rivolv r '" i rzuxzx; :. OEM. Me' iiie Fcdrii ivro com -A Mnl'n P"lrl,,eFron Crdial Kudoraee tV"'" "... Prop-' Exponent !' th? fAMD and Fratnrult ICC . . v - . . - m m j m -! (llTSITlld. C!a HIM - A . , ""S A37(j My Dear Sir: Your veH. . , l.pr of the 1 ()th has rinY1 1jt" - - - i"UViibU I ....w V1 TUU . i -1 Deeply impressed by the err i. - : ... i '. P of L11B ISSUES lUYOIVPfl 1M tllo ior ing Presidential election.! heir1 that the honor of -the conntrvv tue wen Deing or the peoslo tie in no small. degree upon the resu feel compelled to depart i from reserve that has become habitual inn anil ovrwn I. in,., wjjicoijmuo earnest convr tions tnat Dress Ulion m f - Mm Under a constitutional government, at aUe , e??rai Yerumen the formation of political parties is a necessary consequence of thVdiveVsity of human minds and interests.;. Senti mentalists in their closets may dream nF fin inoal I-r annhrtn 'oil . . L . - citizens are perfectly wise, i virtuous. ana conscqueniiy unanimous, but such dream can never be realized ou this tarti,;and wejnust recogoizethe fact nacessarv, ; but ,beneficiul,i actino- as . i j ..t.... t .9 -f i;iey uu us cubcks ... upon" eactl OlUCr." Experience has shown, in all constitu tional countries, that when any party j'ossisses uninterrupted power. for a very long time,; especially iwheii the minority; is too weak to interpose apy f tiioicnt check upon the factions of t lie majority, the tendency is that ; he leadeTs become careless and "reok 1 -sy, forget that there is auy power to which hey aro responsible, look; npoo w ml, rather than. a public trust, aud itMin: to -regard their .leuore as per m tiieni.' Sis toi, the : legislative l "lies become inclined to- a nytem f' txihivrtgH!tcf,' whichTjeiicejtders rriip?:ioii, i acilii atei t he i fonnation ol Tings, ,an tinaliy d.iroys Vne ;:!:Mp:?riy ot the people: r ' - I'ii'.' M"y s'e remedy in such a ...... . ! ; : . l. .. ? j. i .. inn. ;. . -i i-.is ,! o.iiiaii: inc. ci'jjiu ua.ii, iurouM inn iiuilot-boxv prace the former 'op : s"lia in power f . i iini wm cuumi y If IHMV ia uiu con- siui i list described is uroved bvtlie w fii versal and peremptory demand for -. aipli;ie reform. by the people with-regard- Ui riy.. ; -r.4 'r- AinoTTg "Democrats there "f 4s no ;oniJt a to the- inanner in which the should le accomplishetl. . -. V'iifa many Jtepubliuaus the qaes t ion W wliether they catr trust' the tMufessuHis of their party, br whether iney must take the.(iHagreeab!e step f ,treakina a way from ld poli ticaf asviciations, ' Jby - leaving ; . the "party irnder- whoseVadminifitraiionr all' the eviin. of which . . they,' comiilain' have grown up, and act with the Demo .rats, who, from the- force of cir cuinsLances, must necessarily, be re ftwtners. ' '" - - "'i I have the highest respect for the personal character and intelligence of t he i Republican candidate for the 1 residence, and believe him to be an upriaJii gentleman., ... But it seems' !ns quite impossible- that he can tHiune liie oiganization and poilcy pf : his party. . v f " The leaders who control and shape its policy would be the same' after iVis-eiection as now. and' it is idle to hvpe for any change in them, or am ,Jer them. ' J " . ' V It is now abundantly evident that $t&dl'.not a Democratic House been hxted in i74, it wouia nave ueen iirr.pwftsible to unearth the various in--jslu:h of . maladministration that Rmve cona to light, and it is equally fclear that until the 'Government passes into the hands of the Demo- :t its, we vh.ill never know the whole frwth, whateyer it mayjbe; and we nW i Vi .'kB.ow the trutli aa to the p?, that it nay nerve to guide us in 'the future. :; ; - : ' t.'v : ' J: llelieving, as I firmly do, that every consideration of honesty and sound titatisinanship,V everJ true national and individual. interest, demands the prompt inauguration - of flaj; policy" w hich shall, in the briefest f practica ble time, reduce every "governmental expenditure to the lowest point com- fineii.surate witn nonor ana emcieccy; regarding the reform of the civil ser- vice; in its broadest sense, and with it Ahe enforcement upon .office-holders if the conviction that their only busi n is to perform their public duties .ami not to manipulate party politics, a an mnerent part ot tnis reiorm; Natixtir-d that it must be' accompanied )v ii-uncial measures steadily dirt;ct-i'Ut.-,v irds the of specie i i v mj' Jiu within.the iijrie-t possible period, I cannot for a moment doubt thai these all important ends "twill be bent, ai.d in 7 fact ,V.'ilv,r attained by the election of the candidate i of the J)(ijnrtcratic party.' .".!!. : i But questions of - finance' and re lorm are not the only ones which af- .tf't our. present and. future.:.? V i TJirt recent War" altered forever r some vet?d questionn ; for example, the asserted right of secession l;t&8 lixappeared in a sea of blood; slavery Jias leen abolished,'never to reappear; :,io the nesro has been given the right -of eilizenshi p an d ." bu ff r Age. AVijf) a ve jioihing more to do with these results, suave. 'to accept them frankly and waicn inat inev remain iuiaui. .i- ttfcr-raany trials and tribulations, the rotates not loner since arrayed. in arras ttaamst the General Governmenthave ae-established their relations with the 4Jion. and regained their. autonomy, fieuerous courtesy toward a alien, 'hat most gallant foe, and selfish pol- iicy. alike demand that : we snouia Jeave no iaa't thin? undone that will i restore peace and well-being to' the South, re-establish fraternal feelings in the . hearts oL all oar. people, and cause our recent enemies to be proud of and love the GovernmentvOfUie Union aad its U'ajr. "'Ihe Velfare 6f the North is inseparable from that of ths South; and ourjovntry jcawq fleyer attain its fjill force and virbr, until pcaoo," prosperity and kind .feeling reign throughout its broad domain. . JL. believe that Ahis end can Jbest be Teached by respecting tjieautonomy of the individual 1 States, o long as tney respect the obligations of ,tlw Federal compact.", ' 'AA' ' Allowed r to. "govern ibemselves, public opinion, self-respect and a re gard for their own i interests will cer tainly suffice to iuduco the Southern Slates to place good men in office and to enforce5- the laws. ' While of,-the opinion that Federal- interference should never - be resorted ? ttf, except in the case provided for in the Con stitution,1- I also ' think that, i f any . outrages1 are committed upon the rights, person or property of any cit izen, whatever, his .. raep. whether Aw Into or black,' and Ithe' Stale aiithor ,l4ties neglect, o? hesitate, to do their al way to enforce order and jus- , and should use all Us legitimate ence in that direction; i.4 u i, x . itave suiuuienu iinii in me .. . i i m . j? ;t. . ; . 1. ana aoituy or oar; ooutnern theen to "oeeve -at wteti left to rights jO'j ust laws, ana secure tne he humblest oE their fellow citizens we have K " ' "".Ub the requisitf"", r,08.8esslnS alJ the times dA1.1-flg" of the times de he Jias, ffiv 1 iv a- long- caret r ability aud inC l" rva ieHtrin to an opponent, but aifFerenV affair UlWtr thin. k tkv .V : ,u J to carry itout m o-.,yT1 nArlv lirfTl - 'l f ti r courage and ability ... A great obstacles hn eni: and carried through th Ircu!eal' iask of fighting corrupting pur8uing the plunderers in hn ipVttv, and b in auwii. cupei mums VJejiy ihat tne courage. eieiuv.!: nnts...- veranre and ju'innfti ildlv. s ; i , . i it.iiki I ' 'i bijab ins ((I J !li:)S detrfee the tpialino.v so tn;nA.;.. i : our .Chief M;ims; raieb in thtt,.-..nt crisH oi our aitaiix. i; i. i It regard ib ullquelthins of ana reionn wu--'iHVfe 'the : i . .( -. . nee tMflArilfti. liti U.t I.f .. lire f nr luture. i - nr, A L 1 : .; ,Iu his hands jraay be Rifely left V task of awarding liberal iustrue the South, .while -jeaioi4iv ifumrdin tne ngnts or tne JNotth' and the is- suesj decried : by Ttfae:; f f eat' KtrusljrTe enueu, iirost and l)Rheve, . lor evr, when elected 1 believe that he will enter upon, the duties of his high office willi the singU; purpose of serving his country J faithtu-Uy, a"i with no lower, ambition than ihat of devoting every faculty to the glori ous , task ;of ; rcndefinjf the-nation prosperous at home, and honored and respectedabroad.il would like to ap peal to those who iri civil life have honored me with their friendship and support, and especially and most earnestly to those , raeni to whom I. have; never, appealed in vainmy comrades f of th w4uuLJ- to. .ri lo-rtTnenrTorsiandToncc more with me in our country44 cause, jln a civjl .jontest iiun, i9 tuiuici iji in ucu'iuci dii nig gle, and support to the uttermost the election of Mr.1' Tilden to -the1 Presi dencv. ! . t , -t - i 4 v f I believe that the . issues now at stake are similar to those for which we fought the honor and well-being of the nation., ,'. d'l 'K'- S J h, X I am very, truly you rst ? -1 -Geo. 33. JVIcClellax." rtie old Cemetery lu Charlotte. Observer.!.- - The old cemetery, is fast rallincr in- to neglect, and, like' Old "Mortality, one must rub the lichen and" moss from man v of: the Atones before;-he can road ; the dates I and inscriptions that are carved thereon. ? Many , of the tombstones - have fallen to the ground and jlie. concealed by the growth of the'rahk'weeds and grlss that cover this silent bnrial ; place of the dead:' Many of the' inmates," aT tr a sleepf! several, jdecadefh beenexhumed and reinterred :. in the new cemetery that is npw the recog nized burial place of the city. The ground too, ixsaqkeni andi oneveri, J and every few .steps will attract the attention of the wanderer Xo the nar row tenement whejre aloved one has Icing been forgotten and. returned to the dust out of which he was made. It is sad to watch the obliteration of the spot,;for it looks as .though one of " the .- rhost, sacred 1 and m irks of ('harlotte is being.'taken awaysind especially is it painful to the old in habitants to note the change.: .With many it is the repository of .all their dearest hopes and 'most sacred mem ories. The companions of their youth and all else they cherished and loved on earth lie i. buried I there. .-'. Among the, distinguished "occupants we no- Jice the names of Nathaniel-Alexan der, one of the earliest Governors of North Carolina; "General George Gra ham, of Revolutionary fameJDrv Cy rus Johnson, a Presbyterian divine of distinction, and others well known in the history of this and the surround ing counties. Philo. Henderson, thej author - - of -. that . beautiful poem, "The Long Agone of the brightest geniuses to wbloh'tbe State ever gave birth, is buried there,, though with no headstone tot: mark the spot. v.jJr. Ephraim ' Brevard. whose .. name ;l rendered immortal by; his connection with the Meckleuburg Declaratiou of IndependenceV- -ia also Supposed - to sleep his last sleepin this ? old ceme tery, which is coeval with ithe ; birth of t the city itself,' This '7we glean; f rpm Miss Sarah. Davidson, who is th6 oldest- snrvivingrfTiative - Of tb01 plce, ?and "fwhose1 memory ; is' fe4 markably accurate-, and ciear.npaq ' all subjects" connected with Mecklefi bui-g county and its' early; history! yottbave eick heaciache telpe a dose 6f Dr. -IT . . . mil.. k.nm wr Will l3l J r l Bull's yegeUBie rmej we Kwjrv hh rtt- IPqr "tUe Star,; - f --:'.r ItH fa uond ' : ' , if. A larse and Eulbailattic fouveu- . lion fiomlumtlan of County OC3e'r Tllden and (Vance .FI.a--eecbs br It. A.. Jolinon, Col. V.L.Stl and- if"P .Walker, , . , f ; , V", ' ROCKIKGHAM, N,?C., j Richmond co., Aug. 23. v --The Democratic County; Cohveh- tion was called to orderby-'PlattD; Walter, .Chairmali of t,tlio County Executive. Committee, who.8tateithe object nd purpose,of : the meeting; Col.! Hargraves 'was then serected as psrmanent . Chairman,! and A. C. ilcFadgen and ,W,jP;. Smith as per-j manent Secretaries.", . si . .Thou following committee" w as ap pointed on Resolutions: Thomas Stan- j back. Col. A: JT. McQueen.' W.'DJ Townsehd, J. a BrutonA ' CoK J ington, jas. lucxniosn, ju, ortou, x. i u; wail ana wra. r. ijioson, ana through "their Chairman, Mr. If."'C. Wall, submitted 'as follows: . - ( ' Itesolv&dy That the Democratic' Conservative party of the county of Richmond, in convention" assembled, hereby .declare "their - approval ?and! endorsement of the platform adopted. .by. the representatives of the party, at the Uonventions held in ot. ijouis and Raleigh, and the, candidates put forward to carry out the same, in the I administrationof J both the federal I nd State governments. . - j Resolved. Tiiati Samuel J." Tilden, of New York, our candidate for the Presidency, has t-bown his devotion 10 the principles and practice of re" form by his:p?oseeution and convic-- tion' of Tweed and hisring of thieves, I i;omp(8ed of: persons ; of both1 p'oliti-, J cal parties:' bv. "lii! breakinsr uD of I the can al i n'g 0 f ' 1 ike'jeh'a rac ter aiVd' by his redact ioVoFthe expenses jof , the State of 'NewYorK, of which he is Governor, ,ad js thereCore a man iif thu oharacter now "most needed to puuiy ine ' vrenerai vnverimient. 01 1 the Corruption COnceQca lV all 1 ar- - ... . , . .... .. , . . - .,.;!. aA-K:Ak'm,.ot: ! moved' .before prospirity u-a'n be-re- J. htoreil to tho country. v ; -T- . I. Jiesolved. Thatifebulou B. Vance; tb defender oF pers:nalTiberty,evetf I . .1 . '- . . I aiiring nagiant war, 13 a-sarer cusio- 1 dian oMhe public rights ithah Ihos. . 1 . . t - f ww iiwl ti:aiiii9' n. i.iinn finnd peace, consented ' to a suspen . 1 -----, - - - - 3 , t c j 1 siou of the writ i pf; habeas corpus, notwithstanding the.. Constitution, wnicane oavi aworn to euipport, qe laies tnat, me ".rrivi e ;ef ot tne A7rit of ! Habeas Corpus nall not be spenaea. .. . -7; ,ri - - 0 i . ovitt, an honest man and a pure Ptot:.our candidate for Lieutenant I vurnor.ui iar,more irusLwonnv th an W il 1 iam A. 1 Smi th. his co m Deti tor,' wv, y hen ' asked the question b a legisKtive committee, whether ' be knew, V-pesideni of the N. C. RaiIroadCo., that any ' money had been paiVto secure a lease of said road by aiother corporation, stated that he decined to answer for tear his answer faisht criminate him and t Jiesolved, Tat. inasmuch as the Democratic Conservatives ot Mont gomery cou n ty .re" understood to desire the nomination of Piatt D. Walker, Esq.; our talented fellow- clizen as our candidate for Senator, we hereby express thexhope that ; li e may be induced to accent, the nomi-. nation -for this' Districtj hereby prom ising him, or the nomine?, whoever he msy be, our cordial and enthusi astic support. '' ' " j Itesolved, That in this hour of 6iir country's: need all personal desires and all peisonal feelings should ibe subordinate to the public' demands, and all men should recollect that the interest of the people and not the in- terest of individuals are the issues in Controversy;" and hence, , with r this nntrinlii vipar vca' writ I nivo. oil rtttr candidatesVasAhe representatiyes of Honesty aud Iteform and Constitn tional Liberty, '-',9u'rJ Hhserving" and undivided suppbrte and invite ' all irien of all races, who'desire the pros: us in rescuirig the land fromf the ex- triVagancies f andbrrrjptibri8 which are "eating put' H$ substahce"and ap-T ping the fbnndatiPn of civil liberties, r The Convention, which, j.was ,be-r youu question iiie largest, iuosu iu-- iciiiLTtiiib auu cubuuBiwisiiu vvcr uciu lin thojeouuty, proceeded to make the (iouowiug nominations .irora tne xe-, noiiratic .ranks exclusively &X.iJ J For. House of Representatives,1 R. AL Johnsonj -Esq?;: Sheriff, "A. CMc- sFadgcu Register "of Peeds, P,ChaV pe!l-, Treasurer, - Jv ?V. Cole, : Esq., CpuntyU'-iiVinisVuiiierp, J, IL' Ay- cookf,Ij.lVEvretterM.''D'MoN'eill; Jas.; -Mcintosh, "aiHl .R.-;,Bowden; County Surveyor, VV. VV;: Graham. , It was moved and adopted that the proceedings lof the ".Convention ,be publmlied; in the Wilmington Star, jree uee . wurifr, i-ee JLee Jiercua, and Charlotte Observer. , " iThanks were returned to the Chair man and Secretaries foj their efficient services,'- and the Convention : ad journed. . ' ; After which the Tilden and Vance Club, under .ailag elevated one hun dred feet clear, of the ground, - heard speeches. " V - J"' r ' J ESSK H AEGEAVKS, Fre8"t, , W. D. Smith, f;fetane8- Tilden, -Vance unit Waddell Club,'. ; y i. - Bdbgaw N. 0., Aug, 27, According to; previous, announce ment a large and enthusiastic crowd assembled at this .place ,-on ; the 26th .inst., for the - purpose of forming a Tilden; Vance and WaddelLClub and. to participate irr a flag raising -, A Tbet meeting was .'called - to ' order by S. P. Hand, Esq1 who requested Dr. R. 3V Sanders to actf-as Chair- man. t-r; i'.i.:';,-,T: 'j 'A Dr." Sanders; !in 'taking inelchaifi made a. verv. f orcable and impressive. speech J o'l ,abo.at:;vh1f.Taq hour, in a 1 '- 1 ' J ' i r ."." . 1 7. I . which he U raua llie -peouie , q , ue u ii and doing; that i)dw was thb time to exert' every, effort in the cause - of i Democracy;- that the- Kepublican party . now stood like an linverted pyramid, only waiting for the slight, interruption .in theequiUbrium of the; atmosphere 'to destroy jts gravita-j tibn, add, 'that now, "Snrthis campaign I was the time to strike the deiath blow; to that party whjen naa devastated hat oartv which had devastated wlinh Snn thern countrv.: ?Thev onr were equal to the task, and ilet it nolj be 'said that the Democrats ojf Pe,ntbti-j relaxefl an effort or lost au jopportu-j nity of advancing ; the cause: of true Democratic principles, until, on thef 7th of; November, the, snnj had hid her golden rays ; behind the hills of the Western horizon. The officers o the club are as follows, .vizi-..' ' . President George F. Jordan; Vic Presidents. Dr. II. T. Sanders. W.'F ice Bordeaux: and S. P. Hand ; Treasurer,! j, 4. uoiiins; oecreiary, jlv. f. iioou7i worth.. . , . v. t-, u " Working Committee,' P.jll. Hand, the occasion to near the aiatmguisn W:B.iPlayer,.,W. T, Bordeaux, .W! ed speakers. ..- M. Hand,. W J. Hand, Tt J. Brad-i skinninsr cionn. ' shiw. 1 . 5 v" t - . . ,,1 . Our vounc countvnian, Mr.v Bf ufto Williams, who was present by in vm tationwas introduced," andj held, the audience spell-bounds for' pearly .an. hour in one of the raostf iimpressiye. tationrwas introduced," and held the and stirring speeches-that it has been the good fortune of your correspond dent to listen to ttns campaign; in- deed, it was a. masterly. effqrt for-one isq, young and so recently fembarked jin public life.nlle left no j stone' unH turned- He commenced byialludirig to the proposed1 Amendments to the Constitution, .and? the. effept thjjy ;would' have -in .'relieving..' Our peopl f 1 0 n ithe heavy burden of 1 axation nnder -which' thev arQ..writhin2.rrHtl jiext referred to the 'j Cbnstitntion jaa Jt now stauds, showing l6w 'power-! Jess bar Legislature has, bjjen. in. the past, fetteredi by some of jits; unwise and oppressive reqititemente, and jlhe great .po ver. 1 or gooa it wui 1 iiavoj iu .. i . ! T '.I ll e iUture f ,tue proposed Amenu- L-: .'. k.,l.l tV.no A.n. posing a check to the squandering;, of the people a money. ; i, - ' (fi'i-- I JSoxt in order wa8.i'r;,1Y .A-c-n- nett, who, in his, usual earnest -man? ' 1 . J i 1 . 1 . L. v. mr,-reiurrua at .cpnsiaerauie xengvu to. the Civil lights bill; ahowedf.lhe iii.iiiiMtKii'iiiv ill 4.11K .a 111 s . iiii b w mm, m .wvw.www, -rr.. ' - 1 ' trying toVdodgeitj hey - could, jnot itand it: a fire-bran 1 wad preferable any time toiUv7ilfvyuuto8ee them nggle ,'ana squirm,:- mention Civil Uicrbts. t Dr.Eanett!clo3ed withr a ery ardent appeal .to the Club to. work zealously, and strive to increase io the maximum 'by moderation and ence .U unnecessary, Wl gav more ,of v Dr. , Ennet't: alHivho know bini can locate hirq as Dtjino- Crat.of ihe JueJngelhar4 tripe,; jwho never fails to putJn bis appearauce: when there is a chance to say oft do anvthinir to promote the interests: of the: Democratic J party.; e- - Mr.'T. J. Armstrong, of the Rocky, Point Club, ent.was called if or. fand President being pfes- after iibeff-i drinsr to be excused; on. the c rounds up all the group d, and sopuccessfully explained the issues of tlje campaign that he was at a foss to jjenow wtere to pegin, Diauc a. lew ,ytry priate remarks, which w ere point and well received. h )1'0- the t lhe meettnij ;then , closed mid scenes of the wildest" enthusiasm. with three chairs for Tilden, Yance and Waddell. , . 'A Bufgaw is all in a blaze. I riever saw such demonstrations! of enthusi asm in all my life. To give you an idea of how the people feel, and how I thev are exertmff themselves iti j the cause of reform, I will) mention. an incident.: The day' previous t the announcement given that! there would be speaking and flag raising atUthis J place, several of our worthy, frieuds, I -Hf - G -i T Un.1 .? T.'P i -.lltnc I onrl oihers, took j. their regular laborers, prepared a pole and flagi and 1. be fore the sun had set, on the evening of the 2th Inst., had floating tp the sbreeze a macnincent flacr. ont which was in-; 1 scribed 'fTilderr.Vance and Waddell," -with Xhe.ryepresentation of a jdove? holding in its mouth the of peace. olive .branch weather pre- I ? The inclemencv of the I vented '-a ereat .manv.-f rom turning i oot tnat wouia nave done so, jina ae i narrp.a ids crown nt triAi nriviiexre oi hearing that sterling. son of old Du- pun, Mr. Stanford, and many jotner prominent speakers that - were in- vited. ; i tt ,! JAIr. Editori you may give yourself no uneasiness about this pai t of VeiV der.. . She i all right.' l5utfho(i it Vithi those bwer townships" otj tlie .coast?; "I hear nothing 'roin thein in "the wa' of organization , -Probably; they are waiting a. raorg Jcpn veiiieDt season, aiid will make a 'great display when they do begin, .r knowhlhey I are not wanting in patriotism, and no doubt have some good cause for their procrastination, and ere long I expect to! hear from ihern in tne most il at- terihg terras , Yours,.! FATETTfiVILLE AND GtmilKK LAND. :.3, So bstan.lal Tlffcet 'SeUcted ."j; ) ,, v. i urea. y - f trj A . LStar Special Correspondence. J J -- ,' '' -Faykttevillk, Anjg. 27, 1870.' - One of the V largest'" atid ' most en- - thositio ConperatiyejCojahtyjo.n-: ' veutions that ever assembled in JTay- ' ... y ' etteville. met here on yesterday, : the ort.t. 1 tlA-tUn fAllr. n?inr nl!oli!a 28th in8t.,HOd the following reliable nA .l.a'f lta tl'tAmt wftannmina'tedV i.- T :Dlra CZan r ! i A! ur .UB iJegwimHivj iuvu...., .--- and Isaac. Godwin Commission - ers, A. AvMcKetban, jCader.Parker, Hecior McNeill, J. Kelly Yi H. Melvin; Sheriff. Wi Hardiej;. Re- gister.of rt Deeds, V. LW.4i Autrey; lWiX'w tef Masoni Coroner,; EtJj. iwlow. '. .You, wiU observe titheSfwft ticjee except, trie rmemoers iw me Legislafjirf, is the same rs that nom? inated two years ago, ,and it is very, generally pronounced a strong ticket and one that will carry , the iparty to yic-ory by an qnusual maiority,, as 1 predicted in ray last. ' 4 ' i The popularity pf Cob Waddell is greater in this countyr, than it ever was before, and I confidently .expect to see old Cumberland give Kim at least two hundred and fifty 'majority. : Un vftaturaay, tne secona ot. rsep- : On'vS tember. our Senatorial i Convention meets, of which I will advise you. " f. - Claresdojt. " .- JVIaas Rleetlus; at Charlotte.. :, , tCbarlotle .Democrat. t We are requested to say that there will be a mass meeting of the -Democratic party m this city on Friday hexty the first day of September. J Gen. M. ; W. liansom'and Judge Fowle will be presnt, and address the people on-the political questions -" - wrgu gaiuenug weiwu, u Dr. I; W.Jenesboastingly remark ed that he onlv wanted an opportu- nity to "skin" Glenn. - lie was ac-. commouaieu -ai aayioisviiie laeo Monday.": How do you feel now,doc tor? " Oar news i3 to tho effect that the doctor got Hhe skinning and a mercuess SKinning at mat. ; . ' A Letnou Taagbt br Experience, v , Among the manylaluable lessons taught by ex perience, there Is not one pf greater moment to the invalid portion of the community thaa the follow ing, viz That alterative treatment is only perma nently . successful, when aided by lnvigoration. When the functions of, the body are disordered, the .use of a genial tonic with which corrective proper ties are combined Is the speediest mcaas of regula ting them. Such a tonic is Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters, the most popular, as it la the "best article of its class. For mora than twenty-five years it has been used with ignal success as a remedy for, and pre ventive of malarial fevers, ca a means of imparting Btrenth to the debilitated, and as a curative of dys p psia; , biliousness, cob stir atto kidney troubles amlateriue weakness.. Not onlyTxave multitude behaU, butitluw been repeatedir commended uy ."vw. " - "J.- I ihe medical protewlon and tne pre.. marine: ARRIVED.:., .,.-11 Schr Willie Luqe, 133 tons. Spear, Cana denr lie, 15 days, 1,600 hbls lime to yrprih Br Barque Petchelee. 358 tonp,'T3urn3, Pernambuooi Brazil;'28 days, Vick & Me-bane.-.'v i-;- . thlv- v ' i Stmr Hamilton, Sims, Wilmingtoa, DeLj for Brunswick, Qa., put in for coal. - ; ! "Schr Spring' Bird, 176 ton?, Ilassell, Bos ioa, 18 days, GG Barker & Co. ". i Bteamship Raleigh, Oliver, Baltimore, A DfCazaux. ' . . ' : ' - r tKor Barque St. Olaf, 230 tor.s, .Uassell,? - - Londonderey, 20 days, Williams & Murchi- SOh..: ;1 j-;-::' . ,. ' ' -(" i Br Barquentine Emma Crook, .298 tons. Sully Londonderry, 44 day 3, Vick. & Me bane. : ,; ' - ' v. !. . i Nor Brig Typboti, 202 tons, Thomasen, Bio Janeiro, 43 days, R E lleide. ' 1 Steamship Benefactor, Jones, New York, D A Cazaux.. ; ; ':,y:i,, i, - !.,. vr ; ,- . ..CLEARED. r 1; Sieamsuip D J Epley, Price, Baltimore, A D Cazaiix. V A; : Ctcllp ulotor, Doanc, Ncw.TOrk, A D Uazanr. . . ' , i , : i Schr Julia "Selden, Ballance, Elizabeth CilyBF Mitchell & Son. Schr Anbdo G Midyctt, Lewis, n3'de county.B P Mitchell & Sou. t Schr Mary, Davis, Tyrrell county, De Rosset & Co. . vSchr Ada, Yeomans, Tyrrell county, B P Mitchell & Son. -4 - t j tStmr Ilamiltoo,' Sim? Brunswick, Ga., J master. i Nor brig ' Mira, Stoer, Rotterdam, R E Helde, cargo by Williams & Murchison. Schr J H Stickney.Fooks, Mayagues, P. R., E Kidder & Sons.. ; Schr Albert Mason, Rose, New York,t Harriss & Howell. J Scft- Sydney C Tyler, Shaw, Philadel phia, Harriss & Howell. .' I Br brig Arctic, ' McDonald, Cork br Pal mouth for orders; DeRo?set & Co. ; : Schr Jesse r Hart 2d, Keen, Bath, Me., J H Chadbourn & Co. 1 EXPORTS SOU XII E WEEK.. J I lr ; : i A A' COASTWISE. . New York Steamship D. J. Foley 759 bbls ; rosing 110 casks spirits turpentine, 409 bbls tar, 40 do pitch, 25 cases tar, 7C9 bags, peanuts, 45 bales sheeting, 5 do do mestics, : 29 bdls ; paper, 23 ; pkg9 metal, 3 cases mdso, 13 empty le keg9, 4 pkgs berba, 17 pkgs dried fruit; 2 bags featberp, 2 jpkus wax, 4 bdls - mattresses, 160, COo shjingles 28,616 feet lumber, t - ; r. New York. Steamship Regulator 27 bales cotton 350 casks spirits turpentine, 714 bbls tar, 2,100 do rosin, 325' pacakges 'shookslS bales sheeting, 8 pkgs paper, 5' bales warp,-43 pkgs herbs, 4 bales yarn, 15 bushels peanutsji- r , . -' ( New York. Schr Albert Mason 2,226 bbls rosin. ' r . 5 Philadelphia, Schr Sydney C Tjler 21 tons ,oM iro"t 336,625 shinghis,, 5,200 bolts, 86,513 feet lumber; v "; ; 1 Batii, ME.-rSchr Jesse LTar'ti 2-195, 390 feet p. 'p. lumber.' " ' ." , ..."'"i"5 FOKEiGN;; f I ' Rotterdam Nor brig Mira-2,833 bbls, ro8in. - - - - - ' ! ir Mayaqtjes. Schr JH Stickteey 180,630 feet lumber, 80,000 shingles. i Cork or Falmouth for Orders. -Br brig Arctic 1,412 casks spirits turpentine, 481 bbls rosin. . i , - J - TTmVfirRlt.V of Maryland " . SCHOOL OP 1TIED1C1M3.. N. E. COR.'LOMBABJ AND GREENE STREETS, K . BALTIMORE, MD, . , The sixty-plnth session of this School will begin, tn Monday. October 8; 187B.; - ' Pacultj Mathap H. bmith, M. D., LL. D.,Pres. of Vacuity and Emeritus Prof, of Eurgery ; Wm. E A. Aikia, M. D.. LI D., Professor of chemMry and Pharmacy; George W. Milteuberger, M .I.v Profes sor f Obistetrice: Fichard McSherry. M.H.. Profes sor Principles and Practice of Medicine; Chrltto Vher Jo&nstun, M. I'rofes-or of Isnrgery; tam- and Therapeutic, and Clinical Mtdic Ee; Frank Do naldson. M. D., Professor ef Fhj Biology and Hy?i eue. and Clinical Prof, of lseaees of the Throat, Lungs and Heart ; Wm. T. Howard. H !., Professor of Diseases of Women and Children and Clinical Medicine: Julias J Chlsolm, - M. D., Professor of Optba'mic and Aural Surgery i Francis T. Miles, M. D., Profeseorof Anatomy ana Clinical proreesoroi I of theNorvous System; L. McLane Tifla- M-P: AJ. epecisi aavanutgee u prereiiKU iur cuuich bi.huj. Terms for tae course, f o; Denenciary.p; ma- triculation. 15. ' ' ; H. w. Ciijfiw, Jtt- w. , , augis-w6t -.i : ; -. . Dean.- . . r - f - r . ERWIS HOUSE, r T z1 r ' - ' T p Er&ms2lOVT. ' TiTTrrOTTJPnPTVrrn-M- TJ, n . :.BTJTHERr UJiDTON . rA N T U. j month. 1 - jysa-wim g()Mmp;rciai:. y... . ' W 1 1 MING TO N M Ain T. . : , STAR OFFICE,' Aug. 3tQ P.M. rf 1 . SPIRITS TURPENTINE. -Market quiet and steady at cents per gallpn for Soothern7 packages. Sales of 350 castB at quotations. , ' " -' L'J, V ' ROSIN Market" quiet at $t ;2ifurStraia eJ and ft 15 for Good Strained. .4 No sales to report, i , - 1 '"- TAR Market steady, .with Bales ' of 169 bbl3 at '$ I'Sti, anji 4Q do, in orderat ft 40 per bbl. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market steady at f 100 for Hard and $ l..ci for Virgin and Yellow . Dip. Sales -, of 340 bbls at quotations,. being an advance of .5 cents on last reports,.! - .-v - , .. . i ;f;...- - . COTTON. r-Market firm an a: basis cf 11$ 'cents for Middlia?. Sales, of 43 bales at Hi cents per lb.' ' - . ' '- - , STAR OFFICE, Aug.; 25ft P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market ttea dy at 20 cents per, gallon for Southern packages.) Sales of 320 casks at quotations.' ROSIN. Market dull at l 12J for Strained, ; andfl 15 for Good Strained. Sales of 120 bbls Strained "at fi 12Kand 150 do at $2 002 25 for'Nowiland Extra No. 1 and $2r75 fur Pale. ' - TAR Market ' steady,' with sales of S55 ''bbls. at ft 30, and 65 do, in order, at $1 40 I "per bbl. t. . - CRUDE TURPENTINE Market quiet, at $1 00 for. IIard,.and $1 CO for Virgin and Yellow J)ip.v,;Salesi of 1,048 i bbls' at quotations.! -u.'. j . i COTTON. Market quiet and easy on a basi3 of illjicent per lb. -for Middling. Sales of ! 10 balcasatcfrora lOillJ cents nor 1H ' ' V " ' -- ' V" - r ; ' .'" i't,v.i .'3(. 1 , STAR pFFJCEAugu9t-20-0 P3I. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market 6tea dy. at 26h cents per gallon for Southern packages, i Sales of 40 casks at quotations and 120 do., city distilled, al2C ceuls.' 1 ROSIN. Market 4 dull '-at $l'12i'for Strainetl,'and $1 1 3 for Good Strained. No sales reported. - tJ " t TAR. Receipts' since our last report 94 bbls. Sales at $1'30 per bbl' Market steady. CRUDE TIIRPENTINEReceipts 1, 232 bbls! Sales at $1 00 for Hard, and $1 65 for Virgin and Yellow Dip. ' Market firm at ' quotations. ' a v i' ' COTTON Market quiet on a basis of Hi cenlsifor middling. , No sales to, re- poiL l ; i STAR OFFICE, August 28-6 P. M. ; j -SPIHITS TURPENTINE Market steady at 27 cents per gallon fdr Southern: package3. . Sales of 325 casks atquota tlOCS. - . , - - ROSINr-5Iarketdoll $1 12i-for Strained; and $115 fdr Good Strained. ? bales of 500. bbls "0,"j delivered, at $L 12 J, and 500. do Good Strained at $1 15 perbbl.' , r ,e TAR. ---Receipts since our last reports 297 bbls. Sales . at $1 30 per bbl. Market quiet, I a . - ; CRUDE TURPENTINR Receipts 152 bbls, - Sales at $1 00 for Hard; and $1. 65 for Virgin and Yellow Dip." Market steady.' I COTTON- Market quiet on 'a'Tjasis of Hi cent3 for middTingr Sales of '2 bales at 10J cents and 1 do. (new) at 12 cents per R." : f f .:r-... - . '.ri.i STAR OFFICE, August 296 P. M. . SPIRITS - TURPENTINE. Market opeaed firm at 27 cents bid. Sales of 100 casks at 27$ cents and 150 do at 27$ cents per gallon"1 for Southern packages. Mar ket closing steady at last quotations. ! . ' ROSIN. Market quiet and steady at $1 12J for Strained and $1 15 for Good Strained; Sales of 50 bbls. extra No. 2 at $1 40, 56 do No. iCat. $1. 65 and' 65 do Pale 'at$2 75pcrbbl.-,,.?. ltJ ,.n'. , ;' t TAR-Receipts since our last reports of 181 bbls. Sales at $1 80 per bbl.: i Market steady. I . -1 ' CRUDE TURPENTINE. Receipts 601 bbls. Sales at $1 00 for Hard, and $1 65 for Virgin and Yellow Dip. Market quiet. ' COTTON.-Market quiet on a basis of Hi cents for Middling. Sales of 9 bales at 10 cents per lb. ..' . - ; y , l. h STAR OFFICE, Aug. 30 6 PM. v ' ; SPIRITS; TURPENTINE Market firm at 27$ cents per gallon for 1 Southern pack ages. 'f Sales' of 100 casks'-at quotations. Strained and $1 '15 for Good Slrained.!vNb sales reported. 5 tf Ti" ' ' " :V " U u TAR. -Receipts since olir fiist. reports 12 bbls. 1 Sales atl $l '30 per bbl.' Market fi'rnL ? CRUDE TURPENTINE. Receipts '6S bbls.' ' Sales a V- 1 CO lor JIard and $1 65 for Virgin 'and Yellow-Dip.-- Market quiet ..... .. fc . . i . . t t iif n - ' . " ' I .at quotations. . s ..-.,.' I, I : COTTONS-Market: steady on a basis of il centsper Jb. for j Middling.? Saks of il: bale at 10$ and 3 bales itt 11 C3nt p.r lb. : New York Navaf Store - msrtift. j ' .; ' insnii z. i70. j' Receipts I- to day," 1,464 bbls rosin, 99 do spirits turpentine, 273 do ttir. Tliere was only a small jobbing trads in spirits tur pentine; no , sales of .moment being re ported; holders, however, were firm at 29 30c; in fact, it was those figures which restricted business-: . The movement in lhe rosin m&iket was small and unimportant, yet holders retained their late steady iew?;. no especially new features - can be men-' tioned. i Tar was firm, owing to reduced suDDlies and very moderate arrivals.' City; pitch sold in a small way at steady figures 1 lie telegrapnie auvices were as iouows: Liverpool Spirits turpentine, 2os. steady; rosin common,4s 9d dull ; fine.lOs Gd.dull. London Rosin 4s" Oil for; common; pale, 1 Is; spirits turpentine 33&. ' . . -; Cliarlestou Naval , stores flaikci. i . ,'i.,.:,'..lBtnil.i8i'i.: t't .1 The arrivals were 249 casks spirits tnrpen- tine and 1,183 bbls rosin. . It is mentioned In outside circles that the market for spirits turpentine has -been quite active in the past few f days, and sales . to the extent of about 4,500 casks have taken place, part spots understood to be at about previous rates, say: 25 Jc for oil and 26c for regu lars, and part September delivery said to be at full i previous prices if not slightly better j rates in some cases. The market , for rosins was steady for.- low grades sales 500 bbls at $1 23 . for ' strained to good 'etraiDcd; $1 .40 for extra No. 2; $1 65 for low No. 1 and 3' $1 75 , for , No. 1. ; ' Soma transactions in fine rosins have transpired at ' 5 S 25ior,low, pale, $2 26 . foi prajeana $3 50 for extra pale. -MDrude tur Atine il - i ww aip. ' '"."COTTON JflABUETSl., "."RaTftniiflli;oulet t 1TV cc.ts receh;ta J3l balesr'lvlubile, nnactife .1 11 cents receipts 470 bales; PhiladLia, dulral 22 cents receipts paies,; xtew v;jieau, quiet and easy at 9f, 10J and Hi cents , receipts 893 bales; Memphis, quiet at llf cts receipU 44 bales; Norfolk, quiet . t llf cents receipts 253 bales; Galveston, quiet at 114; cents receipts 2G3 bales; Bos ton, quiet at Hi cents receipts 150 bales; - Baltimore, - dull at llf cents receipU -bales; Charleston, quiet at 10 cents re ceipts 47 bales; Augusta, firm at 1010i cents receipts 53 bales., r - " Sale of Vessel Twenty : ' . Days' Elotico. f United States of . America Cape. Pear ' District of Hortb, Carolina.'-' JESSE J. NKWBOW) et aL " j 12T ADMIEAXTT, VS. 'T BdooieiW. J. POTTEB, &c, l S5th August, 1S.6. 3?ITRSUAKT TO AN ORDSB OS" TBS DIS- trlct Court ef the United Btatta for the EaU-rn 1 ia- trict. of North Carolina, at Chambers, Elizabeth City, the 21st day of August, 1376, and the Rules la Admi ralty for auh eases made and provided. I shall pro ceed, at 12 o'clock M., on the 18TH PAY OP VKP- . T1CMBER, 18TG, at the Custom Bouse door, in WU mingH J. to sell the American-8CHOONEU W. J. VJfTEa, burthen 17 85 100 Tons, together with her boats, tackle, risrelnir. apparel and furni ture. FOR CASH, to the lugheet bidder, unless be fore the aald day of sale a claimant or claimants stall appear and file their claim, preperly Terificd b tfore the Clerk of the District Court for Cape Fei.r District, at Wilmington, and shall file his or .their stipulation, in the mm of Four Hundred. Dollars, with surety to be approved by said Clerk. ' . ... I ' per J. N. Vanso-xkn, Deputy , r Bdwabd Caktwull, Plaintiff's Praetor. , . v X augas-Dlt&Wtda .. : T ' t r ""- '- Administrators' ITotice; - - ; IIS UNDERSIGNED HAVING QUAUFIED aeT Administrators of the Estate ef G. H. W, Bnnge, deceased, netify all pertons indebted to said lntes- . tste to make immediate payment, and all persons holding claims' against the estate of the intestate to present them to either of the undersigned, duly au- thentlcated, on or before the first day of August, 4877. or this notice will be plead in bar of their re-, corsry. . t , ' " HANKB VOLLSltS,- ' Adm'rs of G. H. W. Range, dee'd. -aug l-dlwilaw6w ' , r f -i ' .'.'- I Sportsmen's Bells. HS srORTSMKS'S BKLL TELLS -THE Po sition of the dog, causes the birds to lie cloitr. Ka . pldly coming Into use wherever the thoottng is in thick cover. ; Price 43 to 0 cents each. Address - , lv UEVIN UROS. MFG. CO. -i jy28-W3t XastHampton, Conn. n : Eoyal0i;pj ttv':f ! jolin C. -neyer'-; Hi-;- f ..- , t" ' ; i '' I AS REMOVED TO HIS NEW BUILDING, i On North Water, between Cherant and Mnlberry streets, where he will- b. pleased to see his friends ? sua customers. . . ... .. : , .., , ' art 7-Wtr o ' . f" ' DiSSOLDTlOH OF CO-PAF THERSHIP. m t ' ... JL HE FIRXOF WOOTEN.RICIIAEDSON IO. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The luei- , nets of said firm will be settled by -V. Y, 1UCH I AUDSfeN, Iwho alone is - authorbsed' to s'gn in liqnidation; t V. M. WOOTEN yf X , V. V. RICHAKDSON, - ALBEHT PEACOCK, ; W, R. KENAN, ' I- J. W. POWELL. Wilmington. N. C, July Slst, 181C: j)2id3tw4t , - . TUe .Boss ReYolM , GaTlriCLga ' Holier ! Carries Paper or Metalic ' Cartridges Either Bud Up. R EVOLVES ON CENTRE 8LT1 but 1 X pounds, and is only Tt JE8. WEIGHS i inches wide. ' It rcccire lhe Holders flre at top so as to quick shells, and. being elastic, securely clasp ! 'elastic. securely ciasp tne ssroe. iToreaseor acuon. anil lauia mooting, it excels anything of the - kind invented 1 " Price, C. O. li., $6 50. ' " . i in ordering give size or sneu, ana loose m' ssure- ment outside of vest. N. 8. QOSS. . : sept lC-Wly Neosho Falls, Kar.vss. j. J.li. GRAIN6KR ..... C. M. Stedmah..! .... S. D. Wallace... . Isaac Bates. . w.. . ......President Vice President ........ ...Cashier .Assistant Cashier Bank of New Hanover. capital paid in;1 - - $350,000 ATJTHOEIZED CAPITAL- $1,000,000 i DIRECTORS: John, Dawson, D. R. Hnrchison, of Wil- - Hams & Mnrchlson ; Hon. R. R. Brideers, Prea W. &W.R.R. -IL Vollers, of Adrian & Vollersj - . . -Jno. W. Atkinson, C. M. Stedman, of Wrlgh . & Stedman. -Jas.. A. Leak, of Wades boro. .. . M. WeddeH, of Tarboro, N. C. E. B. Borden, of Golds- boro, N. 0. h ' COL ii. iT,' Little, D. McRae. : I. B. Grainscr, President V.5 "'1U W ? " f "E. B.BoRDEH. flnlnliMitn TtunnnV R. P. Eowtti. - ; l'resiaent. - UUlUdUUlU UlUiiUUi j (: uasnier.) VI I 1 11 V II 11 111 niJlll'11 n . . j t. -.DIRECTORS! A E; B.-Bordea, ?W. T. t Fairctotfc W. F. KornegSy; B. Edmondson, Herman -WcilL; . tii: . ' J ' .1 ' . .- i, II. P. LXAK. 5 President, ff (lUb&UUl U . Dl Ollbll. , , Cashier. r' i .S s- -i DIRECTOBS:. cu, V. wf. A. Leak,R. T. Bennett,Q. W. Little, J. C. Marshal 1 - tatm&a fioptlAoMtna nt Tiemnmlt. hmiriTia fntorMt. ; " t r ' Is authori7d by Charter to receive' on. deposit . moneys held in trust Dy icxecaiors, Aamuusu-aiors, Guaraians, &c, Ac., Ac. ; c .t r. G.t. ..nwnw. m4wmi f 4V. wflaM wi . 9wnemttMf ' - . . . . . f ... 1 or our country rnenas oj man or ouuerwuw. - T. tovlB-wtf-. ,m . y , ; - VriTTT? tSATTV' QrHk-Q 1 mnE DA1LT llOBSH , STAB, ' A FIRSTLA58C0NSkBVATIVB KEWSPA.- PER, pmblished at the following; low V s ' f , ' '- ' - KATES OF SUBSCBIPTIOM s , One Year, postage paid. Six Months, -, .-j Three " - " 1" . '$7 00 4 09 -its ..t....i One . 'f " " ,M 100 ff! , STHE DAILY. STAR' Contains foil Beports of tne. Wilmington Mar kets, Telegrapule Keport of the Northern and Enropean Markets, and the Latest .1:1. . j General Ifews, by Telegraph and . ' - ' V'i v -k , ( -. i ' . ' . ii Mail, from all parts of the . j i 1 5 , v. world. Largest DAILY CIECULATI0H brtte STATE Circulation b ;! c!y: D0USLE as v-'i.-.'. ' ST ' " - ' V - -r- - Addsess, .... : " ' 4 i- .V- Hsrrox A.Fxonzzrost ,v - ' WUminsrtoa, N. C. i . ..-f . t - . . ;f .1, , it :

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