6 ('.:..t. - - " 8 - d o H .- s - - o; -:-' M' , M : : H -Wei SB to: $1.50 :a Yew iadraiuje . s S ftfl T O ft 'a 91 - J Jr SSSSSSS:; 1 Month f -; ' - 5.- Mi 11$ 1 uses 1 - w w w mm 5S, - a' 4 - mi i - I Q - - J rronttuoaintii ae c:te, And In mnv ' tKj p nd the best mean? pf remitting fifty doUirs " PTdtemt which vent Into effect Jane isU are ti - A-ftVy safe metfntf of: sending smAllButaa f wo ney where P.O. MdnyOrrterwcnriOttoe asfly obtained. : Otuener tJSteaUtry , as e aa jvotage, mtrt 6 paid, in itamp at thetoffice v here the letter Is taaa,!6r 1t will be liitbln lo be sent tothe peadTetter Offloet BUy m vflx the ttampt both for potag and registry, ' put tA- jioJwowdtafefcwripiorA . letters . f n-r tow in thts-wai-rt fmrrtsSr-rrT - ' , ' i - . ' - i. - I- J ,-. - -. . - ' ..'O -f - . I .. J. ! 19 snbflttofiffeeo r .-.;' IT ft v. -.' :. t----- . - Clubs of-10 oiranorej snbsoribets, .yearlkSS -per-eopj .8trietly in -.50 one, ad :-. " fiotli bid fand;-new "subscribers may f , At ,the . ab,pyp .prices Ih.er.WttY; 4 Star is. wet uiinjc. cheapest natoer , in the State! and its' circulatJon will , wuouaye ,ore iprssuccess n (the itfie pas i, win increase tueir euuris 111 tuiure. - . i i . ,..M .. jr. 3 - 3 .IJ-I' iir-lt 1 ;fo ' t The,. paper-will -not' jbe rmva . i siHgle8ubcriberatlab rateap-Wten , j. eluba Jcnew .tbeir subscription-Jtheyri inust da aa iqi a bod j-all 4b.naanes,' .. ,witn themooey tobe ent at -ontci. Thi: etinenil m lcbfflQnd, :Taesdayi mornrngj at 11 :41; was" a;' 'riatiir of Dramniphd to wnr rAccomaq ' county; iBeing; left- k nKiti'w rftotitotf4 ucatediby his father relativeaw Ilir Iege!PeflnsyIvapiat where he became? uatedt m - i82sC JIe; f cotnoieaced t u iuckerj lie? remained witftP J ttdgw T he retarnedihome andtftast his! maiden '. denti ,i!Tfi: sanie-ry caf ' ike jmafrlecf ,' Alias' enigjmJpht:, - Htcfnovea io mat Dtate' ana lormeq n co pa r tn e re I) Tp y I tb" "Joiafi Qft?4 1 Esq. ? After a residence 'of j 'two years!: lnNashville he" returned to his ra-' uo wuiiiy. xii 1002 lie, was a ueie-i gat?;eeocraU ventiion at BaltiraoTeVdwfierjS i advocated the' ripminaionj ol Jac k4 . . to support Van Bnren tQr .VjCfl!KrjB Jent. In 1833 the Jackson party of tae 1' ; B kterfilibrei' BOiiiEfie44 Wile for iCongteSs ... nmuacakion, eanoaawi' nue wwt fwisce jfi a due , and wasrwoupedf bgbsaK intit teoits were mo vtf from th ej J auknu.n. Wise, w'ufai;' sixteen j6ther( metolers of thHtibM went over tpt hi' wire-'thedf' ahd.Be'VaV ?ftfkfrYea LI. i ,secori.d,ivuerin.484i tQithqtiangmer 1 ojh! hi' Wdtef between Messrs. Graveili : in wih. the jiair ,waa killed-t Wise wa itiiaiwly iristroitieutal- in secbf ; ;the hWnirhaltiBri' W aronn4 liVleE'fo- , Yice'rresideiU.aj9dabef4ib0 deAn foT Geiir Hafisoi nd"tnyt!abgei&iod t cIir 184 a'he. if ecei ve"d the 4 bppof bt4 iin " ejeeted'Vbr'l Ibe'-'Serfatfei iSflif sbke .WPWn srey,sdtm,hl,pftcttyrat 44 "!owrtbfHBraztt,4ard Hived 'ifl 'Rio JU4 lif (. H.Jtu Yl'l'I,,"it'!',Ml'l,iJ 'i'i I -U"' f" I neiro from 1844 'to 1847.? Il&.wnd Pr8ffiMHialIector'fbr)Ga3imilB48 f waaVnnljer'b,fithe'J CbH'veatlin'td eleieted Ver'Bfif 06 - . . -',! 1 .... ,Ji...lL'it 171 of t tffcli.'h fAVl "ihilfert tWiao VAt J ,h Itrh H f wrwtiAo 4 Wall VnH tt iin the opiKsition. ' 'In vJ83o, jahd agaih . in 4.833, b.wa fre-aleetedMtlnf i8,3& ' of" HVAt.IbU 'SerHrfntV' or aoel phit, In,i83.7t5irfiV'l'edwtd- of ryler to the, IVeshlentV CM1 ' "LJiUflitl of r (Hull- m'lHiT Ml -M-HW I ;ciaM'y in, regard 4 the bank$ qdistiod revise ine uonsiuuiion oi. v ir ...,7 s7.tittTSM!.: andin I IJS52; again, eiecioraor; fierce ?. In 1$54 he was selected Governor: of Virgiuia by .te'n-thoueaod r majori ty, after singnlarly' activeand s'ef- feet- - canvass of theeife"StateW .v.;l-. I bis second .wirojdieii: and .no. w an,irr1edjaaMB pmk Jii j 185? talliss Lyonsiof RnSojt'fillrc :t. JrlnilSiaSI .hr'r)ijliiu7t!ai one pf.Uie.4a8i acts .o -h isdcuoistn lion. ' i-1 K J t-'S I ;J,-f the o oramance oF secession that he en-' teTdlartilyfintcub cause $t tbe, sCcfederacyi sllia4app6inted ler-generaij which rank'heboti- diatineauihed hiittaelf.U.Wet resret; thasiwet ha t'e firtot1 Ihe-Kpaee ere lo ie ?k'ii(ittbeM iftieHiti'iigl (alllf- I uiiik nicy uiiiibti J. - 1 - - - I dF Nllnlll Iffoira in 111. Ini...n Jf lAyA Affair8n4ngre8k; -tbeiXJnitedrtatesjominire- par o6BquVr4::Mo : UttitVd-J&ae -vy aiaeattB me praciicaraevBiopmeni or J He areeu tienerar iee to lustl oaJ termsf at the'f!iacr fcdflferentfe bfi ' ' Gen. Wise is known riBrtQ2?hbnt l.ne,.c0antry.s ;tAe autbQr.o-fieyen Decides rr th tTnntfindfairfl net oi poiuiQai-feuers anu parapnieiai onrfoy Mtter tKef tar: -he -roainlv--devoted' -himself ! to the raesd.. . He-was-' appointed ; by f 1 mil mi icoiiiiib n; inc: iu.ru iiiim iBB dud 1.UV 4...,,, V 'M !l!t l V I Mi,Commi8sioneivratd ren Valna-! , j5P.TS.roorl4We wM.Dnepilbetrobst xemarkabla men of the jBge:With fcthe'haTaeteristica - oran' inlellectial waa,cnatanUy,.atirriagjjip. euuviiies.. Notwithstanding i&isVf jboWeyer, Umb .piished politieuiBb gftwaais. have-neen moWwlcHiiieihvi' f e W ake., sbowo a raggeder, 'more aeiermihBct spirit mbubnrfe5 few have seen greater? VidssrCtfdes; Hd. ? f e hate ' rtWAf or - imnrofitinn nn thf .iK.;B,'i'.fg4aiiHKBi wcu gaiur ed't&bMi fathers. l'?'J 'f" t ion; Hke the Near JYTria.Vldwi Behold MaiMs h&rthW&Qiti&k co, uii.Kovemberiiaa.Lfllain. went I ;nroDnaiaw.i laeraiiare jaecewersTana t ra fondfn&fwthedesatedelirsipuMa I 1 saud. f.Tbe.ZiJfiSpatnncbf PWSt deaotaelles )a w .toe jasevat latrtwdt QaiTal f 1 :jt iT f eanwaaii aiwgwiQne?y)iad . ieir cjajomy 'isirgnyniwreaaii -.11 .1 j i..Vf r.. -MJ1 -tul n 1 1 & f uJTtI A.I wBtB6offTit"iV W6uld"b&- Put -tb,er.eTi rootntngitni wiiiwiacoaraee' vmv b n-m ll-!l '41 HHI MVJ B l"H I rpiVtkTfi Ithai PresidefltiailtfCtidn'-ii fleitby inne,, n,of , Judianazbui -iH lftltetisiwiTI I bd 'nYOfe 1 tiearl v a -fTf mftTJrfi'il liTihf'hs!'MdmIgs1ofl more than two, rnilliojit of Democrats d'llibra!i irhii f jog if 'b6j(fnn. old iban'perniy'fpbala t W,fW , " 'thelas talesmabl'W se b, woM: f fe'fej kg significant arid are llMKnir jhite. a 1iat;japy,.fireathe1Cw iff - xeniocrais were-r'oiHE " ' uoj .abate qprasjAjtareiiftjiing np .. aw3Wtyoi?pasi ftistofia-ncr w WHera - voa:ar&aQJfiitA,biMraatned JTttr0fifty ' 1- Pardi tffiepbrfckhsjWdrtfti i .tlii8eTverrQ7lPw Hn-JRiamb I rWesterft'matesehafly43i?'fgs'o ian that theJI)emocracy, openjtjie; Icanj naigo. in Sctiuh Carolina withtwlo de- cisiye andt unlooked-for victories. Abbet inenctsiaf 'Demo'rUiniiTo w ri , vunuuil- u VUO'-: UUIHIICU i Ulit It riLYj prikejjhatQt ifeelij ru it silncei 18i9Sr'ele6tea, isti the igardej aus. fptobryheeniocra'Ci contest tffibfij&S m9Ciats lopk Chem at tbe rword,- and nominated-aj full ticket aqdieleeted tt InKingstree aa!ibi Abbeville Uhef matures 68 the -isi i4ii i-i till: -ariciti- t f-J- 4 cieuttvin were inenara wors ana enr .uu8.oBui,ui,uie.,iempwaiB. anq iTTTT" T;tt.' Tt,'tT VTrrfT!4 IrsX I i'f' -I V7. L' ;t . . - n.:. ti . .;; ...I r" 1 rr:- if ia-;iiM. j jueen . none "Dy rnes, iowii jbJsdoho bnb-e-whoie oiaiet "uesayio-our sauant ire gn- 1 'if-idt Lhtftr fcAarf iriisa.-.r Sifill ntfirt jh inn t&ete-igp onWAlb tbfi ffqad, work, hud 4 ctbry: will b$ -ypijFSiftoi fi$ :fi "Col.J llibWKeniwanyusi- f 'anibairyrecei? arWadesboro airMaytpy : iue. survivpre jdl nig ram re residents of , Anson ounty-l The fathers, sons ;bd j brothers -of tbose 1 M we-m lilieirwbr'alnvlted U Tall tutor ranl&veV'' maibed' fbhf abJ?AV WJweJOjUi .Vb.e.r, fprqwr c m juaodexj aa(LLLejot. ..PoUcdelivere j a bor and feeling: 5 add reaji tluCoif ftl. Kenan'.bHef-repJy.f hi 'safdn knl' vr -via j - jiiuuu uat;kuuw tcuge.VH aa mv leader, and to ex Dress .the. hDe Iiion,of fattrUUWtle;iAeWfl'iil lOur..4iberueAeteM will always f bund iri'frdnfHe s'hdolc 'hVindaw tb'rVery'' membei2 of the remnant.bf ! the.sJiorty-third and was esnedltolrBtanict 'bftemHiV speecn 1st reported artboTougtiiy triotio . and ' fejb'u'eiit.' and if bile be aeprecaiea - oowaratee-oi tnose cord,? he srrged his hearers tcr-be true fbthebididaif and t0.rat!V.!tdilo-: TTiKNNiTiON.hw'iiwtenk t.Wwtttotuii-: ki m (NawYokjGo Soiiynop , js;,i master, i 4 bf olloy Iler waS'the' choice-of ferekt iwitnber: beHnl Cbtfvgntiounifet, ' Plica riohs j w n'icuied;to'f the Tun ofi nate P-fMonbfeynioagbt, - si.'ill-'a Tt lefia.bavei en -nominated ?at?'tbat tMnte't 14 fatndwtoMMtbTft!lnK 'Rbbifisdn; able to all , the wings of .the Jemp s hi iiiniri iiiwi 1 . 1 u 1 tou a ti m lyf ai a ,to tuvfl a5arnpatsaict .neafUfflei limblioah jeadeW TVeaYs'lsBO fnTamous that tbey .0$ DabU,ar1fdeienceie,v.iwliotiitniBir JayaUy rf diiitig!)bhe) $wtj eattd 1 Hbat i I. 'f i Ui rf ' 111 t" tl . . t . .a.w I abb-ory raigw iharef anWerbdJ f erir ?elt blfte A'kj hrti ttges1 ndt itive the peoplenaDpr nor sa.ve.tn en W 1 - I ).: . ' -- . ' - rt A siw IAI-aM w ri hhAAti 1 iwptiiiwUUttdonbtadlycst-treif4 vbtb 'foTflWeitfif 'Evi3ittabetl:erc,!ags,6 itepn wicans, ne ayr. . arQ ; disgusted j withjthe "wh04ele .prnnder pf, thb property owners merei 4 A . Carl ScHurav.it is' (sai fpneede! that the Germans of' X)hjAjiWiilVaup4 port 1 noen,- anci rUunK;s4ne'(resui 11 that StatandbWfo1:EiSake be closinQhh.1!lli(f Xji f,aji-u'.i -miv ,.,;..,,.,;-l 1 1 ,nf - - A Wiscdnsin C9rjepppiidenttofith9 ,Cctai?M'iapresfed'l b'fthc -beliee 'that! f ibat?8tKte willgV eiflb Hhisyeir. , ,.4J. Lj vit i-niA -'il'-nnA rim mm ,tniT.. J The aged mother 0iMor,tvaid) well died in Burke county last Tuesday. In Ein&rstrce .the' Radicals ..wee so I . votion. -I2is virtues. wiirl 5v" ftfif "S1?? pemocrataald mu-1 JiiniikebiniRg stars the rraa- uiipi r;piccoi-.f joe .wbtctuei -y ears, 1 menu ana : me sweet t uiiaences jOI nis badciin8?'nt tda mpWmU fThis i IiTa iiitlongbel&iH 1 P w wa - 1 "" K -- - 1 f - - . a t- fwbo is omiclaV'of'bl 1 ' i -.ilil i!hfifl t-.t oayier, 01 uoio, is connaeni. 01 ma ,Jn4;anafcAnd tbinks,tbe .canJestTCM 1 pied inwr a young JSorth Varohmaa (widely profound.gih3fforh !dead was pur nearest, iruest, ne&jesttrjend.' Damuei ap Aiuiams. wjasrione tor nne tn)gbfesV yWg JniiUliw&a ryfAiorr as ne was IJlOihCoseri jt)timateicircle, he was,ih.8ivery, ilpwer ;grantedffathe;s :nalece;im ISarnneIinaro Sprf andHejuy (3ftUeg0i Ytrginial lie niovod to. Uxfordi Urantriia Py ,?ome yearsH- Lyo wrar and obtained license last rpruyiods'to" ''.' l - ' ;"JfvT- -VvfM ' -i 1 859 -He succeeded Mr;0?f, 13 Ki ngs- j bury as editor of the IjeixurA 2lfmi T II A t1MAt a f A - m a m -at UU'.4' Dury as eaitor 01 toe leisure :j iW???-r.'VJ -V -fr-pFrT- -fi-F and' incisive -. articles. r ClIis L torn . mcjsiyetartick ajwf Jierarej nausm. . al. iua Deeinning or une war ue euiereu vne service o . t. . j A'.: ? J- r t tate and section andremained Caiihfblljr, gle; ; tie .. attained . io , the raajd ot; rwnnBvamivsoRg Mv,orrgjp county and resumed the; practice of .PeratW. Wdfdate tfor ; P?a.4.e Rriiuan nuqpejessanWS.. He was a readv knd crraoafnl Kheaker rr lJJt. ii U . j-ie wccaaiuuany . wrvw:ttUqilBi ior the BaUleb.arq;fg4apd(was the, .n$?5.j0f eaorateUritiqufl of ullr's VAngel in , the CJlond,", jln J872.,lfprme4alaw partnersiip with B. II, Buqni Esq4 at ! JlockV ounfcj ed tb positienj, the Raleigh .V'e, ,whiei. position jbej m eW?,Men4ed.!excIU Mri;Wian?.8 W.tUyedrs' tr G. jWilliams, Esq., edito qfm Wiif TlV'li-STATE' AHVAS Encouraging reports! reVcn'h. he OfnsnitWfi1-1 diitereht f Ijonwinyiof 'RaHdolfcncbntyi?:-br 'cdtttettorafMSl Rdbbinslpf k Tasking gi60t?yee6hes,,tp:iarg'efaudi MGeai'li ' tutu' x, aen: ScalesVtnsbenhVwb idtbei ctivaWi 'A' edsondent R wcntempOTtfry liya'heffltfdtf dna 4C 4 bi 'beet ispecbs'VlOnevlTlb'fck- gmgbatooir theStn'iMri.1 'Rbb ibiii9V WsiD4MsbB'?Mrrt?yJ fifa'de a most effectirepenhrrf;f af b'ff X ne iofthe'Hoa'bf IirefeentatlVfe(MK fBJi. ttniab. ' vIMrVU.Iatfln tbeLi gislature several times! before" I tqe. Vaf, nb is said to be a very popu- ular man. The - county; is 1 likewue, Fromx the ; i T JFay et iefvipp ' y la-e, tdak'Wn ipealing pi! the horrible , not in Charleston a few days a so. xvauicai omciai 01 iuii lowu, heard to remark : ThaK was a-gt was pod, ... 1 ' bgnt nigger against.nigger. I Don 'fea ak'bltdlifScU'f !? " m Oireensporo. , the other xia rial disco s8ion in tnav 1 ib nu; l,,f,!?' ',fr on, thkJ "L'J 'Ml L! :. 1 1 11 1 1 J4fk 1 til I ytiMf, L and; qneofiAba ddubtfal itbubties'bas placed in trotiiiiiaiioni'a ticularly strong. Geo. IH. Snown lis itfae'eaadidatb f or fbo'Sfenaw; H. J House of Representatives servktiV'iifdiakte3 fdr!!na't6rf is: geniiemao aoa.cu aiii.Liesuu ui uuugp SeffleV who was eoinir.-to. be abb irext Governor; and the, boy replied: 1 1 . v ance is. , , . , .. ...,...!.'-, f. TnXcratic Ward' 'dlus ok rl JnariOlte win escuri. ,voy. auce vu i goDernatq- JTI 4 ft. I I lilS 1 1 ...... I. .L'.L ... - - t tUi IJfO'rir".. bl!T ift.Vi JU'lV if XOB rCa trSKS OF CUtTDIlB f AP GOOD; JTXOaAI.a. t aN D, THE. O AT- ;:;FICAT10I;i6pj.;THlBiA.EWD-- menta tq; b anbmitted to -the poLuiar. 'btaheitllqf bexti Io tbei ConsUtuUon 4s no provision igiWI4n-erCtIp0tncl imp ;aGe arrgr jn-ie pti in$it&am4:bm tine JKepUbiicaa . itligteiandia aboajdif ;rnsome ??eyil: daj1, ?by. 6siotb5Snd451di or; other . folly of - theIet&jo 5ra io?, partyr-:, carry jtbe r-Legisla are therea little :doub;t that they.r would. mak.gfel.h-f ,$cbools eligible aocblars; c45Tdt,briU-a Aeaci"? eisji acbools.,rThe rjrceat OonviJnjtion with flEwpye to this-' inlpcortaatrTwint proposed; an-addltion -tA the ; Article bpgtpneatiotf4 mentead8ijd'th ,of . thehitfrcak ck-'t-)ejhiWrehjOt. pUpipred-racB snail Daitfragnt .in. .1 i jsepariateN pubHQj'Schools but':2there. -."shall .be -$o disoitiminationt! tmlad favor of, or to, the ? prejudice .i'd Tbej bistcjjypf .thf .humidiilyj .fnnioreithaa fnjiif thrusandj years ia a defence of this actJiooiofi thetf (pojiT; stitntionaH3OTventioTrr Every waere has ; thtf interlorty tff Ihe negroes ijeea. ackridwTedged. 'j Inferiors ma not l?y. a lkwof nature become associate Infrmate si epjn. super. riors. xfo negro mast be denied the. right to acquire an education. Ilea. ven ' gave him some capacity On nally. and . his liumane pe m 1 eonr. age' in - this ' country, and j hda J i;Tj will X-4 vim, h ij recent citizehship have extended ind I improved his general intelligence., ne must ue educated it ne maiuiains t,. nyiM : Sluin g -T-.-i j f . i u-r bis independence as a citizen.: He 1 L mu81 oe eaucaiea as vuewuue c T is educated, m the schools orthe must be educated as the white cqiia I, ,.,;.. .... .t.1..i lv, -t.,.... vernmeni. vinisine ivmenament nn-, der discussion wisely determines. Bat he buglit noUo be Educated in such a ;manner .aa.tq.caus.e a aocial vxevoia-, tioo ln.the Common wealth.-. He can-: notjqdentl jj brwisely ot pleasantly be- educated witfiTtbeT whitryputji North Cacolioa- This the Jaaiemfed, Constitution - distinctly; affirms ' and 1 . . . - . . a I aecrees.'i5 v-.j:?f- j. &.'; 1 id uFor! the reasons! staled the -1 atifida?. .tionof tbe Ameadme'ritsjHan4 the riti liScation ef one is the ratifidation jof, all is imperative! -oalled' fonlrtlletj. .theetwo raoea be - edudated, b a t aet. them b edacated'Htritb eq'aal.bppor-j-! tumUes.andf8oiHie8-lB'M separa sohqolsajldiLet tfid organib?awolHh, TIIU UAn VASS AHII 1UB AMlj 1 nlijrWtf'kre'lUiAa f aervktivo eakersMare dis'dtfssy tie )bnWt!t(iti6Aar A'mfeharn'gnra at"f 1 1! 'ledglMESp 4 lain'tliee ' Afmnaientrl!nTl: te" Westetn9 ttcf 1(6m4 oPthe''Ceb,tr i, t50bnieaAMpbs1tteibrb Hne -s ; U6 BnabgeaH'tbW'orgatfld W It. f is'bfealy r&tfyrigV as tve ddnat tb'peAple afeeWeral favdViWtfrlhe'Vin3aHionrlHe myftdme'rtsVh -tlreAmeifrdnUVs fift sttraenieaTIuU dens frord tfte'pebple's sbhlofiuW' WeUef'tdble'baw.gagbdtiVdfi Itfets1 iWtHa 'rfteVittf Vyf 'HKe' StaTnk Wbirp e tbkt wkf ,tpe'aifef;wnTrkd-f dreWs'Mhhffie-lf 1hltttyJfntfh tayk f elattidatiftg thbkiiiebdmerVtk""ItT s1 'deslraole afe'vth.e'y' houd 'bbtan a i Ttiivfllnninnaii! "film mi ivj oni70 .V A im1 . ri pi ir'T'i ' 'rif "1 inewanaper jennesentaUva. awenpeH, Uljev .WPOaiBi r(f jrns ,Rf ;,j,Iayed. Collector Weitzel absoluteIyenea ,: , Kthprleg,: rft-Md Ufwras ib .4ircpoavenp,pJp4he,4flrdd tbepainenti.!jdtrfyo rwtiifpu SetVi dekC reader,' tbal'in,eMb'iotB,Mb Washington were at .the'serv ice 'o f thk gtTea wjhoj yjr;ere baaking jaf te r jjojtnjtj .JjoaWpe U,fm.:,t iheiB.deS iiper'aon, ,ip tbia.oampaignarisea . ont .PliWPW.nowledge, .uat .at?, tha .an j (chives, we r thrown, opn to th wofld ;the fate of McDonald and Joyce, say i the' CtoWdWH'df. .f l-Thoatll 'CarpUnalRdipala bar ornnaje,: Ucyern ,qr jTJkey, ibave Kanrse4 , himonglf ,d ojiqgijie fl8t ;tw-ai years 4x;mikf Jmjjavji rs.re rPasdidAt.'j Itrii .ftvAtn J wbtbert. tb'megfoeg , , wjl prefer him tOjnbJjC phWe Bamp ton. a . . . .-. if r- fFap4 JBally c.I.a mier toau s, cuuuve pmmiuec, ue.u ou ine oukmstv - 1 CnalrmaV. j.: Iffitkaillsti hwas4 resolved that the yijdeh t'and;Yance tCIab's' jn j $liet couuty.be. xequested Jo, atten d In i body on :th& occasion et Gov. Vance's visit i jjumucnop, on xuesaay, tue apto iinst. andrjhat !t6wnsMps wnicii have no clubs be ' reqaestedrixfattea stmuaVlnanneri was elected'Chfe t;Marsbal. and jeagb lub pr toBiDisjauthor electj. busy CfinititerlandIticfimond yer,- Jand'tiiel aaola$nficootitles''6f 4oitb ipliaabe-feciiklly. 'inTitedi toii the peopleoiJRpbesoq oo Uits occasion ia 4oing lpnor- toi Tortb. , jproJna:gre.at 9fi.There I will be dopbtless - a good crowd . present from this cou n ty.' Brnnawie&lnmyrltepubllcan Con 5ftoilttfnaort jlub isepuoucaas--oc iirunswiCK; eounty asjemWed InConyention at irowfcCi! qix i nareaay, ia, :efByQpn I waa called to order by E. Jl Rosafy, Chaujmao. wt me vouavjr jMtecuuver uommiuee, ana, bu tne: conclusion ot nis - address ot l one ihorhe4!esabd the scha&niansntaf the xecntive. CpnxmUtee .of the. countyi jj, Tfylo waji, elected. J?residebt of chifVing followhig'notoitfafibn 0 RsJretatfve4JHoifi d. Iu'Ruj s 41 ; ibrijJlYra . L. Commissioners- W. I R. . Skipper of 'Nprth West;W.! W. Grisselt of Shallotte, E. R. WalkeV i'd'f'TOwn1 UtxM 'fc' An'a.ews ,and John AJ lomaaof ttcbaihaw. '11 l. t Tk& fbltowiogJ-wera tlectedvErecukive .Oopintee for; Abe 0OTty.:J5L?W3.t Taslor, rr; w n.!... 1 H' 'ir -m.u.ii ii t - SHmso'n! Ttte RexiaWik5anf Senator ial Convent on. I $ Qr,the,CQnoUes jot Blade tvund Bruafatvick, . convened aj mUhvl:yesfesi;daFw.. was Titarj', was,.dAclarad Uia, nusniuceV. azdtbeCbn- ihe4611binaSfwilearajfro Ka lii iSiis; atentlhovalha- ? I w. uavis;ecretaries. ' ; , .. J I I ; After Hbe usual amount of snec tion to oraer w henfc on mijoD. jie o&Wm5llperpn of New' Hanover and Pender counties, at it will?ii$ea.f In 'le'foRficomtn g 'Auditor's reportf'! B'f''i t'JV'?:! vajRti jpfclaqd f 4tO7SPjjyalBe Af fc.tokn properti 3,C41,41; orses,,. jjaluat jon $37,305' mules . 180, valuation,, $11,278: Ulclfil.lid3,X)18,'VkIaalibb alieep:e5dluatkk!836.iK ufc.uensiiEU.ifcci nCKOSlu neyt bn its f303.943. &tock.in iacornorated-cotn names $399,757. TJtber nersonal rjronerty mtiks?irwmmMMieWM et 'tecn3e'ancnte'$76,m 'ToValvaii; i Mfpfseiial ana reiVprepfeny 0,5l ),- i904il4std( rjUBf)vMte 441y i Colarbd i.351.w CouBiy tafy$f3 7m,mi: f S anaos w yaui&pttowa property -if, ;859iMeS'620, valatf $W,248 Alnnlea''83It Swj.alaeJSllOL zala.I4i.value SlSUt xcatue i6.2(Qtiviiue 33.621?: llC389valoelf hani; 9ntdpJ?9ai IV. WlvRftVcrcd ts fa'ttolaiYralcnisel litme'lVnetu SoMelul d (prolsmWttibif 'Uf' pers!6nali d , real vpipety lvl30U? f'Usted i poHs - , whcydjgipty56. f l Qa piun5daylth;paipteI fiuaiHier vill ,rftnsjvjc pof JqfY,rai?e4 tp, Alabez ?, upqale (0e , Apiidrfld JeWg ' theaeic4rfii3v J fobm. y- MrHElr:Spepcer4ot?that place,: n annouBftrfth TaW, oeSorf W say : Ttte" ' eoptete'waKb o H6 Iie adcesslty of a r ebasgetia Bmlnistratibn fRadlealismshls .hahlta-aodJbiiaQ epe.M, aiidWnjt,ha!ti(ii1 profile,. a q bear. The necessity of reform has entere i rppt)oa jeipftrsoMAid I ibe " bayaBtifHje hlj:cli tifarpolb afldtoa fcave fcee'ti'ereta. n 1 1 Celambaa Spperlor.Conri. ( ' ., - ' OtfvThttrSdayV'last' the:casc or. the btatb aifrMia thiloity' gnst; 1$4, w Uaurt. .Came an for.aneanna newreMB Hi Hohbr BefaWfa'eea tbe deffaaanV to- im'iif ; o&ment fbt Ckree years iriilidStat'd pehrfenf kaaaUday-a filled $50l Frowthi LcisiOBHeatoB,tOOkiaB Sppeal.toAht 8upreTneCcnrt, jWhiceetf annsr ' next, and was required to, enter . into seen lit"-1 atH II i-'"'' .'I I Ji 13 lt-i rily in the sum of $2,000 for his appear ankf Wedessary'iofa'wai'given.wIU , ttt!'&k ti&mVf air; suVe'ty, wh'e'rcup'oi the defendant was released. : fkrmintf 'utensils, &c, $70,580; money n $15,185j slock in lnqorporated companids, i7k iuifriiMt fl vtTiXitHiitt'i T!,lSoSU none: the? personal1 proper y , $33817; IB a veruicii vi guuiy, wuereapuu xlib. TLa following ices rulcj' yesterday: AprJes;-(cbieaj er-erpbps; dried ', PcTteSperpqttnd j ' wahitt i 3 cents 1 grown fowls 5a70c a nairr - SDrins chick-' ;iR3jK?0 tSOcSklja feese fl 50 per pair;4)eef 10Uic.rpoundtbecf; (corn- l:.e4):,Xaitper.nonjid;i - namyi5iQcts: perpotuidTslfoulder8,121 tO- OH SnkinAl. - lara.'itj.'cects'per &una;; bttter. S040 j centper rjbniQaVehe jfilanis:-2i5';cents "a"ckT bpencla - - Ik usou bu ' ' Sljtatopew ila'pecknsh, " J?S TPf lli 0(25 cento , - yifBF?88 -OB -. !e49lifB ; cents a head ; bologna Sacenti f.pound ; " parsley, ;5 cents a bunch :'carrbts.'5 centa a 'potmdf Wce-1020&a7 quaH 15 cts . uozea ? ;appfflsxu4ucts pef pefesh f Sound oysters 20jpBnto faf qoarrf cauliflower, 10 t' 25icntSiS CeleTyi -2 eota ler bnneh? ! - beets 50 cenjs a vpeckj, tomatoes 5 Ats per ; !iaartiJW.aae)sfraW . bwjqe craos sue a ouncn; cider 2040 cts a -gallon; peaches-8340c a' peck j scupper- uongrapesjCteafquarti i" - j The Board er JJlreclors of this Associa'- 1 1 tiGB hel$?tteeu ', ' lasjand pceeed lo busiaesap Preparai I - tionsare being; made iyte3B9b:' cOnannuaExp P aBrini5th'jB bplfdlsf com- 1 1 ' menciag December th?li?Aa vance! r ' circulars b'e lsBuecf la October. The 1 i . Eiposition will Hake place in this ; city, at , I the SamroTd gfoaffdl;' Corner of 8th and Princess streets. rr?'r r-z ' The Chairraaidr iaforoa' ns that he is in xccjjji-.vi. -uioujr . icucii num. paruea IU ; Western tand-Eastero-tNorth Carolina who , have, prepared afUqlea ?xhibition. , He th.fomipfesnL indkjatiofls? that this wUiba the larger the display. oi negro skill in this Qtate, and tjiajtfljtjlcasj Ave ttousand..ori more visitors will b;rae'o: this ;city2 witness Uie 8gp)5 jjtf bqpks will be opea for tbe reception "of entries on the 15th of Novem ber. . Farmers,-mechanics, - and citizens of all . prbfeslipDS, binjbng thcbloryd .'p'opuiation J . ,! of this State, are requested to send in spe cimens of their skill, talent and industry 'yf Notice will be given ia due time relative io tha'arrangemfents,' khd any! in'formatioii desired jpanbAhMbyddressing Itill.creiiher of the following named mem bers of theBoarduWnkfJi. Kellogg, Evan- far cBride,; Elijah liane Jf 'fj. Telfair, 6haa. Cleapor, ! HenryTaylorr sWui. K. Price, or Jaraea i. Green, at Wilming ton, n. c; ' ' 1 We leatn that the stables on (he planta tion of M r. Arciiie Rbper, near Laurinbu rg, were destroyed -by fire on Friday nigh l. about X octoek. in'llfle0 horse perished p fl&nif laad fix aufesi,n4 poe horse were saved with ' great f difficulty. A large amount ilSrenarness and plantation implements were burned. There was no insurance on the property destroyed. The fird,twt.l the work of an inr.endinrv." " - . ,' -, . S!nr RrnkAn OiMn inil RnhhM. H ;. a ne siore uur.r v. ; . x rencn, near Rocyy fyft depot Render county, was broken looen Thursday nizhi' some lime between midnlgnf 6a aay, and robbed of i a number of articles, including bacon, j cloUJ'b'awoiT!,ifne amount stolen wa&'cttbSHtratlel -Wd the' thieves tt)t off :.t .1 1 1 - . . . .... s Baieiy wiui lucir piuuucr. i-fe iBaleigh- Seatioet 4 4 IV,i?8 1 source pre in NovemWjSfei wyJngnt in al most all parts of the State. In tho eighth Congressional : district, the - ziL 'VUiiii- j: t i. transmontane cbnntry.tbe indications' lareasrepremtedXbytlsa"W;hkave ' . the ; reputation, ,or beting competent ludgesi that Vance s vote will be at the least figure 2,000 in excess of that given jfopr Judge Merrimon in 1872. From the middle .ter, of ; counties, 1 such'ai Guilford; Radd6Ipb! 'Stanly, Rowan, I)airid80DiT&, the news is , of a most cheenng character. In ! tnose poopijes .xrjppaa or reiorm , are leavibg no stone unturned to se- dre dbA5idbce of fdmltibllef, and ;. the pfosptgOTfii brighter and ,1 brighter each day,. Coming on fur- ther f east the "same conditions of things I isiVebrted1 by those who are I fin arfil and rndentito jexacrer- f . ate matters. In fact the entire out- -look irj thd'eMerr!;1 westerned mid- die sections is a-most promising one. These statements, lareubased upon in- tied to . iuxptioh? oonfidence. This ' should' inspire., the Democrats of, : Wake tq;Hrerd9,ub;p eir efforts to carry the eounty. - -' - ; : v Mr. wj chronicles a chancre in" tbe wavs of theEnglish Tdemoiselle. He says in the Cincin- considerabteOfiliaigA TSas Jcome over t.no vnnnir KncliRh drlVm . recent years, i anu x iifjuuti. THuviiutiTjamujsiw ybbkFf EbSrimwdhrd 'JremarWso. 'mucn'ber,tov?e,f6fded lei xiawbuurue, were ue uuw wnuug nl1atlner, acdn-traStfe& "wWH'thVAiSier- ffcan' girl MB' h&t eetts5.? Bkt'lltrw'eyer . bwdlike me Englislr girt mayfbewb'en ' From : ;a jel:and authentic we neard yesterday tnat tne $pect& for a democratic' triumph ierwHthinsCgamk4ahbme?M8bB cda ihldber dww1 ton arfaiastistnyt American , ad- venture of anv kind, and Xfear that i r- allher.folded-naBeBS when she gets bkWfeilond ,-. is a jiwtie'iiypucriie as ner iaiuer ana mother 'are- big ones.? - " ; Mi; f 'i' X iwy' ' pvarffwluiw i. tmivH!-rnEn - Michigan: and there is no don DL that Press. " . , I V. 4 : j if 8 IV