f mmmmmm : i)J ;i e;- A-i kkt j.vi r ' . 'v:"t,:?it fii-J-i;-:&-' J1;;" ivfS.i-iE .,i:---.r'.f f " j I i""0- "ww.-aimvn Amer - ivj- r lUe Principal A DiaanDOlnimeDf a a a M m X 3 J5 M M as a $1.50 a., Year, ir adTftnQ sssssss lT4r,i 1SSSSSSS I&IB'S II AODUB I ot- ST"43 fl2-a1 iMonthsLBOKsaa Ss ss-q ' Tg 1 H&?$i SS8S8 iVl 5l l -S23Sf- tgasaggg ? 1 r-3 ? Weoiui lio i StdS fI 2 Weeks t I SSSSSSS M irsw yiStf I 1 . - f f'S3 sft'l iKri u b m i S S W I OHhfcK.iWSjtoiyo J , t i -' . , , lare towns. We consider them perfectly Baft, I and the best means of remitting Jircy aouars I nr lesa.; I --.7 v , Vji'-il g&nKtatertmttwniSeT h ew 1 -yatem, wiiicii went into esecs 4 tm are w very sate meuu ox senuuig; biuu buius wi ney where P. O, Money Orders cannot toe easily obtained; Oorw,ti Mtattyia,iaa -weHaa I postage, ftout be paid in tampt.t the office I where the letter is mailed, or it win be liable 10 be sent to the Iieaa letter, fnnjoe,naad I offlxOMttamboUi for poMageetnd registry t put ;ne money and eriMlttr iiM ( present tf a.- vo it-ma Mar ana tauMtreoeaxitr u. 1 getters: nt to us in this way are at our ris. . . ' . ... . ...r 1 V SlTitj is us frlln'nro ' '' eP iJF3! .SSJ .ti: -."' :v;ft y'.'f ir1? ':fthU!t- I -u:i(-- ..,-- , - 9 i i jTaiSTATKDT, ?1 The settlement of the debt of the - -.- .1 T - - - -... State ofTorth Carolina's been;jde- f erred far too long for the good of all , peared too willing beretof6re!to postal their successors to ' grapple asbesv' tbey'ii'Keyij ; delaying its cure. In4rf orTjiateCi the question of: indebtedness mast; be' met in Lome ayii ioipo scheme jor'- plan is resorted to' iiy which all parties-rcreditora ; and I aentors may Know nowrtne- matter 1 stands-7whether the lStat&; will 'make an effort to meet its just foblitioris, or resort to the ; damagiug arpe ofa repudiation, the doabt? aaaV feara en- gendered of such unnecessary; delay, and indecision but enhances Vevil r increase's the diffiou Ities, -dam ages tho I character of our people abroad, 6b- I structs immigration and the influx of foreign capital, and 'retards' serii ously their prosperity of jtheivState. The debt,1 as long as it remains in its nrpantr nnf iafar.t.Srv " nn annma Of Lt ::::::: , : EJ I a i a , - It V : " " ' -i t I ?B tuilliiif 1 lous conditioii, Wa'posiUy pibwjl8 ll?.f Pabllc exigenwes re-- upon tue people rat itarfte -&na ja saa J 1 -,7. J4Z , . brake upon the wheels of inddstry I "''.'-?,;? PWic 1. rj.-. j -1 ; I .If i ,nrmts.' and, elsewhere, about the. mtimida How can 'enterprises, requiting -in- ,uon"and fraud alleged toJiave. been, prac,- vpstrnfintu'; from 'ahroail ' nC -ahitaj' I and labor, be in vfted or f began i until 1 the State debt ?.bff some manner tnatwiiii oe astana 1 Kepabhcae members, Bball allow the fullest : i. ''ti.'Vtiiii'ia:i',ij2; iLr ODtoMtttoitir-tttthe 6ublic to oresentr their relieve the people ,and eatisfyntboseXrequest we deem; it proper ' to say that. we who hold thei bonds? I:a t 't 1 !-:' - - . . .,1 ; , 1 uei OTAIi "f virrn'.i 1 PmPMfeI I tion ofdebfcHtlt.wjU neer ibo techrisiiancy nianaged thV matte party tonypUn Ubjatwilf a iinw way bring reproach upon -tlirvgolprii present gisla-ture .10; tAkprno, steps to arrangebe,Bi.atter,wUblihe. creditors upon r equitable basis at the earliesvppssjbTi W are. no HSBPudUoa underjany ot its form, pr guiseWe uam v,",".ftr MH7-s if WW: aMth request, and bewaa first m eertaitt that considerable p$rt, iof fafa by 'ontside'persods after the theState-debt Wtnc faMiirV. ti$pt ana repudiatetiabpn?8fedt,y.rTOor than "an individnkl. ' Nrti!nerhrt lcatt'1i -"' ' " . i.--'a. . hmty iwiir--. t! s.-ai is. 1 tiiir7 t fl -r r- " ' z -: . . acteriiif. he has the fthiiitv . to do ho.: 1 V,?!!?t!;E consider '.the- denressed and ; " ' vf 7 -" ir M-v . . j... - i. -'i .' u.mU.aXit gau - J Uol,y U vUaflkell,.. Uh airmaix ot iiiL.ia letter m tgdi v to , the : StaLements-of a " AiTiideDem contradicU 'hearlVreVefyji JUtfeWeflfc- and just obUgatbttftwittoat iot deep Stain npto es 4o'nf6lid4 U has the ability to aiO.OtberwisellA tf;i&&rxj01t& pay wn The tor the Legislature Wiltake pntptu-d5 7 Jdiv-.iu-H- t-rtogtw: V,7'-' uiA j-X- ft Ji2SLfI.: ace-igk.war.w The,, well feinforp of South yCVofevlhwrar en. Hanipton did littt.dpjiose.lUr.jIxy of Cfclunibia ne saw; hundreds of ne- Wep!8; nomination, and( the latter I Was th nn th tin tavkm riTif: iri L 1 i " former.: We anote from thn g1 "reference to the 'ixaMf f Gin and recede a verytagreeablo reply frota Mr.?Mantotf Marble, containing an aimiexirtanatlttfrem Mfi Tttdea for hit Men.igLUinplon Wnaself, came ta the !co&' l?us4? we";PropoalUott to withdraw Hmvciuvuauv V4Vtt4ia IHC QUI Hi Wa8 nOJ wise o' nronerJ rA nW(wf M tiu nun iiwi in Naiitnai ,ii.m4ii x a command- coincided -witlj in ;on thift itiiK-. embarrassinff. but aiding thi n&tinnnt tb , flph proposition wag thus, says Col. Has- toll finallv oottto -.-- 14,. .Ur.i-..i..l paigBWM the perfection of alia wkbes of the Uemecratic Conyentonaad of the State ExeCe Committee." 4 "t"; - - - - - v 4 .4 fAEItON JLND CHRISTIA.NO j Thesei twa Senators ' were on the , - , r , ' t committee sent to 'South Carolina to J n '4pt -.- . examine'lDtO the election matters. efore thiey;left Columbia Gen. M. Jiat4e, aaaressecL ; then a letter to low him "to introdace testimony to wpiroTe tbd 8tatement8,, made be- orcT' tbetri: by' certain 'colored ' wit iese:e8 f roiii Edefieldr 'terenl' Butler in his letter, characterized some of ibeif statements as so "remarkable fod 80 monstrous'? - that he felt con- strained to "-'.apply 16 1ef allowed to jntrodnce -counter-testimony He , -s ; ?r r f ; i,: said to them: , r s . aoVst eiunoflEfleU Ton behalf of the good people of that county, parties. ,.. . , ; ... ... , ; v j ; v - Amu justice and f airnesa.w . ; i, J -To thia'the committee, through its bpSnn'an'-'s,-jCnTOp tliey had "etejmlned toiake Edgefield "couaty; -that if they al- lowed him to '.introduce testimony.. iueyust aiiow oiners, ana .tost ii they are to open t to .Edgefield they must open to. other counties,: and : to 4 tbat would reqoire several months,! and - our " sub-committee would not; be able aoj report during the present Session rof Cdngres8.w : j G07- Hampton," and the other highest officers of the State, together with several of the leading citizens of ' the Sute, then addressed them a tlced by the Democracy of the Bute in- the the pnrvieW of your inquiry, as we are io- cases to the country." 'and In making this rrATV """ V1 .this gtbej; committee 4did,0not mi AiVfi ," t can pect from such men a ifadJciai Hporibf the maiters in VestlgatedoVthat ought to naye been iti -llowcan ;men iwho exbibkroughotietbe aplritl of 'par jgiHJostice tne otbeVisidei ' Y-.-rJni-'J I-a-Fi5 HLflLJXtUL '-'rpw2i - IUUBk UUD-DlUbU UU JUBV I VVYf V. 111 m Anr a.w a. d a ra cxi mi a iihi w linn.. a im h k M 'i5, .ti-Jtt'J ;i" logtieioSto inUniidationy; rifle rs jsvs ,i4"i ? ., -. . - Y;'" -iisenalor ltooertson, is a .nauvt? - a J - . f . - ; ,-'v.' ' LJSaltimpre tSun - reports tne interview aiiUUiiao! 97CUJi M,-f fY??i' iwi. ia.tiv jriin-' h wr nnn thetesaBadsfiedwt the eleetloo of Uamp- that he knew of his own persosalobserya i si q i f SlK5? Droognt an, iuaswes from , WILMINGTON, oes voluntarily taking part in the Demo- ratic meetings and marching In the Dem- :rauc processions. : in reference to the atter of, intimidation . he said - that : ha could personally testify that there . had been a trreat deal of intimidation bv Re publican negroes toward those of their own : race who bad shown indications of Demo cratic proclivities. ; He also brought to the,- sueuuon oi me rresiaent.uie statement oE the colored legislator, Hamiltonl that three thousand illegal 'Republican ' votes !had been poUed in Beaufort county, at which" the.President seemed to be somewhat sur prised.. He said that the Returning Board of South Carolina" .would have thrown, out Other counties beside Edgefield and Xau- reos nau it oeen necessary tn ' order to en-" able them to, fiwrirft Mr f rnutnrltw. friF: CUaraberlain,, and, that there would have been just as much jostiScation in throwing put other counties as the two named: "In Abbeville and Barnwell counties, for in- stance, tnere , was also aiarger Deniocraiie, Colored vote which, was no more- untram melled than the colored vote of Edgefield and Iaurens." mi:Hmm,yKui I iThis hra bulldozer j u . iu iuay joenoevb jtusco, , anu the Vauderbilt :wili, and - the p.ld Comtnodore himself r-vln saying this,. however, 'we1 except the; New 'York paperaSn d r th eir city Waders ley appear to: never weary of.'any opie, , However nauseous ; and stale and u.nprohtawen :;f VVitness how; long the press of Gotbam hang over, the Ply mouth cesspool, and kept fishing wme loui waters lur mora uuiaan putrescence and nastiness. Bnt peo- le do get tired elsewhere of even scandal and filth. j Our apology for copying anything fortheT that concerns V anderbilt is, tlierq is reference to Dr. .Deems,; a Southern in North friends people eue of the most gifted clergymen In1 tne unueu oiaies, anu. we say .iuis after, having heard many of ,4.he lead- to '' , i ing divines from Albapy to the Gulf ir Ttr t- t . , wi jumiw. -i-'i. xjwuia una .uwu i gentlemi another f - . too a (ihtniwul mm anti htif a firm I , . . . . . .1 - O C J.-l " v Vl " I . . . . - ? : Who shau then say, it this was true that even the old sinner was not J saved? V X :i ' ;" - '"ft i But as to the gossip. There is . . - , . i mucp uissatis i action among uie ueire. William H.- gets most ot the vast pro-1 TheCoi alt married says that the Kev. Ur. ileems expected hard all the year round for less than that was on th 14thw nsti HoM f tifeyTOPMrw 'm r-;":r WM"""-T " bFrbi billM withreat interest TaM .remaiUS lO . DO Seen. -OUl. I K. . ... - u- ( M Mini1;iminns! -n1 ura i- nnital L:mU It. ATtJijLlM rfl' 1 iipisiinir wl l mmt htmnrnmii In uv iTio - far,,hat little..,..,..., R.,.b6. jM,.i,itNrtt(b,.wi; I f0&fei to-ltaSte!fcfc- ... Benste is to preside .merelyj his du-i ff,. ' 1 , v " , r - fc e ""r"1" ?.?ra ScUi ,1 miffhtihava reiflitedlri the death of at lesst- rat-,r V VI r8being strictly 'ministeria: He is Wcpuia.Jeviseqnaerj ary camp, .but all the so d ers wop athelpartfes.with theoss bilityof : rm-.. i,- cM lrora j.i.ue rirst, iuru, x-iguunauu ranee or supposable bias.. and the add itic ws'Kiiuau nuuivueisoiusu i. . i. '.'it. - i-.-.j. n ..ji.. i nan an pinpnpnM nr nor nam nnn thy. ; - ? . . ;t . .-' - i xriit. c-m va-o.iv toioirf An:1 oi tuo oeurasarv consutueut- uart ut uie i r ' . r-- r . . I - r' Carolina, who. has hosts of 1 1 .. . ... , ;i i . I whole, in order to-obtain an uneven num- 1 Wks nnno' pnnnnVcP1 iiv hor UnriU. I B , anions the beat! Methodist Yuw- " vv",f4C,'.0 . r "e W"1?"-" "J" Se?W; 4 WkliV-' r,, - i ;ei,'i pome .u iheuft'? : Justices Fields Clif- AL"f 1 T v" , r., "TtfoTJ bftEe 11 i. i niH - itiifi 'wnn in rexiiv ; . , . 1 1 t : . r ul b.u v rcAiauiiir LLHiuiiitviiiin- t as, wiiutii i irtvAma s- a - mamm wfrkM aM ma w rather ridiculed for saving that the I i , . . . i 1 avoid the States from which there I posiuon in coin nouses, we ieei quite iH . tt. (! - lu .... , n i rightnana in ma oosomv as o aonoaoen tne nopeoi a i -.Mnda really earnes m Remanding founded, he asked erewss blessed Pereaiter.VV.nUSl, tne Oia I i . , I ,. ... ,rLi .. , . , I t i-.ii"iL:ti-;ti!'i"!"LIV::j;"'l Tilden's inanf?nration: 'snnnosiho the I thfl mAttrr with SIN; tfvft!afOThfoh s a " i A i . . ... v. viii r thiomio i uexi. noiwiniH wiinnnn n si verv Knni. i , .- - r et i---ri : o : : " ,.. . , -. x .. in i was living,' wo heard IT n t ; . ...... I ; i . .;iVvJ-: .:?. reDort fails of adontion. and that! stood to be .the .name of the distinguished divine who bid rT.'.T'.r " iM ' vIX"v. iWlJi-:; 1 tl eV: marching feth in ' serrielJ principal) .repliedthat he had m-m . ... i k ' m t " an r n r - wsrmi 11 w rr w ra t n t j -mr- - -i. ? . - . B mmodoreleaves eight daughtersfciiquoo8e;iwireB.epouuiu puuviwyt , . , vr..v (i, ( i.- vjjrt f"- Li.-ii.l- ci: - -i-Ki .!.- I ngn-ni.5one 9r. Wper. parij .andtwoof them widows,' and T netnocratsi inarftairdtdiA' annoint, i r0Qia ; esire, we, Deiiev.e,, witnouc I VF W-try w I fa fenBuah:" huahatieb his c Emi surrenderirlg any great principles of tint : ;V f thom .ret asoo ooo each bv the 1 J i.t. Jlt L .u: I ritrht and iustice.' it mav be indorsed 1 quite certain that; some compromise 1 could -not stand-up1 further 4e wULOne 400.000. and one $300.00a The rrT:K:T- I r.; J'J Mr Jf r settlement on aht to- be viOrouslv music." vels.ikatedUiat the bluest totheseebnd son; Cornelius, isonlyf relative to it m the bill reported. 'U V HWt k f .1 4 Rascal" had chaUeneed him to fiebt orJn cuux usi ok- iaJ .to nMk.. I i - . w . - ' . . ,! . . ! Un? aWUniiAn' oh,l w ot . loiit T Dnshed... .If the .Statej honeBtlv.: anal rwua .IiiBufstiuepgeu uuaio?.Bgm masTon ff mrm Justly ten'mUlionso isso lieh up by positive stipulation that be genuine spmtofi compromise; and , f "f? , $t si?5?Ul??if 1 f t V ? .'u " .w i," thate AM want to shoot him.,- . , canH touch adollarbf ithimself.-This,' li;n9makV threatensvto povef jtbe'lan j The seconds 'werWaarmedJWith,''donW Siunler 'SL ryilaiio beenforvearsafiUctedwithamUdformof .x, l- --i. ii-- r-i.t':i:, Kl.i death, if it does1 hot seen re? the ore- :Ipieet4lhfKv4iidebte4nV.PM suggested the idea thai they, Were a party dore left him.- ?ut the income from $2V 'lki uUUu .lT-U;n Ai I and berDlexin circumstanced 000 is $1,400, and there are some preacners ugu ""V"- i "IJa .i, uvt hvNew'York who. have to work pretty Wliff'i other. I trQst em,-adth nrge t 1 1 believe Dr. ueems has a saiaryoi fa.uuu in.uo:oitiui -immutm icpicpcuuu puvtoa. r f ye roust agree pq mis rei. r '-a-iii' 1 1 . 1 1 111 .tti ai or TT -f;WCan- n-t f aremist niariy alt W i fflut Hi- Deems lias no rizht to comDlan. tite tribunal will De tne same nye .t"myfrm..r Af tKi TJaM?U iaiiWi iab?t; iKfi I Afuul ue Besmestbe20.000nd hU regular salary- ' t:K Ji 'fi 'T m VnmfTl exbibltedf I 'be-tapwmoiy.wand: aomeUimgorei.IiTT''i: -M 3 :r it f !i they prefer liayes to war,! So lt.ial Ukfi. rresiaent ptupenai,n;.)nej ; I iromxraniLXieaue, lor cumuK mic , i , xuc tnwuuai wjh umc uikb i eitner mis repors-or uoiurag. i soia no-ht to count tne votes, we mav 1 I tofflgv Rerjdrta are' already - r- -t . t- .: I 'T I wiUi what foundation I cannot1 sayrHhai VV?"" 1 1 Btty,, .... , n appreciate, the more the necessity. Ot being that he was 4oqibadIy l the Commodore's widow is not quite satis Jted cases, will examine carefully the 1 o.vi .riLii-isL1!1 .iLLii t ;,o5n iho nnrf nfffifa nAmVnif..'1 removed to his borne. . 5--; . .. sssseis Mmimmm mMm" t pf p Ma wiM .lt claim oq U.. MtaM ,' '"rM"1 ?J1;,frS! l?.f 1?, it Tath'er prematire' to pominatiig ' "A?TeA' J?f ?S.e,I mUiiSii&mtMm WT2SKK. 4 :,teF tesJCTiSSfewi ; nnttdhaVeV--wn satisfied Uwful electoral vote is final--runless i f. 'p!nrf rr?i:. nwa ra rromweax uiwea. . , 7u .w ft . , . i r. mine and wear the robes with honor, J mmtXni Uolleae' v&w. , iBwaswithmuch regret toat we received,'; 5 I'.'ShemaiTiedJlfr.Tanderbilt seven years yverrnledbv the concurrent voteof -ji:- .-.; ji: liii : lonpiAneJMectorai.voueg&t.. ki it . . . . - ..- , lltiV;: ak wbenhewssetenty.fivandshewas .ay,W cqncu ., ,. , .,.;. the.annouacemenVof he. death in this city. , ;IbUhirty.land he provided for her, . every, House f ;. I sli l corned V In light whcb old Zacfia 'yestejday merjJiOfiof SiWNaAin,,,". , Wereyearsof mutual confidence and true f PMeav tPrae Mme tne edthepureatjCfca troops toTlbridajand, laiaiantv-It and was'deredamoDg;iti mbstfiictlwf;7-i affectfennd flatter ;hecame warm Mfcical capacityapd ihQWdest legal atr WlsBl tdhr: ergeticand -JireWarbusL X ;. , ,,T .t. i? "ff'vlV ,ltead odlv these twoana then sTiut amassed .a considerable for though bis r. -? connectionthstea meant! i, terpnsea, .-HyeUred Which J was , suspended. atqutv0ouiv willing Wbeliete? in idvapoeof vi- USLrto VTe are absorateli ceftanof5 oneVun- VV$SJW ,UWi!Twi'ji denceaV 'ailTtfiil?rdati&- Mf i :a ich l ... " . . - - t i ' .... s j jit uj .(i "jiiniiiit ana viriUBLiiij u.ev .oa 2010-xcauy 1 sute is sale ana luaen is sureoi merest. 1 Mayor or tne cuy. vnamnan 01 tne'xtoaxu byiMr Wvrittairisi iffNtl resents a very-goorappearan :lCsintnoKdetweiltnd PrTOawnJr jj-i-:r ouiKi(iirAAntltr '"Rno-lnml. who is sixty Veara old. has'offe: kA ua het: 25.000 to S25that the son Napoleon-111 wiune'omctaiiy prociaimea Emberor Of Frknce during the' EarPs life' time, and that the odds vwere nt1 once i cepted 1 by the PiiDce' of Wales and; fv"? Trrr,:. z.?;; r, ZTihZrA f ztzxx. z-rrr?, xazr-zm zrz At-ine ue8l ar mcu i matoritv if have: carried eipres'sed iwhen he Issued ,the,lrat fae judgment ja thereon, in whom are somDineduie - quaunca- gon and JuUianaf;J4eet your ;friepds at 1-- It 19 fuu waa laop iuunii i jasaiaa N. ( '., FRIDAY, JANUARY 266 1877.'.'a: ; THE 1 JPOBT 9V? THE JOINT i-Onterdav khicpt)earpioontainhebesjia a;nableisposoni rohlpma and disnntpd thpnripa ans- I - - - 'f ,- .,''. v 1 '. I Ln J f nt;rea! bfitba' 'Sdnrema Conrt. to be taken I ' -.Ki.'.if , ... ,, . , . -ia. (. , I ford, Miller and 1Str0rlEg;arethe four j Jusuceaosenrantftbesej will se lect tbe fifth! Judge CliffooT is ther in; nmA.U ' ' I T7!'""r'4V' Z7-V Ml' , V. - t We do not know whether the lour I i . ... , ... , r. ... . . . ... - ... 4mina.'it' bo anlinM Iha VflllK ml I luouvco oiukuiti uv m v . it ... vt,i-. . t. r- ai i,;n maairr. iin .a. i i a u 111 a niiirii a aa a.a.au uiii : - : - . . . i I T,;i, tTiii MnMai raoi flion tKa WVI VMVI WU.S.M U.I. W..W !, .,i . .: . i i . i cnoice win- oe narroweu iuowu to , . ,P . !T 1 n a nf or .TndiTA TYavia whit " T t TV . 1 IT . T 7 " 1 is Known He. is a to oei iair ana mouerste. 1poi1a PannMinan nnt. o: KfArtnn ifr.rrt n ii m i. -rr-L-a.' t-i-r -n- iLi.a lj I r'" w" 8 "" .-T". i i - t -j ifj . ; liayisotennlyiawprii tbat jthey ff Jwill tmgortiwx v,bf.2 KrriUia A4f,v4'.Vto . ; ii - -aj ' . v -. : - i vuw juoaiw, uvuv Ml-' Halt, jireu e UJI .UtSlfJUUglUO Hi lUSb. uuu,u KCUU . UU VU1U1CU ASC- ?f,Wm?M f at ;th8Seoat0;l1o14ekctCo0fc, ITtb.-.i VMcI,UWy;vy'pVly iKflojP Committee of fdnrteenjjappointedjbyi ;. .nA. it , WT . . v : -;;'t Vi - Nevels living at or.neax- IuUiaa' Depot, in Li. o I' V tt " ' ". .' ' ling-and Aumundsvt' w may :hope and vigorously t denounce Grants . . , . . tbe$Senata andiH,oqge,r afters patient . v . ,A , . .1 L. u i i iVr; . f - fit5?fvf M1?0? o. beenlnUenged to fight discussion and cnsnltaaonfteriapi Wgrg&ZSZX- mm H ftDc?d kl it- MtS 4. .?Vl ptltBtion;and tlieJa WVif ,y epitope call pon t he people to i naugu rate strict adherent tp the cause of Chamber- MQrto,Wffilpotib,.sde0uaforhi iniaiAr,niailSaT& iMvttirwaWti.c.-i'""' ElsSsss. wfmmfm ix$m&idtos&ti& mmm.m' TOwe.fpt,it1preferripg!ape aW.to.iLiiolenti8oltttiotfdf!erio . ,emngcomplicatipps.vmai b -t ' - j - . " 'a ';ssr'v-- 1 1 llcrerey-wandiBain JfqrrMoody,' us Of. election! and ;JtT ;"T" h 'VrrJ-W "n? 3-. 1', Fa?8iP8 ahWUpaof badblood on the., , ay them before the two Honses rW ww .uei ua.tryne irepon tot; tne yom- partprihespectobed o,"i, i; t,;- o- oi;Y 199Mi. Mfm fp.-bes-W:. Hittee of Fourteen arid Ihe! Trip'ar Rt. of some polmcal misunderstanding. lM MtmM sure.tberewillboLwarand tnmultsi' ,ni,fc ,iirP ; bividu-weighinaboutltwo hundred' ; wiU announce it. We has up t power i . . V 5 , . vV 7 i iT -CU "- '.-I wands of quite-airespecubleappesrance, r v(t. . .jrw!i .Jri-u.iL.' pir ajl w.ill .be sefltlied amicably, and -Connecticut, toowas going to mA JMavw-KM. -ki- . J to withhold or suppress any cerufi- I tt li - . U iif 1v J rvL "i t dr"t?i-t"- ind evidently'iabijfndaDtly able to take care - katei :,l,'1iJ "H ' ; we:Jiop,uatly,3an4Hsatisfacto ighon theside of the South; but 3f himself, which mht Ixaye ha its liflu- 1 ( 1 disputed electoral' 01 be- Ueyein tba.statementofi metg tauseof conflicting returnsjl disqual- eep tge,tlemefl!whq s.gn,, Siaterfir A' jd$n tSd -Smtewritingth.abe,w k tribunal io consist of Ave 'members geTmoS& wposed dul actually took pla.itheUn- i fj:- ii .' to .mL!. a r:i-i- j j .-w t.-.l 1 H I ihAnlrl minn hn.n na a ibarff nm. I IV UrUUlEIIl. J11EI1 III ' X I.THTIIH V IHWR I ; .. '.,. .. V . . , . ..i ! 1 1 - :. - ' - - . ..v.it ..f-"'tsitj.-ajiii,!jaw-iiiTjj i.ui.'U:iii.i i--ariT:TQ. nirj- vi "v.i'-'t1. :ii..Tii.-'vM i t t.. i,i .i. r. af- k rj-panisansnrp, ' jsdu -proutuve tue i Mrs. iJortch, the mother r)i uon. w. J.. I Jjeiaw ;vBlf" Jr?-,ul, M'Tf'1'' feP iwusi uim. ,mo w 4yi.,u5o uy t ?Tiv 777 Tnr7T:n:.T-Vj twrJiie resiaea;m isn.inaHW"rniugraru"ii. uvesm iwn oubuij; wy( u.B, i wiiwiui6 uwu . taame, rTfte. )cor will probably stand Lcduntv, about ve , miles, from -'Rocky 1 sharp " There is not much danger of that. Imembera; wuld . re ad it,; Turner ; said: ;: nRepubTicans and six iDemoerats, KTnd ivZZXf jwiiKt sl atlthougb it is possible it' rna 'tand days with her son. ; ' v: onght to do--freeze.--awri - ' ,J . - 1 - . . i v - " "" , -Mi - " . - I ' " ' ...'.:-'.. '-.- I ' ' ' i , I . . , . . . . t- -. '-- ..v i i .- v r';' -: -.:C ? - : ' ' -r"-:: - - k;fe;;v -if t .-i . ' ' ' - - I -" " ' ' i . : ; . . , : : . . - v - - - - .' - I "'"' ."'li''-'.'."-t'v ';';';;,"'';-I';'' ;-'-jt''-ij"';r-r v; ' 'j,, ni'' '" ' " ' ' "" ' ' ' "' " '' ' ' " " ' " 7" " (eight? and sevenf? We trust alUof i if?v;'iTf MBifnaawww wrpuHuyu Anvthino Ann KVirvthin(r vdMAiiRM I greater moment hat 'the will of the people 1 m is 3-- different parts of the republic, while it supposed to be free from any preponde- be difficult, if t not impossible, the commit- such a dne.: i The TPnArt of tTift ioin , i : A - 1 .1' l-i "ni uave.-w oe acteu upon, jina ai- i .u-i!. is .jti -iL ' i i : o r- LI1UU I'll IL t Will ITIHKL Willi Hl.ritllir 1)11 men -whVouid "noi'bWtate to . ; . . . .1 . .. . an abstraction cibly opposed td I .- - J f ' i . I men who are - invir I . - ! - . 7 j J ri .1 i..Afi !l 1 V '.iiiif.ti- i v,iuuh;uiioct, m uui auucub mo MiSSWiifna I tnrr,; nUv,nWi .iUi .fT I 3 1V..'I L J JT i i ' ' I ueni tuat enougu mpaerate, conserv- I ative, peace-loving men will be found I in ' Vio'th' ' Knrlieii tn an'i(tt. thia nrvl. ; j. r; Wfiina j i aeam. ii it aoes not securer me Dre ooaiiaiteo,,say t,tuy .maye? ytmo? i leC us tUV bllUU r j j-igunuu r wuo vef kbleif ahbrirn .iii ?&kZLAi Vt ihoM iyhm practico in itheiri-courts. Vr7-$J!ZZ, u-.!. biisii a tribunal that could ao. Wy. lnMed:;In'thB ' wmkimannerbichvot ect of, party cracismrtha 4 ghe remejubers - how.ll 'keeom poursei was thecassWAa Jn.j . ,..' , -i. : .t -f 1 ivAnamU ;''i.Jd.J J tfdV.' ' ih' first .lhnVnA ,Tlfi" , Tsauo1T "" A ftni' Ilia-. I mi nrinrr t nr i i in on a n n r-t onnriPira i muiuiuD ui uuiiai o. . w c aasji ijuu muu w a 4 ' TJ&?t4l - ...:-.. -1 NW B ABtPSfliBB ffiis!.'" ' e ueueve tne. fi e wrxxampsnirex'e- i mAnmta ii, T6Rf nuAmioaA A oknnTTn. 1 TVL':lt : -i riCv-n,.,! ' -r -,( .-rs - t oPf-J ' JS?aKva---71fl' e exhausted flrsU - The .South has I She' will first; trv theTreoort i .. - -!0 t, i loini commiuee. ana men. IV . ... ' . y fIieX marching fortb, T . J --..-'.:--..-- I , r,a7 . ..0.; . e;ei? f .lon ! a . 80' it 11 be time I", - '" 5, ' . . i t "'"'.-' wougu iui lue ouutu lu tas.U buou i ; . - . ...i ; , ( t J . . . . . as may appear right and honor- able and patriotic But let the report THB STaTB DEBT A6AIN. tBy Uie. settlement whicq tho hold - irs of .North Carolina bonds propose, ) a debt created of some ten h that; onr Political troubles will be Titled amicably, and with .ourinew.l I kfbabU Wl UlWUiUH" UUVl IMtUUj M w . . t Ara should Uawn upon.ua a, 3 i- -.r; . - ab you Certainly defeat;stt Tnratic at - !ilaooantln or bribe- h - T -f- i s ' Csaiffifi-isK - "Don't girejmjnnr Wsie nntn rpmotest returns come in. 'Hayeses Telected by one I ; Florida!' Ore-1 I L S ;! ' Jiii-l'"nr'UVi-J'i.,ylA !;." jWr learn fromjrL M Powell, Regiff-, ter of Deeds of Columbus county, who was on a lrief;yis thai there was considerable excitement in-and u do ut f air rsiuTT- in inaiponmv. on riaVi viuasis irom ssouiu uaroima wereexpeciea to engage in a 4uelin hst; peighbprhood. tng struggle was exPsctedtlnlelligBnce: of . aoji fluue?a crpwa nsa, couectea to witness IL amonsr nhntn vn mnnv Tlpmrvrnta proposea auei aciuauy iook piace,ine j the Democratic re-'. urned to South' Carolina dn his trains n'o'8 ietUnf ff; ItlMnlUiiKppi Ii he .principal at Mariotv The seconds w the. and The seconds were - ucoramumcaUv to,. uestions, intimated that the .affair did .'not .- os on account of the non-appearance, mfeclpal bri the1 olner side. v ' In fact the railroad agent fct1 Fair Bluff had', been if it had been anything- is Under- ' Democratic . been shot. UBHU W 11 ill 11 I1B WllllUrCW 11 1M llKllll , 1 1X1111 - ofi the 1 seconds left the trains however, the Con-., . ' V I ductor went into iho car occubied hv' the alter sne .-t-nv 5w,t,rn;1 .T-iU.iy'-'y5. - ; : , ; . I principal, and, : noticing that he. had his Upon which he withdrew his hand from rT I his bosom, disclosing a bloody sleeve, and I exhibited to trie condactor a severe wound I 7 i in the arm :He i;wB thim nctivi iFtriA rn. . . ported dael really took place, when Nevels : replied that it certamlyidjlthat they met on Friday morning; that they exchanged , four shots, he (Nevels) reoeivicg one wound 1 in the pistol arnV. and his 1 antagonist three ; I separate wounds, one on each side of the I chest(high fap)ndl0xid ia the left arni:sHe r said .the agreement was; that; they, were to j should ompeti- and face the d4-d two I r7' 7"r" ? r J train at ! Marion he ' walked off very ' de-' uul(lI. Jliuit uu . IMIUU' ju- uto UUBUU.' i i aruPtcM joo; ' .attention. , in iact, our intormant states f a. duelling party, returning fresh . U.C1U, yuui principal anu. seconua . reniarkable boolneis: ' J ' ; Republican principal,' Moody,' with remained behind, the impression wounded to be , 1 of GoBty CommlssionersviPresident of a i I -.jj fcK-.in.riMAUK .r uf for some ihnepwtHUfUTieral wiU;takef;U - late residence pi Market street- . 1 1 ti.-fi ';i' ''-,"i : r"fi- ' -1 -r-lTarboro'oAerner. We were glad to be rseen.nsucn pious. .company, t -; and promised to preserve' the moral tone of ' the 8mtherner.n h That reminds jis of .what 1 ! i r- T v