ou have; nominated jne.f I nburet. anditCPiis Jireirnes aa ,mncb to Q voh last1 even.n's' Wyisfeielsffort'sbati be to jfeAbre ottr.fifattf 1 iwor1d'laiit Wpper minerasit does-tof- J - , Q - I I . . . . . f -. .- aa.l Ll., a U 1 .hIhIuaL. - JT1. Ar! -t . ? lo t!-fij. i govtefnweufc io aency j w uoDewy; -w r. wonc ana smeiiwyHipmn. j" iuc f ; . ....m..i.,.Hf 1 coQmy aDci t0 integrity, i i shall be the 1 ore is worth from 15 to 18 per cent, of cop- , leMoba a; AMi .11 Gbtertior of tbi whole people, knowiiig'tfd fperJ tlhereare ttittndrmart eopper tetnes.-r.; iut tithe county fttsq plenty of iron sod mica IrAf: 1. HaidingYbW the " largest mfca a-'i' ilnte ihiiNortil OahJlihaS He'bas' iuntai J'aa !Bba6 Cleet d$ep Rod baaucedtbftyeiail11t tbrepfluarters.oraue., .fI 5i.i. j i.-i; ... 7?)V9iabbin g affairs ;iin-. Jniqn:, ,,. WVWm r Owaty wVtPoHed by the ,05mnIni a . . ' tuofl caffi ythcmeaced; playfully, five .; ' ltinir-anv se( -rnfcT -. i , .- -t 4.fi v.---r.'.r.-. t - -. a- -. t- a..: .- : -. ' A'A; - -i . , i if r"rr? r v. rrrr i-Trrj-iz jrxvTr? aodtlie ifever Meets" is ;inehdfd.tomeet lijTOpyei?Bip8RiaMta goyertunenfe .'.i 'r.:.ihiil'hMMhri W.,Tbmior roW gtb!tnenitforitliO-to.iof med$; but the arrangemenia asre sucft; irA the -purposes or inewgamzaon -art? wi ried out all the same.fi The'HGrand Com . . ..a i.'i.il-J' : -' . '--. !A- I'-l, J:5L. i ad6r ;orithia vsectionv we . atand is to be here shortly to Start tbema i .k M.i.TmiWWAM Wil- il' Ba" . 4 t -,- ,4 ff mp 1 than 'wnii Tvlnnrhinr in Tila f.rl.i fn thA p zht t f ? - i- -."--" - 4 ' - i J 1" : '- stand; Is to be here snoruy io unuiejM- a (-halonhW excursion between Wil-i- .... , . -. . ;. neihorhood ef Monroe, a neoro man chinery of the organixation 'Jaf operation a',.. and. Columbia, S. Cito be partici- y ? Welddh News ' say "bur di-4 bamaup to him, and in an insolent manner beVi-liTfie badges rof tho: association are T . Vr, ,t,a AAlnr ftnla nf th two" tipguished Senator, Gen.!M. W. Ransom, demanded r that i the .mul Helms rwav i 1 v , . ; ' ' . ! .. I laCU;tal;-J.av yvw.1-. r.., -.v, , , U-- - AAOcViin rrOn , V S - jgan(jjatioa we Itale-sV reaobed home from Washington on Thurs- j ploughing be given to him. Upon thaie welcomed by His I iussi oi misyery moaest, request, s pwAci i; 'looks' . somewhat I ceedeatoxnockDotnoi taa DrGiicxicswB ; i. hia close confine-1 wherennbn fbev dsfecdad tl8rxli:s-t aao 5;"t;S5 9,:to le have not.-hadf the opportunltyof biiniry,' 8n4:ia the 'tSqtw W t:mftlM are not ect'iSvi went in the Senate-but his health is good.: I Joe,tolesrnhiin beUerassrs in ti;s tfrv U . f.lm: .- M.w and: then 'hack to Columbia : ; again. :a a ne I TTv-ft-wwt-iha mitldok aa"beertns in the lrture. cnt bim severely calva left am near r t . IM ..... 1 .'l.-! A . . - i :"'.. t .... .rf A-" Sa-. .-1 T - ' 1 .. : .. 2 I . -a .ia....i.f."l'. . ,1 -. 3 II O ' -wa: arr u "i"i 1 m.natrpmnnt'Oi ine auair wiir oe.m i hi-hfit tiearee ana nreaicts a commeia i me Eaouiaer. ca : . vj a 4,s:t ra r4;WitA,. : HI "trat. -a 'jui aAAulil? :vU- : ! A:- t 1;! . - ' . - - I SAI li . . :-?--A A;f.'; A.--t'A