!!fl'I Si etlrt FPBtTBgro Al 5 -r w i ij-fs..iii"ir7 T7 r bbbbb i i ; r v ' r - ' a. - t r i --Ls.v'iTtri'kt 'rw,,. ; . a i - -t t -j .. , z a a- v.-1 aa. & !; a- i r : ii. i t i " " i t i i . i t r v j ii. .n . i i .. a ii . i ii i"ii r in i i .f. j. , , , ; ; . i 1 ... i, i 1 - - - . , i i ,t i i . . r . . t j i . r a 1.1. v. I " . . . . . . r it. - - - - - - i , t . , . r . . riy it iiweji ii r i.t-. ii t tif 11 . . i t 1 m a 1 vm i l wi.-' i 1 - ..r..r :-i I iV i if U Wit - Nt' LI, 4l--- iK TiiV'ru U ' 1 I .,4 C LJ. , .... . ( in J AT 39 fei SOa. Tear. Hf advaiice." SI 0 14 O IfilCfifiSt)' ISSSSSSS 6 Moattof (WoaN ; 3 Montha 2' Months SS3SSS3 - 1 Maath I 3838288, 3 weeks. gg lWeek t ' u ' , OA I mi 'e, is i32 t3 . u Ot 6-! I5 ?S ''Is o . ma. w3 .5 8888S88' 6i;JS 5.4 as : 5 3 8S nbtalnef hi 11 the citlea, and In nsJay or " . CYT A J .Al rf. ami the beat means of remitting ftfty aoll&rs or I- virt--fT5 . avstera, wblch, wentinto effect ?nne Is Vre vsty uJ aemna8f sen(tlniit&9kll uma of ino Bt-v where P.O. Money Order eannot-beaally oh'tiner j Obterv, the , Raoittm e,M veil Mwtjun. muK Ae txiid in. vtamvb at tbe Office here the letter in mailed or tt willbe liable to be sent to the iieaa.ueuer omee tMd ortl the tampt bofhoPpoatag and repWry,- put I ,pott-maiterwd take hU reeeiptfb .. Aiettew . .it to ns 1b this way are at amr rlsIC'',4 "J i iu f , ,f " ; , , i -i the towntu i We eoostder them perfectly m.tnr Sn on The sabseriptiop prtbe of the Wjskk LY STAR B8 fOUOWSZ. i ! W. i m U-. Single Copy 1 year, postage paid, $1.60 It? ; 'T ? 5akeboPe befiaase ilik Ibf no thesafae mactinerj mty.elfctJmithf in j thttdfc w Kometi.n'.a pmventive ra- i WILIIINGTON, N means r cenam that the Kellogg Chamberlain set can make false re- tarns, however beni pii dbiflgoo'.'We take hope because their trae i charac ters;! are known to !the" 'natlonV 1 and the; eye of the, peopleafe'closely , watching them. We take 1 hope because we ..do ; . not, belief uthe people- of - the North wilHaK r to.StH.t-i ZJWtSLUif' tt? i J10 that the twb ats0 we' 'do not lietiev4 Ihi' peope ihe orth are: iUmg!io 'b cheated out of their own rights, and to ha suoh a precedent set f or aU time, as oouni out these. Stated that hare 6ie4 iri K thW "eonit&ntioQal'way'fdf the man lbey;terrd.f ' M tSyen supposing the Board of Can vasei2thefiUtunringyialdL shou d throw, out Ihe . three, disputed Sat shatUien $bm vMUsnbti with that' xcfc,i;The electoral; votes haVef to nbo iana Waahivfftdnlln ebrtiry; atj on the Utkiof ; that nonth to be counted in the preseactf olina would havethe hondr' pf elect Mnlirlh iM ,by f WHajge Uemocrats will then, have at least a .1 . ;VHK'f CATION.,,; :,.,,t i;A jTlie clouds are beginning to grow. thinner, and sun Hghi will .flood , the , land soon, we hope; ? We ' think the Democrat are qaite ' certairto .et jJistice'in Florida, I anit that nHfl;tour votes wi 11 be added tof .Tilden : disputed 184 voes. We haVe cot)M s'uleTable cbnfidetice in the 'SagaytjV firmness and watchfulness of iour friends .in'Nei Or1eaiMn3Wot? jectionable sod daugerons csdb " the neturningVB6ard,thfcft . State, we believe 1 it wiU - be disap pointed and shorn of Us main reliance and htrengtb down right frsnd.llnu both Florida and Louisiana iris per v lectly apparent thatW najoritypf the votes cast was for. liden r and Hendricks. Tlis is underBtooievcrj where now, and the eyesof the Whole teoiIe are npon the oincers who have W tkejaeuate-and;, . V r T H" ' the Hoose, pitUng as a loiat conYentlon, " c ch pre cmct ill' tiM I SiaU as he rJW fB.sUtutoa commit that&e 1 m i r " i ' ,i T r .isi'r'! 'iTsi i DO,M, rresiaent Dy ..we I gfvebue of our own abfeUJ'S. Sena- ance witft hecoaMitutjeBrtoeami1' FWfw.iBeiatwer, as mat ruiej may uave - cousiuerauio . innueace in charjre of ihe returns. 1 The New; York; JeraWafter de feiulmg and praising Grant-ifn (the coarse pursued; by3 him; ; in Fending troops -to r loriaa aiierne etecuoii hani evidently begutfiOitake water" to tone down, and tbJ understand how rascally" are 'those fellows 7 who have coitroV apparently , of "the.sitn-. ation" la ihe Athxeft -4oubtf nictate,. We carl but hopewhlllieiSkil? now falling upbri'-u, Chat 63bardlina Will come out, all nghU .ndtliat, It seven votes will bejveajOalr. iTU:i -The- Board jo'i feme IJaovassers lien. mi imj; reflsayat? iUdO'n,l7t)il:lfTi9jtf?'i iHre are several confttttatiooal njctbods tysecjond loint rule is In force: and" tWW Ibe ojwsiw ttf tile FlOttse lrlU:be6fflciet to xt ibe tbeivote Qf snj fir ate. ) Whole Stat ticket is elected, and ttiiV iSduth Cai luuicuu. uocitoiiBvOU. purely both j parties that the Supreme Conn will decide that the Returning Board ,l .L muiilt antt ays every ojen yegmbwa conr, 'cede i that the State1: las gen? Demo. erajtikjprildenV 45 'pnsd-' crib y less tharv HaniptouX bat! the latte r says Jlh4 f ornWr Iras carried Ihe e .iseniocrais nave a aupiicatA qt. ntire vote of the'SlaLe; and all emocratic1 pblliblders ' are or will be-injCblufebla at 'iU canvassm ity cm perpetrate frauds under the itres i of panj es.tyKi Wft rny mention that oiitfuHK(siiuHlbsRaortnn. !drei kctually catoe upvto' lurabia ;mao'J rdiiltadicat votes, when1 " there was Voles Shall bVcoaoted "hi the riresenea1 df t iiKilTAMf hhiihimiiioc eisntiii "es-J aweuseuect a frapuoienj I? .if P w" .w w'0 xie y refusing to lend lhiisancUoa,Mil,l4U to the fwehCv'iWcdrid'1 Mbint! prsshace'.to.uscounUttiKV r".T""' J r: . ;4J Jy titherVil?raethds; whfchare f r0' fttstt J.PiU0PV1-10 Wli feiectoralifiite Of lay 1 thrda- iightr upon it .Js. eagerly than the Bocae; laving 'declared that there I ought. We are glad to be able to iO.EBEPAYKQYEMB3RiB-uf:t876.c) TTTTi I .. MaUIIULU IN AXUBl on inaenniteljrrriBSct, all Pre . . : ('f.P'wyed-forJlw benefit f-a.pimy iV pJici ' i 'Vv 'ejlt j l i'u-o xMZit i4-vnwai5i .whicblbas "butttiurfeatnesa on-the cm-" modt rate : fpdr seusible view of th,e . Ua4Ait ibe uasines Portloi. ot the' try's rtiin. ..,, if i i TjvbuJ uTiwo t.. ,s.a-f, wTsiMi: m A - dnn QTiTU OAUWMNA-LA TU NKWr. . . 7 "".V"? Var M anavhat the nation "iTIiW Work ef au luceudiarr. . f t VVb bad the pleasure 'of c meeting for pesce tlianjor wr,!iu.uropiiii(ki. , it, t This community was startled yesterday, aeiUleinan yest i!01! '"L Lit such a settloraenv of tbeEatTn hnfitirwr I llilla-vlianrin! viihtv v hn .th. iin. A fc.Tfr?1?1?"01 w witt npt only satisfy ths iu demands pf ! Lthe Wlmisirton & Weldnn RilrA - mhtmi T6 y'VP1 ituasis, out wm ne accepubie-to me other X JT. A.-7 77"T 7 rf mereoi,; and the names of great rowers.iTHiatsa that Kussia atka f -V lu v- w"pwubh m itfr.- A. f. ni '.iAi.'i'r kcrrihurr ur euuiuar. ana wt can l tua yiaco kivb us sviiuj.ui , uio Darucuiars i of no sure'rVay bf itettin&i ;Umah t,or tViM fImUvUh hi-Inii Turkey see clearly that sbecannotf-lui:. -JLnii. tbm .14 cuA I not lor led'neeive to let ford th annyr tUn Hmmu1 I Kn fmr tr vlvinrf the nrtihahHUip ftf wf aAma 4 has Called forth k UnlTerMrTriiflmiait,tof U , the Eghsand iContirientsl JournaJs seem I sprrow and j symfcathyv In this cammttnitTij h thelSienS iiteV mfAIblSjMUl fl.OOa po insurance L rsnnki I uerastaieu vur juwu.f xiwwnaieu in no , 1 UAAh,' " ii i-'U 2eJe5ae.,a W?81 TO-f wainl jatOM. W X.VJ.- "ft M! fori; lmMWfW&MbX&lv& y noj other argument than one of .threaten- I aetlJf fU force'.''' I i-imu ti-jt. -ituiii..; - a-jsliji4j- I-thoi Go thistijne.srethe.bertse key iields Jtssiatt1rorrti6rto pising-Btm- teriindstbre fears bMUaineighbor, and Is'S.be f eaWJS.: S??L5!Uy f6VOO0, ired1themtin1fc and tJe,2.n ' 1 - I i ? i. j - - . -' ' ' ' T i , T ' aaiwwMnra Wa VWa 1UDULDU ID um ar SB K laaaBBT 11UU r V I w J ai ly nofotber argument than one of threatenH rwvnusiness r poruoa or r, niJLllV W IVILC. - , - - - - - ' -J m rf I I IUO ' i UU Wr U ' " Iff U CB11 U lTOUa " AXllltf n T ifufn 1 -ei I ! - .- I in ii ii " m .;!, i:i; Lstleitrs. are IEL & J.;-MBrysa,general iJ r . a t ri : !tiK I merciuuiuiHi: sti nt. : a. u nnn. Tniiiinasrv. i . , i J a 1 at .a ar -- aaa m I S) w taa UVUOH bUUIEULB. SaWU BUlin IIIIUKKM. mt fW AjfiMPif idk stock oi tvaed'alSOb wbicH flnwahd'msuranbel f-JS . CaT-1 poeeea!ttockfEoodsTilQedat$ljA VEJ CHNft FUOIQ, TATB EE.KC c3j13 TISI1 CONtlNVKD. TUdea, 1 Thureda'y morning' weTgave - a Sutri mary bf rbturris if rora 33 eountlesi the lift' 2 tr t iff . i I ' . ' t'-r' ' . - Js I inVkMMa. fT,ailai snrih . rt UvMM' vOTwfiai m V10 " 01 eaalin I ITJr tor r- 1 f Z 4'tai ---. r j jt4 t t WW W iriesirreleirraob and Kxrssloiabess irr pottnlies adaitionaf, which are strict 1 " r I r T 7?7Z:?r- Kflrs ot L. A. Merrimon. store valued vai f BT - V aJU " siaaiaMajfl. KMaaa a I - - r . . . i,- ,j . j , usye.--,? ;; -v- r . - -., a ;t a' awaa aa I aB-at I kl i lf'H III Kini u nT If a,"W I Hfin K t . ' - , (laaaaaaBBi waw aa,a a waM w KM BTWa W Va 1 V MVal a ' 1 ak WnaV a at A a at... 'Add LdWrify C i as. 9 i o . jIik v o r, itj ' i I. i fiT i ' .. '- Betrtel ! TUaen'a m.t in 45 nniiM -r .rV to Ji Mnk: two.. Maall AtoKSrKttnoccnpied.van T'T' T .T - T.V5 " I I . . " . . . .. . - Vane warehouse fouu, oojesuranpe: Frank fdebtJ v- -1 Hl'ia'aiajiaaaaa,.!'. .1 S I -isll; f& sj mi a w'A.iVi it :inl:o 1 detef mining the electoral vote. 4 udge Hon. Henry Watterson, the able I Mernmon is a member of tbe Senate editor of : ihe LouisVilie -l Courier? I Comnittee on pilules;', and what, he 'Journal, and member elect from bis says as entitled to high' consideration J city to the 45 lh; Congress, is in New: I correspondent of. ,tb BoetfOn Jr Orleans. ; ..W.o. haye published b'.let- ' writes: from: iialeigh rof n thodata ter'tb the.New.7ork presenting 1 of. N the! true condition 1 of affkirs id Lou-1 ' interview Jast Jiad- WW United ' t , r . f . . . i states senator Merri iiion. a member or the tariitAMMittfiir I . - J t . .. . . . . . mat atana r-" 1 V ra y art r"-?-" r,- - ,'",vu"i sr . r w - V'ex I senase vwaMmiieeon.nnies, ne states eratH. now in -New Orleans, are pow-. I KHt?id- noon a the obtectkmf of citbett ov; 1 Otb, as f ollows: . ,. .. . to 41a I , ... I . ... ... . : .... Hvckion. .;.Tii:oi8.i rrr?:rlo.r . . -- i; ; . -1 uBTnea:,au ine,ou8iness nouses, ana :ieie-;i t?-t0 , -fllai :rJvforlTatiflearibn.i6.:fl Jll laTaDb and exDress offices eone; hardly . a LtM4-iAa3iltxiSuMti-ixx . HJmnj ft 1 . II. t. ' ViMM I LIU WIT KHVH1 I IIR lire I'HII Lll L n LI1K I n 111 L sit t - - h .' i : p - - t a v , jfj-'Mtj io'r Ratlin 45 counties. '.'JI couuties, ;. an4 lead justification. f?9 j lbefa aro.ii 4fl -counties !to bo I thesaddes thing I have ever seen. ...The I ju,!!0, : nupm heard froitf '61Sei.Uy.-:W-ido iot befflW'ought to have'bVntlie work of an L mMriiLs- uct uisii ne mtiu ui gain will voir Una el in frou dine -pbi erl'eaa to nrevent tbeif frauds! of (tbef House, altbeuKU tescioded on the part of eriesa to prevent meiti ranw vu mM I ihehate.'may yet be insiated, npon. by ReturningBoard. - -We-can now 'be-1 Rome; a? continuing in force 'since tbe . i J 3 i -i. iraiil Z.fc l UoUae of itenresenUtives, by whose con- P0 -?!3" originally adopted base: wretch' who is. Governor bv T did nut.ioia in Us abrogation. .The Ket si L'-i Vs i-- 'iiif iJi i! I puWipah'Senatbrs " may insist upon the re f S&m j?,. I cogniioa ;t twentynd rule as sttll infe IRepublican managers ! of the I operaXixeaad procee torobjeasoreceiv- North in such confident terms, as Hoosfe w'ould-probably thereupon object to foMows- - 4 -H- 4--leaeiowOhiov Tbe (Senate then nA,J. . - , . I obiecloortk Carolina, which the House it reseSby1bjectina: to Penn.ylvania, This Louisiana; it if all right for us. nrnU m. o oa until tbe electoral vole :iaItjis the absolute bower of. thuJle-1 atevefytate-is thrown oat.-thas making ild'oU11 r.1- J i.u v:Af fast'rTueanaryisrj'electlon'la complete? cullityi lnfe WU 'fu r"r"r"T lf$tn etAjresWent ,comM Mt raptlon tnat leaas tna;iauicai sneevs t tneaj as nuftoi oe spposeat ; rji 5jj sir r. I 1jiqW. since ttere would M in the North to express such asa j-TK S nlmnM, go to, the be no ' two hlifbest candidates to cbooae frem.- new Li'UisianaVlieturningVBo rz because, savi the retlrrriaT' rHe'amf bis- ioriuaslV cbr- I llnv i d rltaintes of tbe United States. : An . L - . . . .1.. .il '-i -tu i - ! I WIUU IID uuni wirsi ikivi , n . The JJtraldat a rernt: dale has this I cheet, becaose, saya tmsrvenai -scrio- 1 tbe Vresideotial oeceln toe! Inte- to ay' i-'i-y at - stiljatn aisMslMaVi HhA riiuti of luatliie in. LOuisi- I run? I SiTlce tbe vacancy supposed aoes pot ... . a . : . x i a s' !a'Au.M. tTu vitas ir.np fiaaita- sir - rvmaivasi r; i i ,'. a, i a - - ' ' ' . ' ' ' VtrutU uiMBbi tila nw a erv -wav-.- - - -y lWgian,Hyua4.e oy fVrTI deatli run; antion. or: inability, urovided .'' ... - . ...J " . ' a i -i J. .rtL.ti 1 (it vLirta 3i.1uiu. ' -nummrl i -i ' - . ' a aa -a I mtiUSI rapt aUkEiiitvtUialL vVifpVr'I dof tiSs, as- ihe amb ,jlf.fOHy lithe locale to set a President it. is .mant - . ... s a m at at - l 1 11' I . m . 1 T a? a. B w K u.dwa . ' i ? s a . a mm a t a a vnx s aa aMMja tmf aaire r b Baaa b-bb ih aaa ed is! repealed, the counting of the vote of iiy; so., , j ney nust -re- t i - .. , ' , , . '. ted Sal repealed, the counting oi tue voww Ts not merely , a State J sentlyj devour it, or slbwrat t vig i tbetttVal cxrflege will be regei sled-soWy bctintr VPresident thW I tflL w-.t- tu n;- .Li- -i,a I b-4bte Dwri.loesf sioo Jhree of snki are aireadf Jectsjef ratispicieo here In .Kv tba wolft that will ore IfestM a jaf ommu.Ujp Knrth:. and Inatl so... .Thar must -re-,l T7 " " . . r- I mA Am member, that thu is ;not,me im-i mii: we Ure i-kctina a'P time, and the nnistTje bOBflebse.J'Mr.i ClimberUln is too: smart and practiced ar politician to waste t;ia in , gsitjeruig qie returns; there bsajgeqj4niaencygn to get "WVJ 6-- j twit of th Constitution of the United buti anxiougl v expects to rend lU. I hirK. ue the -absence of rany?i Btatate of two nets ot ewcwr;wenit!toiI w aaont thiashrhich wfll readily suettensjavs.7 - - . . v a ... i . - i - . , itf2ton.-rHr; ;Greeley :camed TahmLL-i "2 ana bv over 6.00O ms16ritv. and vet 2'K lis 1? !. . . 117 i. i ti. -r at h-ast ciimpleteum ?hl W9 Pf ot f?orwffnfeVi. w aei.i thashrhH the -otes ? fbWiti&WtotTpjm Tniai- , t.le will hly crcdifO "Chamberlain's ana by over 5,000 majority, and yet; a proistous objnorace. ffut aqb isour recollection; he ras fcheat L We&xpict thatr Mr Tlldeh'vwiir edfe'otU'its ' ltheisof5 Sectors tatV UiheiH bf IMarcfi: 'iaU 1! Tt rtlf bi 'ini 1 iveh th"e European . complications 1K77 t h PrttTldent. of. tbe United I iMaiim'o if- nmn nnAxntPil nbata. I PfSSintfStnOUettt- IOIL mora tflWVWI StaiVs, bu be bii been properly, 1 0ioUe,otjtii V-'f"-'sWr1 fatilyj Uglly'l -Wvd gSwnmore serilfeydfii the Ttc w'fcta wtulneed all and more -than he can Atlantic, and the tonoAof, tbe.pre of rascafitj'dgi 'PiVl I "s pndfrgwe oonsiderale chahgei iUirwilldjsUndjfc--bsBTO conservative papeeaaithe Ma . ...v.-i .iV.. .; h ;.! ' ... 12.248 n'PW.rWrVnidytWg .;v.w:U;i'..5.i-j.iSll 11.401 lthe DioDertv of ifr. Hicbaid Parish. Tbe loiiis-WTO "i,;s,iUiK. b4"rrH:4i town isln ashWi'a.nd mit flttia -f Ii as been ........... . k t. 845 I ..I 'ikirtJ.',iiio fiiTiii v-tfl JiSsi ?!u.K f '"4 I saveui i De nre was the wort or an locen- w-ii JilUiliJiin YniuM vac M majority Adit ircviuus majority, xlnaiM T.M i . . If :.a - t t.- . -.11 r I r' V A miBj alltaS;iuVr4MliUB: ucxumfj , vanee-s msj; p COUOUei Wlii .IlraJUtttaicrlsi: 'tsLJ idlarj. - I ii in ii 4 'VNs)eM of. the KuflTerera Amanat of frIAUrfle0e o'r'.'Jcai: Thet following IsaJ PQpettjjdeapTydby the sufferers: miillnW: Val- n(d ailiIndmstffin;.1 Oi'Wflsou; three frame storts, en's tfwsllin,! .OO no inrarocie WiHism Brfce, two tOTes, no lurt Jcharisr 9m ?4im9?te, house,. :.J. B. B. Monk. fniv. . T t t H6ui4gswpilhi, Ce .atoefcf merchin-, Itiit: .1 "iv "Y ? i J ' 'Vi'-.'ii . n-J.-' Iaise; a yw.insurea tqr f5.uwjn the Uity or IUckrlonagMVttldioir errrmotf.dwdndamainsaie?! witn 4. tidruoa j ta stae- Ir ccw 3 h 3ltle idcendfsry. f? ,rbto .hj? t.j'i esl) M Ziit h'ArM thirty s irni --t . It ' . fot6ultiai&tbe 3.ft &fV&m ot ;3rogden. . JpulicanA.l,06i : Yance'Setite 178. la8yfetionfSLJ 'vooU ottlf io blo4ta ball d l r -.1 $ OJ fOacntlfe tWtari 3idi vl ri I Tildehl597 Hsyss80i.3 EoriCoagTeaaM-ji:! j j ni Nead V .1 : rtV." 1 'Uuiub eatek oTAnasty ft84S?1. r.i nil .bbtulioA2tItejtetieni2eo ji STil 07,!detae jecuon :j,ofiWia jcimuriiji adj vrf.i?i- jectiob ! JOfl UobUi Ot) !00,1 .f.ji CS5j Brogden 800k : Since, 5i;pv, is V..ffl TYRRELL. en 053; uayes 154. l-of ' ca ,ii,iiayesi.U. , JTorl3onrefui 2.140. Tonnir 1 fix .V-irVi,s,'t:1 .fe.vcatl6nlM - p Vancelr45, Bamptft 8r7i f t Veneef. l'l MHnPf?-,' aimcatiotf l,m 'IW1 ' lOffidiMI toTthe Bntril w f ? b - n 800. Dnla lt07a.ysBee 0i2f3tt- 12, KaUSditlea' 9B3 9ejeeaT0iTlA7O'i -oIOfflplslI to t4ksiilaiilis; Icoi jiloa Kobbins T ORa Tnln. fill VA iwt? d 40. . iutuacation l.uao, rejection WSPl tou.a . buaiyiM MtEiiig feisqr; 9Rldcn648 HsyeamJil'ekiCobRrfSs- '.nnii ljp.JBrytJakie Bloel daonulft rtmusivloiseTerall XorftCteHI f turnfaiwwrthg atmereUfencevI isb as it has been greatly reduced " s m.u .. and staaliouh6usesi is$48L50TJ,and tbete- iXanf BettJe m-Ratincation lr,; f : Ml tie last twelve , counliea beard Jw-"n ""M UlbluiiKe tWr'iSoinidli' '.i fcUo' , " 1 lfO, I!1 weiY0 ic?UnM i I aaVeral rriersQna' we. rmd fTerelv-. I - Ul' -J f. . "r? iff" 'i J l j;J : via-, d-il r-v! -j ;ifssi;i 3 d thinknowrwiUreach;18,00a row, : .bawjTagnfwiiaietf Yiv ttr- aetlCfflsyea-l,4a.: 'rJOoiw L " i. & W even' more We fshould inten D. SouiBe'rlindiwTio wassleerAns ove thet gmss HDavis 1,694: Tonne l.WjiiVance trrf v I J iupppse; .that Gov. Vance's majority store of Messrs' .Ki & Ji A. Bryant, in j 136k Settle, J,55p patU1caiin r i yould reac ,ngon. ,pT,. j:r ; jrhici ftujWlsthelifiw.iorig , J NOniNATlONS. It is the rule of the: Stab to take . - . .. - ' ...e:,' ly alter this calculation. iUcn 17493; Hayes ltm?goCWea'l?.'?l.r untfl we shallreceif e fuller anymore defi wltk, (who happened; WhcTefhnlght'1 Sbiles 1,467; BlyVsnce-ij-WS; nite mfermationK , i-M -fis j ? 1 1 oftbi fits andlrenderedSValukWe 'asslstil&tUi 1,628. RanfilionT,442; "Rejection The fire commenced about 1 o'clock. no pirt in nominating personrfor Af I He seiiav ? A ' -f""' ""IjtofcyWer ""CI'-cod yiij ! S ifCOfflciaf toJtberStaTri iilirn I aioi firtiJ k. in '.KinirTJrio rlnt- nersons for -f tJXJx I Ttr "iJAAi Buueringmucaanoyancroraopi WfiUn(ei B, dations upon country trtenas, ltvwg aDouii Wee wies , , negro; jtabjaised I n cj we have felt justified in vitiating I from the city - - i aaar bmwi w u mvb a,aa w a,4iaiuVM a a a ds, hvmg about.thrw milea tiers Dust now contain any number of I .jr """ 6 held an inquest ever hlsjbody: Henry I ;ffi: - ; . l B aaaiat aHaS ak aa W . SkavlI : S na B niBWBO , awnnTmilV !.'( t I tl- 2-fZ 's-i Ithlt fS ,j T: n , ' -i I' i' ta. ' Wi notet the f oli 1 u-m j Frederick. aUaa f Bradfy colored. Tiaylhg I ; .v .j ; ii I take the amaller.hatra. which mevmaoaffe I i.L.:.L....iJ ." siiJi'J urnf. mon6 those mehllohed for " .if,in;: . The 1 TO "?. announcements. e lMvell been 80aT)Sorbe w?ih owp affairs wo batex rBCKtccly - - ' namp yaVl a MITf3HEliJ q-if tll4il.iiT ti!fOBldal!6 the Sun-.JfiiJ'jB wytahO den WSsayesm,! tFprj.Confiwtr?,, iVt Fredir Btau eeitie ltaimcauon azi jtejccuon rails .jeu.Jij jsi.L Iju auu-Kr. tie 841. Ratification 882 f Rejection !S , snecial preferment. Now arid theh .!..! ., .- - ,,i - .! we have found a case so exec that our lonjr esUDllsneU rule, ine pa- I ne naa rh. ufv uogs " I from members of thecoroner'a , iurv. who 1. . . - l . . - ,:. . t j- . :!.- 1-.L.- I . . r! TLi:ii m : i -T. tZTi .1 Tr,r J I -I J .V . ill u?t feB Vance 55 . t t i. f. 1 . i . -nT..T . : - a. .j -.......i ohariWeBfCont In.fW. dtniacirj gniwollol odj iuiA phn Linton tohelpj ; .Thbyrjcib?..? oifJ bonduci thelrisqner to Kenansyille fsays 'Yeard.y jnr Tkoffie& asflhi frelgb n &m&M aespeftde cfiaraaef.Uedliurhandrf HoatL jichsl'uJr iJWhjBn about two miles1 from tt-o aftenwoui war. crosamg the tresueat .iii.iv prlatasluAtdbe a . J ' m . aa " . f -t . I 410 mA LfrtBtlS A Ba l a. A arIa S)AAtl f HA 1 . I W. at.. V I MMalat flMM . Bar sn imvn 4- iiiiiv nrr:ii auw a.. . i . i -. . . i i . i j -i. -uh aux u imu mi. a w cuo. e 4Ianover aiAami " .. T 3 " 'BLa' ? : " a V ' S - a al S.11.. IkfT1! a B B - ''A V S 1 mfiit. American peopW have d decreed it. riiarts'of ho SaVan-ah Which 'Mtl entertains very gra Mr. 'nidenf wil! bee:,3Pr ilirecily1 irponHHe1 topics thai? i . of ibi tuajii.lCvo cause L itMfM9 ! f tippios f WaW t ?nd to 5 rpughly tmrstajiid '. i .i- jfl-- 1 rUUn ii.J..ti:i(iaM.-:iia :Arii f Uioi'I k AfSrir element that entretS-'Sntb' the Ills iiniT:in.inBrBirvtVI4iivwivi,TBM' innuuuw v utb m . 1 .-r-: . - - - .. UAA'Akn-itei-s!X0(ti:mXk4j-W 0tWJBeDUbliCa1 "V uut auu.vuu luajouvj y ' t-"i' i r.-fl"""- . ,,-7 , . . . 1 t -r .. aaius V Uteri UC. Rill "'-r .3 , .1 Tl fas' CI WIWIl ntXCBflBl Ta SAUU - UVU aa aav.. w " 1 I . ; ' ,li - . t 71 i1 iI.l'iM Alii - Jill;. . I i t r. . . . i . . .S tsmV- V . B a ea Mai A a ; 2. a . a -?..kI uo. vaawat n,TJahHhiJ ; v aVMsasi tardea var ajavca" nn nnr l sav ilDsI Jsiin maiutsU' nvoaT' ujo awuui'f UMnderaYhecanae we do not beiievftthei ia rank ahd nl or peraoasaidhe4 trwsterg oecKinepenw waTetBeBii - . a at-a a a rf-B - m'-rn '- i ' iA 4 1- BMAVrSA tA SjffV AAA M" . V .a, ,,-.f t f .B - .j - B -T- T 7 I T i k - aya. ara. a. I - La ' t -J-- w:cmciimviivi ?wij r'Nv-iii m arm .raBBiiHiiiiri WHinintfMLiiijsl a kiandidate. ;l f.fsl .M-ilhk tvMrak and Ksaarvbf 1 a 1 i --. I ... I . .tl 1 l.t. I . -1 j.!. - . - i 1 . . -. . . . . . , . . r r ,c t : . rj t f rttii u nn it ,Hrfi - nmrTnri time, ddui uciilu iium. m 1 . 1 f rt 1 1 t x. 4M9inWll BttlK. ff&AtvTia aMLTne-'ln neit '".rTiTr T: " ' .. 7vM,,.irn: UKtaait JIFrdm a gentleman w MW",f -rt"5.T,-,7 Ti Pa, fw : i . . t tt ' 1 . .ti.it i a i am fraBi m n a f v in inniB niasfi 1 niirMintY. a. ytiir- t i f-i knpir.fcH&hAiDCwriMouId called lectioii4 of ai'ayet by the Returning ,K .i..f.tkW-y! Bo-rd3lsiVywd 'to iauy Northern, Kepubl il of pUiticaYdebebcy ai nr ta have a f fesiOeOb cause the monied men of the North They makH.a.i h t hs titerts-iKaid lHail -r.fT.a- iv-i -m-r- y "i A fl . 1 a is their'ManM Vlfg to have .e?.i?WKlffi tSal be henceforth so restrained that I W twit be fmvoestmeJiorine :wAioa i tnan; tosver again pat forth any pp prfisSive strength, muciuesa. to oomi- nate; aij perecto , A aeatn tne T' '-T,i ,.) l -tt, ,i. ihb KnrthaTill oanrxioa , I 'rKTHt tan,. lirAvnirffta 1 under itA.' rnkSb :."t:--!i,.i.. .i.iuii.w - j . i DOUiiuiwpiM'iKippy, w--T'""-rr : T- ? r .ww8,m:.iW;ifByf iHniiwbw n iilu 1ection a President who has re-i . wu-,ai-kla-tt. tUd . rft ...r. 1 I" "'13 1 VL.i-i Iki iw.a-a-.MUS i llWllHIJBDreiCHW wiibio ... . n . 1 . . I 11 J llna 1 jT1. "7 IT 1 4i iJiItL,?! , tm h1 mntiMrhetwesa i .L-- .. . . .11. .a i 1 11a isaura u ir !!7r;-vr'j---j,:.1F a fAtirei.!li-D Ml 'KAa4WsV-ta4 ti .l. "1: 1 , 1- :7TT7rVZi;r" lLI-.IEUui, vwnuav'io tne-mpiey-o. l-rtrJZ2Z5Ittu& avboL aoaann mv- .TTT.r. mniiinnea. jj-. TjiH'it iHSWua'enH)urivmHiivr'wuKM;'T i.r .-.. . i ; uu-.i. 1 1 ai b it - - c- uivoiaaoie,or tuwtiviw a irf A'4:0JLrUv?'UM JKaMrff iwtliint crossea tne tianuctne pans?ra ii taasocutes. is re;ilTliWoaanirr mmdHtliyrtk iMVWWrfM partyMigf 1 rrzrrt rrai!? jwta iiue.moiu'MefwMi(m mjr l'ia?Alibut three aiitraiwwyeanv - . ,j -...Lt'..HT, .ii.TJiiirir, r. a.";-"" I ? I j A a- J a I a T 1 I I ' . . a. a a 1 I - - -- T T IT aLLl at? SI -1 V J - r h'I K BalUUyiK'tHV'tWI Vr"" AAW"" w aww- tnanajactume kmmtHmSMWWmmfKMBiK Wev41iBMea.sAid2. UmkMnlMwmva! bns ..... ....... f J , 1 r:, ; i not, otuy regnierea. put cast ins m. - 1 . " u . i 1 I - j I a.ll avaat a a AS Sat aa SA. m C-tY'fl'l T I f : ! ' . t j 1 1 S. A.I.f HH lit) (!HM!b1 i? JIUBVKUlUfHISIalllaHfW VnPaBBB LB JP. WSTB'I. . MM VuK'Vlfl-n-V-,,f ,.al,I f ticnara uranger, or ieauiorit -tt-imtf 5 ahd'otff atite'hishduldlie'ful Tht W mne Ti$m,&?sn .n tt Ufaitoo-iij85.ldanidat& .vniviklaX aK -J.i .-i.-.i.i'l- -ir-jiJulf t rialrihia ha.tha followlnc: "ltev. JOBn tl., 1,it -riii imnm nmw uv'UD ? icw :vnTOri"n m - "z . . : . . a . . . ni vi i ,11, j iiiw n . v w . - -- t . . . - . ... t . . - ' , - tanv candidate.; who will be or J lTm it !4 1 4 i Y 4 3 SI 3 II I 1 r, f - - i fl V SlirllWtrnWtida iU-w.Jil awv, " J ,! (Lrinf, however, will continue to snivesnd-e jid neoan aa usual, uiu uasiau-uu jmu i jwhj ; .". if t bo isrt Ojumnen sen' the'et)6"i ef PWSMiint should I . a - I ' . . a . . .a. I . I Ifi. Liidi l.ti-i I .if r.ria tfitl 1. .rjutraDoTI. n.1 jtBete, is s msaio unsiow counij,- woo nss ! : Melke & Jones, and who was.in (be- J rsitthabiUq) .teednge wVelrstW .TViriV.yrfirfeTT AiHffanTnnrfeh6 .-r?r mil Jftdl ToxRiifb -'? iuevttablvv r,newpuW haa-o, 22 .J ibliut three and a-UaltVeM--I , j -i - -:T. .v .,r Irt.-- ..ill iiHim Af thv iu rfm?aed i - 1 ir1f Mvato lUii fm4 ,Whp bem4lad4sswbrWuU-- 8 -TfT jxhi.uLi I niiwr tulkr iiiiin t lip lMHlf Ipr.imii "Kitt-ii hi . iwuwM t. h ; "T" -77.1 r.i?,'V i ;t t .f sraeuvoie' lt Ti'ufwm tkct; ?biwevef, "thatltt ferred outside ibe bar to one of the vessels body was discovered. Deceased, waa sbi.t . .f are inrormeu ii.stneriiei iikj t-m- - ,c2 afeUidmwlilhU S&tbe!beaua fSl ?Cr7sJ barfofbeU uWrtrier WedJ 'WfoMLtok AiirdeWI Ibe TOrei.wa 0fc.'el the nseslt j the TSr biflifornli. W.nyilev- BesdiibU"cIt fiamishire; Oregon! abdlivafaifcj" 'j a' so1Iesri,ltnlkeAia teJWteJp$lW$i !?d?T 9iliM itiwilan Iseh4it4f eenimaoueB n.plTidr S 4PAmeiH:B. Mo W hns Mursitifely in rnd M as-Maute :l I ny i vuict uai Mw . .: c f "--w-:,- . .-- .. - '.1 i,t

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