.SIIOOTINO AFFAtU.-- f 2 I Oattff, rCBUBEXD .'A3 1 ntaa iieta. viairic or mm aantior motritjip 5!!Ta'r1.iwrl!r New lfanover CpontT.SIirr I auaeriVBlj V9uuded iai, 01 1. PnEJOTiJ. . biJU -ft;?i ,'i K. i , 'i. , inii , in!; n l anii .-. ti iijli'rT 6Wnq ,(9t8 aavf.Uufjiw tna mlol n ti lni -j; laii'i i1'"! !"' ti 1: r I xe-AVUeftAra- Ah .Of-. . . 88S888S uaicimn5uliR'wUwiUfc I ml 111 .ft I - V A l.-O. r'. rI 1:1 dV.jai ,ul U )7 iV(l V hi' ..II. . fli 4 3J I i I .m. l Yejr buVjd&y-tnumiog: by :llmriiiimmnctttntrr 1 88888SS Months Usagafcs . z to s .8 6 1S38SS83' S Month! jgssa88- SS3S.88&Y. i Months 1 Month j Weeks 2888S8S. sssssss SSS9SSS l Week , Lki ' " '-. as : o a?5? ' e a X3 .! J-i Ml J n v w v a I USoCttpUt aecuritieft into ' J la Tr "rf'T Jilvij,t JIMS term, rreeiaeut .Unuit'-ppKf t.im ; S? 5 1 " tbyt fo? the perpelaitof f Republic trmb when he ud,f ;cisno S'rW---?' o .u.L fu- rv-afford ImyQlhe- result, c,rtheecu DOt ton 8,;4 rp4 allow the iWtohington -sr-st Sif v - 1 i. ' . , " r . , ,., Alr.i Hye must, cet the,. votes of .all JSSS.sfcjr nnrPl8tmg17 Pn 'the 'Cohstit&H three ofj the 4ipated plates to t be elected. sl stul hope for th beat, and look with in the land to harejsone for Hayea there Hxietj foritiedhtipoken tndeni tr-Sltt S d S i ijL' f t - ? . . ."jV, wrong about the 'declaration of South Carov ir? SSsJ&i tion of the best trieii or all oarties id' lioa's rote. Bat the action of the LnoisUna when we coheider' .the men . wh?c cp;n P5ae . it. r . v w- ' ebS mT lTSto'at the office Ii v" fISJSS'! 1 - wm.wMnej f W WMt tiTJv I,; v 1 uorizht Judeea have presided in Uhe nra li On Baltimore .gTm -i'uHuauob uiey should ukt&emseiveenow is jcoartsXthe sense of iastice prevails, jrarj sayt iimmfym Mfi i . . T-rrrt IT m "-"y-' """f p" aB'ted public .protelta, :to arert trom a ini ii 1 1 hi ii i m i i Jti. ' '. z s u a - y a - . f Thq subscription price of the Wkkk aVtakfiinetoniiiiid bWOie infamous; I physio has been administered at last, nnnn Au? i, 'T ''P'M.M .tr stb is aa foiivwH : v" tU l if ; ..u - . . -. . . . . I "r'" pH-.fj'-r:Pvw.rr.:tM beiiairor-iiU'itari 1 - . i : ,v ; rraacaiuv.'ioi ue - Atiecuoir - ioania ur l anu inai 11 wiu wors b cure ior ine Singlie Copy 1 year, postage paid, 10 Lonisia'FIoridf'audiSouth iCam, iiUr-ifi' .hV. 6odp poliiW wi t .'I f M1tll8tE ' Hna:tokthethreciirredto,lhe. orders are grievonT.n iheltfeit- THK FOOTSTBr;jOP . U 'would 'toot.be diflScnlt thA uroffress of tvrannv 'in the UnKrttf locality Wrios bnlv lulK the Northern bankers and it flowered f nUy in these jiaya -cpntiniiancetof: the rule;and :jdin .polt Landdatch the patten vroft thej wa- satistied. tiut Jet line picture be rerttfehianrl either vYia nnnfincA r ihe'houifarfnti -Awajiarfr-wkothh dnrKf li-tl;' -v.-.-,' . , ... ,T.f fSSYl wwiiepp wioi-TOitw peopleao theyfaar. I IT BJJWB' lM iLeciouviawT! i politicfah at the hands tf Obediah Jen- thata 6ootiiflrna;badn Uka.Dlace atnsii half paa!r?orclocfca2tnT 'wMchfii'' hsimK : , tHft' ms V0t rae taiBinftu; etween f HealoriJClerkof the Superior Court of ddw-r, J Jiimseiria ' known-bydealeroT Wis t ness,! undy hpneatyhat.e: pi ,c".Pr'nd et,al e e10?1? .Pf, fei , J ( M.a., ffi d has so borne himself fellow-pien and the pliant Upl of aupr j as tothlake jbtlrtrrfTtfelieve ihathe is' saving tolbundlDr was 4ost i? Ina fe :.;J partyb4ng dethe iuence of spiritsT. U,7M IhorityV and they feeldistru8t,di9- oapabW of i any warranted ttretoh -BP.I.);. l? ihl :like, alarm, aiwl Ahe -eraine? & wri ; I -Yr.:4.t I i llf L" L j i : , i . . : . , w ZrS" or drink o the ramerbutiraisientlv J w 1 i. t-w-r . f t t . i i. i . -i. . - a ' '-' ,n .ace. oe ta any people., woo party, Of to advance bw own intemu Yjjmfr , oe, Rearing ppareif ' ffl.Wwa W A corrupt, riaianv ano, .wun tne arrogant powers that be'5 1 the famto and; of -two boarders, their Jew- vlL. ,i., j., V. . : . vl r: l . j . ra .s n -i. .. ,-.----- ". - j . . i-'-'r i t m M " uv uin 4BIH1K1JI an inn m tinvw-r-i mn m efrvicand a considerable kmotmtbf raonev. I thL: S:pJTi? : r.Ti'tK "lioaunut. jxieablylnti .Mf offlee nontrOHennuT b nose the'ttanrhe 1 'WftilatAn tww .y" ytw!4Viv w y. -?rlitilUf tli--f- V':"Vk mm Him ilu-ila iL-nwwLiiji:1 jm,niiinBS .n.KuaaBof.ai; ,t&ii'W-'&ii nlinall the cltleaanatitmaayof thel , ai U' ' L I .conuUCl, it, 1$ hardly powipie jor,tHem,lP "iV - r '-"'ft'il ow w u.iuuiwr,;wu5re iswub& f RQft-iiflfvi,j, fW,.m,4M . mlt I . T.T" " "V ' . ... . m a jft . . a.- 1 mm-mm . . ' I WjaBUUlCI ll . IUH 4TUVCI UU1 AID UUfe..: ID I. FUlfll ffl I 114117 Lr;i I 1 V r' fln -'f 'lDnDTTf IK V1V I Id WwMJBl IAia1 .lllOf sl J I n A i f t M A m ' a fAl I j Itlli ? I lAFham al fa.ila aa a Vi 1 - J - " ' ' " - v discerned ias 1 timefvtyi Ivieipos odiciaTylaKWooiid such a JtfdffBond is aJ Marylander,- atd qdic'iary wheA 'the people haver the' hisehi racter : is thoronghly 'naderA iacM features i-Ji ine ievs 01 iueiriaio comionaoie nome. i wr 'in' tak' '-ii; wri aa SfWV0 .enfeiged-ih1 eating the oVstfer 'stews it 1 Ja It ... ... . .1 him Ih.l no 1 ' " uur-i Dauiavme xrienua,: were arousea t.vsmi difflcuitwith; himl ; touriDgilhU!evenlni;-' yU: f JkiWihamada beVtnkhecouiaock1- u;l eTiHta kmonff fJI r.laHsmLi of tha iTneo.l WH oouui uarouua w WOTK xor JUS, exists among ail lassea- ot tne ipeo- i maBtera4 5Ai3ylhIng required! or him in the pie, from the throne ' down td the' I premises ; will be prompUy done; 'ThaVtf uisuia Di s mm db u. " i nn jnnro rniiv V. m.-i aj t ; i . :kffatirai'iaain riMin'iK'e'Trsii:! jdown'a betaiu -aaftbet of toins fetaadfetf bip o't. s ;I j" iy has made that t'.'r ' l ti-ii.si jlii jT rs-cb (J A.'vMiJ iv-rT. .. ... . . I t ii . i ... :i.i i llvanhAnnnlia nnnnicco nJMinh sil hs I lUCHIlCf uuuu run.. Hnililliun SUHmniinr . ,i. name an: everJastiftg aynonytaiiior I .afpo l'Zrjr?rr"TL .s fk-iA " Z-7Z7. . """.t" "r . . : wvrw.oir..owji wnoouG lis OOTto. just at luiB .ume pOuinn itteett ni' iHii'txmHhM.ittTh-,l 4omithb . allevierenthe AtU had reached . . bribery and meanhessi1 'It' istrae Carolink presents fine field ior, this eml .u . ! 1 -'vl' - r. iT'! -'-iii U i nljpwi and ho man in the cbumry can that oe of the loftiest intellects 6T f better hela hia friends to rean wber thv I . . i..!.'VJv '.r.ii j il" I r . .- .1 have: made Lia illuatrioua name forevMiin- t ZZVttiJZtit the ekertionS df thecid2!ens I h-I " f t..t. : 7-, , , , l:irVZ'.Z.LZZ mn the barkeeper noUced:thewdiacuioor,.,, ... pt wnria stooneti ta. an am p. ana I uw ovwu auu uuidiici ujcjt .... .. , I noistrewea. in tne, meantime, wnue the it flowered. faUyinhesejiayaircpntihfianct: the a-uleiand :rdin .polt and ,datch the pati iufferabte Graritism. Bat itis not ; oy .of; Sratit tatod'Hayes, and-theii2! of the political quacks.. nntt of ids i necessary ; to our present 'pais$i-im4 i .-1 ri.. I cdnntrvrlihfi'(af.te ffftrfnl1pdWV 1 , The wh6le country! W advance of Grantism iB'tbedii commercial enterprise W Jinaertanas iow tnqrougniy corrupt j: wer.think, riows: lt-Ji Vu " r-.-. 1 In th ANnriKt jr Hpoini.i;r I late revelations in regard to JJe&oto ,r Bat to come to more tecebt events. ' iscusi the seribtsetriment: infficted parish: telH- thQ, atory of rascality, if dmntUm ikttrl n!m?iated odsinesy-Gram-i stoi were lacking ; When the-re rapikly in; asaupphfc fSSflFf Intuin And 1 were brought ... . . . 1 m!amai . k. ' n n . 1 1 . 1 TmBrnra t nn nnnn man aiiiiinviL I rt people. FrorkJhe&ehati ed is the-NerV;tris- leas fnd among tbemtaeem. LI nPnntil t and th?at 5 neceMarify exerts VsS great at the package was sealed , on the , V'l-'V - J i &n influence unon nonnlar thonohr , I ixn. ina was recqveu uu ub bowi. aayi wnen, tney noion uie ; oapttoft w 7. T r-zr nr.rcinr -tr.Tri; ..xto-t-j i:.- 1 i .1; ik.t iii ..nUiVa ! WU';U.i, to awbuniua hinkira 6f'lhVrfih Thw howJ yery pbonly . lht th. J clearly dfi;rea;a;i,i;Crito.aiiami.. and bitfeto prosRcroa, Konlu. We .VckaM liad,' l,eon opened, aft.r.t .tr GtaoVtUetireSonn; propole to-day to qnote freely from, reaped NeW Orle or, m other intWiK the New fort HUd the editorial, in MeraU.pl the wo ah.d;,b pred Uevp tua 'Wbeo Le 'g tete 26lh. I H U .--.i --'vir .avu '"ttxm-li ""Ubfonuniaely'Mihe; Qaysitsabywe . that probabfy, h affidavit had. been ,iu mo ..BuuwauiuB. ' STT '"Vi I Iiavm ttj nfr- lessr rensort in hhf frir uni-ii I '1 1 -r J.I u. n.. . . . r. ... -r, . ' r . ' r- . r 1 HifuBii m. lkoow niBb uav; Jir.. va absolute and cousntcudus lair tlav as the I 0 1 . ' ' odqatpn,nd 5ofliq and , Daniel Pw,1 W ft simultaneously upon Lonwiana. r;H It w a Ifmeniable fact that thought- L-.r? -Y ?-r -' i-i. j: y . , . fui people are less coufidenf of j aaUsfae- said 5bf? the t manifest , .rascality- is needless' recapitulate at this uiry and creditable settlement'lOHday iiiah 'tcrhiX. S itA 4iia tiin t lUcra ,i,,Jelhe'onahaihave-faiowed tSerea weeaounotjiiefor ;7hS"'3 the-r Bepabiican- b4ikera merchaoyi apd the act that theae returns have been fYoi inci'r ABC'' they 1 ibtei led b etfiective 'nistrumehtof fraud and j and unsatisfactory result as to make tbetr f , -1 , . xj v. - - i km, - nawtrmra i ho nulla' l protests in f avor of the most opu and boo- -ebanged. XbeJiM viUaiuy, and has answered thea ends IbleicoaMa bv ,he ltenubhcan manaMra o.h fa ntesieu ovaiea i these facts ? . WoukJ they not do well 10 I . .? " ... sl , j. .tnrrn ami made ti,e tooiiBider if their own interests would not t P". reiurn bu wiin mui N:v?,;? impeded Ay an uncertain alihkve oeVri v"irihir.tf and ewjjqr it In tfia M oi uxuruaiiuu auu triauu- nuu tuc 1 iu iut iwmu uu aj;uuu oicm iuiui iuku i w . ' . -v ' .ZJZ-tUis-'iX. HAZi bears the appeara.nde of, conceaiment or iSWmgftton asexcwef.sayiDg ll:was utmo8lb fffi M7v? wronsiimportant and iecessarjr TtjJ tribal errO'femar! stood in 4eboh and , n the rt .5. ,t io that the tbree States are Jo e conn.H wnat they want, what we must have if W a cleniai error. perpetrated by the forger p i for Ilaves in fipite of any7 returns wish' id escape great and iotermioable ca-1 of PrK.-i ho i?.lhe haste which, e . tor V; .".Vv jamitles, is a'counl ef the VbtefaiOor he 4kVh alfBdestine work ?0WitUiSfiy. torthe coiCfafy" u'Jr". 'Jt ' puWichohest that every Kerublican in potthe stp of fraadupon it byviog The naiirnationa that re nbWJ-atr Tadd may rightfully ask bis Democratic date whenJt; was written, instead of . a be JWiWltODJi1?!!1 eighlirjfoacDlptthefresuitfasaboVflju.t back Tf Wr555.t iJfy progressing from one stage to: upteiob. Butfthe proceediD; bf the :ent i aecomDaniedlCfb; .fJflST, - - - K T m w . :i ' I UkA-. fri 1 I lt m n a M r An n A w am . 1 a mm h 1 1U1 WUU1U UDk UB1D UCGU WUIUliVM U JSV ..i iwvWi a4 ht .Kiirtf : Am int o rti. i cvuiu vuviiua uiu AAiutoiaua xwcluji aiiwiuii wv w www". w r - i -n i: ;r . i . naia saaan nova nrPTinni nni il wax ihh tai, wilf aWamhe merican people publicad journahrecogoizepen w just 1 most natural thing in the world in Kew Or,-.-'.iu-jtJ,suit-i-iv w -itiU--.Mj -I 6 .,.r .Tr J. .1 leans, where the fraud was perpetrated in if f-.r: ? r" vf? What our, hankers, canitaliata. mer- 1 anu iub uucvukwus u u Imanufacturers want is peace. 1 "f a04 ay OI tnemoniiu, . . r - i IliLanraln lUAwmaa I a a laA tfnmmsnHail Frar at least may nh if ratty departures from the 1 chants and T . - . , . ... I i .. j .i . :n .1. fl ti.tkd-..-dnv; viAlent .t asaa&Ui 1 y.u'; wr . . . " .v. ui t'-"- j . v ipon the Jconntitution and local self' government can aroase.inem,. ai tne time we Write the,,. tread of armed soldiery' if beard j through the corri 1r of the. SiatevcapitoV abd 'the uitase oi; nue American yzar , or vuc American Ca3sar is alone heard and obeyed '1 Grant sendaf his; Federal J6dge Hdundo wijatihe Sareme Vkvin of the ' SUlel'hao thru giwa Ciiatnlrlaiu, the inf amoaa GtjveriK'rJjlbW Jtrwpii-he .aik1fqr -that lie;WtfycaiHJofe , . .U f-Vi -inlf SnAf A.:x-pmmr-i r will of the; people as it had been ex i pressed"ai iKean programme has been arranged in the interests lM Hiy raqny afid fify-six : BemocratsV 'who have certificates qf election, are'not allowed to take their seats, but are. forced to organise elsej vhere thanfirt the capiat f building. The whole thing has been carried oat thus far bojdly and successfully. - vent nasTiouowea event quicmy and precisely, and. the strides of the usurper have been over the rights of freemen. Nothing can save the conn try now but ' the-HriatB&--ef -the orthi'.ilf the1 people "thcsete'matq; quiescent under sqcb repeated vioU Senator Sherman is to be commended for. immediately from an honorable settlement 1 uufc" y..-.w- . of tne present sdifBcuUy, no vmaiter? which J PHeJ W8S ' JfKRS ..t.r. - - kU 1 r..: I New Orleans: lie said that there coord denu What they, have, most todread is. noquesxiw . .ehroaic' discontents befa .tartperedwfth andpnened heTOb j;..;-,...: ...ii f-T - kAiuf .l evidenbe was conclusive that the. Sapervi- y,?""r ,"u .wUM uw.,. , UrrtA hnfl illam hft olid them. And in tne mmas of ;reasonaoie men inai nn rT Tt.N !T r Tr 7i worthy means had been used lot count in a -piace?l H16 Pf ieifflayii5v.t' Presidenu. Buch ,a state ot, doubt would I, . Hr" J,. mKwW .A on tt.. sna iii i cocceiire how Benator Sherman could have tion of business: ' It would operate as a fa ftat be ;M9ubted.if Mutarj b . ininf . or.it I criminal intent- .How Such a fraud could, It would disturb and gradually, sap private Lhve , been .done h"QM as ellias.ipublic crldit Jt jwould force l pascomprebei?8.on. It la the rri.ni mn rpHt n..ntrr..i1H tn f all Republicans present from other feiateS keep their -capital lotkcfd ,np and -theu-1 w f " .V ,rwf means; in nana; itr wouiq maae uncertain rK' - : """f TV-t;l ..d f .ill nnhlin. uwnrili(Mi i nrl llila' I iiney.uo no munc ny jiuik. operation of legitimate industry and 'Com j j - fi- i hierce o,j -f tr(,,SH&-. J i rti'iuv 1 KatwT syR km oas . pom' this juoicia I uw we . aay piwuijr i Mro voniw.wm, Nj,! people una" neaveir nave turerstof the' country add especially to i greater revererca fpr?aqmoe8tcaj thoi of them,iwho are Bepnblitiaiisv thitiC j g4breJ faithful! Judgeotbin have the by their . ueiice theypowtand what their FPfC WU.UF?,.S3-gr ..T15..S IS Count W dfClareu; II tne proceaaea uy, " .. , ' . J: W v hVh it has been arrived at shall not be so I 'scales held with even hand : and bat eonspicuously iiltW ejes, that fairness, equity and rratic nebzbbor to- accept it. then we shall I right Smay be .dealt ?.tQ all,.,, they, ,reT Koo-in trt live with the threat of a -geMral ..- . . u, u i iK ;tnd nanic hanging over us. Thereafter a.' very t Jv,". V . ,f t j ,n-.urun nv sh.'vj slight cause will create a run on the banks, j wher ,tbey vare protected, by, .ucn, id nart cularjy on tne-savtrngs-wwa.. - , , G . L. lunb a rVjt I i i ...-. . .' . . ' .'a. . I nsriicuiany on ib"H"" . J anrl are favored hnd blest Wltn rud-enf. merchant ; W V r " U-i A famous,' as .Tbrifeit, Kinq i'4 f eiinseinest of mi . belong, jCha aid and hi grce So Ally strove to up to wttnia ;a.iew years, was ainga- ;r iVJ"fLi.. i.w.s w-.r l xnan-iq tariyireer uviu iu iiuii uit vurrupr it UUU VI BUBpiVIVUl " I1VUCD1) UtT " " jorxaiaroiiDa woaia speas' jSiii'tsiwfflj; 0 is a Republic the circuits, North Carolina '. has a J tub official totk of robth right to be proud of her Judiciary, 1 '; '' ' nnrl io hprRulf hnnnr in cnenaninor I . J v . - . - 17 . . I. "; . - ..0 . Van . . . . 123 2fiS their memories. It is true she has I Settle. 4. . . . ; 1J0.258 I lina on Tuesday, the 7th day of November, I e to P J?nks butside theu dvpri io jys h "5 80 favored in every instance an drifvlL...-.-.: iloo? in reoent years. Amid the upheaval 1 rjRTJTMAirMovitHi W -? society ana tne strange oraer oi Jaryto.KVv.l,.:;...V uiiu4 -rSa JtJWi;ti30-r.i9Jf affarsj predoeed V by recdhstrnctiou I - :- return of said election oril ton anl found a!physiefanexamlnlncf:his -iM macniperY,.-Waju;u- iw.iuu., wm l., jwtii ma romy.... ............ ot- ;. -,: -, j . i wouuujcio aaiuiAei jww;aatH.--f:7iii; i made terrpljethe bottom rail on ; jroeyKraai oy sxACT: j..'.'.', f.':;i Dnitl G. :iie?reVive top," some ignbfaht- unlettere erTcSilSniel1 i,ili: f -ii a-i.-.i-!ii,r TiirtiJbertapnvMUi--.. ery.i f5!55rL--l5'?? I. iseaaft f oat - - Aiarriage was also ordered with capabJe.men wer8,etevated to theSu-1. , f to aihf r? v v - - uiaC. Latham. 123,580-- John B. fReaW I' .rf . , u iSS.'t?Art RmibI, .Amu nnftiitifnl' xiDgajnara s maioniy... .. i, . . s ao.vtfo i; wyrfi wu wwu,.iMUW -irr . . v pcrior. totirtliencbj some;unf attufah; t l?utS3 JrfrJL. j .mii JoWilliamJ. Clarke' 106879; JamesCyMor I home, but DriK-upen his arrival,' saidv.uiai OAROtlNAt to ,w tkmie ignofaht unletteTed;- '5lff52-B' able.men werg , elevated, to tthe Su- , , ."if to a i h f ? v n? v. - CiwrtlUnch? luimoJnnfaithfnJ 1Dha .majority.- s 15,098 kntiiigbblemeBf were? hbisted rT oiZ--Afoi4rz& thb Supreme 13ench, anai JjleiJJyTf . . ..(.:;ioi764 pSSraftft: 'aakkri. fjy .couB;eUbe stews t .,.v lrned thedaTafter ihefireto behold tAU'JL. u Kr.inve-t :fo?:i8i8E"5lyWgrettd .V toe.wlleom, boysinlwhichhe madefrequeat ajhisiunsno; Mity. r 3;mTwW - ' j tto hwhtingquaias 3, Tint t Itka'aiVrrcititinria knVa'YlAPn fpW1 the ru o-qf -excellence.' t If Jinguna have mAd-. w 3 ,; ' ' " ' tMJ fiT taken k-iIbeiilaif s thfe lrvhWab' vhidt hAdaHacpnenka in thatgdirecSi f;4;ii sJd'n tEtdoa. -a rTenterden, and i 1 vWhilSBbld and nartTzea dMiflfctttf&nH'U affA onMar.;aKiagi Ani i to ihaveajapmei a-v b'undrld theri-pure , and illustrions ,J 9 imWatt haV lira? Chamaf aiKsjsgpou ajndewnjo-, ltUu M. mfett Whbave- Wern thd robes with" 4 pie ot the bresS soeakJ IrabithallvBf 1 ehaHestoajn afilAWarfinawKft . v. ' t s-e a,; 1 ; 1 . . - nnio rcsnppionToa wv mmion- 'ISVIAF.i f tToU theause fa, ,Jusice-equarsc.ales J jlijce, Ju, may Tests assured that there hiiiUV, Cnought 1o'h1ayragiuaitf fresenahjfsjUafr Whose beam stands sure, Whose ngMruIl . ibiluuiiW'-U t'i'' .'h 'W-ilJiriJ; hJ. I Q.Tl . Tf. fi .j t. v.! iirft1on loijerhe seized a. chairs and advanced n n n cause prevails." .; " fffifrlK. IVr,::?? HT?lrrmJWt"as orxneeook. " " 27vrJ!iJiTiTiT?r, J JAWiiw .njl!d2! i -..rtnWaior Mt.iHl. TJ-.... ui. J...,.'.-...; 7 i n 1 m . a t,.i 1 -1 1 ' im law 'tifRWW M"o.iu reiainea nis aea oeninp. ap to wttnm;a.iew years, was singtirl:! .hnJiit --. ,3! s epiouS.cw;f :Ufiritb mheilr0ettf a tte'tkfaitr. la-tW.f P,? ..j, klWlcbatrobk l!ff 9h are rw ihe,urthousei a httek.atrae-, I frfv?..",sr11, uf . uv .w . game . ..tpii .hnrtwnror, was thfed- conitoericefl, "kenkrns' ' lR&'i"J - sasia.UlKtHl60jd Ith lnkya.ladeH " " j ezuaimea - mat ; ne " was snot." " 1 'GovI Brcjrden mation inrerard to the electoraU w . c u , Ji .vj I 4141u1r.1t 'ronild that ,Ka hart ilaln Matn' ....ill 4 T WrrTOi 54ils;atak a I -flo'!iFV,.VCiui:u. ftu wwiyii oLher elair and atrnek his antaffoniat-wUa Benci-na Hhat" .ach-. Wgb.toiedNn'8e ,009ednd aMPued ae U ffitfbetnd iariat. and gentlemen . MahlV and W Mf h politics.' Whf R.iW and C!atdwell l ftrid5 Gill am I UB,U "f uirepu ik uecauae enuer i' - .'.-', ' I .u. .i.-u-.ciill' .i: s '&rt "T ,,rT. r . - . . , t. I . " V vuvj M,vu, uu.tiyiii JO.2 ?J ji,' if! S.I WO Ul WW UMaVCUClVLUSJl EC1UJ j Ti ;- f ,-r .i I or utter tncanaeitv or corruption, or, I . L- .j - I tt-.i i same high character once travelled J both. Attos -W Jrrint gotrn6 oy r Heatonl when Jenkins recovered, his feet . I . .JJiUiVTUJ VAUUiMA. " . . I BUU BtSlU BUKBUWU UpVU UUll, VlaUlUK lor ' . ; ,Bt4tb op 'NoraAliousin; );v rLhis pist 1; upon which Heatont making an T, . , Execute Pbtartmt, , v ' I excuse to get away from BherilT Horreil,- h:; t rPT " r who was holdinz him; struct Jenkins arf-' - ' .TyrmiAt anreionheld Ta.Wth!j :f several Winntipa nf thn Htatftnf INnrth i:nrru 1 : ""T . r. President of the United StateSj-the follow- 1 his pistol and was-answered by thebar w& number of jeofcs were counted for each J r? . - ? J , T i f;:i-A .s: 1 .lUmf v J- i Keener mat ne wouia not cei il - i ne iai bius Hi Busbefv aiwaila aUUaUUH a .aV. O. at -- VW WaHM " aVVaVAaVAr Steuben-A." DoHirUS. l(W.o8.nRdberti PtifledV knd Wu VI iuicd- mrBiauocK uiuuavcu I T.JiWiUlfi. (f,, , , . . -tnr. aMa . MMWWVIV.t AVft1 tlfl A V TiiaM h AtT. 9 I . . orewith the trobeajof, justice) sCha j 'WjbU.u,.. 'pwM-f-i ttmoa rnfarV'fjaVnrflrT''frt hri irVrimnii .1 'Wheeler. . 2. ... . ..v. . .. . . v 109,25 I. ... . ... . . . . I- "I" ' .If I . . I n.-..Jtli,fi. Xfirfl.c Pa.tin. I . mrf T ..' m a' . .a. : 3tl.ty.aiid trtckeit adtigBor,,W 55iDiWfJi b tutce. tregat erudition, punty ot Wiet LBOTswOToOT itli4.baatbnfcj ThenhfalelaBsiifidi " ' . - . - ,- - - V " ' ' ' - ' - ' A Ar N Ja A r va - r I - . W-fc " . VT . JTT r 3 V jr. waqteuiamesiUi iocttae,'jamus;K?j probed for UyeBterdavafte BuSbeijFrauk C.Rpbbins.bert P. War-1 hat itad pas devotion bomor, fide art thofiltb and toiretof .pSTtisAa;haBvlJ sktAi KWael no BMati-a ifCia it CHaaLMitr. v Tb te'oaTtt met? af S v!fefock MLYester- ttitnoihatthe ,Mature Wht Km ifi.V1aUioW.!.a, cesf : iid 'tkby-beearae at once: alarm i ai ana sdped.,, IBui Jb, fa nqve ' fqrbt tin o ibat Hhf .i'reaturt f who tnvyi, oroiintlacP Wptin 8$eead()ppdJDr Ja Hton, Jodife WtM: toi it hvce of life fn aetk if the Superior Court, when the fol tlliruVaiid,j K!oquliwfirti, fam A communicaYiqn was received f raft Of" loJnprsAt! ijiegrocs j recently isenni s viajfa Hatocer i t v "',;;' , r -'a f ra'tVciiiediid " .T -,1T. aj vJAx'sw- ii.ro ih i festfodavstasdaajiw ifef cpraved j JJat all this. will end; i requia and d arter aorain ! when rnen:o2r;un8tottfd name 1 aUtir.LUUC-t" Y.'i-f .nn.4:l.0t Ida nvi(.l ..aft.:i1 !ar.1f. untili jlr.-Heatod is able to transact bust XJpuKsl'W'hire evientiownthotainta; Superior Couri, . tvt . in.' -L! iuj'-?i'U.u .is'A'irtil Uki.U ki nmri hna. atii .inriiiiiii in n. it prr hum iiii;iLui a... . ; AreryJ bavlBgnieeivett tke largest number I , rteach il wJihqutstUl, further, endangjer- . ,: , , P. afkAM aKM A aAtAffl aftF fPOOlil ail T I . al Vja - aV. J ''.l!.a a, M a J i. -A. .-.Jwj-.tr j me ox iDopaueou AiiUtoucuuun ( to daiyp high ensesoti 5Snr.;2fvffr,44i -Jo f-J fif".'i ;J;l )JI IU UjVBfilW- ..--. .-.-... 4..i-..vTO,tr unn oit wi0Al, rav-iafai Fnr, A I . . tl S . r. ., r,.. "TK 1" rTW .i T FIM" Tin i . TP I i MXTJI I I I I i . t - 1.' ' r. till iji 1 ..J3 rLi Lr-i.isl"!'ij--.jirAtsri -' ScarborouaVainadonty..uW4 alinir I faafatt I A TW at kTWW W W K VMaWa n Am , . - 1 - J AMiU WAail OnV flT I I fl MM fM I niVflMa mi Iaia A 1 - J aaaV . aaa i . hail I a . . . atitbaal li9Xv i With, aloiost contempt otvlLI ji iii-nw-" baa- j tWj A'w ven her, A. .pr, I8T6, and in meinour of his i eowvfiiypprevidedlie te9epsquitiOi5.J w 10 ri jL'si eCUUA'L- -n&J "Srya.M'W 3 .yearp ntosadepe afsw ays,;. The pistol .usedwas a small v ... W meJ?uKfMM, .V, TUden elactpraaferageda iw I L, TVfn.,!ourslot5& raerf Uhcfutspropep legal if urtuture fWI miVbltV o'i-ii tote K!'on -Ibfe 1 -i1 9rH?'t. ' 4 "S- reakMshis aassctlp switwa.oiluuitoq f-"-ii m.viv U-i.-ii.r t'f it 5V " Wi :ap-l. BRBraaBtttr.iwi wiB yj ia;'! r - -thebei id, and is, we learn, receivipg proper . ,r orAhoiior.dTagghniahe kmeridmenie Wnot been,ubU8hed, v,w Private"SecreUry. l, .. medici 1 attentionJ At last 'aicWfftewafvdio - -- - - 7 am. r w i'- - : ti i. -Ml..-:;: i . . a . i vs t j i uoing very rweiLjus ujunea aos oe ngcpm i . t i iiiL,-joll ai;', yti Tb JenMn-nUeftMns iWif iss vCfl. sidered at all serious. Honl D. P. Meares.as. a representative. . -. I T&tevtt .1K. r1C!S4IMq.H w .ui n.fi jIT A' A-.'v i-U .uit)fni.X 'Jir3iuT:i I n-Atlist. account, late, laat evenlri?. the L es ueaioo aim saioon on. cxuiu nuer i -17. aT; t jr?rnc.7v vrn t ui yinrr J ul uiotl 4teet,kn 'lffiday'ttoi . ,1 "'w i l" " ,"a7j rTfj 1' .f tiyHdaysayhaMthie statement of j ;Tfr I "i -m J '!.a'iiS..Lj.'iw.ii iey her M. W UlUiyiM f1 VVBSUAl IViWIf-yAjaBrJI te.aa .apy zcit;ment might prove reflect a'seWct lost re upon) the! sprtv j fessiotaiiu jNtftlB aroina.,,, ,:..,:fj.. I -aj h.'M will be reduired to renew his biVe beetf led roto thislraili tbaadJm.niedhTyior. be de .pr,retnarft by a parfigraph wCreal , 1 iTU mm ' ' ' befdre We look ouf pehcii itf baodyili5 Entertainments in ifioldsboro . last , Ubus Wattfcwt WiU 0W to prqdncej -jjch wisemercifil-ana oenigoanv wwvn j.uqg.opov iiujmi.-im the Oxford Orphan Avlumltxeued About C?Bobbinsf21,U2;f ialjBia pqliceaen eated Mr. Jenkins ata dwelling in , . -dkrierously' fbunde, bli 'TfittWsy1 1 W .tlnVase. Lnhe Star in .refeiQno taprmi la. had;cPnsidenftiy improved . - - J-'i XUiO lJlUm a't ;-vV 1 Kvprv'hinfr den erljtauHty 3sattuji4A .lndimiQglii4Mi dwpoeeuotaiataWjaicjtqiai timVw..l expectk 1 pramart tlJm1L- ,l it ! - 'of' facts Wbes tbd matter' BbaH come up ior prelllriifjaTy fddicfkl Investigation " In the naeaadiSW tbir. jbdgmsitij ,. ;, 'sA a P'Kajf-L ...'iJn.. u...!.....! a"..". r.l4 mm. t ikiiaHf : a. luavatuii. j arovvtutbu ltipfwWt Produced hnefBrfc Millie Louisiana Heturning ImpTessed 'witR her story about-; be Sn5ering-.;tItj..wasr verjJe, tale oi'tiorror. But alas, it turns out, ac Oprdtng touerjpwn.iopnfession, tha )er jownVwonndsiand ber i husband's death were . canied Iby, the Radical negroes. The murdered roan was a a : 1 1 I I that .'there -would be no objection' bn'fW ! 1 . .!.S41-Wf.3.i!,A1'.wa 1 -iiIliii.,oo,,:.,,...ni ,. I..... . I depends on his keeping quiet .iui ! fcbteyesterday, but his injuries, which are . I III BOOUt IUB U1U, BI UUI BVaauus, no no j hay$.areto was rumored51 yes- iterday that he1 was compelled to 'sleep tunj j , 1 the floor, without any covering, iUpoa fa-; ,.t,,.n qnirlng fa to the, matter at the Marshal' ... ': '.fjwf. we' Mereinformed V that jther jenaf 'Vci;0' room was kept heated to '( pleasant. teinro uk f pttW;and tlmt' Jfri' Jenkins'4Wade?ii was stated, however, that the, sjeepingac-j My?Pf & .T?f?perawUedi jL to " bare boards," unless . their friends should seent" hefri them: A 1 mSi tress' 1 -? would; bo fifohbi ne kcceptabW toMp. J.;aol especiaTly Tf he Is to remain' In 1 his-' present sl-: quarters any length bt time;2 and we sYimilii "i beglaatVbear nished him with ' one; "5Ven are assuretl Ul J

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