't t - t . i V r-.- tl iiJM ' iTi' E - i iff I i i k if 5 3i V . n ir.: jJ.j. V-f? s : ;t fc. ; !5 1 0Vi ... r . r : i .if..., - .. k-- -.4 i ffrrr Tne jPeveri"Chfl$l8a.(ifc;"t ,J oJ-T3 fjhkrlestta papers "reccftld here yes- in 1 1 w - - T'y; r-." - t t 2dl?;a3c,fw 'ii-'L-ATwfli?!- jWwnpf'v? 11ri2 v? 1;4 iK H 1mv1 Mfiit 1 rs I r . 5 ts ...CU? "'"'""Mi ii -i '! $1.50 a Year,: ia advance. - . MSSSSSSS 1 Tear' ar i S a ?o - - a J 8SSSSSSj- 5 g K 3 Months J a a a M K . W E CS as M S M si a f Sr.-. Is 3 Months sssssss I Month" 15-11 " 53 , 8S8888S iSSSS88i 4 sf 8 Weeks U,wlocc a r, e. V mi ,2 53 a ",.a rt i ! a n 8888888! 1 Week 2 5 W w K ffpq3 -13 JS t i W S W Post Offl Ka7! Ordcra mav iwk obtained In all the cities, and In many of the large towns.,. We consider them perfectly safe, and the best means of remitting fifty dollars or less. ,,'f.. t -A.f', rt - Redter4t jLettrn. nadr th new' y stem, which went into ellefes Jane 1st, are a? very saie means or senauig small snms or mo ney where P. O. Money Orders canribt be easily obtained.: Oteervej the JZeaUtry fee, as well as postage, must be paid in stamps at the office where the letter Is mailed, or it will be liable t o be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Buy and vfflxtKe stamps both or. postage and registry put in me money ana seal lAf letter Uie present of f if ;wmaierima iujjp receipt JOT u,i jUBCXerS cwt to us Ittthts way are alionr'xjk .i. j- -. ton I Price.- lit Tliesubscriptionrijie'6f 4he TPekk i y Star Is as follows f I r-1 '5'" '- S uglcCppy yeariVpostiate'paId, fl.50 " V remonta'J ,; f" . ,1.00 41 .50 . Clubs of -10 or more sojbscribers one year, $1.25 per ''copy,' strictly Lin ad vance! ? : L - 1 . .iW No Ciub.Rates , tpt ;a period, less .han a year,, v ,t ; J..vLt - . . Both old ' and new subscribers may be included irr making up CltL&s tlv At tbe above pricres ihel VhsmdLi Stab is, we think, the cheapest paper in the State, and its circulation will be doubled In twelve months, if those who have worked fQrits iSuccess in the past will increase' their effortsr in the . The paperwili not' he-sent t6 single subscribers at clublratesl When1', clubs renew their1 subscription they must do bo in a body-all the; names,' wiih the Wtraev." to be sent' at on ee. - - THE DEMOCRATS DESIRE A lit . CBNT CinPAllSlT. ' ; Fiery Bob, Ingersoll jand crafty Morton are naunting the bleody shfrt in the North, assisted byj f that other rnan' Mr. VVheeler. They are - say-, ing cruel things of the white people f tlie. South, and endeavoring to 1 keep up a wild frenzy; of opposition " to the Democratic partylas the party of disunion. They are the true dis unionisis.f They are the traitors.: They are the peace-breakers. iat for them the olive branch would wave and men would discjass politics in decency and good order as intelli gent human cfea,tures. j We have been much pleased by reading ex . tracts from the able speech of Mr. llnbbard, Democratic candidate for the Governorship of Connecticut. We quote a few sentences from .his Hartford speech, with obr full nd earnest endorsement.; We are sure it meets with.the - approval of nil rkrtsl r TldhinAVQ t a lr aolra "I desire,' .14:'. . says Mr.; Hubbard, J , t'lirst word I utter in H that- ..the this cam- ''paigo shall be an . appeal to. "decent "behavior on all sides in the manners "and methods of the canvass. -When "I speak of the manners f of the can "vass I mean the style ana temper of "political thought and discussion.. A "canvass is, or ought t oibey only n "earnest, temperate and respectful "debate between djffer ingt friends,. yiieiuhhors and fellow-citizens, all of "wIh.iu have ar common i purpose f jr "the common good. I know no rea - "son why a political discussion should "so generally degenerate jnto license, . "rancor, falsehood,' ; and I every form "ot personal abase, nor why ' a "congoe, which is civil and truthful "in all business and social relations, ".should seem to be set on! fire of hell "the moment it touches upon party ' "politics. Just what we ave often thought. The sequel ofj the ' harly burly style of conducting discussious Mr. Hubbard says will 1 be to make American politics come tjo resemble a dog fight or a brawl- between fish women ' lie then :? pertinentfyh and pathetically3, asks: Wbyj not. carry "into politics the method J of. ab hbn-. . "est man; and the behavior a and "courtesies of a geutrematif lsiTbe ia- "sues of the present canvass are suf "ficiently grave to require something oi gravity iu their treatment, some "thing of truthful Statement," some-! ' "thing' of golery reason' inrtbelr dis- Let ' the 'Average fllepubiican an swer.the. question, arid let h' voter, to Whatever ;5 parry' ;"he' imay belong, 'refoljre'' th'at0 an4-: lmpro'Veoierii' shall lake place. r SSSSSSS Months 3aoot-w (X2 v V B I ' I ' r 03 si i 1 a5 ih. r. 'PI VOL. 7.: . .The incendiary couisefjof . Judge Settle in his canvass with Gov. Vance exhibits the . bad" manners and the worse policy -of the Radical candi date in; a light not at all flattering to ine sooerer leaaers of tli3t party in this State and .elsewhere who have ludicrously built up hopes of - carry ing the flection. At - Charlotte the Judge, who ought to ; have learned how to do better1 even on the Supreme .Court bench, ' behaved I in a manner that' would have done discredit to fish-monger ina, market, tbwn..4) fie' failed utterly 'to'contrav ert Vance's arguments, and railed at hint furious4 ly f This course of Judge- Settle Isi not only, di8gracefuljJbut it is as jun-f wise us -any inac couia .nave, Deeni adopted.. - He will alienate every re- spectable man; mj his jparty by per-' sisting In it. Already has he caused defections. It shows that the bot tom is falling out bf his canvass. "4S u&, iiwe.9,lS,.warjoiiy when -Jtr t- becoi8.. tiqesssi.y j to stir . -r up y preepingo - pasaionsiO nd natftr', trr.: l.hn 'lmwflta'rid't it iarif vV?o followers. All wise-mefiartdaH'dd- cen t:men? repudiate suc! tiite ran ces as he has several times given ex pres-sips- Vo 4 he.perRon of IWQstiiiitellir genqe in the Uepublican parly knows that neither the Democratic party ih North Carolina nor any other party that exists, or that could " exist here, is composea or nenq ot hell . jc et Judge , .Settle has irl employed r.that identical language jn i characterising the.; Democrats ef Norths Carolina; Judge Settle was once 'respected " i4 iuis oiaie i or n is, intelligence. . lias beebmiigv a JRadical . candidate fey office caused him to lose bis wits with his : self-respect ? It . would appear that in his desperation he has lost' all control of himself.! ' Thei; wanms ' of his fortunes raav anger and .embitter him towards those whol refuse frpm principle, to support him,f but -he has' no right to tarn the Icanvass into a fish "brawl --or a mob.c There is some thing in the sober aenseorthe North Carolina public that wilf , teach him' manners if he, be not wholly and irre- i.rlTatlT-ilc-ijaeutelriT-ire 5 Cannut carry the lurid brand so recklessly without scorching his bands. ! TUB HEBALD AND TUB ULOODY The New York- Herald xs now en gaged in the pious? task' sof .warning the Republicans V to nee from i- the wrath to come. Hear, he Herald: "It is undoubtedly, true that "the ex hibition of the conspicupus 'bloody shirt in this campaign will lose many thousand votes to the Republican party. . It ought to,, and it will. There are sections of i the country. where this issue may be brought up to alarm and excite ignorant voters; but take the Northern States ai large and the mass of Republican-; vpters, who are in the tnain thopgntfel and sensible 'men, and the cry of Southern butrages -and pf danger ; fromu tie. South or in ;the South wilt ;'lbse H&e: party more votes than, it will gaim i.i f tatb determi nation to J carry, ft ne- cam-t . ....... ... - ' - - paignon tne . poninern lssuenows a deep and uncontrollable alarm mpqg the Republican leideTs. - They ' vt- evidently biAaVrir WW by this timei compad- noteB.and;fioic their conclusion 'appeaVip Jt)e Jiapn?! arfd' a fair and honest canvass, rt the rial issues' of. ihe iyear, Jhey wUl Jpse.she count ryj and in desperatice.wdrd has -gone out tp'tfling the bloody shirt to the breeze and make, ihe ai- , .. : ' 1 -. J ! f,: . I if' , . v ' I '. . . - - ii . peal, not to me, reason tne: uoneaty and patriotism of the febun'try'tttt to prejudice, hatred fgarwaft4 igpo-t. s ranee, . , That is.thev way its. look td cool observers; and even1 if this' were not the correct theory bf their pblicy1 IV is suit vrue mat suuu is me impresr sion it makes. Shrewd i political caW culators say if the Kepapucan man agers were7 not badly frightened they .would not' force an obsolete arid, to & large part of their Jparty, .a hateful issue upon the .cobntry J - - . , TittB CANVAS, ft : .r Vance . ahdLeach and Ransom and- Waddell in the southeast, TTeateS!.n Coke and GUliard' in the1 northeast Davis, ' arid. "Cox ( arid ; Basbee , in in tbe . Jsentre Scales, and : Rob bins and Steele and Engelhard and Kenan a the' I afedpingjthb vrort pf Titans; Theyafe ! rawing but crowds ilpt tpeoplp -every Jpre pinct, and' inf orming .them on "the ConstitutionaU .AmendhieHtsv Heed It is a fine tinifa Attdf is pgessing' with hope of splendid "results, ... k f t; ! ;;.;,MisrG - TON; THBnALElGuOBSBUVK.lt. As will be seen by reference' to an advertisement' printed in the Stab this m ormngV-: Peter MxIIale Esq.j of ifew York,'formeriy' of Fayette ville N. C.; and'Cbl. Wm. L. Sauni dersj of this city will commence the publication,' at the "State 'capital, of. ai daily and weekly newspaper bearing tfce ibove uame.. The old 'Whigs of Norh Carolina cherished theVPay-i ettevuie: voserver .&a xdb. appie-ot tbeirl eye.--; U 'waanheir-principil; mouljh giiece after the .decease of the R)eigh :rJlegUte E ve'n before' that venerable journal' fell 'ipto. the re-i morsplesSj arms of death,the. ,OJa?r6r was noj- whit its . iuferior in. anyi re--specd ;1 fThe Hales, ' who so' long' and -faithulyr conducted lis fortunes,and i WhbiiaV beei(-4MMpele"d "by ifie de pression of .business iu; North Caroli na anjd the South, to seek fortune aid , reputation anew-in the broader" field of Metropolitan f life, are ' household ' names in tho whole of North Caroli na, and1 household . gods still at the Conservative hearth-stones .. of; .the .Gape?ivFear Region. Pejtr ilale comes; batikV- tlien,1 to recerv,1 W& do hh - a WW?" cordial &t&tfnkti gQnerpusf:supDort. ,f .ij 0JJ j Qf Co).,Sauaer,b?Jha.s&flobly ed i t ed i. mrr. city 6nitem pbrary f w 1 4& veral Jyears,; it is hnnMsarr4 Tor 'tis1 to say jmore than'mp?v':?tfo 9exp7es r .-. ... , ... ... . ; r-'f-Jjl LjJ' ij.'V, i;. i our confidence ii uis capacity, to make. jthe. &eri7tfr:nuconnecipQ with Mj:. Hale,lOBep the great lights of Southern journalism; -The people: of Raleigh and the central cpuiities ariibngi whbm "h:e"; Was broiignt' up. need npt to be informed who W, 1 Saundesjsprj whatr his,, abilities,! . l The Ualeigh . Observer, : under th& joint management of these' gentle fnen,'' can' hardly fail ibTmeet' the re- uirementS pf ihe'tiipes for able sin-. cere, straight-forward and energgtic journalism. ; Wp wish , them 'great success. 1 -J AID POtt AVASIA1NGTON AND , LEE ' UFtlVERSlTlT. The Philadelphia Times states that a movement has been organized in connection, with the Centennial Ceje- bratlon for the purpose of increaainc? the endowment of Washington and Lee University, at Lexington, Va., (which was' founded by George Washington, and presided over ; for several years by General Robert E. Lee,) by contribulipns from all parts of the country, as Centennial offer- jngs. or expressions of good will-td- wards the school, as well as to serve the important purpose of strengthen ing the cause of education where strength is sadly needed. In further ance of this object a meeting will be held in Philadelphia on the .10th of October, i Northern and Southern men, Republicans and' Democrats, having cordially united in the call Among the prominent gentlemen in terested , in the movement " afe .' eix- Gov: 'CuAin," FranTiin C B.' ' Go wen; rJhief Justice, Waite.. -Senator Ran- . o . j .. .- : JJ -. ' ' v "" olphft of IS ew J ersey,Mooi Unarles ranees AdamsSeoatotBayardyCony gtessmeri Hoar, Pierce arid Ban'of MftSflAohrififettrf. '.TbaWtfJBlafcferuWm.H T T o . V M I . 1 IB IIIIJWMII1KIM j I wm n Jl la : 1 n JK iiiii : 4tj ..LuUiMiviij.ail up anu Keep.Hp dRipasnViiyfflHiijr 1 11 mi. a v." s - ih -neexj'.of ;mpoey tahdlmoral isappori J LeV. M receive both at (the hands of a denefouBnl enMghte.edipublWii j.. it i tl" Lil.ilH il'Jt i' The piopbsed i Amendfrnents to jt ( qnitutioa, prpydglpr si 5btti5 t njeon the j people Murrespectivenof jaxtyi. . Ihtellierit ( Conservatives;4 however, ftenstnaei Ljt& it:,espfecially tUt iher are Copied , If an obje tlop is made on slight grounds to ope or two, of . the jartipjes, -let.,tbe good t of: the whota Overcome: the ob lection Vote for the Amendments. If they are exaVriihed efull tto I'Tasonablb obie'etion wili'tid found. to" ati-f ot jinem. qii, Baus.vojie.pf tnein as a whole, remembers . 11 f 1 On the score Of ecbnciriVaijd in tnese , .iimea iMJls. ir. nwgni.yi. )uBi soore,,, the thoughtfuTiiiaW can jidi fail,:; JO .HUppon.. UUU0UBUHjUO. Tb?y:wn!;8ay..st pf , money s eaeh i! syear i1 Keniember ;they;cbtd0e 'ties and keep tbearpewBawentiy down : U .;ktefljpf4uUu Reraembprj. likewise, that they reduce'the cost of our expensive Judiciary. - - N: o4 ridaiy September ?29?i876,- .INT191IDA'410N DlKracef9l Proeeelas st a Ktepah v itcan Meeting Threatrr violence Aiealnst; colored Deiaocratv4A..-Ca4 lred Hi An fleaseu, I ?h-nizii4 I -i 1 .1 " ! '- t : .We had 'hoped that politics Id this "city would; hot be brought lo . asslime that- dis graceful character which It hks attained fn variouv other localities; but Ynbre especially in South Carolina,1 where each bf the color. ed people is choose and: claim the iright o vote the Democratic ticket are dendunced J threatened, and iam'any cases violently as-! Baultea.tor their pohtwar' dpi o ions. ! We had hoped that' we should ?be spared the repetition of these; scenes iapnrimidit,-and that every man In Wilmlngtbo.Wbite and colored, would be allowed 1. 16 cait his vote or express such opinions aa suited ftiitnH-; nation , w ilhuut being subjectetf to threats, efforts at iotimidation or personal viblence.1 It'seems, however,; that w hive been' dis appointed..: We hear that a. Colored naan, who had expressed his inteaiion of Voting with the DemocraU &t 'bel epproaehing election, was assaulted and severely beaten in this city Friday lght, by men of his own color, for dajing to act in accordance with the dictates i'of his bwff eotaseience. r ..Aaotkeri case ifa potht bcCarred In a Ke- pabxican teeUng in the Fiflh-Werdon the same night' Mr, Joq Sidhnw'ent before a Notary Public yesterday 'and niade affl davit tefc the tffecti ttal- he! accidentty he catne a spectator al the' meetings in ques tion which was presided dv4r- by awhile Waobyf thB name ofDPjrtersooi wib, whti o48.t cfpUon;owa8 th ouiywhita'mab id the.hoiiatJ-j u tTbe affidavit theniproceeds' as' llUiWBi"jiui Wi'nfield,' cbiored, made :a Tery viulentspeechrin which-hadenotinced the Democrats and the whites injlhe hitl terest. ttrtnsr; the said Jim WioneldPadvo cated that he:loegroes shoahi dfa.w tWei cplur Iiei hdiatheiiiiostviolebl , iaanflef deopjtced any negro who (wbuid vote the Democratic ticket; that the said Jim -Wra fie&L; in-urging his. viewakmithis qbestiori','5 sakl that any colored man JvAo would tbte1 , thttuDemocratic ticket titigJU 'toYMrfo fthf ,jui ,urA that -at this poiht-p bfi. hfs speech die paused to make a -ijiotioti.'knd1 moved a resolutioa that any ; egrdj who would vote the Democratic ticket isheuld1 be hunled.upnd killedf' that,-this resolu ,tion was carrieduQaaithously bjf the meet ing, amid the wildest . enthusiasm', - with cries of.'kUl Aim! .'kill him!, 4kiU all .such d d traitors I"? The affidavit further de clares that no effort was made, though the 'meeting was subsequently addressed by a white man named Allen aod two colored men named Waddell and Jones, to mollify the passion into whi the;atMffri a t 11 ujuciu nnr m vi kui -It is to be hoped ' for the sake of that peace and good order which has heretofore pbaraeterized our city, if notjj from 'motives Of right and justice, that such disgraceful proceedings as the above wil) be frowned down by therespectable and Hght,thinkiog' portion of our colored ;populaiion." i - . Heavy Rata la PcnderDtmasi t Cropt ke.' I , j ; We learn from Mr. W, L. jlivenbark, of TJoion' township; Pender county, that the low lands in his section are completely over flowed in consequence of the late heavy rains, and especially that of i Friday night : The North East River If-now sixteen inches above the usual 'tide-Water,-haying Raised six inches Friday night,' and r the freshet jn many J instancea has overflowed f tjhe crops, doing them much damflge,!SWhich wui oe greaiiy lucreasea ii is noes nojoon subside. ' .The crops Up "abouVliinq-epin, j fjbove iHallsville, are als badly damaged lw?en' lufi. i ..cillMranacSflmth conBtTF.-aod rforf.thli raasea.lt is ft area H 1 . ."' ... . .. ThVdwMri&sllMd'sajklaV;; 1 lannr-iiiaimDti ai J i..jv 4At jiiL,i 1 - - - - 1 - a patrf 'spring ch pair; beef lPQiJicfpeT ppunawDeeA icom 'ekl 121(ai5c per pound veal, 12ilic "pbrpouna; muttbprnoundi, nam, locgiio eva. pcliomuu, oumo, cents per pound; , .tripe, 20cts. per bunch; clams, 25 cents a peck? open clams, 2023 Wtt'a' q' soup; bun'cbj 5 btsj eggs; !2 centsa doz; sturgeon, 25 cts. achunk lailbs); potatoes, mew Irish 40c ar peek; fish,' IdnSl '. 10 1 cents: : quart;. Tcabbages 520 xenU a bend? bologna 20 cents' a' pound r parSUeyi cenia a uuucu ; vwrivia, w veuve c ppundv ricelU(8lyc a quart; - vraus w Hn iMtintea 20a40cts oer Deck : Sound bystersv 99 ects a quart; jcauliflower; 10 UiWU ' V&UkO i xyw.w.j , . . ; I if beets 50 cents avpecar tomatoes o cts ; per onart; watermelons' rrom 0 to iu cts apiece; stone crabs SOc ft bunch cidet' 2040 ct k 'gallon ; sweet poUtoe 75ca$l per'bU8hel BupperuuuK bi"? -7 . . ,, 4 I 1 ; ! Vv V v f 1 ti.iiiiiBWitBBfcijBBBaSM I "' t -' ! t ; 'iVW. the following among other proceeds 'wJr.4 fcA-.f j,- -Vrtl dlV- H" S 6 V.'-. . -ill's "'J I Vr ' i'h'-irwWPbd mpved lJiaJ a com mittee, be'" appbinted" to requeat.Homi fSeov ' Pavisjof WilmingtoaVtOddress tBe'c'ra'p' as some time aunujE hue wmuiu uijvvifWH The motion was carjledVaad ibltowinfr .jWere appoinieu nam vuiututiricci uu nww Havwood. Chairman : W. It Gales and Geo. M. Smedes., 1 "Tft7'ioViIn(Tfnn whinh lino TPlthsrtnrtrl mdttV T spetolito "have been "preuv.eiierat,ufl(iheji trout zoc. per Buncny muiie avuoso tWibunch;' turnips,.l6 "cenis! s Wnchfc'.pal il.n-Cerr DTI v -o 1 !At a neeting;fbf th TildeH fcod yahCe Club.' ? of ttaieilV.aa. we jarW.iouV the TflB PEBECCA; CLYDE, RIo-r ParttcnUrn of the Loss oftlie j lKeamsMp Statement ,'ol a Fauen- Below we . give the statement of Mr. f. M. Cronly,1 of this city, Who was on the ill-j fated steamship, , Rebecca , (iaV, when she 'was wrecked near Ocracoke Inlet ; on,San-i .day morning last . - ' 1 . ; Vf e jay at anchor at . Smithyille Friday ; night. Getting under weigh the next morn-' log, about six o'clock, we steamed out . the hajjbor, passing the steamship D. i Jl Foley just outside, coming in. It had rained bearly all night, atshort intervals,' and was Jiienjalag qaite. hWv the wind; hibwing' moderately from the northeast, f I slept in the Captaina' room' ;bh th sbfaanif Was conversing with him continually dunng.the morning. He was eBgaged1 In examinine charts and nimdnt$Jtnost of thetime'. Getting up' occasionally to walk around the deck, he - would return; shaking hki head, evidently; not liking the appearance of the skyj it being - overcast .with, dark,' dismal clouds around the entire horizon Nothing of interest occurred . during the "day, and little change fotutfaituaUan'; 'except the shifting of the wia4 .occasionally to the weplwardf X tvtrnedn., aboJi, eight, and slept souadlys until, a wakened. by the Cap tain's shutting the door as he entered. - He looked at the barometer, (then ' examiaed the chart, and , said to me that the waVes appiartd.to!-) ilalnfe -and"' runriihg ; more anxi the wiBd-.fthtfUng continttaUy; il ask-w ed 'was ihe haihieter' Etationaty; or falling? UItrtetiil' JfalilB'he safd, -atrkfI- think we ara going tojhavfe a gale before loogM It waj thenAbQul eleven, o'clock, vShofcUy, after twelve I was awakeded bV the -first mate entering to report. ( Lookout light was iEnghted, iyii'i off thi? bow'&ka' norih esCCWti Chios ' then gofLup rand webtIoiudeckX Xdroppeds tb slee but was awafcensdubvi thp rojlinOl b shipiiand. found, it impossible; to sleep, liar djv, bein, able to keen on the sofa. Abut 8xo'c)ock, be came in the room, and to'd nae I had better'geenp ad-come Waecfrrt lante' to see soma" Waves? I got -Up and ' Walked1 around, feujt Ending it veryidifiicultloikeef); me, to the room. He eaid the wind was, blowing a galetherf from fesoutheaft.kncl' Ihe'ad ttfheaVe the vessel Id ride it T :a8ked him what the rchance were, fend he1 replied thateveryffiibgdepended on the engines keeping &U right ,. . He then went into the pilot-house. Shortly. afterwards Mr. W. L. Parsley cameto our " room, and he and I sat conversing, until we- and could hear the sea breaking all over her. As soon as she righted, Capt. Childs' face appeared at the. window and he called to us to come on deck, that nearly every-" body was washed over.board.' We threw off our coats and got on deck, when a fear ful sight met our eyes; chairs, stools, ta bles, dishes and debris of every description were scattered everywhere, the. wind whis-" tling, spray flying, ropes popping, and the vessel laying in the trough of the sea, com pletely beyond the control of human pow er. we soop ascertained that. me rosin on peck had gotten loose and had broken the steering apparatus, and that while endeav bring to heave the deck4oad over, the &p-' tain two mates, a pasaerigetptl steward and two seamen Wam'Washfcd bver j &1 lashing having become entangled :3a the propeller while they were at worki causuiif the stoppage pf the; engine andithe.ahiprta flail off , fatp , the trough of th aea iThe' second mate , caught 1 tto-iraflirtei an4lot li taek oh the vessel;; the Captain grabbed: 1 - . . - f rope a'itajchtd to tbe most and as it &wung I back joxerj the deck he 1 let go and dropped f nloat4a . :W.o:"renmiodda thb galley f of bouian'hpmv wiaeKtlie Co'pt4inic4ileus ufadildu4)to,dijgito UIc riimg,Twitil ared'tliefcalleyfWttaidCe Alowttaoter iid 4ouid criushiiU'K a.itlfet!J WAilkl in this. posiqnnftir..ricofipiJoedrddmd ;ood beldett kiirailirigTneaifins.aBditol ojdpaforlifevi SQdafteriseavdafiJiteAovisp; s-w&tH lindingiuryindtianarlyi;.fcxil' UanstedJ 1 returned Auitbe-KaUBJtawosidevii Ailing much longeiw Mrm Parsley and Price earner htck;fal8o, J aod5 .wo' Xhree re maiped there uptil, just lf ore j the shi struck, ! when looking ? on 'deck;' the Cap tau beckoned Q:Vsvl and.i getting to the' f rw iggingi ha ; told us to secure- life pre serveraj as we were gelling' into ahallower water. .I, was, f ortunatwin ; getting ,one,.r as neither; ..Parsley , or isPricei i could. . The Captaiff thenbt on top "of the hoass ' ana was wyraiug Mwj'u.vvifwai the ' cook, FhiUip My ws, :.ighed i land., (japtain Childs called m and said if !be suc ceeded in clearibe the boat he . would take P rice, "Parsley and myself in it. Aa before, 'the boat got away from him; and he got on ISO DOW WllU.lUO rcoi. Vi.ua. ius v?V, soon.' After strucK ana careened aown- w tie starboard side. I clunn tb the hull un til itf went to' pieces; when, ripbrii doming to ne suriacfu ;swt ,vpm".!vmmo of fraginents, when a wave came over and, LttmAi .iut f f 1 W nit hn.' .Iispon'fbun flijirwflpaiig lficelj;,an4 struck out far land with aa easy atroke,XDy parativafcasei-j f I gradually i neared the iore1 iiritSt ,I!JeK:'iaS',aVwaVe, teceaetr. .dj-aggpd.i down TinatanUy : t tbw, and was nearly exHfttrsted grabbed by the end man of the Islanders, who joined .hands, the 'fiet off on the foremast; and uirrest' acat jtered in ; jril'rkflotai sbiie 64 Jpleces of tie iwreck. others endeavoring to get hod practice in sunaunng 00 u wuuu -, Wng'iald Withicpm "string of I nAn at 1 one end being on dry Und, ;the joee. at t6 other waist, deep in, the, surf;. 'All .wh reached the. shore, were .brought in; this! way, as it was impossible to get out of tliei .hndertow' unaidedJ 'Capti Chllds'11 hody, ; washed ashore warm, abut ; although every! effort to restore life waa tried, the coldness' ,pf death gradual came over his fprpjand hiaresuscitation was; Anally, i but very je-i iQCtantry, given. up aa impossible. . 1 Before; the; shV.beifched i wasa most j terribly' grand sightf With ; the rwavesL run-:' ning, i it seemed -up' to 4ht very 'skies, the . tattereji; j. fsails; crashing to Tship Ii la-. boring j, and w cracking fearfully,, apd' certain death staring us . straight in the face. 4 Mr, Parsley, also qlung to the ship to the last and came up am dng some pieces bl the wreck, grasping which he placed them . under eaeh arnv on th i principle of a life preserver, andTjjy, kicking,, and being;used to the surf, got into the under tow whence "j he was dragged" tp the shore by the mejtinr the beach. Mr. Pnce, .ioo, only let go the hull when it washed from under him, and oncoming to the surface grasped a piece of the vessel which was t heaif him and was gradually.,; drifted ashore. His escape is certaiclyi miraculous, aa he wasupable tp , swim, i Vip i we're ; cared for by. different fanrilVes on' the'isjand''dnrii3g bur sojjburn. : Those from Wiiminglbtf Jef t Mondayabbut 12-M.:foi Beaufort in aniibpen fail boat, , a distaiieeffi.fiftyiflyiEi milts, Ithrbugh. the" oP.Pfiu1 b-clockrahout ve miles, below, 'on vaccount ,pf the. (adverse wind. 1 'About '1 2"oVciocV, ondVy night; the Wind changici5 taof abiyanli"' we stari: ed-abouir'dVloefe? ut6day !nib4wng; feachlhg Bnaifott at 2joetock.nllhe aftM noo?ifc. berq wftiremaiHed uaUl-heiarriral of , 'the (fcteamship JRqtrtafvr Jtom , -,Kew. York bound to Wilmington via Mor-ehead City, when we embarked for home. , ,4 - ' : - 1 Savannab Belief Fond. I ackhowedgentltlWknnan nu"ji.'iT-W..!L rti''S Pnii'itii ty Thdist of cthbniOtsf Whh 'aantrfian-' neied. ishlsb rlttitlilw&ion ofriiti fiirfKe 'reaaph,M ibaaalreyrsppeawdijiaJiL 1 0 ' i i 1 w . l (OTAB: t ,-(,f,-yt1A ..nr: Vwfrrj nil Ij this city, pamed.in. the acqompaaying 4isti of coniriftnuirai T ennlnsu herewith two I checks on jSTatiOhalark Bank, NeW York, nd A AFpKly7i be no 8tU"nnS UP qrftwod all conlro- Xk mm, mVetUMna Nehikr versy upon mere maiteis of opinion, but, I- -i&awadLt r.jiio3z5 'vaS iq ufi&neiiD twith one heai,an4-one1 Voice, unite m no j tsavannai, ua. r . . harmonibus and earnest effort to promote 1 SDti&A!$ai'l& benldf df 1 thft' ,eiU4ttis,ib'P the etrfnjfofJr i&d: happiness of .nheffcntiro tegeiher j . amounting; to, ; f 917 79K, whtcft,;. Chairman Committee on Epidemics, lly 'with the list, ybu will please ."turn over to giene, &c. '' ' ' the flavannaU Benevbtent Association asan1 v Dffif e Beard of Health, Charleston S GL i joffering for tbe.reliefpf the suffering ones iSefyhbeflloTS.'- 't" f 'of yourlafflicted city. flt' wni afford' this I -v we alio nnbiiahutha -foEowinir editorial' 1 praye readl seourgemay sodh 1 For the contributois. 1 .1 The following additional contributions I have been left at the office of mo Star: . ? t : 1 ; i f 1 0;! j Norwood Giles. . . ... ., ,. ; t! $4 00 I R 8. Radcliffe. . . . . . . . ... ... i '. . . . DO I A Minister's Family: . .:. i il- 75 Boar4.of conntr CommlHloneri. During the. session of the Board yester- I holders were appointed for the ensuing plection in November: ? ;tl i -wl First Ward (Upper Division)- H. , . i' .' . V? 4 r j . ' W:m-. WW&m Vpim ng piacf,i1iornton J r tFIWpW (Lbwef l)iviaiOnpHarrv & Thconaa; Kegtetrar; James Heaton, George- lobinson,; Robert .G. Qrrell,-jJohn H;! I Jteauss, Inspectors...,, (. ; J.. , p . 'fe.yTfiJ, J? Qaaaidey, "Registrar;- ' rfnv M.v Hanking .Marcus , Bear, G. H.; ackiby; Joi Keff, ' Ifaspectofs; Voting uiiiv yy.- j , i 1 riilTFarJ-i.AUen I Evans, 'Registrar,' !harleCBis?engerAJ.tH AlteBj Alf, Atatnl Sat Tn8nectorloiin,I Lil T.iff " L ,1 .LWS!rfrr CVCJT".-Trut f1' a ZZrmmJ t,i.vLi4iiiill jfdurui iramuameB wecu, vi'o"t qfcpJaAnnfitreetBugin'e.l T . U V; ..u., 4Rikrnrt- Jor-i I i IjiJavW "Prhtr "Retristrar:' Jo- nh SmithrAlonzo;. Hewlett. Joseph , "tf ar- rbwV iobn A. FWWj Jaspeptbrs.) Voting place Head of Whiskey Creek.; . lf , ,J cWitp-8tepiep Jieyesitegisirarj Henry G. Davis,' Baafam , Wade. H. ' "Li Hbrhb, Johd 'tl Biddlei Inspectpia Vot--ing place4-Bid'dle's 8tofe. - ' ' : 1 ' Tne Fever la citarlestoa 5 afl,-,' 1 't . T6e following editorial reference, from -theiiCharleston ' Journal t qf Gmmtve "of Tqespay, conumstne oniy iiniwr" w hae been able to gather, either; by tele-: rTnh or thromrh the mails, since our las enort' in regard to the progress of the fe-. 'SkSl ' ' P ! ': -f " "n'- . i rrhj'mty physicians iscilssed yester- 'pay'thbp4riety of mak'Wg daily official reports of the number of deaths and new ' . - ,u 5tir -This hnwH- cases;(pf;feyer ,in,the city. .The.imffr-r sion seems to bethatltis now merely spo - ;radic. and that at this late n ; may j not become epidemic.. All thecasea thM j have occurred thus far can 'be traced to ino v !,; V. 1" j . contact with thosd bringing me fever here. WUUW www ..w w. : -- the city are in danger, they will be notified thatthe fever has become epidemic." T feyJA CbTmsn, W."H. libcu, James 1 rv-r'r ? J . . ' . , Id, A ln 0.wofri1 Miha lailvof hH choice - -it. . . . ... a. . - j . - ." i ....n.At.;n nairiMiMd mi inn nuDiiaia ifriAii.JtTKi.rt' nfii sniifiver. .ionn i i)iuwbv"u8i v-- v .. - when .XrwahaWtibt agreed' that tt would be advisable rpbygTcians from the Southern coast -KAtoit&'$& pithe-xnitteri f citieswbd4jKaVepleri W&K when I was1 lJ hut promise that when tne innamianis 01 1 ireatmeni 01 yeiiow iever, are tuts fhef ferrlejfcbtn'ge! : pf - VeJlct?.. hrer . had madeit&appearance in that city. Prom the Nefj(nh(riiTiQ tiiie tta tollowicg . :.V prompt and candid Statement of .the facts from th Board of fiealth J ' ; .t , L .. At a special meeting of. the f Board of t Health, held yesterday, the , committee on fiohr submitted the following report, which, . on motion of Dr.-Lebby, was adopted, and the Setretary directed' to have the' same published m.thrcily journals 5 r :u : vv.- '- - KEPORTt i-in ' .-The cdmniittee bn r Epidemics, Hygiene ao4 aaitsry EeguHtionsbeg leaver, to pre- -sent the following report .to the .Board of Health:!"' . "r " - " ' It ft withT extreme : regret ifbaf'wl? an-. nounce to tne Board the fact that yellow . f eyer. has made its appearance jn our.xity ' .We were greatly in hopes that the "season was so far advanced thar wewould be spared, a, visitation front the much dreaded disease, t In this wehave been disappoint ed I Up to the present date three deaths have occurred in the city fronryellowfevet, one of which was on board a vessel at quar amine. This vessel loaded for a foreign port atMarshall'a wharf,; near; the eastern ; terminus of Calhoun street,, 'and,, while ly ing hi the stream ready for. "sea,; the jnate was taken sickyand the Case waa reported to the Health Officer, by ibe attending phy sician, as yellow fever, on Saturday, . the 16th instant Thevessel was immediately ordered to quarantine, where the case let minated fatally on tbe 17lh instant There are-a small number-of cases ; under- treat- rnent, mostly confined to the eastern part of the city, near the : terminus of Haeel, Wentworth and Calhoun streets. As to tho origin of the disease we cannot now speak definitelyhut the subject wjll be thorough ly investigated.. In order to' Secure and maintain the con fidence of a community .the official bodies, representing the, various interests of the community should strictly and faithfully redeem every-pledge that has -been made. Truth and duty constitute, the only basis of ' action 'under all, circumstances, however conflicting- private interesls may see'm at i' the time. This Board has ledged its honor i and veracity lhat as soon .as a case of yellow fever occurred in our city it should be an-nouncedJ'The;tmlehas- arrived. In tho opinion of the committee, for the redemi tion of that pledge,J8o,lhat each one muy act in the premises as is most compatible with his social obligations and busiousS' re lations. I ., ,-L L. , As i is late in the season-,' and it will re quire a much, larger number of cases Utifofel thedisease' c"air beebme epidemitfP'we are" justified in expressing-the hope that we may reach cola weather before it becomes revaientmuch beyonJ its present limit, 'he committee-would earnestivrartre the J city authorities lo renewed activity m the use of every means that jap be. brounht to jDear Upbn the sanitary condition of the citv. The committee would also resm-c.L- upon the citliebs Calmness and uuiiuiiiuuvui; avuiuiugna uicyiMfaiB tLinui onrKilnlllta aVnitmonf 5 A nr alt Lf t I.L community. All nf tslnnh !q wtrippf frill nhmiiliil I, F." Mqbkbtson, M.d ference to ; the matter, which we take- trom th0 same paper: ;. . ithe eAtvi Three deaths have taken Dlace. , and threp patients are under treatment This ,demic, there is no causer for alar nn The good faith of the Bbaifd, irf j announcing so liar to preserve confidence; and the public prompuy iae wirorawTw , m may re6i assureu nu, wueucrw mcic ia i ... r ,i j - li .! Ji -s 1... any real uauger, iimeiy waruiug niu uv rrivon "Rprv nnnsihlA means of nrevenlinir' i any1 spread of the fever wfll be applied; and j JerioQ8 inju-ThetBarir Sylph; which ; appearsiVovhave VlOBghtthefeye here, j pouched at Bf. Thomas, an infected port, ; ; and wehave no reason to suppose that the dislasl-toCharleaton-hadal ,: In Wnnection we would 'stale that . he Augusta'Board'bf 'Health have ordered ' J qttaraIiUne against Charleston for thirty : gIven. notic 2 thatany violaUons ; lf ti wU1 punisaed . . , t, 'fne authorities inform us thatthe quar-.' wiU aao rtrfcQT enforced here, vessel3 from Charleston being allowed cnm iQto our ;hajbcg:.orref ogees by rail i permuieu w enter tmo wijr f T r : m m m ' ! Ifrom tne r , ltWe learn tbatferit Albert H. Mel- r j i- . . j tt -o j :ii len. oi tne cecona u. d. atwiiciv, muu- Afl t Smithvme'r whose marriage and death i t : - . . - , . to bt,a consented, ana tbe . solemn' ceremony was 1 flight. . ; - - TUB FBVEJAT SSAVA.NHA.il. jBeavllOTrtalltrFevepia the la- ; 'I ereaue-Help Ifeedejl. ; Savannah Kews of Wednesday. j We, : TCPp-fV tOHtlay , inirty-tbree Jn- , tertneutst ' .or 'which twenty-seven i were yellow' Mvenirhitfiis'iUie lar liir .'that wa have had to - .0;!? ahd ampne the deaths are t hbse whbse names and faces and fa- 1 1 miliar TO, many oi.our reaura,, xueru ;r j. g aDatemebt in tbe epidemic, and I thees'al'verV" eeneraVootri plaint" of ' I waril-'oF 'ine'dicar attendance ;We ' trusrthb matter will belobkedo- at brigand if medidal aid i eeded jbatHhe volunteer aidi whicb has n. eQ5geucfouiy ixer. y. er cities will be accepted. -j , , t. Th- . d oai Ja let ' . , ,W IS : 1 - -j-r J cU f. behooveB every one to aid fn '4fit. :-t i.fm.a W come) let ine apt moment rue vur . 1,,- towns aa their presence I UUI1A VUI1 BD VA,. .Mil VVW I .1. " - 11.. ' . . . I only ones who can safely : face the a anger. -if I

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