-i-,- .7 ..-tra- -J. . ..' r -, ,r "Tt'-,1)rglMj , ',; TO,,,. VI., "....r. J m , , i i -T-ty-,,- -r r.- - . h c"" ...... ! - . F ..- . ; ;.. :l 1 vrrw- V ai iUVV;i. it ' i . - .... . " tfiox y4 stir tit v j HJ1P -f UiO If I il a 1 k aalwTl 1 Lncii till' c micbt be if sbch aman aa Buchahab Was ' 1 1 Jfresidpnt1 Onanother dcoasldrPTieTias : 7" $1 .50 a Tear, in advance. ; j "said td one of: tbd rainUrei hia jCaUnfiC,1, V vernor Haven, shall he shown to lie ; honesty elected I , wiil fleet that he Us icuL I i'i ' i-TV J.lr l'.s'Si -- i .1 1 In In Mli. T.ft'.t4.r .ij.-.itil.tl tu Uski (tint i c U t -Xl' I . oigry feelings aroqsed ittkheseltlemeiit of- , . thepreiddentklidkpuitha- CI .on-iirrWI V sw jryui 1 i II HI f U . ' fJ L-V 1rt M ; I, ... ,J "1 l-TJl r m mm . r an ifi l marii r a a v.i m-.m.j tw .i-- nj.i.,1 ' I I 1 : . 1 it . . . , - wm -- m s A. . Sk A f " '. - 1 , ' -"r-- n ' ' ' . J.J VOL. 8.U i - 1 r- H , 1S88S8SS . ' SS8SS3S 6 Months Sg83jSSS r h- 18888888 ' 3 Months ON'et;g; !' V-"888888? 4 Months jwggg - - I88S8S88 - ; 1 Month I coeaooeoeo 1 8388888- 5 Weeks I pMspoeg ;, " w.4 1 888888 i Weeks j-wo.gi "7pT8888888 - - " . - . .J -. . " - -". v sIlisl -a. " - 6! K"2 1 3g 5 - fi (8 S a 2 s s m - M S 8 8& 3 xs W B - al v o 2- J53 o :'"-S2 Vis a IS, . post Olw MMay ' &9vm ay Sx obtained in all the. cities, and in many of the: laree towns. We consider then perfectly safe," and the best means of remitting fifty dollar or ir. , , , , -,- r, . ' sy Rer1trel tttr. Wtttem, which went into effect safe means of sending m ev where P. OJ Money Orders caxtnot be easily1 ontaiaea. uocervo swxrvy"i w w a tke money md u tA letur in tfi pinfene qj. t fpo&meutermM mm mm receipt for u. ietiers a -nt to ns in this way are at raxr riskt -ecifloijfi Subscription Pnce. The subscription price of ti'e TVekK i.T Star is as follows : f ' ! 1 Single Copy 1 year, postage paidt $1.5Q " . " . months.:,; (1,0Q ii i 1 " . 'fff-yiif &:-: We have reeeiyed. tt-leftiel: extra ftntamin7 Goyemoir BrodenV taies-4 sage to the Legislature. Jti a Jong, document and we have not hsld time to read it. ".We soail'reito iterfi after. The Goveraor ;State papers are better than hilJpesThey contain less inapposite- poetry and rhetorical rhodoraohtade?r J3is cort-' elusion reads somewhat? ooL of tune with onr feelings when.tf e;hdtr $hat transpiring in Louisiana! Florida, south Carolina and. v-Washington. But the sentiment -is -patriotio and pious and we will not compjaih. .'V1 i THE ti BRBBi l A 3B A.U sV r ' The people Jof KoHoaroftnarwiil read with;; exceeding interest ,tbe: de liberations of the two booses of the General ; Assembly." ? They may res assured that .nnaftoal fconsideration will be given tQ.Vall that ' they, may ?ay and :"do.--U-pott- theirs wtwdom pru.lence and fidelity. depVhd . inacl) of the welfare and "prosperity 0f ' the whole btate. v Thwuia atiroehare- qu i res . construct! v talentabl fit to ,1 . ' . w : , i r.y i.xi, .h.i.z " 2 .1 df-vise ways anq means fo&tpe relief of the people artd'fodevropJrflhfr" niuuen re8oarues:T,ai)uri4vent pergi?S of the' StktAM''ii,a-,il&iB'JToV-form, and he:wulbe found thq.rnest j -and 6ure8t:retdrnierl'whd 'ateaPSmj J ueveiopes. i nat wiseaaying OEiJons- eau is true at all time of government is merdyj a scienoeoX comhiiiationi,' of 1 auplicaxlonsl anfd?$f exceptions, according to, time, lace' In the ii ate epoc forward as f roim'a new startiit?lfelatfer J when 1 greate'r?i fa6MylmrS ineir career. . vv e trust our otate nas arrivebratBlM &W&$$'$fe lory, and thatlida) wseof jprW will break orr 'lite wkoh&jJterritory" from the surf-beaten , rituck to tbpse the Wet,th.t:lrft their,- to the heaViA'b1i'''i8fttfte'ritff every gooKarHtrwprtfe,Catq5j uiait. native or sldolbted:1 white df'ckir'H ' . 5!-i:ii keL' j 4, !; utvi wj or-. !, Ufv ,feipoH4 LWJtb.uA; bfty: J . I Keferrmg' tofxbfvrvuiaieitimeiati whi.; h ouVGeijefli! AAsetnbiy.bds'm'ei: aud ui the iinLKiriant iworK; before, it graceful expression 40 the; fullowing iuachf wv naid: in bat issae-oC -Wed- i..iay mvnmtgj imh? Mt'M ' It u time wueo (jud sad .bonest meD idl-u of pure Uvans aadctean bauds are J'ticUed,' aed yhvu Ueir labdra Miil tie ap1 prt-iattd. ij-TuKrer- ia much) to' ;be. done iti our biHte4i uW iseui sad i kkiltuLr Jegisialioo w.it be rtquirtd U car.y nt: many of the provisions; vf luat: anx-udrtl ;couflliiutiii. i ny abuses tari tu bei crrected, i many rougs repressed, jnaoy hnpruvemtsnU in - j iiouuced, lasny rKformt .etaWuiiedJ . la telligenee mid uruileuce murit prevail in all our counsels.) UueXirtm policies muatibe i jnuuuraurfL; r .Noduubiful .or.anapjcloua mehsure mual beTUderated. 1 Absolute,; piainltss Jutegritjr and puri(y?f purpose must shine out eoaSpicaoas In every bVn J I "Our new and model Democratic Le4n Jatuie cannot afford to.. hear a shaduw-of . reproach, ,tOf perpetraU a i blnoder, ontven to make what in ordinary times and; under ordinary circumstances, would be a trivial mistake. ; The eyes :ot :the: .'State, of; ? the hole cimntry, are (.upon tbenac iilucb is expected of tbem, and fwejeel confident . that tbe expectations will , not be disap- ; pointed." - - '7;jJ jJ ' . ' 7wMMMMtaMaiM itit is I It W Races are to Wt&mih'xiiKv (Ooce famous course at Petersburg Va. HKtory .f everv neoal&tbfl hal. poiatftwbenj fe8 jta - til "J. "T.-l V Till 7L KVUaJ . I evidenco cf t foci cT?pir?cr 4 8tngT-bc.-r. ; As:wa y op oar editorial page, he plot our hope tbav the loaoM'of liberty and right will triumph" ia the i end. We only note now tThnrsday nlgbt that; the DemWratslhfoh tWelr1 greatileadeij QoVdi.TiMenviwill make, a strong1 fight ither od fefd'r? tbey wall 8neeumbf to Graat'a ('policy of; face ;arid 8 rpiii6ii;'c ffiifcffa agree; that Uetdesiuo Ilaxiai IUm shall be inaagarated. - The- Acaetf-' cantlpieoDWi are r not. &l&vi..or fnolii. ?ftJl J ' k0 'aiy (lid ft 1 We Jippej jrhat ;aff two if "i -. 1-iTT to ow awie ! nejp.ithfpma.)QC.iaw t the' Institutions -hnmdeti' down to its by WeTrftte1rHbeltipHiblHs. .-ThW ratar 1 Foretells what has buen a.rrrfi, uph Tor, boUi Florida and IxtaiUna rUfi rgasattflMjtltaB6s ns ih4 fe an that it will ,f ailia aittrfita (iaaiy. -Jiiy v tDe3 JWgn.banded abt uu 1 eopje "OL tne . orih wiir have gWft, f landjag, to, ti&HjWaz of the' pdMie .eyeV aoynUniiinfejilta' aeyery rnetj that VLilden willi bejtb nexs Preiiaent of tlw United States thaft abrtirae0 tb e9w " 8:i ji nfiijya ei't no :.besu- ttSv $y have (t f oand't aootaer j ntixii. nest in North! Carol ioaj J til reported 5 loUiWere f pnatedvw.lreTi! the?Nortb Carolina statute says tbe banieii shall toVritterian of learning ' on thekt technJor ence j between i the -worda,-"ritten'f: an'prlntedV'-' ; M Taofi V- ,ri- JiJ'i ir:'v-s ,cio:-43 11 VfnY .frt Vr Gen. tWade ' Ilanrpton r has iissbed, the following tMr.Kwlsa-; dress,' full bf-patriotism and fj rmnesa.- vThe lioard of Canvattsera have Uy 4 l&eif nnpreccnt-'1 act4ohuday!l i . -V- ... .... r f 91 , uieirjown xubuu lntexTmyaov rate the. gravel nu'eatlo'ns determ?nlb ihe j resbld $ffe"MecdiSfe 1 WftiPf tfTpm cooippaeu jmj. uiresjaaxes'ioesonam to.th4 IWpviWkjattpany; and in di-J rect k-ldliqbtfof (be 1 drVert 1dtlnaiet is of elejetion 4tajRena&lUit can jpresidenuatieeiofis ana?v Mil ;;dt i ..f!l . . i . " - . I abowh-ibt the! retnrnaof tbrfdaamai war eoaa Tina atedtotarotua ibeL.indifiroatiori oTt odrMoi-aff4srti(iHilnftritilflp but. l iwvTOsary uv ui lue noaru caa nayJ?. your jcbaracter asnan .orderly i f t' .1 ... 1 ' r - . . tialN avoidedVntbe .Mnf?&o mVaih .the bablic,Deaee. Aiip tTA.ugi;ejUU w lUWHtne' cause t tha consul w- abide bv Jt8 decisiotB. feelin: assured tbmi thli tribuhal" Wilt seesthat'-lbei raabairKWnfoVfie'd and'ltfstfce" f ri?:i 3 1 . -. v igneoJrUJ rv i.WAOK;HAsaTOai. 4i :4td I iul.TALtAHASSKlBi NoV.". 'S fetfect quiet prevails bere ru poll ti: oaiciroieaii juvvrjbuiug w spiiu-;u. ItoWaifiHheitfontesti before f Jadg1 W-ra6)rehn;lhd, ibjadoi'. tiqii; f gatfl lha , Gjovef aqr twii .either; tbe,,c4u4rmed or, witbdrawn,.; and the. case of- tbe imindatntui ieainsv tbe RWhrn1rf fioftrdibmbellirii? them . Judge Arrived barej tonight,;and Wft, argument will open at 11 Ju-m. to- J ; The;r6suHcaff; tfardly; M;fcche$. 40 ope day-' ,1$M impdssibje ttcur,. cpver what course the counsel ror ina Governor .will.take.Y It ; is , believed that bef.maydenyj ha.ijigh.t olAbef COUrt tO.WOR an,f VipfiaW;aBkW. bim. iltiisisaid. oa tbotbef.ibapdid ithSl, acceptingtbt jansdiotida of 4tj court, be will go into an elaborate- -d hWw I febdik" of eetftSih:e ?Lrf JnnftUt. area 1c i&aA 1 wisij j , j.r e TlXji aU snms of. mo-. 1 all tbia dev lltry-. bwat, wilVJviktn tneisputri t;aroiina,'avevolatio&mr dK yeryma Attest deraand thit the outUeblleScral Carolina, on ihQ;TOjiq4otbai Wbakl wcuauuu wkT hud - MuiuGuia vuui as. . . . iiD JitnH!01 yw!thOTetore; jrocaoa; .sbores of jCnrii fniiot-iwA,i-iW wLukt.iJiii-i.a.( 1 x mountains of will ihejd, ttafir etarnaLbeada; LWainWHW itlfPunder t,tbia nrovoca-, aiHwauiuHg poopie." ionng tne ixiitlng WsSdn'bave stadi- ftidHal gove6rHbe' cawtH-4 1 ; tberfeta-,t.aB4 e.ara .!wilingto1 .3 aeienpe Qt -uis ri"rat, to .canvass the celectdral vote. Th re will 'doatstlesa' be ah" a'pp'eaf rtrdi;e VhiteVdecisiori. tea tnat'J from ,ai4 the Pen Duvlyania,,, militia; leadiijff Radical officers, forj the par-' pase pi reuiforcine the capita! and are armiutr ana orcranizincr imaer inn ; loreuig.. vue inauguraiioiK or,wr, yvr peopie caw hi ana iDeoiuona bankfdpVc hlch -Ben'UaUef 'taiyi iUi ;youid Dus know iL-Jfeternburg " ir ei.ii JQ a, j nij ,,,1 1 :iu I lion. n. w.,HANion. . . Utoenti.TiUl g1 ?rery general yaUsfactidryi6i tbe,JJclft 8Ir:this 4iatWgjah nam abroao! by reason tMf emallya$qnt4: kad riairioMd spewih dhe, "delivered J ;fbmitfife Jiealy piff Iat; iyear-r-a speech . that evoked the kS J a 2 wniniMTcoftAli'yj Ve beard ht lalo Hott. Abrariv Wt ' Verable 'debfare speech lrj Of I 'w'i-JkA UiVXli Will fH.&Jiimi faruotia ap dKAi the, oi?e rapkn,d)deef-! Iort,:dt "Single ipeech"(.Uajiitti in WBriiW'lkiiiblft Wti& MiflPf WiwiiTWr-Wt. Owfi-'UmWl j I Jtfjj'UiioA a j au-s.-irf- i.s ,14 80m win uve ions 10 ,aenver. maov other great jpfecftearf aag d .jXeadw jBtherl faithful service to his .pejpb.i ere , pers Pj; tnan n, the ,epate, or indeed than any one among Ihe Aabitties of I. ;ecipilal ity. 8'inoe, tb ,tiiae pfi.tbe laU'Juffa' Wiley F. Manffum: $ r THaSITUATieA - wk sars-wt ' AwfMwa jvsvn aa rA-jtai af., .jjjjjii, uniHM wavi ca v aisw vv ' aci firm that the 'dutfeok is'raor edcoht-J f ettidei TJhe j action ; of the x Supreme 0Qurl of outb Carolina is firm and, consistent, - and shows ! no sign ; of yasslqg'lToa'r.d has had a go bid effect among tne-oesi eiemenu 01 tne ue- nblifcn; party in the j.North. , There tisiao Cecidea jecoiL it we may trust. Vtpdrtsand tbe people are begin y (1 fU a trnderstand the true sitdation: om riorKia we nareaiso encour- '17:-. J 1 i . . t , . . : fttH news' The. democrats' haye tneirpoin . in insisting , , upop tajcanrasa.of the. votes; which begins. 9P lpnaayv ri' ive1 jroan, eaoa - party are td be: ad m it t ed J and the cb airmen tbaS two. JSiate GommFltees.t nt idi) encouraging,'. Aoe ;ieiarning xkoaru bgsynebeating and i stealing -tbo; . . I 1' . . , t -Dwgin 10 oeiieve tuasay'w ureaamg Jakt after .iTmSfmW trust ftfeatiall will beiJweHus boohi Ivfla fftjAslsisDecimeniot the extreme aarenj esinisa'Witb Jwbieb f dulr elecliona arW BoMtctear te qtfdte; the;, fonawinr i the Uaieiffb Jetcs jt : a Cbbnty-ot JadkspB283fyptMcounlrf i nrll 1 V I ---- ,9 iorAnsW-0Jfr-a3j:nai;iiA 10 oJ(umbuaV464TOtea'lcaat .orSrVb 1 :'"JHH fHtrAtAAMnwCfli.nk-1 1 .7.14 1 I as ftflfiSM waw.mwW WMra-a nhBeftiw. vorsvin -KanoToinnT l'vrreii r - t j h i j , ..11 .U .Ri;Tnivufiii.t ain.Td, ,tifiigri: t i . I . - i taijsnf rvy Messrs1 iia?grovef na ixe nan rfl'voterJ.', for.tui 'Atadlthr; Messrs. Ueil 1 y and T m Sn periu- totident of PubtieJ Irrtlraetiooy 'and Me-jsi-a. Carson ahd art)orV)Ugb tA warren Joseph Aw isngetnara waa voUil for as JosephWiEngelhajd a f fMoorjtv 4 ,B0 yotes, were k SMi f Qfij artideA Al. iJUvyfl lpr; Auditor,, 3illsl i0 i. -K1utff.titnhp. .TniiPtib A ' Knorfilbard Wart vted,, 8! -ranejg was, aajiiX94ei jjjarvisj aim i vv.i As , wneeier jur stead; of -WoiJ ; 3ary is and W. 1 Wbeller. - . - V- V:'-'-'1' cratsi that the election waa not a close one; N OB r Mt CAkOLI N A i ?fcl&DT I O ! . j 'TilldenV majority iu. 88 .counties ii ing cdUnties will probably hred tics Iijority Willi be id tbe neighborhood of ! majority will be soma 3,000 less, and j tbe.ameqdmeqta, spme.4,0ppl les. H1 ,s U'l.iJ Ui.i GRANVILLE -m: itut i',ui M-r-i t 1 VUKMU !IW MIB UMil. 1 , . Tilden 2.179. llAteS 2.41i5. jror.uoneress M-DiVis 2.208; Young 2,m,yaac? MlM I' ' - fEetUe!2;411. Eatificatioa,,t23.1Rectioni 2,597, rflisdnueaoftla Congress fs eoafcased sonal - t6t)ulariiv thah Q.;"FRTDAyV;DE0EMBBR,.tclS7gv.i. tub Vi dOiboptf Utatl bensef tb everyl ern Wan ni'eifar!!ffo'-VTfctt) 'fiuv:. the,2HifJtwMdb1? as ticalehi? in iuvec Jve as it. ia' false in . statement Its djgeneracj marysi jis the meanest of the mean, a id no sian, C in the Southrahontd.lnvest oneNime ip. such a ruonStrouH- 'f rkad ' Pivdir Mnn'tLl. X 'iLJiSrJLT'4'T tLli?4fL,-Bliri ,J " i Ju . imiisiu..'" xvcau mis, nna cant ; Ij-jfrtfj vtiiudo-".; -.&J1f x'in-'' 1 1 i, .- u a "Nbr ca,tboe fitateaia wluc&tbe law ttiaaM hU.ll, 7 j'l .' . j. Ti.imJ iwWajaZ risam i,D Uaoso w hO ppse? mupi i rwr "Tu'i'""' ynsmiuxs, wtete oodles OTT der dri cheat iba necro oonstitur knna. What a doleful fate they may bejpreparios f or.thAmselves: wbaiHerrlMe'riaComf tbe i::-.' a .i r -. . .. . - it: . ., i : waaeni 1 wow- 'aaguinary revenges ajfsinA tt great social rcatastropie is imt nojav At aoyfatlei tis bave tnefcsti nytapoa 'w tnay TjiMnade BPtTha whole betmhvwan i , f pVt of , me rpeopK v Wheadgood conduct bas become fa cori&. IbeUitb :hd!Dljlldozing, of facts and. evldeicell Its nun ui Lmr fftytiifwijar 'Kiif Vsirynvvr i Jtrtittnav fWbat a blessed throifb?trVcbti (,.myJ.CTfi'anibad .iop!ap(i men be would proclaim: Iuqhc Aelf Dictator tfor lifej .or mpror 'AH hb 01 sufncient Rtrnonh. . i4iv h m..a 1? Iike Caesar hadif dplyfithe awobs Twelfth- Lei!!6i?aTfrrlyft- 4a, 'M8a3rb,H Vdufd 8o.WoYe7 . . . . : rf T.. M dsJiJ . .wi.i n i itsr.O'VJU 'JosriJi ine dtitire tsonntrv. and ilpinrnintr I u lipari 41are might bcomB ary igat flrii1fe rernainder of JOTSTif e to takt r the money beIonin to sol ie money longing to dlers, ej ' ?r f liavaWf afebebininMeiidadized very fast. Only hew thaPmoerpaper' thoN x. irtro. asiDg wiiu inent- most : T uumyiaceucv. uossioiv.. wun en- tiresitisfac action : "Mexico has bad its nya Presidents; why notk the United'. States If Alas, bow rapid oor'down ward stfide4ho w far we have f allda bialoy tb'e1 standard lof bur fpre-! -M.o ... i . , ... ' ... . T , iSinK p;ef. V th e. ' Meratd pitches Jn to .tbe Hon. - Clark- sod Patterns letter, and pronouncea it- ihedrieVt altogether "danger- Otis." Thursday was Have day in the MeraJd r The f telegraph, tella ns that, $n Friday? Tild en; ; had ) another ahow ing;-y 1 -Thd'Zerof map evidently thjn4lh(;uVh about js fai'pia i-aaer or a rowntus: r ' Xeskerday mbrnitrg, about" daybreak, while a party :of 'ge'otleme-' fom Hucitj were jont fiontig ducks on'drtbiiP piill p9nd,labout! fif teeil'mil;wV the ri(yer, k' colored ; man by tbe " name, of 4 Bchulyer .Al Wg ihicwas;a,,twm, conjtk iiapnbj.tw9Wrspafifloo wiaasaidjo the sterpjippddllrrdoe of ftepsxly fX.,bu4tsxBj8B, wbo wiaiin.tbs bctoHbb'Joekeot fer ilpjapir wasjheard toicatl i.thagentletaany naeielna-gaspiBgiiway; indicatioit tbat be as, sjoffwlindrea'V pklbj when aelori was matra'wreaca the Sborev i Before soon as it was qrowoeo, tue peopie on snore were noyneo, andlsmoke,lhe p.p opescf jjpj " it. mi- di Jevi'Jl)SH VP uuwriuuaw 9 jwRurrencc. , mki0 f, aearch Was immehiiUy,;ienqed for yhfttpfdy, whlwjf IreeoyeredAboPI 4 Jjm tbe pond being. ab)ttt ighiiiMl d(P JKhera ha wpnt down.J - iajfifipwpri that heart dieese( b WhiieomptalaTOa oira fa in thejiearfcvh tlca dnrjrjje-i iiyjaeHsea4nowast about, iwny! yearaM. worfl! nUHWMfoufii BdfrthirdrrigJ US', ha4lfbieuei's1ly H.kedkbjfnBfrsRii, w tbd luibitmL 4atjRiluHhf (vvlciMityy whirhj lm wss fnrtiaetotiy itnlpioyedj la "thei 'Stfthe dlaScity ia!d bKth ;bei was I acting; at thv'iiLeile met his-fteathi'i lufi to )io- sff'Tdd wife if deceased has been peculiarly I kdtif 0r utHile,- ber ' firtt U hiistAird ' I bavtorf 4 i . i - i I falttAi ittim d (be fcxplosibn of knCokl bemiLlieli the filliW f V '( Messrs.' UkrtC &Mv. in tbis citvl'someHlrsAir0 -fteV pHOl pojarja i .droPwerejbeaiiV, Veniig in tbe exlrem&and Could be! heard for a jonjcdUtance. v iX injt) rnili j j As taa'be pedj IbeibaikirttdUte af 'MfipbteadtAH MielbupUegi (exadiMu4. Iur mataytt jgj fool mil 1 Tfmae-ru 1 x ion l n v di.-if hilt infrpwil that tlire Is kt' presents IJU.JJ jipl a ktWtfot timber OA tbe marketing JasJ there jb b frequent and' ptt lievy ohr;country friends will" taW 'advah'g.e! of tee; deSandT which f Is1 mbWtlf for !a good, ifaurahicle. 0 . . : .; ; V iri,, . .itlil - ; -mm T'" " !ttWbnt Charnbef laitni bednbTal Sonth Cardtths through' ; the villainy I 11 rMth'; BoirdTof :XasserCpTt . ' - ' ' -II" 7m t: . i:;i s." . . ' " -iJJCL :. tS'diV.dK4- 1 y it (t 1 j y f i n tWd are Pot alarnjistrbut: we caninot! f jftf vp the. evidejice i ibef ore our.ciyesj tbaC thb ongiition ; oft afiailra is ajyseryn vel orieJa Wdi belMsedtWtbenieQK. r a ... ;i . .- . . . ':. pie 'of tae-jSottthi will)fCemaroopieacej; iitft Bnwmyjsyy tefc RfWfjftlif 10ft rpeatea1ft8MBHspou,.tbeAJibeUie pd r jgbfefr t.XVe.doi lioll on owjAp- .meia bwey-ilbati jiatbierififmaa lraisejhis bapdtiaoViiiOlw boT! tride$ of .lyiagw', towai!d4t WsarpatlOP, a.pd. ;re,v llainstltfi - ih ejVOiujw, wbat I shall be. dona. 1. 1 If thei neonle jtbera cniitibtnit AfcaUtUihatv9r arid his:wMe(ii:adn recklm.fafesch rci'atesj WaltbeooSbflu and kill, hewiefjorth itdjevpU (tlt4sttt, Bejyei totbeiibeinelgoyernaTsent!3ndj ter j ejomesuoJiaiaarsijO'j uverioae f imiUidn- i Jrifiwbite s -ireebb rnJicitiaemj -ttorel than JJaye fi:receuiex;!lhav9 declared at vtb porllatbat -Sarmnel I Tildecrdf the President of t&fuTJadtbdH e IrbmutbH 4tb Atine-EiMarahb eclai-e!4ycitbtKeiuiraig'i'Jiarda m4 p-uvvpssiqg .!Bdard y. as . eleftexU The wbaleieaae tfeats tyitJbietpiaopie of1 tUwiNUP-oOttatKls fnz committed the! 4,et-AUB8 oioarjdqQiH4 try. j If othey are tvott ttum to etr il upertyj aidrjconstitbaiorrafe IgOy ertut menti andvifafieyJdd I not,' pot thwl I brakes apmf the! reyolatibuaryj witrgo pf the Uepublieab rjarty, then tyran ny:Jand ? 'mltifpatidi 'Hrrahipbl ( ilt?i is high' !tfbre "for thbest eleraenfs of that?,Partv Uo, corned 'boldlvj tah ;efff taih; tones, l hey must exert" theifl " J r. . a iofluencln this crrsra of Pur codbtry, id ibis bbdr of faie, in'aucli -a: posi tive, and determtnea wav.Lthat even reylutiobist-t and ctyrants-- will not, dare to disregard' their voice'Tbii maiidatd1 of thoNortb'ebrildoj fQhpW&n&'JcTy cJd pdbetntnetit May Gdd give strength rd;Wisdom tp tbe pUopld of the N'ortb tbai ItheV may be tfoand talthfui at'tMirpei of natibnal dkner arid vfoletioe!litJ'l i copy sbttdry-articiesatfd' 8pecianS! Mrkuovfr 'exebangea which wilt" inf bTrm our roadehrs otJ the'situa? tiop up tdithe time we 'write. 'uv i M4fiy;,Jl3Aiarib ,,uu te&ki-&aK .l&T' ' : " I TXT a eTmcrnmAv ' Va OA ' ' I m mm . - betel teiefQhe4thetybrMrai , Was upon the assurance made by . tbe 8eo reUry of War'and General" BheYhain'thit 8UCU WM ROi UJeJcaSti; H!,ht.t uAl i To-nuzht. however, eisht comnanies of . . i ; . . . ...... i " , j - . ' . . . : IWantry,',aTe Her'and? inarry, oom Monroe, lias been .or dered heW t take ..fccMttaMJ" uiAi tu GAnWerman $m Jmtf&t tUhfi resence of the military has no special sig aficafece; that llltf I'umunuma. lia.vu pgen doks duty on the itfeMferaat latkfcflJdnth; 'THE ;liT'!--'!i-i"-'Cbn8DlracY f s. lrrant atiUihiie8waabWir4wUJaveil6enApiii WttnwPT.hSflffiirk t ...r. ax . (. , I 8ervative rafen liere. It i-eeretted tbal T' "T e.- w.,i.ranru ftirbrfnarj. thao rtfr.idhklfo-iotcndie Keblid-&Bei jMj are nd )piks iujaJjpvanplljoB that.taey may remain Ju Washington' totT7Al an mdeffSij length ot.UHieV ii aaderJ to tbei Depot Quartermaster at Pbiladerpbta to forjward (1ilfinceTAcampobnWk8ii1s6u Niif I:' ii The presence of tbe military cr The. presence 01 tbe military creates ap prehension: adiidisgiist toriomeextehV beaded 'aslurotbatit meansNlnaueurae ttayes toy t;f orccv ' aadV fa'atiti J anticipates 1 i!9M illfeftUyiw Abe, outcome of tbe'toHDt iry obe ' lel61n Wg dards' bt t Florida' and out8a5anjMii;il ei 3 a Air U ,tj:!i: 'lwLla i nAHntfl ffi-a vVa aa nana Slala -A rtst psVpvme ttJoboof Ibe arafy f tMpima taatjthe 'sHraaland Florida declared for Hayes, and thai ifidea'caitbf 1 (tiIWinrceibf 1 itfVlWtu( inaugurating anyuoay by.iOi'ce, bSroffl.at'iihVer7 fegaHy1 'demand ileasiIbe uwuuraje.wiwnpp sftiMi from.the IdUsatisned elements, of either plyi"' J?t?ifi frii yitda Jai vbHifn is aga'ri rampant thatnbe Executive will nbl.s-ttfJfSgO bfe hAdiW the taeiao .Tbe Washington Mqm&Ih WaVJH tfab i' solves . tbe political prolilpm iaJiiifr irW. I A 'nernetuaTDresidencvTis cbofTT p bMiy biyirfgheMed votes', ItBbftMIsil rei;U.'!tps?o'ue present anne count or wmji iinf fakkb' oDDOSttioOj knTwtf lb 4fM bf- taiarcn so -riioeBtbeiBg'weeFareu.'Wity 'ca'rtnotlinitil Raa the aod by Win Ui kjf ilsw t bto ! PrVsidfen ' Of 'thW f Rrtnale II t .rtr .i .. . ...... . . .: ... ...a. tue "of law ' tbe i Pres ideatf ' 'tha-'r Senate would (beu be :Peside until a aew elec tion Was bad rind ''why otreld ttot Moitdn. Cooklintr.er BlamS be'tlitttittiaa? Oa the other hand, la 'the1 presidency perpetnal ? I' And M President;' ebidcWRd. ilOetf Qraat boIffftVeT Until k Baccessor is elected jdr nualifledF8fiU t, b ;bjfi'of "i Boonoru. ctnnreer ior ue1 uoawerva1 i rayed that issrneetWia b-Dptf,1bTrTen order tq orcome imputations of ?ra.udy- vd eiieJi: m bgtitlhat iarniDKpra.wwa p.y aisenef.auiaj. ty to ijef use such reasonablp petitions. To the sdrprise 'e tle ivUUibg' 'Deiaoeratt, bolbt baiBwtanweie,(rBfa8edfw mobyJ Tben the Democratic United States Comittl8pi$der asked Uo bbptemit pecute oarisiies' were to be canvassed. a. " I TV . 1 m . . . . Tbls as not aedAs a? privilege, 4)nt afc a" Stafes DastridtrAttecnerJ Beckwhh.TIfci-. can,, but it waa also Deremntoriiv de- THribara Mien' adobiedrdlea tiana laHoX posi- 1 imw wwa4 mmt mvm conspaacy. The basis of tbe Board's acts laawitoUon beiliot-Diad allhc. of i iiiWis--r i'aiifaMirAiMil Idiow I ab nri9ontew aifiM fc -betaera-yf c(anrMatiU Etenaaa, f-jj-ayes cotnimuee, ur;eu a reconsia oi of this rufine. nrobablv on tbe! goann that U ifsToaH bayE ibKlkfftctiiL J fabtoasIcanjsaBdiaoni t&ejEaej(&i mm ai wuocrvaiive siaiemeuis. wuicn, sw mo neiurnm? ooarq to nanaie MMt ItielaloftetM8:odl,eJmideMi uncon y9no8rtidana?i.iPawnutdl Lssdit mio l voYff d2fi WEfa It fSe;laP 8faiksiUenfb3Maa SHO I m tllt'Hitme'hhit v ft!:?.r .1n - m:: -i .... . I . f I r .TjltWr O'RT.KA'Vn: 'N'rtV 9K ' r A turipua .feature of the LKepublican cMtiyalaPiscfoMday iTtbaWl? iOWfI !cmW0VP4V.SemaaSle f om-g munidation. a codv of which. nsmft and -frgtiflfei bemghaife9J Wisseaiby the' iici jraryl or. thdjitepaiflics fltaM Oomnii.teer to every i a - - mate. ?La9 Dear MHito wellt inownrto tbis cemmittee that, frbnvjexggatioai l me census or 1875, the KepuMican vote in pftbTioaa Tsyjiii yodr parish) cytncrI it fl. Vi ,dony your full. dptv unless .tfe Republican hreeiltraRon Itf vbur Parish1 rea'rihes"22(sT aoditttef vUetubbeam vela Is at least 2. 100. . l Aii ,9ci xaoaiaates and committees are h directed to aid lyob W the citbidst1 id-obtain lqur-tbis will bfe 'Vbe'refeulu amold and ereneroua - T ' - - -erv-ixespeetatfly vfrnt,- dir. ?iotAt n .rirf. r.-Rf? ti' .9 if oecrei AssumntioD went Ilenublicab.as anltci- Jpatedl and Jhe aupervisor wdlao doubt get hiaietvard. ' ' i i .. ! ;s-..t.i......-u.:.,..-.i. i, ..BenBBtler ea tbe Sltaatloo. ' IppeiialDpatcb A4GaatUfc-voi 7n; ? ftw I ':dt ISpt d;al8f ask4! thakhfe be allowed Jto Impxesent in,bebalf of bis nUkUwas'elbElA'altte mn s pefcocrkiaavWeiMhaadj;Detao VWft iK fYtT flW preserved, and -tt isj .v cratSj counsel iiwentso tar as to refuse 1 threatened 'from 'bOqnartey7 afadfnose or'w.Jo. tfibns. HberrvilelgdWlhs bthoU ttttsna MAMwfcmtie4ii.1uTb result !pf; 4 ffiadnHfeteariel flPfetejfti Boara in us places itself in, a. th moot rSaBerrn wwratioaiOpitbe, Tbe.aaDerviser is atate officer? . " r result, and.- everv; facnitvr is, and. auorded Vb'u. and Voii'mnarnhtain called tfovtuitela. WUbbtRfalLf 3jYbirrre)0adnt had. an interview to- VWot P day WitbehlBra tierH denieaHhatf injWd: ne retoanMnAB4 nosthecapn igovaoaith; feemtatt dfe ttiffteledV 14w8 idfoaqh tfoiorajsapi na oaf nas a ngn local 4riaMtAr I 4o WdlcatetbAt If Auchani exieencv arose aa fqrfced the desperate issue of pbysieal intervfeDttftrifcfeb33le Kiaaonia a a. - . - i - - ana unwarramea oy prestige or pre .-ijeaecal Butter .istityLkrowso nismrm couyictien.. that ikitiuit m atcrtiaifrdlri Tlfdeu (baa ilrdtsiew iis nat dry anlairi ana : lie,8trenuou8iy denies the mhl of , faeP OW oVetl there &nv aadnicnl bv ..wbicH i.lbei'Dmai. debr bt tbe Senate, can'take he reins of -gtweriraeblS TBe'issuehfusiftie -Bbiresflf Hfy.9WK AdJl4w4tHnKla ;erecfora?vdfe being required for Mr. TU- ,4en fcuteesebt the time of the meetititf of htT WslneTe vote may turn the current tf Sucb a Circumstance; however easodatlmpoasibI Jlumaier. of New Ilaninauire. .was a warm persyial,; friend i . .of' ' ;1L Monrof, aid ,in j lo4bd college be voted for John QijpcjJ nwma eiecieu iresiueui oi ine jruptfct.d and hh'buffumJ s'od: idistiast' Do'nds wilt 8.e yackrintd iMocountry: fronv : Eunf e aud ulte mia fnltow s fnoHtwos iiiaag iratiou. leuer4i3ttera'a be de- j&aac vt an .loubrveaisl t lita eaiJiair w, eMvoaa- tiun oo ti nouifes oi-( uongress on liie otn -iorMarcsSlve 11. oven ie uuervefiing Vncaoyj fJawl pqd i oe-enectea. , slai)r,ia6 b'if t ftCoijAuliaJre" aifi readjrlsigblned f iebr. iateatioosta offer aac amendment to-ftaev; vnatnuuonuw 'the UoKeU States for ths purpbsa of avoiding ip tp,ej future thadiluhjesttaidilaager8 now atterkiitrrtbsTeltCtiottof av Preside nsv: I . t. II I ' H .UA - . M .. t . .... A. ... t . er there was anv likelihood that disturb- repae.And at (to. intertere with their fJe elafkaitowt 'hemeknt KOaputtL,' vrepareato .vwdlcate the majestyorine 1w andnoree' ts1 execu" tion. JtihadKhltdanerpb.:wo!i. .jqdc-CpLWsdotlqHjsbltWj.iime .ol jUw lnaagarationj. and insislSvlhatThe can only. Ido fen b7WsTraA$M Wwe'i.4 3 uiftt AAwctW v.nr Jwuioiiion was uie 'WMy yfjbeeo (Unanimously conntrv. be did . 1 ,taias)KlaM:a) tte , Seyferab xaambera 1 E7? vsHbrtno" A?biiT to) hen asked! recanUv bv an Tn1imf iTferejsrer apme,whp probably tc& l be-.r . ilieve: What ibev sav.'bnt who. neverthelexfL J assert that in 'lh pnt" nf thfw f - i i i m m w t . v-m . eWelby the Sibf'March'iQrabiwUlhold'' -K" verjtibtH the centennial conundrum is get-.- tieoXH Waste Btat 20tt. " . tVbata:BIodarat Panjir Iiti. ...... -ui iim iouutb Ai .nftBWfli,vxii;;rr t '; lfew York Journal of Commeroe.1 1 i ;i. ! not 4mprppaDie,f however, tbat.tbe r t Admiriistratioa would likerto' have a" great 1 1,1 ekclteaeat madaOTeri,thb'jtnviajibu. . J?ow ssjbly tbe troops were ordered, -to Wah- , 3ngton1 forao other purpose ' than fo i rb-' & J 1 rfijtirtn! - Then In A A . 1 ence lb the1 country hbW.'-Norwii Ibe'UBoubleii aiatd of nolidca. rvronawvi1 a . d ' V mere inventions-and aubtle pretexts to. . cover Bdms wterfhp" ftftiwirni'ui! oa wyw u aurnngop me noi inuumaiion f of 4 great party, and nrovoke from if 'W Vivt lemnewv exprsaiona;h -miabt COnstrhe these into munim anlnA KI peace ktfcj 'ordef of tbeooSntrVi Ahrtffcftf w sob ifkem JasttfyAia platinf- atorfKat tbftCas-f ltal as lareeaathafWhich thn mnit PitrWv-' J PBWl pri ouldlnot twhlcblhe AnAWadvisers contemnLitey V "ii I B .lu ."onicifa Aff tifinii wiir t W qf,f h.This. a be; well, kwwfci", r j be needed there to rerVet anV 'J " i ,. I a sensible senirixf ear. 3: .v v fi?rjcgadtfe Repablica1icRi?H JU i3 dij iojsdveitte, fkmoeMUjdofisefeixI Ifiv fiiate Wependacei) tbab lteinfewuatedTfmui-j DR fiSrP. JM11 ,88ue wui oe a direct oue,n4dbfr'uKri wldclije cbun&y 'Wll'-i? lrompiiy,rituflepy rff. ValQfi!nta TVaori vayill Jqm aHomnt A vVtfr tl.k 1- I awta u us uaiu nu,i. unit vu. iiiik iiiii MM8 recast and'TPMiKlmlrmi i. uio.pc ddnferitftol HM elio'b'laie deflincirtrd Job fl. ; ApaflWa flif fliU fleyas .engage, .w, r Y, a civil war tb uphold tbfecboqntingVif. voles0 -r'rbastWolIea-tocsi irrt ii -A he pdl lists. V v'r , iJ nlfiei touftiatiaf-ttiifkilkir'ti4'JVi'i'' todjo ' LiTbdiBiliaterv Droceedinps of 4he Return- ttskdf bMMWbaRibudiibabdcfnfnoo adj-is'Lim tha aole ocennanta of thActiAnhor T hrf 1 rrwftd eversattonUh.thft - .teen mmutea. : ... "V " f Ttld tfaoeeesrytc ttfgiVedtronnna to.meun advance by Governor Jfells,;-as it 'aasibseimctly'fleVelbpedH (tsdw tut7uiyui.uakowaauM-j Daermaa aaov-uenefius sou al!GaMeliLsat by Ub aBeeijng,8niUe pf7 if s4facir6bJoir 15641? countenabces ' aa'tbey' wiineseijaie .cool! insolence! anq r&nitaiiod v3 Mib ntrin which Governor Wells as spokes Sanl b6Bbafd.'detiied every moflatflX3uu made terolbecOTnset'Pf tbmOansRvathrv to bfibtlC t a.f ajrbonest and open- . . count of thvoterandlanally'dbdedWff nomidiopjajyiinri8gthciafaae 'jo TTha actipn of the Keturwug Board in . proceidtf ibfcaiivass eforffll2 tbe01 iwmdy ifeMhJ instance,!; ty&i&vU, has fOttWsjlsiptncilaUreaa. Hiw -fiJioZ B-i ni- 4r A1 cJam(btlifljwrcand,ro j im ners as tfihyasserfionlwe WafcftyCbe! kby toi-tnoSftiildCax; thX olJ at least ear as they are abh?toj3ta frbmuit oil 3 iiS 4wn knowledge; as uo longer ago ; thpJIf ptwo f qfP5FrWefiaSjquriBg . d) ttb'peHodiaUudfd tftiuljuiek dispatch, baaj ji h,' ST . . f .. L- I peen 4 noticeable waiaunjbteonaij-snoaTs r woo.1 Darucuuuiyt; iareaauoa; atsAmers v d i anqBaiuagyeBBBiapryiDg DetweemtidsciiT! :uu C ' -.'fx. . .... an ,ttterpoTt c VewjlVrk land BaUiaoray t i w which! barely touch tbilt) Wharves: whoa tab liuitiil r ...... .1 worspi oiscnarging ana retoaaic is com- o tnT,Ja saaHoe JMhe BtmibbiUnl" oT fJTe 7 " ..Vo!Wl-' f!1 ffl ViWa7 Jr- .qncBtly heard through 'the entire aight. ! oftSmp'resk narina thdbaieke ShfPfflenLSwWltf fwff road dmciala' and entbloyeabavaibadla .-- - . sod oCoauaqsiacUTLty,; , : JBM.cn neine tnarcasa in laa nreaent -nn- nltMl Mnainnn .nr . rmlirtnal arraira wrltli ;itsdrabeelireastIW, C,IJI what iilgBhave1leeW tWTgesWnuei5 . more lavorahle anqouiaj;Aujft T V.. T!1l . A ...... . perity in wlfflfel V ed va-im ; mb . m w- . . . a . . e ooecm cimcnaaonu conaiyjamyeau 1 n-i ft. . Ll . . ' .a a. f . re Tirarsday tocut with ire colored ipn- " tT.j term pine perjor Mpurjyjaiunivj, rti AqdM ''ftbpenitentlaryjrbeir '.viu'q namesacd terms of impnsogmeot fafe'ai AxnuaLeaa xerry. o years; uim lyson, 1 yea I The tiln' 1 fof wbk' tDiry"' Sentenced were aot asae&inefc V frbirStie- idjla teftvtjRaleifk ihsdjwrtiJWs-yhsb 13 Wnpgtj?ey bf ingbeej! Jgded,.; JffJoI jihe countv jail during j -i"'' aaBilBBaBHBsdBSSSSWkViBaaaSHB lFi. fij; njfmdiiirieedr: U ior ) PcAk '8n'tLil Dwtietyi attii ibob dj Af of-' tbP2i it 1 bst;--that) jy ou--iy J ,th lllPjWarriBglis the loolysid lo fjject or in Obiute,Iwhoni baa7b'en Kiu-id twice boVlored'witb the 1 privilege1 -of: .VI casting tbe vote of the State fbrPfwiI J r dent.1 110 jh'.Mo Int.- si5tsf4 i.l ji!jtt'jvJ..iw ; ThisiBir.VJasmallfnanfeTj'itltrirt . burbprtpwhorooniorw due t leffe of fcaroriAadiir ti' V, nil ' rt,J was President of the cnlleo-ff'ibt. i'-f.l' " ' 1 . firsb ime I waaanjErector was when ' ' tbapte of North Carolina was .given , 4ft mw f kdf.W klaVainti,'-' nA. tr. j-r-J-J -""'gv vOBM4iiV awes Xli ' sVilea.sir,inakeFtbje: meoailk yourjbfiTj-1 iigne. a i V I Xoiit ob't serv't, -.8rmifia ed lo Walter bv LeaiU " 1 4 oilv ti r -V;; V : v v V! .::-: :Vr-VKi:-. '; -'V : Vu;,v..

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