u r f crip OLD DCPL1N ALITK.' f- f Special Star Correspondence. Tho Tilden and Vanco Club,; of Island Creek, - which; was' among tin first in the State to organize, xuvl v.t. TeachyV Depot, on ' th, ;' 28th., A large and enthusiastic 4: gathering of the good people - of the county .was present, potwithstanding the.eifortR r " . ' a? . . t .-... w -... - on hip purii oi ne tr t ,,uiiBi kiimed Radical "to -lievp. the:, popl i Mm tnruint omit. Everybody seemed iim-.iis 'i)iin ivrv.ly r;he figlit which. i i lake- ,I.-ft; " lhv-7ihf Nvt-in - -' T , i .4".-- f- . ..-.' 'I . Ji" .t':i ..t t fl'i I!' ' I'll V 1H lll'lll, 1H IIHMKIM ot thjU.L whole-souled luici"; clivH'lnm - . . , . I The President of the Club next i troduced Uev. J. N. Stallings, who. J in a sneecTT :of over'two houra Tnl i ' 1 ,.v aiid : esoeeiall v .the ' Goiistitu-. . r - .',. - - ' I .t IV.ihA'iV" 1 ut: mnunrviant ; Qn.-l hura'! 1: -f had the pole erect, and flyin g f rom ,ta iShA 7 top a beautiful flag presented JabelfJ Ciub by Mr. Thos. O. Uarr,' an ener- l getic workino- Democrat. -'Kit .half uuuu Paer? nn oouiii.ti nave proadtriUmphjia discussion of sFen fhe Democracy in North,-Carolina IdeVs favorite and eloquent nf Maj. were- compoed of such men: a aveSocehte Vm tionaU Aftiendmehts. ;with ssch ' eal ftuw-" BUlu: 1 and eiilquences artt seldom listerJeU W4U t tM1 rJ?J! ?n5e, w" discre ' .,--WJ.-. . -:.E -v-i'r-ji . : irf eaui at least 1500 votes west of the I h. . : to. ma speauer suoweu 10 every. ii i-j 1 rru- "'w iwlth. unprejudft ' U8he Dan coiWiatentiv4' theAmendments: 16,000., -.TVlUhe East . to stand V and. call himself a Democrat asitf H J T fm12Sl "fr aa. ;i - iyuiuvwi nbiv au v - iuhnvf -.caiava -'--rw td 1 t . - . j. ' .-:i k .;.....u.::.'.tiJ2'tHKi.)OK enuoreeu u y i u i v ,vu u 1 1; n 1 iu u ?. a 11 u i i every meeng. in tl tat nwtwithstandinir . j these invincible, In. : impity;-has ;;s6m imtiSv mouKBYiiu 1 1 or Megiwanx?: lauiorV Four dollars a. day - " " . I- satisfy the greedy i-U-WfiHMC urmml. amendments, with iip better atgu- raent than that i maurcoitldoL ....... . . ..to -... lve'i trial jiiSj -iiiry. , ' ' Mr. Stallings addressed himself for j t - Attn t A f"1 "tl 1 -ttiiVi- o' ttitm- I i,. ,. v1;nT-nrnnt Ra frmKlfl " i": :i:Z:i I?: .r-r:7-.T con vinciug were his ; arguments that one colored man came forward and Wilminartou. and were disaDDOinted l ;at his non-appearance. WelBUspect declared nis intention to vote lor tne ""f1 wprunuiuuKuoui mc coumry mat the .Democratic party; are the great- .menaments .nd.forlh.i balance-of SSSSS5 'sco0ndrd8.iaAo1e;iea-eIceplthe the JJeraocrattc ticket. " 1 have been subjected to a thorough and oare- Roman Catholics of New York. We expected Col. E. D. Hall from ful canvass, minute and particular in every Tammany Hall rings, including Til- that the same corrupt" underground aolotely sure to go for Tildeu : by aaoTer- words,, as to the Catholics and lead scheme was practiced on him .that I whelming majority. Connecticut bv a large l ine Democrats, were as above,- and as i was attempted on Mr. Stallings-v ):' Old Dnplm yet clatms; the banner,. j aud will doubtless' cive alwut tone I tiiousand majority for?Tilden, Vance I ajid Reform, Hbomrn""rslie V;;tiir-f baa' some black sheep " ht'i ilQck' who I trv .lOMlkoriranizeVaiul corifusiT "the DVmbiirac-y,'-4bttV ihaiik Uw Lord) iM Vf ' IT. . I cl. WADD&I.L in SA5iPao ,.. 1 rugutar--orii8ier;up-.nere.-: in r have been overcome by it, and -become d.ia-l eu-auu vut, i. pww. l'-"'"!-,.- , ; ' London Kosin 6s. for common; pale, 12 I i cqmmon,M.. ...... ...... s so s Duplitj wo set theni aside; with the pirited." ; j . . ... . astounding to see.ta. what; depth thT L .JJJ ' ik' '''''tSsJ spirits urpenUne24sv0d..! t CypreasSapBjR M,. A :s eo He2rtK.. where they belong and there : W have heard -bovs 1 whistle to feelings.pf ho, udge. are Heading KoiV v- ' ' bSfliTr - ! J , . ' " - a- ' ' " rritO.Hg W t(in will n.msiti.nntil i v citir Ito t . --;Z ; -CjU .i n him. ! CourtesV and irood feeliuff ex.1-TsirU firA ni;nn . t I 4il1iiiV-m'"'icw'i "m-VixT-j 'I ViO PM-jI.4rf.ci'itt.t.alroo OOj . . . - r , i rtn Mri flroaa. vnil VllI need all VOM i.llv.ij'i.i. .l. .L.ll.J . t.vl WMHlinn J!;.l? . 1I"U. . it J mrLC' i.L.t.il j.lk..H.in..j'..K I TI1LBEII ShiDUinp aM2.'....-ti. 900;. tri.il lurouon wor&injr ot' our- cinrri T t.rr L'i "'':".'. - ..,-roomDsuinis, vue we niwecara yi uuw .. . ' 1MW u"tMc"i Mctwtjr fn Prim'Tg v: . .. .:r 7. A ft w a -Kli o "InhiTlnmn,;,,! n ncc" about the 8th Of JNOVemDer. I instifv thR statpment that, our rallant ?f . r - -u - eo-aay ro enaDie uiepeepte 10 aueuu me - JEfflar. rJUiJiU.WJr -WB "" " "."'ft-""'"'" I il -. r .. . - ; -;;vl j.,"'..' t , . . ... . . . '?....-, I i.; RTAP AffffTnU. nt 3rt 1 "TTnTtmtrn mfl.tfnor " and hnninfiKJi waff eiwl! I voie this year by torty or fifty than ' I Vance is confident that NortbCar- little -Mac'V completely- demoiisheij t, h -- .. .j..i.;.v.....i, ajmiT inv11'! T "TSVTni-; iV.TT T. ; T.l fi,- ailhnr norlff tphn . hpanl l.lw iliafins. I w wuw utu. bsimui iw whmm - ' : . j 1 1 0 OHO to 15.000 maioritV. Mav God I -r i. MaA.i-a..l.:-.--:Au rlSSt TnV, at nu IRo rln at SS cents 1 fcOTTOBT AND . -a-a4-"--t--- .nn r- ? . . s I t . 1 T v T ' - ' f J r fl " - ' ' T ' : , - Mill II CJI.,1U LI iU.ll. UU1I T U1l3 iBMCI UUlf . V a B - f , .tore-,n , Immenae Taraept od J zette gives me'awiowujj uuouraK tfx& Barbecpe-Speetl. of John i ino'neWS '"iSwPerinaJOT?.:1?. Tr1 -. Messrs. JSditors&othc days ago J i i oue of -the; largest and ,;m6st sneers- i ful political rmeettngs -ever this county assemble at StoifM XolvdeliJiixst the people in ah address of- . tngtn,; ana - exposea..,, .esary to know ia lOttvu. vi.ci , V"ritn it," ; ,5jti ch st itifaner iHsver br pr;jffed ;huu.and-ye.-.bn,niirvdpound uneatft were barbecued les ides roacbt' .. .i uJ. :&.n !tMir :sprad out, under; amagnificent M n-ii anu ir auousuaji, uaimgvw; . -t . V a -y 1 ' great credit for the VeVy pleasirttUnd auccessiui manner iir,'wuiiii' -wj; Hung VoErfNotliogod in -a political wavlol mar the pleasure or r i- la- : - ...,..ci -disturb the aucceas ot the meeting. ' - -. J: - SP&ON. 4iH nnc nnmirtiu ana , nneeii . iecb,j.ihmii r nmnrAiizaiiun wuicu arc ny a - - -a-..-. j a - lira. - & m. f- i.-:... i - . . i ..M;a-Tihriiee6artmerIts afi and rark- Theana idili TL2tt A.. S. (5nlu7ll J was chief, .deserve I i3f Ta nfinhalfv beins; ForHe8tar. M A J. KN O RLH A K l H K It R FHJI; 'The1 WesC sends 'reetlhgto1' Wr "city by the: sea, for th;yery ad mirable contribution she; hai jpiadq to nryj?!Cy.r.eXyf1ilint State!, ticket. T'-oo-i, ji-U!? , t "t.uplejai' fv p;M.lt ak.r.r, lUn'l.?! jt.f liim self, wlu-rever hehaaiupoktmito iutt enthusiaH.UQ plaudits,; and the most general expression of approval. He has unquestionably been more eff ec live in his;pr"ciHatiiisVf the isHueH. involvedjof the llaWical Otiice hold uig crowd: who have ruled ; and well nijh rnineil the" country -dnrint; the ..P- flw T'. . '.'l l,',i&H'7 r lh; r VVtn ,A,f,y. "iT "k, r 1 hara, or hr.l - h,f,.t. ly courvauvtn m Atw -:uueranc in his ormiim Ano An. 4 ... i 1 , ivuiu- iu w v tun uium cilfwuvR1 ui: - ., :v. 4k,....k a i ; r OTfeueoinoe- bfeKe are an7 1iniD Pntaryin what they auiuany use t cuss WOXUS, t't P.M. '-. Tl . . s-r . . . V u",,! w0?ng 1 full hfn - - " - n rsrl ot out jow; NavBAiBstR 1. : , v j - v- I .i Jsi I. lT,,ab jm i f-txffciiA!'.i-?Tvii I VUI Oa.CS GlCLiblllM IUU1 1UU Llln - s - r'irr V.; . " ; -r "I whelming speech of an hour;.and a (Ion c mainrit v . . mill fan O Rff Wn I'Ll - . . " f , - v .7. " & vi . 4 I city bet last wek a box .oMnejBigars at anceV; majorityv, would be lft ft,n ' " f.: a oc.cw ,xx jxm sayacneenng- i i - W-c r i t "J ri.'.r:r. . I "Wo wisEtdsayto the friends of Tilden I i. J Tt. e . ; 1 1 A. a I A . I respect, and in which all the doubtful ele- I fe. S??!1.1 majority, and New Jersey by' a sufficient I niajoniy. , .-jto v-v -f; . 1 f the Washington I RepubUcanri ia. grinding v out r very I ;i t u -f it I - i . ; I lonesome strains: t w - J i lu grant lt,i. A Jluj4ti f uffOuJ iltiohorft Ififd- H iiiTtwAritcft: OiL 30. Since the Octo- crats in Pennsylvania have gradually in-" -mH anrl oRTwnallv has there been a parked change in their favor the past !: tne iawiiai V'-ti'"-'- "o : oteijil utterance ortbe flepubli part aU - .W? .o4i ' eftx:?f jt i ! HThwra'taolvhasbeirfatbe' subject of; ttcUiis.'!' ItJsjon.ly jpneo.i the.jnany'sjrnipi clerks' silpe-f consternauon.w iePre8fdentIaJ canvassed, and. I OJvvllVli Aw W --- -' -- the more it is wnvasse Jbeore clcm "k rr Ta :5 Hi'i:i w TVAlnni.!r gffiSjte-OT- 3;a-w.-?-M s A straw itnoression' j.t iha nmmnr Rimexr lur'iDcui. ... . J seems tdhave been iid,iP(lgti IrtewmeiiPIiiliddphla and other cities 'by itt'HUreiiieotsbr.Utie'Uer'an'd'inW ciiants ot rKtttin iJarnjioniD reference to-uio aff uraoT that State." " I ;!. .On uuday night pool selling be- . $3J, Tilden flOO, Hayes 40, Tildeu $100, Ou Peiiusvlvanu (Plaladelohia ouU- Tilden 15. Have $lu. r . , Ou 10,000 majority m MarylandTildtn 1 JI DliK UlU,lH. M vj.' Hit'.- !mvV.i-HViiKa ovu.. iioiikk .f it . . , - s , u - Urre.poiKlw.e.: i .f - -. V Democracy of Pender J A IT'S ft. L -iiiA-r i i i y - . . I ! a vu-u 1 1 muiu li ajvsu . lub, . .. . . : i- .ww..,,, . , .jc. . and i such, a complete skm riinff MoClammy gave him -and the cor- rQPl and tfttteTiug1 Republican' party, was never f before witnessed m Pen- ifoWtffeatty, whicVJisdainiog Sell to carrv. he julmHIfid . In pxist.. ruptions,.the rottenness, of the Rossell replied in a speech of two .hours, not in even seeking to an- swerve powenui arguments ot xuc- Uammy;.but by tirade of abuse of n,. - .lr...i.i:- jUi..j:- "..uu Jefferson Davis and secession.;' He bitterly charcred that the leaders of . . 4 -. . o - . !. den. vera a net of Dpmocratin Ro, man thieves ' the Judge saidi His they were taken down by a gentlemaa when uttered. His appeals to poOr white men and inegroes, as he de- nonnccd the proposed amendments, and his allusions to aristocratio slave' owners before tbe war, werej in the highest detrrec. unworthy of Juclxre I Rtissell, as ' they were, uncalled tor I .J v..-l ... .Ka..lnk-K I n k A 1 t i ' Lnr? Soutsl WAsHijiGTON". tobet 3ist,1876.v;: a U k of .:-:. f - ':'a ' : ': - B..-.,a.la.He.?IMtinrjat:in.daDara f?Fat speecla of. IaJ. Stemn, irom Col. Frencl.. ..nni -rt,,! ; tSrcia1StarCortespoqdence.i -sky$iclent3$ Uiiis)CoatttYi bv.sucbi mea.assiGenerai j mvwi 'T iTf ivuiibth vi ' I m aisaw r iriLrti" hiysatdihatJiolett'w iaf,j . IAnitt, I. . ! . ' Jf l':L.ai! : I tt.. j.iu..i...M ka.ukiin!UniMA 1- Xltft.'UatUtVa 9ttvfuar w t wiuto iu ...j mm. Mar1io.d:.ear.ai9..:. ;aency o weasea w- mos jacw i- ... . . -a11 rfl ..a-.a-A- m throat.' ' all eases gan atv;15aruroVl Tha attendsnceiwaalalrWllTWWU I ons dull at 33 cents per gallon for Sov Y-H T'-andYirgiiuV Bales fat Wlas.ed for thr W's; H.rWh"Pack . ' f' ' '- Vi' ! ' -; ,'-i, '' ' . . -w.l - "nea ai accents. u:-y .:!. r. J-V 1 V.- "racial quotations firm, ry ?..--.. .... t -: , , , f icosiN.'-OfflCial -i quotations' r" firm t I -niwiua bales on a basis of , lUBcmi result 10 io t'resi.lf-niial gf 50 rorSirnintil nM $t '55 lot '-ood 100. Hayt H 1 50, Tilden IW, i.,yes U5, ' Trhu ci 0 -rePr Ou New Yori. Staie--Tildc 100. Hu ven i AR. -Oulciai u'utft.-tlioiH firul at '.10 holders and Have been here, by his own appoint .'0a 33 cents per gjdlpni for f T er. J XI la7 llfUl. I ' fcJr: w 4 v vvr . g but com- me&;; H T 0Icas8 at .401!:. 0,' ! -SflS?fe- and well ft"" " 0 .iuu,Ug-,H.u ItOSINfflcial quotations &mat $1 55 I ,7; r. rr 'TT" m4 TOMlao that some- toth'atlJbieryvify lWl8ely;n4,lvSMw.o;cW bbls Strained- at 5 Jan d 40 tar. t ir-'.f- 1 ,1 0.t ,ivrrf 01 o-iil j ffljansUartSW 1 -iYW S-rS ho uii. .for, AMdcUipgi -,rTi .fpliowNg re..testJ: I f A ,h Ootton, SpirHsKosin. Tar, Crude. l1 Bladfenbo.ro;: QpSIiJtSloai : i.iioi id rw5.V .h-..tL-t L , ii. . ...l.iirdav.. I2i 32 $1.35 $1.55 f3 85 Y. ir-nrL. AWiWillffW- , Ordinary Ia.ii...;J-.. Trr,u: &.CeatS ilXir I f! !,.itvii-lr. iiB47lB?J.tl.rw iti.fil 1 i per bbl, WithifS "oi-iectJipt.t qWa T". ? . , . . . , CUUU12TUlir,KNTlNE--Ofaeral quota- t ons firm at i 30 for Hard and 2 20 for ;at quota l,U18t V i. '.. , - LOTTON',-,N .Uici r fc34 b.d H . on a basia r ,ClM.ld.li.a. The follow! rdiwry: j Q . . . flood Ordinary' ,i. f i . -l U " ,aLrici l-arnwi iirninnrir ' . Good Middint'r Wi - l!,!IJfni??l ..i .;.,:) Miin mm --l i ini 4i j . , - t I! . : STAR OFFICE. Oct. 27. f ,, PirT8TORPEOTE--pcial flap- nimfot;n-. ' i , ' .-. Per bbl. Sales of receipts at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Ofijcial quc-: tations firm -at 30' for Hard and $3 20 irn.'-! ii tt.. . .. . . v 5 for PlbMiddhng. v The follow ipg;are the I 1 ' ;'-:4.8 j 'eeotis i? fi. Qrdinaryi Strict G J . J v RTAT? ni7PTnT' n oq ; "-f .. w A . V,l g W MVi J SPIRITS TURPENTINE Official quo tktions 33 cents bid. Sales of 20 casks city distilled at53i cents, and laterJ211 casks at 331 cenls pg,. gallon for Southern pact I T Market closin 8teady wo8ing 8ieauy at nstngure. ROSIN.OfflcialouotatioM 'filial 11-55 for Rtrftinfid and Sll RO fnr Onrvl i Rlrninpl iaies oz ouu eois uooa ctrainea at f 1 00, bd 20 do. Extra, No. 2 at $1 70 per bbL TARrOfficial quotations steady at $1 70 VWW iUMTJ2irA--wmciai.qnnxa tionsfirm at ft 30 for Hard and $2 20 for icuun xi auu t ugiu. tjaica lu-uny uk 1:40 for Hard and ' $2 80 for Yellow uip dlYinrin ' tha latter auhiect to! the usual edfacnonl oeing an aavarice of .0 cents on . T ! , yesterday's figures. ' ." i y.vr'r : . mr . . 4. mm uiivn.-r-XHo emciai reports, ine Sales to-day rooted up 200 bales on a hasis of 10i cents per lb. for Middling being an Ivance on yesterday VGgureia In v the F(erf 'gatlon for Southern pickageSi market clbsiqi lh -at hUer' figure. v-- ;:i-n- v- ' I 'ROSllt Official 5 quoiations flrto'at ' l'2.ie:',V'i' j ' '-riLii R..;,,v , l 3 at $1 70, and.113 do Extra,ltOt'2at U 5 I: aT? Official ouotaiiona firm at-liSw . advance .of ,iCenteioajMMjeportsw Wit. C ti aTAU:UFlfiU;, Xov. li ' i crTTT,T'ffl'rrrrj'Pi?JTrT'H"ii' nmni.i nnn. ijuuumuu i. ieet pucnuino lumber,,, 100,000 cypress I glisr3tut-wfe-'X ith sales of 18 bales Middling Fph; at 10V f & t' V ' ' r - V "'1 aa?ifahS.!' er uui. oaies oi receipts ai quoiauons; i was.iiie or no inclination snown' to-nurry i swTk H aiilw losing at $i ,75 bid. ' i? , busiaess oathta toarket, .tbtsuppUea. wi 1 io&At:. .... I . . . . y. .mi niV linH.. TOI. AAnfwl AnH .m Awn . t an 1.1.1 t.fw.n. r. . f 1 . n n I ... n T n n. n nl.nln I I llf . .rtal n Sr m -n f . n IMMlKaA HnA 111. Krt . .v... ....... I. 7-r-r? : . J H. ; ' '-. " r I' CUlTIULtlbStJOTlfraCl. &..... UV tD - iujncin.13 .ii .iiiit.iu. iritui in i . 1 1 1 1 . . ..... .n i . . . imii i . .( 11 11 1 mil i . ..a i injjm. i .11.. 1 if uu. - nvnv nn . . . ma u . 1 uooa wiuaimg:. .:; iu - - r - - - Tar.-i 3j.ij.iJiiiv.--.'.s.-iVt.. wifl--om 1 . . m - w .a Southern packages, 9 Bales of: 73 casks at , f - WJ?" ffaeIi8 WPQr; ,or ityditilledat em at34lfand 100 do do at 34t cents - man native to Baleich aud kas been spend- 1 uriQT'M Tfflr.?l nnnt-finrt iimi) 1 . , avua.i v . w . " j . UoXow N6?1 aTt W,"Hnd 100 do"Extra No. I at 3 00 per;bbUf J' - -j- , TAROfflciaf quotations quiet at fl 75 per hbll Salesf receipts at quotations 1 CRUDE tTjRPENtlNE-bfflcial duota nuns quiet at f i ooror ji&td and f3 35 for . quota- J010i 1 . ents per lb for .Middling.; Tbe following are ; the Official quotations ; ; , : . , Ordinary (nomiiwl);... 81 . cents. ? Jb. Good Ordinary,... k. ... J , ., ' I 'UlLitlf TIITT' I I 1 I il ll.l TV . Low'. M .U!br.;.... vr W.ldduugVi i . .. . l . f0Mli wcoa 'Jaiadiiiig,:kiii.v.'lwiiO'f EXPOIiTS.IfOK THIS .WEEK. ' COAST V IS E. BAiriMonnteaniship Dt' J. Foly. t ' ' M- 10,000 Hiiiutvs. 1 i. ,u-iw l 408 bbls rosin, .tfftlar'doicrode tni I Dentine .9 cases tr SfiS hnshnta neannta i Mva vuiiuu: uu uafis euinus LUiuuuiiue. iinirx in iiiii - . .1 1 ru w ru - ktii r i a -Trrrnun una .17 emntv tent 11 ha'vuW w T WtnA 1, 3 bbls wax, 1G ,jJo dried fruit, 40 I 105 bbls rosm. . . rosid;77 do tar. 1 bale hides: '! bb wa. 26 j pkgs mdsa j ., r ! i : ,n h,ij j Nkw YoracSchr Florence A ;Tower 1 348 casks enirita .turnantino. 1 215 VAla.rn- i IlAMBUBa-'Br.jBarqoe Aucrusta-MJSO casks spirits turpejatuie, ,2,500 .bbls rbsia.j U - o V ,b;;'f:i DOMESTIC. Per W& WiRailrdacfcior the week-66 bblstar. 238 bales cotton, 12 boxes Dacca, 85 pkgs mdse, 15 bushels peanuts,; 53 casks i - .' 1 i -or.. . .1' -wwT . t w opinio luipeuuuc, .eacjta sail, q uora nsn, oaies conon gooas, a DDIS irme, rolls Dagging. 5.489 lbs ores and metals. 9 hhds molasses, .5 bbls' vegetables bbls SybiTOS coffee, 33 empty kegs' and bbls, 8 caddies tobacco. ! Per W. C & A Railroad for the 'week- ISO bbls tar, 4 bbls pitch, 1 bbl rosifl; York -Naral QStorea hi ;oce. 30, 18TG.' fnarttetd Receiptsl to-day, 181 barrels spirits tur- pentinc-SS do pitch, 2,578 do rosin. There .fefinff onhr to the -xtAht nfth r4ll RM.ll rits turpentine in particular is mnn,.'and'toi. I ; . ' -.. f &" iating accounts from the . South., 'About l 86iffil37c was as low as anything could be 1 purchased, and the increased valuation ot'l I l.nMsn nhanh-aA Hainan fnp tkair alwl't I Itoaina wer mihlect to aimilarinflnWj I : 1 i ttnd ruled very firm. With, however, no I aaies reponea. iar quiee out nrm. jrucn rffeifi-,i;. ,0 Wtvvnnwl Liverpool Spirits turpentine 24s 6d24s NAVA la RTO RE S, v j.' Jd The following, is the stock of; naval stores cotton: in-vard and aloat at this port October 80 :vn4-m c ; vi7?vi ol Jifii I Cottoniib yard,.. v:;V'.l i y.SSbalesJi f lOi cents I IjI v Eitrooi. ir jiafque Jfireanor 3.0W I j ! X ,'FnlT;r" si!..u" bbls rosin"! -t-: ". J ,&Sbfcai?'labag8-'-v JiuiLfi.-" " A -i KVtt-irted,.iuuL I, . f,-fVW-Vl! V vft-rfi' Wi IjllJatfoLB-aaange (alsbt) on-New Yk, Xtotni . ! .",i.r'j' i . if 1 vi t mTJt f-J f i -1 j f ., . j : . i ., ,.a.?TV.!f. if..!-.,pHf MU- - vit. lJt1t.aW l-jlL-ii J,f; ,-tiHotalii J.yrJt. Wl-K. .Vl'J-y,Wl : , . . ' tr, ,. ... .... fl s.w- in' , JSlttjinTiti. .'VAW. i?78,63bbl.; , t.isi v b''J-.iij.i viTotalii . t,.'jv-..?:y.'..v. .1,10 Grade Trirpenfirfe, in yard.f if.J: J:,26l bbht;; ;;,. ki.i-afloatyi.-iri.vfK85 Cotton, .w iii-ai. .AU.'.l i26,978 'bales Spirit, turpentine. . .Iar. a6M . CrUde turientiiie.:V,(A-- - 7,35? Cotton.. Snlrita. Ktwin: Tar. Crue. i50,608? ' 2,764 iC87 K 6XATEMENT.KOR THE MONTH ill" "t.. iibv.y,'!--UU. Jiosin. Tar. Crude; ii.37 71,847; f 763 MOJjTrj Oft OCTOBEB,'. . Iloain. Tar.. Crude. . 0J07 38,735. i;813'.bS7B MONTH OP, OCTOBEK, "4$. rits.itosi.n.iar. ii.uruae irpeiuin i.,. Hr? ?ol76ibbls. at I ine a month here among hii 'relatives and ; T . , - , . . . r. . i Total... .; 1,29? r V .,- - - J. . .--WA .e... .bO . j . BECfiHTTS FOBlTEDS JIOSTH.L' Ji 1 , " 4 !ate8J5f""VT;if" 0iuoxanona.Momdbeimaer8tbiHLreo reeont fh holwlo pricginerau :to iMn w wan unien uKaei pnees nave u oe coargea. - Faicas. BAGGING Gunny . . Double Anchor.: .13X0 00 14 .15 AH - ilC C 12X . n. a i v ... . 8hoalder, 9 a.......;. Y...Z. . Kides.N. G choice, . 'VTonteru BmoKtu i i Si . :". 'X utfeir- ' ? W u.,.f.,. -v4i.-p?..i wsi i.rr ;j v ;qv V:' '-'-?';: i i , :-v -.til- !..:"!. . i - I tit u. . BucuuU Uar.d. vacli.. i ! m ' ' NewCity, each ... '. I j BlilUKS WllmJuKion;' M ...J 8 00 10 00 I B OTT EJBSortii'c J iw wwt orth Caronna, 9.l 15' & to ' bperm. i ,25-44 ' X- rsortnern, $ CANOLfcH bue T : . .i 14,-to1-,', lfc- ' Adiuaaatme. . . CH&&i-KKotLhor& JPaetorr & J . - .14 . U4jib 14X IktTAfra-ml A w ea . 18 19 ica S J I UO.KSMJEALHR botaalJaaeks. a h 1 a wxin i..uk-i iq SS! I ?Br-"t--''' HtDO ear x'.TX :4 60, 5 09 k rwi c a An I Sl'irltirYi.VS'? ; . Siw'WiSSi: . mm w . mgj mm mrm 1 i 8SS'TD(1' nrt. 0 (MJ a 5 50 t S5 S 75;y ,7 25, 7 75 8 2b'- O '50 '' W'Ba1';' fli'jo 00O0 i0 00 ' I : f virSuISvChtl I -. Carolina Fert&serV . y- , ; &Mf-; ;l ; y. ; w oo I is oo l " Flour,! " ! Navaeaa Goano, "" M ,J- ! Complete Manure ' . M. i Whann'B Phosphate ' 'jWl.lo'PllMnht.!,-: .'. i. S ffi 8 J$ Soo aSS' ' oeoo 7000 ' woo 70 oo. -- Bereer & Buta'a Photpa; " SfflSM 05. SO 60 00 "T r r-k w ' ts - , w ."" Jui Sf "otv TO 55 fa 65 I Peai,cow, bushel......... )W. I Bipra-Qie .,.. I HAY Kasteru, 9 100 fta....,.., 1 10 110 so l wr I nnnvtA V: I LABD-Nortiieni, fi.... ...... 80 uo -T100 I .v. I U.WJ6 w DDI..!.......... ........ ,il 60 . ,. ,01) LTJMBEB CiTT SS8awbd f' - S4 00 S700 13 00 S500 . . -- SO 00 S3 SO 0Q 25 00 1 Ship stuff, rceawod, it atft. I Kougnusage nanjc, y m. re.-.. I i'tiT Dreasea Flooring, seasoned.. Bcanuing and Soaroa, com Eton: 9 Utt. ....... ..., MOLASSES Cuba, hhds, fl gal.. - Cuba, bbls W eal.... ........ 15 00 18 00 88 40" 41 44 00 5 ?oo . aa 40 so 8 40 4 00 00. 89 1 10 ,145 160 110 , Saga; House, Ehds, flgal... Byrap,7DlB. flgal....... NAILS Cat, 4d to aod, fl keg.'. . OLLS kerosene, y gai r l... ............. 1 , 55&:'aii.9 ttosm, v gat. ....... ........ POUJTKY Chickens. Uve..... ' SO ; 0 25 30 ! 15 20, 1 25; 1 C5 00 1 00 S 25 5 2 75 24 00 25 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 23 00 0000 . I 'CX ' 65 I PflANUT8--V Waher..:... .7,'. !. Prime. bbl... - : 'km':''r'T-' i jmuii. iinnav, y a".............. 00 ,. 00 "Sitraoo I tf&g'9 1 tn ?t""::':Vj? r. . ? ; a SALTAliimgbuahel... ' LJvertKK)!. V SaOJC. ........... V JfeWi-'V BUUJUVI. -VUDa. TP .. . . ........ . Ham nn. I i , Porto Bico. ?m ro at 00 tffc 11 U1 w i 5r -............ I ISrilfS""""""" . !?. 00 i 5 tlx lb. Wi An IWTI ajSto-A.i-Jiviwip a oar AUU A. ttlaWa "T . ABL a Inferior to Ordinarr. M:. WHISKKY- Northera; Vgal;..:. North Carohiia. t Mi..X-.l 1j75l,i1 S0c W-OOL--Unwa8hed . 1 j 18 '- : 20 irilIINGSTOW JttONT- BIAttltET W -a. - t li... lo. (fiiW Looi --M.-'i .tiiiv.i! "hjo if, n-i Baltimore. V i I , ' Philadelphia, w.,.....Jtf ' J -yoji o-M i:T. 4irtB - 4Sii!."iX? - ixeaaiage80aaTi8eliatwe Bank otTNewHanoyerBtoca:.... ...... ; .100 ; Vmt National Bank,.aW;w. vd )iSt ..jH.....,-,-! 140 I. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon. ..14 ; I v.2?- ; jading 18e6..r. v .7, U i ' j aiXOkjJiiNwiiy.lafi.sj.&ii.iiUl" t .-ft j t W H.K.Bonda 7 me tXJoMIiitt'ilOQ . I is .a ! t Una Central It. K.' Bonds. 6 VC.s.W . ateilMriaiBbii4aaaiJir.:..ttl5-.' i TOJatr? S K WU.Uk Seab' :wUiatotton Cotton MUla... .u"."i;"i.;60' ".mil now la,ra that ;two thirds ofih(t-amoubt : was. contributed! by j persona; who are - not . i!tr- . a ' . .t i . - l.ri j. ! jhat;''.wUh the coatribntionsif Sesthere,:thehand3ri8umol jiasons, ana i the two Lodf' Htothe never failinir liberality of -VrjlbaHl I . ; . " -... - .... .- - . munity of iFayelteville who are always 'amdae the7 'foremost'' Jtf every0 feii5d woW T J. nd1wWit,Jy,1,t;' V-:ii4 I : -Xlim. UUi... ' flim.hAd U1UU3 uaacr uksvuiluu. . , u uitw tiuo. . nvttJtu; ' phan: Asy lua. had 4becn spjdjjiiqheasQnSjL 1 , v , ,T S i.jnl,5ri i Jo . .f pf-Fayettcf4Wi?I aJ1fttle,px $l00.., nWa,! tWni1;).? ..Ml ' I Gen Allan limberftfrd&asi publicly aaj: Jottaa.faiei)brtaC W nlBt. Mar 4 noxraeed hitaselC as;a candidate fbitho Bete f J kaiipMcirtAef the Nortom - 1 aifef lorn KeW il a&anrti had' lender,' claimj Ung that thert ' is norCgatirty ; nominated Ibnbliran candidate' forMhC'Ji3osulon in tM fieidt- Mobre' gress data BailfefoWio okam'Jl would ' now," Qineral, seeing as how there is one at H"Vt JTVttt oaa WWtJWUtWIN :gabfaftetPcyftay u ! t'-..---ait.iT r..ii;'f,T.' n LiuanuuH -Ljeiiiutrriu,. il win remembered that the mills of QehJ W." N. Neal, on the Catawba river; in this fcoun ty, were washed J away by the freshet litftswrngnTbe Geneialhas justirebnilt ?fty IW! to.be the best ;-K!J' jfc.lJ .is'.j nii?a ' tiiair He can :!ielpv his f rifendyeCnadayaB'h 1 PoaVve to beat'CbtHY-dcWfn-1! I- ; fTL. TIT.. iL. a.a'2 " .?w? Vi .5. i thefollowing eport:. S . ' ixud tiuuivuai r - Tfcuurk. lor iuo i s hours ending six o'clock p: mr yester day sfiowr thehumlfer of deaths to'''.: .' have been fiye," 6rwTjfcbir ione ; was ; from yelloSir fever1. :'Of the tola! num- ber -four were colored. rj J -': The physicians report several new I i A .i .. . " - - i mt" jHffc reiunieu w , ine. . city., anct j We k,,oV of some selven new cases nHroHtH-noWwho haired beei't :irl' 8a- '.1 KUWrt itiH ii--tlM4Vf the din- iv ) ;i is1 t-t-nt ifrU I' iilji'liie s'ln III destroyed. the gu iuuo41Viia;t?. -k , ... . ? ,.- - . ; : U0v..Dr,. C Ii. .Vaagljan.ithe very ablu Presoyteriau minister, has beeii gaiu called jai staled supply for 187710 the-d Iialeigh church. .. Re is one of the greatest uiTmca in America ana itaieigu is very for- luuaie-aic. :Vv;i8 unaoio op account ot his. lu.Muu m uiii ctvo, pspeviauy :?ioce .rue .? wy4wujft .yt,acTctai oiiucs ia iqi Yiqinuy,, puynsii yo buuiq ycry rwu ore rinrtrMnnt'-TPAct hn !ia tw t T I i ". .1 I... iiUi T ilZ, ARRIVED. ':Ai i . ETteamshiri AshlanfdJ761- tons: Mills Ncltr Steamship Gulf Stream. 99ft tona. Cmw ell, NewYdfk; A TCazaui J : j Schr Nancy5 W Smith, 889 tons, Crooker, : salt to :Willard Bros. , iixt i ; ... . ! J?ciir,W,i. Uurronghs. 512 i tons, Smith, NewYbrk,AI)aWaWh I lasses to Kercbner & Calder Bros. ' ' I t 'Schr Hattte Turner, 295 'tons. nuDDer. K8ln, 8 days, with 226 tons 'guano to W I JV W Uail nuil A . I T IT a-,,.. , I Dourn Cw vO. , . 'I , orEcjpray, x'enion, iiiiue uiver, s. u., . " catat8toresto AWrei; Martin, p !l f sSteamshin Pioneer. WakelVJ 'New York. ABiCazaux,. ,: ;.; . , I vaMUi. ; . - ! M ; gchr Mabel. 180 tons. MalohevBoston. ' yia'NeW London,' E Kidder & Sons, with guano for Navassa Guano Company, pear oaran rirginu, f atnek, Liock wpod;s Folly, fish - and naval stores to . Kerchner& Calder Bros. '-, i j Steamshiir Benefactor. Jones. New York. A D Cazaux. ' : Schr Zenith, Moore. Bhallotte. naval stores and fish to Anderson & Loeb. : Schr Lillian, Arnold, Shallotte, Daval stores to Kerchner & Calder Bros. ' Schr Conservative; -93 tons, Whitman , New;Yrk;-4;-days,;A D Cazaux; with 1,000 sacks, of salt lo Kerchner & ; Calder Bros. f , , tl . ,-t . , . ; . Schr Alina Lewis, 313 tons, Aldrich, New. York; 5 days, to master, with 378 tons guano lor JMavassa Guano Company. 11 to accent a rctrular oaatorate. : . I r rbnarlotte"-!ZM bh-Mepbttiii! :oa'8nllfi-'1i.A Black,' vwd miles' froM 'Pfeneer MiUs Ca 7 Paiiu.aAutj2S: :w-.;d it! Ji a tUnr. X A ' s. tsr ..iiarquentine JMancy lllolt, 3l tons, -Swan, Demarara, 20 days, Vick tfc Mebane. r ' ; Schr Lydia A Willis, Daniel, Topsail.lCG : bbls fish to Binfdrd, Crow & Co. v"h ."-'clearedV-t 1U' - - 5 Schr Spray. Pehton, LuUeKiverj S. C, ?en8uTp ji.shlani;-Mffls7irew Yor lc, A I i "wazaux.; - c ri -fai: r ..t4 Dieamsnm uuiii cstrcam.- urowei-jJNew . , . nt . . - ; . .... -aT -m a-. m , " I sscnr xancy Oiifv omiui, ; wrookerr JNew .' I Vnrk A TlOnTniTv .. . jr ) ' . I Schr Wave Crest. Winchenback. Ponce. . I r. tv , ortnrop as uunrmin g. r ; f Schr Zenith Moert, Shkllotte, f Anderson I JjOeb. . Vi. li'.-V.viK.-;!: 7 iilAJJ-J. ;.. . I ) Steamship Benefactor, Jones. -Tew York, v I A IIITaviianr I Br Barnne Eleanor. Pflrt'ptnw. T.lvprnonl. oejc'i iBchr rFlorsoce"iPf t TowekAdaifia, NeW - coijjl Y6rk,;Wjrth tt Wortb-i Viiirjvii chr Lillian, .Arnold. -ShaJlotte JCerch-r oer 67 uaiaerijros, . .. . , , . - . r. . : i . I Kf Kfl TnUO A 11 rfTTCTOf K A1TIW 1-f AVnTmriT I -ta . ; 1 J ' . ' ( f .I'll 4r4 i ! I 4ai 1 al I I WHliaTnstfcMurchisoB.1'' tu vk--. Mau MWb. auvm aa,vo aw- au ui ay u a a Schr. Lydia i A Willis.fDaDieaJiTfjpsailLi rTii IV t 11 - ... .! . i. kQ6ds,ToIb7t.gercine. & Cffdei ,Broi r) .t f I J . . - ' ' IViBIRABIJE'EKljCKSi Wfcoalralcu to-prico-j as. and you will often And it to tout, adyaaf ace to . . ay 6f "dsi' W46 'tlneerel TeneySere 'kelton'i iaa - ' - weopjy aak a tair share of Hhe. TOople'a patronage. , '' fBTO-.s ' 3BANT-lNTON3bCO., ' ! f ocSdjMyU, Cyam'a yerchaas ffyocoa, , . , 1 : ; : - WflKl Pdfltr'fflF'fllr'W InCfftl ' Prrnilfv 1 hrtA-iiiw,TayjND ,i gooai lAA jaCB3,rLEVBIANI!'7 f "V r ,l 5 UU IMPROVED NO WASTE IaAND, , ill dlro&d. Stock and Impletnents at a bargain. , "reason for'elllng-eut. Call and ee Ihe . )r10ib croDs.xir aadrees Hieati wadorbnro. N C -..a HERfiBY ANNOUNCE 11Y8ILP AS AN IN- , pEPENDBNTCANblbATi for the SEOtKIFFlL- j tr-W-tf3b1JNi7; the ensuldgeiectloii' ' ; I of myfrfcii4.a4ftdlpwe1 r;., daw -. i ii I aiti alr fii! Hfio'iy .iji- j . ;iYix. W'PinA ii7'' aili'Vc 'b'J W4f3 RI1HJG" -HAIliI'. HWBtj"i- nn, j; "KATES OF.atlJTOCBIPXIoi!. j Qnc'Ycai, feititer 4ati4,l?-! -1 IrX- V f2 7 oo ittaliiaiMw !r;!.:?AK.!s..'V4'? 1 Na. ? ,'tm .J,.dw..u4U:-i a- i - tit loi tJse oii:i "islM vd l:jJvdl ... f and the Latest ' 1 t General News, by Telegraph and rv, jMaU,rrm.allyftrMorth;e . r ,. ' iOt"SI5'iJ gti? iff V :i .'tin i to fftuhft . i,i ,JiTj:ni;i uy fejii 'i (argWpLYClWIULATION ntt. STATE- . 1 ; J .;r n , , . !,, ,,-J. I U, VJr jHE 0NLY DAILY PAPER PUBLISHED IN t.' i uh i -1 WILMINGTON! i . I ?",'- - 1 1 . - I fU:?v ''7i!r ,; -t of P i M"r.,s -.rrf--.f. 1 Aoaresa, t ja..Bjiau(Aur: -a w I . .r,t.-.-;Ml lorroa . Paowmrroai, i : . j ') . i i.'.v. lo ois.i .r5TTun(to,Jsr.r'xS : i i a ! ii - -

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