fMW- ' 11 ' "'' 1 . ,. , , . ass.WOe - - ' . . ......... , .- . ' ''. " ' '. ' - a """" - " 1 " . ' ' ' " '' ' '-' i ' m . ii. i i - .m i m- .- J ii- i. i i - n - ... .... Q. C2 .Pi I ttoners or -jtleotion in the s couhtv i Forsytlfe J.. M, StaffoMj d. - lffD If&cIfOlIIiv XTijtiiljt I -. - J - - V" uve-ai?' 8 1 uetyareu j . r ranauij oonu xi, -vv mianiann. t. i -.-,-, I.,?. vS) 0 v$ v g partisans ana tony are ..othce-holdeis 1 ; Gaston v. u. Alorrin, u.,( MOUTONVl G0(fl)-KtQHt,S03SG, AS BONO BY , . J? JUST. - - ' AnOI, 7- - O. Chandler, I am lired now, I do Mot cjire to hear you blow; I -: : Juxjur Sixae CHinpbor on my brow, And tarn the jess down very low; ; O Chandler, dear, the (tame is up, . , , ; I hear th mighty Tildeo-tread; . ;s Uw stir me nervine in my cup, And put ma in my little bed. " cnoKUs. So put me ia my little bed. Do you remember,- Chandler dear; ' " Y.iu said we must wake up the wart We've ovt-rshot Uw mirk I fear; i : : Ani oushed the business quite too far; -TIp fijthtine men have lft our ranks, ' With Hooker, SSigel, Farnsworth, Corse, We've only Butler, Schenck, and Banks, And tbiug-j have gone from bad to worse. - ' SCHOBtJS. !! Comev Chandler, come, kiss good night, c I'm "sorry now for what I've said; "... c r ! Tlie've whiped us fairly Id the fight, ;;i ! O drop the curtina, Chaadler dear, . " . . The boofires make my eyeballs acbe, '' , t And stuff some cotton in each ear, 1 .Those victory notes my heart will break. ii An awful ghost is in my room, ii With horrid blue jeans breeches on, I see the shadow in the gloom, i k ; i Oh ! bid the haunting thing begone.' V CHORUS. ' ! c- !: Come, Chandler, come, bid me good night, 1 I hear the mighty Tilden-tfead, 'lie 're wniDDea us iainy in me ncui. . i-:, 1 So put me in my little bed. - ' : 1 - . . - . j ' . ,, V . ..Specimen Fre 1st Florida. j! Special dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. New Yoek, Nov. 10. The following dispatch was receiv- tne iouowinguispaicu was rwwiT-i ed by Hon: A.'S. Hewitt at-Demo- craiio iieauquarbtus wwy. ,. . i Jacksonville, to,, : Aot. . 10. l seiHi you for publication as. indica- ting lbe mode in which the elecUon Voo Kunti irtniint.prl hv the Kpnnnli- . !r i i v i, r i 1 .... n . ...... W o r ilia Fn nnlnn llict I cans in this State, the following, just received from the Chairman ofx the S.ate Democratic Executive Commit tee: ; : : - . . ' MohliceUo, Fw:; Nbv. 8. To CoL- .T. J.; Darnel, J. 11. Paine, lkq., and J. Ml Baker. K.a Dear Sir: The flection" here vi-Bterday was a dis-' grace to our'cfvilizalion.- Odr chal lengers were excluded from, the poll rooms, notb withstanding f a .written agreement' to admit them, and they were unable to hold their poeil ions at the windows. Six hundred more votes were cast thau there are voters? in the county, by official and our party census, which do not inateri ally disagree. They overrun us with fraudulent votes while our chal lengers were excluded. Intimination was practised to such an extent aa to deter our colored Democrats from voting with us. The -women were worst. Will send yon some astound- ing details whenl have time to write. The mail is 'now leaving. Yours, very truly,, . : S. Pasco. In this county and elsewhere the I jails- were1 opened, and the inmates brought to thejolls and voted solid- ly Republican. Notwithstanding these and similar facts Florida has gone Democratic on both State and national tickets. Nothing but gross frauds in the canvass can deprive us- of the result. The latent returns strtngthen this conviction: . j J. J. DAN1EX.I Chairman t. - -r . I . m . . nn nvwni ... vui.ntiut domtnittee, Second Congressional ' ill I listrict, Florida. No Ka KlsxIss the l.lretl0n. j j New York llerald. V ' Otre of, the parties in Floridi nd. a report that the . other Ja'ty hat "wrecked a train and Ku-Eiuxed the election returns. -The report is pro bably untrue, but the phrase is well used. It reminds us to tell the poli ticians of both parties that, the peo ple wilt stand no Ku-Klnxing of elec tion return this time. Tbey mean to have pvace and fair play. If the Democrats have-carried Louisiana the pi ople will not allow Governor KU iog and Miv .Packard, with j a too convenient Returning Board, to Ku Klux the vote. pThey1 were allowed to do it in 1872, so far as Uhe -result had onlyv'a local importance; but the Senate refused to admit the. Senator eiectet) by their, fraud. . LThey, did; it again, in le74, out pnbliu opinion forced a ReDublican Conerress to con demn the fraud in the most positive and conspicuous manner Tjy unseating some oithe meraberof te IgiaU- lure who were KuKiuxed m ; by the Returning Board.- We beg the New Orleans itonnhlii-iin imtiaofra, tn n- member that their previous frauds are well known here in - the 'North, and . that as men already detected and ex posed in Ku Kluxing election returns tlniy have need to be ' conspicuously f iir and upright this time. All their acts and proceedings will be watched wiih the most jealous eyes by honor able men of both parties in the North, arid, they should remember that the presumption lieajairly againat them, Wcauae the j have already been de t cted i'i -the same : trick of which they are now 8upecled. . to, in South Carolina,we-warn ? the adhnrenu of Governor Chamber- "l a against attempting to Ku-Klux ; the election ; returns. - Tbey cannot i h 'pe to succeed, for they will be ex-; . posed, 'and their own partv in the; -North wjll disown them. It Is very whII understood here that tlie Siuthj Carolina election machinery has been j .constituted in a suspiciously unfair! aiid partisan manner. Judge :Mac-f . kay, of, the Supreme Court of th fetate, himnelf a Hayes Republican,! bnt opposed ' to " con o pt ion; - has ex-; posed th manner which" Governor Chamberlain arranged for the count of the vote; There; is a" Board at State Canvassers,'. the majority of wtioe membera are candidates on the same ticket . wi tb j Chamberlain, and are th us, by a monstrqns per version of fair dealing, allowed to canvass and decide? npAnfthevoteao-t the State, and declare whether " they themselves are elected ; and '.not only this, but of the ninety-six Coramis . , I ' . . .. - , -. I 11 ft a . ' ' I . ' The Lcmalature uill meet in Ka- -leighftm'. November '20tliiA We give' the iist of rmembtrs as far as heafd i 1st Distriet--Ourrituck. Camden Panqnotank, Hertford, Gates,Chowan ana x-erquimann, iciayias tOKe Ut S. Mercer,. D. - J s : 2d DistrictTyfell'Wasbi If'.' T ta . , n : j- T I jxiarun Hyd Mabson, (col.) 11. " 'I- 6th District Pitt Jos. IB. Stick ney, D. . tf , y . . " . - . . i 7th Districtr-WilsoniUaab and Franklin,: N. W. Boddie, of Ifash; Henry G. WlllianiiS bf Wilson, D. i 8th District CraveOi Geo. Green ? - l fltH Ji8trict-JonesJ)f' Onslow and Darteret 'Beni. FJ AskeWrD. uin uisinci xupun ana waymv Johu D; Stanford, ofDnpKn JL "F. Dorth. of Wayne, D. 1 1 1th DfsirictGreen' and Lenoir. w. vv.Dunri,'R v. ;,i ;12th District New Hanover, W." il. Juoore. 1 col, l it . -v f - -r" j; t v nonn0. t I -"J -'-,'- f&i !22i t Stewart D s i5th District-Columbus and Robe- 8on jjenry B. Short, Dv am. , 16lh District-Cumberfand and i-r - r Harnett, vu irov,u. w I . - 1 1 7th District J ohnston, 1m ' R. Waddell. D. I ll 8th - District Wake, R.v L ' W. Wynne, R. j ' n ; s ! 1 9th . District Warren, J. TborncR. i 0 20th; District'--Orange; Person and Caswell, I no. W. Graham,of Orange; John W; Cunningham, of Person, D. f 21stDistrict Granville,!-- r-, 22d Distrilt Chatham, V. G. Al bright, D. . . : ': . j 23d District Rockingham,W. N. Mebane, DT ' -, 1 V. - i 1 24th District Alamance and Ghil- ford, Thomas M. Holt, of Alamance'; J unius I. Scales, of Guilford, D. -' '25th Di8trict-7-Randolph aud Moore, M. S. RobbinsC DfA ?5-4i t? 1 26th District Uicbmond and Montgomery', Ellas Hurley,1 of M6nt-: gomery, D. v. ; -y v : : " f r I 27th Districi-Ansoa and Union, Ed. R. Liles, of Anson, D. ; ; 1 1 28th District Cabarrus and Stan ly, I G. Heilig, of Cabarrup, DT- ; 29th DistnctmecklenbUTg, Jr. 1. Moore D. 30th District Rowan and Davie, William H. Crawford, of Rowan, D. 31st District Davidson, Gaiiher Walser, R. ; 324 District Stokes and Forsy the, Thomas J. Wilson, of. Fprsy the, DL 33d District Surry and Yadkin,- JGhn G. Marler-of Yadkin? D. 34th District Iredell, Wilkes and Pklknder i 1 - .1 . . rm. -. -i a : vt:ui..'. r l t F . . . - t i i . i ' m . vl(-uCii. . vie lull., ut ii imvf, . - . . - .. - i i - - ' All. ..1 A and Watauga, Hervey- Bingham, of Watauga D. J ' .- . S6th District CaldwelH- Burke, nriRimurp . nin.i.iiH ami 1 ui.r.v. vi. kjvit nf :,1,..lh(! W.nnn.;. of I Yancev. D ; f ' , iare,-xeauiori, l'atnitco ana 1. t .... 1., i .i i-' - ' 1 "Ct-isorthamptoh am uer- . Madison-UoUm,, d. i J tie G. A.Mebae R . Wartin-N. R:FaCa,L - . - 4th Distnpt-Ualifax, , John Bry i McDoweH-J. S. Brown, d.; . ktV , ' ttT ' : u v W Mecklenburg R. "A. febotwell, V. 5th District Edffecombe..W P. w j T - ..t. . 37th Distnct-Catawba. and m- la numbera of well-known Fede colp, bTM. Finger, of ,1 J ral office holders and Republican pol- - v m dOllStnci-asioir inu vwarc; ilidan8 thronged lbo c6rridorS, dis land, Robert W.Sandifer, of Gaston, fcg the situation from a conatitu- 39th District Rutherford and. PoIk, M. H. Justin of Rutherford, , , Vv. .. .: T,vf" , " jwjl 3thbistr.ct-BancomeBpdad:: -Thomas D. Johnston, of Lun- 40th ison coraoe, ja , . ' i . iT . - - sonaTrawylvaiMa-a b. gf :m;p . . .r-:.;r;f son, i. . ' - r ' " - 42d District Jackson, Swain, Ma con, Cherokee, Clay and Graham, J L. Robinson, of Macon, D. - So the Senate stands 40 Demo- crats, 10 Republicans, There are three or four colored -Republicans, ''Grab-TUle not heard from officiaUy, , ' . M bat lhe RadIcal candidate is elected. i We are uu able to cive his name or t. ? . t nis coior. JOlembera Elect to the N. G. II ease. Alamanee Daniel Worth, d. ' ;-' : Alexander Milton Stevenson, d. . Alleghany --C. L. Vaughan, d. : , Anson B. Ji Dunlap, d. v Ashe Joseph Tood, d. I vij Bettufort D. W. arvis, d. Bertie W. P.;Ward, rv Brunswick D. L. Russell, r.. Buncombqar-M.' E. . Carter, J. C. Sams, d. .f. . ' ' ; : v ' -;' ' Bnrke J. M. Wilson, d. -Cabarrus l.'C. Harris, d. ' Cald well J. M. Honk, d. Camden ; Carteret W. V.Jeff toy, d. t , i : Caswell Frank Warner,' d. t " Catawba Dr. M. Yountfd. Chatham J. M.' .Moring, R;' J. Powell, d. t, - r ;i Cherokee J. W. Cotper, d. . ; " Chowan F. E. Ward, r. . f f t - Clay W. H. McLnre, d. a Cleveland R. McBrayer, Lemuel noyhvd. - . ' A 1 : Colu&bus W V Ricbard-on, cL : TCraveo W..K Claik, H. II. Siim mons, r. . t " . - , - 4 Cumberland-J. M. Godwin, Geo. M..Rose, d. ' - Currituck - -v ; - 5 ' " " P Dare r' ' T t. ' Davidson M. II. Pinnix and , Jas. A. Leach, d. i , . ' . -- -. Davie Charlea-P rice, A,;,v J.J , -Duplin A. , G. Moseley, J. G. owaii, x. V Edgecorabe.Duggsn, Wttf Inilinnn. r. - - . Staplew, 1. : Halifax!-.!; A;;Wl,iu-, J,vil. Uev noldfij r:"J 11 ' '-- Y ' :" - Harnett 1). H. MLean -" ?J ; IIaywoo4 F: M. Davisd. " Street. I Monteoraery -J G. McKtnnon, d. T f- .j T . '. I KashTPvBraswell.d.arwir.i:--I ( New Hanovpr J.'s fi.r Hill: JrnP J Korthanaptbir 1 ; Onslqw-J. p; Shackelford; d. ;N Orange-rCLj, &, Parish, . J. ,; Knox Uagbes, d. ) Iramlico U i.. Pa8qnotank llngbjUole t. Pender Alfred Lloyd r. littiabeTtnMdt Samf Qninnerly,li- Him-vk I" X : i v J Randelph-OV L. WinsIoMicBael sv va - - RichmocW. R. Terry, rv I ltobeson Alfred .Rowland. Mur-1 dock cRae,id. ..rv;; . . - ..'.V.v.y Jockingham James (IV ,Dillard, l Winchester,!, . . : t.. r Itowan . : &. - Henderson, J. t. AlCtJUObinS. d. ' . - Rutherford D. Bean, d. ; I bampson X4. 11. IfenneU, J. A. I Bizzell, d. ' . " ' Stanl v J. E. Hartsefl, d'. j Stokes Walter W. King. d.4 h ourrv J. ii raves, d. j Swain r , V- L. . K I ausj ft T Cl 1 1 it Tyrrell Edward Ransom, d. "' Union W. W. Walkup, d. Wake T. II. Purnell, J. E. Bled soe, James Ennis, M. G. Todd, r. j Warren G; 11. Kiug, D. R. Jolih, son, r. . . ,1 . f ; , '. .Washington S. L. Johnson, r." i cWatauga W. B.. Council, d. . f Wilkes Phineas i Ilorton, -Harris,- d. ! r: ' - ' 1 ' I Wilson R. W. Smgletary, d. Yadkin V i Yancev - ! i Democrats,' 74; Republicans 19. Twelve counties to hear from. v ; . Senate Democrats 39; ; Republi cans 11. The 8entlment la Nets' Kerk-Repsb. - Jleansln Secret Seaalem Serious Ma ture of the Issue. j Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. ' Nrw Youk. Nov. 10, , ! , . . . , . 7 , " 1 he excitement; inputs city, despite tao gloomy and rainy weather, is un abated. ' The crowd remained until midnight around the newspaper of- I ier-. cneerincr at eacn uniieim. - n The, Republican National Commit- j It- " - g t,OH;t;v-,v r(.flIS;no. fln ad miasinn while th iiror,ri.tora of i:..- i , - .... .. e.mP'M " u,e u.0,r'' w,ln "ruo" " ". n jra ucio c a u a i v au i v ciiiui i uu a l, 3- .u.. . i hii mo ua en, vy in 4 l titvwi -v f ha DRJ8identUi election. , I The annouucement'in the city thtt ?General tbo . politicaleoldier, is ou llis wa sl.uth, received with lhe annouucement'in the city thtt ISmany marks of sarcasm and liaap- probation. He ia t accompanied by ivva,tvuf to uv.viuuuuj .;Gitrneld,?Kelley,; udd her". ;s I General Gras letter In reg ii n i n. i.v.;;..i i an honest couhting of the , vote lu the. Ipression amoncr fair-minded meu of p- w.w----v lection made by him,and announced uuiiug buo cicuiugi vt jisigvua au gyi Sooth to watch tha oonntinir of votes; ...... , nullified the effect of his good words. Logan is such : an . intense i partisan that, even .prominent Republicans here expressed surprise at Grant se lection of him, while Garfield and Kelley are regarded here as net quite so unsciupulous, if not vo' blatant j partisans, vxV ; " 'J;.''' . The rooms at the Everett House, the ; Democratic headquarters, were crowded during the evening by a .number of Democratic leaders, from all parts of the country. - .' . . ; 4 Nbw York, Nov. 15 Evening. ; htnancuu. . -:...)!, - Money ensy at 4 tjr cent Sterling ex change quiet at 4S2T. Gold quiet at 10Uf OlOsij: "Gov-rniueiita" a little lower n;w nvi h 112. state bunds quiet and nomi nal. ';'. ... . ' . . '. - .. i ! .., ' 't. ... .,. ' . " Commercial. ': 1 ; ' v, Cottiu firmer, with sales of C81 bales at 1212 3 10 cents; otusohdated net receipts' 141,6l5Vbale8; exMris to Great Britain 40,- n.,n i -1 1 - . M. .... Ill jf- 1. continent 4,314 bales. Flour less doing, cii prices unchanged: Southern ' flour witbHit decid4d ,hange. VVheat quiet without decided change in. prices Corn' without decided change, with a amallbB siiiess .Oats without decided .change. Cof- fee-Rio lower, carcoes qutte-l at l5f 19. ceuts; gold; job lota 1630 cents iJugar quiet anirfirm V fair to gcxKt: refining 10 CfiitsjTeflBed u Molasses foreigni gradea aciive and firmer. : SpiriU turpen-? 2 202 2t. Pork very firm mess $17 TO 17 25. Whiskey unsettled at il W. Freights a shade firmer.iJ v-..;.; ; Cytton net receipts 210 balea; gross 5,- 714. Futures closed firm; sales of 4,550. bales, as follows; Novjbmber 18 382 cents; December, 12f t cents; J anuary, 12 9-33 rnts:. Febrharv. 12 7-16 eta; Marchi 2l cU;ApriWl2ll6.cenunuay,; oi-w 18 cts;June, 13113 533 cents; July, 18 13 033 cents; f August J8r ll;8218f. 1 centa. i r JohtlSOO ii. J. lUalK, 4araturd 1' i TARI Official ontAatkMia aUadvL1 75 1 BBJUf -t v "?T? ff-rrr','!T' -w .Smith, d;- -U. . f- tier bbL Sales of riceiot it .otnAations. BilUd'- : t , Jones J. -P. ; Scott,' r. ' -ngton, Tnoirrj. ic; DavisV r. 5 ' f MiTiinaii.'- imiai si ( 4 )MMKH01A1 VV 4 i j i A K U TiH; Al AUK JC', "BTAJt OFFICE, ot? " ; SPIRITS TCHPENTINE-Offlcial quo tatious ' firm at I 33 cents per gallon - for 'Southern pakaseH.,,,8Ie f: 800 casks 'at quotationa. i. - . r.-. HUblf. Official .' ; quotatuws flrm at $1 :C0 BtriM:il and . GmJ trained. Stk-a if150 bbk O.khI SlrMiiif.t at' $t 65. per bbi. i bales or retel dim at otiotatums. I ttnna firm nt tl .nn-fiVr TTrtrrt .i. fl ftXf,.f I " !w r- i i Yellow Dtp and Virgin.- alea . at quota- I tion8. ' I. - ' : 'I tpTTON;Offid,:l reports, firm,, with saies oi oaies on a oasis oi .iit-.cenu l per lb. for Middling. Tlie following are I the. official quotation: ' " : Ordinary ..,.!,.'. ....!,,0 ' Good Ordinary..... .... 10 cents; S. -. 41 , WW); VFOTU VJUUI)UJ, ,, Middling....,, 1 1T.; QoodrMiddlinar..,...,. 11 I- r !: STAR OFFICE, Not. 1X RTJTRTTSiTTTnPRWTTVWOm.vWrirtf tlons steady at 85 cents per gallon for South- trn packages, t Sales of -250 basks , at 85 cents, and 40 do city distilled at 35 cents per gallon. - , - . ; . ROdlN Official quotations firm at $1,70 i for Strairieil and $1 75 for Good Strained. 204 barrel piraueaavf i nu.anauMi.y 24 do Good $tralned at m per'bbl. ?:&.pteii I TAR. Official quotations sUady at ft 78 per bbi! Baks of receipts.iat quotabons. ;j i CRUDE TURPENTINE Offlclal fluoU- tions firm at, $1 CO for Hard AndtC 85s for ' Yellow JDip and Yirg t Bales, at ouoUt I tlons.' i-o t un cu; :u.iu:--.i.;-.-, ju? I COTTON-tOfflcla! reports firmfwitlr I aalcs of 24ft bales on basis rpf lHllf I ceutspcr lb for s Middling. - Tho following I ani'lhii ifflrfaf imntrrtiAMW JiT j Ordinary.. ....;i.. ' Scents lb. 1 Good Ordinary. .. . : . . lOi I Strict iJood Ordmary.. Low Mitklling.. ..... , 114 Middling .. .... . .UlQUt' I ' it '. - 1 ; - 1 .1 STAR OFFICE, Nov W SPIRITS TURPENTINKJ-Official quo tations firtn at 85 cents' ier gallon bid for $tutiu-ru packages. ' Sales of 220 casks al 3-t rcn's tr gallon. R081N. Official quotations firm at 1 70 fsr strained and $1 75 for GVmmI Strained. Strained at $1 75 T - " - Saks of 180 bbls Good perbbL ; j '" .' TAIL Official quoutions firm at $1 75. Bales of receipts at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Official quo tations firm at $1 50 for Hard and $2 35 for Yellow Dip aud Virgin. Sales at quo- t10118 COTTON. Official quotations firm, with sales of 261 bales on a basis of llf cents per lb for Middling. The following are the official qaotatlona: ; . Ordinary......' 10 cents lb. Good Ordinary... 1U - t- . - : a . . aa tt tt t . M i strict gooa urainary jt . v - t " Low Middling.'. 111 '4 . iUUMIK.. ...... I Good Middling. .. . 12 . jniaaiinK.. ........ ilx v 1 41 STAR OFFICE, Nov. 13. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. MDfficial quo- ationa firm at 85 cents per gallon for South ern packages. Sales ol 200 casks at quota tions, i i : ROSIN-Offici.l quotationa firm at $1 75 for Strained and Good Strained. Bales of 169 bbls Good Strained at $1 75, 46 do No. 2 at $1 80. 40 do -Low No. 1 and No. 1 at $1 95, and 20 do Good Low Pate at 2 37f per bbk TAR. Official qaotationa steady at $1 75:1 per bbU - Sales of receipts at quotationa uituuju j. luu'Jku iix j umciai. quota i tionafirm at tl 60 for Hard and S2 50 far .!4'- ' f ii'i. wua.. I'Tfl COTTON. No official Quotations and no sales to reportT'TTie last official .quota- tions were as follows: , ((. . . . -10' cents .).:S, r i r ix . .... tt . tt uoou wruiuary. . . ... vn ru ,ii ; "5 Strict . Good Ordinary.. --, i . " .V i I LoW Middling., . Vk Middling.. .V'. ...llf tt Good Middling-k;. .12 I ; r J J" ,.hBTAR OFFICE. Nov. 14. HPTRTTftTI1nPlKVT'TEnfflUl nan. i . f. - vasasajs srrr "e , racial quo warlnn fnr tations quiet) at 35 cents per ' : :Sotitherii ckageaxSalea' of 250' casks J-otU, ni: : : r V': ' ,i J .t : -n.!-.. rr.n . . .. m . .... oMCouie,quaiWJBnnti . w- iod Strained. 7 Bales of i'.-u - . ..i'w' .Vi--; Irajned at fl 75, 16do; -do.-Low. Pale at $2 40 .l f.ft firMihH 4a H flivwl 1VI WimiUVM HUU vwu il75 bblaf 04 Stra No. 1 at $3 00, 150 do. Low. Pale ml I.UdA PtUit SJl IVlruir lihl - V : TAROfflcial qWlons steady a per hbL i Sales of receipts at quoUUons. tiona firm at fl 60 for JJard atod $2 BOfo eKw uip ana virgin. - oaies at quota- I tiona: COTTON.bofficlal reports.- Baleaof 7 bates ak 10 and 1 do. at 104 cents per lb. j , ... ti-w. . . .f i ' V,V 0.r 4.- . p.-P w,vh --WW '., I lauer rate. , Kosina were. in: lair demana, SPIRITS TUBPENTINE-Official qud- l and prices rather on the upward turn, espe '.;.. ok , J.t. . 1- '.n,. I clatlv on the low eradea. the advices from ... " soutnern pacaagea. oaies oi oi casas a duoUthMia;! . " '.' P; . '! i 1 ; :' . lM)SlN.-bffleil tttN8 firm tpA U iUl i a a iiitivi hum xjv s i uiLivut Sales reported of WJO tfMs at $2 66 for Io. land $2 W fo Extra N..l... 1 j TARf-Official quotations steady at $1 75 Pfr Sale of receipts at quotaUons. I a. CRUDE. TURPENTINE. Official quo- tationa finmatfl 60 ; f or Uard. and $2 5ft M Jin: v:J.a t0; wjiona. xt -.-v -i;aa?4; 'n$-l iiPEANlima-Seil -at from 75 cents to- W courV lota and ttli toil 25 f h !J;C. per buhj$. from store.v. iiPjiliCp ; CpTTOXn-Officlal quotationa quiet, with sales ' or"fir -bales oo . baaia of -lOJ ceau jr JjbVor Mhllin. ;Th taiions (bid) werit "Mjfclorsi' 'i Ordinary. t.!'i';t - i- 'cents' 1b'- uuuu Miuuiiug.vrf, r : Strict Good Ordinanr- iVit- 1 Low P MiddlisM10tVi? vf:.ii:. , it t God-llidd3g:-- Qtiotatrons edaforni to the classifications' of the American Cotton Exchange; qnouuums, a saoald Ds andemood, rep reseat UM 'wboloaaA prices eooerilly. . Is ai&kbig m sjaall order hlyber prices aave to be chargea. 1 - Fsicsa. SAOaiMa-Uunny .8xa 00 t tOttDieAaetoor....:;.i.i.i, J IkMiblc Anchor usmSvV Oiwj....i.... 14 O 16 3 14 r ciucci.-!. v. iHtcu, .... L Uiub.. ........ ...".. " , o 5,1T oo i "UX f Wj vx, W 8 , "co O . a 5. 7& v a ss a a to !Hca -ast . B t0 S 10 OO , OtQCS, W. ....... ....... i. noctar..... . ..... j tMRRKrA-aittrtta TinntSM ' i Mew CltT, eack..... a.............j.t BWCKwitoinjctoa. v M.t.. W 14 CO ' ji5 o 3S & 40 ' t5 ' 4J .m;,. 18. wxa 14. i4ja - M ia ' a ' is - BCTTfilwNortbCaioitna. k. dNDL'iB K"";" - - ivi5uuw v- TiV'! cujCJfidKvMonhani vaettxy'v i. m Tat mi ! KKk B . . ." 19 a' OOKN MSAI4 basbel sacks uu JtjEsxiuiuieeQitc,ft4, v ycj isjn4 V aoiicn.,.. .. ........ ' . ... . . rir 1 S.1 as-; I rilJudrrlljKdteNo.l.w 15 0ft; tSOOi r I Mo. 1. k bbi ........I s 6C ti: a oo ': I Mackerel. Ha.lC bltfJ'; .JA is 00 (3 U (50 j" ; ' MackereLNo. ?bil; .. J W sup. -,y , w. a- 11 00 11 co r . 400 ..800 . 100 ;st. . wo' .. ;oa, 6 00 - 00 Se f 00 ' t as .soo, 0 00 '580" 85 .TO TaS TT5 SS&i ,860 BT .W eaeo . CO 00 60 '50 0 iW U. Herring, V bbU.1 urr ijoa. w b : rrvrrf.- w.. u lm 8uier. Nortbern. 49 bbi. Extra &a bbi..M. ' City Mm 8nDr.. bhl . , MU v BUI.,.,. ' ' FsimliT, bW... - sx. jrustt. bbi rjEBTILIZXKS i reraTtaa ttaaae. w WW i . .Gronod Bone, , . " . 00 4000 - J 00 ' 4600 " V BoaeMeaL ( . " , . .r 00 eo .67 oof;t; 66 00 68 00 ., mu Attn1' f SaTasaafitaaao,. , , j "Complete Harare ' waana's rnospuue , -: , 0900 TOOOi j . Wsndo FUospHAte, 1 Berger Bats' Fhospfc. ' kxceUeaaa CotbM yertUiaer 00 00. 70 00 0 00f 0600 66 90 60 00 11 ! 15 QLTJE V Ik &AIKCora, la store, ia osjp, . .70 f Oorn, Cargo, bueha, . CO GO ' 6 Jf 70 . 65 . a 65 4m, wholeeale, totv begs. . . Oats, boubel ' P,Cow, bosbelv..... Sf V oav-aaterBip'Vooibs;.'l.!!; 1 hi ea iso - i rioru Kiver, im? as..... HOOP IBON 9 ton........ . LAilO Northern. Tb..... 90 A 1 00 ! ;.& k. 18, IM A . 1 Koru uwouaa, v s..m LOfB bbi........... LUXBSB Cm tac8awsH Ship btofl, resawed, M ft.. Roasrk Kdsre Plank. M ft... 84 CO 1700- ia CO 800 to 00 n o 00 ssoo - WeladUCargoes, according; tojjaanty, v ........ Dreaiw Flooring, seasoned.. itang and Uoaros, cern-l is oo as oo 1 : S8 . 4 " 41 44 1 00 w t5 00 8 ' 40 f 80 s 40 400 ; 00 S9 t 10 1 46 ,100 .0 110 , ,80 40 8&. SO 1 15 . SO 1S5 166 00 )00 , -S 875 tl 60 S5 00 1A -VI A M tWl MOl8Sls-beVbJ?' Da, 001s v gai fiosa'llonse, bad da. sa nL . bbls. esi.... W F toJv I OILS Kerosene, V gaL... ...... UjiW. t ral...: Roaln. V ral POULTKT-luckena, live...... " i "f bpring... PANUTS V bushel.. iWATOXS Street, W bnsbel.. . Irtan, Nortnern, w btu ..... POBK Nortbern, (My Mess.... fftUtM jd KK1 a UUlt V vwittieiMi ; Prime, bU. Kama. V bbi. .....m. . vuw V w w c j s rVi rk n aaoo oaoo: BlCl-Carolina, ... . . . cx 6X 00 00 5W 1 00 KMtuuua, 9 .............. Ronrb, w bnrJi .. KAGrS Oooutrj, dtv. 300 il ttOPB i 6 rts 90. O s S5 p 8W. 1 9 ; ro i CO ! i oo 5 a ' 8ULLT Alum. bnabel Urerpool, w saox. Amenean. w rjacx . lUGAE-Cnbs, b.. .......77. Porto kico, w v a . 11 :; 19 10 11 1 B- $ ft C- Kx. C $ Crosbeo. V f Korun ft! 11. W .. ..... SrIINGI-BS--Contract, f) It... 4 OS 600 Conunoa. V M... CjrpreesSaps ) It,.... Cvpres Hearts v M..... .. a 60 aoo 6 50 00- 50 00 18 00 90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 OC X 9 09 11 M) 6 50 7T0 6 00 8 60 8 00 400 ' 1 00 600 175 8 50 18 ao BTAVa i W. O. BbL, M... Bbd.. M 1 - a-im-i ma vr ftiriywVirr:::::::" TIJtBKK-elppiiig. v M , mUMme,Ti.T..... Kill Fair, BX inferior to uromarr. w a.... WEISKKTNorthera, ral. ... noru twouna, w gai.. ...... WOOL-Unwaebed, v a.. ..VjsSi.a' aa aiiiniMOTOS atonisx . iuiAa-.--.BT. , twao-aoras sazlt. I Goia ios : 111 . Vdlect. 11.I.-M-xtm y 44) I ' ".Boston. if. i ,JLVMIUaaavaveeeeeeee SX 11 - Pniladetpbla,i.. I L . (ef aoea, ceaanee SO dan 8 V cent interest added te aoore. tnk ofNew HanoYerStoek.. i. .. 100 Bank First National Bank. 75 -Dawson Bank. ...... . 85 10b Wilmington Bnfldinz Btock,. . Xseaaales' ' Haraaaa Gnamo Co. 140 i 'Do. ' Fandingl8. ? 5 - Do. , WOW, t.......,.5 Do.' 'Special Tax.-::;. 1 Do. to N. C. Railroad ..... i w.& W. K.K.Bonoa 7 e (oia ino.iuu iCarolina Central R. S. Bonds. 8 c.. .60 I wuntnttee City Bonds, Stte. I : m 7 e. e.. ..s. . .6 ; 6 ; i? in ......90; c Lj; t ,m. asse.i. M rttouinLt ... .781 . New Hiaorer County Bonds (1 a years), , I i - I IHft.d IlLV ...i-.....j.ii..v.Ui ' w. V.YuiixoadMtoek ....,..i..v..t66 w. w. KaiQoaa Btocs ...m....oo . v,e i- .Carotoaa fi, . tg ,t .: .WlLGaaLlantCoi ...,.e7 lV r , iw- SeaVcV WL.'im -It-... ... Ui .4S ;WUm,I,8toB ttoo MOla;.. ... N Near ! If w'rtC' ' Xiim wtst Starrkel. Receipts to-dayJ 1,108 barrels intern. 819 1 noticeable amonz those who control the i suppic, ou wwvucnng anuiue saw oo a basis of pretty full rates. SpiriU tor- JSS rlitS&Z . T i . 2.1- 1 J tl hut was fBot offered with much freedom. ; Quoted aUbSSic, and WbbUwld at the; I . .ft.. w..,.,t. ..ftiMM .0 a alimnlinr - v. . W. T M Db,g tood ' gtraJned at 2 18; 400 bbla lNo.f2att3 SO: and' LOOO bblsNo.aand at No. 1 al t2 258 25. Tar firm;ilh sales Piteh ateadv.aud.amallaalfcs at $2 124 city. i. - -.i i-H.j)4(?wf) Miiddling uplands, iiauicj ahipped Octo- ,Tbe telegraphic advioea were as follows y ; ber and November, per aail, Cf d; new prop, UveiHl Spirit turpentine, 27s d;roain; shipped November - and IDecember, per. common, os wa; nue, io;oa.; liouwou? Rosin 6i for crmmon; pale, 1213si spi rita turpentine,J1278 6d2tJs 3dt , - t . lifj-i.! 1. ..... , ' -i) )!. -i(i. harieates) navai ntsrss naracii 18 i The rcelpuriwere, 95 casks apiriia tur pentine and :' 43 bbls rosin. , :i be marxet. wasquievana nrm, wuuou u ux Kosinswereai ajt 4U ror straiHeo; 3;75 for extrapale. , Spirits tentu waa held at 83S,85c per gallon, as in pack ages. Crude turpentine is valued at $1 25 per bbi : for virgin and yellow dip and 75c zor scrape, c.,vj- ;--.-( , 7 1 rpnB IQTOnrf tTftt ST AO 1MOV ItlKlV laiVI U yWDltJWI SfcU -sa a sjayyayiBiiBBBisBiiisi aB41srackarso(OMWt)iEsstiUfalwerk In tas Btate. au aiaas er taaaiaa eascniea Bsara. canaBtaaS smtedittoaahv. . ,T. - P . J ...- .. . li.'.i'J ii 'Tv.-f . ... .t,.lna. 1 onrmi.Ttn Nn IK I . i"l VTX rlJiKiZrC-ZiZ: AprU delivery, id; April R37 85 foVk'pale: S3 for"pal nd V-w crop. shyed s The following Is tlie stock of naval stores and cotton7 in yard and afloat ' at tlils'pdrt November 13: " V ' Cotton, in yard,; :f ,457 baJea. . afloat 0,31,2 r.4 . Total........... 1 V12.S49 V SpmteTurpenliue, in yard . . 3,363 catks " - ' - iUiuav..-.l.WS -Total,.;."..-..., Itosin, in yard, ... . . . i . .-. . 76,564 bbls. -.,JsJ4 . r -auvau. .......... ,.'n.- ' , , M .... ' Total, . .' 5,098' Tar,- in yad,..7.. . . 1.S90 bbla. Y - ttUU4M '. T W -it. f. Total., ,..v.:,. Crude, Turpentine, in yard,, .,U J.,3C3bbIa. , '. Total... J.SCS .-v. For the Week ' Ending bb. 13. ' Cotton. ... : '6,5t bales. Spirits turpentine. 1,883 casks. Kosin .10.113 bbls. Vrude Jurpentine. ; i . .s.. . 1,141 4 - - i i .- !, . -. ' : .. ., j.. . ; . . I imvniwa - -j 1' ,-..f-: vi'H : .' .'t f . f , t . J . - . 1 !: f " lit Hut Week)tfnding Ifovl 18. '- ' '' Cotton. Spirits: Rosin; Tar.'Crude. Foreign, 1,002 1,470 .t83 Domes'ta, 6,5.t.J.50t,. 1,184. 318 . ,10 ; , Total.:6,2871,97l":i;i90r 851 . 10: IA f 1 . ; ; . -,vi - j , ; stock , r,.,, itt.'. ' November 16, 1875. " - flrttirtn RmHta TJn rrr HrnrU j , ;;;d,,5.8lJP 8,liiQ53,ial3789, A ii?' -4f:-'3. duttoe. '. l " ? Cotton.' Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude, I k AIDS, ...Wto 93474851,996 I Cotton.' 8pirlts. Roaln. Tar. Crnde Foreign.. 2,234 ;r Y 5,881 Domestic .3,832 - 785 8,090 ; 865 12tf F " . -rr ioiau. . e,uoo' vjjo -v,u to- 1201 .--:QTJOTATioiss.i1';!;' : f " Cotton. Spirits, Rosid.1 TaK'Crude. OV. r-'- 374 1.07 5 KZ.bO Nov; 15. c 12 86 - 1.45 a L4Sn ?2.60 EXPOBTS BOB TUB WEEK, ! ! DOMESTIC. TerM& W Railroad. --86 bales cotton, . 50 bbls rosin, 1 do tar; 200 bushels peanuts, I bbi molasses, 2f do liquors, 82,050 lbs ores and metals, 3 bbls .. fish, 1 do rice, 1 bag coffee, 1. hhd molasses, 15 sacks salt, 20 pkgs mdse, 50 empty kegs and bbls. I Per W, C & A Railroad. 2 casks spirits turpentine. . . ! 1 . COASTWISE. ' New Yobk Schr Conservative. 100 bales cotton, 313 casks spirits turpentine, 197,700 shingles. ' P I ' 'Z New Yobk Steamship i Pioneer. 785 hales cotton, 129 casks spirits turpentine, 17 bbls rosin, 10 cases tar, 559 packages shooks. -1'- i Steamship Gulf Stream 1,361 hales cot ton, 10 pkgs mdse. ; V Baltimore Steamship i Lucille. 240 .bales cotton, 69 casks spirits turpentine, 363 bbls rosin, 223 do tar. 100 do pitch. 2 'bales bags, 4 do paper stock, 1 pkg mdse, . j TnoKASTON, Mb.; via Boston. Schr Jo aeph Souther 839,006 feet lumber. - IAl.TmoBie -Steamshin D. J. " Folev. !RM halea nntlnn hhla nuin 19J5 Hrt tor p"" r - w w uv , ao ao cruae turpentine, zu,wu ieet lumber,; I2H hnlpa vama 21 no cot.tnn crnnrtu IB rid L-a a u ' v, v non bushela ne&nnta. 4 nktrs mds. 1 hhl fish. r : , JJ Uitl-lUJN. . Brehex Br barque Vick & Mebane - ? St. Martth's and Nevis. W. I.-Dulch jbrigjuonstance. 64,207 leet lumber, li7t- 1800 shineles, 8 bbls tar, 7 do pitch. 6 do rosin, 1 do spirits turpentine, 20,'4G9 R O staves, 100 W O slaves, 24 pieces headiriar. a oaK plana. I Demaraba Schr Annie Lewis. 178,- 500 feet lumber, 125 bbls pitch, 25 do tar. i t cork tor orders mor nng Kutus-1,317 casks spirits turpentine. . r ; 4 1 1- j , LrvERPoqi Nor - barque Baron 1,700 1 TWtww TXr lirfjr T.Ti? LIZ. IfYl ' litiTa rosin. ;. ' : '. . '" i Arroyo, Pj R Schr W O R Mowrey.-- aw, i7 ieer mmDer, iuu,7uu sningtes. - - t Port-axj Pbxnce. Hayti Schr Mabel.- 1164,470 leet lumber, 47,800 ahioglea, 25 bbls tar.5- de pitch; i do rice, I patent couee mllL ;" -- i 4"'-. - ii--; t Ltterpool, November 15 Noon J i VHKion lutures d-sxsisiioa tineaper ber and November, per saU, Gid : Novem- I' ww -- r i -r T I' January delivery 6id; January and Febraa- ry Gird February and March 6 9-32d; mid: dling uplands, w nucv shipped--rebraary and Marcb,: per sail, 67-U6d; March and " Xater. ; : 5 :m: ::: V Cotton mlddlinic uplands 6id; Orlean o il-ioa; aajes oi . Q,uuu oaies, jincioping L000 balea which were, taken, for specula- , y-F...r r . n n .vnnw. MMiinri m uii iuihb 1 1 nr iwntcn were American; miaanng npianas, 1. m. c. Jamaary and February denvery;" , 6 -16d; February ? and March, 6 5-1 6d; March and April delivery, Ofd; new crop, ahipped November and December, per sail, 6 5-16: January and February" per sail. . LATER lH' Middling uplands, L m, c, new crop. snipped February ana Marcn, per sail, ota; March and April delivery, 6 5-16d : new ef . 1 . ... . , LATER : 'f Middling, uplands, L . m. c, December, and January delivery, 6 9 32J; February ' JUA.TKU. , - . t;Jiidaiing npianaa, l m. c., Aiecemoer and January,, . 0i5 16dj - January; huu r ruruHry o ii-ou, new uryi, outpjjcvi, 1 1 . g. U . M, 1 - ' S ........ November and Dcceetnber, per sail lr Mrr.i k:a;t i. v ? t for,! s T. ?,.t i? . vLATER n . 8lt!, cTj Uecumbcr and jaunary o 7-iea; January and February, 6 15-83d: February and March, 61782J; Jauuaiy and Febrna- . , ,. M . ...... i.. , j. " ... .. . Bales of American' cotton to-day 4,400 balea. p ., P PPPP.--: p: LrvEKPi6i ;Nov,t15 5P. M. Futuresi firm middling uplands, 1. m. c . i November delivery. 0 7-ld- i . WM.inn milmiiiti I m el. "March and ana Alay celive- November and it akittnuil Tan. - February and March, per sail, 6 9-1 6d. . TXTIIX BE IN ONSLOW DURXKO OOUST IT eaaTalUsI fVntMMat.. A tTl3TV TU kn I v WWta aw cvssvw vwuvikbimivhw Wl m soil, x I TOW, c, andtoreotdyeorder for SALT. TLOVUl - s MagpoaaT ssi in a,aJa pvuano. 1VDSUW.CV. " f rT.-fiii'V..'lS B2IT, 8IJITON COv I a. a. uian r, novK-HDA J. H. H1NTOM. R. W. WAUn. W - ' ! - - i f". a. n t . MARINE?" J ARRIVED. "i r v Br barque JlvaneeTine. 193 tohs. O'Harrfi Belfast, 1 , E. Feschau & Westermann. - Br brig Republic, ,239 tons, Thompson, -Liverpool, C II Robinson. Schr Lydia , A Willis,; Daniels Topsail, ' fish and cotton to A afartin. , .- - V U Schr Charlotte Ann PicoUi Lewis, LlttW'; River,. 8.- C, cotton and, naval stores' to WT.0 I Gore and others, t, ,' .. 'W Schr 21nitb, MrKre,..Shallotte,r naval p stores to Anderson & Loeb. , ,',:' . T Steamship Lucille, -Bennett, Baltimore, ADCazanx. ' t r- r -;r..l Nor barque Deenorah, 840 tons, Jorgcn sen, Alecante, Spain, R E Heide. 1 i 1 - - fj.'-T Schr Nellie, 222 tons. Perry; Belfast, Me.; Worth & Worth. , -: 4- -, t, v ls'i Steamship Gulf . Stream, : Croweil, New . York, AD Caxaux.. ' iS,. v-i-.'-.r : Steamship Pioneer, Wakely, New York, A D Cazaux. Schr Lorenzo, Russell, New Rjrer, aaval stores to Anderson & Loeb. - - i Schr Bpray,' Penton,7 Little River, 8 C, 1 Xiaval stores to A Martin. ' .i Steamship D J Foley, Priee, Baltimore, ' A D Cazaux. u i -," 4i - 5 ' ' i Schr Lillian, Arnold,1 Smithville, ttaster; I Schr Flash, Skinner, SmUbville, master a a(e ' - aiw M t ww f away JaVV IVUOf A : N6w York,5 marble " and haV; Worth & W-rt " "iif-: 1 1 ' '"i 1 .Nor ba,rUHre' lons Hwvonen. R SH4fde" i vViO Nor barque To Wenner, 808 tons, 6abrjel- ?ng REHeide. - 1 Schr .Joseph,, H Neil, Reynolds, Orton r Creek, naval 'stores to Eerchner&Calder Broah- - - -.-j .- . ,." YJ f -Ger barque Fredericke Weyer. 864 tons. V&S eVSJ. 1 r - Bremen, V7. C & A R R.- r ; t vv i Qpbx Jjydia A WUlJaj Danielaj Topsail, A SWi MU, -. --' . vv 5 ri ' i SchTj Charlotte Ann P ,,iLewU Little" River. S. W I Gore. I & Loeb. . . (v .. .. ... , . ,. . .. I Bchx CtoiiservaUveVtfTutman, 'Kew'Tork. JA- D Cazaux. . v - -. - I i vuich brig Constance, Uollis, St. liar- tins ana .Nevis, w. x.- ifi Kidder da Bona "t- 1 1 Steamship Lucille, Bennett,' Baltimore, A D Cazaux. j -Steamship Gulf Stream, Croweil, New York, A D Cazaux. : i ' W'--v i -r " f Steamship Pioneer, WakeryNew York, ; AD'Cazaux. : . - -, - s - .. . . '' Schr Annie Lewis, Aldrich, Demarara, Northrop & Camming. ' -' -; - - ' -. ' Schr Joseph Souther, Watts,!Thomaston, . Me., via Boston, J H Chad bourn & Co. i Schr Lorenzo, Russell, New River, An derson & Loeb. ' ' v - - .' '- ? Schr Spray, PentonVIitae River; 8 C, N Gillican. :- ; V-H'' - ; -v'Tv--f I i Schr Lillian, Arnold, Smithviile, master, f Schr Flaah. Skinner,-Smithville, master. Nor. brig Rufus, Christensen, Cork for orders, Williams & Murchison. . : Nor barque! Saron,-Jahn8en, Liverpool, Alex Sprunt & Son. t ; j Steamship D. J. Foley, Price, Baltimore, AD-Cazaux. - v Schr Joseph H Neff, Reynolds,' Orton Creek, Kercbner & Calder Broa , " Br brig Baltic, Brinton, London Alex Sprunt & Son. .. .' -. .. Schr W G R Mowrey, Eaton; Arroyo, P R, E Kidder & Sons. : Schr Mabel, Maloney,- Portati-Pruice, Tlayti, E Kidder & Sons. J5rct perton wAe teHl sead fctt or her fvttaA drtM teill reonse by next maU, free of eftarye, a copy of ike ' - M X w o R I T ApotUxl cttrd and ohm mtmmts of time t0S do it." Send pour addnt tO-4nvtoI- H.S1EU. FRIED, Drawer 17. LouvnilU. Kg. - Each eommwniention will haoeaUerUioneome day it i received. Write at 1 ' 5"7 Vraaem wea oat and ftretUa toee- i ; wr jamvy newspaper tn i the xtiy,fuu ofin- r I Krwwtiwroer, mna I ; vaiuau to gpcry owe. honee nnd art r rtmv - I LB. GBAIK6ZB ......... Prertrtcnt ....Vice President ............Cashier . . Assistant Cashier . . - I C. M. Stedxah j ls!o lalna!'.'.'. Bank of New Han over. CAPITAt PAIDInT - - $350,000 (AUTHOSIZE ' CAPITAL - $1,000,000 -l-i ----- V.TT.nifin.Ttr. ; John Dawson, D. R. Mnrchison, of WB- CM. Stedman, oWrigh ' k BtedrnaH.1' -Jas. A. Leak, of Wades i boro. ----; .' -M. WeddelL of Tarboro. t name Mnrcnlson 'Hon. R. R. Bridgets, Pres ! W.&W.E.E. H. Vollers, of Adrian A i Vollers. E. B. Borden, of Goldi JIOi W, AtKlBSOB.- W.! AtWasoB,; i' rbbro, N.J-.i: -t B. 3rata2&. President ' " .UOL.J E.B.BORMW, : ."Prealdent., "Dunnnn B. P.Tto-rKiai flUlhUi .VvCashifcr.;, ' Xi ftr Bordettj W.iT.' Falreioth, W. F. Koraegnv gdmnnd.Herman. WeUl.. , ;.:;;.5 (; ! ne-t; fufisliflro Brancutfi1 '-' "' i,a DIEECrroitS: ' . : : . J.' A. Iak,R. T. Benxett,G. W. little, J. 6.!Marsbal ' TMnee Certifleates of Deposit bearlnjr tot-Srert. ' ' Js.aatborized by Charter to receive on deposit irtoneyts held In tmst by Executors, Administrators, Oaaroians, Ac.. Ac &c. ; . . ' val ; - Striet attention given to the, orders and requests i of our eoinrtTy friends by nlail or otherwise. - J TOTonr- :: f ; . - :':- 'r: ,-; . - 'tl 1 Parti fnii M "in lnwiii (Iniititv ,MUt uia. uw vhu. i , AAA ACRES. TEVXIj AND , UU - IMPKO VXD-NO WASTE, LAN D, - . i near Kauroaov ptoca ana trapiesnenra siasarxsm. . .. ...... w . . . i special reason for seumg oat. can and see the I growuiitaopsor aaonsa "i"-" THE DAILT STAR. rrtiiE jaii.t BOBILXQ STAB, a. ; -? 11 published at the fbUowmx low,;! ATM OF SUCSCIIPTIPK t ( : I One Tear, postage paid. .........ij. S7 00 i sixMontbi;" w I ..u i 400 It One : 1 THE DAII-Y? STAR 1 Contains fall Eeports of the Wilmington "Mar ; ... " r ' -i '. 1:;-:-Hi3-:yli 'I ?- ... P, kets, Telegraphic EeporU of the Northern ' . and. European Markets, and the Latest " -: General News, by Telegraph and . Mail, from all parts of the - World. i - V Largest DAILY CIRCULATION In the St ATE THE ONLY DAILY PAPER PUBLISHED IN :' V; I'-y'vYiLuiN'sTOMi--'c1''':. -fa address, WM. H. BXENABD, ! . Knirom Paorararoa," "WllmlmruW. H c. r, 'Ml - tr: - :- c :-; tit 100' : 1