,-ist'i oil! t; I mjrriif song. l t" t i ,. T ai4.FVBiVtVL0k 5U - &1 .50, a. jT.eajf, ,1a. advance,. . " 8SS8SS8 lJ' ' 88888SS1 SMpnths 3Ssgg "L'ZiL 8888888, S Months r.jsj-gjjgfl : 1888388 Month ygg-; -v v 8388888. . 1 Mouth o9aeoeo .-. imii; ijt iV?rvtf - T-.j-'.i 8883S38-' TJ ISS88888 - 2 Week?, g-l IS888888-; 1 wee: k-r4coecig;;. ti'-f f J- I . il- I 1 j T ft eg-,. OS Si 2 , "a? si-.. r-l o no 5 ja ,Sri -Si-88 cse a on. Oka 8l tadiiSE mrmm mut office M obct Order "mav tM obtained in all the cities, and in many of the laro towas.- -Weuonside them perf eetly sain, and the best means jof, xemjtting ,flfty 4oUara or less. .: - . , " . ," s " i . ' " , -' --K4rf9tered Letter; nndeft the 'toew Kvstem. wbloh vent into effect June 1st. are a very safe means of sending small sums of mo immt where P; O Vone Ordeta canjtot be easil? obtained.? Qb,9 JieaUtry , as wen aa. whew the letter Is mailed. or3lt win be liable to be sent to the Deaa Letter Office. Bvy and t.mi the stoma both for txstaae and registry; wt m Ute money and xl th letter in tt present o .. post-masterarui yute ma receipt jor . juetters ont to ttSlnthtwaYSjrffatourrisjCi - '!! ion v 1 HTOCI y? o lit: :ir: r Single ?opy 1 yeaar, po8tag9:paid $1.50 i-t-Jft.rW- - JtK months. " " - : 1.0 r; i j.50 , Whenever; the Democrats. propose; to work their; sum by Republican . arithmetic, ' the mathematicians of, the latter school, at 3 once cry s out, "that is not "fair." Chamberlain : set up a Kttle'fmalhematicatj establish ment fbf; his ofvru' and'" proceeded to make fifty-two members , majprity. in a body ; compq$el of $ one hundred and tweaty-font mem'rsliMj? Gro-' nin tfndcrtbbfeltb cb'u himself is a; majority of three, - as the v Boston Journal bbrbp!a.has digious outrage. T'hey will not allow any arithmetical progression except for their".owhlDenen"tLVour' million three hundred f ithougana jVors .denetteraated ,Atlanta)ec, 30, 1 clared at ; ih e ; noils tbatC Samuel. J. Tilden was their choice'for'Presidentl of these United Siatesj fBbt: saVthe extreme RadfcWsy acbbrdingf system of. addition .san.d,,multiglica tion two :. negroes . aadj two. whites in . Louisiana '-, counts: more , than all the Democrais rnf thatf State, and two whites in Florida are moreumerous . in determining , who. shall have four electoral voegjj ,han t. tens of; thou sands of- intelligent 'whites, with the Supreme-Court thrown in. And a.c cording to some ot the experts in handling "lightning qalcplaors,y jlhe. v one -; volei pfUie President llof the Senatelsi'tt'ore btential ' thintB voice t and votes of i millions. But . Mr. $ Crpnin ,-(cannpt even v represent; three votes, or-n whole ; electoral : col, lege of a Statey evert ' though - the1 ck phering" is ' 'dbne accdr4ingf 'to tKe" Radical I rithmeticebmpnedby Grani ChkndlerjrIJamerbn " atid'Co., 1 GOT.1 HAHPTOK l.XXKM;Sil0: IWe ithrnk,: Wiryimgaisheand admirable Governor of . South' Car? na hat blundered recently m bjlet-r tef writing' We thbtigh't at? the time we saw his; letter to rMosby : thatJ be1 bad made" a inistakel! and we' '0ioagbt ; wnenijwe reaa ;nis 2 jeiier;! to governor Uayes thatf he hadierred' a'second time. We madCiio special cbrnm'ent because we? dad --tibi Hron? tb 'remotely censure ..one whose character. is so pure and' whose patriotism .'is so''ex- alted, i We n6ticfr,the Democratic papers generally reprove himf for his letter to ! Hatcs.r 1 Hefe' fc 1 what ne Richmond F. Bay 9 ;v ' VGen. Hamptoii will dowel! Ao rest con tent with the fanje he has-already "a' chieVed, and. not ii86.lt by lettef-wrlting.-?'lt 1saf ; dangerous business. Hfs'yHcentj letters" bse cot the-clear ring ell his first utCs "evi ;Weda po bla6 Mot for seeking first to take care of nisown people,, but ho", appears over-anxious Idlake' care of him- Self now. every at tit irhfcrfsa of the rest me countrv.n ?sni;Uiu; oj . Governor .Hampton's letter, to, .Hayes has been the 'general subject of 'such com- me nt t as the- meagre number of "Congress-, men ua made pOSBibld.ij jiyimesti JJemo cratfcj the i lete is criticised fas? ill-timed; ; 8outh,erDL Democrats, , whose, position and reputation permit them' to speak for that part bf -the countiyv deprecate the attitude assumed by Governor Hampton as unwise under the circumstances. Men like Gor don and Lamar have jbeeo and are consis tent jn ibeir ybelief . that the only hope of good government In the South turns upon ihc reestabllebment of a Democratic ad ministration at VVashingt,ba.M J f vst jrjt ' As further; Wntribtttion' -to the lustbrV 'bf.GbHanbnB rcerriab-' grams: ih i-i&'iitti&telki uovr Wads ILamplOA; (Mumbia, a. V :. " ; i A telegram from Columbus phio,? arvr oouDces tuat Judge fliacttey, in your uenair, : c ' ' -I'. ' . . , ii.i VOL, 8.' uai made propositions to .Got. Etyes to support him for President sgalnstGor, den recdgnizlng Hayes as legally fleeted,, buu uueriuj? , iu support nim against the Northern Democracy. ' This I do not be Heve, but it is injuring the Democracy herei a our wise ana npoie coarse has strengtb-t ened my lone friendshio for von. In mv judgment there Bhould be prompt den laf anu mis 1 saomu to your decision. '! To Una thb following5 reply, 'was' made:1 " 'VJ;,' ; ' . ? Coltjmbia, a C, Dec. 29, 1878. -i To &en.'Wm. JVwtoa, dneiwnalK Qhio: - No one is authorized to i make declarai tlona for me or for- oar - Dartv here, h Wte abide the decisions f legitimate anUiorlty,- ana nope ior a peaceiai sotauoa. ,,.,:.f...w- V We laot-ihinfe jAojHamj ton' has any"doabt8. now iiss fto'.the eleciion of Govi Tilderi. Even ''as SbawCarolind''t!irW as yo nay es ; oaving carriea iu. j. r afo oa( after.: alt thatTild eb carried it by '; a handsome .majority; - Read the' following specialTdb'paten: to the I ' TasAtiRpim $amuiry2.--Tb,6 House com mittee's report ; that Hayes, carried ISoath Carolina means merely , that Hayes, has nrima faeia caba. - It ia said that ten i thrvn sandTilden majority will be shown' when' Congress goes behind the returns.2 Amdsg1 other frauds disguised negm women vo&$j 1 EXrCOV BBflWIPV T1X WSU b U I -'! Ex-Gov. - Joe Brown, of; Georglif is not a man after oar own ideaL;Se is not the highest .manifestation (of; statesmanship nor: does he. movon.- a- very lofty political tolan&Heis1 awful shrewdy sharp and .knOwin and is a man of real abiUtyn;; lfe haj, beea to : Florida and ha,; has sindied the political situation jwitlt care; 1 Hkr general; opini llthai eV is not' the shadow "of -a doubt as. to .Tilden and Hendricks e)eotion-T(hat. .: the people should see to it that they are inaugurated -thaY the Demoefacy of' th. rTorth ; must demand1 jhandih?) Demorats of theSnth wUl std hr themy with immovable , firmness, bP theconseqbenceswhatth there. ,m nt, ibe fio shrjjjjfcing ann backing down"hat tJbV. Wy-deT' feat usumaUon-ia 'to defr ftiilt ,ia prbpeVTto 1 saalheselare 1 embodied " in ' aJbar, anii3 elaborata" in response to a:. letter signed by -a number 1 of : prominent gentlemen.' tf Atlanta," requesting his views of the.- present political :. situation.: ;- Wo quote the . conclusion of his able- let ter: : ' ' "What then should be our course in this,.' crisis, when the-future existence of Repubi iican - government: hangs in tne balance f Araenuy. -aesirmz a peaceiai : solution. .ot. tho difficulty, , we. should do no rash, acl4(1 'We Should be quiet, dignitiedand cautious. But we - should be firm ' and 1 true." 'VT e should sacrifice upon the altar of patriot ism all personal interest! audi amhitian' which conflict with. duty Anq.we ahoaid have but a single, reply to all mquiries af- ter our position. - Which reply expressive or our lirjn resolvei Should be thise !xe have confidence, in the Northern Democra cy. : We , leave, them to decide this. 4ssue iA.nd we will, during the emergencyl stand by them with immovable ' firmness, le' CieA pmaequenea what theg mayf-' , , ! ,"mis. reply assumes no leadership.--ill puts tne v bouta m her proper, postuon. k. it fully accords .with popular sentiment. It-, Will not 6e 'misunderstood. " And it nwfljf reouire no exnlanation. . ' ' "" '. i ' We referi-ye8terda'ib theJulr: fortunate letters, wnjon ov.famp jton had; written, notably, his letter to Gav. Haye&J We supposed and feared that his niotire woaldb irnis,ttiider Btbbd,Tand bVand ,his; pebpie" would be; s put. in , a. ; ialse.0fatiQpt .t:haa turned' out; just ;aa wel 'thought It would turn out. eWlsereaVjre joicing: oyer,, mpan Hilla letters, ,a4 hejauf ef -Jthft countrythe eause'.Dfi'S just'ieb ind' Hghti-theekuse? of Jiwl'ana e ratprs feel, strengthened! tOideo.B.tiuuet their course of violence,' intimidation and boIdness. '- We cnb JiMet it ad 'iuWden chpge9 jnn iast talk with the " dent, in which he washarsbi vindiei c.whicljwasjderen views recently given to the xiountry. ny- in.r vroungub, us owtuiug iium Fl-esidenirf Grant feelsiiirengrMa: ind so? do ,the; -conspiratpra around him. f Southern men are doing; a-a iirjarytb the cause' tf peacfe andlion1 est goyernmenj(,xexy.o intend; hint the inj ury i none the leas certainly: .qone.p' -taa!--: j K Washington telegraphs, the lui8ville"(7M.Hr7 A dAnideT' feelin? of elation has DreS y ailed among ttepublicans'for several oay- past, ana a proportionate uepresBiyu oiuvu the Democrats. The only chanee that the ItepUUUCauo nvuiu aunuuuu. uv,u juiv. Oi'mauguraunK xiayco ujr huu w lay 'the apprCbensioa of resistance by the nnitnd- noaev' 'The names of : ft num- nf ftonthftrn- leaders have been used by tbei ltepuMicau.press!to shoWthat 3ther Bootbern iJensscraw swere veaayw uuuuk trv Hftvea' Hstiraalioa. and the Color of tro- babilitrhas beea i;ive to j all these. sUte ments ,oy . me t puoiisncu ruwi - MifuiraJ.. Hill You nt? .and HamDtcn. JiThe letters of Hill and , Hampton, uhava fallen likfl a WAt hlonkAt nrt tha.uDemOCratS hBrei' r Gen. Hampton's Southern friends and ad mirers minis cily are deeply mortified at the ; step be has Ukenl ' The opinion of fc tne pesoDservers ia, - .that, the situation is reodered deeply critical by these ut terances,'' and' so far fr6m' the prospect of collislonr being lessened by letters like these, of Hill and Hampton, that it is greatly in-. creasecL ' Southern men here generally con cur, in stating that these letters, do not cor ; rectly present Southern senUment' and feel ing, bat they Well understood that they will mislead boh partiet at the North and give f o' tho infamdustconspiracy of Hayes and Chandler its hope of success; 5 The Bepab licans. are sq Justly eacpursged by these de monstrations that it' is now doubtful whe-i ther the Radical lEaderff will delay the enll ploy men t of force, .until the period of the inauguration. -The 'tHat'ohal ' JReptMcan Which f largely I embodies the spirit . of the conspirators, comes out fiat-footed for ar resting the members -of the Souse of Rep-' resentatiyes lf thfcy ishaU dare to elect; Mr Tilden upon' the failure of the two Houses to agree in the couhtof the electoral vote. We are 'pleased' to note that;'MSp Yt'ung j .has .explained jtbaVe was clearly misunderstood.) Mr Lamar haa: been toisrepresehtldT frpm; the sfttrt 'Heliicouservative infipirit auq,i3 forpeacef if it canr.be main-. tailed wUh henorJiGov, . Hampton hw been misrepresented by Judge MackeVP'The'-'qjbarteston Newsvtid f;iQ aitempt,whateverhas been made to make terms with. Governor Hayes, or with.' the iJepubfican partjK TheSouth.CarolinW ConservatfftS'etahdr eh (heir '-rights Alhdet the ieJectlott. u They :aik for nothing morey) and -will accept - nothing lessr V Tbis is Go-r yeraor. Hamptons positiop, , . and he has.? with decisive brevtty.Jdisavowed the ODih-' iuuo hub -jjurpuaea Jiupuicu - iu uiui ujt iu zealous correspondent' atCblombmU The side on which the people pt the Carolinaa will befound 'in, itlje nlikely event of a war crowinir ont" of a Contested Presidency. is the side where the Constitution Jand the' laws shap be... iGot. Yasce; in his inkuga-; ral address, gayo voice to what we believei to be the fmgr4e;people Uie Caro- no as, ana or uiernoie oouia. , . , . . 1 , fe.peiieyetnat,ay tne uemocraitC; Govfemors Ishoatduimeet arid consnlt a id the. 'best plan of faction. " An JI?pHtf'3-friim?t.rih twfntV.tyra T)e-' Oil Vifc;:i.-'-- J 't:& u- r'A.!4i3vX-:A'jil-j mostiGo.yernpfBwouid.sala and jtinielyw l There : shoe hi be a con OTrrermSe-bf Opinior? 'and utterance. let them spealc out to tne country as ut to ihecouhtrv a dov,ancen 'tit prtn fCarbiiui aid Gov. Robinson, of New Yorkjiihavev sppkfi; I4 &J singular, feltyihatwhirst Wort . Caroliuaj has ;for. it 'Governor; the tried,- faithful, gifted Yancey that Khe' Senate has for its 'presiding 1 oflir er XtenTeVanQv.ernof y.aryias.,yv,e; ikno.w( ? bim;personaliy, and we: hate seen' him presiding oyer eIirjirjifcV( iioiiietL Am a- man so a jciiizen, as"ca 1 politician, as 4a native-: porn gonL of J.he btate,.he merits the good iopinion iand unreserved i confi jdebce Of I the whole people. 'He is - a P?We m&&Pi therighttime, verar piou'sp ikmdlyrvbotfsjdentte-i-air true knan7 evCryhcb bf hiia8 honest,'-'sin-' - r cere onoraDie. . " W hatever record lean 10 lierht. . . Sveralt bBhSAed.fv; .-;r Asa ptcsidirjo; officer :he js. Becond t97to man. imi orth Carolina, and is bhe ofctbe yery best we have seen or kttbvrtf.1 1 We fefel Sijrethat'achweek jwlti ttbesisis increasing ropulaiity; kmon'g the members of -the dignified Lody-fo ver; i wbicb ' he presides, a and jthat' strangers who may attend upon its aeiieraf,ions-wiitT)e sirucK py we urbanity, jgtyjpatieeoei and abili W of its presidigg -gerr We con- ieratura'te rie e'nae pf? jSTortn1 Garo- iiUA Uiwnine jiorianaieresuiis Qii"; jeleciidn that ogave Thomas J.uJ aryis lpfdeRovii&r1'theirc deliberatibhs fajroteihre ollowfn ;bh; iasjeiuj; ja11mirata.naaress ae-j iy J1b4 .'by sSirii j J arVis! Jnpon taking : theihairSiMt'rf iio wij .ii -Westeraav enafijru9aWd ebulbnTSl.1 Vance 36vevhor Of North CaroiiBaV IP Was UiemagKvpaweif f his oanaethat. woFfeed this mighty reyolnf ip j in; 4Je j Statee and brought supnaconcnuxse.pi; pur cqun entorth ckph&l yesterday to.Wtnessi lh impdslnkeremony. sTo bini thetjec- felo Jiave tommiued the! execution : of the aws, wHMn assurance of- their confidence heyeu betore geR to any man fl e Know that' that confidence has not been misplaced. We wen knowalnd wjUHexcute1 every law witn BAaanew kmuhd paniamy to none. The whole people will. be. the ob jects of hisjBojicitpdeand carfr.ri?mighty' powers win bemused .to , pjing .back rto his knd to our beldvdjplq 'State her " foimer grandeur and" greaTnss2-:td'ner people un-ixainpled-'pj'0sperit5Bd happiness. 8 ' F ffiBot. 'SeBatdrsrwhatilawsishe to"'exb ittafj .The answer! TOith'iusv iWhether tbey.becgnoddrdvwisenot! unwise dcM peBUttuponihoW welt tre k eep our pledget to the people. We promised them f laws thaf should ttfbW n6 man in the protection (awe ahd?SuchJonly Wilr 'have their'pprbf tal' We promised inepeopie rerprm and feltef-If e -'fiffi'tiaeittotheMcaW; that we did nct neth? power n ?f stitution; so recently Yatifiexl by the -people1, became apartol outtorganic lavr.jfA'eey -na tiftlftrffAil hftWem. STanV .of onr people opposed this grant' cf I'powe&PM a few ct.our'icolored feHowrcitizeHS, eyea (y&kf fear it! w,Ht b6c:used ,td rtheir::detrK ment Jie tour acjM Jteach thent .there was adCatfsefor sttcbltears ; arid that" alHbelr rieha'WiU bebeldacWCb'ys, If yoor. fafi-tr. thef: fiowMveii7vou'bv these ameridmeniaV the pebple'will nbt hold you, ruiniesst rr you aouseiiipey ww wuuewu. r.aT 'I ' m ' r n t.f, t -i - i-: 'fronn Bi'Gnghithetempetattce rator ts quite nX arid it 'is, hinted Jhathe has water on the bnin.BcUi(,.QaU.iV.;: HOW IS IT? We do not $reten d to, understand it,' Some time ago 11. D. Jones abldf 1 C. B, Cole, two Radical commission ers. of. Granville, were especially ofi- ous to tne people or, mat county ber i'i' vhj I V '. Ji'-'l 'J'L'"- . t-!--' iJ'fift cause of their corruption, in pfiicq. They "were tried bbre JudgeSeyr mour upon a cnarge oi . criDery, ana yi.i-' ft'sK. i:-Jdvj.1n eleven of the jury were for finding j guilty six of whom were, colored. So flagrant was their corruption re garded, ' so outraged .' 4 the 4 good people1, feel themselves to. D&'thaia funq was . raised by the, best j people fe,9xion able iawyersV as Jrcbnas&L Laniec andK Jatcies iS AjieWQt themselves s in the penitentiary -but for the vote of pne white; roan ! hung the jury, and who was to' tnar ry Jones' daughter. . 3 ? . i jaSi ' But a wonderful cKange has souie Judge Watts has committed '.Jpes ejandrew for' :,cbntempt. -'fTjiisf Action ?o"f: the Judge gives great offence, it appears, t!d therpeople of the county . vi It, is 11 a puzzle. to the uninitiated We irfuripua; to; ; leiajrVjlfebv j thi wonderf hl Change in' public1 euti: have .menWbwwere freely dehbunced fas. scoundrels and thfeyesj becon?eJ, I roes and marty rs ? Evidently some- I thing quite rwondrful' has: occurred to nave wrougnt sucn a prodigious ch ango. 1 It is ' an ' absolute 'trarafbr- .'iJ.L? J-ZVi-"lL2j honored. Very 'astounding, very, !maryellodsI- iL f.r.v-i VV dee Watts sent the County 1 jmis8ibners jaijACo bad tne j a.11 v .ey s ue : sleeps ope.U y?8! tand a orowd of meb and boys gather ttnere ,(p.ay ana uign. ssofne oi,5 j.ne : people in the town sent them wpod 'others sent them turkey, cake, bread, j whiskey, wine,' an d varibus 'goo itingi! j pole - fixeds up kal wuntejiv jsjread but bis; good things and treat 'everybody,. All this is something ' tnew inhistbrj.:!neye ee Charles Cole, Ufick J ones and a ;negrr visited io jail, by 'the firsf'men in Oxford.", r :. 0 -id I WeBthat dbes.lbbkavltm 4u; Irious, as we said, to the nnitiated.' It is, very : puzzling. , Four months ago the people would havb gone- to'tnettl nangingwitn some sausiaouonnvw: the culprits are transformed in(6 hp roes. v: But we give it up. It passes: ouV comprehension. -. ; 'There 1 'mustlbb; something behind as yet .unknown . to outsiders. -I 3 :";V VK 1 GOV; BOBIIf SON'tl TlKSSAQEo - The first message of Gov. Rpbin- kbnbf JSfew Yprkis fAbfykfel pocu ment,ndicaUnlbigJiiJpabityi and practical 'fatesmaQahipIt.ia very leng document,' .'buij js rjwell jworth stud j ing. ; We can ; only give a few passages 'that bgarji upon the national situation, and Lon)y .regret that our space does not fallow the' papyihg of alt he.has tb say upbtftniB veiy important and intensely exact-; Ing topic; He gives utterance to the' ollowing.opblejent.imentH, that are Worthy ;Of r,h vpatriotiam .-and Site ibjlHiesand wbiflbi wUl'inptl fail: dtb? leeded Cipotj the 1 Amei-ican eaK Ke SrepeaMng roLthe 1 newfangled RadU al dogma, thatl thej President; Pf 1 the. Senate mn&r8arhe'WeTof de terminmcr wU't Votes ' shall be coarlt draining t- La- ; a -J. i . t-t i iit: w il j 1 i)Li "NbthlDe could be more abhorrent to the spirit j or our - Bystem or j eovernmon-s than soeh a-one-man-powor. Tbe-President of. the Senate ia elected by 4bf tJenatoranciji theyrJUi turn are elected bjt The State jlegi$ lators. , He isw therefore three, removes, frbm the people. 1j If such' apdwef were td hve.been vested In a sinie.man,-a depose Howouid have beepj jbosep, not-spj tar removed from DODular accountability.. But thepebple of this corintry Willi never vest tach is power in any one man, nbwsver se lect iThey, will pever consent tft new- Construction or tne .vonstituuop ana laws ih&t bears Buch' fruit.' They will' stand4 fifth! in ihW ancient: WavSI' 'and' iniislhat the electoral votes im this lemer'ettcy shall be counted as they have always been count ed; -by the two HOUseS ' Of Congtees, Sod1 by nobody-eise: 1 ney ' wui iook, witn 'just iust)icion t upon 'thb' purpose ot' any. who routd propose to aepan irom ine -prece- ents which - haTeeehSHowed inr ume. nd thn nniform nr&ctte' bP tlf rermfeHe !rom its "feundatioDiwii8?!?ioo A I'The Constitution of the United, Butes corners upon me rresiaenioi ine penaie-n power whatever in respect to the cbuntifi oCthe electoral votes. exceet i4ia Presence df.,,the Senate andHaue;.f lUtepreaenta-c tlv.es,". to "open" an tne cenmcateawweu, ti'ay be transmitted" by the colleges to ibe i '"The Constitution confers upon the Pre- aident of the Senate no Dower to determine the authenticity and validity of an elecib-f ral vote, j or to interfere rn any wise witn any such question. -1 :; .jWiji! i.n.i jio i "No President of the Senate. Jias aaaa to prosecute i in em k i. ne twaqguuty conrnissiners : would i;hae;;fobn2E mation. 1 wo - or tne mest corrupt men m the county feted, feasted .and tiilJto iiJtrjtjir; iion flj I'i-iVilo'.) ttii ifd yai- claimed or exercised such a power at any of Aha twenty-one Presidential i elections that have occurred under ourCbnstttutioo " ,,Np fitter' repository, of all such ppweril 'sic vested in or must of necessity be exer Cised' by the ! Government,t cah be - f orind than the- twb Houses of GongresaFi They are hot bhly-the general agents Of the peo ple' under bur represebtalive system, but in ease of theitailnje of a choice of President and YcePreident by thw Electoral -Col-i leges, a they "ere-expressly ; charged; by thfif Constitution1 With theOdtttysof i toaktngthe eleetioov ;-..9baa : intitnniioD , mit ,rtTJ people :of h-,Udited!-'StateJ will never consent to have thelr Reprefeentativ eB is Congress -strippedt of J uese-poweTS,or tolerate this BwrpaUoti ta deputy Joftbe; Senates or by iny 'slDgle :j)Brsdn4'-!ao 'sU less by ad oficev wbo is frequently latet-i ested aS ' candidate In e result of the edaaO eii5! yjapx-j c,z humvvi ; ty$l.!ivo . . "In this sentiment and purpose the State' o Ne woi-kdiaUy. jtjoiipflrs. f , foremost among all pur American commpn wealths in nopulatloaV in the ivadety and extent of her industries andj interests,., she as pi, eyPSR vicissitude of public affairs put forth all her. strength,- moraT and physiCaV tohkintaia the eusteaco andj-Jost, authorities pf r.tbe Union .and she' can never consent that the time-consecrated method of consUtationai gpyern ment, shall be supplanted' jor overrj thfownby revolutionary expeuients.4' : a ne1 Avepnoiican re Deis or Anioago aroganiziagJHPof & N.1 anipaigtiil Tiifetare pmtixigfi thiJ lykrpaihin? earnst9 asd "are sbarpienin'their scalping knives nd making notches' iip their eaiuWilel', NatioSaP TJnion GJiib'j ' isBaeidatf appeal to the "f althi'al,Wbioh shows -'bdwraUcb theirvOiee ift tiltIfdrwarSiWe1 hVe before ttsqwie-bf 'iti appeals! it-iheysayt .iiXOJAn&vfit oifi.Lisc iftTo")'' 'hi- Zy-jbimi'kiWB address ybtt as a man whoseJoyalty is undoubted.. An- other crisis in the aflairsvOflbur ' couritryi appruaaueay.uireaiBuin i nu.iesj 4i anger to. its institutions and the liberties of its citi--zens than that of-1881,Lwheri- the inauo ration of jeurvfirsti Reublican; President; was made a pretext for war. We have ad vices from-sotrrceSL'deemed 'Teliable,i!thatJ the. Knights of the jQoldep Circle or sociey ties. of like , hostile and, treasonous intents,, are Organizing throughbut the larid;u There are reasons for. believing thattbe. soft andj sobthhfg words which tome from certain Southern ; leaders are intended 6nTy Cv iblT I.! tTT-!.- T M- . ? ajjmQD jueaguers,y. wunin sixty:. days., , We -copy timel v. contmentj ; upon , ( ib; rtrea8pnable 0. proceeding from tbeLouisvilfe .Prieroupali, shown that the axed purpose brihbCh'and-' ler caaiis to inauirarateu iiaye&aod the j :old , traitor himseil has. recently jasserted, tnat tne caDar uepenas largely upon sucn (armed bands'- as ?. the f National lUnioiE League,' the .'American Alliance,' etc, to Ma vwv aw avoa au m aw v va. UHioo treasonable projects, the people who as-5-' semble in ma afeetiDgs enlhe81h of Jan- .uary cannot too emphaucally denounce and .expose these malignant enemies 01 the He public,' Who1 are' organizing an armed 're bellion c against the, - Goverhment ? bf c the; United States. The only rebels to-day are. j found within the defeated Republican KWrjiai-ic:uy . aJ muJi'usiti; veil" ;. j yt We must1 add orie1 ni6reJ4jtibice!J 1 . 5att'f dun -Oyi .'(' nO i;i'' i:ui'i:iai. imQrcamiom uue.rappeaij vrib u The n' eceteityarid ccy'USi' nizauon in promounggooq goyernmenmr th general and local," will at once be re-' cognized tudapprOvsdi''-J- f : uai 0 fPrompting gobdjbvertthent8n J now-ain't that aublime? . 'Political s - T r James .Gordon Be,nnettr and, Frpd tenck May , it , is, reported in - New J pnrpop:of ta?ingja..hpstibxAmeeing,, lMr..Bennett made, his wiHrbefora,he jlef t, . and it is known .that he had eept. 'm "' " ' " ' 'm r 'mm "a jatormanaihnigj.o ;rf jMay.jet jdated, Janj .4, throwa spme ,-light on .'For the past few days Mr Bennett haaT iiorningc:iiez Was1'met by -Mr f' Frederick (May. and.. an,,encouner ropk;placeir.i4 krhicn Mr. Bennett was assaulted by' the J rormer genueman, -me auront was gtveaH bupiicly. nd, though the parties, werejsppnjj Kparated, it was evident from tbe'eharac-, riof im'jgmtkmeriJthsbnlething-'fary' - "Mr.: Beriiitt W kriHwh vtb haVe been in 1 anaxcHedatatBinf c-arind all yeeterdiy laf- teraoon. . His .lawyer was seen , corning,'! rbm nbMkbuse latfrlasf 'night, and It wall calty. i arose? from the fsot that beI4iad J promised her, father tqabstaiafrbmthe 1 fase of mtdxi eating liqraofs, buthad brbkenl hisorqpiisei,'' 91 mewM oyt t sn3 .1 iTSmthli bbbrnarenLI siana, Florida and south Carounanral I iqrme-o lftdJ vd 'tip vrf-jl m A 0 nave uo iuux ueiu num. bud a . ain. Stearns ajod Kellogg, those three, precious jewels in the Grant' crown. I The trustees say none . of the f undJ nea tne lUlveselhe Modeni; thmksrthnt. Hayesiil elecldd)aadthatbsiiwilid)ei mauguratea. uiyHsesBesiaanM4i: k a glass idarKiyo now JAfv neninestanas I three-hundred tbbufland? Dbnioeyatki voters.- -'.. rj;L-(rt4jr earned tnat,' be baamadehia:wm.9i!i vi?a "It s said that t Miss Bennett, and Misa uat r are sill btf -frfetrdly tbrmsi attd HKe" pie ne wiittiearn exacyu;jHnw;4 w-ir NO.ji. A Sheriff Despoiled f Ills ' Overcoat 3J DtaanA Watcbi. , iis'l f, Sheriff A H. Paddisen, of Pender tcpuq-. ty, was robbed Wednesday night, at a pri vate boarding house in this city of hui over; coa boots arioT waich' together with! some' sriiairchange anda'k'nffe,' which were in his poCkefa-'" Suspicion rest-Upon a' felloes bbaeder; who was tb have! shared; his 'rjoq&v and. Wbp thejap,ddy! informs himpamej Compariy arid had'been sent down here id fii uplhe wires.nThis su'spjcidn jstiV n'ed by (be fact that the strarigeir' hks toot been seett feincehe- robbery took jplace'j SheytSt Paddispa aayf .hjAwpkj.ehOfti cclpckifindbTg bfaififciitffa lighiiburning, andnpon looking abpit him neniscoxereu tnat tne. articles mentioned his Intended xennf' inaw had been'ezpecteb' t!sWp had notvbeenb&sturbed. f Fortu-f Baiely jtlw SherlfS hadspc WsJundB about his person in rach.aman-5 her that tte thieT jfafledJ His clothing bore evidence of havlrig" been ttbTOursea course the ftn'd- lady was much! distressed that 'such an ba pleasant cccurreDce ehoul A have happened sThn casemfcObediab.Jenk lUh ap assaujwbaeafjly, wjparjpiEon of this county, at Mr tNeflPs saloon, on South water street, on (he morning! of the Smhlof !RbyeinjnVwhMMio received: a Vsevere5 wound b$lftbemetf .... - - . . . from. a pistol nanV iame up .fpe iinvetigatr) t befpfftiMayor jCauaaayiyesterdayi mrningj , MrHeatpnhajing, beek dulyi sworn! gave in his statement' 6f the affair, wuicu was sausian.Giauy. tuts same ap yuu lished "bxus at the Ume of" the unfa innate affair; and Upon the -cbriclasion Of which;' vuthoLtheproducflon of inrtaer evidence; the accused was ordered to sire .a. justified bond in tkesum of 1 1,000 for his appear ance at the approaching term of the Supe-t riorCburf1 for this countyn- dlf ultrof A.Of4:a fox ielfia,?fj: 5lA a genUemanii wh,Q(Jarriyed T hanfiB; Onslow county, -yesterdayfitates'as a:posiS tiver iact tnataDout'one nunarea . ana nirr and a half of Jacksonville brie-day duriflgs the1 present-"week,' ;;Our .-Informant ;states- that the waters were literally working -with fish1?- Svhfch' 'were . 'sor' benibibed rbyl 'the cold that theywere 'captured without "any5 difficulty. vl . Aai lmpoater mm: weltms flftolel X.oolt i:: Outf Him. .-.bscd" t . , 1 z'A f.iii The stranger upon Whom 0 suspicibn; 'rested Of havinz robbed Sheriff iPaddison oj Pender.. county, pn. Wednesday u ?ht .last, an, account of which appeared in pur iPaper yesterday morningand 'who, by the way gave his name' aS W. It Cartei1,1 stated' iti his ,landlady it'rwinabe?emembe that.be. was in;the employ "of .the .telegraph cpmpapy.and had. beep, s$nt down hereto fix up the wires. We Iearm;frpmfMrr Anr. gel, tbe manager 01 the. telegraph, omce tefethar Jmb?f ellow wak anApoalbr,J iwrre ueingiiu-sttcn inun iu ure cuiyiuj vi the .company here.; clt ' f act il that - there, has; jbeen no occasion for the services pf .any one tofix. the ,wues jjoutsideof -tb?,. force Iregularly employed here o for that purpose, jahd that it has -never been1 th0 custom to lsen.mn hereto' pan, or qawhovfelheameBamewfcO; jseems t&be a tram py was arrested a t GoldV jDoro recently, re near, ior some misue imhnoT onthmftted therW' lias 'hot been Been nere since the night of the roisbery I Sheriff PjdisOu, frnat raoHsserifunBaax. pi MSI nJtr Ai C.-Huggins, Writing us.frbi mJack-; ponvillei -Onslow -county . derldate.pf'; yanuary d, connrms tne statement puo- aished la' bur lasVin:regard to , the great; taumber' ;bf fisi fecerillyakSi': fromSttife1 kver Bear:mat point.r?nHeiayi lAreal favpti has,taken( la'ce. aman gAhb IrontEiavl NewjttTgT ,e riveshgre pigw this jiace is;linea with them. The lowest e?ti riai4 1 haW beard Is pia there JhayS' oeeu tb nuridred ifliorandcangh;ipJ lb 1 & ay, iBIcarti and "wagongare still ha'uljBgtb em bff in large quantities.f..;NotMng;'ha8 ever been seen like it here before. Peopler haT.ft lnorejybans theyiwAanV and:dooi cknpw jwhttl todo with, themii I send yodjtbis as fetatementj little .fishy" ' will now US C;'frft9 nnha ,Vhk Hobib Prlianen Pro, -e.a ,rri T.j.9r !;i' n-xvsh-The epmmHe appointed . under an order be btaatisaardnf CkW-'lmMibnersJ1 bassedal their last jtoeetlng, see what at- tangemVhtQld bPfiMe;ib fegaitd:tb:tiL' brboriers lately I confined ' at thb- County lv4vfeuteri Whichzhe aa to keep and worjo them .free of txpep.se to the county, hetobvada'8pU HegufbrMrii iighithey-waLbeke meb't at worwbotfseTeaiwfticn- eultiyating a tract of land betongmr ta the I ootrator,?Whte8itb B cbrive'rtedjiafoif y.tg"9iyjjyt letft judge yjffih iS?irw term of theuperlor Court for this county The rotadng plan wfiFebmriierice With HHb Jebfuary term In .Carter eh cpunfywhen ' Judge Buxton of the Fifth atetekW,: wU preside in place df Judge McKoy' o? that he waa'in the employ, of the Telegraph 'IfrVeBktoJwh'btotf-Blcbari cjre ovae3pn'jky at;m--.' bbatige'the'if bWrirohVaM ieenfess (hat they I let the dearest dream depart" - iioThat inightta love revealed, 3 li ;ii,"" . Some eager-spirit in my heart r-t. My slewing eyes reealedi nj Yet rtlll 'twas lbve'that led" me here . And bids my feet delayI -r-, 1 . : ; . 'Arise, aria light the dawn, my dear t -Look forthj and bring the day. J ,r-atintift44iiu ? rJ - As out of; darkness yonder star, -jx h--1 Of whitest rayis born, .j " - , -4 As birds and blossoms feel afar " ' '" 'i - Tb coming of the morn, - x:- 5 "v.:- So thou hast dawn'd, and now art near, ' 'To brighten and to stay: ; , ; My being-dies In thine, my dear ! tAs daybreak dies in day t - ' -iM-i- .f, IT miaa 'a ' 1' fV ' ' Settled Jaia Taxea. i r Slierifl SBlTilanning; of this county, lri Iclrnaesaayilie had completed Ssetlemeats witbthe ewtesAdsicoarity. andojf hbldalroceipts inlfull for the 1 bkm neya pai j? He settled in fttli with the State resureron '-.the 4th pf December, as pre-J -viousjfm in ' fpfci CteS9, two'hundred 1 arid; f brty elght 'doW . 'aitUffMyen74'1ng:' fbrstattofli-3 ery charged ibttecouatywr Cheyear 1878. HpiBstfleAlft full with the County Tteasu- rf rj on January 5thrj187yr paying in the fpl- i.wwine ayaoupts ior tne pass year, , Cutren expenses,. ... ,.1 $23,724 87 SmWn lPmrfi':i 10,827 78 Lui-s i-'?'!-." 'tlJ-.,,.- i.ri: ; ;: Btate taXHfi w . . . . ..80,057 29 TtalStaleaCbUn 6T,43r 74 iienat: 6b' PW Hoftse abd JiQ8pital:of :the'Board of Cbun- ftty ppprnane .yaadT bspildpatientSj at twentyiflYei iasola a'day.a It . is claimed: that If fheiopbsiaotf be accepted 'It win' !:..: kUT . t i Villi! - is .Jj : ' . ! result xn.,a sayingi;to the.,couaty pfflpm $350 to 11400' per namh a Bonsid erabTelfe&X-bbo'an QttaTantine-PhyciaB ' '". Dr, J ? 0il Ciirijs f Mai' ben appointed. Quaxantm iiPhysicitani.pr thjoipprtrwlth.; residence at Smithvuie in piape pr ;i)r,o PtW?kb:t. f JrifQartis formerly filled the same. ppsitiopfindi very acceptably. Th is apppintoeofejonb ibf tthesfirat fruits .or gpp gay ernmen and ; is an encouraging ibdjeatieu thaih. spBfwo9 of -the j S.tate t are-quhe jedubualy looked afterVl; :. -'r- ;" v -" - Tht :preaa en tiie Inaniriwrml -i.Gby. :-Vance nuguralt address has- fJbe:rigbtringA-an4exres8ea.theJ sepiments of .hewhpje puthf.We. are' fortne Cbnstrthtion aiidt the law. his briefndl well-:wbrded'jinauurai' addreesiiinttbtiog 5he-po8ition.fOf the. status, o the south on thena ttbhaf cjuestiorf of thbuday.-22fcA-' mMEi8p&cJ&. t'ib Mil ,f-:n. i5 Gov5.' Vaneet inkuguratibrf address' onlMonday -baa -in it all the ring of.t !theiright;piptai.ylJf one JjalfvOiihis 8pint.is in the spirit of the Nprthern. Democracy TiTdens, ' inauguration and n glood government in the future' " afe;as8uredjPsWb8.fc5:' H Vatice1?' fifinandi decided in his beliefv. that Tilden'r and Hendfioks have, been- elected, apd i in Ida; belief that .thg wiir.of ; t he 1m,ajorityr should nqt'bpniiignored by the pqwers'that be.;n His: Speech requires no comment It is piliched in a' lofty -keyand will viprateiTpni tne enra xue otnej pi . the" jimei'iciuillJni) ."re-:. sponsiy e. echo in levery imanly heart. lt an able -temperate . and at . times - -. eloquent'prpduction.wen worthy of the statesmsnrfrom " whTTM it" emana- -tedennder circumstances-' and -Bur- - rxmndings. 80a inspiring o ln its treat- mept; of thpr color; , question, and. its. land! land 'sensible tender" bfyfriend' shi'b'ihbcblbred facef it'espbfeially1 deseirves thigb praisei r Such 5 appbals tp:the reascin.4ofuintelligentHolQredr . citizens pannot fail of , ultimate effect. (jbvVanPes address is a highafgu- and fair layui It ' will not pass 'Un heeded by the people sof j the f .North v ior csoutn. jrecersourg Anaex-Appeai. Gov.-Vance!, of North Carolina, r;is k'mari nfte bnr bwhcheart:vHi in- Bugbral a'ddress is:i a- maste'rpiece' bf 1 good sense of t, practical e statesman- n wti i m . . . . pnip.j , jDiVerysenumeni uttrea, gives levidenceof his loyalty to the Consti-, Jitutibnand the TJniori and1' assurance mat ne ana; nis people wm stana dv the .''fold flag5? and battle ever ? with ? thoe wh Q will .'straggle for the Con stitution, th ejaws, and public justice, which'-are the lire and the soul of he ; errbhn!lJnion:w -That isit'ptecise yJgnTllecimpartiai) enfprcementvbf - LFS eandj 'Ujbjift.i lice, to all classes a,nd .. sections, . jus- fclt6amoitldu (au-aeiiddeean Hh life nd.' the lonilbf tbeJCJnioni."i 2iFor what object was, thB- JJnion created )tbe.T; than to' secure public justice and mutual.pro-. ectibn? BichmnVig. t " INorfolkTYjrginan.'l'r . -Governor- Vance, takes. a decided igd;t.Bnmakable .stand -upon -the t t;e,at qVestipliwhicb is powj agitat-. t rig "the' coup try, and "he speaks but.' ivith'iibTbated breath hur sentiments ' ind those; of a great m any others,' as toJtbe; proper course to be pursued in this the second crisis of ' thev nation's '-.'l-.i'-t .itaiL-Uiili'Ji.ii-l-'-i; t'. s-1.am. . history Dy tne people oi tne ooutn. Whatever! there mar' do.5-it is evi- 7 dent a tfiat . tho:i.Goverhor of Korth ; Carpljna will jpeither, trade nor ; treat witS the" party wliicb ia now attempt- K . iug'tbefeat byFradd and the bayo-' net, thbc-fairH:and fnlly expressed 0 ? Mthe pepiplel ihMl I tworastj nr pouue, rll . 1 t 1 .... .fit.. t. lib eaeb attdij the destroy era pf the ' bnblitf liteeftiesl bu t he denounces, aa I theydessrve ; to ,be;, denounced,' the . Outrages; which hayebeen practiced r 1 BY tne jumiuienauuu -auu? iuo party rii repraseuia upuu but; peujjiq ui tu r Southern States. " ' - ty Commissioners have received a prbposi-i tfbnjfr 4 i . ' i '- ' . -V'V , m : 1 '41'i 'm. a. f ;:. --. 5: "ii- f -ir- Mm i

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