i-- :1 r i-.i OBVriTT GREAT SPEECH. G oyernor.TIIdea Ably uXhataploned-f ., r .... , . , ' Mont GjeeHIng? Scene or the Session., VLrV " jCaitirnore Gazette.T; - ,; iNr'l i - - ; ' ' 1 1 " J , Dujring last night's 'session;' o the House,, after the disgraceful .'scene between 'Messrs-! Cox "and Kasson had- terminated, and 7 the, '. amende honorable hail passed; between them, thb-flpor Y.as obtained by.Mr. Hewitt, who proceeded at a quarter past fire. o'clocktbe'gaS in the halls having all been; extinguished; it being broad. daylight, lo make pee of the most re- in the nans or.TJongress. It was i up ,4he.best,days . tprepttblic ana would, shave :;donelionor t to : Clay, Webster. Calhoun; or Benton.,, The House listened with the most . pro-- J foaod'aUenttdaW . I from the! Jlouse , and. galleries , He began bvaicareulireYitfwfPfKas Bon'speMhiVinVi-Vevery statement and particular. In W masterly, logical and earnest manner he spoke of Gov; I ritigVhisnnciioW withTailroadUrV porationp, iniact his whole political history.; He spoke, in emphatic terms, makes no pretense Is an orator; he isT a plain'busibess Tnan,;but on.thisl'Joc-' casioh he seemed to speak iri a man- surprising to himself; '"He knew Got ; vernof ' raaeh, :'he - was his personal 1 and iHtimate frieniL, and associate, Ilia record was perfefctly-"familiar to him in all its particular, and he was prepared to speak: with a. full -know- I I i.h.i n iha tJWUipmzwJuelt -'was Ait I (l was the unanimous , opuji mII nis ;f rieritlk ill at lie had iitlerly oifrwhehnedand 'crusheU : K;ison; I At the close ot 111 sieecii lie -pro-f irounueu.giyDg-jBuiugjr upuu 11m 8taiesmanhip:and patriotism of Mr. Tilden, and sat 'down amidst most tumultuous applause; and was imme- d iately surrounded by every member on the!) fern ocra tie Side offering th ei r congrStulations 'and' utteriyi.sioppihg all proceedings" of the House, and renderingvthe Speaker wholly power- less to preserve order.- .It was fully fi ve. minutes before any thing like Ide- liberation could be obtained in order to entertain .e'en, av motion of ad j ournme'nt.' h Never was a vindica- lion more complete and perfect; and never a defeat . more thorough and overwhelming than that which Kas- son i-eceived for his unprovoked and wanton .attack. npon he Democratic Presidential nandidate."" 'Mr. Hewitt is a man Tather delicate id physique,' ; andj.coosidejing the fact that he had I been up'durirfg the entire night with- out a particle ot -sleep, he must have I been : greatly .jesbausted. by - the fa-1 i tigue of a continuous, -session of over lwenty-four"1i6ursJtiejshowed pected only tendett mestf avbrable cucumstances. HeJ Established ins repuiauon pyinis,enort as.one ot me IUICIUIJ51 uiui;ricau(.Lai,eaiueu in j-r"uy of a committee of the House iiar, c.vc 4Mvcatiyatiuu, taaue a report against a Uiepublican'; for misfeasance br:malfeaganeet iu office,; the ; KepuMicantOjuthe comm oneoltte lharsactiiiGovernor4wisel ; Tilden's integrity, of Jiis Union sentiH k i-Kiqv ;J!at jue, was. laiiting aooat.- inenuiy way 111s earu is u ub verj withering aVeasm a rid' invective lfrferidlyaudehgaging--asked liuifiu. as addressed to Kasson, have! had no lioww"albaV p ir ill nTn' this exciting Wi0, pt did nt pnkMl' ' aiiy;Vpakerg ;to; reply .'11oiieJJf4joyI-AQ'av itbjttlwKTaela?r.i .Talry I till WrHtanie m comparison with rikWiH-Kiiuwv rerkvi' thev'-'wt're ! ; . " " ' i ; ; f.8Sor bfathematitiand Chermsli "v, 1 rtwl-iiin nur coliiUrViJtsJ I r Sit t!X I isM biiction rhCtUrgn -l.-h, -Juii:ifci pej; ;;:;i;a: ihg Univirtv0wiulturnout:ii3 b lr 2f ' W W ? : ?l haygpoweH eofrcethiii; Ti.o J'-ceut . l)rotxeliuyi in ! the Hh-ih a vouno- man orkllent 1s. the exercise; ,ol the tight lloi.se brin adiiiikctivfaci fully eati. n,"good habits and good conn ec-1 . ; j, ' .J ' : ,'"ZT J" 1 i: ' : ' ffaZe ; o - prescribed ; andj ... . , . 1 . I . . : .-.-"-...-. -' ."1 roll Work of llie NUIe GttnMntlan. I "LJ .11 i- J;.ucn .r'.k. iuu view. v ltli.slle"vexcernion ot tionn.- tlis relaiivFR hen flr&torceU 1 i..- one ias.-uhPnHvi th;TWis.ni; ioi nW:Vf.H---Wi.iii .rti ; . , 'n?M,.n,.aMe . by Ue iJe- observed bv the United T ---- - - -' - ' -mow. i - v -' ' w. - w mo vuuvi vu lit iiiiv i ? . rf . - - . . m t I. : i . '. . . nave maae a minority report either 4 there -for' a" session: or two. He is , ....... . '--,-. (TI mm Vl'i !. ' J .: - .- l .V ...T. saiitaryxctmn JU . " Jne. asf o peiknap, tne &e- cretary of 'War; h6 corif essed ' his gHt ana thfew np the sponge at tbe outset, ana erepx rendered a de- fence of his Uansactions impossible, rom tne invariable course which the Kepabhcana-in Congress have since,; nu railed toward cnlnrits far irmiltW noil nitnulf Knlbnnn mnol . -..... ".uiovu, uiuo uihciiy sucn a nasty retreat. , Thus stands tbe Republican record oi the present lioqse in regard to ve- uAi,tAidiuxi ana corruption. 4t without a parallel in the historv political u parties? in f modern a times, either, iixfuia country , or i any ;,oth Ana yet tnere are.Uepubiieans. eeem to think their riariv 'can - i this load of infamy throagh'Che Pre- ..bccasidir-asTyet-fbii bitf iio actr tfnfairw- yllffS" S - 4 Mdential cauvasa without -breaking ly, if he would be gpltty oT? saWnnX' 1'trict, Jolm. RichardsonM Sum down. The rogaea in the party iudicial conduct. terjjSecond Dwtrut, T. G, Barker, iuii oranera-iiw iu Xlie: Fma e- Acaderav. finier ila f r-Vr""?""' Indeed, it is this class wbo have die, present management;; it expressly deplares that tbe parties iSxPP6 PlV- Uays and -Miss Ooiiseiis, is steadily : ;P"&-:'- and edneHed honesty Republicahsto jncreasipg punned In zxifnMm, follow Uiera in the support of Hayes; ,3hdol U growing in popular favor - of - a-. - fetoll JaSV .or else bolt, as.tens of thousands are He has the1 Bupport aia:i?0!)ndence of j. ! Residential elect.ors : a,; Grant's triqk exposes iiLselfTbo "X-lteSlciit kind of Pfeaeher. tUYuji4of the late Archhishop 7, " ' '-J? 7ut9'l J uJr. uie VV'-l are .ar veiT aey tEecoied;pd natedbut .deelined.'lanVI JGeV." Wagi i H The llickoryiVI txeoigerant, aFsbyteriau minis- very accurate likpest-. . ' Oie; he ener! abdftieh. McGowan vea Wp.U ruuaWav accident, fwovl' ter Mi'liiatJcaUty ' Ha was a man has taken of 'BMhrfnkAtfcnAnr Ji. aA:Ti A-hviMAmMKi- Mm'MKJE ii.. t thrown from a carriaffe. nhd- ; 4 peace, -5ver-erfiipg-rbuild mirable,-and. met 'with ;)readv.ial.', 1 tor -r are a follows i Fit at Con ereMtoW ?ft"SD5l'ih'm Ber.io.U8' ' U :t'Hj;nr;rV The.UonserviivewilKvegooJ -tiqiJiilHlSobiilIattjh arg0 waa wepoqcapaiue i;-V.lS,'h ,V't i irrefield, raictive camV CbtVrrteldf o'nd D StS -; 1 -y--?7 I ?ft 1 The .000 Uadi: JngrahamVind Third W PolUlTlie 8eHol--17ttIvcirsItr- j ; - Professorship Etc.,1 Etc; y'V ; IStar gpecialj Correspondence.!' ;-.' j OxF.OEpiK.O.yAug. 16,! 1876.; ! We have had a called court inscs-. sion for the last" ten days.f.! The ; at tendance 'has' been; unusually, slim. I Last week Ike ''..Young orated. ' His speech! twas conciliatory, ,.o"y!,. and plausible; C'Hel had j been ' a great friend of the' people-Was poorer, now; than when he went into the Revenue office.. . This, too with the fact . that his salary had been about 20,00a aj year, All gammon, ; Ike ! The peo ple will not beHesuphstatem'enU ilAaf have r yoa"' donewith-your monev? He must-have been cc mmilMMgB -ts fc'f.i-rfciati: rtickBadgern - otaUngDickand paz Hargrove foliowedheirere ' didgoPd'tobeJJeaaae f UiefbrinK ndy were, living examrilespf a neees-; y; for?? radical tho Ufnrr Y AllIEelamevJwas -kicked his smooth and conciliatory f ...I.. . T, ? and made 'a, better speech than, any ;p hw white brbther8. Jim was born three miles from Oxford, and used to w.ent-fiYiyeara agalthingfor, the good of Radicalism was done by this '-"field-day" of the butter and t aw si. n-? ; heu Ike and 'Uotaiing Dick were awaiting the coming of the cars at Henderson, Rlifiin Fuller, ' a ; good Conservative and man , of sense, ehanced, .to.itcome , up. - waiting for .bifffirvr l H?r? Act teitiu-uWarl etpressi! I 1 , ; I de- l.pahe! foiO ltaUj;liVilb4 evi ktentlv disapimititetl -at! hisf 1 t-cV'ptioni'; lie iot a large vole ,-ipr, Vut-ii!.ioii last year, out h: wiii-uuii tyui?. m uv voles of it this yearand he evidently begins to so see iC" r;J' ;';;- V7 :" '" There is no activity among'1 the Conservatives 'yeti'vT heie meetsi , but asVyet fr. that is all.: There" ; is Valsb ' a.; club j at ;IIebder- soq. . . After awhile the speaking will begin in earnest -Granville fhas a dozen or two good "' campaigners, the best of whom are ColoneM T. Brown Tenable and Jas. S. AmisJ ; Both are excellent stump-speakers, Sam Watts orated too last ' week, He was about half drunk! and made a ndicnlous and, in some sense, an amusing V; talk.- He j said, among other things, that there wan'i: such a mighty difference between : the 'two parties. The biggest "difference was, that the Conservatives ; could "smell a nigger the longest ? way! off."., He said Mat first when the white Repub- licans first Tasted - the negro they I turned up their, nose and. made a I I mighty wrviface but soon awallowedd him all over" accoinpanying the I best.eit ia nitvf Maurice Widdell could n i did at Jfitt8boroMnJ1874'-r: w Virginia" Milila graauaiea vi n jts.. mgnesn nonors. Indeed, in schoUrship he is reputed as second to no one who -has ever at- tended thai laktitutiont W He 'taught i professor Uraves was alstt taogbfc by him. s I notice that some' pa per men- uons several young 'nfen -from : this State as having, taken' ,the! highest honors abroad. , J .tfcink atleast two were mentioned who did not secure the first place.UichmbUd PearsOn a -vknnrr wnkA At if vio"k I , :- J !.t .1 : 't f' - i eiauuateu wun.,vne jstcona piacem m r , ,7. , One of bor young ladies, lMisMit- tie Hal W- is-.iakrjig tery. ibeautif ul? and striking likenesses in crayon. r'l TheV A Ike, ; in i a i 1 . ii ine election oi .tjarv iJ jranay, i patriot urges on . ins compeers to nue v . , - Tt-t I nis ciass, as ne 101a me niraseit...i...'t v rv "": z"ir V'' 1 tore occurrea, or map- may nereaiter 1 I x tie inai oi ine voaniy2 vommis- I .. V- w . i "A v. 1 owur, 111 which violence air uiuruer 1 r- fnr . Jait f lrx T m'a, vnr, I "'fu VrCUl," l ivargan, Oi DDIIl' I 'rkiio runo rtr 'nlaaa 'ti'rtnn hto At hpi' I rift I' I TrlrtllMll nnttrtll IMO PfiiTill'W U lTfllfDrt ushereafter pf whatiftdone. vTbey are " x'l . punished and broken of office. Judce Jr., Seymour,. carpetT i .. . : 5--v ;who court: Thpfarheiihas1.bh?ed:T i T:; Z'Z "-i - v . . ....;.. -. I nfs I .horluulnn. 'Ihirl iliol.inf T I. i ' ' " ----- ;:. - - B : Hn rxnt 'Ipsa t.hftn snn nossiblv I 600, From the present outlook Ike Young cannot beat Jo. .Davia more Aldrich, of Barnwell. . ,! . . j it is saia tnac a pocKet iuuoiioye than 300 or 350. But it is too soon i -lnB EvECUTIVE' cOMMtrrEE." - - f ffr?aaVef Tfi?" to speak with accuracy. All weneed j to reduce his majority, in this county "to y v c-j - . . , ' By the 15tH of Jseptemberyou mar hear again from i t i Rodohete.- LCharloUeObserver,17tn.l - ;.r It was stated in yesterday s issue that the . negro : wlio- committed, the. rape JeSers charge arrivied at Jeffersonl a crowd of three or four hundred 1 people, AH- cludmg'bolh : negroes and wmtesiol- cHmetelling the sameistoryfcasthat ! given iby. the little girl,' without har-.f heard her reports 1.: tiien.utKen 10 a tree near uy uuu i hang till he was dead. .From all that Ave can hear, there was no undue m- Vvnlx ' Kuan 'nnAti flio I mwbuw tvuguw v? uvai.';"fT.,v,''. . I hge, but that thetrietion wfL-tUtmfth ve put mined aned that crime,in its vilest form, should receive its reward,' and 'that speeany, jn oraer ta msure protf oiiuu id the people of .the commuhityi f;a 1J iA gentleman in this city, from near tlfe Union line, in forms us of.the cap ture of, a negro ; roan caught in ,lhe aet'of committing rape nion a . white woman biow Monroe, on last MonV day" night. -This black brute, thinkr. hia the huland was from homepror I teedeti lo tlit honye: and atter fnecl- 1 ing :ur fiitrance approached the c bed An UucloDded Intellect wlib Hon. BIoBitKomery t Hon. It. H. Cox H la H ' Pntare of tne Country. 1 ilSpecUl telegram to the Erjqutrer.J ' V ; Rockbeidge Alum Springs, t -- - August 18V J Midnight. Speaker Kerr still live?, though the current 'of life flows so slowly that all fear each - ripple-. may be its last, rjliis intellect-remains f as clear and his broken sentences as con cise as when in full health. The Hon.. Montgomery jBlair , and the ilon. S. S. Cox had protracted inter-1 which tbe dying statesman, with per-1 feet clearness reviewed the "political ( "nrlltirftl condition of the country, and "witli 1 eyes upon the future bent' expressed J most sanguine hopes for tne 1 success I cdrjld bnl vbe mklntained bhariW: I tne last, hours -ot I bfRichlaniL?:t2-Mw4 tfrrZieutenar$:G6verh& I eon! Etagoodbf' Barnweliri , . JFor 2VeaMrer S. U Leapharti Of Richland. 7 - ! r t J ; M Mr . Adjutrnt'S lGeneratV? "Mofce-bf ttroter.1' l,-. i ;-" I'.r----,-r-&M&f&it-i 't i yvui.uur.ju, , Wilder': and aV A 'Oov'fimoj'an'ni'nCarlbiTy 4itfd': - H - - ! r A rv,V"'TrT1taa?"V o " rnaid-for.'suit of clothes, and an llape and It. PnnUhtncni. ,4 , T - , , -R-orauh. ?L!?!0AlVSOU? AH! , UnM a w-l li ya nan fi nrt I - 1Cv;vcu,.wn4iio r nvasjrtvuwj. - up Detween two verys aissimuar.suair Hm op ;the powherq thetrapQ.as ais at Mrs.; StrttbnV place fn t6wri com mitted. 'i was discussed.r : It was . , hhrt at- A u m f Ats .Tkf.' ftWm Vrt iVh finaiyleciddd tp;settha:t s' y,a vpte..v:aineiwas; arawiu,anu,tK0HA ';Mr':'StitonkeenVo!tb6J r ' . .xT.j.,v..i.e.-. i 1 paragon..."..:........; - J .r, i- . s. - -..-s.?- a . .- . i - .-f - : 1 .1 - , ,t x : t- - t , - t .ttj : ' r - . - -vur in k null. I ! f l i n 1 1 in . as i . t.i hiv'irPi-H'rii Vfjivfir Ofi "hariffini?.l.k..:.i-fe-..'i: t i f j . . fiui xiMMtrawa pacwaups iwii. rt i 'r'? J 1" ".2 " umuio . uww., ou o ivi i Mr -Tilliti Khft nlfAa.i v Vlrfrani71 l.tnatrucuonsior sen msasorement n yere1:? iieiiied tt ffpass t,to' - vone, 1 5frA;ihftrf khhit&i.ri illifi't i l,awu'fta? ,lre.ady organized ,0. a -ii ! -; .v.;2-r;.:j2.3?i-vi Wi IF ,7f ,,7";.!:.r"'tf;V K: tl tRe eutire Slate UVK Suhooli districts. U J i Branch Office, 29 Maiden Lane, ? Vv;0!;. . ' orange Aabit brsleepingiwun.onrpt Hft rfi - ft, - f. a .u..w . Mnf.Ptoa worksj roWd?inciuaingtniie-ot xne ne r these ebws VItoes oat to the cow's rj r" r J r ! - , ', - li?J. ....i.;.iwh; ,"r;; fbuw. ,vvr p i ihereiever was anv organization; m li 3 -,, j( v . . . is'O, tauio "..',7 , t- j wontea piace.ot rest, waits ner com 1 T; ,i(in tu nw i,i - QTT A T3 tjo .irifiwif;fci m4ilh.-,ifeifd the ki .uUui Indiana, ;j ilhe fcrtato i now, being h frJtt-fiafa6i fv w- ' ' 1IJV. AllLt W Ilt3il -ttlUTCU bllC UlUbllClIT I amilaid viUMit hands upon thehleen- cqnveiiuou in. uie court npuse, wnere to Southern trade,, , - . . iiig woiiijiiW h Jl:bnHbaiutfiwH ol3 innth with rthesef word npoir it : their . 'can lidite was a, unanimously .t, H J l I Rods or anVdesired pattern5 V: v.' p; 'dXlv ifurmtid.Maildatciiinar nominaiett: he' Moriie says he will " M 'A If K 'Tit " O RDER J frit and -revoIiiiigiidMil. Humi V iue inuch fuddr.i hmkljlat: . . - ,.f. ,' , . JTT ! ""T !' ' ' ' ! . titiiriiiMinrHv 'M hUh in ?de paf.i !(In ; froiit:iiw "-''A NeWvomse 01,;' ! l- QTPTITaT A W " jiflie'er ' aii.l im. i tuv ImhUisoioh t:riinii 1 eru.) 1 he scene ihifU and pet-i I dUced byron' ' ' bardauapalus "at I A f.fnmATr ' n t.'. T .'flTJCr'r"' itoj awaii'tu' Afuu'rue JaiiioVxmaie''- -tN K'seejV'ilaVontWgwu'od, and;the- .JJfoth'ai Theatre, NewTork.'on Mori' 71 ' , 41 . ', "( tils hoirible crinie.T AVe" arepiot ii negro says;: VTain'tno 1 use iolote dajy nihtlwfore an: imiBeiiseaud '; tfL7ZABETllTO WttfN. ' C. r,J formed as' to 'the names of any. bf.ltie you no fudder; dei white If61ksdun? ecceThe New York Herald severely 2.1, r'"4 ' 's ''I rj,"Ji,i .parties ' ...i. ci08ed dVjabHul 'gin ypu to keepbut critkises the manner, of its. produce UiTT-p&wtf ... : r i ? ' " -;ir &imkli'"bt 'ruviau gahoTdey ain't Jlpn irt le."a mime against art," nd T.Tft1flA,e.lSrio"'' 1 a :;!PKAKBKKHU.,i .:K gwine let you in, an'JLdat Settles lit." I that ..from beginning to end 'theil ii 1 . :- -.1 ltiH'SmitTi iii ronrisinllrilnw!n(V fni? I snirt.iirl nm rtallt A Thn-ftthpr lijfc. 1 i ittAiirn mm ikiiiniii umi n t u 'rt v rn i ' . - -' ,wv. . v..... vumiuuua i yje; several states ana jt are as follows: 1 ? t: 1 I i,i.f. n,t,AAa. lAi'iPill lit 1 rf-t-aalMWft n 9 M 'nln m -fr-. I I " - 4 ' h m 4 v'iio vuiMvuiivu vumiuuus the several j States and j tne Citizens pne. tragwy,Trreriae ai-oraersitypaoio rever,' " Sy?Hfif litlisasserted ! ;1? statevti. that the exerpise of lha right of sufT; ;COpTIPATItHq0j5P? (ibov-ade Jlampliinli ;;ifrageiB);ihViBome of ,ihe.;Btatefntbi- V ATTENTIQ'1' ;:; 1 t,'. . r v. ' " V ' W'-i. t a in -uy- case vwicu- iireio 1 AVi ,W.3arllee were alsb iibniiat: Jr t , ?''. ' f T land: Fourth District." John B. krwin, of Lancaster; Fifth District, Robert ; -f'r ' " i'.iJUth th Prp'si. i Jv f , fVnvontinn and the nom- hinsr firenLiemen were seiecieu - as iu ,"tivfl nt tP-. ! .,-,!,- n n ' n.j 'n nc 'n iAMondn . rP r, rn -f cnmfpr. CaI. J. a vtn " rt Anronn: Gen. John 1 TMt ' .w.s.bm nH R O'TSTftil.. Mfc)3! A StrsinKe - Frlendalilp.' v; r; ; LSt Helena (CaI.y Btar:lJi! ;.-.r fAf StranSQ'friehdsbip ;f f. i, -r.'' ii--:LL: 1 ubos iieks the vlittle-proteee with macU the samaaffectionate tender-: n.ss.thatould .be .fcestWed, on a ealf. the roaph toncrae and r tremen- dous lieks nearly raisinc the little an- iraal off its feet: and ih the! meantime 1 : .'.. t'?i i ft '-'' ' j' j. .' ' uraciug liseii wmi au lours spreaqio withstand the pressure. 'hen little ley were published about hicK ihefv rabbit? nestles "bos' and goes to sleep. ; ... r uu o wiiu . ti if ifrLVivrvi I. ;sif( . . 'J. ' iTilli JH ".iff" oou .uo8eiY iu v.tv insion.:: is:a ce niutt. i He has i sketched -. a '-painting 1 that attracts much attention. In the I background is ill Smith with a Iqng born under his arm, followed by his ddgs Jackson, ; Bragg, Iiee, . Davis and Ueb.v ln front w Judge bettle I o" larire urcr o uautv aim uis iieuu i jfticks'Jquyr h Peru picture is .visited .by troops of larraers, -woo siana ana enjoy, it. they were in the centennial art lery. Kf.-. &,OUjD3'IBQI.l7TION; - :-n ' :;i:i tfl -, .Toe Correct Copjr. LRichmond Dispatclil 1 ; cl The correct .version vyaries.vfrpmi our telegraphic report of it! so greatly- that wn (ippm .it but inst- to all 'nar- ties to reproduce it. .It is las follows:! prescribed " byf the constitutions on 1 ' hti oavorol St too" ia i en hi aft. iiri i'lha the several States, is subject to the fifteenth amendment of the Constitn-.' tion of the United States. Which Is as followsi'l' 'rY ''tA'AKW'' 'Abticlb XV. - r-.' 5- fist Tr'.ir, Thsigh:$fctieri9- itl9.Umleai states Htn .crypia UBall ' i l l ft ;t'S . snail. krlinW Kv '-"--t- j . lid where- 4 ! SUX- m:. ned! and - -ii . StatesNand .ettorts of,aH good M the contrary resisted and Representatives,- tThat all attempts by lorqe. i raua, terror, intimiuauon; or otherwise; to rjrvpnr cine or tne ngni ,01 .sunrage .in anv.i iia'iUiiM moat Uiili j.tWat ii L.ftiT I OLaie; snouia meet witu certain, y con- 4 digh,) and effecthai' punishment DenaltY 6f death." It II.pe8een4hat ithisi -a.; resolution;;, tOOoi.WniCnWa8 f Tievf passed.-i the genatet all- i, '.f rfC(prUS a kdies wcre were-brulsed ' . : rif-i' a i Goverrio IIender8o -laicrvlewa dear life behind, trying his1 best ; to I pers . are . less; severe in . their, com-1 Blair and I rallv ; the demoralized dbf. ' This I ments. but do not re&rard the Droduc- . . I lit III 1 1 Ik 111 HCf. IjUlul Ill . Ul IS V IL 1 nnntAffln Alpann " rirx. Pocket foil -of Letters . PUladelphla Ledger. . man arrested in the. Centennial Ex- bibition Grounds the other day,' who witn no more title, to tnat distinction than a brazen face! - fluent and false tongue1, a, twirled moustache, and tm-' amaz- state- m XI, t.rm aiKl.A educated, well trained, well behaved,. sensible young women. :V These- would eorrespond npon a brief acquaintance unknown who had no vouch rintO writing to such an adventurer OH thrf at-rtmirth at hia ;forion ''tetvlA ne Strengtn. OI. nia,:ioreignf Styiev ;4 theV. aild all Of. their Kind.. maV taKe this 'inish'ap-ffor it is J .4.W. wiAtm. tA KaWa 4h4 ;cho I tiken from' the pocket of such fel-i 6vr ih a : police cuourt. L ,1 i i;:-j;t I j iHIr, Tlldenjat, work. 1 .-... l,r?gm.y uvviuaen eueyes upcumenu.u .1 wo..years irients UiMg wnt out now are pamph, lets KDowitii; the increase ot the pub." Ilf State dejH. .dr.Uepubr,caVuI. and a pamphleU4adup-from New Tilden came Out against j ' i a rarty spilt. i mi . ti . 1 1 t ' , ! v i j.ne rtepu oucan convention oi tne Fourth fVa.) Consressional District tq nominate a candidate for tJongress, met' at Farmvilie' on Wednesday Dr.- Jorgensori: white, and ' De Mor- tip, colored, the two candidates, were .largely represented, the Jorgenson partyeing the strongest' He claims the Jiqmination, getting 27 votes and wciuuinwio tuo i iuuhib uaiiv dealings, . and ;held & r llr. Francis Veno, a well known iuiiier, anil well digger ; f Mecklenburg cbunty,; narrowly escaped being crushed lo Ueaih while dijigiu a well in Chester, S. 0,4 U last Tuesday. About fifteen feet of earth c ived iu and he was caught .beneath ft 'I vfv j -ji '.-; r:ifij ? 1 Ji-j-u;. .. Ashe.v die s Jixpositor: , liohex t Burch field was shot dead on. last Saturday night, by O. K. Collius, while the forme r was attempting to enter the corn-crib of the latter."-: "-- ' :-i .- v.- . .. i An escaped convict,- who 'had I ghefwioff. was captured on the south Foil ork 1 TJirfo,. lot neelr . " -' -' ' ' J ,' --, OE the GOOD of ALL ! .ucaa j AltcniiFejy! w .-.j-rH..- prevalent aMicttoa and capa- IJdr wiU in doe time correct. It 1b does often assert, its oupremacy. the expense or thegeaeral well- i system. Constipation implies a "I weai. .in oiui more lua'i. mtru cotiecuun ui I ixcremeiuit'.ous mailer iu Ihe bowels ; Itisiynifles thatch. musilmiK WgstetFiSz?: of vickness. headache, nervous Irri i ver.M not aitenarcnn? iu runcuona : u means a I g nerl feeling of Mckness. headache, nrvonsirri I WUIUIIUIUUCCBIJUU. UCUUili U IMUCIOV. KrlUlir. VI rtioo, debUty, disordered action o.L 1 stomach and kidneys., boils, erao-. J I the heartl liver! stomach and kidneys., rx W va I a a w aar m u -va a uiajav OMVwk? A . ; i j - - I uke . ! . - - v ; 'rrn t'ei064':'.1' 'ct the I iubiiuiib ikw ui uwiiKrim nmrun, iuc cuuii Is cbecked awhile absorption continues, thercrore all imoiritiea are left in the bovrela. to be absorbed in to tier blood and ' poison ,ihe system,' , prodncin; Andmanre aided. Hi her eftbrts to '.'elect! lmnnrities that poison the Wood.-1 -For this purpose nothing is , tliitt i;ri i. h-jl the all possess tonic", altera Dronerties. and will in cure chronic consnmp- resulrine from want ot S roper stools.. They cause bo exhaustion, pat in uee earthy and natural evacuations. : i ,- ri -n .-i -nii . , :it: - i ll .i-.;' I" uas aver oeen mnrea to tne pnDucaua Dytneir ojnrace wlU.oe healthier, . stronger and longer nrii sphmi k cATit mad 4 n 11.-. 18 Mai m G- en6r al Asehc vV ? n tt I - T .. , j . 1 V -OPtHB 1. Hay Concern, i r-.! at oafr or in ution you not buckle leading intd a mortise. We caution yon not to maae ne oi -nor sen any sacn -i res, new Buckles and 'Bands, or- aacalled j Bnd - hand Buckles in com bi nation with new ,'or -pi-ced . Bandsv Aaiees Dougnt Irem ot tnrongn our aaiy antnorlsea uur AtroW and' othtr Open Riot Bnc; lea for sere-1 ral years have, bean sold and stAinpid Vipeused to llaa AMAn'-Anlw ' - V . . i .:3 l-Lt . .'.jL.J.t. tJ-.r-l T . hi .V 1 alip tonalolatlnybar patent rthtaof (T';.,ii 3.. ( , rvr; iuo Aiuericau v vuuu i ic -wmpny, iimiitu i " ', 1 ! COOKtUeneral,LegaI Agent;,'; ,1 iv I r ' - i' New . rlean, 1a.-- B?-Oar.A'sbntstn North Carolina are H-u 11 1 J iS ; j fh1 ,.,r tf,. pnttotal.r.&.COj, L . . - . . . t . WUmington. I ' ""gg-nftatOc-.ftwam nac , ,t; ; , , 1 .Xleats J i? Jltb at SJ; . f A FOLD !A RSOnTM KNTt tfr UKT At1 A TV T' VnMOKEI) SIDES andauUt,t)lt-i..A,8mall ; lot BRIGHT No. 8 flAM-.- r ,7 V J., n , M. .. .1 ..1. ..-. -u i r r. - vv1 1 a i)f !4 !if Tul Jt-Tr. OC- VY -40T vf;f f'Ofs TOLLEY'O "J I 'V 5 ,:"TVkV E' -KTs r iir ri I , NGr LISH Breech- Loading Guns. Wfi have fnr mmv vpr arlth rrftf annnoaa. Trwl a Specialty of : bnUduis Fin Broech-Loading dons to! the special lnstrnctionB of individual sportsmen Making for a large and select trade enables ns to ve greater care and attention to the fitting, shoot-: S and general finish of oar Guns than can be siren to thone Guns bought bv the retail trade from manufacturers who produce for a general market, . w solicit the patronage of those sportsmen , who s Jadgea of rineGims and who koow the import tanReot haTinw thir Onnn ynn f fit them f jWeare prepared to accept 'orders to buildGnns' M an weizht. Kauze. proportion or style., . 1 1- w-i k WoNBEK-;i:ntUl;::i.2:iLlT.VA.At to Gold; TOLLEY.i.. i.. 90, -,. STANDARD ...'...:;......'..... 1.. 115 . NATION AL.. . i . . . . .i . ; w . J. ii . ' 140' t CHALLENGE.. 180, a " , ' 99K- .references and orwarded on apt TOLLET,: .T I'. New York. Birmingham, EnT.' . i t'.V - ft r T IVjlet aiIlic cartrtdgis,. NiLiTAnYl Wunt- 2 SAFETY,; , at JiUchi. i. - . . ! - . . charge of ponder from so to ios eraina.' Weight of JaU. plain; also PUtol grip arid checked. Sights; plain; Globe and IP Sights'; Temler' with', interchangeable front munition for above gtins; constantly on hand.' 1 Prices from $30 to $135! . SHARPS B1FLE COMPANY. : sent 21-DWtf i Hartford. Conn. ' Grafton, Windliam Co. Vermont. MANUFACTURER OF v mm 1 mo i Itl All iCnTl C r Mliro QTBBTOB TO ALL OTHER 80APSFOB GE O :neral Familr ancLLanndry nsci ;-. . i ,1 n il will save labor arid xlothes : last longer, wafh more, and in proportion cost less than any other oap oiierea. - , , t ... .-,. . .orsaieoiuyDy t, , V .afg.SO-trpjEW-j- r 5andtJorth,Front gt !i':Tr.-'5 TJ ts-a7i ''iijS'J t'J-f--Sl -A 1 't.1-FRiaita3rP ciQAitsi -1 la Parepti' Domestic Cigars, , .- ALL nAVANNA-TTOBACCOI-rbest PomesUc Cigar old. Better known, better reputation than, any other in the cirr. ?i f iiJiS-ii-'Uvi. ; ang30-tf9,&W . - ': ?' 5 and 1 North' Front St. ; iU I vtJ 1 Water miimeaLJ ? ! 05TB GAH LOAD EECKTYJED TO-DAY. FRESH, tfrorn VmaiNIAJrLL8.W f -T5 ! n if,--: i i.f .: HALL & PEAKS ALW y tuzi&0t:- ' " Snccessore to Edwards Unlh i .t t. : IrtA BARRELS FLOUR; FRfJM NEW WHEAT TC U U -.Every ; Barrel Warranted. . . For , sale at I close flf?tfres bv HA HALL & PSARSALL.V l . oricr iRtr .. .1 1 Rn rinr tn Mwani a iinli. - T i- JNt AND "CKBEDMOOS'V KIFLBS; w ; EXCEL aIl othersjit ACCU ' : ilirf BACTTBEWGTlfrANDiiiifJ1 1 CottonTiesl Flotlr' &'c; liJ. ' ' ' ;..1j vft!-? i uuuuuii -xiLiat I t - ' A .L ' .- .tM w ynnn unnoies wnv '11fs' - 'if. Mwuw"l! ,l '. j t ' : i ' M ' C M 4 J' 1 1 I ; r, j qnrt Boiia bagging,. ? j .j 500 JW)Jl? i-om new Wheat, 50 Boxes ana caaaies .iudauu, v .)' .. .ilForaaleJow!., f t.t.l lo .si ni!iFARb-tW'W cL Ilosamta Hettinf- J . - -. - tv-j 't,j;i! E r . i - h , a,ixxna8 ynroswtae, MMON NETTING, Pink, lilae and While, . ( ' -Cheap at " UKDUlcJiS. - Cf Grenadines.' 1 H FT aiBCES AUKS OF THAT . O .. ' ?J. ). .1 STio. IRON-GRENADINES . W ill be received W A.UNJSiA Y morning, t . : f j ' 'i', l- w - UEURICK.1 1 ureat ijargains; n ; fTtfrff QfTEATESr, BAttGArNS-OVFEREP IN JL EYE BY CI.A8S: OF. DX OOIS. W 0' BIIHJK AU. JEW. ... .! , I.. ' . . ;je19-tfD&W New:Musiou Books ! . ;;The Eucore, . i f A book ror8TRoiNa cijAssBp;Dy i- o: i:b bos. Contains 60 pages of ('elements' well arranged, a handled pages of newr priitht, interesting mntic (easy gleea 4-part son?, tc J toi practiee,' and half as many pa lean of the best chnrch, music? thusfurn-f hrrftSw' w ishinr the heat form. i a one collection or cBooicwngi, uirt atrar cty. i J , Subjects Worda and Mpsic alike eood-md nch s I - 1 14,M.Kpl)to, re-i I -f fm .- n 11;; a ; ..." r I !t -Li m ' -nuar . w V .--w. . n ,j Singlns e-chol Course, .with abnedapt material Tor praeuce. large BUBDoer Of in Dees-retrn;i TuflL-b -Wo etr Anthems. &G. Choirs, ClasFes had Conventions will gladly welcome tfcia new compila- 1 tloaof ttjnoet aaoceaif al cumpoeer t j :lre JlrSS ortia.tape'd-sxeu. -j , ' 1 . ' .. . . j r..wsifw"s-rssi"e.w:-'.5 i T C 1 CBAS. H. DlTSOt CO 1 Jv. iuTBON. CO.. . 1J: Jll "Broadway, N. "Y: successors to i.ee & r.. .-. i tt ft., i WlkerJhtladephJkr ,1:::: d 7 7 rz-ti v vYjKKIS. UAKANTKEB to J v Agente. Kale and female, in thrir i s P. O. VlCkE&Y &b ABfltif M.4 . . vn;ajiiv. rrnnM RTin iji ! H'i'p it i r? t ... o""-wi MiJ4i, R ?R SLO fi P' A t home. .Samples worth $1 merlim, and MarrUce ulde; howia how either sex may fascinate tfnd nin th ..3 affection of any person thev choose inetantly. 400 pffiSffig0 wfAffi 9. a.yJlt".h,oin.e,iTIlt8 wanted. Ontfiv Old and tdrma ;fre6. 'TRlTic a t . r: v r,r?e twenty? Five f euu. v nfADVETISIRlC r ONE HUNDR5D, AND: liSTU EDItlON.; . Containing : complete lift, of all the townfr 5u tbe United States, the Tern wirics nA iwi.i" Canada, having TpopnIateft greater than tCOO, ac cording to Ihelastcensjjs, togethee with the or me newspapers navurthe; largest local clrrntTi (tion to each of ihe splacei named; SS ,of newspapera which are recommendecl to adverti-eers-aa giving greatest valob bVproportion to prices cliarged... Also, all newspapers theUnited biate and5anada jrinting over-SOoFcopies each iwol AlsovailthefeeliglausAgricnlrtndi Scienrflc and Mechanicals edical, Masontei Juvenile. Eoncation al, Commercia Insurance; Real' Estate, Law, iSpork ing,lu8icali Faebon and other special las lour nals; very complete lists. Together with acomulete tates fAhso, an essaf .npon adverttoiDe ; many in files or rates, .showing the cost of adverUsihn in vu rlous newspapers, nd ewerthing which a brtianw An advertising would like to know. . Addwss i 1 ' ; JlCO. P. ROWKLL & CO. :':-:;--; 41 Pabk Rowy New Vobk. rs United -States. -a complete list of American Newspapers, nr.m berJn? more than eisht thousands vrtth a ' pfjall the towns and cities Jn which Obey are pul-: iisnea; umoncai ana statistical Sketches of ihc ureat newspaper itstaonsBmentsi Hiattrared wii li nnmerous engiavings -of the principal Newspaper JBnildin?s. Boos oi"830 Pages. Inst 1bmkivh. post paid, to Any address for 35 ctstf Apply (hickH sing price) to Supkrintendbnt or thb JNbwbpaper Pathjon, Centennial Uroonds- Philafierphia. oi American News C0.4 New York. . .fe . j I , BVKKY ADVEUTISER NEEDS IT. nrr ! . -r- r-i rsity, of Virginia Opens October 1 ; centinuee throngh , nne months H is oianized in schools on the elective sytein 1 with fnll courses In Classics, Literature, fcciei ce (with practice in Chemical and Phvtical La!mrHtvi lie), in Law, Medicine, Engineering, Teaching and HAKRISOtf, t-hairtnanp; O. AniTersity of Vir giuia, Aiuemaiie w , v a. aug n-4D&W SOLID WEAIITH ! ?600;00p,IN, GIFTS ! .Grandest. Scheme -ever Presented to l, H' I1 the Public 7 in ,.' irn v - 'tnj & Eofturie for only S12. 'I iic K'cntuckjf Cusli illslribuiioii -anthOTized bya specTdl act of fbe Kentucky' Legie- 1 attire, Tor the benefit ,of lhe PIIBLIC IstHoOUS Aifr FRAlSKK.OKT', will have the Vint of their s Jies of .Qranrl Drawings: at HA JOB. BALLL in; tut Cityo.FBANJltOK?, f-.jir;jrt f -,- Ts;j 76. on wMch occasion they will . distribute to the t'eke j r - noiaera tne immense sum ot Thos.. Porter, Ex-Gov.Ky Genl Man. Positively no Postponement asfwe win have a series of Grand Drawines and can i-noi esrapiisn ine preceoent ei postponing., One Qranc! Cash Gift... tins urana: -uaaa w ...v.--.... ; j r v. ,i. o i,ur u 25(00 atl.tCO One randCashiftvi..V.u..v;..:..V;. 10 COO One Grand Cash Gift.Ui--'.. J;;j... kJ h-S.O 0 is 5'CashGifUof fMOO each.. ! 50.(C0, . j iuuuanuiK or ouveacni.. .; ... . ,v),0'0 10 1 Cash Gif ts of . . 40J each, 40.000 :; 100 .ash Girts or - eachr.. , 209 Cash Gifts of yr SCft each 30.010 ;i)' 4(,0 t . i0.(K - !ian aa - tain I'ssn iiitu or ,i men n 10,010 Cash Gift of 1 13 ach.. . . -.H Total, 3i,i55 yuts,; au casn r : ?; v i PRICE OF' TTtntETav .l Whole Ticbets $12; Halves $6; Quarters $3: 9 Ticfc; ets $100f ZtX Tickets $300; 46 Tickets $500; 9 Tickets $1000. 100C60 Tipkets at $13 each. j , 'Hon. E. H.,Taylor, Mayor of Frankfort, the cn tire board of City. ConncUmeny Hon. Alvin DbvaJl raished citizens, together with' such die' uteres ted persons wine ticsiei nauiers presentmay aeeigBaie wsnwnntend the drawing. fj.,. vU,;, . , J fl JteattUnees ca be made by Express, ; Draft; I'o. fiP?6- UXS!SSP' P"1 - 'All commnnications connected with the distribii tion, and o relets for Tidkew, and applications ( Agents to sell Tickets, siwqld fm addrtsstd to - f HON. THOMAS Pf VOKTKH, 7- jy 19-4wD.v W (ti'r MftAnsw. Frankfort. Iffy $l rjyi'i 1 . 'i ' .Ifivou wntit tnle"b'ntioiti ana.sa save con; siderable per ceijtage 1 1 the pnrphasBjof.-lNE L'hl 1 t 5H(i'( JrMV!i-j0 .,-tlMllr -fc-.;? 11; vou wisn to rurciiase , i- j, , i.-rf-f a;ij m -' yiuif ' VAn!.!!l nA env wmnih?K irii wmnt.."p tn r vnti . - tdat'Pmnespa cMort IV fctT JJITPKRIttH MAKK KNOWN.; "ri-cAawd'coir.petept jodges who tare tried them, pfyntuttlijni 't '' j . 1 . lei Superior Pianos ; ; iThefliae 8KvN'(aTs6',?klHnA !!i,'l'8 TfiNai andT01),H,OVEHtaj..H, FUIJ. IROI FRAME, TUK AUKXt FK, ?AkVEU LE .54. .i.RB,.v-l.wi-.---t-Aii Jistss ' 'I ; Tber are beautiful, dunhle and wear well. t; 8oIdat rery reasonab.ep ices, and ' i Y : I i:r--,i -...ii ! i..' is uoi:.-. . i At Special Inducements if negotiated for flinct to this Bou.e, ' ? ,'. Fully Warranted Aaaress f;. '-a , . 1. 1 J. P. RIJECKE1ST -if-- i . 'i'ii -'J 'f ' 414 Lexlusiou St., .ill. " Bait I oi o r e RI d. l.' t -4 .;!-" tuM '-. ' ? :VJtttn,t ftTBESliEIDERREECBLOiDIHG lit , - f i I ... f m l . ft Ct i i. ... t " I- ' . . r phi F- v - wvLrawi r 1 11 1 i8 iijy , i, tmjnvrtiXJTfjHVBS; . j. -S , - .-.. i.aH.Wfstratt Street. , . 1 Baltfmore. , i: Hp nd for CaUloyn - t ? 4 v .yd ae t-QjfcWtf t i : I it .t Eavjarita riaur, 1 1 . r V; BKANn or FAitrLY'FiiOyn -'A us!" f -;"?': sold fa thismarkecaq h,e onnd only at our Stores, ; 5!?d7pSqrtJwntnJeV,.iX-?; V.'j- O " ;::4J-QfNiriYi3i&-&.'Mti fv'" - ; - . " - i ..i'. v i ff.. i f T . t-,.: i .:,'.; .'.jjAr."t'JivKliHf fJ' ccespratodwardAUjfJLr-K(gl9d' t - i ' ll i- -1 5- t r , f i. - : y - j - . . -T i t i. i ... , - -