-riri!XJBHK WTT.iyrTTTG-TOJST- OST. C.', $1.50 a Year, in advance. 1SS8SS8S 1 Year lasssss .r? : S88SS8S i 6 Months 3SagSSS5,; - 8882888 f 3 Montns h.s.eo o "8888888: 2 Months io3ggg ; - - 8S8S8881 1 MOQtn ttMooeetoo " . gg"82S88 : 3 Weeks e)--aooo i rtrtCI ,f 2 Weeks w0acg tW - 8S8SSS8;; 5 i S I :slfsg. 2 7 - s -; K a K ft cs Z M . M io UP. 5 mi S3 2,2 tse i t s r h r -r: i is! 'Mg- iot Office Money Orders may be obtained in all the cities, and in many of the large towns. We consider them perfectly safej an.f the beat tneans of remitting fifty dollars or less. ..; -'-J . ;. -Uejflstered fitters, nnder the new system, which went intq effect June .1st, are a very .safe means of sending small sums of m m-v where P.O. Money Orders cannot be easily " obtained. Observe, the Reaiatry , as well aa postage, must be paid in stamp at the office a here the letter is mailed, or it will be liable to be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Buy an4 nfix the stamps both for postage and registry, pt4 t he money and seal the letter in the presence Of t hpcstFmaster and take his receipt fottL Letters nt to as in this !way are at nnr risk. 3 .. . ; j ion The subscription priee of the Wekk i.y Star is as follows : ' Single Copy i year, postage paid, $1.50 " " C months. " " 1.00 . ; TIIK ST A K. . f The-new quarters of the Star, on Princess street, are a wonderful inv provement on those occupied so long by us. The building is commodious 4 and well adapted to the newspaper publishing and job printing business and, when we have completed our 1 plaosf, we have no doubt that one of j the most complete establishments of the kind will be found on Princess street (the printing house street of Wilmington), where the flag bearing a "bright particular star" will stream from our mast head? We invite, our friends- to visit us at our new, and, . we trust, j)erraaneut, home. We embrace this occasion to say that at no time in the history of the Star-has it had so many friends. Its circulation is already greater thaii that of any other paper ever publish ed in Wortlb Larohna, ana we are pleased to Vie able to announce that its. subscription list is steadily grow. -. Onr Bar and Hirer Improvement!. -.- '".. i Regarding future operations for the lm 'provement of the Cape Fear River and Bar, the specifications issued by Muj. Wm. P. Craighill, Engineer in charge, says it seems desirable during the present fiscal year io - farther contract the area of outflow at the New Inlet to as great an extent as the state of available funds will permit. Tbe great er portion of the work for the contraction ot the Inlet; and tbe only portion for which proposals are how invited, ;will consist In simply dumping stone upon' the - apro and its extensions. ' For this purpose about 45,000 cubic yards of stone will be re quired; Vut this amount will be increased or dimiuiiuHl, hs the price of the stone per , mils or'n-quires.;: The pUnUit present con templated w l ' bring the structure op 'to low water matk,-with a slope of one foot ' on the inner and one or two on the! outer or seaside; but the Engineer in charge does not confine himself to this particular plan. aud 'will require the stone to be dis tributed over te -apron and its ex leiuious 'at such lpointsT 'i such propor tions, and .with such slopes,' as shall seem to him to be proper at the time; ;of delivery, j He : -will not, however, require any stone to be dumped above ordinary low water f mark. It is, j probable that a Considerable addition to the base of the apron at certain points w'jl be necessitated. Tiie extent of this addition canwnly be de termined as the process of filling goes on. Vessels bringing stone dy sea will find aii- cliorajdes couiiuodioUs aud safe iu all weathers, bolli.lieUiud Zeke's . ,!! od an4 hi the river iie.-r Fedual Point, al viiher of - wuicu points the stone cap . be discharged ou lighters brought alobghide for that pur- The large quantities of naval, store,, cot toimnd lumber hipped from Wilmington to -Nortuerur uorts ffer rniuocrative ie- tur o : f reighU, and Wu'4 j seem t ; mJte : this a pdrticuUrly; t rv4raiie,u4Joiat for the siiipment of sftnW, wbuu o m:iny vessels' are coutinuaUy omigVi MhT yiJ j" A oupyof these rMificaUQusnhaa been left' wltui tRe eeoretary ! htae WiaaiUer oi (Iiinirkrr-'fcr ' ruffirfenntf -f Lrtius inter-' 'sted, or they 'mfiy e'seeii inU explained by calling on Mr. Henry Nutt, Cbairraafr of tbe Uommitteebn e cuamoerot VAm! merceon Bar and River Improvements.: Oat of MU telemeul. f;o'j A horse atachedlol Af cart kbt "un'rtTy at the foot orPfiheess'streeV . ing,' and fi naEy. .succeeded in ' bacting Ithe , ched, and the cart fished out of .the dock imewhatdarnagedij Krt.ir?iM The imrht- mafts 1 ifor T nave been resteiia- itertW thrpuga maUewili close titlPo8toiacij W vehicle on tbehari, wbeb be lojiowea n,r ter; VV4iiie ueg?, ,wv w t.:irs. m -a -' ..V-i v ' JU - rn . CtL1' :L t ottt-iTWw V. X 3 Charlesi! Dosher. Jr. 530 P. M."aud 1 A: M.'' throirgh wU refWrnWIop rihe'WArfPiibllcaBoa nuu' ceived at about 9 A; "M.Tr'i 1,1 I WifisftMa? ,lSuoiod-K ,Xb- i ; T 1 I ,,.r,.. , r I 1 , II II .II i " 1 1 1 - "II J II . II l ' ' - 'I " I ,11 Hi (,... II k. IJ , VOL. 8. .,' . : ' . aprler Conn, In this Court, since the close of oar l ist report, the" iary in the case of Sheridan Eieyane, charged' with' laiceny, brought in. a verdict of1 eiiiltyl ! J "t 5 ' ' f " ' the case of Tuos. King, charged iwith larceny, thiejury had not at last accounts returned a verdict.1 Its consideration! was commenced on.Weduesday, , and 'the jury; look the case hi the foreno n of Thursday.? The case of Jane' Arrington, colored,! charged with setting lire' to the dwelling house of MraV Harry Webb, of ;this city, I on the night of Sunday, the 22nd of Octo4 ber was taken up. Some I conuiderablel time-was occupied, in empanneliing thej ury, which was made up entirely of col- ored men. , ' j. "' Mr. Solicitor Norment appeared for the prosecution, and Messrs.; A. , T. London Marsden Bellamy and E.S. Martin were I assigned by His Honor to conduct the. de- fence. ,Mr. London being absent in at 1 tendance, upon lh District Court, . the dej ience, nowever, : aevoi Yea . entirely upod Messrs. Bellamy aad Martin. "r The examination of witnesses was con eluded about four o'clock, when the argu ment of cpunsel took place. ; j . ,. f t he jury, about lOo clock last night, xe turijed a verdict of not guilty. ' " I The Jury ip the , case, of Tom Kinjr, aU luded to , above, were discharged on the eve of the adjournment of tb'e Court,' being unable to agree, and the defendant will therefore have another trial, i The following cases were disposed of in this Court yesterday: f : ( State, vs. Cojrpeha Harriss, charged with larceny. Defendant found guilty and sen tenced to twelve months, confinement is the County Work House. ' ' " : 1 I .State vs. Abraham' Willis, charged with larceny. ' pefendant . fouud, not guiltyj must enter Snta bond in $100 ' for appear? ance at the next term of Court; State vs. Simon J .Wihslow, charged with larceny. Defendant 'found' guiltyy onrl DAnfonnjuT ft t hroa " vdom in f 1 si ra rv "L 1, giye bond for hisdod ben vior and pay a fiue or $100. f I ' State vs. S. F. Walcott charged with as- sa.ult and battery. Defendant-submitted ana juagmeni was suspenaea on me pay mem oi cosis. ... . State vs. .George Garycy, charged with larceny. , Defendant found not guilty. j State vs. J. W. Whitney, charged with assault and battery. Judgment of the Court that defendant be confined in tbe Work House for sixty days. ' ' ' ''. , State vs. Harriet Williams, charged with assault and battery, in ' two cases. Judg ment suspended on the payment of costs in each case. - 1 ' Tbe Grand; Jury were summoned . into Court about 4 P. M., when His Honor con gratulated them upon the marked improve ment, as evidenced by the docket, in the peace and quiet ot the community, espe cially noticeable at the present time as be ing on the eve of an importanV-electibg, and expressed the hope that such a state of things " would continue, to exist. ' Made some suggestions and animadversions upon the duties of magistrates and peace officers fn preserving the "peace and good order and improving the morals of the commu nity. 1 Spoke ot the houses of ill-fame as being a fruitful source of crime and disor der, and adverted to the duties of city offi cials, magistrates, peace.officers and grand juries with reference to this - class of. tie community. He -also alluded to idleness as being another source of much evil, and argued that the law in regard 1o vagranfls should be more stringently enforced ljy magistrates ana cuy oruciai?. tue -juyy were then discharged. ,: The remainder of the afternoon session was devoted to bearing -motions, u&c., and the Court then adjourned for the term.- JJ. s. District Coqrt. In this Court yesterday, la the case of Jas. A. Bracy, convicted of having a ttill without the same being registered, and also for distilling wfthout a license, , HisHonbr' sentenced the defendant to pay a fine of $100 In, each case, and ' t6 be imprisoned in the county jail , for six months, thirty days in each case.- -.;t. :,...r : ! . . In the case of : Alex. Sinclair, charged with taking a valuable . letter from .the mails, the defendant having submitted; ac knowledging that be opened the letter, but denying that, it was with criminal intent, , the judgment of the Court was that defeh-k dant pay a fine of $100, and be imprisoned in 'Hie cwuniy ' jail for the space of one month, to be discharged at the expiration of the time according to la w; 1 i ' -' f -: In the case of the United States vs. Elifca Btafford, charged wfih retailing withouj a license, me uuiciiusui nos ' iuuuu j John Quincy , Ada.m.8, charged with selw Jng unstamped , tobacco; defendant calkd and failed, and judgment nui entered. 5 The rtimaindef of the seVio'U rwarf1 taken ud in the consideration of civil Cases. r i A nice liitle coasting schooner, pbristen ed the Little iWmrne, was .launched ; yester day. ; . She was built by ; CapVr Murrayi If te of 4he Brandt in the, vicinity of the Jiessrs. CbadlHHirns' milU and ia designed for the use of that gentleman. : notf d Xesalarr at Smitn vllle. I Live Oak Lddce, IndeDendeot Order! of $$$$ TeW; pf mitttiMe' TW'eicjei; '(be, f ollqwin'g offteer? torVthe ensu&g.jquar' IT ea- l s. i AndersoDw F,t&; W'iiW. uark, e.; Mrs. H. Piner, GepVge V. Moore, , M. j Miss B. WescOtt , V :,'ti'm i fceifourbtry nf wa! tfnfutledf WILMINGTON, Wilmington Keiall Rlarket. The following i prices , ruled yesterday : Apples, (dried) 12i cents per pound ; dried peaches 25c per pound ; :walnuts,. 25 cents per peck; , pickles, 20 cents per t dozen ; lard, 15 ceuts .per pound,; butter, 3040 cents per pound ; cheese, 20 cents per pound ; grown fowls 6570c a pair; spring chick ens from 20 to 30 cts a pair; geese $1 50 per pair; bc.ef 10 1 lie. per pound; beef, (coru ed) 12i15c. per pound; veal,, 12i16c. per po una; mutton, 12il 5 cts. per pound; bam, 1516 cts. per pound; shoulders, 13 14 cents per pound ; tripe, 20 cts. per bunch ; clams, 25 cents a peck; open clams, 2025 centl a quart; soup j bunchy 5 cts; eggs, 20 , 25 cents a doz; sturgeon, 25 cts. a chunk (5 lbs); potatoes, new Irish, 40c a peck; fish, trout 25c.: per bunch ; mullets 1025 cents per bunch; turnips, 10 cents a -bunch; on ions, 10 - cents, a quart; cabbages. 520 I cents a head; bologna 20 cents a pound! parcley, 5 cents a bunch; carrots, 5 cents a pound;: rice 1020e a quarts crabs 15 cts dozen ; apples 2040ct3 per peck ; Sound oysters 20 cents,, a. quart; cauliflower, 10 25 cents; celery, 25 cents per bunch; beets 50 cents a . peck; tomatoes 5 cts per quart; watermelons from 5 to 10 cts apiece; stone crabs 30c a bunch; cider 2040 cts a gallon; sweet potatoes ?5c$l per bushel; scuppernoog grapes 5 cts a quart Sentenced. ; . .- ' ; ' The following comprises tbe list of per sons sentenced to various terms of impris onment by Judge McKoy during the late term of the Superior Court: Lewis Selby, larceny, five years in the penitentiary. Edward H ill, larceny, five years in the penitentiary. j John Johnson, larceny three years in the penitentiary. ; George Washington, false pretences, three years in tbe penitentiary. 1 Lawrence Williams, larceny, three 5 ears id the peniteutiary. Sheridan Devauc, larceny, three years in the penitentiary! -1 Simon J. Winslow, larceny, three years in the penitentiary. David Mallett, assault, and battery,twelve months in the work house. . Cornelia Harriss, larceny, twelve months in the work house. ; .J. W. 'Whitney, J assault and battery, twelve months in the' work house. Animal meeting of tbe Cliauiber of Commerce. The annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held io the rooms of the Produce Exchange yesterday at 11 o'clock. The President, Col. Wm. L. DeRosset, explained the object of the meeting to be the election of officers, &c, and stated that for certain reasons satisfactory to himself, he would be compelled to decline a re-election. 'An eleCtlbTTwas then held with' the fol lowing result: President A. II. VanBokkelen. First Vice-President E. Pesclmu. Second Vice-President Donald McRue. Secretary and Treasurer J. L. Csuitwell. Executive Couucil Geo. ilarriss, R. E. Calder, James H. Chadbourn, W. L. De Rosset. On motion it was ordered that the Presi dent of the Produce Exchange be ex officio a member of the Executive Council. There being no further business before the Chamber, on motion the meeting ad Jonrned. ; WHAT FBIBNDM SAY. . T. B. Kingsbury, known and ad mired in every nook and corner of the State, is now on tbe editorial staff of the Star. lie is one of the most elegant, and cultivated writers in this or any, other country. Rocky Mount Mail. , - . ; .- ; Mr.! T. B. iKingsburyj'one of the most talented gentlemen ; and versa tile writers in North Carolina, has been employed on the editorial staff of the Wilmington Stab.- Washing ton - What Kext. : '., T. B. Kingsbury, one of - the best writers in the State is on the edito rial staff ofthe Wilmington Stab.-t-Burham Tobacco Plant. 1 , J :t DRAMATIC GOSSIP. ' V" Ole Bull has arrived in Boston from Europe. ,' Miss Geuevieve Ward will. shortly appear in Italian and French dru-i ma in Parts. : Pauline Lucca will fulfil an -cr gagement at Frankfort on4he-Main next April. -'T ' . M me. 'Arabella Goddard has been welcomed back to London mdst cor dially. -. " ' ' , ' LTfezt. has paid ' a visit v'td Von Billow,1 ho was very ill, and who did ' not vicii Btiyreuth. ; Carl Uoita i succeeding with' his English opera performance at the Lou don Lyceum. . t -: . Mrs.j "Scott Siddons and the pa veuport brothers are the leading attrac tions at the Melbourne ihoatres. 1 Miss Dargon, Fetclief and Faw cett Rowe have lately beetf dividing the at . tentiou of Pittsburg critics: a . . Pauline Loigini wiH appear in Offenbach's new opereae,. t'La Boite ;tu Lait," at the Pasian Bouff es. A -;It . is nan no u peed, j&atj. Mratv Anna BisbopJa t&gfgfiJa series of of twelve concerts at the diamond diggings of the Cape of Good Upe- : 1: -1: Lawrencei Barrett, and E. L. Davenport are to visit Hamilton, Canad-, dn the 9thV under the auspices of Jarrett Palmer, and play ,Jnlia Caesar." ! : ' ft'J,I is asserted that Mme. Lucca intends" td retire from the stage. Al any frater he baa i entered roa a farewell ;tour through GerBaany-.f ' i,:,.rY,h .v isoTfr Tbe limp 0CAnpie4 r m Prf prm,k .ing Jthft VBing ql thel?ibelungs,w.at(Bay reutb, was thirteen hours and fifty minutes, hot' lndudini "waits nd ? tfther intermis- N. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER ;i01876. . t ... . i . t: ..i . . r : ,- 11 " " - ' 1 - - - Spirits TuTQiitmer From 1,500 to 2.06QJ bigara are ; manufactured weekly iu Nebern at Dr. Watkins f actry. - i'U";Li J; jvv , Seventeen personal have lately joined the Methodist Protestant church -in' Yadkin county. .; v t , i t. Twenty-four persons have - re cently united with the M. iP. church in Granville. ; Ii t, J j One hundred and six conver sions occurred on Gilford Circuit, M.' P. Conference, during the year, j ; a - f Sixty persons have professed conversion on Alamance Circuit, Methodist' Protestant Conference, during; J875.'- ? -,pt. Mr. W. C. Troy-s store, io Fay- etteville, was robbed of some iobaoco,1 : I Fifteen persons left Oxford last week for the Philadelphia sbo,w, ' rN s -; i i :The Recorder sayaj the ther- mometer fell to twenty-five degrees at II ilh boro twice in October lasti j . ,4 Nearly alL of the Sheriffs We; behind in settling with th'etate 'Audltbri Alamance thus far stands jwlifefyV'!. M. P. Pegram, Of Charlotte, and Miss V. L. Tate, of Greensbolro, were mar ried on November 1st. (j j Mr. John Ii. McLean, of Robe son, and Miss Mary V. Brown, of Wash; ingion, were married on October 2Rtb. ; : State papers are requested to place the Raleigh Observer bu their ; ex change list immediately, j- There is to be a grand di ess ball in Wilson on tbe 17th. Woodson, remem ber, you are a married man. j j Prof. D. G. Gillespie has re signed his position as one of the instructors in the Wilson College. j j Dr. W. Y. Hill, if Raleigh, collected $31 50 for the dear little orphans of Oxford. A noble deed. . j The railroad from Warrentoq to V;m n Plains on tbe Raleigh & Gaston Roau. distance three miles, is nearly graded. The Legislature j will meet on November 2oth. Now is the time to sub scribe to the Star. 1 -j - j ; Two negro women escaped from New bern jail ou November 2d. Their names are Jane Leath and Sarah Sanders! . The JVut Shell soys;. "We learn that Mr. Benj. Ellis, while out hunting with a friend, received a very painful wound in the face from the kick of a vicious mule." Columbus Marriott i(col.) acci dentally shot a daughter of Hyman Lewis (col.) Friday night! Serious but not fatal. Jiocky Mount Mall. j . . The Advance says Rev. Dr. Jas. A. Duncan's dedicatory sermon at Wilson', on last Sunday, was able and eloquent. The congregation was very large. Capt. Denson says the diphthe ria has been more fatal in Chatham county, according to population,: than the yellow fever in Savannah,-Ga. . Bill Lorke, the Rowan county murderer, has been brought back from Kentucky under a requisition of the Go vernor. . jf j J. M. Currin &Co. sold a heavy bulk of tobacco at Henderson, Granville county, averaging $35, all round. Three wagon loads fetched $1600. . Wayne county-lcl all the coun ties at the Stale Fair. Sura of $110 in pre miums was taken by the farmers.- Good for Wayne, if Curtis H. does hail from it. A young man ' came sixty-two miles to tee the show at Hickory, Saturday, hired himself to the company.and went off to learn to be a showman; The Masonic Journal will be a semi-monthly hereafter price $1 50 per annum. . Address E. AJ Wilson, Editor, Greensboro. i . : Rev. J. T. Tow Qsend, ot Cum berland, had his gin house and Six bales of cotton burned on Friday last. Loss $1,200 insured. Work of an incendiary. A colored man by the name of Sam Johnson was knocked from a car into the river at Newbern and killed. He was. a worthy man. Burwell Cushion is the boss farmer of Mecklenburg county. He raised 100 bushels of turnips on a piece . of land 120 yards long aud ten yards broad. " LA. sand hill crane io North Caro lina flew at and smashed' the headlight of a locomotive,' and the engineer would l not proceed until daybreak.iV. T. Herald. . - Raleigh Sentinel: J Congratula tions to.Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson,' the blind couple so well known at the D D. & B. Asylum. 'It's a fine boy, and the mo ther is doing -well. - - - ; - . One of the Yarboro guests baa left with Dr. Blacknall a nondescript potato that has infant's legs, -and to a man , inf his grog looks so. much like a spider as to make him shudder, at ihe'shi.entmeL ! j : The gin hpuse together witli fifteen bales of cotton, belonging to Mf. C. M. J: Strickland, near;- Stanhope, Nash county, was destroyed siby fire on Friday last, 1 ,-..,..,... .j;:'.-, A ' James Buck, wfio h .extensively known in the Republican politics of the cityj was before Mayor Manly,- yesterday morning,1 for obtaining money under false preteuces. .News., s ; ij ' j- ; . -i . Col. George Little, one , of ithe oklet c tizens of Raleigh, died last evening of utieiimonia. He had-just returned from the 'Ceiitetinial. 1 He was in the ' sixty seventh ear of his age. ij i Salem Press: i)al of ; twenty feven students at Judge .Pearson's Law School,, in. Yadkin, only four are Radicals. R-idicafUm & ' gvtlinie to be1 as nearly ex hausted as' was the Jddiciary, during the Kirk war. ;.-; - :; ji -. j. -. .. . ;)'. Judge Kerr appointed Col. Tom Fuller to defend a negroatjHiUsboro Court who was indicted for stealing- . Fuller Woo the case without a epeech, but by knowing the law.'ktid pccketed-$20 for his -trouble before die darkey leu tne box. ' J The following gentlemen wer6 -recently elected btficers in the Raleigh Pres byter iau church: Ji B, Burwell and Wf S. Primrose. Elders;, B. R. Harding, S. W. Whuing. u u. iieam ana Hi. k. stamps, Deacons. . ' - ' The Recorder mentions -the cratifvine fact that in the fall circuit of that judicial district there has not been a single capital case on tbe dockets, and re markably Tew cases 01 anrays ana personal violencei" -: ''" 4 " -; j ''-': ' Saldm (Press . A very large con coufsei of- people ' attended the funeral ser vices of; Col. Joseph Masten. both at the. Baptist Church and at Jthe grave, he being buried Id his family enclosure in the new ' cemetery la this place. ! The services were COIKlUCieu (1y MIC. J jux. uruau. . Newbern ivw Shell We were shown yesterday a bunch of corn con1-J prisibg sixty ears, which was crown on one stalk; on tbe plantation of Mr. Wm. Cobb, at cobton, this county, foe ears are small, but most of the kernels look, olumn and; full; as if in a healthy condition: ! !, ' . It is this time the 2fui " Shell. Another old'darkey has been fo'undt-But she is only 104. ' You 'can scare them up anywhere who are fat least. 1 MM? Every' county lias at least one dozen of such vehe-; jablc human fossils. ., .vV: i 'ifc'nVi h rWe are glad to learn.! from ,the! Wadesboro Herald. . that only one . case ef diphtheria has proved fatal in that town.! and there are not a half dozen persons af-i meted wUh It ' The error" it refers to did not originate-witb the Star. It oniv con-i densed u statement from an exchange; ' r'The tivi reports the follpwiog: supposed: cases of incendiarism:, The ginj house Of Mr. Wml Richardson, near Prince-! tojj-f Johnston county, was destroyed by fire1 Sunday nigbt On the same night, v in the same county, near the' Wayne line, the gin! house aud mill of Mr, WnUtAtkinson were also destroyed by nre. . i r - . '. f '-,The Hillsboro ' Recorder ' tnvka 'j.lowB'f'baiBM ttaleAeeldWSaH' urday last, Mr. J. M Alexattderjiof Chapel f j-iui, josh su juveicaiiug iiiue uaugmer, aged 10 years, by diphtheria, making the fourth victim to that dreadful scouree. and leaving but one of bis little flock, and that one now the centre of the most fearful anxieties." Sentinel: Tom Glenn, a son of the late Tyre Glenn, and brother-in-law of Judge Settle, recently died - at his home in Yadkin : county. He was a noble young man. high spirited and generous to a fault. and not many men in Yadkin county but were friends to Tom Glenn. He was a grad uate of Princeton, and at the time of his graduation was said to be the second best base ball pitcher in the United States. Night before last Mr. Matthew Hicks, who lived near Wake Forest Col lege, in this county, was crushed to death, he and his youngest child, while in bed and asleep. " The casualty was occasioned -by tbe falling in of the second floor, it having been overloaded with seed cotton. The wife was also in bed with her husband and child, but escaped without receiving fatal - injuries, though she was insensible at last accounts. Jxews. . J udge Kerr sentenced an old negro in Orange county, named Jesse Nor wood, to jail, for- eighteen months for an assault on two white ladies. The Sentinel savs: "The evidence was that the negro was driving along and two white - girls passed up the road to get some water from a spring. Jesse wheeled his horses across the road in front of the ladies and said to them, 'Ladies, will you let a eentleman come to see you to-night ?' Good-bye, Jessie." The Sentinel says: "A lengthy petition, signed by a long array of the best names in Robeson county, has just been forwarded Gov. Brogden for the pardon of Purdie Brayloy, who was sent here the first of last February sentenced to three years to tbe penitentiary for stealing a goose. The petition asks executive clemency on account of the youthfulness of the prisoner and the smallness of his offence. He was a mere goslin when he stole the goose. A Baltimore man was badly beaten, at Macon Depot by two men. He was saved by a passenger on the cars draw ing two pistols, swearing he would see fair play. The Sentinel says: "The man bound for Baltimore finally got aboard, but with his eyes so blacked up and his face so skinned that he will have to bag his bead to prevent the Baltimore people from fall ing in love with him. It is said he bad played false with a sister of the two men who whipped him." - We gather the following inter esting facts concerning North Carolina minerals from the Sentinel., It says: "Pro lessor Kerr has just returned from atrip into McDowell, Burke and Catawba coun ties where be has been engaged iu looking up iron ores and gold mines. Dr. Powell has just opened some new iron beds on the Catawba and is manufacturing very fine forge iron. They have reopened the old Sbutord gold mine near catawoa station, and it is worked quite successfully. In the same neighborhood within a few miles of tbe gold mine is the largest bed of black lead in the State. It was worked last year by a company who put up machinery for preparing it for market. " j Another New York party has opened the manganese mines near -Lenoir. In the South mountains there is a good deal of gold getting just now ,in the old Brindle" Town mines. . All the people at work through that range of mines are get-; ting in the aggregate upwards of one hun dred dollars a day.. At the time of the dis covery of the California mines there were a thousand hands working Id those mines and got - out several millions of dollars.' Over on Black mountain in the mica mines, the other day. Prof essor Kerr found some very remarkable Crystals of feldspar. . Obe weighed not less than six nunarea pounds the largest crystal on record. Theyarenow on the way to the State museum. , Qn Ivy, in Madison coupty, the Professor found a bed of iron ore of very fine quality. " There is a conflict 6f jurisdic tion between Judge Schenck and XL S. Court, at Asheville, , in the case of one Lynch Youug, who is a U. S. Marshal. The Observer says: "He made a violent assault ou one Foster, and after being indicted iu Polk, filed a petition in the Circuit Court for removal of his case to that court, under. the 67th section of tbe t Internal Revenue Act of 1860. Judge Schenck refuses to air low the case to be removed, relying on the m . TT . . IV I rw cases oi unuea oiaies. vs. nuusop i. Cr-tnch, Rep. p 32, and the recent cases of United States vs. Reese and United 8tales vs. Cruikshankr decided at the Oc tober term of the U. 8. Supreme Court. The Judge holds that the Circuit Court has no jurisdiction of any crime against tbe State, or of any crime - by U. 8. statute and the puniatraiet-tfixi:d to it." Xwe Wtmeri PiKkitaa-a Ddei. i ' ! LouisvTLLfi, KT.,Oct.:29.f - 1 ' There was an extraordinary duel betWeen two negro women this mora' irioi in Louisville -Annie- Simmons and Mary Baules , having quarrelled, resolved to ngni, a auei who nnive. .Tfaev met by agreement in f ront of a Baptist church, at night, no witnesses being present, and there tougnt nerce iv for half an hour. Baules was stab bed and ; trashed horribly in six dif ferent places, her right eye being eut 'nut. Simmons . was oolv slightly hurt, and Jias been arrested. The cause of the trouble is not known. The old Wilmington Marine Temperance log The snrViviag lady members of the old So- Society.'rafbT reorgamzed Monday, everi nt 3 o'clock, at the the Seamen's Bethel. STAU TWIXKLIXGS. - . -' Dr.Uayes is a firm believer in! an open Polar sea. I j . ' 1 e Eugenie and ithePrince Impe- nai are travelling io Italy. . r porrhf ths of the hres!,inLonf don are said to be on uninsured prbpert ILdwin ' Booth closed his San Francisco engagement on Saturday niahfc -The number of convictions' fori murder: in England during 1875 was 8911 The University of . Virginia wiUi nave irom.oov toHu siuaents tms eessidnJ a iair aavance over last session; ; ? - o fpe scientific American say a every. Spiritualist is either a rogue br a fu4 8Vi.- A- California I couple were mar-4 lately: t r- j - r " , - ,1 ; vary uiuastiu lusvruuuou comprises pan oi tne course in : tne iemaie eauca uonal Institutions in Germany. , : . C 'The Spanish bishops and elergvi have not been paid since 1868, andi over due tnem. n"?i-mr More peciaci are WQTVfSM German than in any other army in th4 worldJ h . - ; : t The King of: Greece is returning irom 41s visit to Copenhagen by way o Germany. Dr. Henry C. Potter, rector o Grace Church, New York, has a salary 0: $ 12,UU0, with a charming parsonage. I The liberation of the Tichbornd claimant from Dartmoor prison will be de-t-ferred, by reason of his having been pun-j-ished for a breach of discipline. ; There is said to be ;a public house to every 150 persons in Great Britain and oter 146,000,000 is spent there annu ally for strong dnnS: .-!; iProfessor Huxley made $4,000 lecturjng in New York before the people knew iwhat he was talking about. New Or leans 'Republican. - -- ' iWhy is an orator during his pe-1 roralion like a man about to dress in the morning ? Because he's nearing his close. N. T. Commercial. , Lieutenant General Samuel Tol- frey Christie, C. B., has just died, at the age of sixty-one. He had served with great, distinction in the iiurman campaign and Indiap mutiny. - t I The St. Lonis Republican -say b the tobacco crop of this year in Missouri may be set down as one 01 the best, ir not the very best, ever cut in the State. ; Col. McPaniel has sold his half interest in Brother to Bassett and Vigil to Messrs. Dwyer Bros., ot tsrooklyn.ior si; 000. i A Georgia negress, fifteen years old, is said to be tbe mother of five chil dren,! having first had triplets " and two years; afterward twins. : : Ten per cent, of the Spanish troops sent to Cuba are either dead or in the hospital within a month after takingjhe field in "the everatai isle." ' -j Since January 1st 63,000 immi grants have arrived atithelsort of .New. York. During the corresponding period of last, year the number was over 70,000. ' j What's the difference between the execution in Bangkok and a popular hymn? One is Siam justice and the other is "Just as 1 am." ricm. Bulletin. Don Carlos and Donna Marga rita, his wife, may be seen frequently driv ing ip the thoroughfares of Paris iu a plain but eflegantVictoria, with one horse, a sim ple royal crown marking the panel and the harness. Christine Nilsson has left Co penhagen, and has proceeded to Hamburg. It is stated that during the late visit which sue paiu 10 uer native village 01 eiio, ju Sweden, she settled a handsome annuity on her did parents. t . . , j . -4 The subscriptions towards pro viding a building for Moody and San key, in Boston, amounted on Friday to $16,150, leaving $3,800 more to be provided for be- ore the work can be. begun. . - I I Mary Clemmer thinks that the amount of human life sacrificed to the Philadelphia Exhibition is enormous, v She attributes the result to fatigue,, bad water,. lLUULOpCl 1UUU BUU CAI1VCIUCUV. ' J . f- lf"thgItatiical--ieader8 are iri earaesv iq their, inlection to get foiiieited States soldiers shot in South Carojwa, they will have to rely upon ' Chamberlain and his scalawags to do the bloody work. change. . . , ; , The number of Frencn Mar shall is limited to six Id peace' and twelve in war. Only four Generals are now hold ing that high rank: Baraguav d' Uilliers. Canrobert, McMahon, the President of the Jtepublic, aud Le Bpeuff. ;n u 1 ri a j A Latin military !booktrpubUsh-r ed in Parts in 1525, contains illustrations of a revolving gun, revolving turrets for mohik tors a diagram of a diving bell, anq otner inventions of tbe nineteenth century. j ' 4- George Ide of Woolncb,'Wex pugilist- bas iost -eclipsed "all walking per-. lorntances by covering- rally ues paine Lill lie Bridge grounds iu h. 19m. r55' Vaobhan, the 100-mile champion, was secT oud, t Twentv-nve competitors started. : j Mr. Bancroft, ia agaip at.his, stu dies in Washington,, making diligent use of tne ibrary of Congress.. He will give this coming wiuter to the completion of his volume upon the history of the United? Slaties from the peace of 172 to tbe inau guration of. Washington in 1789, . . !';'' She di d n't care for 1 his wearing a biinch "of jasmid litf his ! buttonhole,' but when he discovered it was 'pinned to the; lapel of bis qoat wih a , ladies' scarf pin, this unreasonable' woman took off his fif teen and a half inch. turn-doWiJ collar1, era vat and all, id 'Exactly four 'secoirds,1 and spoiled a new,t'piateitjice-pUcher ;oni h ktM&.4Norrtemn JJftuld.i i si; j h. ui -j- Mri iM.u B.i Beaty publishes a, card in tbe Horry ; (South Carolina) News, iu which she announces her willip.ne8S to run' as an, iiideiendent candidate ,for the office of school commissioner, "trusting in thelguidauce' Of jtitvine providence. " iSbe would scarcely: succeed iu thw city, where providence never "sets, it up, for . (he boys." .Lovely woman, somehow, fails to seethe earthly side of politics. St. Louu Repubti can , .;-'' " ' ; (' ' After he had gone in the morn ing' she found, on tbe floor a little piece of Iaper that had dropped out of his pocket, tread: j ' ! ik.i - - -,-'; M 4 rounds, of best Acme. . ........... $3 00 X". A t r S.O.P, brand:. ?. 7. ' 75 1 pockepistoi, Qtard DupUy. .iV. 1: 00 1 ' And thte' poor woman Went Into bysterics; thinkibg her darling ihiisband bad gone oft to commit uicideKand JwdJcarriad fDrjugh' qriods.qf; ammwtjon, madtb,e,wor 100 liwii'yjf I A few associated " tjaTbers - in baTbers Halifax call their shop, the tonsoriaV acade my. 4 they graduate grq -ih 0 he jjair. Norristovn Herald. . c-' -' r-'tSdod" humoTshecTeil'blUe isky of the soul, On whictv every star bti&tf ent wm shine more cIearIyTand the" sao'-ot genius ecnteraTOTaporshTits passage. Ak ia uie most exquisite oeauiy 01 tne nne fac?r a'redeeming gface ia homely one. It is like the green in the landscape, ' har monizing with everr -color, mellowing the glories of the bright and ,aofteBing the hue of the dark; like a flute in a full chorus of ltistruments; a sound not al first discovered by the ear, yet filling up the breaks in lhe concord with its deeu- melod v. PMadeJ phia Ledger. ;-. .T.w. LITERARY NOTES. : 'Mr.2 iLAFreemiffkDUlisii' a volume On VThe Historical Geography of jjjVtope, . :wiin maps. . r Up A Kibretto Ief t George an' V hasrbeefl entrusted X&JSmdl Vlafildt-haWw. nor setting. ,-; !7TiiAr.,. ju,,A1 arieon a . new.A;hrist- raas story will be called Shadows on mo H4 Stephepa gvingtof prinConeof his par agraphs in book form! " "r f J Mrxouo!eisRffolhs'oF Ifintnrp al thcr Edinburgh Pkilosotihical InaUinlin -gnhe yery Buggestiye subject, "The tuses . ot a landed gentry'.' - ' 'VjTheerbdh'lntttest ihJew- ish hterature finds ueh kfc s-epEmLcby ugaiansjuonaoBjOi pamuel Brett's cu riohs "narrative of the proceedings f a great couucil of the Jewa, assembjd tn tbe plau ef Ageda, in; JJongarla, '? about . 30 le agttes distantfroin Budayld txantine' Cue Scriptures -concerning CbrtsU on the 12tlwr October, 1850." . - , , Mr.. Phillip Bure Marston, the clever English poet,' of thecnodFbf . Rds setti, is .the son ot Dr. Westland 5 Marston, tbe dramatist. He is only 6 years old, and hasJ already published two' volumes-of del icately imaginative aud beautiful verse. ,He has been blind since his third year, but he excels in description of nature.' He bar a devoted sister, who is his amanuensis. Ho ' 13 tall and slight, and his large brown eyes, though sightless, are very expressive. Lord Lytton said that he itook the plot of the most popular English drama of the present century "The Lady of Ly ons'from an indistinct 'recoilcctioft" of a pretty little tale called "The Bellows-Metid- . er." It is asserted now, however,"' thaC he had a recollection tolerably - distinct' df- a comedy by Mrs. Behn .called "The False Count," a portion of Jthe intrigue of which is exactly analogous to that in the mixture .of simpers and scowls which surrounds the soft Claude and the sentimental PaulirJe. Edmund Yates has edited a book in which are passages on the theological superiority of the Church of England; and an amused critic jsays that the only solu tion of this puzzle is that on which Charles Lam fell back when Hazlitt, in sheer bewil derment, after a gorgeous theOsophhV ora tion from Coleridge, asked Elia to explain what could possibly : be meant by all, that had just been poured out on the subjects of regeneration, the office of the Church, and suuilar topics. "O, you know,'' stuttered Lamb, "there was always a g-g-g-sreat d deal of f-fun iu Coleridge i" A memorial tablet was . lately placed upon the homely little house at Are nella wherein Salvator Rosa -was born. At the; banquet of artists given to celebrate the event was displayed a treasure in the shape of an original autograph- MS. of the great f ainter. Signor Palizza, a distinguished talian painter of animals, arose amid ' pro- found silence, holding upon a' silver platter a time-stained MS., which each of .the 60 artists present was - permitted to. examine without touching it. It is ah ; original un published poem of Salvator Rosa'sA and has for a century been jealously preserved in ths private library of the Borromeo family. ': PERSONAL. " Vanderbijt is. considered, Ah y.T than he was a month ago. , -' . r Eugene Q'KeefeawelITnoivu Toronto brewer.b as fallen heir to an estate in East Indfa'valuat 24,000,000. King George, of Greece,' recent ly had a conference with CouQt'.Andrassy. It is said that his throue is seriously in dan ger --- -.. - Gen. John A. Di, tho Itephb lican candidate for jMayor-aOf NewfYork, is a New Hampshire man, end was horn in 1798L5'" " J y n-ii e j3i. tus.j u Sir T D.Archlbaldjson; 6f- the justices of the English court. ;o Queen's bench, died a few days ago. He was-a na tive of Nova ScoUa.;-j i -sol Lpbi.- The Princess of i.WaJe8is.oue of the principal heirs pf the late, Queen. Dow ager Josephene, of 'SWed6b, who left a -'for-tune0f 5,500,000'' vi.b--l bil ivi -TjJoseph Marrya"thas.jq8tifdied at London, aged eighiy-six. ."He was the author j of a" "History j ofi Porcelain ;iaiid firockery,15n, j, x H o; . General Zach, viho has been suf fering some time "froina weand received in battle, .has had pne of .his -feet .amputa ted, , , . , , ',.'.."7, ' Mr. Val P'rinsep is comnJrsibn- ed to rirdceedW5 India'td alaf tf picture of the proclamation ofthejempice at Delhi. Tbe artist is to, receive o.twu ior nis worK and l;000 fdrexpeusesi 10 Uf'A't the( Tecent revHrioo of 'the Parliamentary -) 1st, .jof , - voters , t one gentle man appeared whose name was 'Thomas Hill Joseph Napoleon Horatio Bonaparte Swdelhurst Nelson. Edward f Sathevy.s, .of. New. York,' had an income of "almst a million a year from 1862 to -187 udnow.: claims thathi3 property is wprtlj three, millions and abaif, and yet his creditors are trying to throw-him into bankruptcy, fil'-n-. m 144 Johnnvr Franeif.i of jillalifax, aged nine, years, t is a Jjttle boy-' who has saved the life' of a' drowning boy a' year h is iuniorj A fund has been raiscdjoribim, and his name has been sent lo the hpyal 't..Ii'...v.!Ai.(TA,,Jwi-. l:liT Ji uuiuauc euuieijr at juuuuu. . . SAVANNAH. & TheliVewsof jJ5lovil3rep6fiiml (ThoWdftukry frepdrt forsthe t en- 4 1 -min. " ty-f ouri Jwiurs ending Aixvo'cloew p. condition: There were seven deatjus bf whicn fifelVeltefe'ver; fi vOf whrtfee and two foWrejliHiime of the! latter, being of yelloWi fever.' The weather s warm and oppressive,. A dense fog prevailed' last4 night." In the southeastern sectitnrofkhd it, at 1 o'clock p.- m.j iti was i6o deiiN ithat objects could . not, be itdifcerned fifty, yards. Yesterday iwas . warm and cloudy, '"and at thjis.1 wfiiing a" clear iky scatters the hopes ot - cooler . weather and f rosti At meeting of the Medical Society, heU3 yesterday, a number of new cases were reported and a committee appoated to'inq'iiire iiatb their status;' fa' HbtieXhet1 the; tetdrfar of abiscftiteo ftaindrease tho numbeta Iwdelppi aj3el3This 1 ' -tiusfH nr jai; Jctfl ibiia tVlW:

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