...... r, .ptTBUSHBO AT- ! j, . , & 1 .50 a Year." in advanpe,- r J- : "I O O O C O - I X ear Mieeeea.;v? 5 oa f o S5 7- rv sssssss'.- ! 6 Months oao-ow, Months nSq " - fggggggg : , 1 8888SS8 1 Month Jwo-i tWMv. SS8SS8S5 SWeeks SS8SS88-; i W V - "8888888 , j' V.J t t , f .;, . i' '. li , i s t --. 8 - : w o e o oS. '"v ; flS f e oS -1'- 2& '- s a H M m 9 as 0 55 "S3 -P2'--OS . . Wfc. a 00 'ess 81' I'- H ti H - a So SL3 ass o 1 - Post Ofile Money Orders may b obtained In all the cities, and- in many of the large towna. We consider them perfectly saffy and the, best means of remitting fifty dollars or less. .v- , V..; ... ,a ...-J , ; r i si3? KeKlsterod X.ettrs, under o-w pystem, which went into effect June 1st, are a very safe means of Bend In j? small sums of mo ney where P. O. Money Orders cannot be easily ohtAlned. Oberve the Reaittry fee, as well aa Tiostogre, mt be paid in stamp at the office "vhere the letter is mailed, on it will be liable to be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Buy and i.jflx the ttpmp both' for postage and registry put in the money and seal the letter in the presence qf the posUmaster and take his receipt for u. ? letters o"t to n in this way are atnnr risk. , i ion; . The subscription price of tbe jWekk j y'Star'Is as follows : s J . v 1 - . . ; . j . - - v- i I ngle Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.50 A ;: "-'6'mdrit.hs.' :" ri.OO ;u- g :.;:;,"': V'-5 Clubs of 10 or iabre sttbscribers, one y ear, j 1.25 per, copy, strictly in t ad- vance. ; i ."-.'iji-'v 'if ? ; .,;,, I i - : ! - .";-5 -- -. t; "s f '-"V 5r;No,Club Kates .for a period less .liana year. I : )' Both old and new subscribers 'may be included in making; tip CJlubs.r ! - At the' above prices, the , Weekly Star is, we think, the cheapest paper in the Ste,te, and its circulation; will he doubled in twelve months, if those who have worked for its suceess in the poaii mil uiuicaac ' tucu cuuita iu kuc uture. J '- .1- tr The paper will not be sent to single subscribers at club rates: JWhen clubs renew- their subscription they must do so in a body all the names, with the money to be jseht at once. ' , ; .L -. 'NEV'IOBE.-- - i The ; refusal of Gov. ; Seymour to reeeive the Democratic' nomination for Governor, rendered it" necessary that his place should be supplied -by either the Executive Committee or the full Convention. Wisely it fwas decided to call together the State Convention. It will meet at Sara toga next Wednesday,! the; I3lh. Writing of ihe duty of this Conven tion from the scene itself. Mr. Dana; of the New. York Siiny says that' " it "is felt by all Democrats and anti "Grant Independents and Liberals ;with whom I have conversed that "the epaergency is too serious to "nominate an inferior man for Gov pernor. In this, exigency it excites "mingled feelings of indignation and "contempt to see .small politicians "trying to thrust themselves into so large a place. As yet, opinion does not, point steadily to any one.il - All sensible pel sonsI recognize the wis "dom of co'nciliating.by.this nornina "tion .these! who were .'called tdti Tihleri1 tne"ni: ' From1 Tthis A' stand- "point fiudge .Church . and ivJudge "Allen", of thejConrt:ojrA7peali,.are "mentioned. ? So-is Dewitt C. West "now at the head -.lot the Electoral "ticket. Scott Lord,- of xfticaj and ' Samuel Hand, "'ot.'.; Albany, f i are ."uamed. ' --" "The llepubhca.ns are boastful ai)dv "arrog mt. A. But Gov, Morgan j will " urn "Ut lo ln a far, .weakerfcaridi' " kite Jiarr thfy now supposed , They "talk of his skill and energy as an "organizer. Thy. seem to forget .lhat "he run" the Dix campaign against "Tliiln in 1S74 kxA wit. itio nUlRnw "in Blue beaten by: 50,000; dov "Morgan is frettinff venerable.heaVv. :, "and clumsey. However, with Thttr "low Weed to tell LimT;all 'the time "just what to do, ' and with - his bar "reh of . dollars, he .is, 'an. opponent , "uot to be despised." y ' . ': ; - k - ; . , JUNUIIICKS. The great' speech' !6f. Goy,;Hen drickspat Shelby viUe;;Ind;air fex tended synopsis f of j which Clias'lbeeri printed in this paperis worthy pf a high: place in the campaigaiitei&ture Gov. Hendricks, being iVa : statemanj v dwelt ; with -i forcei pni the idemSnds t now made"' upon statesmanship.l He. expounded the vast, and apsorping Reform .' question v satisfactorily jand held up to view, the .responsibility -of Gen., Grant and : 6f ,ef Republican, party for the unsatisfactory condition of affairs in itbotry;-TbespeecJi wis elevated in .toiie,; but . trenchant in' ils handling of the wrong-doing of vr;-, . -;, u.- r ci-f- a ;,. , ? k., t'MXi iW - r--' copper VOL. 7, the Eepuio&na;;;-Goy; Hendricks is, a,noble'"andi cotntnanding.'fi'gnre in this.canipaigiuiA true friend of , the Sputh, he Js a, national . re an in xvhom. all sections may safely, ponfide. ; ;- v; . UILLT SRIini ON RIOirNTAINlBIER- -William,- who wants to be lieuten ant Governor,' has just returned from a canvass of the tradsmontanB coun ties with 1 his ; competitor,' ciCj Jar-,'-vis., "The. Observer'siya he .remarked when , he; gpt-back-.tas,; far as Char lotte:; Well, f ; d-d lif lit ! ain't the rougliestrcountTy'I'ever.saw.; -J. wasH , would nVcross the. Blue Ridge again" if ; a man; wonld ?give thef two . tliou" sand dollars in cash.': I was mistaken in thecharaeter of the '"people, for I thoughy-before-1rny": visiisthat Ihere. were a great inany ignorant ' floang voters fri .ibat.se.etiQn,;i.X:(eit!tbera:. just as I found them; and there; is no political change; either way. They not only regard with susr;iciou every thing you tell themV-buV th'ey! are" nxea in.tneir views, ana iare as stuu born as the v ery -h devil." . , On? being asked ;with. what sort of jreceplign he met,he replied:; 5'The shabbiest treat ment-3'ou ever saw. '-' It oooked iike those mountaineers wer about to run wild over Jar is.; .Tlrev.methini , .neany.. everywhere .wuni oanus ana carnages, aiii.wonid isscort him:, like he! was king, and enssed if thev didn't leave me standing like a t fool ijto get to the speaking ground the best, way I could. . It. was the same way after the speaking was. oyer hey 1 would crowd around Jarvis; shake his hand and offer to take him to f heir homes, while'ohly a I fewf niggers' and! sorry looking white men , would;' come up to roe. Sach treatment was not calcu lated to make a , man, enjoy himself overmuch, you know." . i . ' Villiara is eyidently:; disgusted. Thorn as appears to be ditto.' The people" haven't .responded to their piping. :rThe profanity of the Ivadi cal candidates is j getting to be per fectly! if rightful 'as. the" campaign deepens. -May we not have a suicide pr two, before the 7th of t Nov ember, the time 'oriirihally set for lbelEast ern disembowelment which Settle and Smith will. persist in incurring, and which the people will perform with their little ballots? It hath that seeming just at this time, the Radi cal ','Ith Uriels" to the contrary not withstanding. ' . , - ! . . , . IS II AYES A FEBJUREB f We think it does neither side anv good to utter : slanders against the prominent men of the other party. Truth is safest as it-is most manly. But- the enemy have "ipersistently soaght! since the beginning of the campaign to "injure Gov. Tilden's private character by, circalating false but injurious reports. . , One . of these vile slanders has been exploded by the Albany Argus. It now seems as if Gov. fHayes were gujity of the very thing the Radicals xibarge upon Gov. ,, Tilden Head, ftBe rt oljowing irom .the Toledo . telegraphic ; corres pondence of tbe Cincinnati 'JBnQuir&rr f "'Tfie -JtfoMheM OMd Democrat pf to-mdrroV mOTriin ?wilil contain a full exhibit of .the, false, and j randan Jent ta,x retun $ft .per8Q.n.aJ propetty for: the past; three .fears, made by Rutherford B. Hayes1 to the tax! as sessors of Hhe tirkt' wifd of 'the idwn, of ' 'Fremont'.' -The personal property other 1 lhanj:;(no4aiable, under the w 1 1 1 . .0 f; fe a r d.is.j ,iuc fi ard. j j.at $32000,- of which R.-B.4- Hayes is devise, is returned for taxation, under' the joath of R. B. Hajfes, ; a 18,100? Tjife'e Watches, the f aggregate i of which is 800, are sworn to be worth $150. in. l?75,while in 1874 one of lihe watjehes is sworn to be worth $280. t 'Four carriages are returned as being wprth. $300 in l674.while the maker ofj one. ot. the , ca.rriage8,i states ;.tbat Mr. Hayes paid him in . thatlyear lSOC for a single carriage. -One horse; va ued at $5001 is returned ' as - ivorth but' $400. In possession of ia pianol he '. : -: 1 iM 1 -Ji-' '-v -:- ' ; " ' ' has failed to. .make a return .thereof,, as the law ofvOhio.rrequire.svi:VVitii .over; $10O,OOO.u worth of j. personal property,-; Governor - Hayes :hai re- tnrned, bner oathi fbr the past three years, ieB8iiiau,o,vuu wunu iur ation. r tThe Charlotte! bar.have ..paid the tribute ' doe; to 'l exalted ' wbfthJ ;and great learning! and genius s ta Hay- Wood W.-J Guion,' Esq. '.Resolutions were passed at a.meeting nBiu on jias Wednesday, and ; were jiiblished u4n the Observer ot the following day WILMINGTOJJivN:GvFRIDAYv SEPTEMBER vI5I876,: ; s . uiN8i in;crios.s. , ; ' The'ttkaseof thVmellifluousTaft 'sent ou t" by G eh eral 1 Sh ei mart to the United 33 tales Marshals has been jimf ited," restricted,'' modifi'e'd by! subse--. queut ."Instructions.' Gen. Sherman says that "officers J -commanding "troops summoned to - aid ; Marshals and Sheriffs must 'jKffye ''fsfi them ''selves whether. the service is lawful .forr.6ssar or:cfmiffiibUjuih-thtir-ordinary.y.jnttitary.itiuties ,Th'ey fmu8t . limt J action 1 absolutely 'to "proper aid inrlhe execuliotr of : ihe "lawfui! JpfecVpt'; ty the f'Marshal or, Sheriff. "If 'tuna. per f 'mits, evejydemaed .should be" for- ,",warded.to the Presiderit for his or "ders, and in all cases -the highest "officer whose orders can be given in "time to jmeet tho emergency will alone! -assume thetespottsiiliiy pf '"action.; . it So, sbme discretion is left' with the military officer; lie need not bethe janizary chief of' ..the Tartar Sultans t of the .Republican., parly.. He may have ,tthe option pff ..obeying t or de fining jto, -obey tbe -firmans. ofj these . noble sovereign?,- As. the: traditions of the artny are honorable, f arid tbe epaulettes of the" officersbrighUl and untarnished, ;w.e jprespine, nothing' like. Injustice ; wiltbe permitted -knowingly, by the. .commanders j in1 the Southern States ' and their- subordi nates. FEV Bll-STUICKKN SAVANNAH. Theimportant city ot Savannah has been suffering " deeply from :the ravages of ' that . dreadful. " tropical scourge, the yellow fever.. Wejknbw" that the great; heart of ; .Wilmingtbn sympathizes with, our afflicted beigh bdrs, and we feel quite sure that any thing that our own felloW-citizens can do will be done cheerf ujly to alleviate . i these afflictions, 'so much " beyond i what .ordinarily, fall to .the lot of men. j Having themselves, many of them felt the ;heavy i f oot-4 step i of the Destroyer, our ;; people know what it is the people of Savan nah are now going through. . If any pecuniary assistance is needed we presume a good sum could be raised, at once. ' But we have obseaved that one or two oners 01 sucn a-nature have been ;TdRpectfully declined. It has been stated by several pa pers that "Air. Bristow's j head is so large : that his hats are ' made I spe cially for him," and the St.' Ciouis Times ' would like to know if : this is the head that Grant put on him when he precipitated him out of the Cabi net. ' .1 . . : I :'"': ; . New York Herald. ,: ItEPoiiTKTi Will not the battle really be fought in New York, as most Democrats, and Republicans agree ? ' . GKAHTOb, if we carry North Carolina, South Carolina and Louisiana, we can af ford to lose both Kew York and Indiana, as well as Connecticut. I have not the figures at band, and am not sure, jbut I thiuk it is so. v , ' But' you can't carry North- Caro-', Una and may not carry either of the other States. Your hopes are bang- in 2 on a slender tliread., ,.. fi-it: . m . . . ---- - 1 -; ! The riot reported in our.telegra'pbV . .iccolumns this jmorniogw'asihe re-r suit of the manipulations, pf i wicked Republican, leaders. The Charleston 'New8 tb Courier? &ypk)ptf: bf kqo'wn mpderati;axa; ; liberalism says : frhQ?affair ' was,. tbc result 61' the. settled .etennln.ation. of ? a, gang:', .colored 3 -rowdies, calling themselves Republicans, to - wreakq vengepn.ee' upon;sdme men'pf; their" own color, who have .pre8iihle.d, to, piibllcly, affiii ate.with the Democratic party."f r . , ' The Conservative nominee for. the ii t...... - ... . f t . i benate ,;from . Randolph., and! Moore counties is i Marraaduke S. ;iRobbins, Esq:,1 the able editor ohe Ashebdro Regulator In ' the Convehtionlfrof J 0V;Carr:ofyTriDity, College,! de clined to allow his. name to be used as .a candidate or, the nomination. The nominees for the House are Prs. Fox and Winslow;' The prospect;! in Randolph is first-rate.1 ! ,:.' 1 i The Democratic, and(. Independent press .areppleased withj the ndmina-, ipnsjn Massachusetts and; Connecti cut. . Such papers as the 'New Yprk '2ri&w7i have the 4sonr grin8."r I ;'x Mrs. Tilton ' supports . herself by ffivins musio-lessons.- She ' lives in a quiet ; way . in I ;!Rrooklyni; with jher mother and ih as so society, to speak of... ;Bes8ie Turner is fa destitute cir cumstances Jn; frther neighborhood !of New .yprkr, , She Jias thei ability !to act as y teacher,., or; governess, bat her services are not i a uemauu.. . "'-v- ' i ii i in II ii iWIBVSS-sfc II I ' r Rutherford " College t will add next1 session a "Business College" depart meat under an Eastman graduate, f PElUM.FnOn PULITZClt. . "tt&it Saturday bight, .at thegreat de m on s tr a tion; i n. f J.n d i a ,h apo is, - SI r. Joseph Pulitzer,, the German Reform leader of St, Louis,' made a speech full of cogent logic and garnished " , . ."'1. . ' -i (' " wiiu mucn earuesu rnetone vy e, make a fe,w extracts, - . On the subject of Hayes andiGrant-j ism Jur. .ruiitzer saia; ' If you! approve of Grantism you - must vote for .Hayes. - If -you-: condemn it,- you must vote against him.; Condemning Grant-. ism, yet supporting wan tism's Candidate, would; be like jumping but of, a frying-pan into the fire. -The simple question, Mbere- fore, upon which this Contest should be de-' cided isr'Poes the party in power idtserve a vote or. confidence trom.the people? Is it not contempt rather than fconfidence It deserts?;' -; 4 ;;,;, ji against the .S.outh,'he asked t' 1 . ;.;T. " Is this fanniii? of ecttodal strife, -this digging up of old lends, this arousingjof old prejudices this .appeal to passions, the true American spirit? 3 4s tbissMttesmauhip? I deny it It is. a spirit foreign, to a' great and generons republic. - It is a, Sspiritj, most foreign to every sense of true manhood. It is the spirit of eternal hate aqd. not of pa triotism.". :. . j - . - r :- JHis own record as a Union soldier and ; Republican . wasj s referred to. Six years ago he had left that party. With great unction : Mr. j Pulitzer charged : upon 1 the Republicans their frauds' and the malicious prosecution of wW Issues j-He said; L-,J," "I ask you, fellow citizepsl if. there are aoy traitors and rebels to-day, who are. they ? ' Wbd is the friend lot the gtfyerp meui ? li- .who robs it. ? Or he 'who. en deavors lu lfcfcjnq it ? The real traitors to-? day are Dot lue people of the Souths who, after lighting Iikc men, bebaved like men, accepted tbe new order ot things, praying for iteactv .when jiyou, Mr; Morton; gave luimpiuuderings,, but youi Mr. Morton and 'uar friends,! tbe loyal jBelkoaps ahd' ttlaiues, and Babcocks, the patriotic! Robe- .'SonSjc Delanps; Qrths, .Schencks, the Mc- iJonaiua, Joyces,. Uaseys, . f omeroys. rack-; ards, Pinchbacks, you are tbe 'traitors of to day' He who robs his government, or he who consents to it, or he whose (sworn duty, is to prevent, it, yet, jails to da so, is tbe enemy of the government to day. - He who casts -shame and dishonor upon hia country is the rebel" '.of to-day. He who eleven years after the war maliciously fans sectional, strife, thereby.flghts against that Union fdr which I fought during the , war a real, harmonious U nion. 1 ; IVhateyeryou may say about- tbe old 'rebel. ' - Mr; Moi- ion, iney at least ao not sieau n OOWLBS FOU ADARlSi We'though'l 'so. - Bowles couldn't help it. The thing, had to be. Bowles was " pledged to C out-Adams j every other Adams man, and sq the Spring field Republican, although a Hayes paper, must perforce supjport Charles Francis for Governor of Massachu setts. - . - -; , The Republican says the nbmina lion of Mr. Adams is ihe smartest thing in politics this year!, an unusual! visitation of common sense. It com pares the State ticket in detail with the - Republican, and pronounces it fully equal if not superior in all re spects, and it indicates itb purpose to favor its election on grounds of State policy "and reform. Thje following are extracts f ram its editorial:! f'This brilliant stroke I, of political . stratjegy will undoubtedly win many -hesitating voters, both, within jand without the ; State,- to the support of. Go vernor Tildeh,- but it will not reduce the Massachusetts votel for 5 Hayes. It will not"'uuder .the , the preseptas peUsjTof , the. ej'repder'it lresi dcntial .vote doubtful,: but it does, 'with, other Uocal causesV make, tbe re sult of the State ! and i. Congressional elections t doubtfdl. .Thousands of Ved'and will not hesitateHtp vote! for Hayes 'and :-W heeler, -will vote for Charles Fran cis Adams for Governor of Massachusetts; and it: will not be siirprising if there are enbugbj ' of these, to insure his election. . Indeed, the consequences of this nomination are:; far reaching : and as yet uipde veloped. They are likely to go; not only beyond J&assachusetts, ; h be yond this campaign ; Itj is the best single move on the political 'chess board this year, and its effect! upon the game threatens to, be serious." With all of his enthusiasm Bowles is illogical. Adams will help Tilderi in and out of the Bay State. -This Bowles ought to know, j ..;.;' ' - There seeras; to be a strong jnews paper pressure for, the nomination of Congressman Scott Lord for Govern or ' b v the New ! York - Democratic Convention next Wednesday. Srunswlclc Mladeni ' "?'Dr. W. Gl Curtis,' Chairman of the :Ex- ecutive CommAttee " of ! Brunswick county, and C, C- Lyon, Esq 4 Chairman of tbe Ex ecutive Committee of Bladen county, give notice !that 1 tlie ' Democratic . CbnserVati ve Convention tpr? the 13th Senatorial District, comnosed of the counties of Brunswick and BladenV will tueet at'; Rob.eson's 0nL Th'urs .uay, the iiin insi., ior tue purpose o uuui- inating a candidate for the Senate. j - , The People JJEloTlBji. n-1 r, r 1 j j p " ;There'wiirbd aTilden;Vance ahd Wad delf Cldb organized at ,Sari"dy; Ruii; 'Grant Township, on Saturday, the 16th j instant. Appropriate v addresses by v. Democratic spea&ers Will ue ueuvercu uu iuo uuuubiuu Detnoeratle Fleeting c lit Jtl rntlt Tawmhlp-Organization of a Clnb. A large and -enthusiastic meeting was held at Humphrey's in' Harnet't to wnship in thi county, yesterday, ; ' ... " . .-The. meeting was called to order by Cap tain Lewis Jfearce County Committeman for that iownship. '. 't-'- ' 1 , . A' Tildeny Vance and, Waddell Club was then Organized, with tbe following -pf cers: tn t . v --1 r - ilit ,r ? V , President Chas. B. Futch. "r. ; -First Vice President John Ennettl iSecond Vice President Garrett Walker. Secretary JL'AX Hoseley.t , 5 -. - , ' .Working ComrAittee John Odham C JL Bonham, T. B. Kamey, Jos. JKerr, Wm. M. Shepherd. i, - The meeting was then addressed by Jno. L: ! Holmes, Esq,'. John H." Currie," Esq. Mr.?. N. Hintpn' and Major a W. Mc- Clammy.. 7 t3, ' ; ". ;T i& great deal of interest was manifested, ana) a.determination evinced by all to use every effort .nthe present campaign .to promote tlit; success of the parly of Iie form. - r - - - Wllmlneton Retail market. . The following prices ruled yesterday: , Apples, (dried) 12i cents per pound; dried i peaches 25c per pound; walnuts, 25 cents ; per peck; pickles, 20 cents - per dozen; lardt 18 jcentsper pound; Gutter; ;30gl40 cents per pound; cheese, 20 cents per pound; grown fowls 6570c a. pair; spring cliickr ens from 20 to 30 cts a pair; geese'I 50 per pair beef 10llic. perpoundbeef, (corn- jed) 2l15a per pound; veall2i16Jc. perpouna; mutton, 12i15 cts; perpoundv! hamj 1516ictsT per pound ; shoulders,12i- 4 j . ' j . er A ... i wais perpuunu; iripe, ucis, per uuncn; clams, 25 cents a peck; open clams, 2025. cents a quart;- soup bunch, 5 cts; eggs, 20 25 cents a doz; sturgeon, 25 cts.' a chunk (5 lbs) ; potatoes, new Irish; 50c a peck ; fish; trout 25c. per bunch; mullets 1025 cents per bunch; turnips, 10 cents a bunch; on ions, 10 cents a quart; cabbages 1 520 cents a head bologua 20 .cents" a pound; pardey, 5 cents a hunch ;carrots; 5 cents a pound; rice l00c"arquitrt; crabs 15 cts dozen ;; apples 2040cta per peck ; Sound oysters ; 2U cnts ; a quart cauiulower, 1 10 25r cents; celery, ' 25 cents pen bunch; beets 50 cents a - peck; tomatoes 5 cts. per quart; watermelons from 5 to 10 cts apiece; stone crabs 30c a bunch; cider 2040.tsis a gallon;' peaches 3340c a peck; scupper' nong grapes 5 eta a quart ' - 1 Brnniwlek Rewt,: i ' 'j-4 J The Republicans of Brunswick held tiiei'r Township Convention at. Smith? illc on Friday evening. John L, Wescott, who presided tendered his. resignation - as a member of the Township Executive' Com-' . . . ,.. j ' . . - ....... .i t t mittee. - -,--- - - - . ... S. P. Swain,: Wm: Brown," colored, and S.: C Smith, colored, were elected dele gates to the County Convention. . After the appointment of an .Executive Committee the Convention adjourned." Wallace Styron, Esq., of Lockwood's Fol ly, died at Smithville on Thursday morning last, at 2 o'clock, of pneumonia and billions fever. :, Mr. Styron has for several years been an active member of the Board of County Commissioners,, and by his mod erate and conservative course, as we learn from a correspondent, had made hosts of friends in both-parties.' His remains were conveyed to Lockwook's Folly Thursday evening. .. , .,...-, iriyaterlons Disappearance. - ' i , On the 28th of August last a well ureses ed man, giving his name as -R, Mills, and' who was understood to hold, a position-- on some one of the vessels in port at the time, appeared 'at thec hoarding house of Mrs. Warren,' on Second, between Market and Dock streets; and en gaged board: ?" He re mained there until the,2d day of September, the most of the time being under the influ ence Of T ardent spirits, , and! appearing to have, plenty oLmpney, which was mainly in gold. He took dinner at his hoarding house that day; after which he departed,in 1 cbmpiny uwith a stranger- and has not since.'.been; ;seen :or? heard ?iJt. :j From -the fact that be left hiB trunk apd oher tartH cies at his boarding-i house, .there is ojae appreeensioh that ha may have been foully. ..i. : y.u. -.-v 1 .- :t :i.i"i) Han tins forWork;' '' 4 .,r; I ! A gentleman of this city, whd,i has been fin ft trip to. the,. western part jof the State,, land r county numbers "of Vwbite women:' :L1 . '.1. I.'.' .'.-I 1. !!. .1 w uiiuui ,iiiy .maie .prmaiurs witu iukui, who said they were in search" of- employ- meot, ; ;It is bad enough to see men tramp ing through the country in. search of work; how infinitely worse to find women in our 'own : State of North Carolina reduced to such an extremUy.'''rLetius hope there is a bettef day coming. " - . s A ?elile-r. " To show that our candidate forGoverncr is a long ways . in . ad-Vance of Settle, ,we give the result pf a; vote taken on the Cen tennial excursion train, which left here; on Wednesday evening, forwarded by a Stab correspondent, as follows:-' ' 11 ' T . ,i Qjj the Cars,5 Danvtxijc, vi.t 1 ' R.r.'.-pcf September 8tb. f Dkar Stab: A vote was- taken on the train to-day, which resulted in Vabcc getting 318 SeUle 7The Jadles did not vote, but of course are all . for .Vance. About six hundred on excursion; all well. 1 ,: 'Respectfully,'1 " ,' . :j - . , . " -' - Excursionist. r Religious Revival at Ions; Creek. ! 'We are informed by 'Mr.! John M.! ,Briu son.'ClerR of ,the Baptist Church at Long Creek, Pender County, that the congrega tion worshipping there have' ' recently en joyed very interesting and 'encouraging revival ui ivugiuu, icsuiuugm wcnuuiuvu or twenty-seven memDers to their numDer, twenty-three by baptism, and four by resto ration. Of this number teri were , females and seventeen males being- of the young and promising of the community. NO. 46. Xle Determined Mplrlt lu Soutk CMr- f U olluai ' 1 , (.Special Star . Correspondence. r ..It has been ;the .pleasure of "Voxii '' correspondent to - spend rquch' of ; the; past, few, weeks, in ;the border of South Carolina, and we have niade it our business to.post up on the situa tion with.mccli eare, that wo ! might give y bur, readers an insight into the doings rover here, and It would- fill ' the beart of ; any; loyerTof,. good go-. vernment - to attend ope of the piir: lie. polit)cai rneetip gs, and see the pa triotic enthusiasm of Carolraa's sons and; tax-payers as they clamor f or j-e-C .form. It ..will surprise ihany tNorth Carolinians' when they.'find out thatr cuo oyeiuuer elections ,wui , j place a Democratic governor 1 inthe execu tive .chair, of South Carolina, but such will be the case unless the signs of the times belie themselves. I Conservative Clubs are: forming in every township in the StateV aud it is" surprising ta see the hosts flocking to the banner ; of reform The . Demoi- crats 1 have in vited the. colored-men to help them reform the rotten and over taxed governmeBijand tbeyl are! com ing over with. a right good .will, and under the guarantee of the Democrats that they will gua'fd and protect the livesllibferties and ' nro'nertv of the colored' men) (witlKlbdfr'own) who join; inwu inenxjir oenait ot reiorm, . . i .. -? - j -r . . iiuinuers , Mye ;joine;u.xeno!crauc Clqbs, and color de c!are;thirprhfcipes arid &r rkising. Demb't-ralic Scrubs iii! Waf ety; ' Your cprresputideiii ; has r, already!.- heard several j colored men - denounce the Republican' governmenV. and -declare for ' Hampton and 'Reform.! The doom of Radicalism is sealed in South Carolina and. already the .leaders of the- party i are, -like drowning men grabbing nt strawsusing.every avail able means to-frighten or'caiole the colored Imetf into further Allegiance the faith, and the Democrats are de termined to protect : the honest col ored' men'with their own lives' an,d do Pot intend they ;shali be forced by Radical masters into further political bondage.; f , The ,utmo8fr. good fueling prevails between the. whites and honest blacks, but ! the leaders stand aghast and are; almost persuaded to do right;.! The Democrats and hbnest colored men have harmonized and re corded a vo w that the go vernment of South Carolina shall be reformed, and started j on a career with3 new life and leaders on the universal prin ciple of absolute political and per sonal freedom, and they ; are . deter mined :tb have it'.T The' colored f men are invited to. attend, the Democratic clubs arid -hear for themselves the" purposes of the Democrats, .while the Democrats are determined .to attend e very radical meeting in 'the daylight or at the midnight hour, and prevent the low down white men who attend their meetings , f rom . promulgating falsehoods to the ignorant, blacks. They make ho secret of their purpose and do not intend that tbe poor black man who aims to do right shall be secretly taught .to do wrong as .they have been. i - - - : conies off victorious -1 North Carolina will have reason! to be" proud of her down trodden , South Caroiina sister, for' her sons intend to redeem her, and her enemies may as well ' retire to rest, it j ..' H. v. ' ' NElvkPAPJBR OPINION. C-J .1.;..'Jf...l I' t ' 1 I i Richmond Dispatch: ; . -? j We told the Democrats Of the House of Representatives long, ago .. that they would better haver remained ia Washington all the year than4 "to have gelded to the Republi cans of the f- Senate on the question of re Dealinsf f! tbfliaw 9 authorizing; ;tbe Federal Onvfirnmint io interfere in the elections. ;held m the "several States. : rue law is yet to b$,tben sttrc0 ; of woes v hu numbered to this unhappy land. .It is that law which is to lead the Government 'directly ;info sj mil itary -despotism,, Or; jadirecUy and ;aftera time into a new warAnot a war between sections; but belweehdifferent Stages ip the North,' ."...J' 1-. : " ' I ' New .York -Worlds . 1- ,:;'! : The extravagant exultation of the Repub lican press' Over the : refusal ot TAr. Sey mour to accept tbe nomination unanimous ly pressed upon biin by the Saratoga Con vention;!" can only be compared1 to: the rantnres of a roeue in full! flight front the police when his foremost pursuer slips on s banana peel thrown into me sireei uy some reckless idiot, and falls with a far-resounding crash. There', could be no . more fatal confession of the hopelessness of the case bf a great political party than this scream ing jubilation over a tactical mishap of its opponents. ' ' -" ' ' - j Charleston Kew$ md Courier r " ' '"'"" i t, The ostensible purpose fof the circular is to instructvtbe marshals ; inai in me ejec tions for Representatives to Congress land for Eleciois for President and Vice Presir dent, occurring at tbe same time as; the State elections, thev are the persons charged -with keepiBg the peace and securing an hn-; partial election. . The real design, it,is well; known, is to endeavor to bund up the wanine fortunes of the Republican ' party, by intimidating and dispiriting the whites,' and giving 'countenance to the unprinci hled men whose occupation it is to sow dis sensions between the races in tbe South.! This design the circular will fail to accom plish, i The people generally, -and especial ly those at the &oum, nave oecome jiccuu tomed lo having troops among them, and are not frightened at ; their, coming; nor do they fear the Deputy. Marshals, provided the latter are content with -seeing that the election is fair.. Nothine less than the put ting into jail, without bail, of a large part of the population of every county in the State can now save South Carolina to the Republicans in November. The Deputy Marshals appointed- on Via day election cannot .prevent Democrats now from de nouncing the Radical leaders, from proving their venality and cowardice, and: from pointing out the. ruin . they are bringing upon the people, white ana niacK. Spirit" -u: r atine. - Bishop Atkinscn v;i!l preach in Wadesbsrq on.the 24UL.; .' has been found . near t r ,r' rThe t Southerner- raa i n 1- r 3 com plainfTorsome of the "rulings .and of the r temper of Judge Moore. y rTbe Tar River Baptist Associa tion will meet in Henderson on the ltih in- i'irr-; Tbomasville has another shoe .manufactory which is run by a firm from - " Vttariotte,.v- f. ' 1 t ?-r:A buntinsr party inTash count v killed four deer.the. other morniog befoie 10 O'clock,.; , ?. ... J. : v , . ' " Guilford -county Conservatives' seem to., be fully aroused, ; -Meetings are held nearly eyv day.v .;r.ff. .r. .:Mr.fJo8iah fiuffff? has . been re- noininated for the Senate by the Democrats of Greene and Lenoir. K . ' Conservative Lecrislativfl ' nnmi. . nation's in "Cabarraf? fFor the' Senate. Ml: ; L..-Heirigr HouserErErHarris; ? 1 The'premiam.list of the State Fair is in the bands of the nrinter. arid will 1 he out by 'the' last of next week. George Allen &. Co.. of New- bern, donate fifteen of their Blows to the i State Fair-in the way 9f special premiums. v - .s J4(?aace.There are Jiot enough 1L2L T'j 'MTil . :. . .... . f V. wue j.vuuigaja inYYjisojt, county 10 nil tue legat. requirements of, two each to the town ships as judges of election. , " ; The Radicals have nominated as candidates for the Senate in Nash, Wil-1 son and' Franklin. J.:J..Sharn. of . Nah. ". and.Joshua Perry, of Franklin. John WilliamsicbibredL orio of - the Cohen murderers, -is sentenced to be- k hanged on the SOtb'of September. ADnli- cation for pardori fcfir be presented to the ' uovernor.-' A;sewiog society, composed of 1 the young ladies of .Dutham between the - ages of twelve and seventeen, has been or ' ganized for the benefit of the Oxford Or- , phan Asylum; v -i . , . r In.; compliance' 'with the invita tion of the Tilden-and Vance Club of that . place, Hon. A.. S. Merdmon will address i 1 the people in the county round about Cary r at that place, on the 7th of October upon ' i the political issues, of the day, , 1 , , 1 ' t-r Sentinel Dr. M. T; Yates, mis- sionary to China, was born in -Wake couii-1 1 -1 ty. We learn he has recently regained his 1' i voice and ' has' -severed: his1 connection as !h vice-consul of .the English Government at f: bhanghau - . -''., - The Conservatives - of 'Union : and Anson, met at Beaver Dam last Salur- j 1 day, the 2d, and nominated Coh E: R. Liles, of j. Anson, to represent them in the ! i State, Senate,from. that district , CoL L. L. Polk was bis prineipal competitor, and was .11 only defeated by a. small vote; . ; ; --Tsrborq' Southerner: The case j of Fred. jLane, 4he beginner of tbe riot, was given to the' jury on Wednesday,, and not ! being able Uagree -they were discharged -j m on Thursday.' The jury stood 7 (colored) i for acquittal and 5 (white) guilty. , A strict color line. - 1 ' . TheDavidson Record wants to know Vf what : has - become, of the $11,000 coutity taxes 'collected 'from the taxpayers of Davidson by the Radicals some years ago, and never accounted for. When ques tions like this "are. put to Republicans they ) do as Judge Settle, make no answer. r ' SoncJKla romarl? txf UnArra Mnra I at Tarboro Court: "I hope every man be- j fore me is a lawyer,' a juror a witness or a ; defendant. I repeat, those people in this j courthouse who have nd business would be j a great deal better employed in the fodder j field'r 1 1 -j- -. v-j- ' : ;;jT7RaldgrnSfew&ine2' Mrs. Thomas, ! a widow', in Buckborn township, Harnett j county, was robbed the other night of evety I vestige of flour and mouthful of bacon she i had in the ''world. The scoundrels even stole all her, salt. 1 1 Wc are glad to bear the j rascals have been caught, 'three negroes, j Isaac Johnston; Mabe Vestral and Henry j Dougal. -- -' j . Raleigh News : .C. B. Cole, I Deputy, iSheriff. of Granville county, ar- j rived m this city Thursday morning with three prisoners who were convicted at the recent term of 'Granville Court and sen tenced ta the penitentiary as .follows : . Al- exander -Mayfield colored, , sent up six ; years for burglary ; "James Smith, colored, i burglary; three y ears v Moses Walker, col- i ored, larceny, three years. ' ! -1 The first 'bale of cotton; of the present 1 year -offered in the Charlotte market, on the 30th ult., classed good style middling, and was purchased by Stenhouse, p Macaulay & Co., at Hi cents per pound. Last year the same firm., bought the first I bale on Sept. 4th, at 16J cents, and the pre-, ! viousyear the first bale sold on Sept 8th, : also bought by the same firm, at 17 cents i per pound. - . t .. t i .Goldsboro JHfewenersays: Our ! good friend, Wmv Edgerton, Esq., had a i most happy family reunien. at the residence i of his 8O0-in-law, Mr. T. E. Hodgers, near ; Goldsboro; on the 26th ulto. v There were i present in all nine of his daughters and sons and their wives, and .husbands, : all being i married; also 85 grand Children, making a total of' 63-descendants- ' An artist was on hand! to take the' picture of the entire family - group, ana alter a oounuiui repa$w bu uu- i persed, leaving Mr. Edgerton a happy man. i - Charlotte Observer; From , a , gentleman just from Beattie's Ford; Lin- n coin county, we are informed that W name- i t less outrage was committed in that county i by a negro named Ab Abernathy, upon the person of his step-daughter, a yeuns col ored girhaboursixteen or eighteen years of age. The deed was committed in the neigh- h! borhood of Hunter's Mill, and the perpe- ;! trator of the crime was. arrested on last. Sunday; carried to Liocolnton and placed in the county jail.to await the action of the l Superior Court,. ; . Raleigh. Sentinel: The Demo- ', crats had a regular field day at Warrenton t last Tuesday. . In the? day General W. R.-. Cox, Hon. Joe Davis, Fab. H. Busbee and i W. A. Montgomery spoke to rousing crowds I inr-front of the 'Tilden-and Vance club rooms; ana at nigni, t?. m. uook, w imam 1 1 Eaton, General .Cox" and Hon; W.lf. H. i i Smith sp&ke at the. same place. : Wednes day night the people were so much inter- ested in the ' movements of tbe day that C ! M.. Cook, T, M.!Argo. and. others -made 'parties came forward and joined the club, in V5" .Tarbbra Southerner ; Oh Tues- Ii day, at Hamilton, where MaJ. Yeates and D. . McLindsey 1 had - aa - appointment to , speaktbere earner near being a general row.n McL'iodsey was addressing ther'peo pie. Mr. Jas. E. Moore, : of Williamston, ; t asked McLindsey a question, , when -McL. i t called him a liar; Moore at once , slapped ' him on the mouth. ? A burly negro, f rom i behind, then rstruck Moore Wllh "a stick, ' knocking , him -senseless, v At this1 time ! nearly all the white men bad left not caring ; t to hear McLmdsey's twaddle,. The negroes crowded up and endeavored to make the h row generaL , Mr. , Duggan came .to the" rescue of Moore, Who was literally covered : wiia negroes, wnen navw&3 esizea, ana being carried: Off -by the .mob, evidently with the intention of murdering him. i: Sheriff :Hardeson happened to be oa the ground,' and but for 'his exertions- blood .would have been spilled; r Tbe negroes had ; concocted. this; thing an hour before the : speaking. ; - ' -'; ' ' '.-' - - " i ' ,- ' : A' r

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