ft ! a a H at a S5 muiEiD at iJaat'Uat! si.j . $1,50 'a,Y?ar;;'jiapft!,K,'' 1 tear 4 i H 32.L, S3 (Months 0e4et-tri' ir.,.: IS3SSS 88888:). i Months J2 888 d 8 1 --;'! f V.' t aouui I ! s".!f t 4v fnrr 8 8838 Weeks' SSS888;: I Week Li 9 rl I 4 m w 3.. ess j s'O so eeta - j-.J nhtAinndiaftll the olties JkBd 1b raanT Of the laotmrns. We consider them norf ectlv saffC and the best means of remitttii fifty dollars system, vhlch rent totoeffefct Juxw area very safe means of sending naall annw of mo uey wnere rru, .osy uraen canno uoeaaiiy obtained. - 06enw, the ReaCdry toiM JMlt an postage, - mtM b paid fa stamps at 'the' office where the letter to mailed or. it mill be liable to be sent to the Iead Letter Offloe. Jtuv ad affix tVie tomp both for pottage and registry, put in the money and smith letter to theWeseiux ttf ' it,' posr-maaerana uuae tw reeetp or metiers ..-ntto jiain this wlt are at our risk. : g.JtuJ i.) 1 rri ai Ji 4 Tlie subscrtiptiort'foricefof'tb Wfckk is Star js as fwlows ::iit! ..j adJ 2ait Single Copy;! year, tibstage paid, $f.'50 14. :;:ti jiyui.Htv; tiuiioii Kn ft a niJ!) J;it lit : INTEBESTINQ NORTH , UNA RECORD. !1.. ,:. iu ft All that concerns the past iiistorj of North paronnariBfigalil esling to a citizeivof i the States ('Tbe revolutionary i incijentSj. are. j aljtys . pledaing and difjirrg trhen'pTaseBt ed.;in., an attraoUva;atmfr.V JThe greiit trouble with' of btetory' ifrihat it is so scattered th rough fliapy, books and docameiits that wliat-lsknbw to students is - not . aocessijule -vVhe general read er. j 'W'i ;culds!5nehti)ii jx dozen books yua would live to con sul t pa tieh tl y i n ortl er1 iti ! obtain' 'any thing like a connected and eatisiac torj;" survey of r $ hisjorie field. There are many f acta ' that' ean ; be ga thered in all of'th6; of d, settle! , cotirt lies that would tbrd W. real lighv upon : i:VQpiaggie4,i' Instance: in an ' in vestigation in lathe historic ;,auMaI,jgtf oof ayjiinUeg,: :we discovertTd ari'ineident Jof the past that directly cqn&rmed thev meetiug of the patribis In'Mecltlenburg couii-; 4-i- j Our purpose now( U ; toirect;' a-j tention:ta an iuteresLitig report made; to the; provincial jpo'ngresa thai, 'tn kt Halifax in" 176y - A3-committee! was appointed, such is'thie recordy'to Inquire into 'the 1 most pta&icablei w ay ot procuring ana pnruying,auA-i phu rJTbe-cp tnittee was isSifoUowp: . UnhW ,- . - t . . . - ' . ; - r i; ai."they hayo bepiiomeq there isl'a Ja'rge ' quantityof!ivirgid andiowliJiiiiurVKor.iiieKitn moutbbf LittrexRivei, in the npper part -jof Dobbs otiritaild ft c;irBiadeurat feJSfti Lords, and at several other 'places Jbsiah Gain"i BladertI county Vf OT pttblii to prochre and piyatttsiwr ,-;-4.- r'n-!-I t:l t SJUi'r-dl ifilLl L J. tSilijZ. Jk expense sucn fUipuur , aa..niBy ..uk jtt or found within thdiProvi nee, tfccC' mv c copyP(xuisurv.fifiunyjT - . - - - . , , .?i-i! i undef tpepamef!o pppsijpqiosf "who :Jlive i :in ;' tbe? terntOTy4nea called Bladen, may memgntry.PF sfiart-h aii toi thexwteriee !? vircrfn or "V VA4V4..WW . ..f.. . tUeirljlWts.If wis We.lieva by 1 rm . fossil BulDlmr wiUiiQ.tUeirjljrnitJjlf . ..... . I - it erjated ihT?70,as the members of Uieil.ro yjnciat-Uont cress,: it exists ntWialafl jpVobabflity1, nnA knM' n fTltwtanhl ADll 5-.'- ?.s::-dvi-rfjuio.?i idj iasirtLL luvjuiaoie iirtiniiYkyWYiiy st-jf - the iJtfrovineeana : recommeuaawai 1 nrilLbo. acoepVed by the -Legislature. 1 George: miet; -'J onn:?a8ser:f, anq i"''Aud now a meeting is beld m JSew I lsgivi Beni. JBixumj of Dobbs . county, iaad I.York by kadme , bankers and ;:mer-f jto.uojanciy.iOT tm ichajnts toconsiaerwrut stiaii Deqpn;e. 1 L brethrenof hepitiihonww W done th relnrh of prosperity mdst TOatsonV ctor' jotbehariidii1 leyili.: the hmils of ilierri tor v specified id ootrt- t,Avhir!Rirtn I r . : - T r, r7-. A ? I 0 1 MVi v : fi W aaiwyivir ? 1 T? .44 w Ka mMtfm trf hAKd if -i Li'J? yjiJt ! V -l :rJ .ri-ifnr-ii-'iW!'' w itw; viju v.-.-UT...JUi,, r -J imntiaiI'.daatoldelare.tdle yooi l 1 lions, t . .,,; ,,rf..,v r . . if I- " i fIWXLA'M,iM.rtiil41TkA ! fnHitMAntl-Watcli-n ' ; o we cannot B04ertal.e iq,fdefinU y7,;U. rfellowHl Wffp-rformed easrdlfTv?")" ,, riiikS : thtevrUOrv , r . - - . icir, - j. ?a, -4 1 'IAD41 ii.' ? 1 m a v . w . r j ta.. th . 1 - j. m 1 . 1-iy.imaa AXUXLCisavf va .vivvuvia .a. a 1 1 jim luitu vvuvimvu .v. vj-- v , resolotioft Sfri.th.e.ltfa? filiifBlaachem regard" the aubjeet 4a rWf ft' iWMffiMfW iifcf'tingul .... : . : - if . I 4..JHI .l.,LlTk.r Minnrrnivn th rat I nnil ?. R MHrtin ACttntT AS nall-bdaraiOO, l-t mMJH.(S J IVh.t a - - Wl iartiviiLTil iiij:-6i"--"'' i "- " 7 ' -V r 1 1HaMm1iM riT thef rjar".' tfrine ; rirar.tne ne Jias u-bwi :BVFnP'75'" ry'i5";TuT--l hfcttheiayineatt the enormous teaiioi" b!f o?wimm.i wo t hd' f:litHttiif tbcv-maj . faiity ta polity as one ex-1 ffi WaerMi!whiltj fOlfk fh.t9tllil3fiS'X ; .ieBrtsH sfira wwXw iisnea m ibq imihtmz Qot -q debta'on the grouMat. talttnast; mm ml, ,j-nitexx- 10a .TWI h 1- . . f 4 4w M 4K 4M i ' ' 1 - 4W A T .4-14. 4. 44T iVi. 'W A a ... a f ... .. .... . . -. . - . -4 4. . f,--v.- r. f I 1. f I UVI : ,sqxm 9Z&mmMM) mPLT' Vihey were fradtt!tlebittra4fe.'Ta 4 it lMbeenMeaiideWtm lun a l iViMiH aiitiibArAM,-4Un.imAri Hiaaavock of .the cwrbaBr - 'SownT -i... AAilr I ,-.f l. f,T'hi llfli I Mi! ( 4jUaULB AIIU VLIJVIO linafawwavM a Hlllv 'aA4t&,&iun-&JUttAMWhk. -;.( i.' i.tm.4.jti Jilt tji '4Uj jiu'i i dolence were passed, in witichiihe K4VUWV4 U 44,4l.4.0. 4 4VpViyHVHW hAj bVa ; - t V AT "y I I !f:l --j. 1 mi; an is art Ur.J Vki-ti L ,Mar ,Tt3BiJU,".iroY ujui i-jmu -jr-.rij-.-ioi ! 'jlCfsJinp?- (laas tso ?! Jiij (I'J-iVVJstiJ i':t-)y f .tK.Ji (';!. L? meeting 'recpgnizedthe obstaoles in J f,'w-?MigtiWl8bf the Southern rr -f7 t. . - a "'i' ; -LIT.-'-''4 tneflded the inUtyetitrott; of disinter- i estcd arbiteMwlBn th I .eHQftMWilwe.QWtatet.nd the; bondholders.1 as s offering a fair! and honraWethaiike to debtar j tid fereditoiv A mniittee of Vflve j was accordingly aupbinted.' and an in-' cpiferwjijb.ihU , committee uppn the: iy.- Jf,.i,'y.i9 e-.' !s"jj Uement,ii.tBe vvery ? best that cam : be obtained under the circumstances.! We thieve thai delay willjonly ! ag-j i , ' .ry . Al s.il ;. -ji-j 'u .it : t-v j rV'""'' '- a js" Ciu""s wwimsb ,i .'.tiiUB imegrapu unngs gioripus news matter., i r sjJ lna!lit-kfi,j; j!.d.'!itisj:' .fl')I;v i The position of the Stas; has been gtt J$fc tiften stated' in regardj to the indebt-i would be easily passed in spbaofiMs grayat the disease increase,, the; tmty of .our itisftittttiohs and the eon diuitieal That.art of the Statej serration. of, lyillirf Wb will no bar avoided hooorablyj and some in motion -the ' machinery: ofa huo jtproiJe if6's-j dret fic$or sible. urj;;ifjYij: i! ' u; j channels' of. trade to overflow with ' The NewTork' meeting was called tho.v bunteous jitreans,' o ""ff.pey. by.tbirty-four of the leading bankers, j ana morcaanu 01 mai city, inese signers are all interested in the set1- dement of t,be . Southern ' debts,1 as they either 'WaQWpreaen't'" tho-j holders of1' fcbnsiderablor amounts ofl beigiacttoiknow that the nvftiper-J sons' Selected1 to confer with J the ooutnern .Mates, nave some senerttURj -t1 -vjiKJO J II h .-fill.!;? J:i,,i 'I ,!( ! i 4. 1 :;T ( oa.; magnanimous plan; .whereby nthei jrelietof iSedeMora an tion of the. creditors ican be secured atanearly?da..i: w.'" . . Nortn Carolina Ts 'extremely poor. ner tax dooks snow tms. . one is grettiy-'bardehed with' county in- jfcjtedj taxesV , She Owes a Very large State debt; a ' part .iwbicjli i j aatavn .a part of which iff the- work bf carpet-baggers who VCf-.II. Vt.U U -Ctrl f - , . , i, plundered the State and impoyerishea the oeoDle."' We believe the debt of the State is some ?2 1,000,000. In Bil the Legislature- recogmzedj 414445,045: of this debt and proposed 'to fund a, certain' part at 40 per cent.! and, athe remainder. 4it 25 per cnt. thus making a total new debt of $4,-i l;448,46, toibe provided for by an. issue; pf; thirty years bonds, with an. average lof less : than 4 per cent.; yearly, jhterestj By this arrane-i ment or plan nothing was accom- nlrshed. as ihe'creditors did 'not at4 ..." 1 'V .'" . , - .:' pear wiiung to taice aoout lour anu, V.Jtf 'vnUi'kt UAfto fUr MnntJ ded . debt Of fourteen millions and a 'lt it.in A-Xt V-nftrinni millions ' .n' i 1 5 tltiy at ltaieign KtiThe committee recen :priipo;seao' sdaW ai 'tfi.rati.-Sf "rsd cents the dollar,-the: interest to be -u-'. -f? i-r-P-vyjiiLu - paia semi- l-annosiiy atiiew. J,wra..ifM 1 RaleigV, and lhe coupons to be good feft1lxci!in ! $ia iteheiiie met with but little favor, an4 ere is np. reason tpbelWasjfary erogreat disaaUsfaetion.amongl IB6 orern.cretor? oi tue ooutu, Ui aid UtAtthe general credit I',.J..-- Jv s.a.l4.. i ana business of me I imateriallv- affected ranasauetqryaiu lai.i xa.t-v.ii.-.rfivr !?f jt . --f iii 5. I i eW jhJfh Maor f &hir.sav' olamlyi -that ''there can f h haxsommercial confidence between k -nAnthi lurid o tUUlWaaMa vmi - - - I lUt? XlVlU ailU 47VUIU1 C.UU V IVV4I4H J 'ofoUyllwec. section, until I this question t$ itMed." So we think, I oforosventvmitAer section, until I -X i . --- : and so we.haVe said. We are anx T iopW for someiSasia of . settlement . to t. i . Jl .j l..n.1on . 4iro liatrA I.- - . F V-T . ' , f DeOT.lOugCOMVWJoet' uuivoo auip .1 artanta ruth in B , a" . i . :. ;matabJeA h t 11 a .A4.4WImb aVhea a hAAwanAav. t Of Codsfltbtloiis fchd laws tp stana Detwean, 1-I4 . . . . . rinera i j dered ;red and oppressed. Southerners ,wquI4 flu lwi b'itn fv'tr4hrTtrvnaP41 hlan 1 '1 I'rt4'l:i til! l' -i . Jl --f.l I i : iJ ''-i f " K 31f J V'Ac j ii rti4.f. i jrrr v-Suhoo ail la s Jinm -t'i, Y Y wilmington;,n;uG. inorthaa bumaall they were Teady.tas i masters, if in any way they could hdhOraS way they could b6frdra bardeHsome ohlisations. 4Mt wMft "us is a 8trxng uqijfercurren t at opposes repuaiaoo,lnH any resort. :This "has- prevented tb defajunio eutes from l'xtremetoea6us?'iUpnh:astto. taace f this -hobotaMeelementr-ike South-the New'Tork Jcomniltte ofrarbiters uaTrM ?Vfo theud.rtf; M RftH9d;m J..i il in pf bill has passed the Hoaseby aoie of 191 to 8-6ver twdihirds. Grant tyirjfIlup'aased! othfi house-;jby lroaAwica: I news 'for the whole 6ontHrJii It aei- eslji Let; us1 rejoieeT together, . fo j the uiajcsiiu yuiyy ,, vi,i tpo; - people has iu this instance proved to be' ttfe voice of! (odVbxt'puU, voxDei. Tl.;pan .proved equat to the fearful emergen- try are thus-saved from the awful maelstrom of passion that threatehed to eherulf 1 them h Whoevet-vmwbe v-i -j 1 -,- i i 1 nifn f frt.,, elected, wejf eel now i onfidenjafter th.e sharp and ;agohizitfg experiences of ine pasi,tneJoust)tution at&Ape iws will be preserved, because the' people will rise up in theirrresistiJejmight !ari5, demand: ;iti :H With;wriie ; littlej change we might apply tor our cur try the earnest .and kindling'1 wood's of Philip iFaulconbridge, : in j Ivjngj u; !.'.i::;cin.i'.) This England neves did, nor never i shall,' Xiie at the proud foot of a conqueror, ; , But when it lirst did hol to-1. wound itself Now; these j her . princes acei.come liome it ." "1 era in . .1 : ....... ...:-, 1 . . ..: - ..j.,j- . .li JLJil Come - the three corner of Ahe wprWuin And we shall shock :lbem. .. Naught shall 4 mate us rue, : ,-,jt It England to itself do rest but true." .ni w If the. retrtlt shall'be in; farottfl Hayes tbe country will. accept. toifti'e 6ult in perfect good:faUli,lippm; forj tbo best. ; As the "Senate will!;be, 0t nearly divided between the tif d; pjiT-j ties, and the Democrats have control of the House,1 it may bo that ilfyea! will endeavor to govern .justly and I o.i.r ' i'if' ..;ti A''4-n n" ifiinl i xv i, s Kfy.krrrwxifTTtSW ereat extetit: upon tlie characterof his advisers:' If he stahdsaoqf tfpw Morton and Chandler and BlainexHd Lwui prooapiy Keep ftisoagu anu juj fTinder the Oonstitntibn.' f he!gathei I -.; , ,-4-..' a; t, b!T-;.yy9nsut)l around lam Uie wisest ana st mer "V Ui" :"MVi.1.-!i TVl many ,01 Micereai eyustuai.. ,uve 1 , - . . 4 . . ..v..,....,.. pj? JUUal &w liUU VWVIPV Vli 4II psHv0"' But if Tilden is elected, as we lidpd and ieveJitf. wU.LW jo VMJ and believe lio will be then we bal eiecti tion-of the laws, and all will he well n - -rh Hut the toirtferi : i 1 sovereigd rulJ inl6th good man's' hind rig peace anq liapmness Kr miiiroqs. e'acl this "choice bit of "bulldoze TU'eratrirft.w ' It is frOm k recent work - V" Ai :iL:0 i i Telegraph.'' i; ThW f ofto wih is Oti&bf --lJ f m irtWMriirll Wj I Packard. Sd h6 was-brave.1 b.i...'TOi , 3 ,aa r ft i 1 . 1 Faneral or Col. Kinase wed atStJames uuurcn yesterasyianer- I f .,.1 ' - J . V, J .''.VI" 4' '''i.. f I ; jjt ' - r- f i;iir iiti.i.'i J (4weral.-;Sfifir'iV ' The building, was crowded toairnost lu.ut- I tnOrOUgpiarea. y i f i1 Thefuneral services- I BishOlX ;Atki 1 . Tf - ! 1 bft il JWfwu.,fi r1 io .hdtifttti ,pl ol ah" f .i most capac ty,' Wline miadteds of 1 persona, i F"1 "?l r .LYr "i, I tPa AobtBef ' mineti entry characlerittiooraa. -i teenag lwraions-off turr aeaio "i w w t io rlt. " J ... ... r . .4 . I -! 4f. 4 .A4V4f4444T KZ. 1 '4 11444 4, 444.441 444 4.4X44 1-44441 T4444I I.-B.T'tJ: . .1 I i . J . .IT. 44 I . ' 4 t . i C . L ' i . . - 4 1 4 ....4 14m .i 4441T1.444 fT 4 nson, ., assiaieu. yy , ney. vi. 1 ctcor 5ftbe: .Pari8hi Bey. fMr. T -a,i!iJi!B .MLWLM'.i.JJl MnoiJ.i-.ni M.4i,u.4, -w i i JWHiSnivLftiaKay yt'tjr Jiumblecibe-1 death removed him from our miast. vnen i . ,. r.TTT..,, ,. - - f haraterlsed; dlir.Cita lVeSte4.in.udl iBofitM BttanM V&m.&m--BA.M mVtl i11?. .ZIja irL-4l idTm.nlv anrl Srana?veelMnen 1 .TtwftA -Wi7j3t) -SfU j d tUpV ! JL. n if.,. , ,h i Tl n ' u V nT iry iHtf 1 : Mint "ST TtT: iei in:-i l'l in. r f-tif w 1 1 q nfe w o 1 tloj - oT driBsaea in Rlemorv of the Late 'or. TV'MWierfV'RrAiite, HirAiiUil-yHitta; i'LltTfrfI ;od lo sj'l najlft jiesdyjatreetaf4t)jf IrofJibua- .tbe 'ch' air at 'thepurled ana'alteiue eeGoWtboraer.u,Wpiioyeemn teiiaolWeo'hesaay lained theniiddregjged . the meeting. . can only give an imperfect outline ol W4 of his eralleBtlttddiiBaaj copied frdBtsomfi hucried notes. i .siiij'! "dtfodgese 1 Md tettpteas far'8.l8flRujje)CB m . m .Tr T,1 -'M?! which they alt had on this occasion., His inclination! was to leavei TO' tifheH Whe dtty M-odeidaff4hei'mteUuiwhdhad known hint lonrer than,tolwd.!andrwho'l could sneslt mn dpfinitpW nf h;a rirtnDD TOre Wasa 'feeiinir bervadine- hS own berx)t;the iBarthat aobdican .aiscnise or deny, .la pot an. asion ot, mere SadVoaWr va.. v...a c.'t 1 i - - 1 BXMK.exciteuieAeaRsctuiiiere'as8ein eaesspa sUeat f,so,full and thought and warniog--these.T speak nnn oinnnitin tk.n .xinwij. -i. jt oBforlfortotJpeyl iWe all vBew n " ".I. rrrF t w him.. ..He. ilDoke not . the ; word a of emntv compTiment but of sober ruth when he de clared that bo 'man Smone 1 cs--no man bf I all of. this sr,il commanded such general.' uc i .univeiBalaffectipq an,d; respect, and this he declared without fany reference to! ihosWwhb'ttbieft. mUt P'H:wiij ? j-'Imperf ectfcn te the lot iura lErailties' ae.may JayehacLibut sir.-he knew.no-majQ ,whp illustrated in bis life eo much of virtue nd exnfbltdl s'd little 'orjth'e haserqiialW -ties.1 It WottM'be idle tosay lis waszeatohs, faithful and honorable, for i these., words .coma not qeacribe an, be, was fame. ' ITis' Ine i " ablatieS we rhlred and J Brtre1 felt when it fell oour tot tm Ka , AnftAOA1 f v film. in. .'t K a .mananamant P f -rV P vnrfhv nf hii lira 1 ?mmr L-kStJZLZ tesDeadiair: la, tha .imneraUvf U of, ,ir.t ot . i,of . n;,c i anguish, he fell at bisnost with his profesH idaal'aTfuofon: Thehferoioto'cfi'snch yik i. .ki.wAu.iu .k J pjnmearwariicr who faus upon thefield of . T nia ciory atme neaq or, armies.. Jtor my rtfdifisl m in the1 trial of k caule at tbtfltimj hSn..l,.n.;tv iu.r.i . t nAnfnni iti.t neeireat pflW nfe.hasmadeso kep ad w uwu ,u w watauiM t vswb wttiwuiwna amM i&tti tvuhout beina admoaiaUed of jour ftwnftpr-j talitv. We' burv him. ii The funeral bell . . m a'a mi . i" L" ! and sooa at9tmmVt--f of ;us must fol ow our fntod slipping fronj the bank and sloal of tjme thrpugb that darkvalley be lias passep tiwougu, ana oyi ..... - ... . .. . . . 1 which none carTTOH.tj Ashes to ashes. dost to ddst w ia.f -8Baketi iovcb bins m venUa. LqutiEy biother A. TitLon- to. read thejiitewajatiaasiiuiaresoiu-t tions.,., , TrCJrtT.TTTTfMOa Hrf. 1 rue memoerffoi ine wnmingion liar, a acmbled fur the pur pose' Of expreiainff lbeir 0crd-iinl Affftirtn fni Cfit.Hikh'l Rlrftaf' abstained by his sadi'aftdiuntitoeiyi tfeathj 'd declare. that ibji 'ui i-: 'A lo i.-ja I , ? Wn have hear d . witlv deep emotion of th 4 I death pf our brother", Ropert' Strange, a UiaU IVJ U ItVlUUUU: IiaVllVlll UVUUIUII ince with the lwj, bniardent attach mfeni ti ; its, principles pf jstiee,.ndi trutli, f fldAiuif inert abilities, as ap advocate, added th lustre of a" blameless and Unsullied1 rtpdto tiottInprivaWliPeifl'!t'", i w diuaa t, Io.the character -of Bobert. Strange wc ncl happily comhiced and , exempUfiedi many of the noblest trait's, which adorn man andlds metoory'deBeTVwStobcherfaBedby all whodmire the good and noble.-! ;u i 1 mJkfi Mjentiemau.hjB, wa8renuea;ana.ppi? sued; as a member ol tne par laitnrni anq zealbusl1' learned' 'and prbrbtrnd ' lgnlfted knd cburteoos, and he commanded and re ceivd the respect and aQectioq ql iia asso ciates by.hia uniform kindness and urban- As a c.tlen he 'was tf pViiht and bold - la theassrtlon Otprtacipleitas a-trveuq he was; kind aadtruev and im th ifelatiopj a model'wdrthy of imitation, fcad Whose less eyereiploriFnot(ftn?y tp us, jmjbW Stat? Of .North .Carolina. , V . , As a'trlbtite of respect to wr aecfeafee friend jv,j uiuni huj 1U4 ti 1 ife if Besolztid' 'rBaf in token of our rtj- Sal yH" ings off this and fhe , . transmuted oy u-. J fion.r7.r,n Tointinnl Inst renki rfacefl upon . tne,re . --. --. ... . . fSbarofiFViTmhte 1VW UUU 4 mMnmwmm-T . mwr f w- . StraiM'IIepekeh I-1 nmnr faalll a 1 fl.l tbefcppdintel6'MrawyMp'iita6!fe mmilfmmfiMhm, fWmf-, mo ocainuu uiuumomc 100a lucy uauBUS- I .r.njzanajlL Jarirn Hia lifo nnd -lipnth avAlladH b,0lrJ husband aupfaibeyptep, ate; as a . Christian, zealous arid pdre, and; taice him air-m -an-,' fmaa"wnose,iiiie ib KS. 444 444444444' 447 il 44T 4G 4- t Wlk T-ffct -VVTA rTT 1 teaa ine'iunerai oi.uta oeceaseujin jnirsoi mis meeunc oe ureaeuieu voiue 01- v,i,--iV44.,4.i''"f -" "'". iiM.4 ntnMxifii't'nffr lAKmnriiiwmd i in OT. ,-T..; f, l. l.t--. t .. i I fiPTPn nimgeU II BlLUliailV BllUaKU. I I I IKSUVW ,W44 V I y V J J -rr- ri 444444444444m444444444444444n4444444444j44C 3 nitfi ..o J,evlw. spread uwn iAlflAdteAnldderi WlBaih ifsCaMlmbaai ebunty.-i thamim.atofijeid rKCrMx'f-?HKjrr-lTI jKTnaWia referred: in impressive termk.T loved? brother once toiieaanq siruggieu, f tiay aw ww, rr"JHTr I have aeard u tieWanay itth"Har-i4frffhiildri?Ditlfnai fession upon wnicu .ne eariy aca W-rrr7.J the listaio theit behalf " fl iBTOtfioWp 1. :mTj ju nt sno ivf(.ti;if .: .- P nr.)!! IcsM-tj in s'v 1'i h.H?T aaltgrf sbao' lrxttiirwrtatn adi .am (annual .am oc itli ntosiirt lad tit o ooil wMotht uHkMn'fti f noil a -. ii j ri w hut .a Jndnantja jmndn-thera MiaUjssan.foralL Itspeaks fq.fVX one. wdqa,tkoW M8MAH wBipeixV aPHAOeir jjrpn .watjStulforFfto Are uoasjtjljf. tofimucX flf Ied fAlft,f4 fftWiM of afijwnanwhp efcrpadeieiaWtftrM P.UAVia,,BX&ui4S, .Kpbefl 3Wng!pjWl inuroncrlilv wpU . - Nnn ITint.TiA Ja tr&nft ' ever from amongst us. no man can jzo - iaat jpravd livwhiaH he sfiSsaodri be hotled. ftd hindteaghefwas-feejtari a8;nctetroe manhood as he had ver known But It ar sggressi vs " manaoocrAnoat the fluhmed .' rdnfifded. comnleta career of k high1 m!nded, ttu4 Chrieltah genttemanin j : iTbis 16 attindilTerent Nummary of a tasW fd), feelingj. jrppriateccordiai address. T" T - " " , , . , , l . ' : i . . -1 t ... . 1a rr r" 1 toogb cant wEilijs ' AnbEkss. 1USU iU-iframijr :.JErl?M5 rmrthteiixAi- Pk.Hfl fal,v ib.ey8.eern preseafuift sentimenteot tuw oir, wuicon- PPlStMihJna asnAlealvhodto the admiration with ifiW H.JWSWH WW"?1 1 enreer hik 1 trM n.ri if.it hiudii t iim. miiii iiik s . vfmir ..? h t f't rie - welmoBooIl soul which are occasioned by such visita- hdpervadeaahe ty Uw shadow -whit hnt vesterdav erent alonir these walla.and but vesterdav erect alont? these walla and has how vanished f fom air human cyesV the voice which then sounded in. icur earsthat unfinished speech descending into the si lent Aomb, rthe:befeavemeat;-aif tPttijden stiliuess. has occasioped,. what human lan 'guaW'canraeplctf,'l0ii?s S",!"-H" Iu u HadthejftttlfiQ in,haU or peqn instantly crushed in some.catastronbe ic which num- oers" were involved as" ! Well ai Mmself;1ud he perished as otiierd.9; the victim, pf $ ease.' death wollld' be robbed bf alt terrors and hailed as a relief." At least the lad- I canuot-uowever. but think him fortunate " lua8i receiving death in the forum, at thd r oar.m Hieuisouarg& oi uiatiuiv. ia tociftui, f i'V Fn?'",Kr-r?T'ar .?fJfiaat8Vrengt- r VKnsioerine ais jouy. BspiraituBa, uie ac- L 4011 arT rf hia olrkAii t rn tha onlonnnv rf his Ztf?4 XTTS SDienaor ,01 ma rlinSA-'Tkl,' r?nnik tii fritMaW Orassas, because, he eo clpsely iembled. w.v.., " - r, in the lV4J IJ4 4W.liiA4 Woin I mere particularly in me ; l , : '.I Z'.i . .-. ii a . a r . a . t x?!l i2W!M93 tTxssj a i e ifi'AI T. I binntfl lnob miirht ha niorflrravnoiv n tli a vnar. i uur luic. uuwcTVf j tuvcu uiiu wiuu bjuuc la . .a m a .a. m I in par- midst 4a the peaceful prosecution: of infA fhld MArfMI I a uwilwwocw wa, wa tivw, sse parucuiars. pu auoi ;KSSLOSIiSS Vikul urftwuuarip j?orfijm& portion of his life. Colonel hwSlS F Suge'cocaeUttHitaryd civil pubHc Mcribed to flie"puHtyof his private ilif el depth of his acquirements, the iodescrW ,rfafttfn-0f fcis smile.Hhe1 fiwe'et A I MHIIIU laablUI441UU Ul 44 1Q 434X444W. vuw w . . . r, -baaiitv thisidallvwalk andcat4 .1 lor mat universal respec.ue cujojeu. -1 ; i thin it ma . rwasj anr iiaueewai ueatu &, t i. i.n j. ar .The, .aveewfloueht brain : could no IpngeJ ntrol'thOaiid and TestgnCd is4 throbd antt-iife.oxrWhea that litlla Irp drpbDM twice from his .nerveless grasp, ,he is said toTiaTve 1 looked tit) wftti au 'ex pressio tf l6fj ftAtoaiskpseat andwpije,h Tbetateat H . . . ik H..I1..4 4 n Ann. nunnnH an I hthrmMtJn LlJil I - - - l'4Vi i'iSqthe stmiwgle, stiatcbeOL.upep; iJbd rtloin 3 V . . T I l(b more' throfigh- rbllius douda ' to ; epsi fjui again.iu in')i"! jf n'uivifM jyuii Viewed his own feather On the fatal dart. That5 winged the'shaft that quiyered hs'liii x . a ill j - jr r . BtA it .was as a sjaewedeyoted andflrac a a .fiiJ a ; . a 1. a a. 'hiaIi Vvnnt- lnWvnn n n1 Ytiimk ihat as timeTroll9 oa. he'wiUia-tha: taracteslie jbest rogojzed.,; A.stax Ji4 beea blotted from urr sky, but to be trans fewl.7we hboe. tb a higher sphere,' wliert ja.ppdijnpad radiance it; raayj8hiae.Jep;pi ever. , , JOHN Ii. HOUtES, ESqfl. ADDBKBS. Ai 3 jit i Sou t Jmu: ,uyoi.jtf -. . 4-r , ;j : - . 4 i J0.r UOimes saiu m ouuavauv;c;; t J nam 474ni4o4. T ----- - . r a close VelAUOflL and liti waa every way wertJiy oi (w iQy.ff4.jfKWia.4wun ?a" tleman, and lier'tv.asno.guile or duplicit; in him. His grtst Titan was always nu witH chhritV ,Bd,waalOrtby pf purjafte tinn and nateem no man more SO. H was" atrtie friend! " When called Wbotf 'foi advice he, was candid and jut.(aaay.(se( others to pursue that, course which h nldrTiaeaadptei cmider'nK cwftm 4.K44ar .44, 44 444 AH iM At i characteristics.' Whea T ai Wtoal5sjnlghcwB adtic:hei tartatJly I .ni4.Dollnrl Viim tn Art -tiiat an h a. would have i cannoi no tuai -i. am uui. tuiti vuuum iv ccmneel valliuf n . lingua fdff arlySieeL ii tioj. n 44444 ""'."-.rTT intr to each member of the bar. ,A,bavp ity have passed away hayo go ihemes(P l fiHy.depl , . ... A nce toi; idieVitffsslaa: sV A 44- 4 Jfiftf. tjn odJ vo 9a.io Kin! F 1" 4-4. iyt j :-! ,M-i;l; n-i'-iVf.uiiri f,, i distinrnished clergyman of this city say of M, Bo'IrtpeaiitFilH HmmfcsCJWWel fitiaocfl .waa (WiaMtatlanva died in the f ajth. and: I trust Tiin soul has been WlaH0 the h'tfitVenly manslliiW. tlAARnn .avimv nrithrknt-lrnnmiTinp nv rvf Sie'ndslwho,' .stoojabout h&. rfiay God iVve'mercy 'upon !fife sdnyp'gKitJooiin peenTererrea to wniciv was very marked men o ffe W tofta, dj;CB1aiul,4vaen. oouragement. I "remember when ATlrSt camf KkUbfe Ba-ibowIiflt utyi wrfntiol ioun n ten read v orhnM i ilIi,aiBlirfkii 01' S.?1!! 2 1 P clock on .Wedoesday mornio?. fits" death ihdeeU V-atwJ lk4te M W.ewemeiyafOvajpug t the Drofession. -Ave all fppl hut lkt noMtW accost to please, and, as reserve iZ Vzi' .tlyrt1Z telehted; aoinnmrwashftJapect -and Ad dress thetiewa.'tandi -feeliags uol all the dresbia Bmile so frank , aad 3m the gvperous and kiadly-fflces of Aur xJSla MS?& kfffhanS 1 musuuei y, tassociaiea i.wan Urn, the loss must be greater. But 'the oungesi.inembersiof the' prof esior4ust jut feel- that they . have should Impress us with 1 Wwajnrowives that whea wtoo 1 ivmbatht. -w urn uaaui, aa suuuen, eu ;iuie j acnaan Ot j toin.fm,acleai sky .remjnda pf Ito of the raind--4he;con8tajat air nlttmelv .r,rodn rlWTn r7i.riij,T..-!X H Vrr :triknW!oher ntofciioTT. Roeh wn, iMnicn uro muni iiauie 10 uic -suaaenrv should, make us all . heed. J thought , Col. Stranca's even tember anid'cbiistant dfecin- line over hfhiBelt would prevent.-him-from 4)44yiug 44 VUf,44l va)M4U9 Wi (U V " w wrouffht iy8tenx Buttoe mirid aad' bodV (ian bo,.;tand ' Jhecpnstant,'. uri-emittlug - V -- - Tir i vn'n a TTvTn 7Wecau' only give i' very crude and brief; Ulne'saialn JiiiDtaab54 i0., that any thins l.cbuld'sav wonld 'add. nnv force U) what haft Keen so fiVtinirlr cnrStpn - bv others in behalf of our friend antlllirft-! ;4U w Unum tented and haoDV.,howevwv if l were to al-t ,Jpw th pecasioq s q pawuwxut.fivujg jalmmuu fnf (,Hujoipuueinriesj uin Biacauea qui uv;uus scene. ..iv reia-i ouje daration-n-were thoaa of ; a Jupipf. tp,a' senior memoeroi lua egat proieasipn.jt po; Ot aif ,ue cer lawvers wlib wcm aaso-l ciateawl im, that bis iiavge .sicffi'pSf.yaH ried information and learniner Kla ezneri i' . r-sjuirrr" -i .izfir IJPSW .W?m.SarnBVwCOJWWU- I tort K muia. nnnn wnih all" lia In-.fRrAn I ...... 1 .1 .J . 1 mi 1 iniiniiini iiiiu 1 111 jm iuu l)aStffiHMimil YMmmiM .uujUy.jj. He wj vofite. He had been but a little while iui public life, ,but be djscnargea Jus autiest uiua iui()uscu lauuiaujr auu nvij. -au f"maiq efforts of hislife were conflned to pre law. Whoever saw Kobert, btrange conduct; - himself other thah nbbly, and who did trbi L ;feel as . be, watched ; his . lofty bearing, that! I fhe Drofession was lioborea in hkVlns BU'cbl l 4T. . '-4 . . . I s representative ? swqo xnta Kpws-'mmj did4U0fee an iocrpased pride; thaJfe,wa4 a North Catolinl&n.jand wnea'beVas-pordtJ ed out td'straagers, wh dw not jreel proud that such a man adorned the; legal profes sion in our midst ?'fJSo'-hist it please your ffiojMi-,itbia:4a8S: which r britga.-flucli, deep grief, such great Ibereavement to aia IanU-1 iiy, is alsa deeply tfelt by urprofesfiionJ Uiscleevtagreat lass to usau sua to tae -State at lanre. cThe:otiatalhmi imidahowl ishali it ban tilled f iila; waaiiobly, rener I nualv lareriv endowed h He waa well.read I 3 4. . -f 14 I 1 1 . . HI ilia prnitW4rtTiT,nnii iiwm ifnt iiirrw cijuaio- ioivana-nau om lew etiia Hat hadajcpmbitialion of facultiea lhatwa! rare.i'Aodthenlipwavddom' iaitiaatSUcli ialiitiei.JaTe .aaeft i:beneflcaatji;'. ,.-ha aiiYtknf ootriA TnFi Mnm in HiniHwTiitrni tiife!oviug(hotne and friimd-1, be seemed aimost witBOQt ambUioli, ana waSiConieni JadeiaotB himself to 1a professioarwluclLht lored wiUpao miicii aedoii Hiaf amilyVihi filei JjiinufeasTTOBWre ! I i li. innl.A.. J Huiu peared his liighesl aimUaticlaaad du-ev ill he had Uiwd heiwpuhl upt haYU, beeQ,per mKWd 16 conlTnue in retirement, Dtit w have: beea elevated and influence, where have found a fittinz i But tbahoeers he would have iteeiTbd w bir never eo joyed by htr tHdbiiasthah oov gone to enjoy nig aeriano purer no 'rttuan earth can uomer.n" 3iu 11:1 da'tissnoc'Da M upo HJii .b ol.iia ni-3diu2 moq mi ii A3HJliasaiDUimGBlaC0T.d j 44.444, uvw, " a --r i - .t 54.' m,;a Ui.AJt 4a fLa.,i- ttartetl'navOreV. loort wwnan-wirea UVof fhe (tiutme upuuaatij aturtr,u "edpoieiJ - f JWlieUxeib I r;-- "TSt arJD,.-r'ij cWi .U. citizens, orracotraieTwiliwvti'w I AAnI1 'A row of nloaeiiian TUopo nrnn ntiJ.fl f circumstances or yi. li.". ,Ti wCvjUHl WfZtZZteWrrwr'tiu .V44VM.-iA.4IVJ ,14 4.4 41 4V 4U9UV , . ... . ..i .-.?r.4i'..-4.4.-T4..r r,....... - l i ueooio anBxeeediaely baaasome aaa louxaine aa-1 terea upon 1 lUinO JIMW-I'lOVBUVU HIV 441V44V 414 -I" ll'-J-ry.-, . Jt TIT.-? ' " - T f:T 'I--r 7-l ' : Hhieilw WAhea successive? jpwttrf' Vird one of the aame weight he had Killed f tabus breathe; m r'ovttJ KfrrrVeKLbja wuraewas , determined, niamy ana ngnu e lo ihe,rt wivnjDaiftnceenoiTgB w'awmwwwiurufui a a L I A' lA. .r 1.a ! 1. A Miatalr Ai9 Af T 11 I strains and felt the magnetic thrill coucse turougu exery nbre or my system until I becaflukff jn rayfcd&lcatfon of .tfee man, and AifcskWul msiaeiuent 'of the subject. and wouldoksk nTveelf which has made the" more lasting impression, and nature would afwara assort tsrjgbt amifofeo.the coiv. victioil fhat while lli3 brain which planned and the genius and tact which matured an argument -aoM ctf Peleaie 1 much to be esteemed, vet.tliere undwlies a nature an getrirfl.-ure'and uiaalyto whieh. you must . accord all oT the. soul'a fervent ad mirai ion. Aicbarcts lo ". rpp-uiiofl an erammeditely succeed ing a" rexo1rilbft?llis mihdi was' so' hai anced tbafhli'tt'reuattighfcomiafbat ixiiidonotiia wUb the rash hasie which the impetuous natures of many good men might demand, yet no oue could lay his hand to hisKfeart affdthataa aetafpetfonned rwas without itood "reasim, -baving the authority'crrVVare miorf md guarded by tiifi-WPmpt? TOPA Judgment. Tbus it was, or could be, credited Jo a nature so phrl!,wwnitf fkbi e.quisiUvely poised, a PjWMH'ffff "Pt HbjTiB.teliect Clear. Wuh a balure pure, a -heart filled wUbflhe (bfst qfi pBrposes, anid an almost in .fallible, Judjqa-nt, ipw can , his. worth be measurea anorouriis ascertained f .KlWitlr heart.hhm full nf ehaHty .he often did.acts whieh ere rinown alone to him self abd the ' recipient of his" kindness (as jjButau oftfc .uie J ittiJ .Heart would by to W3: hWdedrther rn their -hearts memory 1 4111, anznwtA.. -..:- i7mm& mmct PASiliS&,?L romantic soug ancient arL dipS thpugMahSl &t diSd pre- cannot ypnd oiir feeble comprehensions' .Why our oWbccdue I meuusuurn iu inesocaet." una by one i iv.4.. w' ...j- iWntAX rfvuuu ass awav.and' as we look Amiiiiil hnw thiniied are the ranks of tiiose who erf eeteri n9..nhj6u('e'n'tranc' jit'tljeMhreshhold of ddf pjcofeiohal lifej " ?lIow 1 Cnst lias bro ther follbwed brother troni 'suifshine to the apnle&s landr " Calm H their rest in their, cold dwelling ptacei; Bweet be the rcpoteof . the"' grate , and ' bright , taeh resurrection ! And Uav their viruesL'e!rer remain bright j4our;r wemprjes apd jlead; us to emulate ,tlt example flow :hard is ft to realize .hat'jLV . ho oani'e to .duty strong, brave and genferou's,' as on thfe niornlog he entered this 'room, ifyourd! ii? 'an . Instant be rendered Jtr4esS aHii11so .'dpn' should 'the sweet 1yp'ice7 ; whoe i ,nust(; stilt' lingers like . entrancing; ; ears,; be Wshfeitiin;- Xhevt .stinhess 'of deatht But . If there 'hot. some pleasure ;iu 'he' thought WX Ms'bWghi; 'intellect as.runclouded ,vueM iiia vxyi uioess ursn ueieji mm? JLven now ".'ifAta '. T. reeall h!ft "trnfh ' tt Ihnncrht .'brfea.thgdoutt persuasive words as I Caught. Whichow platiypoihted the attack of the Tell VfilAfftUer.' , Whit 'wftti Dchnt tnnrfrnfnl 1 bTeasufe can wgrecktlhis last mnmAnis and I saV itf f lib, beatitif dl rlapjgiaq:e of another. iie icjj bh. juiia iuu du comer iree, si rone in the, pride of Its beauty' ere vtbe breath of Autumn had seared a leaf that -addrnbd it." iu uuuorunuce , following order c spread; bpoB the minutes, and, as a tri- 1T 444V S WV444 V4WA4.1 1 that the Clerk Of . Jhis Court rbscribe upon i one leaf Of the .Jllnute DoCkft of this Term I me name or voi. uoueit grange And it is further ordered thatnh is Court adjourn, -r!.-!. ;,; -K- -: .- ; '- II . i IXAWSON BANK. , ' .-, Thev Bard pf .IHrectoTs of. the Dawson 4.4V 'dent nnbunc'ed4P.dteafh'of ' Col; Robert Strange,. a'i meinaeiJ of the ' Board;: and a icomahtei,, cdualsling. of ; Messrs.? A. J. DeRo3set, Alfredjjartjn, .and James . An at thd gveat loss. they had SVtaiued. The Board i'rembled'yestei,day, at.13 - lsrfT.io:t .;. !..;. il.;..,..:,.,. nearfia.- fmn.?!r. lue,cPn-mu .te, nhen thei lollpviLog resolutions were sai-mltted aa&ad a, -r-r-r-r, , , , - w - of "North Carolina. "IbMlfaed: That wb' win1 ever- cherish the rttoiemtiraoce iof :the .many virtue and ad tn.raDftj ddatesich addrtbif the1 char iness be ns a ?ClroUa,ig endeared hinv .ttfWlkntjw; hfrtV ability, thtgli ac-f kHdthe'u'Dtf which ad remarkably liaracterlzed him in jail theelittloni of Ilfeabd Commanded the respect ifid admrrallOU bf all. the goott of our whole State. ' " ,l - Thar these resolatious be en a blaiak page of -our minutes. and that the Secretary be requested to send a.copy -j jfamUy of . thodeceafced, s with the assurance of our deep sympathy .in their reataiaicliOii;tj muniiPii ?J h ' n nsf; frbm Certo Giordo, states that .behad just weighing of a bog at Dr. J. M. WtoP&yfa&Wa& Ahecales kat 570 .' a a -I. a l. i a I ? ar Tt . a " 1 . ,M ..f . a I a f 2m hundred and fifi4lree3daya',4ddrf,tiiatlwtiigh ,m Mrlua, rpsnetjMy dy. rI)o4'aFati j4ieyV sc .v thix-, o1 . V earned the day yesterday In, the tipuse or Representatives. Mr.Ttose, of Cumber- 4acH hndmelym'pord by his young hileagae frdtSSariieti; Mr. McLean, bat- ialsd sJuifiilihiQdiauocassfolly In fay or of iWWWyPrfr toq,woJdba!vpB4a oerwora8 01 coramenaauqn 01 11,5:; '' the souL .had, passed ayyay a consciousness the necessitvof soil v.n,.;n t i,-u sr.j . IB A .4UUIU4.14 IL 114.41 I FT I a. . 1 r. I 4VIM lll'll !l llA npRtrriVAll' hnf'tturnl'Tita . cntrns mh..uu , Bapk,a!'j thecali pf the President, Mr, F. Y. iterebner met at their Banking' House on ednfeyl1 '19 ocloeiwheii the Presi- derson, was appointed to dra.ft resolutions, expressive ol!-. the ;8entin.euts,(pC tne Board "ac tef. or our dece a sen i neuoi ' tn s tint !apd ttfenbss of tmihneff.sv-liberal hevolcncet and ti6' Purity Wiis life i ir innnni nrr ana. learnea mai mis was iutr trtuiFMr'deW'f -Obkije time agb'oirt' correspondent learns, l-4- '4 Si): 4fc 1 h . .. ' I- ' -.-i .... .. . I . V . !; ;:,;;: ;. ;,;, ;....-, ; . J " - 't ' i '' -