v-ftjf ,yr. v.. i. eilT t AUUUlUiUg - lV VUI : O UUIO JLUUJf) there t-S ill ji Saturday mbrning, and if J oe Bradley iad1eeot; about hefwotollMve been $1.50 a Year ia adyaiic. r ra liJ. r.ll IX i j i ji brained by the fiery missiles. Joe's T isss8Ss r lTeari S3o f i a was some swearing inFlanderSf Si', (iff .'-t- tiv jHtf .-uv rCBLIBHXD A.T t " 8i fliUiroaa J .loo&ely on k 1111 ' 1 I !"S. A , I 1 iieVii "ill X k ;et. 0441 a 1 " I' M I I - -o--CTvM.. - i I f X, tJ ; t, t1i, if&f 1 - j """ I- S3 a w a a a w a 9 oc z m 00 M H S H a a O JUUUUI9 I ei994lt M 'I s r-h SSS2SS , 1 III t S Months to '8888,' 2 Months ' 51 Yr 18888888 1 Month I teooooCTOiQ R 9 . -5 -i -IRS88888 8888888 U i" I... IWeek- J as 3 )- .'. V i U R fair! J. .hum a nfflea Mmv Order may AhAtnnd in &ll the cities, and lnmany of the large tows.- Wonsleitheittperfeotlr8fp, and the heat jpeans or reminag pi& f&uarp or less - ' ' ' ' . v w - aa- Beristend Iitr. n dvstem. which went Into effect June 1st. are a very safe means ox aeridng-gmWU mm of mo ney, wkere Money ora era cannot De easily obtalnexi. GUervei thaTSiwitfry e,'as well a .' SSSSS3S Hi' C i,: postage mm o pa t atony a ine omca . where the letter la mailed, or it will be liable to be sent to the Dead- Letter ffieef 'vv cnut in im vtonejr ana irwh tHr uk i ucnu ly iu MMUr and laJte Ato receipt for ft, : J-ltter 4ent to us in this wasare -t onx risk. Subscription Pricei The subscription price of tbe ,WBlck i,y Star is as follows ; ; Single Copy 1 year; postage paid $1.5 6 inonths,u " bni t 1.0 3 " . t :. .5a it . SCHOOL BOOKS. The Legislature would doi; a wise and merciful act if it were to. pass a Jaw .regulating the matter ; of school books ; in the public schools , of the State. We have often felt that it would , be a genuine act of 'benevo-T lence if the teachers of male i and female schools, high and low, elassi cal or otherwise throughout the State reason under heaven why there that he has achieved, a reputation which en would hold a meeting and decide should: have - been any incVeasel : Of J?,?li,nJ0 ?e "fF 4T and pe- - - r . -. , cuha, attitude which he has taken; and upon a scheme of studies and the cqurse, we ail understand . that it is we should like him to tell us what better books to be nsed. A father who has to educate a large family j will have to spend a small fortune j.fer books alone. It is well known that; every the net ordinary expenses of the teacher has his favorite authors, and United States government : were the consequence is every time a new $153,000,000. Mr. Wells states that teacher is employed, or a new: school. General Garfield stated in that year is attended, a complete set of new that -the expenses would be reduced, books-must be purchased. ' This by 1876 to $125,000,000. Butrwhat causes a heavy harden-to fall upon I many parents ho are not really able to sustain it. - The constant changing of books is an embargo on education' I to some extent. t ! ,; J I We notice that a .bill was: intro- duced in the Pennsylvania Legisla-' J ture to prevent the freqdent changes I of text books in the public schools of 'i that State. We would be glad : for r some friend of the-youth of North Carolina to ihtroduc0 a isimiiarJbilUnto I our Legislative to-y", and see if some relief cannot be found to the crying eviir : It is a painful fact that buy dreds, possibly inany " thousands :of children,are now keptfrpm the pub--lic schools because the parents are not : able to purchase' the' necessary - boots, v The change of teache i- so constant, and the call, for new books so f requent,that hundreds of families are nneaaal to th eroensei 1 j Let our legislators' and teachers I .-. - e uuusiuer umi. bouooi dooks an uouj-h i .L-.'-.it'i:! -if .-l I ; W - , , . H. , .- . ..!.... I cost twice as much as they did be I fore tne war i m lact, some dooks i aro vmucb father than thev were five years ago. , ?J 1 it is a heavy, tax, to buy books tor I AhlHrPti ..who arc simnlv advaneuiff 1 .i;- rti-v.t .hnal II LUCIA BWUUi-D. J ,n-Aan vnn W to nurchase wwV- Ko-anaA snme teacher loves I L.-ui v-r-rnnkpr Wim- V- ... .c ' U. pressed him with the very-uncommon r , - , . 1 - t, value of 'some recent; senes he has ii' .:i .'f' : int -inaf nnhliahn1 - r . -r . 1 1 J .-IJ. If our 1 legislatprs would consider - '??: -i1-' .? r ,v 1 - . , ., ., 11 t 1 .1..- . . rl 1 . 4 1 p .rn 11 no :1 .uis matter uareiiijr4Micjf wi- doing they were matter take the necessaiy ;stepsy to, vide the , books , at . the: ; itntntmum wholesale pride; tbey would save thousands of "dollar-; to ! the parents . -. iir jf ..ifil-i.ailft- in North Carolina. . v.i s nnif r Whilst on this subject we lake 00- casion to add a woraDouac"rv.u . .c .L...i!A.i ivia la inn uiaos Ul UUUU ,U-V - IS" a . t f . ' r. . w ra whose name is. lesion, 1H if v 'tV ' ffto 'rie w of wbiori f in anyhooloriamily.: ana very lew ,lr , i." .... a- ' I 1 We refer to tbemultitudinou- school histories that are now fairly flooding m fejt s"-'t'f fit .: me wnoie lOO.,, w e, cannoi unu-r- take to $ayjho w many books Of this JLina nave Deen pnousoeu aince . f . war. . ii u uav- uhu wttaoiuii -v. v-- i 4 . ;. a. -i a a d occasmn to ex- eight of Northern amine some six or ei -nnr..t.t. 4 . tW ... arnr nttfirlV a ' w 7 7 T'' w v"r7.;; "ii. to a hundred statements, If wafe f.r 1t- aval V anertininn M r.TbTT &nT book written by a Northern writer: ifrba a Teal service to the,State', If ij Jfu ; -.uj u. v.- siv i . i I Louisiana filth, and not onlv -to regulate the I " " : "IT5: . - J own characters, we t!rt r.ooTri. to be nsedbul tb r:vTr,''?---"-,'"Ti turn upon our re "a , - . I f innnAn KfKMitil-.H orl -ml hntfar I . - . .,'r .... ... . t, i 1 I totxiheu idf tire as you hWerhav-d book that is all that it best .iweinbav sen.-?xs; faulty is its drfllnesK it$ttiffnse:;?It is botlwrit-i non.. iTia A; wells bas. well eharicVemd'the taxes bv which tKe;F Amerjcan;, pepplere ' 4rdeneda- taiea0&t,WTloo is to es- I WearefcIa:a't8ethatMRSwaim-Ji i HlHVjtitfefnli tt maIm an intitLldid: the sohenW'fef viUahiV so n&l teSblSlmySMifc Hrflllen uiugewuf . avuiu toem j ornniotdiiM;intoattSeWli: .are . tboewbo bave beeu imrv! cessf alljr c(eoinplished become iart I forth be amofus , in story and in song. would a pest bouse. . i th T.iainro tTAi,,it VTi?F'MOVV?. t0rer tor aespair? t wo feel ';, . I f j. tii.iaa1il,Aa.iit; AVUon, r v: ' ien3MJ th'6tyK?,that'isfttleasih& Hd .men can DeQDla nre brirdanerJ.aHTIei.Lc3-.- -tij.w,.- r? t.t J terrible - They, are rfnlly .bur- thatJ hundreds of millions of their honest,, and, -bard V earnings,. ha,ve beenquaildedajtolentvla, ; ffl? :.'en0lUf h hem only to crate the eovernmentr that i'thus presse theau That the people: hare remained so- 'bon tented and happy ju nder the weight , of such . a ' curse, -a 1 lonly anotier evidence to prove the f creat elastkitv of American char I aeter,' and the sincere attachment of our people to a publican form of government. The bondholders the a - 'jJJ-J , noneyed men may not care;under what sort of government they live sd u a 4 1, ?8 fi? Pe,rmTaneilt, one at peopie are weuueu to ineir rignis, i -.-kr-i vA r. k and, the7; PTfre' lnr own form of 1 government to any other. ' J 'v' ! "W r u - ' fjr .;.'Hivv iw iuwsMcwi mo laics, wituiu i few years is ' one of the staggering, 1 perplexing features to te considered, t .-.(.: . -i f , .-. . j I i Ct. j -vT-.: l ; i vubui ouiiu auu iauuutu gyveruuieuus i is astonishing. There is , really no necnlation and cheating and extr&va. gance that have done the work. T ; Why only, consider that in 18Y2- are the facts? Has the prophecy been fulfilled ? In 1875 the uet ordinary expenses were $171,000,000, or $18,-1 000,000 more than they were in 1872. That is ' reducing with a vengeance. The Democrats got a majority in the House of Representatives last year, and Uiey reduced the expenses to $158,000,000, in spite of a Radical Senate that was disposed to throw many; obstructions in the way of-re- form and retrenchment . Mr. ' Wells says of the indebted edness of: the States: "Great, however.as has been the increase ? ! in Federal expenditures, the increase of our State and municipal expenditures has beeaicomparatively : greater, .The aggre gate of Bute debts was reported in 1875 at $328,000,000, of which $164,000,000 baa de faulted. The present aggregate Of munici nal indebtedness is in excess of $800,000. 000. i The aregate taxation of the Uni ted Stales has increased ;irom less man fa er head in 1861 to more than $13 In 1876. here has been paid out in taxes Federal, State and municrpal-by the people Of the United States, from 1805 to 1876, the as- toubdiiuxsum of at least $6,000,000,000. j-m . a - m -a a - . , uertainiv oi au near ana expensive wags s .w: -.k; w .ml tw for, 'government has become'tbe dearest .7. , ? , , . . ;.One of the chief leaksin, our gov v -' IV ernment is tne rascality praewceu uy srr""? - w..v- customs , $175,000,000. The The United - ; -s " . V ' ? .-. T-r couecteu aooui tnat rsum. It '! - -.-w;-.-w- per cent, for coUecting that amount; it cost the 'United States nearly six v-. , -. ... . u ; . 3 times as much, or fourteen per cent, via - -t.w .... lll 1 a. aai laAf - a t AAaaiAn Hm an m M s - ai - I JJiu tiauu wavo usuv wuu - at vivico auu --ATrz.x lTfiianH tavoo mnaf nan - a w. alAcs --al lias iV.VUU UUllC-UUlUClO. XllOUUUCU . . . . -sentry who went into omce to make gcuvijr " ,f .,, . all they could by doing the least amount of . wrprk possible. .gland makes goia aegaeoue wmB our government is satisfied-with paper raes, England aelects tried, capable, j I honest men lopn,1?1? ouS Uule, is, ,tothe l ., . i . . . : .m vlctor belongs tne sppiiR, uu i.u resultis rascais ani;scott .:UjLtii I OI lIDPUUciluv ! !(-. f- 7 . ( ' 0 - w rtninnna nnti liik iuudu iui .ivtHtv l - . . s wn,hAVftd places' SOU to'ihiiu-.wren places' v,. , . nllinaaad . : . --.ba. t-ao' tliinfffl rj- " f., tv I m we willsoon be free:froni tnefty - - f , - . ranny of 8houideraps Kand ubay irheiitbeifrporftl 0itho I 11 3 r f .-. aa. AHA HTfl irilHk norrt" Will jaiaaPUP-Wi . wv.-- xovtr; tAmntU Denpcrata must avoid the.offences of r Ienvcrata must avoid the.oHeppes oi; r thfidicaIa&TJieytmust fulfiltheir I ;--. . -.-! onlv. honest;, and trusttul men on gnaru. .-- . r-- - 1 a tiioa nun iish liih immenRB armv . . t tiation dflivfr o&a both, eyeiide; op itwilf remainl in the hands of i theoommittae.? . Wa I hope the bii5iriih: pa4s.o vThowsdnds - - - - --rwT-mrr-iT! ? Fit of live ftuatt are.?shpedTrc -ftorth i . steers, ana rappers; awdj. oies , tbe law loter- ieni,fci8toiMinifit ftamatM will LCJi lIf ikr f cf onr State' ' r' iiJ I jNetting beprohibi jNbUiDg $ok prohibited entirely, e t oept when it Uonsofthe State in whiob they Wye Wniatn exterminated.v ' . I f aT9tM'Xv bo j ll.nQy.i bus and . the egg; In.' till ajees there pave neen latter-aay propnots peo Ple who dlsoover ' precisely ' what ought to be done when ' the whole matter is ended and the result known. The Norfolk Landmark saya:i ; v .. The prophets of the past," the 'I-told- yoti - so" fellows, the "cow-swallowed-the- grmdstone - party.areas wise as owls, and ss noisy as magpies, just now. They in- form us that they knew the.. Electoral Bill, waFaTrolan horse, a;' bomb-sheU 1 of the vmu nu;ru, usp wuercio wcMcain- noceni ana nnsopmsucatea democrats, awJ toey denounce it, mow with vitupera-f tiw eloquence; The chief of these. seems to be a Mr. Carr, of whom all we knowis tnat heucceee the lamented' Kerr, and ?n his speech he sets forth with great ener grind-stone-party. .This, it strikes us, is Ut 1 very had taste. ' We are not Dteoared to ronfiftrift tn Mr Purr tfc riwht tr . . - . - . w - . " reouae : the great majority of his ".-v ,B" jw"v C0U1iJ .T8 Dea Uone. As the case stood. the President, the Vice President and the benate, commanding the Army and xiavy, were a unit for counting in Mr. Hayes, through the agency of Mr. Ferry. The House which expires on the 4tb of March, would have been powerless, and it was plain to the meanest understanding that the game warlost by the method before ns when the Electoral bill was matsred and passed. This is welt done,' and puts the matter .in a nutshell. It was the Commission or Hayes. Such the American people and the American press believed. We have reason , to think that some of the North ' Caro lina delegation would not have sup ported the bill had it not been, un derstood that such a course was in accordance with the wishes of the people. The State press clamored for the bill. As far as we remember there was very remarkable unanimi ty, and the representatives '.in Con gress endeavored to reflect the senti ments and wishes of the party, at home. A prominent lawyer writes us: - "Had it not been that our State press so unanimously represented that our people wished the bill to pass, perhaps some of onr delegation would hot have supported it; but it was proper that our delegation should on such. a grave question fairly rep resent the will of , their constituents. This they did in voting for the bill. It is to be honed that the press will now frown down any purpose of crimination on the part of those who are ever quick to say 'I told yoa so.' If an error has been made: about which I express no opinion, it has been' made oy the Democratic party at large--and as far as North Carolina is concerned, It has been. made by the people, speaking 1 through the press at whose ? instance, our 'i t . - 1 3 m t m n aeiegauon cast a buuu vuic iut iue uuu . ... ' The Stab advocated the passage of the Bill. It stated at the time fully its reasons for so doing. We stand by what we then, advocated.. We did what we' considered right and proper, with alt 'the lights "before-i We urged our, representatives to vote' for the Bill, believing it best for the country and the South. : If we should be sadly . disappointed in our hopes, and men wearing the robes ot justice ahoold draggle; them in the besmirch thejr cannot even then presentatives in J .u. tw- I Cono-res.4 and denounce them. Ibe DemocratiftfI)artyat Jarge is respon-; dWe,,aiiaot' merely their mouth- The Dem0cratic party can- not afford toe njust , any more , V'i-L.m ; I l The Judicial colossus of;oartv will I ' . - . .. . .- - . add a new word before long' to the more than one hundred tho'usahd v. ;-'.";;-. 1 wrnrn a rr inn n.nnnan Attnanvi inr. I WWW H1W -HUgli-II 1IIKUK "VUI f L 7- t- v..- i -; i uresa luieusn uaireu ut Lrubu aut firhV,-the bnll.dftS5in of faeb. I J i..rf5lLw- f--n.--ni.'.r, I , . -. I man when wearing: the robes of the i .... ... : .'-i . ..... . and bitterness of the under the. garb of t , I . j 1 -. : ... pretended devotion to principle-the depravity. and meanness, pf; Radical- depravity. and meanness, pi ( naoi ..n ted lo j- highest pi aces of honor and trust. cau ue.conciuHiveiy soown taai iney ire wanted for re-stootincr nmp nan. &m, the hQ;0rhemenctt name uenceforthi there Will attach ao:peculiar d honof'ipi djgnttyjlothe aame of an-American eit:zen. f The man. ef Wnwina rhn,ei-a lUlnot i- I Tu .35 ---Jit -!:;' ' t. T-a. .mi.frjfxuiirjm'F af?f4f)f tt:intei&$tfWi 6mst iookwit1ie3omU1 yiew atne . action t; the eight, imeta-1 without passion' honorably, vv e reel ina. a erreat cneat and 1 fraud has been prpetrated. But J?t J ITIAV f.hWl finft- tof-.to-; Ko 1 mn tklnb I Vl. L .1 r ... -1 jubs as await me appointing? ot nisi .. . 1 Winev Deiore we ; predict . what J bourse Hayes will , pursue.! - We grant that; a fraudulent Presi- dent seated in the chair: of George Washington through the grace of oo oraaiey ana tne scounareis ne i voted . to shield, the Louisiana Re I turning Board does not offer, any jvery hopeful grounds, and ,yet he uj t-.-oiu.- v u.v. ii uravuHB-. try,and for Jhe South especially,than we are 'disposed to believe or' antici pate. He may not make his Cabinet out of the most rotten timber in the Radical lumber-yard. If he -takes such corrupt trunks as Morton. Chandler, Don Cameron, Logan and Kilpatrick, we may .well look out for stealing on a yet larger scale,, and for all manner of vices and villainies; and oppressions. The South, .under such an administration, would-be ac curaea as x-gyp. was never accursea uuriug vue piagu-B iu tue.ume vt xrna- a I - . . r r i i raohj.fff A Bui suppose he selects a different kind of timber men who are not hollow in heart and decayed in moral character. Suppose he invites BnsH buppose he invites Uris- tnw and Iy arts and Jew eil and other men of. his party of similar character to take a place in his Cabinet. Sup pose he even invites Lamar or Gor don or Ransom to take a Portfolio. . , .1' '.. Wl 9 rl wT B nAn in fttnitf m. ... a . T vw ouvu DWMr rmc fwu,-- v abetter race than we can now.hope for? Suppose he gets nd of carpet baggery in the South and makes all of Grant's officials . walk the plank. Suppose a political millenium, do you say ?. Then let us. wait, jand for the present hope that the worst may not be realized. i . . WHAT 1) LAW, 'We beard a conversation not long aero between two persons, in which the Question was erravelv asked, if dWnt, hail in ftnw wv I violate th nonstitntinn in thtk nnnniA h nafl rinrflnfld in tha Ranth? Thia wm !ia. fore nis recent message, :in which he' a i . aU ::.: . aUa' a Constitution he has right to occupy thi: territor f aiw'iRaiki -rltn fWal - w'u-JL..-:-. a. An rrer rfpteases him to do i anYJleaaycbboM ail iv nucusTci so, and under to offer. It is certain that the Fresi is certain that the Presi - dent can find no sueh grant under the great instrument. He cannot refer to anyjaause in 'the Constitution to justify his recent usurping and arbi- trary conduct. He is the greatest enemy to that precious muniment that ever sat in. the fichair whioh George Washington first honored, The Supreme Court I has made ade eision that runs counter to Grant's claim. We cive a part bf it: -r ? 'It is- a familiar rule of construction of, aw yvwnuiva v to. wmiu, ui w - vereign powers vested in the State govern- menuibytheir respective constitutions mofn nn.ltoN -l,ni. k- n--atif.f.s- - h- TT-5A- .!. - main unaltered and unimpaired. exceDt so far aa thv v rp.r oranted to thatrnvprnmpnt of the United States. Thatthe intention of the framers bf the Constitution in this re spect might not be misunderstood .'his rule of interpretation is expressly declared in the tenth, article or amenaments, namely, Tha powers not delegated 40 tne united States are reserved ta the States respectively; or to the people.' The-government of the powers which ate not granted to it' by, the united btatea, tnereiore,,-can .claim no Constitution. L and the powers actually granted must be sucb as are expressly given , or given by necessary implication." , What man will ever be willing to trust a oase before the Supreme Court of the United Statesafter the recent Judicial performances in the -Com mission ring rV We would as ' soon trust Greasy Sana as Joe Bradley. Shie W Villains mi cover over rasoali- ilmlimm rM tan .1 ..' ., , .:. telffi4rgue..thatils!not klS Si, Uoii(lV!Qf:peOpl0.ft ele-' LUi. i i'a ?fiSTU-i-a."-J - tj-- i rrefiees of 18$ t.' They iiceeritwdlhe! The Board of Commissioners me In ad- vatedaracaers-andhigh iidealsf Gf r pvmmmi 4A,gooAWlS1h ot -party bias, but He who strikes blindlv. may iniurel iialfi ?f orida anpwrt . la.,.,, ,?, ?J fi ,K,,0 L justly, nobly. ! ', J When he would be dkd to benefit. ke7-uRmil iTheifoHowing plications forjKceiusr Wtmit ' .. 4 -. J..iT.iS ! . ' I T..1- ilia an!a .MnV .Wa ho. eredthe unhappyjollowers ofon- love4 that, wr. Bavid bad j titUe po-Ooilaty .thrialriearonlpany in BaltiSoand mouth, .The American. Joe Bradley ahng with which ne would bit-the J- a ; J. -fterrbein ted tU, they bad butchered; all truth And fairness, and Ooliath of Radicalism" aatal Iblow fromfpbgavpl one. Bewme'soKC.Ae Justice, and honor, and right,, ;.;:f ; with' the touch-stone of invesfigation. IHaves won;,-'.1 ,r- t , , "t IthfftrasaaBdehtDacit to Baltimore. bureu witnin iw.waua ana wnw biyo partaken of .iuVbonntiri Tbe most .-'' M-Ja-i--?. " 'Jl A literary institution - are those who are. most fatdifiar with its1 needs: who f facuitfes of other siniuaf institution-. arid whn hvn rafletad unon ; thn re I i : ( J . i I nirementii far the ad-eilhe Ymnditiori f fr&Hrik tharai ?:-- th- when Wl " 'a , ' " T" ' . ' R-nnviM wa 'aoi tv HKiuiuyia lnn twiglfVlf W ovyij ?T . the University. At the fkst election Of trustees two or three weeks' uoiif 1 n tf 1 1 i.a tteraqcrats ia .tH0S,rWr- J hl'i.,..; . wrote the above the other day -1 ,". we saw it announced thatCoW: e Jlt or totaey 1 and ttioal jK1 .- ' :- , !.,:i''"1:deatb.s andreovered'aiii witbt-iiffiir ian8h. f W J. tJ. Oldenbut- ti.!v ; .,i ' a aHH - wa.i -.iiihii r h r a- iiiib. auniiiv these gentlemen were' tnose cnosen, ana as : tne s lerm 10 Uicn thev were elected some vears aeo had not exnired. thev had verv 'properly yielded their places. We TearettBd xceedinclir that tha cir- cumstances were $uch ras to induce them to send in, their resisrnations. have been re-elected at last by. the Snlnnn , - i ' I . t. . ; u : . . . We do1 not hesitate to say, after due consideration and some , know- ledgeof the facts, that the revival of the University and its present cpn dition 6f hopefulness are to be at tributed to these gentlemen more than tn anv- others: 'exfteiitint-- onlv p,, rp Th h mv valttable time, their fine abili- j . , . obaervation and penence to tne resuscitation, au .. vancement and sustentation of ion Of. OnV chief literary institution. Among the moat creneronfllv; endowed of the Uving 80n8 pf the Altria Mater they 1 1 i :. . a uavo u-u iu uruie-b auu luobu cuu- stant friends. It-was due them that should be continued as guar dians of the University. It would - ... 4 have been a very ungracefnl and un- grateful set if the Legislature had ft" w- buw . I r f- to retam thei- gervi-ea. We m mentioi thatCoL Carter has may been amongst the most munificent of the contributors to the University fund. ' :. Russia cannot, afford to go to war with as weak a power as Turkey without .an ally, although she' is of such vast size and has nearly eighteen hundred thousand, soldiers in , her, army. ; How could the South, pealed, arnitten, oppressed, .by poverty and usurpation, few in numbers, with four miuions Ot negroes in, US mtast, I- I fdrd to go to war with Yankeedom with Europe io draVi.orj ad I nnlAAH hA h&A an all V ? -TllnCfti HeW- -tt and the Democraf a pf :New Eng- laBd. NeW Yk,'NeW-JeiWn .l.arAa and other Stnrlam-eaj aylvania and other States proclaimed, "There must be no war: , it were bet- l - er.tolalse Hayes than Have bo drop of blood shed.w And so the Southern Democrata yielded and Accepted tbe Commission. Tbey hare been cheated. Rascality has triumphed I By the express- terms of tbe act creating tbe Electoral Coinmis&ipp, ., v i .. . .. .. ; were possessed by the two Houses, 1 actlDg separately orWgether." Tu6j.b--??D Democrats ' L ..;r i .. -, ;!. !. Bowers W vgngrera' wereflueu , l .. ! ' n as to allow a full investigaUopfaH i a 'li:.i- fal,-! ! I ,A nd MnoT;i in th' iWtnnfl I i. : j ; . rin other words VtQ go. behind the returns" JWittpnt theelief that the Commission l would investigate the" returns, thenDemocrats would never :have .-gone s.- into the ar rangemeht;ie. Jladicals artfully I concealed their purpose to Mbull-doze'! the act at s jeT JJroper timendV My e perpetrated an immense cheat through the, u.rtn.mentiJiiy, if Jo. B4kyi the superserviceable. ' - - - That wasVratherbad job of work Liberals Davis to;the enateand Joe . . a ' I ' w . J "j .did het'bbnceive tbepurpose ol be. tinb la nil ? - ado Of. Tk! A ' it ' aaMa ' ti . . luu nedged, or was it gradually m u cuuning ojmmmff9 1 throngh the various, Stages of growth? i u L. .ii . ! 'i - ; . . Vtwasae teii u, muuracuea .Bet?? actopfVdreaW f' I fc, i 1 w" " wubbuioiuoo. 1 'T Wa 'lZZtZri iTc-dav. we mva it na .firtftfTv and h. ,Jf . -'f- - , L J . ---Hj ' --- -- a-. .. wj ... i86 by5the yannah It is a full answer to the whole army, of "I told von SoW: "The truth Is,- the-Democtats of the North were bullied and cheated uof con stitutional rights which it would have been treason for the Southern Jtlemocracy the solid South' to have insisted upon main tainine. The Radical coasnirators slaved the bluff game,' and for the sake "of peace and to avoid the responsibility of itbreal4 - M ! 1 tne democracy, tvaiftiy I trusting to Radical good faith; surrendered -ig-u- w -uo people auu. ui powers .px i yvujiv-ruiw va wuo vt u uuoviujiuiuug ( P-rtisan cahal.,, : -'1 ' 4 An ancient Nimrod of thisartic-, ular bailiwick was seen wendin his wending hig "way on yesterday , through the mire and grass of a morass not fsr from here. s He was accosted by a cou n try man who-waa ioffeinW toWnVard in a go-cart drawn ! byr a beast1 of asi- I nina rwAAlivlt tea TsrifH tnn inAni-n aar. a 4 , .a ! . -' i uu Mvwii lavavE- ; nuu huoiuMuu v-77f I w nitner oent ror wnat J are--you I hunting ?n. The response, came in a I .:. JiJt. vli-- j??e-i down in the huniann'-ibwts-or Joe JBradley. The Democrats have . simply been cheated. ' They proposed to act fairly and squarely and have kept their part of the bargain. The Radicals: meant rascality and ' fraud1 and nil- fairness from the beginning, as . we can au now see. xue jauicais . nave been faithful to their plan. "What a misfortune it is that Colo rado was improperly admitted ai a Sutel-V , Judge rMerrimOn voed against it, and showed his wisdom in SO doing. - , ! ' us-.i . . - There's no truth in the report that j . jP ,r -, our field editor had: wagered a thou-1 sand dollars on his ability to eat one J quail per day for. thirty , consecutive days.. What he does claim is "this:; I That. 1 can Trill nn nnail ont "of I "rrLL1116 f ..7 W4r.WU.1 " aog r1"00086 a taon d0S that" e s were very soon to be invested! with the; right of suffrageWeas-j sure the legislators; that nothing: of the sort is likely to bf done. n v Now letthe Louisiana Returning Board, JV vMadisopells m'Jjthe chair, hQlii'a-rq.cijpijQiiatify "the action of , Jmtice; Brad ey. Then every patriotic . aone. - i -!.. , , .. : I tana to aenv loat tue a iiuen eieuwis . ... 3 . t . . . i m:i -1 -t ,.- . ; ? 't t.i ; . .i.-u a : , I carried Louisiana by a large maioi g"1. g" onoooantin" HnyH I nty,DU OOW OaU i WJ WWHU "ayet I :. J' It Wo a the Pemocrats to. prove f it ? Every waterankt,fciu!j:Nprtl- Carolina now has a rnewspaper,vand every other place a ! brass band.. Both make,, some very discordant-, music. notably the. newspaper iwhenji;bei comes an organ. If any man now doubts that the ''Wk4 I their minds before they, went on the I ... . :. ! i-.SatlaCi'Jifit'-. LL4 I the lunatid asylumat once?; t n the papers now1gof the Glass . J-S-jt . t.t,i ?ri. r siT'TS'l r- 7 i ,i .i-rTj..-T.T. ."X" ;(T.;-li accidentauj beenlnstrumental in bringing RRrv I II II I. V HIini.H II i n H 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i. i - . . - . . ,i ?: -1 r... T i " " o a? mJ i I lojigns a nomuie case oi miaouciue, or J&fm Ml daW. VfoulaPa all,. lhoietfiiuebme- -The predominant expression , on u-.-. " 1. N-.a T v.. --v : -WWfcJiaf ff WRHIRff 3-Ji.4 -TJiec twoHmmortaL Jhdt-eaJeff Jwil-doaerUi-' bT-B9 PTlturnhig .Bbard ?f i t'E,. . ! 11. 1 i i.TT,.t . . ; r - Pwpotihffi ahpiiWrt pount; in Joe "ci auu-airs. t. inejr-r. - ' ; -t.- tt '.UO BlfVUMtllUU U IBUK OCgM 1WU1D' Sw Wuweniy., jbelpwed to clear up andlem' 'portion of thVoorBotuWtfacim't ItwasprderedthatCtommissionerHolmes at that ynoie army -portion of the PoorHousetracton ti-erlght 5 ' -r,;t .i,.4nil !;., . ' uuuu Biue-ui iu- lauruBU icnuiug iron uiw dry to the North Easfci Mnn n(; l i; The' Bdard then adjourned to the : regular BOAB0 OF EDUCATION. Af terihe ajbrhiDient of - the Comjte- i mis8ionersite Board resolved itself into a Board nfi Education with the aamej mem- I " AWVM P"" i B5 "P0 10' vrfr t v, j" ., - . - ,,; : , i . xi was oracreu oy me ioarQ OI XiUUCaUOU 1 Uatue' aprxirtioment1 of the school funds I 'county of New Hanover; collected '1 l10. the Board notify the County Treasurer and wu wwumu' uu uk, uig oquJ ther different school., committees of said appprtionment, namely : ' ' ''Mafia&n TownsMp-iiZ whites; amount $i3;l; 60 colored r amount $81.60. I ... A'MWiUAl J. VV AVWfftwtar " V , - w aawa l L:.. . k.AA - ma 1 1U4.B0; -W colored ; amount I ina ql . I . (tFw Tw)ii&prr4& whites; amount I rn oi. mo !. .-Voa R" I .-rr' " amount Pl8.$6; 3 coBred j amount $47d.72.' "Wi1m8Agtottr WrM-1,7o1 whites; amount $3,381.36; 3,304 colored; amount $3,133.4. ; j ; ..;!vr,,; , ,o Whites, 2,174; amount $2,950.64. Colored, 2,988; amount $4,063.68. Grand total, white and colored, 5,162; amounts, $7,020.32. ' ' -On motion, the Board then adjourned. How a Coroner was Imposed Upen. A good joke conies to us all the Way from an adjoining county,' which is to the iol lowing effect: It appears as the story goes, that a little gir.1, about, three, years of age, Who had been to a funeral, returned nome, Pfi" I favorite doll, difsr a hole m! the field. and ! uu lu - DUUt.u T7tT ,7 gentlemen, passing in that direction, noticed m earth been recentiy disturbed in the particular ' locality referred 'to and buried it. Shortly aftejrwards! a couple pf ; I resolved to investigate. They went to work, and had progressed so far as to uooover a i h0111 of the ueasof the doil,whena being I ll th riA. JhaaaV -.Ma1i aa a ftfllview of thesuppeorpAe. The Coro- hisses, Summoned bis, iury aad hastened to the spot to view the: body of the sup posed deceased, when they made the lu dicrous discovery ' thai'' the; remains were nothiog more nor less than those of a wax doll ! To add to. the troubles of the .Coro ner, tbe v jury demanded pay for' their trouUe.ij tatuns th- ground that, though they were liable for duty without pay if the -.- - '",tr'. case had been a proper and legitimate ooe, serve jury oi inquest over a oou-oaoy, ana ; iossof time,c3 !- -'vjo-r,.--,.--.-,';: , . , , i j Jt WTV 1 Spectacle. TJnion,15th.l ' .cm nnnuTni i n'ft wr lasr. Anincr a i - o i onantaiv was erMtAd liirihA .nhaar. f onaWaWBifPP'" LtOfat handsome ran well- fw oi'd whhn wnmm wno ' wr. g .. Avenue, near oeventn street, ra a state or mauaim I iotoxicatioa.. ,For le tinw they were the observed of, all observers. .A cro wd "gathered around them to such En extent as to block up ther sidewalk, steemrogly highly amused at the piti ful sighto Sergeant Leach, and , De tective McDeyitt arrested, .and escort ed them. foildwed'oy .a miscellaneous Jbre,t6,u police51iead Bartersi E&'ES. iSSTSS I Cole-andMame JohBSoo. aad tha r . . o Uattie that TWJJlt' -.irr"' --' rt. J for thenrOTO ' of "witBessing the ; amiU pAer, .the younger of e two, wept 1 ana pieaaea to oe aiiowea i t 1t. V imnvoaoinn liot lhatf lia1 thnn

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